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Tuesday, February 25, 2015 at Focus
Martha is back!!! Doing better too...yeah!! She went to the Pastoral Office for Mass today, with Bishop Matano, celebrating & I sat with Lynda at Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church. I waved & honked, as I passed by Christine & Dick, on the front lines in front of Planned Parenthood. These two prayer warriors, on the sidewalk, are Life Savers!! I got stuck in the driveway again but finally got up the slope to park my car. I need to find someone who likes to shovel. When I opened up Focus I got in & started to open up the blinds when the doorbell rang. I went to assist our first client of the day. It was 1:10 pm when Martha came & I was so very happy to see her smiling face!!!
There was a family that came in & Martha assisted them. We received many car seats, these past two weeks, which is unusual but great! We also received many other donations too. We were busy. I also had to get donations out of my car from , A Second Thought Resale Shoppe, in East Rochester, & baby formula too, that I bought, for our clients children.
No child should go hungry!!!
We were busy today. Mike Mc. stopped by to show us the pictures that he took last week. I picked out 1 okay one, of me, for the poster that he's making for us for the Women's Catholic Conference, in the end of March. He took 8 pictures of me & only one looked okay. Oh well :( Martha takes good pictures. Catherine O., from Fidelis Care, takes good pictures & she was now with us at the table working. He brought some joy to Focus today. The clients liked him.
So much needs to get done but we always manage to get it done..thank God! We all work together....Team Workers :)
Wednesday, February 26, 2015 at Focus
Martha, Lynda & I went to Focus after Mass. We were busy right away. Thank God we had enough propel to help. After it slowed down a bit Lynda asked if she could go to Wendy's to buy Martha & I a lunch. I said "thanks so much Lynda, I'll have a hamburger with Blue Cheese on it". Not greedy or anything. Martha gave her order. Lynda had put quarters in the meter for two hours on Windsor St. & was hoping to park there again when she came back from Wendy's but a car was parked there instead & the entire family was in Focus. She brought the food into Focus & then went out & stayed in her car, parked on University Ave., until they left so she could park there again but they stayed for a long time. I went into the office & started to eat my HUGE sandwich as the doorbell rang. I knew Martha was there selfish & horrible l was I today :( The sandwich was so big I couldn't let go of it. Martha kept coming into the office to get formula & I just looked at her, she never said that she needed help but finally I put, the almost finished sandwich, down to help Martha. I went into the large room & heard one of the people say that the lady had fallen & they helped her up. I knew that they must have been talking about Lynda. So I went outside to see if she was okay. She said that she was & not to worry & she'll be in when our clients come out. Okay Lynda glad that you're doing well & thank you for the delicious sandwich!!
Martha was starting a pregnancy test & doing something else so I told her that I would complete the test & for her to continue her other project. She whispered in my ear that this woman had had two abortions & my heart dropped as I waked into the office. The client couldn't speak English so it was difficult. She did the test I we waited. I asked her about the two abortions that she said yes to on the Intake Form. She looked puzzled. All in all she was mistaken for she had had two miscarriages in Porto Rico......thank you Lord. Her test today was negative. Her & her husband & children left Focus happy with so many nice things, in hand. Lynda came in about 5 minutes later. All is well. I called Mike Mc. after I spoke with our landlord about the smoke alarms. She said that if it makes Martha & I comfortable so be it. Thank you! He said that he'll come tomorrow to put them up. I like it when things get done.
Pastor Dave came in with three young men & brought us many boxes of food & clothes. I asked him if he would put Martha's car in the parking lot, next to Focus, for she was unable. We've had a cold & snowy winter so far. He said that he would & he did :). Thank you so much Pastor Dave!!
The mailman came into the center & handed me the mail. I went into the office to open up the envelope to find a HUGE check, from a dear priest, in it. Lord have Mercy!!!! I called Father & left a message on his voice mail & worked on a thank you letter right away. Thank you Fr. Mike M., for your generous gift, to our pregnancy center. What a blessing you are :)
I also want to thank all the people that bless us with prayers & financial assistance so we can continue to help the people in our community. God bless you all!!!
We had two students, a guy & a girl, Tony & Joyce's granddaughter, from St. John Bosco School, came in today to help us out & they did a GREAT job.......wish they could come weekly but they can't. Thanks Rob, for helping to make this possible, for Focus :)
So far, we have seen a total of 300 clients, from January & February...not kidding.
It's going to be a busy year.............
When we recognize the wounded Jesus in ourselves, we are quite likely to go out of our hearts and minds to recognize Him in those around us. And, as we tend our own selves, we are moved to tend others as we can, whether through action or prayer. Our lives can truly echo the caring words and provide the caring touch of Christ.
Thursday, February 27, 2015 at Focus
Due to Martha’s asthma attack last Thursday she was not out on the front lines today so I asked Jennifer if she’d go out from 11 am to 1 pm & she said “yes”, so that time frame was filled. She’d be with Tom. I assumed (which you know what that means) that Martha was going to be at Focus earlier than 1 pm today but I found out later that wasn’t so. I should know better by now! As I was doing my many Focus errands & now heading to the center my cell phone rang but I was driving & couldn’t answer it & I thought that Martha was at Focus but when I arrived at 1:10 she was walking in the same time as I. We had two clients waiting for us, but they did wait, & we assisted them.
Terry didn’t make it in today but Kathryn was with us. Later this afternoon she told me that she will not be at Focus for 2 weeks ....I almost cried. I know our volunteers are so special & so needed. We’ll miss her. The doorbell rang & it was Mike Mc. to put the two smoke alarms on the walls. I had mentioned to him on telephone that one of the male St. John Bosco students went down in the basement to put a bag down there & when he came back up he told us that he saw a mouse. No one else has seen one but to be sure he brought some mouse traps to put down there & I had called our landlord to tell her about it. She said that her & her nephew Rick will come by this weekend to investigate. Mike stayed for a couple of hours to talk to us & our clients. He said that he’ll be back again. I think he likes Focus.
It was 3 pm & no one was out on the front lines & my heart was heavy. Then all of a sudden the doorbell rang & it was Marcy & her daughter Molly at the door. I asked them before they took off their coats if they would go out on the sidewalk to pray & they said that they would for a half an hour & then had to go. I was happy that they were going out there & that my prayer was answered. It was cold & they weren’t dressed warmly so I gave Molly my red jacket to wear, it’s warm & bigger than she is. It helped. They came in 30 minutes later & told me that a car drove out with the girl on the passenger side looking sad. Abortion will now be a part of her life, even though, she doesn’t think so.
The three Elim Bible Students came in at 4 pm & worked with Martha for I was mostly in the office. I came out to greet them later on & we talked for a short time until they had to go at 6 pm. Nice young ladies.
Tuesday, February 23, 2015 at Focus
Martha & I struggled with the parking situation again.....I hope this get better soon. I spoke with Neyoka, who works at Focus on Mondays & Fridays, & she said that she knows someone & she will notify him. Thanks!!! Another problem solved. I like it when this happens because there are so many problems & I don’t like to hold on to them but to resolve them quickly (as possible).
The doorbell rang & it was Pastor Dave bringing boxes of food & clothes to Focus & also picking up the plastic boxes that he brought in a week or so ago with donations. They were down in the basement. He had three young men to assist him. It is always good to see the team!!
After they left the doorbell rang again & we assisted more people. I am usually in the office doing work but I do come out to assist Martha & to meet the people that come to Focus. It’s so nice to greet them as they come through the door. We have given out so much baby formula & that’s fine, for we want to help. The need is great!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at Focus
Martha & I brought the many bags of donations, from my car. into the's tiring work but necessary. After that Barb came in for the rent & helped us out in the center. She mentioned the Nurse Family Partnership program in the city, to help our moms Then Kathy C. came to help us out. Then Catherine, from Fidelis Care, came in & worked at the table in the big room. I went into the office & stayed there, all afternoon, working on the fundraiser letter, to sent to the churches. Rick, Barb's nephew. came in to do some work. It was a day that we worked, in the center, to make it good for our clients. So much is in the Material Aid Room. Thank you Lord!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Focus
A quiet day with clients. We saw some & helped them out. We have a pregnant mom, who thank God is NOT abortion minded, who is 3 months pregnant. She has health issues but is taking good care of herself. Her youngest child is 8 months old. She's busy.
Thank God I had enough quarters to put in the meters for Martha, Lynda & I. I got stuck in the parking lot last night & asked the two music students upstairs for help. I got stuck again today. Finally, the man who called me yesterday, came & shoveled us out, so I pulled my car back in the parking lot & it was okay now.
Lynda wrote some Thank You letters & I worked some time in the office. Us girls sat at the table & talked for some time was nice. Frank came in & brought us a Salmon stuffed with crab supper plus donuts.......
I'm getting fatter :(
‘Most Forgotten’
The Holy Spirit may be the most forgotten member of the Trinity, but He is the ever-present member. The Spirit is the bond uniting us with the Father and the Son, an always accessible Gift who longs to fill us with the love of the Trinity.
Thursday, March 5, 2015 at Focus
The doorbell rang & it was two females that were at the door. They told us that a man up the street (Mike who was sidewalk counseling) told them about this center & they were here for a pregnancy test...both of them. Martha did the tests & one was positive. Martha & I spoke against abortion & she didn’t seem to be interested in that, but one never really knows for sure. I asked her if she would like a free ultrasound & she said that she was going to go to her doctor, at the General Hospital, & they don't do abortions there. I felt good about that. Martha gave a truth packet & all the free DVD’s to her & her friend who was not pregnant. We will call her soon to see how she's doing.
After they left Martha & I worked in the center for we had Terry with us today. We had a lot of bags of donations that needed to be put away so we were all busy. The doorbell rang & it was a young girl who wanted a pregnancy test so Martha gave her one & she was not pregnant. Believe it or not a little while later another girl wanted a pregnancy test & again Martha did the interview. She was not pregnant either.
It was 3 pm so Terry & the Rescue Rochester team left, that were in front of the abortion mill, Planned Parenthood. Her husband is one of the members so she had to leave. I knew that no one was out there so I went out. I gathered the literature box & mega phone & the graphic sign & went across the street on the front side of the building, to sidewalk counsel. I spoke to the girls going into the door about the Truth about abortion. I showed the graphic sign to the people driving by hopefully to educate them about abortion. I was there for about 20 minutes then Marcy came to take over. I gave her my white scarf & put it around her neck, for it was cold outside. I put some quarters in the meter for her & went back to Focus. She was there for over 30 minutes & then had to leave. Praise God for good people like them all, who come in front of abortion mills, to try to save babies & mothers & fathers & grandparents lives. Abortion kills generations of people, that God had planned, to be here on earth. Next week Patrick will be here at 4 pm.
We humans are created in God’s image and likeness, and He has never changed His mind about us. We have absolutely everything within us to be the men and women He made us to be. And that is very, very good. We are very, very good
March 10th. to March 19th. at Focus
So much has gone on that the only way that I could put on the significant happing's, over the past two weeks, is to do it this way.
We saw so many people that have come into Focus for assistance. On Tuesday, March 10th. I did a pregnancy test on a nice young girl that had seen our sign out in front of our building. Martha did 5 pregnancy tests last week so it was my turn. After the client did the test I talked with her to see how she was doing in her life. We had a nice talk & she listened. I gave her the Truth packet & 4 DVD’s to take with her. She was negative so I gave her some additional information to take with her. She was receptive to the Truth. I said good bye & told her that if she ever needed us again to please come back. She smiled & said “thank you” & left.
A surprise!! Valerie showed up with her three children. She has five children. They were in school. It was so good seeing her after so much time. She didn’t have a car & now she makes a difference. I asked her about her coming into the Catholic Church & she said that it will be in 2016 because she missed 4 sessions due to her child being sick. She said that she goes to Mass at the Sacred Heart Cathedral every Sunday. I was happy to hear this. She will become a Catholic in my church, of Our Lady of Victory /St. Joseph Parish. She stayed, many hours, to help us out. The kids were cute & so playful. I was in the office doing my work when they would come in with plastic food to feed me. I finally told than that I was full. How cute!! It was on a Tuesday that I went to Our Lady of the Americas after Mass to drop off the application for the hall at the church for our Focus Fundraiser in April that this happened. Martha went to the Pastoral Office for noon Mass & I went to Our Lady of Victory. After Mass I decided to open up Focus then I would go up the street to drop off the form when Martha arrived. I was glad that I stopped at Focus first because there was a man & a woman & a child waiting for me at the door. I turned off the alarm & opened up the center for them. I helped them out & then another young girl came in. It’s Tuesday our busiest day usually. It was about 10 minutes later that Martha came in & I helped her out for a few minutes & then left to go to the office at Our Lady of the Americas. When I got to the church up the street on East Main I tried to find the office but couldn’t. I asked a man who had a lot of stuff in his grocery cart & he didn’t know where it was so I saw some men working on the old school & asked them & they didn’t know where it was. I asked then what this building was going to be & they told me that it was going to be apartments for artist. I was looking for an new apartment but I was no artist so I thanked them & left. I flagged a man going to his car where I could find the office & he took out hi phone & pressed some buttons & said that it was on Fernwood near Clinton Ave.. I said “oh no its at St. Michael’s Church”! I thanked him & decided to sent the big envelope to them there. As I was going back to Focus I decided to go to Wendy’s for the Dollar Special meal. I got two chicken sandwiches for $2.36 & then went back to the center. When I got in I saw a lot of people getting things & Martha was in the office so I new that she was doing a pregnancy test.......I felt badly that I left her alone. I went in the office about 10 minutes later& called St. Michael’s Parish & told the woman who answered the phone, that I will be sending the application to them ASAP. She said fine & I hung up. Then I saw two Intake Sheets on the desk & asked Martha if she would complete them so I could look them over & file them. Then she told me this......
She said that a young girl came into Focus saying that she new that she was pregnant. She said that she wanted an ultrasound & was going to have an abortion. Martha called Embracing Options to make the appointment but thee was no answer so she hung up. Martha talked with her until she left the building to go to Planned Parenthood for her appointment for the ultrasound. My heart dropped to hear this. I really felt badly that I left her alone today, I never do, why today Lord?? Martha is certainly capable but what an awful experience. I just sat in my chair fixed on doing something. I called over to Embracing Options & made the appointment for an ultrasound for the next day. I thanked God that Martha had her fill out the Intake Sheet with her phone number on it, so I called. I left a message on her phone & hung up. I called back & spoke to Barb at Embracing Options & told her that this client was thinking of having an abortion so she offered to call her too. I tanked her & hung up. I then decided to call her again & spoke about abortion to her & then hung up for I was talking to a machine which is important too. I then decided to write a prayer request for my email list to pray for her & her precious baby. I then received a message back & it was from Carol asking if this client had a ride. I wrote back saying “no” & in a few minutes later she responded back that she would take her to her ultrasound appointment the next day. I then decided to call the client again & leave this message on the voice mail when she answered the phone.....I was delighted to hear her voice. She wasn’t rude nor hung up the phone so I told her that we had a ride for her tomorrow at 12:30 pm. She said “okay, thank you” & hung up. I called Carol to tell her that the client said yes, for the ride, & gave her the address & phone number & she was was I. I could finally breathe once again. I told Martha the news & she was delighted too.
The next day I was worried that our client didn’t show up when Carol came to pick her up but I trusted that she would be there at 12:30 pm today. When I got into Focus today I waited until 2:10 pm to call overt o Embracing Options to see if she had her ultrasound & I was told that she did. I was so happy. Barb told me that she was almost 11 weeks pregnant & her baby was moving around in her womb & the heartbeat was strong & steady........great news!!! I went to tell Martha & we were sooooo happy. Until the next day, Thursday March 19th., the feast of St. Joseph the foster father of Jesus. After Martha had left to go home today around 7 pm I received this email from Carol :
At 4 :30 today, I took a newspaper article to Miss S., the young woman who went for an ultrasound yesterday. The article was the front page story on a young woman from MCC who was a champion basketball star, both at East High and now at MCC. She was pregnant in the fall before graduation from East, but the front page story spoke about how her little boy Paris made her a better person, a better athlete, that she did not give anything up because of him, but gained so much. A real tear jerker, and wonderful for the D & C to run such an upbeat story.
I took the paper to Miss S., she said she had a miscarriage that morning. After asking her some questions, I believe it was probably an abortion, spurred on by her boyfriend. I can’t be certain of that, but I am certain her tears were genuine. She was unhappy, as she said, about not being a mother. For whatever reason she is not a mother now, I believe she truly expressed her feelings.
I almost passed out, in my chair. I called Martha & told her & she was of course upset too. I called Carol & she told me that it was probably her boyfriend that made her do it. He was going into the Army Reserves.....Lord have Mercy!! All I know is that this precious person was alive yesterday & was dead abortion. It is so hard to deal with in this ministry. Life & murder. The mother saw her precious child & went to have this baby killed......horrible. I will take time for all of us to heal from this trauma.
uesday, March 24, 2015 at Focus
A busy day with many clients & their children coming in for assistance. We are giving away so much formula. The need is great!! Catherine came today & she is so nice as she works at the main table, making her calls. Kathy C. also came to help us & Barb, our landlady, was here helping us. Before I started I went to Wendys to get some food for our lunch. I wasn't gone to long, for I thought of last week, what happened when I wasn't here. Martha was hungry & my car was available so I was the one to go. Mike came in to surmise our door & said that he would even fix it for us. I told him & Barb that the Empire carpet man was coming tomorrow from 1 pm to 3 pm, to look at our floors, & they said that they would come back the next day. Glad to hear that. Linda came this evening & it was great seeing her. At suppertime Dan surprised us & ate with us, at our table. We were happy to see him & he said that he would stop by more regularly to help us this summer.... thanks Dan. We have a dedicated staff of volunteers, thank God!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at Focus
Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Mother Mary
![Rays of Sunshine]()
A hectic day, as the Empire Carpet man was already here, as I was pulling into the parking space. Martha wasn't here yet or anyone else & Lynda had gone to Wedney's to get us lunch. As I was greeting Jerry, from Empire Carpets, clients were coming in for assistance. He said that he didn't mind as I was going from room to room getting diapers, wipes & baby formula for them. He was a nice man. It was about 10 minutes later that lunch came & he said that he didn't mind if I ate, so I did. I was trying to listen to him but then Martha came in & more clients. I went into the office to call Barb, our landlady, & make copies of the "Ten Commandment' pages to staple & to hand out. Then Linda W. came to help us, for we have two Linda's at Focus, on Wednesday's. It was so hectic. I went back over to the table & listened to Jerry some more & told him that our landlady was coming in 10 minutes, which she did. As we were talking Mike M. came in & the dynamics were intensified. I guess at the end we decided that we were going to paint our building put in a new floor & carpet & fix the front door......we accomplished a lot in 3 hours!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2015 at Focus
Death Thursdays
I received this email, as I was opening up, my computer. It reads:
A mother and daughter walked into Planned Parenthood today and said they just were going to talk with someone. Came out later and the daughter walked up the street (going to School of the Arts) and mom came our way. Turns out 15 1/2-yr-old daughter is pregnant. Mom said she's going to support whatever Miss A. decides to do about the pregnancy. Talked for awhile, gave her 2 DVDs. She said Miss A. is leaning towards going through with the pregnancy.
From Jennifer (she is a sidewalk counselor, talking girls out of abortions, in front of Planned Parenthood)
We hope so!! I then forwarded it to the many email people on my list for prayer. The response was right away.
Then the phone kept on ringing as I was answering the door along with Martha. Terry called & said that she had hurt her back & was unable to come in today.....get well soon!
I had work in the office as I was called our insurance company& the manager of Our Lady of the Americas for our Focus Fundraiser, in April, as we show the movie Joseph of Nazareth, for the public. The doorbell rang & I saw Sarah Jo, with a young girl. She said that she was going into Planned Parenthood for an abortion. We quickly brought her in the office to talk. She said her boyfriend & his mother were crying for they didn't want her to have one....Praise God! We did a pregnancy test & believe it or not it showed only one line which is Negative. She said that she has two children & that happened before. We talked with her as I called Compass Care to schedule an ultrasound appointment for her. It will be this Tuesday evening. I pray that she goes. She said that she has two children & doesn't want anymore....well, you have three children for (one growing inside you). I asked her if she was a Christian & she said "yes" & she goes to church & reads the Bible......okay. But I said the 10 Commandments say "Thou Shall Not Kill". She looked down. I don't understand. I said that things maybe are difficult now but things change quickly just trust in God who you say that you believe in. She called her boyfriend & I'm sure he was happy that she didn't have an abortion. What are women thinking or should I say not thinking. I hope & pray that if she is pregnant she will NOT have her precious baby be killed. Please Lord.
The phone rang & it was Tickaboo on the phone. He asked if we were open & I said "yes". He said that he was outside in a car & I said "come on in". He had a pregnant woman with him. He said that she was a friend of his wife's from India. We greeted them both & then we asked how far long was she & she said "8 months". I asked if she new if the baby was a boy or a girl & she said "a girl". We were all smiling. Katheryn was here now to help us & she was asking questions too. Martha got a Layette ready & handed it to her. I got a doctor's list & told them that Catherine, from Fidelis Care, comes here on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 pm & Tickaboo said that they will come back then. I showed them the Material Aid Room & they went in. I was so happy that she took the winter artificial fur coat, that I brought in from my apartment, for I'm moving soon. How great was that! It was so good seeing him again, from the old Focus. He was a taxi driver & had an office in the building where we were. He helped us out so many times & is such a nice man. Thank you Lord!!!
I went to the front door, & I really don't remember why, but I saw three young girls walking towards Planned Parenthood. There was no sidewalk counselors out on the sidewalk now, I opened up the door & called over to them, inviting them into our center for 'free' things. When they got in Martha asked if anyone was pregnant & they all said "no". But that wasn't the case. They went into the Material Aid Room & shopped for a few minutes then one girl said that she was pregnant & was going to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. So casually she said that. Martha & I started to talk to all of them immediately. They wouldn't take any brochures or DVD's & the one girl who we found out that they were all sisters asked if we had any candy. I told her that we were trying to save a life here & now. It was scary..... How they be so casual. We told the girls with her that they were also responsible for the this killing because they were with her. They just shrugged their shoulders. We told them that there lives will never be the same again & the pregnant girl said that she wanted to go to college & that's why she doing it. Martha said that you can have a baby & go to college. (Later on I received an email, as I put all these women out for prayer, that she had an abortion 40 years ago because she wanted to go to college & she regrets ever since). I went in to the office & got out a rubberized baby that was 10 weeks & handed it to her. I thought that she would throw it at me or just refuse it or drop it on to the floor but she didn't. She took this baby in to her hand & touched it. I was surprised & so happy at her reaction because she refused everything else earlier & at one time she even walked out by herself but she came back a few minutes later. Thank God..... I told them to just go home & have a nice evening but they hurried out the door & walked over to planned Parenthood. God only knows what she did today. Later on Martha called the phone number on the sign in sheet & left a message on the voice mail giving her the Abortion Pill Reversal phone number & website. I only hope that she didn't take the pills. We will pray.
It was 3:30 pm when our friend's daughter came in to help us, at Focus. She dropped her off at the door & will pick her up later. She was so helpful! & nice! Later on her mother & baby sister (4 months old) came to pick her up. She said that she will come back again to help us out....yeah!!
I looked out of the front window & saw that Patrick, our newest volunteer & sidewalk counselor, didn't come to the front lines today. I hope all is well. And Marcy, only came for 20 minutes out on the sidewalk, to talk to the girls going into Planned Parenthood. She has a large family, to take care of, & a sick mother, too. God bless her.
We saw a lot of clients today, some with their children, big & small.......
Later on the doorbell rang & it was a mother a daughter. She said that she was five years cute. She wanted a pregnancy test so we brought her in to the office. The test was Negative but she said that she feels pregnant. She was an older woman. Martha & I both talked with her & invited her back after she picked up her daughter at school. Later on she came back with her two daughters. Martha told me that she had had an abortion,in her past, after a doctor told her that if she didn't she would die.....murder!! She said that she was greatly affected by that abortion & needed emotional help & had physical problems, when she lived in Buffalo. She now lives in Rochester with her children. I gave her Post Abortion brochures & Project Rachel pamphlet to call for assistance about what had happened to her. She is a Christian & has asked God to forgive her. A very nice woman. So wounded.
Today was a very busy & difficult day. God please help them & us too!!!! Thank you both Prayer Warriors & Sidewalk Counselors!!! You make a difference, in saving lives :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at Focus
Yesterday was my 65th. birthday & Focus had a surprise party for me!!! It was so nice seeing my many friends come to celebrate. Martha had goulash & finger foods & a delicious chocolate coconut cake & ice cream, for desert. What a nice time I had. I went home happy!!!
Today we saw some clients to help them out with diapers, baby formula, clothes & food. We had Linda come later on to assist us. It was a good day.
It was about 5:30 pm when Lynda H. came through the front door. I was surprised to see her. She said "Bill & I are going to take you out for supper for your birthday". Martha put the hot dogs that she was cooking into the refrigerator. She forgot the surprise :( We had to wait for I had just received a phone call form a mom who needed formula, she came about 15 minutes later. We decided to go to Panera Bread, at the Twelve Corners, for my 'surprise' supper. It was so much fun being with the people who I love & to spend time with them to talk. I had a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Thank you Lord.....
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at Focus
Today is April Fools Day but the only thing I did to Martha was to scream out that I saw a mouse but quickly I said "April Fools". She was not amused......
Lynda came after Mass & brought the Wendy's fish sandwiches, for both Martha & I. Lynda stays thin because she doesn't eat much. I should try that.
We talked & then went to work. I earlier had gone to the Post Office to retrieve the mail & there was an envelop with nothing in it. I reported it to the manager & then Lynda wrote this person a letter informing her of this event. Always something!!!
I made phone calls & did paper work & Martha & Lynda was working in the Material Aid Room. It was a pleasant day at Focus :)