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![Black mother and child, smiling]()
Thursday, September 8, 2016 at Focus
Focus Fundraiser at St. Patrick's Parish
Thursdays are always difficult for me but I was looking forward to tonight's fundraiser at St. Patrick's Parish in Victor, NY with Fr. Peter Van Lieshout. He is such a blessing.
I was now at Focus without our volunteer Kathryn until November so it was just Martha & I.... thank God! She's out on the front lines in the morning defending life along with the other gallant pro lifers. Praise God!! We work together well so I wasn't worried. We were of course busy. We thought that Mike was going to take us to the fundraiser but he said he was to busy so Martha was nice enough to drive. We initially got lost but we finally found the church for there was a Detour Sign blocking the church for there was road work down Maple St.. The sign read "Local Traffic Only' but we went down the street for a couple of seconds to end up in the church parking lot. Alleluia!!!
Martha I greeted many people that were there already & my heart sang to see our many friends for their love & support to Focus. Then Fr. Van Lieshout arrived & I quickly went up to him to welcome him. He gave me a big smile. I spoke with him for a few minutes & then other people came up to him. I walked around the room saying 'hello' to others & talking briefly. The food was from Paninoteca Deli on Park Ave. & they had many kinds of sandwiches & the pasta salad was delicious. Christine had brought in a big cake from Heckendorns & it was delicious. A vanilla cake with creamy white frosting.......I am a chocolate lover but this was fantastic!!!
Father gave a wonderful talk & we were all blessed to hear what he had to say. He is so intellectual. After his talk I got up & spoke about Focus for about 10 minutes. I shared all about what was happening at our pregnancy center. It was well received. Thank you Holy Spirit. Then Rick spoke about the '40 Days for Life' campaign which will start on September 28th. & will last for 6 weeks were people come to pray in front of Planned Parenthood to save lives & souls. Then Jose spoke about being generous to Focus with their donations which were fantastic!! It was a blessed evening!! Thanks everyone :))
Father was talking to some people afterward & I asked if he could hear my Confession which he did in the back corner of the room. I shared my 'Jimmy' poem with him & told him my story. He is a blessed priest.
Now the hard part. I cannot express my pain & misery in words only in feelings but through the grace of God I got through it. When I got home back to my apartment I sat on my recliner & reclined for a couple of hours. I am a night person. I got up & went to my orange bag where I had put the checks I collected to find that they were gone. Panic came through me like a ton of bricks & I felt worse then I usually do. It was late & Martha is a morning person but I needed to call her. I did go back to my car to see if they had fallen in the car but there were no checks to be found. Martha answered the phone right away in a sleepy voice & I asked her to look in her car to see if they fell out of the orange bag. She said that she would look in the morning, I apologized to have called her so late & we hung up. Before the phone came down she said to pray to St. Anthony the Saint of loss items. I had some wine & went to bed. I woke up 3 hours later at 4 am & was up the rest of the night praying to the Blessed Mother & St. Joseph &to all the Angels & Saints in Heaven the Souls in Purgatory & the beautiful aborted babies with the Lord. I knew it would be all right but I didn't know why the checks were gone in a religious crowd. It just didn't make any sense. I fell asleep at 9 am to 10 am & knew that I needed to do something. I called Martha at 8 am & she called back to say that there were no checks in her car. Okay & thanks Martha. It was 10 am now & I decided to call Memo our Data Entry man & he told me to write an email & say what had happened & for the people who wrote checks to cancel it in the bank & then to re write another one & sent it to Focus. I was grateful for his insight & did what he had told me to do. I was having problems with my email page so 45 minutes I sent it out to 399 people if they were at the fundraiser or not. A reply right away saying that she was praying for me. Thank you Diane! Then the phone rang & it was Rick saying "Mary I told you that I was taking the checks from your bag to count the money & you said "okay"". "Where was I" I said? He said that I was with Fr. Peter in the back of the room". I said that I didn't hear you say that to me but I am so happy that you have the checks. He said that Bill has the checks now. Okay as long as one of you have the checks I'm better. After I hung up I quickly called Bill & he explained that he was told to take them & count them so I could give them to Memo. "What" I said, Memo doesn't do that, I do. He said that he would bring the checks to Martha's apartment & I said that would be fine. I got the checks the next day whne I saw Martha for our trip to Holly, NY & put all of them in Citizens bank at Tops Market. Praise God for it is over & done. Thank you all who interceded for me in this situation!!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at Focus
Last Thursday Barb, our wonderful landlady, came over to have me sign the Lease but left in a hurry after she spoke with about 4 people on the sidewalk up the street on Windsor St.. She called me later on & asked if she could bring the Lease to my apartment on Sunday to sign & I said "yes, of course". She did. I asked what was the neighbors saying on Thursday? She told me. It seems that the neighbors on Windsor St. & University Ave. don;t want us here & have many complains about us. Okay!! The neighbors say that our clients are parking in front of the neighbor's driveway, on the corner. I said that they need to get the City to put up a 'NO PARKING' sign in front of their condo or paint the garage a dark color so that people know it's a driveway. It's hard to see. Our trash cans come out to early on a Tuesday for a Wednesday pick up so we will put it out after 6 pm on a Tuesday. People are throwing dirty diapers on the street or sidewalk so I think a City trash can on the corner will help. They don't like that we are doing pregnancy tests either....why I don't know. And our center are not offices which it is coded for. They want us gone! I was told by Barb that they will or have contacted the City to complain. They don't want their street turn into a Ames & Child St. environment. Sounds racists & they are persecuting us. They said that we were kicked out of the center down the street & the Landlord broke the Lease. First of all we never had a Lease & second of all we were the ones that left on our own & when we did the Landlord begged us to come back. I told him that we know have windows & no water comes down from the ceiling to ruin our things. False information is not good! Also they say that there are too many people in the neighborhood during Christmas so we will need a permit for Santa Claus to come to Focus this year if they approve it. Our new awning that has the words Focus Pregnancy Center on it probably will not be approved so I said to Barb that we will leave it plain without words.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at Focus
Last Thursday Barb, our wonderful landlady, came over to have me sign the Lease but left in a hurry after she spoke with about 4 people on the sidewalk up the street on Windsor St.. She called me later on & asked if she could bring the Lease to my apartment on Sunday to sign & I said "yes, of course". She did. I asked what was the neighbors saying on Thursday? She told me. It seems that the neighbors on Windsor St. & University Ave. don't want us here & have many complains about us. Okay!! The neighbors say that our clients are parking in front of the neighbor's driveway, on the corner. I said that they need to get the City to put up a 'NO PARKING' sign in front of their condo or paint the garage a dark color so that people know it's a driveway. It's hard to see. Our trash cans come out to early on a Tuesday for a Wednesday pick up so we will put it out after 6 pm on a Tuesday. People are throwing dirty diapers on the street or sidewalk so I think a City trash can on the corner will help. They don't like that we are doing pregnancy tests either....why I don't know. And our center are not offices which it is coded for. They want us gone! I was told by Barb that they will or have contacted the City to complain. They don't want their street turn into a Ames & Child St. environment. Sounds racists & they are persecuting us. They said that we were kicked out of the center down the street & the Landlord broke the Lease. First of all we never had a Lease & second of all we were the ones that left on our own & when we did the Landlord begged us to come back. I told him that we know have windows & no water comes down from the ceiling to ruin our things. False information is not good! Also they say that there are too many people in the neighborhood during Christmas so we will need a permit for Santa Claus to come to Focus this year if they approve it. Our new awning that has the words Focus Pregnancy Center on it probably will not be approved so I said to Barb that we will leave it plain without words. We want to work with our neighbors!!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at Focus
What a day!! It is so typical now that we are 11 years old! We see so many people! I arrived at Focus, with road work being done, on University Ave..... it is a mess!! Martha & I were there working today....Lynda is not coming this afternoon because she has friends staying at her house. The work is sometimes stressful because we see so many people at one time but preserve. We have a client who has her precious baby in the Nick Unit she was born early. Her boyfriend is abusive so she needs help incognito. We ask them how they are doing & they tell us so then we can help them, usually.
I spoke with the neighbor woman on Windsor St. & it was difficult. I just want to work with them with their complaints & to solve the problems......hope they feel the same
Thursday, September 22, 2016 at Focus
I went to the Ultrasound meeting at Embracing Options. Also, I am expecting the Time Warner man to come to put in Wi-Fi into the center. Another busy day!! It was great seeing Dr. Karen & Joan, the director, of the Woman's Care Center. I got to see Sr. Karen today too. It was educational too. I had to leave early to get to the center after Rob, from Time Warner, called to say that he was coming in 30 minutes. Okay bye everyone!! I made it in time. After he was done I saw that I still had many cables still on the floor. He said that my computer was to old to take them. Okay, we still have Wi-Fi~~~ He went outside to replace some old wires & then left. all was well but he went in & out of the back door & didn't close the door tightly & the security alarm did not go off that evening. I had to come back the next day to call the Security Co. & they told me that the door was open. So the door was alarm was off....thank God no one broke or I should say walked into Focus & helped themselves. So much to do!!!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at Focus
I was there at Focus working on getting the center ready for the '40 Days for Life' Kick off Rally at 7 pm. So much to do but we had help!! Rick came in at 3 pm to clear up the room & to work on setting the chairs up for the Rally. We had many people come in for our services & all went home happy. I worked in the office for awhile & then I go out into the Main Room on occasion to offer my assistance. Jackie came back to Focus today, after being away for about 4 months, we missed her so much. She bought a beautiful home far away & is now settled. So much to do with moving. I know. It was good seeing her today & she helped us so much :)) Linda W. came in to work in the Layette Room, my friend of over 30 years. So helpful!
I called out to Martha asking for an early supper which she did. Eggplant supper, soooo good. She had brought in an apple pie but wouldn't let me cut it until after the Rally...."okay" I said with a frown on my face. I ate it the next day & it was worth waiting for mmmm good :))
People started coming in & we greeted them with a big smile on our faces. It was a good group & we heard music & were blessed it was so soothing to my soul. Then Deacon Bruno spoke some pro life issues & then we lit candles & waled up the street to Planned Parenthood & prayed many prayers. We then went back to Focus & some stayed for a little while & some left. I stayed & talked with Mike for a little bit. I got home at 9:45 pm. It was a good day!!!
Check out:
for more information.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at Focus
First we had a surprise Birthday Pary for truly was a surprise!! We had marble cake & we bought her a beautiful plant & a very large bottle of pickles & a small bag of good rice. We signed a nice Birthday Card & she was so happy & hugged each of us. It was fun.
I worked on getting a car seat, from the City, for a woman who is taking care of the 2 children. Hopefully she will receive one. We saw many people today!!!
What a day!!! The neighbors don't like the color blue that is being painted on the house. There was a war in the street on Windsor!!! A man who was walking down the street screamed at me to shut the ......up" I pointed my finger & said "don't you talk to me that way" Then the painter came & approached him as he walked away, with his dog. She said that we can't park in front of our building for she said that she had asked the police & that we filled with ......this is incorrect. And Barb, the neighbor on Windsor St., told Martha that we should move across the street. What!! An abusive neighborhood for sure!!! I said to them that I was not the Landlord I was the Tenant that just signed the Lease. Martha, Barb & I spokw with a neighbor on Gibb's St. & she was nice & wanted to work on having the neighborhood peaceful too! She left us & went to the neighbors, two doors down on windor St., & sat on their porch talking. The nasy lady had been drinking, for the painter smelled it on her. So sad!!! I did holler to them as they were taking a picture of the house "you leave us alone & we will leave you alone".
They want us gone. I give them to you dear Lord!!!
Thursday, September 29, 2016 at Focus
I got to Focus later today for I had to go to Tops market to return the icky cake I bought for Catherine's Birthday yesterday. I got her a small round frosted Brownie with a sweet flower on it. She said it was delicious!! Yeah!!!
I am still stressed but it really doesn't matter to me, for my work at Focus, will go on. When I arrived no neighbors were out & about ....thank God!! Our Landlady came with Jessica & decided to repaint the building a better blue.....okay, for I'm just the Tenant. I like all blues.
Next week our building will look terrific!!! Amen!!
Planned Parenthood is taking pictures of the people out on the front staff in there now & they are handing out Injunctions, in an envelope, to some of the people.
Evil is all around here :((
Gene said that the next Focus Newsletter is finished & will go to print soon......fantastic!!
It wasn't a busy day today. The male neighbor came over to tell me that one of our clients had parked in the Hairdressers parking lot & she could get Towed. I thanked him & told her to move & she was gone in a flash. Now that is better sir. That's how neighbors are suppose to be. Please tell Barbara!!!
Tuesday, October 4, 2015 at Focus
I got to Focus a little later today due to me going to the Post Office & the Bank & Tops Market for diapers & formula. I saw Mary Q. at the bank & she gave Focus some money & I deposited it right away. How nice was that!! Thank you Mary! As I was leaving I ran into Kathryn B. who works at Focus on Thursdays but is watching her grandchildren until December so that was nice too. She is so sweet. I called Martha to tell her that I will be late & she said that a donation was at the was Neyoka dropping off some things from A Second Thought Resale Shoppe. When I got to Focus I quickly said "hi" to Ney as she drove away. She worked Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday this past weekend....I am so grateful. She was there Sunday for the Life Chain event so I could be at the Cathedral for the Mass for Project Rachel Fr, Jim Hewes. She is go getter & is so helpful!!
When I got to Focus I saw that the dark blue is now light blue so different but that is the color that the Landlady finally painted & she likes it. I am just the Tenant. I think the neighbors like it better. The neighbor man came to my back door to tell me that a car was parked blocking the neighbors driveway but it wasn't one of our clients for no one was here. The car moved & parked way down the street & she came into Focus with her young son John. He didn't really talk so Martha spoke with the mother regarding this situation. Hopefully he will talk soon. We ministered to her post abortively last year & then she moved & now is back to Rochester. I gave her some quarters to put in her meter down the street. Hopefully we will see her again.
Barb & our landlady Barb came in to help us, how nice was that!!
I saw a car parked on Windsor St. & the neighbor, who doesn't like me, talking to them. I didn't know were that were heading until they were at our door. I asked what the neighbor wanted & they said that she told us the we have a flat tire. I said that they shouldn't ride to far on it & she said that they were going down the street for air. I later walked over to her house & she was on the porch & I thanked her. She was what she is so I thanked her & left. She is so miserable which means she is fighting demons. We prayed for her later in the center. As I was walking back into the center I saw that Dan was on University by our door dropping off donations. I went over to say hi to him. As I was walking towards him I saw a young man coming out of Planned Parenthood holding a brown bag which meant condoms. I asked Dan if he would go over to talk to him man on man but he he was hesitant so I hollered to the man & told him to stop until I crossed the street. He did. Dan came over with me. We both talked to him & I asked if he had a DVD player & he said that he did. I went back into Focus to get him a Truth packet & all the DVD's for him & he tanked me. I left & Dan stayed to talk to him some more. How nice was that......
I did a pregnancy test, which was negative, & spoke with her regarding her sitaution & gave her a Truth packet & lots of DVD's....she's a student.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at Focus
Martha called me to tell me that she was going to be late today so when I arrived at Focus after Mass today there was two adults & three children waiting for me at the door. The woman spoke Spanish & I don't. Another client came in & she did speak Spanish which was a big help. Thank you Lord!! After I assisted them they left through the office door because the painter was working on the trim today. He's doing a great job & Focus looks happy. A prayer answered.
Martha did arrive & has been so busy for Jackie couldn't make it today for her father-in-law had fallen & needed care. So much is going on with people but she is a woman of Faith.
I looked up to see the ceiling had water on it & my heart sank. Our landlady came in & she will take care of the problem as soon as she can. I can't stand water on the ceiling for we had sooooo much of it at are old pregnancy center that's why we left. She is a good landlady & she will get the new problem solved. It always takes $$$.
Sr. Nancy came in with a handmade donation of a sweater, hat & blanket so nice of her, We talked for a while & she explained her program to me so we can refer our clients to her new organization. They will be blessed!
A young girl came in for a pregnancy test but could not give us a specimen so she will come back later today. Hope that she will.
I will be going to the Leo Holmsten Banquet on Friday for this is their last one after 20 years of service & on Saturday I will be going to the Knights of Columbus Banquet & they will be blessing Focus with a check & on Monday I will be going for a Colonoscopy....hope you have had one, very important!!!
Thursday, October 6, 2016 at Focus
I came late today for I received a call form my Twin friends in Florida were there is going to be a Storm of the Century & they are not leaving their home to go to a safer place........I am so upset! chuck is a weather person & they have animals. I said that the animals might survive but you & your brother & his wife might not. He didn't listen :((
When I arrived at Focus there was Martha, Catherine & Michael talking I joined in with the conversation. I was texted by our landlady that the awning was approved by the City but our 'Free Pregnancy Test' sign had to come down. I said that we won't have a awning then for the girls do see the sign & come in for the free test. She will talk to me at another time. Mike said that he will have a better sign made that will go better with the building's new color. I said "okay & thanks". It will work out...thank God!!
I had an interview with a woman that found us on the Internet & she came in for an interview. I hope she will come back & work with us. She would fit in well with us & our clients. It was a good day!!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at Focus
When I was putting money in the meter I saw two women walk by to which I said "hello" & then I said "I hope you don't work at Planned Parenthood were they kill little children". They continued to walk up the street. When I got into Focus Martha was there & I told her what I had said. All of a sudden a young woman said "yea I know about abortion for my sister was here & you both told her about it & she later on went & got a curling stick & stuck up inside her & killed her baby, she was 6 months along. She said it was my fault & has ruined my reputation with my family. She said that she did the abortion because she wanted to wear her bathing suit to impress her boyfriend, who was pressuring her to abort. I almost threw up!!! I could hardly believe what I was hearing & Martha looked sorrowful. So horrible waht she did to her baby & all women who have abortions. I went into the office & got all the Post Abortion literature & DVD's to give for God's forgiveness & healing. I said to her that she should ask the Lord if the baby was a boy or girl & she quickly said that the baby was a boy. I told her to name the child. I did later & gave this precious baby boy the name of Joseph. Lord have mercy!!
When I arrived at Focus there were two people waiting for the door to open & one was a man. They came in & Martha assisted them. Donations starting to come in as Neyoka came with bags of things for the Second Thought Resale Store & she was helping Joan who was coming in with food bags form St. Pius the Tenth Church for this is our month for food form the generous parishioners there. Praise God!!
Jessica & Barb were here with the awning man. He's giving us a great deal. Yeah, it will be Navy nice. The neighbors complained to the City about us but we have God on our side & we know they can't touch us. Wish they had God too....we're praying for that to happen. Maybe someday they will love us! Poor Barb, our landlady for she has to deal with their complaints. They don't like our trash cans & want them covered...we'll see. I wish they do more then bug us but we will cooperate with their fair requests. Wow!!!
We saw a lot of people today & some with their children. Jackie & Martha were holding a cute little boy who flew asleep in their arms as the mom was with Catherine getting Health Insurance. We saw a pregnant mom who is due next babies born at Focus so far. Some men came in & I said "thank you for being a good father". They smile at me, it's so nice. They need Kudos too.
Linda came in to help us & she was a big help for we had so many donations today!!! What a team we have at Focus :))
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at Focus
What a day It was so busy it will be hard to write about. It was unbelievable!
I was late for I had to go to Top Market to get birthday items for a surprise party for Lynda whose birthday was yesterday. She volunteers on Wednesdays at Focus. When I arrived we had so many people in the center & Lynda was right at the door I just came up the stairs with the big balloon & I sang 'Happy Birthday' & everyone joined in. It was a surprise for Lynda. I went back to the car & got the rest of the things out of my car. I bought a cheese cake, a plant, McDonald's coffee, a nice card & supper food for Martha & I, which I seldom do. Shopping can be hard.
We didn't have much time to celebrate but she knows we love her. Linda W. was hear too & Barb came later on to help. I spoke to one young pregnant woman who said that her boyfriend & grandparents wanted her to abort her precious baby & she said "NO". She said that she moved out & has her own place today. She is strong to resist their inhumane remarks. God love her & protect her. She is due in April of 2017.
I spoke to other clients & so did Martha, Lynda & Linda. A young man came in & I asked what he needed & he said that her has two sets of twins with two different women. I just looked at him for a few seconds. I did talk with him & helped him with his four children. As he left I gave him & the two women the 10 Commandments. He said that his sister told him about Focus. Thank you!! He was a nice man & is being responsible to his children.
We had a young volunteer come in with her mother & brother, from St. John Bosco School, for school credit. We put her to work right away & she was a big help!
This was a very busy day for sure!!!!!! Our newsletter is out & it looks great!!!
Thursday, October 13, 2016 at Focus
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
What a day!!! I arrived at Focus after going to store again & bought diapers for the center. When I arrived Bill was here & I had to write him two reimbursement checks & then Martha told him that she was greeted buy the Feds which came & harassed her with love. They told her not to speak & then read the entire Federal Injunction to her & Tom........really! She said a few nice things to them & they said that if they had to come back again it wouldn't go well. Really... We won the appeal against Planned Parenthood in 2002 & there has been NO Federal Agents ever to come out on the sidewalk to read the Injunction. How come now? New administrators of death at PP now, I guess the pro lifers are bad for business.....yeah!!!! Mike came in & said that I should call Mary Aramini, our Attorney, so I did, she was most helpful. She represented me & three other pro lifers in 1999 in Federal Court in Buffalo. We won the appeal in 2002 with no problems all this time. Babies have been saved to though the grace of God. I called Rick & told him & he will put out another email to the '40 Days for Life' people to stay behind the line that PP put on the sidewalk. They said that we can't use mega phone but we can for we won that in the appeal. Planned Parenthood wants to kill babies & we want to save them & we are on the side of God :))
Martha was such a trooper but was probably stressed out but I really don't think so for she was a Psych Nurse for 15 years & you learn fast how to cope with difficulties....she did!
Barb, our landlady, came in to check the new air filter in the basement so we can have clean air when I turn on the heater , which I did today. The roof people will come next Tuesday to fix the front roof so we will have no more ceiling leaks...... Thanks Barb, you are terrific!!
We have seen in 2016, so far, 2,520 people & we are so happy! A father came in & told us that his baby is growing fast & he just got a job & was thrilled. We love when he comes in to see us :)) All our clients are a blessing!!!!!
Linda W. was here to help us again what a blessing. We had Tarmara come in to help us today. We have such a great team! Hollie, from Women's Care Center, came in with Scott, who is blind, & talked with us for awhile,how nice.
What a day!!!! Thank you Lord for being with us through it all.........
Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at Focus
A pleasant day !! When I first walked in I saw that the center We had a chance to put the new bbay donations away. Agnes called & said that she had more new things from St. Lawrence Church & came with them. How nice! Then I received a call from Maryann from Holy Spirit Church & she brought in so many large bags filled with many homemade blankets & things. How nice! So we were busy putting things away for our newborn children. Fantastic donations we have for our Layettes.
Jackie came in to help us & we were blessed! Then Linda came in after to help us & she did a great job :)) So much was accompliced.
We saw some clients today & gave them what they needed.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at Focus
When I arrived, after shopping for the center, Lynda & Martha were there helping our clients. One of our clients who volunteers to help us each week & who is pregnant told us today that she was just diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. We all got together & prayed that her baby, who is 24 weeks old, would survive & so will the mother of five. She is trusting in the Lord & so are we. All will be well for both. "God only gives what you can handle", she said.
I heard a voice of someone saying that she is Iris's daughter, so I came out of the office, to see who she was. She is a 14 year old girl who is pregnant & is going to live with her boyfriend, who is the father of the baby, & is 15 years old. Oh no!!! Martha gave her the 'What's Next' brochure & I called Sr. Nancy & gave our young girl the phone & she left a message on it. I told her that she was 14 & underage to live with her boyfriend. Her Aunt & Cousin felt the same way. I asked how Iris was doing & her sister said "not well at all". My heart goes out to her. This young girl has good direction, but took a detour, hope she finds her way back. Martha asked about adoption to which she said no & quierved.
I received a call this morning from a new mother asking for baby formula & she came in with her baby & her mother. She said that she had three pushes & out came her baby boy then said that she will never have a baby again. I looked at her in dismayed & asked her if she got serialized & she said "no just birth control". Lynda starting to talk to her & I gave her a Truth packet filled with so much information on abortion & birth control. Her mother will look at it too I hope. Marriage girls & no birth control, it controls you!!! Women are dying of cancer & heart disease because of it :((
I called our attorney, & asked her for the current Injunction, & she emailed it to me & I made many copies for Martha & her team tomorrow, out on the sidewalk. God bless you all!! We have some things for Mike to do tomorrow in Focus, we have a mouse down in the basement. I bought a mouse trap.
It was a good day!!
Thursday, October 20, 2016 at Focus
What a day!! I came to Focus & it started....we were very busy again!!
That's what we want :)) mothers & fathers are coming in to get what they need for their children. We had a very pregnant mom come in with her 2 year old son & she is due on October 15th....this is the 20th.. maybe someday we'll have a baby born at Focus. She parked in front of the driveway on Windsor St. & was asked to move by Linda, who came to help us today, & she parked were Linda had been parking. I wish that the neighbor would paint their garage a dark color so people can see it.
A young girl came in from the school up the street & had a pregnancy test which was negative. We were recommended by her teacher. I got to talk to her & her girlfriend that came in with her. She is 18 years young.
Kathy Hildebrand came today to pray out in front of Planned Parenthood. I have not seen her in 11 years since Tucker & I signed the DBA for the 501(c)3 from her pregnancy center.
She looked good & I showed her around the center. She was amazed! I told her that the Lord & Mother Marty run Focus......she smiled.
Later on Kathy C. came in & told Martha & I that a Death Escort told her that she was once Catholic but when she went to Collage she became an Atheist. Really....& it was a Catholic collage :(( My heart aches a lot.
Mike came in & put up the new ceiling title so it now looks good in the main room :)) We think that there is a squirrel that come in the basement so we set a trap for it....sorry!! No one wants to go downstairs because of it.......that won't work.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at Focus
I arrived 45 late due to shopping for Focus needs. When I arrived there were a lot of people in the center getting what they need. I was waiting for Jackie & she came to help. What a blessing alone with all our volunteers. It was a little chaotic for there were large bags on the floor filled with clothes of all sizes, Martha just lets the clients look through them. We gad a woman come in looking for nice clothes for a new job at Verision. She was happy when she left. Her husband had parked in front of the driveway on Windsor & Pam the neighbor came in & said "here we go again". We found who had parked there & he went out to move his car in less then a minute. Sorry Pam!! Please put a 'NO PARKING' sign on the street or paint your garage which no one can see a dark grey. Pleas help us to help you!! Nothings easy :((
The painter came by to tell me that the roof, where it was leaking, has been fixed....Alleluia!! It's good for 10 years. I will be to old to care. Though I am appreciative, for I am sick of water ceiling problems.
There might a change in events, but I was told not to tell, so I can't...not even Martha :(( I find it most difficult when people tell me not to tell, which makes it more that you want to. I should have said "NO" & be done with it. Next time!
It was a fruitful day. I had an email request for prayer for Christina & I received many returns of well wishes & prayers for her & her baby & some I wanted to share with her but, so far this week, she has not been to Focus. I hope & pray all will be well for her & her precious baby. Please Lord, please!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at Focus
When I arrived Lynda & Martha were there assisting clients. We have so much & I am so grateful to all the people & A Second Thought Resale Shoppe have given us & also our clients are bringing back the items that first took & now their child has grown out of them & they bring them back for another child to wear. How nice!!!
We were busy & all went well. Lynda will not be with us next week for she is going to an out of State wedding, We will miss this busy lady.
Thursday, October 27, 2016 at Focus
Martha was already at Focus when I arrived & it was a somewhat snowy day. It was on the ground when I work up & was gone quickly. For me it wasn't the first snow because it didn't stay on the ground. It was a miserable day even though. Martha goes out to the sidewalk to pray & counsel those who go into Parenthood to have their precious baby killed by abortionist Rachel Phelps. Martha has Asthma & I worry about her & the weather, which makes the condition worse, but I know that God takes great care of her.
Mike M. came in to get a large sign to hold out there, in front of Planned Parenthood, to witness the truth. It was hectic in the center but we work it out. Martha mentioned the basement & what she found on the floor I needed to do something about it. I went into the office & looked up Pest Control numbers & called the first one, of course. It was the Affordable Pest Control. He answered the phone & said that he knew where we were located because he new owner of the house, across the street, it's the one right next to Planned Parenthood where Katherine Lynch lived. It was once a Chinese Restaurant too. He said that he would come by today to look at our problem. Okay & thanks. He came later on when Mike was there & he said that there at rats (so nice) down in in our basement. We have a soil foundation & they came up through the dirt & make a hole in the weak foundation. Icky!!! He came back up to the main room & said that he would come back on Monday to do the 3 part work to get rid of the critters. Okay, that sounds good. Another problem solved & the roof has been now fixed so no more water on our ceiling :))
Waiting for the awning which was paid for by Carol C. Thank you so much!!
We had our volunteer, from St. John Bosco School, come with her mother & brother. She was a help. She worked in the material room & made up truth packets for our clients. The other volunteer that fist called & came into Focus was suppose to come back but didn't. She then called me to say that she went out of town for a family death & wanted to come to volunteer. I said okay & she didn't show up so please no more calls. We need dependable people.
Thursdays at such a horrible day, for Planned Parenthood kills little babies surgically, on this day. They also kill little babies, during the week, through birth control & abortion pills.
They are EVIL!
I had a lot of work to do so I stayed until 8:45 pm to get it all done. Our pleasure, is to help our clients, who we all love at Focus!! As we help them, they help us, too!!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at Focus
Feast of All Saints
After Mass today I went to Focus to start working. Martha was ahead of me coming into the center. Neyoka had put down a big rug in the Play Area, looks good. The kids will like it a lot. Barb came today thinking that Jessica was coming but she won;t be here until Thursday regarding the new security system with cameras. It will be great!! The Pest Control man came yesterday to work in the basement & I sent Barb the email to their website. I hope this took care of the problem we have :((
Martha had the roll of quarters on the kitchen counter & I saw it there but said nothing...I wish I had because Martha said they were gone. Okay Martha. We had a client in the center at that time so I hope & pray she didn't take it. Lord have mercy!! Martha felt bad & so did I. Things happen!
Jackie couldn't;t make it today but Barb was here for a little while & Linda & another Barb came in to help us later in the afternoon. Rick came in & handed me a big check for the Knights of Columbus & Catherine took our pictures....icky. I made her do it again with my hair down & my glasses on my non photographic face. Oh well!! Please don't pass this picture on.....Martha is photogenic & she looked good.
A nice lady gave us a new crib & Martha called a mother for her to pick it up & she will tomorrow. Thank you Lord!!
I spoke with Gene, in Buffalo, to talk to him about the Injunction situation.
Go Buffalo go!!
Catherine won't be at Focus tomorrow & the next day & next Wednesday too. She will leave us permanently, on December 15th., to go to Ohio. So sad for us :(( :((
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at Focus
Feast of Poor Souls in Purgatory
Martha & I went to Mass downtown & when I got into my car the phone rang. She asked if we were open & I said that I would be there in 5 minutes. When I arrived, up the street, there were 3 adults & one child standing at the door. The man was excitable, maybe too much candy earlier on, but he was nice & they got what they needed. I asked if they were married & she said "no" & I suggested they she thinks about it & gave her an abstinence flyer. The other woman was here for the first time today & she was helped with food, clothes, & diapers. She was happy when she left.
It was just Martha & I Lynda, for she is getting ready to go out out of town tomorrow. We'll see her next week. It was a pleasant afternoon with just Martha, what a blessing she is to me & to Focus, the clients love her & so do we all!
We had given many things to a very grateful mom who thanked us so many times. Also, we had given away a crib which was much needed. Rarely we give away cribs. I need to find out where to get free car seats for our moms. The City shut down giving free car seats until March of 2017. Why I don't know. What a hardship for new moms.
A young woman came in to get a pregnancy test. Martha, brought her into the room, for the client to do the test. She was positive. Martha made an ultrasound appointment for next Wednesday for her. Martha wrote a letter of her pregnancy & I was asked to type it for her doctor. I did & also faxed the paperwork, for the ultrasound, to Embracing Options. Then the phone rang & I was asked many questions, from a student, at St. John Bosco School. Her & her mother volunteered on Monday, for school credit, & was amazed what went on at Focus with Neyoka & are many clients. They were impressed!!!
Martha later told me that this earlier client, that took the pregnancy test, has taken the pregnancy test rod, which we do not give to clients. She also was in the Layette Room & took a Layette bag which is not for her to take. A very busy girl. I am not happy! Martha called the client to tell her that she was not suppose to have taken the pregnancy test rod. She gave us a wrong number. How sad!!!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2016 at Focus
I was on the street paying for parking when I saw, from a short distance, that a red car was going into Planned Parenthood, so I looked & didn't see anyone standing there to counsel so I went to the edge of the building & started talking. Then all of a sudden I heard Jim, who lives across the street say, "Mary, Mary (in a deep voice) don't be so excitable". I told him not to talk to me & that you & all the neighbors don't care that babies are being killed here" & I walked back to the parking meter to put in more money & went into Focus to greet Martha who was already there. I felt like someone kicked me in my gut, for no one cares that babies (people) are being killed at Planned Parenthood. It is so heartbreaking!!!
The day was very difficult for me & then Martha said that a woman said a not so nice thing to her when she was standing on the sidewalk praying & counseling. We all suffer with the grace of God to continue this very difficult ministry. Somethings it's joyful especially when we see pregnant moms & children come through our door. God is with us & them too!!!!
I heard Martha say as I was in the office "Mary" & I went out to the main room to say Kathryn!! Yeah! She's back, for she was gone for two months, to watch her grandchildren. She is now back on Thursdays!! Fantastic :)) We were so busy, when hold behold Jackie came in to help us, for she couldn't come last Tuesday & she came today instead. Yeah!! Linda came & worked in the Layette Room. We were in good shape now!!
A gentleman came in & I knew he was the man from Doyle Security I greeted him & then Jessica came in & then Barb, our landlady walked in the room. We're all together talking about the new camera setup outside. It should be an added plus to Focus. The man started to tell us that he was robbed & they took his dog....can you imagine?? He said that he got his door back & then called the police & had the two young guys arrested. A week later he was out moving his lawn & he saw a bright light near him & come to find out he was shot two times, one in the back & the other his head. He had surgery that night. He did sell the house for a loss & is now in a safe environment. I asked if he was Catholic & he said that he was but wasn't going to church....what!!! We talked & I gave him the 'Ten Commandments' & 'How to Make a Good Confession' brochure, to take with him. He is a nice man & I have a nice girl for him to date....maybe! He was engaged but it didn't work out....wonder why?
A woman came in with a long face & asked for help for she just moved into her apartment with nothing.....I mean nothing. 211 gave her our number. All the volunteers heard this & started working on getting her what we could give her. Martha said the fold up table & we had chairs in the basement but we're not sure if we still have rats so Mike went down in the basement to get the chairs & to clean up the rat excrement's. The Pest Control guy doesn't do clean up. I guess it's not in their job description to clean up poop :(( I called & spoke to the son & he said that he will ask his father to call me tomorrow. Okay!
Then the neighbor across the street, on Windsor, came in to tell me that someone was parked in front of her driveway again. I asked the client to move her car & she said that her brother was in the car. I went outside & looked in the window but I couldn't see him & then I saw that he was reclined on his back, taking a nap. I tapped the window & woke him up & asked him to move, the car, up the street. He did. Pam hollered "thank you" & I hollered back "you're welcome". I wish they cared that they live across the street from an abortion mill. Maybe someday they will wake up!!!
Mike, Barb, Martha & I were talking about not having Santa at Focus this year but at Our Lady of the Americas up the street. We had so many people last year that we know we will twice the size this year & it is dangerous to have so many children in this area. The street is so close to Focus & the neighbors did complain last year :(( I said that I would call Fr. Mickey tomorrow to ask him if yo can use the church hall on a Saturday in December, for Santa Claus! Hope so :))
The mom who has seven children came in today with three of her children. Two fell asleep on the floor & one helped his mom, all 5 feet, of her. Another young lady came in & asked for snow suits for her two year old, she found somethings. Nice young mother.
We care about saving lives & souls...that's what we're suppose to do!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at Focus
President Election Day!!!!!
What a day!! I arrived to Focus after Mass, I sat next to Liynda. She is back for the out of town wedding in Texas. I parked on Windsor St. because the University Ave. meters were all blocked off. What is the City doing now?? Martha came about 5 minutes later. We had a pregnant mom, who was married, helped us out with the donations. She is due in 3 weeks & is ready! Catherine came in & we were glad to see her today. Her last day is December 2nd., at Fidelis Care, but she said that she will come to help us out until she leaves for Ohio, in January, for her new life......we'll miss her bad :(( She made a terrific Santa flyer & I asked her to forward it to Michael for him to make copies of this wonderful event. I told her that the same day we will have Surprise Birthday for our Martha & I will work on it with her, She smiled & said "okay".
I went in to the office to start my work when I was called saying "Fred is here Mary". Praise God for now I can get my cabinet assembled. We went to the car & to get it & I saw Jerry on his bike. I asked him to help Fred which he did. I've know Jerry for about 15 years or more, he's a nice guy. After the cabinet went in, I was called by Martha, that there were some men from the City out in the main room wanting to speak to me. Okay I thought, what is this about. They asked if I was Barb & i said "no" & I called her & left a message on her phone. We got talking & then took a tour of our building & talked about the parking situation. All three were very nice & I got their card & I gave our card to them. They were there to inspect, the upstairs windows, of the apartment. They said that I needed to email David & he will try to get us covered meter parking. I think a car sticker will work out better. Hope so, for I told him that we pay to the City, $60.00 a week & that's too much!! He understood. Hopefully he will aid us in our distress.
A woman came & received some things for her client who had a baby 3 weeks ago & she said that she voted for Clinton because she didn't want to loose her accreditation. I told her that Clinton believes in killing babies, with a frown, on my face. How ignorant of her :(( If she's Catholic I hope she goes to Confession, for this is a very serious sin, against God..
The man came to measure, the front window, for our new awning...can't wait.
Until tomorrow for I need to get home to see who won.....hopefully Donald Trump is the winner. He will save babies from being murdered by Planned Parenthood & other abortion mills. Rob is coming over at 7. A very busy day!!!
I called the office of Our Lady of the Americas & we are scheduled for Santa to arrive from the North Pole on December 16th. from 1 pm to 4 pm. Ho Ho Ho!!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at Focus
When I arrived at the center I parked my car on Windsor St. & put in a couple of quarters & then when up University Ave, praising God, out loud, for the election results. I turned to Planned Parenthood & pointed my finger & said, out loud, "you will be closing"!!! I then walked back to my car praising God. When I arrived back to my car I saw Lynda coming up the street & when she parked she got out of the car & we both jumped up & down hugging each other screaming "we won"!!! Then Martha arrived & we all screamed together with pure delight. It was so surreal & we couldn't stop smiling, my jaw was starting to hurt but I didn't mind at all :)) We all went into Focus together & started our work. It was a busy day again, in helping the people, in our community.
Thursday November 10, 2016 at Focus
The surgical killing day at Planned sad!! The team were out on the sidewalk professing LIFE!!! They were there for the victims of abortion .......the little babies & their mothers.
One of the sidewalk counselors came into the center & said that there were police there. They didn't know why?? Maybe a father was trying to save the life of his child. Let's hope so!!!
Mike came in & got his sign to go out there to pray. I thank God for the wonderful people that defend LIFE!!!
Kathryn came in to help us. Later on she had to leave for she was dizzy. Hope she feels better soon. She said that she will be back next Thursday. Yeah!!
When Mike came in, later on, I asked him if he would go downstairs to clean the rat excretions up....he said that he would. Martha & Mike are a good team. They disinfected the floor too. Thank you so much!! We hugged when he left.
Jessica said that she would pay for the 4 cameras that will surround our pregnancy center to protect us.....thank you dear lady!!!
We have seen so many people this year....Praise God!!! We have seen more Father's this year than ever before. We are happy :)) :))
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at Focus
What a wonderful day!!! When we came into Focus, a few minutes later, three woman & three children came in & the one woman approached Martha & told her that she saved her child's life! Her, who is 3 years old, was going to be aborted at Planned Parenthood when Martha approached her on the sidewalk & talked to her about LIFE! She changed her mind & went home & had her precious son!!! We were all hugging & Praising God for this baby was saved! I asked her if she would like to give her testimony on YouTube & she said "yes". I gave her phone number to Mike, for he will be doing, the YouTube footage. How wonderful is this! Martha is a baby saver!! I gave her Catholic information for her to come back to the Faith. She left happy & so were we all :)) :)) What a way to start the day.......
We saw so many clients & children today it mad my head a good way!!
Martha did two pregnancy tests that were both Negative. She did some teaching too. Education is key.
Mike came in later today & set up two rodent traps & put them in the basement. Hopefully they will be gone soon. Everything can be worked out!!!
I didn't leave Focus until 7:15 tonight & I went to Hour Holy, to be with the Lord, in the Blessed Sacrament. I saw Corkey Geck at church tonight. She took me into her house, a long time ago, when I left my abusive husband, MM, & she treated me so well. I gave her my cat, when I left, & she named him Sunshine. Many years later Sunshine died but he gave her so much happiness when he was with her. She is such a wonderful woman!!!! It was so good seeing her again!! God bless you Corkey :)) Thank you!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at Focus
Another busy day!! Before I arrived at Focus, I was texted by Barb our landlady, that we had free parking across the street now where we parked for a couple of months last year, at this time, until the man got weird. We then turned to meter parking which costs soooooo much money for Focus. It was a pleasant surprise. I called Barb later on & she said that David H., from the City, said that we could park there for 'free'. Thank you Lord!!! I told Martha & Lynda & Linda & they were happy too. Now our clients can get 'free' parking too. Yeah!!
Two women came in for a pregnancy tests. I did the first one & she was married & is separated with an abusive husband, I gave her a Willow card, for Domestic Violence, & asked her to call to receive counseling. She was Negative. I asked her to smile & she finally did. She went out & received some nice things for her two older children. Martha did the next pregnancy test which was Negative. Nice young ladies. They were sisters.
One of our clients cam in with her baby, in a stroller, with her best friend who wanted a pregnancy test. Martha brought her into the office. She came out about 10 minutes later. Her test was Negative but thinks she's pregnant because her body is changing. Her face was low & it was very difficult to get her to smile. Her situation is difficult. Her children do not live with her but with her friend far away. Why are these women having sex, with who?? I feel badly & want to help them & their babies. I told her to come back, in a week or so, for a repeat pregnancy test.or go to her doctor to get a blood test. She said "oaky". I told her we will help her. I asked her friend to help her to & she said "I will". Good friend!
No one went down in the basement, to see if any rodent took the peanut butter bait, Mike will check it tomorrow.....thank God.
I received a call from a man asking for formula & he came in to get formula & diapers. WIC recommended us to him. Good father...
A young married woman came in with her 8 month old son who is so big. Her delivery was 10 minutes long or I should say short. The Hospital said that it was the fasted time they knew of. Her baby is big but so is the father for he is 6 feet 5 inches tall. The baby did have a seizure at one time......hope all goes well for this precious baby. Nice mom!
Diane, from Fidelis Care came in to tell me that Catherine wasn't coming back because she needed to clean up her office. I said "what"!! I asked if Catherine could come tomorrow at 2 pm for a 'surprise going away party. She said that she will make sure she will be here tomorrow. My heat sank to know that Catherine was leaving us earlier. About 20 minutes later Catherine came in to tell me that tomorrow was her last day because if all she went through with the company. We hugged & I cried with real tears. No kidding. We will really miss this fantastic woman who has been with us for 4 years! Martha is making a homemade chocolate cake & I will be getting ice cream & flowers for Catherine.
Martha looks tired so I want her to get more rest.....sweet lady.
Our pregnant client did not go for her second ultrasond test & so we called her & found out that she is depressed, so we will work on getting her better, very fast. We will take her to the next ultrasound. She is all alone.
Amy, Linda & Lynda came in to help us today......thank God!! Busy day!! I have so much work tomorrow, in the office. Oh well!
Thursday, November 17, 2016 at Focus
I arrived a little earlier today & Martha was already there. She had gone to the doctor in the morning & then went o sidewalk counsel in front of Planned Parenthood to save little babies from being killed by the abortionist Rachel Phelps. Jennifer who is out there on the sidewalk d a sign tat read 'ALL LIVES MATTETS' on the back of the sign it read 'BYE BYE', for Planned Parent will be Defunded very soon. Thank you Vice President Mike Pence. He keeps his promises.
We started to get busy right away but Kathryn came to help us. Thank God!! A woman came in saying that she was Princess's counselor to pick up the double stroller that was bought last night by Martha. The money came from three donators. Thank you Pat, Frank & Focus. Princess called me later on to thank us for the new double stroller for her many young children. Princess said to Martha, when she was at Focus a couple of weeks earlier, "isn't she beautiful'!! Martha looked at her precious Down's Syndrome baby & sweet!!!! She is a mother of 7 children & she is a good mother!!! Glad we could help.....thanks Martha :))
Mike came in to get a pro life sign, for the sidewalk, as a witness in front of Planned Parenthood. Before he left he went downstairs to check the rat traps & was happy to report that there were no rodents in the traps. The Pest Control man sealed the entrance, a couple weeks ago, so no more will come in the basement. Let's hope so!!!
A young lady comes into Focus with many moods some good & some bad. She used to have beautiful full medium length hair with some curl & now it is buzzed cut. She had a bad day today s we watched her carefully. Once I walked into the material aid room & saw that she had taken off her top to try on a blouse. I told her to try on clothes in the bathroom or she could be arrested if someone calls to repot someone, in the window, almost naked. "Okay" she said. Another time she asked for prayer & I told her that we pray for everyone every day. She smiled.
There were so many people coming in that I had to say if you have been here a long time it's time for you to leave. I hate to do this but it's so hard help so many people at one time. A mother of triples called me & asked for Gentle formula. I said "okay" & she said that some one will coming in to get the two cans. She was so stressed because she didn't make the appointment at WIC. Can't do that. People have said to me that if you are late you can't get the free formula, from WIC. Don't be late!!!!
Martha left after supper & a few minutes later she came back & gave me a note that was on her car. It read: THIS IS THE LAST TIME... DO NOT PARK HERE AGAIN!!!
I was told that we could park across the street in free parking but the man who lives in the apartment is not happy & I don't know why??? He is the Tenant NOT the Landlord. Barb is working on this problem. I was told that the man David from the City said to Barb e park there, Maybe a sticker on the car will help. This man has changed the lock to his apartment, & is the only person living in this 'For Sale' apartment building for three hundred dollars. So far no one is buying :(( Problems, they will ALL be solved, for I trust in the Lord :))
Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at Focus
One of the most busiest days at Focus!!! I don't know how to word this extraordinary day. I'll try. Jennifer emailed me to say that she wasn't feeling well so she won't be at Focus today :(( So it was Martha & I when Sarah came in with her little daughter Helen to help us. Wonderful :)) She was soooo busy. I was in & out of the office all afternoon working & answering the phone & emails etc.. I went out to the main room as more people were coming in & said "if you have been here then 15 minutes you have to leave because there are so many people here". I don't usually say this, I think this is the third time all year. I don't want panic to take over. As it was someone took the front page off which said DO NOT TAKE THIS' & folded it up & put it on the counter. It had all the pages to the referral sheets for Food Baskets for Thanksgiving & Christmas. Stealing is your sin. How sad!! We try to help so many people & when someone does this it makes my heart hurt. I was hoping they would write down which organization could them, I was wrong.
I have to be available to answer questions & to solve problems the grace of God. I had to call the City of Rochester to ask about the parking across the street in dealing with the nasty neighbor who writes messages & puts it on Martha & my car. I was asked to fax them to this city reprehensive. I did. He said that he will notify the Landlord & then the City of Rochester Police Department & notify them. He wrote hat he will call the police to have our cars ticked or towed if we continue to park there in the apartment parking lot, where he lives. The city official said that the tenant doesn't have the right of who parks there. We were given permission, by the city, to park there & have been having nothing but trouble with the only tenant that lives there with NO car. The city official told me that he will call me on Monday. Hopefully we will have NO MORE problems in parking there before they sell the apartment building for $300,000.00. Then we will have to go to the meter parking again :((
We were given two cribs that were legally fine. One was for Martha to give out & the other was for Neyoka to give away. There were given out quickly. we are hoping to get a Grant from the Catholic Diocese for pac'n plays, which are so needed. We also gave two donated Thanksgiving dinners away to two client families. Thank you to the Joy Family. The two households were very grateful. We also gave away five $15.00 turkey vouchers, from Fidelis Care. Thank You!!!
I went out to the back porch to put out some trash & saw that someone had don the porch by the way next door. Cannot wait for our four cameras to be put up in two weeks or less. I can keep track who goes on the porch through my cell might be upsetting at times. I might have to call 911, at times :((
Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at Focus
Another very busy day!! It is so difficult to help people & to watch them so they don't take what they shouldn't but we manage (somewhat). Linda was there today helping us out at Focus. She is so good in talking to the clients & helping Martha, with taking care of the many clients, who come into the center. We all work together to made it work......
I spoke with Mike about our next project which is having Santa Claus at Our Lady of Americas Church, up the street not far away. We think that it will be well attended. Martha is making cookies & we need to decorate the area where Santa is going to sit. So much to do :))
I spoke to a lawyer Jim who is our new contributor with the Knights of Columbus. It was nice talking to him, on the phone. I told him that a client had come in for many household items for she was evicted & the landlord took everything. He said that he had many household items, in his garage, of his son who was recently married. He didn't need them. He will gather them together & bring them into the center, for our clients. They will be happy :)) Thank you Jim!!
We have so many nice people that donate to our center. Last Saturday I come into Focus before Mass & the Open Door Mission had brought in 20 very black bags that were filled with clothes. How nice is that. We have so much to give away & we know that the people in Rochester need them.
Martha did another pregnancy test today & it was negative. She spoke to the client about abstinence, a forgotten practice.
The front door opened & Nina was coming up the stairs with her husband Jose behind her. Jose is on the Board at Focus. We met him years ago when we were trying to start the first '40 Days for Life' Campaign. Now Rick has taken over this once a year campaign in front of Planned Parenthood for 40 days of prayer. Today they were bringing many big toys for our clients. One was a large Kitchenette. All toys were in great shape. I told them how great in seeing them & for their donations. They brought their children, who have grown so much. The daughter is now in College. Time can change things. It was a wonderful time!!
Martha & I were having supper & two people came in, a man & a woman. I heard her tell Martha that she had 5 children as they were shopping. She red so many nice things & put them all in bags. When they were out in the main I asked the man if he was the father of the 5 children. He said that he was the father of the last child. The woman quickly replied that she isn't divorced yet. I said "you have a baby" with a shock look on my face. Then I said "no one seems to know they have a soul". She then said to the man "lets go she's judgmental" & put everything down & walked out the front door. I answered "no, I'm just being informative". We teach the truth to our clients in need & no one walks out. I will pray for her & her family.
When Martha left I walked her out to the dark lot where our cars are parked. I decided to now move my car to the street for it was 5:50 pm so I had just 10 minutes left to pay the city in the meter. As I was leaving a car had just come in the lot. he a driver & the man that doesn't want us there. When I came to the door of the center I looked across the street & made the Sign the Cross. Martha earlier today had put Blessed Salt all over the parking area. God is in control!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at Focus
Another very busy day at Focus!! We got our new awning on the looks terrific!! They brought about 5 large trucks parked across the street so I parked in the parking lot across the street. I hope the neighbor will be kind to us tonight until we know if the Landlord will say 'yes" to the NSC Administrator's request from the City, who gave us permission to park there. When I walked into the center there were so many people already here & there were donation boxes blocking me from getting to the office. I unfortunately was in a bad mood......I pray no one suffered.
So many people came in so Martha was very busy. Thank God Jackie & Sarah came in to help. I was busy in the office writing & typing 'Thank You' letters to our generous benefactors. I was busy too. I also have to answer the phone which rings many times during the day.
All will be well but it does concern me that sooooo many people are so needy. Thank you Lord that we are here for them :))
Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at Focus
A busy day again at Focus!! When I arrived there was Martha & Linda & Lynda helping the many clients & children that were here getting what they needed. It was hectic!! Tim called & was coming over to drop donations for us. As he was here he helped a man whose car battery stopped & got him on the road again. How nice was that. I was waiting for Mike to pick me up to take us to Our Lady of Americas Church to check out the meeting room for the SANTA CLAUS presentation on December 16, 2016 from 1pm to 4 pm. We are also going to have a surprise Birthday Party for our co-director Martha who will be 75 years young on December 21st.. Then we will all go to Focus, for a Chili supper, homemade by Neyoka, & celebrate there at the center. It will be a very busy day for sure :)) We have a nice spot in the meeting room for Santa & we can get there at 12 noon to start decorating. Should be lots of FUN!!
We are going through baby formula soooo fast I am concerned. It does cost us a lot but we trust in the Lord to provide for our needs to help our moms & dads. This community is so needy it worries me :((
Barb, a client, stopped in with her daughter to say 'hi' & to shop a little. She is so pleasant & we look forward in seeing her often.
We have a new baby named Avionna & she was born on May 29th. at 6lbs. 4 ozs.. So cute!! Lord thank you for these new births!!
Thursday, December 1, 2016 at Focus
When I arrived Martha was at the main room table eating lunch. She's been here since 9:30 am, on the front lines, praying & speaking Truth to the people entering the Death Mill, Planned Parenthood. She is such a trooper!! The cell phone rang & it was Dan & he said that Planned Parenthood was on the Radio saying how good abortion was. They are knowing that there time is almost up & WILL be de-funded. Alleluia!!
Kathryn came in to help us & she is so nice. We had a woman who came in who was due today. Maybe we will have a birth at Focus someday :))
Neyoka came in with a pac'n play & two car seats. We called Evenflo & checked to see if there were any recalls & there was't. So the mother of seven children took one for her child. She has a van. She was grateful & it did work out for her but we have so many mothers requesting car seats & pac'n plays for their children. We're trying.
I did a pregnancy test which was Negative. I gave her information to take with her to read. She was abused by her two Foster families when she was young. How sad!
A pregnant woman came in with her young son, her husband was smoking on the sidewalk. Martha asked when she was due & she said "today". I said "maybe we will have a birth here someday at Focus". She shopped around for a short time & then she turned to Martha & I & said "I want you to know how much you have helped me. I was so scared in my pregnancy & look at me now", as she pointed to her large belly. I said "how nice of you my dear it's our pleasure". I smiled & she left. How nice was that!!!
We saw another family after she left with two children. The precious baby was so cute & so small. Nice family!! A woman called to say that she had lost her cell phone & if we found it.....I said "no". Hope she finds her phone.
A woman came in & told Kathryn that she is raising her sister's baby who was just born, because the mother in jail, for a long time. She didn't have anything but now she does. Thank you Lord for taking care of your children, through us, at Focus! You make a difference .....Amen!!
Martha has been so busy taking care of the clients, that have come in, & also making Focus look like CHRISTMAS!! She's doing a great job!! I emailed all our people the picture of our new FOCUS Center!!! Fantastic!!
Today we have seen 3,000 people, so far in 2016, who have come into Focus!! Praise God!!
Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at Focus
When I got to Focus I stopped my car at the front door to drop off some donations that Mary Ann, my downstairs neighbor, brought to my apartment on Sunday evening. As I was going into Focus I saw Catherine, who just left Fidelis Care, coming to help us. As she was doing that I saw a car with a man & a woman parking & going into the center. I then went across the street to park. So far no more problems with the neighbor. Thank you Lord!! As I was walking in to the center I saw that this couple was leaving I had a bad feeling when I saw his face. Didn't know why. I went into the center & greeted both Martha & Catherine & asked what the couple wanted, for they weren't in the center for very long. Martha said they thought this was Planned Parenthood. What!! I expressed. Martha & Catherine spoke to them that we could help them but he just kept on saying "we have an appointment". Really, so break it. She didn't say anything just smiled. He said that they weren't going for an abortion. I hope not! My heart ached because no one ever knows. Maybe they will come back someday soon & we will can help them.
I was at our front door, at Focus, when I saw a young girl wearing a pink jacket across the street walking towards Scio St.. I opened the door & called her over to her. Thank God she was receptive & came over to me. I asked her if she was at Planned Parenthood & she said "yes". I then asked her why she was there. She said "to schedule for an abortion". My heart sank. I opened the door wider & invited her into the center. Martha & I spoke to her & I asked her if she would get a free ultrasound & she said "yes". I made an appointment for her to go tomorrow to, Embracing Options, for an ultrasound. I called Jessica & she or her mother Carol will take her to the appointment. I gave her all the literature & DVD's that would educate her & told her to talk, sing, & read to her precious baby & bond with her child. I told her that Focus will help her with her & her baby's needs. She was smiling when she left.
Please pray for Miss Z & her precious baby that she will 'choose life'!!
Jackie came into the center to help us out today. Later on her son Ryan came with so many good coats for our clients. How nice was that! Then shortly after, Sarah came in with her sweet daughter Helen, & we kept her busy. Linda's sister Donna came in to donate a big box of diapers, wipes, baby formula & a large check. Thank you sweet lady!!
We are getting ready for Santa Claus, who is coming to Our Lady of Americas Church, a week from this Friday..ho ho!! Christmas is coming quickly this year.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 at Focus
A very busy day....again! We have so many nice things that have been donated & the clients are taking them with a smile on their faces. It will be a nice Christmas for the children. It was so good to see Christina today. She came in to help us & I had a minute to speak to her. She is 30 weeks pregnant now & tomorrows ultrasound will tell how much the baby weights. The plan is to deliver her precious baby at the end of December & have the Thyroid surgery in January. she has cancer. I thank God her doctors were pro life & trusted in God to take care of both mother & baby. She is a good Christian & was not abortion minded & she is a good mother of four children & has a husband. Kudos to you sweet lady!!!
It was 2 pm so I thought that I would call over to Embracing Options to see if Miss Z. came for her ultrasound. Jessica was going to pick her up & take her. Earlier I called the Carmelite Nuns & asked for prayers & they did pray for our new pregnant client. I asked Embracing Options if Miss Z. came & I was told immediately that SHE DID COME & was going to either parent or place her baby up for adoption. Amen Alleluia!!! I was so happy that I shared it with Martha & Lynda...they were happy too!!! I emailed it to my email list & they were happy too! We call it a Christmas Miracle at Focus!!! Thank you baby Jesus!
Olivia came with her mother & younger brother to help us tonight. She was a great help to me in the office & material aid room. Yeah!! Next week will be her last week with us. She helped us out for school credit at St. John Bosco School. Nice family.
So far so good with the 'free' parking across the more nasty notes. Fantastic!
It was a good day helping people.
Thursday, December 8, 2016 at Focus
Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception
I received a phone call from Jessica re the 'Free Pregnancy Test sign on our Focus Pregnancy Center window facing Planned Parenthood. She asked if I would take it down due to the neighbor complaints for they are writing nasty letter to the City. I said "NO". She agreed. She then asked if I wanted a lawyer & I said "yes". She said "you got one for I am supporting you my dear". Thank you Jessica!! I will fight rather then give in for our sign is seen by all the cars going towards Scio St. & the on in front of our building is seen by cars going downtown. The neighbors are pro choice & liberal.......we're NOT!!! I received an email from Jim Martin, the neighbor who lives across the street from Planned Parenthood, & I read it & deleted it. Please don't email me again! Our attorney will deal with the City. Laws are made to be broken. This sign, in our window, helps to get the girls into Focus for a 'free' pregnancy test & saves lives, from abortion, across the street. Killing little children happens in this neighborhood. Lord have Mercy!!!!! We have a right to save lives & we have Freedom of Speech......which this sign represents.
Martha & I went to Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church, up the street. After Mass we came to Focus & a few minutes later Kathryn came to assist us. She is so wonderful & she gave us an Applebee's dinner card for a free meal. How nice was that. Later on Barb came to help us. We were very busy. A father of triplet boys came in & got a lot of nice things for his family. A couple & their son came in to drop off baby lullabies DVD's & baby blankets in a bag & new baby books. What a nice donation. She found us in the Wish Book & blessed us so much. As they were leaving Martha said something about today's feast day & I said that they probably weren't Catholics, to which he replied that they were, at one time. I said that once you are Baptized Catholic you are forever Catholic. The man said that someone else told him that but we're okay, he said. I quickly gave him the 10 Commandments & Heaven, Hell & Purgatory brochure & said "please go to Confession & Mass & Holy Communion every Sunday" as they walked down our three steps to their car. I hope they will come back to the Catholic Church....founded by Christ.
Tuesday, December 13, 21016 at Focus
I got to Focus later & I told Martha earlier today. I had to got to Tops to get baby formula & Martha's birthday items for her surprise birthday party tonight at the last Focus Board meeting in 2016!! Lots to do. When I arrived to Focus there were many clients in getting what they needed. Martha did a pregnancy test on a twin girl which was negative. Her twin sister came in & got a lot of things, too. It gets crazy in the center when there is much going on. I did get upset with one of our regular clients of many years. Last month she received a large rocking chair & a complete Thanksgiving dinner for her & her family, All I said to her was you have come in a lot so please don;t take anything more & she did. She said to me roughly that she had a donation in her car but now she wasn't going to give it to us & she will tell people not to come to Focus. Okay I said be that way. She then hollered that I was well of in my life & I hollered back that I live in a Studio Apartment. You don't know anything about me young lady. I also felt badly that she didn't even write a Thank You note for the Thanksgiving dinner, nor has anyone else over the years.......this should be not be the case. I wrote Thank You letters to Joyce & Tony & her father who gave us the large meals. There were two of them. I wish that she was understanding when I told her that we see so many people & we need to have something for everyone. She didn't understand. I must admit that I am in a bad mood today for I suffer with gross pain. I try to have it under control though.
Jackie & Catherine couldn't come in today but Linda W. was here to help us & Barb, our client, came in to help us too. Yeah!! We gave away so much but so many donations came into Focus too. Praise God & thank you!
Rob our board menber who is a third grade teacher at St. John Bosco School in East Rochester came with a huge box filled with new & gently used clothes from his students. Thanks Rob & parents! We had a nice surprise party, for our birthday girl, who will be 75 years young next Wednesday!! Delicious chocolate cake from Wegmans. We had a productive board meeting until Barb, our landlady, came & told me that I must take down the 'Free Pregnancy Tests' sign, in the side window. Presecuration in the neighborhood!! They don't like it. Lord have mercy on their souls. I am so very, very sad because the sign saves lives. The neighborhood people are pro death liberals.....need I say more!!! Innocent blood is now on their hands.
Barb did agree at the end of the meeting that the sign can be up when we are open. Okay but really not good enough for it should remani up all the time. Barb is a pro life woman who has 8 children & is on our side but the neighbors are demanding this from her & the City is no help. A pro death town!!!!!! I will continue to pray about this situation, for the good Lord & Mother Mary run Focus, & they are for LIFE!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at Focus
I got to Focus after Mass & Martha was already there. It was pleasantly busy until Catherine came to help us. She will going to live in Ohio at the end of December.....we will certainly miss her!! I getting psyched for Martha surprise Birthday Party on Friday, after the Santa event. Wonderful!!
So many more donations came today. After yesterday I have been praying about the 'Free Pregnancy Test' sign that the neighbors want down & I spoke to Fr. Leone, our Spiritual Director, last night & he will pray about this situation. He was not happy to hear our plight. I had two thoughts I know coming form the Lord, who runs our pregnancy center, & one was to put the A-Frame sign on the sidewalk again chained to the tree on the front of o building. Cars can see this sign going & coming down the street. Another was to get stick on letters & put 'Free Pregnancy Test' on it, instead of the sign. Jessica said that she will order them from the company, in Buffalo, that did our awning. It will take awhile so I spoke with Catherine & she said that there are window makers & she will get them for tomorrow & write it on the window. They are washable. I think we have a solution, thank you Lord!!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at Focus
A very difficult day at Focus. It started with me getting all the things I bought at Tops out of the car but I ran into a lovely lady who's son goes to St. John Bosco School. She is God sent. We talked a few minutes on the street & then she & her son left. So nice!! I had to chase away about two cars that were parked in front of the garage next door. Glad I caught them & not her. When I went into Focus I gave a quickly hello to Martha & went right to the phone to schedule an ultrasound for a client who had a pregnancy test on Friday & Ney forgot to call Embracing Options on Monday to make an appointment. I scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. So now I needed to call the client to tell her & I got her mother asking me who I was. I finally told her my name & that her daughter came in for a pregnancy test & I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow. She said that Jessica was 12 years old. I looked on the Intake Sheet to see that she had put down ageas 21. Confusion started. She said that she has another daughter & she probably used her sister's name on the pregnancy test sheet. Correct. She said that she will contact her & get back to me. I said thank you & hung up. She didn't call back in 2 hours so I called her again. She said that she will go right over to where she is & talk to her. I gave her the ultra sound time & place & she said thank you & we hung up. I hope & pray that she will go tomorrow & NOT have an abortion./ I told her mom that we were here for her & her baby & all things were 'free' & we can get a lot of things to help them out. She said "that's nice". I told her that abortion was not the answer for her & her baby. We hung up the phone.
I then went to the window & took the painted words that read 'FREE PREGNANCY TESTS' that Catherine wrote on Friday evening. I got email yesterday from Barb, Jessica, Carol & a nasty neighbor that they did not like the writ on sign. The nasty neighbor said that EVERYTHING HAS TO COME OFF THE FRONT BUILDING......over my dead body!!!!!!! I cleaned the window off with alcohol, that I just bought, & then put up the orange & red sing in it's place for I couldn't find the blue & white sign, until Jackie found it when she came to Focus to help us out. It looks better. I am sure that the nasty neighbors will still complain & I wish that I get some support from my pro life, Catholic know who you are. I will put the sign up when I get here & take it down when I'm not here, unless I forget......I will continue to pray for the people who live in this liberal pro death neighborhood. Amen!!!
A young woman came in & told us that she just had her baby & showed us a picture of him, so cute. She said that she was married now but her ring had to be fixed so she wasn't wearing it. She also needed a pregnancy test which I gave her & it was Negative. I gave her formula & diapers & she got clothes for her baby too. Also, a ride home.
The door opened & four young girls came in & three asked for a pregnancy test. My heart almost dropped. For two of the girls I recognized as regulars. Martha did one test & it was Negative. Then another girl asked for baby formula. I sat down at the table & talked to her, she looked away. I was trying to find out if we didn't have it where would she get it. She said "I would ask people for it" I said "people on the street". "No" she said my family. I said well that's good that they are helping you out. I then said said to the other girls "who is next for the pregnancy test"? No one answered. I spoke to them individually & they said "no we don;t need one" but she is pregnant, looking at the young girl I was speaking to about the formula. I said "lets go into the office" & she followed me into the room. I asked her if she wanted an ultrasound & she said "yes" so I called back Embracing Options & made the appointment for tomorrow. She was pleased. We did that for her at the last pregnancy. She needed bus money so I gave her some for her appointment. She left happy. I did tell her that after this precious baby is born NO MORE SEX until you're married like I said to her last time. I later called Sr.Nancy to guide her. in her program. She is a lost 18 year old girl that needs to be found.
Preparing for Martha 75th. Birthday tomorrow along with Santa Claus coming to Focus from 1 pm to 5 pm. Should be busy & fun afternoon :))
We took the big trash can to the curb & Martha hollered loudly to the neighbors "we wish you & Merry Christmas & we love you & please leave us alone"!!!!! You go girl.....75, it's a wonderful age :))
I called Linda & she said that her son was sick, again, but hopefully will be able to come to Focus for a little while tomorrow.....hope so!!
A very busy & stressful day.......for sure!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at Focus
Martha's 75th. Birthday!!!
I woke to NO water in my apartment :(( Not Good!!!! It's hard to get going with no water but I finally got out of my damper & put my new face on top of my old face & got dressed & went to Tops to purchase formula & diapers & Martha's presents of flowers & Avocado Potato Chips....her favorite & went to the center. The Doyle truck was out in front & I parked in front of him to get the things out of my car. Frank helped me. I went in to the center & saw Santa Claus in the front chair with a sweet child on his cute. The I walked over to Martha wishing her a Happy Birthday. The I saw Lynda & said "hi" to her. I went back outside to move my car across the street & wished a neighbor, a little ways away, A Merry Christmas!! No response......oh I forgot they don't celebrate Christmas. How sad!! As I was in the parking lot Bill & his grandson Lincoln came, we walked into Focus together. Bill was holding Lincoln, cute child of 20 months. Let the day begin!!!
It was a fun day for Santa saw a lot of cute kids & their mothers were very happy. Martha made more delicious cut out cookies mmmm good. Memo came later & I gave him hi Christmas present & thanked him for all that he does for us at Focus. I then called Florida & wished Matt a very Happy Birthday too. I got to speak to Anne....sooooo nice!
I ordered our supper, from Tony & Joyce's son's Deli on Park Ave., for Martha's Birthday. Marha, Mike & I all sat down to eat a nice supper. I think if Martha heard Happy Birthday one more time she would scream. Hay, you only turn 75 once in a lifetime!!!
Thursday, December 22, 2016 at Focus
What a day!! Mike & I spoke yesterday, on the phone, & he suggested that we put a camera, in the Main Room, at Focus. I agreed. He said that he would pay for nice. I called Kevin from Doyle Security & he said that we can have only 4 cameras so I said lets take the camera out of the parking lot area next door, for they have their own camera, & put it in the Main Room. He said that will work & this is the right timing to make this happen. I called Jessica to tell her & she said "fine" & that the neighbors are still giving us trouble about our sign in the corner window & we will be fined & it's a heavy fine. She then said that Barb was going to the Board, one more time, & then to the City to get permission for it to stay in the inside window & in the meantime please put it up when you are there & take it down when you are not. I said "okay & we've been doing that this week". She had to go & we hung up.
I went to Tops to get more formula & diapers & went to Focus. Frank was just parking across the street & he helped me bring the things into the center. I saw that Fred was here & I asked him to please wait for I needed him to fix the two wheeled cart, for I wanted to give it to Martha, for as a Christmas present. He did & I did. She was so happy. I told her that she can use it for groceries & laundry & anything else to make it easier on her. She is soooo good a woman.
David, from Doyle Security, said that yesterday someone got into his commercial van, which is parked right in front of our center, & took his thermos bottle, which his children bought him. How evil is that!! So glad that we now have cameras....thank you Lord!!!
Mike came in to get his expensive camera, which he left here yesterday, & I found it during my rounds, & he was relieved. It's always good seeing him. He saw the results of his gift he gave to us at Focus & was happy with the results. Thank you so much Mike!!
A few minutes after he left Joyce came in with her younger grown up son & told us that his other son's wife just had a baby boy this morning. Her daughter just had twin boys two weeks ago....this family will surly have a joyous Christmas!! They brought us lots of food for two families. I was amazed at their abundance. A large ham & lots of food for breakfast, lunch & Christmas supper for two families. One family has 4 children & one on the way, she said that she was starting to have contractions today. Little baby Linda will be born soon. Then the mom will have Thyroid surgery, in January, & will get well. Her & her family need this gift. The other family was Neyoka's selection & there is 8 children in this household & three adults. The one daughter is now pregnant. The two families came & received their food & were so so so happy. & so was Martha & I. What a wonderful gift this was from the Joy family. God bless!!
We had THE WAR OF FLYS, this week. So many big aggressive flys are in the basement. We got rid of the rats & now we have flys :(( What is going on!!
Fred & Frank came & saved the day!! Our heroes!! They went to the Hardware store & got lots of fly paper traps & boy they were filled up quickly. Icky. They also fixed one of our burned out lights too. I have a feeling we will be ready for 2017!!!
Neyoka came in to tell me that she got a hold of our client who didn't go for the ultrasound yesterday & was told by the Aunt that she was going for an abortion yesterday but didn't go. Praise God!! Her Aunt is talking her into not having one. I asked Neyoka to call the client & ask if she wants an ultrasound, next Wednesday, at His Branches & she will call her & get back to me. Lets hope so!
Last Tuesday we had Liz & her brother Tim, come in to met us, at Focus. She goes to Mercy High School & he goes to Note Dame College. Nice people & I hope she can come to help us when she can. She's trying to work with St. Joseph's Church to get us formula & diapers. Hope so!! She came back today saying that she lost her glasses but we couldn't find them. Sorry!
Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at Focus
When, I arrived at Focus, Frank was sitting in the chair & I said "hi Frank". He was here to help. Martha said that the toilet was about to overflow & he fixed it. Mothers need to be in the bathroom with their child!!! We do have a note on the wall but most kids can't read :((
Catherine O., came in later & it was so good to see, her for Thursday is her late day with us, because she's moving to Ohio :(( We exchanged Christmas gifts. She said that her parents are finally figuring that she is leaving......oh boy :((
We had a somewhat busy day & at the end of the day we each received another note on our cars, from the neighbor across the street, that we can't park there anymore. Here we go again!!!
I called the City (again) & they will look into this problem again!!!
Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at Focus
Feast of the Holy Innocents
When I arrived Frank was at Focus sitting in the chair also was Lynda & Scotty (who is blind) & of course Martha. Good group!! I brought in what I had in the car, diapers & formula & set it in the office. I asked Lynda if she would call our pregnant clients & all went fairly well, for some phone's don't work, which is so frustrating. No babies born as yet, some real close, in 2017.
Martha was busy, in the Main Room, which client & their children. Frank took Scotty to the World Wide News. How nice!!
Our cameras are working well & I now can see the garage across the street on screen so I can see if someone has parked there & I can ask them to move ASAP!! Wonderful! I didn't think how much it will cost my RG&E bill....I'll see next month.
Thursday, December 29, 2016 at Focus
What a day!! As we were leaving yesterday there were more notes of all of our cars across the street. It said: THIS IS THE LAST TIME I AM TELLING YOU AND IF YOU PARK HERE AGAIN YOUR CAR WILL BE TOWED, TRENT!!! Here we go again!! This man never stops. I called the City two days ago & have heard nothing :((
Martha told me yesterday that there was trash by our front door. I called Keith, from Doyle Security, & he came over to rewind the tape & the neighbor, who lives across the street on Windsor, was the culprit. Some trash has blown out of our recycle bin & blew onto his property. When he came out of his garage he drove away then came back & stopped his car & got out & bent down & picked up the two cardboard boxes & threw them onto our front door entrance, so when Martha came at 1 pm, it was there to greet her. She told me & I did something about it today. I wanted to confront him, in a nice way, & I did later on when he came home. I called out saying what happened & he came out of his Condo like a gang buster & said "are you talking to me"? "Yes I am", I said. He is an angry man & I told him that I loved him & have forgiven him. He did not like that.... I asked him why he hated us so much & he went on about how we don't take trash out correctly. Okay..... He then said "the 'Free Pregnancy Test Sign' is still on your window has to come down, it's against the law & The Preservation Committee said it has to go" I said "NO". He said why don't you call the police for I'm going to do it again if the trash is on my property. I asked him why he couldn't just pick it up & put it in his trash big deal. There was a bottle in the middle of the street & I said that I was going to pick it up & put it in our trash can.....again, no big deal. I asked if he wanted to come in to talk to Martha, for she works very hard, taking out the trash weekly. "No' he barked back at me . He said "You are hypocrites". I replied back "No we are Christians". So I said that we need to get along for we're not going anywhere, for we'll be here to the end. He looked at me like he saw a GHOST. I hen said "stop being judgemental" & walked back into the center. Poor man........ His wife was looking out the window. Poor woman...... Thank God for cameras!!!
Martha did call our Landlady & she said that she has called the City & filled out a request form, for another Big Blue Recycle Bin, that has a cover over it, but they are not working till the first of the year. We are trying to get a cover for our trash can, for we cannot control the wind & where things go, when we are not here. Sorry neighbor!!!!
It was Catherine's last day today & I said good-bye, with a tear in my eye. I am still in denial. She was so good to us here at Focus :)))) I will miss her terribly :((((
Barb our client came in to see us & she stayed for supper. Mike came in too & he checked the oil, in my car, it was down a quart & a half......thank you Mike!!
Neyoka came by & dropped off many boxes, of bread & cookies, from Wegmans. She also dropped off bags of donations form the Second Thought Resale Shoppe. How nice was that!!
Lynda called to tell me that one of the pregnant woman, she called on Wednesday, called her back & told her that she had had an abortion. Our hearts are heavy with pain. Matter of fact, she was in Focus to get some things for her son on Wednesday, the day of the call by Lynda. This client was brought to Compass Care, by Neyoka, for an ultrasound & she saw her sweet baby & heard her precious baby's heart beat. One wonders how this could have happened. I will send her Post Abortion brochures & Project Rachel information, for God's forgiveness & healing. Sent!
A hard day!!!!
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