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Pro-Life Today | June 2, 2009
Doctor's slaying decried here
The Free Lance Star
Pro-Life activists in the Fredericksburg area say they hope the slaying of a Kansas abortion doctor won't cause a backlash against their cause. "This is a senseless act of violence, perpetrated by one man on another," Shaun Kenney, executive director of the Stafford County-based American Life League, said yesterday about the fatal shooting of Dr. George Tiller during a church service Sunday in Wichita. "And it's the precise thing we fight against every day," Kenney said. "This runs absolutely contrary to everything we believe as pro-lifers. Because Dr. Tiller happened to be the victim instead of an unborn child doesn't make it any less wrong."
Abortion Proponents “Exploit†Tiller Killing, Label Pro-Life Advocates “Domestic Terroristsâ€
Life Site News
The National Organization for Women (NOW), a pro-abortion feminist organization, blamed the "anti-abortion" movement for the murder and called on the Department of Homeland Security to declare the movement a form of "domestic terrorism."
U.S. Bishops Express ‘Profound Regret’ about Shooting Death of Abortion Doctor
Life Site News
"Our bishops' conference and all its members have repeatedly and publicly denounced all forms of violence in our society, including abortion as well as the misguided resort to violence by anyone opposed to abortion," Cardinal Rigali said.
NIH Reviewing Comments on Stem Cell Research Guidelines
http://www.christianpost.com/article/20090601/nih-reviewing-comments-on-stem-cell-research -guidelines/index.html
The Christian Post
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is in the process of sorting and reviewing thousands of comments it received regarding its new guidelines on stem cell research. The U.S. agency had been receiving comments from around the nation after it made public a draft of the guidelines in response to President Obama’s executive order on March 8. Under the direction of the president, NIH plans to issue the final stem cell research guidelines before July 7 – the deadline set by Obama.
Barack's Big Abortion Bailout
The Obama administration is floating the notion of finding common ground with the pro-life community in order to reduce the number of abortions Or so he says. But as a magician uses smoke and mirrors to confuse the audience, Obama is using deception to cover up what he is REALLY doing, which is increasing Planned Parenthood's funding so that it can kill more babies.
To view the latest ALL Report, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCd79SPW_ug.
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women!
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood centers and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
For more information, go to http://thepillkills.com/.
By Judie Brown
In the state of Washington, where the law now protects assisted suicide, a woman suffering from pancreatic cancer recently used the law to take her own life. She was 66 years of age, her cancer was stage four and she had been advised that she was “actively dying.â€
As Compassion and Choices, a pro-death organization, reports
After working with her physician and C&C’s Client Support volunteers to carefully consider her choices and make her end-of-life decisions, Linda took her prescribed medication on Thursday evening at home with her family, her dog and her physician at her bedside. “The pain became unbearable, and it was only going to get worse,†said Linda in explaining her decision to use the Death with Dignity law. Linda died peacefully knowing that she had a choice in controlling her suffering and time of death from pancreatic cancer. “I am a very spiritual person, and it was very important to me to be conscious, clear-minded and alert at the time of my death. The powerful pain medications were making it difficult to maintain the state of mind I wanted to have at my death. And I knew I would have to increase them. I am grateful that the Death with Dignity law provides me the choice of a death that fits my own personal beliefs.â€
“When a cure is no longer possible, the Death With Dignity Act adds another option for patients dying from a terminal illness. The prescribed medication gives patients peace of mind that they can use to take control of their dying if suffering becomes intolerable,†said Dr. Tom Preston, MD, a cardiologist and C&C’s medical director, “Most dying patients experience suffering. The Death With Dignity Act allows a physician to help his patients maintain as much control and dignity as they can at the end of life. Last night, the Death With Dignity Act provided a way to honor this patient’s final decision.â€
Note the clever use of language. Apparently, the public is supposed to buy into the argument that it is better to know you are going to take your own life so that your “peace of mind†is restored. While I am not sure how that equates with one’s eternal happiness, it is obvious that the twisted logic of these proponents of death knows no bounds.
According to Mark Pickup’s blog, another advocate of assisted suicide, Marianne Meed Ward, “tried to defend assisted suicide with the outdated argument of dying people living in a drug induced stupor from pain medications. Obviously she had not done adequate research or she did the research and did not like what she found. It doesn't play well for euthanasia supporters.â€
Clearly, as Pickup reports, when “pain medications are properly administered by medical professionals with current and up-to-date understanding of pain management medications and techniques – complete pain relief can be achieved without the loss of lucidity or confusion to the patient.â€
But of course even if this were not so, the state should never be in the unconscionable position of facilitating direct or indirect killing because it is the antithesis of all Anglo-American historical legal traditions, usually referred to as the common law.
From a historical perspective, the Anglo-American common law tradition has punished or otherwise disapproved of both suicide and assisting suicide for over 700 years. Over time, the “punishment†aspect of the law went away because it became clear that suicidal individuals needed therapeutic treatment for their disorder rather than severe legal punishment. However, that did not translate into permitting assisted suicide under law until recently.
As a matter of fact, Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist, who delivered the Supreme Court opinion in the 1997 Washington v. Glucksberg case wrote:
That suicide remained a grievous, though nonfelonious, wrong is confirmed by the fact that colonial and early state legislatures and courts did not retreat from prohibiting assisting suicide. Swift, in his early 19th century treatise on the laws of Connecticut, stated that "[i]f one counsels another to commit suicide, and the other by reason of the advice kills himself, the advisor is guilty of murder as principal." … ("`The right to life and to personal security is not only sacred in the estimation of the common law, but it is inalienable'"). And the prohibitions against assisting suicide never contained exceptions for those who were near death. Rather, "[t]he life of those to whom life ha[d] become a burden-of those who [were] hopelessly diseased or fatally wounded-nay, even the lives of criminals condemned to death, [were] under the protection of law, equally as the lives of those who [were] in the full tide of life's enjoyment, and anxious to continue to live."
Things have certainly changed in the intervening twelve years, and not for the better. Now the United States has two states that have legitimized the act in law. Washington state voters approved it in 2008, and Oregon was the first in 1994. A third, Montana, approved assisted suicide by court decision late last year. It is perhaps no surprise that other states are being softened up for the onslaught of requested death by the very same people who defended Linda Fleming’s right to make sure she was in charge of her own time of death.
In fact, the International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force’s most recent update is quite telling:
On 4/17/09, an assisted-suicide bill (S.144) was introduced in Vermont. Patterned on Oregon's assisted-suicide law, the Vermont measure is deceptively titled the "Patient Choice and Control at the End of Life" Act. On April 23, 2009, H 455 was introduced. It is an assisted-suicide proposal that is identical to S.144.
Oregon-style assisted-suicide bills are still pending in Massachusetts (HB 1468) and in Pennsylvania (SB 404). New Hampshire's bill (HB 304) has been retained in committee. It will be studied and revised over the summer and is unlikely to come up for a vote in the full house until January 2010. Similar bills have now failed in Connecticut, Hawaii and New Mexico. The appeal in the Montana assisted-suicide ruling is still pending.
There are still states like Georgia where people are arrested for assisting in the suicide of individuals who claim to want to die, but the trend is not moving in the right direction. Of that there is no doubt.
The struggle between good and evil takes on special significance when discussing the fearsome reality that death will come to everyone, and that as the Bible tells us, we know not the day or the hour. But for those who have no faith, no ability to surrender their sufferings to God, or go to God with that which is nearly unbearable to even contemplate, there is only darkness, the choice of death and the selection of the means. Though one may claim, as Fleming did, that she is a spiritual person, something is absent from that person’s faith when the ability to wait on God disappears in one’s desire to be in “control.â€
As Pope Benedict told the pilgrims at Lourdes, this past September, “the ill should pray to find ‘the grace to accept, without fear or bitterness, to leave this world at the hour chosen by God.’"
And further, he uttered words of love and consolation, a salve of kindness in a world that rejects inconvenience and pain. These words should not go unheeded, but rather should be repeated with ever-greater frequency to our fellow human beings, particularly those who perhaps need to hear them the most but refuse to agree:
Christ is not a healer in the manner of the world. In order to heal us, he does not remain outside the suffering that is experienced; he eases it by coming to dwell within the one stricken by illness, to bear it and live it with him. Christ’s presence comes to break the isolation which pain induces. Man no longer bears his burden alone: as a suffering member of Christ, he is conformed to Christ in his self-offering to the Father, and he participates, in him, in the coming to birth of the new creation.
Without the Lord’s help, the yoke of sickness and suffering weighs down on us cruelly.
Common killing will only be rejected, rescinded in law and rebuked in a culture that comprehends Christ’s love and shares that love with everyone at all times and in every situation.
Volume 6, Number 21 Tuesday May 26, 2009
The Pill Kills
Back in 1956, large-scale human clinical trials of the birth control pill were begun in order to gain approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Gregory Pincus, a biologist who worked closely with Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, chose Puerto Rico as the location for the human trials because it provided a large pool of poor, uneducated women who could be easily monitored. The local doctor in charge of the study told Pincus that the pill caused "too many side reactions to be generally acceptable." However, Pincus and Dr. John Rock, a Catholic ob-gyn who violated Church teachings by advocating contraception, dismissed her findings and did not investigate what caused the side effects, nor did they investigate the causes of the deaths that took place during the trials.
The pill killed women back before the pill was even "approved" in the U.S., and the pill continues to kill today. Why aren’t we hearing more about this? Could it be because of the millions of dollars invested in contraception? There are still so many questions that are NOT answered about women’s deaths. Investigations are not conducted to determine whether they might be caused by use of the pill or other hormonal contraceptives.
That is why we are protesting: to inform women of this dangerous poison! Join us on Saturday, June 6, along with pro-lifers across the country who will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join us as we expose the sordid details surrounding the tragic effects these chemicals have on women. Join us in telling the truth about how the pill kills women. Visit www.thepillkills.com for details – and information you may not have known previously!
Rock for Life Summer Tour
Every summer Rock for Life leads a team of young people across the United States to convert hearts and minds to the pro-life position. This year they will be attending at least 14 Christian Music Festivals, talking to thousands of young people, distributing thousands of pro-life educational materials and pro-life gear as well as recruiting thousands of young people to join Rock for Life's mission to save their generation.
Every year, we put together a team of dedicated volunteers to collaborate with us in this mission, and give them the chance to make their voices heard all over the nation at these events. It is a lot of fun, but it is also meaningful hard work.
If you, or someone you know, are interested in touring with Rock for Life as a volunteer, e-mail Erik Whittington at erik@rockforlife.org and/or visit the web site at www.rockforlife.org.
Tip of the Month – Population
From Handbook on Population by Robert Sassone
Everyone “knew” that we were going to run out of petroleum and other energy supplies within a few years. Instead, there is a glut of petroleum and technology has shown us how to vastly increase the bountiful supply at an apparently ever lower cost.
The price of all mineral resources has always declined in real price (price adjusted for inflation) over the long run because the reserves of all mineral resources always increase over the long run and the real cost of producing (removing from the earth and processing) the mineral resources always declines over the long run.
As time goes on, the most accessible resources are produced and used. Since they were the most accessible, they were the least costly to produce. The total amount of each resource is sufficient to satisfy human needs for many millions of years, although we can only produce a tiny fraction economically with today’s technology. Reserves that are part of all the resources that are the least costly to remove and that usually are to be removed next. Reserves comprise, in all cases, less than one-millionth of the total amount of the mineral resource, such as petroleum or iron, that is known to exist.
By the time the reserves are all or mostly removed, the next least expensive part of the mineral that was originally too expensive to be counted as among the reserves usually then becomes the least expensive to produce. In every case, during the time necessary to produce the former reserves, new discoveries are made. In addition, technology advances so that minerals that were formerly too expensive to be counted as reserves are now less expensive to remove than the former reserves had been!
When foreign petroleum is relatively inexpensive and world petroleum prices are low because of vast inexpensive foreign reserves, there is little incentive to develop slightly more expensive U.S. petroleum, as it would not be able to compete. However, there is still plenty of U.S. petroleum, if the need to drill in the U.S. arises. The many coastal areas known to contain petroleum, as well as the giant extension adjacent to the Prudhoe Bay petroleum field in Alaska, are simply off limits to drilling by current law.
Technological advances are slashing the costs of finding, producing and refining oil, creating a new economic calculus for the oil industry. The new alchemy runs from three-dimensional seismology to exotic wells that sit on the ocean floor, in some cases eliminating the need for billion-dollar offshore production platforms. Technology always drives down cost and always overwhelms depletion!
When one looks at a petroleum industry map of oil fields, it appears that less than 10 percent of the earth’s land surface has been well explored for oil fields. According to the most popular theory, oil has been formed from the remains of tiny marine plants and animals. If so, substantially all the petroleum should be in the ocean which is largely unexplored. Based on historical tables, U.S. Government predictions since 1866 of future oil production and reserves have always been inaccurate.
Next month: Other natural resources
Last Day Today - Open public comment period on NIH embryonic stem cell research draft guidelines
The NIH officially posted draft guidelines on ESC, which open the floodgates for the destruction of embryos at taxpayers' expense. For 30 days, the government offers these rules up for public response. The comment period ends tonight. You can submit your comments by logging on to http://nihoerextra.nih.gov/stem_cells/add.htm and filling in the official form.
Irresponsible funding for irresponsible behavior
Washington is preparing to send a message to America's teens that sexual restraint is unnecessary. The president is cutting programs for teens that have made a meaningful impact on public health. Of course, it's not really a spending cut since the money is being redirected to new pro-contraceptive programs for teens.
Abstinence ed 'outperforms' comprehensive sex ed
According to a research analyst, comprehensive sex education does not outperform abstinence education.
Sex-ed texting threat to teens
There's yet another organized effort by sex "experts" to indoctrinate your children into their worldview without your permission or knowledge. Different from "sexting," where pre-teens and teens electronically send and receive semi-nude or nude photos of themselves, "sex texting" is promoted and run by adults.
"French" kissing ups risk of oral HPV infection
Oral sex and open-mouthed "French" kissing increase the risk of acquiring oral infections of human papillomavirus, or HPV, a study shows.
Catholic doctors confirm pope's statement: Statistics prove condoms ineffective against HIV
A group of Catholic medical professionals based in the Philippines has stated that condom promotion has failed to curb the spread of AIDS. The group said that it agreed with a widely-criticized recent statement by Pope Benedict XVI in which he endorsed a renewed respect for sexuality in facing the AIDS epidemic, rather than condom use.
RU-486 - The little-known killer
A new study shows that RU-486 increases the risk for surgical intervention to complete an abortion.
Closing Thought
Those who utterly despise the world and strive to live for God under a holy rule of life, are far from being unaware of that divine sweetness promised to all who really do renounce the world. They see more clearly than other men how sorely the world is astray, how manifold are its departures from the truth.
Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, III:20:5
Pro-Life Today | 21 May 2009
Next Archbishop of St. Louis: No Communion for Pro-Abort Politicians
Life Site News
As he prepares to take the helm of the St. Louis diocese, a position formerly held by Archbishop Raymond Burke before he was transferred to the Vatican, Archbishop-elect Robert Carlson has said he agrees with his predecessor's take on Church law, specifically that pro-abortion Catholic politicians must be denied Communion if they refuse to repent.
Obama's Own Words Bring Abortion Dialogue to "Screeching Halt," Says Bishop
Life Site News
Although the University of Notre Dame has defended its invitation of President Obama for the sake of dialogue on abortion, Obama's own remark Sunday that the opposing views were "irreconcilable" brought dialogue to a "screeching halt," said Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO.
Man charged for cow abortion drug in girl's drink
A Pennsylvania man is in jail on charges he tried to kill the fetus of a 17-year-old girl by helping two teenage boys put an abortion-inducing cow hormone into her drink. Forty-six-year-old Jonathan Imler, of Williamsburg, was charged and jailed in Blair County on Tuesday.
See also: Man, two teen boys give pregnant girl a drug used to abort cows
http://www.examiner.com/x-662-Strange-News-Examiner~y2009m5d20-Man-two-teen-boys-give-preg nant-girl-a-drug-used-to-abort-cows
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
Protest the Pill Day: The Pill Kills Women!
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood centers and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
For more information, go to http://thepillkills.com/.
By Judie Brown
There have been times when American citizens have argued vehemently with me because I have compared the Holocaust that occurred during World War II with the current war on the preborn occurring on our own soil. Many of us in the pro-life movement see a stark similarity not only because of the unbelievable horror of the manner in which innocent victims were and are brutally murdered but the fact that in each of the two cases the law protected the evils being perpetrated.
When we pro-lifers talk about America’s Holocaust, we have photographs and images equally as horrific as those from Hitler’s era. Still many argue that there really is no comparison. However, as researcher Steven Kellmeyer has pointed out,
The Holocaust grew out of scientific work and legal precedent begun in England…so legal abortion expresses today’s economic and psychological science, which assume economic and psychological harm to women will be reduced if their children are killed. The rhetoric used by the advocates of legal abortion against the child in the womb (a “disease,†“bacilli,†“parasitesâ€) repeats the Nazi rhetoric against the Jews. Both German and U.S. courts stripped their victims of all rights prior to destroying them. In both cases, medical experimentation of living and dead victims grew as time went on and the number of deaths grew….
So when I became aware of a recent event in Rochester, New York, I thought about those arguments regarding the Holocaust and I concluded that there are deeper reasons for such arguments.
Rochester New York’s Democrat and Chronicle ran a report about a month ago entitled “Rochester community seeks more interfaith dialogue.†The main purpose of the news item was to focus attention on a Jewish-Christian program, “The Two Thousand Year Road to the Holocaust.†The program marked a turning point in the cooperation occurring between Jewish organizations and interfaith organizations including the Catholic diocese of Rochester. Among those who currently participate in the program, designed to raise awareness about the Holocaust that occurred during World War II, are Catholic Deacon Thomas Driscoll, Deacon Anthony Sciolino and Morris Wortman, M.D., an abortionist.
Wortman’s medical bio states, “Dr. Morris Wortman at The Center for Menstrual Disorders and Reproductive Choice offers services such as endomyometrial resection, GYN services, and pregnancy termination.â€
Dr. Wortman’s “Holocaust Road†bio states that he is a child of Holocaust survivors and the coordinator of The Holocaust Study Group.
Dr. Wortman’s professional background shocked me into wondering how he could possibly be involved on one level with a project designed to remind America of the horror of the German Holocaust, while at the same time participating in the American holocaust, which has, by far, robbed many more innocent people of their lives.
I further wondered how representatives of the Diocese of Rochester, New York, could possibly justify collaborating on a project with a man known to the community, not only as the child of Holocaust survivors, but as a doctor who makes his living killing innocent babies prior to birth.
The day that the Democrat and Chronicle’s article appeared, Eugene Michael of the Rochester Catholic took note of the same ironies. In a commentary entitled “DOR [Diocese of Rochester] Officials have Strange Bedfellows,†he wrote,
Today’s D&C has an article about yet another interfaith collaboration in the Rochester area. This latest one involved the presentation of a program called "The Two Thousand Year Road to the Holocaust." The presentation took place at Temple B’rith Kodesh in Brighton. There are several aspects of this presentation that bear examination.
First of all, the presentation was part of a series of talks that has been spearheaded by Morris Wortman, one of Rochester’s most prominent abortionists. Wortman is not exactly shy and retiring when it comes to his advocacy for abortion. He has come out publicly a number of times in support of taking the lives of the unborn. In fact, because he is such a notorious abortionist, there is a pro-life Rosary prayed every Friday in front of his clinic. His clinic is also the destination for the annual Good Friday Stations of the Cross in Reparation for Abortion.
What is especially galling about this latest interfaith gathering was the participation of two local Catholic deacons. Both Deacon Thomas Driscoll and Deacon Anthony Sciolino were presenters at this forum. Here is what Deacon Sciolino had to say about the event:
Something then went terribly wrong for Christianity during the Holocaust. And what resulted from the obvious disconnect between Christian belief and Christian behavior was the worst catastrophe in human history. Jews ponder the Holocaust and rightly ask: Where was God? Christians must to do the same and, in addition, ask: Where was the Church?
So, there you have it: an interfaith event, spearheaded by Rochester’s most prominent abortionist, at which one of the DOR’s deacons seems to blame Christianity and the Catholic Church for the Holocaust.
Many pro-life activists have characterized the taking of innocent life in the womb as the “abortion holocaust.†How unfortunate that these two deacons fail to see the irony of their collaboration with Dr. Wortman on this project.
Sadly, I agree with every word that Mr. Michael has written, but I also feel strongly that if Deacon Sciolino truly wants to understand the tragedy of the first Holocaust, he should become familiar with the full body of facts required to support a credible presentation. As a Catholic, it is hard for me to see how Sciolino could blame Christianity for anything at all when millions of Christians were murdered during the Nazi atrocities as well.
At the same time, it is in the paradox of the collaboration between the abortionist and the Catholic deacons that the answer to this unexplainable association occurs. Their joint project is designed to raise awareness about the ugliness of murdering innocent people while avoiding the obvious contradiction that is occurring in their midst.
Sciolino, by deferring attention away from Wortman’s everyday practice and focusing in on the disconnect between Christian belief and Christian behavior, probably feels comfortable working side by side with a man who perpetrates the very same crimes against innocents that he is exposing in a partnership focused on the German Holocaust. Perhaps this same therapy of denial provides a healing salve to the conscience of the abortionist who can look the other way when confronted with the reality of what he does every day as he begs America to learn from the lessons of history and remember those who died more than 50 years ago.
Obviously, there are deep-seated reasons why some do not want to compare the Holocaust of yesterday with the Holocaust of today.
“Strange bedfellows†indeed! If I had to ask questions about this Rochester, New York conundrum, it would be Bishop Matthew Clark, shepherd of the Catholics entrusted to his care, to whom I would go for answers. I would ask quite simply
Your Excellency,
How can it be that two of your ordained deacons are collaborating with an abortionist on a project dealing with the World War II Holocaust when the parallels between the German Holocaust and the American Holocaust are so vividly evident?
What good can be accomplished as long as a perpetrator of the current Holocaust is so publicly identified with your deacons?
What sort of a message does this send to the Catholics in your care, not to mention the entire community?
Sincerely awaiting your response, I am respectfully
Judie Brown, President
American Life League Inc.
Perhaps you have the same questions. Bishop Clark’s contact information is
Pastoral Center
Diocese of Rochester
1150 Buffalo Road
Rochester, New York 14624
Pro-Life Today | 22 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
Nurse wins conscience ruling from state Supreme Court
World Net Daily
A pro-life nurse has won a victory for the conscience rights of health care providers at the Louisiana state Supreme Court which has sent her complaint over religious discrimination down the path towards a trial. The case being handled by the Alliance Defense Fund was brought on behalf of nurse Toni Lemly who had worked in the St. Tammany Parish Hospital, but sued when she objected to dispensing the "morning after" abortion pill because of her religious beliefs and was demoted. The hospital's lawyers sought to have her case dismissed out of hand, and when that attempt failed, went to the state Supreme Court to try to obtain that ruling. The high court, however, issued a single-word ruling on the hospital's demands: "Denied."
Prosecutor wants assault reporting law changed
World Net Daily
A county prosecutor in Arizona is calling for legislation to broaden the state's existing law regarding the reporting of child abuse after an undercover investigation by Live Action Films exposed workers at a Planned Parenthood abortion business failing to report an apparent case. Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas said during an interview with ArizonaCentral.com that the legislation should address the individuals required to report child abuse such as statutory rape. His comments came as he confirmed there would be no prosecutions stemming from the Live Action video. "There aren't going to be prosecutions in this case, but there need to be changes," he said in the ArizonaCentral.com interview.
Tension mounts over possible abortion referral at Boston Catholic hospitals
Life Site News
Pro-life and Catholic advocates are voicing concern that Boston Catholic hospitals may soon refer for abortions as part of a joint medical venture it won last week, and which reportedly requires access to "family planning" services including abortion, contraception, and sterilization. The archdiocesan-owned Caritas Christi Health Care network first raised questions in February after it was revealed that the networks' hospitals had joined with Centene Corp. to bid on a state-subsidized health insurance contract, called the Commonwealth Family Health Plan. According to joint statements by Caritas/Centene, the contract requires access to abortion, contraception and sterilization, or at least referral for such services. The joint venture is expected to take effect July 1.
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women!
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood centers and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
For more information, go to http://thepillkills.com/.
By Judie Brown
Over the years there have been a number of universities in the United States that have distinguished themselves either because of something unique that places them in the limelight and defines their appeal for years to come, or a consistently outstanding football team. Something like that is happening right now at the University of Wisconsin Hospital, Madison, but I really doubt that the university will look back on this with pride in the coming years.
In February of 2009, the university’s hospital board voted in favor of a plan to create a facility, Madison Surgery Center, where second trimester abortions would be performed. News reports explained
The surgery center is owned by UW Hospital, the university's doctor group and Meriter Hospital. Boards of those organizations recently approved the plan, despite protests and petitions from opponents. Friday's vote by the surgery center board was 6-0.
Organizations like Pro-Life Wisconsin put a great deal of pressure on the university and used their public relations prowess to bring attention to this disturbing turn of events. In fact, on April 23, PLW noted that MSC had not yet begun to perform abortions. On a special web site created about the opposition to the UW plan, activists are invited to do the following:
- Sign [a] letter refusing treatment at the MSC;
- If you are an employee of UW or Meriter Hospital, download a letter refusing to participate;
- Sign [a] petition opposing Madison Surgery Center late-term abortion center;
- Find contact information to call, e-mail, or write in opposition to the Madison Surgery Center's late-term abortion center. Contact Meriter Hospital, UW Hospital, the UW Medical Foundation, and the Madison Surgery Center;
- Join us in prayer outside the Madison Surgery Center! Pro-Life Wisconsin's Dane County affiliate, along with Madison's Vigil for Life, prays outside the Madison Surgery Center on a regular basis. Trust us – this makes doctors, nurses, patients and patients' families uncomfortable; they do not want to identify themselves with a medical facility that performs abortions.
- Commit to support this highly effective campaign!
Clearly, the campaign is paying off. However, it is not clear that the University of Wisconsin and its allies are backing down, at least not yet.
But something else occurred at the UW Hospital that has gone practically unnoticed by the wider community, and it is as troubling and depraved as the idea of approving late term abortions. According to recent reports,
an advocacy group is alleging that doctors at UW Hospital broke the law by withholding treatment from two developmentally disabled patients with apparent cases of pneumonia.
The guardian of one patient, who survived, at first went along with and then later disagreed with the decision to withhold care, the lawsuit by Disability Rights Wisconsin alleges. The parents of the other patient, who died, pushed for the withdrawal of treatment, according to the group’s complaint filed Thursday in Dane County Circuit Court.
But a spokeswoman for UW Hospital said the hospital acted in the best interests of both patients and tried to follow the wishes of their families….
The “treatment†being discussed in these cases, by the way, is food and water! In other words, the patient was not dying from a condition, but would, and in one case did, die of starvation. What sort of medical care is that?
As the disability rights group Not Dead Yet has pointed out, with this case and another in Pennsylvania of the same type, one has to wonder just how many such cases occur in hospitals around the nation but never come to the attention of advocates who might be able to help the helpless patient survive!
So what is going on at the University of Wisconsin-Madison? Is this a coincidence and nothing more than a fluke that the same university appears dedicated to the principle that vulnerable human beings, whether born or preborn, are frequently better off dead?
Clearly, the mentality that fosters a culture of death has taken hold at the university and, just like cancer, has spread from the expectant mothers in their care to the needy patients in their care who are helpless, and in some cases, have no one to defend their human dignity and their human rights.
The common denominator that links the disability rights case to the late term abortion facility is obvious. Disregard for the human person takes on all sorts of identities and excuses depending on who is setting the policies. If it is acceptable to kill the preborn, why not the already born who are in need of special care? As one medical ethicist put it, “How much power do families and guardians have to make medical decisions for vulnerable patients such as children and the developmentally disabled?â€
The answer is that if the vulnerable individual is a resident of his mother’s womb, then that mother has total power to choose life or death for the child according to the law. And very soon the law that sanctions death at the beginning of life could well sanction it at any point during another’s life, depending on whether or not the patient can speak up and defend himself. Such acts of course, will not, be defined as murder, but rather simply as exercises of a right to choose what is best for everyone involved.
As Pope John Paul II warned in Evangelium Vitae, #12,
…while the climate of widespread moral uncertainty can in some way be explained by the multiplicity and gravity of today's social problems, and these can sometimes mitigate the subjective responsibility of individuals, it is no less true that we are confronted by an even larger reality, which can be described as a veritable structure of sin. This reality is characterized by the emergence of a culture which denies solidarity and in many cases takes the form of a veritable "culture of death". This culture is actively fostered by powerful cultural, economic and political currents which encourage an idea of society excessively concerned with efficiency. Looking at the situation from this point of view, it is possible to speak in a certain sense of a war of the powerful against the weak: a life which would require greater acceptance, love and care is considered useless, or held to be an intolerable burden, and is therefore rejected in one way or another. A person who, because of illness, handicap or, more simply, just by existing, compromises the well-being or life-style of those who are more favored tends to be looked upon as an enemy to be resisted or eliminated. In this way a kind of "conspiracy against life" is unleashed.
The University of Wisconsin Hospital: this week’s winner as the best example of the “Conspiracy Against Life.†It is a macabre moniker, but an honest one
Washington, DC (18 May 2009) – The following is a statement from Judie Brown, president of American Life League, regarding President Barack Obama’s commencement speech yesterday at the University of Notre Dame and the recent Gallup poll announcing that the majority of Americans self-identify as “pro-life.”
"Not only is the University of Notre Dame no longer Catholic, but a recent survey conducted by one of the nation’s most respected polling organizations shows that the school now recognizes as legitimate the pro-abortion position, which places it at odds with the majority of Americans.
When Notre Dame honored the most radically pro-abortion president in U.S. history, it publicly sanctioned the radically pro-abortion ideology he stands for – an ideology 51 percent of Americans oppose, according to a landmark new Gallup poll.
While Notre Dame graduates sat listening to the president expound his ideology of relativism and absence of truth, Catholics outside Notre Dame upheld the timeless truths of a faith that the leadership of Our Lady’s University no longer upholds.
Catholics outside Notre Dame stood for the human rights and personhood of all human beings from their biological beginning.
Catholics outside Notre Dame upheld the root of Catholic social teaching: the sanctity of human life.
Catholics outside Notre Dame were a witness to the truth that Notre Dame is no longer Catholic.
Catholics outside Notre Dame will no longer tolerate a “Catholic” educational institution that promotes intrinsic evil and undermines Catholic truth by embracing radical feminist, pro-abortion faculty and staff members and offering a pro-abortion culture.
Americans outside Notre Dame and nationwide will no longer tolerate a country that does not protect and defend the equality and personhood of each and every human being.
This monumental shift in American public opinion could never have happened without the incessant emphasis, by American Life League and others, on a consistent, uncompromising, unapologetic devotion to the truth that every human being has inherent dignity, immeasurable value and deserves to be recognized as a person."
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
Gallup: More Americans "Pro-Life" Than "Pro-Choice" for the First Time (15 May 2009)
LifeSiteNews: More Americans "Pro-Life" Than "Pro-Choice" for the First Time Since 1995 (15 May 2009 )
Pewsitter: Notre Dame: A Timeline of Dissent (13 May 2009)
Pro-Life Today | 15 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
RU-486 - the little-known killer
News Source
A new study shows that RU-486 increases the risk for surgical intervention to complete an abortion. The study shows that is the case in 17 to 23 percent of RU-486 cases. Dr. Donna Harrison, president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, tells OneNewsNow there was limited information available when the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug.
76: Bishop Emeritus to ND: "The Solution Most Pleasing to the Lord: Disinvite Obama"
News Source
Bishop John Yanta, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Amarillo, TX, has published a letter to University of Notre Dame president Fr. John Jenkins that strongly condemns the school's invitation to President Obama to give the commencement address and receive an honorary law degree May 17.
On Abortion, Obama Is Drawn Into Debate He Hoped to Avoid
News Source
In nearly four months in office, President Obama has pursued a careful two-pronged strategy on abortion, enacting policies that secure a woman’s right to the procedure while vowing to move beyond the culture wars that have divided the nation on the issue for more than three decades.
America is Now a Pro-Life Nation
News Source
A new poll by Gallup shows a stunning reversal in American perceptions on the question of abortion. For the first time since Gallup started surveying the country on this subject, more Americans self-identify as being "Pro-Life" than "Pro-Choice."
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other Internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women!
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood clinics and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
For more information, go to http://thepillkills.com/.
By Judie Brown
Every once in a while, those dedicated to advancing the culture of death get their ire up and just can't enunciate facts. This is usually because there are no facts to support their position, having said that, we know that we can always expect rants from such people. There have been a couple of doozies this week.
Both of those bellowing are female, both have a long record of pro-abortion fanaticism, but both, in my humble opinion have gone off the deep end.
Missouri State Senator Joan Bray, for example, took off after pro-life male politicians in a manner that I have not heard about in a very long time.
The debate that occurred in the state senate focused on a piece of legislation that was originally supposed to protect the expectant mother seeking an abortion from coercion by the abortion provider. The current bill is so weak that pro-life activist/lobbyist Sam Lee has asked legislators not to vote for it. But that has not deterred Senator Bray. Bray was incensed by the very idea that such a law would even be proposed. During the debate, Senator Bray said, "A vote for this bill is a vote for the state to lie to these women in print. I'm sick of women being treated like they're so stupid that they can't be responsible for their own reproductive decisions."
Note that Bray did not expound on the reasons why expectant mothers do not need to know the dangers of aborting a child, but rather focused her comments on gibberish. We've heard all this before; it only occurs when pro-abortion zealots cannot defend their position.
Let's see what else Bray had to say: "I'm sick of women having no options, and being coerced to give birth."
Coercing a mother to give birth to her own child is a ridiculous premise. If the woman in question does not wish to bear a child, then she can take steps to avoid the situation that brings about pregnancy. Bray is the one insulting women, at least in this case:
"I'm sick of a bunch of men around here, year after year after year, piling up restriction after restriction after restriction on women who found themselves in a very unhappy, unpleasant circumstance of an unwanted pregnancy."
How did these expectant mothers find themselves in this circumstance? I think we know exactly how it happened, and again, we know that people of both sexes know how to avoid it. The preborn child is not the cause of unhappiness, unpleasantness or unwantedness; he or she did not have a say in the matter. However the female and the male did, Senator Bray. Think about it.
Senator Bray again: "I am sick of the disrespect for women who come to the Capitol defending a woman's legal right to choose an abortion."
Aha! You see, we finally got to her point. Bray is not going to advocate abstinence until marriage, fidelity within marriage or any of the qualities that predispose self-respect and respect for the other person. No, Bray just wants unrestricted access to abortion on demand.
Yes, Senator Bray is sick, but not because of the defense of preborn children that she is hearing and not because of the sincere concerns some lawmakers have about expectant mothers whose health and well-being will be at risk if they decide to abort their children. In fact, it seems to me that Senator Bray is sick to death of the growing number of pro-life advocates in the state legislature and has chosen to lash out at them in a manner similar to a cat fight … though there is but one of the usual two feline contenders in this fight.
The idea of tying "responsibility" to the notion of solving a problem by killing a person has been around since the struggle between pro-life and pro-death forces began. But now that the pro-life movement is making appreciable gains in public sentiment and political commitment, things are looking bad for the Brays of the world. I think the poor lady needs a vacation.
Using a single speech to attack her peers, suggesting that they are disrespectful toward members of the opposite sex smacks of disingenuousness.
Perhaps Senator Bray's bigotry against pro-life men comes about because she is too committed to rhetorical zealotry and has lost her ability to be civil. I don't know, but it certainly appears that way.
And then there's the case of Frances Kissling, the second bellowing female. She was president of Catholics for Choice for 25 years until 2007, and currently is visiting scholar at the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania.
Frances got her nose out of joint because a group of Catholic leaders, including yours truly, signed on to a letter asking President Barack Obama to remove anti-Catholic hypocrite Harry Knox from the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
In our view, you cannot have a Catholic-hater involved in advising the president regarding faith-based questions because the man is already predisposed to be a religious bigot. Harry Knox attacked Pope Benedict XVI regarding the use of condoms in Africa. On the subject of the Wyoming bishop who would not give the Eucharist to a lesbian couple, Knox wrote:
In this holy Lenten season, it is immoral and insulting to Jesus to use the body and blood of Christ the reconciler as a weapon to silence free speech and demean the love of a committed, legally married couple. The Human Rights Campaign grieves with the couple, Leah Vader and Lynn Huskinson, over this act of spiritual and emotional violence perpetrated against them.
Even though such public pronouncements are clearly antagonistic toward moral sensibility and logic, the signers of the letter wanted to be sure that specific documentation accompanied the letter. In fact, the Media Research Center did its homework for the express purpose of doing all they could to avoid the controversy we all knew would erupt. And erupt it has.
Frances writes
A rogue's gallery of some of the most vicious and marginal figures on the Catholic right have sent a letter to the President calling on him to oust Harry. Who are these guardians of civility in religious discourse? … Judie Brown, of the American Life League, a group so virulent in its own anti-Catholicism that it attacked D.C.'s former Cardinal McCarrick during the 2004 election campaign for not denying Communion to pro-choice John Kerry. Brown claimed McCarrick was not obeying the pope who had, according to her, demanded that Catholic legislators who were pro-choice must be denied Communion.
Frances, the truth is that the pope did not demand that anyone obey him, but rather that they pay close attention to the 2004 memorandum sent to the bishops by the Vatican. In that memorandum
they are urged, after careful examination of the situation with a particular pro-abortion public figure, to take proper action to deny Holy Communion to such people. Church law does not exist to be ignored; it exists to be enforced and there are no exceptions.
Frances Kissling, like Senator Bray, is up in arms. She is all about name-calling, denigrating those with whom she disagrees and lobbing verbal cannon balls toward those of us who truly understand the difference between good and evil. Truth makes Frances uncomfortable in the same way it makes Senator Bray uncomfortable.
The truth about which I write does not belong to me; it belongs to no human being but is, rather, that truth that is written on the heart of every human being by God Himself.
This is the fundamental difference between these two ladies and those of us who are committed to that truth. Frances cannot articulate a strong, viable defense of Harry Knox in view of the documentation that was provided to President Obama. And so, like Bray, she resorts to vilifying the messengers so that she can ignore the message.
Disrespect, bias and twisted zealotry grow in a garden sown with seeds of deceit. Such language maligns, but never counters, intellectual honesty. The Kisslings and Brays of our world are sad figures, not only because they have resorted to tactics like those noted here, but because they are human beings who are loved by God and who have somehow lost their way. Let us pray for them and for those who accept what they say without questioning it.
Judie Brown is president of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Respond to Judie
Volume 6, Number 19 Monday May 11, 2009
Please join me in welcoming the newest addition to our Associate network – We the People for Life – currently directed by Karen Reynoso and located in Norco, California! We the People for Life was formed in February when a number of concerned pro-lifers who had gathered to participate in a very successful 40 Days for Life Campaign felt called to continue their work.
During the 40 Days for Life campaign, almost 450 people from 50 different churches participated, seventeen women changed their minds and did not abort their children and one security guard quit working at the Planned Parenthood clinic. Several of the campaign participants were also able to facilitate post-abortion recovery.
We the People for Life now plans to provide pro-life education and distribute pro-life materials throughout the community, provide a regular ongoing prayer presence at the clinic and provide sidewalk counseling training. We are very excited to have them in the Associate Program and we look forward to working with them in their future endeavors!
National Pro-life T-shirt Week
Huge thanks to everyone who helped with and/or participated in ALL’s National Pro-life T-shirt Week! Response this year was truly overwhelming! Be sure to visit the photo gallery and see all of the pictures. Choose a “task” to see the pictures of participants performing that task in their pro-life T-shirts! http://www.npltw.com/photoboard.php
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women!
Join American Life League on June 6 and Protest the Pill! We can equip you with the information and gear! Visit our web site at www.ThePillKills.com and you will find answers to questions like:
Q: How does the pill kill women?
A: The birth control pill and other hormonal birth control products come with a long list of dangerous side effects. Often times the pill can cause a woman to develop deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot that forms in a vein. The blood clot can block the blood supply to the heart or brain, which could result in heart attack, stroke or death. The clot can also travel to the lungs, which could then result in pulmonary embolism or death. Women have died as a direct result of taking the pill. That having been said, there are still many unanswered questions regarding whether or not the pill was at least partially responsible for more deaths than we can document. A thorough investigation should be done, not only because the pill has dangerous side effects, but because we should protect the health and wellbeing of women in general in the United States.
We are encouraging people to protest outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood clinics and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
E-mail us at protests@all.org if you plan to participate!
From Associates
Pro-Life Wisconsin and the Pregnancy Help Center of Milwaukee
Two of our Associate groups recently joined forces and sponsored their first-ever talent show! PLW and the PHC of Milwaukee held a low-key, fun-filled talent show this past Saturday at the Marquette University High School in Milwaukee. Participants played instruments, sang, juggled, danced and generally shared their wonderful talents! A freewill offering was shared by the two groups. What an interesting way to engage the community! Watch for pictures coming soon!
Tip of the month – Composing Effective Communications
The staff at ALL found the following commentary by Steve Jalsevac with LifeSiteNews published on April 29, 2009, very well done and worth sharing with our Associate groups:
LifeSiteNews reports often end with contact information given for those who may wish to communicate with key persons or organizations about the particular reports. Such communications, when properly composed, often have a surprisingly strong positive impact. On the other hand, poorly thought out, angry e-mails, letters and calls can, and do, have significant negative impact - much more than most realize.
Do's and Don'ts for E-mails, Letters and Calls
1. Facts, calmly presented, can have the greatest impact in convincing persons in influential positions to change their views or actions. That is, above all, emphasize facts, not emotions.
2. Respectful communication opens up the door to consideration of your points. If you really do want to convince your listener of your views, or to have them at least think about them, you must communicate as you would want them to communicate with you - with respect - no matter how serious your disagreement might be.
3. Being respectful does not require softening or compromising your principles. It also does not require abandoning boldness or advocating a right course of action. Be insistent, be bold, if the circumstances call for this, but never demean, attack or demand. If you have recently done so, send a letter or e-mail of genuine apology. That will give you, and especially your views, renewed credibility with the recipient of your previous harsh communications.
4. Do not assume that the person you are communicating with fully understands or knows the facts about the matter concerned. Very often he or she is relying upon well known and trusted advisors who have presented a convincing alternative case. As well, your recipient’s personal experiences may consistently contradict what you are revealing and so it may genuinely be difficult for them to accept your assertions at first. It is often a serious mistake to send an e-mail or letter assuming that the person is acting in bad faith and/or knows what you know.
5. Do not use capitalized words, phrases or sentences, colored text and exclamation marks in your communications. It conveys shouting, which it is presumed, is exactly what you want to communicate. It is a very ineffective way to attempt to convince someone to do what they should. In fact, it is far more likely to close minds, entrench a negative view of all persons who hold the position you are trying to convey and end up in the trash without having been read.
6. Never respond in kind to harsh responses from those you communicate with. You do not know the circumstances that might have led to that kind of response. Patience, humility, time and continued respectful communication may yet produce a positive result.
7. Try to place yourself in the shoes of the person you are communicating with as you compose your e-mail or letter. Most of the public has no comprehension of the heavy influences, difficulties and stresses experienced by elected public officials, religious leaders and others in leadership positions.
Writing to bshops, cardinals and other clergy
8. All of the above points apply.
9. Do not tell a bishop what to do. Present facts, appeal to the bishop to exercise his authority on the matter at hand - but do not tell him that he must do so and so.
10. Do not attempt to give the impression that you are in any way equal in authority to a consecrated bishop. On the other hand, communicate naturally without using words and phrases that are overly pious or fawning to religious authority. It is usually not appreciated. A bishop is a normal human being and usually likes to be talked to as such.
11. With Church authorities, it is always crucial to communicate respectfully, charitably and in as few paragraphs as possible. That is the kind of communication that is the most likely to produce a positive response from these individuals who live in a culture that strongly requires such communications. Bishops are usually overwhelmed with correspondence and their daily duties. They have little time to read detailed, lengthy e-mails and letters. When more detail is required they will let you know.
12. Where there is clearly a serious problem regarding a bishop's behavior or decision making and the bishop has become intransigent, it is best to communicate your factual concerns to relevant Vatican authorities. There is nothing to be gained from unproductive and likely disturbing communications with the bishop concerned. Do not expect a response from the Vatican authority. They, too, are overwhelmed. Letters are however, read.
Medical workers deserve robust 'conscience clause'
It's easy to say you respect a view you reject. It's hard to respect such views in practice. Yet real respect is what some nurses and doctors want President Obama to show, by upholding the regulation that protects their consciences.
Missouri House approves amendment allowing pharmacies to refuse to stock EC, medication abortion drugs
The Missouri House last Tuesday voted 115-43 to approve an amendment that would allow pharmacies to refuse to dispense emergency contraception or fill prescriptions. The bill specifically mentions the emergency contraceptive Plan B and mifepristone.
Gardasil vaccine linked to nerve disorder
Girls and women who receive the Gardasil vaccine to prevent cervical cancer may be at increased risk of a rare but serious disorder of the nervous system in the first few weeks after getting their shots, researchers report.
Open public comment period on NIH embryonic stem cell research draft guidelines
The NIH officially posted draft guidelines on ESC, which open the floodgates for the destruction of embryos at taxpayers' expense. Under the rules, your tax dollars would pay for research on stem cells derived from embryos who are supposedly "leftover" from in vitro fertilization. Instead of promoting the adoption of these tiny humans, the NIH guidelines would sentence them to death.
For 30 days, the government offers these rules up for public response. The comment period is 30 days - until May 26. You can submit your comments by logging on to http://nihoerextra.nih.gov/stem_cells/add.htm and filling in the official form. Comments may also be mailed to: NIH Stem Cell Guidelines, MSC 7997, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7997.
Closing Thought
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears turned to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against evildoers. Now who is going to harm you if you are enthusiastic for what is good?
But even if you should suffer because of righteousness, blessed are you. Do not be afraid or terrified with fear of them, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame.
For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that be the will of God, than for doing evil.
1 Peter 3:12-17
Pro-Life Today | 08 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
Planned Parenthood UN petition targets youth, demands broad 'sexual rights'
Life Site News
The International Planned Parenthood Federation recently launched a new petition campaign that aims to pressure governments to "promote, protect and fulfill their promise to provide better access to sexual and reproductive health services" for all young people "regardless of age." The petition was launched in commemoration of the fifteenth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
Catholics Overwhelmingly Oppose Notre Dame Honor to Obama: Rasmussen Poll
Life Site News
A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that more than twice as many Americans - and a wider margin of Catholics - oppose the University of Notre Dame's decision to give an honorary law degree to President Barack Obama, as those who support it. The Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that, by a 60% to 25% margin, U.S. Catholics say Notre Dame should obey guidelines issued by the U.S. bishops and refrain from awarding an honorary degree to the president. Among all Americans, 52% oppose the honor and 25% support it.
Leading Vatican Official Cites ND Honor for Obama as 'Greatest Scandal'
Life Site News
Archbishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Vatican's highest court, the Apostolic Signatura, called on Catholics to "give an uncompromising witness" to the dignity of life during an address this morning to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.
See also Archbishop says Obama advancing anti-life agenda
http://townhall.com/news/politics-elections/2009/05/08/archbishop_says_obama_advancing_ant i-life_agenda
Town Hall
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other Internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
The Results Are In!!!
Congratualtions to Stephanie W. of Sacramento, CA for winning first place in the photo contest!!!
Be Sure to check out the National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week photo gallery at http://www.npltw.com/photoboard.php.
By Judie Brown
On May 10, mothers from one end of this nation to the other will be honored by their children, and many will honor their own mothers as well. Personally, I had the most remarkable mother that any human being could ever hope to have. My mom, Bertha, was a solidly faithful, courageous and loving woman who gave her all to her daughters and to her son. My brother was with us for such a brief period of time, but each day was so special for all of us. There is not a day that goes by that I do not reflect on how my mother cared for that special little boy, my brother Mark, who's Down syndrome weakened his small body and made it impossible for him to fight off a common cold. Even during his illness and death, my mother was a beacon of love in the midst of her sorrow and her pain.
I have fond memories of my mom, memories that have constantly reminded me that there is no better role model for me than her. So on this coming Mother's Day I will not only appreciate my own children in a special way, but once again my mom.
It is a sad commentary on our times that so many young mothers will never have the opportunity to be embraced by their children, or learn valuable lessons from their children, or appreciate the wonder of a child who grows up to become a fine, upstanding member of the human race. Such mothers will miss so much in their lives because they chose to end their child's life before birth rather than welcome and affirm the gift of that child.
While the acceptance and advocacy of abortion is, if nothing else, a testimony to our current cultural attitudes toward parenthood and the rejection of the blessing of giving of one's self for the benefit of another, there are movements afoot to change all that. More expectant mothers today are carrying their babies to term than ever before. Fewer of them are exercising their choice to kill.
But that does not mean that the abortion industry is asleep at the wheel. Far from it, as Planned Parenthood made perfectly clear in its most recent e-mail blast asking for money. The hook was Judy Blume, an active supporter of PP and author of numerous children's books. Blume wrote, "There is no organization that I know of that supports motherhood and all that it means more than PP."
What a perfect example of society's disdain for what it really means to be a mother.
Commenting on Blume's inane statement, Wednesday STOPP Report editor Marie Hahnenberg writes,
Sure, we could just laugh when we read this, because we all know this is so far from the truth. But this is nothing to laugh about. PP has murdered over 4,000,000 babies in the United States. PP has no clue as to what motherhood is all about.
Indeed! As is always the case, harbingers of gloom, doom and destruction never saw a special day they could not corrupt with their messages of death. Having said that, I have to admit it is my firm conviction that such organizations are on the way to defeat. They know it and thus find it necessary to use every opportunity they can to entice the uninformed into believing that there is something good and self-satisfying about killing your own child before he is born. As tragic as this is, we know that evil will not triumph at the end of the day. In the meantime, it is taking its toll and we need to not only be mindful of it, but prayerful about it.
So as we go about basking in our blessings this Mother's Day, let's say a prayer for mothers, far and wide. Here is one of my favorites prayers for mothers which was published by Women for Faith and Family:
Most Gracious Heavenly Father,
We thank You for our mothers to whom You have entrusted the care of every precious human life from its very beginning in the womb.
You have given to woman the capacity of participating with You in the creation of new life. Grant that every woman may come to understand the full meaning of that blessing, which gives her an unlimited capacity for selfless love for every child she may be privileged to bear, and for all Your children.
Watch over every mother who is with child, strengthen her faith in Your fatherly care and love for her and for her unborn baby. Give her courage in times of fear or pain, understanding in times of uncertainty and doubt, and hope in times of trouble. Grant her joy in the birth of her child.
To mothers You have given the great privilege and responsibility of being a child's first teacher and spiritual guide. Grant that all mothers may worthily foster the faith of their children, following the example of Mary, Elizabeth, and other holy women who follow Christ. Help mothers to grow daily in knowledge and understanding of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and grant them the wisdom to impart this knowledge faithfully to their children, and to all who depend upon them.
Assist all "spiritual mothers", those who, though they may have no children of their own, nevertheless selflessly care for the children of others – of every age and state in life. Grant that they may know the joy of fulfilling this motherly calling of women, whether in teaching, nursing, religious life, or in other work which recognizes and fosters the true dignity of every human being created in Your image and likeness.
We beseech You to send Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to all mothers who sorrow for children that have died, are ill or estranged from their families, or who are in trouble or danger of any kind. Help grieving mothers to rely on Your tender mercy and fatherly love for all your children.
We ask your blessing on all those to whom You have entrusted motherhood. May Your Holy Spirit constantly inspire and strengthen them. May they ever follow the example of Mary, mother of Our Lord, and imitate her fidelity, her humility, and her self-giving love. May all mothers receive Your Grace abundantly in this earthly life, and may they look forward to eternal joy in Your presence in the life to come.
We ask this through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. AMEN.
Have a most blessed Mother's Day!
Pro-Life Today | 05 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
"Jane Roe" Says Obama Sets Poor Example for Notre Dame Grads
Norma McCorvey, the woman who was the “Jane Roe†in the U.S. legal decision Roe v. Wade, has said Notre Dame's choice of President Barack Obama to be the commencement speaker gives its graduates a poor example. She also expressed surprise more parents have not pulled out of commencement.
62: Three More Bishops Against Notre Dame Scandal, Obama Urged to Decline Invitation
Life Site News
A total of 62 bishops have publicly condemned the Notre Dame scandal, with three more bishops expressing solidarity with Notre Dame's Bishop John D'Arcy and U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops policy against honoring pro-abortion politicians.Bishop Robert Hermann of St. Louis, MO encouraged Notre Dame alumni to "organize the alumni in such a way that funding and students would be withheld until there is a change of direction on the Board of Directors."
Bishop Calls Pennsylvania Catholic College's Honor for Senator Casey ‘an Affront’
Life Site News
King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. and the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., both Catholic colleges, have invited Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr., to be a commencement speaker and honoree despite the public reprimand of Senator Casey by his bishop, Bishop Joseph Martino of the Diocese of Scranton.
Wis. airman sentenced for attempted miscarriage
Chicago Tribune
A Wisconsin airman in Alaska has been sentenced to almost 10 years confinement after he was found guilty of trying to force his wife to miscarry by lacing her food with ulcer medication. Airman 1st Class Scott Boie (BOH'-ee) of Milton, Wis., had faced more than 26 years confinement at his sentencing Saturday. Beside his 9 1/2 year sentence, Boie also was dishonorably discharged. Master Sgt. Demetrius Lester says Boie was convicted in a court-martial Friday night of attempting to kill an unborn child. Boie was found not guilty of intentionally killing the unborn child. That charge carries a maximum sentence of life without the possibility of parole. Boie's attorneys have said his wife's history of smoking and troubled pregnancies may have caused last year's miscarriage.
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other Internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
By Judie Brown
Those faithful Catholics who are exposing the debacle at the University of Notre Dame are to be commended, and we are grateful for their courage, even in the face of opposition from fellow Catholics. American Life League's young leaders have experienced some of this firsthand in South Bend, but it has not deterred them. Many others, like us, who are also focused on this problem, have heard and seen more than could ever have been imagined, and not much of it is positive.
My favorite is the e-mail I received from a gentleman who said,
What do you suggest Catholics do, bury their heads in the sand, and only talk and listen to those who agree with us? Shall we build an invisible wall around us, similar to what China really did? This is what you seem to be advocating in light of the Obama Notre Dame thing. Remember Cardinal Egan ate at table with Obama at the Al Smith Dinner.
In responding to him, I explained that we Catholics are not ostriches; but we are people who believe that there is a time and a place to expose the horror of an abortion-supporting politician's views. Having said that, we do not think a graduation ceremony at an identifiably Catholic institution is the place for this to occur. Notre Dame could have invited the president to debate his views with a pro-life politician, or they could have hosted a town-hall lecture during which those students who know that abortion is an act of murder could have voiced their position and perhaps helped the president understand the error of his ways. But graduation?
While I am not sure what the Great Wall of China has to do with this, I certainly do recall the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner at which Cardinal Egan was photographed while apparently mesmerized by Obama. It is not my favorite photo of a prince of the Church; that's for sure. But as Deal Hudson wrote, "Obviously, Jesus dined with sinners and publicans – true. But he didn't give them a platform to preach to the faithful. That's the difference here."
Indeed, that is the difference and the specific reason why ALL is working with the Cardinal Newman Society and other like-minded organizations to expose this and press for even a last-minute cancellation of the invitation. But if that fails, then as our petition to Bishop D'Arcy of Ft. Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, points out,
Any Catholic school that dissents from Catholic teaching to the degree that it would honor a man guilty of promoting an intrinsic evil of the magnitude of abortion has given up its Catholic identity and does not deserve to be listed in The Official Catholic Directory.
Notre Dame should be removed from the list of Catholic institutions, not only because its actions are discordant with the Catholic faith, but because it is scandalizing the very minds it is supposed to be molding and offering them – instead of Catholic truth – relativism, liberalism and a consistent pattern of behavior incompatible with Catholic teaching.
ALL is sponsoring an event this evening in South Bend at which we will focus on “the sins of Notre Dame." As ALL's leadership director, Michael Barnett, explains, “Notre Dame is placing the souls of millions in jeopardy in exchange for their own prestige. The school has no right to sell itself as Catholic to donors and potential students while simultaneously working to undermine the Church and honor the most pro-abortion president in the nation's history.â€
In this instance, ALL is blessed to be in the company of, at last count, 59 Catholic bishops who are speaking out, decrying Obama’s commencement address and reception of an honorary degree, scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 17 on Notre Dame's campus. Bishop Michael Warfel, of the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, Montana, said in a published letter he sent to Father John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame's decision is particularly disturbing because it seems to be one in a series of decisions. These decisions have sent a shamefully ambiguous message concerning Notre Dame's fidelity to the Church's teaching on the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person. As an example of this, one does not need to look further than Notre Dame's decision last year to ignore Bishop D'Arcy's call to cancel the lewd "V-Monologues" with its mockery of Catholic teaching on human sexuality.
It is my intent not to support Catholic formation programs offered at Notre Dame until its leadership discontinues making decisions that are inconsistent with the promotion of the Catholic Church's teachings on the sacredness of human life.
We are so very grateful for these profound words and for the outpouring of similar sentiments from nearly 60 princes of the Catholic Church.
Sadly, however, the Notre Dame scandal, while the most egregious I have seen at a supposedly Catholic institution, is not unique. As a matter of fact, the Obama invitation is simply the most horrific example of the decaying respect for Catholic truth that appears to have infected more than a few Catholic campuses. As we go to press today, for example, we learn that the University of San Francisco, a Jesuit institution, is hosting South African Bishop Kevin Dowling, who has, according to a Cardinal Newman Society press release, "publicly criticized abstinence-only programs and supports condom use by those infected with or at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS."
Defiance has reared its ugly head in the Diocese of Scranton as well. Several months ago, Bishop Joseph Martino reprimanded U.S. Senator Robert Casey, a pro-abortion Catholic Democrat, for his position on abortion. In what is clearly an affront to Bishop Martino's directive, the Catholic college, King's College invited Senator Casey to deliver the commencement address to its graduates.
Responding to this, the ever-courageous Bishop Martino said,
I do not believe he [Casey] has the moral stature to stand before the graduates of a Catholic college to address them about their futures and the challenges they will face when on the most important issue of the day—the sanctity of human life — he cannot muster the courage to oppose the pro-abortion agenda which is currently being promoted in Washington.
While some so-called Catholics stand up and shout that efforts to get Obama disinvited or have the University of Notre Dame removed from The Official Catholic Directory are tantamount to crawling into a bunker and hiding from the real world, thousands of believing Catholics are calling for an end to the madness. We're not buried in the mind warp of dissent and dislike for all things Catholic; we are simply sick and tired of business as usual. Rather than being ensconced in political correctness, those of us who decry the Notre Dame scandal and similar debacles do so because we love Christ; we love the Church, and we are ready to surrender our very lives in defense of the Church.
We recognize that the unfaithful current leaders of institutions such as the University of Notre Dame and the University of San Francisco actually represent wolves in sheep's clothing, prowling the highways and byways seeking out souls that can be misguided and misled, all in the name of academic freedom. In this conflict between Catholic truth and the "father of lies,"many of us are calling for an end to the madness. Concerned Catholics have a voice that is stronger than ever, and we are registering our opposition to not only the Obama event, but also to similar situations that have already occurred or may occur.
The Cardinal Newman Society has given thousands of faithful Catholics an opportunity to let their voices be heard, and this is undoubtedly why more than 352,000 Catholics have signed the online petition that can be found at http://notredamescandal.com/.
The mainstream media may not get it, and perhaps they never will. But that is truly irrelevant at this time of crisis in the Church. As long as Catholic bishops, national organizations like the Cardinal Newman Society, American Life League and media sources with integrity such as Life Site News are shining a light in the darkness, we need not fear, tremble or become discouraged. No bunkers for us! Pope Benedict XVI reminded us several years ago,
Life is not only given at the moment of death and not only in the manner of martyrdom. We must give it day by day. Day after day it is necessary to learn that I do not possess my life for myself. Day by day I must learn to abandon myself; to keep myself available for whatever he, the Lord, needs of me at a given moment, even if other things seem more appealing and more important to me: it means giving life, not taking it.
It is in this very way that we experience freedom: freedom from ourselves, the vastness of being. In this very way, by being useful, in being a person whom the world needs, our life becomes important and beautiful. Only those who give up their own life find it.
Pro-Life Today | 01 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
Gardasil vaccine linked to nerve disorder
http://www.webmd.com/cancer/cervical-cancer/news/20090430/gardasil-linked-to-nerve-disorde r
News Source
Girls and women who receive the Gardasil vaccine to prevent cervical cancer may be at increased risk of a rare but serious disorder of the nervous system in the first few weeks after getting their shots, researchers report. "There is clear evidence from our database of an increased incidence of Guillain-Barre syndrome in the first six weeks, especially the first two weeks, after vaccination,†says Nizar Souayah, MD, of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark.
State Lawmakers Clash with Planned Parenthood Officials over Undercover Footage http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/apr/09043013.html
News Source
Following the release of undercover footage from a Memphis Planned Parenthood clinic, showing a PP employee instructing a 14-year-old girl to lie to a judge in order to obtain a secret abortion, state lawmakers have introduced legislation that could divert taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood in Tennessee. In the video the girl, who was actually a 20-year-old undercover student, Lila Rose, tells the PP employee that she is 14 years old and her boyfriend is 31, meaning that, according to law, Rose is a victim of statutory rape. However, the PP employee nevertheless tells Rose to lie to a judge about her boyfriend's age in order to get permission to have an abortion without her parent's consent. Tennessee law states that a minor must have parental consent before undergoing an abortion.
Supreme Court Justice Souter Expected To Announce Retirement; Move Fuels Speculation Over Obama Nominees
http://www.nationalpartnership.org/site/News2?abbr=daily2_&page=NewsArticle&id=17015&secur ity=1201&news_iv_ctrl=-1
Supreme Court Justice David Souter is expected to announce plans to retire from the Supreme Court at the end of the court's term in June, which would give President Obama the opportunity to make the first Democratic appointment to the high court in 15 years, USA Today reports (Biskupic, USA Today, 5/1). According to the Chicago Tribune, Souter is expected to officially disclose his retirement plans to his colleagues on the court during a private meeting on Friday (Savage, Chicago Tribune, 5/1). NPR.com reports that unnamed sources have confirmed that Souter will retire and has informed the White House of his plans (Totenberg, NPR.com, 4/30). Although Souter is expected to announce on Friday his intentions to retire in June, he is likely to remain on the court until his replacement is confirmed, which could mean he will remain on the court when the next term begins in October, the Washington Post reports (Barnes, Washington Post, 5/1). Supreme Court spokesperson Kathy Arberg declined to comment on Souter's decision.
Group of Youth in Idaho Falls Protest Abortion
News Source
One of the most controversial issues in this country -- the issue of abortion. Wednesday evening along the corner of 17th Street and Woodruff in Idaho Falls, at the Christ The King Catholic Church, a group of mostly youth made their feelings known. Wearing "life guard" t-shirts, they put 50 crosses in the grass, representing what they say are millions of lives lost to abortion. They gathered to show signs, and to pray. The group, called the Idaho Falls chapter of "Rock for Life", believes that euthanasia should be outlawed, as well as abortion.
Revealing the Sins of Notre Dame Press Conference
Press Conference and Rally 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Front Gate of Notre Dame E. Angela Blvd. and N. Notre Dame Ave.
The University of Notre Dame recently invited President Barack Obama to give this year's commencement address and to receive an honorary law degree. This invitation, to a man who is clearly identified as a driving force in the abortion movement, is in direct violation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops directives.
Notre Dame has refused to listen to its own bishop and to over 40 other bishops in the United States who have criticized its honoring of Obama. At this point, there is one remedy left; to remove Notre Dame from the Official Catholic Directory. But this will not happen without your support.
Please sign the petition and let everyone know you want Notre Dame held accountable for its actions.
Sign the Petition to Remove Notre Dame from the Catholic Directory!!! http://www.all.org/ndpetition/
This Is National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week!!!
By Judie Brown
Human: having human form, human attributes
Personhood: the legal recognition of a human being's full status as a human person that applies to all human beings, irrespective of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency, or method of reproduction, from the beginning of their biological development
American Life League is engaged in the ongoing development of what we now call human personhood apologetics.* When we see arguments against proposals that address human personhood, we examine them in order to discern how to effectively convince people who oppose our efforts that they are not addressing the subject – the preborn child – in the proper way. Here are a few such arguments, followed by our response to each:
So-called personhood amendments do not seek to give more information to women or counsel them to seek alternatives to abortion. Instead, such bills challenge the U.S. Supreme Court ‘s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling.
This argument is not really an argument but an explanation of what opponents see as the major defect in proposed human personhood amendments. But it is erroneous. The effort to pursue human personhood challenges both of the 1973 Supreme Court decisions at their core, not the periphery. We are certain that if the Supreme Court took Blackmun's argument seriously, Roe, Doe and their progeny would fall. Therefore, giving more information to women or counseling them to seek alternatives to abortion is a need that is separate from defending human personhood. In fact, once human personhood is recognized in the law, abortion itself would be defined as a crime against human rights, civil rights and equal rights. It would, in fact, be recognized as the act of murder that it is.
A second argument against pursuing human personhood goes like this:
As it stands, there is still a majority on the Court that would uphold decriminalized abortion. Not only would an unfavorable decision strengthen abortion-“rights†case law, but it also invites the Court to define when life begins, which they have not done to date.
This argument is based on a total lack of understanding of the impact the Supreme Court’s post-1973 abortion decisions have had. After all, each such decision has recognized the legitimacy of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton by recognizing the legal status of abortion. As the five Catholic Supreme Court justices said in the Gonzales v. Carhart decision,
Where it has a rational basis to act, and it does not impose an undue burden, the State may use its regulatory power to bar certain procedures and substitute others, all in furtherance of its legitimate interests in regulating the medical profession in order to promote respect for life, including life of the unborn. The Act's ban on abortions that involve partial delivery of a living fetus furthers the Government's objectives. No one would dispute that, for many, D&E is a procedure itself laden with the power to devalue human life. Congress could nonetheless conclude that the type of abortion proscribed by the Act requires specific regulation because it implicates additional ethical and moral concerns that justify a special prohibition.
Obviously, the Supreme Court is strengthening abortion “rights†every time any case involving abortion comes its way! As a matter of fact, the Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized the legitimacy of abortion as long as the "undue burden" does not affect a mother's “right†to kill her preborn child. So, arguing that personhood proposals would somehow set the pro-life movement back is ridiculous!
Furthermore, the Supreme Court has not been asked to address the scientific evidence regarding when a human being begins since 1971, when it heard the oral arguments preceding its 1973 decisions. At that time, the Court simply refused to hear the facts.
Here is a third argument against personhood proposals:
Ultimately, it will be public sentiment that will bring an end to abortion in the United States and not forced, untimely or imprudent legislation. The incrementalist strategy is sound, prudent and effective, and … it gives far more than it takes.
To argue that focusing on the central fact that aborting a preborn child is wrong because that child is a human person is not forced, untimely or imprudent. It is accurate, hopeful and necessary. Arguments that suggest otherwise expose the sordid truth that at least a few pro-life leaders are repeatedly leading pro-life Americans to agree that abortion for rape, incest and the life of the mother is acceptable. Such an incrementalist position provides the Courts with additional reasons to affirm Roe v. Wade.
Those who oppose personhood proposals are lost in a rhetorical fog, and to that we say, please let us help you find your way!
The fourth argument comes from a Catholic priest who opposes the human personhood effort:
The question we must ask ourselves is this: What is greater – my uncompromised moral position or the innocent lives of the unborn?
This is perhaps one of the most tired, self-serving statements I have seen. Oddly enough, it always comes from those who refuse to address the factual evidence regarding the personhood of the preborn child. If we as pro-life Americans are honest, and I think most of us are, we would take the time to examine what has contributed to the perpetuation of what the Supreme Court refers to as protecting abortion when an "undue burden" is imposed on expectant mothers. Clearly, the Court, like most culture-of -death proponents, finds it more "realistic" to continue the status quo than to bite the bullet and join with those of us who have changed course and do recognize that the past 36 years have delivered defeat after defeat for preborn human persons.
The "uncompromised moral position" is that our pro-life identity obligates us to do all we can to focus on the human person whose existence is acknowledged by so few, to recognize his individuality and humanize him for one and all. Regulating the murder of these preborn persons by employing flawed incrementalist propositions will not accomplish this goal. Such proposals actually contradict personhood and are designed to appease politicians, not save the preborn. How can a single one of us be satisfied with regulating what is, at its core, an act of murder?
So, while some will continue to argue against the pursuit of human personhood for any number of trumped-up reasons, the human personhood movement will be guided by the lessons it has learned from the failures of those who have surrendered to the Supreme Court’s version of what human beings should and should not be, based on a totally false "undue burden" argument.
May those who seek to undermine the human personhood movement recognize the facts and acknowledge the failures of the past. May they finally understand that merely regulating such a heinous crime has resulted in death and perpetuated the "undue burden" myth. May they examine their opposition and see what we see … a positive, proactive affirmation of human beings whose civil rights, human rights and equal rights are being violated at least 3,000 times a day, 365 days a year, by acts of murder … acts of abortion.
*Human Personhood Apologetics II coming soon!
Judie Brown is president of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Respond to Judie
Volume 6, Number 18 Monday May 4, 2009
Notre Dame Petition
As you know, the University of Notre Dame invited President Barack Obama to give this year¹s commencement address and to receive an honorary law degree. This invitation, to a man who is clearly identified as a driving force in the abortion movement, is in direct violation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops directives.
Notre Dame has refused to listen to its own bishop and to over 50 other bishops in the United States who have criticized its honoring of Obama. At this point, there is one remedy left – to remove Notre Dame from the Official Catholic Directory.
Please sign the petition demanding Notre Dame be held accountable for its actions – and then pass the link on to your family, friends and colleagues!
The Pill Kills
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Last year, participants across the United States shared the facts on exactly how the pill kills babies. This year, we will expose the sordid details surrounding the tragic effects these chemicals have on women. We will emphasize the truth about how the pill kills women.
Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by providing a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood clinics and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
From Associates
Idaho Chooses Life Alliance
As we noted last week, Americans, including health-care professionals currently still enjoy the right to practice their religion and follow their conscience, even in their work place, under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
At least twelve states have taken steps to protect the conscience rights of health-care workers: Arkansas, California, Oregon, Georgia, Colorado, South Dakota, Florida, Maine, Tennessee, Kansas, North Carolina and Mississippi.
The “gold standard” of protections can be found in Mississippi, which enacted a law to defend all health care providers in 2004:
“A health care provider has the right not to participate, and no health care provider shall be required to participate, in a health care service that violates his or her conscience.” (MS 41-105-5)
However, at the same time, we recognize that health-care providers are under assault across the nation. The abortion lobby is engaged in a national campaign to force health-care professionals into submitting to their agenda.
In 2008, the abortion lobby introduced some 42 bills around the country seeking to compel pharmacists to submit to their agenda or leave the profession. Lawsuits or board complaints have recently been filed against pharmacists in New York, Washington, Wisconsin, Montana, Illinois and Indiana because pharmacists objected to dispensing “emergency contraception.”
Additionally, the decision by the Obama administration to fund human embryonic stem cell research may well mean a whole new generation of drugs and treatments carrying profound moral challenges for all medical professionals.
Further, legislation pushed by the medical establishment thus far this year demonstrates a growing acceptance of the notion that patients should be terminated when a doctor decides that a patient’s potential quality of life makes treatment “inappropriate.” This anti-life ethic will put increasing pressure on pharmacists and all medical professionals.
It is of utmost importance that pro-life groups and organizations not only maintain an awareness of the legislation being proffered in their states, but to truly work for PERSONHOOD now.
Personhood is the legal recognition of a human being's full status as a human person. It applies to all human beings, irrespective of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency or method of reproduction, from the beginning of their biological development.
Personhood is the final chapter of the civil rights movement. It proposes commonsense values for otherwise convoluted jurisprudence. Once personhood is established, the rights of all are guaranteed under law!
Pro-Life Wisconsin
Pro-Life Wisconsin’s campaign against the Madison Surgery Center, the planned late-term abortion facility, was recently featured in the news in Madison. A prominent TV news story focused on Pro-Life Wisconsin’s television ads, which feature an ultrasound image of a baby and promote PLW’s new web site, NoUWabortions.com. Click here to view the Madison Channel 3000 news story: http://www.c3ktogo.com/news-video/?mgid=22067
Tip of the month – The Ventilator
Breathing is something we do all the time, mostly even without thinking about it! We take a breath in, we blow it out. We must breath to live.
When difficulty with breathing occurs, treatment and care are expected. The refusal and denial of assistance for something as essential as breathing is not in accord with right reason.
Respiration occurs in the lungs and in the living tissues throughout the body. It is the process whereby the body takes oxygen (to be used by the body) out of the air in exchange for carbon dioxide exhaled out of the body into the air.
In everyday life, for breathing to occur, an impulse originates in the brain and is conducted along nerves to muscles used in breathing. These muscles are those of the chest wall and the diaphragm (a muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen). The muscles contract causing the chest to expand and the lungs to be filled with oxygen-rich air. Nervous impulses stop and the muscles relax. The chest elastically recoils, exhaling carbon dioxide into the air.
The heart pumps circulating blood to and through the lungs and then throughout the body. In the lungs, the blood takes in oxygen and gives up carbon dioxide. Then the blood circulates throughout the rest of the body where an opposite exchange occurs. This exchange in the lungs and in the tissues is respiration.
The term “respirator” is often used to refer to a ventilator. This is not accurate.
When the parts of the brain that control breathing or the organs and tissues for breathing are diseased or injured, a ventilator helps until normal functioning is restored. This machine is properly called a “ventilator” since it supports the ventilation part of breathing.
In other words, a ventilator moves air; it does not and cannot cause the other part of breathing – respiration. That is, it does not and cannot exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide as occurs in the lungs and body tissues. Respiration can only occur when the body’s respiratory and circulatory systems are otherwise intact and functioning properly. Respiration is a human function, not a machine’s. The more accurate term “ventilator” should always be used.
The ventilator is an aid in breathing. The ventilator moves air into and out of the air spaces to help the patient to breathe more effectively, which improves respiration.
It should be clear that, in terms of function, a ventilator is a means of treatment for a patient who needs help breathing. In the typical case, the ventilator benefits the patient. Ventilators are used to protect, preserve and to prolong life. With the assistance of a ventilator, a person can continue to live and serve God.
Contraceptive pill makes exercise ineffectual
A new study presented at the annual meeting of the American Physiological Society in New Orleans found that women who use the contraceptive pill gain far less lean muscle mass from weight training compared to those who don't take oral contraceptives.
Adult stem cell research helps breast reconstruction after lumpectomy
Irene MacKenzie had a lumpectomy for her early stage breast cancer leaving her with a hollow in her breast. The lumpectomy took care of the cancer, but what about her breast? Well, Irene was the first person in Britain to reap the benefits of Stem Cell research using adult stem cells for breast reconstruction.
Molecular 'key' to successful blood stem cell transplants discovered
University of British Columbia researchers have discovered a "molecular key" that could help increase the success of blood stem cell transplants, a procedure currently used to treat diseases such as leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma and aplastic anemia.
Blood vessels made from patients' cells
Scientists have grown blood vessels for kidney patients from their own cells, making it easier and safer for them to use dialysis machines, a new study says.
Fat will be lifesaver if pioneering stem cell therapy can beat MS
Stem cells from a patient's fat tissue could be used to treat multiple sclerosis, research suggested.
Closing Thought
“Lord, you know which way is for the best; let it happen this way or that, according as you will. Give what you will, in whatever measure you will and when you will. Do with me as you know is best, as pleases you best, and as will best promote your glory. Put me where you will and have a free hand with me in everything. Yes, I am in your hand; twist me around and turn me about as you will. I am your servant, and ready for anything; it is not for myself that I want to live, but for you. If only I could do that worthily and faultlessly.” Amen.
Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, III:14:2
Volume 6, Number 17 Monday April 27, 2009
National Pro-life T-shirt Week Begins Tomorrow!
From Associates
Idaho Chooses Life Alliance
Idaho Chooses Life Alliance is currently leading the fight in its state to support a pharmacists’ conscience bill, has posted a number of blog entries concerning the bill and has recently produced a brochure on the subject. All of these are particularly worthy of our consideration given the pro-abortion push nationwide to remove such rights.
Many observers believe health-care professionals, including pharmacists, already have a right to conscience in their work under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. And, in fact, they do. As of now, Americans still enjoy the right to practice their religion and follow their conscience. However, at the same time, we must recognize that pharmacists are under assault across the nation. As some in the abortion movement put it – if they want a conscience, they should get out of the profession. And there is the key rub: the abortion lobby is engaged in a national campaign to force health-care professionals, especially pharmacists, into submitting to their agenda.
It is essential that we be able to trust the corner pharmacist to look out for us. The integrity of the profession is vital to all of us. We need it stocked with the best and brightest men and women of the highest moral character. One day, your very life may depend upon that pharmacist behind the counter.
The Idaho House bill, HB216, passed by a strong 48-21 vote on March 30 after vigorous debate. Most Democrats opposed the bill, with many arguing against its passage. The theme of their opposition was that 1) this bill is unnecessary because pharmacists already are protected and 2) if we pass this bill, terrible things will happen. Representative Bayer, during his debate in support of the bill, observed that such argumentation was circular: Either pharmacists are being compelled to violate their conscience now, or the dire predictions are unlikely to happen.
It takes some real work to make sense of their position. If pharmacists already have such rights, then how could there be any dramatic consequence should those rights be codified? Either the profession is currently protected by conscience rights, and guided by professional ethics which drive pharmacists to care for their patients – or it is full of rogues restrained only by the power of employers to compel pharmacists to follow orders.
After some reflection, it seems that large employers are concerned that HB216 would force them to actually respect the conscience rights of pharmacists, even when it is inconvenient. These big institutions want to be able to pay lip service to the “rights” of their employees – while retaining the power to intimidate, manipulate or otherwise coerce these pharmacists into hewing the party line. That makes “conscience” not a “right” – but a polite courtesy.
(Idaho HB216 is now stuck in the Senate Health & Welfare Committee where its prospects are dim. Committee Chair, Senator Patti Ann Lodge, could stand to hear from concerned citizens at 208.332.1319 or palodge@senate.idaho.gov).
And that is the reason the previous administration developed rules to enforce Congressional platitudes which had failed to protect real people working in huge institutions driven by profits and a post-Christian medical ethic. A mountain of evidence was developed by HHS which showed health care providers facing persecution and harassment because of their religious beliefs.
The American people seem to grasp what is stake over the battle to protect health care providers – doctors, pharmacists, nurses – from a political and economic agenda first advanced by Planned Parenthood. A national poll was conducted at the end of last month to test the public’s reaction to President Obama’s attack on conscience protections for health care providers. An astonishing 87% of those surveyed believe it is important to “make sure that health-care professionals are not forced to participate in procedures and practices to which they have moral objections."
Once again, the wisdom of the people is confirmed. Our basic trust in medical advice and treatment is based upon a belief that those professionals are acting with integrity to ensure our health and welfare. Conscience protections help secure public confidence in the medical professions.
More next week …
Tip of the Month – Population
From Handbook on Population by Robert Sassone
Everyone “knew” there was a food problem that would soon get worse due to the fast population growth rate. Instead, food production per person has increased by an amazing 60 percent since 1948 and United Nations experts say we can additionally increase food production as much as needed.
The UN has a vast amount of data to support the contention that as food demand increases, food production can always increase to supply the demand, if the hungry have money to motivate the farmers to grow more. UN data also indicates that developing countries could grow about ten times as much food if farmers could sell the food at reasonable prices.
There are, of course, many reasons for low production, including war and bad weather, but the chief cause is bad government. Too many developing countries are ruled by dictators or cliques more interest in their own personal ideology, power or wealth than in seeking justice or helping their country. These leaders usually establish a monopoly that buys all the food at a government dictated artificially low price, then sells it at a government dictated very high price, with the leaders pocketing the profits. Since farmers cannot make a substantial profit on food sold, they produce less and the poor are malnourished.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has criticized this type of oppression and claimed that food production would increase if countries were fair to their farmers. “Improved price incentives are a necessary component of policies to alleviate input shortages in agricultural production and stimulate investment of private capital.”
Gary Becker received the Nobel Prize in economics for his answer to speeding development regardless of population growth. Speeding development increases income which is the key to increasing food production. If people have money to spend for more food, farmers will grow more. The key to improving the economies of developing countries is to increase the education and training level of the people and then give them a fair opportunity to use their skills. Food production will increase if the farmer can sell his food at a reasonable price. Norman Borlaug, who won the Nobel prize for his work in agriculture, stated at the 1984 UN Population Conference that the farmers of the world could double or triple food production the very next year if prices were fair.
At the UN Food Conference in Rome in 1996, the UN’s designated expert stated that five billion dollars, exclusive of distribution costs, annually would be sufficient to pay for enough food to stop all of the world’s malnutrition. This is less than the annual foreign aid budget of the US.
Next month: Resources and energy.
Professionals or automatons?
The right of acting according to one’s conscience is under threat in many countries at the moment. In the US, the Federal government is studying whether to rescind protection of conscience regulations implemented in the dying days of the Bush Administration. Health-care workers there are worried that they may have to participate in unethical procedures – or lose their jobs. A Canadian pharmacist and bioethicist [and regional director for ALL Associate group Pharmacists for Life International], Cristina Alarcon, explains what is at stake in her profession.
UN population meeting split over whether people are a burden or a resource
As the Commission on Population and Development met at the United Nations to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development held at Cairo, fault lines appeared between states that see people as a resource to be promoted, and those that see people as a burden to be controlled.
The real population threat
Philip Longman points out in the March 24, 2009 edition of USA Today that the world's population is expected to hit seven billion by 2012, up from the six billion mark set in 1999. So, is overpopulation a real threat? Not hardly. Though population density can threaten sustainability in some areas of the globe, the far greater danger for our future is what Longman calls "depopulation." On a global scale, we are seeing the population of older persons exploding and the numbers of young persons falling.
Elite depopulation agenda gains ground
Another prominent scientist has thrown his weight behind the long term agenda to implement measures to stem the population of the planet, a view that is gaining ground with increased pressure on governments to act over climate change as the justification. The Medical Journal of Australia has published a report by a professor who suggests that couples with more than two children should be charged a lifelong tax to offset their extra offspring's carbon dioxide emissions.
Horse stem cell technique to be tested in people
A stem cell repair technique that has already been used to fix hundreds of injured race horses is to be tested for the first time in people with damaged Achilles tendons.
Adult stem cell research helps breast reconstruction after lumpectomy
Irene MacKenzie had a lumpectomy for her early stage breast cancer leaving her with a hollow in her breast. The lumpectomy took care of the cancer, but what about her breast? Well, Irene was the first person in Britain to reap the benefits of Stem Cell research using adult stem cells for breast reconstruction.
Abortion linked to higher rates of domestic violence: New research
When a woman gets an abortion, the couple is more than twice as likely to argue when discussing future children, and nearly three times as likely to experience domestic violence, compared with women who carry the pregnancy to term and raise the child, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Public Health on March 24.
Closing Thought
What creature might be more shamefully treated than was our Savior Christ Jesus hanging thus on the cross? … if you will amend your life, and forsake your sin, and do true penance, you shall by his shame be delivered from all shame.
Saint John Fisher, quoted in Magnificat, April, 2009 p. 53
Volume 6, Number 13 Monday March 30, 2009
Pharmacists for Life International
If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to submit your comments and concerns regarding the HHS Regulations protecting the rights of healthcare providers who do not want to perform or refer for abortions!
A coalition of pro-life medical organizations has launched the web site, www.Freedom2Care.org, which serves the essential function of allowing patients, pharmacists and other professionals to submit their comments demanding that the federal regulations protecting conscience not be revoked.
www.Freedom2Care.org provides a portal whereby you can register your comments at HHS, in accordance with the criteria that HHS is collecting.
Web site visitors have three options: 1) A pre-written comment crafted for healthcare providers, 2) a pre-written comment for patients and 3) the option of writing a personal comment. It is also collecting stories of discrimination so that Freedom2Care can have more proof that discrimination of conscience is a very real threat. Additionally, visitors have the opportunity to have their comments forwarded to lawyers who perform pro-bono work.
Pro-Life Wisconsin
Last Monday, Pro-Life Wisconsin’s True to Life media campaign launched a new project. Television ads, running in the Madison area, and a new web site, nouwabortions.com, will keep the focus on the Madison Surgery Center board decision to perform late-term abortions at its South Park Street location.
The commercial shows an ultrasound of a preborn baby who is in the same developmental range as babies aborted by the Madison Surgery Center. The commercial refers viewers to the nouwabortions.com web site, which provides information on how the public can help fight the killing.
Click here for the web site: nouwabortions.com. Click here to view the TV commercial that is currently running: www.nouwabortions.com/windowad.asp. Nearly 100 commercials will be aired in a two-week period, covering the greater Madison area.
Tip of the Month – Population
From Handbook on Population by Robert Sassone
Is there really a population problem?
Yes, it might even be serious enough to call a disaster or a cataclysm, but it is just the opposite of what many people believe. Europe and Japan have been suffering severe economic and social problems since about 1990 because their fertility has been so low that they do not have enough young workers. These problems may be extended to the rest of the world fairly soon. Good economic policies can delay the onset of some of these problems and can partially overcome them, but they will soon be a drag on economics nearly everywhere.
The world has had fewer babies every year, but because there is so much false and misleading information, many people believe the problem is too many babies.
We receive nearly all population related information from the media and from sources that are mostly directed by a few wealthy people who frequently mislead to create the impression that there are too many people.
They use the same technique demagogues and dictators have always used. They focus attention on an unusual part of the data that seems to point to a coming disaster or problem unless the viewer accepts the desired belief, and substantially suppress contrary information.
The media publish false information related to population and other topics and manipulate the public because many owners of the major media want to use their power to change public morals and opinions. Periodically, media writers and producers are forced to attend propaganda conferences where they are told what to write and produce to manipulate public attitudes and how to do it in the most effective manner.
Subsequently, as the science of using TV to change public attitudes without the public knowing they were being manipulated has advanced, the conferences have become specialized with different conferences for writers and producers of different types of television.
With a few rare exceptions, Christian Fundamentalists, Evangelicals, Muslims and Catholics, who compromise a majority of the world’s people, are “non-persons” whose beliefs are not praised or shown to cause much good. Those who love “until death do us part” are seldom portrayed as heroes. All types of immoral acts (promiscuity, fornication, adultery) are promoted by the portrayal of sympathetic characters with no mention of the frequent ill after-effects. The teaching by the media uses attitudes and associations with characters, not reasoning or facts.
Next month will begin to delve into the specifics of the false public beliefs listed previously.
US births break record; 40 percent out-of-wedlock
ATLANTA – More babies were born in the United States in 2007 than any year in the nation's history, topping the peak during the baby boom 50 years earlier, federal researchers reported. There is both good and bad news from the more than 4.3 million births: The US population is more than replacing itself, a healthy trend. However, the teen birth rate was up for the second year in a row.
FDA ordered to rethink age restriction for Plan B
A federal judge ordered the Food and Drug Administration to reconsider its 2006 decision to deny girls younger than 18 access to the morning-after pill Plan B without a prescription.
Harvard AIDS expert says Pope is correct on condom distribution making AIDS worse
Edward C. Green, director of the AIDS Prevention Research Project at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, has said that the evidence confirms that the pope is correct in his assessment that condom distribution exacerbates the problem of AIDS.
Courageous mother delays chemotherapy treatment for cancer, saves lives of twins
While some doctors routinely offer abortion in the case of women who are pregnant and facing cancer treatments, one British housewife has demonstrated that it is not always necessary to make such a difficult situation into a death sentence for the unborn child. Rachel Crossland, a British housewife and mother of six who had been diagnosed with cancer, refused chemotherapy and radiation treatment when she was informed she was 13 weeks pregnant with twins.
State Department to contribute $50m to U.N. Population Fund
The Obama administration will resume U.S. contributions to the United Nations Population Fund, which were suspended under former President George W. Bush. The State Department will contribute $50 million to UNFPA. State Department spokesperson Robert Wood said the decision "highlights the [Obama] administration's strong commitment to international family planning, women's health and global development."
On-the-ground China investigation re-confirms UNFPA complicit in coercive one-child policy
Contrary to the claims of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), China's coercive one-child policy is alive and well in the counties in which UNFPA operates, according to an investigation by the Population Research Institute. PRI now is calling on President Obama to reconsider his decision to fund UNFPA in light of the investigation's findings.
Call to reduce UK's population by 50 percent to build sustainable society
Jonathon Porritt, one of Gordon Brown's leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society. Porritt’s call will come at this week’s annual conference of the Optimum Population Trust, of which he is patron. The trust will release research suggesting UK population must be cut to 30m if the country wants to feed itself sustainably.
Closing Thought
Thus says the LORD:
Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings, who seeks his strength in flesh, whose heart turns away from the LORD. He is like a barren bush in the desert that enjoys no change of season, But stands in a lava waste, a salt and empty earth.
Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD. He is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: It fears not the heat when it comes, its leaves stay green; In the year of drought it shows no distress, but still bears fruit.
Jeremiah 17: 5-8
Washington, DC (13 May 2009) – American Life League’s Protest The Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women will illuminate a hidden tragedy.
On June 6, 2009, men, women and men across the country will take a stand against the birth control pill at pharmacies, drug stores, Planned Parenthoods and other so-called family planning businesses nationwide.
“Research shows women using oral contraceptives have five times greater risk of death from cardiovascular causes,” said Marie Hahnenberg, a researcher for American Life League.
In 2004 alone, 21,813 females died in the United States from cardiac arrest and heart failure, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
“How many of these 21,813 women were on the pill, or at one point in their lives had been on the pill?”
“The federal government has a moral obligation to conduct research on this question and to modify the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death so that the right questions are asked,” Hahnenberg continued. ““We have reports of women who have died from the birth control pill and other birth control products and others are suffering terrible side effects which could lead to death. Women need to be informed about the truth behind this dangerous drug.”
Protest the Pill Day is the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Last year, participants across the United States shared the facts on exactly how the pill kills babies. This year, the event will expose the sordid details surrounding the tragic effects these chemicals have on women.
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League: The Pill Kills
Volume 6, Number 22 Monday June 1, 2009
The Pill Kills
As pro-lifers plan their protests outside PP clinics and other facilities that distribute the birth control pill, American Life League will be holding a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., at 10 a.m. on June 4, two days before Protest the Pill Day.
Dr. Lynn Kerr, an associate clinical professor from the University of California and board certified in internal medicine, will be speaking on how the pill kills women. Others speaking include Dr. Paul Carpentier and Jenn Giroux. Dr. Carpentier is board certified in family practice medicine and is certified by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals. Jenn Giroux is founder and president of Women Influencing the Nation. She is also a registered nurse.
Cosponsors of Protest the Pill Day include Pharmacists for Life International, Pro-Life Wisconsin, Women Influencing the Nation, Human Life international, One More Soul, Pro-Life Unity, and the Archdiocese of Mobile’s Respect Life Office.
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women is Saturday, June 6. Visit www.ThePillKills.com for more information.
Tip of the month – Living the Culture of LIFE
Excerpts from The Winning Side by Charles E. Rice
Is it possible to be unconditionally pro-life in the United States today? Since Roe v. Wade, in 1973, legalized abortion has delivered a body count of a least 49 million, not including deaths from uncountable abortions by hormonal contraception. And we have legalized euthanasia, notwithstanding the false optimism generated by the Supreme Court’s refusal to discover a “right to die” in the Constitution.
The immediate pro-life response to Roe was, properly, to undo that ruling by constitutional amendment or legislation. Those efforts have failed. And, in seeking incremental restrictions on abortion rather than its prohibition, the establishment pro-life movement has implicitly accepted the basic premise of Roe, that the unborn child is a nonperson whose execution can be legitimately tolerated by the state. In any event, technology is moving abortion and euthanasia beyond the effective reach of the law. They are truly becoming matters of private choice.
Legalized abortion and euthanasia, however, are symptoms. In a culture dominated by a relativist and utilitarian contraceptive ethic, it is predictable that man will make himself (or herself) the arbiter of the ending as well as the beginning of life. A national moral meltdown has accelerated the dominance of the culture of death.
Choosing to be unconditionally pro-life is difficult because of these cultural and constitutional developments. But the choice is inescapable. There appears to be an increasing return to a radical choice for humanity, not unlike the one represented in the first centuries of the Christian era. We can, even today, be unconditionally pro-life through the gift of self, in faith, to God and to others.
Mis-education has caused many to be unable or unwilling to distinguish objective wrong from subjective culpability. Many seem to think that nothing is wrong “for you” unless you “feel” it is wrong. But the intentional killing of an innocent human being is always objectively wrong. It is contrary to natural justice, the revealed law of God and the common good of society, regardless of the motive or other subjective dispositions of the killer. We do no favor to the person contemplating abortion when we encourage her to decide according to her feelings. It is a lie to pretend that abortion can ever be anything but an objective evil.
The natural law dictates that human law can never legitimately tolerate the intentional killing of innocent human beings. This principle, which allows no exception, also implies the law’s duty to protect all innocent life. If human laws are just, they bind in conscience. But if a human law “deflects from the law of nature,” it is unjust “and is no longer a law but a perversion of law.” Laws authorizing the intentional killing of the innocent are unjust because they withdraw from the potential victim the even-handed protection of the law to which he is entitled.
Confusion can also arise from a failure to distinguish the objective merits of pro-life legislative proposals from the motives of those who advocate them. Prominent leaders in the pro-life movement have spent at least two decades validating the pro-death premise that the law may legitimately allow the intentional killing of innocent human beings. They began by conceding the legality of abortion to save the life of the mother. They have ended by proposing only marginal restrictions on otherwise unlimited abortion. When the “pro-life” movement itself concedes that the intentional killing of the innocent is politically negotiable, how can we be surprised at the impotence of that movement in confronting euthanasia? The futility of the establishment pro-life movement arises basically from its refusal to condemn the objective wrong of contraception. In contraception man makes himself, rather than God, the arbiter of life’s beginning. Why is anyone surprised when he makes himself the arbiter also of its end? The elimination of the unwanted at both ends of life will be a predictable response to the problems caused by an excess of old people and a shortage of workers to support them, a shortage directly resulting from contraception and abortion.
The pro-life movement lost the war [when] it chose to fight on the enemy’s terms. Early abortifacient technology, however, signals a new war in which abortion and euthanasia will be a truly private choice. This war can be won only through a reconversion of the American people to respect for life as a gift of God. The pro-life movement can contribute to that reconversion only if it bears witness to the truth without compromise of principle.
Louisiana House approves bill allowing providers to refuse certain reproductive health services
The Louisiana House voted to approve legislation (HB 517) that would allow some health professionals to refuse to provide certain medical services that they object to on religious or moral grounds.
Nurse wins conscience ruling from state Supreme Court
A pro-life nurse has won a victory for the conscience rights of health care providers at the Louisiana state Supreme Court which has sent her complaint over religious discrimination down the path towards a trial.
Lamborn reintroduces Schoolchildren’s Health Protection act
Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) is again taking action to protect school children from easy access to drugs that can induce chemical abortions. Congressman Lamborn has reintroduced H.R. 2458, the Schoolchildren’s Protection Act. The bill has 40 original co-sponsors.
Stem cell research shows promise
Doctors say new stem cell research could fight a form of heart disease. Doctors in the Netherlands injected bone marrow and stem cells into the heart of 50 patients, all suffering from a chronic heart condition. Three months after the procedure, patients had improvements in blood flow and heart function, exercise capacity and overall quality of life.
Closing Thought
Where justice is loved, where the dignity of the human person is respected, where one is not looking to one’s own caprice or personal interest, but rather to serve God and others – that’s where you’ll find peace.
Bishop A. Del Portillo, Homily, March 30, 1985 http://www.users.interport.net/a/l/allweb50m/communique/cq050506.htm
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Pro-Life Today | June 2, 2009
Doctor's slaying decried here
The Free Lance Star
Pro-Life activists in the Fredericksburg area say they hope the slaying of a Kansas abortion doctor won't cause a backlash against their cause. "This is a senseless act of violence, perpetrated by one man on another," Shaun Kenney, executive director of the Stafford County-based American Life League, said yesterday about the fatal shooting of Dr. George Tiller during a church service Sunday in Wichita. "And it's the precise thing we fight against every day," Kenney said. "This runs absolutely contrary to everything we believe as pro-lifers. Because Dr. Tiller happened to be the victim instead of an unborn child doesn't make it any less wrong."
Abortion Proponents “Exploit†Tiller Killing, Label Pro-Life Advocates “Domestic Terroristsâ€
Life Site News
The National Organization for Women (NOW), a pro-abortion feminist organization, blamed the "anti-abortion" movement for the murder and called on the Department of Homeland Security to declare the movement a form of "domestic terrorism."
U.S. Bishops Express ‘Profound Regret’ about Shooting Death of Abortion Doctor
Life Site News
"Our bishops' conference and all its members have repeatedly and publicly denounced all forms of violence in our society, including abortion as well as the misguided resort to violence by anyone opposed to abortion," Cardinal Rigali said.
NIH Reviewing Comments on Stem Cell Research Guidelines
http://www.christianpost.com/article/20090601/nih-reviewing-comments-on-stem-cell-research -guidelines/index.html
The Christian Post
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is in the process of sorting and reviewing thousands of comments it received regarding its new guidelines on stem cell research. The U.S. agency had been receiving comments from around the nation after it made public a draft of the guidelines in response to President Obama’s executive order on March 8. Under the direction of the president, NIH plans to issue the final stem cell research guidelines before July 7 – the deadline set by Obama.
Barack's Big Abortion Bailout
The Obama administration is floating the notion of finding common ground with the pro-life community in order to reduce the number of abortions Or so he says. But as a magician uses smoke and mirrors to confuse the audience, Obama is using deception to cover up what he is REALLY doing, which is increasing Planned Parenthood's funding so that it can kill more babies.
To view the latest ALL Report, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCd79SPW_ug.
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women!
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood centers and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
For more information, go to http://thepillkills.com/.
By Judie Brown
In the state of Washington, where the law now protects assisted suicide, a woman suffering from pancreatic cancer recently used the law to take her own life. She was 66 years of age, her cancer was stage four and she had been advised that she was “actively dying.â€
As Compassion and Choices, a pro-death organization, reports
After working with her physician and C&C’s Client Support volunteers to carefully consider her choices and make her end-of-life decisions, Linda took her prescribed medication on Thursday evening at home with her family, her dog and her physician at her bedside. “The pain became unbearable, and it was only going to get worse,†said Linda in explaining her decision to use the Death with Dignity law. Linda died peacefully knowing that she had a choice in controlling her suffering and time of death from pancreatic cancer. “I am a very spiritual person, and it was very important to me to be conscious, clear-minded and alert at the time of my death. The powerful pain medications were making it difficult to maintain the state of mind I wanted to have at my death. And I knew I would have to increase them. I am grateful that the Death with Dignity law provides me the choice of a death that fits my own personal beliefs.â€
“When a cure is no longer possible, the Death With Dignity Act adds another option for patients dying from a terminal illness. The prescribed medication gives patients peace of mind that they can use to take control of their dying if suffering becomes intolerable,†said Dr. Tom Preston, MD, a cardiologist and C&C’s medical director, “Most dying patients experience suffering. The Death With Dignity Act allows a physician to help his patients maintain as much control and dignity as they can at the end of life. Last night, the Death With Dignity Act provided a way to honor this patient’s final decision.â€
Note the clever use of language. Apparently, the public is supposed to buy into the argument that it is better to know you are going to take your own life so that your “peace of mind†is restored. While I am not sure how that equates with one’s eternal happiness, it is obvious that the twisted logic of these proponents of death knows no bounds.
According to Mark Pickup’s blog, another advocate of assisted suicide, Marianne Meed Ward, “tried to defend assisted suicide with the outdated argument of dying people living in a drug induced stupor from pain medications. Obviously she had not done adequate research or she did the research and did not like what she found. It doesn't play well for euthanasia supporters.â€
Clearly, as Pickup reports, when “pain medications are properly administered by medical professionals with current and up-to-date understanding of pain management medications and techniques – complete pain relief can be achieved without the loss of lucidity or confusion to the patient.â€
But of course even if this were not so, the state should never be in the unconscionable position of facilitating direct or indirect killing because it is the antithesis of all Anglo-American historical legal traditions, usually referred to as the common law.
From a historical perspective, the Anglo-American common law tradition has punished or otherwise disapproved of both suicide and assisting suicide for over 700 years. Over time, the “punishment†aspect of the law went away because it became clear that suicidal individuals needed therapeutic treatment for their disorder rather than severe legal punishment. However, that did not translate into permitting assisted suicide under law until recently.
As a matter of fact, Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist, who delivered the Supreme Court opinion in the 1997 Washington v. Glucksberg case wrote:
That suicide remained a grievous, though nonfelonious, wrong is confirmed by the fact that colonial and early state legislatures and courts did not retreat from prohibiting assisting suicide. Swift, in his early 19th century treatise on the laws of Connecticut, stated that "[i]f one counsels another to commit suicide, and the other by reason of the advice kills himself, the advisor is guilty of murder as principal." … ("`The right to life and to personal security is not only sacred in the estimation of the common law, but it is inalienable'"). And the prohibitions against assisting suicide never contained exceptions for those who were near death. Rather, "[t]he life of those to whom life ha[d] become a burden-of those who [were] hopelessly diseased or fatally wounded-nay, even the lives of criminals condemned to death, [were] under the protection of law, equally as the lives of those who [were] in the full tide of life's enjoyment, and anxious to continue to live."
Things have certainly changed in the intervening twelve years, and not for the better. Now the United States has two states that have legitimized the act in law. Washington state voters approved it in 2008, and Oregon was the first in 1994. A third, Montana, approved assisted suicide by court decision late last year. It is perhaps no surprise that other states are being softened up for the onslaught of requested death by the very same people who defended Linda Fleming’s right to make sure she was in charge of her own time of death.
In fact, the International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force’s most recent update is quite telling:
On 4/17/09, an assisted-suicide bill (S.144) was introduced in Vermont. Patterned on Oregon's assisted-suicide law, the Vermont measure is deceptively titled the "Patient Choice and Control at the End of Life" Act. On April 23, 2009, H 455 was introduced. It is an assisted-suicide proposal that is identical to S.144.
Oregon-style assisted-suicide bills are still pending in Massachusetts (HB 1468) and in Pennsylvania (SB 404). New Hampshire's bill (HB 304) has been retained in committee. It will be studied and revised over the summer and is unlikely to come up for a vote in the full house until January 2010. Similar bills have now failed in Connecticut, Hawaii and New Mexico. The appeal in the Montana assisted-suicide ruling is still pending.
There are still states like Georgia where people are arrested for assisting in the suicide of individuals who claim to want to die, but the trend is not moving in the right direction. Of that there is no doubt.
The struggle between good and evil takes on special significance when discussing the fearsome reality that death will come to everyone, and that as the Bible tells us, we know not the day or the hour. But for those who have no faith, no ability to surrender their sufferings to God, or go to God with that which is nearly unbearable to even contemplate, there is only darkness, the choice of death and the selection of the means. Though one may claim, as Fleming did, that she is a spiritual person, something is absent from that person’s faith when the ability to wait on God disappears in one’s desire to be in “control.â€
As Pope Benedict told the pilgrims at Lourdes, this past September, “the ill should pray to find ‘the grace to accept, without fear or bitterness, to leave this world at the hour chosen by God.’"
And further, he uttered words of love and consolation, a salve of kindness in a world that rejects inconvenience and pain. These words should not go unheeded, but rather should be repeated with ever-greater frequency to our fellow human beings, particularly those who perhaps need to hear them the most but refuse to agree:
Christ is not a healer in the manner of the world. In order to heal us, he does not remain outside the suffering that is experienced; he eases it by coming to dwell within the one stricken by illness, to bear it and live it with him. Christ’s presence comes to break the isolation which pain induces. Man no longer bears his burden alone: as a suffering member of Christ, he is conformed to Christ in his self-offering to the Father, and he participates, in him, in the coming to birth of the new creation.
Without the Lord’s help, the yoke of sickness and suffering weighs down on us cruelly.
Common killing will only be rejected, rescinded in law and rebuked in a culture that comprehends Christ’s love and shares that love with everyone at all times and in every situation.
Volume 6, Number 21 Tuesday May 26, 2009
The Pill Kills
Back in 1956, large-scale human clinical trials of the birth control pill were begun in order to gain approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Gregory Pincus, a biologist who worked closely with Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, chose Puerto Rico as the location for the human trials because it provided a large pool of poor, uneducated women who could be easily monitored. The local doctor in charge of the study told Pincus that the pill caused "too many side reactions to be generally acceptable." However, Pincus and Dr. John Rock, a Catholic ob-gyn who violated Church teachings by advocating contraception, dismissed her findings and did not investigate what caused the side effects, nor did they investigate the causes of the deaths that took place during the trials.
The pill killed women back before the pill was even "approved" in the U.S., and the pill continues to kill today. Why aren’t we hearing more about this? Could it be because of the millions of dollars invested in contraception? There are still so many questions that are NOT answered about women’s deaths. Investigations are not conducted to determine whether they might be caused by use of the pill or other hormonal contraceptives.
That is why we are protesting: to inform women of this dangerous poison! Join us on Saturday, June 6, along with pro-lifers across the country who will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join us as we expose the sordid details surrounding the tragic effects these chemicals have on women. Join us in telling the truth about how the pill kills women. Visit www.thepillkills.com for details – and information you may not have known previously!
Rock for Life Summer Tour
Every summer Rock for Life leads a team of young people across the United States to convert hearts and minds to the pro-life position. This year they will be attending at least 14 Christian Music Festivals, talking to thousands of young people, distributing thousands of pro-life educational materials and pro-life gear as well as recruiting thousands of young people to join Rock for Life's mission to save their generation.
Every year, we put together a team of dedicated volunteers to collaborate with us in this mission, and give them the chance to make their voices heard all over the nation at these events. It is a lot of fun, but it is also meaningful hard work.
If you, or someone you know, are interested in touring with Rock for Life as a volunteer, e-mail Erik Whittington at erik@rockforlife.org and/or visit the web site at www.rockforlife.org.
Tip of the Month – Population
From Handbook on Population by Robert Sassone
Everyone “knew” that we were going to run out of petroleum and other energy supplies within a few years. Instead, there is a glut of petroleum and technology has shown us how to vastly increase the bountiful supply at an apparently ever lower cost.
The price of all mineral resources has always declined in real price (price adjusted for inflation) over the long run because the reserves of all mineral resources always increase over the long run and the real cost of producing (removing from the earth and processing) the mineral resources always declines over the long run.
As time goes on, the most accessible resources are produced and used. Since they were the most accessible, they were the least costly to produce. The total amount of each resource is sufficient to satisfy human needs for many millions of years, although we can only produce a tiny fraction economically with today’s technology. Reserves that are part of all the resources that are the least costly to remove and that usually are to be removed next. Reserves comprise, in all cases, less than one-millionth of the total amount of the mineral resource, such as petroleum or iron, that is known to exist.
By the time the reserves are all or mostly removed, the next least expensive part of the mineral that was originally too expensive to be counted as among the reserves usually then becomes the least expensive to produce. In every case, during the time necessary to produce the former reserves, new discoveries are made. In addition, technology advances so that minerals that were formerly too expensive to be counted as reserves are now less expensive to remove than the former reserves had been!
When foreign petroleum is relatively inexpensive and world petroleum prices are low because of vast inexpensive foreign reserves, there is little incentive to develop slightly more expensive U.S. petroleum, as it would not be able to compete. However, there is still plenty of U.S. petroleum, if the need to drill in the U.S. arises. The many coastal areas known to contain petroleum, as well as the giant extension adjacent to the Prudhoe Bay petroleum field in Alaska, are simply off limits to drilling by current law.
Technological advances are slashing the costs of finding, producing and refining oil, creating a new economic calculus for the oil industry. The new alchemy runs from three-dimensional seismology to exotic wells that sit on the ocean floor, in some cases eliminating the need for billion-dollar offshore production platforms. Technology always drives down cost and always overwhelms depletion!
When one looks at a petroleum industry map of oil fields, it appears that less than 10 percent of the earth’s land surface has been well explored for oil fields. According to the most popular theory, oil has been formed from the remains of tiny marine plants and animals. If so, substantially all the petroleum should be in the ocean which is largely unexplored. Based on historical tables, U.S. Government predictions since 1866 of future oil production and reserves have always been inaccurate.
Next month: Other natural resources
Last Day Today - Open public comment period on NIH embryonic stem cell research draft guidelines
The NIH officially posted draft guidelines on ESC, which open the floodgates for the destruction of embryos at taxpayers' expense. For 30 days, the government offers these rules up for public response. The comment period ends tonight. You can submit your comments by logging on to http://nihoerextra.nih.gov/stem_cells/add.htm and filling in the official form.
Irresponsible funding for irresponsible behavior
Washington is preparing to send a message to America's teens that sexual restraint is unnecessary. The president is cutting programs for teens that have made a meaningful impact on public health. Of course, it's not really a spending cut since the money is being redirected to new pro-contraceptive programs for teens.
Abstinence ed 'outperforms' comprehensive sex ed
According to a research analyst, comprehensive sex education does not outperform abstinence education.
Sex-ed texting threat to teens
There's yet another organized effort by sex "experts" to indoctrinate your children into their worldview without your permission or knowledge. Different from "sexting," where pre-teens and teens electronically send and receive semi-nude or nude photos of themselves, "sex texting" is promoted and run by adults.
"French" kissing ups risk of oral HPV infection
Oral sex and open-mouthed "French" kissing increase the risk of acquiring oral infections of human papillomavirus, or HPV, a study shows.
Catholic doctors confirm pope's statement: Statistics prove condoms ineffective against HIV
A group of Catholic medical professionals based in the Philippines has stated that condom promotion has failed to curb the spread of AIDS. The group said that it agreed with a widely-criticized recent statement by Pope Benedict XVI in which he endorsed a renewed respect for sexuality in facing the AIDS epidemic, rather than condom use.
RU-486 - The little-known killer
A new study shows that RU-486 increases the risk for surgical intervention to complete an abortion.
Closing Thought
Those who utterly despise the world and strive to live for God under a holy rule of life, are far from being unaware of that divine sweetness promised to all who really do renounce the world. They see more clearly than other men how sorely the world is astray, how manifold are its departures from the truth.
Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, III:20:5
Pro-Life Today | 21 May 2009
Next Archbishop of St. Louis: No Communion for Pro-Abort Politicians
Life Site News
As he prepares to take the helm of the St. Louis diocese, a position formerly held by Archbishop Raymond Burke before he was transferred to the Vatican, Archbishop-elect Robert Carlson has said he agrees with his predecessor's take on Church law, specifically that pro-abortion Catholic politicians must be denied Communion if they refuse to repent.
Obama's Own Words Bring Abortion Dialogue to "Screeching Halt," Says Bishop
Life Site News
Although the University of Notre Dame has defended its invitation of President Obama for the sake of dialogue on abortion, Obama's own remark Sunday that the opposing views were "irreconcilable" brought dialogue to a "screeching halt," said Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO.
Man charged for cow abortion drug in girl's drink
A Pennsylvania man is in jail on charges he tried to kill the fetus of a 17-year-old girl by helping two teenage boys put an abortion-inducing cow hormone into her drink. Forty-six-year-old Jonathan Imler, of Williamsburg, was charged and jailed in Blair County on Tuesday.
See also: Man, two teen boys give pregnant girl a drug used to abort cows
http://www.examiner.com/x-662-Strange-News-Examiner~y2009m5d20-Man-two-teen-boys-give-preg nant-girl-a-drug-used-to-abort-cows
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
Protest the Pill Day: The Pill Kills Women!
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood centers and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
For more information, go to http://thepillkills.com/.
By Judie Brown
There have been times when American citizens have argued vehemently with me because I have compared the Holocaust that occurred during World War II with the current war on the preborn occurring on our own soil. Many of us in the pro-life movement see a stark similarity not only because of the unbelievable horror of the manner in which innocent victims were and are brutally murdered but the fact that in each of the two cases the law protected the evils being perpetrated.
When we pro-lifers talk about America’s Holocaust, we have photographs and images equally as horrific as those from Hitler’s era. Still many argue that there really is no comparison. However, as researcher Steven Kellmeyer has pointed out,
The Holocaust grew out of scientific work and legal precedent begun in England…so legal abortion expresses today’s economic and psychological science, which assume economic and psychological harm to women will be reduced if their children are killed. The rhetoric used by the advocates of legal abortion against the child in the womb (a “disease,†“bacilli,†“parasitesâ€) repeats the Nazi rhetoric against the Jews. Both German and U.S. courts stripped their victims of all rights prior to destroying them. In both cases, medical experimentation of living and dead victims grew as time went on and the number of deaths grew….
So when I became aware of a recent event in Rochester, New York, I thought about those arguments regarding the Holocaust and I concluded that there are deeper reasons for such arguments.
Rochester New York’s Democrat and Chronicle ran a report about a month ago entitled “Rochester community seeks more interfaith dialogue.†The main purpose of the news item was to focus attention on a Jewish-Christian program, “The Two Thousand Year Road to the Holocaust.†The program marked a turning point in the cooperation occurring between Jewish organizations and interfaith organizations including the Catholic diocese of Rochester. Among those who currently participate in the program, designed to raise awareness about the Holocaust that occurred during World War II, are Catholic Deacon Thomas Driscoll, Deacon Anthony Sciolino and Morris Wortman, M.D., an abortionist.
Wortman’s medical bio states, “Dr. Morris Wortman at The Center for Menstrual Disorders and Reproductive Choice offers services such as endomyometrial resection, GYN services, and pregnancy termination.â€
Dr. Wortman’s “Holocaust Road†bio states that he is a child of Holocaust survivors and the coordinator of The Holocaust Study Group.
Dr. Wortman’s professional background shocked me into wondering how he could possibly be involved on one level with a project designed to remind America of the horror of the German Holocaust, while at the same time participating in the American holocaust, which has, by far, robbed many more innocent people of their lives.
I further wondered how representatives of the Diocese of Rochester, New York, could possibly justify collaborating on a project with a man known to the community, not only as the child of Holocaust survivors, but as a doctor who makes his living killing innocent babies prior to birth.
The day that the Democrat and Chronicle’s article appeared, Eugene Michael of the Rochester Catholic took note of the same ironies. In a commentary entitled “DOR [Diocese of Rochester] Officials have Strange Bedfellows,†he wrote,
Today’s D&C has an article about yet another interfaith collaboration in the Rochester area. This latest one involved the presentation of a program called "The Two Thousand Year Road to the Holocaust." The presentation took place at Temple B’rith Kodesh in Brighton. There are several aspects of this presentation that bear examination.
First of all, the presentation was part of a series of talks that has been spearheaded by Morris Wortman, one of Rochester’s most prominent abortionists. Wortman is not exactly shy and retiring when it comes to his advocacy for abortion. He has come out publicly a number of times in support of taking the lives of the unborn. In fact, because he is such a notorious abortionist, there is a pro-life Rosary prayed every Friday in front of his clinic. His clinic is also the destination for the annual Good Friday Stations of the Cross in Reparation for Abortion.
What is especially galling about this latest interfaith gathering was the participation of two local Catholic deacons. Both Deacon Thomas Driscoll and Deacon Anthony Sciolino were presenters at this forum. Here is what Deacon Sciolino had to say about the event:
Something then went terribly wrong for Christianity during the Holocaust. And what resulted from the obvious disconnect between Christian belief and Christian behavior was the worst catastrophe in human history. Jews ponder the Holocaust and rightly ask: Where was God? Christians must to do the same and, in addition, ask: Where was the Church?
So, there you have it: an interfaith event, spearheaded by Rochester’s most prominent abortionist, at which one of the DOR’s deacons seems to blame Christianity and the Catholic Church for the Holocaust.
Many pro-life activists have characterized the taking of innocent life in the womb as the “abortion holocaust.†How unfortunate that these two deacons fail to see the irony of their collaboration with Dr. Wortman on this project.
Sadly, I agree with every word that Mr. Michael has written, but I also feel strongly that if Deacon Sciolino truly wants to understand the tragedy of the first Holocaust, he should become familiar with the full body of facts required to support a credible presentation. As a Catholic, it is hard for me to see how Sciolino could blame Christianity for anything at all when millions of Christians were murdered during the Nazi atrocities as well.
At the same time, it is in the paradox of the collaboration between the abortionist and the Catholic deacons that the answer to this unexplainable association occurs. Their joint project is designed to raise awareness about the ugliness of murdering innocent people while avoiding the obvious contradiction that is occurring in their midst.
Sciolino, by deferring attention away from Wortman’s everyday practice and focusing in on the disconnect between Christian belief and Christian behavior, probably feels comfortable working side by side with a man who perpetrates the very same crimes against innocents that he is exposing in a partnership focused on the German Holocaust. Perhaps this same therapy of denial provides a healing salve to the conscience of the abortionist who can look the other way when confronted with the reality of what he does every day as he begs America to learn from the lessons of history and remember those who died more than 50 years ago.
Obviously, there are deep-seated reasons why some do not want to compare the Holocaust of yesterday with the Holocaust of today.
“Strange bedfellows†indeed! If I had to ask questions about this Rochester, New York conundrum, it would be Bishop Matthew Clark, shepherd of the Catholics entrusted to his care, to whom I would go for answers. I would ask quite simply
Your Excellency,
How can it be that two of your ordained deacons are collaborating with an abortionist on a project dealing with the World War II Holocaust when the parallels between the German Holocaust and the American Holocaust are so vividly evident?
What good can be accomplished as long as a perpetrator of the current Holocaust is so publicly identified with your deacons?
What sort of a message does this send to the Catholics in your care, not to mention the entire community?
Sincerely awaiting your response, I am respectfully
Judie Brown, President
American Life League Inc.
Perhaps you have the same questions. Bishop Clark’s contact information is
Pastoral Center
Diocese of Rochester
1150 Buffalo Road
Rochester, New York 14624
Pro-Life Today | 22 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
Nurse wins conscience ruling from state Supreme Court
World Net Daily
A pro-life nurse has won a victory for the conscience rights of health care providers at the Louisiana state Supreme Court which has sent her complaint over religious discrimination down the path towards a trial. The case being handled by the Alliance Defense Fund was brought on behalf of nurse Toni Lemly who had worked in the St. Tammany Parish Hospital, but sued when she objected to dispensing the "morning after" abortion pill because of her religious beliefs and was demoted. The hospital's lawyers sought to have her case dismissed out of hand, and when that attempt failed, went to the state Supreme Court to try to obtain that ruling. The high court, however, issued a single-word ruling on the hospital's demands: "Denied."
Prosecutor wants assault reporting law changed
World Net Daily
A county prosecutor in Arizona is calling for legislation to broaden the state's existing law regarding the reporting of child abuse after an undercover investigation by Live Action Films exposed workers at a Planned Parenthood abortion business failing to report an apparent case. Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas said during an interview with ArizonaCentral.com that the legislation should address the individuals required to report child abuse such as statutory rape. His comments came as he confirmed there would be no prosecutions stemming from the Live Action video. "There aren't going to be prosecutions in this case, but there need to be changes," he said in the ArizonaCentral.com interview.
Tension mounts over possible abortion referral at Boston Catholic hospitals
Life Site News
Pro-life and Catholic advocates are voicing concern that Boston Catholic hospitals may soon refer for abortions as part of a joint medical venture it won last week, and which reportedly requires access to "family planning" services including abortion, contraception, and sterilization. The archdiocesan-owned Caritas Christi Health Care network first raised questions in February after it was revealed that the networks' hospitals had joined with Centene Corp. to bid on a state-subsidized health insurance contract, called the Commonwealth Family Health Plan. According to joint statements by Caritas/Centene, the contract requires access to abortion, contraception and sterilization, or at least referral for such services. The joint venture is expected to take effect July 1.
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women!
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood centers and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
For more information, go to http://thepillkills.com/.
By Judie Brown
Over the years there have been a number of universities in the United States that have distinguished themselves either because of something unique that places them in the limelight and defines their appeal for years to come, or a consistently outstanding football team. Something like that is happening right now at the University of Wisconsin Hospital, Madison, but I really doubt that the university will look back on this with pride in the coming years.
In February of 2009, the university’s hospital board voted in favor of a plan to create a facility, Madison Surgery Center, where second trimester abortions would be performed. News reports explained
The surgery center is owned by UW Hospital, the university's doctor group and Meriter Hospital. Boards of those organizations recently approved the plan, despite protests and petitions from opponents. Friday's vote by the surgery center board was 6-0.
Organizations like Pro-Life Wisconsin put a great deal of pressure on the university and used their public relations prowess to bring attention to this disturbing turn of events. In fact, on April 23, PLW noted that MSC had not yet begun to perform abortions. On a special web site created about the opposition to the UW plan, activists are invited to do the following:
- Sign [a] letter refusing treatment at the MSC;
- If you are an employee of UW or Meriter Hospital, download a letter refusing to participate;
- Sign [a] petition opposing Madison Surgery Center late-term abortion center;
- Find contact information to call, e-mail, or write in opposition to the Madison Surgery Center's late-term abortion center. Contact Meriter Hospital, UW Hospital, the UW Medical Foundation, and the Madison Surgery Center;
- Join us in prayer outside the Madison Surgery Center! Pro-Life Wisconsin's Dane County affiliate, along with Madison's Vigil for Life, prays outside the Madison Surgery Center on a regular basis. Trust us – this makes doctors, nurses, patients and patients' families uncomfortable; they do not want to identify themselves with a medical facility that performs abortions.
- Commit to support this highly effective campaign!
Clearly, the campaign is paying off. However, it is not clear that the University of Wisconsin and its allies are backing down, at least not yet.
But something else occurred at the UW Hospital that has gone practically unnoticed by the wider community, and it is as troubling and depraved as the idea of approving late term abortions. According to recent reports,
an advocacy group is alleging that doctors at UW Hospital broke the law by withholding treatment from two developmentally disabled patients with apparent cases of pneumonia.
The guardian of one patient, who survived, at first went along with and then later disagreed with the decision to withhold care, the lawsuit by Disability Rights Wisconsin alleges. The parents of the other patient, who died, pushed for the withdrawal of treatment, according to the group’s complaint filed Thursday in Dane County Circuit Court.
But a spokeswoman for UW Hospital said the hospital acted in the best interests of both patients and tried to follow the wishes of their families….
The “treatment†being discussed in these cases, by the way, is food and water! In other words, the patient was not dying from a condition, but would, and in one case did, die of starvation. What sort of medical care is that?
As the disability rights group Not Dead Yet has pointed out, with this case and another in Pennsylvania of the same type, one has to wonder just how many such cases occur in hospitals around the nation but never come to the attention of advocates who might be able to help the helpless patient survive!
So what is going on at the University of Wisconsin-Madison? Is this a coincidence and nothing more than a fluke that the same university appears dedicated to the principle that vulnerable human beings, whether born or preborn, are frequently better off dead?
Clearly, the mentality that fosters a culture of death has taken hold at the university and, just like cancer, has spread from the expectant mothers in their care to the needy patients in their care who are helpless, and in some cases, have no one to defend their human dignity and their human rights.
The common denominator that links the disability rights case to the late term abortion facility is obvious. Disregard for the human person takes on all sorts of identities and excuses depending on who is setting the policies. If it is acceptable to kill the preborn, why not the already born who are in need of special care? As one medical ethicist put it, “How much power do families and guardians have to make medical decisions for vulnerable patients such as children and the developmentally disabled?â€
The answer is that if the vulnerable individual is a resident of his mother’s womb, then that mother has total power to choose life or death for the child according to the law. And very soon the law that sanctions death at the beginning of life could well sanction it at any point during another’s life, depending on whether or not the patient can speak up and defend himself. Such acts of course, will not, be defined as murder, but rather simply as exercises of a right to choose what is best for everyone involved.
As Pope John Paul II warned in Evangelium Vitae, #12,
…while the climate of widespread moral uncertainty can in some way be explained by the multiplicity and gravity of today's social problems, and these can sometimes mitigate the subjective responsibility of individuals, it is no less true that we are confronted by an even larger reality, which can be described as a veritable structure of sin. This reality is characterized by the emergence of a culture which denies solidarity and in many cases takes the form of a veritable "culture of death". This culture is actively fostered by powerful cultural, economic and political currents which encourage an idea of society excessively concerned with efficiency. Looking at the situation from this point of view, it is possible to speak in a certain sense of a war of the powerful against the weak: a life which would require greater acceptance, love and care is considered useless, or held to be an intolerable burden, and is therefore rejected in one way or another. A person who, because of illness, handicap or, more simply, just by existing, compromises the well-being or life-style of those who are more favored tends to be looked upon as an enemy to be resisted or eliminated. In this way a kind of "conspiracy against life" is unleashed.
The University of Wisconsin Hospital: this week’s winner as the best example of the “Conspiracy Against Life.†It is a macabre moniker, but an honest one
Washington, DC (18 May 2009) – The following is a statement from Judie Brown, president of American Life League, regarding President Barack Obama’s commencement speech yesterday at the University of Notre Dame and the recent Gallup poll announcing that the majority of Americans self-identify as “pro-life.”
"Not only is the University of Notre Dame no longer Catholic, but a recent survey conducted by one of the nation’s most respected polling organizations shows that the school now recognizes as legitimate the pro-abortion position, which places it at odds with the majority of Americans.
When Notre Dame honored the most radically pro-abortion president in U.S. history, it publicly sanctioned the radically pro-abortion ideology he stands for – an ideology 51 percent of Americans oppose, according to a landmark new Gallup poll.
While Notre Dame graduates sat listening to the president expound his ideology of relativism and absence of truth, Catholics outside Notre Dame upheld the timeless truths of a faith that the leadership of Our Lady’s University no longer upholds.
Catholics outside Notre Dame stood for the human rights and personhood of all human beings from their biological beginning.
Catholics outside Notre Dame upheld the root of Catholic social teaching: the sanctity of human life.
Catholics outside Notre Dame were a witness to the truth that Notre Dame is no longer Catholic.
Catholics outside Notre Dame will no longer tolerate a “Catholic” educational institution that promotes intrinsic evil and undermines Catholic truth by embracing radical feminist, pro-abortion faculty and staff members and offering a pro-abortion culture.
Americans outside Notre Dame and nationwide will no longer tolerate a country that does not protect and defend the equality and personhood of each and every human being.
This monumental shift in American public opinion could never have happened without the incessant emphasis, by American Life League and others, on a consistent, uncompromising, unapologetic devotion to the truth that every human being has inherent dignity, immeasurable value and deserves to be recognized as a person."
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
Gallup: More Americans "Pro-Life" Than "Pro-Choice" for the First Time (15 May 2009)
LifeSiteNews: More Americans "Pro-Life" Than "Pro-Choice" for the First Time Since 1995 (15 May 2009 )
Pewsitter: Notre Dame: A Timeline of Dissent (13 May 2009)
Pro-Life Today | 15 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
RU-486 - the little-known killer
News Source
A new study shows that RU-486 increases the risk for surgical intervention to complete an abortion. The study shows that is the case in 17 to 23 percent of RU-486 cases. Dr. Donna Harrison, president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, tells OneNewsNow there was limited information available when the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug.
76: Bishop Emeritus to ND: "The Solution Most Pleasing to the Lord: Disinvite Obama"
News Source
Bishop John Yanta, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Amarillo, TX, has published a letter to University of Notre Dame president Fr. John Jenkins that strongly condemns the school's invitation to President Obama to give the commencement address and receive an honorary law degree May 17.
On Abortion, Obama Is Drawn Into Debate He Hoped to Avoid
News Source
In nearly four months in office, President Obama has pursued a careful two-pronged strategy on abortion, enacting policies that secure a woman’s right to the procedure while vowing to move beyond the culture wars that have divided the nation on the issue for more than three decades.
America is Now a Pro-Life Nation
News Source
A new poll by Gallup shows a stunning reversal in American perceptions on the question of abortion. For the first time since Gallup started surveying the country on this subject, more Americans self-identify as being "Pro-Life" than "Pro-Choice."
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other Internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women!
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood clinics and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
For more information, go to http://thepillkills.com/.
By Judie Brown
Every once in a while, those dedicated to advancing the culture of death get their ire up and just can't enunciate facts. This is usually because there are no facts to support their position, having said that, we know that we can always expect rants from such people. There have been a couple of doozies this week.
Both of those bellowing are female, both have a long record of pro-abortion fanaticism, but both, in my humble opinion have gone off the deep end.
Missouri State Senator Joan Bray, for example, took off after pro-life male politicians in a manner that I have not heard about in a very long time.
The debate that occurred in the state senate focused on a piece of legislation that was originally supposed to protect the expectant mother seeking an abortion from coercion by the abortion provider. The current bill is so weak that pro-life activist/lobbyist Sam Lee has asked legislators not to vote for it. But that has not deterred Senator Bray. Bray was incensed by the very idea that such a law would even be proposed. During the debate, Senator Bray said, "A vote for this bill is a vote for the state to lie to these women in print. I'm sick of women being treated like they're so stupid that they can't be responsible for their own reproductive decisions."
Note that Bray did not expound on the reasons why expectant mothers do not need to know the dangers of aborting a child, but rather focused her comments on gibberish. We've heard all this before; it only occurs when pro-abortion zealots cannot defend their position.
Let's see what else Bray had to say: "I'm sick of women having no options, and being coerced to give birth."
Coercing a mother to give birth to her own child is a ridiculous premise. If the woman in question does not wish to bear a child, then she can take steps to avoid the situation that brings about pregnancy. Bray is the one insulting women, at least in this case:
"I'm sick of a bunch of men around here, year after year after year, piling up restriction after restriction after restriction on women who found themselves in a very unhappy, unpleasant circumstance of an unwanted pregnancy."
How did these expectant mothers find themselves in this circumstance? I think we know exactly how it happened, and again, we know that people of both sexes know how to avoid it. The preborn child is not the cause of unhappiness, unpleasantness or unwantedness; he or she did not have a say in the matter. However the female and the male did, Senator Bray. Think about it.
Senator Bray again: "I am sick of the disrespect for women who come to the Capitol defending a woman's legal right to choose an abortion."
Aha! You see, we finally got to her point. Bray is not going to advocate abstinence until marriage, fidelity within marriage or any of the qualities that predispose self-respect and respect for the other person. No, Bray just wants unrestricted access to abortion on demand.
Yes, Senator Bray is sick, but not because of the defense of preborn children that she is hearing and not because of the sincere concerns some lawmakers have about expectant mothers whose health and well-being will be at risk if they decide to abort their children. In fact, it seems to me that Senator Bray is sick to death of the growing number of pro-life advocates in the state legislature and has chosen to lash out at them in a manner similar to a cat fight … though there is but one of the usual two feline contenders in this fight.
The idea of tying "responsibility" to the notion of solving a problem by killing a person has been around since the struggle between pro-life and pro-death forces began. But now that the pro-life movement is making appreciable gains in public sentiment and political commitment, things are looking bad for the Brays of the world. I think the poor lady needs a vacation.
Using a single speech to attack her peers, suggesting that they are disrespectful toward members of the opposite sex smacks of disingenuousness.
Perhaps Senator Bray's bigotry against pro-life men comes about because she is too committed to rhetorical zealotry and has lost her ability to be civil. I don't know, but it certainly appears that way.
And then there's the case of Frances Kissling, the second bellowing female. She was president of Catholics for Choice for 25 years until 2007, and currently is visiting scholar at the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania.
Frances got her nose out of joint because a group of Catholic leaders, including yours truly, signed on to a letter asking President Barack Obama to remove anti-Catholic hypocrite Harry Knox from the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
In our view, you cannot have a Catholic-hater involved in advising the president regarding faith-based questions because the man is already predisposed to be a religious bigot. Harry Knox attacked Pope Benedict XVI regarding the use of condoms in Africa. On the subject of the Wyoming bishop who would not give the Eucharist to a lesbian couple, Knox wrote:
In this holy Lenten season, it is immoral and insulting to Jesus to use the body and blood of Christ the reconciler as a weapon to silence free speech and demean the love of a committed, legally married couple. The Human Rights Campaign grieves with the couple, Leah Vader and Lynn Huskinson, over this act of spiritual and emotional violence perpetrated against them.
Even though such public pronouncements are clearly antagonistic toward moral sensibility and logic, the signers of the letter wanted to be sure that specific documentation accompanied the letter. In fact, the Media Research Center did its homework for the express purpose of doing all they could to avoid the controversy we all knew would erupt. And erupt it has.
Frances writes
A rogue's gallery of some of the most vicious and marginal figures on the Catholic right have sent a letter to the President calling on him to oust Harry. Who are these guardians of civility in religious discourse? … Judie Brown, of the American Life League, a group so virulent in its own anti-Catholicism that it attacked D.C.'s former Cardinal McCarrick during the 2004 election campaign for not denying Communion to pro-choice John Kerry. Brown claimed McCarrick was not obeying the pope who had, according to her, demanded that Catholic legislators who were pro-choice must be denied Communion.
Frances, the truth is that the pope did not demand that anyone obey him, but rather that they pay close attention to the 2004 memorandum sent to the bishops by the Vatican. In that memorandum
they are urged, after careful examination of the situation with a particular pro-abortion public figure, to take proper action to deny Holy Communion to such people. Church law does not exist to be ignored; it exists to be enforced and there are no exceptions.
Frances Kissling, like Senator Bray, is up in arms. She is all about name-calling, denigrating those with whom she disagrees and lobbing verbal cannon balls toward those of us who truly understand the difference between good and evil. Truth makes Frances uncomfortable in the same way it makes Senator Bray uncomfortable.
The truth about which I write does not belong to me; it belongs to no human being but is, rather, that truth that is written on the heart of every human being by God Himself.
This is the fundamental difference between these two ladies and those of us who are committed to that truth. Frances cannot articulate a strong, viable defense of Harry Knox in view of the documentation that was provided to President Obama. And so, like Bray, she resorts to vilifying the messengers so that she can ignore the message.
Disrespect, bias and twisted zealotry grow in a garden sown with seeds of deceit. Such language maligns, but never counters, intellectual honesty. The Kisslings and Brays of our world are sad figures, not only because they have resorted to tactics like those noted here, but because they are human beings who are loved by God and who have somehow lost their way. Let us pray for them and for those who accept what they say without questioning it.
Judie Brown is president of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Respond to Judie
Volume 6, Number 19 Monday May 11, 2009
Please join me in welcoming the newest addition to our Associate network – We the People for Life – currently directed by Karen Reynoso and located in Norco, California! We the People for Life was formed in February when a number of concerned pro-lifers who had gathered to participate in a very successful 40 Days for Life Campaign felt called to continue their work.
During the 40 Days for Life campaign, almost 450 people from 50 different churches participated, seventeen women changed their minds and did not abort their children and one security guard quit working at the Planned Parenthood clinic. Several of the campaign participants were also able to facilitate post-abortion recovery.
We the People for Life now plans to provide pro-life education and distribute pro-life materials throughout the community, provide a regular ongoing prayer presence at the clinic and provide sidewalk counseling training. We are very excited to have them in the Associate Program and we look forward to working with them in their future endeavors!
National Pro-life T-shirt Week
Huge thanks to everyone who helped with and/or participated in ALL’s National Pro-life T-shirt Week! Response this year was truly overwhelming! Be sure to visit the photo gallery and see all of the pictures. Choose a “task” to see the pictures of participants performing that task in their pro-life T-shirts! http://www.npltw.com/photoboard.php
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women!
Join American Life League on June 6 and Protest the Pill! We can equip you with the information and gear! Visit our web site at www.ThePillKills.com and you will find answers to questions like:
Q: How does the pill kill women?
A: The birth control pill and other hormonal birth control products come with a long list of dangerous side effects. Often times the pill can cause a woman to develop deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot that forms in a vein. The blood clot can block the blood supply to the heart or brain, which could result in heart attack, stroke or death. The clot can also travel to the lungs, which could then result in pulmonary embolism or death. Women have died as a direct result of taking the pill. That having been said, there are still many unanswered questions regarding whether or not the pill was at least partially responsible for more deaths than we can document. A thorough investigation should be done, not only because the pill has dangerous side effects, but because we should protect the health and wellbeing of women in general in the United States.
We are encouraging people to protest outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood clinics and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
E-mail us at protests@all.org if you plan to participate!
From Associates
Pro-Life Wisconsin and the Pregnancy Help Center of Milwaukee
Two of our Associate groups recently joined forces and sponsored their first-ever talent show! PLW and the PHC of Milwaukee held a low-key, fun-filled talent show this past Saturday at the Marquette University High School in Milwaukee. Participants played instruments, sang, juggled, danced and generally shared their wonderful talents! A freewill offering was shared by the two groups. What an interesting way to engage the community! Watch for pictures coming soon!
Tip of the month – Composing Effective Communications
The staff at ALL found the following commentary by Steve Jalsevac with LifeSiteNews published on April 29, 2009, very well done and worth sharing with our Associate groups:
LifeSiteNews reports often end with contact information given for those who may wish to communicate with key persons or organizations about the particular reports. Such communications, when properly composed, often have a surprisingly strong positive impact. On the other hand, poorly thought out, angry e-mails, letters and calls can, and do, have significant negative impact - much more than most realize.
Do's and Don'ts for E-mails, Letters and Calls
1. Facts, calmly presented, can have the greatest impact in convincing persons in influential positions to change their views or actions. That is, above all, emphasize facts, not emotions.
2. Respectful communication opens up the door to consideration of your points. If you really do want to convince your listener of your views, or to have them at least think about them, you must communicate as you would want them to communicate with you - with respect - no matter how serious your disagreement might be.
3. Being respectful does not require softening or compromising your principles. It also does not require abandoning boldness or advocating a right course of action. Be insistent, be bold, if the circumstances call for this, but never demean, attack or demand. If you have recently done so, send a letter or e-mail of genuine apology. That will give you, and especially your views, renewed credibility with the recipient of your previous harsh communications.
4. Do not assume that the person you are communicating with fully understands or knows the facts about the matter concerned. Very often he or she is relying upon well known and trusted advisors who have presented a convincing alternative case. As well, your recipient’s personal experiences may consistently contradict what you are revealing and so it may genuinely be difficult for them to accept your assertions at first. It is often a serious mistake to send an e-mail or letter assuming that the person is acting in bad faith and/or knows what you know.
5. Do not use capitalized words, phrases or sentences, colored text and exclamation marks in your communications. It conveys shouting, which it is presumed, is exactly what you want to communicate. It is a very ineffective way to attempt to convince someone to do what they should. In fact, it is far more likely to close minds, entrench a negative view of all persons who hold the position you are trying to convey and end up in the trash without having been read.
6. Never respond in kind to harsh responses from those you communicate with. You do not know the circumstances that might have led to that kind of response. Patience, humility, time and continued respectful communication may yet produce a positive result.
7. Try to place yourself in the shoes of the person you are communicating with as you compose your e-mail or letter. Most of the public has no comprehension of the heavy influences, difficulties and stresses experienced by elected public officials, religious leaders and others in leadership positions.
Writing to bshops, cardinals and other clergy
8. All of the above points apply.
9. Do not tell a bishop what to do. Present facts, appeal to the bishop to exercise his authority on the matter at hand - but do not tell him that he must do so and so.
10. Do not attempt to give the impression that you are in any way equal in authority to a consecrated bishop. On the other hand, communicate naturally without using words and phrases that are overly pious or fawning to religious authority. It is usually not appreciated. A bishop is a normal human being and usually likes to be talked to as such.
11. With Church authorities, it is always crucial to communicate respectfully, charitably and in as few paragraphs as possible. That is the kind of communication that is the most likely to produce a positive response from these individuals who live in a culture that strongly requires such communications. Bishops are usually overwhelmed with correspondence and their daily duties. They have little time to read detailed, lengthy e-mails and letters. When more detail is required they will let you know.
12. Where there is clearly a serious problem regarding a bishop's behavior or decision making and the bishop has become intransigent, it is best to communicate your factual concerns to relevant Vatican authorities. There is nothing to be gained from unproductive and likely disturbing communications with the bishop concerned. Do not expect a response from the Vatican authority. They, too, are overwhelmed. Letters are however, read.
Medical workers deserve robust 'conscience clause'
It's easy to say you respect a view you reject. It's hard to respect such views in practice. Yet real respect is what some nurses and doctors want President Obama to show, by upholding the regulation that protects their consciences.
Missouri House approves amendment allowing pharmacies to refuse to stock EC, medication abortion drugs
The Missouri House last Tuesday voted 115-43 to approve an amendment that would allow pharmacies to refuse to dispense emergency contraception or fill prescriptions. The bill specifically mentions the emergency contraceptive Plan B and mifepristone.
Gardasil vaccine linked to nerve disorder
Girls and women who receive the Gardasil vaccine to prevent cervical cancer may be at increased risk of a rare but serious disorder of the nervous system in the first few weeks after getting their shots, researchers report.
Open public comment period on NIH embryonic stem cell research draft guidelines
The NIH officially posted draft guidelines on ESC, which open the floodgates for the destruction of embryos at taxpayers' expense. Under the rules, your tax dollars would pay for research on stem cells derived from embryos who are supposedly "leftover" from in vitro fertilization. Instead of promoting the adoption of these tiny humans, the NIH guidelines would sentence them to death.
For 30 days, the government offers these rules up for public response. The comment period is 30 days - until May 26. You can submit your comments by logging on to http://nihoerextra.nih.gov/stem_cells/add.htm and filling in the official form. Comments may also be mailed to: NIH Stem Cell Guidelines, MSC 7997, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7997.
Closing Thought
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears turned to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against evildoers. Now who is going to harm you if you are enthusiastic for what is good?
But even if you should suffer because of righteousness, blessed are you. Do not be afraid or terrified with fear of them, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame.
For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that be the will of God, than for doing evil.
1 Peter 3:12-17
Pro-Life Today | 08 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
Planned Parenthood UN petition targets youth, demands broad 'sexual rights'
Life Site News
The International Planned Parenthood Federation recently launched a new petition campaign that aims to pressure governments to "promote, protect and fulfill their promise to provide better access to sexual and reproductive health services" for all young people "regardless of age." The petition was launched in commemoration of the fifteenth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
Catholics Overwhelmingly Oppose Notre Dame Honor to Obama: Rasmussen Poll
Life Site News
A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that more than twice as many Americans - and a wider margin of Catholics - oppose the University of Notre Dame's decision to give an honorary law degree to President Barack Obama, as those who support it. The Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that, by a 60% to 25% margin, U.S. Catholics say Notre Dame should obey guidelines issued by the U.S. bishops and refrain from awarding an honorary degree to the president. Among all Americans, 52% oppose the honor and 25% support it.
Leading Vatican Official Cites ND Honor for Obama as 'Greatest Scandal'
Life Site News
Archbishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Vatican's highest court, the Apostolic Signatura, called on Catholics to "give an uncompromising witness" to the dignity of life during an address this morning to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.
See also Archbishop says Obama advancing anti-life agenda
http://townhall.com/news/politics-elections/2009/05/08/archbishop_says_obama_advancing_ant i-life_agenda
Town Hall
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other Internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
The Results Are In!!!
Congratualtions to Stephanie W. of Sacramento, CA for winning first place in the photo contest!!!
Be Sure to check out the National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week photo gallery at http://www.npltw.com/photoboard.php.
By Judie Brown
On May 10, mothers from one end of this nation to the other will be honored by their children, and many will honor their own mothers as well. Personally, I had the most remarkable mother that any human being could ever hope to have. My mom, Bertha, was a solidly faithful, courageous and loving woman who gave her all to her daughters and to her son. My brother was with us for such a brief period of time, but each day was so special for all of us. There is not a day that goes by that I do not reflect on how my mother cared for that special little boy, my brother Mark, who's Down syndrome weakened his small body and made it impossible for him to fight off a common cold. Even during his illness and death, my mother was a beacon of love in the midst of her sorrow and her pain.
I have fond memories of my mom, memories that have constantly reminded me that there is no better role model for me than her. So on this coming Mother's Day I will not only appreciate my own children in a special way, but once again my mom.
It is a sad commentary on our times that so many young mothers will never have the opportunity to be embraced by their children, or learn valuable lessons from their children, or appreciate the wonder of a child who grows up to become a fine, upstanding member of the human race. Such mothers will miss so much in their lives because they chose to end their child's life before birth rather than welcome and affirm the gift of that child.
While the acceptance and advocacy of abortion is, if nothing else, a testimony to our current cultural attitudes toward parenthood and the rejection of the blessing of giving of one's self for the benefit of another, there are movements afoot to change all that. More expectant mothers today are carrying their babies to term than ever before. Fewer of them are exercising their choice to kill.
But that does not mean that the abortion industry is asleep at the wheel. Far from it, as Planned Parenthood made perfectly clear in its most recent e-mail blast asking for money. The hook was Judy Blume, an active supporter of PP and author of numerous children's books. Blume wrote, "There is no organization that I know of that supports motherhood and all that it means more than PP."
What a perfect example of society's disdain for what it really means to be a mother.
Commenting on Blume's inane statement, Wednesday STOPP Report editor Marie Hahnenberg writes,
Sure, we could just laugh when we read this, because we all know this is so far from the truth. But this is nothing to laugh about. PP has murdered over 4,000,000 babies in the United States. PP has no clue as to what motherhood is all about.
Indeed! As is always the case, harbingers of gloom, doom and destruction never saw a special day they could not corrupt with their messages of death. Having said that, I have to admit it is my firm conviction that such organizations are on the way to defeat. They know it and thus find it necessary to use every opportunity they can to entice the uninformed into believing that there is something good and self-satisfying about killing your own child before he is born. As tragic as this is, we know that evil will not triumph at the end of the day. In the meantime, it is taking its toll and we need to not only be mindful of it, but prayerful about it.
So as we go about basking in our blessings this Mother's Day, let's say a prayer for mothers, far and wide. Here is one of my favorites prayers for mothers which was published by Women for Faith and Family:
Most Gracious Heavenly Father,
We thank You for our mothers to whom You have entrusted the care of every precious human life from its very beginning in the womb.
You have given to woman the capacity of participating with You in the creation of new life. Grant that every woman may come to understand the full meaning of that blessing, which gives her an unlimited capacity for selfless love for every child she may be privileged to bear, and for all Your children.
Watch over every mother who is with child, strengthen her faith in Your fatherly care and love for her and for her unborn baby. Give her courage in times of fear or pain, understanding in times of uncertainty and doubt, and hope in times of trouble. Grant her joy in the birth of her child.
To mothers You have given the great privilege and responsibility of being a child's first teacher and spiritual guide. Grant that all mothers may worthily foster the faith of their children, following the example of Mary, Elizabeth, and other holy women who follow Christ. Help mothers to grow daily in knowledge and understanding of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and grant them the wisdom to impart this knowledge faithfully to their children, and to all who depend upon them.
Assist all "spiritual mothers", those who, though they may have no children of their own, nevertheless selflessly care for the children of others – of every age and state in life. Grant that they may know the joy of fulfilling this motherly calling of women, whether in teaching, nursing, religious life, or in other work which recognizes and fosters the true dignity of every human being created in Your image and likeness.
We beseech You to send Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to all mothers who sorrow for children that have died, are ill or estranged from their families, or who are in trouble or danger of any kind. Help grieving mothers to rely on Your tender mercy and fatherly love for all your children.
We ask your blessing on all those to whom You have entrusted motherhood. May Your Holy Spirit constantly inspire and strengthen them. May they ever follow the example of Mary, mother of Our Lord, and imitate her fidelity, her humility, and her self-giving love. May all mothers receive Your Grace abundantly in this earthly life, and may they look forward to eternal joy in Your presence in the life to come.
We ask this through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. AMEN.
Have a most blessed Mother's Day!
Pro-Life Today | 05 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
"Jane Roe" Says Obama Sets Poor Example for Notre Dame Grads
Norma McCorvey, the woman who was the “Jane Roe†in the U.S. legal decision Roe v. Wade, has said Notre Dame's choice of President Barack Obama to be the commencement speaker gives its graduates a poor example. She also expressed surprise more parents have not pulled out of commencement.
62: Three More Bishops Against Notre Dame Scandal, Obama Urged to Decline Invitation
Life Site News
A total of 62 bishops have publicly condemned the Notre Dame scandal, with three more bishops expressing solidarity with Notre Dame's Bishop John D'Arcy and U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops policy against honoring pro-abortion politicians.Bishop Robert Hermann of St. Louis, MO encouraged Notre Dame alumni to "organize the alumni in such a way that funding and students would be withheld until there is a change of direction on the Board of Directors."
Bishop Calls Pennsylvania Catholic College's Honor for Senator Casey ‘an Affront’
Life Site News
King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. and the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., both Catholic colleges, have invited Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr., to be a commencement speaker and honoree despite the public reprimand of Senator Casey by his bishop, Bishop Joseph Martino of the Diocese of Scranton.
Wis. airman sentenced for attempted miscarriage
Chicago Tribune
A Wisconsin airman in Alaska has been sentenced to almost 10 years confinement after he was found guilty of trying to force his wife to miscarry by lacing her food with ulcer medication. Airman 1st Class Scott Boie (BOH'-ee) of Milton, Wis., had faced more than 26 years confinement at his sentencing Saturday. Beside his 9 1/2 year sentence, Boie also was dishonorably discharged. Master Sgt. Demetrius Lester says Boie was convicted in a court-martial Friday night of attempting to kill an unborn child. Boie was found not guilty of intentionally killing the unborn child. That charge carries a maximum sentence of life without the possibility of parole. Boie's attorneys have said his wife's history of smoking and troubled pregnancies may have caused last year's miscarriage.
Listen to On the Edge Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET at www.NPLR.net
Your host, Eric Martin, and co-hosts Michael Hichborn and Katie Walker will educate, motivate, mobilize and often entertain you for 60 minutes every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. ET on NPLR.net, as well as other Internet and AM radio stations that rebroadcast the show.
On The Edge is a fast-paced, roundtable discussion among the new generation of pro-life experts who work every day in the trenches of the movement, focus on current events, news, politics and dozens of American Life League programs.
Each show features a rapid-fire rant from ALL Report's Michael Hichborn called "On the Soapbox," as well as plain-English explanations and commentary on issues facing Americans as they confront the civil rights movement's last campaign: the establishment of personhood for the preborn.
On The Edge is brought to you by American Life League's generous supporters, without whom this show would not be possible. We thank you and encourage YOU to contribute to the show's exciting content!
E-mail us at radio@all.org with your suggestions, videos or news clippings.
By Judie Brown
Those faithful Catholics who are exposing the debacle at the University of Notre Dame are to be commended, and we are grateful for their courage, even in the face of opposition from fellow Catholics. American Life League's young leaders have experienced some of this firsthand in South Bend, but it has not deterred them. Many others, like us, who are also focused on this problem, have heard and seen more than could ever have been imagined, and not much of it is positive.
My favorite is the e-mail I received from a gentleman who said,
What do you suggest Catholics do, bury their heads in the sand, and only talk and listen to those who agree with us? Shall we build an invisible wall around us, similar to what China really did? This is what you seem to be advocating in light of the Obama Notre Dame thing. Remember Cardinal Egan ate at table with Obama at the Al Smith Dinner.
In responding to him, I explained that we Catholics are not ostriches; but we are people who believe that there is a time and a place to expose the horror of an abortion-supporting politician's views. Having said that, we do not think a graduation ceremony at an identifiably Catholic institution is the place for this to occur. Notre Dame could have invited the president to debate his views with a pro-life politician, or they could have hosted a town-hall lecture during which those students who know that abortion is an act of murder could have voiced their position and perhaps helped the president understand the error of his ways. But graduation?
While I am not sure what the Great Wall of China has to do with this, I certainly do recall the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner at which Cardinal Egan was photographed while apparently mesmerized by Obama. It is not my favorite photo of a prince of the Church; that's for sure. But as Deal Hudson wrote, "Obviously, Jesus dined with sinners and publicans – true. But he didn't give them a platform to preach to the faithful. That's the difference here."
Indeed, that is the difference and the specific reason why ALL is working with the Cardinal Newman Society and other like-minded organizations to expose this and press for even a last-minute cancellation of the invitation. But if that fails, then as our petition to Bishop D'Arcy of Ft. Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, points out,
Any Catholic school that dissents from Catholic teaching to the degree that it would honor a man guilty of promoting an intrinsic evil of the magnitude of abortion has given up its Catholic identity and does not deserve to be listed in The Official Catholic Directory.
Notre Dame should be removed from the list of Catholic institutions, not only because its actions are discordant with the Catholic faith, but because it is scandalizing the very minds it is supposed to be molding and offering them – instead of Catholic truth – relativism, liberalism and a consistent pattern of behavior incompatible with Catholic teaching.
ALL is sponsoring an event this evening in South Bend at which we will focus on “the sins of Notre Dame." As ALL's leadership director, Michael Barnett, explains, “Notre Dame is placing the souls of millions in jeopardy in exchange for their own prestige. The school has no right to sell itself as Catholic to donors and potential students while simultaneously working to undermine the Church and honor the most pro-abortion president in the nation's history.â€
In this instance, ALL is blessed to be in the company of, at last count, 59 Catholic bishops who are speaking out, decrying Obama’s commencement address and reception of an honorary degree, scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 17 on Notre Dame's campus. Bishop Michael Warfel, of the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, Montana, said in a published letter he sent to Father John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame's decision is particularly disturbing because it seems to be one in a series of decisions. These decisions have sent a shamefully ambiguous message concerning Notre Dame's fidelity to the Church's teaching on the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person. As an example of this, one does not need to look further than Notre Dame's decision last year to ignore Bishop D'Arcy's call to cancel the lewd "V-Monologues" with its mockery of Catholic teaching on human sexuality.
It is my intent not to support Catholic formation programs offered at Notre Dame until its leadership discontinues making decisions that are inconsistent with the promotion of the Catholic Church's teachings on the sacredness of human life.
We are so very grateful for these profound words and for the outpouring of similar sentiments from nearly 60 princes of the Catholic Church.
Sadly, however, the Notre Dame scandal, while the most egregious I have seen at a supposedly Catholic institution, is not unique. As a matter of fact, the Obama invitation is simply the most horrific example of the decaying respect for Catholic truth that appears to have infected more than a few Catholic campuses. As we go to press today, for example, we learn that the University of San Francisco, a Jesuit institution, is hosting South African Bishop Kevin Dowling, who has, according to a Cardinal Newman Society press release, "publicly criticized abstinence-only programs and supports condom use by those infected with or at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS."
Defiance has reared its ugly head in the Diocese of Scranton as well. Several months ago, Bishop Joseph Martino reprimanded U.S. Senator Robert Casey, a pro-abortion Catholic Democrat, for his position on abortion. In what is clearly an affront to Bishop Martino's directive, the Catholic college, King's College invited Senator Casey to deliver the commencement address to its graduates.
Responding to this, the ever-courageous Bishop Martino said,
I do not believe he [Casey] has the moral stature to stand before the graduates of a Catholic college to address them about their futures and the challenges they will face when on the most important issue of the day—the sanctity of human life — he cannot muster the courage to oppose the pro-abortion agenda which is currently being promoted in Washington.
While some so-called Catholics stand up and shout that efforts to get Obama disinvited or have the University of Notre Dame removed from The Official Catholic Directory are tantamount to crawling into a bunker and hiding from the real world, thousands of believing Catholics are calling for an end to the madness. We're not buried in the mind warp of dissent and dislike for all things Catholic; we are simply sick and tired of business as usual. Rather than being ensconced in political correctness, those of us who decry the Notre Dame scandal and similar debacles do so because we love Christ; we love the Church, and we are ready to surrender our very lives in defense of the Church.
We recognize that the unfaithful current leaders of institutions such as the University of Notre Dame and the University of San Francisco actually represent wolves in sheep's clothing, prowling the highways and byways seeking out souls that can be misguided and misled, all in the name of academic freedom. In this conflict between Catholic truth and the "father of lies,"many of us are calling for an end to the madness. Concerned Catholics have a voice that is stronger than ever, and we are registering our opposition to not only the Obama event, but also to similar situations that have already occurred or may occur.
The Cardinal Newman Society has given thousands of faithful Catholics an opportunity to let their voices be heard, and this is undoubtedly why more than 352,000 Catholics have signed the online petition that can be found at http://notredamescandal.com/.
The mainstream media may not get it, and perhaps they never will. But that is truly irrelevant at this time of crisis in the Church. As long as Catholic bishops, national organizations like the Cardinal Newman Society, American Life League and media sources with integrity such as Life Site News are shining a light in the darkness, we need not fear, tremble or become discouraged. No bunkers for us! Pope Benedict XVI reminded us several years ago,
Life is not only given at the moment of death and not only in the manner of martyrdom. We must give it day by day. Day after day it is necessary to learn that I do not possess my life for myself. Day by day I must learn to abandon myself; to keep myself available for whatever he, the Lord, needs of me at a given moment, even if other things seem more appealing and more important to me: it means giving life, not taking it.
It is in this very way that we experience freedom: freedom from ourselves, the vastness of being. In this very way, by being useful, in being a person whom the world needs, our life becomes important and beautiful. Only those who give up their own life find it.
Pro-Life Today | 01 May 2009
Your National Daily News Wrap from American Life League! American Life League is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or media inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at kwalker@all.org.
Gardasil vaccine linked to nerve disorder
http://www.webmd.com/cancer/cervical-cancer/news/20090430/gardasil-linked-to-nerve-disorde r
News Source
Girls and women who receive the Gardasil vaccine to prevent cervical cancer may be at increased risk of a rare but serious disorder of the nervous system in the first few weeks after getting their shots, researchers report. "There is clear evidence from our database of an increased incidence of Guillain-Barre syndrome in the first six weeks, especially the first two weeks, after vaccination,†says Nizar Souayah, MD, of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark.
State Lawmakers Clash with Planned Parenthood Officials over Undercover Footage http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/apr/09043013.html
News Source
Following the release of undercover footage from a Memphis Planned Parenthood clinic, showing a PP employee instructing a 14-year-old girl to lie to a judge in order to obtain a secret abortion, state lawmakers have introduced legislation that could divert taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood in Tennessee. In the video the girl, who was actually a 20-year-old undercover student, Lila Rose, tells the PP employee that she is 14 years old and her boyfriend is 31, meaning that, according to law, Rose is a victim of statutory rape. However, the PP employee nevertheless tells Rose to lie to a judge about her boyfriend's age in order to get permission to have an abortion without her parent's consent. Tennessee law states that a minor must have parental consent before undergoing an abortion.
Supreme Court Justice Souter Expected To Announce Retirement; Move Fuels Speculation Over Obama Nominees
http://www.nationalpartnership.org/site/News2?abbr=daily2_&page=NewsArticle&id=17015&secur ity=1201&news_iv_ctrl=-1
Supreme Court Justice David Souter is expected to announce plans to retire from the Supreme Court at the end of the court's term in June, which would give President Obama the opportunity to make the first Democratic appointment to the high court in 15 years, USA Today reports (Biskupic, USA Today, 5/1). According to the Chicago Tribune, Souter is expected to officially disclose his retirement plans to his colleagues on the court during a private meeting on Friday (Savage, Chicago Tribune, 5/1). NPR.com reports that unnamed sources have confirmed that Souter will retire and has informed the White House of his plans (Totenberg, NPR.com, 4/30). Although Souter is expected to announce on Friday his intentions to retire in June, he is likely to remain on the court until his replacement is confirmed, which could mean he will remain on the court when the next term begins in October, the Washington Post reports (Barnes, Washington Post, 5/1). Supreme Court spokesperson Kathy Arberg declined to comment on Souter's decision.
Group of Youth in Idaho Falls Protest Abortion
News Source
One of the most controversial issues in this country -- the issue of abortion. Wednesday evening along the corner of 17th Street and Woodruff in Idaho Falls, at the Christ The King Catholic Church, a group of mostly youth made their feelings known. Wearing "life guard" t-shirts, they put 50 crosses in the grass, representing what they say are millions of lives lost to abortion. They gathered to show signs, and to pray. The group, called the Idaho Falls chapter of "Rock for Life", believes that euthanasia should be outlawed, as well as abortion.
Revealing the Sins of Notre Dame Press Conference
Press Conference and Rally 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Front Gate of Notre Dame E. Angela Blvd. and N. Notre Dame Ave.
The University of Notre Dame recently invited President Barack Obama to give this year's commencement address and to receive an honorary law degree. This invitation, to a man who is clearly identified as a driving force in the abortion movement, is in direct violation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops directives.
Notre Dame has refused to listen to its own bishop and to over 40 other bishops in the United States who have criticized its honoring of Obama. At this point, there is one remedy left; to remove Notre Dame from the Official Catholic Directory. But this will not happen without your support.
Please sign the petition and let everyone know you want Notre Dame held accountable for its actions.
Sign the Petition to Remove Notre Dame from the Catholic Directory!!! http://www.all.org/ndpetition/
This Is National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week!!!
By Judie Brown
Human: having human form, human attributes
Personhood: the legal recognition of a human being's full status as a human person that applies to all human beings, irrespective of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency, or method of reproduction, from the beginning of their biological development
American Life League is engaged in the ongoing development of what we now call human personhood apologetics.* When we see arguments against proposals that address human personhood, we examine them in order to discern how to effectively convince people who oppose our efforts that they are not addressing the subject – the preborn child – in the proper way. Here are a few such arguments, followed by our response to each:
So-called personhood amendments do not seek to give more information to women or counsel them to seek alternatives to abortion. Instead, such bills challenge the U.S. Supreme Court ‘s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling.
This argument is not really an argument but an explanation of what opponents see as the major defect in proposed human personhood amendments. But it is erroneous. The effort to pursue human personhood challenges both of the 1973 Supreme Court decisions at their core, not the periphery. We are certain that if the Supreme Court took Blackmun's argument seriously, Roe, Doe and their progeny would fall. Therefore, giving more information to women or counseling them to seek alternatives to abortion is a need that is separate from defending human personhood. In fact, once human personhood is recognized in the law, abortion itself would be defined as a crime against human rights, civil rights and equal rights. It would, in fact, be recognized as the act of murder that it is.
A second argument against pursuing human personhood goes like this:
As it stands, there is still a majority on the Court that would uphold decriminalized abortion. Not only would an unfavorable decision strengthen abortion-“rights†case law, but it also invites the Court to define when life begins, which they have not done to date.
This argument is based on a total lack of understanding of the impact the Supreme Court’s post-1973 abortion decisions have had. After all, each such decision has recognized the legitimacy of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton by recognizing the legal status of abortion. As the five Catholic Supreme Court justices said in the Gonzales v. Carhart decision,
Where it has a rational basis to act, and it does not impose an undue burden, the State may use its regulatory power to bar certain procedures and substitute others, all in furtherance of its legitimate interests in regulating the medical profession in order to promote respect for life, including life of the unborn. The Act's ban on abortions that involve partial delivery of a living fetus furthers the Government's objectives. No one would dispute that, for many, D&E is a procedure itself laden with the power to devalue human life. Congress could nonetheless conclude that the type of abortion proscribed by the Act requires specific regulation because it implicates additional ethical and moral concerns that justify a special prohibition.
Obviously, the Supreme Court is strengthening abortion “rights†every time any case involving abortion comes its way! As a matter of fact, the Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized the legitimacy of abortion as long as the "undue burden" does not affect a mother's “right†to kill her preborn child. So, arguing that personhood proposals would somehow set the pro-life movement back is ridiculous!
Furthermore, the Supreme Court has not been asked to address the scientific evidence regarding when a human being begins since 1971, when it heard the oral arguments preceding its 1973 decisions. At that time, the Court simply refused to hear the facts.
Here is a third argument against personhood proposals:
Ultimately, it will be public sentiment that will bring an end to abortion in the United States and not forced, untimely or imprudent legislation. The incrementalist strategy is sound, prudent and effective, and … it gives far more than it takes.
To argue that focusing on the central fact that aborting a preborn child is wrong because that child is a human person is not forced, untimely or imprudent. It is accurate, hopeful and necessary. Arguments that suggest otherwise expose the sordid truth that at least a few pro-life leaders are repeatedly leading pro-life Americans to agree that abortion for rape, incest and the life of the mother is acceptable. Such an incrementalist position provides the Courts with additional reasons to affirm Roe v. Wade.
Those who oppose personhood proposals are lost in a rhetorical fog, and to that we say, please let us help you find your way!
The fourth argument comes from a Catholic priest who opposes the human personhood effort:
The question we must ask ourselves is this: What is greater – my uncompromised moral position or the innocent lives of the unborn?
This is perhaps one of the most tired, self-serving statements I have seen. Oddly enough, it always comes from those who refuse to address the factual evidence regarding the personhood of the preborn child. If we as pro-life Americans are honest, and I think most of us are, we would take the time to examine what has contributed to the perpetuation of what the Supreme Court refers to as protecting abortion when an "undue burden" is imposed on expectant mothers. Clearly, the Court, like most culture-of -death proponents, finds it more "realistic" to continue the status quo than to bite the bullet and join with those of us who have changed course and do recognize that the past 36 years have delivered defeat after defeat for preborn human persons.
The "uncompromised moral position" is that our pro-life identity obligates us to do all we can to focus on the human person whose existence is acknowledged by so few, to recognize his individuality and humanize him for one and all. Regulating the murder of these preborn persons by employing flawed incrementalist propositions will not accomplish this goal. Such proposals actually contradict personhood and are designed to appease politicians, not save the preborn. How can a single one of us be satisfied with regulating what is, at its core, an act of murder?
So, while some will continue to argue against the pursuit of human personhood for any number of trumped-up reasons, the human personhood movement will be guided by the lessons it has learned from the failures of those who have surrendered to the Supreme Court’s version of what human beings should and should not be, based on a totally false "undue burden" argument.
May those who seek to undermine the human personhood movement recognize the facts and acknowledge the failures of the past. May they finally understand that merely regulating such a heinous crime has resulted in death and perpetuated the "undue burden" myth. May they examine their opposition and see what we see … a positive, proactive affirmation of human beings whose civil rights, human rights and equal rights are being violated at least 3,000 times a day, 365 days a year, by acts of murder … acts of abortion.
*Human Personhood Apologetics II coming soon!
Judie Brown is president of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Respond to Judie
Volume 6, Number 18 Monday May 4, 2009
Notre Dame Petition
As you know, the University of Notre Dame invited President Barack Obama to give this year¹s commencement address and to receive an honorary law degree. This invitation, to a man who is clearly identified as a driving force in the abortion movement, is in direct violation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops directives.
Notre Dame has refused to listen to its own bishop and to over 50 other bishops in the United States who have criticized its honoring of Obama. At this point, there is one remedy left – to remove Notre Dame from the Official Catholic Directory.
Please sign the petition demanding Notre Dame be held accountable for its actions – and then pass the link on to your family, friends and colleagues!
The Pill Kills
On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Last year, participants across the United States shared the facts on exactly how the pill kills babies. This year, we will expose the sordid details surrounding the tragic effects these chemicals have on women. We will emphasize the truth about how the pill kills women.
Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by providing a presence outside of doctors’ offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood clinics and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is – help get the word out!
From Associates
Idaho Chooses Life Alliance
As we noted last week, Americans, including health-care professionals currently still enjoy the right to practice their religion and follow their conscience, even in their work place, under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
At least twelve states have taken steps to protect the conscience rights of health-care workers: Arkansas, California, Oregon, Georgia, Colorado, South Dakota, Florida, Maine, Tennessee, Kansas, North Carolina and Mississippi.
The “gold standard” of protections can be found in Mississippi, which enacted a law to defend all health care providers in 2004:
“A health care provider has the right not to participate, and no health care provider shall be required to participate, in a health care service that violates his or her conscience.” (MS 41-105-5)
However, at the same time, we recognize that health-care providers are under assault across the nation. The abortion lobby is engaged in a national campaign to force health-care professionals into submitting to their agenda.
In 2008, the abortion lobby introduced some 42 bills around the country seeking to compel pharmacists to submit to their agenda or leave the profession. Lawsuits or board complaints have recently been filed against pharmacists in New York, Washington, Wisconsin, Montana, Illinois and Indiana because pharmacists objected to dispensing “emergency contraception.”
Additionally, the decision by the Obama administration to fund human embryonic stem cell research may well mean a whole new generation of drugs and treatments carrying profound moral challenges for all medical professionals.
Further, legislation pushed by the medical establishment thus far this year demonstrates a growing acceptance of the notion that patients should be terminated when a doctor decides that a patient’s potential quality of life makes treatment “inappropriate.” This anti-life ethic will put increasing pressure on pharmacists and all medical professionals.
It is of utmost importance that pro-life groups and organizations not only maintain an awareness of the legislation being proffered in their states, but to truly work for PERSONHOOD now.
Personhood is the legal recognition of a human being's full status as a human person. It applies to all human beings, irrespective of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency or method of reproduction, from the beginning of their biological development.
Personhood is the final chapter of the civil rights movement. It proposes commonsense values for otherwise convoluted jurisprudence. Once personhood is established, the rights of all are guaranteed under law!
Pro-Life Wisconsin
Pro-Life Wisconsin’s campaign against the Madison Surgery Center, the planned late-term abortion facility, was recently featured in the news in Madison. A prominent TV news story focused on Pro-Life Wisconsin’s television ads, which feature an ultrasound image of a baby and promote PLW’s new web site, NoUWabortions.com. Click here to view the Madison Channel 3000 news story: http://www.c3ktogo.com/news-video/?mgid=22067
Tip of the month – The Ventilator
Breathing is something we do all the time, mostly even without thinking about it! We take a breath in, we blow it out. We must breath to live.
When difficulty with breathing occurs, treatment and care are expected. The refusal and denial of assistance for something as essential as breathing is not in accord with right reason.
Respiration occurs in the lungs and in the living tissues throughout the body. It is the process whereby the body takes oxygen (to be used by the body) out of the air in exchange for carbon dioxide exhaled out of the body into the air.
In everyday life, for breathing to occur, an impulse originates in the brain and is conducted along nerves to muscles used in breathing. These muscles are those of the chest wall and the diaphragm (a muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen). The muscles contract causing the chest to expand and the lungs to be filled with oxygen-rich air. Nervous impulses stop and the muscles relax. The chest elastically recoils, exhaling carbon dioxide into the air.
The heart pumps circulating blood to and through the lungs and then throughout the body. In the lungs, the blood takes in oxygen and gives up carbon dioxide. Then the blood circulates throughout the rest of the body where an opposite exchange occurs. This exchange in the lungs and in the tissues is respiration.
The term “respirator” is often used to refer to a ventilator. This is not accurate.
When the parts of the brain that control breathing or the organs and tissues for breathing are diseased or injured, a ventilator helps until normal functioning is restored. This machine is properly called a “ventilator” since it supports the ventilation part of breathing.
In other words, a ventilator moves air; it does not and cannot cause the other part of breathing – respiration. That is, it does not and cannot exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide as occurs in the lungs and body tissues. Respiration can only occur when the body’s respiratory and circulatory systems are otherwise intact and functioning properly. Respiration is a human function, not a machine’s. The more accurate term “ventilator” should always be used.
The ventilator is an aid in breathing. The ventilator moves air into and out of the air spaces to help the patient to breathe more effectively, which improves respiration.
It should be clear that, in terms of function, a ventilator is a means of treatment for a patient who needs help breathing. In the typical case, the ventilator benefits the patient. Ventilators are used to protect, preserve and to prolong life. With the assistance of a ventilator, a person can continue to live and serve God.
Contraceptive pill makes exercise ineffectual
A new study presented at the annual meeting of the American Physiological Society in New Orleans found that women who use the contraceptive pill gain far less lean muscle mass from weight training compared to those who don't take oral contraceptives.
Adult stem cell research helps breast reconstruction after lumpectomy
Irene MacKenzie had a lumpectomy for her early stage breast cancer leaving her with a hollow in her breast. The lumpectomy took care of the cancer, but what about her breast? Well, Irene was the first person in Britain to reap the benefits of Stem Cell research using adult stem cells for breast reconstruction.
Molecular 'key' to successful blood stem cell transplants discovered
University of British Columbia researchers have discovered a "molecular key" that could help increase the success of blood stem cell transplants, a procedure currently used to treat diseases such as leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma and aplastic anemia.
Blood vessels made from patients' cells
Scientists have grown blood vessels for kidney patients from their own cells, making it easier and safer for them to use dialysis machines, a new study says.
Fat will be lifesaver if pioneering stem cell therapy can beat MS
Stem cells from a patient's fat tissue could be used to treat multiple sclerosis, research suggested.
Closing Thought
“Lord, you know which way is for the best; let it happen this way or that, according as you will. Give what you will, in whatever measure you will and when you will. Do with me as you know is best, as pleases you best, and as will best promote your glory. Put me where you will and have a free hand with me in everything. Yes, I am in your hand; twist me around and turn me about as you will. I am your servant, and ready for anything; it is not for myself that I want to live, but for you. If only I could do that worthily and faultlessly.” Amen.
Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, III:14:2
Volume 6, Number 17 Monday April 27, 2009
National Pro-life T-shirt Week Begins Tomorrow!
From Associates
Idaho Chooses Life Alliance
Idaho Chooses Life Alliance is currently leading the fight in its state to support a pharmacists’ conscience bill, has posted a number of blog entries concerning the bill and has recently produced a brochure on the subject. All of these are particularly worthy of our consideration given the pro-abortion push nationwide to remove such rights.
Many observers believe health-care professionals, including pharmacists, already have a right to conscience in their work under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. And, in fact, they do. As of now, Americans still enjoy the right to practice their religion and follow their conscience. However, at the same time, we must recognize that pharmacists are under assault across the nation. As some in the abortion movement put it – if they want a conscience, they should get out of the profession. And there is the key rub: the abortion lobby is engaged in a national campaign to force health-care professionals, especially pharmacists, into submitting to their agenda.
It is essential that we be able to trust the corner pharmacist to look out for us. The integrity of the profession is vital to all of us. We need it stocked with the best and brightest men and women of the highest moral character. One day, your very life may depend upon that pharmacist behind the counter.
The Idaho House bill, HB216, passed by a strong 48-21 vote on March 30 after vigorous debate. Most Democrats opposed the bill, with many arguing against its passage. The theme of their opposition was that 1) this bill is unnecessary because pharmacists already are protected and 2) if we pass this bill, terrible things will happen. Representative Bayer, during his debate in support of the bill, observed that such argumentation was circular: Either pharmacists are being compelled to violate their conscience now, or the dire predictions are unlikely to happen.
It takes some real work to make sense of their position. If pharmacists already have such rights, then how could there be any dramatic consequence should those rights be codified? Either the profession is currently protected by conscience rights, and guided by professional ethics which drive pharmacists to care for their patients – or it is full of rogues restrained only by the power of employers to compel pharmacists to follow orders.
After some reflection, it seems that large employers are concerned that HB216 would force them to actually respect the conscience rights of pharmacists, even when it is inconvenient. These big institutions want to be able to pay lip service to the “rights” of their employees – while retaining the power to intimidate, manipulate or otherwise coerce these pharmacists into hewing the party line. That makes “conscience” not a “right” – but a polite courtesy.
(Idaho HB216 is now stuck in the Senate Health & Welfare Committee where its prospects are dim. Committee Chair, Senator Patti Ann Lodge, could stand to hear from concerned citizens at 208.332.1319 or palodge@senate.idaho.gov).
And that is the reason the previous administration developed rules to enforce Congressional platitudes which had failed to protect real people working in huge institutions driven by profits and a post-Christian medical ethic. A mountain of evidence was developed by HHS which showed health care providers facing persecution and harassment because of their religious beliefs.
The American people seem to grasp what is stake over the battle to protect health care providers – doctors, pharmacists, nurses – from a political and economic agenda first advanced by Planned Parenthood. A national poll was conducted at the end of last month to test the public’s reaction to President Obama’s attack on conscience protections for health care providers. An astonishing 87% of those surveyed believe it is important to “make sure that health-care professionals are not forced to participate in procedures and practices to which they have moral objections."
Once again, the wisdom of the people is confirmed. Our basic trust in medical advice and treatment is based upon a belief that those professionals are acting with integrity to ensure our health and welfare. Conscience protections help secure public confidence in the medical professions.
More next week …
Tip of the Month – Population
From Handbook on Population by Robert Sassone
Everyone “knew” there was a food problem that would soon get worse due to the fast population growth rate. Instead, food production per person has increased by an amazing 60 percent since 1948 and United Nations experts say we can additionally increase food production as much as needed.
The UN has a vast amount of data to support the contention that as food demand increases, food production can always increase to supply the demand, if the hungry have money to motivate the farmers to grow more. UN data also indicates that developing countries could grow about ten times as much food if farmers could sell the food at reasonable prices.
There are, of course, many reasons for low production, including war and bad weather, but the chief cause is bad government. Too many developing countries are ruled by dictators or cliques more interest in their own personal ideology, power or wealth than in seeking justice or helping their country. These leaders usually establish a monopoly that buys all the food at a government dictated artificially low price, then sells it at a government dictated very high price, with the leaders pocketing the profits. Since farmers cannot make a substantial profit on food sold, they produce less and the poor are malnourished.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has criticized this type of oppression and claimed that food production would increase if countries were fair to their farmers. “Improved price incentives are a necessary component of policies to alleviate input shortages in agricultural production and stimulate investment of private capital.”
Gary Becker received the Nobel Prize in economics for his answer to speeding development regardless of population growth. Speeding development increases income which is the key to increasing food production. If people have money to spend for more food, farmers will grow more. The key to improving the economies of developing countries is to increase the education and training level of the people and then give them a fair opportunity to use their skills. Food production will increase if the farmer can sell his food at a reasonable price. Norman Borlaug, who won the Nobel prize for his work in agriculture, stated at the 1984 UN Population Conference that the farmers of the world could double or triple food production the very next year if prices were fair.
At the UN Food Conference in Rome in 1996, the UN’s designated expert stated that five billion dollars, exclusive of distribution costs, annually would be sufficient to pay for enough food to stop all of the world’s malnutrition. This is less than the annual foreign aid budget of the US.
Next month: Resources and energy.
Professionals or automatons?
The right of acting according to one’s conscience is under threat in many countries at the moment. In the US, the Federal government is studying whether to rescind protection of conscience regulations implemented in the dying days of the Bush Administration. Health-care workers there are worried that they may have to participate in unethical procedures – or lose their jobs. A Canadian pharmacist and bioethicist [and regional director for ALL Associate group Pharmacists for Life International], Cristina Alarcon, explains what is at stake in her profession.
UN population meeting split over whether people are a burden or a resource
As the Commission on Population and Development met at the United Nations to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development held at Cairo, fault lines appeared between states that see people as a resource to be promoted, and those that see people as a burden to be controlled.
The real population threat
Philip Longman points out in the March 24, 2009 edition of USA Today that the world's population is expected to hit seven billion by 2012, up from the six billion mark set in 1999. So, is overpopulation a real threat? Not hardly. Though population density can threaten sustainability in some areas of the globe, the far greater danger for our future is what Longman calls "depopulation." On a global scale, we are seeing the population of older persons exploding and the numbers of young persons falling.
Elite depopulation agenda gains ground
Another prominent scientist has thrown his weight behind the long term agenda to implement measures to stem the population of the planet, a view that is gaining ground with increased pressure on governments to act over climate change as the justification. The Medical Journal of Australia has published a report by a professor who suggests that couples with more than two children should be charged a lifelong tax to offset their extra offspring's carbon dioxide emissions.
Horse stem cell technique to be tested in people
A stem cell repair technique that has already been used to fix hundreds of injured race horses is to be tested for the first time in people with damaged Achilles tendons.
Adult stem cell research helps breast reconstruction after lumpectomy
Irene MacKenzie had a lumpectomy for her early stage breast cancer leaving her with a hollow in her breast. The lumpectomy took care of the cancer, but what about her breast? Well, Irene was the first person in Britain to reap the benefits of Stem Cell research using adult stem cells for breast reconstruction.
Abortion linked to higher rates of domestic violence: New research
When a woman gets an abortion, the couple is more than twice as likely to argue when discussing future children, and nearly three times as likely to experience domestic violence, compared with women who carry the pregnancy to term and raise the child, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Public Health on March 24.
Closing Thought
What creature might be more shamefully treated than was our Savior Christ Jesus hanging thus on the cross? … if you will amend your life, and forsake your sin, and do true penance, you shall by his shame be delivered from all shame.
Saint John Fisher, quoted in Magnificat, April, 2009 p. 53
Volume 6, Number 13 Monday March 30, 2009
Pharmacists for Life International
If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to submit your comments and concerns regarding the HHS Regulations protecting the rights of healthcare providers who do not want to perform or refer for abortions!
A coalition of pro-life medical organizations has launched the web site, www.Freedom2Care.org, which serves the essential function of allowing patients, pharmacists and other professionals to submit their comments demanding that the federal regulations protecting conscience not be revoked.
www.Freedom2Care.org provides a portal whereby you can register your comments at HHS, in accordance with the criteria that HHS is collecting.
Web site visitors have three options: 1) A pre-written comment crafted for healthcare providers, 2) a pre-written comment for patients and 3) the option of writing a personal comment. It is also collecting stories of discrimination so that Freedom2Care can have more proof that discrimination of conscience is a very real threat. Additionally, visitors have the opportunity to have their comments forwarded to lawyers who perform pro-bono work.
Pro-Life Wisconsin
Last Monday, Pro-Life Wisconsin’s True to Life media campaign launched a new project. Television ads, running in the Madison area, and a new web site, nouwabortions.com, will keep the focus on the Madison Surgery Center board decision to perform late-term abortions at its South Park Street location.
The commercial shows an ultrasound of a preborn baby who is in the same developmental range as babies aborted by the Madison Surgery Center. The commercial refers viewers to the nouwabortions.com web site, which provides information on how the public can help fight the killing.
Click here for the web site: nouwabortions.com. Click here to view the TV commercial that is currently running: www.nouwabortions.com/windowad.asp. Nearly 100 commercials will be aired in a two-week period, covering the greater Madison area.
Tip of the Month – Population
From Handbook on Population by Robert Sassone
Is there really a population problem?
Yes, it might even be serious enough to call a disaster or a cataclysm, but it is just the opposite of what many people believe. Europe and Japan have been suffering severe economic and social problems since about 1990 because their fertility has been so low that they do not have enough young workers. These problems may be extended to the rest of the world fairly soon. Good economic policies can delay the onset of some of these problems and can partially overcome them, but they will soon be a drag on economics nearly everywhere.
The world has had fewer babies every year, but because there is so much false and misleading information, many people believe the problem is too many babies.
We receive nearly all population related information from the media and from sources that are mostly directed by a few wealthy people who frequently mislead to create the impression that there are too many people.
They use the same technique demagogues and dictators have always used. They focus attention on an unusual part of the data that seems to point to a coming disaster or problem unless the viewer accepts the desired belief, and substantially suppress contrary information.
The media publish false information related to population and other topics and manipulate the public because many owners of the major media want to use their power to change public morals and opinions. Periodically, media writers and producers are forced to attend propaganda conferences where they are told what to write and produce to manipulate public attitudes and how to do it in the most effective manner.
Subsequently, as the science of using TV to change public attitudes without the public knowing they were being manipulated has advanced, the conferences have become specialized with different conferences for writers and producers of different types of television.
With a few rare exceptions, Christian Fundamentalists, Evangelicals, Muslims and Catholics, who compromise a majority of the world’s people, are “non-persons” whose beliefs are not praised or shown to cause much good. Those who love “until death do us part” are seldom portrayed as heroes. All types of immoral acts (promiscuity, fornication, adultery) are promoted by the portrayal of sympathetic characters with no mention of the frequent ill after-effects. The teaching by the media uses attitudes and associations with characters, not reasoning or facts.
Next month will begin to delve into the specifics of the false public beliefs listed previously.
US births break record; 40 percent out-of-wedlock
ATLANTA – More babies were born in the United States in 2007 than any year in the nation's history, topping the peak during the baby boom 50 years earlier, federal researchers reported. There is both good and bad news from the more than 4.3 million births: The US population is more than replacing itself, a healthy trend. However, the teen birth rate was up for the second year in a row.
FDA ordered to rethink age restriction for Plan B
A federal judge ordered the Food and Drug Administration to reconsider its 2006 decision to deny girls younger than 18 access to the morning-after pill Plan B without a prescription.
Harvard AIDS expert says Pope is correct on condom distribution making AIDS worse
Edward C. Green, director of the AIDS Prevention Research Project at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, has said that the evidence confirms that the pope is correct in his assessment that condom distribution exacerbates the problem of AIDS.
Courageous mother delays chemotherapy treatment for cancer, saves lives of twins
While some doctors routinely offer abortion in the case of women who are pregnant and facing cancer treatments, one British housewife has demonstrated that it is not always necessary to make such a difficult situation into a death sentence for the unborn child. Rachel Crossland, a British housewife and mother of six who had been diagnosed with cancer, refused chemotherapy and radiation treatment when she was informed she was 13 weeks pregnant with twins.
State Department to contribute $50m to U.N. Population Fund
The Obama administration will resume U.S. contributions to the United Nations Population Fund, which were suspended under former President George W. Bush. The State Department will contribute $50 million to UNFPA. State Department spokesperson Robert Wood said the decision "highlights the [Obama] administration's strong commitment to international family planning, women's health and global development."
On-the-ground China investigation re-confirms UNFPA complicit in coercive one-child policy
Contrary to the claims of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), China's coercive one-child policy is alive and well in the counties in which UNFPA operates, according to an investigation by the Population Research Institute. PRI now is calling on President Obama to reconsider his decision to fund UNFPA in light of the investigation's findings.
Call to reduce UK's population by 50 percent to build sustainable society
Jonathon Porritt, one of Gordon Brown's leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society. Porritt’s call will come at this week’s annual conference of the Optimum Population Trust, of which he is patron. The trust will release research suggesting UK population must be cut to 30m if the country wants to feed itself sustainably.
Closing Thought
Thus says the LORD:
Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings, who seeks his strength in flesh, whose heart turns away from the LORD. He is like a barren bush in the desert that enjoys no change of season, But stands in a lava waste, a salt and empty earth.
Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD. He is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: It fears not the heat when it comes, its leaves stay green; In the year of drought it shows no distress, but still bears fruit.
Jeremiah 17: 5-8
Washington, DC (13 May 2009) – American Life League’s Protest The Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women will illuminate a hidden tragedy.
On June 6, 2009, men, women and men across the country will take a stand against the birth control pill at pharmacies, drug stores, Planned Parenthoods and other so-called family planning businesses nationwide.
“Research shows women using oral contraceptives have five times greater risk of death from cardiovascular causes,” said Marie Hahnenberg, a researcher for American Life League.
In 2004 alone, 21,813 females died in the United States from cardiac arrest and heart failure, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
“How many of these 21,813 women were on the pill, or at one point in their lives had been on the pill?”
“The federal government has a moral obligation to conduct research on this question and to modify the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death so that the right questions are asked,” Hahnenberg continued. ““We have reports of women who have died from the birth control pill and other birth control products and others are suffering terrible side effects which could lead to death. Women need to be informed about the truth behind this dangerous drug.”
Protest the Pill Day is the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Last year, participants across the United States shared the facts on exactly how the pill kills babies. This year, the event will expose the sordid details surrounding the tragic effects these chemicals have on women.
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League: The Pill Kills
Volume 6, Number 22 Monday June 1, 2009
The Pill Kills
As pro-lifers plan their protests outside PP clinics and other facilities that distribute the birth control pill, American Life League will be holding a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., at 10 a.m. on June 4, two days before Protest the Pill Day.
Dr. Lynn Kerr, an associate clinical professor from the University of California and board certified in internal medicine, will be speaking on how the pill kills women. Others speaking include Dr. Paul Carpentier and Jenn Giroux. Dr. Carpentier is board certified in family practice medicine and is certified by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals. Jenn Giroux is founder and president of Women Influencing the Nation. She is also a registered nurse.
Cosponsors of Protest the Pill Day include Pharmacists for Life International, Pro-Life Wisconsin, Women Influencing the Nation, Human Life international, One More Soul, Pro-Life Unity, and the Archdiocese of Mobile’s Respect Life Office.
Protest the Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women is Saturday, June 6. Visit www.ThePillKills.com for more information.
Tip of the month – Living the Culture of LIFE
Excerpts from The Winning Side by Charles E. Rice
Is it possible to be unconditionally pro-life in the United States today? Since Roe v. Wade, in 1973, legalized abortion has delivered a body count of a least 49 million, not including deaths from uncountable abortions by hormonal contraception. And we have legalized euthanasia, notwithstanding the false optimism generated by the Supreme Court’s refusal to discover a “right to die” in the Constitution.
The immediate pro-life response to Roe was, properly, to undo that ruling by constitutional amendment or legislation. Those efforts have failed. And, in seeking incremental restrictions on abortion rather than its prohibition, the establishment pro-life movement has implicitly accepted the basic premise of Roe, that the unborn child is a nonperson whose execution can be legitimately tolerated by the state. In any event, technology is moving abortion and euthanasia beyond the effective reach of the law. They are truly becoming matters of private choice.
Legalized abortion and euthanasia, however, are symptoms. In a culture dominated by a relativist and utilitarian contraceptive ethic, it is predictable that man will make himself (or herself) the arbiter of the ending as well as the beginning of life. A national moral meltdown has accelerated the dominance of the culture of death.
Choosing to be unconditionally pro-life is difficult because of these cultural and constitutional developments. But the choice is inescapable. There appears to be an increasing return to a radical choice for humanity, not unlike the one represented in the first centuries of the Christian era. We can, even today, be unconditionally pro-life through the gift of self, in faith, to God and to others.
Mis-education has caused many to be unable or unwilling to distinguish objective wrong from subjective culpability. Many seem to think that nothing is wrong “for you” unless you “feel” it is wrong. But the intentional killing of an innocent human being is always objectively wrong. It is contrary to natural justice, the revealed law of God and the common good of society, regardless of the motive or other subjective dispositions of the killer. We do no favor to the person contemplating abortion when we encourage her to decide according to her feelings. It is a lie to pretend that abortion can ever be anything but an objective evil.
The natural law dictates that human law can never legitimately tolerate the intentional killing of innocent human beings. This principle, which allows no exception, also implies the law’s duty to protect all innocent life. If human laws are just, they bind in conscience. But if a human law “deflects from the law of nature,” it is unjust “and is no longer a law but a perversion of law.” Laws authorizing the intentional killing of the innocent are unjust because they withdraw from the potential victim the even-handed protection of the law to which he is entitled.
Confusion can also arise from a failure to distinguish the objective merits of pro-life legislative proposals from the motives of those who advocate them. Prominent leaders in the pro-life movement have spent at least two decades validating the pro-death premise that the law may legitimately allow the intentional killing of innocent human beings. They began by conceding the legality of abortion to save the life of the mother. They have ended by proposing only marginal restrictions on otherwise unlimited abortion. When the “pro-life” movement itself concedes that the intentional killing of the innocent is politically negotiable, how can we be surprised at the impotence of that movement in confronting euthanasia? The futility of the establishment pro-life movement arises basically from its refusal to condemn the objective wrong of contraception. In contraception man makes himself, rather than God, the arbiter of life’s beginning. Why is anyone surprised when he makes himself the arbiter also of its end? The elimination of the unwanted at both ends of life will be a predictable response to the problems caused by an excess of old people and a shortage of workers to support them, a shortage directly resulting from contraception and abortion.
The pro-life movement lost the war [when] it chose to fight on the enemy’s terms. Early abortifacient technology, however, signals a new war in which abortion and euthanasia will be a truly private choice. This war can be won only through a reconversion of the American people to respect for life as a gift of God. The pro-life movement can contribute to that reconversion only if it bears witness to the truth without compromise of principle.
Louisiana House approves bill allowing providers to refuse certain reproductive health services
The Louisiana House voted to approve legislation (HB 517) that would allow some health professionals to refuse to provide certain medical services that they object to on religious or moral grounds.
Nurse wins conscience ruling from state Supreme Court
A pro-life nurse has won a victory for the conscience rights of health care providers at the Louisiana state Supreme Court which has sent her complaint over religious discrimination down the path towards a trial.
Lamborn reintroduces Schoolchildren’s Health Protection act
Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) is again taking action to protect school children from easy access to drugs that can induce chemical abortions. Congressman Lamborn has reintroduced H.R. 2458, the Schoolchildren’s Protection Act. The bill has 40 original co-sponsors.
Stem cell research shows promise
Doctors say new stem cell research could fight a form of heart disease. Doctors in the Netherlands injected bone marrow and stem cells into the heart of 50 patients, all suffering from a chronic heart condition. Three months after the procedure, patients had improvements in blood flow and heart function, exercise capacity and overall quality of life.
Closing Thought
Where justice is loved, where the dignity of the human person is respected, where one is not looking to one’s own caprice or personal interest, but rather to serve God and others – that’s where you’ll find peace.
Bishop A. Del Portillo, Homily, March 30, 1985 http://www.users.interport.net/a/l/allweb50m/communique/cq050506.htm
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