Breakthrough Ovulation Estimates for other "Birth Control" Methods:
1) Norplant has breakthrough ovulation 50-65% of the time.
2) Depo-Provera has breakthrough ovulation 40-60% of the time.
3) The IUD has breakthrough ovulation 100% of the time.
4) With over 17 million American women using the Pill and other chemical abortifacients, it is estimated that breakthough ovulation and pregnany occurs so often . . . that between 7 to 12 million newly conceived children are killed by chemical abortions in the womb each year. And most of these women never even knew they were pregnant.
(Sources for the four points listed under Breakthrough Ovulation Estimates above are as follows: 1) Hilgers, Dr. Thomas, "Norplant" Linacre Quarterly, 1993, p.64-69. 2) "Infant Homicides Through Contraceptives," 1994 by the Study of Abortion Deaths Ad Hoc Commission - Bardstown, KY. Ph: 502-348-3963. 3) ibid. 4) ibid.)
If you are taking these products to avoid pregnancy (and abortion), now you know that the makers and promoters of "birth control" products have betrayed you and your children. It has been proven many times that these products do not completely stop ovulation and conception. In fact, depending upon the product you're using, you could be at risk of ending the life of a newly conceived son or daughter every month by birth control's chemical abortions.
More Proof . . .
The Food and Drug Administration stated in 1978 that:
Combination oral contraceptives . . . [make] alterations in the genital tract including changes in the . . . endometrium (which reduce the likelihood of implantation) . . . but progestogen only contraceptives [re: mini-pills] are known to alter the cervical mucus, exert a progestational effect on the endometrium, interfering with implantation. (Emphasis added)
Medical Publications confirm the facts . . .
"The Physicians' Desk Reference" quoted a Searle brochure (Searle is a major pharmaceutical manufacturer of the Pill) which states that the mini-pill: makes the womb (uterus) less receptive to any fertilized egg that reaches it. (Emphasis added)
"Nursing '85 Drug Handbook" states: Progestogen...also caused endometrial changes that prevent implantation of the fertilized ovum. (Emphasis added)
"The Pill - How Does It Work?" By Albert D. Lorincz, M.D.: Cites a study of 1,200 women given a daily amount of progestogen equivalent to many birth control pills. 60% of them ovulated.
"Birth Control: Why Are They Lying to Women?" By J.C. Espinoza, M.D. (page 27) cites research which showed a 30% ovulation rate in women taking a combined Pill preparation.
From Birth Control Advocates
Lawyers from organizations that promote abortion have admitted in print and in legal briefs that these products cause abortions. A Tulane Law School Professor wrote:
...nearly all birth control devices, except the diaphragm and the condom, operate between the time of conception and implantation... (Emphasis added)
Attorney Frank Sussman argued in the U.S. Supreme Court: ...IUDs [and] low dose birth control pills...act as abortifacients.
The Big Lie
Propoganda from many pharmaceutical companies promotes a new definition of CONCEPTION. Their new definition is absolutely untruthful and totally unscientific. They created this new definition of when a child is conceived to help them sell their products with the label "contraceptives." Their new definition says that conception occurs only when your baby successfully attaches to the lining of your uterus. THAT'S JUST NOT TRUE!
The real medical truth.
It's very important to understand that when a sperm penetrates one of your eggs, you have conceived a child. Again, this is called fertilization or conception and from that point on, you have a brand new, genetically complete son or daughter.
Every conception is a very unique moment. For example, at your own conception, 46 chromosomes with 30,000 genes combined to determine all your physical characteristics; sex, facial features, body type, color of hair, eyes and skin. Even more amazing, intelligence and personality -- the way you think and feel -- were already in place within your genetic code. At the moment of conception, you were essentially and uniquely "you." This is the same for every human being at the moment of conception.
Remember, the pharmaceutical industry has a multi-billion dollar business selling these abortifacients. Unfortunately, many of the people who prescribe these products are not aware of their homicidal properties. They may have a sincere desire to help women, but their lack of knowledge makes them uninformed accomplices to these early abortions.
As recent as 25 years ago, most doctors took the Hippocratic Oath. They pledged never to perform an abortion. Tragically, many working in the medical profession today betray your trust by renouncing this ethic. Many know the truth but do not inform you that "birth control" devices are abortifacients which cause abortions.
Did you know abortion was defined in a Public Health Service document published by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare as follows:
"All the measures which impair the viability of the zygote anytime between the instant of fertilization and the completion of labor constitute, in the strict sense, procedures for inducing abortion" (source: Public Health Service Leaflet no. 1066, US Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1963, 27). This includes chemical abortions like those caused by the Pill, Depo-Provera and Norplant.
Now That You Know The Truth . . .
If you have used these products, this is very sobering news. Pharmaceutical companies and medical providers have made many parents unwitting accomplices to their own children's death by birth control abortion.
The Pill and its "cousins" kill children earlier in their life than surgical abortion. In America, chemical abortions are estimated to kill more than 7 million babies each year -- while surgical abortions kill about 1.5 million babies each year.
What will you do?
Scientists agree that a new human life begins at the moment of conception. If you believe this, then you know that abortion is wrong no matter how early in the pregnancy.
Now that you know the facts, statistics show that if you continue using abortifacient products, you will be aborting (killing) your own children each year. Do more research if you need to, but please stop using abortifacient chemicals immediately. (If you want to investigate further, another web site that contains more research and much greater detail is listed at the end of this article. It is highly recommended that you go to that web site today or sometime soon.)

Healing & Forgiveness!
If you have used these products -- there is a very real possibility that you unknowingly aborted one or more of your tiny sons or daughters. Please do not despair! Know that you may receive comfort in your sorrow. If you did not know these "birth control" products cause early abortions, then you are not "culpable." This means you're not morally responsible in God's eyes. And because you did not know the true consequences of chemical "birth control" products, you will not be held morally responsible for any harm they may have caused.
Remember, for anyone to commit a sinful act, all three of the following circumstances must be present:
1) The act must break one of God's Laws,
2) The person must know they are breaking God's Law, and
3) The person must freely choose to break God's Law with their own
free will.
Again, if you've used "birth control" pills and you were unaware of the consequences, God will not hold you morally accountable. Our God is a merciful, loving Father. He will only judge us based on our knowledge of right and wrong. And when we do wrong, He's always ready to forgive us -- no matter how serious the sin.
At the same time, He has given us guidelines to protect us and to help us be happy. And now that you know the truth about "birth control" pills -- if you're using them -- isn't it time to stop?
God calls on each of us to avoid and eliminate all sin from our lives. Please think about the day in the future when you will meet your Maker face to face. On that day, if you continue using chemical abortifacients after you read this information, He will ask you, "Why?"
Why not stop today? Why not purify your soul by receiving God's healing Grace? God will forgive us for our past sins, no matter how serious they are, but only if we sincerely ask for His forgiveness with a humble, repentant heart, while also being firmly resolved not to commit the sin again.
Our God is merciful, forgiving and gracious to all who repent. No problem is so great that the God who created us cannot solve it.
Saint Paul wrote about God's great mercy for sinners in a letter to Timothy. He said, "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners -- of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life." (1st Timothy, 1:15-16)
Final Notes . . .
It is important that you seek spiritual direction from your priest or pastor regarding decisions about your family and the dreadful effects of artificial contraception. Please feel free to print a copy of this article to bring with you when you go to meet with your pastor. Ask him if he understands the destructive and sinful nature of the Pill and other forms of artificial contraception. And please remember, if you are a Catholic, the Catholic Church offers God's mercy and forgiveness in a beautiful way through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). If you've committed a serious sin, you should go to confession right away. Priests are very understanding and they are there to help you. Confession is a great place to begin the process of forgiveness and healing. Go ahead and go today -- you'll feel like a ton of bricks was lifted off your shoulders.
Natural Family Planning . . .

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a healthy alternative to artificial birth control. With NFP, there are no drugs, no devices, no surgical procedures, no threat of death, no side effects and no chemical abortions. NFP is not the old Rhythm Method that was developed in the 1930's. NFP has been thoroughly tested and is proven to be highly effective. NFP is only recommended for married couples who have some burden (financial, emotional, health or other) causing them to need to space or limit the size of their family. It is suggested that you speak with your pastor or a spiritual director for spiritual guidance in this area.
Reports show NFP to be about 99% effective in determining when a woman is at the stage where she will conceive. This can help with trying to get pregnant as well as trying to avoid pregnancy.
"Using NFP has been a blessing! We have found a greater appreciation for being able to make love. We also are learning other ways to express our love . . ." -- E.M., Ohio
". . . Wonderful for our marriage. We are comfortable using it . . ." -- L.L., Iowa
"My husband is not only my partner in life, he is my best friend. NFP has forced us to take time out to work on our friendship." -- K.S., Pennsylvania
"There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven . . . a time for embracing, a time to refrain from embracing." -- Ecclesiastes 3:1,5
To find out more about NFP, call The Couple to Couple League International and ask for their FREE brochures on NFP. The Couple to Couple League phone number is (513) 471-2000 and their web site is at: for more information.
FREE audio tape . . .
And if you're interested in a great audio tape, Dr. Janet Smith (Professor at the University of Dallas) has an excellent presentation called, "CONTRACEPTION: WHY NOT?" Pro-Life America will send you a FREE copy of this tape. All we ask is that you send Pro-Life America a suggested donation of $2.00 to help cover the shipping and handling costs of sending you the 1-hour audio tape. You'll want to listen to this tape over and over again and share it with your friends, your family -- and maybe even your pastor.
Please mail your request for the FREE audio, along with $2.00 for shipping and handling to:
Pro-Life America
Dr. Janet Smith Audio Dept.
1840 South Elena Avenue, Suite 103
Redondo Beach CA, 90277.
Over 60,000 copies of this tape have been distributed in the last few years. It's truly excellent!
Again, if you would like more medical research documenting the fact that the PILL and other chemical contraceptives cause abortions, please read another article written by William F. Colliton, Jr., M.D., FACOG, and signed by 26 other physicians. Dr. Colliton is Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at George Washington University Medical Center. You can read his article here.
In addition to Randy Alcorn's book, portions of this web page were adapted from brochures by: The Couple to Couple League International and Protestants Against Birth Control (PABC).
1) The Couple to Couple League's 1993 brochure is entitled, "The Pill: How does it Work? Is it Safe?" and it includes 64 footnotes.
The Couple to Couple League - Phone number: (513) 471-2000
For more information, please visit "The Couple to Couple League site".
2) The Protestants Against Birth Control 1996 brochure is entitled, "Birth Control: Homicidal Deception" and it includes 20 footnotes.
Protestants Against Birth Control - Phone number: (414) 483-3399

Pharmacists for Life International
Pro-Life Spokesperson Objects To FDA Action On Morning-After Pill Main Category: Women's Health / OBGYN News Article Date: 01 Aug 2006 - 0:00 PDT Article Also Appears In FertilitySexual Health / STDs
Deirdre McQuade, pro-life spokeswoman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, reacted strongly to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announcement on July 31 moving toward over-the- counter (OTC) availability of Plan B for women eighteen and older.
"Making this powerful, abortifacient drug available without a doctor's oversight could place women and their newly-conceived children at risk," Ms. McQuade said.
Plan B -- also known as the "morning-after pill" -- is essentially a megadose of prescription hormonal birth-control pills. "Plan B is marketed as a contraceptive but even its proponents admit that it works both before and after conception," Ms. McQuade said.
"Over-the-counter availability would allow these drugs to be used routinely, despite the fact that they are not approved for such use. Studies presented to the FDA confirm that many women do not understand that the pills should not be used routinely," McQuade said. "Many are also unaware of their abortifacient action."
"Women for whom the drug is dangerous would not have the benefit of any clinical advice to alert them to the risks," McQuade said. One physician who supports OTC availability of Plan B concedes that "repeated use of [emergency contraception] wreaks havoc on a woman's cycle" with "resulting menstrual chaos."
"It would also place additional pressure on pharmacists who conscientiously object to dispensing drugs that can kill humans at their earliest stages of development," Ms. McQuade continued.
"As surprising as it may seem to proponents of Plan B, a 2005 study co- authored by a Planned Parenthood doctor in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that having Plan B on hand did nothing to reduce pregnancy rates compared to those who obtained the drug from a pharmacy," McQuade noted.
Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference

The Abortifacient Effect of the Birth Control Pill
Reading List and Internet URLs (last accessed 11-20-01: Alcorn/EPM info updated 6/21/05)
Walter L. Larimore, MD 8605 Explorer Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Phone 719-548-5957 - Fax 719-548-4525
This resource is available from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity:
The Pill: Addressing the Scientific and Ethical Questions of the Abortifacient Issue
Edited by Linda K .Bevington, M.A. & Russell DiSilvestro, M.A. Ph.D. (cand.)
This resource consists of a collection of articles addressing the complex question of whether the birth control pill sometimes act to cause the death of an early embryo. This question has caused some couples, physicians, and pastors to cease use, prescription, and/or advocacy of the pill, while others remain unconvinced of its alleged abortifacient effect.
Authored by physicians and other professionals, the packet's numerous articles outline the scientific evidence (or lack thereof) being pointed to in support of each position. The myriad of ethical questions raised by this issue are also reflected upon by those on both sides of this debate.
The packet's introduction goes beyond the abortifacient question, encouraging the reader to engage in thoughtful reflection on such matters as the use of contraception in general, God's design for marriage and the family, the purposes of sexuality, and the impact of the decision concerning pill use on the woman's lifestyle and health.
Also featured are FAQ's, position statements of major Christian organizations, and an annotated bibliography.
Cost = $20 for CBHD members and $26 for non-members.
Can be ordered from their website:

Abortifacient contraceptives
Below is the list of references I've found helpful (and some I have written) on this complex issue. I've tried to discern the theological background and scientific conclusions of the authors and where possible indicate that using the following code:
- Reference appears to be primarily by Roman Catholic authors or from a Roman Catholic perspective
- Reference appears to be primarily by Protestant authors or from a Protestant perspective
- Reference appears to be non-denominational or from a non-denominational perspective
- Reference appears to favor the abortifacient or post-fertilization effect possibility
- Reference appears to be neutral to the abortifacient or post-fertilization effect possibility
- Reference appears to oppose the abortifacient or post-fertilization effect possibility
1) A declaration of life by pro-life physicians. American Life League. Stafford, VA. 1999.
This declaration has been signed by 217 pro-life physicians (you can find out who signed at the website - It asserts that "...the pill and similar birth control products act, part of the time, by design, to prevent implantation of an already created human being" and that "...these products clearly cause an early abortion and are - despite the semantic gymnastics of their ardent apologists -abortifacient."
2) Alcorn R. A dialogue about birth control. Eternal Perspective Ministries. 1999
This is a stimulating, fictional conversation between two Christians who have different viewpoints on the issue of birth control. You will likely agree and disagree with both of them at different times. Hopefully this will help you develop and clarify your own position, which may combine elements of both or be very different from either.
3) Alcorn R. Does the birth control pill cause abortions? (7th Edition) Eternal Perspective Ministries. 2004.
This updated and revised booklet discusses the author's research into the possible abortifacient effects of the Pill. To start the discussion, Alcorn says, "I came to this issue as a skeptic. Though I heard people here and there make an occasional claim that the Pill caused abortions, I learned long ago not to trust everything said by sincere Christians, who are sometimes long on zeal but short on careful research." This URL site lets you choose between "shorter" and "longer" condensations of the booklet, HTML or Adobe Acrobat versions of the booklet, and responses from readers — both positive and negative.
4) Birth control pills and other hormonal contraception. Focus on the Family Position Statement. Colorado Springs, CO. 1999.
This two-page summary was researched by Focus on the Family's Physicians Resource Council (24 members) and reflects Dr. Dobson's opinion regarding hormonal birth control. It says, in part, "The majority of the experts to which Dr. Dobson has spoken feel that the pill does not have an abortifacient effect. A minority of the experts feel that when conception occurs on the pill, that there is enough of a possibility for an abortifacient warrant informing women about it." Available by calling 1-800-A-FAMILY - ask for MS190.
5) Birth control pills: contraceptive or abortifacient? American Life League. Stafford, VA. 1999.
This white paper was developed by the ALL in response to reference #9 and urges the authors of references #9 and #10 " reconsider their paper and evaluate the uses to which pro-abortion forces will use their efforts to achieve their anti-life goals."
6) Possible post-conceptional effects of hormonal birth control. Christian Medical and Dental Associations Position Statements. Bristol, TN. 1998.
This scientific summary was approved by the CMDA Board of Directors and concludes, "...while additional investigation is needed, current knowledge does not confirm or refute conclusions that routine use of hormonal birth control causes abortion."
7) Colliton WF. Birth control pill: abortifacient and contraceptive. Linacre Quarterly. November 1999:26-36.
This white paper is a direct response to reference #9. The 27 signatories of this paper are all specialists in obstetrics and gynecology, many with sub-specialty interests and faculty appointments at teaching institutions, who discuss the facts which indicate to them the abortifacient nature of hormonal contraception. They conclude, "The undersigned believe that the facts as detailed in this document indicate the abortifacient nature of hormonal contraception...We also want to make it clear that we have no desire to cause confusion and division among pro-life forces. However, we do want to make it clear that we do desire that all women using the pill are truthfully and fully informed about all its modes of action." and
8) Colliton WF. Response to Joel Goodnough MD's, "Redux: Is the Oral Contraceptive Pill an Abortifacient?" Ethics and Medicine 2001;17(2):103-15.
This article is in response to reference #15, is an expansion of reference #7 and is accompanied by reference #27 in criticizing Goodnough's review. A reprint of the article can be ordered at
9) Contraception: A Symposium. First Things. December, 1998:17-29. On the 30th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, the editors of this journal asked Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish thinkers to respond to the questions: (1) Do you judge the argument of Humanae Vitae convincing with respect to contraception? (2) How do you think the argument could have been made more convincingly? (3) In view of developments in the last thirty years, was Paul VI right about the moral and social consequences of contraception? (4) If you agree that the message of the encyclical has not been effectively communicated, why is that the case?
10) Crockett SA, DeCook J, Harrison D, Hersh C. Hormone Contraceptives Controversies and Clarifications. ProLife Obstetrician. Fennville, MI. April1999.
This white paper is one of only three publications (the others are references #10 and 14) that oppose the abortifacient mechanism of the Pill. This particular paper has resulted in several responses, including references 1, 3, 5, 7, 12 and 15. The 22 signatories of this paper are all specialists in obstetrics and gynecology, many with sub-specialty interests and faculty appointments at teaching institutions. They discuss the facts that indicate to them that if a woman decides to use the Pill, then they (the authors) "...are confident that (she) is not using an abortifacient." and
11) Crockett SA, DeCook J, Harrison D, Hersh C. Using hormone contraceptives is a decision involving science, scripture, and conscience. In: Kilner JF, Paige PC, Hager WD (eds.), The Reproduction Revolution: A Christian Appraisal of Sexuality, Reproductive Technologies, and the Family. WB Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, and Cambridge, UK. January, 2000:192-201.
This article is the second part of a two-part series on the abortifacient effect of the Pill. Its companion is reference 18. This article contains very little information that is not outlined in reference #9. This book can be ordered from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity
12) Fact Sheet - Contraceptive pills: abortifacient. Human Life International. Front Royal, VA. 1999.
This position statement from HLI "...supports the Catholic Church in accepting NFP as the only morally acceptable means of family planning and the only one worthy of the dignity of mankind."
13) Fernández JR. The pill vs. NFP. How it works. Online Pamphlet. One More Soul.
The testimony of a Catholic family physician's conversion from the practice of contraception to the practice of natural family planning. idnum=100&orderid=c126dad55ba62b4c38320d14e245a3ec
14) Fleischmann R. The Christian and birth control: the pill. WELS Lutherans for Life. 1999.
This white paper is the result of the research into this issue by the National Director of WELS. Rev. Fleischmann concludes, "I cannot bring myself to recommend the birth control pill, but I also cannot condemn it at this point. I think people should know of the questions concerning in and make the difficult decision for themselves as they have to make difficult decisions all the time. As for me, I find it difficult to recommend the pill with its potential for being an abortifacient when I can more comfortably recommend other birth control methods that clearly do not carry such a risk, such as natural family planning..." At this web site, you can click to their "Bible Study Index Page" and locate "Birth Control" and find several other articles on contraception.
15) Goodnough JE. "Redux: Is the Oral Contraceptive Pill an Abortifacient?" Ethics and Medicine 2001;17(1):37-50.
This article reviews Randy Alcorn's booklet, "Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?" (Reference #3) The author asserts that the available evidence does not demonstrate that the pill acts by abortifacient mechanisms and concludes with the following statement about informed consent: "Perhaps we should tell our patients about this controversy. But what exactly do we tell them? Is there a high risk or low risk of causing abortion? I tell them that there is an unknown risk but that risk can be reduced to a tolerable level through responsible pill taking." Several later issues of Ethics and Medicine contained long responses which claimed Goodnough's analysis was lacking - references #8, 22 and 28. A reprint of these articles can be ordered at
16) Kahlenborn C. How do the pill and other contraceptives work? Life Advocate 1997;12(7).
This article, written by a Catholic Internal Medicine specialist, for the lay public, concludes that "...(the) OCP, Norplant, Depo-Provera, the IUD, the 'morning after pill,' the 'post-rape pill,' and in-vitro fertilization all work by causing an early abortion at least part of the time." It could be used in clinical practice as a patient education handout.
17) Kuhar BM. Infant homicides through contraceptives. Eternal Life. Bardstown, KY. 1994.
This pamphlet, written by a former president of Pharmacists for Life, is the most strident of the publications suggesting an abortifacient effect of hormonal birth control. The author predicts that 834,000 to 4,170,000 chemical abortions occur each year in the US from the Pill. He predicts that there are 10 to 14 million abortions in the US, each year, of which only 1,500,000 are surgical abortions. The pamphlet can be ordered by calling Eternal Life at 800-842-2871
18) Larimore WL. Postfertilization effects of oral contraceptives and their relationship to informed consent (Commentary). Arch Fam Med 2000;9:133.
The testimony of a Protestant family physician's conversion from the practice of contraception to the practice of natural family planning. This is a nice match with reference #12. (available online only for AMA members)
19) Larimore WL, Alcorn R. Using the birth control pill is ethically unacceptable. In: Kilner JF, Paige PC, Hager WD (eds.), The Reproduction Revolution: A Christian Appraisal of Sexuality, Reproductive Technologies, and the Family. WB Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, and Cambridge, UK. January, 2000:179-191.
This article is the first of a two-part series on the abortifacient effect of the Pill. Its companion is reference 8. This article contains very little information that is not outlined in references 2, 16 and 17. This book can be ordered from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity
20) Larimore WL, Stanford JB. Postfertilization effects of oral contraceptives and their relationship to informed consent. Arch Fam Med 2000;9:126-133.
This systematic review evaluated the available evidence for the postfertilization effects of the birth control pill and concluded, "...good evidence exists to support the hypothesis that the effectiveness of the pill depends to some degree on postfertilization effects." However, the review also concluded, "...there are insufficient data to quantitate the relative contribution of postfertilization effects" Nevertheless, the authors suggest, "...the principles of informed consent suggest that patients who may object to any postfertilization loss should be made aware of this information so that they can give fully informed consent for the use of the pill." (available online only for AMA members) Sherfey MA. Informed consent for postfertilization effects of hormonal and surgical forms of birth control for women. (Letter to the Editor) Arch Fam Med. 2000 Aug;9(8):690-1.
Stanford JB, Larimore WL. Informed consent for postfertilization effects of hormonal and surgical forms of birth control for women. (Response to the Letter to the Editor) Arch Fam Med. 2000 Aug;9(8):690-1.
This letter to the editor author makes the case that other forms of hormonal birth control may have a post-fertilization effect and " would be just as prudent to obtain fully informed consent in the same manner for the other methods of birth control, for which there is similar evidence for these postfertilization effects." (available online only for AMA members)
21) Larimore WL. The abortifacient effect of the birth control pill and the principle of 'double effect.' Ethics and Medicine 2000;16(1):23-30.
This review summarizes the data from reference #20 and introduces the principle of double effect to the equation. This review has been called "...the most concise and academic review of the medical evidence and ethics of this very thorny issue." The most recent version is available at
22) Larimore WL, Stanford JB. The Abortifacient Effect of the Birth Control Pill (Letter to the Editor). Ethics and Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 3, Fall 2001:133-6.
This article (like #8 and #28) is a critique of reference #15 and addresses a number of the inaccuracies of #15. A reprint of the article can be ordered at
23) McCrystal P. Contraceptive pills: abortifacient. Fact Sheet. Human Life International (Ireland).
This brief article was originally published in the Beginnings newsletter of Pharmacists for Life (Beginnings 1997;13(4):105). It concludes, "There is a high degree of certainty that tiny human embryos die during contraceptive use. What is important, however, is not the actual figures involved but the fact that it happens at all. Given the dignity and preciousness of all human life at all stages of existence, the abortive nature of contraceptive drugs poses serious ethical and moral problems for all pharmacists and doctors in their promotion."
24) Fact Sheet - Contraceptive Pills Abortifacient. Online Pamphlet. One More Soul.
This Fact Sheet concludes, "There is a high degree of certainty that tiny human embryos die during contraceptive drug use. What is important however is not the actual figures involved but the fact that it happens at all. Given the dignity and preciousness of all human life at all stages of existence, the abortive nature of contraceptive drug poses serious ethical and moral problems for all doctors and pharmacists involved in their promotion."
25) Tonti-Filippini N. The pill: abortifacient or contraceptive? A literature review. Linacre Quarterly. February, 1995:5-10.
This now somewhat scientifically outdated review is still considered a classic. So many of the authors of these references list this review as being helpful to them in their academic thinking concerning these issues. The author offers timeless advice when he declares, "There is a need for clear teaching on contraceptive-abortifacients and the deceit involved, not only in order to address the matter of respect for human life, but also the matter of the rights of women to know what they are doing to their own bodies and to the lives for whom their bodies are rendered hostile."
26) Trewhella M. The Protest of a Protestant Minister Against Birth Control. Missionaries to the Preborn. Milwaukee, WI.
The author is the pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church in Milwaukee and speaks, as a Protestant, against birth control: "We have no God-given right to manipulate God's design for marriage by using birth control." - click on "What About Birth Control" (left side of the page) and then on "The Protest of a Protestant Minister..." (right side of the page)
27) What is the historical teaching of the Christian Church on contraception? From: Clowes B. The facts of life.
This author skillfully traces the history of the acceptance of contraception by the church at large. He points out, "Until August 14, 1930, all Christian churches were unanimous in their opposition to artificial means of birth prevention."
28) Wilks J. Response to Joel Goodnough MD's, "Redux: Is the Oral Contraceptive Pill an Abortifacient?" Ethics and Medicine 2001;17(2):103-15.
This well-written article is in response to reference #15 and accompanies references #8 and 22. A reprint of the article can be ordered at
Permissions: Feel free to reproduce and distribute any articles written by Randy Alcorn, in part or in whole, in any format, provided that you do not alter the wording in any way or charge a fee beyond the cost of reproduction. It is our desire to spread this information, not protect or restrict it. Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: by Randy Alcorn, Eternal Perspective Ministries, 39085 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 200, Sandy, OR 97055, 503-668-5200,
©2006 Eternal Perspective Ministries. All rights reserved.
Priests for Life Announces Year-Long Preparation for 40th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae
July 25, 2008 will be the 40th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical letter Humanae Vitae. Beginning on July 25 of 2007, Priests for Life will call attention to this special anniversary, and to the wisdom and insight of this important document. Respect for human life is the basis of civilization, and respect for life demands respect for the sources of life. We invite you to visit this page frequently during the year for updates and practical resources.
There is a close link between abortion and contraception. Natural Family Planning, furthermore, provides a solution to both. The Encyclical Humanae Vitae has been and will remain a prophetic voice in the Church bearing witness to these truths. Pope John Paul II's Evangelium Vitae likewise explains the connection between abortion and contraception as "fruits of the same tree."
In their 2001 revision of the Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities ("A Campaign in Support of Life"), the United States Catholic Bishops speak of the connection between abortion and contraception in the following paragraphs:
Abortion and Contraception
The Church's teaching and pastoral efforts on responsible parenthood are appropriately treated more fully in other documents. However, we address the issue here, because some promote widespread use of contraception as a means to reduce abortions and even criticize the Church for not accepting this approach.
It is noteworthy that as acceptance and use of contraception have increased in our society, so have acceptance and use of abortion. Couples who unintentionally conceive a child while using contraception are far more likely to resort to abortion than others. Tragically, our society has fallen into a mentality that views children as a burden and invites many to consider abortion as a "backup" to contraceptive failure. This is most obvious in efforts to promote as "emergency contraception" drugs that really act as early abortifacients.

With Pope John Paul II we affirm that contraception and abortion are "specifically different evils," because only "the latter destroys the life of a human being," but that they are also related (The Gospel of Life, no. 13). It is important to remember that means that are referred to as "contraceptive" are, in reality, sometimes also abortifacient. An end to abortion will not come from contraceptive campaigns but from a deeper understanding of our human sexuality, and of human life, as sacred gifts deserving our careful stewardship.
Priests for Life is committed to assisting the clergy to proclaim these realities. We will provide an increasing amount of educational material on this page, as well as links to other web sites.
Married Love and the Gift of Life -- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, November 2006 [PDF Format]
The Contraception of Grief: The Genesis of Anguish Conceived by Abortifacients and Sterilization
Testimonies about Abortions through Birth Control Pills and Devices
Written articles:
- Abortion and Contraception - Fruits of the Same Tree -- Click [here] for a testimony on the transforming power of this article.
- Comments on Humanae Vitae
- The Holy Spirit and Humanae Vitae
- Why Prolifers Should Oppose Contraception
- Reflection for the Thirtieth Anniversary of Humanae Vitae
- What is the Difference between Birth Control and NFP? (A Parish Bulletin Insert)
- The Family Planning Dilemma
- Teaching NFP Works: A Parish Example
- Inside the Vatican interviews Fr. Frank
- The Pope Paul VI Institute: Advanced Research in Human Reproduction
- "The more children, the more love" -- An interview with a mother of 20
- A Doctor Speaks about the Ovulation Method
- Letter to a Young Girl - from Dr. Alice von Hildebrand
Links to Groups:
Natural Family Planning Outreach
3366 NW Expressway - Bldg. D, Suite 630
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone: 405.942.4084 - Fax: 405.942.4022
(Invite Fr. Dan McCaffrey or Fr. Richard Hogan to your parish or community to present the Church's teachings on contraception and Natural Family Planning.)
Couple to Couple League
Natural Family Planning
One More Soul Center
Dedicated to spreading the truth about the blessings of children and the harmful effects of contraception
Pope Paul VI Institute
Resources in bioethics and reproductive technologies in accordance
with the Church's teachings
GIFT Foundation
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the virtue of lifelong chastity…
No Room for Contraception
Find articles, resources, links, news and more on the potential problems contraception brings to marriage and society.
Other NFP and related Links
Find an NFP teacher or resources in your area:
California Association of Natural Family Planning
Philadelphia Natural Family Planning Network
WOOMB - World Organisation Ovulation Method Billings ("Billings Method" - ovulation method of NFP) -
Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning
Family of the Americas Foundation (ovulation method of NFP)
Northwest Family Services (Sympto-thermal method of NFP) -
SERENA Canada-A Natural Family Planning Service (Sympto-Thermal method of NFP)
American Academy of Natural Family Planning
Educational Materials on Abortion
Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Tel. 888-PFL-3448, (718) 980-4400
Fax 718-980-6515
Subscribe to Fr. Frank's bi-weekly prolife column (free):
Birth Control
for Pro-Life Christians

Are Condoms Foolproof, or for Fools?
While using a condom, you can still become pregnant. Condoms have an annual contraceptive failure rate of 18.4 percent for girls under age 18. (1) And among young, unmarried, minority women the annual failure rate is 36.3 percent; among unmarried Hispanic women it is as high as 44.5 percent.(2)
1)“Contraceptive Failure Rate in the U.S.: Estimates From the 1982 Natl. Survey of Family Growth,” M.D. Hayward and J. Yogi, Family Planning Perspectives, Sept/Oct. 1986, p. 204
(2)“Contraceptive Failure Rate in the U.S.: Revised Estimates From the 1982 Natl. Survey of Family Growth,” E.F. Jones and J.D. Forrest, Family Planning Perspectives, May/June 1989, p. 103
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Condoms provide even less protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) than they do against pregnancy.
That’s because a woman can get pregnant only at ovulation time (two to three days each month), but a sexually transmitted disease can pass from partner to partner at any time of the month.
Venereal diseases frequently spread through “skin to skin” contact even when condoms are used. This can happen because the bacterial or viral germs that cause many serious STDs (such as human papilloma virus, chlamydia, herpes and syphilis) do not infect just one place on your body. They may infect anywhere in the male or female genital areas. So even if the virus or bacteria doesn’t get through the condom itself, you can still get a disease, because condoms don’t cover all areas necessary to prevent infection during sexual contact.
Health Experts Say. . .
Many leading health experts warn that you should not depend on condoms for protection against AIDS and other STDs:
“Simply put, condoms fail. And condoms fail at a rate unacceptable for me as a physician to endorse them as a strategy to be promoted as meaningful AIDS protection.” – Dr. Robert Renfield, chief of retro-viral research, Walter Reed Army Institute
Source: “Condom ‘Cure’ Questioned by Top AIDS Researcher,” Russell Shaw,Our Sunday Visitor,1/23/94
“Saying that the use of condoms is ‘safe sex’ is in fact playing Russian roulette. A lot of people will die in this dangerous game.” – Dr. Teresa Crenshaw, member of the U.S. Presidential AIDS Commission and past president of the American Association of Sex Educators
Source: “Condoms: Experts Fear False Sense of Security,” The New York Times, 8/18/87.
Are Condoms Really Safe?
Fact: Latex condoms have tiny intrinsic holes called “voids.” The AIDS virus is 50 times smaller than these tiny holes which makes it easy for the virus to pass through them, (1) about as easy as a dime passing through a basketball hoop.
Conclusion: Telling somebody to put a mere balloon between their health and a deadly disease is irresponsible. It’s like telling someone it’s okay to drink and drive as long as they wear a seat belt.
(1) Dr. C. M. Roland, editor of Rubber Chemistry and Technology, letter to the editor, The Washington Times, 4/22/92, p. G-2
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People & Events:
The Catholic Church and Birth Control
Until the 1930s, the Catholic Church was not alone in its opposition to contraceptives. In the Christian tradition, birth control had long been associated with promiscuity and adultery, and resolutely condemned. However, after the Anglican Church passed a resolution in favor of birth control at its 1930 Lambeth Conference, other Protestant denominations began to relax their prohibitions as well. Nevertheless, the Catholic Church held fast to its opposition.
The Vatican's stand against contraception was centuries old. For much of that time, however, birth control had remained a dormant issue. Since most birth control consisted of folk remedies and homemade cervical caps, there was little cause for the Church to respond. It was the mass production and availability of rubber condoms and diaphragms in the 1920s and 1930s, made possible by the 1839 invention of vulcanized rubber, which eventually forced the Church to take a public position on specific contraceptives.
A Mortal Sin
On New Year's Eve 1930, the Roman Catholic Church officially banned any "artificial" means of birth control. Condoms, diaphragms and cervical caps were defined as artificial, since they blocked the natural journey of sperm during intercourse. Douches, suppositories and spermicides all killed or impeded sperm, and were banned as well. According to Church doctrine, tampering with the "male seed" was tantamount to murder. A common admonition on the subject at the time was "so many conceptions prevented, so many homicides." To interfere with God's will was a mortal sin and grounds for excommunication.
The Purpose of Intercourse
For the Vatican, the primary purpose of intercourse was for the sacred act of procreation. If couples were interested in having intercourse, then they had to be willing to accept the potential for the creation of another life. For devout Catholics, that left only abstinence or the church-approved rhythm method (the practice of abstaining from sex during the woman's period of ovulation). However, the rhythm method was unreliable, and many believed it placed a heavy strain on marital relations.
A Reformist Climate
With the arrival of the birth control pill in 1960, many believed the Church was about to change the position it had held for centuries. The Church was in the midst of reform, and in this climate of modernization it seemed possible that the Vatican might bend on birth control. Since 1957, Church law had allowed women with "irregular" cycles to take the Pill to regularize their cycle and enable them to better practice the rhythm method. Approval of the contraceptive pill, many believed, was soon to follow.
"Natural" Contraception
Pro-Pill Catholics had a powerful ally on their side. John Rock, the eminent Catholic physician who had carried out Pill trials with Dr. Gregory Pincus, publicly argued that the Pill was merely an extension of the body's normal functioning. Since the Pill used the same hormones already present in the female reproductive system and did not tamper with sperm, Rock believed the Church should view the Pill as a "natural" form of contraception.
The Vatican convened a commission to study the question of the Pill, but the Church would take eight years to determine its policy towards the Pill. In the interim, the Pill quickly became the most popular method of birth control among American women -- regardless of religion.

Adventures in Pill Land
Nancy Guilfoy Valko RN

Q. Does the birth control pill increase your risk of breast cancer?
A. Since I am not a physician, in order to answer this question, I can only refer you to those who are:
In a July 29th 2005 press release, the World Health Organization openly admitted that cobined estrogen-progestogen Oral Contraceptives are carcinogenic to humans. Specifically, they said that “Use of OC’s increases risk of breast, cervix, and liver cancer.” The data was presented by a working group of 21 scientists from 8 countries convened by the cancer research agency of the WHO, the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The press release can be read here. The Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) is a 3500 page book used by doctors that explains how drugs work. In it is the “exact copy of the product’s FDA-approved or other manufacturer-supplied labeling.” The 2006 PDR states that “a meta-analysis of 54 studies found a small increase in the frequency of having breast cancer diagnosed for women who were currently using combined oral contraceptives or had used them within the past ten years.” Upon reading this, I tracked down the original source. It was an article from the Lancet, which gathered data from over 150,000 women. It said, “The studies included in this collaboration represent about 90% of the epidemiological information on the topic, and what is known about the other studies suggests that their omission has not materially affected the main conclusions.” Some might argue that the increase in breast cancer risk is only a small one. But with 80-100 million women on the pill across the globe, the numbers certainly add up. Most recently, in October 2006, the journal of the Mayo Clinic (Mayo Clinic Proceedings) published an article entitled “Oral Contraceptive Use as a Risk Factor for Pre-menopausal Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis,” authored by Chris Kahlenborn, M.D., et al. It revealed that 21 of 23 studies that followed women who took the pill prior to having their first child showed an increased risk of breast cancer. The increase was especially steep among younger women. Dr. Kahlenborn told WebMD, "Anyone who is prescribing oral contraceptives has a duty to tell women that 21 of 23 studies showed an increased risk." He added elsewhere that, “As more information comes out, it’s going to be increasingly difficult to suppress [the documented evidence from medical studies]. There’s a growing sense that it’s really just a matter of time before the lid blows on this thing. I think by the year 2010, we will start seeing a new attitude towards the pill, and it will be fueled by lawsuits.” In the Consumer's Guide to the Pill and Other Drugs it is stated that "Early-age use of the pill carries a greater risk of breast cancer, of developing larger tumors and having a worse prognosis"(2). The Pill can cause plenty of other problems as well, but click here for details on that.
Many doctors do not believe there is a link between the Pill and breast cancer. But considering that the World Heath Organization, the 2006 Physician’s Desk Reference, the journal of the Mayo Clinic, and other reliable sources openly admit such a connection, I believe there is reason for concern. Should a woman be prescribed the pill for medical reasons (as my wife was, with Endometriosis and ovarian tumors), she will be glad to know that successful alternatives exist. Click here for details on that.
You might wonder why the Pill would increase one's odds of developing breast cancer. Chris Kahlenborn, M.D., explains: "Two of the most important types of hormones that control reproduction are estrogens and progestins. Birth Control Pills are made from synthetic estrogens and/or progestins. Experiments have shown that these hormones cause women's breast cells to divide more rapidly, which makes them more easily affected by carcinogens - agents which cause cancer"(3).
To read more on breast cancer and the Pill, I'd recommend reading Dr. Kahlenborn's book, Breast Cancer: Its Link to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill. Also check out A Consumer's Guide to the Pill and Other Drugs by John B.Wilks, Pharm. M.P.S.
1) Cf. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Oral Contraceptive Use as a Risk Factor for Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis, Chris Kahlenborn, MD, et al., October 2006;81(10):1290-1302.
2) John B. Wilks, Pharm. M.P.S., A Consumer's Guide to the Pill and Other Drugs, 2nd Edition, (Stafford, Virginia, ALL inc., 1997), p. 70.
3) Chris Kahlenborne, M.D., Breast Cancer Risk from the Pill, available at .
Pope: Sex can become 'like a drug'
Interview with World's Leading Proponent of Natural Family Planning on the Dangers of Contraception
By John-Henry Westen
To find more out about the Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning visit: