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![Father and child, Dhaka, Bangladesh]()
‘Perfect Joy’
Perfect joy is the ability to return peace and love to those who cross us. That is indeed the path to sainthood, and few of us manage to walk it perfectly.
-from Pope Francis and our Call to Joy
Tuesday, August 18, 2014 at Focus
When I got to Focus I asked Martha if she would call Frank, Martha’s ex, & ask him if he would go to Sam’s Club for Enfamil & diapers & he did. He got to Focus about 2 hours later with so much. He got a lot of baby formula & two large packs of diapers & bottled water. It cost him so much it came to $1,200 & he asked only $400 for reimbursement. How nice was this. We are blessed with so many fantastic people who help us out at Focus for our clients families. Thank God!
Martha was administering to a man, woman & their three children. They were all living at the bad Cadillac building, where it isn’t safe. She said that they were trying to get out to a safe place especially for their children’s sake. Martha called many places to try to get the ball rolling but was unsuccessful. Some time later the woman asked for a pregnancy test which was negative. We saw many clients today, with their needs, & we met them as good as we could. Since I've been at Focus, for nine years, I have found that there are so many people who are in need of clothes, food, diapers & formula, etc.. Now we can help them!
We had a well attended '40 Days for Life' campaign meeting at Focus this evening. It was informative.
‘Showing Compassion’
Dear Jesus, I am always going to be a weak human being who continually falls as I travel along the way. Give me the grace to show others the love and compassion you show to everyone so that I too may be forgiven for my sins, as you so generously forgave. I ask this in your name. Amen.
-from Stories of Jesus
Wednesday, August 19, 2014 at Focus
Today we had Lynda come in to help us. She was busy, holding babies & assisting our clients, in the two Material Aid Rooms. We were in the All Purpose Room when the landlord came into the building. He said that he wanted to talk with me. I stayed with the girls for support. He said that he was going on vacation for two weeks in Europe. I felt delighted. He then asked me saying “how did you like it”? I said “liked what’? He said “I know that you looked at the property at 135 University & I’m asking you if you liked it”? I replied “you said that you would show it to us a week ago this past Tuesday but you didn't so we looked at it”. I said that we & the board members were mulling it over it because it has been very hard for us. I didn’t say anything else & thank God he didn’t either. I wished him a nice vacation as he left but first he gave me three phone numbers to notify him if there is a major problem. I thanked him as he walked out the door. Us girls talked about this for a little while. I did thank God that he will be far away for two weeks. I was correct in saying that we were mulling it over because it’s been a shock & we’re always thinking about it. Unfortunately we have no choice in this move, it was dictated to us by the landlord, who wanted our space for businesses. The Lord will turn this out for good for Focus & our clients.
A young man came in with a young girl who was his niece & a baby in the stroller. His expressed his situation saying that he has full custody of his baby because the mom was breast feeding while drinking & doing drugs. He seemed like a responsible father. I asked if he was Catholic & he said that he Baptized but wasn’t going to church. I brought him in to the office & asked where he lived & he gave me his address. I looked up the address & phone number of Holy Apostles Church & gave it to him along with booklets of the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’. Please check out: & ‘How to make a good Confession’ to take with him. I hope he called Fr.Tony to make an appointment with him for Confession. He was a nice young man.
This year has been a ‘soul saving’ endeavor, for we have consecrated on giving our clients a printed Ten Commandments paper, to review & to confess there sins, if they have committed them. I also ask if they know the Lord & are going to church on Sundays. A lot of them say they do which pleases my heart. If they don’t I ask for them to confess this sin with a sincere heart & to find a good church right away. I do say to them that sex outside of marriage & contraception & abortion are also very serious sins, to confess, if committed. We’re trying to help all of the person, physically, emotionally & most importantly spiritually.
‘Learn to Praise God’
The desire to praise God, which is written on the human heart, is often obscured or deadened by the cares and worries of life in a fallen world. Praise is a kind of prayer, so understanding what distinguishes it may help you in your efforts to do it.
Thursday, August 20, 2014 at Focus
Martha called me for Focus this morning saying that Frank had brought over many boxes from where he used to work for our packing. I asked her to thank him for his generosity. I told her that I would be at Focus at 1 pm. When I arrived Martha came in from the front lines to assist our clients now at Focus. What a trooper. Thank God for Martha!! It was busy so far this afternoon & all week long this has been the case this year. About 2 pm Kathryn, our realtor, came in to discuss some things with us. It went well & we are set, once the new landlord comes back from his trip to Alaska, & gets the information from his realtor. So much is going on. Moving is hard.....
Today is the last day for Rob, on Thursdays, on the front lines, for he starts teaching school next week & we have a nice supper for him later on. The doorbell rang & it was Colleen, Kathy & two other women with them, to pray in front of Planned Parenthood, for a couple of hours. They blessed us with two large packets of diapers, sizes 4 & 5, which we give our the most. It was so nice seeing them, for they live about an hour away. Out on the front lines there were ten people, this afternoon....Praise God!!!
Martha did a pregnancy test which was negative. She educated the young girl & gave her the appropriate materials for a better future.
'Living Sacrifice' As Scripture tells us, our body is to become nothing less than a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, whose only Son became one of us in the flesh in all things but sin. The incarnation is the greatest testimony to the union of body and soul.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at Focus
We started with a bang & it has continued throughout the day. Kathryn, our Realtor, called me this morning & told me that the landlord will have the lease ready for me today or tomorrow. “Okay” I said & “thank you”. This has been a big strain for me but through the grace of God I will get through it. So far we are planning to move September 2, 2014 right across the street from Planned Parenthood. Lord have mercy!
Thank God Lynda came to help us today & we were blessed for if she wasn't with us I don't know if we could have assisted our many clients properly by giving them time for their needs to be meant. I did a pregnancy test which was upsetting because she was post abortive. I gave her many brochures to take with her for forgiveness & healing. I will give her my support during this pregnancy. I talked to her about Planned Parenthood, who kills little babies for money. I also gave her four DVD's to take with her for educational purposes. When I did the pregnancy test & it was positive she almost fainted but thank God she didn't. She will NOT kill this baby she said. I made an appointment for an ultrasound appointment for her & her boyfriend for next Wednesday & she was grateful.
We finally got our lease & I made two copies & the Realtor will be coming tomorrow afternoon to read it & to clarify anything if we have questions. Then I will sign it & give her the rent & deposit payment. Thank God!!!
We were so busy our heads almost swung off. Next Tuesday, because we are moving, will have to be closed. Ney, who is at Focus, on Mondays & Fridays saw about 15 clients yesterday & was very busy.
‘Unceasing Love’
Those who pray learn to favor and prefer God’s judgment over that of human beings. God always outdoes us in generosity and in receptivity. God is always more loving than the person who has loved you the most!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at Focus
Another busy day at Focus! Lynda came in today to help us out today for next week she will be out of town. I always appreciate her presence. The moms & kids love her for she is warm & friendly towards them. We had another baby that a mom brought in & she held the little girl after I did. So cute!!! She is so helpful to the clients. We had some moms come in & wanted so much of my time which I don’t mind if we weren’t packing. I told them that we were moving & one of the woman said “ I don’t want you stressed”.
I appreciated that. We have such nice people that come into Focus. Id does my heart well.
Martha works so hard & the clients love her too!! They referred to me as Miss Mary, which is respectful. We saw some new clients today which is nice. So far this year we have seen over 1,600 people at Focus!!! This is our best year in nine years!
‘Our Highest Priority’
Heavenly Father, how can I make Jesus the highest priority in my life so that I can take his message seriously and be one of his friends and disciples? I can start by opening my heart to your grace so I will be ready to respond to Jesus's call. I ask this in Jesus's name. Amen.
Thursday, August 28, 2014 at Focus
Martha was there already when I got to Focus. She came in from the front lines ministry to be in Focus. There were many people, out on the sidewalk, trying to save babies from being killed by their mothers & Planned Parenthood.
Focus was a mess.....moving is so stressful!!! We still saw many clients & their children & ran around to help them. We listened to them & talked to them about their lives & tried to help them as much as possible. We talk to them about the Lord, to which many say,that they love the Lord. I try to give them the written list of the ‘Ten Commandments’ to take with them, to review with the Lord, & to confess their sins with a sincere heart. We care about the complete person.
I emailed my list to ask for help this Saturday, Monday & Tuesday, to move. Thank God many responded. The paid movers will be coming on Tuesday, September 2nd.. Still so much to do!!
'Unbounded Love'
“God’s heart calls to our hearts, inviting us to come out of ourselves, to forsake our human certainties, to trust in Him and, by following His example, to make ourselves a gift of unbounded love.” –Pope Benedict XVI
Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at Focus
The day we move!!!
This week Focus will be closed, due to the overwhelming mission, to move down the street. Martha stayed at the old Focus & I stayed at the new Focus. Thank God people came to help us both. The paid movers came in the afternoon. There were two young men that looked tired. They brought everything in to the rooms. They thought that there were only 12 things to move, & I said "no, there was more than that". Each had children so I invited them to come back in a couple of weeks to get some things for their children. One took a Rosary. The center was filled with everything from the old Focus & was crowded with boxes & things...but we see the future & how God wants His center to look like asking the Blessed Mother to help us to make that possible. She likes to decorate.
Mark was here & he offered to paint the center this coming weekend. Yeah!!! The day was long & difficult, at times, but we got through ....more tomorrow!
'The Ultimate Lover'
The people who know God well—the hermits, the prayerful people, those who risk everything to find God—always meet a lover, not a dictator. God is never found to be an abusive father or a manipulative mother, but a lover who is more than we dared hope for.
Wednesday, September 13, 2014 at Focus
I was in he new Focus & Martha was cleaning up the old Focus. The doorbell rang & I went to the door to see Pat, the grandmother & great grandmother, standing there. I greeted her & let her in. I got a chair for her to sit down & she started talking. She said that she was upset with her two granddaughters for telling so late that the two children needed a uniform for school tomorrow & she need some money if I had it. There was Dave who came to help & I boldly asked him if he could help Pat & he did & I did too so she had enough money for the children't clothes at Walmart. She was happy. It was good seeing her. She asked if I had seen the news on TV because there was shooting in front of her house on Frost Ave., on the corner, of Jefferson St. I said "no I didn't see the news". It's usually bad. Pat always has some trauma for me when she comes. She is such a trooper with all her difficulties & she loves God & trusts in Him. When I see her again I hope things are better.
'Watching Over Us'
Heavenly Father, I am sure there are frequently tiny miracles where you protect us and are present to us although you always remain anonymous. Help me appreciate how carefully you watch over me and my loved ones all day long, and be sensitive enough to stay close to you. I ask this in Jesus's name. Amen.
Thursday, September 3, 2014 at Focus
When I arrived to Focus I opened up the door, for it wasn't locked, I saw Martha, who was standing by a woman sitting at the table putting clothes in a pile. She said that she does this at home so she might as well do it here. "Okay & thank you", I said. Martha told me that she did a pregnancy test & Infiniti, who is our client who helps us at times, was in the office assisting a young girl that was abused. I said "that's good that she's helping this young lady". I was physically not feeling well at all. I don't' usually feel good but today I felt worse. I went into the office & introduced myself to her & started to assist her, too. After we did as much as we could I asked her to come back to Focus next week to see how she was doing. I hope she does. As we are closed for awhile to get settled in, we are still helping the moms & dads, that need diapers & formula, because we know theri babies need them. The Material Aid Room is a mess & so is every where, until we paint We had a lot of friends of Focus stop by to help as much as they could. It was overwhelming for them too. I was in the office when I saw coming towards our door a man in nice clothes ringing our bell. He asked to speak to the director to which I said i was. I lead him to my messy office & he said that there were many complaints about us & we need to be zoned. If we are rejected we then could be evicted. I said that we are helping the people in the community with free items such as diapers, formula & clothes we have just signed a years lease. He said that we were in the Historic District of the street. So I thought what does that have to do wuth us???? He gave me his card & I shook his hand & said "good bye" We will work this out with the help from the Lord!!! For Focus is His ministry!!!!
'The power of evil men lives on the cowardice of the good.'
St. John Bosco
Friday, September 4, 2014 at Focus
Martha & I went to our, four times a year pro life meeting, with the directors in the community downtown this morning. It's from 9 am to 1 pm. It's confidential & very informative. After we had lunch we went to the City Hall to check out what the man, that came into Focus yesterday, had said to me. I did call City Hall after he left & I received a call this morning from a nice man just asking me if we plan to put anything out on the building. I said that we had a Focus Pregnancy sign in the window & it was very nice & was printed on a yellow backing with blue print. I had no intention of putting anything on the building & he said "okay". I did say that we have an A-Frame sign that we put out on the sidewalk & he said that would be okay. I was happy to hear that. He said that we had to go tot City Hall just to fill out papers to inform them that the property has changed hands. I said "no problem we will do that" & "thank you"& then I hung up & went back to my meeting. When we got to where we were suppose to be the woman handed me two papers to fill out. I started to answer the questions & thought to myself that the landlord should be answering these questions not me so I told Martha that & I went back to the front desk & talked with another woman & she said that it didn't matter all is necessary is a Certificate of Occupancy a (C of O) for the property. I later found out that we didn't need one because we're an organization, we don't live there but work there. I took two new papers & folded them up & left. I spoke to the Security Guard as I was leaving & asked him why wasn't there any metal detectors, in the hallway, coming into the building? He said "they don't want them here". They want you to walk around freely". He then said to me "you're talking to the choir". I felt his pain!!!
Monday, September 8, 2014 at the new Focus
The Blessed Mother's Birthday!!
I went to the store to get some things for Focus & then went right to the center so that I would be there at 11 am to let Mark W. into work. He got there just a few minutes after me. We talked & I asked me to paint the kitchen & he said that he could do it with two hands tied behind his back. "Okay" I said back. I mentioned that I wanted to got to Confession & Mass so he said that he would let me out so I could attend church on Mother Mary's birthday. I went to Confession & to Mass & then after I went to the restaurant on Andrew's St. to get lunch to take back with me. When I got back to the center there was Kathryn, our volunteer, working in the Material Aid Room. Mark said "good bye" & I thanked him for all his hard work & he left. Then Martha came & Lynda & Christine & Ney & they worked so hard to get things done. We had some moms come in today to get diapers & things for their families. Later on Mike G. came & he painted some of the trim a beautiful white. The new Focus looks marvelous!! Things are coming along, one day at a time. What a day! Thank you Lord for ALL the blessings!!!
This is all that has happened to Focus since September 9th. to September 20th........
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at Focus
Today was a diffident day but I must think positive. The police were at the door. A policeman on a bike & a police woman in a car. I went to the door & said "can I help you officers"? She replied that the neighbor had called to say that there was selling & an exchange of money on these premises. Also, they complained about the A-Frame sign, that states everything is FREE, that it blocked the sidewalk but I told them it was okay, the officer stated. I wasn't feeling well at all because stress is painful so I said in a low voice, "everything here is free for our clients & we don't receive any money for our services". She said that she had spoken to the neighbor already. I then said to her "is it illegal to make a 911 call that isn't an emergency but made up nonsense". She said "yes it is". I thought 'I rest my case'. I said good bye to the two officers & off they went. I brought the A-Frame in the building because I didn't want anymore trouble today. I will, at another time, put the A frame back out.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at Focus
Mass tonight by Fr. Mickey McGrath
Today there was so much to do & there was clients at the door. I noticed that they didn't ring the doorbell but tried the front door & walked into the center. A couple of girls were peeking at my office door when I was in there I have told everyone that works here to make sure that the door is locked behind them, for this door does not lock automatically when closed, like the old Focus door. We also now have 3 steps that we must be careful that the children don't fall down them. I stated that that second door must be closed & locked when children are here. Also, to make sure there is no child behind you if you're going to the basement because Martha said that there was a young child behind her when she was going to the basement today. Glad that she saw him. Scary!!
This evening was our first Mass in our 'new' Focus. It's always stressful getting ready for Mass but Mike G. had put so many things away before he left yesterday I felt comfortable. The chairs were now set up, in the middle of the room, looking good. The people were coming into the center & then I saw Fr. Mickey come up the stairs. I went over & greeted him with a big smile on my face & briefly told him all the tales of woe that were happening. He said "offer them up". Okay Father! He celebrated a beautiful Mass & gave a profound homily, I was touched by the words. After Mass he blessed the water & salt & then sprinkled the Holy Water in very room, even the basement, to ward off the evil one. He then gave the people, the Sacrament of the Sick, a healing Sacrament. He laid his hands on our head & prayed then anointed our forehead & hands with Blessed Oil. It was so holy. I was so appreciative of his priestly powers. After that we all ate a delicious meal of Salvatore pizza, chicken wings, green salad & Martha's homemade rice & sausage casserole.....delicious! There were deserts too. Fr. Mickey enjoyed himself & we were so happy that he came tonight. There was a total of 18 people & we all fix comfortably in our 'new' center.
Thursday, September 11, 2014 at Focus
A bad & a good day!! I was busy with things when I saw a man with a lap top computer at the door. I opened it to see that it was a City Official. He went to the point right away saying that the A-Frame sign had to go (someone other than me had out it out today), then he went on & on & on. My heard was spinning so fast. His shirt, on the upper right side, had spelled James so it, so I prayed to my aborted brother James, to ask for his intercession. This man said that he had car trouble & had just come back from vacation (what is that) & he had been assigned this area for the last 4 months. I felt badly for him. He then went on to say that we weren't legal. I said "really", "what does that mean"? He wanted me to go downtown to City Hall today to fill out paperwork. I said that I will do it tomorrow. He said that today would be better because we are now on level two, which means we could get evicted, if the City Committee, doesn't approve us. What is fear?? I said that we have God on our side. I said that I felt persecuted & he replied that that was a strong word & I said " know it". I also said that would the city want 200 people in front of their building (I knew I could get more) & maybe it's time to meet the Mayor & I have two Pro Bruno attorneys to help us. He was looking dazzled. I asked if he could meet our landlord for he was coming soon. He said that he had another appointment as he was looking at his laptop. So sad. He then got up & went to his rented car in front of the building. I quickly called the landlord Remy & asked him to hurry over, for the City Official, was here. I knew that he was driving. James came in from the cold. He spoke to Martha & I a few more minutes saying "why did you move down here....the neighbors here are so difficult (no kidding James). He also said that he's been her in this area for 4 months (I guess he never saw our A-Frame sign down the street)?? So many problems!!! As he was leaving hurrah Remy comes up the three stairs as a bat out of hell. He sat down on the chair sating that he had just come form City Hall & had spoken to the Historic Official & everything was fine!!!! He then said "you people living in the city think that is is the will always be the city.!!! James looked at his computer & stated that all has been cancelled & for us to have a nice day...He left quickly. We did have a nice day afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The meeting, of three individuals, was scheduled to see the apartment upstairs at 2 pm. There was Mike G., Carol C. & Barb. They all got to see the apartment & met Chris, the tenant, then they came back to Focus to talk. Kathryn, our Realtor, was there along with, Remy the landlord, but he left before the meeting. It went on & on & then all of a sudden Barb, who has a soft spoken voice, looked up & said "I want to buy this building". My hands flew upward & all were screaming hurrah!!! Then Carol exclaimed that she would pay the closing costs. Another hurrah!!! My heart was so filled with joy!!!! She requested that no one finds out that she bought the building. "Okay", I said, but I will tell about your love story. Her husband went to Barber School righ here in this building. How sweet!! I can't say to much more for you might put two & two together & I do want to respect her request. Mike G. & Carol C. had left & Barb & Kathryn were stiil there. Then all of a sudden I saw that Dan, our old landlord, was walking up the three stairs into the center. I felt like saying "do you need diapers" but I didn't. He said that he wanted to talk with me but I said that today wasn't a good day. He then said "okay, then tomorrow". I said after one would work. He smiled & said I'll see you then. There was Kathryn & Barb, sitting at the table, talking about what was just expressed. I don't think that Dan heard anything. What a day!!!! Thank you Lord :)
Friday, September 12, 2014 at Focus
I went to Mass then went to Focus. Martha was with me today. It was 1 pm & Dan had come into the center. I greeted him & lead him to my office. I asked Martha to join us. He wanted to stand & I sat by the desk. He looked at me saying "I went to Europe & when I came back you both were gone". "Why"? I said "you don't know why"? I then continued saying "you wanted us to leave so you could have offices & retail stores". He replied "I didn't mean for you to go right now". I said that we were protecting Focus which you disrespected & so I took this building so no one could rent it first. It's hard to discuss anything if you were in Europe. He looked sadly at me & apologized for any pain that he caused us. I said "you are forgiven & please forgive us for the misunderstanding but I did tell you "no we weren't going to give you our three rooms, which was the Focus Center". We both wished each other the best. He said that if this doesn't work out just let him know & I said the I signed a years lease to which he replied "I am planning on buying this building & your lease would be null & void". I don't think, so I thought. We then said "good bye. I did tell him that I would wave at him if I saw him down the street. He smiled & left. I was glad that we worked this out today. I have no regrets, in our desicion to move, though it's been difficult. Offer it up!!!
I was at Focus on, Saturday & opened up on Sunday, for the inspection, which went well. I was then back on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday & collapsed on Friday. Back on Saturday, September 20th..
We have two new babies born!
1. Little baby boy Jordan was born June 3, 2014 at 5 lbs. 4 ozs.. Jordan
has now gained weight & doing fine & so is mom.
2. Baby boy Azontae was born on August 17, 2014 at 7 lbs. 9 ozs. at 21
inches. Both mother & son are doing well.
Wednesday, September 16, 2014 at Focus
Today was a day I don’t want to to repeat again. At one time so many girls came in with their children & the center was mobbed. I did a pregnancy test on a post abortive mother & she said that she was thinking about another abortion but changed her min, thank God. I made an appointment of for her to go to have an ultrasound next Wednesday & she wrote it down. She said that she did ask God to forgive her for taking the life of her baby. She offered this information to me. I was happy to hear it. After I talked with her & gave her a Truth packet & some DVD’s I went back into the main room. There were children running around & moms everywhere. Then all of a sudden I heard a voice say “he called the police on me & asked to see my license & wanted $20 for me to give him. I don’t have $20 dollars & my license isn’t with me”. I saw that a police officer was coming up the three stairs & I went over to him asking what was wrong. He said the this young lady had parked in the space across the street which is Private Property. I asked where the sign was that stated that & he pointed to a white sign in the bushes, I said “oh that sign”. Then the man who owns the property was in our pregnancy center & the girl said “you’re not a nice person”. I said to him that he was trespassing & for him to leave....which he did. The officer didn’t look at her license & he just left without incident. Here we go again......neighbors!!!!
It was unfortunate that one of the clients took two lights off the wall, one was in the hall closet & the other one in the kitchen. I now have made 'RULES FOR FOCUS' which I will have everyone read before they come in to shop. If you steal & get caught, I will call the police. No funny business here!!!!
Lynda called to say that she lost her dog in Stoney Brook Park & was looking for her dog. We were praying for a safe return. Our hearts were hurting for her....feeling her pain. She could not make the board meeting tonight.
We had our Focus Board Meeting at 6 pm & all but two people came. It went well. So much to discuss.
Thursday, September 17, 2014 at Focus
It was another busy day but not like yesterday. We gave out 10 cans of baby formula yesterday & it broke my heart that we had none left for these sweet babies today that mothers requested. So many in need here in Rochester. Lynda called to say that she found her dog this morning with the Troopers help......thank God & St. Antony, the Saint of loss items. She was so relieved & so wee we.
I was told that the police were called by the neighbor in the middle condo. He said that the people were blocking his driveway but they weren’t .....go figure. Evil is everywhere here on University Ave.. Persecution is just another name for being Pro Life.
Later on this evening Christine & Bernadette came to interview Martha for the second edition of the Focus Newsletter. It went well. Next newsletter will be cover the history of Focus......can’t wait.
Saturday, September 18, 2014 at Focus
I came in today to Focus, for Mark called me requesting, to paint. I was there from 11 am to 9 pm. I went to Church for the daily 12:10 Mass & then the Sunday Mass at 4:30 pm. I was so grateful that he came to paint the trim a beautiful white. Great job Mark & thank you!!! Focus is looking so good!!!!
‘Shinning Serenity’
The sweetness of the Holy Spirit is immeasurable and swift, encircling all creatures in grace. The Holy Spirit is a burning and shining serenity that will never be depleted and which kindles fiery virtues so that, by the Holy Spirit, all darkness is banished. –St. Hildegard
Tuesday, September, 23, 2014 at Focus
There was Martha & I there caring for our clients. We were busy & so much was going on with what the clients needed. Baby formula is requested the most. I bought four cans & they were gone quickly. I need to know more about what the WIC program provides to the mothers for their children. If you don’t eat... you die or get sick & we don’t want that for our little babies.
This concerns me!!
All of a sudden I saw a police car stopped right in front of Focus. I looked out the window (we have windows) & saw many police cars that were parked on University Ave. & had blocked the cars on the other side of the street. There were 10 police cars. I saw a police officer with a rife walking in the street. Oh Lord please protect us from harm. I saw a man handcuffed & put in the police car. Another young man was also handcuffed & he was standing on the street. The police men were looking into the cars that they stopped. Once I knew that all was okay I went outside to thank the officers for protecting us. They smiled & got back to work. One never knows what will go on at Focus.
‘Basic Core Truths’
There are basic core truths that have stood the test of time: that God is a Trinity; that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human; that the human person is created in the image and likeness of God; that the Holy Spirit empowers us to witness to the divine presence in the world through history; that the Bible is the inspired word of God.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 at Focus
My sister Carolyn’s birthday!!!
Today was one of the busiest days of the history of Focus!!! We saw 31 clients from 1 pm to 4:30 pm......
There was just Martha & I there until Lynda came later about 3 pm. When the client comes into Focus, after she or he signs the book, we give the ‘Rules for Focus’ for them to read. Here they are:
Martha & I don't want anyone else to steal from us, as they did a week ago.....inexcusable. I also give them a short piece of paper with our days & hours that we’re open & most importantly the ‘Ten Commandments’...... we care for the entire person.
I did make time to call Embracing Options, to see if our client that had a pregnancy test a week ago, went for her ultrasound appointment & she didn't. I called her & got no answer, this was upsetting, to say the least. I pray that she does not repeat with another abortion.
‘Works of Peace, Thirsting for God’
Lord, help me to spread your fragrance wherever I go. Let me preach you without preaching, not by words but by my example, by the catching force, the sympathetic influence of what I do, the evident fullness of the love my heart bears for you. –Cardinal Newman
Thursday, September 25, 2014 at Focus
A woman came from the Head Start program to receive some things for one of the moms who had surgery last week. She needed diapers & formula. She told me about the program. She was happy to have found us as we were happy that she came. She was informative.
We saw 12 clients today so I was able to catch up on the office work.
‘Fresh Opportunities’
God’s job, I think, is to keep lovingly disrupting our lives, and our job is to see if there are fresh opportunities for faith hidden within those disruptions. As a result, God keeps finding fresh ways to shake up our complacencies and challenge us to resist the seductive temptation to play the victim.
Saturday, September 27, 2014 at Focus
Mark had to cancel his painting job today due to the pain in his neck came back & he needed to take care of himself. I decided to go to Focus after Mass, this afternoon, because a mom had called me yesterday asking for baby formula & I told her to come to Focus at 1 pm for pick up. I called Martha to see if she would come this afternoon. She said that she was going to pick apples with her daughter & baby grandson at 10:30 am. Maybe afterwards. She’ll call her daughter, Lisa, to see if she can come too. It was about 1:15 pm when the doorbell rang & it was our client that called for baby formula. I gave her a can & talked with her for a short time. I then went on to do more things & then ate lunch. It was about 1:45 pm when I heard that the door was opening. It was Martha & she said that she was stung, by a wasp, earlier at the Apple Farm. She is allergic to wasps so she went home to apply a cold cloth & to take her antihistamine. Hope all goes well for she didn’t have her Appy Pen with her for it was expired. Lord have Mercy on dear Martha!!
I went outside to put on a new sheet on the door for information for our clients when I saw Lisa coming up the street. I greeted her. We all worked so hard putting things away. We put a picture in the bathroom & some pictures of babies on the wall in the Material Aid Room. Martha & Lisa put the donation bags away, that the Eastman School of Music, guys upstairs got out of my car earlier. I received a call in the office asking for baby formula. I was happy that Thursday morning I bought 8 more cans. She came later. She said that she was also pregnant. I talked with her for a few minutes & then gave her some brochures & DVD’s & a Rosary. I invited her back when she finds out if she’s having a boy or a girl for a Layette. She was grateful. We accomplished a lot this afternoon especially when we’re not open on this day. Martha & I went to Mass & then to eat at South Wedge Restaurant. Very good!
Monday, September 29th. at Robert Wesleyan College, with Lilia Rose
Martha & I got to the college at 3:40 pm & sat down in the auditorium. I noticed that not to many people were in the room. Lynda came & sat next to me noticed more people that I knew. Then Lilia Rose was introduced. She lit the room with her presence. The truth was spoken from her lips & it was wonderful to hear. The subject was hard to hear about but necessary. She was so informative & had much knowledge about the evils of Planned Parenthood. She showed a video too about a Planned Parenthood worker who was breaking the law. It has been made public. She said that she received a call when she was in Washington, DC that Planned Parenthood had reported her Live Action organization to the Federal Government & it backfired in the lap of the evil organization Planned Parenthood :) She was marvelous with her talk.
I asked her a question saying "I just want to thank God for you & your important pro life work. Planned Parenthood so calls counsels women who have been raped. They care about rape survivors but kills children by abortion can you tell me more"? She did & said that they don't care about rape survivors or anyone .......I agree. She gave me a great answer. She said that she went into a Planned Parenthood as a rape survivor & was treated terrify. Yes that's PP.
She received another question asking what she thinks of showing graphic signs. She said that they were essential in saving a life. Martha, Lynda & I clapped at her answer for we agree. We have many children were saved by this graphic signs that we show on the sidewalk & in our pregnancy center. Go girl!!! After she was done I walked over to her & gave her a hug. Please check out her Live Action web site at :
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly realms.” (Eph 6:12)
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at Focus
A mother with her three children were waiting to come in as Mark was bringing things out of my car into Focus. There was a car parked where it should not have been, in front, so Martha had to park on the street & pay. I got into the building when I saw that Pat, our grandmother & great grandmother, was here. I greeted her but was upset with her that she hadn't called me in two weeks once she called me to say that Katherine, her granddaughter, was in the hospital with Meningitis. I have a phone number that doesn't work. She was now home thank God!! I was frustrated when she said that she had gone to talk with Louise Slaughter, who is pro abortion. She said that she didn't know that she was....okay. I tried to listen but the center was so busy when Kathryn, our Realtor, came in to talk with me too. I tried to be many people to many people. Then as Pat was speaking Rick came in to talk with me about the new Focus brochure. Very hectic to say the least. I spoke with him for a few minutes & he left. I also spoke to Kathryn & she said that we need to fund raise for our new owner of the facility, to help her with a new roof & so on. Pat asked for size 4 diapers & I gave them for her & gave her a hug saying that I was glad that she was hear. I went into the office for a minute or so & when I came out Pat was gone. I went outside & as she was leaving & I said "good bye & come again". She quickly answered me saying that she didn't like what someone said to here & will never come back again. I said "what are you talking about Pat"? She said that she was accused of stealing an object about two weeks ago. I said they were probably just talking about the incident & you took it up wrong. She said that she gave the diapers to the other woman & said again that she will never be back, as she was pulling out of the driveway almost hitting two cars, that were coming up the street. I was confused as I walked back into the center. Martha confirmed that her & the insurance lady were just talking to Pat & not accusing her, for she wasn't even there that day. They would never accuse anyone either. Pat was having a very bad day & I called her with her new phone number, that I had asked her for before all this happened, & left a message on it. Hopefully she will call me back later.
We saw many clients & tried to assist them with love. Two women came in & asked about adoption & I called Jennifer, at Bethany Christian Services, & one of the ladies spoke with her for a time. I also gae them the phone number to the Catholic Family Center. Hopefully it will work out well.
We saw many more clients with their children & were helped. One daid a three week old in her pouch & the other was 7 months pregnant. The office phone rang & it was a lady wanting baby formula & I said that we didn't have any & she hung up on me. I feel badly but please don't be rude!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at Focus
A young woman came into Focus & said that she just came form the Police Department & said that she just reported a robbery. She came home & saw that all her things were taken. Martha asked if her TV was still there & she said "they broke it". Poor baby!! We offered her whatever we had & she spent some time looking in the Material Aid Room for clothing for her & her three children. So sad. That i know of is that if you steal it's yours because the police don't have time for the many robberies that take place here in Rochester & we know personally that it true!!
The doorbell rang & I saw three women at the door. I let them in & one of the woman wanted a pregnancy test. Martha took her to the pregnancy testing room. The other & younger women sat at the table & I asked them how their lives were going. The older woman who was the mother of the girl next to her who was 14 years old. The mother said that she had been incarcerated & just got out of jail. I said "oh really". Then it came to my ears that she was driving without a licence & was speeding. I think she learned her lesson. I hope her daughter doesn't repeat her mother's behavior in the future. Then they went into the Material Aid Room to shop. The other lady came out of the room & after awhile they all went home.
Today is our 'Open House' from 4 pm to 8 pm. People started coming in at 4:30 pm & I showed them around. Then for the next two hours people came in to see the new Focus!! They all liked the new center so much better then the old center. We have windows!!! I found out the the closing for the facility will be next week....yeah!! We saw 12 people that came .....we had cookies too!! I went home feeling very happy that so many people came!! What a blessing!!!
‘You are not alone’
In times of intense loss and grief, we take our place with Mary, the Mother of God as she embraces all our grief in her own as she is silently holding in her arms the stark presence of our suffering God in the lifeless body of her Son.
Thursday, October 2, 2014 at Focus
I woke up grumpy this morning. I couldn’t shake it for most of the day. I went to the bank for Focus & then to the center. I parked & then went into the center letting Terry in for she had been waiting for abut 5 minutes. She did pray for me which helped. It’s so hard to be near a place like Planned Parenthood which is murdering little defenseless babies all day long. So horrible!!! Then Job came to help me with new Focus website. We came to find out it didn’t work & he needed to fix it. I was disappointed. He stayed for about 40 minutes then left. Martha said that she had to leave the front lines today because it was so horrible. Girls were coming out in a car bent over with the male in the driver seat. Abortion is evil. I was now eating in the office when Martha came walking in with a young girl & she shut the office door. She said that she was walking into Planned Parenthood when Kathy saw her & called her over to talk with her. I was told that she had had an abortion a week ago & was having physical problems. I spoke to her about what she had done & then it turned into a miscarriage instead. I really don’t know because she said that she was Bi polar & had just broken up with her boyfriend. She said that she had a boyfriend with two names one real & one street. I decided to call His Branches for her to see a physician hopefully today. I finally got an appointment in an hour for her to see a doctor. I looked up at Martha & asked her if she would take her. She looked surprised & then said “okay”. I hurried them along & off they went. It was about an hour later that the cell phone rang & it was Martha saying that this girl was just being called in the room by the nurse & she ran out of the building. She escaped to the street. I guess she didn’t want o see a doctor today. It’s so sad!! I hope she gets her meds & takes them & get well & didn’t have an abortion. God be with her!! Martha was upset when she came back but as a Psychiatric Nurse, in the past, she coped well. I felt sad by what she did but I know that God will take care of her & if she ever needs us again she knows where we are located.
We had Terry & two young girls helping at Focus then Kathryn came & then Marcy & her daughter Molly helped us out today! I felt good that a lot was getting done. Martha did a pregnancy test which was negative but she was given brochures & DVD’s to help her make better chooses with her life. We had so many girls came in today with their children, so cute. A busy day!
Monday, October 6th 2014
Focus had a new landlady that wishes to be anonymous!!! We are thankful to those who made this possible. She is a wonderful Catholic, pro life person who is so kind. We are thankful for your powerful prayers for this to happen & Martha, Ney & I thank you so much!!!!
'Living your Faith'
Catholic evangelization begins with living one's faith before talking about it. We need to be prayerful people who nourish our faith by reading Scripture and participating in the Sunday Eucharist.
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday October 7th. to 9th. 2014 at Focus
Martha & I were busy all week helping our clients. There is so much to do but we enjoy our clients & their children. We talk to all who enter our facility so they feel ‘special’ & we can hopefully help them. The children are all so cute & well behaved. The mothers are trying to be a good parent, which is what we want to see. All of the girls like the ‘new’ Focus better than the ‘old’ Focus. The air is better & it’s more cheerful & it has WINDOWS!!!!!
On Thursday I came into the center & saw a young child & a young man & girl siting down, on the chairs by the round table, in the room. I saw Martha & I saw the distressed look on her face as she said to me “give me some graphic pictures right away”! I hurried to the office & got her some graphic pictures, of aborted babies, & she went out & showed them the pictures. I knew now what was happening. It is Thursday the surgical abortion day there, at Planned Parenthood, across the street. I walked over to them & said in a stern but loving voice saying “what is going on”? The girl was silent but the young man did speak saying many quirkey things. He said “it’s not a baby yet” & “yes I am Christian” & “the doctors said that abortion was okay”.....etc.. I answered all his questions as he spit them out at me. I then said to her “you’re not going to have an abortion, right”. She just stared at me not saying anything, which made my heart hurt. I said “ I don’t think that you could have your precious baby be murdered”. I the asked her if she would like an ultrasound & she said “yes”. I went into the office & asked her to follow me & called to make an appointment for next Wednesday. I gave her the paperwork to take with her. I said to him as he was leaving “here are the 10 Commandments for you to take with you & handed him a small piece of paper with them on it. He then gave me another shock saying “I’ll just ask God to forgive me”. I hollered back to him saying “God said “Thou Shall NOT Kill” just don’t do it. Martha was also speaking to then too. The last words that I said as they were out on the sidewalk was “young lady maybe you don’t know this but you could die from an abortion too many women have”. They left with there 2 year old daughter & a Truth packet, filled with information. Martha told me that she had seen them from across the street when she was sidewalk counseling looking at our front door. She said that she called over to them to wait until she got over there, which they did. She brought them into Focus & found out that they were planning to go to Planned Parenthood for an abortion today. Lord no!! She had had an ultrasound by them & she was told that it was nothing & they both believed that lie. I will call her on Tuesday, next week, to remind her of her ultra sound appointment for Wednesday. Lord please!!! Abortion hurts families.....their daughter will know someday, if she does have her baby killed, that her mother did it. Loosing a sibling is horrible; it’s such a life time loss.
‘Total Transformation’
May Jesus fill you with His holy love, and may He transform you totally in Him! May our most sweet Savior remove your heart, as He did with His servant St. Catherine of Siena, in order to grant you His most divine heart, through which you can then live totally of His holy love.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at Focus
Martha & I were busy today & I wish for more help at Focus because the doorbell is always ringing & I am in the office a lot & I don’t want Martha to be so very busy. I do come out to help her so I know what is going on in the main room. I don’t think I had lunch today but that’s okay. We talk with the clients to see what they need & to help them the best we can. Kay & Jack brought in food from St. Pius the Tenth Church today & it was good seeing them again. After they left a woman came in & said that her & her husband were sleeping in their car & needed gas money until they get their place. She looked in the material aid room & got extra big pants for her husband & a sweater for her. She also got some food to take with her. I did say to her that we are a pregnancy center but if we could help her we would. She left with some thing's.
I called our client, from last Thursday, who I scheduled for an ultrasound for tomorrow, Wednesday, but I could not reach her. Later on this evening I called back to be told, that this was the father of the father’s baby, & he would tell his son to go with her for the appointment. I hope so for they were going to go to Planned Parenthood to kill their child last Thursday but thank God they didn’t after Martha & I talked with them. Our words are always lead by the Holy Spirit.
Linda came earlier today & helped us out immensely. Her Birthday is next week !!! She has been faithfully with us for over three years now.....thanks Linda! Hope you like cake :)
‘Consumed by Love’
I am consumed by love for God and love for my neighbor. God is constantly fixed in my mind and imprinted on my heart. I never lose sight of Him.”
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at Focus
Another busy day at Focus!! Martha & I were helping our clients with their needs. I called His Branches to see if our Thursday client came for her ultra sound & I found out that SHE DID!! Praise God! She & her boyfriend went for the test & she is 3 months & I day pregnant. I was so happy o hear this. When I saw Martha I gave her a hug saying “you life saver you” & told her the great news. She was happy too. The pro life ministry is the hardest ministry ever. Ultra sounds make their baby real to the parent or parents & harder to kill.....thank God!
Linda came after Mass today so she was with us at 1:10 pm & helped us until 3:10 pm. It was great seeing her for she was in Quebec with her husband Bill at St. Anne’s Shrine. They were blessed there & enjoyed themselves. She told Martha & I all about her trip.
‘Moments of Joy’
Even though the now can be difficult, God puts moments of joy in our lives each day. We just have to pull our blinders off and look for them.
Thursday, October 16, 2014 at Focus
Martha & I had about 10 minutes to talk after I arrived at 1 pm today. After that we were so busy I really didn’t even talk to her until 6 pm for supper. The clients came in with their children & I had so much to do in the office. Tim came in with the cabinet, that was in my garage, & needed help to bring it into my office. I went outside & asked Mike to come for a few minutes to help bring it in & he did. Other people were out on the sidewalk so I was happy that they were there. The the old landlord came to get his grandmother’s table, in the basement, but he said that he didn’t want the doors. dry sink & toilet. It was our problem now. I had asked for all this stuff, from the basement, to be placed by the tree on Witmore St. on public property. I was told that the neighbor on Witmore St. called the city official because he said that he didn’t like to look at it. Oh well :( Liberals......need many prayers.
I called the owner of the parking lot next to the property that is next to us if we could use his lot for our parking. He asked of we were an alternative to Planned Parenthood & I said matter of fact “yes we are”. I could tell that he was happy about that. He said that he could let us use it for Tax Exempt Exception & I said “yes you could”. He then said that he would talk to his partner & get back to me in a week or less. I said “thank you & good bye” & then hung up. I hope that it works out well for us at Focus.
Today we saw 18 adults & so many children, to many to count. All were well behaved & we are blessed by their little presence. We had Kathryn come in & help us out for several hours & Molly came later on to put things away. The day went well at Focus. Planned Parenthood was killing, little babies, all day long today.... so evil.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at Focus
When I arrived at Focus I saw on my desk in the office a piece of paper for the city stating that our was in violation & hazardous. I almost spit out my tonsils but I don't have them any more. What I thought. I left on Saturday all the last landlord's stuff by the tree on the public part of the sidewalk.. All was neat & safe. The city stated that the old landlord's toilet was broken (okay) & was scattered in the street. We didn't do that some one else did & I wonder who that person or person'a were. Only God & they know. Martha called & we can now put it all out on Tuesday evening which means at 6 pm when it is dark. Okay city. I went into Focus I saw that Rick was here waiting for the roofer & my eyes fell upon the two neighbors that have caused me so much pain. I went outside & said to them "can I help you"? Jim the neighbor who lives across the street from Planned Parenthood said "Mary I can be here for I;m on public property". I said loudly "leave us alone", Leave us alone" & went back into the center. Pastor Dave came with his workers & dropped off so many baskets & was in front of our center with his 'flashing lights' on for about 10 minutes. I was glad that the neighbors didn't call the police. I was on the phone, on the sidewalk, & saw that there was a hedge of neighbors walking around, maybe an Historic Tour .....I don't know. Stress is not a beautiful thing.
I was so happy that Ney & Christine put away so much away from the storage room & now there was room for the layettes & the other baskets that we received form Pastor Dave. I like organization.
We gave away all the baby formula that I bought & so many other mothers didn't receive any because we didn't have any more. We do now have coupons for the Enfamil Company that we gave them for 'free' samples. They just have to call the number on the coupon. We're tying to help feed the children.
Two clients were told today that if they decide to go to Planned Parenthood they can't come to Focus. One of the young girls said that she would stop, for she gets condoms there, that she needed us more. The other mother, of two young children, was mad at me & I don't know what she will do. Her boyfriend was more receptive to my message then she was & I gave him all the informational DVD's & Truth packet to take with him. Trying to save souls is so hard but the Holy Spirti is with us always.
Bill called to say that his wife Lynda was sick & was unable to come tomorrow or Thursday to help us out. I asked Bill if he could come to help us take the toilet & two doors & dry sink, out to the curb, which he did at 5 pm. I hope that's evening otherwise the city will be called again by our fussy neighbors. Leave us alone!!!!!!!
Martha cut her hand on two different spots & was bleeding everywhere. I had to find band-aids & told her to put pressure on the two spots & went around disinfecting the spots where she dropped the blood. What a mess......poor Martha :(
'God’s Love for Man'
God so loved man that he became man himself, died on a cross, was raised from the dead by the Father, ascended into heaven—and all this
in order to bring man back to himself, to that heaven which he had lost through his own fault.
—Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at Focus
Our volunteer Lynda, will not be with us today due to her illness. Her fever is still is high. We hope & pray the best for her. Get better Lynda, we miss you!
Martha & I saw many young girls & some of their children this afternoon. The children are sooo cute. I was in the office a lot but I do come out to greet our clients too.
The greatest tragedy of our world is that men do not know, really know, that God loves them. Some believe it in a shadowy sort of way. If they were to really think about it they would soon realize that their belief in God’s love for them is very remote and abstract. Because of this lack of realization of God’s love for them, men do not know how to love God back.
—Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Thursday, October 23, 2014 at Focus
Thank God we ad volunteers much to do. We had Kathryn come in to help us & later on Marcy & Molly came to help us. Thanks ladies. We again saw so many clients. I had asked Kathryn to help me write six Thank You letters to our benefactors that bless us with our work. She was nice to do three & I did three.
It’s so hard on Thursdays because it a surgical killing day at Planned Parenthood. Every day is hard because they murder little babies five days a week. Come Lord Jesus come!!!!
‘Two Hearts’
Tell everybody that God grants us graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; that people are to ask for them; and that the Heart of Jesus wants the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be venerated at his side.
–Blessed Jacinta Marto
Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at Focus
When I come on Tuesdays I see Christine, across the street on her knees, in front of Planned Parenthood, praying to save lives. She is so faithful & has been on Tuesdays for years......thank you Christine, you life saver you. We pray for more people to join her.
Martha & I have noticed that we are busy every day, except on Fridays, though Ney has seen a lot of moms on that day too. We don’t know how many people will show up we just have to be ready to serve them. We try to take the time to talk with our clients to see what we can do to make their lives & their children’s life better. Today we can help pregnant moms better for
Gina Montanarella, Catholic Family Center Director- Children, Youth and Family Department, came to Focus to talk to Martha & I about what her program has to offer pregnant women & girls. She was informative & pleasant. We were happy to hear that Focus, has now another referral to give our clients, to help them during their pregnancy & Focus will help them after their baby is born. Gina also spoke about the Adoption Program & gave us brochures on pregnancy & adoption. After she left I put them, on the pregnancy testing container, so we can pass them onto our pregnant clients. I found out later on that it was Suzanne Stack, the Life Issues Coordinator, who encouraged her to contact all the pregnancy centers, here in Rochester, to talk about her program. Great job Suzanne!
I was in the office working, when Linda our volunteer, came in with her husband Sam. They worked with Martha & did so much in the center & mingled with the clients. I asked Sam to come back another time in the near future. He smiled & said “yes I will”. I was happy to here that.
‘Widows Mite’
Remember the widow’s mite. She threw into the treasury of the temple only two small coins, but with them, all her great love…. It is, above all, the interior value of the gift that counts: the readiness to share everything, the readiness to give oneself. —Pope John Paul II
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at Focus
Martha told me that she won’t be at noon Mass today for she was going to take her friend to the dentist. So after Mass I was going to run over to Wendy’s for lunch but I saw the Liberty Service truck parked on the street so I decided to park my car in the area next to our center & to open up Focus. He came in about 5 minutes later. But first the doorbell rang & I saw a man standing there. I went to open the door & said to him nicely :you were just here yesterday”, then he stated that the other woman said for him to come back today to look for more things in a bag. I said to him that this wasn’t mentioned to me by her & that would be unusual. I hesitantly let him in. My spirit was uneasy. I gave him a bag & he went into the material aid room to shop. The doorbell rang & it was the man from the alarm company. He introduced himself to me & I was asked some questions & he started working. I was asked, by the man I let in earlier, for another bag & I said that this was the last bag & I gave him a large white bag. I felt tension. I the saw him with a larger black bag in his hands & I told him that I just said that the two bags that I gave him were enough. I asked him to leave & he gave me some challenges. All of a sudden I heard a males voice coming out of the office saying “sir, the lady said for you to leave & now leave”. He walked over to him & escorted him out of Focus while the man was using four letter words. He said that you got want to wanted & you should be happy. He locked the door on his way out. I was shocked that this man protected me, though I don’t think that he would have hurt me if I was alone. I said “thank you Jim”. He then said that he was a bouncer at the Dinosaur restaurant. Oh, now I understand. He said that he probably was talking things to sell.... I really don’t know but I know that he wasn't a father. When Martha came in a little while later said that she never told him to come back today for more clothes & he was flirting with some of our clients while they shopped yesterday. He told me that he had a wife.
My gut was right!!!! I sure need Martha too but God sent me Jim today. It’s so nice that God cares.
I was disappointed that Lynda. our volunteer, wasn’t able to make it to Focus today but she did say that her fever has left & is on strong antibiotics. hopefully we will see her next week. Martha & I saw many clients today & she did three pregnancy tests. Ney did three tests on Monday. All six were negative. I was still recovering from yesterday because we were so very busy. We want to spend quality time with our families.
My cell phone rang & it was Chuck, my twin friend from Florida. He & his brother received my Birthday Card for their birthday tomorrow. I told him that I was going to call him tomorrow to wish them both a blessed birthday. We talked for a short time.
Another busy day at Focus!!!
‘Love Without Measure’
Lord, may I have balance and measure in everything—except in Love.
St. Josemaría Escrivá
Thursday, October 30, 2014 at Focus
While I was driving on the road to the bank to do a Focus deposit my cell phone rang. I pulled off the road & answered it. The male voice said “this is Remy”. I asked our former landlord “what can I do for you”. He said that he was called because the alarm went off at the center. I said that I was heading over there in about a half an hour & I will call Liberty Alarm to tell them to call me instead of you the next time. I thanked him & hung up. I went to the bank & then to Wegmans, to buy baby formula & diapers, & my cell phone rang again & it was Martha. I could tell that she was upset with what had happened earlier with the alarm system & said that maybe she waited to long to turn the it off. I told her that I was headed over to Focus now & not to worry. I bought her a Thank You card for all her time, energy, dedication, faithfulness & love that she gives us all at Focus. She deserved it.
When I got to the center there was Barb, our landlady, Carol, a wonderful pro life woman, & the roofer were sitting at the main table talking. We had a meeting at 1 pm& it was now 1 pm. I spoke with Martha for a few minutes & then joined them. I was introduced to the roofer & we all talked for about 10 minutes then we picked out the roof color.....we chose a rich, warm brown color. Jim, the roofer, then went to the City Hall to apply for a permit & hopefully will start to put the new roof on later next week. It will take a least three day but Focus will be open. It will be a mess around the building but we will get through it. Thank you Lord, in how you are bettering our pregnancy center, for our community.
Kathryn, our volunteer, didn’t come in today for she was watching her granddaughter. We missed her today. Martha & I were busy & worked hard. We are both affected by the killing of innocent babies, across the street, at Planned Parenthood. It’s a different environment there at the center. We answered the door & helped our many clients with their needs. The doorbell rang at 3:15 pm & it was Marcy & her daughter Molly. I was glad to see them. They work hard. A woman came in with twins & a young child. It came to our attention that this woman was physically abused by her ex boyfriend. Marcy spoke with her for a time & I got her The Alternatives for Battered Woman brochure. I told her to report this man so that she would have a police report on him. She said that she fought with him too. She said that she got custody on the twins became she was involved with drugs & alcohol. I felt badly for her & her children. We encouraged for her to continue her work at ABW, for she said that she was with them now. We pray the very best for her & her children.
We gave out baby formula & when they ask I give the girls the same talk & that is they need to start to save their money for three weeks & by the time that they need the formula they will have enough money for it, for they need to be responsible in feeding their child. I say that we might not have it next month & then what will you do? I say that you need to get a jar or a dish & start to out in any change you have at the end of each day to start saving. I also mention that they need to use their Food Stamps to buy formula. Moms need to do without for the sake of their child. We will help then when we can regarding formula. We want to teach & to help our clients. We want our moms to be less stressed, & their child or children, well taken care of. We want to Focus on them all.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at Focus
Election Day!
Martha & I were pleasantly busy today taking care on many clients. Sometimes so many people come into Focus we really don't have much time with them individually but we try. Later on we had a mom with her two young boys & a little girl. She needed a stroller for her daughter & thank God we had an umbrella stroller, given to us by one of the local churches, for their October Baby Shower. She was so happy Praise God!!! We were happy too. God always supplies our clients needs.
One of our young males came in to help us today. I quickly asked him if he would go to my car & get the things out of the back seat. I gave him my car keys & off he went. I noticed that he was bringing bags from my trunk. I said “not the truck, the back seat of my car”. After he got all that was in the back seat he brought the other bags back to the trunk. I was happy, then, but not later on. I wanted to leave a little bit earlier tonight because of the elections but when I went to get my keys, where I always put them, they weren't there. I started to panic because I didn't remember that our helper gave them back to me. He didn't. Martha lookedat our Sign in Sheets, to get his mother's phone number, & called her. She said that she will call her son to tell him that we need the keys back. About 15 minutes later he was at our front door. I was thrilled but when he came in he said that he didn't have the keys. I said “what”!! He then said that he had put them on the table here but there were no keys on it. I called the mom with the three children to ask her if she had taken the keys by mistake & she said that she didn't. “Okay & thanks” I said back to her. I was dismayed but determined to find them. I prayed to God, Mother Mary & St. Anthony, the Patron Saint of loss items, so I felt at peace for they knew where they were. The the young man said “maybe I dropped them on the sidewalk gong home”. I thought that if someone finds them what would they do with many keys on a chain. He walked down the street & then came back saying that he didn't find them. "Okay" I said. We all looked over Focus for two hours. I then said to Martha "why don't you go home". She said "no, I think they might be in the trunk". I told her that I didn't have the key to get into the trunk to see. She said "your back seat probably comes down". I said that my car is old & it probably doesn't.......but thank God it did come down & Martha found my bunch of keys in there!!!! I was sooooo happy & went home to watch the elections at 9:15 pm. Great election results!!
What a day!!!
‘It All Matters’
If there is one message to share with young Christians, it’s this: It all matters. If we see every moment as an opportunity to love God and grow more deeply in relationship with Him, then our lives have purpose.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at Focus
I had a nice surprise today. Martha’s daughter & son in law & 2 year old grandson Joshua, came in for a visit. It was marvelous!!!
Her son in law works in the jail as an officer & her daughter is a stay at home mother of three sons. While they were there, a mom, father & baby came into Focus. Martha assisted them with their needs. They weren't married unfortunately. We always encourage that. After they left, Martha’s son in law suggested, they we get pepper spray. He’s always on duty. No need for pepper spray for we are fine, thank God, for He has protects us always. This client was not a threat to us but a very nice man. Relax.
After her family left Martha & I got busy with other clients that came in for needs to be met.
‘Our Blessed Mother’
Mary possesses everything we lack, everything we desire. She is always there for us, willing to teach us and intercede for us if we will only ask her for help. Most importantly, our Blessed Mother will lead us to a closer relationship with her son, Jesus.
Thursday, November 6, 2014 at Focus
I saw that there were plenty of people, out on the front lines, & I was pleased. I heard later on that Mike, from Rescue Rochester, was playing the music on the sidewalk. Hope it saved lives!
Kathryn came to help Martha & I today. Marcy & Molly were unable to come today & next week but will be back the next Thursday once again. They are so helpful. I had many thank you letters to write, from churches & people, that were very generous to Focus. The doorbell kept on ringing & we had donations to deal with too. So much to do! I pray for more volunteers!!
‘Using You Talents’
Let’s pray for discernment, that we will come to understand our own gifts and talents and use them to serve God. If we all dedicate our lives to using our gifts fully to serve Him and those in need around us, the world will be transformed.
Thursday, November 13, 2014 at Focus
Tuesday & Wednesday, November 11th. & 12th. were busy and we had Linda & Lynda to help us. A pregnancy test was done & this client was negative & was counseled. Many clients came in & were helped.
I arrived at Focus & parked in the lot next to the dilapidated building next to us. As I was walking towards Focus I saw the roofers standing there by the patch of land that we usually park in & I asked how things were going on the roof. The owner of the roofing company replied that the police were called in for the robbery of their tools & some equipment. He said that it was about $4,500 worth of stolen items that were packed away & locked up next to our building. I said that I was sorry to hear this & then walked into Focus. My day has started. I felt badly that this had happened to them. I hope they catch who did this.
Earlier this week I received an email from Mike, from Rescue Rochester, that he & his team were going out of town & were not going to be sidewalk counseling, in front of Planned Parenthood today, from 1 to 3 pm. I tied to recruit some people to take over this time frame but was not successful. I knew that it would be me. When I got to Focus I saw two men standing out there praying & will join them soon. Martha said that an ambulance was called, when she was out there this morning, & Tom took some pictures & then Rick Bartell, from Planned Parenthood, came out & took his picture. Smile Tom !! We don’t know what happened to the girl. I then headed out to the front lines with the literature box & mega phone & a large graphic picture. Martha reminded me that she had to leave at 2:15 pm to pick up three pac’n plays so I needed to be back to Focus at 2 pm. When I got outside Tom said that he had to leave so now it’s Mike V. & I out there with the nasty neighbors across the street fixing their condos. My heart was aching & my stomach was hurting from being in front of an abortion mill that is murdering little babies. Lord have Mercy!! Mile V. was at the Buckpitt side & I was in front of Planned Parenthood. I started, through the grace of God, to start speaking to all who drove into the parking lot. Then I heard Jim, the troubling neighbor, from across the street holler “stop that noise”!! Here we go again! I said to him that I would call the police if he continues his harassment of pro lifers. He quieted down until later on just before I left. Some things just don’t change. They only care about themselves & not about the precious children that are being killed across the street from them. So evil!!
A car came into the driveway with two young girls & an older woman, probably their mother. As they walked into the killing mill I spoke truth with them, pleading for them, to choose life. They all went into Planned Parenthood. I witnessed to the cars driving by, for if hey were looking at the picture of the aborted baby, they would see it is very difficult but transforming picture, for those who still have a heart. It was 1:45 pm when Kathy came to the front lines. She spoke with Mike V. & then came over to where I was standing. There was two people now so I had to go back to Focus to be there when Martha left for her errand to Angel Care. I saw Adolph, who stands across the street from 2 pm to 4 pm driving by so I knew there will be three people out there witnessing. Praise God!!
I hurried into Focus & was walking up the three stairs & I heard Martha say “Mary, your friend is here”. I looked up to see my long time friend Linda standing there. I went over to her & gave her a big hug. I saw that Kathryn, our Thursday volunteer, was there too. wonderful! Linda kept on saying “I like it here so much & I want to come back to help you”. “Sure” I said, any time that’s good for you is good for us Linda. She came today to pickup something I had for her. She had to go, to be at home, when her twins come home from school. She was so delighted at Focus. We said “good bye” & she left. It was so good seeing her again. Martha had to leave to go to pick up the pac’n plays so Kathryn & I were there holding down Focus. We were busy & that’s what we want to be. Martha did a pregnancy test, that was negative, she was encouraged to come back to Focus for a repeat test in a week.
Later on, when Martha had come back, the doorbell rang & it was a man. I asked what we could do for him & he said that he was one of the roofers & had to use the bathroom. I said “sure” & told him where to go. When he came out Martha & I started talking to him. He praised what we were doing here & then asked some questions which we answered. Then he startled us by saying that we needed to be more like China...Government controlled. I said loudly “what”!!! I told him that we don’t want Government control over child bearing. Then he said something about vasectomies. “What”! again. I went into the office & got a brochure on that subject & handed it to him. We were talking more to him & found out that he was a fallen away Catholic. Martha handed him a handmade rosary & he accepted it. I handed him a Catechism of the Catholic Church booklet & he accepted it, too. He was grateful by his new gifts. I mentioned that he needed to go to the Sacrament of Confession to confess his sins & then to go to Mass & Holy Communion every Sunday. We hope he does.
Later on a grandmother came into Focus to receive some items & baby formula for her new granddaughter. As she was talking she expressed that she’s been clean for 3 years now. I was happy to hear this. Then I asked her if she was Catholic & to my surprise she said “yes but she hadn't been to church for awhile, she once went to St. Bridget's. This parish was pastored by Fr. Tony & was mostly African American’s & has been closed for over 6 years now. Martha gave her a handmade rosary & I went in to the office to get another Catechism of the Catholic Church booklet but I forgot to give it to her....I was upset with myself!!! I mentioned that she needed to go to the Sacrament of Confession to confess her sins & then to go to Mass & Holy Communion every Sunday. We hope she does. I suggested that she goes to St. Michael’s Catholic Church which is near to where she lives & make an appointment with Fr. Mickey McGrath for Confession & counseling. We hope all that we said to her this evening will hold truth in her heart for a new start with the Lord.
About 30 minutes later a mom, with her small daughter in a stroller, came into Focus, for formula & clothes. The little girl came to Martha & I handing us a small book to open up & read to her. She was sooooo cute. Such a delight. After they left Martha & I had supper & shortly left. A rewarding day!!!
'Reaching Out'
As we love others in spite of their imperfections, we are loving ourselves, too. Nourished by the love we receive, we can risk reaching out. A few kind words can go a long way. We’re empowered to love others as Jesus loves us when we’re united to the source of never-ending love.
From Tuesday, November 18th. to December 11, 2014 at Focus
I have been away from my writing for the past three long & I apologize but I have been so busy taking care of Focus I haven't had time to write every day that I'm there so I will put down what I remember & try to do better in the upcoming weeks.
It was a Tuesday & after mass Martha & I went to Focus as always. Today as I was pulling into the parking lot I saw two people walking on the sidewalk on Scio St. & I thought that maybe they were from Planned Parenthood. As I was getting out of my car & walking to the door of the center I looked again across the street only to see the abortionist Rachel Phelps walking down the street with Eric Hogg. My heart sank. I spoke loudly to her to stop killing children & stated that she will see them someday & hopefully you’re repented. I also told Erick Hogg this too. She walked casually with a smirk on her face. It was so horrible seeing a serial killer walking down the street. I do know that Planned Parenthood is across the street so I’m not in denial to what they do to little babies & their mothers. To be quiet would have been an insult to the Lord who she offends. I knew that my words wouldn’t change her, for that’s for the Lord to do, but I couldn't be complaisant for what she's doing, to precious little babies that are being killed by her hands. I asked her also to look into her heart. I was upset for a long time. About a half an hour later I told Christine, who prays on the sidewalk by Planned Parenthood, what had happened. I told her that I will get a picture of her, so she will know what she looks like if she walks down the sidewalk again, for her to address her with words of truth. It can’t hurt. Truth is truth!!
Rachel Phelps (abortionist) at Planned Parenthood
(This is an article in the New York Times)
A young woman came into Focus for a pregnancy test & told Martha that she was at Planned Parenthood but they wouldn't do it for she needed an appointment. When she left the building she saw, down the street a bit, our new sign in the window which reads in red' FREE PREGNANCY TESTS' & she walked over to us at Focus Pregnancy Center for one. She told Martha that she had had an abortion at Planned Parenthood a little over a year ago & after it was very depressed so she went back to them. They gave her an antidepressant which made her feel awful. They don't care about you or your precious baby dear lady. I scheduled her for an ultrasound for she was pregnant & she will go in a couple of weeks from now. I pray she doesn't repeat herself & have another abortion for I'm seeing that happen. Then after two abortions they want so desperately to get pregnant.....Post Abortion Syndrome (Conflict). Abortion Hurts Women!!!
Two men came into Focus to get baby formula & diapers. We had a pac'n play set up in the front room for it needed to be sewed. He saw it & wanted it for his 9 month old baby girl. He said that he had sole custody of his child but the mother was watching the child today. He said that he was staying in a house that didn't have a place for his child & the dog keeps bumping into her & has his face on hers. Sounds like not so good conditions for this small child. I spoke with Martha for awhile regarding this pac'n play told him so. He was getting a little upset with us but I told him that we don't give out anything that wasn't okay to give away. We were concerned about this child. We taped the small hole & I said that I don't want her to rip it & get out. He then said to me "she hardly moves". "What" I said she needs to see a Pediatrician to see if she is developing properly. He said that he had an appointment with a doctor soon. I only hope so young man. Martha asked if she could speak to someone in his household regarding the sewing of this small hole & he called his mother who can sew & spoke with her. She said that she would take care of the hole & not to worry. Okay he got the pac'n play for his daughter. He & his friend went into the Material Aid Room & got some other things for their children & then left. I hope & pray the very best for these two men & their children. A painful situation......
Martha, Ney & I have been very busy at Focus in 2014 & we’re happy about that! So much to do & we are willing to do it, with love. I thank our team of volunteers, that help us out so much, & all who pray for us & bless us with donations & financial assistance. Our clients& their children are a delight to our hearts, even the difficult ones, which are few. God bless you all :)
Happy Advent!!!!
‘Profound Hunger’
Oh Jesus, present in the Blessed Sacrament, I have only begun to know you, and I realize how much more there is to know. Draw me closer to you every day. As I look forward to the coming year, I ask for a deeper hunger to eat your Body and drink your Blood, in the Holy Eucharist in the Mass.
This is from Tuesday December 16th. to Thursday December 18th. 2014 at Focus
It’s been harder for me to write what happens at Focus every day so I will, for a time being hopefully, write about all I can remember, to pass onto to you, during these days.
So here it is:
We had an awful snow storm last Wednesday but not today for we are having a Mass at Focus tonight. We were busy today but got the room all ready to greet the people as they came into Focus. Fr. Peter Helfrich came & got ready to celebrate the Mass at 6 pm. It was beautiful & we had a toll of 17 people in the room at one time, comfortably. We had a nice Pot Luck supper & served Fr. Peter his favorite mint ice cream for desert. He enjoys it so much. It was a wonderful evening.
I was disappointed that the ultra sound appointments were cancelled last Wednesday because of the weather. One of our girls was called & she said that she would come the following Wednesday, today, but unfortunately she didn’t & we can’t reach her by phone. She had an abortion in the past & had to go on medication because of it & she said that she wouldn’t do it again but we don’t know for sure. We have to pray that she doesn’t repeat another abortion again. It’s so hard at times. Like I’ve said in the past I have noticed that a lot of girls have had two abortions & then want a baby........they usually don’t abort baby # 3.
We were blessed with so many people coming in for baby formula & diapers & baby & children clothes for their families. It is so heartwarming. We appreciate ALL the wonderful donations that we receive from Ana at A Second Thought Resale Shoppe, in East Rochester, every week & sometimes twice a week & to All our donators that bless the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. You're terrific!
On Thursday we had some people come to Focus to get the empty manger to put in front of Planned Parenthood & sing Christmas songs. There were 8 people out there witnessing the true meaning of Christmas. God bless you.
I was in the office when Martha called me into the main room & stated that this was the young girl who had come to Focus with her boyfriend & young child to get diapers before going to Planned Parenthood to have an abortion by Rachael Phelps the abortionist there. That day Martha was out on the sidewalk & saw them from afar & went over to open up the door to Focus. When I got there at 1 PM she was talking to them & I was informed about the situation. I mostly spoke to the boyfriend, for the pregnant mom, was silent. He said that he was a Christian & that God would forgive him.......I discussed that with him. Then he said that the doctor said it was all right & I discussed that with him. Martha spoke to them too. I finally asked if she would like a free ultrasound test & she said “yes”..... Praise God!! I brought her in the office to make the appointment & it was set up for next Wednesday. I was so happy & so was Martha & hopefully the parents, too. As they were leaving Martha & I spoke to them once again. She came in today with a big belly to get some clothes & Christmas presents. We were so happy we could hardly talk. Mom was smiling & so was Martha & I. Thank you Lord for saving this little boy’s life!!! What a wonderful Christmas present from the Infant Jesus!!
This young girl saddened my heart so much. It was a Thursday when sidewalk counselors are in front of Planned Parenthood with literature packets to hand out to women going into the Killing Mill. The doorbell rang & I saw that a young girl was walking up the three stairs into the center. I saw that she was holding a literature packet in her hand s I knew that she had been over to Planned Parenthood. I asked what we could do to assist her & she asked for a pregnancy test. I brought her into the room & asked her to fill in the Intake Sheet. I asked where she had been & she said “Planned Parenthood”. My heart ached but I was glad that she was here with us now. She said that she went over there for a pregnancy teat but she needed an appointment so a man told her to come here. I said that I was happy that she listened to him. She did the test so we had some time to talk before the results. I looked at the Intake Sheet & first saw that she was 15 years old. I looked down to see that she had had an abortion. I asked her about that. She said that her evil mother made her & she doesn't live with her anymore. She lives with a man & is trying to get away from him. She said that her sister was shot in New York City about a year ago & she missed her. I asked if that caught the person who shot her & she said that they did. I asked if the man is behind bars & she said we had a trial but he got out. I don’t know about getting out for murder unless it was an accident. I really don’t know. I then went back to the abortion & asked her if she had asked the Lord to forgive her & she said “yes”. I looked down to see that their was only one line showing so I said to her “you’re not pregnant”. She then asked me for a Sexual Transmitted Test to which I called up Embracing Options & scheduled one for 3 pm today. She knew where to go. I gave her many DVD’s & literature about Post Abortion & Abstinence. I told her if she needed us anymore just to come back. As she left she looked at me saying “my life’s a mess” & then left. It was about 20 minutes later that Mike from the sidewalk came in saying that a baby was saved. I was thrilled & then he said that it was the girl that he brought in earlier, she stopped by after she left us to tell me that she is 3 months pregnant & she’s not making the same mistake again about having an abortion. My face dropped. He knew that something was wrong but I couldn't tell him due to confidentially. My heart sank for this young girl. I guess she wanted to be pregnant, which is not unusual, for mothers who have aborted their child.
‘Live Peacefully’
Filled with the Holy Spirit, St. Francis was constantly joyful. Because of this, his words touched people’s hearts. Living peacefully requires that we recognize outright lies and seductive half-truths that we encounter. What we watch on TV and other forms of entertainment, or how we use social media can build up or tear down peace.
Tuesday, December 30th. & Wednesday, December 31st, 2014 at Focus
Martha, held down these two days in December, for I was not able to talk for I had Laryngitis. On Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday I was answering the phone, at least 24 times or more, which didn’t help my voice but I was happy to do so. I am the only one who has the phone to answer all the calls & to take care of the situations that I am given, only through the grace of God. It is my ministry. So now I can only share with you what Martha has experienced & passed onto to me for you.
Martha shared that she had done a pregnancy test & it was negative but the woman told her that she had two past abortions. She was married at an early age to a man much older than she & had the two abortions during that time. He is in jail for many things for a long time & she has been in jail too. She wants her life to be better & expressed that she wanted to go to church & that there was one near where she lives on East Main St.. It is Our Lady of the Americas, a Catholic Church. We hope that she will go & go through the program to become Catholic. In the Sacrament of Confession, she will tell Jesus that she is sorry for the two abortions, that took the lives of these precious children, & be forgiven by Him. She must make reparation for this serious sin against God, her children & herself & family & the community. This is one of the sins that can get passed down to the next generation & effect so many more lives, down the road. I know!! The pain & problems, are there, for a family member whose relative, in the past, had had an abortion. It was 1920 that my grandmother had an abortion & we lost a child, in the family, & in the world. It was a second trimester abortion at Johns Hopkins Hospital, not a back alley. My Aunt was named Mary Elizabeth. Two & a half years later, now pregnant with my mother, my grandmother was going to have another abortion again but my great grandmother stopped her this time. My mother Anna May was born with the cord around her neck. I am her daughter. Abortions takes lives of people...... I suffer with the loss of my Aunt & I hopefully will see her someday.....I wonder if my grandmother is with her now, I don’t know. We know that the babies go to Heaven but the mothers & all who were apart of this murder we don’t know. Hopefully they will confess their sin against God before they die, because once you’re dead it’s to late. There is a Hell.
Another young woman came, into the center, for a pregnancy center. She was negative. So Martha spoke to her about respect for herself & abstinence, for her soul & body's sake. Another pregnancy test was positive so Martha helped her with her needs. She will parent. Another woman came in & told Martha that she is pregnant & has two children, that she adopted out, to good families. She was on hard drugs so this pregnancy is under strict doctors care. She is co-operative with the doctors restriction & care. Martha, I am sure, took good care of her, too.
Two female students from St. John Bosco School came with their mothers to do a school project at Focus. They were such a help to Martha. She was so busy with clients & donation drop offs. There was a very large drop off of food items, from St. Pius the Tenth Parish, for our clients. It was a huge donation. We are always grateful when we see Kay & Jack, who have brought food to Focus, for many years now. I was stunned when I saw TV on Friday & found out that a fire had hit St. Pius the Tenth Parish. Please check out for more information: My heart sank. I called Martha right away & we talked for awhile about this horrible news. Please Lord make this bad situation into something good. Thank you & Amen.