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American Life League 2010 - 3

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Volume 7, Number 31                                                                             Monday, August 2, 2010

STOPP Campaign to Bring Jesus through Mary to Planned Parenthood

From Associates

Loreto House
The volunteers at Loreto House have welcomed a new family into their lives. A young couple has been blessed with twins and recently shared an ultrasound of their precious babies. Christopher and Benta are from Kenya and have allowed Loreto House to use the ultrasound images in a short video. Loreto House plans to follow the babies’ growth from 14 weeks to delivery. Watch “Episode One” at

Also, don't forget to mark your calendar for the first annual Loreto House "Hike for Life" on Saturday October 16. For more information, see

Pro-Life Wisconsin
You may recall that in March Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth sent a letter to the five public school districts in Juneau County warning that the new sexual education law recently passed by the Wisconsin legislature and signed by Governor Doyle could expose district school teachers to criminal liability and school districts to civil liability for promoting “the sexualization and sexual assault of our children.”

Because of Southworth's pro-life, pro-family efforts, a recall was started against him. The deadline to file the required number of signatures was July 19, and no signatures were filed! It is clear the people of Juneau County support Southworth's efforts to protect Wisconsin's youth.

Pro-Life Wisconsin again commends District Attorney Southworth for his courage and frankness in exposing the consequences of this irresponsible law. We encourage you to read Southworth’s letter on PLW’s web site ( and share it with your own county’s district attorney.

Read a Juneau County Star-Times article on the failed recall at
and  Southworth's press release on the failed recall here:

Pro-Life Waco
John Pisciotta and more than 50 pro-life friends stood in opposition to Planned Parenthood’s annual Nobody’s Fool presentation at the Waco Convention Center on July 21. Also on site was “Carolyn,” the pro-life billboard truck.  At the same time, five allies demonstrated in front of Central National Bank, a Nobody’s Fool sponsor. Their signs carried the message “Central National Bank supports Planned Parenthood. Anything-goes sex and 15,000 abortions.” Bank officials responded by turning the lawn sprinkler system on. With the tremendous heat of the day, this was very much appreciated by those demonstrating in the public right-of-way near the bank! carried a story about the campaign at The article emphasized PLW’s Waco Tribune-Herald newspaper exposé on International Planned Parenthood's vile publication, “Healthy, Happy and Hot." ( And John’s blog recaps the entire day at Finally, you can go to and click on Nobody’s Fool. You will find newspaper editorials, video files, audio files, etc.

Tip of the month – “Unity” in the pro-life movement
Excerpts from Fifty Questions on Abortion, Euthanasia and Related Issues by Charles E. Rice

Shouldn’t the primary objective of the pro-life movement be the achievement of unity within the movement?  Surprisingly to some, the answer is no. 

There are differences of judgment among opponents of abortion as to what should be the objectives as well as the tactics of the pro-life movement. Unity is desirable, but it cannot be the primary objective of any movement founded on essential and unchanging principle.

It is absolutely wrong to hold that the life of any innocent human being is subject to termination at the pleasure of a legislative majority. This is the point of the controversy over the states’ rights and personhood approaches.  And the experience of the past three decades teaches that adherence to principle is the most effective way to restore constitutional protection to the right to life. From 1973 to 1981, the pro-life movement grew and made progress. Although it argued the abortion issue primarily in secular, constitutional terms, it generally adhered to the objective that Roe v. Wade must be overturned by the restoration of the principle that all human beings are persons entitled under the Constitution to the right to live. The movement, however, treated abortion itself as the problem rather than as a symptom of deeper ills. And it became increasingly dominated at the national level by those who regarded abortion as a negotiable political issue susceptible of compromise in the same way as a highway appropriation.

In January 1981, the Human Life Bill was introduced in Congress by Senator Jesse Helms and Representative Henry Hyde. The HLB would have used Congress’ power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment to define, as a matter of law, that all human beings are persons from conception. Unlike a constitutional amendment, the HLB required only a majority vote in each House. President Reagan, newly elected in the 1980 landslide, was on record as supporting it. The HLB had momentum and there was a strong prospect that it could be enacted. 

At that point, however, the U. S. Catholic Conference, the lobbying arm of the Catholic bishops, and the National Right to Life Committee refused to support the HLB and threw their support instead to the Hatch Amendment. Not only was it clear at that time that there were insufficient votes in Congress to adopt any constitutional amendment restricting abortion, but the Hatch Amendment embodied the states’ rights approach and was a repudiation of the personhood concept through which the pro-life movement had achieved increasing success. 

The Hatch Amendment controversy split the pro-life movement. Part of that movement remains receptive to the states’ rights approach and to the allowance of abortion in “exceptional” cases. 

There is no room in this matter for recriminations. And there is no point in disparaging those who follow the states’ rights and “exceptions” approach. They think it is the “practical” course to accept some legalized abortion while trying to save some lives by enacting piecemeal protections. But that approach is not only wrong but futile and so is any pro-life movement which engages in such bargaining and brokering with the right to life.


UK’s earliest twin born under abortion limit
A baby girl born just after 23 weeks of pregnancy has become the youngest twin to be born prematurely and survive in Britain, according to the Daily Mail. Amelia Hope Burden, who weighed just 1lb 2oz, was born days before the legal abortion limit when her mother was 23 weeks and two days into her pregnancy.

Who’s really threatening women’s health?
Militantly pro-abortion NARAL Pro-Choice California has joined its national counterpart in a concerted attack on pro-life crisis pregnancy centers. On July 12, NARAL’s California affiliate published a “study” reputedly revealing the results of “a two-year-long undercover investigation of more than 200 so-called ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ in California.” The report, said NARAL, “reveals a disturbing pattern of how these unregulated centers mislead women about their reproductive health-care options, thus posing a serious threat to women's health.” The campaign launched by NARAL Pro-Choice California is part of a larger scheme by NARAL’s national organization to make it more difficult for crisis pregnancy centers to operate that has reached into the halls of Congress, where bills have been introduced in both the House and the Senate that would restrict pregnancy center advertising.

Axe falls on NHS services
An investigation by the Sunday Telegraph has uncovered widespread cuts planned across the NHS, many of which have already been agreed [to] by senior health service officials. In most cases, local communities appear to be unaware of the plans. Dr Peter Carter, the head of the Royal College of Nursing, said he was “incredibly worried” about the disclosures.

Why is this increase in health care rationing in the UK of concern for the U.S.? Because many of ObamaCare’s nationalized regulations for treatment will be designed by Dr. Donald Berwick. Berwick is an advocate for government rationing of health care and says “I am romantic about the NHS; I love it.”

IVF-conceived children have higher risk of cancer: Swedish study
Children conceived with IVF appear to have an elevated risk of cancer according to a large population-based study conducted in Sweden.  IVF-conceived children were also 87% more likely than the general population to have received a diagnosis of cancer by the age of three.

Closing Thought

Jesus said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test."

—Luke 11:2-4




Volume 7, Number 30                                                                                Monday, July 26, 2010

STOPP Campaign to Bring Jesus through Mary to Planned Parenthood

From Associates

Pro-Life Wisconsin
Jeanne Breunig with PLW Dane County related the following in a recent e-mail, and we share it with you here as an example of what committed pro-lifers can accomplish in their communities:

On Sunday, July 18, the Dane County affiliate of Pro-Life Wisconsin sponsored a “Mary, Please Stop Planned Parenthood” event that saw almost 110 people come out to pray the Stations of the Cross with Father Rick Heilman (Knights of Divine Mercy held the 14 Stations of the Cross), starting at 5:15p.m., and concluding about 6 p.m. with the Angelus. During the Stations, participants were blessed to have an opportunity to venerate a relic of the true cross and, afterwards, a relic of St. Faustina, Secretary of Divine Mercy, and the image of Divine Mercy.

The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was carried along the Way of the Cross and rested in a picnic area afterwards. A pro-life family picnic was held across the street from the Orin Road Planned Parenthood clinic on the newly acquired Our Lady of Victory LLC property. The picnic was attended by about 125 people. Peggy Hamill, state director for PLW, was special guest.

PLW Dane County had two of the recently produced campaign signs from ALL on display during this event and had used the design of one of those signs as the graphic for the event flier. The flier was distributed to each of the 134 parishes and missions of the Madison Diocese and the diocesan Catholic Herald printed it as well. Relevant Radio ran an ad about the event.

The Orin Road Planned Parenthood opened in January 2004 with a reception attended by 800 people, including Madison’s mayor. The prayer event last Sunday is just the beginning of PLW Dane County’s plans to close it down!

Tip of the month – iPS Stem Cell Research
ALL staff with Dianne Irving, Ph.D.

On Monday, July 19, the Washington Times ran an article by Valerie Richardson and Kathryn Watson entitled “Adult Stem Cells Said to ‘Forget’ Retooling” and subtitled “Embryonic Alternative Suffers Setback.” The gist of the article concerns the fact that “re-programmed adult stem cells may not be as useful an alternative to controversial embryonic stem-cell research as had been hoped” – based on the authors’ review of two recent research pieces. The article generated quite a bit of discussion around the office, specifically speculation about why so few pro-life organizations have bothered to inform themselves about this research. Here we present input from Dr. Dianne Irving on why iPS cells are not a pro-life alternative:

While it would be great, of course, to find ethical alternatives to the use of human embryonic stem cells (for therapies and for basic research), the [Times] article indicates once again that scientifically iPS cells would not constitute that final ”ethical alternative”. There have also been several similar research studies over the last few years which have indicated similar scientific problems with iPS cells. But there are also a number of ethical concerns that continue to plague iPS stem cell research. For example:
Referring to iPS stem cells as ”adult” stem cells is very misleading. Real “adult” stem cells obtained from adult human tissues and organs are initially “multipotent,” (that is, highly differentiated and specific) and then are re-programmed to become even more differentiated cells. On the other hand, iPS cells are obtained from adult cells that are de-programmed back to “pluripotency” to become far less differentiated cells. That is, real “adult” stem cells are never manipulated to become “pluripotent,” whereas iPS stem cells are.

The ethical concern is that, during the process of de-programming, or making these iPS stem cells less differentiated, “totipotent” cells could be created rather than “pluripotent” cells. Remember, totipotent cells are the most unspecialized cells possible; they are, by definition, capable of being reverted to new single cell human embryos. If any totipotent cells do result from these iPS techniques, they could indeed revert back to new single-cell human embryos which would then be destroyed. This is indeed possible, especially with little or no control over this de-programming. (Note: Please, this is not to say that all totipotent cells are embryos – as I have been misquoted as saying). The very real possibility exists that such totipotent cells might revert to new single-cell embryos because they possess the natural biological process of “regulation” or “de-methylation.”

There are two items of particular interest concerning these recent iPS stem cell experiments: first, the definitions of “pluripotency” and “totipotency” employed are scientifically incorrect. And, second, none of these iPS stem cell experiments test directly for “totipotency.” Researchers have tested only for odd tumor-producing properties of “pluripotency” -- so they don’t know -- empirically -- if any human embryos have been “accidentally” produced during the iPS process.
iPS research requires the use of “biological materials” that are derived from human embryos and human fetuses and are then used throughout the experiments. This has been acknowledged by these researchers themselves. That is, even aside from the very real possibility that real living human embryos might be “accidentally” reproduced during the iPS process, the fact remains that bits and pieces of human embryos and fetuses are used throughout these experiments. Therefore, such research could hardly claim that it was “free” of the unethical destruction of any human embryos and fetuses.
It should also be pointed out, in fairness, that the quote attributed to Debi Vinnedge (executive director of Children of God for Life) as stated in the article is not completely accurate. Debi Vinnedge is quoted as saying that “the study wasn’t particularly helpful in resolving moral issues surrounding stem-cell research because both types of cells start with the aborted fetus.” This interpretation of what was said to the reporter could be misleading, because, as Ms. Vinnedge knows well, neither iPS research nor human embryo research literally begins with an “aborted fetus.” Rather, the point Ms. Vinnedge was trying to make, and as she so stated to the reporter, was that “both involve the destruction of innocent human beings.” Ms. Vinnedge explained to the reporter that whether or not embryos were continuously destroyed in a specific research protocol was not the issue; one had to destroy embryos and fetuses in order to produce the embryonic cell lines used in that specific research protocol to begin with. She thus explained that “From a moral perspective, there’s no difference between embryonic and reprogrammed adult stem cell research because scientists used embryonic stem cells and/or aborted fetal cell lines in order to accomplish the reprogramming.”

For more details and scientific references on these concerns, see the following:
Irving, “Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPS) Research is Not the Usual ‘Adult’ Stem Cell Research” (April 8, 2009), at:; and, Irving, ”Framing the Debates on Human Cloning and Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Pluripotent vs. TOTIPOTENT” (July 23, 2005), at: For related issues of “redefinitions” of standard scientific terms, see Irving and Kischer, “Responses to Dr. Condic’s ‘Science’ in National Catholic Register Interview” (January 6, 2010), at:; also, Irving, Condic’s “‘Pre-Zygote’ Error in ‘When Does Human Life Begin?’” (November 18, 2008), at:


Indiana Planned Parenthood caught on tape giving fabricated medical information
The youth-led pro-life group Live Action released a new undercover video July 19 showing staff at an Indianapolis Planned Parenthood clinic using manipulative and medically inaccurate counseling to convince a young woman to have an abortion. This is the third undercover video Live Action has released showing abusive counseling practices at Planned Parenthood of Indiana.

Despite previous comments on medical treatment, paralyzed man really wanted to live
A paralyzed man in England who had once said he would never want to be kept alive were he severely disabled narrowly escaped death when doctors were about to withdraw treatment. Though previously unresponsive and in a “very bleak” condition, he communicated that he wanted to continue to live.

New PAV head says attacks on embryo are based in desire for power
Attacks on the life and dignity of human embryos are based on a desire for power, said the recently appointed head of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV). Monsignor Ignacio Carrasco de Paula said that from the viewpoint of science, the ”embryo is very well defended … The problem is essentially of a socio-political and ideological nature and here scientific arguments don’t count … It is a realm in which what counts is power and if the one who has power has no desire to dialogue or at least to reflect somewhat, then he doesn’t have much to do with other guidelines.” Governments and other groups or individuals that want to use embryos as living human test subjects “have the ball,” he said. “That is, in the end what remains is the political weapon and the political weapon that we citizens have today is weak. Those who know politics can do much more and that is their very grave responsibility.”

Closing Thought

Saint Paul warns us that we “are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” These are the rebel angels who have already been vanquished by Christ but who will not cease to incite man towards evil until the very end of his life.
— A reflection on Ephesians 6:12 (In Conversation with God, 4:85)




Pro-Life Today | 20 May 2010


Phoenix Abortion Flap Widens
Modern Health Care
Catholic Healthcare West, one of the largest religious health systems in the country with 38 hospitals, is in danger of losing its status as a Roman Catholic institution in Phoenix as a result of recent incidents including an abortion approved by a nun at the system's largest hospital.

U of M Offensive Tackle Defends Unborn

The Catholic Spirit
Matt Stommes hopes to make a living protecting quarterbacks in the National Football League. An offensive tackle at the University of Minnesota, he recently signed a contract with the New York Jets as an undrafted free agent.

Heavy Security at Thursday Night Planned Parenthood Event
CEDAR RAPIDS — Extraordinary security measures will be in place Thursday evening (May 20) to handle what is expected to be a large pro-life protest at the local Planned Parenthood’s 30th anniversary event.

For more headline news, click here for ALL’s Daily News Summary.


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The Pill Kills the Environment!


Saturday, June 5 is Protest the Pill Day!
Interested in GOING GREEN? Then protest the birth control pill and help save our environment! Join American Life League in the largest annual protest against the birth control pill and similar birth control products.
Scientists around the world have discovered that high amounts of estrogen, resulting from use of hormonal contraceptives, are now entering our water and are feminizing male fish!
For more information, go to

ALL Report: Crushing the Head of the Serpent

STOP Planned Parenthood is launching a new campaign to bring Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary. ALL's Michael Hichborn explains Mary's special place in salvation history and how it pertains to today's fight against abortion. Please forward this video to your family and friends as we ask for Mary's powerful intercession.

Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood Through Mary

Read more about this new campaign here. Click on any of the posters to the right to see a larger version. Signs are available for purchase in our online store now.


By Judie Brown

Recently, I was e-mailed a question that I hear frequently when discussing the Holy Father and his various comments on subjects of interest to pro-life Catholics:

Dear Judie,

Pope Benedict XVI very directly pointed out that the problem of the Church is within—mainly pointing to the sexual abuse scandals and saying that there must be forgiveness but also justice.

My questions are as follows:

1) What does the pope mean by forgiveness with justice? I consider the lack of admonishing anti-life Catholic public figures, especially politicians, as a lack of justice AND just as terrible a crime as pedophilia (but maybe I am wrong here)?

2) Does this change our attitude towards those who have performed or given into the temptation of murdering their children and then repented?

I am just trying to find the correct responses and attitude.

The quote to which this gentleman refers came from an interview the Holy Father gave during his visit to Lisbon, Portugal. The New York Times reported that the pope said the following regarding the sexual abuse scandals: “The problem, he said, was ‘the sin inside the church’ … ‘Forgiveness is not a substitute for justice.’”

According to
CathNews Asia, however, which did not take the Holy Father out of context, he said,

The greatest persecution of the church does not come from the enemies outside, but is born from sin inside the church.... The church has a profound need to relearn penance, to accept purification, to learn on the one hand forgiveness but also the necessity of justice. And forgiveness does not substitute justice.

In responding to the gentleman’s question, therefore, we have to put the Holy Father’s comments in the context of what it means to justly address someone who has, for whatever reason, sinned in a grave manner.  Perhaps the individual has even denied that he has committed a sin against God or otherwise pretended that it did not occur. For the purposes of comparing the insult and sacrilege that is committed against Christ by the person who publicly supports aborting the preborn while pretending that there is no problem with his continuing to receive communion, we can honestly say that the Holy Father’s statement applies to that offender in the same way it applies to the sexual abuser. In both cases, the person responsible for the offensive act is a violator of God’s law, Catholic teaching and morality.

Regardless, justice comes about by honestly exposing the gravity of the sin committed and making sure that the perpetrator understands that he cannot go on in the same fashion, but must instead seek the forgiveness of God and the forgiveness of those he has offended by his sinful actions. In other words, one cannot even comprehend the need to be forgiven for a serious injustice if he or she is not called to account for the action in the first place. 

I am convinced that is what the Holy Father means and what should be applied in any case where a grave sin has been committed, whether it is by a priest, a pederast or a pro-abortion Catholic who refuses to admit or perhaps is not even aware that what he has done is sinful.

Father Paul Scalia wrote on the subject of "Justice and Mercy" in his commentary dated March 27, 2004. He too reflected on the need to have a balance between justice and mercy:

Justice, as the judgment of what we deserve for sin, calls us to repentance and therefore prepares us for mercy. By extending justice to a person, we in a sense show mercy because we enable that person to realize his wrongdoing and repent. Parents punish children, for example, not because they hate them, but to correct their faults—which is merciful. Justice is not opposed to mercy at all. Justice prepares us for mercy.

Nor does mercy deny justice. Certainly false mercy overlooks or trivializes sin, making light of what in justice we deserve. True mercy, however, looks directly at sin, acknowledges its horror, understands fully the just punishment deserved—and then remits that punishment. Mercy presumes what justice demands, but then generously absolves us of it.

Justice and mercy work beautifully together, and make no sense apart. Justice leads up to mercy, and mercy picks up where justice ends. Justice that does not allow for mercy is cold and inhuman. Mercy that does not presume justice is irresponsible and sentimental. St. Thomas Aquinas says it simply: “Justice without mercy is cruelty.” But at the same time: “Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution.”

We experience justice and mercy most especially in Confession. When we confess our sins, we condemn ourselves in justice. The priest, then, does not trivialize our sins or offer us false mercy. He acknowledges the demands of justice. He confirms the gravity of our sins and our guilt. At the same time, however, he extends mercy. With the words of absolution he remits the punishment for our sins. We no longer incur eternal damnation.

By His death on the Cross our Lord reveals perfectly the demands of both divine justice and divine mercy. In justice, we deserve that death; but in mercy He embraces it for us. Thus He unites both justice and mercy in His perfect sacrifice of love.

In other words, as the Holy Father expressed it, and as we understand it, the person who has erred through sin is in need of correction, for only then can he understand the need to repent and be forgiven by God. And whether that sinful act is public or private, the ordained priest who chooses to ignore it is quite literally causing harm to the sinful individual in a way that is not only cruel, but unjust. Choosing not to point out that the individual’s soul is in danger is in itself a sin.

Finally, as the questioner addressed the application of these principles to the parent who either considered aborting his or her child or in fact did, the same conditions apply. It is only through the realization that what we have done is a grave offense against God that we can begin the process of realizing why we must admit to our error, seek forgiveness and thus be embraced fully by the loving Christ who, as Father Scalia so brilliantly points out, welcomes us back and enfolds us in His loving embrace.

Thus, there can be no mercy, no forgiveness and no peace of mind without justice.

Judie Brown, 
President of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

Respond to Judie



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Volume 7, Number 31                                                                             Monday, August 2, 2010

STOPP Campaign to Bring Jesus through Mary to Planned Parenthood

From Associates

Loreto House
The volunteers at Loreto House have welcomed a new family into their lives. A young couple has been blessed with twins and recently shared an ultrasound of their precious babies. Christopher and Benta are from Kenya and have allowed Loreto House to use the ultrasound images in a short video. Loreto House plans to follow the babies’ growth from 14 weeks to delivery. Watch “Episode One” at

Also, don't forget to mark your calendar for the first annual Loreto House "Hike for Life" on Saturday October 16. For more information, see

Pro-Life Wisconsin
You may recall that in March Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth sent a letter to the five public school districts in Juneau County warning that the new sexual education law recently passed by the Wisconsin legislature and signed by Governor Doyle could expose district school teachers to criminal liability and school districts to civil liability for promoting “the sexualization and sexual assault of our children.”

Because of Southworth's pro-life, pro-family efforts, a recall was started against him. The deadline to file the required number of signatures was July 19, and no signatures were filed! It is clear the people of Juneau County support Southworth's efforts to protect Wisconsin's youth.

Pro-Life Wisconsin again commends District Attorney Southworth for his courage and frankness in exposing the consequences of this irresponsible law. We encourage you to read Southworth’s letter on PLW’s web site ( and share it with your own county’s district attorney.

Read a Juneau County Star-Times article on the failed recall at
and  Southworth's press release on the failed recall here:

Pro-Life Waco
John Pisciotta and more than 50 pro-life friends stood in opposition to Planned Parenthood’s annual Nobody’s Fool presentation at the Waco Convention Center on July 21. Also on site was “Carolyn,” the pro-life billboard truck.  At the same time, five allies demonstrated in front of Central National Bank, a Nobody’s Fool sponsor. Their signs carried the message “Central National Bank supports Planned Parenthood. Anything-goes sex and 15,000 abortions.” Bank officials responded by turning the lawn sprinkler system on. With the tremendous heat of the day, this was very much appreciated by those demonstrating in the public right-of-way near the bank! carried a story about the campaign at The article emphasized PLW’s Waco Tribune-Herald newspaper exposé on International Planned Parenthood's vile publication, “Healthy, Happy and Hot." ( And John’s blog recaps the entire day at Finally, you can go to and click on Nobody’s Fool. You will find newspaper editorials, video files, audio files, etc.

Tip of the month – “Unity” in the pro-life movement
Excerpts from Fifty Questions on Abortion, Euthanasia and Related Issues by Charles E. Rice

Shouldn’t the primary objective of the pro-life movement be the achievement of unity within the movement?  Surprisingly to some, the answer is no. 

There are differences of judgment among opponents of abortion as to what should be the objectives as well as the tactics of the pro-life movement. Unity is desirable, but it cannot be the primary objective of any movement founded on essential and unchanging principle.

It is absolutely wrong to hold that the life of any innocent human being is subject to termination at the pleasure of a legislative majority. This is the point of the controversy over the states’ rights and personhood approaches.  And the experience of the past three decades teaches that adherence to principle is the most effective way to restore constitutional protection to the right to life. From 1973 to 1981, the pro-life movement grew and made progress. Although it argued the abortion issue primarily in secular, constitutional terms, it generally adhered to the objective that Roe v. Wade must be overturned by the restoration of the principle that all human beings are persons entitled under the Constitution to the right to live. The movement, however, treated abortion itself as the problem rather than as a symptom of deeper ills. And it became increasingly dominated at the national level by those who regarded abortion as a negotiable political issue susceptible of compromise in the same way as a highway appropriation.

In January 1981, the Human Life Bill was introduced in Congress by Senator Jesse Helms and Representative Henry Hyde. The HLB would have used Congress’ power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment to define, as a matter of law, that all human beings are persons from conception. Unlike a constitutional amendment, the HLB required only a majority vote in each House. President Reagan, newly elected in the 1980 landslide, was on record as supporting it. The HLB had momentum and there was a strong prospect that it could be enacted. 

At that point, however, the U. S. Catholic Conference, the lobbying arm of the Catholic bishops, and the National Right to Life Committee refused to support the HLB and threw their support instead to the Hatch Amendment. Not only was it clear at that time that there were insufficient votes in Congress to adopt any constitutional amendment restricting abortion, but the Hatch Amendment embodied the states’ rights approach and was a repudiation of the personhood concept through which the pro-life movement had achieved increasing success. 

The Hatch Amendment controversy split the pro-life movement. Part of that movement remains receptive to the states’ rights approach and to the allowance of abortion in “exceptional” cases. 

There is no room in this matter for recriminations. And there is no point in disparaging those who follow the states’ rights and “exceptions” approach. They think it is the “practical” course to accept some legalized abortion while trying to save some lives by enacting piecemeal protections. But that approach is not only wrong but futile and so is any pro-life movement which engages in such bargaining and brokering with the right to life.


UK’s earliest twin born under abortion limit
A baby girl born just after 23 weeks of pregnancy has become the youngest twin to be born prematurely and survive in Britain, according to the Daily Mail. Amelia Hope Burden, who weighed just 1lb 2oz, was born days before the legal abortion limit when her mother was 23 weeks and two days into her pregnancy.

Who’s really threatening women’s health?
Militantly pro-abortion NARAL Pro-Choice California has joined its national counterpart in a concerted attack on pro-life crisis pregnancy centers. On July 12, NARAL’s California affiliate published a “study” reputedly revealing the results of “a two-year-long undercover investigation of more than 200 so-called ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ in California.” The report, said NARAL, “reveals a disturbing pattern of how these unregulated centers mislead women about their reproductive health-care options, thus posing a serious threat to women's health.” The campaign launched by NARAL Pro-Choice California is part of a larger scheme by NARAL’s national organization to make it more difficult for crisis pregnancy centers to operate that has reached into the halls of Congress, where bills have been introduced in both the House and the Senate that would restrict pregnancy center advertising.

Axe falls on NHS services
An investigation by the Sunday Telegraph has uncovered widespread cuts planned across the NHS, many of which have already been agreed [to] by senior health service officials. In most cases, local communities appear to be unaware of the plans. Dr Peter Carter, the head of the Royal College of Nursing, said he was “incredibly worried” about the disclosures.

Why is this increase in health care rationing in the UK of concern for the U.S.? Because many of ObamaCare’s nationalized regulations for treatment will be designed by Dr. Donald Berwick. Berwick is an advocate for government rationing of health care and says “I am romantic about the NHS; I love it.”

IVF-conceived children have higher risk of cancer: Swedish study
Children conceived with IVF appear to have an elevated risk of cancer according to a large population-based study conducted in Sweden.  IVF-conceived children were also 87% more likely than the general population to have received a diagnosis of cancer by the age of three.

Closing Thought

Jesus said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test."

—Luke 11:2-4




Volume 7, Number 30                                                                                Monday, July 26, 2010

STOPP Campaign to Bring Jesus through Mary to Planned Parenthood

From Associates

Pro-Life Wisconsin
Jeanne Breunig with PLW Dane County related the following in a recent e-mail, and we share it with you here as an example of what committed pro-lifers can accomplish in their communities:

On Sunday, July 18, the Dane County affiliate of Pro-Life Wisconsin sponsored a “Mary, Please Stop Planned Parenthood” event that saw almost 110 people come out to pray the Stations of the Cross with Father Rick Heilman (Knights of Divine Mercy held the 14 Stations of the Cross), starting at 5:15p.m., and concluding about 6 p.m. with the Angelus. During the Stations, participants were blessed to have an opportunity to venerate a relic of the true cross and, afterwards, a relic of St. Faustina, Secretary of Divine Mercy, and the image of Divine Mercy.

The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was carried along the Way of the Cross and rested in a picnic area afterwards. A pro-life family picnic was held across the street from the Orin Road Planned Parenthood clinic on the newly acquired Our Lady of Victory LLC property. The picnic was attended by about 125 people. Peggy Hamill, state director for PLW, was special guest.

PLW Dane County had two of the recently produced campaign signs from ALL on display during this event and had used the design of one of those signs as the graphic for the event flier. The flier was distributed to each of the 134 parishes and missions of the Madison Diocese and the diocesan Catholic Herald printed it as well. Relevant Radio ran an ad about the event.

The Orin Road Planned Parenthood opened in January 2004 with a reception attended by 800 people, including Madison’s mayor. The prayer event last Sunday is just the beginning of PLW Dane County’s plans to close it down!

Tip of the month – iPS Stem Cell Research
ALL staff with Dianne Irving, Ph.D.

On Monday, July 19, the Washington Times ran an article by Valerie Richardson and Kathryn Watson entitled “Adult Stem Cells Said to ‘Forget’ Retooling” and subtitled “Embryonic Alternative Suffers Setback.” The gist of the article concerns the fact that “re-programmed adult stem cells may not be as useful an alternative to controversial embryonic stem-cell research as had been hoped” – based on the authors’ review of two recent research pieces. The article generated quite a bit of discussion around the office, specifically speculation about why so few pro-life organizations have bothered to inform themselves about this research. Here we present input from Dr. Dianne Irving on why iPS cells are not a pro-life alternative:

While it would be great, of course, to find ethical alternatives to the use of human embryonic stem cells (for therapies and for basic research), the [Times] article indicates once again that scientifically iPS cells would not constitute that final ”ethical alternative”. There have also been several similar research studies over the last few years which have indicated similar scientific problems with iPS cells. But there are also a number of ethical concerns that continue to plague iPS stem cell research. For example:
Referring to iPS stem cells as ”adult” stem cells is very misleading. Real “adult” stem cells obtained from adult human tissues and organs are initially “multipotent,” (that is, highly differentiated and specific) and then are re-programmed to become even more differentiated cells. On the other hand, iPS cells are obtained from adult cells that are de-programmed back to “pluripotency” to become far less differentiated cells. That is, real “adult” stem cells are never manipulated to become “pluripotent,” whereas iPS stem cells are.

The ethical concern is that, during the process of de-programming, or making these iPS stem cells less differentiated, “totipotent” cells could be created rather than “pluripotent” cells. Remember, totipotent cells are the most unspecialized cells possible; they are, by definition, capable of being reverted to new single cell human embryos. If any totipotent cells do result from these iPS techniques, they could indeed revert back to new single-cell human embryos which would then be destroyed. This is indeed possible, especially with little or no control over this de-programming. (Note: Please, this is not to say that all totipotent cells are embryos – as I have been misquoted as saying). The very real possibility exists that such totipotent cells might revert to new single-cell embryos because they possess the natural biological process of “regulation” or “de-methylation.”

There are two items of particular interest concerning these recent iPS stem cell experiments: first, the definitions of “pluripotency” and “totipotency” employed are scientifically incorrect. And, second, none of these iPS stem cell experiments test directly for “totipotency.” Researchers have tested only for odd tumor-producing properties of “pluripotency” -- so they don’t know -- empirically -- if any human embryos have been “accidentally” produced during the iPS process.
iPS research requires the use of “biological materials” that are derived from human embryos and human fetuses and are then used throughout the experiments. This has been acknowledged by these researchers themselves. That is, even aside from the very real possibility that real living human embryos might be “accidentally” reproduced during the iPS process, the fact remains that bits and pieces of human embryos and fetuses are used throughout these experiments. Therefore, such research could hardly claim that it was “free” of the unethical destruction of any human embryos and fetuses.
It should also be pointed out, in fairness, that the quote attributed to Debi Vinnedge (executive director of Children of God for Life) as stated in the article is not completely accurate. Debi Vinnedge is quoted as saying that “the study wasn’t particularly helpful in resolving moral issues surrounding stem-cell research because both types of cells start with the aborted fetus.” This interpretation of what was said to the reporter could be misleading, because, as Ms. Vinnedge knows well, neither iPS research nor human embryo research literally begins with an “aborted fetus.” Rather, the point Ms. Vinnedge was trying to make, and as she so stated to the reporter, was that “both involve the destruction of innocent human beings.” Ms. Vinnedge explained to the reporter that whether or not embryos were continuously destroyed in a specific research protocol was not the issue; one had to destroy embryos and fetuses in order to produce the embryonic cell lines used in that specific research protocol to begin with. She thus explained that “From a moral perspective, there’s no difference between embryonic and reprogrammed adult stem cell research because scientists used embryonic stem cells and/or aborted fetal cell lines in order to accomplish the reprogramming.”

For more details and scientific references on these concerns, see the following:
Irving, “Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPS) Research is Not the Usual ‘Adult’ Stem Cell Research” (April 8, 2009), at:; and, Irving, ”Framing the Debates on Human Cloning and Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Pluripotent vs. TOTIPOTENT” (July 23, 2005), at: For related issues of “redefinitions” of standard scientific terms, see Irving and Kischer, “Responses to Dr. Condic’s ‘Science’ in National Catholic Register Interview” (January 6, 2010), at:; also, Irving, Condic’s “‘Pre-Zygote’ Error in ‘When Does Human Life Begin?’” (November 18, 2008), at:


Indiana Planned Parenthood caught on tape giving fabricated medical information
The youth-led pro-life group Live Action released a new undercover video July 19 showing staff at an Indianapolis Planned Parenthood clinic using manipulative and medically inaccurate counseling to convince a young woman to have an abortion. This is the third undercover video Live Action has released showing abusive counseling practices at Planned Parenthood of Indiana.

Despite previous comments on medical treatment, paralyzed man really wanted to live
A paralyzed man in England who had once said he would never want to be kept alive were he severely disabled narrowly escaped death when doctors were about to withdraw treatment. Though previously unresponsive and in a “very bleak” condition, he communicated that he wanted to continue to live.

New PAV head says attacks on embryo are based in desire for power
Attacks on the life and dignity of human embryos are based on a desire for power, said the recently appointed head of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV). Monsignor Ignacio Carrasco de Paula said that from the viewpoint of science, the ”embryo is very well defended … The problem is essentially of a socio-political and ideological nature and here scientific arguments don’t count … It is a realm in which what counts is power and if the one who has power has no desire to dialogue or at least to reflect somewhat, then he doesn’t have much to do with other guidelines.” Governments and other groups or individuals that want to use embryos as living human test subjects “have the ball,” he said. “That is, in the end what remains is the political weapon and the political weapon that we citizens have today is weak. Those who know politics can do much more and that is their very grave responsibility.”

Closing Thought

Saint Paul warns us that we “are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” These are the rebel angels who have already been vanquished by Christ but who will not cease to incite man towards evil until the very end of his life.
— A reflection on Ephesians 6:12 (In Conversation with God, 4:85)




Pro-Life Today | 20 May 2010


Phoenix Abortion Flap Widens
Modern Health Care
Catholic Healthcare West, one of the largest religious health systems in the country with 38 hospitals, is in danger of losing its status as a Roman Catholic institution in Phoenix as a result of recent incidents including an abortion approved by a nun at the system's largest hospital.

U of M Offensive Tackle Defends Unborn

The Catholic Spirit
Matt Stommes hopes to make a living protecting quarterbacks in the National Football League. An offensive tackle at the University of Minnesota, he recently signed a contract with the New York Jets as an undrafted free agent.

Heavy Security at Thursday Night Planned Parenthood Event
CEDAR RAPIDS — Extraordinary security measures will be in place Thursday evening (May 20) to handle what is expected to be a large pro-life protest at the local Planned Parenthood’s 30th anniversary event.

For more headline news, click here for ALL’s Daily News Summary.


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The Pill Kills the Environment!


Saturday, June 5 is Protest the Pill Day!
Interested in GOING GREEN? Then protest the birth control pill and help save our environment! Join American Life League in the largest annual protest against the birth control pill and similar birth control products.
Scientists around the world have discovered that high amounts of estrogen, resulting from use of hormonal contraceptives, are now entering our water and are feminizing male fish!
For more information, go to

ALL Report: Crushing the Head of the Serpent

STOP Planned Parenthood is launching a new campaign to bring Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary. ALL's Michael Hichborn explains Mary's special place in salvation history and how it pertains to today's fight against abortion. Please forward this video to your family and friends as we ask for Mary's powerful intercession.

Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood Through Mary

Read more about this new campaign here. Click on any of the posters to the right to see a larger version. Signs are available for purchase in our online store now.


By Judie Brown

Recently, I was e-mailed a question that I hear frequently when discussing the Holy Father and his various comments on subjects of interest to pro-life Catholics:

Dear Judie,

Pope Benedict XVI very directly pointed out that the problem of the Church is within—mainly pointing to the sexual abuse scandals and saying that there must be forgiveness but also justice.

My questions are as follows:

1) What does the pope mean by forgiveness with justice? I consider the lack of admonishing anti-life Catholic public figures, especially politicians, as a lack of justice AND just as terrible a crime as pedophilia (but maybe I am wrong here)?

2) Does this change our attitude towards those who have performed or given into the temptation of murdering their children and then repented?

I am just trying to find the correct responses and attitude.

The quote to which this gentleman refers came from an interview the Holy Father gave during his visit to Lisbon, Portugal. The New York Times reported that the pope said the following regarding the sexual abuse scandals: “The problem, he said, was ‘the sin inside the church’ … ‘Forgiveness is not a substitute for justice.’”

According to
CathNews Asia, however, which did not take the Holy Father out of context, he said,

The greatest persecution of the church does not come from the enemies outside, but is born from sin inside the church.... The church has a profound need to relearn penance, to accept purification, to learn on the one hand forgiveness but also the necessity of justice. And forgiveness does not substitute justice.

In responding to the gentleman’s question, therefore, we have to put the Holy Father’s comments in the context of what it means to justly address someone who has, for whatever reason, sinned in a grave manner.  Perhaps the individual has even denied that he has committed a sin against God or otherwise pretended that it did not occur. For the purposes of comparing the insult and sacrilege that is committed against Christ by the person who publicly supports aborting the preborn while pretending that there is no problem with his continuing to receive communion, we can honestly say that the Holy Father’s statement applies to that offender in the same way it applies to the sexual abuser. In both cases, the person responsible for the offensive act is a violator of God’s law, Catholic teaching and morality.

Regardless, justice comes about by honestly exposing the gravity of the sin committed and making sure that the perpetrator understands that he cannot go on in the same fashion, but must instead seek the forgiveness of God and the forgiveness of those he has offended by his sinful actions. In other words, one cannot even comprehend the need to be forgiven for a serious injustice if he or she is not called to account for the action in the first place. 

I am convinced that is what the Holy Father means and what should be applied in any case where a grave sin has been committed, whether it is by a priest, a pederast or a pro-abortion Catholic who refuses to admit or perhaps is not even aware that what he has done is sinful.

Father Paul Scalia wrote on the subject of "Justice and Mercy" in his commentary dated March 27, 2004. He too reflected on the need to have a balance between justice and mercy:

Justice, as the judgment of what we deserve for sin, calls us to repentance and therefore prepares us for mercy. By extending justice to a person, we in a sense show mercy because we enable that person to realize his wrongdoing and repent. Parents punish children, for example, not because they hate them, but to correct their faults—which is merciful. Justice is not opposed to mercy at all. Justice prepares us for mercy.

Nor does mercy deny justice. Certainly false mercy overlooks or trivializes sin, making light of what in justice we deserve. True mercy, however, looks directly at sin, acknowledges its horror, understands fully the just punishment deserved—and then remits that punishment. Mercy presumes what justice demands, but then generously absolves us of it.

Justice and mercy work beautifully together, and make no sense apart. Justice leads up to mercy, and mercy picks up where justice ends. Justice that does not allow for mercy is cold and inhuman. Mercy that does not presume justice is irresponsible and sentimental. St. Thomas Aquinas says it simply: “Justice without mercy is cruelty.” But at the same time: “Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution.”

We experience justice and mercy most especially in Confession. When we confess our sins, we condemn ourselves in justice. The priest, then, does not trivialize our sins or offer us false mercy. He acknowledges the demands of justice. He confirms the gravity of our sins and our guilt. At the same time, however, he extends mercy. With the words of absolution he remits the punishment for our sins. We no longer incur eternal damnation.

By His death on the Cross our Lord reveals perfectly the demands of both divine justice and divine mercy. In justice, we deserve that death; but in mercy He embraces it for us. Thus He unites both justice and mercy in His perfect sacrifice of love.

In other words, as the Holy Father expressed it, and as we understand it, the person who has erred through sin is in need of correction, for only then can he understand the need to repent and be forgiven by God. And whether that sinful act is public or private, the ordained priest who chooses to ignore it is quite literally causing harm to the sinful individual in a way that is not only cruel, but unjust. Choosing not to point out that the individual’s soul is in danger is in itself a sin.

Finally, as the questioner addressed the application of these principles to the parent who either considered aborting his or her child or in fact did, the same conditions apply. It is only through the realization that what we have done is a grave offense against God that we can begin the process of realizing why we must admit to our error, seek forgiveness and thus be embraced fully by the loving Christ who, as Father Scalia so brilliantly points out, welcomes us back and enfolds us in His loving embrace.

Thus, there can be no mercy, no forgiveness and no peace of mind without justice.

Judie Brown, 
President of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

Respond to Judie



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