| We must defend the innocent and instruct the ignorant.
He knows how to live well who knows how to pray well.
-- St. Augustine
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood The weather was so bad, it was snowing hard & I wanted to leave early to get to church & then my cell phone rang. I hurried to get the phone & it was one of our moms. She told me that she was in the hospital & just gave birth to baby boy Daniel Anthony, who weighed in at 6lbs. 12ozs. on December 13, 2010. Mother & baby are doing well. Praise God!! This was fantastic news to hear. I told her that if she needed anything please just call me & I'd see what I could do at Focus. She was happy to hear this & we said "good bye". Off I go onto the white streets of Rochester. I got to Mass & thank God there was Martha in the pew already. I wasn't sure if she would venture out in this bad weather but she did & there she was, at Mass. What a trooper. After Mass I told her of our 'new arrival & she was so happy to hear this. Off we went to the center. We arrived & she made coffee & I went outside to scoop out the situation at Planned Parenthood. Even if the weather was bad that didn't mean that people wouldn't show up at an abortion mill, for the parking lot was filled. My heart dropped. I went back into the center to tell Martha & we decided to go out to the front lines, as soon as we do some work in the center first, the place was a mess. About 10 minutes later Donna showed up to join us outside. What a trooper she is too! Donna called out to the people going into Planned Parenthood to offer them the Truth packet. She passed out 4 packets, to educate. One woman walked passed us, just coming out of Planned Parenthood. & we got to talk to her for a minute & handed her a packet & told her about the center & the Material Aid Room, which she was happy to hear about for she said that she had 2 children. Off she went to catch the bus. She was in there for a physical & we love to give the women & girls a list of doctors that 'respect life' & don't do abortions. I looked over the fence & saw a man out in front of the main entrance smoking. I called over to him to offer him help & gave him information that he needed to hear. I also said to him that you can't smoke in Planned Parenthood but you have your baby killed in there. He gave me the 'bird' & went back inside. A few minutes later a woman came out to have a smoke & I started to say something to her & she became defensive right away. He might have warned her that there was somebody outside that bugs you when you go out for a smoke. The hearts of men & women have grown cold. She was nasty but I kept on stating the Truth to her & pleading to her to 'choose" life. She went into Planned Parenthood & about 15 minutes he came out again for another cigarette. I called him a 'Dad' & that his son wanted to play ball with him or wanted to go to the movies with him, for the same son of yours, that wants to be a part of your life, is the same person that's in the womb of your wife or girlfriend now. He went inside faster than before, I don't think that he smoked all of his cigarette this time. God please save this & all of the babies that are scheduled to be killed at Planned Parenthood & every place else. In Jesus' name. Amen. Donna & I were standing on the sidewalk & there came a snow truck & blowed a ton of snow onto us. The pressure against my leg was unbelievable. Bad timing on my part. Next time I see a big truck I'll move. It came upon us sooo fast. I almost got hit by the snow blower in our parking lot where we have the center. He wouldn't slow the truck down as I was walking into the parking lot to go into the center. I turned the corner & there was the moving truck...woops. God saved my life once more, for I felt like someone put my breaks on, so I couldn't walk any further, it must have been my Guardian Angel. Thank you Lord, I do appreciate it. Martha & I went back into the center & Donna had to go home. We went into the center & the door bell rang & it was one of our moms getting some things for her new baby girl. She was thankful. About a half an hour later the door bell rang again & it was our mom who is pregnant with twins in need of diapers. She got some nice things in the Material Aid Room & we paid for the cab to take her home. She was grateful & it mad Martha & I happy too. Martha had slammed her head on the handle of the kitchen cupboard earlier while making coffee, I just found out about that. She had to go get gas for she tank was almost empty & she wanted to go in the day light instead of the dark, makes sense to me. I said that I would go with her, maybe that wasn't a good idea, for she hit her face on the edge of the car door, as she was talking to me at the gas station. She picked up some snow from the ground & put it on her face. Poor Martha, what a day for her. I hope no one gets hurt tomorrow. We went back to the center & had supper together. I brought in a chicken & potatoes, for baking in the Dutch Oven, & asparagus & salad & cranberry sauce for our supper & we had invited the dispatcher of the taxi company that shares the hall with us. He was very grateful for he hadn't had any breakfast & no lunch & didn't have any food for supper either, poor guy. We fed him well & he was able to continue his job with more energy. Martha & I did some more work & she left & I stayed for a little longer, in the office, to do ketchup, ha ha & then went home. One of our clients called me at home & she'll stop by the center tomorrow to see us. Yeah!! Paula (mother) & Hannah (daughter) are planning to stop by to help us out for an hour tomorrow afternoon, they are terrific helpers.
A Note: There is hope! A small group of us have been in front of Planned Parenthood, in Rochester, NY, sidewalk counseling about 15 years now & we have seen many miracles. Some of the workers have left, through the grace of God & babies have been saved from abortion & were born. We are vocal & give out literature packets & show graphic signs, that save babies lives. We know that we are up against the evil that it present there but through prayer we trust that the Lord is with us protecting us from the snare of the Evil One. We must be faithful for He is faithful. Many lives have been saved, from abortion, because we were out there in all kinds of weather. Like the sweet elderly woman once said "And if I can change one heart - even ONE, then it will have all been worth it". I know that the good Lord used her to change many hearts. You can too, please be used by God, in front of your local abortion clinic & watch the miracles happen. Just take the first step, for He is right beside you, to guide you. It's worth it....Come Holy Spirit Come!
"Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds" Matthew 11: 19
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood A day from Hell!! Yesterday Ms. C. called me around 10:30pm & asked if she could have $20 for bus passes. I said that this would be her Christmas present from Focus & she could pick it up at Focus tomorrow around 1pm when I arrive. She said "okay" & we hung up the phone & I went to bed, a couple of hours later, I'm a night owl. After Mass today Paula & her family came to the center to help out. I wanted her to meet Ms. C because she talked to her after she threatened to have an abortion after Martha & I took her to to get the RU486 pills taken out, in September when she was 7 weeks pregnant. So I wanted her to meet her because I thought that she was influential in her continuing her pregnancy, for this is what Ms. C lead me to believe. The doorbell rang & it was Ms. C so I greeted her & gave her a hug. I had just signed her Christmas card & put I in a prayer card of Our Lady of Guadeloupe. the Mother of Christ & the Mother of the Unborn. Paula, Ms. C & I were in the hallway of the center I asked her how she was doing & how did the doctors appointment go, last week, & did they do an ultrasound? She replied back to me that she didn't like doctors & she wasn't really taking care of herself. I said "are you still pregnant"? She looked down & mumbled that she wasn't. I asked if she had a miscarriage & she said that she went through with the abortion after all about a month & a half ago. She had her precious baby killed & she deceived Martha & I for a very long time to get $$ from us.... no more that's for sure. I will pray for her & when she is remorseful of what she did & needs help, I will give her Post Abortion brochures & phone numbers to call the women that can help her. This was a shock to say the least & it will take me many moons to process this & to grieve over the loss of her precious baby's life that she earlier tried to end by the RU486 pills. I thought that her & her baby had a chance for a good life, but I was wrong. She is selfish & played both Martha & I over a couple of months. No matter what her history is there is no reason to abuse another human being. Three young kids drove into Planned Parenthood's parking lot. The young man hollered over that he was coming over to speak to us which he did. He came from around the bushes to the sidewalk where Martha & I were standing. He reached out his hand to me saying that his name was Paul. The girls went into PP to go to the bathroom he said & that they were for life & not for abortion. I don't know why they would want to got to the bathroom at Planned Parenthood?? The girls came out of Planned Parenthood & came over to us & were receptive to what we were saying. Paul wanted to use the new mega phone to say 'life', I let him. We gave them DVD's & the Bella movie & 3 Truth packets & the Rosaries, which they will pray. They thanked Martha & I profusely & then drove away. Paul had a lot of personality & all 3 were a pleasure, a breath of fresh air.
Thursday, December 16, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood I was so bummed out with the murder & deception, of one of our clients, yesterday that I had called Sheila, last night, that I would be there on the front line later this morning. She was going to have her brother & three other pro lifers with her. I did arrive earlier than I had planned & I got there at around 11am instead of 10:30am. The first situation I experienced was that a client of ours who walks with a walker & brings her husband with her that doesn't say anything but just stands there, were waiting by the door. I got out of my car & then told her in a nice way that I'm usually not there at this time on Thursdays but next time come around 1:30pm if you can. I said that I would open up the Material Aid Room, this time, but please be quick for I need to be out on the front lines with the team. She came in & shopped around for about 10 minutes & then I said again that I needed to go & she rapped up her shopping & she & her husband left with many nice things for their children.
December 25, 2010 Christmas Day, the Birthday of the Christ Child, who Redeemed the World of sin Taken from "Joyful Meditations for Everyday of Advent" by Rev Warren J. Savage:
It is our joy and our calling to bring love with us wherever we
go. All of us, even the unborn, recognize the voice of love. We know what
it is to feel the balm of comforting words, and the joy of appreciative
We also know what it is to see the face of love. Whenever we light up at
the sight of someone, we are seeing our own love reflected in that person.
God within us recognizes God within the other person and responds with a
leap of joy.
Our challenge is to learn to recognize God within the people who disturb,
dismiss, or disrespect us. We can make a start by speaking courteously and
appreciatively to those we find it hard to love. We can shine our light of
goodness and love in the darkness that we feel in the presence of those who
trouble us. We can make an intentional effort to be peacemakers in all
Ponder: Where does my inner light shine most brightly? Who is a beacon of
love in my life?
Prayer: Lord, you offer your love freely to all. Help me to let go of
anger, resentment, and pride and let your love shine through me.
Through the grace of God & our co operating with it "nothing is impossible
with God". Thanks for helping me to be a better person, as I approach the
darkness of death, at Planned Parenthood. As we call out to the mothers, I
hope & pray that the babies will hear the 'love' from us, before they die &
go back to heaven where they will always feel & hear the continuous love of the
Lord & Mother Mary.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood I was heading out of my apartment, to go to Mass, when the phone rang. It was a young woman who said that DSS had assigned her to help us out at Focus. I was surprised & I said that I would be there at 1pm today, she replied that she would be there then too. I said "okay, I'll see you then" & hung up. When I arrived at the center at 1pm there she was. We introduced ourselves to each other & I started to orientate her to what we do at Focus. I also introduced her to the other members of the Focus team & to the men in the Taxi Company. She fit right in & started to work, right away, straightening up the Material Aid Room. She organized the room & it looks great now. She also made up the Truth packets & over the next couple of days she did many other helpful things in the center. She also talks to our moms in the Material Aid Room, as they shop for their children, making them feel comfortable. She is a blessing to us. We had one of our clients who is pregnant with twins come in to receive more things for her other children & to talk. Life is hard for her now but we told her that things will get better soon & she always has us to come & talk to. She was happy to hear that & I got a big smile from her. She is a believer & does trust in God. Martha & I were on the front lines today, for Carole & Donna were away, due to Christmas time commitments with family. I was happy to see Deanna & her niece Gianna, who is 7 years old, come to the center, Deanna came to help out. John was with us today in the office too. Well need less to say we got a lot done in the office with all the paper work. Deanna made up some fliers to sent out to our clients to invite them to a 'Special Day @ Focus' on January 22nd from 9:30am to 1pm. We will have a Life Coach & a representative from Mary Kay cosmetics to do make overs for our girls. We will serve a light breakfast & then have a great lunch served, from Wegmans. It will be a day for them to feel special & to get pampered. I especially want to thank Pat Smith in making this event possible, at Focus, along with Carley & Yolanda. God bless you all.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 not in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I had soooo much to do in the center that we decided to stay in to do what we needed to do. She wasn't feeling well either. No one was out on the front lines today sorry to say.
Thursday, December 30, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood (last day in 2010) There was coverage all day today in front of the Death Mill Planned Parenthood from 9am to 4:30pm. This is going to be the norm in 2011. All day coverage on Thursdays when they murder these precious, innocent babies that the Lord had just created. I came at 12 noon & right away I was doing three pregnancy tests & counseling another young girl who was pregnant. I was sending one client to St. Mary's Clinic to get checked out & another client to Compass Care for an ultrasound. I was so busy my head was spinning for I was the only one who could do the pregnancy tests for Suzanne wouldn't be there until 2pm today & Martha was sick. After I spent an hour in the center I went outside to be with Sheila & her brother, until they had to go, then Bill came & planted himself across the street & I was alone on the Planned Parenthood side where the big bushes are. I called out to everyone that drove into the Death Camp pleading with them not to have their baby killed. No one listened. Hours later as a young girl was coming out of the parking lot with her so called boyfriend driving, I said to her, holding the poster of the aborted baby, "I hope that you didn't do this to your baby"? She looked at me with her eyes rolled back in her head & said to me "your mother should have aborted you". Evil is NOT pretty. Their lives are a mess & will be until she & he REPENT!! Another guy driving out with his so called girlfriend waved his left arm out the window all the way up the street. What, celebrating the murder of his child....how bizarre!! Something's you just can't absorb. People are cruel & abortion is MEAN & it won't make them happy that's for sure. They are Post Abortive now http://www.allaboutlifechallenges.org/post-abortion-syndrome.htm and http://postabortionsyndrome.org/ and http://www.troubledwith.com/loveandsex/PostAbortionSynd.cfm to receive help, forgiveness & healing, from God. Dan came after Bill had gone but he needed to do some work in the center for me so I was by myself for a very long time. I know that God & Mother Mary & the Angels were with me for sure & the Saints were praying for me too. We're never alone...... Our new girl, who is helping us out & Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, were busy in the center. Leanne was sick today & will be back next week to help out in the office. I sent a woman who was walking down the street into the center to go into the Material Aid Room to get some things for her children & she came out about 20 minutes later with 3 bags full. Her kids didn't have any jackets so we provided them for her. It felt good that we can make a difference at Focus.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I arrived at the center after Mass when my cell phone rang, it was one of our clients who was RSVPing to come to the day at Focus, on January 22nd., where we will pampering our clients. I was happy to put her on our list. Sandy came in & worked hard putting things away, in the Material Aid Room, that were donated to us at Focus. Donna was out on the front lines of Planned Parenthood holding her 'Chosse Life' sign. Martha & I were about to join her soon, for we were doing somethings in the center first. I was so sleepy today that I went into the center to take a 15 minute nap on the sofa in the Great Room. When I went back out to the front lines Martha & Donna told me that a young girl & her so called boyfriend came walking out of Planned Parenthood to the sidewalk. Martha heard the guy say to the person on the phone, who he was talking to saying "she changed her mind, she changed her mind, she didn't go through with it". Martha started to talk to the young girl & told her to stay strong against the evil wishes of her boyfriend & that we could help her. He hollered over to Martha "so are you going to raise this kid"? Martha said "it would be my pleasure". Off they go walking down the street & around the corner. Oh Lord please protect this mother & child from all evil. Thank you, Amen A mother & her daughter was walking out of Planned Parenthood & I called over to them. The mother indicated that I was crazy. I indicated back to her that she was the one at Planned Parenthood & I was the on the sidewalk. As they were driving out the mother hollered over to me "choice, it's our choice". "No" I said back, "it's never your choice to have a baby killed". Then the daughter expressed herself saying it was her choice & that the baby was already dead". Off they went down the street never to be the same again. A car drove into Planned Parenthood saying that she agreed to what we were doing. I then asked her why she was there. She said for Rape Crisis Counseling. I asked to wait while I went to the literature box to get our referrals for her & our brochure for her. She waited patiently for the information. I told her that I was a rape survivor & if she wanted to talk then please give me a call at the 888 number on the brochure. She smiled at me & said thank you. We handed a lot of Truth packets out today. Officer Mike stopped & handed us 3 hot chocolates from Dunkin'N Donuts. Thanks Mike you're in our prayers. Mmmm good hot chocolate.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I went to Focus after Mass & I told her that Pat, our great grand mother, had called me before I left for church & was planning to come to Focus today around 4:30pm, to pick up a couple of things for her great grandchildren. She told me that her other granddaughter is pregnant now. Abortion is never an option with Pat, thank God. She has saved her great grand children from being aborted, what a remarkable woman!! Martha then made coffee & then the doorbell rang & it was Allyssia, she wasn't with us yesterday due to an foot problem. Glad to se her & she was ready to work. Martha started to bring out the signs & literature box to the front lines to get ready to witness to the public & the people going in & out of Planned Parenthood. I was going to join her after I made a call to order literature for the Truth packets, they were having a sale so I wanted to save some money for Focus. I made my order & I was about to go out to the sidewalk to join Martha when Allyssia peaked her head into the office to tell me that three girls were in the hallway asking to have a pregnancy test. I said "sure, I'll be right out". I went out to the hallway to see familiar faces. Two of the three girls asked for a pregnancy test. I guided them into the Rose Room to fill out an Intake Sheet. I was worried about Martha being out on the sidewalk by herself so I asked Dan, the Realtor who rents the office in the hallway to go & tell Martha that I was doing pregnancy tests & that I will come out as soon as I'm finished. He said that he would. I went into the Rose Room to administer to the girls. After the tests I counseled them again on abstinence & respect for one self & told them that I cared about them & to come back if they needed us at Focus. I invited them to our Workshop on the 22nd.. They smiled & said "thank you" & left hopefully more educated then before. We have to keep trying & Rome wasn't built in a day. After they left I asked Alyssa to make Martha & I a chicken sandwich & she said that she would. I start to feel icky around this time of day & food will help. She made the best chicken sandwich I ever ate, thanks Alyssa. She brought one out to Martha & came back in to say that Martha wasn't alone but had a woman with her. Oh thank God, Carole had arrived to be with us today & Martha wasn't alone. I was at peace now. I finally got out to the front lines & greeted Carole who showed me the pictures of her granddaughter, Payton, who was born months ago at 1lb. 7ozs. & is now 18 lbs. but she needs more eye surgery but is thriving. She is soooo cute & such a fighter, how difficult this has been for Carole & her family but they trusted the dear Lord & prayed, prayed & prayed some more. Carole told me that her & her husband will be going to Florida at the end of January until April, they will be house sitting for her friend. I was so disappointed for we need her out on the front lines on Tuesdays & Wednesdays but God is in charge not me. He'll provide for us on the street ministry. We talked to many women & girls, with really no response, sort of no affix, it's so sad that they believe the lies at Planned Parenthood examples: it's a blob, it's not human, a clump of tissue, not viable, (the baby isn't suppose to be out of the womb at this time), it's the best time to terminate now, birth control prevents abortions, etc.. Brain washing techniques. They sell abortions & the workers there are programmed to be 'robots of death'. Then things turned around real fast. A young girl came from around the bushes & Martha asked her if she wanted a pregnancy test & she quickly responded with a "yes". I looked at Martha, as if to say 'it's your turn to do a pregnancy test', I just did two. I then introduced the young girl to Martha & she then reached over, to the wooden ledge to get her cup of coffee first, as they both walked towards the pregnancy center. It was Carole & I now on the sidewalk to witness. A young mom with a small baby stopped her car as she was leaving the parking lot of Planned Parenthood to take the Truth packet. She said to me that the graphic pictures were not helpful & probably worked against us. I corrected her to say that these pictures have saved many babies lives... end of discussion. She was nice but misinformed. I hope that the Truth packet educated her more to the Truth about abortion & Planned Parenthood. That's are job!! Then a young boy approached me asking for a Rosary. I looked at him & said "you have to say the Rosary so that you can go to Heaven". He looked at me so sweetly & said that he was going to say the Rosary so I gave him one. He looked at me with his sincere eyes & said "thank you". How refreshing. I noticed that he was walking to a parked car so I walked over to the car to see that a woman was at the wheel & two young girls were in the back seat. I spoke to his mother & went back to the literature box to get her a Truth packet & an invitation to our Workshop on January 22nd.. She was most grateful for all the information. Carole & I wondered why Martha was gone so long in doing a pregnancy test so I asked Carole if I could leave her alone for just a few minutes to go into the center to check. She said that would be fine, so off I went into the center to see what was going on. Alyssa was assisting a mom in the Material Aid Room & Martha & the young woman were still in the Rose Room, all was well so out I went back to be with Carole. About 10 minutes later Martha returned back to the sidewalk. She said little about the interview which is okay, we want confidentially to be prime. Tucker came & Carole left. Tucker, Martha & I talked for a little while then a man who was in the parking lot of Buckpitt, which is right next door to Planned Parenthood was confronting Tucker, which he hates. Martha was also talking to him too. I heard Tucker say to him that even Hitler gave roses to his mother. The guy was defending Planned Parenthood saying that they do other things than abortions. With each abortion means a baby dies, please don't minimize the killing of these little precious, innocent human beings. I walked over to him, with just the fence separating us, he seemed nice but misguided. I offered him a Truth packet & a DVD which he reached over the fence to receive. I was pleasantly surprised. I asked him what his name was & he answered back that it was Jim. I told him my name was Mary. I reached over the fence to shake his hand. He said that his hand was dirty but I said that was okay & we shook hands. I said to him to look over the information & in a couple of weeks lets talk. He smiled & said "sure". I figured that would give him enough time to get the Truth & he would know what we are doing & talking about in front of Planned Parenthood. I'll see if I ever see him again, he was nice though. Martha & I went into the center & Tucker stayed outside by himself, which he usually does. I hope that's a good idea?? Pat, our great grandmother came & Martha & I sat down to talk to her for awhile. She was spunky & upset about many things. We tried to calm her down a bit. She did receive some nice things, for her family, which I think helped her, that's what we're all about, is to help people. We love her too & all our clients. After she left Martha, Alyssa & I prepared supper. As we were having supper Martha casually mentioned that the girl that had counseled earlier said that she was going to be bringing her cousin into Planned Parenthood tomorrow, Thursday for an abortion of twins. Hit me over my heard with a boulder why don't you. Martha must have still been in shock to have waited so long to tell me & at supper no less. She told the girl that she should not do this & she responded that she would be mad if she didn't. Martha told her that's just to bad, she would also be responsible in the death of the babies. Martha gave her every graphic picture we had in the Rose Room & the DVD too. That's why she was in the Rose Room for so long with her this afternoon was to talk to her about how to go back to the house & to talk her cousin out of killing her twins. Delayed stress!! She called over to the house after supper but no one answered so she said that when she gets home she'll try again, which she did. I had to hurry to get home for Dan was coming to my apartment to check out my computer for I think that I got a virus. When I got home I called a couple of people to ask them to pray for this woman that she wouldn't have her precious babies killed tomorrow at Planned Parenthood. I was sick to my stomach.
Thursday, January 6, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Our first new baby of 2011 was just born on January 4th. a little boy Eric Israel at 7lbs. 4 ozs.. Mother and son are doing well. Also, twins that were scheduled to be aborted at Planned Parenthood today, Thursday, were not. Mother changed her mind, after Martha had spoken to her cousin, that had come into Focus for a pregnancy test yesterday. Praise God!!! Mother of the twins in now under our care for baby items, in the future & has our prayers & support. We will keep in contact with this mother as we do all our mothers thanks to Suzanne. It's a team effort!!!
The grace of God & Martha talked to her cousin who came in for a pregnancy test the day before & she talked to her like a Dutch Uncle. She was given all the info we had & the graphic pictures & the DVD on Grow & Development too. We prayed & asked others to pray too & we were blessed with the great news, the next day!! It was great news but later that day Planned Parenthood killed many babies without mercy. Some young guy dressed up in a skeleton outfit along with a mask. It was so evil. A woman came over to me at the fence & screamed at me that the girl, she had brought into Planned Parenthood, had been raped & she brought her hear for an abortion so that the child wouldn't remind her of the rapist. I said 'adoption' & support & counseling & love, was the answer. I told her that in time she could be healed from the rape but she will never really get over the abortion, she said that I was crazy. I told her that I was a gang rape survivor & conceived twins, in the rape (which I later miscarried) & it wasn't the baby's fault that he or she got conceived in the rape & that the baby shouldn't die for the crime of the father, but she could care less & went back into Planned Parenthood. All I can do is pray for them all & hope, in time that they repent. It was a very traumatic afternoon compared to the great news earlier in the morning. Our mom of the twins is 7 weeks so please continue to pray for her. Thank you so. We told her that we would be right there for her & her cousin is supportive for 'life' too which is great. She also had a positive influence on this woman's decision too, I'm sure, after Martha educated her the day before about abortion. Counseling made a difference too. Praise God!! It's a very difficult ministry dealing with life & death. We at Focus & all of us on the front line ministry needs your prayers too, to deal with the different scenarios, that come our way every week. Come Holy Spirit come & Mother Mary & St. Michael & all the Angels & the Saints too. God is with us to speak through us & to protect us. God be the Glory!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood It was a day that we had four pro life women out on the front lines & two working in the center helping in the Material Aid Room assisting our moms. Our accountant was working on the application for Foodlink so that we can get non perishable food items & baby & paper products for our clients in need. It was an very throw application & I'm lad that it it completed. It's now just a waiting game for a response. We sent in a letter to Wegmans to seek out assistance at the corporate level for diapers & baby products etc.. This will help us out too. We handed out some Truth packets & DVD's to passer bys. Hoping that some lives will change once they have the truth. Some nasty people driving by mostly men that showed us their intelligence by the 'bird', immature & probably guilty of participating in an abortion. Repent, please you guys!! Martha came into the center to administer to our client Valerie, who is pregnant with twins & entertaining her two other children. Dan just arrived & probably will eat supper with Martha, Alyssa & I.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 not in front of Planned Parenthood There was a snow storm her in Rochester, NY & I really thought that Martha was going to cancel but she didn't, what a trooper. I happen to have met her in the church parking lot & we spent time with the Lord first before we went to the center. Sandy & Alyssa arrived to help out & I took the bags out of my car that was dropped off in my garage by Ana from the Second Thought consignment store in East Rochester. I told Martha that the Women's Care Center had some baby clothes & formula for us & we needed to pick it up on Lake Ave., so we did. They blessed us with so many nice things for our moms. It was good seeing the fantastic people that do what we do in Charlotte. God bless you guys!! Martha & stopped at Tops to get some more food for the Food Shelves in the Material Aid Room. They had a great deal 10 for $10, so we got spaghetti & sauce & evaporated milk for our food shelves. We also got a nice pan, for our cooking at the center, for different events there to be used on our new hot plates. We checked out & when we came out on to the parking lot there was a woman who approached us asking for money for her & her kids & said that she was pregnant too. I knew that she was scamming us but ........ We got back to the center & the girls put everything away in the Material Aid Room. Looking good!! A few minutes later two girls came in & one of the girls got a pregnancy test & the other girl went into the room to get some nice things for her 7 month old baby. When the other girl came out of the Rose Room after her pregnancy test she received some diapers for her 10 month old baby. They both left happy. I worked in the office for a some time then took a nap on the couch in the Great Room.... so tired. I woke up ready to help Martha with the supper she was preparing. We had a nice chicken & potato & salad supper. I cleaned up & Martha brought Alyssa home. I called Sheila & told her that I would be with her on the front lines tomorrow between 10:30 & 11am, to try to save lives from being killed, over at Planned Parenthood. Lord have Mercy!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood
I was sick today & couldn't go out on the front lines & to the center, so I depended on the team to take over which they did. Sheila called me at home to tell me that a woman came out of Planned Parenthood & walked by her, she stopped to ask he if she could help her. The woman said that she just had an ultrasound & is about 7 weeks pregnant & is considering an abortion because she has 2 other children at home. Oh, so the third child has to die because you have children at home, oh to many children, so this one has to be killed so that it won't be so hard for you to raise all these children. Life is cheap at Planned Parenthood. On a less cynical note, Sheila talked to her & gave her our Truth packet & showed her the Focus Center so if she needed anything she could call or stop by to receive our services & we can help her with all her children by giving her free baby & children clothes & small items & referrals of good people & organizations that can help them. I feel strongly, in my spirit, that after talking with Sheila that this pregnant woman won't be back next week for an abortion.
Then Sheila reported that she had stopped a man driving out of Planned Parenthood & offered him a Truth packet. He said that he had tried for 2 weeks in talking her out of the abortion but she wouldn't listen. Sheila asked him to try one more time. He said that he was late for an appointment & off he went. She said that she wasn't sure if he tried again to save the life of his baby. So sad....so evil. She was determined to have her baby be killed by Rachael Phelps at Planned Parenthood that day & because he was a man he couldn't stop her. Why he drove her in was a mystery to me, maybe he was trying to still talk her out of it but it will bother him someday that he drove her to the place where his precious baby was killed. Wounded fathers too.
Martha later reported to me between my up chucking where I thought that I was going to die three times by aspiration but prayed to God to spare my life, which he did, thank you Lord, that when she arived there on the front lines around 1pm she spoke to the peole going into Planned Parenthood. She was talking to a couple in a big van & later the police came in & spoke to them too. She wasn't sure why the police were speaking to them but it was without incident. They never went into Planned Parenthood & they left. Hopefully they changed their minds about killing their precious baby. Only God knows. She also said that that there were prayer warrios out there praying which was great. After 5pm Martha came into the center after being out on the front lines all afternoon, she said that she couldn't feel her feet, not good. Leanne came to organize the office. I was told that I have a big pile of papers to go through either to throw out or to keep & file. Okay Leamme, you're the boss of organizing, anything you say to make sense of the office space, I'll do. Yeah, I'm so glad that the good Lord sent you. What a mess, lets say I've saved everything but I don't know where to find it..... not good, right. Well the team did great again, like always, with or without me. I'll be back!!!!
Monday, January 17, 2011 Martin Luther King Jr. Day A Legacy Fit for a King Today we celebrate the 82nd anniversary of the birth of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. (his actual birthday was on Saturday). Looking back over his speeches and letters, it's impossible to walk away without the sense that this man was divinely inspired. Dr. King's legacy is so significant that everyone from pro-lifers to homosexual activists claims him as one of their own. What's interesting is that many on the Left who embrace Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. are the same who want to silence today's faithful. It was in his "Letter to a Birmingham Jail" that King sought to correct his religious brethren who chastised him for speaking out about the plights of his day.
" So often," he wrote, "the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an arch-defender of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the church's silent -- and often even vocal -- sanction of things as they are. But the judgment of God is upon the church as never before. If today's church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century." The foundation for Dr. King's message wasn't human rights but divine ones. Like Reverend King, we should be challenging the church to stand for truth -- with a capital T.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I was so late for church today that I missed Mass completely. I felt like I was in quick sand trying to reach the church. 'God First' must be my motto, so many phone calls coming in & going out. Lord forgive me, so I made a Spiritual Holy Communion instead. Check out: http://www.ourcatholicprayers.com/spiritual-communion.html. I met up with Martha at the end of Mass & we walked out of Our Lady of Victory together. We got to the center & met up with Sandy, who helps us out on Tuesdays, she noticed that my car was filled with bags & boxes of things to clean up & to put away, in the Material Aid Room. She helped me get the things out of my car & into the center. Sandy & Alyssa, who also helps out at the center, were kept very busy today. Martha was making coffee, I guess to stay awake, & I was trying to get the signs out of the cabinet & onto the sidewalk. Just then Donna & Carole came. What troopers they are. Donna came into the center for a minute & then went right out to the front lines to witness & be assessable to the girls, offering them the Truth packets & help from the pregnancy center. She is such a blessing to us & so is Carole, who will be going to Florida for the next couple of months, then will be back in April to join us again on the front lines in defending life. God bless the 'True Remnant' of dedicated people who come out onto the sidewalk to pray, witness & be abused for the sake of the unborn who have no voice & who are killed without mercy at Planned Parenthood & at all abortion mills & doctor offices throughout the world. We are the arms, legs & hearts & voices, for the offended Lord, who just created these wonderful people in His image & likeness. Lord forgive us!!!! We were approaching girls that were passing us by on the sidewalk & offering them assistance. Some of them said that they were heading to the Focus Center to get baby & children clothes for their families. I was delighted to hear that. We did have an incident where a regular man, who has some mental issues, who comes & gets things at the Material Aid Room. Today he walked right into the office where we keep our diaper supply & helped himself to a whole bag of diapers which I just bought yesterday & hadn't had time to divide the bag yet. Off he goes on his bicycle with the big bag of 56 diapers, not caring that our other moms might need size 5 today, which they did & we didn't have any for them. He had the nerve to come back later on & I lit in on him like a match. I told him that he had no business in the office & that he stole those diapers & he is NOT welcomed back to Focus. No bones about it I will NOT tolerate stealing at Focus!! "There is consequences to sin". Martha also stayed strong & came to the front door & told him to "go away". He was giving me another made up story. 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'. I feel badly about this but I have to stay strong otherwise we will get the reputation that you can come to Focus & steal. No way. I have to protect our center that is my responsibility as a Director. Not an easy position & I pray to be a good one. I was just coming back out to the front lines to join Martha & Carole when about 5 girls came out of Planned Parenthood & stood by the brick side of the building. They were giggling when we called over to them offering them help. One girl took off her coat & was dancing around. They were there for about 5 minutes & then left. About 4 minutes after they walked up the street towards East Main St. 2 police cars came into Planned Parenthood. I said to Martha & Carole "hey girls what did you do while I was away, I'll just tell the police I just got here, I'm innocent". They laughed. Then all of a sudden we looked down the street, & I'm not kidding there were 4 police cars coming up the street & going into Planned Parenthood. I told the girls "I can't leave you alone for a minute & you get into so much trouble.. ha ha". Then the people from Planned Parenthood came out, the usual suspects, there was Eric & Rick & a new guy & a new woman all walking fast heading to the sidewalk. Oh we thought to ourselves they're after those girls that were there & had just left. We wondered what they did to call out 6 police cars, no make it 8, for 2 more police cars came later. Our tax dollars going down the drain again. Like Carole said "they can kill babies in there & no police cars come & when a couple of girls act out in Planned Parenthood they call in the troops". We asked a couple of girls, that walked passed us that were coming out of Planned Parenthood, what had happened & they told us that the girls had a fight in Planned Parenthood. Well, by the time they came out & gathered in front of the building, for about 5 minutes, it looked like they all had made up. I'm sure they didn't know what had hit them when 8 police cars approached them, as they were walking down the street. I don't know if they were arrested or not. Big wimps at Planned Parenthood. What a waste of police time & our $$$$. Planned Parenthood should be arrested for killing human beings in their facility.......What a twisted Society, we live in, when the bad guys get away with murder.......
Wednesday, January 20, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I went to Focus after church. She was cold so we thought that we would run over to Wendy's for something hot before her & I were going out to the front lines. I had to find some papers for Memo when he comes later on to do some computer work for us. I got a call from one of our very pregnant clients, so said that she had to call the taxi company to get a ride to an appointment that she forgot about. I said that Focus would pay for the taxi ride so don't worry about it, she was happy to hear that. She is due next month. I decided to go to the front lines to see if the abortionist Rachael Phelps was there & when I was standing on the sidewalk there came Alyssa coming down the sidewalk. I walked her into Focus & was happy to see her. She told me that she got the job at the Airport in the Flower Shop, good for her bur bad for us for she's a great worker & has been a blessing to us at Focus for the last 3 weeks, we will certainly miss her. Lord please sent us someone else to help us out at Focus like Alyssa & thank you. We wish her the very best!! Martha & I decided to run over to Wendy's now since Alyssa was in the center to take over the Material Aid Room if someone comes in. We were gone not very long & all ate together. After lunch Martha got ready to go out to the front lines & I told her that I would come out as soon as I can. Then the things changed real fast. Then there was Mike, in the parking lot, & he had 2 very large shelves for us for storage. I spent time with him so Martha was out on the sidewalk for awhile. He build up the shelves & put them in the hallway in the Great Room. Later on we took the diapers out of the office & put our diaper supply on the new shelves & locked the door for the first time, in the Great Room, so no one can walk in & take our things. If Foodlink accepts our application we now have room for our new food supplies. Thanks Lord for answering my prayer through Mike. After Mike left I walked out to be with Martha out on the sidewalk. She was prying the Divine Mercy prayers & after she was finished we talked. She reviewed what she had experienced while being out there for the last hour. Then all of a sudden a couple came walking around the bushes to the sidewalk. I started to talk to them & I found out that she was pregnant. I said that we at Focus could help them. I told them where we were & invited them to come & take a look at the center which they accepted. They were late for an appointment at Planned Parenthood for an ultrasound & they wouldn't take her. I gave her the information about Compass Care & she called them & made an appointment for tomorrow. Just then Donna came into the center. She dropped off some very nice things for the Material Aid Room. The boyfriend of this young girl came walking in the hall when Donna came in & they started talking. I was with the young girl in the Rose Room, finishing the Intake Sheet. Well it turned out that Donna said that she would take this couple to the Compass Care Pregnancy Medical Center tomorrow & she would even take them home, in Greece, now. A few minutes later the young man walked up to me, as his girlfriend was in the Material Aid Room getting things for her baby, & thanked me for giving her the graphic pictures of the aborted babies. He said that he doesn't believe in abortion but she was talking about it earlier but not now. He is supportive of her & the baby. I gave them the DVD of Growth & Development & the Bella movie which he said that he had seen awhile ago but forgot most of it & lots of literature. They both left with Donna very happy & Focus will keep in contact with this couple. Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, will call her at times to see how she is doing & what we can do to help her. This was guided by the dear Lord & we thank Him for that. Martha brought all the signs & the literature box into the center. About half an hour later Tucker came to get his sign & chair to witness outside of Planned Parenthood. We were able to talk for a few minutes to catch up before he went outside. I went back into the office to do some paper work when Alyssa came into the office to tell me that some ladies were in the Material Aid Room & wanted to see me. I got up & went to see who it was . I was delighted to see our 'saved' baby who is now 2 months old in the car seat that we blessed the mother with. It was so good to see them both, the mother of the baby & her friend. Praise God that she 'chose life'. I invited them both to our 1st. Workshop this Saturday at Focus, the day to pamper our moms. After they left I went back to the office & the doorbell rang & it was Memo. He come to do the data entry for Focus & what a blessing he has been to us. He has made such a difference to Focus. Thank you Lord for all his help in doing our data entry for 2010. We talked & I gave him the new book 'UnPlanned' by Abby Johnson who left Planned Parenthood in 2009, as Director, in Texas. Check out: http://www.unplannedthebook.com/. It was my thank you for all that he's done for us. After he made a copy of our 80 donators, for me to sent to them a thank you letter & a tax receipt, he left. He'll stop by next week to help us out again. Just after Memo left Pat came, our grandmother, to tell us what was happening in her family's life & to get something's for the babies. It was good to see her but she is carrying a great cross that Jesus will help her to carry. She said that she will be coming along with Katherine on Saturday for the 'Day of Pampering' at Focus. Yeah!! Martha worked on the menu after Pat had left then she made supper for us as I went back into the office. The doorbell rang & it was Dan. He came to work on the kitchen cupboard to straighten it & to replace some bad looking ceiling panels. We want the room to look good for Saturday!! Martha, Alyssa, Dan & I had a nice supper together. We were all kept so very busy today. I left around 9:30pm just after Dan left to go home. It's my pleasure to serve the Lord.
Mug Shots Released After Gosnell, Co-Defendants Arraigned on Murder Charges Philadelphia, PA — Late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell and eight of his co-defendants were arraigned yesterday for the murders of one abortion patient and seven new born babies along with a host of other charges. Below are their mug shots and a summary of their charges. (Note: Gosnell employee Steven Massof has not yet been arraigned as of this writing, so his photo is not included.) http://www.operationrescue.org/ http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/abortionist-brutally-murdered-hundreds-of-living-newborns-clinic-worker http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/print/2011/01/21/gruesome-allegations-surrounding-philly-abortion-doc-spur-washington-debate-0 http://www.onenewsnow.com/Perspectives/Default.aspx?id=1278624
Thursday, January 20, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived to the front lines it was around 12:15pm. There was Sheila, John & three other prayer warriors saying the Rosary. They had few signs out but it was affective to the passer bys, on the street. Sheila told me that the abortionist left around 11:15am. She spoke to her gently while she was in the car, as she was driving out, telling her that we were praying for her to stop doing abortions. I told Sheila that she probably will be back & she was. She came back around 2:15pm. I called to her saying "please Rachael Phelps don't kill anymore children". Before she came back I was alone on the sidewalk, for Martha & John were in the center with Alyssa, for about 10 minutes. I was standing on the sidewalk when I noticed that a very tall young man was walking up the sidewalk on the brick side of the Planned Parenthood building with a young girl who about 5 feet tall. He was arguing with her & pushed her a couple of times, she got away & started to walk up the sidewalk & he stopped her again & then she walked back, with him, into Planned Parenthood. I called 911 to report this incident & 2 police cars came about 10 minutes later & went into Planned Parenthood. They stayed for about 5 minutes & left. I asked, as they were leaving, if everything was okay & they acknowledged that it was. Martha & John were now on the sidewalk with me. The abortionist came in at 2:15pm & this young couple left around 3pm, so I know that she didn't have an abortion. These two young people were picked up by 2 other young guys, so she was in the car with 3 guys, sitting in the back seat with her head down. I called to her saying that we were there for her!! Suzanne, our counselor, came later today but before she left we were happy to find out that Focus was blessed with another baby of 2011. Baby number two, of this year, was born on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 7lbs.. Baby girl Jeamilla & mom are doing well. More Focus babies, are to be born, in the near future. This made us happy, that's for sure. Leanne came to help me organize the office & John helped us out in the center. Martha & I had a quick supper so that we could go to church at 7:30pm @ St. Jude's Church. It's a blessing to be with the Lord.
Saturday, January 22, 2011.....38 years of abortion in this country There were four dedicated pro lifers praying at the pro death event here in Rochester. Check out Channel 8's report...... http://rochesterhomepage.net/fulltext?nxd_id=229156 We had a 'Pampering Day' at Focus, our first Workshop, for our moms from 9:30am to 3:30pm. We had food, make overs, haircuts & a life coach, all free for our moms. We had seven moms & their children. A very busy & blessed day!!
Sunday, January 23, 2011 & I am heading to Washington, DC for the 'March for Life'. Someone was nice enough to pay my way & there was still room on the bus. I'll tell you more about it when I come back. Please pray for us that are going & thank you!!!
![]() I'm back to tell you what went on in Washington, DC on January 24, 2011 Sunday, January 23, 2011 getting ready to take the bus to Washington, DC, for the 'March for Life', on January 24th. I met Martha at her apartment, so that we could drive together, to meet our group at St Pius X Catholic Church to go to DC for the 'March for Life'. There was a prayer service going on & afterwards we all assembled to go onto the bus. It was announced by the Bus Captain that the bus had little or no heat & that we were going to go to Syracuse to get on another bus with heat. Well & good, right. But when everyone was seated on the cool bus it was announced that we were going to go straight to DC instead of stopping in Syracuse, to change buses. What!! To keep this part short, I froze almost to death. It was one of the coldest days of the winter, so far. My legs were sooo cold that they started to burn. The man in front of Martha put his seat back onto Martha's legs. She pushed his seat forward, so fast, & told him that it was hurting her legs. Trying to be the best Christians & pro lifers possible we were certainly bugged by some people talking & having their lights on at 1am as if they were the only ones on the bus & not with about 35 freezing, sleepy people, who will get no sleep & will have to be up all day today & into the next night. Oh well that's why they call it a Pilgrimage, which means to suffer, I think. I'm trying not to complain but be charitable & to offer up my sufferings. I stopped to think that everyone who was on the bus was a Christian & were going to Washington, DC to 'March for Life' for the babies that were being slaughtered,in this country, by abortion. This made me 'shut up' in my mind & heart about the inconveniences of the 6 hour trip. I snoozed on & off for about a total of an hour, at least & prayed that I would survive this day with all that was taking place. We arrived in DC around 5:45am at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception http://www.nationalshrine.com/site/c.osJRKVPBJnH/b.4719297/k.BF65/Home.htm. We stayed for prayer & I fell asleep & woke up to pray some more before we went to go upstairs to the main church for the 'March for Life' Mass at 7:30am. As Martha & I were walking in the crowded hallway we ran into Tony from Rochester so he stayed with us all day until later in the day we lost him in the crowd of 400,000 people. Don't worry he got back home okay. Well before all that happened later on we all three were together for the Mass. We went into the church & sat up front. I fell asleep again, not proud of that & slept on & off during the Mass, how horrible. When I got back to Rochester I was told by a couple of people, that I was on EWTN TV, http://www.ewtn.com/ the cameraman centered in on Tony & I, who was on the right of me, after Holy Communion when I was awake to receive the Lord. I didn't fall asleep again until I went back on the bus at 6pm & sleep until we got back to Rochester around 1am Tuesday morning, except for the 45 minutes that we stopped at Subway for supper. After Mass we headed for the cafeteria for breakfast. We went down the wrong way & ended up last in a mile long line. I was worried that they would run out of food but they didn't. I had the best tasting bacon it was delicious. The rest of the breakfast was good too. So after we had our stomach's filled all three of us went out to join the rest of the marchers to hear the speakers & to march in the 'March for Life'. We took the metro, going a thousand miles per minute, it seemed, which was an experience in itself. I felt sea sick though I've never been on the sea. We landed at our destination in one piece, thank God, without incident. We entered the space where the speakers were speaking & we clapped at their positive remarks for 'life' & to 'end abortion'. We then walked in the massive 'March for Life' & was so impressed by all the young people's energy & enthusiasm for 'life' to protect the unborn from abortion. It was inspiring. I took a sign that read 'DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD' back to Rochester with me to use, on the front lines, in front of the Planned Parenthood, in Rochester, NY.. Martha & I then headed back to the metro to go back to the Basilica, remember we had lost Tony in the crowd. As we were sitting on the metro with our signs a man came over to us & he said "thank you pro lifers for I was adopted". I then said to him that I thank God that your biological mother 'chose life' for you & he smiled. I guess he agreed with me. I waved good bye to him as I was leaving the metro almost with a tear in my eye. Oh Lord how much longer will it be before abortion will end in this country & in the world? We got back to the Basilica, only to find out that the bus was going to be late for the bus driver got lost when he went to get the bus repaired. I was told that the bus company gave him the wrong directions back to the church. Well at least they fixed the heating problem & we were warm all the way back to Rochester. Martha & I caught a very bad cold from this trip. Oh well, it was an experience & an honor to be with such wonderful people, from all over the United States, all standing up to end abortion. We will go back to our own cities to continue the good fight there. This is from a couple that went to the March. Those of you who were able to be there most likely already know that the crowd was estimated at 250,000 to 400,000—a record since the March began in 1974 one year after Roe v. Wade. (Despite the massive scale of this public expression of sentiment on what some have called the defining ethical issue of our age, there is, alas, very little coverage in the national media.)
The Youth Mass for Life at the Verizon Center, attended by 20,000 young people and others from all corners of the country. The Papal Nuncio read an eloquent letter to the youth from the Pope.
The March along Constitution Avenue was awesome. The crowd included young and old (mostly young), women (some of whom held signs, “I Regret My Abortion”) and men (some of whom held signs, “I Regret My Lost Fatherhood”), black and white, Democrats and Republicans, people of many faiths, families with children, and persons in wheelchairs. It was humbling and inspiring to be there. Love and prayers for 2011, Tom and Judy Lickona
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 not in front of Planned Parenthood I got home at 2am & went to bed at 4am. Had to wind down from the exciting events from the day before in Washington, DC. I got up around 11am & received a phone call from Martha saying that she was to sick to go to the front lines today. I know how she felt for I was sick too but I had to go to the center never the less. Sandy was there at 1pm, which was good. She was putting baby clothes away, in the Material Aid Room & she was nice enough to make me a sandwich. I was in the office taking my first bite of my sandwich when the doorbell rang. Sandy went to the door & I was hoping that it was someone for Material Aid but she peaked her head in the office to tell me that three girls were here for pregnancy tests. Duty calls no matter how sick or hungry you may be. God & girls first. I got up from my desk & went into the hall to see three young girls standing there. One girl looked familiar & the other two girls didn't. I said to the girls "who needs a pregnancy test"? The one girl said "I do" & then the other girl said "me too". I looked at the other girl & she said "I don't" & I said "good for you". I brought them all into the Rose Room & sat them done at the table. I asked the two girls to fill out an Intake Sheet, which they did. I lead the first girl to the bathroom & then asked her to come back to the Rose Room when down. We completed her test which was negative. I spoke to her about abstinence. Then the other girl, who has been to Focus before, said that she couldn't go to the bathroom, so I gave her some water & a soda to drink. She finally took the pregnancy test which was negative. She already has a baby & is marrying the father soon. I counseled her & gave her some literature about marriage. As she was leaving I looked at the pregnancy test again & thought that I saw another pink line creeping through, so I asked her to come on back to take another test from another pregnancy test company. The same results came through. I said to her that if she doesn't get her period in February to come on back to repeat the test. I also said that if you are pregnant that's fine too. She said "I only want two kids". I gave her some Natural Family Planning brochures due to the fact that she will be married soon. I told her to ask God to forgive her for having sex before marriage & He will & to let God be God when deciding how many children He wants her to have. Let Him be in charge & not you. Call Anne, the Natural Family Coordinator, & speak with her about the natural way to space your family that doesn't offend God. Check out: http://www.dor.org/index.cfm/evangelization-catechesis/sacraments/marriage/natural-family-planning/. She said "thank you". She & her two friends, who will be her Matrons of Honor, at her wedding, left Focus. I went & cleaned up the Rose Room & did some more work in the office. Because Martha wasn't with me nor was Donna today, she was out of town visiting family, I didn't have a chance to go outside to be on the front lines. I stayed until 4pm doing work in the office while Sandy was doing work in the Material Aid Room. I left at 4pm & headed to go to St. John Fisher College for the 4:30pm Mass there & then stopped at the Dollar General Store to get more supplies for Focus & then went home to nurse my cold which was getting worse.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha was feeling somewhat better so she came to the center today. I felt like death warmed over but I needed to be there with her. Duty calls, no time to be sick when you're running a pregnancy center, you have responsibilities. I took my vitamins & was there. Martha made coffee for herself & we finally went outside to be on the front lines together to fight the fight where the killing of innocent children take place. We called to the people going into the Planned Parenthood offering them help & handing out Truth packets & Rosaries. We got to talk to some people, that were open to the Truth, which is always a breath of fresh air. The weather wasn't to bad & I was dressed for the worst. I still felt lousy & so did Martha but we preserved, through the grace of God, who is with us in this battle of evil. We fight a spiritual battle. We went back into the center around 4:30pm & did some work in the center. One of our clients came in, who is pregnant with twins, along with her son. We counseled her for awhile & fed her & her son before they went on their way. Martha was kind enough to make supper tonight while I worked in the office. I did the dishes. We went home around 7pm, which is early for us. We needed to get better for we needed to be back again tomorrow. God bless Martha for she is such a trooper & I couldn't do it without her. Thank you Lord for this wonderful person & for all the volunteers, at the center, Suzanne, Pat, Sandy, Memo, Leanne, Dan & to all the other prayer warriors & sidewalk counselors that give their time & love out on the front lines. And to all our benefactors who bless us with their prayers, love, encouragement & financial support. This center is a team effort composed of many people to make it work. Thank you Lord, please sent us more people to help.
Thursday, January 27, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I arrived around 12:15pm to the center & as I was driving into the parking lot I saw that Sheila was talking with two young girls so I honked my horn for her to know that I had just arrived. I got out of my car & there she was with the two young girls near the center's door. She said to me that they needed a pregnancy test. I said "okay" & I lead them into the center. I introduced myself to them & took off my coat. I opened up the door to the four rooms of the center & brought them into the Rose Room. I asked them to fill out the Intake Sheet which they did & we preceded to do the first pregnancy test. It was negative then I counseled her on abstinence. The other pregnancy test was then completed & it was negative & I counseled her on abstinence & respect for one's on body. I gave them each a Truth packet & more brochures on chastity. They thanked me & they left. A few minutes later my cell phone rang & it was Suzanne. She was with her friend Carletta who was doing a home birth. Suzanne was watching her other two children while her friend was in labor. I understood why she couldn't come in today & told her to say hi to Carletta & David for me. Nice couple & they have great kids. I'd rather give birth in a hospital but that's just my personal opinion. Her & the baby girl Christina will be fine. Just then the doorbell rang & it was Sheila with another client. I lead her into the Rose Room for a pregnancy test hoping that Martha would join me soon. She was pregnant & this will be baby number two. Her & her boyfriend the father of her two children will be married in February. I spoke to her about the sin of pre martial sex & asked her to ask the good Lord for forgiveness of that sin. To be blessed in her marriage with a clean soul. She was receptive of what I said to her & I gave her a religious booklet to read & to carry around with her in her purse. She went into the Material Aid Room to get some things for her other child at home. She went away happy & educated. Sheila left & after a little while Martha came to the center. We brought more signs outside & set up for the afternoon of counseling & witnessing & trying to save lives through God's grace. After a little while outside I noticed that the abortionist, Rachael Phelps car wasn't there in the Planned Parenthood parking lot. I remembered that Sheila had mentioned earlier that the abortionist was there but know she's not. I felt in my spirit that I would see her again today & I was right. She pulled into the parking lot around 4pm with her newly dyed dark hair & blank look on her face. Something is going on with her. Maybe it's getting to her, the killing of thousands of innocent children, over the many years that she's been doing it. It's got to be effecting her. I & so many other people are praying for her conversion & repentance every day!! Earlier in the morning Sheila had talked to several people & had given away six Truth packets. Great job Sheila!! I just ordered another mega phone, one for her to use out on the front lines, for she has such a gentle voice that doesn't travel very far, since we're about 80 feet away from the front door of Planned Parenthood. Where's the 'choice' Planned Parenthood ??....what are you afraid of that you don't want the girls to hear the other side, the Truth. We pro lifers are bad for your business of 'death'. You need two things to make up a 'choice', you only give then one, which is death to their baby. How very evil you are, you hypocrites!! A grandmother came into the center to receive some diapers & food for her daughter who has two sets of twins. Ages 1 & 2 years old. The older sister, who was about 6 or 7 years old, was with her grandmother. They came into the green all purpose meeting room in the center & she saw the statue that we have of the Blessed Mother, sitting on the table by the Great Room. I told her that this was a statue of the Blessed Mother, who is Jesus' mother, & our Mother too. She went over to the statue of Mother Mary & gave her a big hug. I almost cried. It was sooooo sweet that my heart flipped. This must have made Mother Mary & her son Jesus very happy indeed. The innocence & purity of a child. Lord have Mercy on us bigger people. At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me. "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matthew 18:1-6.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha, Tony & I got to the center after Mass downtown. Martha made coffee to get warm. Sandy came to he out about 10 minutes later. She needed to get warm too & had some coffee. Tony & I went to get the signs & literature box to take outside & a few minutes later Martha joined us. We set up the sidewalk & the signs kept on falling into the street or on the ground, a lot. But they are a witness to the public. I have to remember not to block the sidewalk so that everyone can pass through the sidewalk, hopefully though not going into the Planned Parenthood Mill. We passed out at least seven Truth packets of information today. Spoke to some people about what birth control can do to you & asked a woman who said that she had her tubes tied to ask God to forgive her for that sin. I was just coning back from the center, I needed to get more Truth packets, when Martha & an young woman were walking passed me to go into the center, I guessed it was for a pregnancy test. Tony & I stayed to witness until he had to go then Martha came back outside. The young lady came pass me with 2 bags filled with clothes for her child at home. She smiled & said "thank you" as she walked pass me & I said "if you need us at anytime you know where we are to help you". She gave me another sweet smile. I felt good as she was walking passed Planned Parenthood with bags of clothes for her child, that good people have donated to us, so that we can help our moms & their children. It was heartwarming, to say the least. When Martha came back out she said that she referred her to Compass Care for a blood test pregnancy test for the urine tests don't work for her, "it's very strange" she said. So she called & made an appointment to go to Compass Care Pregnancy Services, right across from Monroe Community College, tomorrow. Check out: http://www.compasscare.info/. A spunky young girl came out of Planned Parenthood to the sidewalk where we were standing. She said that she was against abortion too. We asked her then why would you be here & she replied that she had a STD test but that she wasn't sexually active. Okay? I gave her a Truth packets & showed her where to find the number of Compass Care & she smiled & thanked me. I showed her the graphic pictures of the aborted babies that Planned Parenthood kills & she was upset that they do that to babies. Another client of theirs bit the dust. She won't be back to this killing mill, that's for sure. One person at a time. Just then an older woman came over to Martha & I. She said that she didn't want Planned Parenthood to think that she agreed with what they were doing in there. I asked her why she was there & she said for a urine test. I gave her a list of our doctors & Martha pointed out to her Dr. Morehouse on Arnett Blvd.. She said that she knew where Arnett Blvd.was & she'll give him a call. Two down. She also said that she was growing cob webs, down there, for she hasn't had sex in so long. That's okay dear lady at least you're not sinning or in jeopardy of getting sexually transmitted diseases, which can happen at any age. She was so nice too. Donna came to hold her sign as a witness on the sidewalk. She was pensive today for she has a lot on her mind. Her & her husband need to make some very important decisions. So I prayed for direction from the Holy Spirit, for her on the sidewalk. She was grateful. I know that things will work out for this 'child of God'. He will bless her for her faithfulness out on the front lines. Martha's feet were freezing so she said that she needed to go in. I told her that she could take a couple of signs with her & I would be soon to follow. I'm glad that I waited. A car with a man in it was driving out of Planned Parenthood. He stopped the car & said to me that he wanted to ask me a question. I said "go ahead". He said "if a woman was murdered & she was pregnant would it be murder also for the death of the baby". I said that it would be a double homicide, of course for there were two people that got killed. Then I asked him if he planning to kill a pregnant woman? He said "no". I answered back to him that I was glad to hear that. The car behind him started to honk so I invited him to come along the side of the street where I was standing & hoping & praying that Martha would return soon, for support. He went on to say "why does this concern you if people come here for an abortion"? I said to him that I was my 'brothers keeper' for these babies have no voice to speak for them & to plead for their lives to be spared but through us who stand here on the sidewalk in their behalf. If someone was going to kill you you'd certainly would want some one to come to your aid, wouldn't you?? He looked like he was starting to think about things a little more, for he had just dropped his girlfriend at Planned Parenthood. She was probably getting the pre abortion testing for Thursday which is Planned Parenthood's killing day. I pray for a major snow storm to plop down on Thursday, & close Planned UnParenthood, that's for sure. He asked me more questions about growth & development of the baby as if to say that abortion was okay early on. I said "not". Your baby is a human being at conception & was created by God & God alone can take life. I then pointed to our sign of the 2 to 3 month old baby in the womb sucking his or her thumb. I also told him that the baby's heart begins to beat between 18 to 21 days after conception. I offered him a Truth packet & he took. I mentioned adoption to him & he said "after all that labor why would she then give up the baby"? Well, it's better than abortion sir!! Then Martha came back out, thank you Lord. She came right over to where I was standing & didn't mince words. What about you being a father. He said to her "I am a father of 3 children". Martha said "you mean 4 children". I then said that this abortion would affect your other children & they could end up hating you someday for killing their brother or sister, for they will say to you that it could have been me you aborted". Then he said something stupid like "oh no they will be happy that I didn't have them aborted & that they were the lucky ones". Oh no what an answer. I still must have hope here. Well he hopefully was getting convicted so he drove away but before he did Martha gave him a DVD on Growth & Development & it has other important information on it too. Thanks Fr. C.. for burning these DVD's so we can pass them out to people. They are sooo powerful a tool, to save a life. We counseled some more people going into Planned Parenthood & coming out. Martha must have warmed up a little while she was in the center but my feet & hands were very cold at this time. One of our fathers who comes to get things in the center for his two children stopped & said to me "I'd like to give a donation to you for all the things that you have given me". I said "what kind of a donation are you talking about"? He said "I have $2.00 in my pocket that I can give you". "No" I said you keep the money & buy what you nee for your children". I thought that the donation he was referring to was clothes that his children out grew & he was going to donate then to Focus. We don't want money, from the people we try to help. He smiled & Martha asked him to pull up his pants which he did. He is so thin that I worry about him, though we gave him lots of food on Saturday. He can come back anytime. How touching this was for Martha & I. It just makes us want to continue, our work for the Lord, to help His people in need. Praise God who died for our sins & loves us so very much!!! Martha & decided to go in to get warmed up & to do some work in the center. We needed to write another thank you letter to a couple that blessed us with baby clothes & a generous $$ donation, for the work of the center, as so many other good people do too. We thank our benefactors & keep them in our prayers for their intentions. Sandy was still working in the center & about an hour later the doorbell rang & it was John, what a surprise. Just in time for supper John. Martha mentioned that she heard a phone ring. I realized that it was my cell phone which was still in my coat pocket. I checked for messages but there were none so I checked the numbers for the missed calls. I called the first number but the gentlemen said that no one at that number had called the center. I was puzzled. I then looked at the number more closely to see that it had a 315 number before the other numbers so I tried that number & the girl who answered said that she had just called. Then my nightmare began. She said that she needed some information, for she was going to have an abortion on Friday, in Buffalo. I almost dropped the phone for I was in shock. She said it so matter of fact. I talked to her not totally remembering what I said to her but I did say "that no matter what your circumstances is it can be rectified but the baby, once aborted, can't be put back together again". She agreed to come & talk to me, at the center tomorrow, after her last class at Brockport College. I reminded her that there was suppose to be a winter storm but we will hope for 6pm at the center but in the meantime I told her to check out the web site Rochesterprolife.org & that Martha I would be praying for her & the prayer warriors too. I asked her to keep in touch with me tomorrow in regards to the weather situation. If the weather is so bad that she can't come to Focus I only hope & pray that she looks at the web site to get the Truth about abortion & what it does to mother & child. I have a dear friend that told me that she & her husband can take her baby into her home temporary until she can get things straightened out in her life. I'll tell this mom this offer when I counsel her tomorrow. My friend is a mother of 6 children including a set a twins. She's such a good woman. There is still hope for these two situations that I encountered today. Please pray for them to the Holy Spirit. Thank you. After this call I didn't feel well & was out of sorts so I went to the computer, in the office, & wrote a prayer request to the prayer warriors to fast & to pray for these two situations. They are an awesome group of people that give us love, prayers, support & encouragement, in our work for 'life' at Focus. God bless you all!!!!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood One of our sidewalk counselors, who has been out in front of Planned Parenthood for the last 14 years, surprised Martha & I & came to join us today on the front lines after the noon Mass. He wasn't feeling well but I insisted that he come to witness for life after I fed him a turkey sandwich & coke, at the center. He felt better. We set up the signs & put the literature box out on the front lines & I gave him the mega phone, for he does a great job in talking to the people.in speaking Truth. I went into the center to get some more signs & when I came back outside I saw that he was speaking to someone in a van that had stopped along the side of the sidewalk. The man in the van told us that his girlfriend was in Planned Parenthood for an ultrasound & they were not abortion minded at all. We told the man that when she comes out please bring her over to the Focus Center for some things for the baby. He said that he would & he did. After she was done they drove into the center & got something's for the baby girl that will be born in September. Is it the same ultrasound technician that takes the pictures of the moms that want their babies & also the mom that don't? How can she use her talent for evil to help the abortionist find this precious baby, in the womb, in order to kill him or her???? Twisted isn't it!! That's what I'm trying to say is that "abortion is the most twisted mentally deranged phenomena of our time". Martha came out to join us & we all witnessed to the people going in & out of Planned Parenthood & driving down the street. I was alone for about 20 minutes after the sidewalk counselor left & Martha was in the center with a client doing a pregnancy test. There comes a car with a young girl driving with the window open & I knew, from experience, that she was going to through something at me. She did. It was a half eaten bagel. Know I say if you didn't like the bagel take it back to the store don't throw it at a pro lifer. Only kidding. My heart does ache because I know that she was probably post abortive & it upset her to see the graphic pictures there on the sidewalk to remind her of her own abortion. If she'd only stop the car & get the help that we can give her through post abortion brochures that have numbers on them that they could call & get the help that they need. I did say for her "repent" as she drove by because that is the first step towards her healing. If someone doesn't believe that they didn't do anything wrong then how can they get the forgiveness & help that they need. Tough & important love given. Plus no one should throw out, from their car, anything at some one that is inexcusable. Many years ago a young guy threw something at me, driving out of Planned Parenthood, at night. A policeman, was parked across the street, took him downtown & had him arrested & he spent the night in jail & when he went to court the Judge gave him 20 hours of Community Service, for his crime, probably to teach him a lesson. It's also against the law to be violent like that & it can be dangerous. Maybe a bagel can't kill you, but maybe something else she had in the car, that she threw it at me could have. She has anger which is so typical of Post Abortion Stress Syndrome, PASS. Please check out: By age 45, 1 out of every 2.5 women in the United States has had at least one abortion! The three Elim Bible Institute students that help us at Focus on Wednesday evenings came a little later tonight, I began to worry but there they were. They were late because they stopped to help start a car using their jumper cables. Please be careful my little ones for the world is different know. But there is safety in 3's & you did a good work in helping this stranded driver. God bless you. I welcomed them & kidding told them to "get to work". They all smiled. They chose what they wanted to do so that they would be happy in doing it. Everything that they do for Focus really helps us out. One of the girls made up the Truth packets & the other two girls worked in the Material Aid Room putting things away & straightening the room out. Great job girls :) I was having butterflies, in my stomach, for I had the appointment tonight at 6pm with the abortion minded girl from Brockport. I prayed to God to say the right things to her & to show her the Growth & Development DVD & give her our Truth packet & to offer her assistance in her pregnancy with love, prayers, support & baby clothes & items. It was passed 6:15pm & my heart dropped so I went into the Great Room & looked at the crucifix of Jesus on the wall & asked Him to help me while I made the call to her to see if she was still coming tonight. The weather was fine for we didn't get the winter storm that was predicted, which was good. I made the call on my cell phone & she picked up. I said that this was Mary at the Focus Pregnancy Center & if she was still planning to stop by to talk to me tonight. She said "no, I found you to judgmental so I won't be coming tonight". My heart dropped. I answered back saying "I love you & care about you & you have been in my heart & thoughts all day & other people are praying for you too". She then said that she was going to go to talk to someone at Embracing Options Pregnancy Center, that her roommate told her about them. I then said to her that they were a great & loving center & you will be blessed by them. I ended the conversation by saying that I wished the best for her. When I hung up I had mixed emotions. One was that I was sorry that she felt that I was judgmental but I did tell her the Truth when I spoke with her the day before, on the phone. I did want to met her & to give her the things that we have, that could help her to 'chose' life, but I was happy that she was going to go to speak to one of the counselors at Embracing Options which is a wonderful pregnancy center to receive the assistance that she needed. I went back to join everyone in the Green Room & started to cry. The Elim girls were so comforting to me & so was Martha. The only thing I can do now is to continue to pray for her & to give her to God. Let go & let God, hoping that she will cooperate with His graces to 'chose' life for her baby & for herself. Our free will can get in the way of making very bad decisions. Lord have Mercy on us all!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Some days are worse then others, well this was one of them! I had just woken up when my home phone rang, this is not the 24/7 hotline number. On the line it was a man's voice that said "I'm calling to find out how much does it cost for an abortion". What... I thought why would someone want to have their baby killed. I said to him that abortion was taking a life & why would you want to do that? He answered back "my girlfriend is on drugs & I don't want to bring this baby into the world". Come Lord Jesus come !! I said that abortion was wrong & that the Commandment of God is "Thou Shall Not Kill". He hung up. I took a deep breathe & went to turn on my TV to retrieve his phone number for a call back at another time today when he would least expect it but when I went to get the number on my Time Warner cable it said that I had 0 calls. How can this be?? I called Time Warner & they told me that there was a power surge outage last night & that it needed to be re-booted, which she did. I was unable to get the number of this man who just called me. I gave him & his girlfriend & precious baby to the Lord. I hope & pray that they don't have their baby be killed by abortion Lord Jesus. Amen. I called Sheila who is on the front lines, in front of Planned Parenthood, on Thursdays from 10:30am to 1pm. She is such a blessing. I told her that I was running a little late to be with her for I didn't want her to be lone. She sometimes has a couple of gentlemen with her to pray while she sidewalk counsels. She said that she will be fine until I get there. About 10 minutes later she called me to say that a young woman with her child needed to get some things in the Material Aid Room. I told her to ring the doorbell & the taxi guy will open up the door to let this mother & child in the center & that they can wait where it is warm in the all purpose room. She said "okay" & hung up. A few minutes later the phone rang again & it was Sheila telling me that no one answered the doorbell. I told her to call the taxi company for maybe they didn't here the doorbell if their office door was closed. She said "okay" & hung up. A few minutes later the phone rang again & it was Sheila saying that no one answered. I said that I will call Elroy, the accountant there in the building who has a office right next to ours to see if he's there & will answer the doorbell. I hung up & called Elroy who was in his office & she said that her would open up the door for our mom & child. I called Sheila back to tell her, for now she had the mom & child in her car to warm up. All in all it worked out, thank God. This was unusual that the taxi guys weren't there. When I arrived to the center I went into the all purpose room to say hi to our mom & her precious child with a big smile on her face. I opened all the doors to the rooms, in the center, & lead her into the Material Aid Room to get the things that she needed for her family. Then the doorbell rang & it was Sheila with two people one a female & one a male. The young lady said that she wanted a pregnancy test. I brought them into the Rose Room & she filled out an Intake Sheet. She said that he was her friend & he made a big deal that she doesn't know how helpful he is to her. Oh no!! She took the test & it was negative. She was post abortive so I talked to her about that & gave her all of our brochures on Post Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS). He started to ask me questions when I told them what Planned Parenthood does & that they are racist. He was defensive & rude & aggravating. I gave him the DVD of Maafa 21:Black Genocide in the 21st. Century to educate him. Earlier on he said that he knew the Lord & that He was his best friend then about 10 minutes later he's saying that abortion is okay for this & that reason. NOT!! So I told him what the Bible says about "if you say that you love the Lords & don't obey His Commandments then you're a liar". He left the room. I concentrated on my client for a few more minutes & told her to call me if she needed me at any time & for her to call Project Rachel for forgiveness & healing. She appeared to be oppressed, by the past abortion. Her male friend also seems to be problematic to her also. Just say "good-bye". There is information in the Truth packet that I gave her about how to recognize subtle abuse, hope that she reads it. Maybe he means well but he shouldn't believe that it's okay in aborting God's children, if he says that he loves the Lord. It doesn't made any sense. Some so- called Christians are messed up regarding this too. Lord have Mercy!!
Baby number 3 of 2011 was just born!! Baby girl Jah-Naysia was born February 1st. 2011 at 6lbs. 12 ozs. and is 20 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well. Thank you for your prayers, love and support for Focus and for our staff and clients, we are blessed by you. You are in our prayers and heart too.
Check out http://liveaction.org/ in regards to the scandals about Planned Parenthood. This is a picture of Lila Rose who is the President of Live Action Films.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood To say the least we had a lot to do besides all the other things that we do on a regular Tuesday. I had so many things to get out of my car to put into the center. Sandy came to help us, thank God for she was running a little late & I was worried that she wasn't coming but there she was. Martha was making coffee & putting things away too. I hoped that Donna was out on the front lines witnessing because Martha & were running late & she was. It was freezing today probably with the wind chill it was below zero. I had gloves & not mittens on burrrrr. I survived for a couple of hours our on the front lines. Martha later came out to join Donna & I. A couple of girls were going into Planned Parenthood & we called them over to speak to us. They freely came over to talk to us. They saw the graphic signs & responded by putting their head down. Martha brought them into the center for a pregnancy test. They both received the Truth packets & followed Martha into the center for the pregnancy test & to get the help that they needed & deserved. So Donna & I were out in the very cold weather & she hardly moved but she was saying the rosary & I was witnessing & counseling. The men were working drilling up the sidewalk in front of Buckpitt which is right next door. Their big trucks were blocking our front line area & the drilling was very noisy, so I upped the mega phone so that the people going into Planned Parenthood could hear me. A lady walked out & said to me that she wasn't there for an abortion. I said I know but if you were here for birth control it can work as an early abortion at times & I offered her a Truth packet which she took. I said please read it & thank you for taking the packet. She smiled back at me. A few minutes later three young girls went into Planned Parenthood then about 15 minutes 3 more young African Americans went into Planned Parenthood. There was no response from them...sheep being lead into the slaughter. How sad. Donna left & I was wondering why Martha wasn't coming out from the center. Surly she was done with the pregnancy test & counseling the girls that she had brought into the center about an hour ago. Well I was cold & I was by myself that I decided to go into the center. But before I left my post on the front lines a car with a male driver went by me & hollered out his window saying "go home". I answered back to him "love ya". They just don't understand & also probably been involved with a past abortion which is triggered as they pass by us protesting. I then gathered up the signs & the literature box & headed towards the center. I brought everything into the center & asked Martha what happened that she didn't come back outside to be with me. Well she certainly had a good reason. The toilets backed up & there was water on the carpet by the emergency door. Bernie, the landlord, was called & he came. The problem had effected all the businesses in the strip mall that he owns. No one could use the toilets & the overflow was an issue especially for us because we're having the big event tomorrow at Focus, with Randall Terry & Rabbi Levin. What a mess! Bernie said that he will bring his water sucking machine tomorrow to dry the carpet. Oh yea Bernie what about today?? All I can say is that he is more workable than ever before so I don't push him . He was nice enough, after I asked him, to give me $20 for toilet paper & paper towels, for the two bathrooms that we all use, in the building. At least he gave me that!! Go shopping.... Memo came to help me with the tax forms that needed to be sent out to our benefactors, that so generously give to our work, at Focus. He was nice enough to spend an hour & a half doing this work. Kudos to Memo!! While we were doing this work the doorbell rang & it was Dan. He helped Martha out ,who was putting away baby & children clothes away, in the Material Aid Room. Team effort! Then the doorbell rang again & it was a gentleman. He said that he went over to Planned Parenthood & asked for diapers & the lady was rude to him. She must have told him about us, believe it or not. I don't have any other explanation to how he found us nestled in the corner of the strip mall by a huge yellow building. Our sign wasn't out by the sidewalk stating who are & where we are located. I didn't put it out because of all the big trucks on the street digging up sidewalks today. No one could see it on the sidewalk so I didn't put it out today. I heard that he said that he & his wife & child live at the Cadillac. Hotel (which is very icky) & he needed diapers, for his child. So Martha gave him diapers & Dan drove him back to the hotel. Martha also gave him money so that they could get to Department of Social Services (DSS) tomorrow to apply for services to help them out during this difficult time. What a bunch of nice people I'm associated with. Thanks Lord. Memo & I were done with the tax forms & he left. What a blessing he is for us at Focus. Praise God!! Then Martha & I worked on making supper. We had microwave pizza & a nice tossed green salad & some cold chicken, that I took off the bone. She had made some raisin cookies which I thought were chocolate chips, oh darn!! There were good never the less not as good as chocolate chip cookies would be. I'm so ungrateful at times. Martha left & I returned a call to a man that wanted some information about what we do at the center. I spent about 20 minutes, on the phone, answering his questions, which was great......someone that cared. I hope that I will be able to be in touch with him again for he was a man that was on a mission. Sometimes I feel so darn alone in this work, where it should be all Christians, both Catholic, Protestants, Jews & people of all faiths, defending life & helping moms & their children. Where are you all???? Planned Parenthood has some very incriminating videos out on the web. They're in trouble. Check out:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood What a day I had today!!! One shock & surprise after another, that's for sure. This was the day the Randall Terry was to come to Rochester. He rented space from us to give his talk which doesn't jeopardize our 501(c)3 status. We are not endorsing Randall Terry or any other candidates for any political office. We made extra money to pay our expenses today & that's all. I received a call from the Sergeant asking more about what was going on tonight. He said that if we needed police protection they would be there. Thank you. Martha & I stayed in the center to do some putting away of clothes & things & she wanted to make coffee, to stay awake. We finally arrived on the front lines around 1:30pm. Martha said the Rosary & I sidewalk counseled. We brought a couple of signs outside due to the windy weather. The noise of the workers, still working drilling up the sidewalks to run the gas lines, was still going on, so we knew that the mega phone wasn't much use today. Almost done guys, yeah!! Cleveland, our street friend came by, & Martha went into the center to give him food & clothes that she bought at the second hand store. I was by myself, on the front lines, which is pretty typical lately. I was alone for awhile while was taking care of our friend. She came out & was praying & sidewalk counseling for awhile. She had to go back into the center so I had to be by myself again. I looked across the street & two police cars had parked their cars in front of the condo. Two officers got out of their cars & one went to the trunk to get out a jacket to put it on. I said to myself that I didn't do or say anything that I normally do when I'm out in front of this abortion mill so they must be here just putting on their jackets. Then the back car door opened & out comes a tall police officer with a brim hat on. Oh. I thought to myself he looks pretty important & turned away . I then turned back & there they were all three of them in front of me standing. Okay, I thought this looks not so good. The first thing that the officer with the hat on said to me was "we would like to see your indenification". I said to the officers that I would have to go to my car to get my license. "That's okay said the one officer just give us your name, address & telephone number, which I did. Then I asked them what this was all about. The one officer with the hat said that he was here through a change of commands to tell me that I was breaking the Injunction which was Federal by holding signs of graphic pictures in front of Planned Parenthood. "What" I said this isn't under the Injunction for I was one of the four that didn't sign off & was there in Federal Court in Buffalo in 1999, so I know that it doesn't mention what kinds of signs we hold. Also, just to inform you that we won on appeal in 2001 which brought us back to this side of the sidewalk. The only thing we lost was 15 feet at both entrances of Planned Parenthood & nothing else. He mentioned the mega phone. I said that we have a right to use it & that we have had no real complaints & we face it usually towards Planned Parenthood to speak to the people going in & out of that place. The officer then said that they were not going to enforce the injunction today but that the police officers will be stopping by to get ID's from the people who stand here on the sidewalk. I then said that "we have a constitutional right to be here & to protest & that it looks like I'll have to speak to my lawyer". He also mentioned that it will go to the Law Department for a decision. I said that the decision was already decided by the Appeals Court in 2001. "Okay" he said & have a nice day. "You officers have a great day too & we are praying for you". They were nice officers & were just doing their jobs. The change of command starting from a higher up & why, that was my question after 10 years?? Why now?? After they left a familiar face came out of his car & approached me. I was a little stressed. He said "do you know who I am". Just what I needed was more stress. "I said "no". He said that he was Dominic the bus driver. "Oh, yes" I said glad that you're here. He mentioned that he was inspired to come out onto the front lines to pray because of Abby Johnson. I guess she must have mentioned how important it was to pray in from of Planned Parenthood & all abortion mills. Right on Abby!! He gave me hi email address & off I go into the center to go talk to Martha about what just happened. She was busy but listened between chores. I went into the office to go on the computer to look for the 2001 Appeal's Decision which I found & made two copies of the 23 page document. Happy reading! Just then a police officer came walking into the office. He said that he was taking over for the Lieutenant & he gave me his name. Okay that's fine & good. I then told him what had just happened outside about 15 minutes ago & that I would like to speak to the Lieutenant. He said that he was about to go home but that he would try to reach him before he left. I gave him my cell number & thanked him. About less then 5 minutes later my phone rang & it was the Lieutenant. I told him what had just happened outside regarding the use of the graphic signs. Not to get him in any trouble he said that he was told by the Captain who was told by the Commander, to get the officers to tell me about the signs, but he really didn't want to do it. He said that we've been out there for many years & have caused no trouble & were friendly. He told the Captain that if it wasn't broken don't fix it. Thanks for your comments Lieutenant. He said that he had to remain neutral, just what the other officers said to me earlier, out on the front lines. I, never the less, DO NOT have to be neutral!! The truth is that Planned Parenthood is murdering little babies in cold blood for $$$$$. I then said to the Lieutenant that I had just made a copy of the Court of Appeals in 2001. He said that he was going to call the Sergeant to come back to get the copy & to put it on his desk so that when he comes in on Friday he will have it. He was nice to say that if any injustice was done to me that he was sorry. What did he say, "I'm sorry". I never hear those words "I'm sorry" very often. He also asked me how his police officers treated me. I said that they did you proud & that of Rochester. He was pleased to hear that. We said good bye & I was satisfied that he will find out the Truth real soon & that will be the end of this attack of the devil. I always ask God to turn around anything that comes against me & to make it out for good....which He always does. Remember that the Rochester Police Department does not have any jurisdiction in regards to the Injunction, for this is a Federal Case not a Local Case....big difference. Just after I took a couple of deep breathes the doorbell rang & it was our three lovely girls, from Elim Bible Institute, to help us out on Wednesdays from 4 to 6:30 pm. I gave them each an assignment & off they went to do the work. One of our clients was there in the Material Aid Room who is pregnant with twins picking out some clothes for her other children at home. I asked one of the Elim girls to go & to keep her company & to talk with her for she's going through a tough time. She did. The other girls were putting away baby & children clothes & sorting out some paper work. They are such a blessing to Focus. We are grateful for them & thank God for them too. Randall came & paid me for the use of the Great Room & I wrote out a receipt & gave it to him & I put my original in the safe record box. He looks good & still full of energy. He had Rabbi Levin with him & two other gentlemen. The doorbell rang & someone answered it, it was my ex boyfriend, with all his equipment, who was apparently going to tape the event tonight. It was icky seeing him again for he wasted my time, years earlier. It was about 15 minutes after that the doorbell rang again & it was the ex husband with his girlfriend. Okay when will this day end. Talk about a waste of years with lots of pain & confusion, though I feel that the Lord allows certain things for us to go through for our own experiences. I felt nothing for him, when I saw him. I left him about 6 years ago & I have a nice apartment now, that is peaceful to come home to. I am also Church Annulled, which means that it really never was a marriage, in the first place. No Sacrament took place on that day. I am free to get married with the Church's blessing. I just feel badly for the girlfriend & I hope that she doesn't marry him. He was very nice to me before we got married then turned into some one else after. Not good. I told her awhile ago that I can only say "if you want to date him go ahead but just don't marry him, please". The End! I saw Donna tonight & she brought her little girl Hannah who was a handful but cute as a button. Donna gave me a present of 2 ceramic heart shaped baking pans, how nice of her. She's so sweet & caring. Which more people were like her. We spent time visiting. I walked around the center doing some odd & end things. We couldn't serve any food or refreshments otherwise it appears that we're putting this event on & we weren't hosting it we were just renting out the room. It was hot in the Great Room so I did give four water bottles to Rabbi Levin & one to Randall, it was the least I could do as a Christian. Everyone was going & gone. So Martha & I & John closed up the center & went home. I was anxious to go home to my peaceful apartment to relax before coming back the next day which was Planned Parenthood's killing day on innocent babies, so I needed to relax & to rest up for the next days battle. I drove out of the parking lot & went down University to Andrews to go to St. Paul then onto the expressway. Half of the road was blocked off with a truck in the middle. I was tired & stressed & blonde so I thought that the opening for me to get through to get to where I needed to go. Well I was wrong. I heard the honking of the horn of the truck & a man getting out of the truck. I said to myself "well maybe you're not suppose to go down this road & turned around to go back. The guy looked at me & said "didn't you see that the road was blocked off"? I answered back "well I got through". He said with a stern look on his face & said "that's for the cars coming out". "Okay" I said "I'll just have to find another way home, good night" & left to take the long way home. What could possibly could happen after this day of attacks & not so nice surprises. When I got home, the phone rang & it was my friend from Binghamton NY it was about 11:45pm. Only kidding Terri, this was a nice, but late surprise!! After I said "good night" I did enjoy my glass of full bodied red wine & cheese & crackers before bedtime. Mmmmm good :)
Praying for ALL abortionist conversion, repentence & salvation Former Abortionist Speaks At Students For Life Event
Thursday, February 10, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I arrived at the center around 12:30pm. Sheila & three gentlemen, who are prayer warriors, were praying. I went briefly into the center to do something quickly & then went out to the front lines. Sheila approached me & told me this. She said that over an hour ago, for she arrived at 10:30am, told me that two young people came out of Planned Parenthood, a guy & a girl, the girl was crying. She walked over to them to offer them help that she was told by the young girl that she just had an abortion. I'm sure that this upset Sheila to hear that awful news. She gave the guy the packet of information that we had out & she went into the plastic bag to get the Rosary & gave it to the girl. She told her to call Project Rachel for post abortion counseling. The girl said that she had to walk to the bus stop to catch the bus to go to school. Interesting because Planned Parenthood used to have the victims get a ride & not walk, so they don't bleed to death. Times have changed. So, off they walk up the sidewalk, with both of their lives never to be the same again after having their precious baby be killed, a couple of hours earlier, at Planned Parenthood. My heart dropped when she told me this. This young girl got to Planned Parenthood at 8am so we need to be there at that time too. We now have two male volunteers who will be in front of the killing mill at 8am until they have to go, then Pat & Bill should be there from 9:30am to 10:30am, then Sheila & her team from 10:30am until 1pm & then Martha & I until 4 or 5pm. The whole abortion day should be more or less covered with prayer warriors & sidewalk counselors. Lord please send us more people, to be out in front of Planned Parenthood on Thursdays, when they kill your little babies & every day to witness & to help these people going into & out of this terrible place, please & thank you. Amen. Martha came right at 1pm & I was so happy to see her for Sheila had to go now. One of the three gentleman stayed to pray some more with Martha & I. Just as Martha was coming out into the front lines, to join me, we saw an elderly woman walking on the sidewalk with a cane. Not good, for the sidewalk was bumpy & slippery from the ice. Martha walked back up the sidewalk to meet her & to see what she could do for her. She approached her & they both walked into the center. Sheila had to go so I said "thank you & good bye & I'll see you next Thursday & have a blessed week". Adolf & I were on the sidewalk to pray & to sidewalk counsel. Martha came out about 20 minutes later. I asked who was the woman with the cane & she told me that she had called me earlier in the week asking for diapers for her 17 year old grand daughter. "Oh yea" I said. I remember the call, she said that she had to wait for better weather to come to Focus to get the needed diapers for her great grandchild. I don't know if today counts but she did make it without incident. She also offered to do some volunteer work in the office. I think that I will wait until the springtime to call her in regards to this splendid offer. A couple pulled into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood & they saw the graphic pictures, as they went by me, & I then called over to them, offering them help & pleading with them not to destroy the life that had a heartbeat, as Martha was saying the Rosary. They were in the car for about 5 minutes & then left. The female passenger looked at me as the male driver went passed Martha & I. I stretched out my hand to offer her a Truth packet. I said that "I have some information to give to you" but they didn't stop & off they went down the street. Yeah!! I hope & pray that, through the grace of God, they were touched by Him & changed their minds, if they were there for an abortion, & that they will not come back again. And they will have their baby & be glad that they never got out of their car today & went in. Praise God! For Thursdays are the abortion day, at Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile I had to see the other girls that came out of Planned Parenthood that 'chose death' for their babies & for themselves today. They left the parking lot all slumped over, in the front seat, or were just staring in a fixed stare straight ahead. Their lives will never be the same again & I only hope & pray that they & the ones that brought them into Planned Parenthood, to have their precious baby be killed, will REPENT! One of the pro lifers called out attorney & told her of the situation with the local police yesterday & she said that nothing in the Injunction mentions about graphic signs & she will make some phone calls, in regards to this event. Thanks.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Sandy called in today that she wouldn't be able to come to Focus to help us out today. Hopefully she'll be back next Tuesday. Tony came along with Martha & I today to join us on the front line, Donna will join us later today too. We worked in the center for a short time & Martha made coffee. Tony & I brought the signs & the literature box outside to witness & to help others. The sidewalk was icy & slippery, where is the city of Rochester to clean off the sidewalks so that they would be safe? No wonder why the pro lifers stayed in the street yesterday & the police were called. They told the pro lifers to get out of the street, which I understand but the sidewalk was dangerous too. I wasn't there yesterday from 12noon to 1pm to demonstrate Planned Parenthood which was a National Event, 'Vigil for Victims', throughout the country. I was told that Fr. Tony was there too. Sorry I missed him & my friends from Bound for Life advocates. I had so much to do & had to pick up some things from a friend for the Material Aid Room before the 5:30pm Mass. They did a great job witnessing the truth about abortion for that one hour. Tony had to pick up his granddaughter & had to go then Donna came. It was good seeing her. She held her sign & prayed the Rosary. After that, Martha, Donna & I discussed how to keep the signs, that we have outside, as we witness to the public, from causing an accident. We know that God watches over us & everyone else, from getting hurt, out in front of Planned Parenthood. Some of the cars come out of the parking lot without looking to the left or right. We will keep working on setting up the signs, that everyone cane see coming out, of the Killing Mill. We don't anyone to get hurt or killed. A woman came out of Planned Parenthood from around the bushes. I started to speak to her. It was revealed that she was pregnant form a rape that her husband didn't want the baby so she was here to set up a time to have this innocent baby be killed. I told her that the baby shouldn't die because of the crime of the father. She said that her husband couldn't love this baby, so I said that someone else would, "I will adopt this precious baby", I told her. She did take the Truth packet & I gave her some phone numbers to contact to call to get some counseling. I said that you will get over the rape but not the abortion. She said that she was 5 days pregnant, I think that she meant that she was 5 weeks pregnant. She looked at the picture of the aborted baby at 10 weeks & she said "I'm not 10 weeks", meaning that she wouldn't be doing that to her baby because she was only 5 weeks. Please don't fool yourself dear one. She said that she had been to the center & I said to her that she did look familiar. I shared with her that I was a gang rape survivor & that I didn't kill my twins & also that my sister was raped & her daughter is now 36 years old & has two children now. She said that she has three children & is not inclines to abortion. I said "don't then". She walked up the sidewalk I guess to catch the bus. I looked up the street a few minutes later & saw that Martha was now speaking with her. I was glad for Martha has a way to communicate with he girls & women in need. She later told me that the young mother told her that God loves her & that she loves God & that He would understand if she had an abortion. Martha disagreed & told her that God loves her but He hates sin. She said that we have a 'free will' & Martha said that we are suppose to use our free will to do good & not evil, which abortion is. Martha then said to her "we'll pray for you, what's your name". She called back to say "Brittany". "Okay Brittany we'll pray for you my dear", said Martha. Later on I looked up the records & found that she had come to Focus to get children clothes. I got her name & address & will send her the two DVD's. One is the movie Bella & the other is the Growth & Development DVD with three other important videos on it, On was the video 'Blood Money'. I will send it to her tomorrow & if this is the right person she should receive it on Thursday. I looked through about 100 pages of the clients that have come into the Material Aid Room from September to the present time. There was only one Brittany, so I pray that she's the right one!!! God only knows. Martha told her that the abortion will also effect her other three children too, for this baby is the their half brother or sister. Lord have Mercy on this precious baby, that was conceived in this rape, & for the mother. Please protect, your loving baby that you just created Lord, from being killed because of the crime of the father. Please change the heart of Brittany's husband that she will not obey him when he's asking her to take an innocent life. Amen & thank you Lord. After Brittany left to go to the bus stop with lots to think about, Martha came back out to join me on the front lines. Donna had already left so tit was just Martha & I again. We prayed & witnessed & I had brought out form the office some chocolate covered peppermints, our favorite, so we had a few to chomp on. That was our lunch. We are spoiled by Sandy that makes us a meat & cheese sandwich & brings it out to us, she wasn't there today & we have no time to put a sandwich together & be out here. So we eat candy instead & call it lunch. I did woof down a chocolate granola bar too. A young woman with a child around 6 years old came over to us & asked if the center was open. We said that it was & Martha went with them to the center to assist her in the Material Aid Room. I was now by myself. No fun but I know that God is with me & also the Angels & the Saints & of course Mother Mary. It was about 10 minutes later & I saw a guy & a woman with a baby in the stroller came walking up the sidewalk. I asked if I could help them & he said to me that he was given a card, it was ours, at the Super Bowl & they were trying to find it. I said that it was just around the corner of this yellow building. He said "thank you" & my heart was warmed that someone gave this family one of our cards. She received some things for her baby & took a pregnancy test & it was positive. They were very happy & she is due in September. Wow! People that want their baby to live & not to die. Yeah!! Martha wasn't out with me yet & I was tempted to pack up & go into the center but that didn't happen. Two young girls walked by me & I offered them some information. The one girl said that they weren't going into Planned Parenthood for an abortion. I told them quickly that if they are going in for birth control that's bad too. They went in anyway. My heart sinks when this happens. Just then three young people, two girls & one guy came walking into Planned Parenthood, from the other side where I was standing. I called over to them not to ruin their lives at Planned Parenthood. They walked into the evil place that does kill babies & ruin lives of young people. My heart dropped, I feel so sad & frustrated when these young kids go in there & get more messed up by the lies & deception of Planned Parenthood. Lord please help these young people & all the young people who buy the lies of this place of horrors. An older man drove by me to show me hi IQ. I didn't respond for his action was pathetic. Giving the 'bird' to a woman all by herself on a sidewalk holding a sign that shows the mutilation of an aborted baby. No need to respond to this jerk. Martha was still in the center & the three young teens came out of Planned Parenthood & I called them over to me to speak to me. They walked over to me hiding the brown paper bag from me. I told them that condoms don't protest you from STD"S or AIDS or pregnancy. "Oh no, we don't have condoms in the bag" said one of the girls. Here we go! I offered them a Truth packet which they took & also the two educational DVD's, I was pleasantly surprised. Then the questions started. This is what they usually do. so I answered the questions & asked them some questions too. This was one of the most saddest encounters that I've had in awhile. As we were speaking, a young woman, came from around the bushes. She introduced herself as a reported form RIT doing a project. The one girl responded that her mother got pregnant at 17 & had an abortion & that she grew up without a brother or sister. She was trying to justify it but I told her that t she couldn't. It was wrong & it was a serious sin. I said that I hope that your mother confessed this sin to the Lord. She said 'no my mom didn't. Maybe she did, I'm hopeful. She then said that she's had two abortions, I felt sick to my stomach. She told the RIT reporter that she has anxiety & separation issues & other problems. She mentioned that her best friend is the girl that she is with. I don't know where the young man fits in. Maybe he's the other girls brother or boyfriend, for they just got condones. This other young girl said that her sister had a baby out of wedlock & that she told her that she would be very upset if she ever had an abortion. I said that I liked her sister. I called the young girl that had the 2 abortions over to me & asked if I could give her a hug she said "yes' then I told her my story. She then said to me that she was also raped. I said that I was sorry that happened to her & that it wasn't her fault. She asked what religion was I. I said that I was a Catholic. She said that she was a Catholic too but didn't believe in it. She said that she was Baptized & had made her first Confession & had made her First Holy Communion. "What happened then, I asked. She said that she just didn't go to church anymore. I said that someday you will be back to the Catholic Church. She said "no I won't". I said "yes you will". They left & I went into the center to get the reporter the two DVD's & other informational brochures that we have in our literature room. When I came back, to the sidewalk, I told the reporter that Martha had a story of her daughter that was a single parent. Martha told her the story asking not to use her real name. It will truly be a witness & an inspiration to the readers at RIT. Great job Martha!!! We went into the center to sort out clothes & to straighten up the Great Room. Martha called our client to let her know that we had a baby bouncer for her that I just received from my friend Maria. She was coming to pick it up & then called to tell us that she had a flat tire & will pick it up tomorrow. It'll be there for you then, she was told. We were blessed having Leanne come help us out today for about an hour or more. She did some paper work for us. She will be going to San Francisco with her husband at the end of this week to the next week. She will be back a week from this Thursday. We'll miss her & hope that her & her husband will be blessed with a second Honeymoon. Leanne said that she wants to find the Church of St. Francis, while she's there. She will. I can't wait to hear about her trip when she comes back next week. You are in my prayers for a safe & marvelous trip dear Leanne. What a blessing you are to us at Focus. The doorbell rang & it was John. It was good seeing him. He did some work for us, putting the tables & chairs back into the storage room, in the Great Room. We all had a nice supper together that Martha had prepared. Mmmmm good Martha & thanks.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This was a very different Wednesday, to say the least. Martha wasn't able to be with me today for she needed to be with her friend that ended up in the hospital getting a blood transfusion. I asked Tony after Mass if he could stop by to be with me out on the sidewalk but he couldn't & John had his job to go to at the Catholic Family Center. So I decided to go to the center & stay there & do some paper work that needed to be done but first I took a nap on the couch in the Great Room. I told the guys in the Taxi room that I was in the Great Room & if someone needed me then just knock on the door. I didn't tell them that I was napping that was to personal. I had a good sleep because I don't at home so this was a treat to have some good sleep for an hour. I woke up to the doorbell ringing so I decided to get up to answer it for it's not always for the taxi guys. I went into the hallway to see one of our clients & John was walking behind her up the hall. So the taxi guys let them in. I said hi to both of them & preceded to assist our client. She needed some diapers so I lead her into the Material Aid Room to sign in & to look around some. I then gave John some of my attention. He said that between jobs he had about 45 minutes to go to the front lines to witness. He gathered up a sign & the literature box & the mega phone & off he went. I told him that I would be out after & made him & I a sandwich. Our client was done & I asked her if things were better for her now & she said that they were. I smiled, for I was so happy. This past summer she was going through a lot. Sweet girl. I told her to come back again when she needed us again. Then she smiled & said "thanks". After she left I went into the kitchenette to make two turkey & cheese sandwiches, one for me & one for John. I put the sandwich in a plastic bag & took him out the sandwich & a bottled water & 4 cookies. That should do it. I went out with two signs also but when I got to the front lines he said that he had to go to his second job. Okay John & by the way here is your lunch. He thanked me & I thanked him for being out there in front of the abortion mill to witness. He said, as he was helping me to bring everything back into the center, that he did speak to someone who was pro life, walking down the sidewalk going to work, & even gave him a Truth packet. Go John go!! Great job for 45 minutes. I decided not to be by myself today for I'm still grieving for the loss of so many babies that are murdered at Planned Parenthood. I spoke to Sheila, later today & she told me that the girl, who was crying, that she spoke with after she came out of Planned Parenthood last Thursday, that just had an abortion, was Catholic. She told me that she offered her a Rosary & she said that she knew how to say it because she was a Catholic. This sadden me so very much, when she told me this today. How could this happen??? Even if she was a Protestant or an Atheists or whatever.....how could this happen??? How could a woman or girl have their baby killed???? Pregnancy is only temporary & if you can't parent then give your baby to a couple that want to love & raise your child. Give your baby 'life' not 'death'. I said yesterday, to the three young kids that tried to challenge me, "why is it that the baby has to be killed for what the parents did to conceive this child". "Why is everyone picking on this little precious voiceless person". "Be responsible for your actions for the baby shouldn't have to die because you had sex"!!!! I also said that "sex outside of marriage is a serious sin & must be confessed to be forgiven with a sincere heart of sorrow for that sin". Lets do things right rather than wrong & people would be happier & children wouldn't be killed by abortion. I hope that some of these words sunk in. The one girl already had two abortions & like Martha told her "this has to stop". How right you are dear Martha. A lady who has wisdom, from God. After John left & I was back in the center I worked in the office doing paper work & writing letters, etc.. Then the three delightful Elim Students came to work in the center I kept them very busy. The door bell rang & it was two females. One was there for the baby bouncer & the other young lady was there for a pregnancy test. She was so nervous that she couldn't do the test so she filled out the Intake Sheet & will come back again tomorrow around 3pm. Suzanne will be there for her. Sweet young lady, very receptive & polite. Is not abortion minded, thank God. She also was a 'life saver' for she talked her friend out of going to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. She showed me the little boys picture with a big smile on his sweet face. I thanked her for her part in saving this child's life from being killed at Planned Parenthood. I asked how she knew about us & she said that someone from the sidewalk had spoken to her as she walked by, for she goes to school in the neighborhood. I thanked her that she came to us & not to Planned Parenthood. She smiled at me. People are getting the message of the horrors of Planned Parenthood, thank God. One person & one Truth packet at a time. The Truth will prevail!! We have a new sign for the sidewalk & it reads: FOCUS CENTER 86 UNIVERSITY (with an arrow) FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE CHILDREN CLOTHES THEN MY PHONE NUMBER Very simple & direct. It's done in black, red & white. Very nice & we'll see how effective it will be, in time. Dan came by & he took some signs & some literature packets for tomorrow morning to be in front of Planned Parenthood at 8pm with John. That's the time the girl told Sheila, last week, that she came to have the abortion. All of our hearts ached & now we're doing something about it. We're getting there earlier & we'll be there ALL day starting from 8am to 5pm. Praise God for this is a prayer answered. Tickabo, from the taxi company came in & I asked him to change the panel on the ceiling, that had gotten wet & was ugly looking & he did & he also glued the table, that was coming a part, where Martha sits. She had put duck tape on it but it got glued today & is better. He was also a big help to me today. What blessings I receive from the God who loves me. Missed you Martha :( I went home around 9:15pm & my landlord called me. I guess the East Rochester Inspectors have to come to inspect my apartment. That's okay with me for my smoke alarm & carbon monoxide devices don't work. I think that the landlord said that he was stopping by tomorrow, good thing Mr. Dominic. Don't get me wrong for he is the best landlord I ever had. He had me test the alarms & two of them didn't work so he'll be by tomorrow to fix them. What a guy. I am blessed.
Thursday, April 17, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I tried to schedule enough people to be out in front of Planned Parenthood on Thursdays, the day that they kill the little babies. Dan called me at 9:30am this morning to tell me that he & John were there at 7:30am & they gave away a Truth packet, for the 45 minutes they were there. He also said that a taxi came into the parking lot which usually means that the girl is there for an abortion because she can't get a ride. How sad that she would even consider having her baby killed. After they left Bill & Pat were there praying the Rosary until Pat showed up at 10:30am. She said that she was alone until 11am & our new recruit Lew came to be with her & then came Addison. Martha cane at 12:15pm & I came a little before 1pm for I had to go to the Post Office to get mail for Focus. When I arrived I went into the center first & got the literature box & the graphic signs that hopefully will change hearts. I arrived on the front lines & was introduced to Lew, our new person. He has MS & had trouble walking, what a trooper & to have such dedication for the unborn I ask you Lord to heal him in your Mighty Name. Amen. He had a stick, as a cane, & I'll see if I can retrieve my old cane & bring it with me next Thursday for him. Sheila said that he might not be there next week but the week after, no problem. I went back into the center to get more things to bring out to the front lines & the door bell rang, It was two women that Martha had directed to the center for baby clothes. One of the ladies had a baby 7 months ago & her aunt is now pregnant with baby number three. I lead them into the Material Aid Room & then preceded to go back outside to bring more signs with me. I asked Sheila if she'd go back into he center to assist the ladies & for the pregnant lady to fill out an Intake Sheet so that Suzanne can call he to keep a check on her & to see if she'd need anything down the road. She said that she'd go back into the center to help the ladies. I said "thank you" & off she went . I was hoping that Suzanne would be there for I knew that our young lady from yesterday was going to come back around 3pm for a pregnancy test. Suzanne called to tell me that she was running late for she was buying a car. Okay I said, though disappointed that she was late, for I depend on her so much to be there at Focus at 1:30pm for I need her. I understand that things do come up for she is so dedicated & am so grateful that she's been with us for over 2 years now & what a blessing she is at Focus & our clients. Suzanne arrived & she said that she bought a car & will be picking it up on Friday. Good for you Suzanne, you deserve a good car. We went over a few things & then our client, from yesterday, came in for a pregnancy test. Suzanne warmly introduced herself to the client. I told her that she was in good hands with her, then I left to go back to the war zone, on the front lines. Martha & I were challenged by two young men that watched us from across the street, for awhile. I recognized that the one young man we have spoken with before. They walked over to us & the one young man, who we didn't speak to before, started to ask the same old questions that are usually asked. "What about the over population problem"? My eyes rolled. Martha!, I called, can you speak to these young men please. I first said to them that there was no over population problem & even if there were that wasn't any reason to have babies be killed, by abortion. I looked at them & said "why is everyone always picking on these little babies that can't speak or defend themselves"? People are bullies. I offered them a Truth packet & they both said "yes" & took one each. Then I offered them the DVD of growth & development & a bloodless abortion, testimonies, & the video 'Blood Money' & they took one to share. Yeah!! I was so happy that they took all these materials. Then Martha took over & spoke with them for about 10 minutes. They were nice guys, just a little mixed up. Hope that we helped them today, for we are God's instruments. They didn't come to us by chance. Mother Mary I give you these two fine young men & put them into your Immaculate Heart & please place them into the Sacred Heart, of your Divine Son. Thank you . Amen. Martha said to me that she heard someone cry out. We looked up the sidewalk to see one of the employees at Buckpitt, next to Planned Parenthood, had fallen on the ice on the sidewalk, in front of her office building. Martha & I went over to help her. She said that she heard a snap when she had fallen & was in a lot of pain. I looked into Buckpitt's window & saw Kim standing in the office. She smiled at me thinking that I was saying "hi" to her but I was calling to her that one of her workers had fallen on the ice. She quickly came out of the office & took charge. Then the other workers came out to help her. They got a chair with wheels to put her on & got a bag of ice for her swollen ankle. I took the mail from the ground & went to the mailbox to mail them. Some of the envelopes were pretty dirty from them hitting the ground. Oh well, that's the least of the problems of the day. They decided to take her to the hospital rather than call the ambulance. I spoke, to one of the owners, who we've had issues with & them with us because we've been in front of their building to protest Planned Parenthood, for years. The Buffer Zone, pushes us over to be in front of their building, which they didn't like from the beginning. It's been a very difficult relationship, to say the least. I said to him that the pro lifers went into the street on Monday to peacefully pray & protest to get away from the dangerous icy sidewalk & someone called the police on them. He said "I did". "What", I answered back, "why didn't you just talk with them"? He said that he did but they were in the street & were blocking his driveway. "Okay, okay, I wasn't there I can't be everywhere", I said. I was still glad that we could help this woman who needed us. Hope that after this incident we can get along better. I'm tired. It's been like the Hatfield & the McCoys feud, for the past 12 years. One of the guys took a picture of the sidewalk. Wonder what they're going to do with that? Maybe sue the city? None of my business. I'm to busy fighting Planned Parenthood, but it would have been nice to have gotten some support from Buckpitt over the past years. Lord have Mercy! Hope the feud is over. The women were coming out of Planned Parenthood slumped down in the front seat. This is a hard time to be out there. The guys pick them up & off they go into their world, not realizing some of them, that they will have to answer to God someday for what they just did to their innocent child. I hope & pray that they REPENT soon. Martha & I went into the center & had a quick supper, for her friend called her from the Hospital to come to pick her up, for she was being discharged after having a blood transfusion after taking to much Aspirin to thin her blood. I guess she thinned her blood a little to much. If your taking Aspirin, to thin your blood, please be careful. A shot of Brandy works better.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This was a very intense day in front of Planned Parenthood, again. Martha, John & I went over to the center after Mass & then went out on the front lines after we did a few things in the center first. Sandy came in & started to put things away into the Material Aid Room, that I received from my friend, that runs a second hand store where I live. She supplies us with so many nice things that we put in our Material Aid Room, for our clients, to receive for 'free'. Thanks Ana. John brought out the sign that reads 'DeFund Planned Parenthood'. It's on a long wooden stick which he put behind his back that was held secured by his coat. It's hard to describe all I know is that it was behind his back & his hands were free. It looked funny but was effective. Great thinking John! Today we handed out at least 11 Truth packets. WOW, to say the least!! A crazy guy that was coming out of Planned Parenthood hollered out his window saying "yeah, keep abortion going". I was standing by the fence & Martha was closest to him & responded back to him saying "your mother didn't abort you", she didn't stop here to have you killed, did she"?? He couldn't think of anything thing else to say back, "cat got your tongue young man"? Off he goes. He came back later on & picked up his girlfriend & he didn't say a word this time when he came out of the Planned Parenthood's parking lot. I hope it was because he was convicted by what Martha had said to him earlier. "You shall know the truth & the truth shall set you free", says the Bible. I know that this is true........ John was using the mega phone & was witnessing to the people going into Planned Parenthood. Just then a man walked over from behind the bushes & said to John that his girlfriend was her & she had had a miscarriage & he didn't appreciate that John & said to him "congratulations". He made it clear to him that he didn't say it to him but to another man who had just told him that his girlfriend wasn't going to abort his baby. Just then the strange people who work for the Liberty Underground business who have been a pain in the butt for several months now. I called the office to report Bob who was obnoxious to me & so disrespectful, about a 5 weeks ago. He was so nervy that he even told me his name. Thanks Bob, but doing so it just made it easier for me to report you to your Supervisor. By the way I haven't seen you back on University Ave. I guess it worked. You even told me to call your boss so I did. Scary dude. I also sent them much literature, about Planned Parenthood to the office, hoped that it helped. Well this guy from the same company hollers over to me saying that he did say "congregations", meaning John. I answered back to him that this was none of his business. He started to get nasty so I just ignored him & he stopped. I wish that it hadn't taken me so long to learn this lesson. Do you know how many times I just stood there arguing with someone, until we both looked crazy. This works better than anything, just don't acknowledge whoever & they can't fight with themselves so they just stop & go away. I know now that what I say isn't going to change them, for they are in a rage, & aren't really listening. Conversion sometimes comes quickly or it comes in stages. However God wants to work. Then I said, to the man with the girlfriend that had a miscarriage "why didn't you take her to the hospital"? He answered back that he didn't have any insurance. I said, back to him, "that the hospital would still have to take her & treat her". I said that "they kill babies here" & the nutty man said back to me "that he was pro choice". I said to him "you mean your pro abortion, pro death". You just lost your baby & you think that abortion is okay??? What a nut case, I thought!! He went back into Planned Parenthood. About 20 minutes later they both came out of Planned Parenthood & as they were leaving she was on the phone smiling. Not to judge her but she looked fine. If she had an miscarriage, I know personally how traumatic this is, so I wish her well & the father of the baby too. Please respect life by being 'Pro Life'. I mourn for you precious baby, that you supposingly lost today, & I'll name your baby, in my heart. A nice looking man came over to us asking if he could get some literature to help hi niece who was thinking of having an abortion. "Sure" we said & we gave him a Truth packet & a DVD of many subjects & the movie Bella, about adoption & some other pieces of literature regarding the Black child. He smiled & thanked us & said that he would give this to her & he would let us know if she changed her mind. We sure hope & pray that she does, we told him. "God be with you sir & you be a 'life saver' of this little baby. I think he was tearing up & then walked down the street. Another man walked passed us & the turned around & said to us "keep on fighting". "Yes, we all said back to him, we will & God bless you sir". Two young girls were walking passed us to go into Planned Parenthood & I gave them each a packet & told them that it was their packet & not to let Planned Parenthood take it from them. Off they go into the death camp. Hours later they came walking out with the Truth packets still in their hands. Praise God!! When they came out I was on the phone taking to my friend, sweet Anne, in Florida, who's moving back to Rochester with her husband & adopted daughter form China. They bought a house close to me & Holy Spirit Church. Yeah!!! They will be coming home in March, just in time for Tucker's infamous St. Patrick's Day Party, he has the best corn beef & cabbage in town. Another two girls walked passed us & weren't very nice or at least the one girl wasn't. As they passed us I offered them a Truth packet which they refused. The one girl said "I'm not having anymore". I answered back "how do you know" & she replied that she had her tubes tied". I said to her that was a sin & to confess it for God is a loving & forgiving God". The other girl called me a bad name & off they went down the street. They were turning towards our center so I asked Martha to see if they were going into Focus. She went to the parking lot & came back saying that they were going into the Ethiopian Restaurant. A few minutes later they came walking back towards Planned Parenthood. John was trying to talk to them & I told him not to bother to speak to them, for I didn't trust the one girl who was nasty. She had told me earlier that she had 8 children, so I offered her some 'free' clothes at out center down the street & she said "no thank you". So they probably were walking down there to check it out, for we are two doors from the restaurant. Well to our surprise the nasty girl came form behind the bushes were we were standing on the sidewalk & asked for a packet, so we gave her one. About 4 minutes later she came back asking for a packet for her friend, which we gave her. Then about 10 minutes later a car that had the both girls in it & their other friend driving, were holding up the little rubberized 12 week old babies, that we now put in all the Truth packets. They looked so happy & were smiling The car stopped & the girls said to us that their friend was going to have twins & if she could have a packet too. "Yes, of course", I said & then went to get the packet & a DVD for them. I also told them that Martha was a twin & she told them that she had twin brothers too. They were delighted to hear this. What a transformation that had taken place. John, Martha & I rejoiced in this awesome turn around. Though the one girl never apologized for calling me that name I had forgiven her & we were blessed to see how God worked, through us pro lifers. We can't give up & it's one person at a time or maybe three. We later on packed up the signs & the literature box & went into the center. I was feeling like 'death warmed over' so I went into the Great Room & took a 15 minute nap on the couch. I stayed up late to watch a repeat of the show 'Leverage' from 2am to 3 am... dumb. John & Martha went to drop off some birth control literature to Martha's daughter's house, for she's giving a talk in her church, about the importance of waiting until marriage for sex & not to use birth control & the dangers of it. When they came back we got supper ready & we ate a very interesting meal together. It didn't look good but it tasted okay.....
Wednesday, February, 23, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha, Martha where are you?? She called me to tell me that she had already gone to Mass this morning & that she'll meet me at the center around 1pm. Well, I came right over to the center after the noon Mass & did some things in the office waiting for Martha, no Martha. I made myself a sandwich & no Martha. So I decided to call her apartment & no answer. I then decided to call her cell phone yeah, there was Martha. She didn't sleep well last night so after Mass & after she took care of her patient, she does home nursing in the mornings 3 times a week, she went home to take a nap. What a nap it was until I woke her up. She got to the center around 2:10pm & we then went out to the front lines to witness. The abortionist, Rachael Phelps hasn't been at Planned Parenthood all week but tomorrow, Thursday is their killing day, so we'll see her again or some other mad man or woman who will be killing little babies all day there. I think that we hand just two Truth packets out this afternoon for the people where like Zombies, no affect, very scary. There was a car filled with young people that drove by us screaming out their window. I just said to them that God loved them & we loved them & that they hated themselves. Well they decided to come on back & drove right passed us where we were standing hollering like a bunch of crazy people. As they passed I told then to go away & to be quite. We never saw them again. It's so sad for me to see young people acting that way but when they do act that way there's no way to reach them in the state that they are in at that moment. I hope & pray that the Lord will send help for them to heal & to be forgiven from their past that haunts them. I went into the center for a few minutes to get something & when I am back to the sidewalk I saw Martha on her knees. I was dumfounded for she had said earlier that her hip was locked in pain. It touched my heart to see her in that position. A person who was walking by asked Martha if what she was doing was going to bring any justice to the situation. She said that she didn't reply. Only God can & will bring justice to the abortion situation in His way & in His time. We are all called, as Christians, to pray & to act peacefully against abortion, & we do this with God's grace. We heard a voice coming from across the street. It was young lady saying "is that a Rosary"? Yes we both said to her & she crossed the street & came over to us. "I haven't had a Rosary is such a long time " she said. "are you a Catholic we asked". "yeas she answered but I stopped going to church after they closed Mother of Perpetual Church near where I live. I said to her in a gentle way that she needed to go to Confession for not going to Mass on Sunday was a Mortal Sin. Martha & I mentioned Our Lady of Victory Parish, which is mine & also Our Lady of the Americas, which sounded closer to where she lives. We encouraged her to go back to Church & to Confession & to Mass every Sunday. I know that the Blessed Mother Mary will lead her back to her Son in the Sacraments, that's what she does. She was very grateful in receiving the blessed Rosary that PaPa Como had handmade. I got the Rosaries blessed, after Mass, then he called me up to say that he had the Rosaries blessed before he sent them to me. So they were blessed twice. WOW! Cleveland, our street friend, came by to tell Martha & I that he was hungry & to show us his frost bitten fingers. He wanted bus money to go to the hospital to get treatment. After I gave him some food Martha gave him some bus money. His fingers were opened & raw looking. I offered him a taxi ride but he refused & left to walk up the sidewalk to the bus stop or the liquor store, it's anybody's guess. I'll see him tomorrow & hopefully his bandaged fingers, if he went to the hospital. Lord have Mercy on our Cleveland who we love very much. Martha told me that yesterday when the long time death escort, Sylvia Rose, drove out of Planned Parenthood's parking lot after being there escorting in the victims to be devoured by this death organization, that she now has a white Rosary hanging on her car mirror. I nearly flipped & so did poor Martha who had to see this. What a mockery & sacrilege & blasphemy. Here she is escorting women & girls to go into Planned Parenthood to have their babies be killed & she has a Rosary on her car mirror? What is that all about??? Sick & evil, that's what it's all about, the trickery of the devil, to fool people in thinking that she's a good person as she does her evil deeds at Planned Parenthood. She is scary & so is Barry Swan & Linda Mock & Marsha Peone & Barbara Moore & all the 'death people' that run Planned Parenthood. Tucker came & Martha & I went into the center. Someone came & picked up her 2 pro life shirts that we have been saving for her & I got to meet her friend too. Then our sweet Elim Bible Study girls came to bless us some more. I always give them a hug & ask them how they are doing & then tell then to "get to work", ha ha. I give them assignments & they have a ball doing them. One of our client s had just came in who is pregnant with twins so one of the Elim girls kept her company in the Material Aid Room. They were putting away baby clothes & making up Truth packets galore. I then asked then if they had seen the movie Bella & Elizabeth said that she did & that she enjoyed it so much. I said that I was disappointed that the main charter who is soooo handsome didn't shave off his beard at the end of the story. I guess I wanted to see his handsome face. Well I gave them one of our Bella movies to take back with then to the college to watch together. I said that you have to have popcorn when watching this movie & they laughed. See I can be funny at times, I'm not always serious. Well they smiled & thanked me & I smiled & thanked them for all that they do for us at Focus. What a blessing they are to me. I'll miss them so much when they leave us in April. Two of them will be married this year. I'm so happy for them. I called one of our clients who is due anytime & I asked if she was affected by the Bella movie that I gave her when I first meet her at Focus last year & what did she thought of it. She said that she was influenced by the movie to keep her baby & that the movie touched her heart. I was glad to hear that. She should be delivering her baby girl very soon. The doorbell rang & it was Jim, our regular person who comes to Focus for clothes & things for his child & his sister's child, we think. He suffers from Schizophrenia. He also had frost bite on his fingers & said that he was at the hospital but that the bandage fell off. He did show me his wrist band. I gave him some Band-Aids & Martha gave him some food. He felt better after all the love we gave him, I hope.
Thursday, February 24, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood
A day from Hell, for sure. I arrived only to see that Sheila was by herself on the front lines. I was upset because I though that the times were covered otherwise I would have been there with her. Hope that next week it will be covered better that she will not be alone & if she is only for a very short time. She was on the mega phone speaking to someone by the fence. I pulled into the parking lot & saw 2 other pro lifers that just arrived. The one, went with a mega phone & some literature, to the brick side of the building to counsel. The other male pro lifer had to go to work down the street. I hurried to be with Sheila & was waiting for Martha. I had forgotten that she said that she had to go get her taxes done. I wasn't dressed properly, for I thought it was warmer than it was, for I needed to put my boots & heavier coat & hat & gloves on but couldn't until Martha arrived for I didn't want Sheila to be alone. I went & got more signs & the literature box & was now with her. She told me what had happened while she was there starting at 10:30am. She started to speak to a woman who was sitting in a parked van, in the Planned Parenthood's parking lot, near where she was standing, out on the sidewalk. The woman got out of the van & walked over to Sheila. She asked the woman why was she there & was told by her that she had dropped off, probably one of her daughter's friend's, here at Planned Parenthood. Sheila then said to her "do you know why"? The woman answered "no, probably for a check up or something". Then Sheila told her that they do abortions all day here on Thursdays. "What" she said, I'm a Christian & I don't believe in abortion". Sheila suggested that she went into Planned Parenthood to see what she was doing in there for she's been in there for a long time. She said "thank you" to Sheila & went in. She came out about 5 minutes later & walked over to Sheila & told her that this girl was in there for an abortion, she was told. It had already taken place & she wasn't allowed into the room where she was. This woman was devastated to say the least. Sheila tried to comfort her & offered that they say the rosary together which they did. Sheila went into the Truth packet & took out the Post Abortion brochure Project Rachel & gave it to this woman to give to this girl, she will need help after this 'day of death'. After they said the rosary the woman went back into the van to wait for the girl to come out. She came out about 15 minutes later & as she was leaving the parking lot she waved at Sheila & I who was standing there, but her eyes were really on Sheila, for the love & comfort that she showed her today. She was betrayed by this young girl & maybe even her daughter. She will never forget this day even though it wasn't her fault for if she had know she would not have driven her here & probably would have even talked her out of having her baby killed. I fet so badly for both Sheila & this lady for I know something about betrayal, & it hurts like hell.
Just then a red truck pulled into the parking lot with a young girl & guy. I hope that they saw the graphic pictures on the way in & I started to talk to them immediately as they were in the truck. He rolled down the window & said "shut up you b....", I knew I was on the right track. I get on calling out to them especially to her. A few minutes later they got out of the truck & headed into Planned Parenthood. Then the male pro lifer who was standing on the sidewalk closest to the door spoke to them also. They were in there less than 20 minutes & left. As they were puling out of the parking lot the young girl had her head down for she didn't want to see the pictures again & I called out to her saying "we can help you". The boyfriend gunned his red truck so loudly that he burned rubber on the street. Stay strong dear one & you will be glad that you did about 8 months from now & so will he if he's still in your life by then. No man is worth killing your baby over. They're gone & you're left with the loss, pain, guilt & regret for the rest of your life. If you can't raise your baby then place your precious little one up for adoption to people that can raise your child that you gave life to. Abortion is murder & it is a deadly sin for you that, if not repented can lead you straight to hell after you die. So if you had an abortion please with a sincere heart ask God to forgive you & He will & He will restore you through the Post Abortion Counselors help at 1-800-286-4224 or http://www.project-rachel.net/. Don't wait do it now!! Now all hell broke lose because the devil was mad that a life was saved. Remember we are created in God's image & likeness & he hates God so he hates us who were made by God. Sheila had to leave but Martha wasn't there yet but the one pro lifer was there by the brick side of the building & Bill came who now standing across the street holding a graphic sign. A young man came out onto the sidewalk & I spoke with him for a few minutes & gave him the Truth packet. He looked at the graphic signs & walked down the street. He was recognizable for he had his pants down to his butt & no offense to him he had a very strange nose. When Martha arrived I told her all that had happened & about this young man too. She said that that sounded like the description of the boyfriend of the young girl that she had brought into the center on Tuesday & was suspicious that they may come back on Thursday for an abortion. I said "Martha then she's in there". I saw the pain on Martha's face & in my heart to think that they came back to have their precious baby killed. Just then a woman came around the bushes with a cigarette in her mouth, she was about in her 40's & she looked at the graphic picture of the little 10 week old aborted baby & said "that's not what it looks like, it's just an embryo". "What" Martha & I both chimed in. I said that you were once an embryo & look at you now. You've grown a lot since then. An embryo is just a very small person. "No" she said & walked down the sidewalk away from us. They won't let you smoke in Planned Parenthood but you can murder in there. What an evil. A few minutes later, since Martha was now here I needed to get my warmer coat & boots, gloves & a hat on, for it was colder than I thought. I walked to where my car was parked in our parking lot & I then saw the lady with the cigarette coming out of Mack's store, next our pregnancy center. I tried to reason with her about allowing her daughter to have an abortion. She said to me "have you had an abortion"? I answered "no" & she said "see then you don't know what you're talking about". I said that I know that fire hurts without going into a burning building to find out". "You're not God", she said. I said "I know that I'm not God & He said "Thou Shall Not Kill". All of a sudden I heard a voice from behind me saying "are you going to carry this baby"? What, I thought to myself who are you & where did you come from & why are you siding with her & not with me who is trying to save a life?? Then the woman with the cigarette said "see that's what I'm talking about". The angry woman then went into the Focus Center. I thought let Diane, who was helping us out in the Material Aid Room today & Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, take care of her they're capable. She then said "don't harass me". I said " you're in a public place & you can get away from me at any time & I'm not threatening your life like you're threatening your grandson or granddaughter's life". She walked away & I knew that Martha will say something to her as she passes by her going back into Planned Parenthood. I went to my car & got my winter coat on, boots, gloves & hat on & went back to be with Martha on the front lines. As I was turning the corner to be with Martha I saw that she was practically jumping up & down. I hollered to her "this looks like good news". I approached Martha & she told me that the little girl from Tuesday, along with the boyfriend, had come out of Planned Parenthood, & told to Martha that her baby will be born this September. Martha told her that she thought that she was in there for an abortion & she said "no way". Martha told her that was praying for her & she was so happy to hear this great news & so was I. John arrived & came to the front lines holding a sign. Then a woman drove passed by John & hollered something nasty out her window at him. Being a protective mother bear I looked to see that she just had pulled into the Midtown Vets, across the street, so I waited till she came out of her car. I was standing now right in front of Buckpitt with is between us & Planned Parenthood. As she approached, with her dog on a leash to the entrance of the Vets, I said to her "are you going in there to have your dog killed"? She hollered something at me & when I turned around I saw a face of a woman in Buckpitt's window. Don't worry I didn't start this I just finished it, go back to work. I noticed that the mega phone was losing it's sound so I decided to go into the center to get some new batteries. I knew that the nasty lady was in there but I wasn't afraid of her, through the power of the Holy Spirit, so off I go the center. I walked down the hall heading to the office where I have the batteries in the refrig, to see her in the Material Aid Room. She spotted me & I heard her to say to the two ladies, Diane & Suzanne, in the room asking them "do you know her"? Then answered "yes we do". Then she said "she was out in the parking lot cussing this lady". I walked by the entrance to the Material Aid Room & said "I wasn't cussing her I was speaking to her not to have her grandbaby killed over at Planned Parenthood". She immediately gathered her bag of things that she just received from the room & out in the hallway she went as fast as she could go. I was behind her & when she was outside in the parking lot I asked her if she was Post Abortive & she said something I won't repeat & I then said to her that we could help her & off she went 'mad as a wet hen'. At least, when she's ready to come to grips of her abortion, she knows where to come for help. Right now she's still in denial & is using me as her scapegoat. I hope & pray that I will see her again someday soon to give her the help that we can give her. I walked back into the Material Aid Room & Suzanne who had heard the ramping & raving of the woman who went into the vets said that she thought that she was Post Abortive too. I said that 1 in every 3 women have had an abortion. Some of these woman are very angry & nasty & aggressive. I pray for their healing & for them to ask forgiveness from God of their sin of murder & also their accomplices, example anyone who helped her in any way to have the abortion. They are also in danger of losing their souls & need to repent. I went back outside with the new batteries for the mega phone & there was the neighbor across the street from Planned Parenthood screaming at the male pro lifer who is standing by the brick side of Planned Parenthood. He was ramping & raving too. The demons are all out today. He was saying nasty & stupid things at the pro lifer was always holds his own very well. Then Jim, the neighbor gave us a revelation of what might be the matter with him. It's safe to say that he's suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from the Vietnam War. My heart goes out to him but he comes out of his condo & starts to be so disruptive & disrespectful to us as we're trying to do our ministry out there in front of the Killing Mill,Planned Parenthood. I think when I have some time, ha ha, I'll do some research & send him some info., though he's probably in denial too just like everyone else is about their situation. I'll also pray for him & when he comes out of his condo again & wants to pick a fight I will just ignore him, that usually works every time. When they have no one to fight with they just go away & that's what I want. Oh yeah, he said that he had his Ph.D.. Now that explains why he says what he says, at times. Don't get me wrong I respect those with Ph.D. & act appropriately, Jim doesn't so there is probably a combination of things for he said that he was a Catholic too. He doesn't believe in what the True Church teaches so I wonder if he goes to Spirtius Christi, some of them still think that they are Catholics but they are not & are Excommunicated from the Church. Dr. Theodore Ruckert, came out of Planned Parenthood, his name is on the RU 486 bottles at Planned Parenthood & he stopped his car to talk to Jim. Then he said to the pro lifer "you cause abortions because you don't believe in birth control". Well doctor, 'NO', the abortion rate goes up when the girl or woman is contracepting. You don't know diddle squat Dr. Ruckert. In a study of abortion patients [Alan Guttmacher Inst.], 58% of patients reported that they ‘currently used’ contraception during the month of their last menstrual period… Check out: http://www.physiciansforlife.org/content/view/489/36/. Ruckert left & so did Jim. Yeah!! How sad are these two men, to say the least & their counterparts.
Friday, February 25, 2011 in front of the Liberty Poll in Rochester. Please read the article that was in the local Democrat & Chronicle newspaper. Rob & I were the two pro life protesters, protesting their protest. Wish that there were more of us!! Correction: the reporter reported that there was over 100 of them which was not so, it was more 30 of them. Why he reported that is beyond me. He seemed like a good man & I think that he did a fair job with the article. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20110226/NEWS01/102260334/Rally-opposes-funding-cut-Planned-Parenthood?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Home
(Wish this would happen here in Rochester) Pro-Life Flash Mob in Chicago Surprises “Walk for Choice”http://www.lifenews.com/2011/02/28/pro-life-flash-mob-in-chicago-surprises-walk-for-choice/
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Every time I go to the center on Tuesday afternoons something always upsets me but today it really upset me. There was a flood in the shared All Purpose Room yesterday. It was a mess!! The ceiling titles, to the one end of the room, was saturated with water from the roof & had fallen down onto the floor. The Taxi guys had put 3 pails under the water leak. The water was on the wall, that we had just painted not to long ago & the new rug was saturated but was now drying but had water marks on it. This takes the cake. Martha called the landlord who doesn't want to put money into the building. He needs to do more patch work on the roof when the weather gets better ASAP. We give him $1,600 to rent 4 rooms for the center every month until the rug is paid for then our rent will go up to $1,800 a month. I don't think so.....We pay to much already for all the grief that Martha & I experience in there. We try to make the rooms look good & even in our new Great Room is starting to have some water leaks on the ceiling. Please Lord get Bernie to fix the roof to stop all the leakage that we're sick of. It took Martha & I a little while to get out to the front lines this afternoon, which saddens me. Sandy, our volunteer, came to help us & she started to work right away putting the food away onto our shelves, in the Material Aid Room, & putting the diapers into plastic bags so that we can help our moms out for a short time until they can buy more on their own. Finally Martha & I got outside with our signs & literature box & our first situation was a guy that had stopped his truck right in front of the vets across the street. He hollered over to us to "go home". I answered back to him "you go home first, we're busy here trying to save babies from being killed & if someone was about to kill you we'd try to protect your life too". He went into the vets without an animal & came out about 5 minutes later without an animal. He got into his truck & drove over to us . I said "if you give us any trouble & have my cell phone & will call 911 so fast". He said a few things & I replied that "if you don't do anything to stop this slaughter of the unborn that you are a part of the problem & the sin of omission is as great a the sin of commission, even greater". He rode away. What's wrong with people???? Today there was an elderly Death Escort, bringing the girls into Planned Parenthood. How sad it is to see elderly people aiding & abetting in this abortion horror. I kept telling her that she had one foot in the grave because she was so old & we're not going to live on this earth forever. We will live forever but it'll be in Heaven or Hell. They probably got her for the Unitarian Church on Winton Rd. there is where most of the Death Escorts are first requited. I really don't know but it was sad to see her that's for sure. I tried to speak Truth to her as she drove out of the parking lot but some how I think that it fell on deaf ears. That's to bad. After she left Sylvia Rose, with her plastic face, arrived. She's been a Death Escort for about 10 years & she looks like it too. She looks the part. A little while later Linda Mock & Marsha Peone left... from NOW (National Organization of what kind of women)? What kind of women are these who want little babies to be murdered & their mothers to be hurt for the rest of their lives?? They hopefully don't represent to many women in America. John surprised us & came out to the front lines between jobs. We greeted him & he added some prayer to the ministry. About 15 minutes later a young couple walked over to us & asked for a pregnancy test. I asked Martha if she'd do it & she agreed. Off they all go to the center laving John & I on the front lines to continue on. A car came into the parking lot & I said what I said to offer help & to make them aware of what goes on here at Planned Parenthood. A couple got out of the car looking like they were of middle age screaming at me, both of them. I just kept on telling them what Planned Parenthood is all about. John started to talk to the angry man & the woman went into the building. After John talked with him & the guy was walking into Planned Parenthood & he said to John to tell that f...... b.....to shut up. I took my mega phone & told him that I forgive him & that she doesn't respect women & asked him if he was using the woman who was now in the building of this Killing Mill? He looked at me like I found out his secret. It's the Ho;y Spirit who knows everything. He didn't say another word & went in & when they both came out they didn't say a word as they left to go. "You shall know the Truth & the Truth will set you free". The Bible. Martha was back with us & then John had to go. A few minutes later a car came up to us to scream to us that they were pro choice. I answered back that you're pro death. Hee hee they responded. It's ugly out here. Then a car drove by us with a woman of color hollered out her widow as she went passed by us saying "abortion rules". Now does that really make sense?? Not at all. She is Post Abortive & they are very strange woman until they get out of denial & repent & start the healing process, which goes on for the rest of their lives. Though forgiven that can't forget. Another Post Abortive woman drove by us to give us the 'bird'. I hollered to her to repent for the sin of murder being directly or indirectly involved with abortion. It's so sad out here, though we did have some support from cars that were driving by us too, to encourage us in our work. Thank you.... A car was coming right towards me & before the car stopped I noticed that it was Jim, who was once a police officer, who was our friend out here on the front lines. He had arrested a young guy who thrown sometime at me, years ago, when it was dark. He got on TV, when we won the appeal back in 2002 & he bad mouthed Planned Parenthood & got suspended for 2 weeks because of it. Go Jim, Go Jim!! I was so happy to see him. He stops by to say hi every once in a while, which is such a blessing to me. He is so nice & such a handsome man too. I said "hi Jim", with a big smile on my face, "how are things going"? I asked him about his son & he gave me a report on his health. I told him that I've been praying for him & his children & his ex wife & I'll pray even more harder. Just then Cleveland, our street person, was walking up the street towards us. When he got to where I was standing talking to Jim he looked in the car & smiled from ear to ear & said "hi ya yeah oh yea" & Jim reached into his pocket to get some quiet money for him. Cleveland replied "I love the white man & I love the white man". I saw that a police car had seen Cleveland & I & a stopped car & had made a U turn & was now approaching us. I flagged over to him that I was fine & it Officer Jim .......... who I was talking to, in the car. He pulled up next to Jim's car & said "hi buddy". They spoke for a few minutes & off the police car went. Cleveland left to follow Martha into the center to get some Ramon noodles & I spent a little longer talking to Jim. He is so nice & is a good man. I was happy to see him. He'll stop by again when he can. He's a supervisor for a company in Rochester, for he retired, from the police force, years ago. What a rebel & a handsome one to say the least. Love ya Jim!!!! A car with four young girls just drove into Planned Parenthood & I said to them that this place will ruin your lives & that we can help you. They were in there for a long time & when they came out of the parking lot I was alone & tired, for Martha went to go to supper over her daughter's. I was holding the graphic sign Malachi, an aborted baby that if you saw this baby it would make your heartache, if you're human. As they were leaving all I could say was "is this all right? is this all right? is this all right"? The one girl, who was in the back seat, reacted with some compassion on her face & the other girl on the passenger side of the front seat, moved her head up & down as to say 'yeah, it's all right'. I said to her "you need help". She had such a sweet looking face, but through my experience over the years, means nothing. Sometimes the hardest looking girls are the sweetest. John came back & helped me put some things away & then went to Mass at St. Stanislaus, on the corner of Hudson Ave.. He said that he was coming back after Mass so I went into the Great Room & took a nap on the couch. I woke up & John called to say that he wasn't coming back if that was okay. I said that it was for I wanted to leave after I did a couple of things. I waited for Pat, our grandmother with the 4 great grandchildren to come to get diapers & money for formula but she didn't. She cam only come when she has a chance to get away & I guess she couldn't get away tonight. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow or Thursday. After I did what I needed to do in the office I left to go home at a record time of 7:20pm. I had to leave the All Purpose Room a mess until tomorrow & then try to clean it up for the new director & co director of Embracing Options were coming to see the Focus Center for the first time & for us to introduce ourselves to them & them to Martha & Suzanne & I. I want everything to look nice for their coming on Thursday at 2pm. We'll see.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 not in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I came to the center after Mass today & never left the center until it was time to go home or in Martha's case to go baby-sit for her grand children. Her ex husband was coming over to help put the new stroller that we just received together & he didn't leave for an hour & a half. We asked me to put in the new ceiling tiles from our water leak on Monday & then he did some other odds & ends & then even went to Wegmans to buy bags of rice for those who are in need for our Food Shelves. Thanks so very much Frank, great job too. The place is looking so much better now. Then the Elim Students came & they did the vacuuming & put away baby & children clothes in the Material Aid Room & made up new Truth packets & cleaned the bathroom & cleaned the glass on the front door. They were kept very busy to say the least. Then Tucker came & went outside to protest. Today was one of the coldest days of the winter so far & it was because of the wind chill. But that's not why Martha & I wasn't out there & was because we were sooooo busy in the center. Then Memo came & brought all the 2010 papers & A CD for our account Elroy to work on the 990 form for our 501(c) 3 organization. Thanks Memo for all that you do for Focus's Data Entry. God bless you. I looked at my emails & Pat, our Monday evening counselor was back from her vacation & will be back this Monday after 3 weeks. Rob will be so happy & so will I. Tomorrow we're having the two new directors of Embracing Options come to meet us & us them & to take a look at our center. That's another reason for us to make sure that all looked good. I went over to Mack's next door, he has a Christian T shirt shop, to give him our rent check for Bernie, our Landlord. He said that he missed me & I said that I missed him & we gave each other a big hug. We are right next door, to each other & I can't seem to get over there to just say "hi". Very bad of me & I'll try to do better. Love ya Mack! I then went back next door to the center to do some more work. Tickabo, from the taxi company came in & I told him that Martha & were not going to clean the men's room anymore but we will take out the trash. He helps us out a lot so he said that he would clean the men's room right now. I said that's great & gave him all the cleaning products that he would need for the project. He's so nice & co operative. I then gave our accountant, who is down the hall from us & I gave him all that Memo gave me, all the information for 2010 was put on a CD & Memo had also made a hard copy of the records too. What a great job he's done for Focus. He kiddingly said to Martha that he didn't know what he was getting into when he first volunteered last year but has been blessed working with us as we have been blessed working with him. Thank you Lord!! Pat, our grandmother, came to the center to receive some diapers & baby wipes & some baby clothes for her family. I went to the car to see her 3 great grandchildren all asleep in the van & said "hi" to Katherine, the mother of the 2 boys. She told me some bad new regarding a local High School who took her to court regarding some back payment but she said that she never received a letter in regards to this. She is planning to protest the school in a couple of weeks. She will have a sign & walk up & down the sidewalk right in front of the school. I hope this will help & not hurt the situation, even further. God be with her for she worked so hard to save the lives of her great grandchildren. I write about her a lot on the Front Line Weekly. Love her to pieces & her family too. I meet her, in front of Planned Parenthood, two years ago & her great grandson was a RU 486 save. Amen. After Pat left & Martha had left earlier to baby-sit I did some more work around the center & then left too to go home. I first had to fo to Wegmans to buy my supper & coffee for tomorrow's breakfast before I come to the Killing Mill where they kill little babies all day long :(
Thursday, March 3, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived today Sheila was with Addison, Dan & Adolph. She told me, just shortly after they had arrived, she was asked to give a pregnancy test to a young woman who had just left Planned Parenthood saying that they were not taking 'walk ins' at this time. So Sheila brought her over to Focus & the client did the pregnancy test as all our clients do. We have the clients do the test we do not. Her test was positive & she was happy. She was not abortion minded & her baby, will be safe in her womb, for the remainder of her pregnancy. She went into the Material Aid Room & received a baby blanket for her to bond with her baby. Sheila gave her some free literature to take home with her too. I was glad to hear this great news. Sheila had to go but Adolph stayed with me. Martha was running late & I found out when she did arrive that she was again having car trouble, the battery this time. Poor Martha. So it was Martha, Adolph & Bill, for he had just come to stand across the street with a graphic sign of baby Malachi, & I. We prayed & counseled & witnessed. A man on a bike rode passed us & said "pro choice". I answered back saying "you mean pro death"! He showed us his middle finger. This is no way to treat people, as if he knows anything about how to be a gentleman. Poor & misguided chap. Then Adolph had to go & it was just Martha & I for Suzanne couldn't make it today. The same oh three nasty young people came driving by in their daddy's car screaming at us. They drive right up to the curb. This is the third time in three days that they are doing this. I hope that this will not continue next week. About 15 minutes later some crazy young males screamed out of their car "kill them before they are born". This is the sick society that we lie in today. They were probably Post Abortive fathers which will go crazy unless they come to grip with what they had allowed. Lord please save their souls. Martha went into the center & I was by myself for a short time when the school buses passed by me. One of the buses had to stop for a traffic situation & the young kids called out of the window saying to me, "are you killing the babies". I was surprised that's what they were saying & I answered them saying "no, it's not me it's Planned Parenthood", then I pointed to their building just before the bus rose away. My heart was very sad at this encounter for them to think that it was us that was killing these precious babies but I did set them straight, that part was good. Martha came back about 10 minutes later & we stayed outside for another hour or so & then went in. Leanne came to help put away baby &children clothes tonight . She was back from her trip to San Francisco, she said that she enjoyed her trip but her & her husband were glad to be back home. For there's no place like home :)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I was in a bad mood & it was further challenged by a friend, who broke into our office using a credit card, to use the computer & he gave me all kinds of excuses for doing so. I barred him for ever using the computer again & he got real angry at me. Bad scene inside & outside. :( Martha had to go to get cookies for her Parish Council Meeting at her church later this evening. So I was by myself for awhile. Donna moved away from the ruckus, between John & I but passed out a Truth packet as she prayed, on the front lines. I gave her the book "Return of the Children" a book of fiction but an important read of children who were aborted being lead by God to return to their parent or parents who aborted them to seek our forgiveness & repentance for what they had done. She encouraged me to read 'UnPlanned', by Abby Johnson who was once a Director of Planned Parenthood but had left to become a powerful pro life advocate. Deal, Donna. Carole will return to us in the second week of April & we miss her. She's doing pro life work in Florida while she & her husband are house sitting. One mixed up man who with his friend at Planned Paretnthood. He made negative comments. Martha helped a mom in the Material Aid Room to receive some nice things for her children. Baby #4, a little girl, was born but the mom had to go before I could receive any info.of birthday, weight & name. I will call her back on Wednesday to hopefully receive this information so that I can pass the info. onto the Focus email list. They love to receive these emails & I love to send them too. Got ready for our first Broad Meeting of 2011. All Board members showed up except Todd, who was in a car accident in February. I made copies to hand out & we had a great & productive meeting for an hour. Dan, our maintenance man, who comes by & helps us at Focus & friend, fixed our 2 pregnancy centers doors, so no one could use a credit card to get in, which happened in our office. I put our money, to help our clients, & important papers, in the huge locked safe where no one could steal anything.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 not in front of Planned Parenthood What a day!!! This is Ash Wednesday & Martha & I went to Mass to receive our ashes. 'Dust until dust, ashes to ashes'. That's what we are, just dust with an eternal soul, so work on you eternal soul that will live forever either n Heaven or Hell. What 'choice' are you making? We don't know when our time here on earth is UP... the End. It's over & now you either will suffer for your 'choice' or be blessed for your 'choice' for ALL Eternity. If you are in sin please ask Jesus to forgive you with a sincere heart & He will. Don't wait, for the Bible states that "now is the acceptable time". The doorbell rang & it was Jerry, I sat behind him at Mass & here he was at the center. He said that it was to cold to go outside but I encouraged him to go outside to pray & protest. He reluctantly did. Martha joined him. I stayed in the center to get ready for a client that had called me earlier to say that she was coming to the center referred by DSS to obtain diapers & some clothes & small items for her daughter. Also I was expecting Dottie who & her family & friend & her daughter had blessed Focus with many beautiful blankets that they had made for our mother's children. So the doorbell rang & it was Dottie & her family with many beautiful blankets that they had made with love & prayer. I showed them around Focus & then Dottie's friend Cathy came with her daughter. We had a nice conversation & I showed them the center also. Praise God for their wonderful gift to Focus for our moms children. After they left we gave away 3 of the blankets in less then 2 hours. I went out to the car to get the bags of clothes that were given to me by my friend here in East Rochester for the center & Sandy saw me for she was in the store next to our center. She came out of the store & came into the center to start to wok for she called me to tell me that she couldn't make it on her regular day Tuesday but on Wednesday instead. It was good to see her & she started to put the clothes away into the Material Aid Room. The door bell rang & it was the friend that we have been having trouble with lately. He broke into the office & didn't really think that it was any big deal. I felt differently about it than he did. So here he was with this clients from the Catholic Family Center. We have bleed this family with a car seat & many baby clothes & small items so I don't know why he brought this family back to the center after what happened yesterday in the center & on the sidewalk with him. I guess it's called 'denial'. So to make a long & sad story short, he flipped out on me & Martha, who was now back in the center from being outside in the cold & rain. It was not pretty. It broke my heart that this all went down in a bad way & in front of his clients who I guess looked the other way as long as they were getting what they wanted from the Material Aid Room. Need less to say as he left he slammed the front door so hard that he broke the door. The landlord was called later on & he will come by to fix it. He seemed to understand that these things can happen. He then began to point his finger into Martha's face, which she didn't appreciate it at all. The dispatcher from the taxi company asked this man to leave but he refused & he had to go back to work answering the phone for the taxi company. It was a mess. I decided to leave the area & go to the other room because I thought that I could be adding fuel to the fire perhaps. Then Martha began his victim. Martha came over to me & asked me to call the police but I thought that this was a ploy to get him to leave but she really meant it. She was a psychic nurse for 15 years at the State Hospital, she knows her stuff & she felt that he needed a psychic intervention. Later I said to her that she should have called for I thought she was only kidding. It was so sad. They all finally left, the non controllable guy & his clients & Martha & I both took a deep breath & then the doorbell rang. It was our client that had called me on my cell phone earlier. She was a pure delight. She went into the Material Aid Room & I went into the Great Room to get her size 5 diapers & baby wipes, for her 13 month old daughter. Then she came into the All Purpose Room & sat down. She said that she was feeling weak for she was a Diabetic & had very high Blood Pressure. We gave her some hard candy & some water. We didn't have any cheese or any real protein but a lot of carbs to give her. She then said that she didn't have a bed because of bed bugs in her apartment & she showed us her bed bug bites & she had to get rid of the bed & sleeps now on the floor. She is a big woman and this must be very uncomfortable for her. I then called my friend Maria & told her the situation, for she has a ministry that gives away baby & children clothes & small & big items & furniture like beds & dressers etc.. I spoke with her & then I gave our sweet client the phone & she spoke with her & because Maria was driving she asked our client to call her tomorrow & she will help her get a bed. Thanks Maria!!! I went on line to print out some information about bed bugs & how to get rid of them. She was appreciative for the info.. Martha suggested that we ask for the taxi to take her home because she was feeling not to good & had to carry 2 bags filled with clothes & diapers & things. She called me when she arrived home to thank us for our kindness. She was such a blessing to both Martha & I after the stress that we endured earlier on this day.
Thursday, March 10, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Sheila, is our new prayer warrior & sidewalk counselor, who is front of Planned Parenthood from 10:30am to 1pm, when they are killing little babies there. She speaks to the women with the mega phone & hands out Truth packets & has even done 2 pregnancy test at Focus, so far. She is a blessing & I am so happy that she is with us, as a team member. Also, there are 4 or sometimes 5 gentlemen who are with her at different times to pray with her & to witness to the public. They are there when she goes into the Focus Center to do a pregnancy test. Praise God that most of Thursday is covered with prayerful people, when the precious babies are being killed, if their mothers don't change their minds. This is the first time in 15 years, since I've been out in front of Planned Parenthood, that on Thursdays, Planned Parenthood's killing day, that there is people to cover most of the day. Martha started to come out on Thursday afternoons about 21/2 years ago & when I lost my job 2 years ago I joined her, in front of Planned Parenthood. We had some people who joined us, now it's just Martha & I, usually. Pat & Bill come to pray on Thursdays from 9 to 10:30am then Sheila, from 10:30am to 1pm & then Martha & I from 1pm to 4:30 or 5pm. Now we have Dan who gets there first before work. He comes to pray from 7:30am to 8:15am. God bless you all & your reward will be great in Heaven someday.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood When I got to the center I noticed that there was a girl standing next to the Planned Parenthood sign so I drove into our parking lot to park my car & to grab the Truth packet, that I keep in my car, to try to go give it to her. I got to my post on the sidewalk by the big tree & called over to her "would you like this packet of information"? I smiled & flagged her to come over to me to receive it. She smiled back at me & came over to get the Truth packet. I talked to her for a few minutes & then her ride came to pick her up. I just make it, thank you Lord.
A young girl, who was not open to the Truth, was walking up the sidewalk going away from Planned Parenthood, she was carrying a brown bag, which means usually something bad coming from Planned Parenthood. I stopped to speak with her to tell her the Truth about Planned Parenthood. She was defensive of the place. offered her a Truth packet but she refused it. I came back with the hard hitting Truth of how evil Planned Parenthood is & we went back & forth until a car with two women in it stopped & asked me about the 'free' children's clothes. I pointed to the center & said to them to "follow me". I said "good bye to the closed minded young woman, with my heart aching, as she walked away & went back into the center to show the two women where to go to receive the children clothes. They were so happy & in such need of some nice things for their children.
I went back to my car to get our food, out of the car, for supper & other things in the car that needed to be brought into the center. I then went outside to put our sign out on the sidewalk, which reads: Free pregnancy tests & Free children clothes & my cell number on it, with an arrow pointing to the Focus Center at 86 University Ave.. Then I saw a young girl walking up the sidewalk. I am always suspicious when I see a young girl walking towards the direction of Planned Parenthood. I went over to her & asked if I could help her if she was going to Planned Parenthood? She said that she was going there to get the Morning After Pill, another name for it is Plan B. I told her about what it does at times & that it could cause an early abortion if you were pregnant. She said that she didn't believe in abortion & I said that I was happy to hear that. She said that she was going over to PP for a pregnancy test. I told her that we do pregnancy tests for 'free' & that our pregnancy center was right here & I pointed to it. She said "okay" & she followed me into the center after I introduced myself to her. Martha was helping, along with Sandy, the two women that came in earlier but I asked Martha to stop what she was doing & to help this young lady with a pregnancy test & to give her some information, which she did . They both hit it off right from the start. I heard them laughing in the counseling room. Our new client was blessed with much information & had a negative pregnancy result too. Martha gave her our new CD about 'starting over'. She said to me it would be hard not to have sex. I told her "if Crystalina, who gives her testimony on the CD, could do it so can you". Check out: http://www.chastity.com/. She also told Martha that she was once a Catholic & in the CD, Crystalina says to go to Confession & sit before the Blessed Sacrament, for healing & grace & strength to overcome impurity. Our client said "thank you" & then went into the Material Aid Room to get some things for her friend who is 18 years old & is due to give birth in April. What a good friend she is. As she was leaving we had four more clients to come into the Material Aid Room for things for their children. I asked then to come in two by two but because they were all together I said that they all four could come in to shop for the things that they need for their families. Then a familiar face showed up, one of our regular mothers & she went into the room after the other four ladies had left. I called in Sandy to help for I needed to get back on the front lines to witness. It was Sandy's birthday on Sunday so I got her a card & a gift & gave it to her when things settled down which was only for a few minutes. She looked the card & gift & Martha & I were happy that she did. Sandy does so much for the center & I really don't acknowledge it as much as I should. I do appreciate all our volunteers, prayer warriors & benefactors that make Focus what it is in the community, in helping people, who are in temporary need of food & clothes until things get better & more secure for them, in their situation. God bless you all!! I went back outside to counsel. I received some constructive advice, from my pro life friends, to be more kind & gentler, when I speak to the people going into Planned Parenthood. I pray that the love & concern in my heart for the people who I try to minister to will know that I love & care about them, by my words & actions. I am passionate out there like no other place or time in my everyday life. This is where they are murdering little babies for the right of their lives to go on & to live as they wish to live. Abortion is evil. I call out to the moms to offer them help & I say to them that their baby has a heartbeat after 18-21 days after conception so you are stopping a beating heart, etc.. I only have about 5-10 seconds to say what I feel that the Holy Spirit is saying through me, otherwise it's not going to hit their hearts & minds, to change them. My words are empty but the Holy Spirit's words are Spirit & Truth, as a two edged sword like the Bible says. There is nothing wrong with 'tough love' at times or even 'more gentle love', it depends on the circumstances. We mustn't think that all love is mushy & if we don't give out mushy love then we don't love. That's just not right. Out on the front lines we talked to some people that passed by us on the sidewalk & gave them some information & even some cars that came out of Planned Parenthood had stopped to take our literature packet & a free DVD & CD, for educational purposes. I looked behind me & there was Memo, who does our data entry for Focus, smiling. I said "oh Memo I'll be right with you" remembering that he said that he was coming to Focus to work on some issues. Martha was already in the center so Memo helped me bring in the rest of the signs & the literature box. He went right to the computer to do his work & I was talking to him about some of the new problems that just came up. One was that someone put Focus on Facebook without my permission & I'm not in control of the site which I should be since I know what's going on here at the center. He's a controlling person & I wanted it off. Memo, called his daughter, who is Facebook savvy & they spoke in Spanish working to remove the site, it was great. I said to her, at the end when she got the Focus Group off of Facebook, "mucho gracias". I felt good for a short time, until I realized that I should have said "muchas gracias". I told Memo that I took Latin in school not Spanish & I do better at Mass then any other place. He smiled, how nice of him, he's such a gentleman. He was heading for China on business & when he comes back he will visit us again at Focus to do more data entry. He's a prayer answer & he loves the Lord & Mother Mary too. Martha was busy again in the Material Aid Room helping a woman who said that she has eleven children & was beaten up on the streets of Rochester, just recently. After she did her shopping we called her a taxi to take her home along with her sweet son. Hope that we were able to help her in her need. The doorbell rang & it was our friend Dan. He came to talk & to eat with Martha & I tonight. He comes during the week when he can & helps us with many odd & end jobs. I think that we'll need him next week because Martha & I are planning to buy a vacuum cleaner, on Thursday, for the center & he can put it together for us. He's such a help around the center, he's sorta like a handyman, who loves the Lord.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I arrived at the center after noon Mass downtown & we were busy from the first moment that we arrived. Getting bags of children clothes out of my car that were placed in my garage by my friend in East Rochester who has a second hand store. So we will have to sort through these 3 large bags to see what stays & what will be thrown out due to some rips or stains & the like. One good thing is that the students from Elim will be here later today so I'll have them do it. What a help they have been to us here at Focus. They will be with us until the end of April, when school ends & our 2 girls will be graduating & getting married too. Wow, what a summer they will have. It will be hard for us though, for we need more volunteers to work on the Material Aid Room, that's for sure!! Martha & I went out on the front lines before the Elim girls came at 4pm. We talked to the people going in & out of the killing mill. The abortionist was there, which isn't ever a good thing. The wind was blowing & it knocked over our literature box & all our literature went everywhere. The signs were always falling down & we had to pick them up every few minutes. I decided that we needed a A-Frame so that we can place the signs against them with a thin rope. I ordered it the next day at the Instant Sign store for $169 but I think that it will be well worth it. It's hard to always bend down to get the signs & do everything else too. Sheila said that the A-Frame will help her on Thursdays, to put the signs against it when she's speaking with someone,when she's there on the front lines because she holding her Rosary, a sign, a Truth packet & the mega phone (which can be put around your neck, thank goodness). I said to her "what! you don't have four arms", ha ha. We do the best that we can do with all the situations that come our way when we're out there. Martha was in the center helping a client so I was by myself for about 20 minutes. A car passed by me on the street & she threw her empty plastic pop bottle out on the street. I called out to her to "repent". About 5 seconds later a big yellow school bus came down the street & rolled over the plastic bottle, 'POP' was the sound of the bus driving over the plastic bottle. Just behind this bus was another bus that did the same thing 'POP' was the sound for the second time. Nerve racking. If anyone thought that I got shot they certainly didn't do anything about it. Maybe it was because I was still standing. Spring is here in a few days & the better weather brings out more abuse because the weather is warmer & people who don't have air conditioning have their windows down so they throw out more things at us in the spring & summer time which is coming real soon.....though it's already starting. It's really against the law to throw things out the window at people because you can hurt them, as if they care!! How sad the world has become. We have to forgive all those who hurt or offend us by word or action. Lord please give me the grace to. Amen. The same mom with eleven children came back to get more things from the Material Aid Room & more diapers, which later was told to me that she was selling our diapers , two packs for $5. I hope that this wasn't true. But we didn't know this yet, so Martha said to me that she hinted to her that she'd like a taxi ride home. I said "no", maybe I was already smelling trouble. I did give her bus money but Martha, with a bigger heart than mine, took her home. When she came back to the center she told me that she lived in a bad neighborhood & the house was a mess. I was sorry to hear this. I turned around & there were three smiling faces looking at me. The Elim girls were here. I gave each one of them a hug & they helped me bring in the signs & literature box. I asked how they were doing & all three said "fine" so I said "then lets get to work". I keep them busy the minute that they arrive until the time that they leave. What a blessing they are to us at Focus. I received a phone call earlier saying that a young girl was coming in for baby clothes. I told her that we were there on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 1-6 (though Martha & I stay later). She said that she was coming in today. So we were expecting her soon. Martha was in the counseling room a couple of times today. Two young girls that knew that they were pregnant came in for assistance from Focus. Our client who is pregnant with twins came in for some more things for her son & daughter who are due soon. We also gave her two car seats. On a couple of weeks ago & another tonight. She had to many things to take with her so we asked the taxi company who has an office next to our office if they would take her home & that I will pay them when they come back to the office. Let's say that we have an agreement with our center for our clients. She was happy with all that she received at the center, for her children. Unless the babies move around a little bit & get re positioned the right way, she might have to be C-Sectioned, because they are both in the breech position, which means feet first, which is dangerous for delivery, they should be head first then the rest of the body can pass through the birth canal safely. We'll see. Hopefully she still has some time left in her pregnancy that could be possible. Hope so & so does she. The doorbell rang & there was our client that had called earlier. One of the Elim girls took her into the Material Aid Room to help her pick up some nice things for her baby. Then the doorbell rang again for I was in the office doing some work in there. Megan, one of the Elim girls, peaked around the door saying that someone was here for me. I got up & went into the hallway to see a man in a wheelchair. Megan told me that he was deaf & was communicating by pen & paper. On the paper he said that his girlfriend was 5 months pregnant & what do we offer here. I wrote down on the paper what we offered at Focus & then showed him the Material Aid Room. I saw that his face lightened up. He wrote on the paper "thank you, I'll tell my girlfriend". I wrote back "that will be great & have a good evening". He smiled at me & left. Hopefully him & his girlfriend will come back for some things for their baby. Hopefully that will get married too. I know that sounds judgmental but that's the way God wants it. After he left I went back into the office to continue my paperwork. Martha was now out of the counseling room & the client had left. The girls were putting things away from the 3 full bags that I had put in the Great Room earlier. Then the doorbell rang again & it was Pat, out grandmother & great grandmother with the 2 small children. She had brought Akira & Khy-meir with her along with her granddaughter who is pregnant with another girl. They had just come from Dr. N's office who is taking very good care of her & the baby. She is 5 months pregnant now. The problem is that the abusive boyfriend keeps coming over wanting her to abort this baby as he did his first daughter, little Akira. Lord have Mercy!! Pat has her hands full to say the least. Katherine, the other granddaughter who has 2 sons now was at home with her little A-meir & her sister. Pat & I talked for awhile & her grand daughter went into the Material Aid Room, along with Megan, to pick out some girl's clothes. The kids were walking back & forth & looked well taken care of & loved, especially by Pat. She saved their lives, through the grace of God, from being aborted. Khy-meir is our RU486 'save' & look at him now, what a doll. Praise God that his life was spared for just a little while longer (the doctor said 30 minutes more) he would have been expelled from the womb & died, from the deadly pills that she took by mouth & put inside her. The plan of God was different than the moms or Planned Parenthood, who gave her the killing pills. Pat is still bitter at PP for what they did. I hope that she will be able, through God's grace, to forgive so many people that have tried to kill her great grandchildren & have hurt her too. Martha & I were talking to Pat & playing with the children. Akira is my God Child, along with Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, who wasn't here today because it was Wednesday. They received what they needed & we had a nice visit & they had to go back home to feed the children & get them ready for bed. My heart & prayers are with this very 'special' family that we've known now for 2 years & counting. It was time for the Elim girls to go & I thanked them for all the hard work that they did in the 21/2 hours they were with us. I gave them all a hug & told then to get back to the college safe & sound. They said that they will. See you next week girls. Martha made supper & we ate & reviewed the day together. I did the dishes.
Thursday, March 17, 2011 (St. Patrick's Day) in front of Planned Parenthood This is the email that I sent to my email list today: Suzanne, our Thursday afternoon counselor, who calls our clients to see how they are doing, just informed me that baby # 5, was born. Baby boy Cody, was born on February 25 at 7lbs. 3ozs.. Mom & baby are doing great!! Thank you for your prayers & baby # 6 will be born soon & when he is I'll let you know. Please pray for mom & baby, that all goes well. Thank you. One more thing, as always. Focus needs volunteers in our very busy Material Aid Room, sorting out clothes & putting clothes in the baskets on the shelves & helping the moms when they come in to pick out clothes. We offer orientation & you can make your own hours & day, when we're open. We are open on Mondays from 4-5:30pm & Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 1pm-7pm. If interested you can reach me, (Mary) at Focusphc@gmail.com or my cell @ 200-9477. Thank you so much for your love, prayers & support to our ministry. We appreciate you!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood
The Mass at Our Lady of Victory had just finished when Jerry, who has been out in front of Planned Parenthood, praying for the last 13 years told me that when he was at PP this morning there was really no one there but some cars & a police car & anyone who went to the front door couldn't get in. "What" I said, I'll be right over, for the center is less than 5 minutes away from Church. When I got to the center I walked over to the front lines to see an almost empty parking lot. Sandy arrived to work in the Material Aid Room. I walked back to the center & the doorbell rang & a client wanted a pregnancy test & her friend wanted some children clothes. Donna had just arrived & was out on the front lines with her handmade sign & a Truth packet. After our two clients left, the center, Martha & I went back out to the front lines to figure this out. A few cars were parked in the parking lot & that was it. A car drove in & a young girl got out of her car & went to the Planned Parenthood door & tried to get in. I called over to her to offer her a free pregnancy test if she wanted one 2 doors down. She walked over to Martha & I & said that she wanted one. Martha brought her to the center & counseled her. I stayed there, with Donna, to continue to stand on the sidewalk with the graphic signs & the box of literature, when Martha was
done with the pregnancy test she came out to join us. I had one of the graphic signs leaning on the pole when a kid on a bicycle rode by & hit the sign. I called out to him that the "baby loved him". How evil, how sad. Us three were standing there when we turned around just in time to see two
cars collide on the corner of Gibbs St. & University Ave.. We saw it all. The truck was backing up who was on University Ave. & a car was coming out of Gibbs onto University & they hit. The bumper was half ripped off the car & the lights were smashed too. A car had stopped so I thought that she was offering them her cell phone, then one of the guys raised his hands up in the air so I thought that he was telling her that they were fine & had a cell phone, so I didn't do anything for I though everything was under control. I was wrong. I feel that the Holy Spirit lead me to go over to the two guys to see how they were doing. I asked & they said that they needed a cell phone. Oh no!! I said here use mine to call the police. The man that was hit said "thank you". After he called the police he said to me that his girlfriend, who worked at St. Anne's Nursing Home was expecting him to pick her up. I said here's the phone to call the St. Anne's. All he got was an answering machine which was frustrating him. His girlfriend didn't have a cell phone so she didn't know what was going on & probably was worrying about him. They were suppose to go to the GYM together. The police came about a good 45 minutes later to take the report. The man who had hit the other car needed my cell phone again to call his insurance agency. Finally after the police came & went & they pulled off the front bumper, they left. I thank God that no one was hurt though I think that they both will feel pretty sore the next day, I told them to take an Aspirin. Donna had to go home but Martha & I still stayed out there on the front lines. A young woman walked passed us & as she did I asked her if she would like a packet of information. She said "no" & walked into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. We knew that it was closed but she didn't so when she tried the door it wouldn't open. Off she went but this time she didn't walk passed us & walked in the other direction. A couple of other cars went in & I told them that they were closed & what they do in there & they gave me a hands down gesture. Poor souls! It felt good being there & having no one be liked or being deceived & hurt by their lies & deception & gross miss justice. I was wondering what was going on though. Then I saw the delivery man & I asked him what was going on & he said that someone at the door this morning told him that there was a staff meeting in Waterloo?? Okay, what was this is all about??? Which is great news is I was told the next day in an email that Syracuse the sister clinic of Rochester's Planned Parenthood was also closed & they were BOTH together at this staff meeting in Waterloo. Yeah!! I only hope & pray that one or even better, both of them will be closing. I'm sure some will lose their jobs, for where is the money going to come from & Planned Parenthood has a huge overhead. Can you imagine how many babies will be saved from being killed & their mothers won't have to suffer being post abortive for the rest of their lives!!! Praise God that He won't be offended by the slaughtering of His children that He just created & has a plan for in this world!! Only time will tell what this meeting was all about. Hopefully we'll find out soon for the New York State Budget for 2011 will be out next week. Martha & I stayed until 5pm & some of the workers of Planned Parenthood were coming back from Waterloo, for they car pooled. They got out of one car & went into their car & went home & not back into Planned Parenthood. Thank God. With Planned Parenthood being closed we were able to give two pregnancy tests & gave away diapers & children clothes on the Material Aid Room & passed out some Truth packets to people that wanted the Truth & we talked to some people on the sidewalk that also wanted the Truth & information & helped the two gentleman that crashed their vehicles into each other earlier in the afternoon. All in one afternoon.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 in Focus After Mass I went to the front lines & saw that the abortionist wasn't there so I went back into the center with Martha & we spent all day doing things in the center that needed to be done. The snow was coming down & it was cold outside but that had nothing to do with why we weren't out there today. There was hardly no one in the parking lot & the abortionist, Rachael Phelps wasn't there so I made a decision that this was a good day to 'catch up' in the center. The three Elim Students came at 4pm & worked so hard until 6pm. We had some clients come in for children clothes & diapers too, even though the weather was bad. I decided to have the light blue accented wall painted a deep purple & made arrangements for that to happen. He will come on Saturday to paint the wall for me & it will look beautiful!! It will add character to the room where I'm at, a lot of the time, due to the fact Martha doesn't do computer work. I started to like purple for the first time when I saw it on the altar now during Lent & I decided that was going to be the color choice for the wall. I see purple every Lent but for some reason this Lent it caught my fancy & I liked the color more than I ever had before. What a bold statement for an office but that's okay. This is the color of the paint that I had chosen for the wall purple The weather was getting worse so the Elim girls left & I prayed a safe trip for them back to the College & said that I would see them next week. Their last Wednesday will be at the end of April & Martha & I will certainly miss them :( What a blessing they have been for us at Focus.
Thursday, March 24, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This is from Sheila who is out in front of Planned Parenthood from 10:30am to 1pm on Thursdays. When I arrived Pat and Bill were leaving. A woman had approached them to ask them to speak to her abortion minded friend who was following her. The friend turned away, and wouldn’t listen. Mike, Jerry and I prayed until they had to leave at 11:40 or so. We informed a lady with no insurance who was there for a checkup about Fidelis Care,asked her to find a good doctor. and gave her a rosary. Another woman on birth control took a packet. I told her abstinence is the proper birth control. She is Catholic, and promised to learn to say the rosary from the instructions in the truth packet. She also promised to read the information contained in it, and then pass it on. Both these women are going to pray for us. The young women going in to kill their babies paid no attention to us. As workers went past, I asked them to pray that God’s will be done here at Planned Parenthood. If they sincerely ask this, I know God will open their hearts to the truth. Adolph, Dan, and Addison arrive to pray at12:10. Mary S. prayed across the street on her lunch hour.
Suzanne, our counselor at Focus, finally got a hold of mom & was told that baby boy Trevon was born on 9-7-10. Mom needs much prayer for her circumstances. Thank you. Also, baby boy Shemar was born on 1-13-11 & mom is 'hanging in there' & will be stopping by Focus next week to shop in the Material Aid Room for things for her son. Thanks for you prayers & support for Focus. We really do appreciate you all!
I was by myself, for Martha was in the center taking care of Cleveland, our street friend. She had bought him new shoes for he had holes in them & it had snowed the day before & his feet got wet & were sore. So I was by myself for about 20 minutes. I looked over at the fence & I saw two young girls. I said that we could help them & that Planned Parenthood wasn't good for them. I saw that the one girl had a package in a brown paper bad & I took a guess that it was the Plan B bag, which looked like it. I then began to talk about the side effects of the Morning After Pill & how it could hurt her & if she was pregnant it could kill her little baby. They both went ballistic on me. I received the #1 gesture & the one girl throw her both hands in the air as she was screaming at me. They finally got into the car & as they were coming out all I could do was to make the Sign of the Cross & show the graphic picture of the precious aborted baby at 12 weeks. The girl on the passenger side with the brown paper bag began screaming at me, her face was in torment & she was pounding her both hands on the glass of the car window showing me her twisted face. I thought that she was going to break the glass & get cut. She rolled down the window a little & I then though that she was going to spit at me. The next thing I thought of was if she friend had stopped the car for her friend to get out I would have been beaten to a pulp. But, as always God protected me & they drove off. The imagine of the girls face still haunts me to this day. She looked like someone was cutting her leg off & the pain was so great that she was screaming in anguish. I think that she was post abortive, not today but in the past. They weren't doing abortions today because they were closed on Tuesday & that's the day that they do the lab work to prepare for the Killing Day, on Thursday. No Thursdays should be a Killing Day, don't you think? People don't realize that we're doing violence against our own people here in America. Killing our littlest citizens at Planned Parenthood & not to many people care. What hypocrites!!! If you care that people are being killed in other countries & you should care, then why don't you care that we are killing people, in this country too. Innocent, defenseless & voiceless people, in their own homes, are being massacred. Where is the outcry here in America against abortion???????
Saturday, March 26th. 2011 An Evening with Rochester Planned Parenthood Staff & Supporters In January 2011, it was brought to my attention that my children's music school, Hochstein School of Music, was welcoming Planned Parenthood of Rochester to have their fundraising vulgar production Vagina Monologues in their beautiful auditorium. I was perplexed why a music school that takes pride in training inner city children would welcome in this wretched group that is notorious for their despicable ways toward those who are least among us.
Three of my six children have attended Hochstein School of Music for the past three years and I had developed good friendships with their wonderful staff. The dean of Hochstein, Nancy Johnson had recently coordinated the adoption of our Welsh pony with her daughter and so I approached Nancy about the Planned Parenthood night at Hochstein. She was concerned how I knew about this event and mentioned that Hochstein rents their auditorium to different production companies. I mentioned that many of the donors who support Hochstein School of Music are against the agenda of Planned Parenthood and disgusted by a billion-dollar corporation that facilitates and prospers from their 350,000 abortions performed annually in the USA. Ms. Johnson encouraged I speak with Hochstein president Dr. Margaret Quakenbush about my concerns. I emailed a letter to Dr. Quakenbush about the Planned Parenthood event at Hochstein and she quickly responded that Hochstein was in a rental contract with Planned Parenthood of Rochester for that evening in March and the show must go on.
A few weeks later, Planned Parenthood corporation was all over the news with the nationwide undercover sting of their aiding and abetting prostitution of under-age girls throughout the United States. I sent the information to Dr. Quakenbush and let her know the videotaped crimes committed by the Planned Parenthood organization would enable Hochstein to break the rental contract. She ignored my email
Hochstein staff recommended I attend the Vagina Monologues fundraising event with hope that I would have a positive experience and change my perspective of the Planned Parenthood group in Rochester. They shared how Planned Parenthood of Rochester would have tables set up with PP of Rochester staff sharing about their "women's healthcare facility". I could come before the show and ask questions and see first-hand the various medical services offered to women by this abortion facility. I agreed to attend the Planned Parenthood fundraising event scheduled for 6:30pm on Saturday, March 26th,2011.
The night of the Vagina Monologues production I picked up my girlfriend who had prepared a small sign saying...DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD! I did not want to be mistaken for a supporter of Planned Parenthood and knew this sign would clearly state my position. Many of my friends were concerned about my attendance to a Planned Parenthood event where 1,000 staff and supporters of this organization would be congregating. I was mistakenly assured of my safety since it was a children's music school and assumed everyone would be at their best behavior.
We arrived at Hochstein School of Music thirty minutes early in hope to meet Planned Parenthood of Rochester staff before the crowd arrived. My girlfriend stayed behind and I headed to the school. My plan was to stay for a short time before the Vagina play and then head out to a restaurant when show begins. Quite a few people had arrived early and met me with aggressive comments in regard to my small sign declaring DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD! I attempted to reason with a PP woman who shared this Planned Parenthood event was to raise funds for counselling for women in Rochester. I asked if that would include the women in Rochester who are haunted by memories of staring partially-awake at pictures of Caribbean scenes on the ceiling of Planned Parenthood of Rochester while the abortionist rips out the baby they wanted but no one else did. She didn't respond. A woman sarcastically says, "We are about population control sweetie" and laughs. Another couple joins in and says "Margaret Sanger is our hero". Reasoning with Planned Parenthood staff would be impossible.
My new plan is to stand at the entrance of Hochstein and let everyone who walks in know they are entering a childen's music school which conflicts with Planned Parenthood's abortion mission and the vulgar production of Vagina Monologues that degrades women. I was not prepared for the reactions that would come from this "professional" group of adults who represent the U.S. tax-supported Planned Parenthood organization.
Droves of people began to head toward the entrance of Hochstein as I settled at the front with my sign. The elderly doorman of Hochstein who I have known for years gives a look of concern as the groups of people come from every direction. I share statistics and documented facts to those arriving and respond with inappropriate and derogatory personal attacks
laced with unbridled curse words. Within a short time the anger from the Planned Parenthood group escalates and I am circled by an angry mob of women calling me a pro-life bitch and declaring they are proud of their abortions. I tell the group of women that is not the issue and I am here to protest Planned Parenthood Vagina Monologues show and that should not be at my children's donor-supported music school. Their attendance moves to a Catholic protestor on the sidewalk standing with a graphic picture of an aborted fetus. The angry women circle this humble man and begin tormenting him as he tells them abortion is the destruction of a human life. The women ask him if he was ever F.....? and why he cares about a women's baby that is not his? They move in and taunt him about the sad picture of the aborted baby. One lady mockingly says, THis is a naked picture of a baby. Are you a child pornographer?" The man does not respond to this sickening question and puts his head down and prays. I walk over and tell the aggressive women that we live in a free country and he has the right to protest against abortion at any event sponsored by an organization that performs 350,000 abortions annually in the USA. Their anger is diverted back over to me and I suggest they get inside and out of the 20degree night and see the show.
Storming through the double doors into the frigid cold is a muscular tatooed woman with only a tank top on yelling. She informs me that she is the star actress of the play for the past four years and I believe she played the part of the "angry vagina". I told her that it is not a show or group of people that should be in a music school that gives hope to inner city families. She begins to call me SH-- and how I want her honey??? She continues to chant this strange insulting comments. She says other odd comments that sound like lesbianism and I tell her that I am married for 20 years with 6 children and her comments are foreign to me. She gets stranger and continues and I ask the Planned Parenthood escort to take her inside. She continues with chanting and I become concerned. I tell her I am going to pray for her and that stops her from chanting. She tells me she doesn't believe in my God and goes inside.
Refreshingly, a group of sane women approach me to explain why they are attending a Planned Parenthood fundraising event. They share how the Planned Parenthood facilities offer free testing for breast cancer. Having done my research this week in preparation for the PP event I had called Planned Parenthood facilites to find out about their breast cancer screening they boast of. The research revealed that NO mammography, NO genetic screening, NO ultrasound for breast exam and NO magnetic resonance are offered at ANY Planned Parenthood facilities in the U.S.. The only services Planned Parenthood does offer for breast cancer screening are referral telephone numbers of facilities that offer those services. When I share the information with these women they are very confused and I suggest they confirm these facts about the deceptive breast cancer screening availability with the Planned Parenthood staff inside Hochstein School of Music.
All hell began to break loose at this point of time and 50+ screaming PP are yelling from the small lobby staircase. They are saying... "Crazy pro-life bitch. Get a life. You wish you were here with us. " I respond back with the fact of "350,000 abortions and show my sign... DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD! At this point some madman in a suit comes running out and yells, "You are a F... whore". They try to get him inside and the Hochstein doorman looks like he is going to cry and the Catholic protestor tells me he is sorry. Randy from Hochstein, who booked the event, comes outside and I yell, "Nice group of people you invited to Hochstein School of Music". He responds, "Donna, you know we have the contract tonight". Hopefully, Hochstein School of Music reconsiders signing a contract with a group of angry people who freak out when confronted with TRUTH!
Interestingly, a person comes over and hands me a ticket to the show and invites me in. I ask the Catholic protestor if he would watch my sign and let my friend know I'm inside the auditorium. As I head toward the hostile crowd with my ticket a crazy women comes toward me and grabs my arm with all her strength and rips the ticket out of my hand. She gives me a wild lookand tells me "You are not coming into this show". The women continues to rant and rave and I am concerned about my safety. A well-dressed man comes over to me and asks if I would come to talk to him away from the crowd. I tell him I would prefer to stay where I am since don't know his intentions. He shows me his badge and tells me he is an undercover officer. I ask him if there is a problem. He says it is not a problem at all and hears the crazy yells and looks confused and asks what is going on in there tonight. I tell him the story and he makes sense to the scene he is witnessing. The group continues to confront not knowing he is a police officer. He tells me to "Keep up the good work" and leaves when the crowd settles down.
A young female reporter from the Democrat & Chronicle newspaper shows her card and asks my name. She writes it down in a pad and takes a ton of pictures of me. She never takes any pictures of the Planned Parenthood group. After some time she smiles and shows me her ticket and tells me she is late for the show.
Well I can go on and on and on with the crazy interactions with people from Planned Parenthood, but it would take up too much time. I believe I shared the highlights and hopefully painted a picture of my evening with the staff and supporters of Planned Parenthood of Rochester. Departing Hochstein I realize that I would never return and my children would study violin, piano and harp at another music school. It was a sad moment.
I went to get my truck and meet my friend. Pulling the truck up to the traffic light at Hochstein a maniacal man who is dressed like he is on a Mediterrean cruise comes toward my truck and yells, "F------ bitch get out of your truck" Threatening and acting insane. A group of middle-age women are telling him to let it go and let us go see the show. He is not stopping as I am stuck at a red light. I stick the DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD sign out the window and he goes ballistic. People are slowing down and wondering what crazy scene is this outside Hochstein School of Music. The light turns green and we drive away. My friend and I look at each other and just say, "WOW".
Sitting inside the restaurant the events of the evening take a toll as I am feeling sick and dizzy from all the confrontational stress I NEVER experienced in my lifetime. I am unable to order and my girlfriend calls my husband and asks if he will pick me up and drive her to her car since I was too shaken from what happened at Hochstein.
The following day I shared with my 5,000 friends on Facebook and at my church, Bethel Christian Fellowship. Many people had various thoughts and opinions about what to do. I was recommended to report the threats, but felt that wouldn't accomplish anything. Did realize it was important to document and share the events of the Planned Parenthood evening.
My hope is to let others know about the people at Planned Parenthood so they are watched in their dealings with the inner city women who are too weak to self-defend. My hope and prayer is that Planned Parenthood is replaced by a sincere women's healthcare facility that respects women and the precious life of the unborn. There is a reason for everything that happens in life! Donna Mulvihill
(Wife & Mother & Pro life activist)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood The day was fast & furious. I can only hope to remember all that went on this afternoon. After Mass I went to the center & there wasn't any parking spots, ick, so I had to go around the corner to wait for one to open up, which one did. I ended up parking in the very same spot that I was hit & no one claimed to be the hitter. So my car still remains smashed in the right front & it looks not so nice. I had to forgive the person but I do hope that this accident is bothering either he or she for not leaving a note on my car with some information. I'm degreasing for I have a lot to share about today. Maybe I'm still upset, do you think?? Lord have Mercy on me & the one that hit my car, though it could have been worse. There in the parking lot was Frank, he was coming to do the second coat on the purple wall, in the office. I was afraid that Martha wouldn't like it but to my surprise she liked the purple wall very much. So I was so happy :) He got to work & Martha made him a chicken sandwich with banana peppers with lettuce & mayo. It looked good & she wrapped it up in foil & put it in the refrig, for him when he was finished, with the wall. He never found it in the refrig so he ended up making himself his own sandwich. Like I said it was a crazy day. At least he had something to eat. He did a great job painting & he will be back tomorrow at the same time, 1pm, to put my vacuum together that I received as a Birthday present from my twin friends in Florida & Martha. One should have a vacuum cleaner for one's own home, right! I thanked Frank & he went on home. He lives with his mother who he takes care of .....what a good son he is. Donna had just arrived & she placed on my desk in the purple room the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I've ever seen. There was a balloon with the flowers & a card with a gift certificate for Wegmans . Oh happy days.... I thanked her for her kindness & she wished me a Happy Birthday for tomorrow, March 30th. I said "thank you Donna so very much. Now we needed to get back to work. She took some literature & we put out some signs to witness on the front lines. She was by herself some of the time & she did a great job bringing people into the center for help. In the meantime, four young girls were in the hallway, for the front door doesn't close properly so anyone can just walk right in, which makes us a little nervous. The one girl asked for Mary. I said that I was Mary & she said that she wanted a pregnancy test. She had three of her friends with her so I asked Martha if she would do the pregnancy test for I wanted to be with Donna who was out on the front lines by herself. I asked the young girl who wanted the test if she wanted all of her friends to be with her & she said "yes". So Martha, who is so good hearted & thank God that we work well together, went into the Rose/Counseling Room/Pregnancy Testing Room with four young women to do a pregnancy test for one of them. Martha is such a trooper. I was with Donna as Martha was in the center doing the pregnancy test when I saw a young woman walking towards Planned Parenthood. I called over to her to come over to Donna & I to talk to us. She hesitantly came over to us. We found out that she was pregnant after a one night stand & this wasn't suppose to happen but it did. She has children at home & it's hard taking care of them. I said to her that a child shouldn't be killed because of any reason. I gave her a Truth packet & a DVD & the Bella movie. Donna spoke with her with gentleness & kindness. The woman said that she was going into Planned Parenthood to have a ultrasound done & if she bonds with the baby even Planned Parenthood couldn't talk her into an abortion, for she is a leader & not a follower. I did say that they sell abortions & they know how to reach your weakness, so please be careful for you're going into the shark's mouth. We talked to her about God & how He doesn't want her to have an abortion. She said that God wanted her have an abortion . I said that was the Evil One who said that because God would never tell you to kill one of His children that He had just created, with love. Donna mentioned Compass Care Pregnancy Services so I gave her their brochure for an ultrasound. She wanted to go to Planned Parenthood because someone was watching her children & she was here already. We gave her a lot of information even about adoption, which we talked about to her, which is a loving option. Donna & I said not to give any of this information to PP if they ask to take it, just a warning to her, for we want this information & the two DVD's for her to look at & to 'chose life' for this innocent, precious baby. I hope & pray that I don't see her on the Killing Day on Thursday.... Martha was in the center doing one pregnancy after another. I was in the center at the time a nice lady came in for a pregnancy test. I had to ask her to wait for Martha was in the Rose Room with another client. She was so pleasant & I brought her into the Great Room & gave her the Intake Sheet to fill out & the Truth packet to look over while she was waiting for Martha. She had such a nice face & later on told Martha that she would like to volunteer at Focus , I hope that she come s back to do so. Donna had brought in two girls into the center to have a pregnancy test. They were also very pleasant & wanted to volunteer at Focus in the Material Aid Room. I hope that they come back to help us out too. Donna lead a man who was in distress into the center. Martha was counseling him in the Rose Room. She asked me if we could give him some bus money, which I did. He was very upset with his situation with his girlfriend & their children. I suggested for him to call either 311 or 911 if there was any abuse caused by her. We gave him a Rosary & a Green Scapular & a Cross with the Miraculous Medal on it. Martha gave him our list of Pantries & Shelters in the Rochester area, for his girlfriend had kicked him out of the apartment & he was worried about his children. We encouraged him not to do anything stupid, when in anger, but to call for assistance rather than take things in his own hands. He said that he would behave himself & do the right thing. Martha & I shook his hand & he left. One of our moms came in for diapers & was so stressed out & wanted to talk to someone but every time she tried to talk to Martha, Donna brought someone else into the center, from the front lines where she was posted, either for a pregnancy test or for children's clothes or diapers or in the case of this man , to talk. Our mom said that she will come back on Thursday to speak to Suzanne, our counselor. I tried to call her later on but her phone was shut off. I hope & pray that we will see her on Thursday at Focus so she can get the help that she needs to de stress. She'll come back, she is one of our regular moms. I keep them all in my heart & daily prayers for them & their children & their situations. God & Mother Mary will take good care of them. Martha & I were standing on the sidewalk when a car full of women drove out of Planned Parenthood. The one girl in the back seat showed us her ultrasound picture & we called to the driver to stop the car which she did. She pulled the car over to where we were standing & we went over to car with a Truth packet & a DVD. We said that we happy that she was going to have her baby & not kill her baby. She was smiling from ear to ear. We also told her about the Focus Center & the woman in the front seat said that she will need some help down the road. I thanked her for not having her precious baby be killed here & she said that when she was having the ultrasound done she asked if the baby was all right & the woman who was doing the ultrasound said "I can't tell at this point I do the ultrasounds for the abortions". Can you imagine!!! She constantly takes ultrasound pictures of these precious babies & knows that most of them will be killed by Planned Parenthood & that was all right with her. How evil & crazy. Her job there at Planned Parenthood is to take pictures of the babies for the moms to abort them. Lord have Mercy!! The three women in the car thanked us & I pointed to where the Focus Center was in the strip mall, two doors down. We now have our summer collection out in the Material Aid Room, many nice things for the children, for the Spring & Summer months ahead. This little baby will be born in colder weather, probably in November, just in time for Christmas. Yeah :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood It's my Birthday !!! After Mass Martha & I went to the center. I went over to Planned Parenthood to see if the abortionist was there & there she was. I saw a van drive into the parking lot & when the woman got out I called to her from the fence to offer her help & told her what Planned Parenthood does to babies. She lite right into me saying "mind your own business" & practically snarled at me. Lovely. I called to someone else about children clothes & she followed me into the center to receive some very nice things for her children & was grateful. After that I was greeted with some friends that came in wishing me a Happy Birthday & bearing gifts. I received perfume by Ester Lauder called Pleasures & Pomegranate hand cream , good enough to eat & gift certificates to Starbucks, CVS, Target, & Borders book store , wow!! Thanks Lynda & Bill. I also received many emails & birthday cards & a bottle of Brandy from my friend Rob earlier in the week. Thanks Rob, mmmm good. On shot a night, every night, for a deep & restful sleep. It also thins your blood & is better for you than Aspirin, which can irritate your stomach, I was told by the man working in the Liquor Store once. Alcohol does thin your blood, so watch out people, don't drink to much. My dear friend Donna came to wish me a Happy Birthday & brought with her a small peanut butter pie & a Jerusalem Bible & a book of inspirational stories. How sweet of her. They all liked the new purple room, which is the office. It's a hit!! I was working as I was visiting for there is so much to do in the center & my birthday is no exception. Our Elim students came in around 4pm & they wished me a Happy Birthday & got to work. There was still so much to do putting away the children's clothes & putting the diapers in the bags etc.. Matha was working hard too all afternoon. I felt guilty by not going outside on the fron lines but when I went back out side to check to see if the abortionist was there she was gone. Yeah!! Tucker came around 4:10pm & went outside to pray in front of Planned Prenthood with a sign of 3 babies. Martha surprised me with a homemade chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with half the filling peanut butter & the other half raspberry. One of the Elim girls is allergic to peanut butter so we had to be careful of her around the cake. It was such a wonderful birthday thank you everbody!!
Thursday, March 31, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This is Sheila's experiences, on the front lines, before I arrived at 1PM: Paul and Mike were setting up signs and starting to pray when I arrived at10:30. Soon two ladies with their younger children arrived. I took them into the center, where they shopped for clothing for their families. The kids were quite well-behaved and patient as they waited. Each child selected one toy to take home. The women were pleased with their selections, and went home with some lovely new things ,and, of course, truth packets to look at once they were home. Back outside Paul and Mike had engaged two girls in conversation. They went into Planned Parenthood, and then were out again. One needed a pregnancy test which was taken care of, and the other wanted an ultrasound. I gave her the phone # for CompassCare, and she made an appointment. I sent them home with truth packets and dvd’s to watch. We spoke about how much Jesus loves each one of us, and each and every baby from the moment of conception. I also assured them that we at Focus are there to help, so they can call us with any questions or requests and we will do our best for them.
When I came back outside, Adolf and Dan and Addison had arrived, and Paul needed to leave. The entire morning was covered, even though most of my time was spent in the Center today. While out there I spoke to workers, asking for their prayers, and telling them we are praying for them. I asked the clients going in to take their business to a real medical facility if they were there for checkups, not Planned Parenthood. This place is in the business of abortions. That’s how they make their money. They have a quota to reach. They falsely claim to provide breast health care such as mammograms…..but that is a lie!
One more young woman came for material aid, so I took her in and she picked out some nice things for her child. 1:00 came fast, and it was time for me to go. Mary and Martha and Suzanne were there, and Adolf was still outside...........................................................................................
I was out on the front lines with Martha & Suzanne, our counselor on Thursdays, was in the center calling our clients to see how they were doing. She wished me a Happy Birthday & then Sandy came in to do some volunteer work & she gave me a very nice card. What great people to work with at Focus. I had spoken to Sheila before she had to go & said "hi" to the prayer warriors who were on the sidewalk praying. I was glad that Adolf was with Martha, on the sidewalk, for I had to go into the center to meet with Michelle from Foodlink, to discuss our future membership, so that we can receive food from them for our food shelves, in the Material Aid Room, to help those who are in need. The meeting went a little longer than I expected for when I came out on the sidewalk Martha was alone witnessing to the people going in & out of Planned Parenthood. I felt badly about that. I asked how things were going & she told me that the wiper snapper from Buckpitt, the company next to us at Focus & Planned Parenthood, was rude to her as always. He needs prayers. I had put the sign & had leaned it against the pole next to their driveway. I forgot that they make a big fuss about that & pretend that it blocks their vision coming out of the driveway but it really doesn't but any ways I forgot & probably should just have a smaller sign there so that they won't complain. He said to Martha, "do you want me to call the police"? Police abuse!!! She answered him back by saying "no" & by the way sonny what's your name I'd like to pray for you & another thing, how's the woman that had fallen on the ice, I've been praying for her. No answer & he preceded to go into the building. Martha then went over to where the sign was & replaced it with a smaller one. Now there shouldn't be any more threats in calling the police, I think that they have other things to do, we can work this out but please be nice, when approaching us young man!! We stayed outside for awhile longer & hope & prayed that no one killed their babies. It didn't look good as a young man was standing outside by the door smoking which is usually a bad sign that he's waiting for his girlfriend to be finished with her abortion & he's nervous & they won't let you smoke in Planned Parenthood but you can have your baby be killed in there. so I don't want to be in denial so I think that the abortionist did murder some of God's precious babies here today. Lord have Mercy .... As Martha & I were putting the signs away I had come back to the sidewalk & Martha said that the abortionist had just left. She said that she doesn't look good & her hair is dark & she's not as perky as she once was. Well it figures she's killing little babies all the time & has to be getting to her plus we're praying for her conversion all the time along with all other abortionist. We were now in the center when a client came in. She was someone I recognized. I took her into the Great Room to confront her of some things that I was told that she had done at Focus & we don't put up with that here. Martha was suspicious of some drug involvement & it was confirmed later on by a good source. She lied about having children & was getting things form us to possibly sell for drug money. She can no longer come to the center & Martha & I pray that she will get the help that she needs. The House of Mercy is aware of her & hopefully they will continue to try to help her if she herself wants the help. So many hurting people in the world but we can't be lied to or deceived or have things stolen, that wouldn't be a good message to get out on the streets about Focus. Come to Focus & steal & take what you want for drugs.....oh no, not on my watch. Martha & I had a quick supper & did the dishes & cleaned up the center & then we headed to St. Jude's Church for Confession & the Rosary & the Divine Chaplet with the Exposition the Blessed Sacrament & then the Mass starting at 7pm. It was such a blessing!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I came right over to Focus after Mass. I was trying to do some things when Sandy came & I gave her my keys to the car to empty it of boxes & bags filled with clothes for children for our Material Aid Room. Martha then told me that Paul was going to get us a hamburger at Wendy's. Sounded good to me. Then Martha told me that she saw Bernie our Landlord & he said "how's the door that I fixed, no one said thank you". I walked over next door to say "thanks Bernie for fixing the door". He smiled back & said "that's okay". He was collecting the rent checks from everybody & I leave ours with Mack next door. It was good that the front door was fixed so now no one can get in without a key...... yeah!! We were seeing so many people in the hallway that just walked in & we didn't know it until we saw them in the building. Too dangerous now a days. I asked Paul if he would go out to the front lines with a sign to get started & I would not be to far behind him, for I was doing other things. Martha was busy too & was going to join him after she ate her hamburger & French fries which she shared with me. Thanks dear Martha. The wind was blowing so intensely today & it was so very cold. Donna, who comes to pray with us from 1pm to 3pm, wasn't feeling well so she wasn't with us this afternoon but I heard that she comes every day from 8am to 9am from Spencerport, to witness & to pray at Planned Parenthood. What a blessing she is to our front line ministry & a 'life saver' too. We brought out the A-Frame & we attached the two signs on it but occasionally the A-Frame would be blown down to the sidewalk from the heavy winds. It wasn't an easy afternoon but Paul was a trooper & picked up all the signs that fell. I was introduced to a new team member. He prayed with Martha & Paul & I asked him how he found out about us. He said from the Station of the Cross Radio Station. He was a very nice man that after he left I found out he was a policeman. I hope that he come back to pray with us again. I spoke with a very nice young girl with her head on straight. I gave her some information & then brought her into the center. I opened up the Rose Room & showed her around. I gave her the graphic pictures so that she would show others what abortion looks like. She said that she friend was going to have an abortion & she told her that it was a 'sin' & don't do it & she told her that she would help her in any way that she could. Well the baby girls was born thanks to her. God used her in such a powerful way to save this little girl. Praise God!! I said to her "you are a life saver, how wonderful". She just smiled. She also said that no one should have sex before marriage & if you do then be responsible to take care of your child". Wow & she's only 16 years old but so mature & she loves the Lord & is obeying His Commandments. She said that she isn't interested in sex & what to further her education. Again Wow!!! I asked her to write her name & phone number down just I want to connect with her again, to be able to talk to the girls that we counsel & to maybe help them. Then she wanted to see an abortion DVD. I never have had anyone ask to see a graphic abortion DVD before, it floored me to say the least. I took out the Hard Truth DVD & set it up for her to watch. I stood there not watching most of it. She said at the end of the DVD that no baby should die like that & no mother should have had their baby killed. She was so mature for her age & had a lot of wisdom for one so young. Her parents have done a great job. I gave her on of our DVD's of Growth & Development & the Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st. Century on it too. I gave her other brochures & she took the graphic picture of aborted Malachi too. I hope to connect with her again someday. What a breath of fresh air for I haven't met someone like her in a very long time. Thank you Lord there is Hope!!! A mom with he baby in the stroller went by me & asked if that place down the street was open, I said "yes it was" & off she went. She stayed in the Material Aid Room for about an hour with Sandy helping her to pick out clothes for her daughter. We were happy to serve her. I went outside again after she left to join the team again on this very cold & windy day. Just then a truck drove by & an angry man who was driving a company truck gave us his bird & said some not so nice things out his window. I couldn't see what was the name of the company on the truck until he came back about an hour later & did the very same thing again. When it was time to go in I found his company on Goggle & called the company & got the Supervisor right away & told him what his employee had done. He was not happy & said that he knew who he was & will speak to him. I told him that if he was ever involved in an abortion that we could help him. He said "thank you" & so did I & we hung up. The End. We stayed outside until about 4:45pm & Paul,Martha & I put everything back into the center. Paul stayed for a little while longer & then left. He was such a help to us today. Thank you Lord! I went into the office to do some paper & computer work & Martha worked sorting out the children's clothes that her daughter had just given us. She was sorting & reminiscing at the same time. Just then the doorbell rang & it was Dan the Man who comes to help us out at Focus a couple times a month. I quickly said "hi Dan" & then told him what we needed done. He fixed the door to the Material Aid Room so know it closes & we don't have to slam it anymore. He also put back the covering of the Florissant lights in the room to. When we have to slam the door the covering of the lights falls down on the floor, which isn't;t very good. He is a God sent. He had some of the peanut butter pie that Donna brought in for my Birthday last Wednesday & some Coconut Cake that a friend just gave me yesterday when I went over to her new house to visit her. I'm so glad that she came back from Florida & bought a house close to where I live. The house is gorgeous & has a built in swimming pool & back porch & also a covered area just in case it rains. I know where I'll be on a hot & sticky summer weekend. Before he left I asked him for prays for myself for I suffer with this severe abdominal pain that I have had all my life & to also pray for Martha's daughter that was having some heart problems too. He was headed over to Bethel for his Prayer Group. I said "thanks Dan" & off he went. It was time for me to make supper for it was my turn. I brought in two salmon steaks & we out them in the Dutch Oven & almost started a fire. Well I called Martha over to the kitchenette & we tried to figure it out together what was wrong for the salmon shouldn't have started any fire. We then out it on broil & all was well. We had salmon steaks, bread sticks & a nice tossed salad & of course the Coconut Cake for desert & gave the rest of it to our friend at the Taxi Company which he enjoyed. We cleaned up & I did the dishes & Martha took out the trash, such team work in & out of the center. I said to Martha that I would walk out with her tonight for it was late almost 9:15pm but I had to visit the bathroom first. when I got out of the bathroom I heard Martha on the phone & it didn't sound very good. After she had hung up the phone she told me that her daughter Katie was rushed by ambulance to Strong Hospital because the doctor at Urgent Care didn't like the sound of her heart. She was having heart problems recently. I gave Martha a hug & told her that I would keep her & Katie & the family in my prayers & to let me know what was happening & if she needed anything just all me. Out the door she ran. I closed up the center & said a Rosary for her & her family on the way home & when I got home I put the prayer request out on my email list of fantastic people to pray. I heard back from several of them later on that night saying that they were praying for Martha & her family. Even Fr. Peter from Borneo said that he was praying for this family. Thank you Father & everyone for we all love our Martha so very much & when she huts we hurt too. Lord have Mercy, please!!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at Focus What a day I had today!!! 'Unbelievable' or I should 'believable because God can do all things. Martha called me at home this morning around 9:15am & said that she got home at 4:30am & had a couple of hours sleep & then was heading back to the hospital to be with her daughter Katie who had to stay the night with a heart monitor on & had an IV & had frequent tests going on. I said okay & then asked if she was still planning to do the talk, for Focus with Pat & me, at the St. Anne's Soup Supper tonight around 5:30pm? She said that she didn't know how the day will be so she didn't know at this time & then said that she had to go & said "good bye" & hung up. She was nice about what I had just asked her but I felt guilty about asking her when her daughter was in the hospital with a heart problem. Selfish & self centered me...... I missed Martha already knowing that I was not going to see her at Mass this afternoon & then at the center. She is such a 'special' woman & I never meet anyone like her in all of my life. She has been a blessing to the center & it wouldn't run the way it should run without her. She makes it work, with all her hard work. She's a remarkable person. I went to Mass & prayed for Martha & her daughter & her family knowing that God will heal Katie in time the way that He wants to. I knew that Martha was also suffering for her daughter & when someone you care about suffers, then you suffer too. That's what real friendship is all about. After Mass I saw Paul & was hesitant to ask him if he would join me at the center to help me put away baby & children clothes but when I asked him after Mass he said "yes' but first he wanted to go to Wendy's for lunch. I boldly asked him if he could pick me up a chicken sandwich & I'd pay him for it. He kindly said that it was his treat. Again Paul, for he had bought Martha & I a hamburger & fries yesterday. Thanks Paul for you kindness. So off he went to Wendy's & off I went to the center but first I saw Tony after Mass & told him about Martha's daughter Katie. He said that he would tell Allysia, his daughter, for they knew each other from High School. I could tell that he's going through a lot in his life right now. I went to the center, by myself today & it seemed strange without Martha. I started to open all the door to the center & to take some things out of my car for the center. I walked over to Planned Parenthood & was glad that the abortionist wasn't there, so I went back into the center & decided to stay there to do some work there today for Dottie was going be bringing some baby clothes & items & her son & his friend to help out at the center, for a school project. Her 8 year old son opted out getting birthday gifts for his birthday & instead kids were asked to bring presents for the moms at Focus. How very sweet of him!! In the meantime Paul came back with a chicken sandwich & fries. I sat down to eat my lunch with the ice tea that I always bring & he sat down with me & we talked. After lunch I asked him if he would start to sort out the clothes that were brought to us & he said that he would. We were recently blessed with a huge amount of clothing for babies & children & other times too. Thank you Lord! The doorbell rang & it was a mother for some baby clothes & I brought her into the Material Aid Room & she was delighted with the selection that we had to choose from. After she left the doorbell rang again & I saw a police officer at the door. Oh now what did I do?? As I approached the door I recognized that it was Rich, the man that came to the front lines yesterday for the first time to pray with us. Yeah! I opened the door & said "hi, come on in". He walked in with full uniform on. I greeted him & asked him if he would like to see the center, to which he said "yes". But first he said hi to Paul, which they seem to hit it off from yesterday, they have a few things in common, one being pro life & the other is History, do believe it, how interesting. I then began by showing him first the Material Aid Room, where we give out baby & children things & then the Rose Room, where we assist at the pregnancy tests & counsel & have a generous array of literature & baby models for teaching (the girls like this room very much I think because it's a rose color & girls like the pinks) & then I showed him the newly painted purple office, where I do my paper work & Suzanne makes her calls to the clients to see how they are doing, then the All Purpose Room (the green room) where we share with the Taxi Company on occasion & then the Great Room, where we store our supplies & have it set up as a huge living room where we have Masses, Workshops & our Board Meetings, etc.. I could see that he was impressed. He asked me how we receive our money to pay for everything & I told him it was from good & generous private donations & some tithing Churches in the Diocese. I asked him what parish that he belonged to, for her just recently moved to Rochester, & he said Christ the King. He said that he hadn't seen anything about us at the Church & asked if we had a brochure to give him. I said "yes I do" & then walked into the office to get him our brochure & a flier about Focus & went back to the green room to hand it to him & he said "thank you". I thanked him for wanting the information to it pass on. I was so happy that he took the initiative to hopeful make us known at Christ the King Parish. Thank you so much! He said that he had to go & just then the doorbell rang. He sort of walked into another room for he said that it might scare the client to see a police officer in here. I said that's okay, no problem. I went to the door to let the young woman in who was asking for a pregnancy test & escorted her to the Rose Room & asked her to start filling the Intake Sheet & then I'll be right back & I closed the door. He slipped out back into the doorway & heading to the main door. I thanked him again & he said that he will be back on the front lines to pray on his days off. I said "thank you Officer Rich" & he chuckled & left. I quickly went back to the Rose Room to attend to our client who had been to our Workshop in January. She mentioned the police officer & I said that he was just here for a visit & she "oh, I thought that something was going on". "No" I said everything is fine. We preceded to do the pregnancy test & then had a long talk. She was very nice & hope & pray the best for her. I'll see her again. After she left I cleaned up the room & the doorbell rang, it was Dottie & her son & his friend & all the wonderful presents that were given to Focus. She came in with boxes of things for our moms & their children, I almost cried. They started in right away to sort out the clothes by sizes & then put them into the Material Aid Room, & when they were done they took the garbage out & cleaned the trash by the dumpster & then even vacuumed the rugs, in the center. I was amazed & blessed by their eagerness to help us in the center. I was worried about Martha's daughter Katie so I called her on her cell phone & left a message on it. I was prepared in my mind that it would be only Pat & I to give the talk about Focus at the Soup Supper at St. Anne's tonight & I was also worried about Katie's heart health too. My nerves were running thin but I gave the two situations to God. The doorbell rang & it was our three beautiful Elim Students to go to work for us. I gave them a warm hello & like always a hug each then I give them their assignments & off they went to do their work. The Baby Shower is next Wednesday & Elizabeth just told me that was their last day too. I was so disappointed for I thought their last day was the end of April, I was wrong. Martha & I will miss them terribly & I wish that I had more time to have spent with them but the center is so busy & I needed their help in making up new Truth packets or sorting out clothes & putting them away & putting the diapers in plastic bags for our moms etc.. I will buy them a Thank You card & give it to them on the day of the Baby Shower. Next Wednesday will be very busy too. Everyone was working hard & I was looking at my watch to start to get ready for the Focus Presentation in about less then an hour, I was going to meet Pat there at the Parish Hall & just then I looked up from what I was doing & hold & behold there was Martha walking into the Green Room, I pulled away I started to cry & then went over to her to give her a big hug. I was soooo happy to see her. I wiped my eyes from the tears & then asked her how Katie was. She said that she was doing better & her heart rate went back to normal & they sent her home. I was so happy to hear this. Just then the doorbell rang & there was Cleveland, our street friend. So Martha took off her coat & started to make a pot of coffee & to get his Ramon noodles ready for him. The doorbell rang again & I answered it. There was a young girl in need of pregnancy test. Oh my, time is flying & all this is happening just before we were to start out for the presentation. Dottie was finished & asked me to sign the papers for the boys working in the center this afternoon. I wish that I had time to have make some comments about what they did this afternoon, I do regret this. Dottie & the boys said "good bye" & off they went. I went to freshen up in the bathroom & then went over to the girls from the Elim Bible Institute to say good bye to them & told them that I will see them next week & thanks for all the work they were doing. Paul was going to attend the presentation but was going to take his own car. So Martha said that she will drive & she took the long way but that's okay for Martha was back. We arrived a little late but we were there. We were running a little late & I didn't want Pat to worry that we weren't coming, though I don't think that either one of us expected Martha to be with us, "Yea of little faith", says the Bible, so I called her home & asked her husband to call her on her cell phone to tell her that we were on our way. Why I didn't call her on her cell phone I'll never know. I guess I wasn't thinking properly due to that fact it was my first public speaking engagement which is the second stress next to death itself. I can forgive myself. When we got there we were greeted by Barbara who had invited us in the first place, thanks Barbara & we settled into the big room where people were gathered sitting around tables waiting for soup & speakers. Nice crowd. I set up our table with our brochures & some other information about us & abortion. There was Pat sitting at a table talking & looking at ease & Paul had gotten there before us because he went the shorter way, love ya Martha. A man came to greet us & I later found out this was Fr. Tyman, Pastor of St. Anne's Now I know. Martha & I met some people & Pat saw us & came to our table so that we could be together in our presentation. Oh yeah!! Then the soup was announced. Tonight we had Chicken Noodle, Minestrone & Bean soup, forget the last one, I was nervous enough. Our table, because we were the guests, were called first to come & get it. I went for the Minestrone. I ate the soup & didn't have any bread & drank the water, for we are in Lent. I saw a older woman enter the room & it was Sister Joan Sobala, who sat down at our table. Enough said. Then the moment that I dreaded was finally here!! Barbara was called up to the podium & took the microphone to announce me first. She took the microphone & started to announce me but no one could here her & her face became as pink as her pink blouse, poor Barbara. They finally got the problem fixed & she was announcing us at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. I was asked to come forward asking the Holy Spirit to speak through me & it be His words not mine. He did a great job! I walked up to the podium, for I was so happy that they had one to lean against, & started to speak. I don't really remember what I said & then I introduced Martha to the crowd. She came on up & took the microphone & started to speak. She did a fantastic job, even under the stress that she had endures with her daughter's health earlier & on only about 4 hours of sleep. Praise God!! She spoke to the people about her personal story about her daughter & went on from there about our work at the Focus Center. Hurrah, what a great job the Holy Spirit did through you dear Martha. She told me later that she saw some people wipe tears from their eyes, that's how touching a presentation she did. After she was finished she introduced Pat to the people. Pat also gave a cool & calm talk about Focus & her experiences there, when she was a counselor. After her talk I was asked to return to the podium to answer questions. I received 3 questions, mostly about the front lines, which we talked about too. One questions was "are you in any danger when you are out there on the front lines"? I answered that the Lord has protested out there for the past 15 years & here I am safe & sound. The violence is in Planned Parenthood. When we do receive some nasty gestures & words out there it's because the people are probably Post Abortive & they are angry that we are reminding them of what they did in secret. I said that we were sad because we were the ones that could help them, ironically. Now I had the feeling that we took longer then was allotted us so I said "thank you" & sat down. Fr. Tyman lead us all in prayer & then we socialized for awhile. Nervy as I am I asked Fr.Tyman if he could help us with our expenses & he told me to send him a letter & he would consider it. Thank you Lord. It was a very fruitful evening. We even received some non- perishable food from the group, for our food shelves, at Focus. We were blessed & it was OVER!!! Martha drove me back to the center, we had a great talk on the way. She dropped me off at the center, for I wanted to do some more work there, & she went home & probably went right to bed, which she needed. Thank you Lord for blessing us this night that more people would know about Focus & what we do there. Amen.
Thursday, April 7, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This is Sheila's experiences, on the front lines from 10:30am to 1pm: Pat, who prays on the front lines from 9am to 10:30am, was in her car leaving as I pulled in. Paul and Jerry were praying, so I brought out the truth packets and my favorite sign, a large picture of a two month development baby sucking his thumb. Mary replaced the fallen-apart A-Frame with a new sturdy one….thank you Mary. I can attach my sign to it and have my hands free to hold my rosary, a truth packet, and the megaphone. The abortionist was there, but the people I handed truth packets to were there for other reasons. The first person I spoke to had two of our packets at home. I asked why she would still come to this terrible place after reading our literature. I asked her to read it again, and pray the rosary that is in it….a most powerful prayer! I also gave her a DVD about abstinence and a list of good doctors. The next girl was in car with her boyfriend. She had a physical. They did not know about Margaret Sanger’s plan to get rid of the black babies. I gave them a packet and a DVD and urged her to find a better place for her health care. Jerry left, and Paul stayed until after 12.
A young man came around the bushes from the parking lot where he was waiting for his fiance to find out if she is pregnant. If she is, he said it’s inconvenient, because they have a one year old, and need her to work. He said it’s up to her whether to have an abortion…he is pro-choice. We talked about God, and trusting Him. It is He Who creates a life, a son or a daughter, a brother or sister for the child they have. He took a packet. Although he is agnostic now he was Catholic as a child. I asked him to pray. I told him I was agnostic when I was young, and someone asked me to pray for a dear friend….every day. I tried, and it changed my life. God made everything easy for me. I could see His existence because He was working in my life. I hope he does pray. I told him I will pray for them every day. And of course he knows all about Focus, and how we can help them if she is indeed pregnant. Adolf, Dan, and Addison came around noon and Mary was there before 1:00. One more packet was given out, and then a Catholic man asked for a rosary, which we gave him. Mary generously gave him a nice crucifix which he asked for also. The parking lot was nearly empty from noon until one….I was hoping there would be no abortions today. Workers came and went, mostly ignoring my requests that they join their prayers with ours, that God’s will be done. Maybe someone listened??
A day from Hell, like most Thursdays, when they kill babies there!! When I arrived from Mass I arrived at the center around 12:45pm. I talked with Sheila for a short time & she gave me a run down of what was happening, for she's there from 10:30am to 1pm. I said hi to Addison & Dan & Adolf & was happy that Adolf was staying a little longer until 2pm, for I wasn't sure when Martha was coming today due to her very stressful last couple of days. Addision & Dan handed me donations for the work of the center & I thanked them profusely. Sheila had to leave & Martha wasn't there yet & I was expecting Suzanne at 1:30pm, than God. I went into the center to do some quick things then went back to the front lines to be with Adolf & now Bill was across the street with the graphic sign Malachi, witnessing the Truth. When people go into Planned Parenthood he calls over from across the street "choose life, your mother did" or "your mother is pro life because she had you". Great job Bill, who is 82 years old & is a Korean War Veteran to boot. Martha hadn't arrived yet & I was with Adolf on the sidewalk using the mega phone as the cars rolled into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. I was counseling for about 20 minutes when a man walking his dog on a leash came by me saying, very loudly "I DON'T CARE IF YOU PROTEST JUST TURN THAT MEGA PHONE DOWN I CAN HEAR YOU FROM THE STREET OVER THERE ", & he then pointed towards Gibbs St.. "I said that we had a right to use the mega phone' & he said "what"! Then I said "by the way they're killing children in Planned Parenthood, nice dog, interesting enough the vets across the street doesn't kill dogs but this place kills kids, have a nice day". After he left I looked at the mega phone & saw that it was on #7. Oh, I thought, Sheila who has a softer voice than I had turned it to #7 so that the people going into Planned Parenthood could here her & then I turned it back to #3 & that was that, no more complaints from anyone after that. I'll try to remember to check the number on the mega phone on Thursdays. It's so hard to read the numbers too, for they are in black & you have to turn it to an angle to see the numbers but I will do that so the neighbors don't come by again screaming at me with their dog, poor puppy. I turned around & I saw Suzanne so I said to Adolf that I would be right back for I needed to see Suzanne the Thursday counselor at Focus for a few minutes. He said "fine" & off I went into the center. I talked to Suzanne for a few minutes catching her up on some things & then went back outside to be with the guys. About 10 minutes later Martha showed up. I was so happy to see her that's for sure. She needed to sleep in today & she had to do her laundry too for she was going to Pennsylvania to visit her other daughter & grandchildren this weekend & had to do some things to get ready for Friday when she was leaving. She started the Rosary & I continued to counsel. I noticed that the nasty neighbor from across the street was talking to Bill & I heard him say to Bill that he couldn't park hi van in the parking lot next door, where we were going to rent for our center, or at least we were thinking about it at one time. I thought that I would go over to ask the owner if Bill could park in his parking lot for a couple of hours on a Thursday, for anyone parks there so why was he butting in or why was it bothering him who parks in the parking lot next to his condo, it wasn't his property why not just mind his own business. Oh no not on University Ave. I walked right passed the two men & went to the door of the tela marketing place only to realize that he wasn't there anymore that he had finally sold the property to someone who was going to build condos there. Then the neighbor went ballistic. "You get off that property & if you ever go over there again you'll be arrested". I walked by him & said "shut up". I walked over to be with Martha again on the other side of the street. Crazy man, though I did feel badly that I told him to "shut up". I later decided to walk back into the mouth of the tiger & apologize. I went over to him & apologized & said that I was sorry that I told him to "shut up". I thought that he would accept my apology & all would be well. But nooooo, not this angry irrational man. Now he's saying that he's going to take me to court & is working on this with the other neighbors that don't like me there in front of Planned Parenthood. Sorry sir but this is still America & I have First Amendment rights to peacefully protest, use signs, use the mega phone at 50 decimals & say what I want to for I also have Freedom of Speech. Oh boy what a long summer it's going to be with him plus the mess & the noise that will be created when they tear down both buildings & built two more across the street. They'll wish it was only the mega phone that they would have to hear in this very liberal neighborhood of "I don't care that they're killing people at Planned Parenthood, people". This is nuts!! I was trying to discern if the abortionist Rachael Phelps was doing abortions today. It didn't seem like it to Sheila who was her earlier today & I couldn't really see much for the bushes are getting higher & the Death Escort parks her van right in front of the fence where we go to try to get a look at the victims & try to talk to them as they walk in. I was only hoping that no baby was killed here today or any other day here at Planned Parenthood but I was wrong. Martha & I were standing on the sidewalk & a car with four females drove out. I called over to the people & told them that we could help them that Planned Parenthood kills babies in there. The woman driver said something & Martha & I thought hat she said that "we're going to have a baby" but she said that "my daughter just killed her baby". Our hearts sank. I asked the driver to come along the side of the sidewalk & that we could give her a packet of information. I said to the grandmother that I was truly sorry that this happened. The g young girl said it was the girl in the back seat that just did it. The young girl in the back seat said "it wasn't a baby". I looked right at her & told her that if she doesn't come to the realization that she just had her baby killed then she can't be forgiven by God for the sin of murder". The mother of the girl in the back seat was so upset & I tried to comfort her & just then the girl who just had the abortion said to her mother, who was the driver, "you had an abortion too". Oh my Lord is this not a family conflict that will go on & on for many years to heal. The mother of the girl screamed out "I had asked God to forgive me a long time ago". Martha said that we would pray for them & off they went. I guess the other two girls were either sisters or friends & they are now mixed up in this very painful family dynamics. I don't think that the mother drove her in for the abortion but found out that she was at Planned Parenthood & came & got her after it was to late. The pain, oh the pain!!! Abortion ruins families & prevents the next generation from going on. What a sin against our loving Lord who made us & died for our sins. I hope & pray that the young girl who had the abortion will realize what she did this day & sincerely ask for God's forgiveness very soon & He will forgive her. Her & her mother & all who were in the car today, well, they'll never be the same again. Martha & I thought what a horrible mess that was & how very sad it was for sure. We were standing on the sidewalk talking when from around the bushes a woman who was on her cell phone smoking a cigarette walked near us. She was talking on the phone but to us also. I offered her a Truth packet & told her what goes on in Planned Parenthood. She said to Martha & I "oh your decussating & I don't want my daughter to see this I should come over there & kill you both". Oh mame, I said I wish that you didn't say that for now I have to call the police . She went back into Planned Parenthood & I called the police. I told the 911 operator what this woman just said to Martha & I & what she was wearing & now was waiting for the police to come & get her. It was taking a little while & I was afraid that she'd be gone by the time the officer arrived so I took the pad of paper & a pen & waited for her to leave to take down the license number. Sure enough. A car was pulling out & a young girl was driving & looking over at us & the passenger's head was facing us so I took the license number down, just in case it was her. A few minutes later the police man came & as he was stopping his car a car was pulling out of Planned Parenthood & the officer detained her. I though to myself "this isn't the woman who threatened us". He went over to the car & asked her for her license & registration. I heard her ask what she had done & he told her that she had pulled out in his lane. The Death Escort came over to her to console her in her time of grief. The officer went back to his car to check the information & then let her go, with a warning. He was now walking over to Martha & I. I told him that I had a license number & described the woman to him, saying that she had beige boots on. He went to his car once more to check out the license number & said was it a white Honda Civic. I said "yes the car was white". I don't know the make or models of cars only the colors, which was good enough. He said that he was still going to go into Planned Parenthood to see if she was in there or if this was the car with the license number. He went in & came out about 5 minutes later saying that she just left in the car that he just pulled up. He said that he was going to call her, though he thought that probably it was her daughter's car, that it was not acceptable to threaten anyone's life & she could be in serious trouble if she ever does it again. He also said that Planned Parenthood was also concerned with the threat & when the daughter come s back next Tuesday they will also say some thing to her & that we have a right to be out there on the sidewalk. Save it Planned Parenthood you hypocrites!!! You're in there killing people & death threats bothered you. If it bothered you so much how about not killing anyone ...... We said "thank you officer & have a nice day". Martha told him that she'd be praying for him to St. Michael the Patron Saint of Police Officers. He smiled & said thank you & off he went to do fight crime in Rochester. Martha & I just looked at each other in total bewilderment. What an afternoon, how evil & how sad it was . So much hurt & so much sin & so much anger & hate. It's so hard for me to grasp that I'm standing near a building where they kill people & it's all right & legal, like hell. It's am abomination to God & it's not legal in His book. Lord have Mercy on us!!! Give us the grace to preserve until the end. Amen. We went back into the center & Memo helped us to put our signs away. I spent some time with him in the office working on different projects. He's our Data Entry man & such a blessing to Focus, he got us all straightened out, thank you for the gift of Memo dear Lord. After supper I had to go to Church to pick up the CD's & the DVD's, that Fr.made for us for Focus to hand out to people, to educate them about abortion & give them the Truth about the baby in the womb. Father was good to let me receive Holy Communion when I saw him tonight in the Rectory where they have the Tabernacle in the entrance. Thank you Lord for this refreshment to be blessed to receive you this night. Martha went to Holy Hour in Gates, she received Holy Communion there at St. Jude's Church. We had a tough day to say the least. :(
Tuesday, April, 12, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood You make plans they can change quickly. The plan was that Martha was suppose to be out on the front lines first & I was suppose to be in the center to help Sandy put away the children's clothes, into the Material Aid Room. Well the reverse happened. I went out with Donna who just showed up & I put some of the signs out & the literature box when two girls were coming down the sidewalk & I spoke to them & I offered them a pregnancy test & lead then into the center where Martha was still at. So I was outside & she was inside. Donna was with me on the sidewalk. Just then a couple was walking down the sidewalk & I offered them help. She said that she wasn't going in there for an abortion but that her mother had made an appointment for her in there & she was waiting for her. The boyfriend seemed to insist that they go in & I handed him a Rosary & her a Truth packet. Later on this afternoon they came out & had left the packet & Rosary in Planned Parenthood & I only hope that it will help & bless someone else like on of the workers in there. Martha gave them another packet & him another Rosary because he had put his in her packet. First I asked then to go back in there to get it but she said that she doesn't want to go back in there again. Seemed that she didn't like the place, thank God. The abortionist, Racheal Phelps, wasn't there today but the Nurse Practitioner could hand her the RU 486 pills. The container reads: Dr. Theodore Ruckert. Donna said that she overheard that a young man who was sitting on the bench on the phone was trying to talk someone out of having an abortion & she asked me not to use the mega phone. I offered him help with my normal tone of voice. Later one he went into Planned Parenthood & came out about an hour later saying to us "when you see her come out you can call her a baby killer for she's in there killing my baby, with a pill & she just broke up with me". I'm so sorry I said. I opened up a Truth packet & I got out the brochure about RU 486 & growth & development brochures & I found the brochure of Fogotten Fathers & our Focus Center brochure & showed him the 24x7 number & told him to call me at any time. Donna took out the other brochure that also showed growth & development pictures & explained it to him, for he thought that it was only a 'blob', even though he said to us that she was "killing my baby"??? As this was going on Donna & Martha, who was now back after the pregnancy tests, were talking to a couple, a man & a woman & they thought that abortion was awful & when they heard this from this young man the gentleman said "let's pray". I was doing something else but Martha, Donna & the two people gathered around this young man to pray for him & this awful situation. As he was walking away I said that I was sorry that this was happening & told him that our hearts ached at his loss. My heart sank & I felt sick to my stomach. Two girls came into the center earlier as Martha was giving out the pregnancy tests & one of the girls wanted one. So all in all Martha did 4 pregnancy tests today. A young mother was offered to us by the Catholic Family Center & she received a breast pump & many nice things for her 2 children & her other child who is on the way. I will sent her come new brochures that I recently purchased for the center on Breast Feeding which we try to encourage. It was about an half an hour later after we had the encounter with the young man who was loosing his baby came walking up the sidewalk & said "she just called me & I wish that she would make up her mind". Martha & I were out there for Donna had left. We were encouraged. About 20 minutes later they both came out together & they sat on the curb in front of the next door neighbor of Planned Parenthood. They were there talking for another 20 minutes. I used the mega phone to give out the information about abortion & even went into the street, a bit, to show her the graphic picture of an aborted baby, in the 1st. trimester. I also said that women & girls have died from RU 486 abortions & that they will be Post Abortive for the rest of their lives & the scars that will entail & also Adoption is the loving Option, etc.. A middle aged woman drove into Planned Parenthood's parking lot & I was wondering what this was all about. A few seconds later the couple, on the curb, got up & was heading into the Planned Parenthood parking lot. I thought that she had now decided to go back into Planned Parenthood to finish off the baby, rather they went into the car of the middle aged woman who just drove in. They got into the car & I almost fainted with joy. When the car was pulling out I offered them 2 DVD's & a Truth packet but the woman driver put her thumb up & drove away. Praise God!!! This was a precious baby saved today!!! Martha & I were soooo very happy for she when this was all happening she was saying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Thank you Lord. Amen. Cleveland was walking down the street & had asked for more food so Martha brought him into the center which made me by myself. I was at the fence facing Planned Parenthood when all of a sudden I heard a voice saying "you're an idiot". I looked to see the same oh lady on her bike that we see every year at this time & I answered she back by saying "I love you, I love you & my heart aches for you". I hope that soon she will just say "hi" to me & nothing more. I pray daily for the conversion & salvation & repentance of ALL the people at Planned Parenthood & the people in the neighborhood, maybe I forgot her. I will include her to my prayer list. God knows what her problem is. Martha had come back out & I told her that I wanted to conduct an experiment. Because the gentleman on Thursday complained about the mega phone & wanted to walk down his street to see if I could hear Martha on the mega phone. I had put the sound number to 3 & to see what would happen. I walked down Gibbs to Shelden and I saw a police car parked on the side street. Maybe he was on patrol or just doing paperwork? I don't know. I walked passed him. I was hoping to see a 'For Sale' sign at the Bovey residences but I didn't see anything. They are the annoying people that own the middle condo & I was told that they were moving. Couldn't be to soon. I do pray everyday for Jim especially, the wife Sue doesn't day anything when she's outside, which is not to often. I don't hate these people for I am a Christian & just feel sorry for them, as I do their next door neighbor Dr. Jim. He came out today & I thought 'here we go again'. He walked over to the vets parking lot & did something to the side of the house of the new & peaceful & non combative neighbors condo. I don't know what he did & I only know that he didn't engage me in his tom foolery. The Death Escort, Barry Swan was the Death in the second half while Sylvia Rose was the Death Escort in the fist half. The worse of the worse!!! A mother came in & she took out her umbrella stroller & she LET BARRY SWAN TAKE THE SWEET HAND OF HER DAUGHTER, WHO WAS ABOUT 3 YEARS OLD & BRING HER INTO PLANNED PARENTHOOD. I was sick to my stomach. How ignorant of this mother to let her daughter be touched by a stranger let alone at Planned Parenthood. What is the matter with people?? I stayed as long as I could for I wanted to speak to her on the way out but I had to go into the center to do my work there for it was getting late. Jerry had stopped by to help me put the signs back into the center. As I was walking into the parking lot there was Jim Basile & he was dropping off children clothes for the center. I was talking to him & one thing lead to another & I asked him if he has a twin bed for one of our clients & he said that he did. I called the client & got no answer & I asked him to also call her to make arrangement for the bed to be delivered to her. Thank you Lord for she has called me twice regarding this. He brought in the bag of clothes & I gave him a Tax Form for 2012. After he left Martha & I had a lasagna & salad supper. I talked her into coming with me to Our Lady of Victory Church for the Lenten Retreat. Father was going to speak about the Sufferings of Christ. Oh Lord, thank you for your Sufferings & Death on the Cross & Resurrection for me, so that if I remain faithful, I can be with you forever in Heaven someday. Thank you Jesus.
![]() Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at Focus the day of the Baby Shower There were doing street work on University Ave.. I couldn't get into the parking lot to get into the center. I stopped my car, on the street & a street worker came up to my car, then I told him that I had a pregnancy center in this plaza & I needed to get into the parking lot? He told another man, with a hard hat on, to go get a plate to cover over the hole in the street. When he covered the hole with the huge plate I was now able to cross over it to get into the parking lot. I was wondering what they hadn't done it earlier, knowing there were businesses in the strip mall? Oh well. I asked Tony, after Mass, to come to the center to help us get ready for the Baby Shower that we were having for Pat's, granddaughter, whose baby is due in June. He said that he would come over to help us. He got into the parking lot & came to the center about 10 minutes after me. I was in the center for about 10 minutes when the doorbell ran & it was four women at the door. Martha wasn't there yet. I let them in & they said that they needed diapers & wipes & children's clothes for their many children. One of the women said that she had six children from ages 18 down to her youngest who is 10 months old. I must have mentioned that I needed help in the Material Aid Room, for after Mass I pleaded with the Lord that I needed more help in the center. Just then she replied that she needed 25 hours of volunteer time at an agency for the Department of Social Services. Wow!! "That would be great" I said. She then said that she would talk to her Case Worker to see if this could happen. We'll see if I receive a phone call in the next couple of days. I sure hope so. As they were getting things for their children the doorbell rang again. I went to the door to see our mom who we promised the umbrella stroller to. She had her baby with her who was in a large stroller. She was such a beautiful baby. The mom told me that she just had a miscarriage so I went into the Rose Room & got her a booklet on healing from a miscarriage. She was grateful. I lead her to the Great Room where the smaller stroller was & she saw some cookies on the kitchenette table & asked for food. I said that was saved for a Baby Shower later this evening, for I didn't think that cookies was real food for lunch & I wanted her to have something more substantial so Tony made her a nice sandwich & he made one for me & one for himself. I also gave her 3 granola bars & a can of soda. He also made coffee for himself & for Martha whenever she'll arrive. What a great guy! Our mom went into the Material Aid Room after the other four women had left to get tons of baby clothes in her size right now & in the next size up. I asked her when her baby grows out of the size she is in now, to please bring back the clothes, so that another mother would also be blessed. She said that she would. After this mother left I went into the All Purpose Room, which I call the Green Room, because it is, to eat the roast beef sandwich with my ice tea. Who just then walks in was Bernie our Landlord. I said "hi Bernie, what brings you here"? I went over to him & said "I want to show you the new color of our office". I walked over to the office & he said that it looked nice then he said that he was in the office earlier today to empty the bucket which is on the ceiling titles. "Oh" I said "that was real nice of you, how full was it"? He said it was about a quarter filled for it had rained last night & he thought that it might be wise to take a look at it. I again said "thank you Bernie". Then he asked me about when was the time of the carpet that was put down last year. I said "let me see for I have the paperwork right here". I went to my desk drawer to get it for him & he made a copy of it. We made an agreement, in September of 2010, that when the carpet was reimbursed that the rent will go to the original agreement of $1,800 a month, for we're paying $1,600 now until about July 1st.. I looked at him right in the eye, for he was sitting right across from me at the desk & I said "Bernie, I hope & pray that you will consider in keeping the rent to where it is now so that we can stay here". He looked at me & said "we'll talk about it another time". I said "okay". He also said that when the weather gets to be 55 degrees then he & his buddy will get up on the roof & patch up the holes that are causing the current leaks in the Green Room & if the bucket wasn't there, & our office would be leaking after it rained too. Thank God for that bucket, up on the ceiling titles & in the right position, to catch the water from the roof, otherwise we'd be having a royal mess in the office & I certainly wouldn't want that! He had to go & I thanked him for fixing the front door to so that the bad guys couldn't get in. Now when we come in or leave the door automatically closes behind us, thank God. We said good bye to each other & he left. He has certainly mellowed over the past year, thank God, for our prayers were answered. We now have a mutual respect for one another & work well with each other when things need fixing at the center. Well, Miss Martha you finally showed up & with a homemade cake & Oscar Myer wieners too, for our Baby Shower. We were so busy trying to get everything ready plus take care of our moms who came to the Material Aid Room for children's clothes. Martha set up the tables put out the finger food & I did some paperwork in the office. Then the Elim Students came for this was their last day so it was hard on me. I made out the cards for them & put their present into a nice decorative bag to give them from both Martha & I. I do appreciate all that they blessed us with over the past 3 months. It was great to get to know them & they worked so very hard for us at Focus. I wish the very best for them as they go on with their lives. Two of our girls will be getting married this year & I wish them many happy years of marital bliss & many children too. The doorbell rang & it was Melody. It's been awhile that Martha & I have seen her, for she has had her challenges. We both gave her a big hug & said that it was so good to see her & that she had cone for the Baby Shower for Akira. Then the doorbell rang & it was Sandy, who helps us out on Tuesdays. She came to be apart of this happy event. Then the doorbell rang again & it was Pat's husband, Judge Gray Smith, he came with presents for Akira & her baby. How nice was that & I thanked him & asked him to thank Pat for me. He said that he would. Then the doorbell rang & it was Tony who had been here earlier to help us out & then he had to go home but he returned with coffee filters for Martha, how thoughtful was that!! He couldn't stay but my heart was touched by his kindness to Martha, for she likes her coffee. Then the doorbell rang again & it was Pat & her gang. There was Katherine & her 2 boys, Khy-meir (who was almost killed by the RU486 pills that were removed just in time) & Ah-meir & Arika, who the Baby Shower was for, & her sweet daughter Akira (who was born 1lb. 7ozs. & I am her Godmother) & also her girlfriend. Pat, who is the grandmother & the great grandmother sat down to relax for she worked all day at the hospital. I introduced everyone to each other & let them start the conversations. Pat was more hungry then just having finger foods so Martha made her a nice big sandwich of roast beef & chicken. We ate, played. sang & unwrapped presents & had a great old time. It was a room filled with such joy. The Elim girls had decorated the room earlier with streamers to make it look festive. It was a wonderful time of love & laughter. Thank you Lord for the gift of "life". Pat was getting tired after 2 hours so she gathered up her brood & they all said good bye & thanked us for a marvelous evening. Before I said good bye to the Elim girls I brought them into my office, one at a time, to read to them their evaluation. Two of them cried. They deserved such a great evaluation for they were great. Martha & I said goodbye to them & gave them all a big hug. Then Melody & Sandy had to leave too. Martha & I cleaned up & were blessed by such a wonderful evening of love & friendship & of course being with the little children that made the night.
Thursday, April 14, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood (This is Sheila's experiences on the front line before I arrive) Pat and Paul and Jerry were praying on the Scio street side of Planned Parenthood when I arrived because of extensive roadwork that was happening , blocking our usual area. Before I had even brought out signs, two women came out of Planned Parenthood. One needed a pregnancy test, and since she could have one immediately and it would be free, they came with me to Focus. When that was taken care of, we discussed the need for prayer in all our lives. They left with truth packets, a DVD, and they were delighted to receive rosaries. One lady was raised Catholic so she knew how to say the rosary, and I showed the other lady the instructions, and pointed out the beads. They resolved to pray and try to live chaste lives. When I went back outside our sidewalk was clear, so I set up my sign, and prayed with Paul, asking the workers to join their prayers to ours that God’s will be done here. The abortionist was here, but the main traffic today seemed to be short appointments, in and out. Perhaps one person left having killed her baby, so I offered our help, but she turned her face away. I called out asking her to remember “Project Rachel” when she needed help in dealing with her guilt. One more woman came for material aid, and left with some nice clothes for herself and her son. The place where people usually pull over to talk to us was totally blocked by roadwork. I thanked the road workers for fixing our road, and asked if they had daughters or friends they would like to give our informational packet to. They declined, so I told them to come back anytime to get the information….we would be happy to give it to them. They thanked me. I asked them to pray for us.
One more person came out of Planned Parenthood, talking on her phone, birth control pills in her brown bag. I walked down the street with her, and found out she goes to PP because she doesn’t have health insurance. She didn’t have time to come with me then, so I invited her to come to the Center later to get information on affordable and free insurance. Then she could go to “good” doctor, not one who kills babies. I also informed her that the pill can cause an early abortion. After Dan and Addison arrived at noon, a gentleman, who had picked up birth control for his girlfriend, came around the bushes. His main purpose in talking to me seemed to be to argue with me about a woman's right to choose. True, that choice is legal but the choice to kill her baby is morally evil! I hope he went away with the realization that a human life begins at conception. This “being” is not a dog, or a cat, or a blob of tissue, he or she is a human being, and abortion is depriving that human being of life. This is murder!! No one has the right to “get rid of” an inconvenient pregnancy. Women don’t think they can kill an inconvenient two year old, or one year old, or one month old baby. Inconvenience is no excuse for murder. I said I would pray for him, and he said he would pray for me……I hope he does! It seems to me that the number of abortions performed on Thursdays has diminished for the last few weeks have been quieter. Please Lord, let this be true.
I came to the center around 12:50pm & I wasn't able to get through to the parking lot so I called over the street worker who is fixing University Ave. & told him I couldn't get in & he asked another man to move the truck down a bit so that I had room to go into the parking lot. Thanks guys. I saw the pro lifers standing in front of Planned Parenthood & I felt so proud of them
for praying to end abortion & to close this abortion mill. I felt one with my brothers & sister Sheila. I went in to the center to open up the rooms & to put my purse away in the office & then I was heading outside with a sign & the literature box when just then I saw that a young woman approaching the door. I asked what could I do for her? She answered that she needed some clothes for her children & let her into the Material Aid Room to get what she needed. I told her that I had to go outside for a few minutes & that I would be back & just keep on looking around to see if there was anything that we could help her with. She said "thank you" & I headed to the front lines with the signs & the literature box. I approached everyone & said hi to them & spoke to Sheila & asked her what went on earlier & that I had some one in the Material Aid Room right now & had to get back to her. As we walked we talked & Sheila said that she did a pregnancy test this morning. Her girlfriend was with her & she assisted them with information to help them in their lives. We got to the center & thank God there was Suzanne, for she had come earlier today which was a surprise & a blessing. I asked Sheila to tell Suzanne what went on during her time & I said good bye to her & told her that I would call her the Wednesday before she comes back out again on Thursday. I thank God for Sheila & her team for they are saving lives!!
I went back out to the front lines to witness the Truth & to be with Addison, Dan & there comes up the sidewalk was Francis. I was waiting for Martha & knew that she would arrive soon, which she did. The men were pouring down asphalt on the street causing a steam effect & a intense smell. I thought that it was going to put Martha back into the center due to her sinus problems & all but she was a trooper & hung in there. I asked one of the workers how many more days & he said that he would be until Friday & next year they're going to redo the entire road. Oh no I said it's not that bad looking & I'm a fussy person. I said that I want it to look half way decent because I have a pregnancy center down the street. He smiled & said that it will be nice enough. I said "thank you" & off he went back to work. I asked another young man if all this steam was bad for them, I mean breathing it in all day long & didn't they need a mask or something? He just said that most everything is dangerous but it's fine. "Okay" I said back to him. I hope he's right. Addison & Dan had to leave & then Adolf came. Martha brought back a book that his adoptive daughter wrote & they talked about it for a few minutes. It was a heartwarming story of her earlier years when she lived in Europe & was very poor. She ate diluted soup with no meat in it just water & vegetables. She is healthy but sure enjoys her meals in this country & she eats meat now. We were unable to hand out any Truth packets today because the cars were blocked by the road work but we called out to every person who went in & out of Planned Parenthood, as always. Martha went into he center to get something & Adolf & Francis was with me. Just then a car drove into Planned Parenthood's parking lot & there was three people in the car, two guys & one woman who was smoking. I called out to them by the fence & offered then help & told them about Planned Parenthood when just then the one guy gave me the finger & was moving it up & down & then he used his other had to indicate sexual intercourse, then went into the killing mill. Later on when they all came back out I told the girl that this guy you're with had indicated a rape & that you deserved better than this. If he can do this to a stranger then what he is he doing to you?? Let's just say he was a good little boy when they left the parking lot. I hope that even he realized what he did was wrong. I forgive you. As a rape survivor I don't appreciate your bad behavior against me. A car then drove into the parking lot & she wasn't parked to far away from the fence where we call out to the people in the parking lot. She was very angry & said the ......word, may times. & gave me the finger. What is wrong with people?? When she later came out & I tried to talk to her again, for now she was carrying a brown paper bag, which usually indicates the Morning After Pill or condoms in the bag. I quickly tried to address both issues & told her not to do the 'naughty' & all she could do was swear & show me the bird, after that. I said that her behavior indicated rape which I hope caught her by surprise. As she was leaving I said a couple of things to her & said that we loved her. I hope & pray the very best for her, she protested too much, so her conscious was pricked by the Truth spoken today. Martha decided that it was time to bring out the Blessed Salt against the Evil One. So she took the container of Blessed Salt & walked up the sidewalk with the container leaving a stream of white powder on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood as she walked over across the street to get the picture of Jesus holding the aborted baby In His hand & crying. She had to park across the street because she couldn't get into our parking lot because of all the street work that they're doing. I said out loud, as the worker were looking at her, Martha is pouring the Blessed Salt onto the sidewalk!! Just then the long time Death Escort Barry Swan was coming out of Planned Parenthood without his apron so I knew he was finished for the afternoon & he saw Martha pouring this white powder onto the sidewalk. He went back into Planned Parenthood & rated on her. He was gone for a few minutes & came back out & then he walked up to one of the workers, on the street, & said "what's this"? He replied "salt". Then Barry Swan went into his car, not realizing the power of this white powder & drove over the Blessed Salt, as he was leaving the parking lot, hopefully it may change his life. When Martha returned from her car I told her that Barry Swan had seen her pouring a white substance on the sidewalk & went back into Planned Parenthood to tell on her, so you're in trouble now Martha, now the Feds are coming to get you, & I'll have to visit you in jail, ha ha. She just smiled like she just had won a pie eating contest or something. We should be using blessed sacramentals of the Church to fight in this Spiritual Warfare. I went into the center to grab a bit to eat & Suzanne was so busy in the Material Aid Room that she told me later that she couldn't make any calls because she was kept busy in there. One mom after another came to the door today. The word is getting out to the public that we offer free baby & children clothes. I was disappointed, that none of our clients were called today, but at least many moms got some nice clothes & things for their children this afternoon. After I ate I went back outside because Francis had to leave & that would leave Martha by herself & that's never good. We were just the two of us, for Afolf had let earlier, so she prayed & I counseled. Just then we saw that Heidi had arrived to be with us. She is a Prayer Warrior & comes out with the Bound for Life Group, that tape their mouths, to represent the baby in the womb, & they silently pray in front of Planned Parenthood at times. It was good seeing her. Martha, Heidi & talked for awhile & then come walking down the sidewalk was our girl Valerie who is pregnant with twins, a boy & a girl. She said that she is scheduled for a C-Section on April 29th. because one of the babies is still in the breech position. She we all stood there on the sidewalk & we all put our hands on Valerie's big belly & prayed in agreement that the babies will turn into the correct position for a normal delivery. She was grateful for the prayers & the love shown her. She still needed some more things in the center so Martha brought her into Focus to help herself with whatever she needed. So that left Heidi & I on the sidewalk. A young girl was walking passed us & I offered her a Truth packet & she said that she didn't need it for she was a 'virgin'. I looked at her like she was a Martian, from another planet, & said "what did you just say"? She was patient & kind to repeat it for me for I thought that she was being factious but she wasn't. I offered her the CD 'Starting Over' for any of her friends & she told me that all her friends, from her church, made a promise to God to remain virgins until marriage. This was great news & a rarity. I only which it was the other way around, that girls having sex outside of marriage was the rarity. She was 19 years old & she said that she has plans for her life & sex outside of marriage isn't one of them. Stay strong & pray, pray & pray always for the graces to come against the temptations of this world. She was radiant & beautiful, without blemish. I only wish that my girls will turn their lives around. We're trying to make that happen at Focus. One precious girl at a time, sweet Jesus. Martha called me on my cell phone from the center asking me if I needed any help in bringing the signs in & said that sounds like a plan. She came out a few minutes later & was helping Heidi & I with all the signs & the literature box to bring back into the center. I was the last man standing & as I was leaving I noticed my greatest challenge of the day. Two young girls were walking across the street & were now crossing the street heading towards Planned Parenthood. I put the literature box down & waited for them to cross over to my side of the street. I called then over to speak to me & they did especially the one girl. It started out okay then it got more combative, which is never a bad sign, it just means that she got convicted & was most uncomfortable after that, & I now become the enemy. I've experienced it many times over the many years that I've been out on the front lines. That's human nature at it's best. The one girl keep on saying that she gets tested for STD's after she has sex with her boyfriend of 3 years & she only 17. So I just said that that sounded like what a prostitute does & maybe your boyfriend is cheating on you? There is a great possibility that he is for you don't seem to trust him if you're going for testing. She said there are no real good men around. So I said then you're having sex with a bad man? Then she challenged me on 'love', which I said was 'lust', not 'love'. She asked if Masturbation was okay & I said it was a Mortal Sin, which could lead you to Hell for all Eternity. She said why would it be wrong to love yourself that way. I replied that that pleasure was suppose to be between you & your husband & not just yourself. Check out: http://www.beginningcatholic.com/catholic-teaching-on-masturbation.html. She was becoming nervous then your tone changed & she said "I didn't like that you called ma a prostitute". "What" I said, I never called you a prostitute I only said that they get tested after having sex with men. Then she said that she is having sex with just one man, for the last 3 years, not a multiple of men. I just said back to her that it is sad that you're having sex at all for you're not married & that 's a sin! You're judging me & I don't like that so here's your packet back I don't want it. I have one already a nice man gave me one & he wasn't judgmental like you are, you're suppose to be helping me not judging me. I said that I was trying to, for you shall know the Truth & the Truth will set you free!! As she threw down the packet & the CD of 'Starting Over' she hollered to me saying "I'm going in here to get my condoms". I called back to her saying "there's a 50 percent chance that'll you'll get a sexual transmitted disease". I was sad & I picked up the literature box & walked into the center to grieve. We had the taxi take our dear Valerie home with 3 large bags of things & she said that she now has everything that she needs for her twins & her other 3 children. We were glad to have helped her & she knows that we love her too. Dan came in tonight after Martha & I had supper. We had one of her famous chicken dishes for she loves to cook chicken & we like to eat it. Martha went to her Holy Hour & I had to stay to be with Dan, for he came to help take out all the containers, filled with summer clothes, out of the storage room & put in the Material Aid Room, so we can put them in the clothes baskets. He is such a blessing to us at Focus just like all our volunteers are. I thank God for everyone & am blessed by them & their generosity to us at Focus.
Friday, April 15, 2011 at Focus I'm on call 24x7 & the phone rang this morning as I was waking up. It was on of our clients that had her baby about I year ago & she was calling asking me to come in to giver her sister a pregnancy test so that she doesn't go to Planned Parenthood to take the abortion pill if she's pregnant. She asked me if I could get to the center at 1pm, for she said that she wanted to be with her & she had school until 12:30pm. I said that I'd meet them at 1pm at the center. I got up & started to get ready, ate, got dressed & washed my hair just in time to be there at 1pm. They were already there. I greeted all three young girls, for they brought their cousin with them. The one who called me went into the Material Aid Room to get what she needed for her son. The doorbell rang & it was Tony. He was dropping off 3 bags of clothes from his daughter that his granddaughter wore in the past. I thanked him & then went into the Rose Room to give the pregnancy test. While she was in the bathroom providing her specimen I thanked Tony & asked him to thank his daughter for the marvelous gifts of clothes for our moms. He said that he had to go & I said "good bye" & off he went. My client just came out of the bathroom & came back into the Rose Room, for the test. After the test I counseled her & then she joined her sister & her cousin. I went into the Green Room & asked where was our other client from the past. The cousin said that she was in the bathroom but I had my doubts. I went into the office for a minute & then went into the Great Room & saw more diapers & some personal items on a chair. Then she appeared & I said where you in this room? I was & the guy told me that I shouldn't be in here. Did you put these things on the chair & she said "no". I said "I know that I didn't, don't lie to me". She said "no, I'm not". She asked for the diapers & as I was putting the things away she asked for the toothbrush & paste, in a travel case. I said "okay". She joined her family members in the Green Room & they thanked me & said "good bye". I was planning to do some errands before Mass at 4:30pm at St.John Fisher College but the doorbell rang & there was some ladies looking for children clothes. It was a client of ours & her friend & her young daughter. They needed diapers & wipes & looked for children's clothes. After they left I make a cheese & mayo sandwich & had some ice tea & then the doorbell rang again. I went to answer the door & it was a young girl & a young man. I said "can I help you". She said I'm here for a pregnancy test. I said that I wasn't usually here on Fridays so you are fortunate so come follow me. I introduced myself to them both first before I lead them into the Rose Room but before they went in I asked her if it was okay with her to have this gentleman with her. She said "yes that's fine, he's my boyfriend". I gave her the Intake Sheet to fill out as I hurried up to clean up the last pregnancy test for I never expected another one today. After the pregnancy test we had a good talk the girlfriend, boyfriend & I. They said "thank you" & they left. I then went into the office to work on something real fast for I had many errands to do. Then the doorbell rang again. I went to the door & there was a mom asking for diapers & wipes & some children's clothes. I lead her into the Material Aid Room while I went into the Great Room for the diapers & wipes. She stayed for awhile for she had many children. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled to help our moms & I was so surprised that how did anyone know that I was here except for the first appointment. I was frustrated for I know, in my heart, that if we had enough people to man the center we would be open 5 days a week. Where are the people to make this happen Lord? Why won't they volunteer at a nice, neat & clean center to help our moms in need?? If I was in better health I would be there on Mondays & Fridays too, for I get many calls on those days & only come in for pregnancy tests & I tell the moms to come in on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 1-6pm, to get their children clothes. On Mondays & Fridays I'm always doing prolife work, at my apartment, & I am doing errands for the center & for my personal needs too. Before I know it, it's Tuesdays again. I need tim to recoup, for the next three days are so intense, that it takes me time to recover from the impact. "His grace is sufficient", says the Bible. I know that for sure for I live it everday of my life. I left around 3:20pm & I knew that I had only time to do a couple of my errands & after Mass I'll do the rest. After Mass I spoke with Fr. Jim for a few minutes which I always do & then went to finish my errand before I was to meet my friend at Holy Spirit Church in Webster then we were going to go for a fish fry at Bazils, her treat. I was just getting into my car to go meet her when the phone rang & it was one of our clients that asked if she could bring her friend in tonight for a pregnancy test. I said "okay, I'll meet you there in 15 minutes". I got off the phone & called my friend to tell her that I would be a little late & left the message on her cell phone & off I go back to the pregnancy center. When I arrived just before I opened the door there was the lady that has so many problems & tried to trick us on several occasions until we got wise to her. She said "don't I look better & I feel better too". I looked over at her while I was trying to open up the door. I said to her that she was here just this past week. "Oh no", she said "I'm just here for food tonight". I said okay, we don't have to much in the Material Aid Room but you can take some food. I walked into the Green Room & there was the two women, waiting for me. I greeted them & then brought them into the Rose Room again trying to keep my eyes on our little lady that can charm a snake. There she was taking a diaper bag. I said that was a diaper bag & you don't need that. Oh I need it for a purse. I said her take this instead. It was a big black bag * she put all her food into it plus another bag. I said enjoy & have a nice evening & she said she had to got to the bathroom first. I needed to go back into the Rose Room to do the pregnancy test for that is way I'm here. She had finished filling out the Intake Sheet & I showed her to the bathroom now. As I was going back to the Rose Room I saw a cell phone on the table in the Green Room. I asked my friend at the Taxi Company & he said that he thought that it was the lady that just was in the center. I told him where I was going to hide it & if she come back to get it there it will be. He said okay & that he will tell the next dispatcher when he comes in another hour from now. I said "thank you so much Kaybe". The client was now ready for the pregnancy test. After the test I counseled her & gave her a Truth packet & other brochures to take with her. The other young woman who I gave a pregnancy test awhile ago said that she watched the movie Bella that I gave her & that she enjoyed it very much. I said that I was glad that she did. We all said good bye & off they went & thanked him as they left. Just then my cell phone rang & it was my friend telling me that she pushed the reservations to 7:15 & we agreed to meet at the restaurant. I said thank you for being so flexible in this change of plans. She said back "no problem, Mary". I met her there & we had a real nice Fish Fry mmmm good & I had a decadent desert too. We then went to Holy Spirit Church to spend some time with the Lord. When I arrived I saw Father & approached him to ask him if he would hear my Confession which he did. After the healing & forgiving & cleansing Sacrament we talked for a little bit of what was going on at the Church & all the changes that were occurring there. I told him that he was in my daily prayers & he thanked me. I went back in the Church where my friend was praying & we prayed for a little longer & left to go home. It was very cold outside & I was happy that we were heading to warmer weather, the summer time & not heading towards the winter time. I thanked God for a very full filling & blessed day, in Him.
Saturday, April 16, 2011 at Focus Happy 84th. Birthday Pope Benedict!!!! I did receive a phone call on my cell & it was a client of ours asking if she could get diapers for her child. I said that after Mass tonight I will be at the center at 6pm & I will stay until 6:45pm. She said that she would be there a little after 6pm. I said "okay, I'll see you there later on at the center". After Mass tonight which was Passion Sunday & the Mass was a little longer tonight because the Passion of Jesus was read tonight at Mass & we received our blessed palms too. After Mass & stayed to talk to some of my friends & then went to the center to do some work & wait for our client. When I arrived at the center I spent time taking the things out of my car that Ana, from the Second Thought Resale Store in East Rochester, that she left in my garage. How blessed we are, so that we always have so much to give away to our moms in need for things for their children, plus all the great donations that we also receive from so many nice people that bless us too. After I emptied the car I went into the office to do some paperwork the doorbell rang. I walked to the door & there was one of our male clients that gets diapers for his child. I opened the door & said I Jim, you were just her this week. Oh, no he said I'm here tonight for food. I said that we didn't have to much left but go help yourself. I mentioned some Food Pantries but he said that they were closed on the weekend. He said that every day he volunteers at the Asbury Church on East Ave. to feed the hungry with hot meals from Monday through Friday. How nice I said then that means that you get a good meal everyday. He took some food & I asked him to pull up his pants. I don't know if it was his style or he just was wearing pants that were to big though he's such a skinny guy. They were falling down & he apologized if it offended me. I said that it did & he pulled them up. He said "thank you" & off he went. I went back to the office to organize the literature cabinet & the doorbell rang again & it was the mom who requested the diapers & baby wipes. I asked if she needed anything else & she asked me if I had any crackers. I said that I didn't, sorry. She said "thanks okay & thank you or the diapers & wipes". I said "you are more than welcome & come again if you need anything again". She gave me a nice smile & then left. I returned to my work in the office & then left to go grocery shopping. I ate my supper around 10pm tonight. Thank you Lord for blessing me always everyday with joy & suffering. Amen.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood What a day I had today!! I had three disappointments right in a row. One was our steady prayer warrior who has come out on Tuesdays from 1-3pm for the last year, or so, is no longer going to be able to come back. She has to get her house in order to sell it. The best to her & her husband but it will effect our sidewalk ministry for sure. I pray that the dear Lord will sent us someone to replace her. Thank you Lord, for we are so very busy in the center & that would just leave me out there, on the front lines by myself, like today Lord. Thank you that you were with me that's for sure. Martha was in the center doing one pregnancy test after another & assisting in the Material Aid Room, which helped about six moms. The second disappointment was that a woman called me awhile back, from a local church stating that the students would be coming to the Focus Center to help us out for 2 hours today April 19th.. She called me at 9am this morning & of course I was sleeping, for I don't go to bed until 2am or later, just call me a night person okay. She called me the very same day that she & the students were suppose to be at the center to help us out, to now tell me that no one had signed up!!! Okay disappointment number two, just waiting for disappointment number three which came later. Our dear, sweet but "I take no crap from anyone" prayer warrior & witness person, on the front lines, didn't come today as I thought she emailed me to say that she was. Maybe I read it wrong. She was in Florida for about 3 months & to say that it didn't hurt, that she was gone from us for so long, is an understatement. She is a 'I take no prisoners' type of person which is good on the front lines when people want to kill you. We all have our unique personalities & special ways of approaching people, which is fine. "Viva la difference". I do hope that we will see her on Wednesday, that's for sure. Missed ya!!! I was debating to go out on the front lines at all today for we had so much to do in the center. We needed to put the winter clothes away in the Material Aid Room & then put out the summer clothes, for we just had a couple of huge donations from some very nice people. Thank you all so very much, I do appreciate it. But I was feeling guilty for I know that Tuesdays are the days for the RU 486 abortions & for the pre tests for the surgical abortions on Thursdays. I said to Martha "why don't we go out for awhile & then go inside to work in the center", she said "okay" but that never happened. For when I started out on the front lines I asked a couple of girls, as they were walking by me, if they needed a pregnancy test & they said "yes they did" so I guided them to Focus to where Martha was still at. I went back to the front lines, for I had all that I needed. I had the literature box & the mega phone & two graphic signs plus Our Lady of Guadeloupe picture. I was very cold but I decided that I would stay there & sooner or later Martha would show up. She 's faithful & she & I work very well together for she knows what to do & does it well. About 20 minutes later I received a call on my cell phone, it was Martha asking where did I put one of our clients cell phone that she left at the center on Friday. I told her where I hid it & then hung up. Just a few minutes later there was our client coming on down the sidewalk saying to me that Martha didn't know where it was so I told her where it was & she went back into the center to get it. About 5 minutes later there she comes again walking down the sidewalk with a sign, of a picture of 3 babies, around her neck. She said that she was just 'saved' & that she needed to put back what she took from life. I said to her there was a young girl coming up the sidewalk so go talk to her. She gently approached the young girl & found out that she was going into Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test so she pointed out the Focus Center to her for a 'free' pregnancy test & lead her to the center. When she came back out again she had a smile, from one end of her face to the other. It was good to see her being pro active & she looks better that I have ever seen her before. She was getting the hang of it for two young girls were walking up the street towards Planned Parenthood & she stopped then to talk to them & then brought them to the Focus Center. Wow, she is doing a great job, that's for sure. She said that she wanted to do God's work, which she did today. She said that she had an appointment & had to go & that she would see us again tomorrow. Sure enough dear one. The first young girl, that Martha did a pregnancy test on was negative, but she had to go to Planned Parenthood to get them to remove the IUD that they put inside her uterus that was causing her pain & a hardness in her abdomen. How sad that these girls are destroying their bodies & souls & are killing their children, for the IUD is an abortifacient, which means it causes early abortions. Check out: http://www.lifeissues.org/abortifacients/IUD.html & http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARRIAGE/CCLIUD.TXT My heart goes out to these girls, who I love, care & am concerned about. They are being told lies & they are ruining their health & welfare. Planned Parenthood destroys lives, the babies lives & the women & young girls lives too....... The other two young girls that were lead into Focus by Tina left the center because the one girl wanted the Depo Provera shot & were heading into Planned Parenthood when I stopped to talk to them. I asked if they were helped at Focus & the one girl said that she was going into Planned Parenthood for the Depo shot. I gave her a brochure about this dangerous shot & it's effects. I told her it causes early abortions at times & that it had a Black Box Warning from the FDA because it thins the bones, because it pulls the calcium out of the bones, thus causing fractures, at any time. It stops your periods which is unnatural & can cause further problems down the road for those who use this dangerous drug. WARNING: LOSS OF BONE MINERAL DENSITY Women who use Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection may lose significant bone mineral density. Bone loss is greater with increasing duration of use and may not be completely reversible. It is unknown if use of Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection during adolescence or early adulthood, a critical period of bone accretion, will reduce peak bone mass and increase the risk for osteoporotic fracture in later life. Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection should not be used as a long-term birth control method (i.e., longer than 2 years) unless other birth control methods are considered inadequate. (See Warnings and Precautions (5.1)). This poor girl told me that she's been on the shot for 3 years & her doctor told her that she was fine. I told her that some doctors 'lie' & you don't know what this dangerous drug is doing to your body inside. I hope that I cast doubts about this drug to her that is going to mess her up both physically & spiritually. Education is so important & I only hope that some people are listening & will change their ways. God's grace is sufficient. A truck with a huge sign prompted up on the back of the truck read: SMH let my wife die then stole her jewelry off her dead corpse. I'm Tony at (then he gave his phone #). Call me. I was so surprised to see this sign, for it was at SMH where I was gang raped in 1971 & no one did anything about it. It was covered under the carpet that's for sure, so I don't like this hospital either. I called over to him & he came over to where I was standing to talk. He explained what happened to his wife....something about a shot & then she died. He says that he drives his truck pass the hospital several times a week & they always call the police on him but there is nothing that they can do because it's own his property & it's true, at least he thinks so, I haven't heard SMH side of the story. He said that he supports what we are doing for the unborn that are killed at Planned Parenthood, for they are victims too. We could both relate to our own personal pain caused by Strong. He said that he was having problems in missing his wife that he loved so very much. I later told my friend Dan, who comes to Focus to help us out almost every week, who is a Minister & he said that he will call him to befriend him & to invite him to Bethel to talk to him, over coffee at the Coffee Bar, so he won't feel so all alone during this very difficult time, for this incident happened this past January. Thanks Dan for helping Tony, God bless you for your kindness. I wish our new friend the very best & that he will heal & be able to go on with his life after this very painful loss of his wife unexpectedly. Today Martha did one pregnancy test after another & many moms came into the Material Aid Room for children's clothes. Two moms came in & I had to tell them that they could pick out 12 pieces of clothes per child each. The one mom was pregnant & had another child & the other mom had one child to get things for. They were nice & were grateful for the clothes. I have to set some guide lines otherwise one person could wipe us out in one shot but most of the moms are very considerate & polite & grateful for the 'free clothes' at Focus. Another mom came in & said that her daughter just turned 2 yesterday & she was saved by God using us to call out to her in not going into Planned Parenthood to abort her. My heart was so happy to hear this great news 'the saving of a life' by the humble remnant team on the front lines. God bless you all, you wonderful & faithful people, that give of your time, love & prayers & sometimes in the mist of verbal & physical abuse. I was now back in the center & the doorbell rang & it was a very nice woman giving us a clothes donation for the center. I thanked her & gave her a Tax Form to take with her, for her to fill out, for this & further donations for her tax records of 2011. She was leaving when I made a comment about our white, board in the office, where we keep information about what our clients need. She left & then came back saying that she wanted to see what the moms needed for their children. I said "okay" & then brought her into the office. She looked at the board & said that she had some of these things that were requested & will bring them in soon. Then she saw a picture on the wall & commented how nice it was. I told her that I had painted it with the guidance of a wonderful priest named Fr. Peter. I then told her what the picture represented about some of the members on my family that were aborted & the two that represented the loss of my twins by a miscarriage from the gang rape in 1971. She then told me her story. She said that when her grandmother died, at her funeral Mass the priest said "now she will be with her child". This made her wonder what that meant & asked her grandfather about it. He admitted that he & his family made his wife have an abortion in Poland many years ago. He said that the priest didn't even know about the abortion, so it must have been the Holy Spirit that spoke through him. "You shall know the Truth & the Truth shall set you free". The Bible. I asked if she was a Catholic & she said that she was once & I answered her back that she was still a Catholic. So I will also pray for her return back to the One True Apostolic Church that was started by Jesus himself. She is such a lovely, warm & sweet person. God will bless her return back to His Church. My heart went out to this woman who lost her Aunt or Uncle in such a violent way, as I did too, for my grandmother had an abortion in the early 1920's at Johns Hopkins Hospital in a 2 day procedure that took the life of my Aunt who we named Mary Elizabeth. She said that my losses has given me this ministry to help to save lives & we hugged & cried together. I told her that I would keep her in my prayers for her loss & pain. After she left I felt so sad for her & yet not alone, for the first time, in the loss of my Aunt knowing that I wasn't the only one with such a traumatic loss of a family member. May she Rest in Peace with her child.
Holy Thursday, April 21, in front of Planned Parenthood (a crime took place today on the front lines) (This is Sheila's experiences on her time on the front lines) Pat was leaving as I came out of the Center with signs. She said the parking lot had been busy, but she hadn’t seen any definite abortion activity. The lot was full of cars. Paul joined me, and we prayed and called out to people who ignored us. Two young men pulled over. They had just delivered a car to someone in PP. They took a packet, promising to look at it, and then pass it on to girlfriends and other friends. They will pray for us too.
I spoke to a woman who was there because she had lost her insurance when she was laid off, and turned to PP when she had an emergency condition, so she wouldn’t incur emergency room fees. PP sent her elsewhere, of course, since they are in the business of abortion, not dealing with illness. Their widespread advertising had lured her in. She now gets her birth control there. She defended PP, wondering why we were outside advising people to go elsewhere. She took a packet, promised to read it, and promised to watch the DVD about the evils of PP. We discussed abstinence, and Project Rachel as well.
While I was busy with the previous lady, Paul stopped a young lady who needed a pregnancy test and was on her way to PP for it. I helped her with that, and counseled her about living a chaste life, and urged her to pray daily.
When I was done, Adolf, Dan, and Addison had arrived, and it was time for me to go. It seems to me that uninsured people are drawn in by the promise of free care…..I doubt that they perform free services. They sign them up for Medicaid, and then get the money from the government. Some doctors don’t accept Medicaid patients, but plenty of them do. Women don’t need to go to this evil place, to be counseled with lies, by people who have an abortion quota to shoot for each week.
It was a day of unexpectedness, that's for sure!! I arrived around 12:50pm & went over to the front lines to say hello to Addison, Adolf & Dan. I asked if Sheila had gone & they told me that she was in the center doing a pregnancy test & counseling. "Okay' I said, I'll go into the center & I'll be back out as soon as I can. I then wished them a Happy Easter & said good bye & went into the center. The door was closed to the Pregnancy/Literature Room, so I figured she was in there with the new client. I went on doing what I needed to do before I was able to go back outside to the sidewalk to counsel & witness. I was taking bags of baby clothes out of my car that was given to me by my friend at the Second Thought store. What a blessing Ana is to our center. I was doing this when I looked up & there was Rob. "Hi Rob, what are doing here"? "Are you staying"? He answered that was going to stay for a short time & then had to go do some errands. Sheila had came out of the Rose Room & was now in the Material Aid Room helping a young woman with some children clothes. After the woman left I got to talk to Sheila for a few minutes & received an update from her experiences this morning & early afternoon & to wish her a Happy & Blessed Easter too. After I said good bye to Sheila I tried to get out to the sidewalk as soon as I could, for I didn't want to leave the guys alone to long without a counselor. Suzanne, our counselor, just came in & I sang to her 'Happy Birthday' & wished her a belated birthday & a Happy Easter. Martha & I gave her a nice card & some bubble bath too. She was grateful. She saw our new piece of furniture, that we received on Tuesday & she said that it was so nice, I agreed. Rob went in to say hi to her too. Then Martha came in & made coffee & was getting ready to go out to the front lines too. My friend Anne & her precious daughter who is 5 years old, came to help out in the center today. I was so happy to see them & to get some help in the Material Aid Room too. All this was happening all at once. I went & got the literature box & two graphic signs & went out to be with the guys. When I arrived the two men had left & it was just Adolf now by himself. It was one windy day & all the signs were blowing all over the place. Even the A-Frame which had signs against it had blown down to the ground, several times, even our Focus Center A-Frame sign, on the sidewalk by our parking lot, blew down onto the ground. We were fighting with the signs for most of the early afternoon until we decided to put some of them back in the center. There was not to many cars in the parking lot at Planned Parenthood but still one is to many. I called out to one man leaving & begged him saying "please go back to save your baby form being killed if you had dropped your girlfriend off for an abortion". Off he went onto University Ave.. I looked over the fence, by the bushes, to see what was going on in the parking lot, & then the Death Escort saw me & came out from the foyer to move his van right up to the fence by the bushes so as to block me. I told him that he was ridiculous, for God is everywhere, & that I could still see everything. I just have to maneuver, a little bit to the right or the left, to see the girls coming into the parking lot & see them walking into Planned Parenthood, so that I'm able to speak Truth to them in haste. Martha came out now & so did Rob & he went over to the brick side of the building with the mega phone & 1 literature Truth packet & a hand made sign, that I brought back from the 'March for Life', in Washington, DC this January that read 'DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD'. Just then a I heard a male voice & I looked over towards the street to see a police officer, with a young woman, in the front seat, speaking to me. He asked what we were doing & I explained the work, of the sidewalk ministry, as we've been doing this for the past 15 years now. I told him that we pray & peacefully protest & have graphic & non graphic signs as a witness & a packet of information on many subjects for educational purposes to hand out to those who want them. We're trying to save & change lives by us being out here. We also have a pregnancy center right next to this yellow building & we do free pregnancy tests & give away free baby & children clothes, to our moms for their children, & even bigger items too like strollers etc.. He said "that's interesting, I didn't know that". Then he said that there was a reason that he was there & that's because someone called 911 & said that some people were out here not being nice". "Really officer", I said, "I just got out here a few minutes ago & I haven't said to much so far to anyone". I said that we never curse or swear or say anything but the Truth out here, so frankly I don't understand the complaint"? He said that sometimes when people hear something that they don't want to hear they get upset. I agreed with that statement. Then he said that he had to come to every call that is called into 911. I said "I understand that officer". "Okay" he said "and have a nice day" & then drove off. What was that all about I said to Martha?? I just got out here & I didn't even say much to anyone & no one was combative towards me either. This is very strange, I thought. Later on it just seem to fit into the puzzle of an horrible event that was just about to happen. Two nasty girls egged us pro lifers, on Holy Thursday. They walked down the sidewalk, where Rob was standing & pretended to be going into Planned Parenthood. They walked to the PP door & then they came around the bushes & started to throw eggs at Martha, Adolf & myself, who were standing there. As they were running to get away they passed by Rob, the one girl threw an egg at him but it bounced off his jacket & hit the sidewalk. He chased them to their van which was parked on University Ave. up the street & there was a child in it to his dismay. He memorized the license plate # & I called the police. The officer then went to her house, to confront her. He asked her if she was on University Ave. this afternoon & had thrown eggs at some people there on the sidewalk? She answered "yes" & was arrested. Because she had a child in the house she was not taken downtown but will receive an appearance ticket to appear in court, in the near future, with a charge of Harassment in the 2nd. degree. It will be determined, at that time, if it will be a judge or jury decision. We will have to go to court, in the near future, too. I am more concerned about the child, who was left alone in the van, then what happened to me. I was able to feel a little what the Lord felt when He suffered humiliation, for my sins, on the way to the Cross. I also thanked St. Veronica for wiping the precious Face of Jesus from all the blood, spit, sweat & tears, that He endured for me. It was an humbling experience & it couldn't have happened on a better day than Holy Thursday. I am not writing this for any self pity but for you to pray for this girl & her child & her girlfriend, who was busy throwing eggs too. She would not give the officer her name. They must both be in a lot of pain to have done this to strangers. I got the egg thrown at me with her full force & it hit me on the right side of my head, near my eye. The good Lord & Mother Mary & St. Michael were watching over us, for Martha & Adolf had just finished the Rosary & I had just said the St. Michael Prayer & earlier Martha had sprinkled, on the sidewalk, some Holy Salt, which is a Sacramental of the Church. Please again pray for these two girls, & the little girl who was left alone in the van, while the mother was committing this crime & for us & our continuous safety, especially during the summer months. Thank you. God has protected Rob (who the hero of the day) & I for the past 15 years that we've been out there on the front lines, near Planned Parenthood, & everyone else who has joined us there too. I also want to thank Anne, for taking the pictures of us out on the front lines, with egg on us, for the court to see. Needless to say these girls were NOT in Planned Parenthood but were driving by when they saw us out there & set their evil plan in motion to egg us. They must have just been to the grocery store?? I might never eat another egg again :(
"Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the Cross in my place. Thank you for paying the penalty for my sin. I open the door of my life and trust You as my Savior. I know there is no other way to get to Heaven, except through your death on the Cross. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life." Amen.
Tuesday, April 27, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived on the sidewalk the egg shells were still on the ground & it smelled like rotten eggs now. What a mess!! Martha wasn't there yet so I was by myself for awhile until she got there. Sandy was in the center putting away children's clothes & helping the moms that came to the door to get some nice things from the Material Aid Room. We even gave away a nice highchair today. I think that a precious baby was saved on Tuesday. We worked with the Aunt who was trying to save this baby & I think that the niece changed her mind. I gave the Aunt a Truth packet & 2 DVD's. One was the 'Hard Truth' which shows an actual abortion, very graphic & the other DVD was what we usually hand out. Martha & I & the Aunt all spoke with her, on the phone, for she had been to PP last week & her Aunt stopped her & took her out of PP before she received the RU 486 pills & she thought that she had come back today. After we all talked to her on the phone & offered her assistance at Focus her attitude seemed to change. Praise God!! What a wonderful Aunt who saved her "great niece or nephew. The niece will be happy she changed her mind when she holds her baby in her arms probably in January 2012. A girl & guy came over to Martha & I from the Vets, from across the street to see what we were doing over on the other side of the street. They was disturbed when they saw the graphic signs & was not happy with Planned Parenthood. I gave them a Truth packet. Martha & I saw that she was pregnant & commented how nice was that. Then the man started rubbing his girlfriend's belly, a little to low he went with the rubbing & I commented on it. He looked at me & said "what did you say". I said that the baby was a little higher to where your hand was going". Martha also felt uncomfortable with how far down he was touching her. He was nice about what I had to say to him & said back "oh no I was just rubbing her belly". 'Okay sir' I thought. Martha said that it looked like he was molesting her. We invited them into the Focus Center, to receive some baby things, to which they both went, but before they left we asked them what was the name of their baby & he said "David". A very good name sir. It rained buckets today after we came into the center & the men's toilet over flowed. What a mess. Thank God that He sent Paul & Dan to help both Martha & I tonight in the center, so much to do. We fed them well for all their hard work, thanks to Martha's Easter leftovers. Mmm good Martha. Very tasty ham, squash, sweet potatoes, green salad & dressing & cake. She knows how to cook :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood All I know is that when you serve the Lord be ready for anything but know that He will made it always out for good. After Mass, Martha & I went to the center. We have had so many donations & the Great Room was filled with boxes & we were going to have the director & co-director of Embracing Options coming on Thursday at 2PM & I wanted the center to look its best. So we had a lot of work to do. Paul was going to come by later to help us out too. I decided to walk over to Planned Parenthood to see if the abortionist Rachael Phelps was there. So I picked up a Truth packet & went over to see if she was there. I got to the sidewalk & found that the business next door to PP had their fence open so I couldn't go up to the fence to see or even to talk to anyone. I went into the street to see that the abortionist was there. I saw a guy smoking a cigarette sitting on the bench & I called him over to me. He came over & I told him what they do in there. He said that he a boy who was 4 years old & his girlfriend is going to have his baby girl in 3 months. "That's good" I said but what are you doing here? He said that he brought his sister in here for a shot. I said that's the depro provera shot & it's dangerous. It pulls out the calcium from the bones & could cause her to have fractures at any time plus if she does get pregnant it could cause any early abortion. "Here" I said, I have a free packet of information for you to give to her. He said "okay" & took it from me. He shook my hand & said his name was Robert. "It was nice meeting you Robert" & then left to go back to the center. As I was near the door of the center I realized that he had said that he has children, why didn't I think of telling him of the Material Aid Room at Focus?? I quickly went back over to Planned Parenthood & hollered "Robert" & looked around for him. Then I saw him sitting on the bench & said that we had free baby & children clothes for his children & to come follow me to the center which was 2 doors down the street. He got up from the bench with his cigarette still in hand & we walked together to the center. He was amazed at what we had in the little room & how we had packed it up so nicely with so many things. He went over to the basket of baby girls clothes & I gave him a bag & he filled it up with clothes for his baby that will be born in 3 months. He was very happy & then said "good bye" & left. As he was leaving I told him to come back if he needed anything more. He smiles back at me & went out the door. I was so happy that it was a fruitful few minutes out on the front lines & a life was changed by the 'grace of God'. I needed to get back to work in the center along with Martha, who was now putting away the clothes in the boxes. Paul had just arrived & he had brought his mop & pail to clean the 2 bathrooms. How great was that!! The door bell rang many times & we did give away some clothes in the Material Aid Room today. No pregnancy tests were given today though. I then went into the office to do some paperwork & work on the computer too. I had a letter to mail so I went outside, which was a very warm & beautiful day. As I was heading to the mailbox I saw so much trash on the parking lot & started to put up the bigger objects, which I always would recommend to use gloves when doing this but I broke my own rule. Since I was outside I decided to go over to Planned Parenthood to see if the abortionist was still there. Instead of having a Truth packet, with me, I had an arm full of trash instead. I walked over to the front lines & saw that Buckpitt, the business next door, had closed the fence so I was now able to get closer to see what was going on in the parking lot of this death mill. Just then two young women came walking out of the front door & was heading to there car that was parked close to where I was standing. I called over to them saying that Planned Parenthood kills little babies & hurts women. Then the shark attacked. The one girl came through the area which is in between the fence & the bushes, that block us from talking to the girls in a better way, & said "why don't you shut your blank, blank, blank mouth up. Then she put me down from the top of my head to the tips of my feet. I'm sure glad that I am secure in myself. I guess she thought that I would get angry at her & that's what she wanted. I looked over, to see that her so- called friend, was using her cell phone to take my picture & hopefully recording my words & her friends foul words too, so that when they hear it back they can realize how foul her friend was & the Truth that I had spoken to her. The one girl that had approached me said that she was hear for birth control, which surprised me that she admitted to me, that's why she was there. I guess she has no shame about using this poison against their own body. I then told her about the abortifant effects of the Pill. I said that, if you got pregnant, the Pill can sometimes cause the already fertilized egg, which is your baby, gets sloughed out of you. Sloughed, sloughed she screamed !!! Then she really flipped out & called me every dirty word that she could think of, one after the other. How sad it was for me to hear these words coming from this nice looking well dressed young woman, or really from anyone, even if they were dressed in rags. What a dirty mouth!! My heart sank but I didn't want her to see that but I remained strong & truthful in what I was saying to her no matter if she liked it or not. For she was a well dressed "BULLY'. I then mentioned that the Pill could cause breast cancer & heart disease. Here we go again, she bad mouthed me one bad word after another. Then I said "oh I guess they didn't tell you that & you think that they care". "No they don't care but I care about you". She used the F word again at me for the 20th. time & I said to her "do you know what that word means"? "It means 'rape'. So are you saying that you want me raped, how ugly is that"!! She was walking closer to me & I thought if she hits me in the face I probably wouldn't be able to get her license number, for I had trash in my hands & not a piece of paper & a pen. I knew that I have to go to court soon in regards to the 2 'egg throwers' on Holy Thursday & I didn't want to go again for this situation. I didn't know if I would be able to memorize the plate number, as they were driving out of Planned Parenthood, while calling 911. So I backed up, on the sidewalk, a little bit to get out of harms way. So was one angry woman. Maybe I shouldn't have said this to this angry woman but I had to try to get to her to realize what she was doing, in her personal life, so I said "tonight who are you going to sleep with Tom, Dick or Harry"? They don't care about you because you don't care about yourself!! "Maybe you'll remember this conversation when you get your breast cancer"! Don't get me wrong I was not wishing her to get breast cancer I was just trying to tell her know that her chances are greater to get breast cancer if she's taking the Pill. I wanted to try to get through to her for her to change her behavior & her life, through the grace of God. I then said to her "sin is ugly, I'll pray for you", as I was walking away from her, who I had been talking to for about 10 minutes now, she said her last nasty words to me. I walked to my position on the sidewalk, by the tree, for I heard another car coming into the parking lot. I saw that it was Mark, the Death Security Guard, that's been here at Planned Parenthood for the last 13 years, do you believe it!! He comes on Wednesdays from 5pm to when they all go home, no matter what time that is. He quit once, for about 3 months, about 2 years ago, then came back & has been here ever since. He calls himself a 'Born Again Christian & has said in the past that I wasn't a Christian, because I was mean to the girls when I call out to them. It's telling them the Truth with Tough Love, at times Mark, because Planned Parenthood LIES & KILLS & I don't want them to ruin their lives here!! You don't care nor does PP, who you work for, as you receive Blood Money from them every week. I looked at him & noticed how awful he looked, that's what happens when you have to look at a Killing Mill, in your SUV every week for 4 hours or more. My heart aches with each & every girl & guy that goes into Planned Parenthood, to be lied to & deceived & to have their precious baby be killed there. There is Pain & Passion, in my voice, to try to save & change lives for Christ. He's in it for the $$$$$, I'm in it to save lives. I pray for him to repent. As he pulled into the parking lot to park his vehicle right in front of Planned Parenthood I decided to walk back to the center. The two girls were now in their dark blue fancy car & I was afraid that they would find the center, for I had told her about it when I was talking to her, & that they would do something to it from the outside. One never knows when you're dealing with unrepentant, angry people. When they pulled out of the parking they made a left turn instead of a right turn, which would have them pass our center, for we had our sign out on the sidewalk, in front of our building. When I came back into the center I told Martha what had just happened & she scolded me for going out there by myself to that evil place. I said "yes Martha" & then went about my work in getting the center ready for our guests tomorrow. Paul had just finished cleaning the bathrooms & you could eat off the floor but I wouldn't do that. I said "great job & thank you Paul" as he left to go home. Martha & I were planning to have the rugs in the All Purpose Room cleaned. Martha called her ex husband to ask if he would do it, for he's do anything for her. I called Wegmans to ask how much would it cost to rent the machine. The plan was that Frank was going to come by the next day for the money to pick up the machine from Wegmans & then to do the cleaning on Friday. Well that all changed in a few hours, before the horrible event, I was on the phone, with Rob, in the office & he had just told me about a hurricane watch, before he had to hang up. I said that I didn't want to watch any hurricane. Oh no, I thought. Just then Tucker walked in. I was sure glad to see him for he wasn't here last week. I told him that I was just about to call him, on his cell phone, to see if he was all right. He explained. He had gotten a job & the schedule had to be readjusted so that he could still be there in front of Planned Parenthood on Wednesdays from 4-6pm, like he's been doing for the past 13 years. This was great news. He also said that in 2 weeks he would come here first to pray & protest at Planned Parenthood & then go over to St. Joseph's to get Father to bring him back to Focus to celebrate the Mass here at 6:30pm. "Great" I said & "thank you Tucker, I appreciate that". He said that the Church Office was going to put it into the bulletin about the Mass at Focus. Yeah!! Then the phone rang & it was Martha's ex husband telling us that there was a hurricane watch too". "Oh no". The doorbell rang & it was Dan, who comes to help us out every week. I greeted him & told him this terrible news, then I asked him to fix the two mega phone straps, which he did. Great job Dan, now they are secure. Tucker had left & then I told Martha about the hurricane warning. She wasn't happy to hear that. I just thought that it wasn't going to come this way. Boy was I wrong. We were about to prepare supper when all of a sudden it got real dark outside & rained fiercely. There was a flash flood happening. We heard the toilets making a rumbling noise & then before we all knew it all the muddy water came up & over the toilets onto our fairly new carpet. I couldn't believe it. It went all into the All Purpose Room & into the bathroom carpet, where we're storing our extra summer clothes, in the Great Room. I just sat down in the Great Room on the recliner which wasn't wet & just stared & prayed "why Lord why & please turn this out for good, please". I had to get up to help Martha & Dan soak up some of the water that had come down from the roof & backed up in the toilets in the center. Martha called the landlord who said that there was nothing he could do until tomorrow when he'll bring his water vacuum with him to soak up the water to make the rugs dry once more & to deodorize them too. Dan had to go so that left Martha & I to control the flood. We used old rags & even new blanks to do the job, which sadden me, for we weren't prepared for this mess. Paul had just cleaned the bathroom floors earlier & know this. I knew that the center will not look like I wanted it to look for our guests tomorrow for that's the way it goes when there is a 'flash flood'. I just remembered that I had left a window open for my cat Godfree & didn't know what to expect to see when I got home. Martha & I stayed for many hours this evening. Earlier I asked Tickaboo, from the Taxi company who has an office right next to ours to change the ceiling panel for it was water stained. Now there were about 10 water stained ceiling titles to look at. What a mess!! Martha & I could do no more so we went home. Thank God when I arrived home there was no water on the floor from the open window. I was happy about that. What a day!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood
(This is Sheila's experiences on the front lines at Planned Parenthood) Pat was on the sidewalk when I drove past. I arrived earlier than usual, and a woman was waiting in the main area of the Center with her friend. We did a pregnancy test, and spoke about abstinence until marriage. People don’t have to have a lot of money saved to get married. A license costs $40. If you already live together, make that commitment to be a family. And if you’re not ready to do that, take a step back and live separately and abstain from lovemaking until you are committed before God. I know this is not how many people live today, but you don’t have to do what everyone else does…..you may not be able to change the world, but you certainly can take control of your own life and behave in a way that is pleasing to your God. The women left with much information, clothes for their children, and pamphlets about Project Rachel for women who are post-abortive.
When I went outside, Paul and Jerry were there. We prayed and called out to people, but not many reacted to our message. Hopefully they heard, and will think about what we said when they are gone. A gentleman who was doing some work for his employer stopped on his way out. He is a minister, and already counsels women regarding our message. He gave me his phone #, so perhaps some of his people would be willing to help us in the Center. Mary can call them. There was a car parked outside the entrance of PP. I spoke to the man and woman (with my megaphone) for around 10 minutes. He got out of the car and seemed to acknowledge me, then went to the passenger side with his back to me. I kept talking, telling them there are other options, an we at Focus can help, and we were out on the sidewalk praying especially for them right then. I asked them to come out and talk to me since PP won’t allow me to go into the parking lot. Eventually he got into the car next to the one they were in, and drove out. He didn’t stop. When she left she DID pull over. When I offered her a truth packet, she already had one in her hand, which she said her aunt had given her. I asked if she was pregnant. Yes. Was she thinking about having an abortion? She told me she was going to have her baby, even though it would be hard, since she doesn’t have a job.
She didn’t have time to come into the Center, but I walked her over there so she could see where we are, and I gave her a card, and Mary’s cell #. This young lady and her baby are blessed to have a wonderful loving, caring Aunt, who will help her along the way, and bring her to us if needed. I’m sure this girl is the niece of the Aunt who came in last Tuesday, distraught because her niece was abortion minded. Mary and Martha both spoke to her on the phone and Mary knew then, that a baby had been saved! Thank you Lord, for letting us know the positive outcome. So often we never get that confirmation. Addison came around 12, and Paul left after that. Mary S. was across the street praying during her lunch hour. Bill was over there too. I left around 1:15.
When I arrived at 1pm today Sheila gave me very good news. She said that the niece, of the aunt that Martha & I spoke with on Tuesday, had 'chosen life' today!! She was in the Planned Parenthood parking lot talking with a guy. They had come in separately & he had gotten into her car & they stayed in the car talking for about 10 minutes, as Sheila was trying to talk to them. For this happened on Sheila's time, from 10:30am to 1pm. Then he got out of her car & then went into his own car & left. The young lady was leaving, the Planned Parenthood parking lot, & Sheila flagged her down offering her the Truth packet. She stopped her car along the side of the sidewalk where Sheila was standing & the guys were praying & Sheila offered her the packet. She said "see I already have one that my aunt gave to me". Then Sheila asked her if she was going to have an abortion & she said "no, I changed my mind". "I think that I'm having a girl", she said. Then Sheila told her that we would help her at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center with baby clothes & items & then lead her into our parking lot, 2 doors down. She wasn't able to come into the center but Sheila ripped off, from the tear offs, that I have by the front door & told her to call me if she needed anything. She smiled & said "okay & thank you" then drove away. Praise God!! Can you imagine how her precious Aunt must have felt when her niece came back home still pregnant!!! The prayers of many can change hearts, through God's grace. Thank you Sheila....another great job once, more. What a blessing you are on the front lines & at Focus, in saving & changing lives, for Christ.
It was after 1pm so I knew that Suzanne wasn't coming today & Martha was coming much later today for her mother-in-law was in the hospital. So it was Adolf & I on the front lines until I had to go into the center at 2pm to greet the two directors of Embracing Options, all by myself :( Our Landlord was on his knees using the wet vac in soaking up all the water from the rug from the flash flood from the evening before. The room was a mess & so was the Great Room but all the others rooms were fine 'so that's life'!! I went outside in the wind to tackle the one sign I was holding & to call out to the people going into the Killing Mill, Planned Parenthood to offer them an alternative to abortion called life. Adolf was praying & I was pleading with the people in the parking lot to 'choose life'. It was now 2pm so I asked Adolf if I could go into the center for my appointment & if he would be okay out here by himself. Bill was still there too, sitting across the street holding a graphic sign & saying to the people going into Planned Parenthood "your mother was pro life"! They both were planning to stay until 3pm. Off I went back into the center to wait for the ladies from Embracing Options. Check out:http://www.embracingoptions.org/. I received a call that they were running late so I did some last minute things & bugged Bernie, the landlord, for a few minutes. His plan is to fix the roof so that this overflow from the 2 toilets will never happen again, after a rain storm. That sounds like a good plan to me Bernie!! The doorbell rang around 2;20pm & there they were, the two ladies from Embracing Options, for me to greet. It was a nice welcome for all of us. Then I began the tour of the center. First the Material Aid Room then the Rose/Pregnancy testing / Counseling/ Literature Room then my office. They were well pleased to see what we are doing at Focus. I brought them to the All Purpose Room, where Bernie was on his knees, working hard, & I introduced them to him. He was charming. I then lead them see the Great Room, with all the boxes of clothes everywhere, & I asked them to picture the room without the boxes to see how the room really looks like. They said it was fine. How gracious of them. We talked for a little while then they left. It was a very fruitful & pleasant time with the two new directors of Embracing Options. I then went immediately out to the front lines, for it was after 3pm, & I knew that was the time the guys had to leave. When I got out to the sidewalk Bill had gone & there was faithful Adolf, you have to love him, all by himself with his Rosary in hand. What a beautiful sight to behold. I said "thank you" to him & he stayed with me until Martha came about a half an hour later. What a trooper. Martha & I stayed to pray & to witness until about 4:30pm, handing out Truth packets & Rosaries & calling out to help people & witnessing with the graphic signs of aborted babies. After awhile we left to go do more work in the center. Later on we ate, we ordered out tonight, & then left at 7pm to go to Confession & Mass at St. Jude's in Gates. I needed to get re fueled with the Body & Blood of Jesus, in the Eucharist, to continue to do this very difficult ministry & to ask for God's forgiveness, in the Sacrament of Confession, for my sins to be forgiven & for my soul to be cleansed. To start over in God's Love, Mercy, Forgiveness & Grace. Thank you Gracious Lord Jesus. I love you!!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 in Focus It was raining cats & dogs outside today again but that would never stop us from being out on the front lines but having a room filled with boxes of clothes for our Material Aid Room to be put away would. We had Martha for about an hour to help us for she had an appointment to watch her ailing mother-in-law while her ex husband went to the doctors. She was planning to come back later after she was finished helping out. Sandy was there, for she comes every Tuesday to help us out at Focus, & also Paul came after Mass to help us out in the center. He went to Wendy's to get us a hamburger & French fries, how nice was that!! I was expecting Kelly, from the Department of Social Service Program, to start today to work 20 hours at Focus per week but she was a 'no show', so I don't know what happened with her. Hopefully we'll see her tomorrow to start working at the center, for we really do need her, that's for sure. We were all working hard, this afternoon. Sandy & Paul were sorting out baby & children clothes & I was making up more Truth packets & doing some office work. Then the doorbell rang & it was the woman I spoke with on the phone earlier this morning. She saw our Focus sign, outside on the sidewalk a couple of weeks ago, as she was at the vets across the street for her little doggie ( I mean little, real little, for she carries him in her large purse) & she remembered us when she just found out that her niece was expecting a baby any day now & has she nothing. When she called I gave her the name, address & phone numbers of the other crisis pregnancy centers in Rochester that give out material aid to the clients. She was so happy to get this information to help her niece out before she gives birth any day now. I invited her in & I made a call to Matthew's Closet to schedule an appointment for her for Thursday for some nice things for her niece & baby & for herself & the two children in the family that's she's helping to raise. Also, I called over to Angel Care to request a new car seat for her too. They had one & we will be getting it on Thursday, for Suzanne will bring it into Focus then. She was given baby clothes & a blanket & some diapers & baby wipes too. I told her that if she needed anything else to come on back. She had an appointment to go to the Place of Hope on Bay & Goodman to get more things for the baby & has an appointment to go to the Women's Care Center tomorrow to get more things too. Team work to help those who are in need. After she left I called Jean Trist, from the County, & we spoke for awhile about safe car seats. It was very informative conversation. She told me how to fill out the application for our clients, who need a car seat, & also she told me that WIC Program will also give out car seats too. The mom has to contact the counselor there to receive a car seat. I learned a lot from Jean today. Also, it's safer for the moms to get 'new' car seats rather than 'used' car seats. I agreed. Safety first for our precious little ones. I was walking down the hallway & there was a young woman standing there. I looked at her puzzles for I didn't hear the doorbell ring. She must have read my face & then she said that she was let in by the taxi man. "Okay " I said can I help you? "yes" she said , "I need a pregnancy test". "Okay", I said come on into the Rose Room & please out this form & please print. "Sure"she said. After she fill out the form I brought her to the bathroom for a specimen & asked her to return to the Rose Room when finished. I went back to the room to review the Intake Sheet. When she came back she did the test & then we talked for awhile. She was a very pleasant woman who respects life. I then lead her into the Material Aid Room to get some things for her other children. She was very grateful. I gave her a hug, which I don't do to everyone & then said "if you need anything else please come on back". She said "yes I will & thank you so very much". "So long & God bless you" I said back to her & then she left with lots of information & children clothes. What a very nice person. I then went back to what I was doing before the pregnancy test took place. Martha wasn't back yet & the doorbell rang & I saw that there were two young girls standing at the door. I felt bad enough that I wasn't out there on the front lines today, so the girls coming to the center, sure helped me to feel that I was doing something to change some lives through the grace of God. I answered the door & asked if I could help them. The one girl asked to use the phone> What, I thought, no clothes or pregnancy test. Then the one girl said that they were just over at Planned Parenthood to get a pregnancy test & when they walked by our sign out on the sidewalk they decided to stop in to use the phone, if they could. I said "you were over to Planned Parenthood where they slaughter little babies!! They looked surprised. The one girl said "no they don't do that". I said "oh yes they do, you didn't know that"? I said"I can give you some information regarding what Planned Parenthood does to people". First I went to the office to get the phone for the one girl to use. She was calling for a ride which didn't take place, so I had some time to spend with them to educate them about Planned Parenthood. I showed them pictures of abortion & the one girl said "that's just not right" while the other girl who I saw was very pregnant said "see that's what you were going to do". "No" she said I wouldn't do that". I didn't know that they take the baby apart I just though that the baby come out whole & they put the baby in a jar". "Oh my, I thought ". Prayer & Education's are surely the Keys to change. I told her that after Planned Parenthood has killed the little baby Strong Hospital picks up the babies & sends them to Pathology to determine if it was a pregnancy & then they put the babies, which have been liquefied into the incinerator, which is an oven. The one girl that wasn't pregnant said that she has a 10 month old baby at home & her family told her to have an abortion & she said "no, I don't want to do that". I said that I was glad that she didn't & I'm sure that she was glad that she didn't either. After I gave them lots of brochures & a DVD, to watch together, I lead them into the Material Aid Room to shop. The girls wanted our brochures to take with them so that they could pass the information onto the students that are having sex & could find themselves in that predicament. I went to the office to get them our cards to pass to their friends at school & they also wanted the cards showing the aborted babies to show what abortion really looks like. I was so happy that they were 'go getters' to educate & to save & to change lives, through the grace of God. I was so proud of them & told them so. They will be used by God to save many lives. You go girls!!! I told them to come back if they needed anything more in the future. I gave them some bus money so that they could get home safely. It was the least that I could do since no one was going to pick them up this afternoon, to take them home. They were going in two different directions. Martha finally arrived back to the center after watching her mother-in-law, while her ex husband went to the doctors & then eating a hot dog with him, so she wasn't hungry for supper to eat with me. That's okay Martha I understand. She went to work sorting out all the summer clothes in the Great Room until she told me she had to leave to give the May Day crown to someone so that she could crown the statue of the Blessed Mother, for May is Mary's month. She said that she would see me at Mass tomorrow & then she would spend all day in the center working to sort out children clothes. "Okay", I said I'll see you tomorrow. I stayed to do more work in the office & then I decided to go over to St. Cecilia's Church to get the DVD's that Father had burned for us to pass out to people on the sidewalk & in the center. Thanks father I certainly appreciate it so very much. I asked him for a blessing, whic he gave me, & left the rectory with many DVD's & CD's, for us to pass out, to educate people. Thanks Father & God bless you for your generosity & kindness.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011 in Focus
We had so much to do that Martha & I decided to stay in the center to do the work of sorting out & putting away the children clothes that we were blessed with. We were very busy & I thank God that Paul came to help us. The door bell rang & t was our friend James & his child & the mother, which at this time is girlfriend, came to have Martha & I meet them I said to him why don't you make her your wife? The little girl was so cute & the family looked happy. James is schizophrenic & Martha helped him, for she is a former Psychic nurse, told him to get on medication & to take it. He took her advise & because of this he was able to go back with this girlfriend, the mother of his child. If he stays on track they will be okay together. Their sweet daughter was blessed with many nice things in the Material Aid Room. Martha & I were so happy to see them & to help them 'start over', through the grace of God. After they left we went back to work, I in the office & Martha & Paul in the Material Aid Room, putting away clothes, for we were blessed with many donations & we need to put them away to be ready for our Mass next Wednesday. I received a phone call & it was one of our donators & she asked if she could come on by to drop off some things tonight. I said "sure come on over, we're here". She came to Focus about 20 minutes later & brought with her so many nice things for our mothers. We were so grateful to her for your goodness. The door bell rang again & Martha answered the door & it was our Tina. She said that she was doing better & she even looked better. She came & got some food, in the Material Aid Room, which wasn't a whole lot, but she was thankful for what she received. Martha had brought her some instant oatmeal but she was asking for some dry cereal too but we didn't have it. As she was leaving she gave me a hug & a kiss on my cheek. Lord let us continue to love Tina with your unconditional healing love for her to get better. Amen!
Thursday, May 5, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood (This is Sheila's report ) Bill, Pat, Mike and Paul were all there praying when I arrived at 10:30. We gave out one packet while we were all there, to a couple who had no idea about Margaret Sanger and the background of PP. Mike informed them, and they took a packet and a DVD. It was good to see Mike. He works during the nice weather, but was able to come for an hour to help us out. Paul stayed with me as the others left. He is really good at persuading people to pull over to talk to us. The way he holds the packet out and points to it, people are interested . Between us, we get the message out. I try to imitate his technique when he is not there. The people I spoke to today were at PP for birth control and checkups. I urged them to go to a GOOD doctor, not to one who is killing children. Hopefully they will read the birth control and abstinence information in their packet, and then pass it on to others. A Jehovah Witness lady walked by. She refused our packet, but totally supports what we are doing there. She will be praying for our success in saving babies from being murdered at PP. Dan and Addison came, and Adolf came a little later. Mary allowed me to take part in a counseling session after a pregnancy test. She is so caring, and smooth, and gives out plenty of helpful information. I will work on trying to be like that. I learned a lot in those few minutes. Thank you Mary.
I arrived at the center at around 1pm & as I was getting ready t go out to the front lines & to say to the gentlemen that are praying there & to speak to Sheila to get a run down of what has happened on her watch from 10:30am to 1pm, before she leaves. Just then as I was walking down the hallway there was a young woman approaching me. I looked puzzled at her for I didn't hear the doorbell ring. She saw my face & said that the taxi man let her in. I said "okay", "can I help you". She said "can I get a pregnancy test now". I asked her if she could wait an half hour for the counselor Suzanne to come in. She said "no, I have to go somewhere". "Okay , I said & brought her into the Rose Room to start the process. As the new client was in the bathroom Sheila came in & I told her what was going on. She briefly told me what went on during her time on the front lines. Our client came back & I told her that Miss Sheila was also a counselor & if she minded if she was here. She said "no" so after the pregnancy test Sheila came back into the room & we both administered to her according to her test results. I gave her more information & then brought her into the Material Aid Room to get a book for her child at home. She picked up one & said "thank you" & then left. Sheila & I went on to catch up with what had happened earlier. She said that she had to leave. Adolf was there on the front lines praying & Martha wasn't there yet but Suzanne just came in a little earlier, & I was so glad. Just then a couple of moms came in to get some things into the Material Aid Room. She had also brought in a infant car seat for a mom whose Aunt has come in to receive some things for her niece that is about to give birth & has nothing & a pac'n play for our mom with twins, who just delivered them about a week ago. After I left she made the calls to the women to come & pick up the items, which were for them, & they did. They both were so happy & so were we to be able to help them. Also a big thank you to Angel Care at Guardian Angels Parish, who has blessed us with so many infant car seats & pac'n plays, over the years. God bless your ministry. Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, was very busy this afternoon & when she left at 4pm she had some very good news for me, so here it is. Baby # 9: Baby boy Jhaziel was born on March 2, 2011 & the husband/father said that mom & baby are doing well. Baby # 10: Baby girl Shantay Lea was born on March 20, 2011 at 7lbs. 5oz. & was 19" long. Mom & baby are doing well. Praise God for this fantastic news of our moms who are either not abortion minded or are abortion minded & had changed their mind, through the grace of God. We are expecting more babies to be born this year! On the front lines I spoke to a man & young woman who were driving into Planned Parenthood. He, the driver, stopped the car & told me that they were there for a pregnancy test. I said to him that a pregnancy center, was 2 doors down the street & it gives out 'free' pregnancy tests. I saw that the girlfriend, on the passenger side, was insistent on going into Planned Parenthood, so he listened to her & he drove into the parking lot & they both went in. I knew that they weren't doing pregnancy tests on Thursday's, for they are to busy killing little babies, so I knew that it was a matter of time that they will be walking out. They were in there for less then 10 minutes when they both walked out & back into their car they went. As they were driving out I offered them again the 'free' pregnancy test. next to the big yellow building. He said "okay". I said "come follow me" & I lead them to the parking lot of the Focus Center. He got out of the car first & I handed him a Truth packet & he said "thank you". She then got out of the car & while she was walking pass me, with her face straight ahead, I saw that she was wearing a big silver heart necklace around her neck. I mentioned to her that I liked her heart. No response & her face was stoic as she entered the center. I had first rang the doorbell, when I arrived at the center, so Suzanne was at the door greeting the two people that I just brought in with a big smile. I closed the door & went back to the front lines, with a bad feeling in my heart. Later I found out that she was pregnant & is abortion minded. I could sense it by her attitude. The opposite was true of her boyfriend who was happy with the results. I only hope & pray that he wins. Suzanne said that she was allowed to pray with them. She lead them in prayer, which I was happy to hear about. Then after the prayer, the young pregnant girl, wanted to leave right away. So they left. We must continue to pray that she will & all women will 'Choose Life'. Martha had arrived & was in the center making coffee to come out on the front lines to stay awake & to get energized. Bill was holding a graphic sign across the street. Adolf, Martha, Bill & I were the witness this afternoon. I was standing on the sidewalk when a young girl, who I though was a guy because her hair was so short hollered some colorful words to me & showed me that she was #1. I called back to her to watch her disgusting mouth, it wasn't pretty, now I could tell that she was a female by her voice. Some of these girls are very hard & nasty. We are not sitting ducks out on the front lines but we are Christians & we never curse or swear or say anything that is crude. It's so sad to me when this happens, for the girl isn't in a good place. I saw that Debbie, who works at Planned Parenthood, was driving in. She stopped her car to tell me that she was finally leaving, for she got a new job, at Monroe Community Hospital. I was so happy to hear this & wished the very best to her. I asked her quickly when her last day was & she said May 13th.. "Great" I said back. She is a Christian & she told me 6 years ago that she worked in the 'clean' section, for she worked at the front desk. "What", I said to her, "there is no clean section at Planned Parenthood". Through prayer & persistence, she finally got convicted & was determined to find another job to get out of Planned Parenthood. So this is great news that she is finally leaving Planned Parenthood for good. Yeah! Martha & Paul were in the center working & Adolf & Bill had left. I was by myself for awhile, on the front line, & I noticed that there was possibly two precious babies, that lost their lives, there this afternoon. The regular abortionist Rachael Phelps wasn't there but there was another abortionist there today. Lord have Mercy!! I finally went into the center & did office work for awhile & Martha & Paul were putting away the clothes in the Great Room, from the boxes & bags & putting them into the Material Aid Room. After I got done I helped them a little. It was overwhelming. The doorbell rang & it was Carla & she came to help us. She is so nice to do that. She is a busy mother with 5 children under six & no twins either. Her children are so cute. She stayed to help us for awhile & then her & Paul left to go home. Martha & I ate supper together & then we were planning to go to St. Jude's for Holy Hour. e got as much as we do tonight & Martha left for church. Just when I was ready to leave Dan came. I welcomed him & said that I was heading to church. I also said that I didn't really have any repairs or assignments for him tonight. We visited for a about 10 minutes & then we both left.
Monday, May 9, 2011 at home This is the incident that happened on the front line on February 24th. 2011. Today, May 9th. I received a phone call on my emergency 24x7 cell phone & it was this lady. She started out asking for the name of the President of Planned Parenthood, for she wanted to write him letter because she was angry that Planned Parenthood didn't counsel her daughter enough before the abortion & now she & her daughter are a mess. She also was upset with the blonde girl (that's me) that spoke with her that day. She called her "hateful" person. I felt badly that she thought that about me because I was trying for her to go back into PP to save her grandchild but she would have no part of that, that day, & now her & daughter are suffering for it. She is also post abortive but said that she came to grips with what she did when someone told her that she needed to ask her child to forgive her. But she then lets her daughter have an abortion & even brings her into Planned Parenthood to have her precious baby killed. How can I grasp that, it's to hard. Now they both have regrets but they can't put their baby back. That's what happens after you kill your innocent, voiceless, defenseless child. I'm not surprised but I am sad. I tried to talk to her that day & now she blames me. I don't think that she thought that she was talking to the blonde lady who is hateful & is messing up the ministry on the sidewalk, saying "killing & murder" to people. I saw that to the Planned Parenthood workers & abortionist & president of Planned Parenthood, James Stewart, not to the girls. I offer them help & give them the facts about abortion & birth control & what PP does to people. After she hung up on me I called her back & told her that she needed to take responsibility for her actions & not blame people that were trying to help you. She said something I can't repeat here, to me, & she hung up on me again, for the third time. I was again sad that she's just not getting it. I hope & pray that she will get the help that she & her daughter needs in the very near future. This might come to pass because after this incident with this woman Sheila called me on my cell about something else & I told her about what just happened. She was very attentive & asked for her phone number & said that she would call her & give her the name of the President of Planned Parenthood, James Stewart & to get help at Embracing Options Pregnancy Center which deals with post abortion trauma. This woman wanted to prevent abortions from happening not after the fact. Maybe they can help her there. Sheila called & spoke with her & made some head way with her. I just emailed Sheila & asked her to call her back tomorrow with this information. She can call 1-800-U-CAN-SUE, (that's 1-800-822-6783 9am to 9pm EST) @ http://www.prolife.com/800-U-Can-Sue.html to talk to someone there or the Thomas More Society @ http://www.thomasmoresociety.org/. They could possibly help her too. A Class Action Suit would close PP for good.
Thanks Sheila!!!! God bless you in how the Good Lord works through you!! :) I will keep these two women in my heart & prayers, as I do with all pregnant women & post abortive women. Lord Have Mercy!! To express your complaints of Planned Parenthood please notify: PPRSR Leadership
James Stewart, President & CEO
114 University Avenue
Rochester, NY 14605
(585) 546-2771 jstewart@pprsr.org This was written, by me on, 2/24/11, on Front Line Weekly, regarding this woman that I spoke with today, on the phone. Thursday, February 24, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Just then a woman came around the bushes with a cigarette in her mouth, she was about in her 40's & she looked at the graphic picture of the little 10 week old aborted baby & said "that's not what it looks like, it's just an embryo". "What" Martha & I both chimed in. I said that you were once an embryo & look at you now. You've grown a lot since then. An embryo is just a very small person. "No" she said & walked down the sidewalk away from us. They won't let you smoke in Planned Parenthood but you can murder in there. What an evil. A few minutes later, since Martha was now here I needed to get my warmer coat & boots, gloves & a hat on, for it was colder than I thought. I walked to where my car was parked in our parking lot & I then saw the lady with the cigarette coming out of Mack's store, next our pregnancy center. I tried to reason with her about allowing her daughter to have an abortion. She said to me "have you had an abortion"? I answered "no" & she said "see then you don't know what you're talking about". I said that I know that fire hurts without going into a burning building to find out". "You're not God", she said. I said "I know that I'm not God & He said "Thou Shall Not Kill". All of a sudden I heard a voice from behind me saying "are you going to carry this baby"? What, I thought to myself who are you & where did you come from & why are you siding with her & not with me who is trying to save a life?? Then the woman with the cigarette said "see that's what I'm talking about". The angry woman then went into the Focus Center. I thought let Diane, who was helping us out in the Material Aid Room today & Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, take care of her, they're capable. She then said "don't harass me". I said " you're in a public place & you can get away from me at any time & I'm not threatening your life like you're threatening your grandson or granddaughter's life". She walked away & I knew that Martha will say something to her as she passes by her going back into Planned Parenthood.
Please go to page 11. Thank you!! We must defend the innocent and instruct the ignorant.
He knows how to live well who knows how to pray well.
-- St. Augustine
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood The weather was so bad, it was snowing hard & I wanted to leave early to get to church & then my cell phone rang. I hurried to get the phone & it was one of our moms. She told me that she was in the hospital & just gave birth to baby boy Daniel Anthony, who weighed in at 6lbs. 12ozs. on December 13, 2010. Mother & baby are doing well. Praise God!! This was fantastic news to hear. I told her that if she needed anything please just call me & I'd see what I could do at Focus. She was happy to hear this & we said "good bye". Off I go onto the white streets of Rochester. I got to Mass & thank God there was Martha in the pew already. I wasn't sure if she would venture out in this bad weather but she did & there she was, at Mass. What a trooper. After Mass I told her of our 'new arrival & she was so happy to hear this. Off we went to the center. We arrived & she made coffee & I went outside to scoop out the situation at Planned Parenthood. Even if the weather was bad that didn't mean that people wouldn't show up at an abortion mill, for the parking lot was filled. My heart dropped. I went back into the center to tell Martha & we decided to go out to the front lines, as soon as we do some work in the center first, the place was a mess. About 10 minutes later Donna showed up to join us outside. What a trooper she is too! Donna called out to the people going into Planned Parenthood to offer them the Truth packet. She passed out 4 packets, to educate. One woman walked passed us, just coming out of Planned Parenthood. & we got to talk to her for a minute & handed her a packet & told her about the center & the Material Aid Room, which she was happy to hear about for she said that she had 2 children. Off she went to catch the bus. She was in there for a physical & we love to give the women & girls a list of doctors that 'respect life' & don't do abortions. I looked over the fence & saw a man out in front of the main entrance smoking. I called over to him to offer him help & gave him information that he needed to hear. I also said to him that you can't smoke in Planned Parenthood but you have your baby killed in there. He gave me the 'bird' & went back inside. A few minutes later a woman came out to have a smoke & I started to say something to her & she became defensive right away. He might have warned her that there was somebody outside that bugs you when you go out for a smoke. The hearts of men & women have grown cold. She was nasty but I kept on stating the Truth to her & pleading to her to 'choose" life. She went into Planned Parenthood & about 15 minutes he came out again for another cigarette. I called him a 'Dad' & that his son wanted to play ball with him or wanted to go to the movies with him, for the same son of yours, that wants to be a part of your life, is the same person that's in the womb of your wife or girlfriend now. He went inside faster than before, I don't think that he smoked all of his cigarette this time. God please save this & all of the babies that are scheduled to be killed at Planned Parenthood & every place else. In Jesus' name. Amen. Donna & I were standing on the sidewalk & there came a snow truck & blowed a ton of snow onto us. The pressure against my leg was unbelievable. Bad timing on my part. Next time I see a big truck I'll move. It came upon us sooo fast. I almost got hit by the snow blower in our parking lot where we have the center. He wouldn't slow the truck down as I was walking into the parking lot to go into the center. I turned the corner & there was the moving truck...woops. God saved my life once more, for I felt like someone put my breaks on, so I couldn't walk any further, it must have been my Guardian Angel. Thank you Lord, I do appreciate it. Martha & I went back into the center & Donna had to go home. We went into the center & the door bell rang & it was one of our moms getting some things for her new baby girl. She was thankful. About a half an hour later the door bell rang again & it was our mom who is pregnant with twins in need of diapers. She got some nice things in the Material Aid Room & we paid for the cab to take her home. She was grateful & it mad Martha & I happy too. Martha had slammed her head on the handle of the kitchen cupboard earlier while making coffee, I just found out about that. She had to go get gas for she tank was almost empty & she wanted to go in the day light instead of the dark, makes sense to me. I said that I would go with her, maybe that wasn't a good idea, for she hit her face on the edge of the car door, as she was talking to me at the gas station. She picked up some snow from the ground & put it on her face. Poor Martha, what a day for her. I hope no one gets hurt tomorrow. We went back to the center & had supper together. I brought in a chicken & potatoes, for baking in the Dutch Oven, & asparagus & salad & cranberry sauce for our supper & we had invited the dispatcher of the taxi company that shares the hall with us. He was very grateful for he hadn't had any breakfast & no lunch & didn't have any food for supper either, poor guy. We fed him well & he was able to continue his job with more energy. Martha & I did some more work & she left & I stayed for a little longer, in the office, to do ketchup, ha ha & then went home. One of our clients called me at home & she'll stop by the center tomorrow to see us. Yeah!! Paula (mother) & Hannah (daughter) are planning to stop by to help us out for an hour tomorrow afternoon, they are terrific helpers.
A Note: There is hope! A small group of us have been in front of Planned Parenthood, in Rochester, NY, sidewalk counseling about 15 years now & we have seen many miracles. Some of the workers have left, through the grace of God & babies have been saved from abortion & were born. We are vocal & give out literature packets & show graphic signs, that save babies lives. We know that we are up against the evil that it present there but through prayer we trust that the Lord is with us protecting us from the snare of the Evil One. We must be faithful for He is faithful. Many lives have been saved, from abortion, because we were out there in all kinds of weather. Like the sweet elderly woman once said "And if I can change one heart - even ONE, then it will have all been worth it". I know that the good Lord used her to change many hearts. You can too, please be used by God, in front of your local abortion clinic & watch the miracles happen. Just take the first step, for He is right beside you, to guide you. It's worth it....Come Holy Spirit Come!
"Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds" Matthew 11: 19
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood A day from Hell!! Yesterday Ms. C. called me around 10:30pm & asked if she could have $20 for bus passes. I said that this would be her Christmas present from Focus & she could pick it up at Focus tomorrow around 1pm when I arrive. She said "okay" & we hung up the phone & I went to bed, a couple of hours later, I'm a night owl. After Mass today Paula & her family came to the center to help out. I wanted her to meet Ms. C because she talked to her after she threatened to have an abortion after Martha & I took her to to get the RU486 pills taken out, in September when she was 7 weeks pregnant. So I wanted her to meet her because I thought that she was influential in her continuing her pregnancy, for this is what Ms. C lead me to believe. The doorbell rang & it was Ms. C so I greeted her & gave her a hug. I had just signed her Christmas card & put I in a prayer card of Our Lady of Guadeloupe. the Mother of Christ & the Mother of the Unborn. Paula, Ms. C & I were in the hallway of the center I asked her how she was doing & how did the doctors appointment go, last week, & did they do an ultrasound? She replied back to me that she didn't like doctors & she wasn't really taking care of herself. I said "are you still pregnant"? She looked down & mumbled that she wasn't. I asked if she had a miscarriage & she said that she went through with the abortion after all about a month & a half ago. She had her precious baby killed & she deceived Martha & I for a very long time to get $$ from us.... no more that's for sure. I will pray for her & when she is remorseful of what she did & needs help, I will give her Post Abortion brochures & phone numbers to call the women that can help her. This was a shock to say the least & it will take me many moons to process this & to grieve over the loss of her precious baby's life that she earlier tried to end by the RU486 pills. I thought that her & her baby had a chance for a good life, but I was wrong. She is selfish & played both Martha & I over a couple of months. No matter what her history is there is no reason to abuse another human being. Three young kids drove into Planned Parenthood's parking lot. The young man hollered over that he was coming over to speak to us which he did. He came from around the bushes to the sidewalk where Martha & I were standing. He reached out his hand to me saying that his name was Paul. The girls went into PP to go to the bathroom he said & that they were for life & not for abortion. I don't know why they would want to got to the bathroom at Planned Parenthood?? The girls came out of Planned Parenthood & came over to us & were receptive to what we were saying. Paul wanted to use the new mega phone to say 'life', I let him. We gave them DVD's & the Bella movie & 3 Truth packets & the Rosaries, which they will pray. They thanked Martha & I profusely & then drove away. Paul had a lot of personality & all 3 were a pleasure, a breath of fresh air.
Thursday, December 16, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood I was so bummed out with the murder & deception, of one of our clients, yesterday that I had called Sheila, last night, that I would be there on the front line later this morning. She was going to have her brother & three other pro lifers with her. I did arrive earlier than I had planned & I got there at around 11am instead of 10:30am. The first situation I experienced was that a client of ours who walks with a walker & brings her husband with her that doesn't say anything but just stands there, were waiting by the door. I got out of my car & then told her in a nice way that I'm usually not there at this time on Thursdays but next time come around 1:30pm if you can. I said that I would open up the Material Aid Room, this time, but please be quick for I need to be out on the front lines with the team. She came in & shopped around for about 10 minutes & then I said again that I needed to go & she rapped up her shopping & she & her husband left with many nice things for their children.
December 25, 2010 Christmas Day, the Birthday of the Christ Child, who Redeemed the World of sin Taken from "Joyful Meditations for Everyday of Advent" by Rev Warren J. Savage:
It is our joy and our calling to bring love with us wherever we
go. All of us, even the unborn, recognize the voice of love. We know what
it is to feel the balm of comforting words, and the joy of appreciative
We also know what it is to see the face of love. Whenever we light up at
the sight of someone, we are seeing our own love reflected in that person.
God within us recognizes God within the other person and responds with a
leap of joy.
Our challenge is to learn to recognize God within the people who disturb,
dismiss, or disrespect us. We can make a start by speaking courteously and
appreciatively to those we find it hard to love. We can shine our light of
goodness and love in the darkness that we feel in the presence of those who
trouble us. We can make an intentional effort to be peacemakers in all
Ponder: Where does my inner light shine most brightly? Who is a beacon of
love in my life?
Prayer: Lord, you offer your love freely to all. Help me to let go of
anger, resentment, and pride and let your love shine through me.
Through the grace of God & our co operating with it "nothing is impossible
with God". Thanks for helping me to be a better person, as I approach the
darkness of death, at Planned Parenthood. As we call out to the mothers, I
hope & pray that the babies will hear the 'love' from us, before they die &
go back to heaven where they will always feel & hear the continuous love of the
Lord & Mother Mary.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood I was heading out of my apartment, to go to Mass, when the phone rang. It was a young woman who said that DSS had assigned her to help us out at Focus. I was surprised & I said that I would be there at 1pm today, she replied that she would be there then too. I said "okay, I'll see you then" & hung up. When I arrived at the center at 1pm there she was. We introduced ourselves to each other & I started to orientate her to what we do at Focus. I also introduced her to the other members of the Focus team & to the men in the Taxi Company. She fit right in & started to work, right away, straightening up the Material Aid Room. She organized the room & it looks great now. She also made up the Truth packets & over the next couple of days she did many other helpful things in the center. She also talks to our moms in the Material Aid Room, as they shop for their children, making them feel comfortable. She is a blessing to us. We had one of our clients who is pregnant with twins come in to receive more things for her other children & to talk. Life is hard for her now but we told her that things will get better soon & she always has us to come & talk to. She was happy to hear that & I got a big smile from her. She is a believer & does trust in God. Martha & I were on the front lines today, for Carole & Donna were away, due to Christmas time commitments with family. I was happy to see Deanna & her niece Gianna, who is 7 years old, come to the center, Deanna came to help out. John was with us today in the office too. Well need less to say we got a lot done in the office with all the paper work. Deanna made up some fliers to sent out to our clients to invite them to a 'Special Day @ Focus' on January 22nd from 9:30am to 1pm. We will have a Life Coach & a representative from Mary Kay cosmetics to do make overs for our girls. We will serve a light breakfast & then have a great lunch served, from Wegmans. It will be a day for them to feel special & to get pampered. I especially want to thank Pat Smith in making this event possible, at Focus, along with Carley & Yolanda. God bless you all.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 not in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I had soooo much to do in the center that we decided to stay in to do what we needed to do. She wasn't feeling well either. No one was out on the front lines today sorry to say.
Thursday, December 30, 2010 in front of Planned Parenthood (last day in 2010) There was coverage all day today in front of the Death Mill Planned Parenthood from 9am to 4:30pm. This is going to be the norm in 2011. All day coverage on Thursdays when they murder these precious, innocent babies that the Lord had just created. I came at 12 noon & right away I was doing three pregnancy tests & counseling another young girl who was pregnant. I was sending one client to St. Mary's Clinic to get checked out & another client to Compass Care for an ultrasound. I was so busy my head was spinning for I was the only one who could do the pregnancy tests for Suzanne wouldn't be there until 2pm today & Martha was sick. After I spent an hour in the center I went outside to be with Sheila & her brother, until they had to go, then Bill came & planted himself across the street & I was alone on the Planned Parenthood side where the big bushes are. I called out to everyone that drove into the Death Camp pleading with them not to have their baby killed. No one listened. Hours later as a young girl was coming out of the parking lot with her so called boyfriend driving, I said to her, holding the poster of the aborted baby, "I hope that you didn't do this to your baby"? She looked at me with her eyes rolled back in her head & said to me "your mother should have aborted you". Evil is NOT pretty. Their lives are a mess & will be until she & he REPENT!! Another guy driving out with his so called girlfriend waved his left arm out the window all the way up the street. What, celebrating the murder of his child....how bizarre!! Something's you just can't absorb. People are cruel & abortion is MEAN & it won't make them happy that's for sure. They are Post Abortive now http://www.allaboutlifechallenges.org/post-abortion-syndrome.htm and http://postabortionsyndrome.org/ and http://www.troubledwith.com/loveandsex/PostAbortionSynd.cfm to receive help, forgiveness & healing, from God. Dan came after Bill had gone but he needed to do some work in the center for me so I was by myself for a very long time. I know that God & Mother Mary & the Angels were with me for sure & the Saints were praying for me too. We're never alone...... Our new girl, who is helping us out & Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, were busy in the center. Leanne was sick today & will be back next week to help out in the office. I sent a woman who was walking down the street into the center to go into the Material Aid Room to get some things for her children & she came out about 20 minutes later with 3 bags full. Her kids didn't have any jackets so we provided them for her. It felt good that we can make a difference at Focus.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I arrived at the center after Mass when my cell phone rang, it was one of our clients who was RSVPing to come to the day at Focus, on January 22nd., where we will pampering our clients. I was happy to put her on our list. Sandy came in & worked hard putting things away, in the Material Aid Room, that were donated to us at Focus. Donna was out on the front lines of Planned Parenthood holding her 'Chosse Life' sign. Martha & I were about to join her soon, for we were doing somethings in the center first. I was so sleepy today that I went into the center to take a 15 minute nap on the sofa in the Great Room. When I went back out to the front lines Martha & Donna told me that a young girl & her so called boyfriend came walking out of Planned Parenthood to the sidewalk. Martha heard the guy say to the person on the phone, who he was talking to saying "she changed her mind, she changed her mind, she didn't go through with it". Martha started to talk to the young girl & told her to stay strong against the evil wishes of her boyfriend & that we could help her. He hollered over to Martha "so are you going to raise this kid"? Martha said "it would be my pleasure". Off they go walking down the street & around the corner. Oh Lord please protect this mother & child from all evil. Thank you, Amen A mother & her daughter was walking out of Planned Parenthood & I called over to them. The mother indicated that I was crazy. I indicated back to her that she was the one at Planned Parenthood & I was the on the sidewalk. As they were driving out the mother hollered over to me "choice, it's our choice". "No" I said back, "it's never your choice to have a baby killed". Then the daughter expressed herself saying it was her choice & that the baby was already dead". Off they went down the street never to be the same again. A car drove into Planned Parenthood saying that she agreed to what we were doing. I then asked her why she was there. She said for Rape Crisis Counseling. I asked to wait while I went to the literature box to get our referrals for her & our brochure for her. She waited patiently for the information. I told her that I was a rape survivor & if she wanted to talk then please give me a call at the 888 number on the brochure. She smiled at me & said thank you. We handed a lot of Truth packets out today. Officer Mike stopped & handed us 3 hot chocolates from Dunkin'N Donuts. Thanks Mike you're in our prayers. Mmmm good hot chocolate.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I went to Focus after Mass & I told her that Pat, our great grand mother, had called me before I left for church & was planning to come to Focus today around 4:30pm, to pick up a couple of things for her great grandchildren. She told me that her other granddaughter is pregnant now. Abortion is never an option with Pat, thank God. She has saved her great grand children from being aborted, what a remarkable woman!! Martha then made coffee & then the doorbell rang & it was Allyssia, she wasn't with us yesterday due to an foot problem. Glad to se her & she was ready to work. Martha started to bring out the signs & literature box to the front lines to get ready to witness to the public & the people going in & out of Planned Parenthood. I was going to join her after I made a call to order literature for the Truth packets, they were having a sale so I wanted to save some money for Focus. I made my order & I was about to go out to the sidewalk to join Martha when Allyssia peaked her head into the office to tell me that three girls were in the hallway asking to have a pregnancy test. I said "sure, I'll be right out". I went out to the hallway to see familiar faces. Two of the three girls asked for a pregnancy test. I guided them into the Rose Room to fill out an Intake Sheet. I was worried about Martha being out on the sidewalk by herself so I asked Dan, the Realtor who rents the office in the hallway to go & tell Martha that I was doing pregnancy tests & that I will come out as soon as I'm finished. He said that he would. I went into the Rose Room to administer to the girls. After the tests I counseled them again on abstinence & respect for one self & told them that I cared about them & to come back if they needed us at Focus. I invited them to our Workshop on the 22nd.. They smiled & said "thank you" & left hopefully more educated then before. We have to keep trying & Rome wasn't built in a day. After they left I asked Alyssa to make Martha & I a chicken sandwich & she said that she would. I start to feel icky around this time of day & food will help. She made the best chicken sandwich I ever ate, thanks Alyssa. She brought one out to Martha & came back in to say that Martha wasn't alone but had a woman with her. Oh thank God, Carole had arrived to be with us today & Martha wasn't alone. I was at peace now. I finally got out to the front lines & greeted Carole who showed me the pictures of her granddaughter, Payton, who was born months ago at 1lb. 7ozs. & is now 18 lbs. but she needs more eye surgery but is thriving. She is soooo cute & such a fighter, how difficult this has been for Carole & her family but they trusted the dear Lord & prayed, prayed & prayed some more. Carole told me that her & her husband will be going to Florida at the end of January until April, they will be house sitting for her friend. I was so disappointed for we need her out on the front lines on Tuesdays & Wednesdays but God is in charge not me. He'll provide for us on the street ministry. We talked to many women & girls, with really no response, sort of no affix, it's so sad that they believe the lies at Planned Parenthood examples: it's a blob, it's not human, a clump of tissue, not viable, (the baby isn't suppose to be out of the womb at this time), it's the best time to terminate now, birth control prevents abortions, etc.. Brain washing techniques. They sell abortions & the workers there are programmed to be 'robots of death'. Then things turned around real fast. A young girl came from around the bushes & Martha asked her if she wanted a pregnancy test & she quickly responded with a "yes". I looked at Martha, as if to say 'it's your turn to do a pregnancy test', I just did two. I then introduced the young girl to Martha & she then reached over, to the wooden ledge to get her cup of coffee first, as they both walked towards the pregnancy center. It was Carole & I now on the sidewalk to witness. A young mom with a small baby stopped her car as she was leaving the parking lot of Planned Parenthood to take the Truth packet. She said to me that the graphic pictures were not helpful & probably worked against us. I corrected her to say that these pictures have saved many babies lives... end of discussion. She was nice but misinformed. I hope that the Truth packet educated her more to the Truth about abortion & Planned Parenthood. That's are job!! Then a young boy approached me asking for a Rosary. I looked at him & said "you have to say the Rosary so that you can go to Heaven". He looked at me so sweetly & said that he was going to say the Rosary so I gave him one. He looked at me with his sincere eyes & said "thank you". How refreshing. I noticed that he was walking to a parked car so I walked over to the car to see that a woman was at the wheel & two young girls were in the back seat. I spoke to his mother & went back to the literature box to get her a Truth packet & an invitation to our Workshop on January 22nd.. She was most grateful for all the information. Carole & I wondered why Martha was gone so long in doing a pregnancy test so I asked Carole if I could leave her alone for just a few minutes to go into the center to check. She said that would be fine, so off I went into the center to see what was going on. Alyssa was assisting a mom in the Material Aid Room & Martha & the young woman were still in the Rose Room, all was well so out I went back to be with Carole. About 10 minutes later Martha returned back to the sidewalk. She said little about the interview which is okay, we want confidentially to be prime. Tucker came & Carole left. Tucker, Martha & I talked for a little while then a man who was in the parking lot of Buckpitt, which is right next door to Planned Parenthood was confronting Tucker, which he hates. Martha was also talking to him too. I heard Tucker say to him that even Hitler gave roses to his mother. The guy was defending Planned Parenthood saying that they do other things than abortions. With each abortion means a baby dies, please don't minimize the killing of these little precious, innocent human beings. I walked over to him, with just the fence separating us, he seemed nice but misguided. I offered him a Truth packet & a DVD which he reached over the fence to receive. I was pleasantly surprised. I asked him what his name was & he answered back that it was Jim. I told him my name was Mary. I reached over the fence to shake his hand. He said that his hand was dirty but I said that was okay & we shook hands. I said to him to look over the information & in a couple of weeks lets talk. He smiled & said "sure". I figured that would give him enough time to get the Truth & he would know what we are doing & talking about in front of Planned Parenthood. I'll see if I ever see him again, he was nice though. Martha & I went into the center & Tucker stayed outside by himself, which he usually does. I hope that's a good idea?? Pat, our great grandmother came & Martha & I sat down to talk to her for awhile. She was spunky & upset about many things. We tried to calm her down a bit. She did receive some nice things, for her family, which I think helped her, that's what we're all about, is to help people. We love her too & all our clients. After she left Martha, Alyssa & I prepared supper. As we were having supper Martha casually mentioned that the girl that had counseled earlier said that she was going to be bringing her cousin into Planned Parenthood tomorrow, Thursday for an abortion of twins. Hit me over my heard with a boulder why don't you. Martha must have still been in shock to have waited so long to tell me & at supper no less. She told the girl that she should not do this & she responded that she would be mad if she didn't. Martha told her that's just to bad, she would also be responsible in the death of the babies. Martha gave her every graphic picture we had in the Rose Room & the DVD too. That's why she was in the Rose Room for so long with her this afternoon was to talk to her about how to go back to the house & to talk her cousin out of killing her twins. Delayed stress!! She called over to the house after supper but no one answered so she said that when she gets home she'll try again, which she did. I had to hurry to get home for Dan was coming to my apartment to check out my computer for I think that I got a virus. When I got home I called a couple of people to ask them to pray for this woman that she wouldn't have her precious babies killed tomorrow at Planned Parenthood. I was sick to my stomach.
Thursday, January 6, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Our first new baby of 2011 was just born on January 4th. a little boy Eric Israel at 7lbs. 4 ozs.. Mother and son are doing well. Also, twins that were scheduled to be aborted at Planned Parenthood today, Thursday, were not. Mother changed her mind, after Martha had spoken to her cousin, that had come into Focus for a pregnancy test yesterday. Praise God!!! Mother of the twins in now under our care for baby items, in the future & has our prayers & support. We will keep in contact with this mother as we do all our mothers thanks to Suzanne. It's a team effort!!!
The grace of God & Martha talked to her cousin who came in for a pregnancy test the day before & she talked to her like a Dutch Uncle. She was given all the info we had & the graphic pictures & the DVD on Grow & Development too. We prayed & asked others to pray too & we were blessed with the great news, the next day!! It was great news but later that day Planned Parenthood killed many babies without mercy. Some young guy dressed up in a skeleton outfit along with a mask. It was so evil. A woman came over to me at the fence & screamed at me that the girl, she had brought into Planned Parenthood, had been raped & she brought her hear for an abortion so that the child wouldn't remind her of the rapist. I said 'adoption' & support & counseling & love, was the answer. I told her that in time she could be healed from the rape but she will never really get over the abortion, she said that I was crazy. I told her that I was a gang rape survivor & conceived twins, in the rape (which I later miscarried) & it wasn't the baby's fault that he or she got conceived in the rape & that the baby shouldn't die for the crime of the father, but she could care less & went back into Planned Parenthood. All I can do is pray for them all & hope, in time that they repent. It was a very traumatic afternoon compared to the great news earlier in the morning. Our mom of the twins is 7 weeks so please continue to pray for her. Thank you so. We told her that we would be right there for her & her cousin is supportive for 'life' too which is great. She also had a positive influence on this woman's decision too, I'm sure, after Martha educated her the day before about abortion. Counseling made a difference too. Praise God!! It's a very difficult ministry dealing with life & death. We at Focus & all of us on the front line ministry needs your prayers too, to deal with the different scenarios, that come our way every week. Come Holy Spirit come & Mother Mary & St. Michael & all the Angels & the Saints too. God is with us to speak through us & to protect us. God be the Glory!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood It was a day that we had four pro life women out on the front lines & two working in the center helping in the Material Aid Room assisting our moms. Our accountant was working on the application for Foodlink so that we can get non perishable food items & baby & paper products for our clients in need. It was an very throw application & I'm lad that it it completed. It's now just a waiting game for a response. We sent in a letter to Wegmans to seek out assistance at the corporate level for diapers & baby products etc.. This will help us out too. We handed out some Truth packets & DVD's to passer bys. Hoping that some lives will change once they have the truth. Some nasty people driving by mostly men that showed us their intelligence by the 'bird', immature & probably guilty of participating in an abortion. Repent, please you guys!! Martha came into the center to administer to our client Valerie, who is pregnant with twins & entertaining her two other children. Dan just arrived & probably will eat supper with Martha, Alyssa & I.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 not in front of Planned Parenthood There was a snow storm her in Rochester, NY & I really thought that Martha was going to cancel but she didn't, what a trooper. I happen to have met her in the church parking lot & we spent time with the Lord first before we went to the center. Sandy & Alyssa arrived to help out & I took the bags out of my car that was dropped off in my garage by Ana from the Second Thought consignment store in East Rochester. I told Martha that the Women's Care Center had some baby clothes & formula for us & we needed to pick it up on Lake Ave., so we did. They blessed us with so many nice things for our moms. It was good seeing the fantastic people that do what we do in Charlotte. God bless you guys!! Martha & stopped at Tops to get some more food for the Food Shelves in the Material Aid Room. They had a great deal 10 for $10, so we got spaghetti & sauce & evaporated milk for our food shelves. We also got a nice pan, for our cooking at the center, for different events there to be used on our new hot plates. We checked out & when we came out on to the parking lot there was a woman who approached us asking for money for her & her kids & said that she was pregnant too. I knew that she was scamming us but ........ We got back to the center & the girls put everything away in the Material Aid Room. Looking good!! A few minutes later two girls came in & one of the girls got a pregnancy test & the other girl went into the room to get some nice things for her 7 month old baby. When the other girl came out of the Rose Room after her pregnancy test she received some diapers for her 10 month old baby. They both left happy. I worked in the office for a some time then took a nap on the couch in the Great Room.... so tired. I woke up ready to help Martha with the supper she was preparing. We had a nice chicken & potato & salad supper. I cleaned up & Martha brought Alyssa home. I called Sheila & told her that I would be with her on the front lines tomorrow between 10:30 & 11am, to try to save lives from being killed, over at Planned Parenthood. Lord have Mercy!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood
I was sick today & couldn't go out on the front lines & to the center, so I depended on the team to take over which they did. Sheila called me at home to tell me that a woman came out of Planned Parenthood & walked by her, she stopped to ask he if she could help her. The woman said that she just had an ultrasound & is about 7 weeks pregnant & is considering an abortion because she has 2 other children at home. Oh, so the third child has to die because you have children at home, oh to many children, so this one has to be killed so that it won't be so hard for you to raise all these children. Life is cheap at Planned Parenthood. On a less cynical note, Sheila talked to her & gave her our Truth packet & showed her the Focus Center so if she needed anything she could call or stop by to receive our services & we can help her with all her children by giving her free baby & children clothes & small items & referrals of good people & organizations that can help them. I feel strongly, in my spirit, that after talking with Sheila that this pregnant woman won't be back next week for an abortion.
Then Sheila reported that she had stopped a man driving out of Planned Parenthood & offered him a Truth packet. He said that he had tried for 2 weeks in talking her out of the abortion but she wouldn't listen. Sheila asked him to try one more time. He said that he was late for an appointment & off he went. She said that she wasn't sure if he tried again to save the life of his baby. So sad....so evil. She was determined to have her baby be killed by Rachael Phelps at Planned Parenthood that day & because he was a man he couldn't stop her. Why he drove her in was a mystery to me, maybe he was trying to still talk her out of it but it will bother him someday that he drove her to the place where his precious baby was killed. Wounded fathers too.
Martha later reported to me between my up chucking where I thought that I was going to die three times by aspiration but prayed to God to spare my life, which he did, thank you Lord, that when she arived there on the front lines around 1pm she spoke to the peole going into Planned Parenthood. She was talking to a couple in a big van & later the police came in & spoke to them too. She wasn't sure why the police were speaking to them but it was without incident. They never went into Planned Parenthood & they left. Hopefully they changed their minds about killing their precious baby. Only God knows. She also said that that there were prayer warrios out there praying which was great. After 5pm Martha came into the center after being out on the front lines all afternoon, she said that she couldn't feel her feet, not good. Leanne came to organize the office. I was told that I have a big pile of papers to go through either to throw out or to keep & file. Okay Leamme, you're the boss of organizing, anything you say to make sense of the office space, I'll do. Yeah, I'm so glad that the good Lord sent you. What a mess, lets say I've saved everything but I don't know where to find it..... not good, right. Well the team did great again, like always, with or without me. I'll be back!!!!
Monday, January 17, 2011 Martin Luther King Jr. Day A Legacy Fit for a King Today we celebrate the 82nd anniversary of the birth of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. (his actual birthday was on Saturday). Looking back over his speeches and letters, it's impossible to walk away without the sense that this man was divinely inspired. Dr. King's legacy is so significant that everyone from pro-lifers to homosexual activists claims him as one of their own. What's interesting is that many on the Left who embrace Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. are the same who want to silence today's faithful. It was in his "Letter to a Birmingham Jail" that King sought to correct his religious brethren who chastised him for speaking out about the plights of his day.
" So often," he wrote, "the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an arch-defender of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the church's silent -- and often even vocal -- sanction of things as they are. But the judgment of God is upon the church as never before. If today's church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century." The foundation for Dr. King's message wasn't human rights but divine ones. Like Reverend King, we should be challenging the church to stand for truth -- with a capital T.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I was so late for church today that I missed Mass completely. I felt like I was in quick sand trying to reach the church. 'God First' must be my motto, so many phone calls coming in & going out. Lord forgive me, so I made a Spiritual Holy Communion instead. Check out: http://www.ourcatholicprayers.com/spiritual-communion.html. I met up with Martha at the end of Mass & we walked out of Our Lady of Victory together. We got to the center & met up with Sandy, who helps us out on Tuesdays, she noticed that my car was filled with bags & boxes of things to clean up & to put away, in the Material Aid Room. She helped me get the things out of my car & into the center. Sandy & Alyssa, who also helps out at the center, were kept very busy today. Martha was making coffee, I guess to stay awake, & I was trying to get the signs out of the cabinet & onto the sidewalk. Just then Donna & Carole came. What troopers they are. Donna came into the center for a minute & then went right out to the front lines to witness & be assessable to the girls, offering them the Truth packets & help from the pregnancy center. She is such a blessing to us & so is Carole, who will be going to Florida for the next couple of months, then will be back in April to join us again on the front lines in defending life. God bless the 'True Remnant' of dedicated people who come out onto the sidewalk to pray, witness & be abused for the sake of the unborn who have no voice & who are killed without mercy at Planned Parenthood & at all abortion mills & doctor offices throughout the world. We are the arms, legs & hearts & voices, for the offended Lord, who just created these wonderful people in His image & likeness. Lord forgive us!!!! We were approaching girls that were passing us by on the sidewalk & offering them assistance. Some of them said that they were heading to the Focus Center to get baby & children clothes for their families. I was delighted to hear that. We did have an incident where a regular man, who has some mental issues, who comes & gets things at the Material Aid Room. Today he walked right into the office where we keep our diaper supply & helped himself to a whole bag of diapers which I just bought yesterday & hadn't had time to divide the bag yet. Off he goes on his bicycle with the big bag of 56 diapers, not caring that our other moms might need size 5 today, which they did & we didn't have any for them. He had the nerve to come back later on & I lit in on him like a match. I told him that he had no business in the office & that he stole those diapers & he is NOT welcomed back to Focus. No bones about it I will NOT tolerate stealing at Focus!! "There is consequences to sin". Martha also stayed strong & came to the front door & told him to "go away". He was giving me another made up story. 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'. I feel badly about this but I have to stay strong otherwise we will get the reputation that you can come to Focus & steal. No way. I have to protect our center that is my responsibility as a Director. Not an easy position & I pray to be a good one. I was just coming back out to the front lines to join Martha & Carole when about 5 girls came out of Planned Parenthood & stood by the brick side of the building. They were giggling when we called over to them offering them help. One girl took off her coat & was dancing around. They were there for about 5 minutes & then left. About 4 minutes after they walked up the street towards East Main St. 2 police cars came into Planned Parenthood. I said to Martha & Carole "hey girls what did you do while I was away, I'll just tell the police I just got here, I'm innocent". They laughed. Then all of a sudden we looked down the street, & I'm not kidding there were 4 police cars coming up the street & going into Planned Parenthood. I told the girls "I can't leave you alone for a minute & you get into so much trouble.. ha ha". Then the people from Planned Parenthood came out, the usual suspects, there was Eric & Rick & a new guy & a new woman all walking fast heading to the sidewalk. Oh we thought to ourselves they're after those girls that were there & had just left. We wondered what they did to call out 6 police cars, no make it 8, for 2 more police cars came later. Our tax dollars going down the drain again. Like Carole said "they can kill babies in there & no police cars come & when a couple of girls act out in Planned Parenthood they call in the troops". We asked a couple of girls, that walked passed us that were coming out of Planned Parenthood, what had happened & they told us that the girls had a fight in Planned Parenthood. Well, by the time they came out & gathered in front of the building, for about 5 minutes, it looked like they all had made up. I'm sure they didn't know what had hit them when 8 police cars approached them, as they were walking down the street. I don't know if they were arrested or not. Big wimps at Planned Parenthood. What a waste of police time & our $$$$. Planned Parenthood should be arrested for killing human beings in their facility.......What a twisted Society, we live in, when the bad guys get away with murder.......
Wednesday, January 20, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I went to Focus after church. She was cold so we thought that we would run over to Wendy's for something hot before her & I were going out to the front lines. I had to find some papers for Memo when he comes later on to do some computer work for us. I got a call from one of our very pregnant clients, so said that she had to call the taxi company to get a ride to an appointment that she forgot about. I said that Focus would pay for the taxi ride so don't worry about it, she was happy to hear that. She is due next month. I decided to go to the front lines to see if the abortionist Rachael Phelps was there & when I was standing on the sidewalk there came Alyssa coming down the sidewalk. I walked her into Focus & was happy to see her. She told me that she got the job at the Airport in the Flower Shop, good for her bur bad for us for she's a great worker & has been a blessing to us at Focus for the last 3 weeks, we will certainly miss her. Lord please sent us someone else to help us out at Focus like Alyssa & thank you. We wish her the very best!! Martha & I decided to run over to Wendy's now since Alyssa was in the center to take over the Material Aid Room if someone comes in. We were gone not very long & all ate together. After lunch Martha got ready to go out to the front lines & I told her that I would come out as soon as I can. Then the things changed real fast. Then there was Mike, in the parking lot, & he had 2 very large shelves for us for storage. I spent time with him so Martha was out on the sidewalk for awhile. He build up the shelves & put them in the hallway in the Great Room. Later on we took the diapers out of the office & put our diaper supply on the new shelves & locked the door for the first time, in the Great Room, so no one can walk in & take our things. If Foodlink accepts our application we now have room for our new food supplies. Thanks Lord for answering my prayer through Mike. After Mike left I walked out to be with Martha out on the sidewalk. She was prying the Divine Mercy prayers & after she was finished we talked. She reviewed what she had experienced while being out there for the last hour. Then all of a sudden a couple came walking around the bushes to the sidewalk. I started to talk to them & I found out that she was pregnant. I said that we at Focus could help them. I told them where we were & invited them to come & take a look at the center which they accepted. They were late for an appointment at Planned Parenthood for an ultrasound & they wouldn't take her. I gave her the information about Compass Care & she called them & made an appointment for tomorrow. Just then Donna came into the center. She dropped off some very nice things for the Material Aid Room. The boyfriend of this young girl came walking in the hall when Donna came in & they started talking. I was with the young girl in the Rose Room, finishing the Intake Sheet. Well it turned out that Donna said that she would take this couple to the Compass Care Pregnancy Medical Center tomorrow & she would even take them home, in Greece, now. A few minutes later the young man walked up to me, as his girlfriend was in the Material Aid Room getting things for her baby, & thanked me for giving her the graphic pictures of the aborted babies. He said that he doesn't believe in abortion but she was talking about it earlier but not now. He is supportive of her & the baby. I gave them the DVD of Growth & Development & the Bella movie which he said that he had seen awhile ago but forgot most of it & lots of literature. They both left with Donna very happy & Focus will keep in contact with this couple. Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, will call her at times to see how she is doing & what we can do to help her. This was guided by the dear Lord & we thank Him for that. Martha brought all the signs & the literature box into the center. About half an hour later Tucker came to get his sign & chair to witness outside of Planned Parenthood. We were able to talk for a few minutes to catch up before he went outside. I went back into the office to do some paper work when Alyssa came into the office to tell me that some ladies were in the Material Aid Room & wanted to see me. I got up & went to see who it was . I was delighted to see our 'saved' baby who is now 2 months old in the car seat that we blessed the mother with. It was so good to see them both, the mother of the baby & her friend. Praise God that she 'chose life'. I invited them both to our 1st. Workshop this Saturday at Focus, the day to pamper our moms. After they left I went back to the office & the doorbell rang & it was Memo. He come to do the data entry for Focus & what a blessing he has been to us. He has made such a difference to Focus. Thank you Lord for all his help in doing our data entry for 2010. We talked & I gave him the new book 'UnPlanned' by Abby Johnson who left Planned Parenthood in 2009, as Director, in Texas. Check out: http://www.unplannedthebook.com/. It was my thank you for all that he's done for us. After he made a copy of our 80 donators, for me to sent to them a thank you letter & a tax receipt, he left. He'll stop by next week to help us out again. Just after Memo left Pat came, our grandmother, to tell us what was happening in her family's life & to get something's for the babies. It was good to see her but she is carrying a great cross that Jesus will help her to carry. She said that she will be coming along with Katherine on Saturday for the 'Day of Pampering' at Focus. Yeah!! Martha worked on the menu after Pat had left then she made supper for us as I went back into the office. The doorbell rang & it was Dan. He came to work on the kitchen cupboard to straighten it & to replace some bad looking ceiling panels. We want the room to look good for Saturday!! Martha, Alyssa, Dan & I had a nice supper together. We were all kept so very busy today. I left around 9:30pm just after Dan left to go home. It's my pleasure to serve the Lord.
Mug Shots Released After Gosnell, Co-Defendants Arraigned on Murder Charges Philadelphia, PA — Late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell and eight of his co-defendants were arraigned yesterday for the murders of one abortion patient and seven new born babies along with a host of other charges. Below are their mug shots and a summary of their charges. (Note: Gosnell employee Steven Massof has not yet been arraigned as of this writing, so his photo is not included.) http://www.operationrescue.org/ http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/abortionist-brutally-murdered-hundreds-of-living-newborns-clinic-worker http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/print/2011/01/21/gruesome-allegations-surrounding-philly-abortion-doc-spur-washington-debate-0 http://www.onenewsnow.com/Perspectives/Default.aspx?id=1278624
Thursday, January 20, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived to the front lines it was around 12:15pm. There was Sheila, John & three other prayer warriors saying the Rosary. They had few signs out but it was affective to the passer bys, on the street. Sheila told me that the abortionist left around 11:15am. She spoke to her gently while she was in the car, as she was driving out, telling her that we were praying for her to stop doing abortions. I told Sheila that she probably will be back & she was. She came back around 2:15pm. I called to her saying "please Rachael Phelps don't kill anymore children". Before she came back I was alone on the sidewalk, for Martha & John were in the center with Alyssa, for about 10 minutes. I was standing on the sidewalk when I noticed that a very tall young man was walking up the sidewalk on the brick side of the Planned Parenthood building with a young girl who about 5 feet tall. He was arguing with her & pushed her a couple of times, she got away & started to walk up the sidewalk & he stopped her again & then she walked back, with him, into Planned Parenthood. I called 911 to report this incident & 2 police cars came about 10 minutes later & went into Planned Parenthood. They stayed for about 5 minutes & left. I asked, as they were leaving, if everything was okay & they acknowledged that it was. Martha & John were now on the sidewalk with me. The abortionist came in at 2:15pm & this young couple left around 3pm, so I know that she didn't have an abortion. These two young people were picked up by 2 other young guys, so she was in the car with 3 guys, sitting in the back seat with her head down. I called to her saying that we were there for her!! Suzanne, our counselor, came later today but before she left we were happy to find out that Focus was blessed with another baby of 2011. Baby number two, of this year, was born on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 7lbs.. Baby girl Jeamilla & mom are doing well. More Focus babies, are to be born, in the near future. This made us happy, that's for sure. Leanne came to help me organize the office & John helped us out in the center. Martha & I had a quick supper so that we could go to church at 7:30pm @ St. Jude's Church. It's a blessing to be with the Lord.
Saturday, January 22, 2011.....38 years of abortion in this country There were four dedicated pro lifers praying at the pro death event here in Rochester. Check out Channel 8's report...... http://rochesterhomepage.net/fulltext?nxd_id=229156 We had a 'Pampering Day' at Focus, our first Workshop, for our moms from 9:30am to 3:30pm. We had food, make overs, haircuts & a life coach, all free for our moms. We had seven moms & their children. A very busy & blessed day!!
Sunday, January 23, 2011 & I am heading to Washington, DC for the 'March for Life'. Someone was nice enough to pay my way & there was still room on the bus. I'll tell you more about it when I come back. Please pray for us that are going & thank you!!!
![]() I'm back to tell you what went on in Washington, DC on January 24, 2011 Sunday, January 23, 2011 getting ready to take the bus to Washington, DC, for the 'March for Life', on January 24th. I met Martha at her apartment, so that we could drive together, to meet our group at St Pius X Catholic Church to go to DC for the 'March for Life'. There was a prayer service going on & afterwards we all assembled to go onto the bus. It was announced by the Bus Captain that the bus had little or no heat & that we were going to go to Syracuse to get on another bus with heat. Well & good, right. But when everyone was seated on the cool bus it was announced that we were going to go straight to DC instead of stopping in Syracuse, to change buses. What!! To keep this part short, I froze almost to death. It was one of the coldest days of the winter, so far. My legs were sooo cold that they started to burn. The man in front of Martha put his seat back onto Martha's legs. She pushed his seat forward, so fast, & told him that it was hurting her legs. Trying to be the best Christians & pro lifers possible we were certainly bugged by some people talking & having their lights on at 1am as if they were the only ones on the bus & not with about 35 freezing, sleepy people, who will get no sleep & will have to be up all day today & into the next night. Oh well that's why they call it a Pilgrimage, which means to suffer, I think. I'm trying not to complain but be charitable & to offer up my sufferings. I stopped to think that everyone who was on the bus was a Christian & were going to Washington, DC to 'March for Life' for the babies that were being slaughtered,in this country, by abortion. This made me 'shut up' in my mind & heart about the inconveniences of the 6 hour trip. I snoozed on & off for about a total of an hour, at least & prayed that I would survive this day with all that was taking place. We arrived in DC around 5:45am at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception http://www.nationalshrine.com/site/c.osJRKVPBJnH/b.4719297/k.BF65/Home.htm. We stayed for prayer & I fell asleep & woke up to pray some more before we went to go upstairs to the main church for the 'March for Life' Mass at 7:30am. As Martha & I were walking in the crowded hallway we ran into Tony from Rochester so he stayed with us all day until later in the day we lost him in the crowd of 400,000 people. Don't worry he got back home okay. Well before all that happened later on we all three were together for the Mass. We went into the church & sat up front. I fell asleep again, not proud of that & slept on & off during the Mass, how horrible. When I got back to Rochester I was told by a couple of people, that I was on EWTN TV, http://www.ewtn.com/ the cameraman centered in on Tony & I, who was on the right of me, after Holy Communion when I was awake to receive the Lord. I didn't fall asleep again until I went back on the bus at 6pm & sleep until we got back to Rochester around 1am Tuesday morning, except for the 45 minutes that we stopped at Subway for supper. After Mass we headed for the cafeteria for breakfast. We went down the wrong way & ended up last in a mile long line. I was worried that they would run out of food but they didn't. I had the best tasting bacon it was delicious. The rest of the breakfast was good too. So after we had our stomach's filled all three of us went out to join the rest of the marchers to hear the speakers & to march in the 'March for Life'. We took the metro, going a thousand miles per minute, it seemed, which was an experience in itself. I felt sea sick though I've never been on the sea. We landed at our destination in one piece, thank God, without incident. We entered the space where the speakers were speaking & we clapped at their positive remarks for 'life' & to 'end abortion'. We then walked in the massive 'March for Life' & was so impressed by all the young people's energy & enthusiasm for 'life' to protect the unborn from abortion. It was inspiring. I took a sign that read 'DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD' back to Rochester with me to use, on the front lines, in front of the Planned Parenthood, in Rochester, NY.. Martha & I then headed back to the metro to go back to the Basilica, remember we had lost Tony in the crowd. As we were sitting on the metro with our signs a man came over to us & he said "thank you pro lifers for I was adopted". I then said to him that I thank God that your biological mother 'chose life' for you & he smiled. I guess he agreed with me. I waved good bye to him as I was leaving the metro almost with a tear in my eye. Oh Lord how much longer will it be before abortion will end in this country & in the world? We got back to the Basilica, only to find out that the bus was going to be late for the bus driver got lost when he went to get the bus repaired. I was told that the bus company gave him the wrong directions back to the church. Well at least they fixed the heating problem & we were warm all the way back to Rochester. Martha & I caught a very bad cold from this trip. Oh well, it was an experience & an honor to be with such wonderful people, from all over the United States, all standing up to end abortion. We will go back to our own cities to continue the good fight there. This is from a couple that went to the March. Those of you who were able to be there most likely already know that the crowd was estimated at 250,000 to 400,000—a record since the March began in 1974 one year after Roe v. Wade. (Despite the massive scale of this public expression of sentiment on what some have called the defining ethical issue of our age, there is, alas, very little coverage in the national media.)
The Youth Mass for Life at the Verizon Center, attended by 20,000 young people and others from all corners of the country. The Papal Nuncio read an eloquent letter to the youth from the Pope.
The March along Constitution Avenue was awesome. The crowd included young and old (mostly young), women (some of whom held signs, “I Regret My Abortion”) and men (some of whom held signs, “I Regret My Lost Fatherhood”), black and white, Democrats and Republicans, people of many faiths, families with children, and persons in wheelchairs. It was humbling and inspiring to be there. Love and prayers for 2011, Tom and Judy Lickona
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 not in front of Planned Parenthood I got home at 2am & went to bed at 4am. Had to wind down from the exciting events from the day before in Washington, DC. I got up around 11am & received a phone call from Martha saying that she was to sick to go to the front lines today. I know how she felt for I was sick too but I had to go to the center never the less. Sandy was there at 1pm, which was good. She was putting baby clothes away, in the Material Aid Room & she was nice enough to make me a sandwich. I was in the office taking my first bite of my sandwich when the doorbell rang. Sandy went to the door & I was hoping that it was someone for Material Aid but she peaked her head in the office to tell me that three girls were here for pregnancy tests. Duty calls no matter how sick or hungry you may be. God & girls first. I got up from my desk & went into the hall to see three young girls standing there. One girl looked familiar & the other two girls didn't. I said to the girls "who needs a pregnancy test"? The one girl said "I do" & then the other girl said "me too". I looked at the other girl & she said "I don't" & I said "good for you". I brought them all into the Rose Room & sat them done at the table. I asked the two girls to fill out an Intake Sheet, which they did. I lead the first girl to the bathroom & then asked her to come back to the Rose Room when down. We completed her test which was negative. I spoke to her about abstinence. Then the other girl, who has been to Focus before, said that she couldn't go to the bathroom, so I gave her some water & a soda to drink. She finally took the pregnancy test which was negative. She already has a baby & is marrying the father soon. I counseled her & gave her some literature about marriage. As she was leaving I looked at the pregnancy test again & thought that I saw another pink line creeping through, so I asked her to come on back to take another test from another pregnancy test company. The same results came through. I said to her that if she doesn't get her period in February to come on back to repeat the test. I also said that if you are pregnant that's fine too. She said "I only want two kids". I gave her some Natural Family Planning brochures due to the fact that she will be married soon. I told her to ask God to forgive her for having sex before marriage & He will & to let God be God when deciding how many children He wants her to have. Let Him be in charge & not you. Call Anne, the Natural Family Coordinator, & speak with her about the natural way to space your family that doesn't offend God. Check out: http://www.dor.org/index.cfm/evangelization-catechesis/sacraments/marriage/natural-family-planning/. She said "thank you". She & her two friends, who will be her Matrons of Honor, at her wedding, left Focus. I went & cleaned up the Rose Room & did some more work in the office. Because Martha wasn't with me nor was Donna today, she was out of town visiting family, I didn't have a chance to go outside to be on the front lines. I stayed until 4pm doing work in the office while Sandy was doing work in the Material Aid Room. I left at 4pm & headed to go to St. John Fisher College for the 4:30pm Mass there & then stopped at the Dollar General Store to get more supplies for Focus & then went home to nurse my cold which was getting worse.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha was feeling somewhat better so she came to the center today. I felt like death warmed over but I needed to be there with her. Duty calls, no time to be sick when you're running a pregnancy center, you have responsibilities. I took my vitamins & was there. Martha made coffee for herself & we finally went outside to be on the front lines together to fight the fight where the killing of innocent children take place. We called to the people going into the Planned Parenthood offering them help & handing out Truth packets & Rosaries. We got to talk to some people, that were open to the Truth, which is always a breath of fresh air. The weather wasn't to bad & I was dressed for the worst. I still felt lousy & so did Martha but we preserved, through the grace of God, who is with us in this battle of evil. We fight a spiritual battle. We went back into the center around 4:30pm & did some work in the center. One of our clients came in, who is pregnant with twins, along with her son. We counseled her for awhile & fed her & her son before they went on their way. Martha was kind enough to make supper tonight while I worked in the office. I did the dishes. We went home around 7pm, which is early for us. We needed to get better for we needed to be back again tomorrow. God bless Martha for she is such a trooper & I couldn't do it without her. Thank you Lord for this wonderful person & for all the volunteers, at the center, Suzanne, Pat, Sandy, Memo, Leanne, Dan & to all the other prayer warriors & sidewalk counselors that give their time & love out on the front lines. And to all our benefactors who bless us with their prayers, love, encouragement & financial support. This center is a team effort composed of many people to make it work. Thank you Lord, please sent us more people to help.
Thursday, January 27, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I arrived around 12:15pm to the center & as I was driving into the parking lot I saw that Sheila was talking with two young girls so I honked my horn for her to know that I had just arrived. I got out of my car & there she was with the two young girls near the center's door. She said to me that they needed a pregnancy test. I said "okay" & I lead them into the center. I introduced myself to them & took off my coat. I opened up the door to the four rooms of the center & brought them into the Rose Room. I asked them to fill out the Intake Sheet which they did & we preceded to do the first pregnancy test. It was negative then I counseled her on abstinence. The other pregnancy test was then completed & it was negative & I counseled her on abstinence & respect for one's on body. I gave them each a Truth packet & more brochures on chastity. They thanked me & they left. A few minutes later my cell phone rang & it was Suzanne. She was with her friend Carletta who was doing a home birth. Suzanne was watching her other two children while her friend was in labor. I understood why she couldn't come in today & told her to say hi to Carletta & David for me. Nice couple & they have great kids. I'd rather give birth in a hospital but that's just my personal opinion. Her & the baby girl Christina will be fine. Just then the doorbell rang & it was Sheila with another client. I lead her into the Rose Room for a pregnancy test hoping that Martha would join me soon. She was pregnant & this will be baby number two. Her & her boyfriend the father of her two children will be married in February. I spoke to her about the sin of pre martial sex & asked her to ask the good Lord for forgiveness of that sin. To be blessed in her marriage with a clean soul. She was receptive of what I said to her & I gave her a religious booklet to read & to carry around with her in her purse. She went into the Material Aid Room to get some things for her other child at home. She went away happy & educated. Sheila left & after a little while Martha came to the center. We brought more signs outside & set up for the afternoon of counseling & witnessing & trying to save lives through God's grace. After a little while outside I noticed that the abortionist, Rachael Phelps car wasn't there in the Planned Parenthood parking lot. I remembered that Sheila had mentioned earlier that the abortionist was there but know she's not. I felt in my spirit that I would see her again today & I was right. She pulled into the parking lot around 4pm with her newly dyed dark hair & blank look on her face. Something is going on with her. Maybe it's getting to her, the killing of thousands of innocent children, over the many years that she's been doing it. It's got to be effecting her. I & so many other people are praying for her conversion & repentance every day!! Earlier in the morning Sheila had talked to several people & had given away six Truth packets. Great job Sheila!! I just ordered another mega phone, one for her to use out on the front lines, for she has such a gentle voice that doesn't travel very far, since we're about 80 feet away from the front door of Planned Parenthood. Where's the 'choice' Planned Parenthood ??....what are you afraid of that you don't want the girls to hear the other side, the Truth. We pro lifers are bad for your business of 'death'. You need two things to make up a 'choice', you only give then one, which is death to their baby. How very evil you are, you hypocrites!! A grandmother came into the center to receive some diapers & food for her daughter who has two sets of twins. Ages 1 & 2 years old. The older sister, who was about 6 or 7 years old, was with her grandmother. They came into the green all purpose meeting room in the center & she saw the statue that we have of the Blessed Mother, sitting on the table by the Great Room. I told her that this was a statue of the Blessed Mother, who is Jesus' mother, & our Mother too. She went over to the statue of Mother Mary & gave her a big hug. I almost cried. It was sooooo sweet that my heart flipped. This must have made Mother Mary & her son Jesus very happy indeed. The innocence & purity of a child. Lord have Mercy on us bigger people. At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me. "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matthew 18:1-6.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha, Tony & I got to the center after Mass downtown. Martha made coffee to get warm. Sandy came to he out about 10 minutes later. She needed to get warm too & had some coffee. Tony & I went to get the signs & literature box to take outside & a few minutes later Martha joined us. We set up the sidewalk & the signs kept on falling into the street or on the ground, a lot. But they are a witness to the public. I have to remember not to block the sidewalk so that everyone can pass through the sidewalk, hopefully though not going into the Planned Parenthood Mill. We passed out at least seven Truth packets of information today. Spoke to some people about what birth control can do to you & asked a woman who said that she had her tubes tied to ask God to forgive her for that sin. I was just coning back from the center, I needed to get more Truth packets, when Martha & an young woman were walking passed me to go into the center, I guessed it was for a pregnancy test. Tony & I stayed to witness until he had to go then Martha came back outside. The young lady came pass me with 2 bags filled with clothes for her child at home. She smiled & said "thank you" as she walked pass me & I said "if you need us at anytime you know where we are to help you". She gave me another sweet smile. I felt good as she was walking passed Planned Parenthood with bags of clothes for her child, that good people have donated to us, so that we can help our moms & their children. It was heartwarming, to say the least. When Martha came back out she said that she referred her to Compass Care for a blood test pregnancy test for the urine tests don't work for her, "it's very strange" she said. So she called & made an appointment to go to Compass Care Pregnancy Services, right across from Monroe Community College, tomorrow. Check out: http://www.compasscare.info/. A spunky young girl came out of Planned Parenthood to the sidewalk where we were standing. She said that she was against abortion too. We asked her then why would you be here & she replied that she had a STD test but that she wasn't sexually active. Okay? I gave her a Truth packets & showed her where to find the number of Compass Care & she smiled & thanked me. I showed her the graphic pictures of the aborted babies that Planned Parenthood kills & she was upset that they do that to babies. Another client of theirs bit the dust. She won't be back to this killing mill, that's for sure. One person at a time. Just then an older woman came over to Martha & I. She said that she didn't want Planned Parenthood to think that she agreed with what they were doing in there. I asked her why she was there & she said for a urine test. I gave her a list of our doctors & Martha pointed out to her Dr. Morehouse on Arnett Blvd.. She said that she knew where Arnett Blvd.was & she'll give him a call. Two down. She also said that she was growing cob webs, down there, for she hasn't had sex in so long. That's okay dear lady at least you're not sinning or in jeopardy of getting sexually transmitted diseases, which can happen at any age. She was so nice too. Donna came to hold her sign as a witness on the sidewalk. She was pensive today for she has a lot on her mind. Her & her husband need to make some very important decisions. So I prayed for direction from the Holy Spirit, for her on the sidewalk. She was grateful. I know that things will work out for this 'child of God'. He will bless her for her faithfulness out on the front lines. Martha's feet were freezing so she said that she needed to go in. I told her that she could take a couple of signs with her & I would be soon to follow. I'm glad that I waited. A car with a man in it was driving out of Planned Parenthood. He stopped the car & said to me that he wanted to ask me a question. I said "go ahead". He said "if a woman was murdered & she was pregnant would it be murder also for the death of the baby". I said that it would be a double homicide, of course for there were two people that got killed. Then I asked him if he planning to kill a pregnant woman? He said "no". I answered back to him that I was glad to hear that. The car behind him started to honk so I invited him to come along the side of the street where I was standing & hoping & praying that Martha would return soon, for support. He went on to say "why does this concern you if people come here for an abortion"? I said to him that I was my 'brothers keeper' for these babies have no voice to speak for them & to plead for their lives to be spared but through us who stand here on the sidewalk in their behalf. If someone was going to kill you you'd certainly would want some one to come to your aid, wouldn't you?? He looked like he was starting to think about things a little more, for he had just dropped his girlfriend at Planned Parenthood. She was probably getting the pre abortion testing for Thursday which is Planned Parenthood's killing day. I pray for a major snow storm to plop down on Thursday, & close Planned UnParenthood, that's for sure. He asked me more questions about growth & development of the baby as if to say that abortion was okay early on. I said "not". Your baby is a human being at conception & was created by God & God alone can take life. I then pointed to our sign of the 2 to 3 month old baby in the womb sucking his or her thumb. I also told him that the baby's heart begins to beat between 18 to 21 days after conception. I offered him a Truth packet & he took. I mentioned adoption to him & he said "after all that labor why would she then give up the baby"? Well, it's better than abortion sir!! Then Martha came back out, thank you Lord. She came right over to where I was standing & didn't mince words. What about you being a father. He said to her "I am a father of 3 children". Martha said "you mean 4 children". I then said that this abortion would affect your other children & they could end up hating you someday for killing their brother or sister, for they will say to you that it could have been me you aborted". Then he said something stupid like "oh no they will be happy that I didn't have them aborted & that they were the lucky ones". Oh no what an answer. I still must have hope here. Well he hopefully was getting convicted so he drove away but before he did Martha gave him a DVD on Growth & Development & it has other important information on it too. Thanks Fr. C.. for burning these DVD's so we can pass them out to people. They are sooo powerful a tool, to save a life. We counseled some more people going into Planned Parenthood & coming out. Martha must have warmed up a little while she was in the center but my feet & hands were very cold at this time. One of our fathers who comes to get things in the center for his two children stopped & said to me "I'd like to give a donation to you for all the things that you have given me". I said "what kind of a donation are you talking about"? He said "I have $2.00 in my pocket that I can give you". "No" I said you keep the money & buy what you nee for your children". I thought that the donation he was referring to was clothes that his children out grew & he was going to donate then to Focus. We don't want money, from the people we try to help. He smiled & Martha asked him to pull up his pants which he did. He is so thin that I worry about him, though we gave him lots of food on Saturday. He can come back anytime. How touching this was for Martha & I. It just makes us want to continue, our work for the Lord, to help His people in need. Praise God who died for our sins & loves us so very much!!! Martha & decided to go in to get warmed up & to do some work in the center. We needed to write another thank you letter to a couple that blessed us with baby clothes & a generous $$ donation, for the work of the center, as so many other good people do too. We thank our benefactors & keep them in our prayers for their intentions. Sandy was still working in the center & about an hour later the doorbell rang & it was John, what a surprise. Just in time for supper John. Martha mentioned that she heard a phone ring. I realized that it was my cell phone which was still in my coat pocket. I checked for messages but there were none so I checked the numbers for the missed calls. I called the first number but the gentlemen said that no one at that number had called the center. I was puzzled. I then looked at the number more closely to see that it had a 315 number before the other numbers so I tried that number & the girl who answered said that she had just called. Then my nightmare began. She said that she needed some information, for she was going to have an abortion on Friday, in Buffalo. I almost dropped the phone for I was in shock. She said it so matter of fact. I talked to her not totally remembering what I said to her but I did say "that no matter what your circumstances is it can be rectified but the baby, once aborted, can't be put back together again". She agreed to come & talk to me, at the center tomorrow, after her last class at Brockport College. I reminded her that there was suppose to be a winter storm but we will hope for 6pm at the center but in the meantime I told her to check out the web site Rochesterprolife.org & that Martha I would be praying for her & the prayer warriors too. I asked her to keep in touch with me tomorrow in regards to the weather situation. If the weather is so bad that she can't come to Focus I only hope & pray that she looks at the web site to get the Truth about abortion & what it does to mother & child. I have a dear friend that told me that she & her husband can take her baby into her home temporary until she can get things straightened out in her life. I'll tell this mom this offer when I counsel her tomorrow. My friend is a mother of 6 children including a set a twins. She's such a good woman. There is still hope for these two situations that I encountered today. Please pray for them to the Holy Spirit. Thank you. After this call I didn't feel well & was out of sorts so I went to the computer, in the office, & wrote a prayer request to the prayer warriors to fast & to pray for these two situations. They are an awesome group of people that give us love, prayers, support & encouragement, in our work for 'life' at Focus. God bless you all!!!!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood One of our sidewalk counselors, who has been out in front of Planned Parenthood for the last 14 years, surprised Martha & I & came to join us today on the front lines after the noon Mass. He wasn't feeling well but I insisted that he come to witness for life after I fed him a turkey sandwich & coke, at the center. He felt better. We set up the signs & put the literature box out on the front lines & I gave him the mega phone, for he does a great job in talking to the people.in speaking Truth. I went into the center to get some more signs & when I came back outside I saw that he was speaking to someone in a van that had stopped along the side of the sidewalk. The man in the van told us that his girlfriend was in Planned Parenthood for an ultrasound & they were not abortion minded at all. We told the man that when she comes out please bring her over to the Focus Center for some things for the baby. He said that he would & he did. After she was done they drove into the center & got something's for the baby girl that will be born in September. Is it the same ultrasound technician that takes the pictures of the moms that want their babies & also the mom that don't? How can she use her talent for evil to help the abortionist find this precious baby, in the womb, in order to kill him or her???? Twisted isn't it!! That's what I'm trying to say is that "abortion is the most twisted mentally deranged phenomena of our time". Martha came out to join us & we all witnessed to the people going in & out of Planned Parenthood & driving down the street. I was alone for about 20 minutes after the sidewalk counselor left & Martha was in the center with a client doing a pregnancy test. There comes a car with a young girl driving with the window open & I knew, from experience, that she was going to through something at me. She did. It was a half eaten bagel. Know I say if you didn't like the bagel take it back to the store don't throw it at a pro lifer. Only kidding. My heart does ache because I know that she was probably post abortive & it upset her to see the graphic pictures there on the sidewalk to remind her of her own abortion. If she'd only stop the car & get the help that we can give her through post abortion brochures that have numbers on them that they could call & get the help that they need. I did say for her "repent" as she drove by because that is the first step towards her healing. If someone doesn't believe that they didn't do anything wrong then how can they get the forgiveness & help that they need. Tough & important love given. Plus no one should throw out, from their car, anything at some one that is inexcusable. Many years ago a young guy threw something at me, driving out of Planned Parenthood, at night. A policeman, was parked across the street, took him downtown & had him arrested & he spent the night in jail & when he went to court the Judge gave him 20 hours of Community Service, for his crime, probably to teach him a lesson. It's also against the law to be violent like that & it can be dangerous. Maybe a bagel can't kill you, but maybe something else she had in the car, that she threw it at me could have. She has anger which is so typical of Post Abortion Stress Syndrome, PASS. Please check out: By age 45, 1 out of every 2.5 women in the United States has had at least one abortion! The three Elim Bible Institute students that help us at Focus on Wednesday evenings came a little later tonight, I began to worry but there they were. They were late because they stopped to help start a car using their jumper cables. Please be careful my little ones for the world is different know. But there is safety in 3's & you did a good work in helping this stranded driver. God bless you. I welcomed them & kidding told them to "get to work". They all smiled. They chose what they wanted to do so that they would be happy in doing it. Everything that they do for Focus really helps us out. One of the girls made up the Truth packets & the other two girls worked in the Material Aid Room putting things away & straightening the room out. Great job girls :) I was having butterflies, in my stomach, for I had the appointment tonight at 6pm with the abortion minded girl from Brockport. I prayed to God to say the right things to her & to show her the Growth & Development DVD & give her our Truth packet & to offer her assistance in her pregnancy with love, prayers, support & baby clothes & items. It was passed 6:15pm & my heart dropped so I went into the Great Room & looked at the crucifix of Jesus on the wall & asked Him to help me while I made the call to her to see if she was still coming tonight. The weather was fine for we didn't get the winter storm that was predicted, which was good. I made the call on my cell phone & she picked up. I said that this was Mary at the Focus Pregnancy Center & if she was still planning to stop by to talk to me tonight. She said "no, I found you to judgmental so I won't be coming tonight". My heart dropped. I answered back saying "I love you & care about you & you have been in my heart & thoughts all day & other people are praying for you too". She then said that she was going to go to talk to someone at Embracing Options Pregnancy Center, that her roommate told her about them. I then said to her that they were a great & loving center & you will be blessed by them. I ended the conversation by saying that I wished the best for her. When I hung up I had mixed emotions. One was that I was sorry that she felt that I was judgmental but I did tell her the Truth when I spoke with her the day before, on the phone. I did want to met her & to give her the things that we have, that could help her to 'chose' life, but I was happy that she was going to go to speak to one of the counselors at Embracing Options which is a wonderful pregnancy center to receive the assistance that she needed. I went back to join everyone in the Green Room & started to cry. The Elim girls were so comforting to me & so was Martha. The only thing I can do now is to continue to pray for her & to give her to God. Let go & let God, hoping that she will cooperate with His graces to 'chose' life for her baby & for herself. Our free will can get in the way of making very bad decisions. Lord have Mercy on us all!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Some days are worse then others, well this was one of them! I had just woken up when my home phone rang, this is not the 24/7 hotline number. On the line it was a man's voice that said "I'm calling to find out how much does it cost for an abortion". What... I thought why would someone want to have their baby killed. I said to him that abortion was taking a life & why would you want to do that? He answered back "my girlfriend is on drugs & I don't want to bring this baby into the world". Come Lord Jesus come !! I said that abortion was wrong & that the Commandment of God is "Thou Shall Not Kill". He hung up. I took a deep breathe & went to turn on my TV to retrieve his phone number for a call back at another time today when he would least expect it but when I went to get the number on my Time Warner cable it said that I had 0 calls. How can this be?? I called Time Warner & they told me that there was a power surge outage last night & that it needed to be re-booted, which she did. I was unable to get the number of this man who just called me. I gave him & his girlfriend & precious baby to the Lord. I hope & pray that they don't have their baby be killed by abortion Lord Jesus. Amen. I called Sheila who is on the front lines, in front of Planned Parenthood, on Thursdays from 10:30am to 1pm. She is such a blessing. I told her that I was running a little late to be with her for I didn't want her to be lone. She sometimes has a couple of gentlemen with her to pray while she sidewalk counsels. She said that she will be fine until I get there. About 10 minutes later she called me to say that a young woman with her child needed to get some things in the Material Aid Room. I told her to ring the doorbell & the taxi guy will open up the door to let this mother & child in the center & that they can wait where it is warm in the all purpose room. She said "okay" & hung up. A few minutes later the phone rang again & it was Sheila telling me that no one answered the doorbell. I told her to call the taxi company for maybe they didn't here the doorbell if their office door was closed. She said "okay" & hung up. A few minutes later the phone rang again & it was Sheila saying that no one answered. I said that I will call Elroy, the accountant there in the building who has a office right next to ours to see if he's there & will answer the doorbell. I hung up & called Elroy who was in his office & she said that her would open up the door for our mom & child. I called Sheila back to tell her, for now she had the mom & child in her car to warm up. All in all it worked out, thank God. This was unusual that the taxi guys weren't there. When I arrived to the center I went into the all purpose room to say hi to our mom & her precious child with a big smile on her face. I opened all the doors to the rooms, in the center, & lead her into the Material Aid Room to get the things that she needed for her family. Then the doorbell rang & it was Sheila with two people one a female & one a male. The young lady said that she wanted a pregnancy test. I brought them into the Rose Room & she filled out an Intake Sheet. She said that he was her friend & he made a big deal that she doesn't know how helpful he is to her. Oh no!! She took the test & it was negative. She was post abortive so I talked to her about that & gave her all of our brochures on Post Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS). He started to ask me questions when I told them what Planned Parenthood does & that they are racist. He was defensive & rude & aggravating. I gave him the DVD of Maafa 21:Black Genocide in the 21st. Century to educate him. Earlier on he said that he knew the Lord & that He was his best friend then about 10 minutes later he's saying that abortion is okay for this & that reason. NOT!! So I told him what the Bible says about "if you say that you love the Lords & don't obey His Commandments then you're a liar". He left the room. I concentrated on my client for a few more minutes & told her to call me if she needed me at any time & for her to call Project Rachel for forgiveness & healing. She appeared to be oppressed, by the past abortion. Her male friend also seems to be problematic to her also. Just say "good-bye". There is information in the Truth packet that I gave her about how to recognize subtle abuse, hope that she reads it. Maybe he means well but he shouldn't believe that it's okay in aborting God's children, if he says that he loves the Lord. It doesn't made any sense. Some so- called Christians are messed up regarding this too. Lord have Mercy!!
Baby number 3 of 2011 was just born!! Baby girl Jah-Naysia was born February 1st. 2011 at 6lbs. 12 ozs. and is 20 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well. Thank you for your prayers, love and support for Focus and for our staff and clients, we are blessed by you. You are in our prayers and heart too.
Check out http://liveaction.org/ in regards to the scandals about Planned Parenthood. This is a picture of Lila Rose who is the President of Live Action Films.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood To say the least we had a lot to do besides all the other things that we do on a regular Tuesday. I had so many things to get out of my car to put into the center. Sandy came to help us, thank God for she was running a little late & I was worried that she wasn't coming but there she was. Martha was making coffee & putting things away too. I hoped that Donna was out on the front lines witnessing because Martha & were running late & she was. It was freezing today probably with the wind chill it was below zero. I had gloves & not mittens on burrrrr. I survived for a couple of hours our on the front lines. Martha later came out to join Donna & I. A couple of girls were going into Planned Parenthood & we called them over to speak to us. They freely came over to talk to us. They saw the graphic signs & responded by putting their head down. Martha brought them into the center for a pregnancy test. They both received the Truth packets & followed Martha into the center for the pregnancy test & to get the help that they needed & deserved. So Donna & I were out in the very cold weather & she hardly moved but she was saying the rosary & I was witnessing & counseling. The men were working drilling up the sidewalk in front of Buckpitt which is right next door. Their big trucks were blocking our front line area & the drilling was very noisy, so I upped the mega phone so that the people going into Planned Parenthood could hear me. A lady walked out & said to me that she wasn't there for an abortion. I said I know but if you were here for birth control it can work as an early abortion at times & I offered her a Truth packet which she took. I said please read it & thank you for taking the packet. She smiled back at me. A few minutes later three young girls went into Planned Parenthood then about 15 minutes 3 more young African Americans went into Planned Parenthood. There was no response from them...sheep being lead into the slaughter. How sad. Donna left & I was wondering why Martha wasn't coming out from the center. Surly she was done with the pregnancy test & counseling the girls that she had brought into the center about an hour ago. Well I was cold & I was by myself that I decided to go into the center. But before I left my post on the front lines a car with a male driver went by me & hollered out his window saying "go home". I answered back to him "love ya". They just don't understand & also probably been involved with a past abortion which is triggered as they pass by us protesting. I then gathered up the signs & the literature box & headed towards the center. I brought everything into the center & asked Martha what happened that she didn't come back outside to be with me. Well she certainly had a good reason. The toilets backed up & there was water on the carpet by the emergency door. Bernie, the landlord, was called & he came. The problem had effected all the businesses in the strip mall that he owns. No one could use the toilets & the overflow was an issue especially for us because we're having the big event tomorrow at Focus, with Randall Terry & Rabbi Levin. What a mess! Bernie said that he will bring his water sucking machine tomorrow to dry the carpet. Oh yea Bernie what about today?? All I can say is that he is more workable than ever before so I don't push him . He was nice enough, after I asked him, to give me $20 for toilet paper & paper towels, for the two bathrooms that we all use, in the building. At least he gave me that!! Go shopping.... Memo came to help me with the tax forms that needed to be sent out to our benefactors, that so generously give to our work, at Focus. He was nice enough to spend an hour & a half doing this work. Kudos to Memo!! While we were doing this work the doorbell rang & it was Dan. He helped Martha out ,who was putting away baby & children clothes away, in the Material Aid Room. Team effort! Then the doorbell rang again & it was a gentleman. He said that he went over to Planned Parenthood & asked for diapers & the lady was rude to him. She must have told him about us, believe it or not. I don't have any other explanation to how he found us nestled in the corner of the strip mall by a huge yellow building. Our sign wasn't out by the sidewalk stating who are & where we are located. I didn't put it out because of all the big trucks on the street digging up sidewalks today. No one could see it on the sidewalk so I didn't put it out today. I heard that he said that he & his wife & child live at the Cadillac. Hotel (which is very icky) & he needed diapers, for his child. So Martha gave him diapers & Dan drove him back to the hotel. Martha also gave him money so that they could get to Department of Social Services (DSS) tomorrow to apply for services to help them out during this difficult time. What a bunch of nice people I'm associated with. Thanks Lord. Memo & I were done with the tax forms & he left. What a blessing he is for us at Focus. Praise God!! Then Martha & I worked on making supper. We had microwave pizza & a nice tossed green salad & some cold chicken, that I took off the bone. She had made some raisin cookies which I thought were chocolate chips, oh darn!! There were good never the less not as good as chocolate chip cookies would be. I'm so ungrateful at times. Martha left & I returned a call to a man that wanted some information about what we do at the center. I spent about 20 minutes, on the phone, answering his questions, which was great......someone that cared. I hope that I will be able to be in touch with him again for he was a man that was on a mission. Sometimes I feel so darn alone in this work, where it should be all Christians, both Catholic, Protestants, Jews & people of all faiths, defending life & helping moms & their children. Where are you all???? Planned Parenthood has some very incriminating videos out on the web. They're in trouble. Check out:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood What a day I had today!!! One shock & surprise after another, that's for sure. This was the day the Randall Terry was to come to Rochester. He rented space from us to give his talk which doesn't jeopardize our 501(c)3 status. We are not endorsing Randall Terry or any other candidates for any political office. We made extra money to pay our expenses today & that's all. I received a call from the Sergeant asking more about what was going on tonight. He said that if we needed police protection they would be there. Thank you. Martha & I stayed in the center to do some putting away of clothes & things & she wanted to make coffee, to stay awake. We finally arrived on the front lines around 1:30pm. Martha said the Rosary & I sidewalk counseled. We brought a couple of signs outside due to the windy weather. The noise of the workers, still working drilling up the sidewalks to run the gas lines, was still going on, so we knew that the mega phone wasn't much use today. Almost done guys, yeah!! Cleveland, our street friend came by, & Martha went into the center to give him food & clothes that she bought at the second hand store. I was by myself, on the front lines, which is pretty typical lately. I was alone for awhile while was taking care of our friend. She came out & was praying & sidewalk counseling for awhile. She had to go back into the center so I had to be by myself again. I looked across the street & two police cars had parked their cars in front of the condo. Two officers got out of their cars & one went to the trunk to get out a jacket to put it on. I said to myself that I didn't do or say anything that I normally do when I'm out in front of this abortion mill so they must be here just putting on their jackets. Then the back car door opened & out comes a tall police officer with a brim hat on. Oh. I thought to myself he looks pretty important & turned away . I then turned back & there they were all three of them in front of me standing. Okay, I thought this looks not so good. The first thing that the officer with the hat on said to me was "we would like to see your indenification". I said to the officers that I would have to go to my car to get my license. "That's okay said the one officer just give us your name, address & telephone number, which I did. Then I asked them what this was all about. The one officer with the hat said that he was here through a change of commands to tell me that I was breaking the Injunction which was Federal by holding signs of graphic pictures in front of Planned Parenthood. "What" I said this isn't under the Injunction for I was one of the four that didn't sign off & was there in Federal Court in Buffalo in 1999, so I know that it doesn't mention what kinds of signs we hold. Also, just to inform you that we won on appeal in 2001 which brought us back to this side of the sidewalk. The only thing we lost was 15 feet at both entrances of Planned Parenthood & nothing else. He mentioned the mega phone. I said that we have a right to use it & that we have had no real complaints & we face it usually towards Planned Parenthood to speak to the people going in & out of that place. The officer then said that they were not going to enforce the injunction today but that the police officers will be stopping by to get ID's from the people who stand here on the sidewalk. I then said that "we have a constitutional right to be here & to protest & that it looks like I'll have to speak to my lawyer". He also mentioned that it will go to the Law Department for a decision. I said that the decision was already decided by the Appeals Court in 2001. "Okay" he said & have a nice day. "You officers have a great day too & we are praying for you". They were nice officers & were just doing their jobs. The change of command starting from a higher up & why, that was my question after 10 years?? Why now?? After they left a familiar face came out of his car & approached me. I was a little stressed. He said "do you know who I am". Just what I needed was more stress. "I said "no". He said that he was Dominic the bus driver. "Oh, yes" I said glad that you're here. He mentioned that he was inspired to come out onto the front lines to pray because of Abby Johnson. I guess she must have mentioned how important it was to pray in from of Planned Parenthood & all abortion mills. Right on Abby!! He gave me hi email address & off I go into the center to go talk to Martha about what just happened. She was busy but listened between chores. I went into the office to go on the computer to look for the 2001 Appeal's Decision which I found & made two copies of the 23 page document. Happy reading! Just then a police officer came walking into the office. He said that he was taking over for the Lieutenant & he gave me his name. Okay that's fine & good. I then told him what had just happened outside about 15 minutes ago & that I would like to speak to the Lieutenant. He said that he was about to go home but that he would try to reach him before he left. I gave him my cell number & thanked him. About less then 5 minutes later my phone rang & it was the Lieutenant. I told him what had just happened outside regarding the use of the graphic signs. Not to get him in any trouble he said that he was told by the Captain who was told by the Commander, to get the officers to tell me about the signs, but he really didn't want to do it. He said that we've been out there for many years & have caused no trouble & were friendly. He told the Captain that if it wasn't broken don't fix it. Thanks for your comments Lieutenant. He said that he had to remain neutral, just what the other officers said to me earlier, out on the front lines. I, never the less, DO NOT have to be neutral!! The truth is that Planned Parenthood is murdering little babies in cold blood for $$$$$. I then said to the Lieutenant that I had just made a copy of the Court of Appeals in 2001. He said that he was going to call the Sergeant to come back to get the copy & to put it on his desk so that when he comes in on Friday he will have it. He was nice to say that if any injustice was done to me that he was sorry. What did he say, "I'm sorry". I never hear those words "I'm sorry" very often. He also asked me how his police officers treated me. I said that they did you proud & that of Rochester. He was pleased to hear that. We said good bye & I was satisfied that he will find out the Truth real soon & that will be the end of this attack of the devil. I always ask God to turn around anything that comes against me & to make it out for good....which He always does. Remember that the Rochester Police Department does not have any jurisdiction in regards to the Injunction, for this is a Federal Case not a Local Case....big difference. Just after I took a couple of deep breathes the doorbell rang & it was our three lovely girls, from Elim Bible Institute, to help us out on Wednesdays from 4 to 6:30 pm. I gave them each an assignment & off they went to do the work. One of our clients was there in the Material Aid Room who is pregnant with twins picking out some clothes for her other children at home. I asked one of the Elim girls to go & to keep her company & to talk with her for she's going through a tough time. She did. The other girls were putting away baby & children clothes & sorting out some paper work. They are such a blessing to Focus. We are grateful for them & thank God for them too. Randall came & paid me for the use of the Great Room & I wrote out a receipt & gave it to him & I put my original in the safe record box. He looks good & still full of energy. He had Rabbi Levin with him & two other gentlemen. The doorbell rang & someone answered it, it was my ex boyfriend, with all his equipment, who was apparently going to tape the event tonight. It was icky seeing him again for he wasted my time, years earlier. It was about 15 minutes after that the doorbell rang again & it was the ex husband with his girlfriend. Okay when will this day end. Talk about a waste of years with lots of pain & confusion, though I feel that the Lord allows certain things for us to go through for our own experiences. I felt nothing for him, when I saw him. I left him about 6 years ago & I have a nice apartment now, that is peaceful to come home to. I am also Church Annulled, which means that it really never was a marriage, in the first place. No Sacrament took place on that day. I am free to get married with the Church's blessing. I just feel badly for the girlfriend & I hope that she doesn't marry him. He was very nice to me before we got married then turned into some one else after. Not good. I told her awhile ago that I can only say "if you want to date him go ahead but just don't marry him, please". The End! I saw Donna tonight & she brought her little girl Hannah who was a handful but cute as a button. Donna gave me a present of 2 ceramic heart shaped baking pans, how nice of her. She's so sweet & caring. Which more people were like her. We spent time visiting. I walked around the center doing some odd & end things. We couldn't serve any food or refreshments otherwise it appears that we're putting this event on & we weren't hosting it we were just renting out the room. It was hot in the Great Room so I did give four water bottles to Rabbi Levin & one to Randall, it was the least I could do as a Christian. Everyone was going & gone. So Martha & I & John closed up the center & went home. I was anxious to go home to my peaceful apartment to relax before coming back the next day which was Planned Parenthood's killing day on innocent babies, so I needed to relax & to rest up for the next days battle. I drove out of the parking lot & went down University to Andrews to go to St. Paul then onto the expressway. Half of the road was blocked off with a truck in the middle. I was tired & stressed & blonde so I thought that the opening for me to get through to get to where I needed to go. Well I was wrong. I heard the honking of the horn of the truck & a man getting out of the truck. I said to myself "well maybe you're not suppose to go down this road & turned around to go back. The guy looked at me & said "didn't you see that the road was blocked off"? I answered back "well I got through". He said with a stern look on his face & said "that's for the cars coming out". "Okay" I said "I'll just have to find another way home, good night" & left to take the long way home. What could possibly could happen after this day of attacks & not so nice surprises. When I got home, the phone rang & it was my friend from Binghamton NY it was about 11:45pm. Only kidding Terri, this was a nice, but late surprise!! After I said "good night" I did enjoy my glass of full bodied red wine & cheese & crackers before bedtime. Mmmmm good :)
Praying for ALL abortionist conversion, repentence & salvation Former Abortionist Speaks At Students For Life Event
Thursday, February 10, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I arrived at the center around 12:30pm. Sheila & three gentlemen, who are prayer warriors, were praying. I went briefly into the center to do something quickly & then went out to the front lines. Sheila approached me & told me this. She said that over an hour ago, for she arrived at 10:30am, told me that two young people came out of Planned Parenthood, a guy & a girl, the girl was crying. She walked over to them to offer them help that she was told by the young girl that she just had an abortion. I'm sure that this upset Sheila to hear that awful news. She gave the guy the packet of information that we had out & she went into the plastic bag to get the Rosary & gave it to the girl. She told her to call Project Rachel for post abortion counseling. The girl said that she had to walk to the bus stop to catch the bus to go to school. Interesting because Planned Parenthood used to have the victims get a ride & not walk, so they don't bleed to death. Times have changed. So, off they walk up the sidewalk, with both of their lives never to be the same again after having their precious baby be killed, a couple of hours earlier, at Planned Parenthood. My heart dropped when she told me this. This young girl got to Planned Parenthood at 8am so we need to be there at that time too. We now have two male volunteers who will be in front of the killing mill at 8am until they have to go, then Pat & Bill should be there from 9:30am to 10:30am, then Sheila & her team from 10:30am until 1pm & then Martha & I until 4 or 5pm. The whole abortion day should be more or less covered with prayer warriors & sidewalk counselors. Lord please send us more people, to be out in front of Planned Parenthood on Thursdays, when they kill your little babies & every day to witness & to help these people going into & out of this terrible place, please & thank you. Amen. Martha came right at 1pm & I was so happy to see her for Sheila had to go now. One of the three gentleman stayed to pray some more with Martha & I. Just as Martha was coming out into the front lines, to join me, we saw an elderly woman walking on the sidewalk with a cane. Not good, for the sidewalk was bumpy & slippery from the ice. Martha walked back up the sidewalk to meet her & to see what she could do for her. She approached her & they both walked into the center. Sheila had to go so I said "thank you & good bye & I'll see you next Thursday & have a blessed week". Adolf & I were on the sidewalk to pray & to sidewalk counsel. Martha came out about 20 minutes later. I asked who was the woman with the cane & she told me that she had called me earlier in the week asking for diapers for her 17 year old grand daughter. "Oh yea" I said. I remember the call, she said that she had to wait for better weather to come to Focus to get the needed diapers for her great grandchild. I don't know if today counts but she did make it without incident. She also offered to do some volunteer work in the office. I think that I will wait until the springtime to call her in regards to this splendid offer. A couple pulled into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood & they saw the graphic pictures, as they went by me, & I then called over to them, offering them help & pleading with them not to destroy the life that had a heartbeat, as Martha was saying the Rosary. They were in the car for about 5 minutes & then left. The female passenger looked at me as the male driver went passed Martha & I. I stretched out my hand to offer her a Truth packet. I said that "I have some information to give to you" but they didn't stop & off they went down the street. Yeah!! I hope & pray that, through the grace of God, they were touched by Him & changed their minds, if they were there for an abortion, & that they will not come back again. And they will have their baby & be glad that they never got out of their car today & went in. Praise God! For Thursdays are the abortion day, at Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile I had to see the other girls that came out of Planned Parenthood that 'chose death' for their babies & for themselves today. They left the parking lot all slumped over, in the front seat, or were just staring in a fixed stare straight ahead. Their lives will never be the same again & I only hope & pray that they & the ones that brought them into Planned Parenthood, to have their precious baby be killed, will REPENT! One of the pro lifers called out attorney & told her of the situation with the local police yesterday & she said that nothing in the Injunction mentions about graphic signs & she will make some phone calls, in regards to this event. Thanks.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Sandy called in today that she wouldn't be able to come to Focus to help us out today. Hopefully she'll be back next Tuesday. Tony came along with Martha & I today to join us on the front line, Donna will join us later today too. We worked in the center for a short time & Martha made coffee. Tony & I brought the signs & the literature box outside to witness & to help others. The sidewalk was icy & slippery, where is the city of Rochester to clean off the sidewalks so that they would be safe? No wonder why the pro lifers stayed in the street yesterday & the police were called. They told the pro lifers to get out of the street, which I understand but the sidewalk was dangerous too. I wasn't there yesterday from 12noon to 1pm to demonstrate Planned Parenthood which was a National Event, 'Vigil for Victims', throughout the country. I was told that Fr. Tony was there too. Sorry I missed him & my friends from Bound for Life advocates. I had so much to do & had to pick up some things from a friend for the Material Aid Room before the 5:30pm Mass. They did a great job witnessing the truth about abortion for that one hour. Tony had to pick up his granddaughter & had to go then Donna came. It was good seeing her. She held her sign & prayed the Rosary. After that, Martha, Donna & I discussed how to keep the signs, that we have outside, as we witness to the public, from causing an accident. We know that God watches over us & everyone else, from getting hurt, out in front of Planned Parenthood. Some of the cars come out of the parking lot without looking to the left or right. We will keep working on setting up the signs, that everyone cane see coming out, of the Killing Mill. We don't anyone to get hurt or killed. A woman came out of Planned Parenthood from around the bushes. I started to speak to her. It was revealed that she was pregnant form a rape that her husband didn't want the baby so she was here to set up a time to have this innocent baby be killed. I told her that the baby shouldn't die because of the crime of the father. She said that her husband couldn't love this baby, so I said that someone else would, "I will adopt this precious baby", I told her. She did take the Truth packet & I gave her some phone numbers to contact to call to get some counseling. I said that you will get over the rape but not the abortion. She said that she was 5 days pregnant, I think that she meant that she was 5 weeks pregnant. She looked at the picture of the aborted baby at 10 weeks & she said "I'm not 10 weeks", meaning that she wouldn't be doing that to her baby because she was only 5 weeks. Please don't fool yourself dear one. She said that she had been to the center & I said to her that she did look familiar. I shared with her that I was a gang rape survivor & that I didn't kill my twins & also that my sister was raped & her daughter is now 36 years old & has two children now. She said that she has three children & is not inclines to abortion. I said "don't then". She walked up the sidewalk I guess to catch the bus. I looked up the street a few minutes later & saw that Martha was now speaking with her. I was glad for Martha has a way to communicate with he girls & women in need. She later told me that the young mother told her that God loves her & that she loves God & that He would understand if she had an abortion. Martha disagreed & told her that God loves her but He hates sin. She said that we have a 'free will' & Martha said that we are suppose to use our free will to do good & not evil, which abortion is. Martha then said to her "we'll pray for you, what's your name". She called back to say "Brittany". "Okay Brittany we'll pray for you my dear", said Martha. Later on I looked up the records & found that she had come to Focus to get children clothes. I got her name & address & will send her the two DVD's. One is the movie Bella & the other is the Growth & Development DVD with three other important videos on it, On was the video 'Blood Money'. I will send it to her tomorrow & if this is the right person she should receive it on Thursday. I looked through about 100 pages of the clients that have come into the Material Aid Room from September to the present time. There was only one Brittany, so I pray that she's the right one!!! God only knows. Martha told her that the abortion will also effect her other three children too, for this baby is the their half brother or sister. Lord have Mercy on this precious baby, that was conceived in this rape, & for the mother. Please protect, your loving baby that you just created Lord, from being killed because of the crime of the father. Please change the heart of Brittany's husband that she will not obey him when he's asking her to take an innocent life. Amen & thank you Lord. After Brittany left to go to the bus stop with lots to think about, Martha came back out to join me on the front lines. Donna had already left so tit was just Martha & I again. We prayed & witnessed & I had brought out form the office some chocolate covered peppermints, our favorite, so we had a few to chomp on. That was our lunch. We are spoiled by Sandy that makes us a meat & cheese sandwich & brings it out to us, she wasn't there today & we have no time to put a sandwich together & be out here. So we eat candy instead & call it lunch. I did woof down a chocolate granola bar too. A young woman with a child around 6 years old came over to us & asked if the center was open. We said that it was & Martha went with them to the center to assist her in the Material Aid Room. I was now by myself. No fun but I know that God is with me & also the Angels & the Saints & of course Mother Mary. It was about 10 minutes later & I saw a guy & a woman with a baby in the stroller came walking up the sidewalk. I asked if I could help them & he said to me that he was given a card, it was ours, at the Super Bowl & they were trying to find it. I said that it was just around the corner of this yellow building. He said "thank you" & my heart was warmed that someone gave this family one of our cards. She received some things for her baby & took a pregnancy test & it was positive. They were very happy & she is due in September. Wow! People that want their baby to live & not to die. Yeah!! Martha wasn't out with me yet & I was tempted to pack up & go into the center but that didn't happen. Two young girls walked by me & I offered them some information. The one girl said that they weren't going into Planned Parenthood for an abortion. I told them quickly that if they are going in for birth control that's bad too. They went in anyway. My heart sinks when this happens. Just then three young people, two girls & one guy came walking into Planned Parenthood, from the other side where I was standing. I called over to them not to ruin their lives at Planned Parenthood. They walked into the evil place that does kill babies & ruin lives of young people. My heart dropped, I feel so sad & frustrated when these young kids go in there & get more messed up by the lies & deception of Planned Parenthood. Lord please help these young people & all the young people who buy the lies of this place of horrors. An older man drove by me to show me hi IQ. I didn't respond for his action was pathetic. Giving the 'bird' to a woman all by herself on a sidewalk holding a sign that shows the mutilation of an aborted baby. No need to respond to this jerk. Martha was still in the center & the three young teens came out of Planned Parenthood & I called them over to me to speak to me. They walked over to me hiding the brown paper bag from me. I told them that condoms don't protest you from STD"S or AIDS or pregnancy. "Oh no, we don't have condoms in the bag" said one of the girls. Here we go! I offered them a Truth packet which they took & also the two educational DVD's, I was pleasantly surprised. Then the questions started. This is what they usually do. so I answered the questions & asked them some questions too. This was one of the most saddest encounters that I've had in awhile. As we were speaking, a young woman, came from around the bushes. She introduced herself as a reported form RIT doing a project. The one girl responded that her mother got pregnant at 17 & had an abortion & that she grew up without a brother or sister. She was trying to justify it but I told her that t she couldn't. It was wrong & it was a serious sin. I said that I hope that your mother confessed this sin to the Lord. She said 'no my mom didn't. Maybe she did, I'm hopeful. She then said that she's had two abortions, I felt sick to my stomach. She told the RIT reporter that she has anxiety & separation issues & other problems. She mentioned that her best friend is the girl that she is with. I don't know where the young man fits in. Maybe he's the other girls brother or boyfriend, for they just got condones. This other young girl said that her sister had a baby out of wedlock & that she told her that she would be very upset if she ever had an abortion. I said that I liked her sister. I called the young girl that had the 2 abortions over to me & asked if I could give her a hug she said "yes' then I told her my story. She then said to me that she was also raped. I said that I was sorry that happened to her & that it wasn't her fault. She asked what religion was I. I said that I was a Catholic. She said that she was a Catholic too but didn't believe in it. She said that she was Baptized & had made her first Confession & had made her First Holy Communion. "What happened then, I asked. She said that she just didn't go to church anymore. I said that someday you will be back to the Catholic Church. She said "no I won't". I said "yes you will". They left & I went into the center to get the reporter the two DVD's & other informational brochures that we have in our literature room. When I came back, to the sidewalk, I told the reporter that Martha had a story of her daughter that was a single parent. Martha told her the story asking not to use her real name. It will truly be a witness & an inspiration to the readers at RIT. Great job Martha!!! We went into the center to sort out clothes & to straighten up the Great Room. Martha called our client to let her know that we had a baby bouncer for her that I just received from my friend Maria. She was coming to pick it up & then called to tell us that she had a flat tire & will pick it up tomorrow. It'll be there for you then, she was told. We were blessed having Leanne come help us out today for about an hour or more. She did some paper work for us. She will be going to San Francisco with her husband at the end of this week to the next week. She will be back a week from this Thursday. We'll miss her & hope that her & her husband will be blessed with a second Honeymoon. Leanne said that she wants to find the Church of St. Francis, while she's there. She will. I can't wait to hear about her trip when she comes back next week. You are in my prayers for a safe & marvelous trip dear Leanne. What a blessing you are to us at Focus. The doorbell rang & it was John. It was good seeing him. He did some work for us, putting the tables & chairs back into the storage room, in the Great Room. We all had a nice supper together that Martha had prepared. Mmmmm good Martha & thanks.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This was a very different Wednesday, to say the least. Martha wasn't able to be with me today for she needed to be with her friend that ended up in the hospital getting a blood transfusion. I asked Tony after Mass if he could stop by to be with me out on the sidewalk but he couldn't & John had his job to go to at the Catholic Family Center. So I decided to go to the center & stay there & do some paper work that needed to be done but first I took a nap on the couch in the Great Room. I told the guys in the Taxi room that I was in the Great Room & if someone needed me then just knock on the door. I didn't tell them that I was napping that was to personal. I had a good sleep because I don't at home so this was a treat to have some good sleep for an hour. I woke up to the doorbell ringing so I decided to get up to answer it for it's not always for the taxi guys. I went into the hallway to see one of our clients & John was walking behind her up the hall. So the taxi guys let them in. I said hi to both of them & preceded to assist our client. She needed some diapers so I lead her into the Material Aid Room to sign in & to look around some. I then gave John some of my attention. He said that between jobs he had about 45 minutes to go to the front lines to witness. He gathered up a sign & the literature box & the mega phone & off he went. I told him that I would be out after & made him & I a sandwich. Our client was done & I asked her if things were better for her now & she said that they were. I smiled, for I was so happy. This past summer she was going through a lot. Sweet girl. I told her to come back again when she needed us again. Then she smiled & said "thanks". After she left I went into the kitchenette to make two turkey & cheese sandwiches, one for me & one for John. I put the sandwich in a plastic bag & took him out the sandwich & a bottled water & 4 cookies. That should do it. I went out with two signs also but when I got to the front lines he said that he had to go to his second job. Okay John & by the way here is your lunch. He thanked me & I thanked him for being out there in front of the abortion mill to witness. He said, as he was helping me to bring everything back into the center, that he did speak to someone who was pro life, walking down the sidewalk going to work, & even gave him a Truth packet. Go John go!! Great job for 45 minutes. I decided not to be by myself today for I'm still grieving for the loss of so many babies that are murdered at Planned Parenthood. I spoke to Sheila, later today & she told me that the girl, who was crying, that she spoke with after she came out of Planned Parenthood last Thursday, that just had an abortion, was Catholic. She told me that she offered her a Rosary & she said that she knew how to say it because she was a Catholic. This sadden me so very much, when she told me this today. How could this happen??? Even if she was a Protestant or an Atheists or whatever.....how could this happen??? How could a woman or girl have their baby killed???? Pregnancy is only temporary & if you can't parent then give your baby to a couple that want to love & raise your child. Give your baby 'life' not 'death'. I said yesterday, to the three young kids that tried to challenge me, "why is it that the baby has to be killed for what the parents did to conceive this child". "Why is everyone picking on this little precious voiceless person". "Be responsible for your actions for the baby shouldn't have to die because you had sex"!!!! I also said that "sex outside of marriage is a serious sin & must be confessed to be forgiven with a sincere heart of sorrow for that sin". Lets do things right rather than wrong & people would be happier & children wouldn't be killed by abortion. I hope that some of these words sunk in. The one girl already had two abortions & like Martha told her "this has to stop". How right you are dear Martha. A lady who has wisdom, from God. After John left & I was back in the center I worked in the office doing paper work & writing letters, etc.. Then the three delightful Elim Students came to work in the center I kept them very busy. The door bell rang & it was two females. One was there for the baby bouncer & the other young lady was there for a pregnancy test. She was so nervous that she couldn't do the test so she filled out the Intake Sheet & will come back again tomorrow around 3pm. Suzanne will be there for her. Sweet young lady, very receptive & polite. Is not abortion minded, thank God. She also was a 'life saver' for she talked her friend out of going to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. She showed me the little boys picture with a big smile on his sweet face. I thanked her for her part in saving this child's life from being killed at Planned Parenthood. I asked how she knew about us & she said that someone from the sidewalk had spoken to her as she walked by, for she goes to school in the neighborhood. I thanked her that she came to us & not to Planned Parenthood. She smiled at me. People are getting the message of the horrors of Planned Parenthood, thank God. One person & one Truth packet at a time. The Truth will prevail!! We have a new sign for the sidewalk & it reads: FOCUS CENTER 86 UNIVERSITY (with an arrow) FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE CHILDREN CLOTHES THEN MY PHONE NUMBER Very simple & direct. It's done in black, red & white. Very nice & we'll see how effective it will be, in time. Dan came by & he took some signs & some literature packets for tomorrow morning to be in front of Planned Parenthood at 8pm with John. That's the time the girl told Sheila, last week, that she came to have the abortion. All of our hearts ached & now we're doing something about it. We're getting there earlier & we'll be there ALL day starting from 8am to 5pm. Praise God for this is a prayer answered. Tickabo, from the taxi company came in & I asked him to change the panel on the ceiling, that had gotten wet & was ugly looking & he did & he also glued the table, that was coming a part, where Martha sits. She had put duck tape on it but it got glued today & is better. He was also a big help to me today. What blessings I receive from the God who loves me. Missed you Martha :( I went home around 9:15pm & my landlord called me. I guess the East Rochester Inspectors have to come to inspect my apartment. That's okay with me for my smoke alarm & carbon monoxide devices don't work. I think that the landlord said that he was stopping by tomorrow, good thing Mr. Dominic. Don't get me wrong for he is the best landlord I ever had. He had me test the alarms & two of them didn't work so he'll be by tomorrow to fix them. What a guy. I am blessed.
Thursday, April 17, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I tried to schedule enough people to be out in front of Planned Parenthood on Thursdays, the day that they kill the little babies. Dan called me at 9:30am this morning to tell me that he & John were there at 7:30am & they gave away a Truth packet, for the 45 minutes they were there. He also said that a taxi came into the parking lot which usually means that the girl is there for an abortion because she can't get a ride. How sad that she would even consider having her baby killed. After they left Bill & Pat were there praying the Rosary until Pat showed up at 10:30am. She said that she was alone until 11am & our new recruit Lew came to be with her & then came Addison. Martha cane at 12:15pm & I came a little before 1pm for I had to go to the Post Office to get mail for Focus. When I arrived I went into the center first & got the literature box & the graphic signs that hopefully will change hearts. I arrived on the front lines & was introduced to Lew, our new person. He has MS & had trouble walking, what a trooper & to have such dedication for the unborn I ask you Lord to heal him in your Mighty Name. Amen. He had a stick, as a cane, & I'll see if I can retrieve my old cane & bring it with me next Thursday for him. Sheila said that he might not be there next week but the week after, no problem. I went back into the center to get more things to bring out to the front lines & the door bell rang, It was two women that Martha had directed to the center for baby clothes. One of the ladies had a baby 7 months ago & her aunt is now pregnant with baby number three. I lead them into the Material Aid Room & then preceded to go back outside to bring more signs with me. I asked Sheila if she'd go back into he center to assist the ladies & for the pregnant lady to fill out an Intake Sheet so that Suzanne can call he to keep a check on her & to see if she'd need anything down the road. She said that she'd go back into the center to help the ladies. I said "thank you" & off she went . I was hoping that Suzanne would be there for I knew that our young lady from yesterday was going to come back around 3pm for a pregnancy test. Suzanne called to tell me that she was running late for she was buying a car. Okay I said, though disappointed that she was late, for I depend on her so much to be there at Focus at 1:30pm for I need her. I understand that things do come up for she is so dedicated & am so grateful that she's been with us for over 2 years now & what a blessing she is at Focus & our clients. Suzanne arrived & she said that she bought a car & will be picking it up on Friday. Good for you Suzanne, you deserve a good car. We went over a few things & then our client, from yesterday, came in for a pregnancy test. Suzanne warmly introduced herself to the client. I told her that she was in good hands with her, then I left to go back to the war zone, on the front lines. Martha & I were challenged by two young men that watched us from across the street, for awhile. I recognized that the one young man we have spoken with before. They walked over to us & the one young man, who we didn't speak to before, started to ask the same old questions that are usually asked. "What about the over population problem"? My eyes rolled. Martha!, I called, can you speak to these young men please. I first said to them that there was no over population problem & even if there were that wasn't any reason to have babies be killed, by abortion. I looked at them & said "why is everyone always picking on these little babies that can't speak or defend themselves"? People are bullies. I offered them a Truth packet & they both said "yes" & took one each. Then I offered them the DVD of growth & development & a bloodless abortion, testimonies, & the video 'Blood Money' & they took one to share. Yeah!! I was so happy that they took all these materials. Then Martha took over & spoke with them for about 10 minutes. They were nice guys, just a little mixed up. Hope that we helped them today, for we are God's instruments. They didn't come to us by chance. Mother Mary I give you these two fine young men & put them into your Immaculate Heart & please place them into the Sacred Heart, of your Divine Son. Thank you . Amen. Martha said to me that she heard someone cry out. We looked up the sidewalk to see one of the employees at Buckpitt, next to Planned Parenthood, had fallen on the ice on the sidewalk, in front of her office building. Martha & I went over to help her. She said that she heard a snap when she had fallen & was in a lot of pain. I looked into Buckpitt's window & saw Kim standing in the office. She smiled at me thinking that I was saying "hi" to her but I was calling to her that one of her workers had fallen on the ice. She quickly came out of the office & took charge. Then the other workers came out to help her. They got a chair with wheels to put her on & got a bag of ice for her swollen ankle. I took the mail from the ground & went to the mailbox to mail them. Some of the envelopes were pretty dirty from them hitting the ground. Oh well, that's the least of the problems of the day. They decided to take her to the hospital rather than call the ambulance. I spoke, to one of the owners, who we've had issues with & them with us because we've been in front of their building to protest Planned Parenthood, for years. The Buffer Zone, pushes us over to be in front of their building, which they didn't like from the beginning. It's been a very difficult relationship, to say the least. I said to him that the pro lifers went into the street on Monday to peacefully pray & protest to get away from the dangerous icy sidewalk & someone called the police on them. He said "I did". "What", I answered back, "why didn't you just talk with them"? He said that he did but they were in the street & were blocking his driveway. "Okay, okay, I wasn't there I can't be everywhere", I said. I was still glad that we could help this woman who needed us. Hope that after this incident we can get along better. I'm tired. It's been like the Hatfield & the McCoys feud, for the past 12 years. One of the guys took a picture of the sidewalk. Wonder what they're going to do with that? Maybe sue the city? None of my business. I'm to busy fighting Planned Parenthood, but it would have been nice to have gotten some support from Buckpitt over the past years. Lord have Mercy! Hope the feud is over. The women were coming out of Planned Parenthood slumped down in the front seat. This is a hard time to be out there. The guys pick them up & off they go into their world, not realizing some of them, that they will have to answer to God someday for what they just did to their innocent child. I hope & pray that they REPENT soon. Martha & I went into the center & had a quick supper, for her friend called her from the Hospital to come to pick her up, for she was being discharged after having a blood transfusion after taking to much Aspirin to thin her blood. I guess she thinned her blood a little to much. If your taking Aspirin, to thin your blood, please be careful. A shot of Brandy works better.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This was a very intense day in front of Planned Parenthood, again. Martha, John & I went over to the center after Mass & then went out on the front lines after we did a few things in the center first. Sandy came in & started to put things away into the Material Aid Room, that I received from my friend, that runs a second hand store where I live. She supplies us with so many nice things that we put in our Material Aid Room, for our clients, to receive for 'free'. Thanks Ana. John brought out the sign that reads 'DeFund Planned Parenthood'. It's on a long wooden stick which he put behind his back that was held secured by his coat. It's hard to describe all I know is that it was behind his back & his hands were free. It looked funny but was effective. Great thinking John! Today we handed out at least 11 Truth packets. WOW, to say the least!! A crazy guy that was coming out of Planned Parenthood hollered out his window saying "yeah, keep abortion going". I was standing by the fence & Martha was closest to him & responded back to him saying "your mother didn't abort you", she didn't stop here to have you killed, did she"?? He couldn't think of anything thing else to say back, "cat got your tongue young man"? Off he goes. He came back later on & picked up his girlfriend & he didn't say a word this time when he came out of the Planned Parenthood's parking lot. I hope it was because he was convicted by what Martha had said to him earlier. "You shall know the truth & the truth shall set you free", says the Bible. I know that this is true........ John was using the mega phone & was witnessing to the people going into Planned Parenthood. Just then a man walked over from behind the bushes & said to John that his girlfriend was her & she had had a miscarriage & he didn't appreciate that John & said to him "congratulations". He made it clear to him that he didn't say it to him but to another man who had just told him that his girlfriend wasn't going to abort his baby. Just then the strange people who work for the Liberty Underground business who have been a pain in the butt for several months now. I called the office to report Bob who was obnoxious to me & so disrespectful, about a 5 weeks ago. He was so nervy that he even told me his name. Thanks Bob, but doing so it just made it easier for me to report you to your Supervisor. By the way I haven't seen you back on University Ave. I guess it worked. You even told me to call your boss so I did. Scary dude. I also sent them much literature, about Planned Parenthood to the office, hoped that it helped. Well this guy from the same company hollers over to me saying that he did say "congregations", meaning John. I answered back to him that this was none of his business. He started to get nasty so I just ignored him & he stopped. I wish that it hadn't taken me so long to learn this lesson. Do you know how many times I just stood there arguing with someone, until we both looked crazy. This works better than anything, just don't acknowledge whoever & they can't fight with themselves so they just stop & go away. I know now that what I say isn't going to change them, for they are in a rage, & aren't really listening. Conversion sometimes comes quickly or it comes in stages. However God wants to work. Then I said, to the man with the girlfriend that had a miscarriage "why didn't you take her to the hospital"? He answered back that he didn't have any insurance. I said, back to him, "that the hospital would still have to take her & treat her". I said that "they kill babies here" & the nutty man said back to me "that he was pro choice". I said to him "you mean your pro abortion, pro death". You just lost your baby & you think that abortion is okay??? What a nut case, I thought!! He went back into Planned Parenthood. About 20 minutes later they both came out of Planned Parenthood & as they were leaving she was on the phone smiling. Not to judge her but she looked fine. If she had an miscarriage, I know personally how traumatic this is, so I wish her well & the father of the baby too. Please respect life by being 'Pro Life'. I mourn for you precious baby, that you supposingly lost today, & I'll name your baby, in my heart. A nice looking man came over to us asking if he could get some literature to help hi niece who was thinking of having an abortion. "Sure" we said & we gave him a Truth packet & a DVD of many subjects & the movie Bella, about adoption & some other pieces of literature regarding the Black child. He smiled & thanked us & said that he would give this to her & he would let us know if she changed her mind. We sure hope & pray that she does, we told him. "God be with you sir & you be a 'life saver' of this little baby. I think he was tearing up & then walked down the street. Another man walked passed us & the turned around & said to us "keep on fighting". "Yes, we all said back to him, we will & God bless you sir". Two young girls were walking passed us to go into Planned Parenthood & I gave them each a packet & told them that it was their packet & not to let Planned Parenthood take it from them. Off they go into the death camp. Hours later they came walking out with the Truth packets still in their hands. Praise God!! When they came out I was on the phone taking to my friend, sweet Anne, in Florida, who's moving back to Rochester with her husband & adopted daughter form China. They bought a house close to me & Holy Spirit Church. Yeah!!! They will be coming home in March, just in time for Tucker's infamous St. Patrick's Day Party, he has the best corn beef & cabbage in town. Another two girls walked passed us & weren't very nice or at least the one girl wasn't. As they passed us I offered them a Truth packet which they refused. The one girl said "I'm not having anymore". I answered back "how do you know" & she replied that she had her tubes tied". I said to her that was a sin & to confess it for God is a loving & forgiving God". The other girl called me a bad name & off they went down the street. They were turning towards our center so I asked Martha to see if they were going into Focus. She went to the parking lot & came back saying that they were going into the Ethiopian Restaurant. A few minutes later they came walking back towards Planned Parenthood. John was trying to talk to them & I told him not to bother to speak to them, for I didn't trust the one girl who was nasty. She had told me earlier that she had 8 children, so I offered her some 'free' clothes at out center down the street & she said "no thank you". So they probably were walking down there to check it out, for we are two doors from the restaurant. Well to our surprise the nasty girl came form behind the bushes were we were standing on the sidewalk & asked for a packet, so we gave her one. About 4 minutes later she came back asking for a packet for her friend, which we gave her. Then about 10 minutes later a car that had the both girls in it & their other friend driving, were holding up the little rubberized 12 week old babies, that we now put in all the Truth packets. They looked so happy & were smiling The car stopped & the girls said to us that their friend was going to have twins & if she could have a packet too. "Yes, of course", I said & then went to get the packet & a DVD for them. I also told them that Martha was a twin & she told them that she had twin brothers too. They were delighted to hear this. What a transformation that had taken place. John, Martha & I rejoiced in this awesome turn around. Though the one girl never apologized for calling me that name I had forgiven her & we were blessed to see how God worked, through us pro lifers. We can't give up & it's one person at a time or maybe three. We later on packed up the signs & the literature box & went into the center. I was feeling like 'death warmed over' so I went into the Great Room & took a 15 minute nap on the couch. I stayed up late to watch a repeat of the show 'Leverage' from 2am to 3 am... dumb. John & Martha went to drop off some birth control literature to Martha's daughter's house, for she's giving a talk in her church, about the importance of waiting until marriage for sex & not to use birth control & the dangers of it. When they came back we got supper ready & we ate a very interesting meal together. It didn't look good but it tasted okay.....
Wednesday, February, 23, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha, Martha where are you?? She called me to tell me that she had already gone to Mass this morning & that she'll meet me at the center around 1pm. Well, I came right over to the center after the noon Mass & did some things in the office waiting for Martha, no Martha. I made myself a sandwich & no Martha. So I decided to call her apartment & no answer. I then decided to call her cell phone yeah, there was Martha. She didn't sleep well last night so after Mass & after she took care of her patient, she does home nursing in the mornings 3 times a week, she went home to take a nap. What a nap it was until I woke her up. She got to the center around 2:10pm & we then went out to the front lines to witness. The abortionist, Rachael Phelps hasn't been at Planned Parenthood all week but tomorrow, Thursday is their killing day, so we'll see her again or some other mad man or woman who will be killing little babies all day there. I think that we hand just two Truth packets out this afternoon for the people where like Zombies, no affect, very scary. There was a car filled with young people that drove by us screaming out their window. I just said to them that God loved them & we loved them & that they hated themselves. Well they decided to come on back & drove right passed us where we were standing hollering like a bunch of crazy people. As they passed I told then to go away & to be quite. We never saw them again. It's so sad for me to see young people acting that way but when they do act that way there's no way to reach them in the state that they are in at that moment. I hope & pray that the Lord will send help for them to heal & to be forgiven from their past that haunts them. I went into the center for a few minutes to get something & when I am back to the sidewalk I saw Martha on her knees. I was dumfounded for she had said earlier that her hip was locked in pain. It touched my heart to see her in that position. A person who was walking by asked Martha if what she was doing was going to bring any justice to the situation. She said that she didn't reply. Only God can & will bring justice to the abortion situation in His way & in His time. We are all called, as Christians, to pray & to act peacefully against abortion, & we do this with God's grace. We heard a voice coming from across the street. It was young lady saying "is that a Rosary"? Yes we both said to her & she crossed the street & came over to us. "I haven't had a Rosary is such a long time " she said. "are you a Catholic we asked". "yeas she answered but I stopped going to church after they closed Mother of Perpetual Church near where I live. I said to her in a gentle way that she needed to go to Confession for not going to Mass on Sunday was a Mortal Sin. Martha & I mentioned Our Lady of Victory Parish, which is mine & also Our Lady of the Americas, which sounded closer to where she lives. We encouraged her to go back to Church & to Confession & to Mass every Sunday. I know that the Blessed Mother Mary will lead her back to her Son in the Sacraments, that's what she does. She was very grateful in receiving the blessed Rosary that PaPa Como had handmade. I got the Rosaries blessed, after Mass, then he called me up to say that he had the Rosaries blessed before he sent them to me. So they were blessed twice. WOW! Cleveland, our street friend, came by to tell Martha & I that he was hungry & to show us his frost bitten fingers. He wanted bus money to go to the hospital to get treatment. After I gave him some food Martha gave him some bus money. His fingers were opened & raw looking. I offered him a taxi ride but he refused & left to walk up the sidewalk to the bus stop or the liquor store, it's anybody's guess. I'll see him tomorrow & hopefully his bandaged fingers, if he went to the hospital. Lord have Mercy on our Cleveland who we love very much. Martha told me that yesterday when the long time death escort, Sylvia Rose, drove out of Planned Parenthood's parking lot after being there escorting in the victims to be devoured by this death organization, that she now has a white Rosary hanging on her car mirror. I nearly flipped & so did poor Martha who had to see this. What a mockery & sacrilege & blasphemy. Here she is escorting women & girls to go into Planned Parenthood to have their babies be killed & she has a Rosary on her car mirror? What is that all about??? Sick & evil, that's what it's all about, the trickery of the devil, to fool people in thinking that she's a good person as she does her evil deeds at Planned Parenthood. She is scary & so is Barry Swan & Linda Mock & Marsha Peone & Barbara Moore & all the 'death people' that run Planned Parenthood. Tucker came & Martha & I went into the center. Someone came & picked up her 2 pro life shirts that we have been saving for her & I got to meet her friend too. Then our sweet Elim Bible Study girls came to bless us some more. I always give them a hug & ask them how they are doing & then tell then to "get to work", ha ha. I give them assignments & they have a ball doing them. One of our client s had just came in who is pregnant with twins so one of the Elim girls kept her company in the Material Aid Room. They were putting away baby clothes & making up Truth packets galore. I then asked then if they had seen the movie Bella & Elizabeth said that she did & that she enjoyed it so much. I said that I was disappointed that the main charter who is soooo handsome didn't shave off his beard at the end of the story. I guess I wanted to see his handsome face. Well I gave them one of our Bella movies to take back with then to the college to watch together. I said that you have to have popcorn when watching this movie & they laughed. See I can be funny at times, I'm not always serious. Well they smiled & thanked me & I smiled & thanked them for all that they do for us at Focus. What a blessing they are to me. I'll miss them so much when they leave us in April. Two of them will be married this year. I'm so happy for them. I called one of our clients who is due anytime & I asked if she was affected by the Bella movie that I gave her when I first meet her at Focus last year & what did she thought of it. She said that she was influenced by the movie to keep her baby & that the movie touched her heart. I was glad to hear that. She should be delivering her baby girl very soon. The doorbell rang & it was Jim, our regular person who comes to Focus for clothes & things for his child & his sister's child, we think. He suffers from Schizophrenia. He also had frost bite on his fingers & said that he was at the hospital but that the bandage fell off. He did show me his wrist band. I gave him some Band-Aids & Martha gave him some food. He felt better after all the love we gave him, I hope.
Thursday, February 24, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood
A day from Hell, for sure. I arrived only to see that Sheila was by herself on the front lines. I was upset because I though that the times were covered otherwise I would have been there with her. Hope that next week it will be covered better that she will not be alone & if she is only for a very short time. She was on the mega phone speaking to someone by the fence. I pulled into the parking lot & saw 2 other pro lifers that just arrived. The one, went with a mega phone & some literature, to the brick side of the building to counsel. The other male pro lifer had to go to work down the street. I hurried to be with Sheila & was waiting for Martha. I had forgotten that she said that she had to go get her taxes done. I wasn't dressed properly, for I thought it was warmer than it was, for I needed to put my boots & heavier coat & hat & gloves on but couldn't until Martha arrived for I didn't want Sheila to be alone. I went & got more signs & the literature box & was now with her. She told me what had happened while she was there starting at 10:30am. She started to speak to a woman who was sitting in a parked van, in the Planned Parenthood's parking lot, near where she was standing, out on the sidewalk. The woman got out of the van & walked over to Sheila. She asked the woman why was she there & was told by her that she had dropped off, probably one of her daughter's friend's, here at Planned Parenthood. Sheila then said to her "do you know why"? The woman answered "no, probably for a check up or something". Then Sheila told her that they do abortions all day here on Thursdays. "What" she said, I'm a Christian & I don't believe in abortion". Sheila suggested that she went into Planned Parenthood to see what she was doing in there for she's been in there for a long time. She said "thank you" to Sheila & went in. She came out about 5 minutes later & walked over to Sheila & told her that this girl was in there for an abortion, she was told. It had already taken place & she wasn't allowed into the room where she was. This woman was devastated to say the least. Sheila tried to comfort her & offered that they say the rosary together which they did. Sheila went into the Truth packet & took out the Post Abortion brochure Project Rachel & gave it to this woman to give to this girl, she will need help after this 'day of death'. After they said the rosary the woman went back into the van to wait for the girl to come out. She came out about 15 minutes later & as she was leaving the parking lot she waved at Sheila & I who was standing there, but her eyes were really on Sheila, for the love & comfort that she showed her today. She was betrayed by this young girl & maybe even her daughter. She will never forget this day even though it wasn't her fault for if she had know she would not have driven her here & probably would have even talked her out of having her baby killed. I fet so badly for both Sheila & this lady for I know something about betrayal, & it hurts like hell.
Just then a red truck pulled into the parking lot with a young girl & guy. I hope that they saw the graphic pictures on the way in & I started to talk to them immediately as they were in the truck. He rolled down the window & said "shut up you b....", I knew I was on the right track. I get on calling out to them especially to her. A few minutes later they got out of the truck & headed into Planned Parenthood. Then the male pro lifer who was standing on the sidewalk closest to the door spoke to them also. They were in there less than 20 minutes & left. As they were puling out of the parking lot the young girl had her head down for she didn't want to see the pictures again & I called out to her saying "we can help you". The boyfriend gunned his red truck so loudly that he burned rubber on the street. Stay strong dear one & you will be glad that you did about 8 months from now & so will he if he's still in your life by then. No man is worth killing your baby over. They're gone & you're left with the loss, pain, guilt & regret for the rest of your life. If you can't raise your baby then place your precious little one up for adoption to people that can raise your child that you gave life to. Abortion is murder & it is a deadly sin for you that, if not repented can lead you straight to hell after you die. So if you had an abortion please with a sincere heart ask God to forgive you & He will & He will restore you through the Post Abortion Counselors help at 1-800-286-4224 or http://www.project-rachel.net/. Don't wait do it now!! Now all hell broke lose because the devil was mad that a life was saved. Remember we are created in God's image & likeness & he hates God so he hates us who were made by God. Sheila had to leave but Martha wasn't there yet but the one pro lifer was there by the brick side of the building & Bill came who now standing across the street holding a graphic sign. A young man came out onto the sidewalk & I spoke with him for a few minutes & gave him the Truth packet. He looked at the graphic signs & walked down the street. He was recognizable for he had his pants down to his butt & no offense to him he had a very strange nose. When Martha arrived I told her all that had happened & about this young man too. She said that that sounded like the description of the boyfriend of the young girl that she had brought into the center on Tuesday & was suspicious that they may come back on Thursday for an abortion. I said "Martha then she's in there". I saw the pain on Martha's face & in my heart to think that they came back to have their precious baby killed. Just then a woman came around the bushes with a cigarette in her mouth, she was about in her 40's & she looked at the graphic picture of the little 10 week old aborted baby & said "that's not what it looks like, it's just an embryo". "What" Martha & I both chimed in. I said that you were once an embryo & look at you now. You've grown a lot since then. An embryo is just a very small person. "No" she said & walked down the sidewalk away from us. They won't let you smoke in Planned Parenthood but you can murder in there. What an evil. A few minutes later, since Martha was now here I needed to get my warmer coat & boots, gloves & a hat on, for it was colder than I thought. I walked to where my car was parked in our parking lot & I then saw the lady with the cigarette coming out of Mack's store, next our pregnancy center. I tried to reason with her about allowing her daughter to have an abortion. She said to me "have you had an abortion"? I answered "no" & she said "see then you don't know what you're talking about". I said that I know that fire hurts without going into a burning building to find out". "You're not God", she said. I said "I know that I'm not God & He said "Thou Shall Not Kill". All of a sudden I heard a voice from behind me saying "are you going to carry this baby"? What, I thought to myself who are you & where did you come from & why are you siding with her & not with me who is trying to save a life?? Then the woman with the cigarette said "see that's what I'm talking about". The angry woman then went into the Focus Center. I thought let Diane, who was helping us out in the Material Aid Room today & Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, take care of her they're capable. She then said "don't harass me". I said " you're in a public place & you can get away from me at any time & I'm not threatening your life like you're threatening your grandson or granddaughter's life". She walked away & I knew that Martha will say something to her as she passes by her going back into Planned Parenthood. I went to my car & got my winter coat on, boots, gloves & hat on & went back to be with Martha on the front lines. As I was turning the corner to be with Martha I saw that she was practically jumping up & down. I hollered to her "this looks like good news". I approached Martha & she told me that the little girl from Tuesday, along with the boyfriend, had come out of Planned Parenthood, & told to Martha that her baby will be born this September. Martha told her that she thought that she was in there for an abortion & she said "no way". Martha told her that was praying for her & she was so happy to hear this great news & so was I. John arrived & came to the front lines holding a sign. Then a woman drove passed by John & hollered something nasty out her window at him. Being a protective mother bear I looked to see that she just had pulled into the Midtown Vets, across the street, so I waited till she came out of her car. I was standing now right in front of Buckpitt with is between us & Planned Parenthood. As she approached, with her dog on a leash to the entrance of the Vets, I said to her "are you going in there to have your dog killed"? She hollered something at me & when I turned around I saw a face of a woman in Buckpitt's window. Don't worry I didn't start this I just finished it, go back to work. I noticed that the mega phone was losing it's sound so I decided to go into the center to get some new batteries. I knew that the nasty lady was in there but I wasn't afraid of her, through the power of the Holy Spirit, so off I go the center. I walked down the hall heading to the office where I have the batteries in the refrig, to see her in the Material Aid Room. She spotted me & I heard her to say to the two ladies, Diane & Suzanne, in the room asking them "do you know her"? Then answered "yes we do". Then she said "she was out in the parking lot cussing this lady". I walked by the entrance to the Material Aid Room & said "I wasn't cussing her I was speaking to her not to have her grandbaby killed over at Planned Parenthood". She immediately gathered her bag of things that she just received from the room & out in the hallway she went as fast as she could go. I was behind her & when she was outside in the parking lot I asked her if she was Post Abortive & she said something I won't repeat & I then said to her that we could help her & off she went 'mad as a wet hen'. At least, when she's ready to come to grips of her abortion, she knows where to come for help. Right now she's still in denial & is using me as her scapegoat. I hope & pray that I will see her again someday soon to give her the help that we can give her. I walked back into the Material Aid Room & Suzanne who had heard the ramping & raving of the woman who went into the vets said that she thought that she was Post Abortive too. I said that 1 in every 3 women have had an abortion. Some of these woman are very angry & nasty & aggressive. I pray for their healing & for them to ask forgiveness from God of their sin of murder & also their accomplices, example anyone who helped her in any way to have the abortion. They are also in danger of losing their souls & need to repent. I went back outside with the new batteries for the mega phone & there was the neighbor across the street from Planned Parenthood screaming at the male pro lifer who is standing by the brick side of Planned Parenthood. He was ramping & raving too. The demons are all out today. He was saying nasty & stupid things at the pro lifer was always holds his own very well. Then Jim, the neighbor gave us a revelation of what might be the matter with him. It's safe to say that he's suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from the Vietnam War. My heart goes out to him but he comes out of his condo & starts to be so disruptive & disrespectful to us as we're trying to do our ministry out there in front of the Killing Mill,Planned Parenthood. I think when I have some time, ha ha, I'll do some research & send him some info., though he's probably in denial too just like everyone else is about their situation. I'll also pray for him & when he comes out of his condo again & wants to pick a fight I will just ignore him, that usually works every time. When they have no one to fight with they just go away & that's what I want. Oh yeah, he said that he had his Ph.D.. Now that explains why he says what he says, at times. Don't get me wrong I respect those with Ph.D. & act appropriately, Jim doesn't so there is probably a combination of things for he said that he was a Catholic too. He doesn't believe in what the True Church teaches so I wonder if he goes to Spirtius Christi, some of them still think that they are Catholics but they are not & are Excommunicated from the Church. Dr. Theodore Ruckert, came out of Planned Parenthood, his name is on the RU 486 bottles at Planned Parenthood & he stopped his car to talk to Jim. Then he said to the pro lifer "you cause abortions because you don't believe in birth control". Well doctor, 'NO', the abortion rate goes up when the girl or woman is contracepting. You don't know diddle squat Dr. Ruckert. In a study of abortion patients [Alan Guttmacher Inst.], 58% of patients reported that they ‘currently used’ contraception during the month of their last menstrual period… Check out: http://www.physiciansforlife.org/content/view/489/36/. Ruckert left & so did Jim. Yeah!! How sad are these two men, to say the least & their counterparts.
Friday, February 25, 2011 in front of the Liberty Poll in Rochester. Please read the article that was in the local Democrat & Chronicle newspaper. Rob & I were the two pro life protesters, protesting their protest. Wish that there were more of us!! Correction: the reporter reported that there was over 100 of them which was not so, it was more 30 of them. Why he reported that is beyond me. He seemed like a good man & I think that he did a fair job with the article. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20110226/NEWS01/102260334/Rally-opposes-funding-cut-Planned-Parenthood?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Home
(Wish this would happen here in Rochester) Pro-Life Flash Mob in Chicago Surprises “Walk for Choice”http://www.lifenews.com/2011/02/28/pro-life-flash-mob-in-chicago-surprises-walk-for-choice/
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Every time I go to the center on Tuesday afternoons something always upsets me but today it really upset me. There was a flood in the shared All Purpose Room yesterday. It was a mess!! The ceiling titles, to the one end of the room, was saturated with water from the roof & had fallen down onto the floor. The Taxi guys had put 3 pails under the water leak. The water was on the wall, that we had just painted not to long ago & the new rug was saturated but was now drying but had water marks on it. This takes the cake. Martha called the landlord who doesn't want to put money into the building. He needs to do more patch work on the roof when the weather gets better ASAP. We give him $1,600 to rent 4 rooms for the center every month until the rug is paid for then our rent will go up to $1,800 a month. I don't think so.....We pay to much already for all the grief that Martha & I experience in there. We try to make the rooms look good & even in our new Great Room is starting to have some water leaks on the ceiling. Please Lord get Bernie to fix the roof to stop all the leakage that we're sick of. It took Martha & I a little while to get out to the front lines this afternoon, which saddens me. Sandy, our volunteer, came to help us & she started to work right away putting the food away onto our shelves, in the Material Aid Room, & putting the diapers into plastic bags so that we can help our moms out for a short time until they can buy more on their own. Finally Martha & I got outside with our signs & literature box & our first situation was a guy that had stopped his truck right in front of the vets across the street. He hollered over to us to "go home". I answered back to him "you go home first, we're busy here trying to save babies from being killed & if someone was about to kill you we'd try to protect your life too". He went into the vets without an animal & came out about 5 minutes later without an animal. He got into his truck & drove over to us . I said "if you give us any trouble & have my cell phone & will call 911 so fast". He said a few things & I replied that "if you don't do anything to stop this slaughter of the unborn that you are a part of the problem & the sin of omission is as great a the sin of commission, even greater". He rode away. What's wrong with people???? Today there was an elderly Death Escort, bringing the girls into Planned Parenthood. How sad it is to see elderly people aiding & abetting in this abortion horror. I kept telling her that she had one foot in the grave because she was so old & we're not going to live on this earth forever. We will live forever but it'll be in Heaven or Hell. They probably got her for the Unitarian Church on Winton Rd. there is where most of the Death Escorts are first requited. I really don't know but it was sad to see her that's for sure. I tried to speak Truth to her as she drove out of the parking lot but some how I think that it fell on deaf ears. That's to bad. After she left Sylvia Rose, with her plastic face, arrived. She's been a Death Escort for about 10 years & she looks like it too. She looks the part. A little while later Linda Mock & Marsha Peone left... from NOW (National Organization of what kind of women)? What kind of women are these who want little babies to be murdered & their mothers to be hurt for the rest of their lives?? They hopefully don't represent to many women in America. John surprised us & came out to the front lines between jobs. We greeted him & he added some prayer to the ministry. About 15 minutes later a young couple walked over to us & asked for a pregnancy test. I asked Martha if she'd do it & she agreed. Off they all go to the center laving John & I on the front lines to continue on. A car came into the parking lot & I said what I said to offer help & to make them aware of what goes on here at Planned Parenthood. A couple got out of the car looking like they were of middle age screaming at me, both of them. I just kept on telling them what Planned Parenthood is all about. John started to talk to the angry man & the woman went into the building. After John talked with him & the guy was walking into Planned Parenthood & he said to John to tell that f...... b.....to shut up. I took my mega phone & told him that I forgive him & that she doesn't respect women & asked him if he was using the woman who was now in the building of this Killing Mill? He looked at me like I found out his secret. It's the Ho;y Spirit who knows everything. He didn't say another word & went in & when they both came out they didn't say a word as they left to go. "You shall know the Truth & the Truth will set you free". The Bible. Martha was back with us & then John had to go. A few minutes later a car came up to us to scream to us that they were pro choice. I answered back that you're pro death. Hee hee they responded. It's ugly out here. Then a car drove by us with a woman of color hollered out her widow as she went passed by us saying "abortion rules". Now does that really make sense?? Not at all. She is Post Abortive & they are very strange woman until they get out of denial & repent & start the healing process, which goes on for the rest of their lives. Though forgiven that can't forget. Another Post Abortive woman drove by us to give us the 'bird'. I hollered to her to repent for the sin of murder being directly or indirectly involved with abortion. It's so sad out here, though we did have some support from cars that were driving by us too, to encourage us in our work. Thank you.... A car was coming right towards me & before the car stopped I noticed that it was Jim, who was once a police officer, who was our friend out here on the front lines. He had arrested a young guy who thrown sometime at me, years ago, when it was dark. He got on TV, when we won the appeal back in 2002 & he bad mouthed Planned Parenthood & got suspended for 2 weeks because of it. Go Jim, Go Jim!! I was so happy to see him. He stops by to say hi every once in a while, which is such a blessing to me. He is so nice & such a handsome man too. I said "hi Jim", with a big smile on my face, "how are things going"? I asked him about his son & he gave me a report on his health. I told him that I've been praying for him & his children & his ex wife & I'll pray even more harder. Just then Cleveland, our street person, was walking up the street towards us. When he got to where I was standing talking to Jim he looked in the car & smiled from ear to ear & said "hi ya yeah oh yea" & Jim reached into his pocket to get some quiet money for him. Cleveland replied "I love the white man & I love the white man". I saw that a police car had seen Cleveland & I & a stopped car & had made a U turn & was now approaching us. I flagged over to him that I was fine & it Officer Jim .......... who I was talking to, in the car. He pulled up next to Jim's car & said "hi buddy". They spoke for a few minutes & off the police car went. Cleveland left to follow Martha into the center to get some Ramon noodles & I spent a little longer talking to Jim. He is so nice & is a good man. I was happy to see him. He'll stop by again when he can. He's a supervisor for a company in Rochester, for he retired, from the police force, years ago. What a rebel & a handsome one to say the least. Love ya Jim!!!! A car with four young girls just drove into Planned Parenthood & I said to them that this place will ruin your lives & that we can help you. They were in there for a long time & when they came out of the parking lot I was alone & tired, for Martha went to go to supper over her daughter's. I was holding the graphic sign Malachi, an aborted baby that if you saw this baby it would make your heartache, if you're human. As they were leaving all I could say was "is this all right? is this all right? is this all right"? The one girl, who was in the back seat, reacted with some compassion on her face & the other girl on the passenger side of the front seat, moved her head up & down as to say 'yeah, it's all right'. I said to her "you need help". She had such a sweet looking face, but through my experience over the years, means nothing. Sometimes the hardest looking girls are the sweetest. John came back & helped me put some things away & then went to Mass at St. Stanislaus, on the corner of Hudson Ave.. He said that he was coming back after Mass so I went into the Great Room & took a nap on the couch. I woke up & John called to say that he wasn't coming back if that was okay. I said that it was for I wanted to leave after I did a couple of things. I waited for Pat, our grandmother with the 4 great grandchildren to come to get diapers & money for formula but she didn't. She cam only come when she has a chance to get away & I guess she couldn't get away tonight. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow or Thursday. After I did what I needed to do in the office I left to go home at a record time of 7:20pm. I had to leave the All Purpose Room a mess until tomorrow & then try to clean it up for the new director & co director of Embracing Options were coming to see the Focus Center for the first time & for us to introduce ourselves to them & them to Martha & Suzanne & I. I want everything to look nice for their coming on Thursday at 2pm. We'll see.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 not in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I came to the center after Mass today & never left the center until it was time to go home or in Martha's case to go baby-sit for her grand children. Her ex husband was coming over to help put the new stroller that we just received together & he didn't leave for an hour & a half. We asked me to put in the new ceiling tiles from our water leak on Monday & then he did some other odds & ends & then even went to Wegmans to buy bags of rice for those who are in need for our Food Shelves. Thanks so very much Frank, great job too. The place is looking so much better now. Then the Elim Students came & they did the vacuuming & put away baby & children clothes in the Material Aid Room & made up new Truth packets & cleaned the bathroom & cleaned the glass on the front door. They were kept very busy to say the least. Then Tucker came & went outside to protest. Today was one of the coldest days of the winter so far & it was because of the wind chill. But that's not why Martha & I wasn't out there & was because we were sooooo busy in the center. Then Memo came & brought all the 2010 papers & A CD for our account Elroy to work on the 990 form for our 501(c) 3 organization. Thanks Memo for all that you do for Focus's Data Entry. God bless you. I looked at my emails & Pat, our Monday evening counselor was back from her vacation & will be back this Monday after 3 weeks. Rob will be so happy & so will I. Tomorrow we're having the two new directors of Embracing Options come to meet us & us them & to take a look at our center. That's another reason for us to make sure that all looked good. I went over to Mack's next door, he has a Christian T shirt shop, to give him our rent check for Bernie, our Landlord. He said that he missed me & I said that I missed him & we gave each other a big hug. We are right next door, to each other & I can't seem to get over there to just say "hi". Very bad of me & I'll try to do better. Love ya Mack! I then went back next door to the center to do some more work. Tickabo, from the taxi company came in & I told him that Martha & were not going to clean the men's room anymore but we will take out the trash. He helps us out a lot so he said that he would clean the men's room right now. I said that's great & gave him all the cleaning products that he would need for the project. He's so nice & co operative. I then gave our accountant, who is down the hall from us & I gave him all that Memo gave me, all the information for 2010 was put on a CD & Memo had also made a hard copy of the records too. What a great job he's done for Focus. He kiddingly said to Martha that he didn't know what he was getting into when he first volunteered last year but has been blessed working with us as we have been blessed working with him. Thank you Lord!! Pat, our grandmother, came to the center to receive some diapers & baby wipes & some baby clothes for her family. I went to the car to see her 3 great grandchildren all asleep in the van & said "hi" to Katherine, the mother of the 2 boys. She told me some bad new regarding a local High School who took her to court regarding some back payment but she said that she never received a letter in regards to this. She is planning to protest the school in a couple of weeks. She will have a sign & walk up & down the sidewalk right in front of the school. I hope this will help & not hurt the situation, even further. God be with her for she worked so hard to save the lives of her great grandchildren. I write about her a lot on the Front Line Weekly. Love her to pieces & her family too. I meet her, in front of Planned Parenthood, two years ago & her great grandson was a RU 486 save. Amen. After Pat left & Martha had left earlier to baby-sit I did some more work around the center & then left too to go home. I first had to fo to Wegmans to buy my supper & coffee for tomorrow's breakfast before I come to the Killing Mill where they kill little babies all day long :(
Thursday, March 3, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived today Sheila was with Addison, Dan & Adolph. She told me, just shortly after they had arrived, she was asked to give a pregnancy test to a young woman who had just left Planned Parenthood saying that they were not taking 'walk ins' at this time. So Sheila brought her over to Focus & the client did the pregnancy test as all our clients do. We have the clients do the test we do not. Her test was positive & she was happy. She was not abortion minded & her baby, will be safe in her womb, for the remainder of her pregnancy. She went into the Material Aid Room & received a baby blanket for her to bond with her baby. Sheila gave her some free literature to take home with her too. I was glad to hear this great news. Sheila had to go but Adolph stayed with me. Martha was running late & I found out when she did arrive that she was again having car trouble, the battery this time. Poor Martha. So it was Martha, Adolph & Bill, for he had just come to stand across the street with a graphic sign of baby Malachi, & I. We prayed & counseled & witnessed. A man on a bike rode passed us & said "pro choice". I answered back saying "you mean pro death"! He showed us his middle finger. This is no way to treat people, as if he knows anything about how to be a gentleman. Poor & misguided chap. Then Adolph had to go & it was just Martha & I for Suzanne couldn't make it today. The same oh three nasty young people came driving by in their daddy's car screaming at us. They drive right up to the curb. This is the third time in three days that they are doing this. I hope that this will not continue next week. About 15 minutes later some crazy young males screamed out of their car "kill them before they are born". This is the sick society that we lie in today. They were probably Post Abortive fathers which will go crazy unless they come to grip with what they had allowed. Lord please save their souls. Martha went into the center & I was by myself for a short time when the school buses passed by me. One of the buses had to stop for a traffic situation & the young kids called out of the window saying to me, "are you killing the babies". I was surprised that's what they were saying & I answered them saying "no, it's not me it's Planned Parenthood", then I pointed to their building just before the bus rose away. My heart was very sad at this encounter for them to think that it was us that was killing these precious babies but I did set them straight, that part was good. Martha came back about 10 minutes later & we stayed outside for another hour or so & then went in. Leanne came to help put away baby &children clothes tonight . She was back from her trip to San Francisco, she said that she enjoyed her trip but her & her husband were glad to be back home. For there's no place like home :)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood I was in a bad mood & it was further challenged by a friend, who broke into our office using a credit card, to use the computer & he gave me all kinds of excuses for doing so. I barred him for ever using the computer again & he got real angry at me. Bad scene inside & outside. :( Martha had to go to get cookies for her Parish Council Meeting at her church later this evening. So I was by myself for awhile. Donna moved away from the ruckus, between John & I but passed out a Truth packet as she prayed, on the front lines. I gave her the book "Return of the Children" a book of fiction but an important read of children who were aborted being lead by God to return to their parent or parents who aborted them to seek our forgiveness & repentance for what they had done. She encouraged me to read 'UnPlanned', by Abby Johnson who was once a Director of Planned Parenthood but had left to become a powerful pro life advocate. Deal, Donna. Carole will return to us in the second week of April & we miss her. She's doing pro life work in Florida while she & her husband are house sitting. One mixed up man who with his friend at Planned Paretnthood. He made negative comments. Martha helped a mom in the Material Aid Room to receive some nice things for her children. Baby #4, a little girl, was born but the mom had to go before I could receive any info.of birthday, weight & name. I will call her back on Wednesday to hopefully receive this information so that I can pass the info. onto the Focus email list. They love to receive these emails & I love to send them too. Got ready for our first Broad Meeting of 2011. All Board members showed up except Todd, who was in a car accident in February. I made copies to hand out & we had a great & productive meeting for an hour. Dan, our maintenance man, who comes by & helps us at Focus & friend, fixed our 2 pregnancy centers doors, so no one could use a credit card to get in, which happened in our office. I put our money, to help our clients, & important papers, in the huge locked safe where no one could steal anything.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 not in front of Planned Parenthood What a day!!! This is Ash Wednesday & Martha & I went to Mass to receive our ashes. 'Dust until dust, ashes to ashes'. That's what we are, just dust with an eternal soul, so work on you eternal soul that will live forever either n Heaven or Hell. What 'choice' are you making? We don't know when our time here on earth is UP... the End. It's over & now you either will suffer for your 'choice' or be blessed for your 'choice' for ALL Eternity. If you are in sin please ask Jesus to forgive you with a sincere heart & He will. Don't wait, for the Bible states that "now is the acceptable time". The doorbell rang & it was Jerry, I sat behind him at Mass & here he was at the center. He said that it was to cold to go outside but I encouraged him to go outside to pray & protest. He reluctantly did. Martha joined him. I stayed in the center to get ready for a client that had called me earlier to say that she was coming to the center referred by DSS to obtain diapers & some clothes & small items for her daughter. Also I was expecting Dottie who & her family & friend & her daughter had blessed Focus with many beautiful blankets that they had made for our mother's children. So the doorbell rang & it was Dottie & her family with many beautiful blankets that they had made with love & prayer. I showed them around Focus & then Dottie's friend Cathy came with her daughter. We had a nice conversation & I showed them the center also. Praise God for their wonderful gift to Focus for our moms children. After they left we gave away 3 of the blankets in less then 2 hours. I went out to the car to get the bags of clothes that were given to me by my friend here in East Rochester for the center & Sandy saw me for she was in the store next to our center. She came out of the store & came into the center to start to wok for she called me to tell me that she couldn't make it on her regular day Tuesday but on Wednesday instead. It was good to see her & she started to put the clothes away into the Material Aid Room. The door bell rang & it was the friend that we have been having trouble with lately. He broke into the office & didn't really think that it was any big deal. I felt differently about it than he did. So here he was with this clients from the Catholic Family Center. We have bleed this family with a car seat & many baby clothes & small items so I don't know why he brought this family back to the center after what happened yesterday in the center & on the sidewalk with him. I guess it's called 'denial'. So to make a long & sad story short, he flipped out on me & Martha, who was now back in the center from being outside in the cold & rain. It was not pretty. It broke my heart that this all went down in a bad way & in front of his clients who I guess looked the other way as long as they were getting what they wanted from the Material Aid Room. Need less to say as he left he slammed the front door so hard that he broke the door. The landlord was called later on & he will come by to fix it. He seemed to understand that these things can happen. He then began to point his finger into Martha's face, which she didn't appreciate it at all. The dispatcher from the taxi company asked this man to leave but he refused & he had to go back to work answering the phone for the taxi company. It was a mess. I decided to leave the area & go to the other room because I thought that I could be adding fuel to the fire perhaps. Then Martha began his victim. Martha came over to me & asked me to call the police but I thought that this was a ploy to get him to leave but she really meant it. She was a psychic nurse for 15 years at the State Hospital, she knows her stuff & she felt that he needed a psychic intervention. Later I said to her that she should have called for I thought she was only kidding. It was so sad. They all finally left, the non controllable guy & his clients & Martha & I both took a deep breath & then the doorbell rang. It was our client that had called me on my cell phone earlier. She was a pure delight. She went into the Material Aid Room & I went into the Great Room to get her size 5 diapers & baby wipes, for her 13 month old daughter. Then she came into the All Purpose Room & sat down. She said that she was feeling weak for she was a Diabetic & had very high Blood Pressure. We gave her some hard candy & some water. We didn't have any cheese or any real protein but a lot of carbs to give her. She then said that she didn't have a bed because of bed bugs in her apartment & she showed us her bed bug bites & she had to get rid of the bed & sleeps now on the floor. She is a big woman and this must be very uncomfortable for her. I then called my friend Maria & told her the situation, for she has a ministry that gives away baby & children clothes & small & big items & furniture like beds & dressers etc.. I spoke with her & then I gave our sweet client the phone & she spoke with her & because Maria was driving she asked our client to call her tomorrow & she will help her get a bed. Thanks Maria!!! I went on line to print out some information about bed bugs & how to get rid of them. She was appreciative for the info.. Martha suggested that we ask for the taxi to take her home because she was feeling not to good & had to carry 2 bags filled with clothes & diapers & things. She called me when she arrived home to thank us for our kindness. She was such a blessing to both Martha & I after the stress that we endured earlier on this day.
Thursday, March 10, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Sheila, is our new prayer warrior & sidewalk counselor, who is front of Planned Parenthood from 10:30am to 1pm, when they are killing little babies there. She speaks to the women with the mega phone & hands out Truth packets & has even done 2 pregnancy test at Focus, so far. She is a blessing & I am so happy that she is with us, as a team member. Also, there are 4 or sometimes 5 gentlemen who are with her at different times to pray with her & to witness to the public. They are there when she goes into the Focus Center to do a pregnancy test. Praise God that most of Thursday is covered with prayerful people, when the precious babies are being killed, if their mothers don't change their minds. This is the first time in 15 years, since I've been out in front of Planned Parenthood, that on Thursdays, Planned Parenthood's killing day, that there is people to cover most of the day. Martha started to come out on Thursday afternoons about 21/2 years ago & when I lost my job 2 years ago I joined her, in front of Planned Parenthood. We had some people who joined us, now it's just Martha & I, usually. Pat & Bill come to pray on Thursdays from 9 to 10:30am then Sheila, from 10:30am to 1pm & then Martha & I from 1pm to 4:30 or 5pm. Now we have Dan who gets there first before work. He comes to pray from 7:30am to 8:15am. God bless you all & your reward will be great in Heaven someday.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood When I got to the center I noticed that there was a girl standing next to the Planned Parenthood sign so I drove into our parking lot to park my car & to grab the Truth packet, that I keep in my car, to try to go give it to her. I got to my post on the sidewalk by the big tree & called over to her "would you like this packet of information"? I smiled & flagged her to come over to me to receive it. She smiled back at me & came over to get the Truth packet. I talked to her for a few minutes & then her ride came to pick her up. I just make it, thank you Lord.
A young girl, who was not open to the Truth, was walking up the sidewalk going away from Planned Parenthood, she was carrying a brown bag, which means usually something bad coming from Planned Parenthood. I stopped to speak with her to tell her the Truth about Planned Parenthood. She was defensive of the place. offered her a Truth packet but she refused it. I came back with the hard hitting Truth of how evil Planned Parenthood is & we went back & forth until a car with two women in it stopped & asked me about the 'free' children's clothes. I pointed to the center & said to them to "follow me". I said "good bye to the closed minded young woman, with my heart aching, as she walked away & went back into the center to show the two women where to go to receive the children clothes. They were so happy & in such need of some nice things for their children.
I went back to my car to get our food, out of the car, for supper & other things in the car that needed to be brought into the center. I then went outside to put our sign out on the sidewalk, which reads: Free pregnancy tests & Free children clothes & my cell number on it, with an arrow pointing to the Focus Center at 86 University Ave.. Then I saw a young girl walking up the sidewalk. I am always suspicious when I see a young girl walking towards the direction of Planned Parenthood. I went over to her & asked if I could help her if she was going to Planned Parenthood? She said that she was going there to get the Morning After Pill, another name for it is Plan B. I told her about what it does at times & that it could cause an early abortion if you were pregnant. She said that she didn't believe in abortion & I said that I was happy to hear that. She said that she was going over to PP for a pregnancy test. I told her that we do pregnancy tests for 'free' & that our pregnancy center was right here & I pointed to it. She said "okay" & she followed me into the center after I introduced myself to her. Martha was helping, along with Sandy, the two women that came in earlier but I asked Martha to stop what she was doing & to help this young lady with a pregnancy test & to give her some information, which she did . They both hit it off right from the start. I heard them laughing in the counseling room. Our new client was blessed with much information & had a negative pregnancy result too. Martha gave her our new CD about 'starting over'. She said to me it would be hard not to have sex. I told her "if Crystalina, who gives her testimony on the CD, could do it so can you". Check out: http://www.chastity.com/. She also told Martha that she was once a Catholic & in the CD, Crystalina says to go to Confession & sit before the Blessed Sacrament, for healing & grace & strength to overcome impurity. Our client said "thank you" & then went into the Material Aid Room to get some things for her friend who is 18 years old & is due to give birth in April. What a good friend she is. As she was leaving we had four more clients to come into the Material Aid Room for things for their children. I asked then to come in two by two but because they were all together I said that they all four could come in to shop for the things that they need for their families. Then a familiar face showed up, one of our regular mothers & she went into the room after the other four ladies had left. I called in Sandy to help for I needed to get back on the front lines to witness. It was Sandy's birthday on Sunday so I got her a card & a gift & gave it to her when things settled down which was only for a few minutes. She looked the card & gift & Martha & I were happy that she did. Sandy does so much for the center & I really don't acknowledge it as much as I should. I do appreciate all our volunteers, prayer warriors & benefactors that make Focus what it is in the community, in helping people, who are in temporary need of food & clothes until things get better & more secure for them, in their situation. God bless you all!! I went back outside to counsel. I received some constructive advice, from my pro life friends, to be more kind & gentler, when I speak to the people going into Planned Parenthood. I pray that the love & concern in my heart for the people who I try to minister to will know that I love & care about them, by my words & actions. I am passionate out there like no other place or time in my everyday life. This is where they are murdering little babies for the right of their lives to go on & to live as they wish to live. Abortion is evil. I call out to the moms to offer them help & I say to them that their baby has a heartbeat after 18-21 days after conception so you are stopping a beating heart, etc.. I only have about 5-10 seconds to say what I feel that the Holy Spirit is saying through me, otherwise it's not going to hit their hearts & minds, to change them. My words are empty but the Holy Spirit's words are Spirit & Truth, as a two edged sword like the Bible says. There is nothing wrong with 'tough love' at times or even 'more gentle love', it depends on the circumstances. We mustn't think that all love is mushy & if we don't give out mushy love then we don't love. That's just not right. Out on the front lines we talked to some people that passed by us on the sidewalk & gave them some information & even some cars that came out of Planned Parenthood had stopped to take our literature packet & a free DVD & CD, for educational purposes. I looked behind me & there was Memo, who does our data entry for Focus, smiling. I said "oh Memo I'll be right with you" remembering that he said that he was coming to Focus to work on some issues. Martha was already in the center so Memo helped me bring in the rest of the signs & the literature box. He went right to the computer to do his work & I was talking to him about some of the new problems that just came up. One was that someone put Focus on Facebook without my permission & I'm not in control of the site which I should be since I know what's going on here at the center. He's a controlling person & I wanted it off. Memo, called his daughter, who is Facebook savvy & they spoke in Spanish working to remove the site, it was great. I said to her, at the end when she got the Focus Group off of Facebook, "mucho gracias". I felt good for a short time, until I realized that I should have said "muchas gracias". I told Memo that I took Latin in school not Spanish & I do better at Mass then any other place. He smiled, how nice of him, he's such a gentleman. He was heading for China on business & when he comes back he will visit us again at Focus to do more data entry. He's a prayer answer & he loves the Lord & Mother Mary too. Martha was busy again in the Material Aid Room helping a woman who said that she has eleven children & was beaten up on the streets of Rochester, just recently. After she did her shopping we called her a taxi to take her home along with her sweet son. Hope that we were able to help her in her need. The doorbell rang & it was our friend Dan. He came to talk & to eat with Martha & I tonight. He comes during the week when he can & helps us with many odd & end jobs. I think that we'll need him next week because Martha & I are planning to buy a vacuum cleaner, on Thursday, for the center & he can put it together for us. He's such a help around the center, he's sorta like a handyman, who loves the Lord.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I arrived at the center after noon Mass downtown & we were busy from the first moment that we arrived. Getting bags of children clothes out of my car that were placed in my garage by my friend in East Rochester who has a second hand store. So we will have to sort through these 3 large bags to see what stays & what will be thrown out due to some rips or stains & the like. One good thing is that the students from Elim will be here later today so I'll have them do it. What a help they have been to us here at Focus. They will be with us until the end of April, when school ends & our 2 girls will be graduating & getting married too. Wow, what a summer they will have. It will be hard for us though, for we need more volunteers to work on the Material Aid Room, that's for sure!! Martha & I went out on the front lines before the Elim girls came at 4pm. We talked to the people going in & out of the killing mill. The abortionist was there, which isn't ever a good thing. The wind was blowing & it knocked over our literature box & all our literature went everywhere. The signs were always falling down & we had to pick them up every few minutes. I decided that we needed a A-Frame so that we can place the signs against them with a thin rope. I ordered it the next day at the Instant Sign store for $169 but I think that it will be well worth it. It's hard to always bend down to get the signs & do everything else too. Sheila said that the A-Frame will help her on Thursdays, to put the signs against it when she's speaking with someone,when she's there on the front lines because she holding her Rosary, a sign, a Truth packet & the mega phone (which can be put around your neck, thank goodness). I said to her "what! you don't have four arms", ha ha. We do the best that we can do with all the situations that come our way when we're out there. Martha was in the center helping a client so I was by myself for about 20 minutes. A car passed by me on the street & she threw her empty plastic pop bottle out on the street. I called out to her to "repent". About 5 seconds later a big yellow school bus came down the street & rolled over the plastic bottle, 'POP' was the sound of the bus driving over the plastic bottle. Just behind this bus was another bus that did the same thing 'POP' was the sound for the second time. Nerve racking. If anyone thought that I got shot they certainly didn't do anything about it. Maybe it was because I was still standing. Spring is here in a few days & the better weather brings out more abuse because the weather is warmer & people who don't have air conditioning have their windows down so they throw out more things at us in the spring & summer time which is coming real soon.....though it's already starting. It's really against the law to throw things out the window at people because you can hurt them, as if they care!! How sad the world has become. We have to forgive all those who hurt or offend us by word or action. Lord please give me the grace to. Amen. The same mom with eleven children came back to get more things from the Material Aid Room & more diapers, which later was told to me that she was selling our diapers , two packs for $5. I hope that this wasn't true. But we didn't know this yet, so Martha said to me that she hinted to her that she'd like a taxi ride home. I said "no", maybe I was already smelling trouble. I did give her bus money but Martha, with a bigger heart than mine, took her home. When she came back to the center she told me that she lived in a bad neighborhood & the house was a mess. I was sorry to hear this. I turned around & there were three smiling faces looking at me. The Elim girls were here. I gave each one of them a hug & they helped me bring in the signs & literature box. I asked how they were doing & all three said "fine" so I said "then lets get to work". I keep them busy the minute that they arrive until the time that they leave. What a blessing they are to us at Focus. I received a phone call earlier saying that a young girl was coming in for baby clothes. I told her that we were there on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 1-6 (though Martha & I stay later). She said that she was coming in today. So we were expecting her soon. Martha was in the counseling room a couple of times today. Two young girls that knew that they were pregnant came in for assistance from Focus. Our client who is pregnant with twins came in for some more things for her son & daughter who are due soon. We also gave her two car seats. On a couple of weeks ago & another tonight. She had to many things to take with her so we asked the taxi company who has an office next to our office if they would take her home & that I will pay them when they come back to the office. Let's say that we have an agreement with our center for our clients. She was happy with all that she received at the center, for her children. Unless the babies move around a little bit & get re positioned the right way, she might have to be C-Sectioned, because they are both in the breech position, which means feet first, which is dangerous for delivery, they should be head first then the rest of the body can pass through the birth canal safely. We'll see. Hopefully she still has some time left in her pregnancy that could be possible. Hope so & so does she. The doorbell rang & there was our client that had called earlier. One of the Elim girls took her into the Material Aid Room to help her pick up some nice things for her baby. Then the doorbell rang again for I was in the office doing some work in there. Megan, one of the Elim girls, peaked around the door saying that someone was here for me. I got up & went into the hallway to see a man in a wheelchair. Megan told me that he was deaf & was communicating by pen & paper. On the paper he said that his girlfriend was 5 months pregnant & what do we offer here. I wrote down on the paper what we offered at Focus & then showed him the Material Aid Room. I saw that his face lightened up. He wrote on the paper "thank you, I'll tell my girlfriend". I wrote back "that will be great & have a good evening". He smiled at me & left. Hopefully him & his girlfriend will come back for some things for their baby. Hopefully that will get married too. I know that sounds judgmental but that's the way God wants it. After he left I went back into the office to continue my paperwork. Martha was now out of the counseling room & the client had left. The girls were putting things away from the 3 full bags that I had put in the Great Room earlier. Then the doorbell rang again & it was Pat, out grandmother & great grandmother with the 2 small children. She had brought Akira & Khy-meir with her along with her granddaughter who is pregnant with another girl. They had just come from Dr. N's office who is taking very good care of her & the baby. She is 5 months pregnant now. The problem is that the abusive boyfriend keeps coming over wanting her to abort this baby as he did his first daughter, little Akira. Lord have Mercy!! Pat has her hands full to say the least. Katherine, the other granddaughter who has 2 sons now was at home with her little A-meir & her sister. Pat & I talked for awhile & her grand daughter went into the Material Aid Room, along with Megan, to pick out some girl's clothes. The kids were walking back & forth & looked well taken care of & loved, especially by Pat. She saved their lives, through the grace of God, from being aborted. Khy-meir is our RU486 'save' & look at him now, what a doll. Praise God that his life was spared for just a little while longer (the doctor said 30 minutes more) he would have been expelled from the womb & died, from the deadly pills that she took by mouth & put inside her. The plan of God was different than the moms or Planned Parenthood, who gave her the killing pills. Pat is still bitter at PP for what they did. I hope that she will be able, through God's grace, to forgive so many people that have tried to kill her great grandchildren & have hurt her too. Martha & I were talking to Pat & playing with the children. Akira is my God Child, along with Suzanne, our Thursday counselor, who wasn't here today because it was Wednesday. They received what they needed & we had a nice visit & they had to go back home to feed the children & get them ready for bed. My heart & prayers are with this very 'special' family that we've known now for 2 years & counting. It was time for the Elim girls to go & I thanked them for all the hard work that they did in the 21/2 hours they were with us. I gave them all a hug & told then to get back to the college safe & sound. They said that they will. See you next week girls. Martha made supper & we ate & reviewed the day together. I did the dishes.
Thursday, March 17, 2011 (St. Patrick's Day) in front of Planned Parenthood This is the email that I sent to my email list today: Suzanne, our Thursday afternoon counselor, who calls our clients to see how they are doing, just informed me that baby # 5, was born. Baby boy Cody, was born on February 25 at 7lbs. 3ozs.. Mom & baby are doing great!! Thank you for your prayers & baby # 6 will be born soon & when he is I'll let you know. Please pray for mom & baby, that all goes well. Thank you. One more thing, as always. Focus needs volunteers in our very busy Material Aid Room, sorting out clothes & putting clothes in the baskets on the shelves & helping the moms when they come in to pick out clothes. We offer orientation & you can make your own hours & day, when we're open. We are open on Mondays from 4-5:30pm & Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 1pm-7pm. If interested you can reach me, (Mary) at Focusphc@gmail.com or my cell @ 200-9477. Thank you so much for your love, prayers & support to our ministry. We appreciate you!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood
The Mass at Our Lady of Victory had just finished when Jerry, who has been out in front of Planned Parenthood, praying for the last 13 years told me that when he was at PP this morning there was really no one there but some cars & a police car & anyone who went to the front door couldn't get in. "What" I said, I'll be right over, for the center is less than 5 minutes away from Church. When I got to the center I walked over to the front lines to see an almost empty parking lot. Sandy arrived to work in the Material Aid Room. I walked back to the center & the doorbell rang & a client wanted a pregnancy test & her friend wanted some children clothes. Donna had just arrived & was out on the front lines with her handmade sign & a Truth packet. After our two clients left, the center, Martha & I went back out to the front lines to figure this out. A few cars were parked in the parking lot & that was it. A car drove in & a young girl got out of her car & went to the Planned Parenthood door & tried to get in. I called over to her to offer her a free pregnancy test if she wanted one 2 doors down. She walked over to Martha & I & said that she wanted one. Martha brought her to the center & counseled her. I stayed there, with Donna, to continue to stand on the sidewalk with the graphic signs & the box of literature, when Martha was
done with the pregnancy test she came out to join us. I had one of the graphic signs leaning on the pole when a kid on a bicycle rode by & hit the sign. I called out to him that the "baby loved him". How evil, how sad. Us three were standing there when we turned around just in time to see two
cars collide on the corner of Gibbs St. & University Ave.. We saw it all. The truck was backing up who was on University Ave. & a car was coming out of Gibbs onto University & they hit. The bumper was half ripped off the car & the lights were smashed too. A car had stopped so I thought that she was offering them her cell phone, then one of the guys raised his hands up in the air so I thought that he was telling her that they were fine & had a cell phone, so I didn't do anything for I though everything was under control. I was wrong. I feel that the Holy Spirit lead me to go over to the two guys to see how they were doing. I asked & they said that they needed a cell phone. Oh no!! I said here use mine to call the police. The man that was hit said "thank you". After he called the police he said to me that his girlfriend, who worked at St. Anne's Nursing Home was expecting him to pick her up. I said here's the phone to call the St. Anne's. All he got was an answering machine which was frustrating him. His girlfriend didn't have a cell phone so she didn't know what was going on & probably was worrying about him. They were suppose to go to the GYM together. The police came about a good 45 minutes later to take the report. The man who had hit the other car needed my cell phone again to call his insurance agency. Finally after the police came & went & they pulled off the front bumper, they left. I thank God that no one was hurt though I think that they both will feel pretty sore the next day, I told them to take an Aspirin. Donna had to go home but Martha & I still stayed out there on the front lines. A young woman walked passed us & as she did I asked her if she would like a packet of information. She said "no" & walked into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. We knew that it was closed but she didn't so when she tried the door it wouldn't open. Off she went but this time she didn't walk passed us & walked in the other direction. A couple of other cars went in & I told them that they were closed & what they do in there & they gave me a hands down gesture. Poor souls! It felt good being there & having no one be liked or being deceived & hurt by their lies & deception & gross miss justice. I was wondering what was going on though. Then I saw the delivery man & I asked him what was going on & he said that someone at the door this morning told him that there was a staff meeting in Waterloo?? Okay, what was this is all about??? Which is great news is I was told the next day in an email that Syracuse the sister clinic of Rochester's Planned Parenthood was also closed & they were BOTH together at this staff meeting in Waterloo. Yeah!! I only hope & pray that one or even better, both of them will be closing. I'm sure some will lose their jobs, for where is the money going to come from & Planned Parenthood has a huge overhead. Can you imagine how many babies will be saved from being killed & their mothers won't have to suffer being post abortive for the rest of their lives!!! Praise God that He won't be offended by the slaughtering of His children that He just created & has a plan for in this world!! Only time will tell what this meeting was all about. Hopefully we'll find out soon for the New York State Budget for 2011 will be out next week. Martha & I stayed until 5pm & some of the workers of Planned Parenthood were coming back from Waterloo, for they car pooled. They got out of one car & went into their car & went home & not back into Planned Parenthood. Thank God. With Planned Parenthood being closed we were able to give two pregnancy tests & gave away diapers & children clothes on the Material Aid Room & passed out some Truth packets to people that wanted the Truth & we talked to some people on the sidewalk that also wanted the Truth & information & helped the two gentleman that crashed their vehicles into each other earlier in the afternoon. All in one afternoon.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 in Focus After Mass I went to the front lines & saw that the abortionist wasn't there so I went back into the center with Martha & we spent all day doing things in the center that needed to be done. The snow was coming down & it was cold outside but that had nothing to do with why we weren't out there today. There was hardly no one in the parking lot & the abortionist, Rachael Phelps wasn't there so I made a decision that this was a good day to 'catch up' in the center. The three Elim Students came at 4pm & worked so hard until 6pm. We had some clients come in for children clothes & diapers too, even though the weather was bad. I decided to have the light blue accented wall painted a deep purple & made arrangements for that to happen. He will come on Saturday to paint the wall for me & it will look beautiful!! It will add character to the room where I'm at, a lot of the time, due to the fact Martha doesn't do computer work. I started to like purple for the first time when I saw it on the altar now during Lent & I decided that was going to be the color choice for the wall. I see purple every Lent but for some reason this Lent it caught my fancy & I liked the color more than I ever had before. What a bold statement for an office but that's okay. This is the color of the paint that I had chosen for the wall purple The weather was getting worse so the Elim girls left & I prayed a safe trip for them back to the College & said that I would see them next week. Their last Wednesday will be at the end of April & Martha & I will certainly miss them :( What a blessing they have been for us at Focus.
Thursday, March 24, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This is from Sheila who is out in front of Planned Parenthood from 10:30am to 1pm on Thursdays. When I arrived Pat and Bill were leaving. A woman had approached them to ask them to speak to her abortion minded friend who was following her. The friend turned away, and wouldn’t listen. Mike, Jerry and I prayed until they had to leave at 11:40 or so. We informed a lady with no insurance who was there for a checkup about Fidelis Care,asked her to find a good doctor. and gave her a rosary. Another woman on birth control took a packet. I told her abstinence is the proper birth control. She is Catholic, and promised to learn to say the rosary from the instructions in the truth packet. She also promised to read the information contained in it, and then pass it on. Both these women are going to pray for us. The young women going in to kill their babies paid no attention to us. As workers went past, I asked them to pray that God’s will be done here at Planned Parenthood. If they sincerely ask this, I know God will open their hearts to the truth. Adolph, Dan, and Addison arrive to pray at12:10. Mary S. prayed across the street on her lunch hour.
Suzanne, our counselor at Focus, finally got a hold of mom & was told that baby boy Trevon was born on 9-7-10. Mom needs much prayer for her circumstances. Thank you. Also, baby boy Shemar was born on 1-13-11 & mom is 'hanging in there' & will be stopping by Focus next week to shop in the Material Aid Room for things for her son. Thanks for you prayers & support for Focus. We really do appreciate you all!
I was by myself, for Martha was in the center taking care of Cleveland, our street friend. She had bought him new shoes for he had holes in them & it had snowed the day before & his feet got wet & were sore. So I was by myself for about 20 minutes. I looked over at the fence & I saw two young girls. I said that we could help them & that Planned Parenthood wasn't good for them. I saw that the one girl had a package in a brown paper bad & I took a guess that it was the Plan B bag, which looked like it. I then began to talk about the side effects of the Morning After Pill & how it could hurt her & if she was pregnant it could kill her little baby. They both went ballistic on me. I received the #1 gesture & the one girl throw her both hands in the air as she was screaming at me. They finally got into the car & as they were coming out all I could do was to make the Sign of the Cross & show the graphic picture of the precious aborted baby at 12 weeks. The girl on the passenger side with the brown paper bag began screaming at me, her face was in torment & she was pounding her both hands on the glass of the car window showing me her twisted face. I thought that she was going to break the glass & get cut. She rolled down the window a little & I then though that she was going to spit at me. The next thing I thought of was if she friend had stopped the car for her friend to get out I would have been beaten to a pulp. But, as always God protected me & they drove off. The imagine of the girls face still haunts me to this day. She looked like someone was cutting her leg off & the pain was so great that she was screaming in anguish. I think that she was post abortive, not today but in the past. They weren't doing abortions today because they were closed on Tuesday & that's the day that they do the lab work to prepare for the Killing Day, on Thursday. No Thursdays should be a Killing Day, don't you think? People don't realize that we're doing violence against our own people here in America. Killing our littlest citizens at Planned Parenthood & not to many people care. What hypocrites!!! If you care that people are being killed in other countries & you should care, then why don't you care that we are killing people, in this country too. Innocent, defenseless & voiceless people, in their own homes, are being massacred. Where is the outcry here in America against abortion???????
Saturday, March 26th. 2011 An Evening with Rochester Planned Parenthood Staff & Supporters In January 2011, it was brought to my attention that my children's music school, Hochstein School of Music, was welcoming Planned Parenthood of Rochester to have their fundraising vulgar production Vagina Monologues in their beautiful auditorium. I was perplexed why a music school that takes pride in training inner city children would welcome in this wretched group that is notorious for their despicable ways toward those who are least among us.
Three of my six children have attended Hochstein School of Music for the past three years and I had developed good friendships with their wonderful staff. The dean of Hochstein, Nancy Johnson had recently coordinated the adoption of our Welsh pony with her daughter and so I approached Nancy about the Planned Parenthood night at Hochstein. She was concerned how I knew about this event and mentioned that Hochstein rents their auditorium to different production companies. I mentioned that many of the donors who support Hochstein School of Music are against the agenda of Planned Parenthood and disgusted by a billion-dollar corporation that facilitates and prospers from their 350,000 abortions performed annually in the USA. Ms. Johnson encouraged I speak with Hochstein president Dr. Margaret Quakenbush about my concerns. I emailed a letter to Dr. Quakenbush about the Planned Parenthood event at Hochstein and she quickly responded that Hochstein was in a rental contract with Planned Parenthood of Rochester for that evening in March and the show must go on.
A few weeks later, Planned Parenthood corporation was all over the news with the nationwide undercover sting of their aiding and abetting prostitution of under-age girls throughout the United States. I sent the information to Dr. Quakenbush and let her know the videotaped crimes committed by the Planned Parenthood organization would enable Hochstein to break the rental contract. She ignored my email
Hochstein staff recommended I attend the Vagina Monologues fundraising event with hope that I would have a positive experience and change my perspective of the Planned Parenthood group in Rochester. They shared how Planned Parenthood of Rochester would have tables set up with PP of Rochester staff sharing about their "women's healthcare facility". I could come before the show and ask questions and see first-hand the various medical services offered to women by this abortion facility. I agreed to attend the Planned Parenthood fundraising event scheduled for 6:30pm on Saturday, March 26th,2011.
The night of the Vagina Monologues production I picked up my girlfriend who had prepared a small sign saying...DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD! I did not want to be mistaken for a supporter of Planned Parenthood and knew this sign would clearly state my position. Many of my friends were concerned about my attendance to a Planned Parenthood event where 1,000 staff and supporters of this organization would be congregating. I was mistakenly assured of my safety since it was a children's music school and assumed everyone would be at their best behavior.
We arrived at Hochstein School of Music thirty minutes early in hope to meet Planned Parenthood of Rochester staff before the crowd arrived. My girlfriend stayed behind and I headed to the school. My plan was to stay for a short time before the Vagina play and then head out to a restaurant when show begins. Quite a few people had arrived early and met me with aggressive comments in regard to my small sign declaring DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD! I attempted to reason with a PP woman who shared this Planned Parenthood event was to raise funds for counselling for women in Rochester. I asked if that would include the women in Rochester who are haunted by memories of staring partially-awake at pictures of Caribbean scenes on the ceiling of Planned Parenthood of Rochester while the abortionist rips out the baby they wanted but no one else did. She didn't respond. A woman sarcastically says, "We are about population control sweetie" and laughs. Another couple joins in and says "Margaret Sanger is our hero". Reasoning with Planned Parenthood staff would be impossible.
My new plan is to stand at the entrance of Hochstein and let everyone who walks in know they are entering a childen's music school which conflicts with Planned Parenthood's abortion mission and the vulgar production of Vagina Monologues that degrades women. I was not prepared for the reactions that would come from this "professional" group of adults who represent the U.S. tax-supported Planned Parenthood organization.
Droves of people began to head toward the entrance of Hochstein as I settled at the front with my sign. The elderly doorman of Hochstein who I have known for years gives a look of concern as the groups of people come from every direction. I share statistics and documented facts to those arriving and respond with inappropriate and derogatory personal attacks
laced with unbridled curse words. Within a short time the anger from the Planned Parenthood group escalates and I am circled by an angry mob of women calling me a pro-life bitch and declaring they are proud of their abortions. I tell the group of women that is not the issue and I am here to protest Planned Parenthood Vagina Monologues show and that should not be at my children's donor-supported music school. Their attendance moves to a Catholic protestor on the sidewalk standing with a graphic picture of an aborted fetus. The angry women circle this humble man and begin tormenting him as he tells them abortion is the destruction of a human life. The women ask him if he was ever F.....? and why he cares about a women's baby that is not his? They move in and taunt him about the sad picture of the aborted baby. One lady mockingly says, THis is a naked picture of a baby. Are you a child pornographer?" The man does not respond to this sickening question and puts his head down and prays. I walk over and tell the aggressive women that we live in a free country and he has the right to protest against abortion at any event sponsored by an organization that performs 350,000 abortions annually in the USA. Their anger is diverted back over to me and I suggest they get inside and out of the 20degree night and see the show.
Storming through the double doors into the frigid cold is a muscular tatooed woman with only a tank top on yelling. She informs me that she is the star actress of the play for the past four years and I believe she played the part of the "angry vagina". I told her that it is not a show or group of people that should be in a music school that gives hope to inner city families. She begins to call me SH-- and how I want her honey??? She continues to chant this strange insulting comments. She says other odd comments that sound like lesbianism and I tell her that I am married for 20 years with 6 children and her comments are foreign to me. She gets stranger and continues and I ask the Planned Parenthood escort to take her inside. She continues with chanting and I become concerned. I tell her I am going to pray for her and that stops her from chanting. She tells me she doesn't believe in my God and goes inside.
Refreshingly, a group of sane women approach me to explain why they are attending a Planned Parenthood fundraising event. They share how the Planned Parenthood facilities offer free testing for breast cancer. Having done my research this week in preparation for the PP event I had called Planned Parenthood facilites to find out about their breast cancer screening they boast of. The research revealed that NO mammography, NO genetic screening, NO ultrasound for breast exam and NO magnetic resonance are offered at ANY Planned Parenthood facilities in the U.S.. The only services Planned Parenthood does offer for breast cancer screening are referral telephone numbers of facilities that offer those services. When I share the information with these women they are very confused and I suggest they confirm these facts about the deceptive breast cancer screening availability with the Planned Parenthood staff inside Hochstein School of Music.
All hell began to break loose at this point of time and 50+ screaming PP are yelling from the small lobby staircase. They are saying... "Crazy pro-life bitch. Get a life. You wish you were here with us. " I respond back with the fact of "350,000 abortions and show my sign... DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD! At this point some madman in a suit comes running out and yells, "You are a F... whore". They try to get him inside and the Hochstein doorman looks like he is going to cry and the Catholic protestor tells me he is sorry. Randy from Hochstein, who booked the event, comes outside and I yell, "Nice group of people you invited to Hochstein School of Music". He responds, "Donna, you know we have the contract tonight". Hopefully, Hochstein School of Music reconsiders signing a contract with a group of angry people who freak out when confronted with TRUTH!
Interestingly, a person comes over and hands me a ticket to the show and invites me in. I ask the Catholic protestor if he would watch my sign and let my friend know I'm inside the auditorium. As I head toward the hostile crowd with my ticket a crazy women comes toward me and grabs my arm with all her strength and rips the ticket out of my hand. She gives me a wild lookand tells me "You are not coming into this show". The women continues to rant and rave and I am concerned about my safety. A well-dressed man comes over to me and asks if I would come to talk to him away from the crowd. I tell him I would prefer to stay where I am since don't know his intentions. He shows me his badge and tells me he is an undercover officer. I ask him if there is a problem. He says it is not a problem at all and hears the crazy yells and looks confused and asks what is going on in there tonight. I tell him the story and he makes sense to the scene he is witnessing. The group continues to confront not knowing he is a police officer. He tells me to "Keep up the good work" and leaves when the crowd settles down.
A young female reporter from the Democrat & Chronicle newspaper shows her card and asks my name. She writes it down in a pad and takes a ton of pictures of me. She never takes any pictures of the Planned Parenthood group. After some time she smiles and shows me her ticket and tells me she is late for the show.
Well I can go on and on and on with the crazy interactions with people from Planned Parenthood, but it would take up too much time. I believe I shared the highlights and hopefully painted a picture of my evening with the staff and supporters of Planned Parenthood of Rochester. Departing Hochstein I realize that I would never return and my children would study violin, piano and harp at another music school. It was a sad moment.
I went to get my truck and meet my friend. Pulling the truck up to the traffic light at Hochstein a maniacal man who is dressed like he is on a Mediterrean cruise comes toward my truck and yells, "F------ bitch get out of your truck" Threatening and acting insane. A group of middle-age women are telling him to let it go and let us go see the show. He is not stopping as I am stuck at a red light. I stick the DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD sign out the window and he goes ballistic. People are slowing down and wondering what crazy scene is this outside Hochstein School of Music. The light turns green and we drive away. My friend and I look at each other and just say, "WOW".
Sitting inside the restaurant the events of the evening take a toll as I am feeling sick and dizzy from all the confrontational stress I NEVER experienced in my lifetime. I am unable to order and my girlfriend calls my husband and asks if he will pick me up and drive her to her car since I was too shaken from what happened at Hochstein.
The following day I shared with my 5,000 friends on Facebook and at my church, Bethel Christian Fellowship. Many people had various thoughts and opinions about what to do. I was recommended to report the threats, but felt that wouldn't accomplish anything. Did realize it was important to document and share the events of the Planned Parenthood evening.
My hope is to let others know about the people at Planned Parenthood so they are watched in their dealings with the inner city women who are too weak to self-defend. My hope and prayer is that Planned Parenthood is replaced by a sincere women's healthcare facility that respects women and the precious life of the unborn. There is a reason for everything that happens in life! Donna Mulvihill
(Wife & Mother & Pro life activist)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood The day was fast & furious. I can only hope to remember all that went on this afternoon. After Mass I went to the center & there wasn't any parking spots, ick, so I had to go around the corner to wait for one to open up, which one did. I ended up parking in the very same spot that I was hit & no one claimed to be the hitter. So my car still remains smashed in the right front & it looks not so nice. I had to forgive the person but I do hope that this accident is bothering either he or she for not leaving a note on my car with some information. I'm degreasing for I have a lot to share about today. Maybe I'm still upset, do you think?? Lord have Mercy on me & the one that hit my car, though it could have been worse. There in the parking lot was Frank, he was coming to do the second coat on the purple wall, in the office. I was afraid that Martha wouldn't like it but to my surprise she liked the purple wall very much. So I was so happy :) He got to work & Martha made him a chicken sandwich with banana peppers with lettuce & mayo. It looked good & she wrapped it up in foil & put it in the refrig, for him when he was finished, with the wall. He never found it in the refrig so he ended up making himself his own sandwich. Like I said it was a crazy day. At least he had something to eat. He did a great job painting & he will be back tomorrow at the same time, 1pm, to put my vacuum together that I received as a Birthday present from my twin friends in Florida & Martha. One should have a vacuum cleaner for one's own home, right! I thanked Frank & he went on home. He lives with his mother who he takes care of .....what a good son he is. Donna had just arrived & she placed on my desk in the purple room the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I've ever seen. There was a balloon with the flowers & a card with a gift certificate for Wegmans . Oh happy days.... I thanked her for her kindness & she wished me a Happy Birthday for tomorrow, March 30th. I said "thank you Donna so very much. Now we needed to get back to work. She took some literature & we put out some signs to witness on the front lines. She was by herself some of the time & she did a great job bringing people into the center for help. In the meantime, four young girls were in the hallway, for the front door doesn't close properly so anyone can just walk right in, which makes us a little nervous. The one girl asked for Mary. I said that I was Mary & she said that she wanted a pregnancy test. She had three of her friends with her so I asked Martha if she would do the pregnancy test for I wanted to be with Donna who was out on the front lines by herself. I asked the young girl who wanted the test if she wanted all of her friends to be with her & she said "yes". So Martha, who is so good hearted & thank God that we work well together, went into the Rose/Counseling Room/Pregnancy Testing Room with four young women to do a pregnancy test for one of them. Martha is such a trooper. I was with Donna as Martha was in the center doing the pregnancy test when I saw a young woman walking towards Planned Parenthood. I called over to her to come over to Donna & I to talk to us. She hesitantly came over to us. We found out that she was pregnant after a one night stand & this wasn't suppose to happen but it did. She has children at home & it's hard taking care of them. I said to her that a child shouldn't be killed because of any reason. I gave her a Truth packet & a DVD & the Bella movie. Donna spoke with her with gentleness & kindness. The woman said that she was going into Planned Parenthood to have a ultrasound done & if she bonds with the baby even Planned Parenthood couldn't talk her into an abortion, for she is a leader & not a follower. I did say that they sell abortions & they know how to reach your weakness, so please be careful for you're going into the shark's mouth. We talked to her about God & how He doesn't want her to have an abortion. She said that God wanted her have an abortion . I said that was the Evil One who said that because God would never tell you to kill one of His children that He had just created, with love. Donna mentioned Compass Care Pregnancy Services so I gave her their brochure for an ultrasound. She wanted to go to Planned Parenthood because someone was watching her children & she was here already. We gave her a lot of information even about adoption, which we talked about to her, which is a loving option. Donna & I said not to give any of this information to PP if they ask to take it, just a warning to her, for we want this information & the two DVD's for her to look at & to 'chose life' for this innocent, precious baby. I hope & pray that I don't see her on the Killing Day on Thursday.... Martha was in the center doing one pregnancy after another. I was in the center at the time a nice lady came in for a pregnancy test. I had to ask her to wait for Martha was in the Rose Room with another client. She was so pleasant & I brought her into the Great Room & gave her the Intake Sheet to fill out & the Truth packet to look over while she was waiting for Martha. She had such a nice face & later on told Martha that she would like to volunteer at Focus , I hope that she come s back to do so. Donna had brought in two girls into the center to have a pregnancy test. They were also very pleasant & wanted to volunteer at Focus in the Material Aid Room. I hope that they come back to help us out too. Donna lead a man who was in distress into the center. Martha was counseling him in the Rose Room. She asked me if we could give him some bus money, which I did. He was very upset with his situation with his girlfriend & their children. I suggested for him to call either 311 or 911 if there was any abuse caused by her. We gave him a Rosary & a Green Scapular & a Cross with the Miraculous Medal on it. Martha gave him our list of Pantries & Shelters in the Rochester area, for his girlfriend had kicked him out of the apartment & he was worried about his children. We encouraged him not to do anything stupid, when in anger, but to call for assistance rather than take things in his own hands. He said that he would behave himself & do the right thing. Martha & I shook his hand & he left. One of our moms came in for diapers & was so stressed out & wanted to talk to someone but every time she tried to talk to Martha, Donna brought someone else into the center, from the front lines where she was posted, either for a pregnancy test or for children's clothes or diapers or in the case of this man , to talk. Our mom said that she will come back on Thursday to speak to Suzanne, our counselor. I tried to call her later on but her phone was shut off. I hope & pray that we will see her on Thursday at Focus so she can get the help that she needs to de stress. She'll come back, she is one of our regular moms. I keep them all in my heart & daily prayers for them & their children & their situations. God & Mother Mary will take good care of them. Martha & I were standing on the sidewalk when a car full of women drove out of Planned Parenthood. The one girl in the back seat showed us her ultrasound picture & we called to the driver to stop the car which she did. She pulled the car over to where we were standing & we went over to car with a Truth packet & a DVD. We said that we happy that she was going to have her baby & not kill her baby. She was smiling from ear to ear. We also told her about the Focus Center & the woman in the front seat said that she will need some help down the road. I thanked her for not having her precious baby be killed here & she said that when she was having the ultrasound done she asked if the baby was all right & the woman who was doing the ultrasound said "I can't tell at this point I do the ultrasounds for the abortions". Can you imagine!!! She constantly takes ultrasound pictures of these precious babies & knows that most of them will be killed by Planned Parenthood & that was all right with her. How evil & crazy. Her job there at Planned Parenthood is to take pictures of the babies for the moms to abort them. Lord have Mercy!! The three women in the car thanked us & I pointed to where the Focus Center was in the strip mall, two doors down. We now have our summer collection out in the Material Aid Room, many nice things for the children, for the Spring & Summer months ahead. This little baby will be born in colder weather, probably in November, just in time for Christmas. Yeah :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood It's my Birthday !!! After Mass Martha & I went to the center. I went over to Planned Parenthood to see if the abortionist was there & there she was. I saw a van drive into the parking lot & when the woman got out I called to her from the fence to offer her help & told her what Planned Parenthood does to babies. She lite right into me saying "mind your own business" & practically snarled at me. Lovely. I called to someone else about children clothes & she followed me into the center to receive some very nice things for her children & was grateful. After that I was greeted with some friends that came in wishing me a Happy Birthday & bearing gifts. I received perfume by Ester Lauder called Pleasures & Pomegranate hand cream , good enough to eat & gift certificates to Starbucks, CVS, Target, & Borders book store , wow!! Thanks Lynda & Bill. I also received many emails & birthday cards & a bottle of Brandy from my friend Rob earlier in the week. Thanks Rob, mmmm good. On shot a night, every night, for a deep & restful sleep. It also thins your blood & is better for you than Aspirin, which can irritate your stomach, I was told by the man working in the Liquor Store once. Alcohol does thin your blood, so watch out people, don't drink to much. My dear friend Donna came to wish me a Happy Birthday & brought with her a small peanut butter pie & a Jerusalem Bible & a book of inspirational stories. How sweet of her. They all liked the new purple room, which is the office. It's a hit!! I was working as I was visiting for there is so much to do in the center & my birthday is no exception. Our Elim students came in around 4pm & they wished me a Happy Birthday & got to work. There was still so much to do putting away the children's clothes & putting the diapers in the bags etc.. Matha was working hard too all afternoon. I felt guilty by not going outside on the fron lines but when I went back out side to check to see if the abortionist was there she was gone. Yeah!! Tucker came around 4:10pm & went outside to pray in front of Planned Prenthood with a sign of 3 babies. Martha surprised me with a homemade chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with half the filling peanut butter & the other half raspberry. One of the Elim girls is allergic to peanut butter so we had to be careful of her around the cake. It was such a wonderful birthday thank you everbody!!
Thursday, March 31, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This is Sheila's experiences, on the front lines, before I arrived at 1PM: Paul and Mike were setting up signs and starting to pray when I arrived at10:30. Soon two ladies with their younger children arrived. I took them into the center, where they shopped for clothing for their families. The kids were quite well-behaved and patient as they waited. Each child selected one toy to take home. The women were pleased with their selections, and went home with some lovely new things ,and, of course, truth packets to look at once they were home. Back outside Paul and Mike had engaged two girls in conversation. They went into Planned Parenthood, and then were out again. One needed a pregnancy test which was taken care of, and the other wanted an ultrasound. I gave her the phone # for CompassCare, and she made an appointment. I sent them home with truth packets and dvd’s to watch. We spoke about how much Jesus loves each one of us, and each and every baby from the moment of conception. I also assured them that we at Focus are there to help, so they can call us with any questions or requests and we will do our best for them.
When I came back outside, Adolf and Dan and Addison had arrived, and Paul needed to leave. The entire morning was covered, even though most of my time was spent in the Center today. While out there I spoke to workers, asking for their prayers, and telling them we are praying for them. I asked the clients going in to take their business to a real medical facility if they were there for checkups, not Planned Parenthood. This place is in the business of abortions. That’s how they make their money. They have a quota to reach. They falsely claim to provide breast health care such as mammograms…..but that is a lie!
One more young woman came for material aid, so I took her in and she picked out some nice things for her child. 1:00 came fast, and it was time for me to go. Mary and Martha and Suzanne were there, and Adolf was still outside...........................................................................................
I was out on the front lines with Martha & Suzanne, our counselor on Thursdays, was in the center calling our clients to see how they were doing. She wished me a Happy Birthday & then Sandy came in to do some volunteer work & she gave me a very nice card. What great people to work with at Focus. I had spoken to Sheila before she had to go & said "hi" to the prayer warriors who were on the sidewalk praying. I was glad that Adolf was with Martha, on the sidewalk, for I had to go into the center to meet with Michelle from Foodlink, to discuss our future membership, so that we can receive food from them for our food shelves, in the Material Aid Room, to help those who are in need. The meeting went a little longer than I expected for when I came out on the sidewalk Martha was alone witnessing to the people going in & out of Planned Parenthood. I felt badly about that. I asked how things were going & she told me that the wiper snapper from Buckpitt, the company next to us at Focus & Planned Parenthood, was rude to her as always. He needs prayers. I had put the sign & had leaned it against the pole next to their driveway. I forgot that they make a big fuss about that & pretend that it blocks their vision coming out of the driveway but it really doesn't but any ways I forgot & probably should just have a smaller sign there so that they won't complain. He said to Martha, "do you want me to call the police"? Police abuse!!! She answered him back by saying "no" & by the way sonny what's your name I'd like to pray for you & another thing, how's the woman that had fallen on the ice, I've been praying for her. No answer & he preceded to go into the building. Martha then went over to where the sign was & replaced it with a smaller one. Now there shouldn't be any more threats in calling the police, I think that they have other things to do, we can work this out but please be nice, when approaching us young man!! We stayed outside for awhile longer & hope & prayed that no one killed their babies. It didn't look good as a young man was standing outside by the door smoking which is usually a bad sign that he's waiting for his girlfriend to be finished with her abortion & he's nervous & they won't let you smoke in Planned Parenthood but you can have your baby be killed in there. so I don't want to be in denial so I think that the abortionist did murder some of God's precious babies here today. Lord have Mercy .... As Martha & I were putting the signs away I had come back to the sidewalk & Martha said that the abortionist had just left. She said that she doesn't look good & her hair is dark & she's not as perky as she once was. Well it figures she's killing little babies all the time & has to be getting to her plus we're praying for her conversion all the time along with all other abortionist. We were now in the center when a client came in. She was someone I recognized. I took her into the Great Room to confront her of some things that I was told that she had done at Focus & we don't put up with that here. Martha was suspicious of some drug involvement & it was confirmed later on by a good source. She lied about having children & was getting things form us to possibly sell for drug money. She can no longer come to the center & Martha & I pray that she will get the help that she needs. The House of Mercy is aware of her & hopefully they will continue to try to help her if she herself wants the help. So many hurting people in the world but we can't be lied to or deceived or have things stolen, that wouldn't be a good message to get out on the streets about Focus. Come to Focus & steal & take what you want for drugs.....oh no, not on my watch. Martha & I had a quick supper & did the dishes & cleaned up the center & then we headed to St. Jude's Church for Confession & the Rosary & the Divine Chaplet with the Exposition the Blessed Sacrament & then the Mass starting at 7pm. It was such a blessing!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha & I came right over to Focus after Mass. I was trying to do some things when Sandy came & I gave her my keys to the car to empty it of boxes & bags filled with clothes for children for our Material Aid Room. Martha then told me that Paul was going to get us a hamburger at Wendy's. Sounded good to me. Then Martha told me that she saw Bernie our Landlord & he said "how's the door that I fixed, no one said thank you". I walked over next door to say "thanks Bernie for fixing the door". He smiled back & said "that's okay". He was collecting the rent checks from everybody & I leave ours with Mack next door. It was good that the front door was fixed so now no one can get in without a key...... yeah!! We were seeing so many people in the hallway that just walked in & we didn't know it until we saw them in the building. Too dangerous now a days. I asked Paul if he would go out to the front lines with a sign to get started & I would not be to far behind him, for I was doing other things. Martha was busy too & was going to join him after she ate her hamburger & French fries which she shared with me. Thanks dear Martha. The wind was blowing so intensely today & it was so very cold. Donna, who comes to pray with us from 1pm to 3pm, wasn't feeling well so she wasn't with us this afternoon but I heard that she comes every day from 8am to 9am from Spencerport, to witness & to pray at Planned Parenthood. What a blessing she is to our front line ministry & a 'life saver' too. We brought out the A-Frame & we attached the two signs on it but occasionally the A-Frame would be blown down to the sidewalk from the heavy winds. It wasn't an easy afternoon but Paul was a trooper & picked up all the signs that fell. I was introduced to a new team member. He prayed with Martha & Paul & I asked him how he found out about us. He said from the Station of the Cross Radio Station. He was a very nice man that after he left I found out he was a policeman. I hope that he come back to pray with us again. I spoke with a very nice young girl with her head on straight. I gave her some information & then brought her into the center. I opened up the Rose Room & showed her around. I gave her the graphic pictures so that she would show others what abortion looks like. She said that she friend was going to have an abortion & she told her that it was a 'sin' & don't do it & she told her that she would help her in any way that she could. Well the baby girls was born thanks to her. God used her in such a powerful way to save this little girl. Praise God!! I said to her "you are a life saver, how wonderful". She just smiled. She also said that no one should have sex before marriage & if you do then be responsible to take care of your child". Wow & she's only 16 years old but so mature & she loves the Lord & is obeying His Commandments. She said that she isn't interested in sex & what to further her education. Again Wow!!! I asked her to write her name & phone number down just I want to connect with her again, to be able to talk to the girls that we counsel & to maybe help them. Then she wanted to see an abortion DVD. I never have had anyone ask to see a graphic abortion DVD before, it floored me to say the least. I took out the Hard Truth DVD & set it up for her to watch. I stood there not watching most of it. She said at the end of the DVD that no baby should die like that & no mother should have had their baby killed. She was so mature for her age & had a lot of wisdom for one so young. Her parents have done a great job. I gave her on of our DVD's of Growth & Development & the Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st. Century on it too. I gave her other brochures & she took the graphic picture of aborted Malachi too. I hope to connect with her again someday. What a breath of fresh air for I haven't met someone like her in a very long time. Thank you Lord there is Hope!!! A mom with he baby in the stroller went by me & asked if that place down the street was open, I said "yes it was" & off she went. She stayed in the Material Aid Room for about an hour with Sandy helping her to pick out clothes for her daughter. We were happy to serve her. I went outside again after she left to join the team again on this very cold & windy day. Just then a truck drove by & an angry man who was driving a company truck gave us his bird & said some not so nice things out his window. I couldn't see what was the name of the company on the truck until he came back about an hour later & did the very same thing again. When it was time to go in I found his company on Goggle & called the company & got the Supervisor right away & told him what his employee had done. He was not happy & said that he knew who he was & will speak to him. I told him that if he was ever involved in an abortion that we could help him. He said "thank you" & so did I & we hung up. The End. We stayed outside until about 4:45pm & Paul,Martha & I put everything back into the center. Paul stayed for a little while longer & then left. He was such a help to us today. Thank you Lord! I went into the office to do some paper & computer work & Martha worked sorting out the children's clothes that her daughter had just given us. She was sorting & reminiscing at the same time. Just then the doorbell rang & it was Dan the Man who comes to help us out at Focus a couple times a month. I quickly said "hi Dan" & then told him what we needed done. He fixed the door to the Material Aid Room so know it closes & we don't have to slam it anymore. He also put back the covering of the Florissant lights in the room to. When we have to slam the door the covering of the lights falls down on the floor, which isn't;t very good. He is a God sent. He had some of the peanut butter pie that Donna brought in for my Birthday last Wednesday & some Coconut Cake that a friend just gave me yesterday when I went over to her new house to visit her. I'm so glad that she came back from Florida & bought a house close to where I live. The house is gorgeous & has a built in swimming pool & back porch & also a covered area just in case it rains. I know where I'll be on a hot & sticky summer weekend. Before he left I asked him for prays for myself for I suffer with this severe abdominal pain that I have had all my life & to also pray for Martha's daughter that was having some heart problems too. He was headed over to Bethel for his Prayer Group. I said "thanks Dan" & off he went. It was time for me to make supper for it was my turn. I brought in two salmon steaks & we out them in the Dutch Oven & almost started a fire. Well I called Martha over to the kitchenette & we tried to figure it out together what was wrong for the salmon shouldn't have started any fire. We then out it on broil & all was well. We had salmon steaks, bread sticks & a nice tossed salad & of course the Coconut Cake for desert & gave the rest of it to our friend at the Taxi Company which he enjoyed. We cleaned up & I did the dishes & Martha took out the trash, such team work in & out of the center. I said to Martha that I would walk out with her tonight for it was late almost 9:15pm but I had to visit the bathroom first. when I got out of the bathroom I heard Martha on the phone & it didn't sound very good. After she had hung up the phone she told me that her daughter Katie was rushed by ambulance to Strong Hospital because the doctor at Urgent Care didn't like the sound of her heart. She was having heart problems recently. I gave Martha a hug & told her that I would keep her & Katie & the family in my prayers & to let me know what was happening & if she needed anything just all me. Out the door she ran. I closed up the center & said a Rosary for her & her family on the way home & when I got home I put the prayer request out on my email list of fantastic people to pray. I heard back from several of them later on that night saying that they were praying for Martha & her family. Even Fr. Peter from Borneo said that he was praying for this family. Thank you Father & everyone for we all love our Martha so very much & when she huts we hurt too. Lord have Mercy, please!!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at Focus What a day I had today!!! 'Unbelievable' or I should 'believable because God can do all things. Martha called me at home this morning around 9:15am & said that she got home at 4:30am & had a couple of hours sleep & then was heading back to the hospital to be with her daughter Katie who had to stay the night with a heart monitor on & had an IV & had frequent tests going on. I said okay & then asked if she was still planning to do the talk, for Focus with Pat & me, at the St. Anne's Soup Supper tonight around 5:30pm? She said that she didn't know how the day will be so she didn't know at this time & then said that she had to go & said "good bye" & hung up. She was nice about what I had just asked her but I felt guilty about asking her when her daughter was in the hospital with a heart problem. Selfish & self centered me...... I missed Martha already knowing that I was not going to see her at Mass this afternoon & then at the center. She is such a 'special' woman & I never meet anyone like her in all of my life. She has been a blessing to the center & it wouldn't run the way it should run without her. She makes it work, with all her hard work. She's a remarkable person. I went to Mass & prayed for Martha & her daughter & her family knowing that God will heal Katie in time the way that He wants to. I knew that Martha was also suffering for her daughter & when someone you care about suffers, then you suffer too. That's what real friendship is all about. After Mass I saw Paul & was hesitant to ask him if he would join me at the center to help me put away baby & children clothes but when I asked him after Mass he said "yes' but first he wanted to go to Wendy's for lunch. I boldly asked him if he could pick me up a chicken sandwich & I'd pay him for it. He kindly said that it was his treat. Again Paul, for he had bought Martha & I a hamburger & fries yesterday. Thanks Paul for you kindness. So off he went to Wendy's & off I went to the center but first I saw Tony after Mass & told him about Martha's daughter Katie. He said that he would tell Allysia, his daughter, for they knew each other from High School. I could tell that he's going through a lot in his life right now. I went to the center, by myself today & it seemed strange without Martha. I started to open all the door to the center & to take some things out of my car for the center. I walked over to Planned Parenthood & was glad that the abortionist wasn't there, so I went back into the center & decided to stay there to do some work there today for Dottie was going be bringing some baby clothes & items & her son & his friend to help out at the center, for a school project. Her 8 year old son opted out getting birthday gifts for his birthday & instead kids were asked to bring presents for the moms at Focus. How very sweet of him!! In the meantime Paul came back with a chicken sandwich & fries. I sat down to eat my lunch with the ice tea that I always bring & he sat down with me & we talked. After lunch I asked him if he would start to sort out the clothes that were brought to us & he said that he would. We were recently blessed with a huge amount of clothing for babies & children & other times too. Thank you Lord! The doorbell rang & it was a mother for some baby clothes & I brought her into the Material Aid Room & she was delighted with the selection that we had to choose from. After she left the doorbell rang again & I saw a police officer at the door. Oh now what did I do?? As I approached the door I recognized that it was Rich, the man that came to the front lines yesterday for the first time to pray with us. Yeah! I opened the door & said "hi, come on in". He walked in with full uniform on. I greeted him & asked him if he would like to see the center, to which he said "yes". But first he said hi to Paul, which they seem to hit it off from yesterday, they have a few things in common, one being pro life & the other is History, do believe it, how interesting. I then began by showing him first the Material Aid Room, where we give out baby & children things & then the Rose Room, where we assist at the pregnancy tests & counsel & have a generous array of literature & baby models for teaching (the girls like this room very much I think because it's a rose color & girls like the pinks) & then I showed him the newly painted purple office, where I do my paper work & Suzanne makes her calls to the clients to see how they are doing, then the All Purpose Room (the green room) where we share with the Taxi Company on occasion & then the Great Room, where we store our supplies & have it set up as a huge living room where we have Masses, Workshops & our Board Meetings, etc.. I could see that he was impressed. He asked me how we receive our money to pay for everything & I told him it was from good & generous private donations & some tithing Churches in the Diocese. I asked him what parish that he belonged to, for her just recently moved to Rochester, & he said Christ the King. He said that he hadn't seen anything about us at the Church & asked if we had a brochure to give him. I said "yes I do" & then walked into the office to get him our brochure & a flier about Focus & went back to the green room to hand it to him & he said "thank you". I thanked him for wanting the information to it pass on. I was so happy that he took the initiative to hopeful make us known at Christ the King Parish. Thank you so much! He said that he had to go & just then the doorbell rang. He sort of walked into another room for he said that it might scare the client to see a police officer in here. I said that's okay, no problem. I went to the door to let the young woman in who was asking for a pregnancy test & escorted her to the Rose Room & asked her to start filling the Intake Sheet & then I'll be right back & I closed the door. He slipped out back into the doorway & heading to the main door. I thanked him again & he said that he will be back on the front lines to pray on his days off. I said "thank you Officer Rich" & he chuckled & left. I quickly went back to the Rose Room to attend to our client who had been to our Workshop in January. She mentioned the police officer & I said that he was just here for a visit & she "oh, I thought that something was going on". "No" I said everything is fine. We preceded to do the pregnancy test & then had a long talk. She was very nice & hope & pray the best for her. I'll see her again. After she left I cleaned up the room & the doorbell rang, it was Dottie & her son & his friend & all the wonderful presents that were given to Focus. She came in with boxes of things for our moms & their children, I almost cried. They started in right away to sort out the clothes by sizes & then put them into the Material Aid Room, & when they were done they took the garbage out & cleaned the trash by the dumpster & then even vacuumed the rugs, in the center. I was amazed & blessed by their eagerness to help us in the center. I was worried about Martha's daughter Katie so I called her on her cell phone & left a message on it. I was prepared in my mind that it would be only Pat & I to give the talk about Focus at the Soup Supper at St. Anne's tonight & I was also worried about Katie's heart health too. My nerves were running thin but I gave the two situations to God. The doorbell rang & it was our three beautiful Elim Students to go to work for us. I gave them a warm hello & like always a hug each then I give them their assignments & off they went to do their work. The Baby Shower is next Wednesday & Elizabeth just told me that was their last day too. I was so disappointed for I thought their last day was the end of April, I was wrong. Martha & I will miss them terribly & I wish that I had more time to have spent with them but the center is so busy & I needed their help in making up new Truth packets or sorting out clothes & putting them away & putting the diapers in plastic bags for our moms etc.. I will buy them a Thank You card & give it to them on the day of the Baby Shower. Next Wednesday will be very busy too. Everyone was working hard & I was looking at my watch to start to get ready for the Focus Presentation in about less then an hour, I was going to meet Pat there at the Parish Hall & just then I looked up from what I was doing & hold & behold there was Martha walking into the Green Room, I pulled away I started to cry & then went over to her to give her a big hug. I was soooo happy to see her. I wiped my eyes from the tears & then asked her how Katie was. She said that she was doing better & her heart rate went back to normal & they sent her home. I was so happy to hear this. Just then the doorbell rang & there was Cleveland, our street friend. So Martha took off her coat & started to make a pot of coffee & to get his Ramon noodles ready for him. The doorbell rang again & I answered it. There was a young girl in need of pregnancy test. Oh my, time is flying & all this is happening just before we were to start out for the presentation. Dottie was finished & asked me to sign the papers for the boys working in the center this afternoon. I wish that I had time to have make some comments about what they did this afternoon, I do regret this. Dottie & the boys said "good bye" & off they went. I went to freshen up in the bathroom & then went over to the girls from the Elim Bible Institute to say good bye to them & told them that I will see them next week & thanks for all the work they were doing. Paul was going to attend the presentation but was going to take his own car. So Martha said that she will drive & she took the long way but that's okay for Martha was back. We arrived a little late but we were there. We were running a little late & I didn't want Pat to worry that we weren't coming, though I don't think that either one of us expected Martha to be with us, "Yea of little faith", says the Bible, so I called her home & asked her husband to call her on her cell phone to tell her that we were on our way. Why I didn't call her on her cell phone I'll never know. I guess I wasn't thinking properly due to that fact it was my first public speaking engagement which is the second stress next to death itself. I can forgive myself. When we got there we were greeted by Barbara who had invited us in the first place, thanks Barbara & we settled into the big room where people were gathered sitting around tables waiting for soup & speakers. Nice crowd. I set up our table with our brochures & some other information about us & abortion. There was Pat sitting at a table talking & looking at ease & Paul had gotten there before us because he went the shorter way, love ya Martha. A man came to greet us & I later found out this was Fr. Tyman, Pastor of St. Anne's Now I know. Martha & I met some people & Pat saw us & came to our table so that we could be together in our presentation. Oh yeah!! Then the soup was announced. Tonight we had Chicken Noodle, Minestrone & Bean soup, forget the last one, I was nervous enough. Our table, because we were the guests, were called first to come & get it. I went for the Minestrone. I ate the soup & didn't have any bread & drank the water, for we are in Lent. I saw a older woman enter the room & it was Sister Joan Sobala, who sat down at our table. Enough said. Then the moment that I dreaded was finally here!! Barbara was called up to the podium & took the microphone to announce me first. She took the microphone & started to announce me but no one could here her & her face became as pink as her pink blouse, poor Barbara. They finally got the problem fixed & she was announcing us at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. I was asked to come forward asking the Holy Spirit to speak through me & it be His words not mine. He did a great job! I walked up to the podium, for I was so happy that they had one to lean against, & started to speak. I don't really remember what I said & then I introduced Martha to the crowd. She came on up & took the microphone & started to speak. She did a fantastic job, even under the stress that she had endures with her daughter's health earlier & on only about 4 hours of sleep. Praise God!! She spoke to the people about her personal story about her daughter & went on from there about our work at the Focus Center. Hurrah, what a great job the Holy Spirit did through you dear Martha. She told me later that she saw some people wipe tears from their eyes, that's how touching a presentation she did. After she was finished she introduced Pat to the people. Pat also gave a cool & calm talk about Focus & her experiences there, when she was a counselor. After her talk I was asked to return to the podium to answer questions. I received 3 questions, mostly about the front lines, which we talked about too. One questions was "are you in any danger when you are out there on the front lines"? I answered that the Lord has protested out there for the past 15 years & here I am safe & sound. The violence is in Planned Parenthood. When we do receive some nasty gestures & words out there it's because the people are probably Post Abortive & they are angry that we are reminding them of what they did in secret. I said that we were sad because we were the ones that could help them, ironically. Now I had the feeling that we took longer then was allotted us so I said "thank you" & sat down. Fr. Tyman lead us all in prayer & then we socialized for awhile. Nervy as I am I asked Fr.Tyman if he could help us with our expenses & he told me to send him a letter & he would consider it. Thank you Lord. It was a very fruitful evening. We even received some non- perishable food from the group, for our food shelves, at Focus. We were blessed & it was OVER!!! Martha drove me back to the center, we had a great talk on the way. She dropped me off at the center, for I wanted to do some more work there, & she went home & probably went right to bed, which she needed. Thank you Lord for blessing us this night that more people would know about Focus & what we do there. Amen.
Thursday, April 7, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood This is Sheila's experiences, on the front lines from 10:30am to 1pm: Pat, who prays on the front lines from 9am to 10:30am, was in her car leaving as I pulled in. Paul and Jerry were praying, so I brought out the truth packets and my favorite sign, a large picture of a two month development baby sucking his thumb. Mary replaced the fallen-apart A-Frame with a new sturdy one….thank you Mary. I can attach my sign to it and have my hands free to hold my rosary, a truth packet, and the megaphone. The abortionist was there, but the people I handed truth packets to were there for other reasons. The first person I spoke to had two of our packets at home. I asked why she would still come to this terrible place after reading our literature. I asked her to read it again, and pray the rosary that is in it….a most powerful prayer! I also gave her a DVD about abstinence and a list of good doctors. The next girl was in car with her boyfriend. She had a physical. They did not know about Margaret Sanger’s plan to get rid of the black babies. I gave them a packet and a DVD and urged her to find a better place for her health care. Jerry left, and Paul stayed until after 12.
A young man came around the bushes from the parking lot where he was waiting for his fiance to find out if she is pregnant. If she is, he said it’s inconvenient, because they have a one year old, and need her to work. He said it’s up to her whether to have an abortion…he is pro-choice. We talked about God, and trusting Him. It is He Who creates a life, a son or a daughter, a brother or sister for the child they have. He took a packet. Although he is agnostic now he was Catholic as a child. I asked him to pray. I told him I was agnostic when I was young, and someone asked me to pray for a dear friend….every day. I tried, and it changed my life. God made everything easy for me. I could see His existence because He was working in my life. I hope he does pray. I told him I will pray for them every day. And of course he knows all about Focus, and how we can help them if she is indeed pregnant. Adolf, Dan, and Addison came around noon and Mary was there before 1:00. One more packet was given out, and then a Catholic man asked for a rosary, which we gave him. Mary generously gave him a nice crucifix which he asked for also. The parking lot was nearly empty from noon until one….I was hoping there would be no abortions today. Workers came and went, mostly ignoring my requests that they join their prayers with ours, that God’s will be done. Maybe someone listened??
A day from Hell, like most Thursdays, when they kill babies there!! When I arrived from Mass I arrived at the center around 12:45pm. I talked with Sheila for a short time & she gave me a run down of what was happening, for she's there from 10:30am to 1pm. I said hi to Addison & Dan & Adolf & was happy that Adolf was staying a little longer until 2pm, for I wasn't sure when Martha was coming today due to her very stressful last couple of days. Addision & Dan handed me donations for the work of the center & I thanked them profusely. Sheila had to leave & Martha wasn't there yet & I was expecting Suzanne at 1:30pm, than God. I went into the center to do some quick things then went back to the front lines to be with Adolf & now Bill was across the street with the graphic sign Malachi, witnessing the Truth. When people go into Planned Parenthood he calls over from across the street "choose life, your mother did" or "your mother is pro life because she had you". Great job Bill, who is 82 years old & is a Korean War Veteran to boot. Martha hadn't arrived yet & I was with Adolf on the sidewalk using the mega phone as the cars rolled into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. I was counseling for about 20 minutes when a man walking his dog on a leash came by me saying, very loudly "I DON'T CARE IF YOU PROTEST JUST TURN THAT MEGA PHONE DOWN I CAN HEAR YOU FROM THE STREET OVER THERE ", & he then pointed towards Gibbs St.. "I said that we had a right to use the mega phone' & he said "what"! Then I said "by the way they're killing children in Planned Parenthood, nice dog, interesting enough the vets across the street doesn't kill dogs but this place kills kids, have a nice day". After he left I looked at the mega phone & saw that it was on #7. Oh, I thought, Sheila who has a softer voice than I had turned it to #7 so that the people going into Planned Parenthood could here her & then I turned it back to #3 & that was that, no more complaints from anyone after that. I'll try to remember to check the number on the mega phone on Thursdays. It's so hard to read the numbers too, for they are in black & you have to turn it to an angle to see the numbers but I will do that so the neighbors don't come by again screaming at me with their dog, poor puppy. I turned around & I saw Suzanne so I said to Adolf that I would be right back for I needed to see Suzanne the Thursday counselor at Focus for a few minutes. He said "fine" & off I went into the center. I talked to Suzanne for a few minutes catching her up on some things & then went back outside to be with the guys. About 10 minutes later Martha showed up. I was so happy to see her that's for sure. She needed to sleep in today & she had to do her laundry too for she was going to Pennsylvania to visit her other daughter & grandchildren this weekend & had to do some things to get ready for Friday when she was leaving. She started the Rosary & I continued to counsel. I noticed that the nasty neighbor from across the street was talking to Bill & I heard him say to Bill that he couldn't park hi van in the parking lot next door, where we were going to rent for our center, or at least we were thinking about it at one time. I thought that I would go over to ask the owner if Bill could park in his parking lot for a couple of hours on a Thursday, for anyone parks there so why was he butting in or why was it bothering him who parks in the parking lot next to his condo, it wasn't his property why not just mind his own business. Oh no not on University Ave. I walked right passed the two men & went to the door of the tela marketing place only to realize that he wasn't there anymore that he had finally sold the property to someone who was going to build condos there. Then the neighbor went ballistic. "You get off that property & if you ever go over there again you'll be arrested". I walked by him & said "shut up". I walked over to be with Martha again on the other side of the street. Crazy man, though I did feel badly that I told him to "shut up". I later decided to walk back into the mouth of the tiger & apologize. I went over to him & apologized & said that I was sorry that I told him to "shut up". I thought that he would accept my apology & all would be well. But nooooo, not this angry irrational man. Now he's saying that he's going to take me to court & is working on this with the other neighbors that don't like me there in front of Planned Parenthood. Sorry sir but this is still America & I have First Amendment rights to peacefully protest, use signs, use the mega phone at 50 decimals & say what I want to for I also have Freedom of Speech. Oh boy what a long summer it's going to be with him plus the mess & the noise that will be created when they tear down both buildings & built two more across the street. They'll wish it was only the mega phone that they would have to hear in this very liberal neighborhood of "I don't care that they're killing people at Planned Parenthood, people". This is nuts!! I was trying to discern if the abortionist Rachael Phelps was doing abortions today. It didn't seem like it to Sheila who was her earlier today & I couldn't really see much for the bushes are getting higher & the Death Escort parks her van right in front of the fence where we go to try to get a look at the victims & try to talk to them as they walk in. I was only hoping that no baby was killed here today or any other day here at Planned Parenthood but I was wrong. Martha & I were standing on the sidewalk & a car with four females drove out. I called over to the people & told them that we could help them that Planned Parenthood kills babies in there. The woman driver said something & Martha & I thought hat she said that "we're going to have a baby" but she said that "my daughter just killed her baby". Our hearts sank. I asked the driver to come along the side of the sidewalk & that we could give her a packet of information. I said to the grandmother that I was truly sorry that this happened. The g young girl said it was the girl in the back seat that just did it. The young girl in the back seat said "it wasn't a baby". I looked right at her & told her that if she doesn't come to the realization that she just had her baby killed then she can't be forgiven by God for the sin of murder". The mother of the girl in the back seat was so upset & I tried to comfort her & just then the girl who just had the abortion said to her mother, who was the driver, "you had an abortion too". Oh my Lord is this not a family conflict that will go on & on for many years to heal. The mother of the girl screamed out "I had asked God to forgive me a long time ago". Martha said that we would pray for them & off they went. I guess the other two girls were either sisters or friends & they are now mixed up in this very painful family dynamics. I don't think that the mother drove her in for the abortion but found out that she was at Planned Parenthood & came & got her after it was to late. The pain, oh the pain!!! Abortion ruins families & prevents the next generation from going on. What a sin against our loving Lord who made us & died for our sins. I hope & pray that the young girl who had the abortion will realize what she did this day & sincerely ask for God's forgiveness very soon & He will forgive her. Her & her mother & all who were in the car today, well, they'll never be the same again. Martha & I thought what a horrible mess that was & how very sad it was for sure. We were standing on the sidewalk talking when from around the bushes a woman who was on her cell phone smoking a cigarette walked near us. She was talking on the phone but to us also. I offered her a Truth packet & told her what goes on in Planned Parenthood. She said to Martha & I "oh your decussating & I don't want my daughter to see this I should come over there & kill you both". Oh mame, I said I wish that you didn't say that for now I have to call the police . She went back into Planned Parenthood & I called the police. I told the 911 operator what this woman just said to Martha & I & what she was wearing & now was waiting for the police to come & get her. It was taking a little while & I was afraid that she'd be gone by the time the officer arrived so I took the pad of paper & a pen & waited for her to leave to take down the license number. Sure enough. A car was pulling out & a young girl was driving & looking over at us & the passenger's head was facing us so I took the license number down, just in case it was her. A few minutes later the police man came & as he was stopping his car a car was pulling out of Planned Parenthood & the officer detained her. I though to myself "this isn't the woman who threatened us". He went over to the car & asked her for her license & registration. I heard her ask what she had done & he told her that she had pulled out in his lane. The Death Escort came over to her to console her in her time of grief. The officer went back to his car to check the information & then let her go, with a warning. He was now walking over to Martha & I. I told him that I had a license number & described the woman to him, saying that she had beige boots on. He went to his car once more to check out the license number & said was it a white Honda Civic. I said "yes the car was white". I don't know the make or models of cars only the colors, which was good enough. He said that he was still going to go into Planned Parenthood to see if she was in there or if this was the car with the license number. He went in & came out about 5 minutes later saying that she just left in the car that he just pulled up. He said that he was going to call her, though he thought that probably it was her daughter's car, that it was not acceptable to threaten anyone's life & she could be in serious trouble if she ever does it again. He also said that Planned Parenthood was also concerned with the threat & when the daughter come s back next Tuesday they will also say some thing to her & that we have a right to be out there on the sidewalk. Save it Planned Parenthood you hypocrites!!! You're in there killing people & death threats bothered you. If it bothered you so much how about not killing anyone ...... We said "thank you officer & have a nice day". Martha told him that she'd be praying for him to St. Michael the Patron Saint of Police Officers. He smiled & said thank you & off he went to do fight crime in Rochester. Martha & I just looked at each other in total bewilderment. What an afternoon, how evil & how sad it was . So much hurt & so much sin & so much anger & hate. It's so hard for me to grasp that I'm standing near a building where they kill people & it's all right & legal, like hell. It's am abomination to God & it's not legal in His book. Lord have Mercy on us!!! Give us the grace to preserve until the end. Amen. We went back into the center & Memo helped us to put our signs away. I spent some time with him in the office working on different projects. He's our Data Entry man & such a blessing to Focus, he got us all straightened out, thank you for the gift of Memo dear Lord. After supper I had to go to Church to pick up the CD's & the DVD's, that Fr.made for us for Focus to hand out to people, to educate them about abortion & give them the Truth about the baby in the womb. Father was good to let me receive Holy Communion when I saw him tonight in the Rectory where they have the Tabernacle in the entrance. Thank you Lord for this refreshment to be blessed to receive you this night. Martha went to Holy Hour in Gates, she received Holy Communion there at St. Jude's Church. We had a tough day to say the least. :(
Tuesday, April, 12, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood You make plans they can change quickly. The plan was that Martha was suppose to be out on the front lines first & I was suppose to be in the center to help Sandy put away the children's clothes, into the Material Aid Room. Well the reverse happened. I went out with Donna who just showed up & I put some of the signs out & the literature box when two girls were coming down the sidewalk & I spoke to them & I offered them a pregnancy test & lead then into the center where Martha was still at. So I was outside & she was inside. Donna was with me on the sidewalk. Just then a couple was walking down the sidewalk & I offered them help. She said that she wasn't going in there for an abortion but that her mother had made an appointment for her in there & she was waiting for her. The boyfriend seemed to insist that they go in & I handed him a Rosary & her a Truth packet. Later on this afternoon they came out & had left the packet & Rosary in Planned Parenthood & I only hope that it will help & bless someone else like on of the workers in there. Martha gave them another packet & him another Rosary because he had put his in her packet. First I asked then to go back in there to get it but she said that she doesn't want to go back in there again. Seemed that she didn't like the place, thank God. The abortionist, Racheal Phelps, wasn't there today but the Nurse Practitioner could hand her the RU 486 pills. The container reads: Dr. Theodore Ruckert. Donna said that she overheard that a young man who was sitting on the bench on the phone was trying to talk someone out of having an abortion & she asked me not to use the mega phone. I offered him help with my normal tone of voice. Later one he went into Planned Parenthood & came out about an hour later saying to us "when you see her come out you can call her a baby killer for she's in there killing my baby, with a pill & she just broke up with me". I'm so sorry I said. I opened up a Truth packet & I got out the brochure about RU 486 & growth & development brochures & I found the brochure of Fogotten Fathers & our Focus Center brochure & showed him the 24x7 number & told him to call me at any time. Donna took out the other brochure that also showed growth & development pictures & explained it to him, for he thought that it was only a 'blob', even though he said to us that she was "killing my baby"??? As this was going on Donna & Martha, who was now back after the pregnancy tests, were talking to a couple, a man & a woman & they thought that abortion was awful & when they heard this from this young man the gentleman said "let's pray". I was doing something else but Martha, Donna & the two people gathered around this young man to pray for him & this awful situation. As he was walking away I said that I was sorry that this was happening & told him that our hearts ached at his loss. My heart sank & I felt sick to my stomach. Two girls came into the center earlier as Martha was giving out the pregnancy tests & one of the girls wanted one. So all in all Martha did 4 pregnancy tests today. A young mother was offered to us by the Catholic Family Center & she received a breast pump & many nice things for her 2 children & her other child who is on the way. I will sent her come new brochures that I recently purchased for the center on Breast Feeding which we try to encourage. It was about an half an hour later after we had the encounter with the young man who was loosing his baby came walking up the sidewalk & said "she just called me & I wish that she would make up her mind". Martha & I were out there for Donna had left. We were encouraged. About 20 minutes later they both came out together & they sat on the curb in front of the next door neighbor of Planned Parenthood. They were there talking for another 20 minutes. I used the mega phone to give out the information about abortion & even went into the street, a bit, to show her the graphic picture of an aborted baby, in the 1st. trimester. I also said that women & girls have died from RU 486 abortions & that they will be Post Abortive for the rest of their lives & the scars that will entail & also Adoption is the loving Option, etc.. A middle aged woman drove into Planned Parenthood's parking lot & I was wondering what this was all about. A few seconds later the couple, on the curb, got up & was heading into the Planned Parenthood parking lot. I thought that she had now decided to go back into Planned Parenthood to finish off the baby, rather they went into the car of the middle aged woman who just drove in. They got into the car & I almost fainted with joy. When the car was pulling out I offered them 2 DVD's & a Truth packet but the woman driver put her thumb up & drove away. Praise God!!! This was a precious baby saved today!!! Martha & I were soooo very happy for she when this was all happening she was saying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Thank you Lord. Amen. Cleveland was walking down the street & had asked for more food so Martha brought him into the center which made me by myself. I was at the fence facing Planned Parenthood when all of a sudden I heard a voice saying "you're an idiot". I looked to see the same oh lady on her bike that we see every year at this time & I answered she back by saying "I love you, I love you & my heart aches for you". I hope that soon she will just say "hi" to me & nothing more. I pray daily for the conversion & salvation & repentance of ALL the people at Planned Parenthood & the people in the neighborhood, maybe I forgot her. I will include her to my prayer list. God knows what her problem is. Martha had come back out & I told her that I wanted to conduct an experiment. Because the gentleman on Thursday complained about the mega phone & wanted to walk down his street to see if I could hear Martha on the mega phone. I had put the sound number to 3 & to see what would happen. I walked down Gibbs to Shelden and I saw a police car parked on the side street. Maybe he was on patrol or just doing paperwork? I don't know. I walked passed him. I was hoping to see a 'For Sale' sign at the Bovey residences but I didn't see anything. They are the annoying people that own the middle condo & I was told that they were moving. Couldn't be to soon. I do pray everyday for Jim especially, the wife Sue doesn't day anything when she's outside, which is not to often. I don't hate these people for I am a Christian & just feel sorry for them, as I do their next door neighbor Dr. Jim. He came out today & I thought 'here we go again'. He walked over to the vets parking lot & did something to the side of the house of the new & peaceful & non combative neighbors condo. I don't know what he did & I only know that he didn't engage me in his tom foolery. The Death Escort, Barry Swan was the Death in the second half while Sylvia Rose was the Death Escort in the fist half. The worse of the worse!!! A mother came in & she took out her umbrella stroller & she LET BARRY SWAN TAKE THE SWEET HAND OF HER DAUGHTER, WHO WAS ABOUT 3 YEARS OLD & BRING HER INTO PLANNED PARENTHOOD. I was sick to my stomach. How ignorant of this mother to let her daughter be touched by a stranger let alone at Planned Parenthood. What is the matter with people?? I stayed as long as I could for I wanted to speak to her on the way out but I had to go into the center to do my work there for it was getting late. Jerry had stopped by to help me put the signs back into the center. As I was walking into the parking lot there was Jim Basile & he was dropping off children clothes for the center. I was talking to him & one thing lead to another & I asked him if he has a twin bed for one of our clients & he said that he did. I called the client & got no answer & I asked him to also call her to make arrangement for the bed to be delivered to her. Thank you Lord for she has called me twice regarding this. He brought in the bag of clothes & I gave him a Tax Form for 2012. After he left Martha & I had a lasagna & salad supper. I talked her into coming with me to Our Lady of Victory Church for the Lenten Retreat. Father was going to speak about the Sufferings of Christ. Oh Lord, thank you for your Sufferings & Death on the Cross & Resurrection for me, so that if I remain faithful, I can be with you forever in Heaven someday. Thank you Jesus.
![]() Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at Focus the day of the Baby Shower There were doing street work on University Ave.. I couldn't get into the parking lot to get into the center. I stopped my car, on the street & a street worker came up to my car, then I told him that I had a pregnancy center in this plaza & I needed to get into the parking lot? He told another man, with a hard hat on, to go get a plate to cover over the hole in the street. When he covered the hole with the huge plate I was now able to cross over it to get into the parking lot. I was wondering what they hadn't done it earlier, knowing there were businesses in the strip mall? Oh well. I asked Tony, after Mass, to come to the center to help us get ready for the Baby Shower that we were having for Pat's, granddaughter, whose baby is due in June. He said that he would come over to help us. He got into the parking lot & came to the center about 10 minutes after me. I was in the center for about 10 minutes when the doorbell ran & it was four women at the door. Martha wasn't there yet. I let them in & they said that they needed diapers & wipes & children's clothes for their many children. One of the women said that she had six children from ages 18 down to her youngest who is 10 months old. I must have mentioned that I needed help in the Material Aid Room, for after Mass I pleaded with the Lord that I needed more help in the center. Just then she replied that she needed 25 hours of volunteer time at an agency for the Department of Social Services. Wow!! "That would be great" I said. She then said that she would talk to her Case Worker to see if this could happen. We'll see if I receive a phone call in the next couple of days. I sure hope so. As they were getting things for their children the doorbell rang again. I went to the door to see our mom who we promised the umbrella stroller to. She had her baby with her who was in a large stroller. She was such a beautiful baby. The mom told me that she just had a miscarriage so I went into the Rose Room & got her a booklet on healing from a miscarriage. She was grateful. I lead her to the Great Room where the smaller stroller was & she saw some cookies on the kitchenette table & asked for food. I said that was saved for a Baby Shower later this evening, for I didn't think that cookies was real food for lunch & I wanted her to have something more substantial so Tony made her a nice sandwich & he made one for me & one for himself. I also gave her 3 granola bars & a can of soda. He also made coffee for himself & for Martha whenever she'll arrive. What a great guy! Our mom went into the Material Aid Room after the other four women had left to get tons of baby clothes in her size right now & in the next size up. I asked her when her baby grows out of the size she is in now, to please bring back the clothes, so that another mother would also be blessed. She said that she would. After this mother left I went into the All Purpose Room, which I call the Green Room, because it is, to eat the roast beef sandwich with my ice tea. Who just then walks in was Bernie our Landlord. I said "hi Bernie, what brings you here"? I went over to him & said "I want to show you the new color of our office". I walked over to the office & he said that it looked nice then he said that he was in the office earlier today to empty the bucket which is on the ceiling titles. "Oh" I said "that was real nice of you, how full was it"? He said it was about a quarter filled for it had rained last night & he thought that it might be wise to take a look at it. I again said "thank you Bernie". Then he asked me about when was the time of the carpet that was put down last year. I said "let me see for I have the paperwork right here". I went to my desk drawer to get it for him & he made a copy of it. We made an agreement, in September of 2010, that when the carpet was reimbursed that the rent will go to the original agreement of $1,800 a month, for we're paying $1,600 now until about July 1st.. I looked at him right in the eye, for he was sitting right across from me at the desk & I said "Bernie, I hope & pray that you will consider in keeping the rent to where it is now so that we can stay here". He looked at me & said "we'll talk about it another time". I said "okay". He also said that when the weather gets to be 55 degrees then he & his buddy will get up on the roof & patch up the holes that are causing the current leaks in the Green Room & if the bucket wasn't there, & our office would be leaking after it rained too. Thank God for that bucket, up on the ceiling titles & in the right position, to catch the water from the roof, otherwise we'd be having a royal mess in the office & I certainly wouldn't want that! He had to go & I thanked him for fixing the front door to so that the bad guys couldn't get in. Now when we come in or leave the door automatically closes behind us, thank God. We said good bye to each other & he left. He has certainly mellowed over the past year, thank God, for our prayers were answered. We now have a mutual respect for one another & work well with each other when things need fixing at the center. Well, Miss Martha you finally showed up & with a homemade cake & Oscar Myer wieners too, for our Baby Shower. We were so busy trying to get everything ready plus take care of our moms who came to the Material Aid Room for children's clothes. Martha set up the tables put out the finger food & I did some paperwork in the office. Then the Elim Students came for this was their last day so it was hard on me. I made out the cards for them & put their present into a nice decorative bag to give them from both Martha & I. I do appreciate all that they blessed us with over the past 3 months. It was great to get to know them & they worked so very hard for us at Focus. I wish the very best for them as they go on with their lives. Two of our girls will be getting married this year & I wish them many happy years of marital bliss & many children too. The doorbell rang & it was Melody. It's been awhile that Martha & I have seen her, for she has had her challenges. We both gave her a big hug & said that it was so good to see her & that she had cone for the Baby Shower for Akira. Then the doorbell rang & it was Sandy, who helps us out on Tuesdays. She came to be apart of this happy event. Then the doorbell rang again & it was Pat's husband, Judge Gray Smith, he came with presents for Akira & her baby. How nice was that & I thanked him & asked him to thank Pat for me. He said that he would. Then the doorbell rang & it was Tony who had been here earlier to help us out & then he had to go home but he returned with coffee filters for Martha, how thoughtful was that!! He couldn't stay but my heart was touched by his kindness to Martha, for she likes her coffee. Then the doorbell rang again & it was Pat & her gang. There was Katherine & her 2 boys, Khy-meir (who was almost killed by the RU486 pills that were removed just in time) & Ah-meir & Arika, who the Baby Shower was for, & her sweet daughter Akira (who was born 1lb. 7ozs. & I am her Godmother) & also her girlfriend. Pat, who is the grandmother & the great grandmother sat down to relax for she worked all day at the hospital. I introduced everyone to each other & let them start the conversations. Pat was more hungry then just having finger foods so Martha made her a nice big sandwich of roast beef & chicken. We ate, played. sang & unwrapped presents & had a great old time. It was a room filled with such joy. The Elim girls had decorated the room earlier with streamers to make it look festive. It was a wonderful time of love & laughter. Thank you Lord for the gift of "life". Pat was getting tired after 2 hours so she gathered up her brood & they all said good bye & thanked us for a marvelous evening. Before I said good bye to the Elim girls I brought them into my office, one at a time, to read to them their evaluation. Two of them cried. They deserved such a great evaluation for they were great. Martha & I said goodbye to them & gave them all a big hug. Then Melody & Sandy had to leave too. Martha & I cleaned up & were blessed by such a wonderful evening of love & friendship & of course being with the little children that made the night.
Thursday, April 14, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood (This is Sheila's experiences on the front line before I arrive) Pat and Paul and Jerry were praying on the Scio street side of Planned Parenthood when I arrived because of extensive roadwork that was happening , blocking our usual area. Before I had even brought out signs, two women came out of Planned Parenthood. One needed a pregnancy test, and since she could have one immediately and it would be free, they came with me to Focus. When that was taken care of, we discussed the need for prayer in all our lives. They left with truth packets, a DVD, and they were delighted to receive rosaries. One lady was raised Catholic so she knew how to say the rosary, and I showed the other lady the instructions, and pointed out the beads. They resolved to pray and try to live chaste lives. When I went back outside our sidewalk was clear, so I set up my sign, and prayed with Paul, asking the workers to join their prayers to ours that God’s will be done here. The abortionist was here, but the main traffic today seemed to be short appointments, in and out. Perhaps one person left having killed her baby, so I offered our help, but she turned her face away. I called out asking her to remember “Project Rachel” when she needed help in dealing with her guilt. One more woman came for material aid, and left with some nice clothes for herself and her son. The place where people usually pull over to talk to us was totally blocked by roadwork. I thanked the road workers for fixing our road, and asked if they had daughters or friends they would like to give our informational packet to. They declined, so I told them to come back anytime to get the information….we would be happy to give it to them. They thanked me. I asked them to pray for us.
One more person came out of Planned Parenthood, talking on her phone, birth control pills in her brown bag. I walked down the street with her, and found out she goes to PP because she doesn’t have health insurance. She didn’t have time to come with me then, so I invited her to come to the Center later to get information on affordable and free insurance. Then she could go to “good” doctor, not one who kills babies. I also informed her that the pill can cause an early abortion. After Dan and Addison arrived at noon, a gentleman, who had picked up birth control for his girlfriend, came around the bushes. His main purpose in talking to me seemed to be to argue with me about a woman's right to choose. True, that choice is legal but the choice to kill her baby is morally evil! I hope he went away with the realization that a human life begins at conception. This “being” is not a dog, or a cat, or a blob of tissue, he or she is a human being, and abortion is depriving that human being of life. This is murder!! No one has the right to “get rid of” an inconvenient pregnancy. Women don’t think they can kill an inconvenient two year old, or one year old, or one month old baby. Inconvenience is no excuse for murder. I said I would pray for him, and he said he would pray for me……I hope he does! It seems to me that the number of abortions performed on Thursdays has diminished for the last few weeks have been quieter. Please Lord, let this be true.
I came to the center around 12:50pm & I wasn't able to get through to the parking lot so I called over the street worker who is fixing University Ave. & told him I couldn't get in & he asked another man to move the truck down a bit so that I had room to go into the parking lot. Thanks guys. I saw the pro lifers standing in front of Planned Parenthood & I felt so proud of them
for praying to end abortion & to close this abortion mill. I felt one with my brothers & sister Sheila. I went in to the center to open up the rooms & to put my purse away in the office & then I was heading outside with a sign & the literature box when just then I saw that a young woman approaching the door. I asked what could I do for her? She answered that she needed some clothes for her children & let her into the Material Aid Room to get what she needed. I told her that I had to go outside for a few minutes & that I would be back & just keep on looking around to see if there was anything that we could help her with. She said "thank you" & I headed to the front lines with the signs & the literature box. I approached everyone & said hi to them & spoke to Sheila & asked her what went on earlier & that I had some one in the Material Aid Room right now & had to get back to her. As we walked we talked & Sheila said that she did a pregnancy test this morning. Her girlfriend was with her & she assisted them with information to help them in their lives. We got to the center & thank God there was Suzanne, for she had come earlier today which was a surprise & a blessing. I asked Sheila to tell Suzanne what went on during her time & I said good bye to her & told her that I would call her the Wednesday before she comes back out again on Thursday. I thank God for Sheila & her team for they are saving lives!!
I went back out to the front lines to witness the Truth & to be with Addison, Dan & there comes up the sidewalk was Francis. I was waiting for Martha & knew that she would arrive soon, which she did. The men were pouring down asphalt on the street causing a steam effect & a intense smell. I thought that it was going to put Martha back into the center due to her sinus problems & all but she was a trooper & hung in there. I asked one of the workers how many more days & he said that he would be until Friday & next year they're going to redo the entire road. Oh no I said it's not that bad looking & I'm a fussy person. I said that I want it to look half way decent because I have a pregnancy center down the street. He smiled & said that it will be nice enough. I said "thank you" & off he went back to work. I asked another young man if all this steam was bad for them, I mean breathing it in all day long & didn't they need a mask or something? He just said that most everything is dangerous but it's fine. "Okay" I said back to him. I hope he's right. Addison & Dan had to leave & then Adolf came. Martha brought back a book that his adoptive daughter wrote & they talked about it for a few minutes. It was a heartwarming story of her earlier years when she lived in Europe & was very poor. She ate diluted soup with no meat in it just water & vegetables. She is healthy but sure enjoys her meals in this country & she eats meat now. We were unable to hand out any Truth packets today because the cars were blocked by the road work but we called out to every person who went in & out of Planned Parenthood, as always. Martha went into he center to get something & Adolf & Francis was with me. Just then a car drove into Planned Parenthood's parking lot & there was three people in the car, two guys & one woman who was smoking. I called out to them by the fence & offered then help & told them about Planned Parenthood when just then the one guy gave me the finger & was moving it up & down & then he used his other had to indicate sexual intercourse, then went into the killing mill. Later on when they all came back out I told the girl that this guy you're with had indicated a rape & that you deserved better than this. If he can do this to a stranger then what he is he doing to you?? Let's just say he was a good little boy when they left the parking lot. I hope that even he realized what he did was wrong. I forgive you. As a rape survivor I don't appreciate your bad behavior against me. A car then drove into the parking lot & she wasn't parked to far away from the fence where we call out to the people in the parking lot. She was very angry & said the ......word, may times. & gave me the finger. What is wrong with people?? When she later came out & I tried to talk to her again, for now she was carrying a brown paper bag, which usually indicates the Morning After Pill or condoms in the bag. I quickly tried to address both issues & told her not to do the 'naughty' & all she could do was swear & show me the bird, after that. I said that her behavior indicated rape which I hope caught her by surprise. As she was leaving I said a couple of things to her & said that we loved her. I hope & pray the very best for her, she protested too much, so her conscious was pricked by the Truth spoken today. Martha decided that it was time to bring out the Blessed Salt against the Evil One. So she took the container of Blessed Salt & walked up the sidewalk with the container leaving a stream of white powder on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood as she walked over across the street to get the picture of Jesus holding the aborted baby In His hand & crying. She had to park across the street because she couldn't get into our parking lot because of all the street work that they're doing. I said out loud, as the worker were looking at her, Martha is pouring the Blessed Salt onto the sidewalk!! Just then the long time Death Escort Barry Swan was coming out of Planned Parenthood without his apron so I knew he was finished for the afternoon & he saw Martha pouring this white powder onto the sidewalk. He went back into Planned Parenthood & rated on her. He was gone for a few minutes & came back out & then he walked up to one of the workers, on the street, & said "what's this"? He replied "salt". Then Barry Swan went into his car, not realizing the power of this white powder & drove over the Blessed Salt, as he was leaving the parking lot, hopefully it may change his life. When Martha returned from her car I told her that Barry Swan had seen her pouring a white substance on the sidewalk & went back into Planned Parenthood to tell on her, so you're in trouble now Martha, now the Feds are coming to get you, & I'll have to visit you in jail, ha ha. She just smiled like she just had won a pie eating contest or something. We should be using blessed sacramentals of the Church to fight in this Spiritual Warfare. I went into the center to grab a bit to eat & Suzanne was so busy in the Material Aid Room that she told me later that she couldn't make any calls because she was kept busy in there. One mom after another came to the door today. The word is getting out to the public that we offer free baby & children clothes. I was disappointed, that none of our clients were called today, but at least many moms got some nice clothes & things for their children this afternoon. After I ate I went back outside because Francis had to leave & that would leave Martha by herself & that's never good. We were just the two of us, for Afolf had let earlier, so she prayed & I counseled. Just then we saw that Heidi had arrived to be with us. She is a Prayer Warrior & comes out with the Bound for Life Group, that tape their mouths, to represent the baby in the womb, & they silently pray in front of Planned Parenthood at times. It was good seeing her. Martha, Heidi & talked for awhile & then come walking down the sidewalk was our girl Valerie who is pregnant with twins, a boy & a girl. She said that she is scheduled for a C-Section on April 29th. because one of the babies is still in the breech position. She we all stood there on the sidewalk & we all put our hands on Valerie's big belly & prayed in agreement that the babies will turn into the correct position for a normal delivery. She was grateful for the prayers & the love shown her. She still needed some more things in the center so Martha brought her into Focus to help herself with whatever she needed. So that left Heidi & I on the sidewalk. A young girl was walking passed us & I offered her a Truth packet & she said that she didn't need it for she was a 'virgin'. I looked at her like she was a Martian, from another planet, & said "what did you just say"? She was patient & kind to repeat it for me for I thought that she was being factious but she wasn't. I offered her the CD 'Starting Over' for any of her friends & she told me that all her friends, from her church, made a promise to God to remain virgins until marriage. This was great news & a rarity. I only which it was the other way around, that girls having sex outside of marriage was the rarity. She was 19 years old & she said that she has plans for her life & sex outside of marriage isn't one of them. Stay strong & pray, pray & pray always for the graces to come against the temptations of this world. She was radiant & beautiful, without blemish. I only wish that my girls will turn their lives around. We're trying to make that happen at Focus. One precious girl at a time, sweet Jesus. Martha called me on my cell phone from the center asking me if I needed any help in bringing the signs in & said that sounds like a plan. She came out a few minutes later & was helping Heidi & I with all the signs & the literature box to bring back into the center. I was the last man standing & as I was leaving I noticed my greatest challenge of the day. Two young girls were walking across the street & were now crossing the street heading towards Planned Parenthood. I put the literature box down & waited for them to cross over to my side of the street. I called then over to speak to me & they did especially the one girl. It started out okay then it got more combative, which is never a bad sign, it just means that she got convicted & was most uncomfortable after that, & I now become the enemy. I've experienced it many times over the many years that I've been out on the front lines. That's human nature at it's best. The one girl keep on saying that she gets tested for STD's after she has sex with her boyfriend of 3 years & she only 17. So I just said that that sounded like what a prostitute does & maybe your boyfriend is cheating on you? There is a great possibility that he is for you don't seem to trust him if you're going for testing. She said there are no real good men around. So I said then you're having sex with a bad man? Then she challenged me on 'love', which I said was 'lust', not 'love'. She asked if Masturbation was okay & I said it was a Mortal Sin, which could lead you to Hell for all Eternity. She said why would it be wrong to love yourself that way. I replied that that pleasure was suppose to be between you & your husband & not just yourself. Check out: http://www.beginningcatholic.com/catholic-teaching-on-masturbation.html. She was becoming nervous then your tone changed & she said "I didn't like that you called ma a prostitute". "What" I said, I never called you a prostitute I only said that they get tested after having sex with men. Then she said that she is having sex with just one man, for the last 3 years, not a multiple of men. I just said back to her that it is sad that you're having sex at all for you're not married & that 's a sin! You're judging me & I don't like that so here's your packet back I don't want it. I have one already a nice man gave me one & he wasn't judgmental like you are, you're suppose to be helping me not judging me. I said that I was trying to, for you shall know the Truth & the Truth will set you free!! As she threw down the packet & the CD of 'Starting Over' she hollered to me saying "I'm going in here to get my condoms". I called back to her saying "there's a 50 percent chance that'll you'll get a sexual transmitted disease". I was sad & I picked up the literature box & walked into the center to grieve. We had the taxi take our dear Valerie home with 3 large bags of things & she said that she now has everything that she needs for her twins & her other 3 children. We were glad to have helped her & she knows that we love her too. Dan came in tonight after Martha & I had supper. We had one of her famous chicken dishes for she loves to cook chicken & we like to eat it. Martha went to her Holy Hour & I had to stay to be with Dan, for he came to help take out all the containers, filled with summer clothes, out of the storage room & put in the Material Aid Room, so we can put them in the clothes baskets. He is such a blessing to us at Focus just like all our volunteers are. I thank God for everyone & am blessed by them & their generosity to us at Focus.
Friday, April 15, 2011 at Focus I'm on call 24x7 & the phone rang this morning as I was waking up. It was on of our clients that had her baby about I year ago & she was calling asking me to come in to giver her sister a pregnancy test so that she doesn't go to Planned Parenthood to take the abortion pill if she's pregnant. She asked me if I could get to the center at 1pm, for she said that she wanted to be with her & she had school until 12:30pm. I said that I'd meet them at 1pm at the center. I got up & started to get ready, ate, got dressed & washed my hair just in time to be there at 1pm. They were already there. I greeted all three young girls, for they brought their cousin with them. The one who called me went into the Material Aid Room to get what she needed for her son. The doorbell rang & it was Tony. He was dropping off 3 bags of clothes from his daughter that his granddaughter wore in the past. I thanked him & then went into the Rose Room to give the pregnancy test. While she was in the bathroom providing her specimen I thanked Tony & asked him to thank his daughter for the marvelous gifts of clothes for our moms. He said that he had to go & I said "good bye" & off he went. My client just came out of the bathroom & came back into the Rose Room, for the test. After the test I counseled her & then she joined her sister & her cousin. I went into the Green Room & asked where was our other client from the past. The cousin said that she was in the bathroom but I had my doubts. I went into the office for a minute & then went into the Great Room & saw more diapers & some personal items on a chair. Then she appeared & I said where you in this room? I was & the guy told me that I shouldn't be in here. Did you put these things on the chair & she said "no". I said "I know that I didn't, don't lie to me". She said "no, I'm not". She asked for the diapers & as I was putting the things away she asked for the toothbrush & paste, in a travel case. I said "okay". She joined her family members in the Green Room & they thanked me & said "good bye". I was planning to do some errands before Mass at 4:30pm at St.John Fisher College but the doorbell rang & there was some ladies looking for children clothes. It was a client of ours & her friend & her young daughter. They needed diapers & wipes & looked for children's clothes. After they left I make a cheese & mayo sandwich & had some ice tea & then the doorbell rang again. I went to answer the door & it was a young girl & a young man. I said "can I help you". She said I'm here for a pregnancy test. I said that I wasn't usually here on Fridays so you are fortunate so come follow me. I introduced myself to them both first before I lead them into the Rose Room but before they went in I asked her if it was okay with her to have this gentleman with her. She said "yes that's fine, he's my boyfriend". I gave her the Intake Sheet to fill out as I hurried up to clean up the last pregnancy test for I never expected another one today. After the pregnancy test we had a good talk the girlfriend, boyfriend & I. They said "thank you" & they left. I then went into the office to work on something real fast for I had many errands to do. Then the doorbell rang again. I went to the door & there was a mom asking for diapers & wipes & some children's clothes. I lead her into the Material Aid Room while I went into the Great Room for the diapers & wipes. She stayed for awhile for she had many children. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled to help our moms & I was so surprised that how did anyone know that I was here except for the first appointment. I was frustrated for I know, in my heart, that if we had enough people to man the center we would be open 5 days a week. Where are the people to make this happen Lord? Why won't they volunteer at a nice, neat & clean center to help our moms in need?? If I was in better health I would be there on Mondays & Fridays too, for I get many calls on those days & only come in for pregnancy tests & I tell the moms to come in on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 1-6pm, to get their children clothes. On Mondays & Fridays I'm always doing prolife work, at my apartment, & I am doing errands for the center & for my personal needs too. Before I know it, it's Tuesdays again. I need tim to recoup, for the next three days are so intense, that it takes me time to recover from the impact. "His grace is sufficient", says the Bible. I know that for sure for I live it everday of my life. I left around 3:20pm & I knew that I had only time to do a couple of my errands & after Mass I'll do the rest. After Mass I spoke with Fr. Jim for a few minutes which I always do & then went to finish my errand before I was to meet my friend at Holy Spirit Church in Webster then we were going to go for a fish fry at Bazils, her treat. I was just getting into my car to go meet her when the phone rang & it was one of our clients that asked if she could bring her friend in tonight for a pregnancy test. I said "okay, I'll meet you there in 15 minutes". I got off the phone & called my friend to tell her that I would be a little late & left the message on her cell phone & off I go back to the pregnancy center. When I arrived just before I opened the door there was the lady that has so many problems & tried to trick us on several occasions until we got wise to her. She said "don't I look better & I feel better too". I looked over at her while I was trying to open up the door. I said to her that she was here just this past week. "Oh no", she said "I'm just here for food tonight". I said okay, we don't have to much in the Material Aid Room but you can take some food. I walked into the Green Room & there was the two women, waiting for me. I greeted them & then brought them into the Rose Room again trying to keep my eyes on our little lady that can charm a snake. There she was taking a diaper bag. I said that was a diaper bag & you don't need that. Oh I need it for a purse. I said her take this instead. It was a big black bag * she put all her food into it plus another bag. I said enjoy & have a nice evening & she said she had to got to the bathroom first. I needed to go back into the Rose Room to do the pregnancy test for that is way I'm here. She had finished filling out the Intake Sheet & I showed her to the bathroom now. As I was going back to the Rose Room I saw a cell phone on the table in the Green Room. I asked my friend at the Taxi Company & he said that he thought that it was the lady that just was in the center. I told him where I was going to hide it & if she come back to get it there it will be. He said okay & that he will tell the next dispatcher when he comes in another hour from now. I said "thank you so much Kaybe". The client was now ready for the pregnancy test. After the test I counseled her & gave her a Truth packet & other brochures to take with her. The other young woman who I gave a pregnancy test awhile ago said that she watched the movie Bella that I gave her & that she enjoyed it very much. I said that I was glad that she did. We all said good bye & off they went & thanked him as they left. Just then my cell phone rang & it was my friend telling me that she pushed the reservations to 7:15 & we agreed to meet at the restaurant. I said thank you for being so flexible in this change of plans. She said back "no problem, Mary". I met her there & we had a real nice Fish Fry mmmm good & I had a decadent desert too. We then went to Holy Spirit Church to spend some time with the Lord. When I arrived I saw Father & approached him to ask him if he would hear my Confession which he did. After the healing & forgiving & cleansing Sacrament we talked for a little bit of what was going on at the Church & all the changes that were occurring there. I told him that he was in my daily prayers & he thanked me. I went back in the Church where my friend was praying & we prayed for a little longer & left to go home. It was very cold outside & I was happy that we were heading to warmer weather, the summer time & not heading towards the winter time. I thanked God for a very full filling & blessed day, in Him.
Saturday, April 16, 2011 at Focus Happy 84th. Birthday Pope Benedict!!!! I did receive a phone call on my cell & it was a client of ours asking if she could get diapers for her child. I said that after Mass tonight I will be at the center at 6pm & I will stay until 6:45pm. She said that she would be there a little after 6pm. I said "okay, I'll see you there later on at the center". After Mass tonight which was Passion Sunday & the Mass was a little longer tonight because the Passion of Jesus was read tonight at Mass & we received our blessed palms too. After Mass & stayed to talk to some of my friends & then went to the center to do some work & wait for our client. When I arrived at the center I spent time taking the things out of my car that Ana, from the Second Thought Resale Store in East Rochester, that she left in my garage. How blessed we are, so that we always have so much to give away to our moms in need for things for their children, plus all the great donations that we also receive from so many nice people that bless us too. After I emptied the car I went into the office to do some paperwork the doorbell rang. I walked to the door & there was one of our male clients that gets diapers for his child. I opened the door & said I Jim, you were just her this week. Oh, no he said I'm here tonight for food. I said that we didn't have to much left but go help yourself. I mentioned some Food Pantries but he said that they were closed on the weekend. He said that every day he volunteers at the Asbury Church on East Ave. to feed the hungry with hot meals from Monday through Friday. How nice I said then that means that you get a good meal everyday. He took some food & I asked him to pull up his pants. I don't know if it was his style or he just was wearing pants that were to big though he's such a skinny guy. They were falling down & he apologized if it offended me. I said that it did & he pulled them up. He said "thank you" & off he went. I went back to the office to organize the literature cabinet & the doorbell rang again & it was the mom who requested the diapers & baby wipes. I asked if she needed anything else & she asked me if I had any crackers. I said that I didn't, sorry. She said "thanks okay & thank you or the diapers & wipes". I said "you are more than welcome & come again if you need anything again". She gave me a nice smile & then left. I returned to my work in the office & then left to go grocery shopping. I ate my supper around 10pm tonight. Thank you Lord for blessing me always everyday with joy & suffering. Amen.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 in front of Planned Parenthood What a day I had today!! I had three disappointments right in a row. One was our steady prayer warrior who has come out on Tuesdays from 1-3pm for the last year, or so, is no longer going to be able to come back. She has to get her house in order to sell it. The best to her & her husband but it will effect our sidewalk ministry for sure. I pray that the dear Lord will sent us someone to replace her. Thank you Lord, for we are so very busy in the center & that would just leave me out there, on the front lines by myself, like today Lord. Thank you that you were with me that's for sure. Martha was in the center doing one pregnancy test after another & assisting in the Material Aid Room, which helped about six moms. The second disappointment was that a woman called me awhile back, from a local church stating that the students would be coming to the Focus Center to help us out for 2 hours today April 19th.. She called me at 9am this morning & of course I was sleeping, for I don't go to bed until 2am or later, just call me a night person okay. She called me the very same day that she & the students were suppose to be at the center to help us out, to now tell me that no one had signed up!!! Okay disappointment number two, just waiting for disappointment number three which came later. Our dear, sweet but "I take no crap from anyone" prayer warrior & witness person, on the front lines, didn't come today as I thought she emailed me to say that she was. Maybe I read it wrong. She was in Florida for about 3 months & to say that it didn't hurt, that she was gone from us for so long, is an understatement. She is a 'I take no prisoners' type of person which is good on the front lines when people want to kill you. We all have our unique personalities & special ways of approaching people, which is fine. "Viva la difference". I do hope that we will see her on Wednesday, that's for sure. Missed ya!!! I was debating to go out on the front lines at all today for we had so much to do in the center. We needed to put the winter clothes away in the Material Aid Room & then put out the summer clothes, for we just had a couple of huge donations from some very nice people. Thank you all so very much, I do appreciate it. But I was feeling guilty for I know that Tuesdays are the days for the RU 486 abortions & for the pre tests for the surgical abortions on Thursdays. I said to Martha "why don't we go out for awhile & then go inside to work in the center", she said "okay" but that never happened. For when I started out on the front lines I asked a couple of girls, as they were walking by me, if they needed a pregnancy test & they said "yes they did" so I guided them to Focus to where Martha was still at. I went back to the front lines, for I had all that I needed. I had the literature box & the mega phone & two graphic signs plus Our Lady of Guadeloupe picture. I was very cold but I decided that I would stay there & sooner or later Martha would show up. She 's faithful & she & I work very well together for she knows what to do & does it well. About 20 minutes later I received a call on my cell phone, it was Martha asking where did I put one of our clients cell phone that she left at the center on Friday. I told her where I hid it & then hung up. Just a few minutes later there was our client coming on down the sidewalk saying to me that Martha didn't know where it was so I told her where it was & she went back into the center to get it. About 5 minutes later there she comes again walking down the sidewalk with a sign, of a picture of 3 babies, around her neck. She said that she was just 'saved' & that she needed to put back what she took from life. I said to her there was a young girl coming up the sidewalk so go talk to her. She gently approached the young girl & found out that she was going into Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test so she pointed out the Focus Center to her for a 'free' pregnancy test & lead her to the center. When she came back out again she had a smile, from one end of her face to the other. It was good to see her being pro active & she looks better that I have ever seen her before. She was getting the hang of it for two young girls were walking up the street towards Planned Parenthood & she stopped then to talk to them & then brought them to the Focus Center. Wow, she is doing a great job, that's for sure. She said that she wanted to do God's work, which she did today. She said that she had an appointment & had to go & that she would see us again tomorrow. Sure enough dear one. The first young girl, that Martha did a pregnancy test on was negative, but she had to go to Planned Parenthood to get them to remove the IUD that they put inside her uterus that was causing her pain & a hardness in her abdomen. How sad that these girls are destroying their bodies & souls & are killing their children, for the IUD is an abortifacient, which means it causes early abortions. Check out: http://www.lifeissues.org/abortifacients/IUD.html & http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARRIAGE/CCLIUD.TXT My heart goes out to these girls, who I love, care & am concerned about. They are being told lies & they are ruining their health & welfare. Planned Parenthood destroys lives, the babies lives & the women & young girls lives too....... The other two young girls that were lead into Focus by Tina left the center because the one girl wanted the Depo Provera shot & were heading into Planned Parenthood when I stopped to talk to them. I asked if they were helped at Focus & the one girl said that she was going into Planned Parenthood for the Depo shot. I gave her a brochure about this dangerous shot & it's effects. I told her it causes early abortions at times & that it had a Black Box Warning from the FDA because it thins the bones, because it pulls the calcium out of the bones, thus causing fractures, at any time. It stops your periods which is unnatural & can cause further problems down the road for those who use this dangerous drug. WARNING: LOSS OF BONE MINERAL DENSITY Women who use Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection may lose significant bone mineral density. Bone loss is greater with increasing duration of use and may not be completely reversible. It is unknown if use of Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection during adolescence or early adulthood, a critical period of bone accretion, will reduce peak bone mass and increase the risk for osteoporotic fracture in later life. Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection should not be used as a long-term birth control method (i.e., longer than 2 years) unless other birth control methods are considered inadequate. (See Warnings and Precautions (5.1)). This poor girl told me that she's been on the shot for 3 years & her doctor told her that she was fine. I told her that some doctors 'lie' & you don't know what this dangerous drug is doing to your body inside. I hope that I cast doubts about this drug to her that is going to mess her up both physically & spiritually. Education is so important & I only hope that some people are listening & will change their ways. God's grace is sufficient. A truck with a huge sign prompted up on the back of the truck read: SMH let my wife die then stole her jewelry off her dead corpse. I'm Tony at (then he gave his phone #). Call me. I was so surprised to see this sign, for it was at SMH where I was gang raped in 1971 & no one did anything about it. It was covered under the carpet that's for sure, so I don't like this hospital either. I called over to him & he came over to where I was standing to talk. He explained what happened to his wife....something about a shot & t |