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Front Line Weekly 1

 'Front Line Weekly' 




 Know Your Rights as a Sidewalk Counselor




Great Web Sites for on Street Activity






 '40 Days for Life Campaign'




In 1999 Sen.Eliot Spitzer took 4 pro-life people from Rochester, NY to Federal Court in Buffalo,NY. Here is the transcript of the court case.




Appeal decision in 2001.

U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal Decision 2001


The ACLA Report

Newsletter of the American  Catholic Lawyers Association

January 2000



   "When the time comes, as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment.  I've often thought.... that those in the pro-life movement  will not be alone.  I think that there will be a chorus of voices that  have  never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world.... and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement.  They will say to God, 'Spare him because he loved us,'.... and God will look at you and say not, 'Did you succeed? but 'Did you try?'

Henry Hyde 














A baby has been saved at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center. One of our counselors did a great job by the grace from God, in witnessing to the client. She showed her a video & spoke to her about the life within her. This mother has chosen LIFE for herself & her precious baby. Praise God!!!


Fr. Peter West


When Fr. Peter West from Priests for Life was on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood on May 5th, 2007, leading the rosary, a young college-age woman leaving Planned Parenthood was approached on the sidewalk by a woman from the rosary group. This young woman was glad to go to the Focus Pregnancy Help Center for a pregnancy test & spoke to one of the counselors at the Center. The following week, this young woman returned to the sidewalk to join the pro-life team in witnessing for life.





 Praise God!!! Another baby has been saved at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center on 6-13-07. A sidewalk counselor/prayer warrior & I were on the street near Planned Parenthood praying & holding a graphic sign when a car pulled up & the gentleman said "my girlfriend is pregnant & wants an abortion". I asked her if this was so & she said "yes". We invited her to come into the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center for a more comfortable place to discuss this matter. After the counselor spoke with the client & I spoke with the gentleman the final results were that she was no longer abortion minded & was going to have her baby. We will keep in touch with her & follow-up on her pregnancy & care. She also took a packet of vital informational pamphlets for her use. Thank you Lord Jesus & Our Lady of Guadeloupe. Please pray for this couple & for all the clients on the street that we speak to & at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center. God bless.


A young girl came into the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center and received baby clothes & baby items for her baby who is due in January 2008. She said that she told Planned Parenthood that she was pregnant & they told her that she could have an abortion. Thank God that she "Chose Life" for herself & her baby!!


Another young girl came into the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center & received baby clothes & baby items for her baby who is due in December. Praise God that she "Chose Life"!! The Lord used her boyfriend to save this little baby. Also now the young girl has saved her cousins baby from being aborted. A Life Chain!!



The sidewalk counselors spoke with many girls going into Planned Parenthood this week. The counselors handed out about 26 packets (summer is our best time). Each packet has about 18 pamphlets of information, on many topics, geared to the women & men & teenagers who go into Planned Parenthood. Also a magazine called "Love Matters" & a rosary & referral numbers to local pregnancy centers in the area also our FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center, 2 doors down from Planned Parenthood.

We witnessed to the Planned Parenthood escorts on Saturday who walk the clients into Planned Parenthood. They don't want the clients to know the truth & to receive help.

We got some honks & thumbs up & also the bird from some who probably have been involved in abortion, directly or indirectly. This is not judging but over the years this seems to be the case. When they get out of their car & come into our faces sooner or later they admit of their involvement. We try to help them & offer our prayers for them. This is the first step in their healing. Acknowledgement of the sin.

We have one person who drives bye, especially on Wednesdays and gives us 2 birds while driving with both hands off the wheel & he shouts out the window with his head half out of the moving car. We got his license number. We have become smarter over the years.

A young man gave us a hand gesture and like always I got the name of the company that was on the side of the vehicle. I called the next day and told his boss who spoke to him regarding the incident. The boss said that he became pro-life especially after the birth of his daughter. He seemed nice I'll send him some of our info regarding Planned Parenthood which I do. Good to educate the public of the evils of Planned Parenthood.

A couple of guys got into the personal space of one of the female sidewalk counselors (who handled the situation with grace) and harassed her. Our elderly protester came over from across the street where he was witnessing & spoke to the 2 young men. He asked the tall man one question "Were you involved in an abortion"? He answered "Yes", my girlfriend had had an abortion. He almost cried & he received assistance from the pro-lifers. My experience, over the past 21 years of being out on the streets, is that the people who scream the loudest are in the most pain.



Through the grace of God I hope that people will understand that the pro-lifers, who are out on the sidewalk near Planned Parenthood (non constitutional buffer zone permits us Americans to stand on the sidewalk in front of the killing mill Planned Parenthood) we are behind a 15 feet buffer zone of the entrance & exit of Planned Parenthood, is to save lives. The peaceful protesters are out there in all kinds of weather (though I prefer about 80 degrees all year round void of snow, wind & rain). The abuse of the weather & people are consent. We are out there because this is where they are murdering defenseless babies and where we can hopefully save lives!! My prayers and tears are endless for the people who made a choice for death for their children. Some of the people who drive by & the neighbors & businesses don't understand. Planned Parenthood is in Rochester killing Rochester's own. We care and people want to hurt us. The police reports, over the past 11 years prove that. WHERE IS THE OUTCRY!!! I sometimes I feel that I'm in "Twilight Zone" (for those who can remember) episode and it never goes to commercial. Our hearts are for helping people with the truth. If people hate us that's okay with me. We will prevail with the grace & guidance of God, who is in charge.

Handed out some baby clothes from the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center to a new mom who was 2 months pregnant. She was happy to receive them.

Like Rob, one of the pro-life counselors, says to the Planned Parenthood staff as they are walking out of the building "take my hand not my life" as he refers to the babies who are murdered there.


On August 28th.@ 3PM the National Organization of Women (NOW) were protesting Sen. Joseph Robach (R) in Greece, NY to demand that the NYS Legislature pass the NY State Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection Act (RHPPA) introduced by Gov. Spitzer earlier this year. The RHPPA bill would amend or repeal various statutes in the old law to ensure that the NYS protects a woman's right to choose the course of her pregnancy and to use or refuse contraceptives. Further, the law would establish a fundamental, statuary right to privacy for women in making personal reproductive decisions. Ick!! This is DANGEROUS for the pre-born baby. They want the right to kill anywhere, anytime & by anybody, nothing could be worse for a woman & her child. According to NOW-NYS President Marcia A. Pappas, "This bill will revise NY State's outdated abortion law, originally enacted in 1970. Because Sen. Robach is blocking passage of this bill, NOW is targeting him with the message that it is time for all legislators to be on board to protect women's health". Dear Marcia "abortion is not health care but death care to an innocent baby (person). There protest, against an unwavering Senator, was met by 12 prayerful & peaceful pro-life protesters. Our prayers went up to Heaven invoking God to help, heal & convert them to the truth. The pro-choice men pushed & showed 3 women, myself included, on the public sidewalk. The pro-death speakers were interrupted by prayer especially the Rosary.



 Sen. Ruth Hassell-Thompson



Sen.Hassell-Thompson was there against Sen. Joseph Robach. I mentioned to her to check the web site "Klan" for Planned Parenthood is killing off the Black race & she didn't even know it. She did turn around & looked at me in the eye and stated that she will look at the web site. I'll be sending her more info about Planned Parenthood in the near future. Channel 10 was there which later reported 30 seconds of the so-called event. They stated that the pro-choice got an unexpected surprise by the Pro-Life side. Their message did NOT get through. Praise God!! God reigns & is in control.


Contact Information for Sen. Ruth Hassell-Thompson


District Office

767 East Gunhill Road

Bronx, NY 10467

Tel: (718) 547-8854

Fax: (718) 515-2718

Albany Office

613 Legislative Office Building

Albany, NY 12247

Tel: (518) 455-2061

Fax: (518) 426-6998

I e-mailed the Senator on August 30th 2007

Dear Sen. Hassell-Thompson,

I met you briefly at the NOW press release/protest in Greece, NY. I asked you to look at the website Klan Planned Parenthood so please also check out & Life Dynamics & I'll be sending you a packet of information regarding abortion in the Black community. Thank you.

Sincerely, Mary Jost

I mailed a large packet of pro-life information on August 31, 2007 to Sen. Hassell-Thompson.


  •  Please support Senator Joseph Robach in his Pro-Life , Pro- Women web site:

Write or call.


 Wednesday evening August 29, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

When I arrived on the sidewalk a young girl with a small baby left Planned Parenthood & was walking towards me. I asked her if she needed any baby clothes & she said "Yes" so I brought her to the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center to give her 3 month old baby girl some clothes. She was happy. She also took a packet of information with her. If she needs anything else in the future I said for her to just call the Center & we will help her.

A young woman drove bye and said "thank you" & I replied back "No thank you, you touched my heart" & she then hollered back "This is genocide", I agreed. She is a breath of fresh air. God bless her.

A woman came out of Planned Parenthood & walked over to me, on the sidewalk, & exclaimed that she had her daughters in there to learn sex education. I stated that they were not sex experts but sex perverts. They teach masturbation, gay sex & anything goes sex. She took a packet with lots of info. When her daughters came out of Planned Parenthood they reacted to the graphic pictures of aborted babies. What an eye opener for the girls. A picture speaks a thousand words.

A woman drove by and hollered out her window that she loved abortion. I hope & pray that she gets out of denial & gets the help, forgiveness & healing that she & other post-abortive women need. Abortion makes one ugly acting.

One of Planned Parenthood workers came out & went by me as she was walking home. I asked if she would like a packet of information to take with her. She said that she already had one & gave it to her son. I asked her to step out in faith & trust Jesus for a new job. No excuses dear lady for you or anyone else that works at Planned Parenthoods killing clinic. We are praying for you all.

Two young girls were by their car which had some young children in it. I offered them some information but they declined. They were rude & I only felt badly that they were not open to the truth or any help. I prayed the Chaplet of Mercy for them & for another car which had a man sitting in it. I waited for awhile, for Tucker had already left. I broke the rule of the street, I was by myself. I was trusting in the Lord. A very young girl came out of Planned Parenthood walking very slowly & painfully to the car with the two girls & young children. I went on my knees & stated as they drove by me "I pray that you didn't kill your baby" the girl who was sitting in the back seat gave me such a demonic look that it sent shivers up & down my spine & I just wanted to cry. The bondage of sin. It's frightening to behold. As I tried to calm down I looked over to the death security guard Mark, an off duty police officer, who professes to be a Christian no less. He's only fooling himself not God. He was at the side of the Buckpitt building, a business next to Planned Parenthood, practicing his golf swings. If you want to know what evil looks like come to Planned Parenthood as an observer. You might even see the devil himself.

At the end of all of this I say my Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be for all the people that I encountered at this time. I give it all to Jesus for I would burst if I didn't & only He can help all these people with His LOVE & MERCY. All I can be is His instrument & a bad one I am. He takes the weak & makes them strong. His grace is sufficient. I put them in my heart & then give them to Jesus & then He takes them & puts them in His heart. Thank you Jesus have mercy on us!!!



I got my hands on Planned Parenthood's 2006 annual report. THEY MURDERED 2,640 AMERICAN CHILDREN in 2006 HERE IN ROCHESTER @ 114 UNIVERSITY AVE. & IN SYRACUSE. The theme of their annual report is COAT HANGERS. They state in their report "Young people today are blissfully unaware of the horrors past generations endured". My grandmother, about 80 years ago, didn't use a coat hanger to kill her daughter, my aunt. Her name is Mary Elizabeth. She used a doctor that was doing abortions in secret. They made sure that they were careful to do a good job so that they would not get caught. Sad as this is my grandmother 2 1/2 years later was going to abort again which would have been my mother. She was talked out of it by my great grand-mother. Abortion affects everyone. You murder one baby you murder a generation.

Don't buy the lies of Planned Parenthood. They kill they lie.





 (These are not BTS's daughters)


Thursday evening August 30, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

On Thursday, August 30th. from 2PM till 5PM Planned Parenthood was murdering babies. One sidewalk counselor, a prayer warrior and a protester, who was holding a graphic sign of the truth of abortion, were on the sidewalk witnessing for 'Life'. The people gave dirty looks and used foul language as they were going into Planned Parenthood. Also there was a guy in an old ambulance going to the business next to Planned Parenthood & used God's name in vain at the sidewalk counselor. She didn't do or say anything to him. Many cars were in Planned Parenthood, for Thursdays are their "Killing Day" for innocent children. May God have mercy on those that kill their children & for those that are doing it. This nation is a nation of home grown murders. The sidewalk counselor handed out 4 of our jammed packed packets with lots of vital information. They will be back next Thursday to hopefully save lives & souls with God's help.



Saturday morning September 1, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood



Saturday September 1, 2007 protesting at Planned Parenthood. The sidewalk counselor was talking to the clients going into Planned Parenthood to offer them help. A packet of information was handed out to one the girls going into Planned Parenthood for the Hip Teen Program, a paid program for teenagers affiliated with Strong Memorial Hospital. The same Hospital where they have the "Planned Parenthood Termination Clinic" on the 2nd. floor where Nancy Stanwood murders babies in the operating room on Wednesday mornings. SMH & PP are in bed together. Later when I got there on the street I was told that the next door neighbor of Planned Parenthood let her dog pee on our sign of the aborted babies. I said that if a police car drives by I will flag him down, which is what happened about 15 minutes after I said that. He was on his way to another call but he said that he would call it in. So in the next 10 minutes a police car came with 2 officers in it. We proceeded to tell the officers of the neighbor when they said that they had been called because of the mega phone which was being used. He asked if we had a permit & I told him that we didn't need one for we have been out here 11 years protesting this abortion mill which we have a right to do. As for the mega phone we also have a right to use that too, of course not too loudly, which is hard to determine at times. He also said that they have a choice why don't you just hand the packet out & not say anything. I took a deep breath & explained to him the a woman does not have a choice to kill her baby that it was dead wrong. And another thing, if we don't use our voices to call out to the girls & tell them what we have how are they to know. He started to look at the difficult pictures that we had on the sidewalk & turned away. He said not to block the sidewalk & I explained that "We do not, people can walk by freely". Another police car came on the scene & that officer was the one that was called regarding the neighbor & her dogs. We told him what happened & all 3 policemen walked to the neighbor's house. They stood there for about 25 minutes when one of the protesters walked across the street to walk again across the street to the policemen to tell them we were about to leave. (Remember that there is an unconditional buffer zone at Planned Parenthood & we as tax paying citizens cannot utilize the whole sidewalk). We go to the 12:10 Mass at Our Lady of Victory down the street after protesting. When the sidewalk counselor came back he told me that the neighbor wouldn't answer the door & the police were waiting to see if she finally would.

We pray for her & all the neighbors & businesses in the neighborhood for their conversion, repentance, salvation & for their silence against the slaughter of the unborn, right under their noises.


Wednesday evening September 5, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood


We had two female sidewalk counselors gracing the sidewalk near Planned Parenthood's killing mill tonight. We handed out 5 'Truth packets' tonight & spoke with 2 girls, walking down the street, & educated them about the graphic pictures that they saw. They were receptive.

You don't help people by killing their children Planned Parenthood!

We experienced the usual people who drive by who are insulting. They are only hurting themselves & need to repent of their sins. One hollers out his window "Go home". I replied "No". Maybe he condoms killing children but I don't. Another drive by was a girl giving the bird. I said "God Bless you" in return. We return insults with love.

One of my favorite & touching drivers is the woman who drives by us & always says "thank you". I replied "thank you dear heart". She is on the right path leading to Heaven.

Walking pass us again is the Planed Parenthood worker who I spoke with last week about looking for another job in a place where they don't kill babies. To trust in the Lord & to step out in faith. This time she wouldn't talk to me. Just made a face when I said "Pro-life". I said to her that she was in prison & in bondage & Jesus wanted to set her free. I guess that Planned Parenthood read our web site & told her not to talk to us "Pro-life" people on the street. Glad that they are reading our web site. I read theirs.

The off duty police officer Mark who gets paid by the agency who gets paid by Planned Parenthood sits in his van on Wednesday evenings. He's worked at Planned Parenthood for at least 8 years now where he practices his golf swings & talks with other police officers who bring their vehicles into the parking lot & talk with him for 1/2 hour or more at a time. Tax payers money?



Thursday afternoon September 6, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

One sidewalk counselor, one prayer warrior & one protester graced the sidewalk around Planned Parenthood from 2PM to 4:10PM, trying with God's grace to help save lives & souls. At least 8 'Truth packets' were handed out by the sidewalk counselor. One young girl said "I would never kill my baby". It was a very fruitful time on the street with no incidents.


Saturday morning September 8, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The pro-life team was ready for Saturday morning prayer & protest. The first incident was a gentleman approached one of the male sidewalk counselors & started to yell at him regarding the difficult pictures that we show on the sidewalk. This is the reality of abortion & if people don't see it then they don't know what abortion really is. Abortion is the violent dismembering of the body of a human being thus taking his or her life. The gentleman stated that the picture he was holding upset his child in the car. We have found over the years of being on the street that this really isn't true. The adults are bothered by the picture & blame it on their child. Young children have no concept of what they just saw, as their parent or parents drove by us but the parents do. By the reaction of the parent the child reacts to the upset parent. One child once said "who broke the baby". At the end of the brief conversation the sidewalk counselor & the gentleman shook hands. He stated that he lived in the neighborhood & wrote for a local newspaper I challenge him to pray & protest Planned Parenthood too. Why would you want, as your neighbor, someone who murders children for money. We get upset, as we should, if a child predator moves into your neighborhood but do nothing when it comes to people killing babies down the street. What is wrong with this picture?

Check out Exposing the partnership between Planned Parenthood & the National Abortion Federation and the men who sexually abuse underage girls. Covering up child rape. They even have a Rape Counseling Center in Planned Parenthood. Hippocrates!!

The "Lambs of Christ" were on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood praying the Rosary. There were at least 22 people praying, to God, for the people going in & out of Planned Parenthood & also the people driving by & the misguided people who work for this killing mill. They are accepting blood money. Children have to die for them to pay their bills. ICK. Just say "NO" & regain your dignity.


I was blessed to get help from 3 nice men to put up our new banner in front of the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center. It is in red & white & has the name of the center & then says "free pregnancy tests" & our toll free phone number 1-888-737-8359.




Wednesday evening September 12, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The nerve of Planned Parenthood for having an American flag stuck in the dirt by the entrance of their "Killing American Children Mill". THEY JUST DON'T GET IT!! That with every abortion an American dies on his or her's own soil. What an atrocity. Planned Parenthood is America's 911 every day. MJ

The six year anniversary of 9-11 is upon us. Do you remember? God's message to America - REPENT! Not remember, not reflect, but REPENT!

Rev. Flip Benham • 9/9/2007


Planned Parenthood's so called Christian off duty police officer-death security guard Mark has new company now visiting him while he is sitting in his van in the parking lot of Planned Parenthood's killing mill. These are men in red on bikes who ride around the streets of Rochester to protect the public? I don't know how they can do this when they come by & keep Mark company for 1/2 an hour at a time. Mark has said to me that he knows he is doing wrong but..... it's called COMPROMISE !! I don't know how he is going to explain this to the Lord when he stands before Him someday. The people who say that they are Christians are really NOT. Same as the workers who drive into Planned Parenthood with a Rosary around their car mirror. WOULD JESUS SAY IT'S ALL RIGHT TO KILL HIS OWN CHILDREN? How evil this is!!


A young girl came out of Planned Parenthood & walked over to us sidewalk counselors & spoke to us. We gave her our 'Truth packet' & she gave us her 'Morning After Pill packet'. Check out web site:

She said that she didn't want them & I took her over to the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center for more information. She shared that she had a friend that has a friend that wanted an abortion. I gave her a CD on abortion & a CD on ultrasound for the girl. We hope & pray that the precious baby will be saved from being killed.


Two cars stopped & spoke with us and took a 'Truth packet' saying that they think abortion is wrong. Though in the first car the woman stated that she had had an abortion & how it deeply affected her. We spoke with her a little longer.


I was told that the abortionist Nancy Stanwood at Strong Memorial Hospital who murders babies on Wednesdays there at the OR is going to have a baby in October. Congratulations Nancy that this is a wanted baby so you didn't kill your own. I guess you only kill babies that the mothers don't want. What a way to make a living & you call yourself a doctor. Really. I hope when you look into your baby's eyes that you won't be able to kill anymore.


We handed out about 8 'Truth packets' this evening, we stayed till 7 PM. I use the on going camera to get a picture of anyone who might come at us. It works really well.



Thursday afternoon September 13, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The sidewalk counselor stated that a car pulled into Planned Parenthood & the driver gave the bird. When she got of the car she gave the bird & stuck out her tongue at her. When she left PP she came over to the sidewalk counselor and stated that the pictures were wrong that it was only a dot. The pictures are not wrong these are pictures of babies that were alive until they were murdered by the cruelty of abortion. I think that she was post-abortive & was affected to learn that she had believed a lie and aborted her baby & this is what the results were. What a rude awakening to the truth. Lies are what Planned Parenthood is all about. The sidewalk counselor prayed & told the girl the hard truth. Hope she will get help & healing.


A grandfather brought his grand daughter into Planned Parenthood & was upset by the graphic signs. He came over to the sidewalk counselor & stated that his granddaughter had been raped & was contemplating suicide. Planned Parenthood has its Rape Counseling in the same building that it kills babies. They don't care about babies or rape victims. How many rape victims killed their baby because Planned Parenthood talked them into it? The baby should not die for the crime of the criminal. Planned Parenthood does not report saturatory rape.

Check out

How sad that Planned Parenthood is noted for rape counseling in the hospitals & other institutions as a referral for rape victims. How did this ever happen? Poor girls. To have a person at their bedside that believes in killing children. They deserve pro-life woman at their side. For help for rape victims call Embracing Option @ 585/235-0690 or 1-888-737-8359 or Compass Care @ 585/232-2350. The people here do care about you.



Saturday morning September 15, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The weather was cold but the team is faithful in getting the truth out to the victims of Planned Parenthood. Six 'Truth packets' were handed out to willing people that want the truth.


A person from across the street from Planned Parenthood at the veteran’s started screaming at one of the sidewalk counselors. It's so sad that people care more about animals than about babies that are being killed by Planned Parenthood. It's interesting that the animal doctors don't abort animals but human doctors abort humans.


Wednesday evening September 19, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

This was a very fruitful evening. Ten "Truth Packets" were handed out. A friend of one of the workers at Planned Parenthood, who was waiting to pick her up, took one. Also three young girls from 'Hip Teen' took 2 packets and asked a lot of questions. I took their pictures and they gave me verbal permission to put them on the web site. I'll try to get them on the site when I can figure out how to do it.

A woman got out of her car with a little girl, who was parked at Planned Parenthood, and walked over to us on the sidewalk. She took a packet and said that her son's girlfriend was here to get Birth Control. We sidewalk counselors told her of the affects of Birth Control, which at times, acts to cause an early abortion. It expels an already fertilized egg, which is your baby.

Check this web site out:

We also mentioned to the woman about talking to the son and his girlfriend about abstinence, not having sex until marriage. I brought the woman and her little granddaughter to the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center for some clothes and a stuffed animal. They walked out happy with some clothes a new hat and a doll and more helpful literature.



A girl on a bike rode by and hollered “God would have you do something else” I hollered back “You don’t know God and ask Him in your heart”. She then gave me the bird all the way up the street.

A woman was leaving Planned Parenthood and she got out of her car and walked over to me to get a packet. She looked at the pictures of aborted babies and just groaned. The funny thing is I never even spoke to the woman she just stopped the car and got out.

Another woman got out of her car to come over to us and told us that she just had a Depo Provera shot to prevent pregnancy.

Check out web site:

We told her that in the packet there was a pamphlet on this drug. It causes early abortions and has many serious side effects. She was open to the truth.



Thursday afternoon September 20, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

It was "Brutal" as one sidewalk counselor put it out on the Front Lines today. The prayer warrior said "They're killing babies in there today" & that they were. Planned Parenthood murderes american children on Thursdays @ 114 University Ave. and nobody cares except for a very few. How shameful. One woman approached the sidewalk counselor and asked in regards to the graphic sign saying "Is that what the baby looks like if the mother smokes"?. "No" the sidewalk counselor said "this is an aborted baby" to which the woman replied "I had 2 abortions". The sidewalk counselor then began to talk with the woman about abortion. We just hope & pray that she will repent through the grace of God.

A woman and a young girl came out of Planned Parenthood & the young girl didn't look good. They had their faces looking away from the sidewalk as they drove off in their car. I only pray that this young girl will be able to forgive her mother someday for bringing her here to have an abortion. So many young girls are forced to have abortions by their own parents. How selfish of the parents. Easy way out, I don't think so. I am sure that the relationship between mother and daughter will never be the same again. How many women are walking around wounded today for what their mothers did to them earlier on in making them have an abortion. I pray for God's peace & healing for you all.


Saturday morning September 22, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

Many young girls were going into Planned Parenthood for the paid program 'Hip Teen'. Most of the girls took a "truth packet" going into Planned Parenthood but came out without them. I gave one of the girls another packet & told her to share with her friends. Planned Parenthood doe not want girls or anyone to know the truth. The truth is bad for business. One of the girls when looking at the graphic pictures of aborted babies that we use to tell the truth said "Planned Parenthood told them it was nothing". It's easy to kill nothing but a baby is different. One time a young girl came out of there and looked at the picture and said that Planned Parenthood told her that "it was nothing" & went ahead with the abortion only to find out that it wasn't nothing, it was her baby. She cried and we told her to call Project Rachel at 800/972-2435 a post abortion help line. So many girls have been lied to and deceived at Planned Parenthood. How they demoralize a human being by saying that he or she is nothing making it easier to kill. We profilers pick up the shattered pieces of people that made the awful decision to have their baby aborted by Planned Parenthood. I invited two girls that came out of Planned Parenthood, to the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center for a DVD on the illustrated bloodless abortion procedure and one on ultrasound. We had a good talk and they took some of the literature that we have. We stress to young people to wait to have sex until marriage & they agreed. They asked many questions & were opened to the truth. Two less girls to worry about. God will guide them on their journey in life. They are believers.


Wednesday evening September 26, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

A young girl came out of Planned Parenthood & we invited her to come over to take a "truth packet" from us. When she came over she saw the graphic sign of the precious aborted baby (who would have been in High School if he hadn't been aborted) & she began to cry. We tried to comfort her but she just cried some more that her tears fell down form her cheek onto the ground. In all my 21 years protesting on the street I've never seen any tears just rude jesters when showing the signs. Some people have shown some compassion & interest but I've never really seen real tears before. She's one in a million. What a difference one person can make. She really touched my heart & I'll never forget her. She gave me hope. This "special" lady had a heart for this unborn baby that was brutally murdered by abortion. Where is your compassion for the rights of the unborn baby to be born & not to be killed by abortion? What are you doing to stop abortion?

Heeeee's back !! The next door neighbor of Planned Parenthood Cathy her step son came to see his step mom tonight. I haven't seen him in about 2 years since he "mooned" me on the sidewalk. I called the police & had a warrant out for his arrest to which he did have to appear in court. The Judge stated that he was supposed to be 1,000 feet from me, on the sidewalk. Only after going to court he came right back that very same night when I was on the street. The police said because the judge didn't put it in writing that they couldn't do anything about it. So just a warning that if you go to court make sure that whatever the Judge says that he or she puts it in writing otherwise it's a no go. Who would think? I hope that he learned his lesson though. It did cost him for the lawyer. Grow up!

The nice lady that drives by and hollers out to us "thank you" came bye tonight. She is a sweet lady. We're doing God's work which is requiring us as Christians to be out there defending life. She is a breath of fresh air especially when we're been given so many hand gestures. How sad!

I spoke to a young girl going into Planned Parenthood saying that they kill babies. She hollered back "No they don't, I'm hear for the Pill, I'm having sex". I stated that "They certainly do murder innocent babies here & that the Pill does too & no sex until you're married". She jarrated her body & went into Planned Parenthood. When she came out & was driving out of Planned Parenthood I said to her that "You're going no where but going around & around chasing your tail" to which she gave me the finger gesture & started to jarrated again. I said that "Don't show me your IQ but REPENT". She must have known what I meant because she reacted to it. You go around & around when you sin you really don't go anywhere. I know she is not happy with her life. We really worry about the girls that don't react because they are in a bad place for they have deadened their hearts. The girls that do react, though it can be disturbing at times, at least know what they are doing is wrong they just haven't come to the brick wall yet to crash. They are more likely to change their lives in time.

Look what the Evil One is doing to women & they don't even know it.


The death escort team of the most evil acting people on earth assembled at Planned Parenthood for their deadly meeting tonight. These are the people that wear blue aprons that say 'Planned Parenthood' and stand at the door of the building waiting for their prey. They call themselves 'greeters' but really that are 'death escorts' responsible for many deaths to occur. If you want to see what evil looks like come to Planned Parenthood on Saturday mornings. They deceive the girls and they don't even know what is happening to them as they walk into the 'death building'. They come together to find more ways to murder defenseless babies. There was Silva Rose, who likes to garden at Planned Parenthood, would you believe. She cares more about flowers that she does about human life. Ick. Then there is Barry Whitehead, a teacher at the School Without Walls, if he's still there. Poor students. One third of their classmates aren't there because of abortion. Then there was Marsha Peone the National Origination of (what kind of) Women queen. She's been helping to kill babies for so long that she looks like death warmed over. What you sow you reap, the Bible says. How true. Then there was 'grandfather death' this poor man can't even walk & is about 75+ and he still won't quit. He once had a sign on his car which read "I'm a pro-choice father of an adopted daughter" why is this guy not pro-life? Look what this woman gave him, her daughter, which sorry to say that she could have aborted. His adopted daughter wouldn't be in his life if the mother didn't choose life. You get where I'm going with this. Life is precious handle with love & respect. What happened to these people that made them people of death & destruction I don't know? I just hope & pray that they all repent.


Thursday afternoon September 27, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

Killing babies at Planned Parenthood today. A lot of abuse from the people going into this "place of death". Our elderly male pro-lifer, who just turned 78 said to a woman coming out of Planned Parenthood "choose life" and she answered back "I just had an abortion" & ran off. One car driving by said to the sidewalk counselor "go back to Iran". I guess he thinks that there is freedom in killing one's own baby. He made a U turn up the street came back pass the counselor hollering the same thing to which she replied "I have your license plate number". She didn't see him again. A woman with a suit on was walking into Planned Parenthood with a young girl. Could this woman be a 'social worker'? Nothing like ruining one's life. The young girl kept on looking at the pictures. Was the apparent social worker bringing this young girl in for an abortion? She did this girl such a disservice. Poor girl! The sidewalk counselor offered her help but the woman with suit lead her in the "place of death". There was a young guy waiting in the car & on his car was a black & white flag with a skulls head. He gave the counselor two birds at once with his hands going up & down. Guilty conscious maybe. We hope & pray that they all repent & get love & mercy & forgiveness from the dear Lord who is so greatly offended by their sins. We've noticed that many of the workers at Planned Parenthood are having rosaries on their car mirrors. Maybe they think that if they have a rosary in their car that maybe what they're doing working at Planned Parenthood is okay. Twisted thinking or maybe that their conscious is starting to bother them. I once said to the workers "you praise God on Sunday then kill His children on Monday". Planned Parenthood is now using spirituality in the murdering of God's innocent babies. How sick. Three young people in a car drove into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood & just kept on looking at the graphic pictures. They didn't get out & drove away. Could that have been a 'save'? I certainly hope so. Praise God!!


 Saturday morning September 30, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

What a surprise!!! Fr. Tony was there on the sidewalk when I got there. Yeah!!! Fr. Tony has been in Mexico for several months learning Spanish for his Spanish community of churches that he oversees. He looks great & it was so fantastic to see him again. We talked & then I brought him to see the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center. He & Fr. Bush blessed the Center a little over a year ago. He was impressed & I give all the glory to God. Thank you Fr. Tony for blessing us with your presence today. God bless you! Hope to see you soon.

Welcome! We have a new 'prayer warrior'. He is a blessing to our growing team out on the front lines. He's going to try to come every Saturday thank God & pray the Rosary. He also is a web master. Maybe he can help make this a better web sight that can help more people & give them the information that they deserve. "You shall know the Truth & the Truth shall set you free" the Bible says.


Monday afternoon October 1, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

This Monday had more action than in previous weeks. One girl who took a packet was pregnant and said that she had been in contact with the Woman's Care Center. She for some reason went to Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy. I reminded her that she was already a Mom and went over some of the material in the packet, including all the different numbers she could call for help. Pray for her, I think she does not want to get an abortion.

We also had a group of 4 rowdy punks in a car waiting for a girl at PP and when they left they tried to hit us with an opened can of Mountain Dew. They missed and I tried to catch the plate number but couldn't. It was a small price to pay if we were able to help the other girl. All told we gave away 6 packets. I'm trying to avoid giving them to the people who already took a packet another time because I think some of them just want the rosaries.


Wednesday evening October 3, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood



Assemblyman David F. Gantt

Assemblyman David F. Gantt was approached by me in our shared parking lot in the strip mall, 2 doors down from Planned Parenthood, to invite him to Randall Terry's speaking engagement at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center on Monday. I walked over to him & said “Hello Mr. Gantt how are you tonight”. I had the invitation paper in my hands & was trying to hand it to him. He said to me "I told you that I don't want any of this". He thought that I was trying to give him some information that would educate him about what Planned Parenthood is doing to the Black race right down the street from his office. They're killing off the Black race & Mr. Gantt doesn’t want to know anything about it. So I said to him "I'm inviting you to a talk to be given by Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, he's going to speak at the FOCUS Pregnancy Center on Monday. No, No, No he replied back. I then said "we're trying to save your race down the street in front of Planned Parenthood". He then replied "No White person has ever helped any Black person". Wow, I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EARS! I never really knew of a Black person, let alone an Assemblyman, to be prejudice against the White race. I guess anyone can be prejudice no matter what color their skin is. He then coughed up a big spit ball & then spited it out right in front of the restaurant where he was going into. I know after that, I might have trouble eating later. Thanks Mr. Gantt how discussing. How evil acting of you Mr. Gantt, for being closed minded & helping to kill off your Black race at Planned Parenthood by not speaking up against abortion. Are you in bed with Planned Parenthood? Shame on you. Please REPENT!!!


Rev. Johnny Hunter.

This is a Great Black Man who is trying to save the Black race from being killed off by abortion.

Hear his message Mr. Gantt.

Also check this out if you want to get educated to what Planned Parenthood is doing to the Black race.

Continuation of Wednesday evening events on the street:

This incident was very difficult for me too close to home. A young woman came out of Planned Parenthood & told me that she was a pro-choice & was adopted. I then replied "you are not pro-choice but pro-death that in your choice a baby dies & how come you're not pro-life? She screamed back I hate my .... mother. I can't put on the web site what she called her biological mother. I then replied "Forgive her, she could have had you killed you but she gave you up to your adoptive parents". Then I told her my story briefly. But what really was closer to her experience was that in my own family my older sister was raped by knife point, in her own apartment, in 1975 & conceived. The so-called doctor in the Emergency Room told her to go for an abortion but she said "No'" & had her baby girl. The baby girl grew up to hate her biological mother. I have said to her "forgive her for whatever you don't like about her because she gave you life & she could have had you killed". She won't be free just like this young girl won't be free until they both forgive their 1st mothers for whatever reason that they have in their hearts against them.

Counseling of Children of Rape

Bethany Adoption Agency


Thursday afternoon October 4, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

 From 10AM to 12NOON in front of Planned Parenthood

It went pretty well, I think. I handed out 3 'Truth packets' and talked to a few people. It's about touching one heart at a time. I make it all about the woman. We have to meet them where they are not try to force them to be where we are...gently...We plant the seed and God waters the garden with "their tears"...just as He's done with me.

(This note is from a counselor who is post-abortive & has gone through much healing. She holds a sign that reads 'I REGRET MY ABORTION')

From 2PM to 4:15 in front of Planned Parenthood

This was reported to me by our Thursday sidewalk counselor who is fantastic with the girls. She reported that a nice young couple came up to her & took a 'Truth packet' & was receptive to what she had to say. Praise God!! She sated that this was unique for her because this was the first couple that she had encountered since March when she first started with sidewalk counseling.

A young girl started to cry when she saw the pictures of the aborted babies. She told the counselor that she had had an abortion when she was very young & didn't know what she was doing. She is now married with two more children. She was ministered to & she took a "Truth Packet" where there is a Project Rachel brochure in it, Project Rachel is a post abortion ministry that helps women who have had an abortion to seek forgiveness & healing from God & their child.

This is so sad. A very young girl about 12 years old came skipping up the street when she stopped to look at the pictures. She said to the counselor "How sad" then she said "My mother had an abortion a couple of years ago I knew because all she did was cry, she wouldn't stop crying. Then my mom told me that she did it because she had enough children". This little girl was given love & truth from the counselor. She gave her a packet & told the young girl to give this to her mother with love. I hope this young girl will not follow in her mothers footsteps someday. There is a thing called 'Generational Sin & Curses' that need much prayer & fasting for deliverance so that the same pattern will not repeat itself to the present generation. The door was opened for the Evil One to come in & to raise havoc for this family or any other family that has had an abortion or the breaking of any of the 10 Commandments. Ask Jesus to forgive you & be set free.


10 Commandments

1. I Am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me.

2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in Vain.

3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.

4. Honour your father and your mother.

5. You shall not kill.

6. You shall not commit adultry.

7. You shall not steal.

8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

9. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife.

10. You shall not covet your Neighbour's goods.



Saturday morning October 6, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

  When I arrived at Planned Parenthood there were 5 pro-lifers out there in front of Planned Parenthood already. What a faithful remnant of pro-lifers. God bless them all.

I handed out some of the flyers, of the upcoming Randall Terry event, to the christian mailman to pass along to his fellow church members tomorrow at his church service. He said that he would. Amen brother in the Lord.

The sweet lady in the car who comes down University Ave. to holler out the window "Thank you" came by this morning. I hollered back "No,thank you for your kindness & support. She's a very nice lady & when she drives by she uplifts my spirit. Thank you Jesus.

I went to Mass at 12:10PM & returned to Plannend Parenthood to wait for a friend, who was buying me lunch & then we going to clean up the rooms at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center for the Randall Terry talk on Monday. I decided to stand on the sidewalk by the tree by Planned Parenthood to hold a sign which read RochesterProlife.Org when the security guard Jim got out of his car which is parked at Planned Parenthood & walked over to me on the sidewalk. It's not very pleasant being around people that work for Planned Parenthood. He proceeded to inform me that he had no beef with us pro-lifers. Maybe he should call the police on Planned Parenthood, for murdering people. Jim we are praying for you & have been for the last 9 years that you've been working there. He also said that it is a boring job but we make it exciting. Jim, you need to "Get a Life" better yet Jim, you need to "Save a Life". You're working for murders of innocent, defend less, voiceless babies. How sick is YOUR job. He also said that I don't listen. Who would want to listen to man of no reason? I don't. He says that it's his job. I said that you have the lowest of all jobs (next to the abortionist & his or her staff). Get a real job that doesn't shed innocent blood Jim. I hope & pray that he repents along with the so called Catholic security guard (retired police officer) Doug, who attends St. Helen's Church. We have told him not to go to Holy Communion until he goes to Confession & never return to Planned Parenthood ever again. This is a sacrilege, a very serious sin a mortal sin. He's damming his own soul & so is Jim for working at Planned Parenthood. Like one pro-lifer puts it " Repent, Hell is forever". I rest my case.


(These are not the real faces of the 2 security guards but look a likes)



Monday October 8, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood


Tonight Mr. Randall Terry blessed us with his presence on the sidewalk. R News was there & they did a great job, even though they had to interview the President of the murderous Planned Parenthood, Carol Love. She made no sense, again. If you want to read what they had on TV then

click here:

The most in creditable moment on R News TV was the airing of the graphic sign of the aborted baby Malachi I was holding,at least for 5 seconds, which is a long time in these events, especially if it's pro-life. They also had a good interview with Randall Terry which he called abortion 'Child Killing', which it is. Unbelievable that they aired this also. Kudos R News. They also showed people gathered together praying the Rosary. Also we were blessed with a mother, father & a little child about 15 months old & they got on TV holding a sign which read "Abortion Kills Children". Also R News showed me using the megaphone talking to the clients of Planned Parenthood, trying to give them our “Truth packet’ filled with a lot of informational pamphlets, phone numbers for help of local Pregnancy Resource Centers, Pro-Life doctor list, ‘Love Matters’ newspaper & a Rosary & how to say it. All these are put in a large plastic bag to protect the materials.

I'm getting younger I could hardly breathe at this point. I called R News Newsroom to thank them & also, because they showed up, channel 10 as well. One good thing is that channel 10 didn't interview 'Head of Murder', Carol Love just the ignorant neighbor Jim who lives across the street from Planned Parenthood. What a goof, both he & Carol Love, the President of Planned Parenthood believe in murdering babies. So sad,so evil. Repent!

I give these 2 channels, R News & 10 credit because they did a great job especially R News. The lowest rating 8 & stuck up 13 never showed up. Your lost!


 Thursday afternoon October 11, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The sidewalk counselor gave away about 7 'Truth packets' this afternoon. She spoke with a lot of women & young girls & got reactions showing the Truth about baby killing with the graphic signs. She even thought she saw tears of 1 supposing Planned Parenthood worker who was walking out of the building to go to lunch? There is Hope.

She spoke with a woman who was pregnant with twins, with a little girl at home but shared that she had, in the past 2 abortions. How sad! Glad that she will not have this pregnancy terminated. Thank God. She thought that Planned Parenthood was good & that they did not kill babies here. The sidewalk counselor set her straight in a loving way.


Saturday morning October 13, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

Before I got to Planned Parenthood, the death security guard Doug (the misguided Catholic) got out of his car & came over to the 2 pro-lifers who were on the sidewalk.  He tryed to justify his presence there at the "Killing Mill". He even said that he & his wife (Where is she in all of this? How come she is allowing her husband to work at a "baby killing mill"?) were going to go to Rome next year. They are using Blood Money for their trip. Ick. I only hope Doug will find the true Catholic faith teaching. He is an accomplice to the crime of "baby killing" by working independently for Planned Parenthood.


I was on the sidewalk when a woman around 60ish. with short grey hair came up the sidewalk. The first thing I thought was that she was a new person & was going to pray the Rosary with the "Lambs of Christ" on the other side in front of Planned Parenthood. I quickly found out I was wrong. The first thing she said to me was "you make me sick". Wow! I said something back like how could you not be bothered by what they are doing in Planned Parenthood by murdering babies. She then walked onto their property towards the "Death Escorts" who were standing by the door & talked to them for a few minutes. Then she walked in the driveway towards the back, I thought that maybe she was getting her car or something. Then she walked over to where the people who were praying then walked towards me again. It finally dawned on me that she was probably Post Abortive & she had seen the R News coverage on Monday & was triggered. She acted like her leg was caught in an animal trap & she was trying to get lose. I spoke to her again as she went passed me & asked her if she had had an abortion earlier in her life. She didn't respond & walked down the side street & disappeared. She is in my prayers & heart as all the people that come on the sidewalk & we encounter.

Like Fr. Corapi said about the people that ask him for prayer, which are hundreds. I first put them in my heart then I give them to the Blessed Mother & ask her to put them in her Heart then she goes to her son Jesus & He then puts them in His Heart & takes care of them. Thank you merciful Lord.


 These are the faces we encounter, at Planned Parenthood, young & old


Saturday evening October 13th. to Niagara Falls

After sidewalk counseling I went with 3 of my pro-life friends to Niagara Falls to hear Fr.Frank Pavone, from Priests for Life, speak at a Banquet there for a fund raiser for one of the local Pregnancy Resource Centers. Fr. Frank said that we are winning, don't give up!! He also said the Mass at the Our Lady of Fatima Shrine & blessed the "Tomb of the Unborn" which was donated by the Knights of Columbus. Thank you Knights. It was a tearful experience. I made some contacts while I was there. One was with a nice lady from Buffalo, Ellen, who is involved with the '40 Days for Life' of prayer & fasting there. She mentioned that towards the end of the '40 Days For Life', which will be November 4th., they are going to do '40 HOURS FOR LIFE' of prayer in front of the abortion mill in Buffalo. So will ROCHESTER! We will be on the sidewalk at Planned Parenthood at 114 University Ave. or in your Church for 40 HOURS of constant prayer. It should be Saturday (all day Saturday) November 3rd at Midnight to Sunday the 4th. till 4pm. If anyone wants to be scheduled for an hour or two @ Church or at Planned Parenthood please call Mary at 218-4051 & we'll make this happen together to 'END CHILD KILLING AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD' through prayer.


 Fr Frank Pavone


Monday October 15, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

What happened Monday was a reminder of why pro-lifers spend so much time down by the abortion clinics. When I arrived around 4:00 p.m. there were four young people waiting inside the Focus Pregnancy Center to speak to someone. They had left Planned Parenthood after waiting for awhile for a pregnancy test. They were nervous and I didn't get the whole story for awhile so I began to show them a videotape that shows the true horrors of abortion. The young man and one of the young woman in the group then told me that they believed that the young woman was pregnant. They told me the high schools that they attended and they commended a Churchville Chili health teacher who had spoken strongly against abortion. I connected them up with another area pregnancy center. I reminded them that if she was pregnant, she was already a Mom and he a Dad- abortion doesn't reverse that. I told them that they had made a mistake but not to make it worse by abortion. I also told them that while they might not be old enough to raise their child, they could give the child up for adoption so that someone else could. Fortunately, both of these young people said that their parents were aware of the situation and were somewhat supportive. My prayers are with them that they have the strength in this difficult situation, if the pregnancy is confirmed, to allow their child to enter the world. All through this situation, even though it took me by surprise, I felt the hand of God and a sense of peace and I truly believe that this young couple is going to do what is right. I gave six 'Truth packets' out this evening . RP


Wednesday evening October 17, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

Our team was there defending life in front of Planned Parenthood tonight. The pro-lifer who sets up the signs on the sidewalk does a great job demonstrating the truth about “baby killing’ at Planned Parenthood. As people drive by they are educated about this horror in Rochester & the country. Some give the bird & others give a beep or thumbs up. Can you imagine that the people who see these pictures of murdered babies can be so disrespectful? How awful!


Our sweet lady who dives bye to say “Thank You” blessed us again this evening. Thank you Mystery Woman.

Two young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & took a ‘Truth packet’ they said that they were there for birth control. We talked with them about not having sex outside of marriage & the side effects of the Pill & to respect ones self. They wanted to see the graphic picture of the aborted baby & said that this was terrible. We agreed. Hope that their lives will change for the better now.

The Rape Counseling meeting was held at Planned Parenthood tonight. I stress for them to check out the

web site

One woman looked like that she will. It’s hard sometimes to read Body Language. Hope I’m right.


A car drove in the parking lot & I said to the young guy driving “what are you doing here?” He let a young girl out of the car & she went in for the meeting. He stopped the car as he was heading out of the parking lot & said to me ”You want to know why I’m here? I’m here to drop off my girlfriend who is volunteering at the Rape Counseling Center” I preceded to tell him that they don’t report statutory rape to which he then responded ”don’t call my girlfriend a slut!”. I said that "I didn’t & shame on you for saying that". He refused a ‘Truth packet’ then drove off. I hope that he gets his hearing checked & his girlfriend will volunteer at a place where they don’t murder babies & deceive people. I’m sure the volunteer’s hearts are in a good place but their bodies aren’t. I hope & pray that they get away from Planned Parenthood.

The FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center was blessed with beautiful 'new' baby clothes from the good people at St. Joseph's Parish in Penfield. Thank you all who gave & God bless you all. Thank you Fr. Jim too. Also I want to thank especially Marie & Karen Wilson & friend who made this a Girl Scout project. Hope you get a new badge!


Thursday afternoon October 18, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

I was given this information by the sidewalk counselor who was out in front of Planned Parenthood this afternoon. There were many young couples there today. Baby killing was happening. Many disturbing incidents where the girls were coming out of Planned Parenthood walking gingerly after their abortions. Some boyfriends or husbands were waiting in the car or in the building. How sick. Take responsibility for your actions, both of you. Having your baby killed is no answer & you will find this out someday. Hopefully you will repent for this horrific sin against Almighty God.


The sidewalk counselor confronted a young woman driving out of Planned Parenthood & said to the counselor "Aren't you preaching to the choir"? (I don't think that this is the choir at PP) and "Why don't you mind your own business" & "I'm a Med Student (Heaven forbid). To which the counselor replied to the young girl that since abortion has been legalized in 1973 one-third of your generation has been murdered by abortion.

Check out Abort 73

She also told the her about abortion & birth control & their effects. She also refused the 'Truth packet'. A Med Student who thinks that she knows it all is scary. She then drove off in a huff. Just please don't ever show up at my bedside dear doctor to be.










"Safe Haven"---




Please pray for a sidewalk counselor who was stung by a wasp and rushed to the ER. She had a severe reaction and could not breathe. She was at an abortion clinic doing sidewalk counseling when she was stung. Thank God you are okay now, dear lady.


Saturday morning October 20, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood


A different Saturday for us. My partner & I ventured to Seneca Falls to protest Planned Parenthood's VOX Conference (which meams Voice in Latin). I don't know whose Voice they are talking about because it sure isn't the voice of the unborn or most Americans in regards to abortion. This is a group that targets the college age females to indoctrinate them to Planned Parenthood's way of thinking, which is sick. This is VOX, in Planned Parenthood's own words. [[Vox: Voices for Planned Parenthood is a program to educate and mobilize students and youth in support of reproductive health and rights. Vox groups across the country organize public events, educate their peers, support their local Planned Parenthood health centers, and mobilize students and other young people to speak out for reproductive rights and access to reproductive health services. Vox members get involved! We organize and let politicians know that our reproductive choices are important to us and must be protected. Join us!]] I hope NOT. Well, I can say that my partner & I sort of joined them today but in a way that they didn't like. We went to the Holiday Inn, in Seneca Falls, & protested their VOX Conference, to which we think 12 misguided women showed up for. We were at the entrance, of the Inn, showing Reproductive Rights graphic pictures of aborted babies. Why were they so upset? Isn't this what they are fighting for? To be be able to do this to their baby? How confusing! The Managers of the Holiday Inn came out & told my partner to move off the grass because he was their property. He told them it was the imp easement & not their property. I said that we were here because of Planned Parenthood. To which the female Manager replied that I had my opinion & they had theirs. To which I replied that I do hope that you will not have them back here next year to collect more 'Blood Money'. My partner then said "Next year, if you do, we'll have 10 more people with us". Then the male worker then said "You just made a threat, you just threatened us" to which I snickered & said "A threat is when one threatens ones personhood by stating to cause harm or death to that person". That's not what was said. They both then just walked away back into the Inn. The people driving bye were mostly unresponsive, I feel that's because they mostly were in shock. The average person doesn't know what 'Baby Killing' looks like. They've been told that it is just a clump of tissue & if you don't want it in your body an longer you can just go to Planned Parenthood or an abortionist to get it scraped out. WHAT A LIE! If you are pregnant then you are going to have a 'baby' not a clump of tissue. A grandfather, driving bye, gave us the 'bird' as his granddaughter was looking at the pictures out her window. How sad of you Grandpa, it's a good thing that she didn't see you do that. A VOX girl pulled in the Holiday Inn driveway for the conference & gave me the 'bird' to which I replied "Repent, Hell is forever". A car with 3 people pulled out of the driveway from Ontario & was very receptive to what we were doing out there. I went over to them & gave them a 'Truth packet' to which they said "Thank you" & left. Wow! The non Americans was the most friendly. I said to them "Thank you".
A man was walking on the property of the Holiday Inn & came over to us when I said to the girls going in the hotel that Planned Parenthood kills babies & doesn't care about you. He then came right over & said "Not only are you showing propaganda but speaking it too". He also said in regards to the graphic pictures that these were not embryos". I asked if he had been involved in an abortion & he stated he absolutely had". My partner talked mostly to him but the conversation just went around & around & around. He said that he was a Psychiatrist & treated children. How ironic. We talked to him for a long time & he just didn't want to put any personhood to these children, in the womb. I then showed him my little plastic 10 week old baby & his attitude then changed. I think that the good Lord touched his heart. He shook my partner's hand & I went over to shake his. I asked him his name & gave him ours. We will be praying for his continual healing, conversion & reparation for his sin of abortion & that he will ask Jesus to forgive him, which He will. Check out: RACHEL'S VINEYARD @
Then the police came. Two police cars drove in the Holiday Inn & was in there for about 15 minutes or so. Then they walked over to us. I said "Hello officers. We're just acting out our Constitutional right to Freedom of Speech". They said that they agreed & we had a nice conversation with them. No problems. The Sergeant even said that we had a right to the grass to where the pole was. He even preferred it for 'our safety'. I don't believe it! Someone who cares about us. I just want to thank Sergeant Kelly & his partner (I didn't get his name & I apologize for that. My partner & I prayed for pro-life police & God answered our prayers. The encounter was pleasant. Pro-lifers do have rights.

As we were protesting a young man walked passed us & I said "Would you like a packet of information?" He replied back "No, I agree with you". To which I said "Thank you" & he continued to walk down the street. Thank you Lord. The young people know that they could have been aborted since 1973 so easily.
On the front lines at Planned Parenthood in Rochester, I was told, went well. There were 4 pro-lifers witnessing the Truth to Planned Parenthood's victims. They gave out 3 'Truth packets'. Great job guys & gal! I guess we can go away again another time & leave you all in charge. Though God is really in charge in whatever we do. Praise God!

Monday was quiet- we gave away 4-5 packets. One young woman was going to rape crisis at Planned Parenthood. She talked to us and said that she was a Christian and was very pro-life and so was glad to get information about other places such as
Compass Care  or
Embracing Options
for her to go for rape referrals & counseling instead of coming back to Planned Parenthood. That was very positive but on the negative side another woman went in with her young daughter and this woman, when offered a packet, would only say, "It's a woman's choice". That mentality is why her daughter is growing up in a generation that is one-fourth to one-third missing- the victims of this kind of "choice". RP

Wednesday evening October 24, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

There were 2 pro-lifers out tonight due to an illness of one of the other sidewalk counselors. Two young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & were now driving out of the driveway. They stopped the car to tell me that they were not in PP for an abortion & that they were nice people & if a girl can't have here baby then PP will help her. Sure Planned Parenthood will help her alright only to kill her baby. I said to the girls that where did you get these ideas? First of all PP is not nice, they murder people in there & second of all once you're pregnant you are suppose to stay pregnant until the baby is born. They drove off.

Two young girls walking out of Planned Parenthood, at different times, took a 'Truth packet'. I was so glad, now they have a chance in life.

I couldn't stay late tonight because the other Pro lifer needs to leave at 6PM but I made the most of it with God's help. I know when I am weak I am strong because God takes over where I can not. He is in charge not me. I told the girls that I cared about them & that they were in my heart & in my prayers. Just then 2 young girls came out of the building, one was on the phone. I said to them both that I had some important information for them. The one girl, on the phone, told the other girl to tell me to "Shut up" but she was nicer than that. She just said "No thank you, we are okay". I felt like saying "No, you are not okay if you came out of PP" but I didn't. I felt that I needed to be real gentle with them. I was so glad when they started to walk over towards me, on the sidewalk, to which I offered them the 'Truth packet' once more. The girl who was on the phone said "No" & the other girl said the same thing as she said to me earlier. Then all of a sudden the first girl who wanted for me to 'Shut Up' turned around & said to me "I'll take one after all" I gave her the packet & they both walked down the street together. I almost cried or maybe I did cry from this experience. Thank you Jesus for your graces, through the Virgin Mother, that changes hearts. Now they have a chance for a 'New Beginning' & to get the real help that they need & deserve.





Thursday afternoon October 24, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

Our sweet & prayerful sidewalk counselor is sick today & couldn't come out. But our faithful two male prayer warriors did come out today to pray for the people going into Planned Parenthood. Great jobs faithful duo. God bless you for being there. You did make a difference.


Saturday morning October 26, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

When I got on the sidewalk at Planned Parenthood I started to set up the signs, as a witness, on the street. I passed out some flyers, for our ‘40 Hours of Prayer for Life’ at Planned Parenthood next weekend, to the Lambs of Christ. Two young girls came down the sidewalk & they said that they were going into PP for Hip Teen Program. I told them that I wouldn’t give them the “Truth packets’ until they come out because some of the girls are leaving them in Planned Parenthood or they are asked to give them to the staff there. They said that they would put them in their back packs & they did. I was happy.



A man, with alcohol on his breathe, came up the street & we asked him if he wanted a Rosary to which he replied “Yes” then went to say that his girlfriend aborted 3 of his children, didn’t know about until she had already done it. He was now going for a divorce from his wife, who was not the same women who aborted his children. She, the ex-girlfriend went on to marry & have some children. The man said “She killed my kids but kept his”. I only wished that she didn’t kill any kids. I gave him a pamphlet which was only for men hurting from abortion. He said that there should be more help for men to which I ran into the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center to get him some more literature from our recourse table. He was grateful with the additional material. God bless you dear man. I hope that you will find healing for yourself & to be able to forgive the woman who had your children killed. What a hard road you’re on.

Check this site Post Abortive Men:



The other sidewalk counselor was on the sidewalk was praying the Rosary when another young girl walked up the sidewalk. She was walking passed me & I started speaking with her. She said that she was going into Planned Parenthood for the Hip Teen Program & I started to tell her about the ‘Truth packet’ when all of a sudden I saw the two death escorts Sylvia Rose & Barry Whitehead approaching us on the sidewalk. I started to say “Get away from us, Go”, for they are a threat to our ministry. Then I found that Barry Whitehead was in my face, he had crossed over yellow line. He was confronting me with his body. I felt like they were coming over to kidnap this young girl. She walked with them into Planned Parenthood. The trauma I felt as this evil acing man was in my face brought back the some of the traumas I experienced in my past. These people are evil acting. They act as accomplices to the murders which take place in Planned Parenthood. They are the ones who drive the get away car in a bank robbery they are still guilty of the crime which was committed in the bank. My heart was raising & I felt sick to my stomach. The only consolation was that the young girl wasn’t going there for an abortion or for birth control. I t hen called the police. The 911 operator was rude. I told her about the incident & she asked me what they were wearing & when I told her that they were wearing aprons that read Planned Parenthood on them she then said “What are you saying that they have no pants on”. O boy! I told her t hat they cover their clothing or coats with the blue PP apron. She then said that she would send a police car to the scene. I had witnesses which saw it all. Two police cars arrived about 10 minutes later. Both officers got out of their cars & one walked over to me. As this was happening, the Catholic retired police officer / security guard of Planned Parenthood (Doug Salisbury) got out of his car & walked over to the second policeman with a smirk on his betrayal face. I explained the incident to the officer & he then asked me some questions to which I replied. He then walked away from me & headed towards the other 2 men. He came back with the same attitude & said that no arrests will be made. I wanted to talk with him some more but he walked away. The officers never spoke with the other sidewalk counselor who was also there for this incident & neither officers spoke with the 2 death escorts who got in our faces. How do you say, I feel the bias. As he was walking away the other sidewalk counselor said to him “Have a blessed day, we will be praying for you”. As the other officer was getting in his car I said to him “That if one if your children needed protecting I would protect them too. Can anyone make a difference?


Monday October 29, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

There were 4 of us Monday. Jim brought Linda and then a mailman named Francis showed up (he said he knows you).

I had brought seven packets and was able to give them away in the first 40 minutes. We ended up giving away 10 packets altogether. The bad part was that Planned Parenthood was very busy. We talked to a lot of young people not just about the evil of abortion but the dangers of sexual promiscuity. Many people seemed open to our message. We had only a few really negative people today but a good amount of positive. RP


Wednesday evening October 31, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

There was 2 sidewalk counselors & a prayer warrior tonight. A car had stopped along side of us, on the sidewalk, & a young black man said that he agreed with us as being against abortion. He said that he was a pastor & was heading for church service, He said that he crys over abortion & was aware of Planned Parenthood's murdering of babies. He said that he was aware of Embracing Options Pregnancy Center which I also praised for all the great work that they do in trying to save lives & win souls to Christ. He was a sensitive man of God with his heart in the right place for God's little ones. I do hope to see him again. He took 2 'Truth packets' to pass on to others. If he needs more he certainly knows where to find me. As I was talking to this young man a car that just pulled out of Planned Parenthood stopped her car to get a 'Truth packet' Praise God!

Two girls came out of Planned Parenthood & I offered them a packet of information to which they replied "No thank you". But the one girl was curious & started to walk over to which her girlfriend was swaying her to get into the car. I said "Don't pay attention to her you come on over and get a packet to which she did, with a smile on her face. I told her that she could share it with her friend.

Since this was Halloween a girl drove in dressed as a devil. I said that you already abide in this place, meaning the devil. We offered her the truth about Planned Parenthood but she wouldn't listen. Maybe someday when her life is in shambles she will. How sad that some have to get to that point before they listen & change their lives. Better late than never I guess. Oh what pain that they now have to go through, if only they would listen to the Truth & act on it earlier before their world collapses. We are out there to help them all.

The father of the 3 aborted babies, from last Saturday, walked bye & had the Rosary that we gave him around his neck for comfort. I'm sure that the Blessed Mother is helping him to heal & is bringing him closer to her son Jesus. That's her job. We were so glad to see a smile on his face. Amen.


 Thursday afternoon November 1, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood


This was reported to me by the sidewalk counselor who was there with 2 other prayer warriors.

Two young girls came out of Planned Parenthood and walked over to see the sign that the counselor was holding. The one girl looked at it & said "What is this?" to which the counselor stated that this is a precious little baby. The girl asked "How old is this baby?" To which the counselor repliesd "This baby is about 2 months old". Then the young girl said "I just had an abortion & MY BABY was 2 months old". She then began to cry hard. The counselor held her & said for her to ask Jesus to forgive her & that her baby will forgive her too. The counselor gave the 'Truth packet' to her friend for further help for them both. For they both will need it. Her road will be long & hard & so will her friend that brought her there, to so-call support her in this death decision. You both are in the daily prayers of prolifers.

 I named your daughter Margaret & she is praying for you.


Planned Parenthood takes lives & also ruins lives too.


Saturday morning November 3, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

This is the 40 Hours of 'Prayer for Life' this weekend from Saturday morning @ 12:01 AM to Sunday afternoon @ 4 PM. A total of 30 people showed up on the sidewalk, in front of Planned Parenthood, to pray. People also prayed in the Churches. Thank you all for your prayers & support!

I arrived at Planned Parenthood this morning to find that there were 4 pro lifers already there. They were talking to a woman who needed some money to take a bus trip back to Dansville. She had been pregnant but she said that she had a miscarriage. They gave her enough money for her trip.

Jim Templeton, the death security guard, was at Planned Parenthood this morning. Last weeks Catholic retired police officer Doug, wasn't there today. I e-mailed his Pastor at St. Helen's Church this past week & informed him of what Doug Salisbury does on some Saturday mornings at Planned Parenthood's abortion mill. What a scandal! I asked the Pastor to speak to him & I will follow through on this. I also told the new death escorts that they are not to come to the sidewalk & get in our faces. I think that they agreed. I also said that the incident with the 2 death escorts that got in the 2 sidewalk counselors faces, last week, was not finished by a long shot. I received a letter from a Lawyer that stated: "The police are trying very hard to fight violent crime in the City & therefore should not be acting as a private security force for a very wealthy, private enterprise. If this situation had been reversed & you & another protester had either interfered with the escorts, even if that protester had not gotten in anyone's face, we all know that the protester would have been arrested. The double standard in not acceptable in American law. Letters to the Mayor, Police Chief & City Council about this problem."


I reminded the security guard Jim Templeton today that once he said to me "I love it when the police are called on you pro lifers then you make this job exciting otherwise this is a boring job". Today he denied that he said this. Poor Jim you're losing it. Maybe it's time for a change for a less boring job as for working for Planned Parenthood & collecting innocent blood money. Maybe you'll sleep better & your soul will not be in jeopardy of going to Hell.

People came bye on the sidewalk saying their Rosaries FOR 'LIFE' TO END ABORTION & TO BE A WITNESS TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD'S VICTIMS THAT COME TO THAT PLACE. I set up a table of cidar & donuts. I think the bees were happy. Poor Martha get out of there before they sting you again & you end up in the Emergency Room again. She was saved from any bee attacks.



A Gentleman on a bike stopped on the street & spoke with me. He looked at our graphic signs of aborted babies he said to me, “Is this what they do here”? I said “Yes”. He then said “I didn’t know that. I thought that this place helps girls. They advertise on WDKX radio & they say that they are helping girls”. I said ‘That Planned Parenthood helps girls to have their babies killed”. He then said “I have a niece that is pregnant & she better not come here to have an abortion.” I said “Not here or anywhere else.” He said “Yea, I’m going to talk with her & then he took a ‘Truth packet’ filled with information & help & off he went down the street. Praise God for this Uncle who will be a ‘Life Saver.’

This encounter was quite painful for me. This occurred at 12:30 AM when I & six gentlemen were out, in front of Planned Parenthood, to pray from 12 midnight to 1AM. We all were saying the rosary when a middle aged woman came out of the side street onto University Ave. She walked right up to me & asked what this was all about. I said that we were praying to end abortion. She then said "It was okay if it was from a rape". I said "No it was not". She said that she had been raped & had an abortion but she was forgiven. Then I asked her if she was truly sorry for the abortion. She said that she was not. I said to her that she was not forgiven, for she had to be truly sorry for taking a life. She said that she was raped, that it wasn't consensual. I said that it wasn't your fault but it wasn't the fault of the baby either to be conceived & that the baby shouldn't die for the violent crime of the father. I said that he should be jail to which she replied that he was. She got very angry at me but took a Rosary & thanked me for it. I stressed that she would be forgiven of her sin if she confessed it with a sincere heart. People don't realize the seriousness of this sin against God & upon ones own soul. Remember that this little person didn't ask to be conceived but the Good Lord allowed it & that is enough for me. A woman can't get over a rape but in time it isn't as painful anymore but she can never get over an abortion, which is painful all the time. This woman was also in prison, in her mind, for what she had done to her baby. Yes, even in a rape this little person who is there now is hers too not totally the rapist. It's not the victim nor the baby's fault. Adoption is an option never abortion. A life is a life is a life. We cannot play God. God didn't say life was going to be easy only that He would be with us through it all Trust in Him.


Monday November 5, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

Monday was cold, wet and dark. Jim, Linda, Francis and I were there. Unlike last week, this week only 1 person took a packet. We prayed the rosary and offered up the weather.

On Sunday, during the 40 Hours of Prayer for Life, I arrived at 11:00 A.M. One of our new pro-lifers, Mark, arrived a few minutes later. Shortly after 11:30, three members of the Burke family arrived. We all prayed the rosary in front of the quiet abortion mill. I left around noon. RP


Wednesday  November 7, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

Some girls were receptive to the Truth of our words & graphic signs.  We gave away the 'Truth packets' to them.  The typicial people driving bye that have probably been involved either directly or indirectly in abortion showed us their finger, as if we don't know that they have 10 just like us.  Poor babies.   The Good Lord will deal with them someday, if they don't repent, which we hope & pray that they will soon.  The girls have that  'lost look ' on their faces, which is so hard to bear.   Planned Parenthood takes them to a dark place & some of them really think that they are helping them.  How misguided.  How is poison & murder going to help anyone.  We pray that the staff at PP will also repent for the evil that they do in the name of killing children through abortion & contraception.  

The weather is turning cold but we expected that.  We've been through it  for the past 11 years & with the grace of God we'll get through it again. 


Thursday   November 8,  2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The afternoon crowd that are taking the lives of their children are brutal.  Some are so misguided & have believed a lie, for so long, do to their naiveness & probably having no real parental guidance or structure or love in their upbringing.  Others are inconveienced by their surprise pregnancies due to having had sex.  I wonder if they know that it's sex that makes a baby & sometimes they go hand in hand.  So due to their selfishness they have their babies murdered by Planned Parenthood & they pay for it.  I wonder how some of them feel when they get their credit card bill the next month & having to start paying for their abortion on the installment plan.  We are a cold & heartless people.  They prople are angry because killing their babies is not private for we expose the Truth by being outside the killing mill Planned Parenthood when they are doing it.  They will someday see their babies& if they don't repent then they will be flung down to Hell for all eternity never to see them again.  The Lord has all Eternity to punish all sinners that have not repented.  For those who have repented they will see their babies & be with them in Heaven for all Eternity,  Which one do you choose?  


Saturday morning  November 10, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

 I was not on the street for very long this morning, another pro-lifer & I were invited to hear Janet Morana  from Priests for Life speak at a luncheon at Keenans. 

 The 'Truth packets' were being handed out by another sidewalk counselor & people were being helped. 

I was blessed to have gone to hear Janet Morana at the Hario East this evening & I learned so much more about what is happening by other prolifers around the country.  Thanks Janet for the great job you & Fr. Frank Pavone are doing  to promote & protect "Life".  It was great seeing my fellow pro-life friends & sharing & with them in the fight against the  grave sin of Abortion.


Monday November 12, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood


About 7 ‘Truth packets’ went out to the people in the dark & cold of the evening.  Two Girl Scouts wanted to take my & a fellow pro-lifers picture in the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center for their Girl Scout badge.  They had worked through St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, in Penfield, to get donations of baby clothes for our Pregnancy Center.  Beautiful clothes for our beautiful new babies!  We give out baby clothes & stuffed animals to our clients or anyone who needs them.  Anyone is welcomed to obtain baby clothes just call Mary @ 218-4051 & she will assist you.  Thank you Girl Scouts for your hard work & thank you St. Joseph parishioners for your generosity to our Center & the Moms who we serve.  God Bless.


The threats of assault against Pro-life Christians continue.  

In Denver the police have to be present to protect Pro-lifers as they picket outside the homes of the contractors who are enriching themselves with blood money by building a new Planned Parenthood abortion facility.

The fact that the neighbors are more upset by the presence of peaceful picketers, rather than the fact that Planned Parenthood will be killing babies, is unfathomable.

The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission (CADC) is monitoring the situation to make sure that the police really do protect the Christians and their all their First Amendment rights. Learn more at

Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly agreed on a recent broadcast that anti-Christian hostility is on the increase. He lamented that there does not seem to be anyone who is willing to stand, "I don't know who's going to do it?"  The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission (CADC) is taking a stand!

In a time when fatal shootings at church facilities are increasing (at least 10 in the last 4 years) we have to take physical threats seriously. Attacks on Christians are not new, but they are increasing and more dangerous.  The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission CADC) is here to help!

If you have been the victim, or witnessed incidents of anti-Christian defamation, discrimination or bigotry, we want to hear from you!

We are here to stand with you for Christ. 


Dr. Gary L. Cass
Chairman / CEO
Christian Anti-Defamation Commission

POPO Box 39875, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33308  1(866)-508-2232


Nov 23 & 24th in Philadelphia, Pa. for the Pro-Life Conference

The morning of the Rescue


I got up at 4:30  Saturday morning and got dressed with more clothes as usual due to the cold.  Went downstairs to the Mass in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel.  Father gave a great pro-life family homily and we received the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus.  The healer & deliverer of our souls.  After Mass we gathered together all 50 of us pro-lifers to get last minute instructions on the up coming rescue at the Women's Health Clinic, abortion mill, in the heart of Philadelphia.  We walked down the street with the garbage sprawled all over the sidewalks smelling like rotten trash.  I held my nose.  I got to speak with Father as we were walking he is an navy Chaplin and I was blessed by his ministry.  I turned the corner and there was a big brick building on the cold dark side street.  I stayed on the corner hoping to approach the girls as they turn the corner to go down the street to the abortion mill.  Just then, Randall Terry came up to me and said for me to go further down the street to where the girls were.  They were already there.  I started to talk with the girls not to have their babies killed.  We wanted to help them.  There were maybe four other local sidewalk counselors in action.  I went around the building, to the front of it, where Police were blocking the doors.  They also were at the side entrance too.  The manager of the killing mill was identified to me & I never let up on her after that.   She was petite with blonde hair and very nervous going from door to door in a frenzy.  She was going back and forth screaming F.A.C.E Act, how sad.  I then found myself in the parking lot, next to the other side of the building, trying along with two other Side Walk Counselors to talk to two young girls who were heading to their car.  There was a young man in the driver’s seat that let them in.  We pleaded with them to go home and showed them pictures of babies.  I took out my rosary and told them that this was not the answer and that she was carrying a little baby girl.  The guy in the car looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, kind of like a smirk, it made me cringe.  I left the counselors and then tried to identify the older man who was driving a red sports car talking with someone from the death mill.  I told the local people and they thought that he was the anesthesiologist not the abortionist because he had a mustache & this guy didn’t.  I was now on the sidewalk where I saw two black women, one was holding a baby, going towards the blocked doors.  The grandmother left with the baby in a blanket and the abortion manager put the girl, along with another girl, in a white van.  I stayed there & pleaded with the two girls the in the van not to have an abortion & that we were there to help them.  Two other girls were put into a car next to the van and the sidewalk counselor spoke in love to them not to have their babies killed.

  There was a black police officer with a big hat and black sunglasses.  I said to him that Planned Parenthood abortion industry is targeting the black race. He replied “Your coming awfully close in sounding like a racist”.  I really flipped.  I then proclaimed to him this with an absurd remark and no wonder that they are successfully killing off your race.  He sounded like David Gantt, our local Assemblyman, when I said to him that Planned Parenthood was killing off his race, that I was trying to not have that happen. He said that “No white person has ever helped a black person".  Again how racist of them both.  No wonder why the black race is being eliminated.  Mario, from Operation Rescue, stood there talking with the police officers and trying to convince then that they could protect the babies more!

 The death escorts just stared at us without saying anything.  Eye to eye, one on one.  Speaking to them was like speaking to a wall.  It was like hell.  On the street people were still blocking the doors and the police were still there.  People were giving their testimonies and singing songs. 

 No abortions were performed today all six girls went home.  Thank God!!!!




Saturday, December 8, 2007 at the Focus Center



We were blessed to have Fr. Tony Mugavero say the Mass @ 21 Noon for the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center.  The blessings were endless.  We had 34 people come to celebrate this beautiful east day.  It was awesome to have the Lord present in our center.  The people were joyous.  Fr. Tony gave a great homily and we all sat there breathless.  A portable DVD was donated by Aaron & Kathy De Rooy for our street ministry & the pregnancy center. Now we can show the girls, on the street & in the center, what an abortion looks like & Growth & Development pictures of the baby in the womb.   What a teaching tool.  Thank you God & the De Rooys, what a gift!  After Mass we had Martha’s great chili, soooo good.  We also a cheese spread and some delicious deserts.  Thanks for all who donated these foods that we so enjoyed.




A surprise was given to the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center by Fr. Tony.  He gave us a large picture of the Lord crying holding an aborted baby with blood on His robe kneeling down.  We have it hung on the wall in the Center, what a witness to others to how God feels about the killing of is children.  Thank you Fr. Tony and God bless you always. We all love you & thankful for all that you do for the Lord, we the people & Pro-life.   You are special.


What a great afternoon with the Lord & all the good people who help us make the center possible to help to save lives. 


Monday, December 10, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The weather was cold and the two faithful pro-lifers were out in front of Plannrd Parenthood to help give the Truth to the girls & guys going into the Killing Mill.  One person came over to the guys, on the street, and exclaimed that he was an atheist.  One of the sidewalk counselors talked with him for awhile & helped him get the truth about God. 


Wednesday, December 12, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

We have lights on the streets in fron of the aborted baby posters.  We want to make sure that the people on the streets can see what abortion is really like when it gets dark during the winter months. 

Six young people walked by us on the sidewalk & said that they hated Planned Parenthood.  We gave them the 'Truth' packets.  They were happy to get them.  We said to them to pray for Planned Parenthood's staff, that they will repent. 


Thursday, December 13, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The victims were going into the death mill to have their babies killed this afternoon.  One couple after anther going into the slaughter house.  As the sidewalk counselor was witnessing to the people a man came over to her, on the sidewalk and stated for her to be quiet.  He stated that his wife was in their to save their baby and what was this all about.  The he got upset and stated that Planned Parenthood wouldn't let him in to be with his wife and didn't seem to know what was going on and seemed agitated.  If his wife was having a pregnancy problem one wouldn't come to Planned Parenthood to save the baby but would go to the nearest hospital.  I hope and pray that was the case he will find out someday it would ruin him and their so called marriage. I only hope that wasn't the case though it has  happened before to men.

One couple came in looked at the pictures of the aborted babies and stayed in the car for a little while and then left.  Praise God!  They decided not to do this to their baby.  When he or she is born they will be glad that they went home that day.  We have found that even if a parent or parents went for an abortion and changed  their minds, thank God, they usually feel guilty after the baby is born,  It's like how could I or we even thought or attempted to kill this beautiful sweet baby.  God will forgive and so will your child.  He or she will be glad to have been born and not aborted.

Two girls going into pp for hip teen took a truth packet.  I stressed that they put them in their back pack. 

 Saturday, December 15, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The 3 pro-lifers were on the sidewalk witnessing the truth to the people on the streets & in Planned Parenthood's parking lot.  The Planned Parenthood security guard got out of his car & started to harass the female counselor.  She told him nicely a thing or two.  Next time stay in your car Jim & stare at the building where 25,000 people have been murdered since 1993 and you do nothing in trying to save a life.  You are part of the problem.  Those who are apathic to the killing of pre born babies REPENT!!! 


Saturday, Dec. 22 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

 When I got on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood my partner was over on the other side of the sidewalk praying with the Lambs of Christ.    The war against evil had started.  As I was getting out of my car parked on the street a young girl was walking down the street.  I gently approached here and asked if she was going into pp and she stated that she was going to hip teen.  As I was speaking to her the death escort of Planned Parenthood was walking towards us.  I put up my hand to indurate not to come near us and she stopped and went back to the doors.  PP is in bed with SMH where they murder babies, they are co-horts with the hip teen program.  The cars came in and the clients are mostly rough.  They are angry because we are there giving them the truth and some people just don't like the truth because then they would have to change.  They don't want to.
  I was relieved to have anther prayer warrior come join me.  I asked a pro-lifer if he could use the mega phone to sidewalk counsel while I was away.  He said "Yes" and off I went to the center to get more 'Truth' packets and more street signs.  He did a great job for his first time. 
 The pro abortion Doug was there as the death security guard and the death escort Sylvia Rose was there shoveling the sidewalk.  I said to her if she died of a heart attack where would you go.  Only God knows.  He said in the bible that "Now is the acceptible time"  Repent now !  Don't wait!

Wednesday Dec 26, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

I didn't have to work today so I suggested that the Pro life team come out earlier today.  My partner and I met at noon Mass and went over to the killing mill Planned Parenthood as 1pm.  We set up on the sidewalk and anther pro lifer joined us at 1:20 pm and another at 1:45 pm.  My partner and I were the closest to the yellow line when a SUV drove in and the women driving gave us the bird with her young son in the car. She was so mad that we were there that she drove right up onto the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood.  She got of the van very angry with her son of about 7 or 8 years old.  She screamed over to us I'm here for birth control.  I started that it causes an early abortion and your son could loose his brother or sister.  My partner asked if she was post abortion because she was so hostile.  She went into Planned Parenthood with her poor son.  Many cars came into the horrible place.  The four of us pro lifers were busy.  We spoke to the girls going into this place of death.  My partner had to leave and as he left I went into the focus pregnancy help center to get more truth packets because we had given some  away.  As I came back to the sidewalk I saw that the police were parked in the street right in the front of pp.  The other pro lifers was on the mega phone stating the truth to the policeman who was talking to someone by the door.  As I walked closer to the yellow line I noticed that the police officer was speaking to the women with the young boy that my partner and I spoke with earlier.  A young man was also speaking with the officer, which I didn't recognize as seeing going into the abortion mill.   She spotted me and I could see that she became more agitated.  She walked over to her SUV and stated that she was having me arrested for "child harassment"  I knew that the dear lord would protect me.  As she left the parking lot I was standing on the sidewalk holding Malachi, our sweet aborted baby, with a sad look on my face because I knew that she had probably been involved with abortion probably though the birth control she was there for.  She gave me her finger, which one of the oldest pro lifer would say that was there IQ, as her son was looking at me at least behaves and then she burned rubber as she left planned parenthood.  How sad this incident was.  The police officer walked over to his car and started to go into the car when he got out due to the fact that anther police car was now on the scene.  They talked and then went into their cars and left.  God is good for I know that in other cities the good pro lifers would have been arrested.  I must admit that the Rochester police dept as been very fair to us pro lifers on the sidewalk.  God is good. 

The rest of the time we were out there was blessed.  We spoke to the girls giving them information and hope.  A pregnant woman walked by and we offered her some  baby clothes.  She was having a baby  boy so the other sidewalk counselor took her to the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center to get baby clothes.  Mom was so happy to get new clothes for baby. 

Earlier as I was helping to set up the signs on the sidewalk, I was told that the space next to the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center was going to be used as a tattoo parlor.  Maybe we can witness to their unfortunate clients.


Thursday, December 27, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood


This was a cold and difficult time on the street where they are murdering little babies at Planned Parenthood.  The team is faithful.  A young girl came out of pp and walked passed the sidewalk counselor and said that she was pregnant.  The counselor spoke with her and gave her a ‘Truth’ packet with helpful information and important phone numbers.  She looked a little peeked and Martha said to her that we have baby clothes for her baby and she smiled and told her that everything will work out and proceeded to tell her that she is a mother of 5 and it didn’t kill her.   


Couples were going into Planned Parenthood and Martha and Frank were speaking truth to them.  The people in the cars were somewhat friendly today, lot of thumbs up and good honking.  I wish that they would come out to join us in defending life. 


Friday,  Dec 28, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

This is the feast day of the Holy Innocents where Harod set forth to kill all boys under 2 years old, hoping that he would kill the Messiah.  The slaughter of the innocents where innocent blood was shed.  Today we are doing the same thing where Planned Parenthood is Harod and is killing thousands of babies yearly, shedding innocent blood.

There were three of us on the sidewalk.  Two sidewalk counselors and one peaceful protester who was standing across the street with three graphic signs as a witness to the people coming out of Planned Parenthood.

A women with two children 1 boy and 1 young girl walked up the street.  She stopped to look at the graphic signs and her young children asked questions about the babies on the signs.  The mom said that she was pregnant and was going into Planned Parenthood to get her pregnancy results to receive public assistance.  We offered her baby clothes and her and her children went to the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center with the other counselor.  They came back and walked passed me with a bag of clothes and each child had a new stuffed animal to hold.  She thanked us again and I asked her to come bye after her baby was born we would like to see her and her family again.  We always stress no sex before marriage but if that happens and a pregnancy takes place we are there to help mom and babies. 

 I offered a 'Truth' packet to a young girl who just came out of Planned Parenthood and she said "Yes" and came over. I asked her if she was married and she said "No".  I stated that she should not be having sex and that it was a serious sin against God.  To regain her self worth and that if he really loved her, he would not be having sex with her but would be respecting her and her body.  She agreed.  She then stated that she was there for a IUD.  I stated that it is a baby killing device 100% of the time.  She took the 'Truth' packet and I stated the information about the IUD was included in the packet.  She seemed uneasy with this information but thanked me and walked away
    A guy drove in with a female and he gave me the bird which is a sexual gesture really means an assault as a rape.  I told him so.  I also tell the girls that gave me the finger also.  Let them degrade themselves if they want to, not me.  How sad!
   Another girl came over to us and took the 'Truth' packet.  She said that she was taking the Pill but not taking it right for she worried about all the side effects.  I asked if she was married and she said "No".  Even if she was married the Pill acts as an abortion causing agent.  We always stress no sex before marriage.  I said "Why doesn't he marry you" and she said "That maybe after he graduates".  So young these kids are.  She then said that she has a 8 month old baby by him.  I asked the ages when she got pregnant.  She was 17 and he was 18.  I'm so glad that they chose life and not abortion but people "no sex before marriage" obey the law of God and you will not have to worry about pregnancy.  Why do you think you have to talk these steroids like the Pill and the Depo shots etc. they kill your babies and mess up your health and dam your soul?  Why worry about sexual transmitted diseases and poor self worth and esteem.  A happier life you would have if you throw the pills away and don't have sex with your boyfriend until your married.  Ask for God's blessings and strength to do the right thing.  We have a Rosary and how to say the Rosary in every packet the Blessed Mother will help the girls.  A women who was at the Vets, across the street, said to me that Planned Parenthood does some good things.  I said that if a mass murder does some good things he is still a mass murder.  Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything good.  I saw that she was advertising the gay rainbow on her car that she was a lesbian women and I stressed to her repent and she gave me her finger.  I only hope that she will.

 I was standing on the sidewalk when a car drove bye me and stopped. “Hi Mary” he said.  Hi Sgt. Maddox did I do something wrong I just got here in front of Planned Parenthood?   He said “No, I was just in the area for something and I spotted you, just be careful out here”.  I said that I would be careful.  He said that what he was worried about a car coming, on the sidewalk, and hitting us.  I said that won’t happen so don’t worry.  We talked a little longer and he wished me a Happier New Year and I wished Sgt. Bob the same.  It was good seeing him. 

Saturday Dec 29, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood

The recent pro lifers were there on the sidewalk when I arrived.  They were talking to a man who had a dog on a leash.  I was introduced to Louis and dog Tucker.  We all laughed because that's the name of one of our pro lifers.  We invited him to join us on the streets and he said that Wednesday was a good day for him.  He took my phone number and said that he would pray about it.  He said that the Lord convinced him to do more about abortions.  I hope he comes out to join the Wednesday team.  We spoke with two young girls and gave them a 'Truth' packet.  They looked at the graphic signs and then walked into Planned Parenthood.  We only hope that they will not trust murders today.  They seemed respective to us.

I thank God for all the pro lifers who dedicate their time and energy into saving babies lives though the grace of god and their mothers.  We also thank God for our new addition, who will be with us for one year in April and who took on Thursday afternoons along with her two partners in front of Rochester's very own killing mill Planned Parenthod. 


  Are you proud of yourself Rochester?  


 Wednesday evening  January 2, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood

When I got on the street the 2 other pro lifers were already there setting up signs and using the mega phone to offer the clients of Planned Parenthood or I should say 'victims' of Planned Parenthood help.  The weather was very cold & I kidded the other female of the team to dress warmer.  She agreed.  We were blessed, by one of  the pro lifers, hand warmers & special socks for the cold winter weather. Thanks Tuck,  I saw, coming down the street, a man on a bicycle, with 2 large bags.  I thought to myself, was this the same man I spoke with in November on the Sunday of the '40 Hours of Prayer' that we had in front of Planned Parenthood where a total of 30 people came out to pray during that time?  I said to myself that I would ask him how his niece was doing & just take a chance that this was the same man, for he told me at that time that she was thinking of an abortion.  I had given him a 'Truth' packet & said to him that he would be a 'Life Saver' if he would give her the packet.  He said that he would, for thank God, he new abortion was the killing of a baby. He said that he gave her the packet and she looked at it and cried.  She probably saw the Growth & Development pictures of her baby. I and the other pro lifers were so happy to hear this exciting news.  He said that he told her to stop bye some time and thank us.  I said "No, thank you for giving her the packet and God bless you and we'd love to meet his niece sometime. We were so happy to find out that a precious baby will be 'born' and not 'killed' through the loving efforts of an uncle.  What a 'special' man you are sir.  God bless you and your family.  Wish that there was more like him. This is why we are out there on the streets is to help save lives of both Mother and Child.

As I was talking with this gentleman I heard a loud voice behind me.   What had happened was the other female sidewalk counselor was offering a 'Truth' packet to a young girl who had just came out of Planned Parenthood.  She was walking over to the sidewalk to accept it which she did and then throw it right at the counselor hitting her in the elbow.  The girl was screaming at her and then walked up the street towards Main St.  I then was aware of which just happened and hollered to the girl that she was just too angry and for her to repent (which means to change ones life by asking God to forgive our sins and not to repeat that sin again by asking for God's help and grace to conquer it).  After that we had a very angry street person come bye and just stand there and scream at us for about 5 minutes straight.  I said "Hi" to him for I knew him and he just screamed some more.  I was ready to call 911 if I had to for he was unpredictable and we need to be protected when we are out there.  What really happened was he has come bye for years and we would talk with him and give him food.  Then one day when one of the other female sidewalk counselor was out on the sidewalk, on Thursday, and she was counseling some girls, he came bye and was disturbing her with gross behavior and was disturbing the scene.  She told me about his bad behavior and when I saw him again I said to him not to do that again.  He called me a name and walked away talking loudly and really hasn't been back as much since.  But for the last two times, he walked down the street, he just starts screaming.  We love you but you are still responsible for your behavior.   

After we side walked counseled Martha & I went into the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center to work on the clothes and put them in the new big plastic bin and to sort through them "boys clothing' and 'girls clothing'.  That keep us busy.  Then we re stocked the literature table and  checked the bathroom to make sure that it looks presentable for our clients. 


 Read the story on Nov, 3rd., 2007 in "Front Line Weekly". 


Thursday January 3, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood


Martha and Frank were there in front of Planned Parenthood for 2 hours on the coldest day so far.  They are dedicated to helping to save lives.  Praise God for your love of God and His children, big and small.  Frank was on the other side of Planned Parenthood on the side where the “Lambs of Christ” stand when they come twice a month to say the Rosary for “Life”.  He spoke out loud, he doesn’t need a mega phone for his voice carries nicely out to the people going into this Killing Mill.  He proclaims God’s Word through the Bible.  He called a young black man over to him to engage him in conversation.  The young man said that his girlfriend was there for the Morning After Pill.  He was told by Frank the truth about this baby killing pill which causes an early abortion.  It also can cause problems for the girl or woman taking it.  He told this young man about the love and forgiveness of God and that God wants him and his girlfriend to wait for sex until marriage.  He was receptive to the ‘Truth”.   He went into Planned Parenthood and he and his girlfriend came out soon after.  He waived good-bye to Frank while he was driving away.  This was a man to man connection. 


A young girl walked passed the female side walk counselor and said that this was horrible, looking at the graphic signs.  She then took a ‘Truth’ packet from the side walk counselor hopefully she will look at it and then pass it onto another person for help.

Thank God for her openness to the truth!!




 Saturday January 5, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood

I must admit that I almost didn't come out this morning.  But by the Grace of God I did.  It was a tough week and I knew that hte Street Ministry was in good hands with Rob and Martha and other pro lifers that would come bye to witness, on the street.  I got up and got going.  I can't give in to the flesh.  When I arrived the very first thing Rob said to me was that the panel in the Pregnancy Center had come down.  It was saturated with water and just collapsed onto the floor.  I bypassed the literature table and anything that would upset me more.  The smell was bad when I walked in and it was a mess.  Dan was there, thank God, for He always makes a way out and he gave me the name and phone # of the Landlord, which I have never had to call before.  I always ask Tucker, the other Co-director, to do these things but he wasn't here and it need to get fixed ASAP.  I called and the Landlord, who was in Virginia, said that he would call his helper and get it fixed, which he did.  It certainly looked better after the helper got done.  Thank God  this problem got fixed. 


 I am now on the front lines and we say our hi's to one another and share some information from the past week.  Then a car came in with a woman and her 2 young children probably around 5 and 6 years of age.  We called out to her when she left the car alone with her 2 children in the car with the mortor running.  I said that if she didn't gert her kids out of the car I would call the Police.  When she came out abbout 1/2 hour later I told her that I was going to call the Police after I got her License #, which I did.  Martha helped me & we called the Police and asked for a car to come for a Report.  In the meantime, the Death Security Guard, Doug Salisbury, poped his head out the window and I screamed to him not to get out of his car when the Police come, to which he said something in return I cannot repeat on my web site.  It was very icky and I can tell you that and no gentleman would ever said that to a Lady.  But again look where he works and who he gets his $ from.  It figures, though how sad!!   There was an incident about 2 months ago when I called the Police on the 2 Death Escorts who approached us 2 pro lifers on the sidewalk and where in our faces, as we were talking to a youg girl who had, walked bye.  When the Police came, Doug Salisbury came out of his car and approached the Police and spoke with him.  The Police should have spoke with the 2 Death Escorts instead of the Death Security Guard, for it was about them and not him.  I just didn't want him to interfer with this situation.  He was once a Police Officer about 7 years ago and when I call the Police I don't want the situation to be biased.  He then moved his car closer to me where I was standing on the sidewalk.  He said that people laugh at me  for my hollowering at them and I replied that "They are killing babies in there and you should be upset by that and so should they".  Imagine being calm as children are being murdered.  It is Politically Correct to accet this atrosity and not be upset.  Numbing of Americans of the murdering of it's children.  Not  just American children but God's children who He created.  How dare he.   I saw the Police car coming down the street and I stopped him by the Strip  Mall anf in fron of Planed Parenthood.   I told him of the situation of the mother and 2 children and he unfortatuntaly told me that there was no law against children left alone in the car though when a car is running then it would be considered 'Child Endargerment' and then a ticket could be issued. This was bad parenting for sure he said.  So next time a car comes in and the mother leaves her young child or children in the car alone with the car running then I will call the Police ASAP before I get the License #.  After Officer Henry left I spoke with Doug the Death Security Guard again.  I asked him to forgive me for hollowering at him and I wanted an apology for saying that awful thing to me, which he did.  We spoke for a short time and for now on I will let go of him and give him to the Lord for he just doesn't have the grace to know what he is doing is so wrong, being a Catholic convert this is scandelous..  When he was becoming a Catholic didn't he learn that Abortion was evil and certainly not accepted by the Church.  What went horribly wrong?   Let God deal with him from now on.  Though he said that if this incident happens again with someone leaving their child or children in the car for us to let him know about it.  Ironically Martha did use the mega phone to tell him but he had his music ear plugs in.  Oh well.  I think I'll just call the Police and let them deal with it.  No need to bother Doug and his music.  I gave him my card to look at to learn about Planned Parenthood, for he thinks that it is a real good place.  Go figure!!!



A car with 2 women went into the vets across the street from Planned Parenthood and one made a face when she saw us with the graphic signs that we were showing.  They got out of the car and the other woman was crying as she was holding a large black bag which I think was her dead pet?   I feel badly about that for I have a cat.  I just started to think that people care more about animals then children though at least some do.  We’re across the street showing mutilated baby pictures by abortion and we get no notice of this horror or we get the finger or fingers or bad words or screwed up faces.  Priorities are misguided.  Go figure!!


Monday January 7, 2007 in front of Planned Parenthood


The weather was great, such a warm winter evening.  A young girl came over to us, on the street, and told us that she was pregnant and that her mother, father and boyfriend wanted her to have an abortion.  The male counselor showed her Growth & Development pictures, of the baby in the womb.  He also told her that she was already a mother and that we can help her through this time of her life.  She was given the ‘Truth’ packet which has many crisis pregnancy numbers in it.  How sad that so many people want her baby killed including Planned Parenthood, which would be happy to kill her baby for $$$$.  The sidewalk counselor has asked for prayer for her and her baby.  We pray for all the girls that we talk to and don’t talk to, because they are not open to the Truth and want help for themselves and their situation.  We pray for all of you every day and for the conversion of abortionist and their death staff.


They gave out 6 ‘Truth’ packets to the people who want their lives changed for the BETTER. 


Wednesday, January 9, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood

The weather was windy but not very cold, I would say tolerable.  On of the team members set up some of the signs on the sidewalk, but because of the wind he didn't put out all of them.  I was using the mega phone speaking to the PP workers as they were leaving when I felt something nudging at my coat. I looked down and I saw little Ryan. I reached down to give him a big hug, I was so happy to see him and his father again.  I spoke with his father who’s been out of work due to an injury. Little Ryan took the crucifix, that we have on the sidewalk, and he held the heavy cross up to the workers coming driving out of the parking lot telling them not to be here but to go to Church. What a wise 7 year old. 

Out of the mouths of babe!!

We will keep them in our daily prayers. They will be stopping bye again.







To our great surprise, the killing mill, Planned Parenthood closed at 5PM.  All the workers and the death security guard, who still professes to be a Christian, to which he’s just fooling himself, left by 5:30PM. Yea!


A Christian means ‘Christ-like’. So why would Christ be condoning the murdering of His own children or allow the working at a place that does?


Wake up people for the Evil One (Which means the Devil) is deceiving you!! 


Saturday, January 12, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood


When I got to the front lines the Lambs of Christ were already praying and our newest pro lifer was at the sidewalk counseling side witnessing to the clients of Planned Parenthood.  He was holding 2 signs held together with a rope over his shoulder plus holding another sign.  Quite impressive.   Cars were going into the killing mill and one was a car with 3 young women.  One got out of the car and ran into PP.  I spoke to all the girls informing them of where they were and what this place does.  I then looked away from the car only a few minutes later to hear a voice in the parking lot speaking to me.  The young woman stated ‘’ Not every girl going into this place is going for an abortion besides the Pill prevents abortions”  I quickly stated back that we have been out here, in front of PP, for 12 years and that we knew about PP and I asked her if she did.  Then I stated that was not true about the Pill but that it causes early abortions to which she got upset and went back to the car with her other girlfriend.  I spoke to them, in the car, again and to their friend when she ran out of PP.  As they were leaving they were grinning at me.  If they only knew that they were the ones confused.  Will keep them in our prayers, the truth seed was planted. 



Abortion Survivor Finds the Grace of God



Monday, January 14, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood



The male pro lifer was by himself waiting for the other team member to arrive when a woman walking down the street with her dog stopped to harass him.   

She said that he was disgusting in showing these graphic signs and that he was a male so he didn’t know what he was talking about.  He said to her that it takes two, a male & a female to make a baby & then he asked her if she had had an abortion in the past, to which she replied that she was going to call the police.  When the police arrived the other pro lifer had just come onto the scene.  The police said to the pro lifer to be careful & that he knew that we have been out here for a long time and what we do.  The pro lifer said that she just walked up to him and started to harass him.  A second police car stopped bye and they both left together.  The pro lifer still managed to pass out 4 ‘Truth’ packets to the people who want the truth.  

Great job pro lifers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 How sad that her heart didn't go out to the millions of babies who have been murdered by abortion. 


 Wednesday, January 16, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood


We got the Center looking and smelling good again after our ceiling water leak last week.  Great team work in getting it up to par again.  Thanks guys.



Three pro lifers were on duty this evening, on the sidewalk, the usual characters.  A car with three young girls who were driving out of the PP parking lot stopped and took three ‘Truth’ packets.  As she was walking away from us she smiled and said “thank you” and got back into the car.  We wished them all well and recommended that they take a look at the materials in the bag.  They said that they would.  Good and smart girls.


 A young girl, with bright red hair, was walking down the street with a cute white shaggy dog. We spoke briefly as we were walking down the street towards the strip mall, I was going into the Center and she was going into the tattoo place.  She was nice and she said, that her friends dog, liked the sound of the mega phone.  Good doggy.  I thought that this was the same person who bothered the police, on Monday, but it wasn’t. Yeah!



 A young girl also took a “Truth packet’ and said “Thank you”.




My no name friend drove by again, for I haven’t seen her in awhile, and hollered out of her car “thank you”.  I replied “thank you sweetheart and God bless you”.  I hope someday she’ll stop and talk with us for a few minutes but nevertheless she brings joy to our wounded hearts by a simple “thank you”.  Whoever you are I don’t have to know only God has to know and He does. 


Thursday, January 17, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood


There were 4 pro lifers surrounding the ‘Killing Mill’ Planned Parenthood witnessing the ‘Truth’ to their unfortunate clients (victims).  The couples came in giving the finger to the sidewalk counselor who was trying to help them.  A couple of young girls came over to the female counselor and asked about baby clothes.  One of the girls was due in June & the other girl already had her baby.  The counselor brought them to the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center for baby clothes.  They were so happy to receive clothes, diapers & baby wipes for their precious babies.  Thanks girls for ‘Choosing Life’!!! 


A young girl spoke to one of the male protesters for about 15 minutes.  She went away smiling with a ‘Truth’ packet in her hands which has lots of vital information with phone #’s & web sites that can help her & her friends. 

Please go to Front Line Weekly # 2








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