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Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at Focus
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
Martha & I were so busy today. When we got to the center our landlord Bernie was there. After we told me about some things that needed to get done & I gave him the rent for May. He was grateful. The doorbell rang & rang & rang again. A young man came in for food & diapers. He said that he came at Christmas time & was touched by the kindness that we gave him. He remembered the cookies too. Martha had given him a Rosary & he told her that he says it every day. Today he wanted two more to give to his family members. He also said that his mother died a year ago today form Heart Disease & he was sad. It's been a rough year & he was in need a food. I was very happy that I went shopping the day before so that he could some food at Focus. I also gave him our Food Pantry List to take with him so that he could get more food. A very nice young man!!
The doorbell rang & I answered it. There was a young girl & young man at the door. I asked what could we do to help them. The young lady said that the woman on the sidewalk mentioned that we do pregnancy tests here. I said "come on in & we'll help you". I lead them to the Rose /Counseling Room & then called Martha over to ask her if she would do the pregnancy test for this client. She said that she would. She spoke with the girl & guy & did some teaching on abstinence with words & some brochures, that she gave them each to take with them. They were both open to hear the Truth. I hope that they will refrain from sex before marriage, then they will be truly happy, with no worries or diseases.
The client that took the pregnancy test to the bathroom & did her own test in there rather than in the Counseling Room came in for diapers, for her young daughter. Martha told her that she wasn't going to give her a pregnancy test, though she didn't ask for one, Martha wasn't going to do one if she did ask, after what she did a couple of weeks ago. After she took the diapers she left. We need to teach & not to be push overs. Then another regular client came in for special diapers for her child has a skin sensitivity. Then another regular client came in with her son. He was very busy & thank God that he didn't break anything, though he ate all the lollipops in the Rose Room & left the surgery goodness all over the brochures that I had near the wall in a container. Very busy boy. She needed a pregnancy tests too. We have tried to teach her in the past to abstain but it hasn't gotten through. Unfortunately her boyfriend was shot & killed a couple of weeks ago. I hope & pray that he repented before he died, for sex before marriage, it is a serious sin. I hope our client repents too. We care about their needs for themselves & their children & for their souls too, which is very important & no one seems to care about their souls that will determine if they spend eternity in heaven or hell for all eternity. Why do people play Russian Roulette with their souls????
A grandmother with her granddaughter came in for things for her. When it was time to leave the little girl started crying because she was having so much fun & didn't want to leave. She practically is raising her grandchildren. A very sweet woman who has come to Focus for over 2 years now.
Two young girls came in for things for their children & was grateful for Focus. Now nice! I was in the office doing some work in there when Karen came in to help out today as she does on Tuesday's & Thursday's. When she came in she had a stroller with her, Thank Karen how nice of you. I asked her if she's like to call the pregnant clients to see how they're doing & she said that she would like to do that. I set her up in the office & she started calling the girls. This is what we found out. Two of our babies were born in April. Yeah!!!
Baby girl Liliana was born on April 18 at 7lbs. 10oz.. Both mother & daughterare doing well. Baby boy Garrison Michael was born on April 15 at 9lbs. 1oz.. Mother & Father & son are doing well. Great news!!
Just before Karen left Paul arrived to help us out at the center. I gave him a key to the front door. I then asked him if he would check my oil in the car & he said that he would. I gave him a quart & off he went with my keys to my car to check it. Thanks Paul. Just then Pat, our grandmother & great grandmother came into the center to say "hi". The two great grandchildren where out in the van sleeping & Paul was watching them as he was checking my oil. I went outside to see the two girls. They were so cute. Then I asked Paul if he would check Pat's oil in her van. He did & she didn't have much in the tank. I gave her some money to go get some for without oil she could ruin the engine. Then Paul told her that she needed a new tire in the front for it was bald. Anything else for this poor woman. I know that God gives us only what we can handle, with his help. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Hopefully someone can help her out with a new tire. She must be safe & the children too.
After Pat left I went back into the center to do more office work & Martha was putting away clothes that were in bags & Paul helped her. When he left he told me that he would be by tomorrow to help us out again. Thanks Paul.
Martha started to make supper for us. Her famous chicken supper with real mashed potatoes & butternut squash. Mmmmm good :) I did the dishes & then I said "Martha, remember we said that we would start walking for about 20 minutes after supper to get more exercise". She said "we better go know because I'm fading fast". I said "lets go". We walked down Gibbs St. to East Main Street to University. We had fun looking at the stores & buildings & the people too. We got to University & then to Planned Parenthood where some cars were still in the parking lot. The first thing I told the people in the two cars was that they kill children here & that they lie & deceive you & that we could help them. They were very nasty I mean very nasty. Then we saw a young girl walk up the sidewalk. We started to talk to her. Martha asked if she was pregnant & I asked her not to go into Planned Parenthood for anything for we could help her. The mother stopped to talk to Martha & I & she told us that we scared her daughter. That's what she told her mother when she came to pick her up. I told her mother that she was probably scared being in a place that kills children. I gave the mother our business card if she or anyone she knew needed any help from us at Focus.
Wednesday, May 3, 2012 at Focus
When I arrived in the parking lot of the center I noticed a woman walking up the sidewalk, on the other side, so when I got out of my car I called over to her asking if we could help her with free children's clothes. She then started to cross the street towards the center. Just then I saw two young people a girl & a guy walking down the sidewalk on my side. When they got closer to me I asked the young girl if she needed a pregnancy test & she said "yes". I said "come follow me" & then we started to walk towards the front door. Our landlord was on the roof & he hollered to me "yes you can help me". I said "you're beyond help Bernie" & we both laughed as I opened the door to go into the center with the three people that were following me. Thank God that Martha was already in the center opening up the doors to the rooms. The young man said to me that they had just come from Planned Parenthood & was at Focus earlier this morning. I said that they do abortions there which means that they kill children. He looked at me as if to say that he had no problem with abortion & I looked at him right in the eye & called it what it is "it's murder" I said to him. He then joined his girlfriend that was already with Martha in the Counseling Room. I brought the young lady into the Material Aid Room, to sign in the book that we have for our clients, to sign with the date & their name & phone number. I showed her where the bags were for her clothes & things that she will be getting. She said "thank you". I told her that I would be back, in a few minutes, & I went back outside to get some things from my car when I saw a woman get out of a car & come to the door to the center. I called over to her saying "just give me a minute & I'll be right over to let you in". She said "okay". I got what I needed in my car & then went to the door to let her in. She said that we helped her so now she wanted to help us with two bags of baby & children clothes that she had for her granddaughter who's growing out of the clothes so she wanted to give them to us. She said that they were all washed & mostly hadn't been worn for very long. I was so grateful to her for her kindness. She said that we helped her with her daughter when she was pregnant with love & support & she wanted to reciprocate with these clothes to help out other mothers. I started to look in the bags & saw so many nice things. She then asked for some diapers & asked if she could go into the Material Aid Room for some things. I said "of course you can". The other woman was in there & the two women started talking & hitting it off. The woman who brought in the clothes was going to take the other woman home for they discovered that they didn't live to far from each other. I said "how thoughtful & kind you are". Just then I had made mention of what Planned Parenthood does to babies & how they target the Afro American women to have their babies killed. All of a sudden she said "I was heading over to Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test & now I don't want to go in there". I said "you need a pregnancy test so after Martha is finished with these two young people I will give you one". The woman who was going to take her home said that she had to go so I told her that I would give her bus money to get home & thanked her once again. Martha was in the Counseling Room for about 30 minutes talking to this couple, so I knocked on the door, & went in to get a pregnancy test & ran out quickly. I gave the woman a cup & showed her where the bathroom was. She was in there for about 5 long minutes & when she came back out she said that she couldn't give me a specimen. So I gave her a big glass of water to drink. When Martha came out of the counseling room I went in to get an Intake Sheet for my girl to fill out while she was waiting to fill up her bladder. When the young couple came out of the room & was walking to the door I called to them saying "bye young couple" & they said "good bye" to me & as they were opening the door I heard him say "this is a great place". Thanks son. I told Martha about the dilemma about our other client & she offered her coffee & she said that would be nice. So Martha made a pot of coffee & she had some of Martha's homemade coffee cake too & so did Paul who just came in. After that she went into the bathroom & then came out with a specimen for testing. I brought her into the Counseling Room & did the test which was positive. I talked to her for awhile & then I called Compass Pregnancy Care to schedule an ultrasound for her, for the next day. I talked to her about her abuses, that she endured in the past, which she filled out on the Intake Sheet. She said that she has forgotten it & is now moving forward. I said "hopefully with help" & she said "yes". I felt better then. After the test she wanted to go back into the Material Aid Room to get some clothes for herself & to try them on in the bathroom. She came out with some clothes to take with her & was happy. I gave her money to get home today & money to take the bus for the ultrasound tomorrow. She thanked us for all that we did for her today. "No problem, that's what we're here for", I said. She left & I thanked God that He gave me the courage to call out to her on the sidewalk. Amen. I was in my office when the doorbell rang again. Martha answered the door & it was a client that we've hadn't seen in awhile. She came in to get what she needed for her child & for the baby that she was carrying. She told Martha that she just came for her doctors office & was very upset with him. After the prenatal exam he told her that she should abort because she couldn't afford another child & that there was a place not to far away called Planned Parenthood that does abortions. She was devastated & left the office immediately & then came over to Focus, to get the help & reassurance that she needed, for she was insulted that her doctor would ever suggest for her to have her baby killed. Martha gave her a list of good doctors for her to see & comforted her. She wouldn't tell Martha the horrible doctors name but said that he was in private practice on Genesee St., in the city. I will see if I can get her to give me his name the next time she comes into Focus, this man is an accessory to murder.
Martha did another pregnancy test & it was negative. We saw four women in the counseling room today & all had been sexually abused. It's so sad & we at Focus are trying to hear these women & girls that come to us through name of counselors that can help them in the community & brochures. It's on my heart & mind.
Thursday, May 4, 2012 on the Front Lines
When I arrived to the center & on the front lines Martha wasn't there yet but Paul & Karen were now in the center ready to help out. Suzanne wasn't going to be able to be there today or next Thursday to be in the office to be a client advocate. Karen was going to again call the clients to see how they were doing. When I went outside Sheila, & her brother Dennis, from Arizona & Tom were there & then Bill came to stand across the street & about 15 minuets later Dan & Addison came to pray the Rosary, across the street for Planned Parenthood. I got to talk to Sheila & Dennis for a few minutes before they had to leave. Earlier this morning Sheila called to ask where she could get more Truth packets, for she was running out of them in her literature box, which is separate from ours that Martha, Rob & I use. I had put in seven packets but she was down to about three & she didn't want to run out. I told her she could get more in our box in the cabinet. She was relieved & so was I. I said "good bye" to them & then started to sidewalk counsel. I was waiting for Martha not understanding why she wasn't here yet for it was now about 1:20pm & I asked her last evening if she could come at 1pm. Then the phone rang & it was Martha calling to tell me that she couldn't find her keys. I was already stressed out just by being in front of an abortion mill, where they're murdering little precious babies that God just created. I said for her to pray to St. Anthony the Patron Saint of lost items & then I said a quick prayer too & hung up. It was less then 3 minutes later that the phone rang again & it was Martha telling me that she just found her keys & was on her way. Thank God!! When I'm on the front lines I'm not always calm, cool & collective. I try to represent the Lord but sometimes my flesh gets in the way which it did today. I heard people talking so I went to the fence to see who it was. Come to find out it was the two Death Escorts, taking away, in front of the Death Door. I screamed over to them saying "shut up & show respect for these children that are murdered hear that you've help to kill". They greet the people & hold the door open for them, to walk into this horrible place. My emotions were rare & I went on & on about other things too. We never curse or swear or say that you are going to Hell but I do at times call name which I pray that I will stop. I don't want to come across as a nasty pro lifer but one who is passionate to tell the Truth & to save both the mother & child, from such evil, as abortion is.
My cell phone rang & it was one of our clients who received a letter from Suzanne, our client advocate on Thursdays, that we were unavailable to reach her because her phone was disconnected. She called to tell me that her precious daughter Milagro was born on April 4th. at 7lbs. 8ozs. & to tell me that she did marry the father of the baby, with our counseling & encouragement. Yeah!! Mother & father & baby are doing well. As I was writing this information down, on a piece of paper when I was on the sidewalk, a car drove by me screaming "you should have been aborted ". I thought to myself' I almost was' but the good Lord saved me. One never knows what the other person has dealt with, in his or her life, to say such terrible things. I forgive him.
Thank God that Martha had arrived, it was 1:50pm. I was so happy to have her with me now. It's so horrible, to say the least, out there. Three girls came out of Planned Parenthood & we flagged them over to speak to us & they walked over to us. We asked why they would be at Planned Parenthood & the one girl said "I'm going to have an abortion". "What" I said "why would you do that"? "I don't want it", she replied "I don't want it" she said again. All of a sudden & I know that it was the Holy Spirit I asked her how far long is she. She answered "I'm five months". I quickly said "you're not pregnant"!! She said laughing "I just want to jive with you". I said "you have a problem young lady & I hope that you get help real soon" & to the other girls I said "I hope that you get away from her if she's your so called friend because she'll drag you down". They all walked down the street to no where's ville.
There was construction work on University Ave. & the workers had put drum right in front of the entrance of Planned Parenthood's parking lot so it confuses a lot of people they though that they couldn't get into the parking lot which was all right with us. A car had driven passed the driveway but was looking at the building s o I knew what was happening. I noticed that the car was driving into our parking lot so I started to walk down the sidewalk to se if they needed our help. I went over to them as they were getting out of their car & I offered them assistance & I told them briefly about Focus. The one girl said that they were going to Planned Parenthood. I said to them that if that was the case that they couldn't park in our parking lot. So they got back into the car & drove to Gibbs St. to park on the street & they walked up to Planned Parenthood. As they went passed me I tried to tell them about that awful place. I did mention to the one girl that her pants were to short, which she didn't like. I was trying to help her but I'm sure under the circumstance she thought that I was being mean or better yet, nasty. The one girl went into Planned Parenthood & the other girl with the short shorts stayed outside to talk to the two Death Escorts. They must have told her that she could park her car in the driveway because she came back towards us & went down the sidewalk to fetch her car & drove into their parking lot. How deceptive they are pretending to be so nice & helpful. I hope that she will reflect on this someday real soon.
A young girl was walking up the sidewalk & she said that she was against abortion but didn't like the graphic pictures & thought that it was a mistake for us to show them to people. I said that these pictures are the truth of what Planned Parenthood is doing to these little children & that they have saved lives & that's what it's all about. She was nice enough to take the Truth packet as she walked down the sidewalk. I know that it's a Hard Truth!! Then another young girl walked up the sidewalk & as she came passed me & gave her a Truth packet & gently mentioned to her that her shorts were to short. I suggested that she adds about an inch or two to make them more respectful looking. She took it well with a smile on her face & no unkind word was spoken, by her. Now that's how I like it :)
Martha was on the brick side of the building for about an hour reading poems & prayers to the people going into the mill. Then she went over to the other side of the street in front of the three condos. She wanted one of the signs so I went over to her to give her a sign & then came back to the bush side to counsel some more. At one point I had to go into the center to get a hat for my head was burning up & while I was there I said "hi" to Paul & Karen. When I came back outside I saw that the neighbor Jim in the last condo the one that know gives us the most trouble out on the front lines was hollering at Martha. He saw me & went into his condo, he probably was heading there when he saw me for he's not afraid of little oh me. Martha then said to me, from across the street, "Mary, Jim said that he was going to call the police". I said "if he does they might arrest him for making bogus 911 calls". She said that he said some pretty bad things to her & gave her the bird, to which Martha told him that she was going to tell his grandchildren what he did. She's so 'to the point' out there. What is wrong with him???? He told Martha that he was trying to sleep for he works nights. Get ear plugs! Martha said that she wasn't even using the mega phone either. He's got real problems.
It was said to see Melissa, the Death Escort, walked up the sidewalk to go into Planned Parenthood to put on her blue apron to greet the victims as she holds the door open for them. This woman is post abortive & the last time I saw her was last year & she was pregnant. I assume that she didn't abort that precious baby but I really don't know for sure. She hasn't repented, for she was back here, helping to kill other women's children. Would a mother do that ?????
Martha & I went in around 5pm & I worked in the office after I had a good cry & she made supper. After we ate we cleaned up & went to Holy Hour at St. Jude's Church to be with the Lord & Mother Mary for it was her May Day crowning, of her statue. Lord have Mercy on all the people of today & I hope & pray that they repent of their sins real soon, with a sincere heart.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at Focus
Martha & I arrived after Mass today & we knew that we'd probably be alone today & we were. Karen & Paul weren't able to be with us today. When we arrived at the center there was a client already waiting for us. She wanted a pregnancy test. I asked Martha if she'd give it & she said that she would. I had so much to bring in from my car & much to do, so she was nice enough to assist the client, with the test. The test was negative & she was given educational brochures to start over in her life also Martha did talk to her too. The young girl said that she wanted the Depo Provera shot as a birth control & Planned Parenthood told her that there was a recall on the drug. This contraceptive as all are very dangerous, to say the least & we at Focus or I personally don't recommend anything but abstinence as taught by the Catholic Church. This shot stops the periods plus pulls out the calcium from the bones thus causing then them to be brittle & to break at any time & any place, on the body. Most importantly, like all the contraceptives, it can cause early abortions. This means it takes lives. Funny I haven't seen anything on TV about the recall, & they say that there is a 'War on Women'. I guess so!!!!
After this wound girl left the doorbell rang & rang & rang some one. Martha & were very busy helping our clients & watching their children in the Material Aid Room & putting away the donations that we were blessed with. The doorbell rang & it was three women & two middle aged boys & they all carried in huge bags o clothes from a church sale in the city. Wow & thanks!! Pat, our grandmother & great grandmother came for a visit & to show us her two new tires that an anonymous donor blessed her with, after I had emailed my list, that she had two bald tires & that could be dangerous for her & her family. Well they got put on today & she & Martha & I were very happy that she now won't have a 'blow out', on the road. Praise God!! Pat took most of the donations that had just come in to take to her neighbor for their needs. We didn't have time to put them all away, for Martha & I have to get ready for our 3rd. Mass, of 2012 tomorrow.
It was a very busy day at Focus. After Martha & Pat had left I did some odd & end things & worked in the office until 9pm & then went home & had supper & cooked the pasta for supper tomorrow night, which will be after the Mass @ Focus. I feel that this Mass will be well attended & like the loaves & fishes in the Bible I trust in the Lord that there will be enough food for everyone, especially Fr. Eisemann. God bless you Father for you are loved :)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at Focus
Today we get ready for our third Mass this year at Focus. What a blessing to have a Mass where we counsel & help women. Martha, Paul & I were very busy. I first had to stop at the bakery to get 3 loves of French bread & I bought real butter too, what could be better? I then stopped at Wegmans store to get flowers for the altar, a veggie tray, lettuce. cherry tomatoes, & strawberries too. I had heated up two pasta dishes & Joyce was going to bring her homemade pasta dish for our supper tonight, Martha mad a homemade carrot cake & apple cobbler. We had to take care of our many clients who came today for material aid & to set up the tables & chairs & to get the table ready for the Mass at 6pm. So much to do that I took a nap in the Great Room for 15 minutes for I have this Fibromyalgia. Check out @: http://health.yahoo.net/channel/fibromyalgia.html. I was then ready to work some more. A client came in & Martha helped her out & invited her to the Mass tonight & she accepted. She was going to bring her children with her, which she did, later on. Father Eisemann arrived at 5:30pm & then came other people to. e had about 25 people at our Mass tonight. We had a 7 year old girl, the daughter of Carla & Mike, celebrating her birthday today. After Mass they were going out to celebrate so they weren't able to stay for supper. Thank God that we had enough food for supper, for the good Lord had heard my prayer, & I thank you!
Fr. Eisemann gave a beautiful homily & we all were blessed. Then Mary Quinn spoke about how Fr. Weslin was doing with his health issues & then Louise gave her powerful testimony which brought tears to our eyes & then Fr. Eisemann gave each of us the Sacrament of the Sick, which was a first, & we were all blessed by this powerful Sacrament of Healing. What a wonderful evening, giving praise & honor, to God!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012 on the Front Lines
“Dear children, let us not love with word or tongue but with actions and in truth.”— 1 John 3:18
When I arrived to the center Karen was just arriving & Martha arrived a few minutes later. Suzanne won't be with us today but will be back next Thursday to phone our clients, to see how they are doing, & to help our clients, as they come into Focus, for assistance. The day was so windy that later on it even broke one of our signs in half. So we decided to bring out only a few signs today because they were flying in the street. It's hard when there is only a few people out there on the front lines.
I went outside & I greeted Sheila & her brother Dennis who will be leaving tomorrow to go back to Arizona. He said that he'll be back in July. Yeah! I said "hi" to Tom" before he left. After they all left Mary Ann came over to say "hi" to me. She comes out on Thursdays to pray the Rosary before I usually arrive at 1pm. She blesses us with her prayers & monetary donations, for the work at Focus. Thank you Mary Ann!
I was standing on the sidewalk & I saw that the men were working across the street digging up the street & sidewalk to put in pipes for the construction of the five new condos that will be built. Then a woman who was walking down the sidewalk said "the girls shouldn't be doing this they should keep their legs crossed". I said that I agreed with her & that's why we're out here is to witness & to teach. She smiled at me & said "keep up the good work" as she walked away.
Thank God, Martha had come out to join me. She was busy in the center, for as I was leaving to come to the sidewalk, many clients walked in for assistance, & she stayed to help them. Then Bill, Dan & Addison arrived to pray. Adolf arrived around 3pm today to pray & to witness.
I started to sidewalk counsel for before that no one came into the evil Planned Parenthood. As I was calling out to the people to try to save their babies & them form a life of a living hell the nasty neighbor Jim who lives in the condo across the street scream over to me saying "SHUT UP"!! I looked over to him & then ignored him & continued to counsel the people going into the Killing Mill, for that's why we're here. By me not responding it only made him look so goofy for the men who were working looked up & probably thought 'what a nut he was'. Sorry Jim but if you act like a nut then you're nutty. He then walked over to Dan & Addison to talk to them about me. He got no satisfaction for they agree with me. Then he went over to where Bill who is 82 years old & a Korean Vet, he walked behind him & gave him 'rabbit ears'. I had to ignore him for if I went over across the street to confront him about his disrespecting this faithful pro life man, it would not have gone well perhaps. It would have been just two people screaming at each other & going no where. I will let God take care of him. There is where God's Wisdom comes to play. When will this man lean that we have a right to be out there to do what we do out there to try to save lives. Why won't he join us to try to save lives too?? He shouldn't tell anyone that he's a Catholic & is pro life . He told me that he likes Planned Parenthood for their contraceptive stance. He's really not a Catholic or is he pro life either. Poor Jim :( we will continue to pray for him & ignore him too!!
I spoke to a man who was standing by his truck smoking a cigarette. I, of course, see this all the time so I said to him, as I had said to other men, in the past when they come out of Planned Parenthood, by themselves,. I said to him "where is you baby"? "How could you allow this to happen, if she's here for an abortion"? "We told you that we could help you", I said too. Then I saw him walking over to where Martha & I were standing. I got out my cell phone & when he came around the bushes I took his picture & told him if he causes any trouble I'll call 911. Well I was pleasantly surprised but saddened when he said "I'm here for my girlfriend's doctor sent her here for she's having a miscarriage". Martha & I said to him at the same time "why didn't you take her to the Emergency Room, where they don't kill babies & she's in a good place not like this place"? I was trying to be sensitive but concerned that she was in a place of murder after loosing her precious baby not by her own hands. He only did what the stupid doctor told him to do. What I don't understand is a D&C is done in a doctors office why would this doctor sent her over to Planned Parenthood? I only hope & pray his girlfriend didn't lie to this man & he'll find out later on that this was not the case of the loss of his baby. Some woman can be so deceptive. I'm not saying that she is, I'm only hoping & praying that she didn't have an RU486 abortion (http://www.mccl.org/page.aspx?pid=294) & needed a surgical abortion because the baby body parts were still in her, for an RU486 abortion is usually followed by a surgical abortion.
We continued to talk with this young man & I noticed a gentle spirit in him. Then he mentioned that he was once a Catholic, to which, Martha & I both groaned. He was wearing a hoodie that said Hebrews 13:8. I asked him if would like a Bible & he said that he would so I told him that I would go into our pregnancy center to get one for him & to look up the verse that he was wearing. When I came back I looked up the Bible verse which read: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever". He said that he just picked out this hoodie, from the Salvation Army, because it was warm & not for the verse. Little did he know that the Lord was calling him back, to the Church, through Word & Witness. He then said "maybe I should take to a priest". I said "yes that would be great"! He said that he lived near the Sacred Heart Cathedral & I told him of the two priest there. I suggested that he calls for an appointment to speak to one of them. I said that Fr. McKenna is a wonderful priest & could certainly help him also the radio 1460AM, The Station of the Cross @ http://www.wlof.net/index.php, could help him & the Catholicism of the Catholic Church book & the web site Catholics Come Home @ http://www.catholicscomehome.org/ could also assist him in his journey back to the Catholic Church. He was open to receive all the information that Martha & I could give him. Then he looked at his phone to read a text that his girlfriend was ready for him to come in to get her. Martha had left to go into the center so I said "what is your name"? He answered back "Mike" I shook hi hand saying "hi Mike it was so nice to have met you". I looked him right in his eyes that were hazel colored. I then asked his girlfriends name & he said "Nicole". I said that I would keep all of his family in my prayers & please try to quite smoking for your little girl needs you. He smiled & then left to go in to get his girlfriend to take her home. As he was leaving I waved 'good bye' to him & he waved back to me. You will be in my heart & prayers dear Mike!!!
As the workers at this Death Mill & the Death Escorts drove out of the parking lot I said to them "it's a good thing that your mother didn't stop here to have you aborted". I hope & pray that they start to think what they are doing. Lord please lift off the blinders off of their hearts, minds, ears & eyes, so that they will see the Truth & Repent & do good. Amen.
Martha had to leave to go to supper with her family to celebrate Mother's Day early. I went into the center & I thought I was going to die I was so tired & in so much pain. I reflected to make sure that I wasn't in Mortal Sin, for I don't want to go to Hell. I rested for a few minutes on the sofa in the Great Room & then because I knew that I had so much to do I got up to do finish my work, through the grace of God. Thank you Lord. After I ate & did what I needed to do I went to St. Jude's Catholic Church for Holy Hour.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at Focus & on the Front Lines
Martha & I arrived at Focus & Karen will be coming later after picking up her husband from the airport & Paul will come to help us after he goes for lunch. After I got out of my car I went to the bush, by the front door, to get the Focus A-Frame to put out on the sidewalk for our future clients to see. As I was doing that a car drove passed me saying F...You, not sure why he said that other than him feeling guilty of what he's done in the past. As he was saying this two girls were walking across the street giggling. I said to them that wasn't funny & I said no babies should be killed. The girls both said at the same time "we agree, no babies should be killed". Then they said that they were waiting to come into Focus. I said that we open up at 1pm looking at my watch which was 12:50pm but who's counting the minutes I know that I'm not. I invited them into the center & the one girl asked for a pregnancy test. I called over to Martha to administer it & she said that she would. I went along putting the food away that I brought in for supper, into the refrigerator,& putting other things away too. She was pregnant & Martha gave her information to help her with her needs to have a good pregnancy. She was happy & Martha told her to come back to get baby clothes once she knows if the baby is a girl or a boy. She said that she would. He friend went into the Material Aid Room to get things for her baby at home & some food too. I also gave them the Referral Sheet & the Food Cupboard list, to better aid them, in their needs.
Martha decided to go out to the front lines by herself & I stayed in the center to help our clients & to do some office work. I helped her bring out the signs, the literature box & mega phone to sidewalk counsel. I felt that she would be okay for God always protects us & there were men working, out on the street, & I felt that they would protect Martha too. So I went back into the center to work there. Earlier this afternoon there was Chris & Donald to help her out. I gave her 4 Truth packets to hand out. They both pray & minister, to those walking by, on the sidewalk. Later on Martha told me that one of the woman workers came by her & said"take these down". No way honey & by the way what's your name? She must have forgotten what the Constitution says about 'Freedom of Speech'. It won't take any time or trouble to report her, for she was the only female out there. Martha said that when she came by her again she looked at the picture of Christ holding an aborted baby & crying, she said nothing this time around. She was touched by the Master's Hand. People across the street, in the apartment, by the Eastman School of Music were hollering at Martha. It's time to do something in your lives to save lives, don't you think! Martha doesn't get rattled when people come against her, she's so cool. She talked to some people & prayed & handed out two Truth packets, for educational purposes. Praise God!
I was busy in the center for the doorbell never stopped ringing. Thank God Paul & Karen were there. At one point I asked Karen if she'd call our client who was in the hospital with Pre-enclampsia which is high blood pressure during pregnancy, to see how she was doing. It's dangerous for the mother & her baby & the mother is usually C-Sectioned. Karen left a message on the voice mail & then said "love you, good bye". She laughed after she hung up & said to me that she always says this to her children when she talks to them on the phone so it was automatic when she was on the phone calling our client. I said "Karen don't worry about it for she probably needed a little love for all that she's gone through lately". She smiled. After Karen left I received a call back from our client with happy news, which was: Miss L. has delivered a healthy baby boy Christian Lee, on May 5th. @ 1:58pm weighing 7lbs.9oz.. Both mother & son are doing well & mom is recuperating nicely at home. Praise God!! I asked if she had married the father of the baby & she said "no probably in about 2 or 3 years". My heart sank, lets hope that it will be sooner. I invited her to come to Focus to get some nice things for her son & she said that she would. I said "good bye" & wished her the best & then hung up. This was great news. I thank all the prayer partners for their prayers.
The doorbell rang & it was Pat, our grandmother / great grandmother, coming in for a mental health visit. Martha had come in & all three of us sat at the table & talked & ate cookies that Martha had backed & brought in for us. At on point Pat was in the Great Room helping one of our clients to get food from our Food Shelves that this incident occurred. At the corner of my eye I saw a mouse, scampering by the wall going as fast as his little legs could take him. I said to Martha not to move for I just saw a mouse. Of course she & I screamed, what do you except from females. Then Pat back in to the room & after the client left I told her what I saw. She wasn't rattled in the least, for she lives in the inner city & has mice in her house. Though she doesn't like mice, she didn't freak out. It really wasn't to icky & Martha & I handled it okay. We finally realized that the mouse was gone for we scared it half to death & resumed our conversation in peace. Pat was sharing about her experiences with her granddaughter's boyfriend's mother & grandmother that want her granddaughter to abort her baby. Of course that didn't settle well with Pat & the police were again called against Pat for her colorful words of expression. She needed to come to Focus to unwind & be with people that love her. Martha made coffee & we talked for awhile until Pat had to go. I gave Pat a little Black baby doll & Martha gave her other stuffed animals for the children, to make them happy :)
Martha & I ate & I then continued to wok in the off ice until I left around 8:40pm to go home . It was a fruitful day both in the center & out on the front lines.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at the Directors Meeting, @ Focus & @ the Pro Life Fund-raiser in Buffalo with Troy Newman from Operation Rescue
- Written by Operation Rescue
- Posted May 16, 2012 at 11:18 pm
Wichita, KS — Operation Rescue has been informed that long-time pro-life leader Fr. Norman Weslin passed from this life Wednesday evening. He was the founder of the Lambs of Christ, a group that engaged in peaceful civil disobedience at abortion clinics in the late 1980′s and early 1990′s.
Fr. Weslin was arrested and was jailed dozens of times at abortion clinic sit-ins, also known as Rescues. He boldly placed himself between abortion-bound women and the abortionists’ doors while pleading for the lives of the pre-born. Many children were saved from abortion as the result of his sometimes controversial ministry.
“We mourn the passing of this great pro-life hero who lived sacrificially so others who he would never know could experience the gift of life. May God bless his eternal soul and richly reward him for his service,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation.
Also check out: http://www.priestsforlife.org/media/weslin.htm & http://lambsofchrist.all-catholic.net/weslin.html
Director Meeting Minutes
Fundraising: United Way: Must renew your designated giving every year or it goes into United Way’s general fund.
Egiving.com: Another giving option that accepts credit cards. Cost is $30/month. Link: http://www.egiving.com/
Church Involvement: Formula for Life: Donna said they do a bottle drive three times/year: January (Sanctity of Human Life Sunday), Mother’s Day – Father’s Day and October (Respect for Life Sunday – Catholic Churches).
Question was asked how we respond to Catholic volunteers. Dee shared that she uses the “Steps to Peace with God” as part of the volunteer training. Florence shared when she talks with volunteers she asks them specifically if they are a born again Christian which opens up the door for conversation.
Suzanne composed a letter to send to churches to build awareness of her center/services along with a flier entitled “How Can You Help?” Suzanne will email a copy to all.
Florence shared that you can make your own video at animoto.com. Cost for membership $5/month.
Link: http://animoto.com/
Florence feels it is best to show videos at churches to get the word out rather than just asking for support.
Everyone seemed interested in making a “generic” video for baby bottle drives that could be used by all of our centers. Donna to pursue with LaBarge Media.
Suzanne used a YouTube video for her Formula for Life entitled “Care Net Pregnancy Centers – A Look Inside”. Link:
Another You Tube video on abortion recommended was TakeNoGlory.com - could not find actual video. Florence – can you please email the link?
Suggestion was made to approach youth groups and have them share .180movie.com.
Vistaprint.com: Made up “Pregnant?” Business Cards that Florence passed out. Also a good source for banners. Look for promo code on website for discount.
Pat shared that they are advertising on a billboard for 3 months. Lamar Advertising. Cost is $500/month (normally $800/month) plus $235 set up.
Donna shred that they are advertising on an overhead sign at the bowling alley. Cost is $350/year.
Suggestion was made to place brochures & information in local businesses like where prom dresses are sold. Another suggestion was to put information in the bathrooms of businesses that sell pregnancy tests (i.e., drug stores).
Kristen told us about Sarah Lenhardt’s ministry that goes into gentlemen’s clubs. “Dream Again Ministry”. Telephone: 259-6293. Link:
Suggestion was made to identify someone you could call in an emergency (such as a pastor) and have a “code word” that would signify to that person that you are in need of help or to send someone to the center immediately. Some centers have a “panic button” that is connected directly to the police department at no cost to the center.
STD’s Testing, Training and Resources:
Must be medical to offer STD testing. Embracing Options in Rochester offers limited STD screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Because of research that was done by their center for an STD program, the health department gives them 100 free tests per year. They refer to the health department for full testing and treatment. The Care Net Center of Wayne County is also offering limited STD screening.
When I arrived back to Focus, Martha was administering a pregnancy test. A young girl & guy were together in the Rose Counseling Room. The test was negative & Martha ministered to them & gave them literature. As she walked passed me in the hall she said that something had happened while I was gone. I thought 'what could have happened in the short time that I was gone'? After the young couple had left Martha came into the office to tell me that two men, in white shirts, came & asked questions about someone in the building. She gave them as much information that she new of, once they identified themselves to her, with their proper identification. They gave her their card with their phone number on it & asked if she would slip it under their door. She said that she would but first I made a copy of the card. I called our landlord to inform him of this situation so that he would be aware of any further incidents. I was happy when they left the parking lot & then I went to take a fast nap for I woke up tired. I went into the Great Room to take a nap on the sofa & about 10 minutes later Martha came in to tell me that Kay & Jack, from St. Pius the Tenth Church, were here to drop off donations. I quickly got up & went to greet them at the door. I got to meet Sr. Mary Ann today & she brought her camera with her for she wanted to take all of our pictures in the Great Room with all the donations. Just say "cheese". They had so many nice things for the good people of St. Pius X. They brought us new baby & children clothes, diapers, a swing, even a car seat & a stroller. We were so blessed. Bags & bags of things for our moms children. WOW!! Thank you Lord for these wonderful people!! After they all left Martha & I got busy putting things away, it will take awhile & with more hands to help us. Paul will be here tomorrow & he said that he will come over the weekend to work by himself putting things away. Thanks Paul. Martha & I had to get ready to go to Buffalo for the banquet to hear Try Newman speak. It was a pleasant drive but I forget my lipstick so Martha was nice enough to stop at Walgreens for me to pick up one. Sorry about that but I need my lipstick for I look like death warmed over if I don't have some color on my lips. Vanity, vanity thou art vanity, the Bible says.
16th Annual Pregnancy Care Center Fundraising Banquet
Please join us at Lucarelli's Banquet Center in Lackawanna on Wednesday, May 16 at 6:00 PM, for Buffalo’s “pro-life event of the year,”the 16th Annual Pregnancy Care Center Fundraising Banquet presented by WNY Lawyers for Life in association with The Catholic Medical Association, Buffalo 40 Days for Life, and Holy Family Communications,WLOF-FM 101.7. We are proud to recognize and support the important work of nine volunteer-run pregnancy care centers operating in Erie, Genesee and Niagara Counties. Our dynamic guest speaker is Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue. To make reservations just go to wnylawyers4life.org (repeat noting the numeral 4), or call Tim Byrnes, 836-9264. See you there!
I met & spoke with Mr. Newman & he told me to call him Troy for a few minutes before the banquet began. The first thing I asked him was to help us in Rochester, NY to come against abortion. I told him I was a sidewalk counselor in front of Planned Parenthood & am the director of the Focus Pregnancy Help Center which is two doors down from Planned Parenthood. He was warm & friendly & was filled with wisdom & knowledge as a pro life activist. His web site is: Operation Rescue @ http://www.operationrescue.org/.
Thursday, May 17, 2012 on the Front Lines
Feast of the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
I went to Mass today at St. Louis Parish in Pittsford & sat with Karen, who volunteers at Focus, & will be at Focus today at 1pm to volunteer. The Mass was beautiful & I saw my girlfriend Bobbie after Mass. She said that she was having problems with her legs. She's an Registered Nurse so I asked if she was going to see a doctor about her legs & she said that she is planning on making an appointment soon. I told her that I would keep her in my prayers & then gave a her a hug good bye. I then headed to the parking lot & a woman who had parked her car behind me said "I chose life seven times". I know she had seen my pro life bumper stickers on the back of my car. I told her that I was a director of a local pregnancy center in the city only 2 doors down from Planned Parenthood where they do abortions & I went to the truck of my car to get her our brochure. She asked if we needed volunteers & I told her that we do. She said that she had some free time but will be away most of the summer. I asked her to call me at the number on the brochure when she can come to volunteer & that it was a great volunteer job in a pleasant atmosphere. She smiled & said that she will give me a call some time. I asked her name & then gave her my name & said "good bye". I then went to the bank which is on the way to the center to deposit the checks that I had received from our generous benefactors. I got into a discussion with the man who entered the bank after me & I'd rather not mention what it was about. I left the bank very sad!
I got to the center at around 12:30pm & I saw Sheila out on the front lines with Tom. Paul was getting the signs & the literature box outside for Martha & I at 1pm when we take over the front lines. Martha went to Our Lady of Victory Church for Mass & will be here after the long Mass, which will be about 1:15pm. I did a couple of things, in the office, & then I ate a sandwich quickly so that I didn't have to interrupt the ministry this afternoon. Just before I left for the front lines I greeted Karen who just came in so I asked her to make a call to a church, in the city, to see when they give out food & clothes for our Referral Sheet, to hand out to our clients. I asked her to ask Suzanne when she comes in if she'd call the clients who were only 6 to 12 weeks pregnant to go for an ultrasound on Wednesday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm so that Karen could get her hours in by using the ultrasound machine for our future clients, at Embracing Options Pregnancy Center, in the city. She said that she would & off I went to the sidewalk. I talked with Sheila for a few minutes & she told me that she had spoken to a worker at Planned Parenthood. Then she said that she had spoken with two young people, a girl & a guy, walking down the sidewalk. The young man had said to Sheila that it was the people's decision what they wanted to do & Sheila said but it's was wrong. Then all of a sudden the young man prayed for Sheila & it was a beautiful prayer of protection for her & all who minister on the front lines. What a blessing this was for her, she said. Then after this brief run down of her morning Sheila said "good bye". I spoke with Tom for a few minutes & then Bill came & I told him that Fr. Weslin had died & he said that he knew it already & then gave me some Holy Water to bless myself with & then he took his stool & sign & went across the street, to witness, where they were doing construction work. Dusty & noisy but at least we had the mega phones to get our message across. I turned around to see that Mark was walking down the sidewalk. What a surprise, for I haven't seen him in awhile. He said that he had taken the afternoon off & decided to come down to pray. Then Addison & Adolf came & they all went across the street & prayed the Rosary. It was now 1:20pm & Martha had just joined me coming from noon Mass on this Holy Day of Obligation. The team inside the center & outside were now assembled to do battle against the enemy of our souls, through the power of God & His Angels & His Saints, to guide us. Glory Be To God!! Martha decided to go over to the brick side of the building so that all three sides would be covered with people. She took the mega phone & two Truth packets, two signs & of course her very large Rosary, so she could pray. I was alone on the bush side of the abortion mill. A few minutes later a woman with a young boy maybe around 3 years old came around the bushes. I spoke with her & invited her to go to the center to get some things for her son. She quickly corrected me to say that he was her grandson. I said that we off 'free' clothes, books, toys & stuffed animals & then I handed her a Truth packet. She took her grandson to Focus to get some things for him. I just though that she was going home after that but she came back & went into Planned Parenthood & I then started to smell a rat. She later on came back out & walked passed me again & I now I asked her if she had brought some one for an abortion? She said "I am by myself". Later on I knew that she had lied to me for she had her daughter in the car as she drove out of the Killing Mill more than 2 hours later. I told them both to repent for the sin of murder. You can try to fool me & yourself but you can't fool God. Now they have deprived this young boy of a brother or a sister & have put themselves in jeopardy of going to Hell forever, if mother & daughter don't repent.
The Death Escorts always makes me sick to my stomach. It's so sad to see the old timers there helping the girls kill their children. Today there was a young man assisting in this gruesome act of violence against another human being. As he left today in his car & said to him that he was probably a nice guy but got involved with the wrong people that will ruin him. I hope & pray that he listened to the words of the Holy Spirit & won't come back again. Every time that I don't see a regular Death Escort I think that he or she has repented but sooner or later he or she comes back to put the blue apron back on again. They wear a blue apron to be identified as escorts at Planned Parenthood, as they greet the victims, coming into this place of death & destruction. It's so sad!
A car with a young girl & guy drove into the parking lot & the girl got out of the car & the death escort opened the front door for her to enter to have her precious baby be murdered. I spoke to the guy waiting in the car asking him to go in there to save his child with a heartbeat. I pleaded with him for a long time hoping that he would get out of his car & go in there & get her out of there with their baby still in her womb. But no he didn't. She came out with her brown bag of condoms & instructions, over two hours later. As they left the parking lot I called out to them to repent of the sin of murder, as they drove hurriedly away. Their lives will never ever be the same again.
Martha came back to join me on the side I was on. She told me that a red car just came in with a young girl & guy & she had a back pack with her. They drove out over 2 hours later she holding the infamous brown bag. He drove like the wind coming out of the parking lot to which I told them to repent of the sin of murder. Another sad & evil day, at the abortion mill, Planned Parenthood.
Friday, May 18, 2012 at Focus
I'm on call 24x7 for the Focus Pregnancy Help Center & I do try to get to Focus for pregnancy tests only, if I get a call on the days the days that I'm not usually there. If a mom calls needing clothes /diapers I tell her what our normal days & hours are at the center. But if a young girl or woman calls wanting a pregnancy test I make it a point to come into the center. I did receive a call today. A woman was calling for a test so I asked her to wait for about 35 minutes for me to get there for I live in East Rochester & it takes some time to get into the city. She said that she would wait & I hung up & got going. I made good time in getting there. She & a young girl & a boy around 5 years old was with her. I opened all the rooms & asked the younger girl to bring the boy into the Material Aid Room to look around while I spent some time with the client. I brought the woman into the Rose Counseling Room & asked her to fill out the Intake Sheet. I then set up the pregnancy test & talked with her foe awhile. After the test which was negative I talked with her some more. I gave her lots of brochures about many subjects that we discussed in the counseling room. She then went into the Material Aid Room to look around & then they all left. I said if you need to talk again please just call me. She said "thank you, I will". When they left I decided to stay at Focus to do some work & then I received a call on my cell phone. I said "come on in". It was about 10 minutes later that four women & on child came into the Material Aid Room for baby & children clothes & diapers. There was the mother of the three daughters & two were pregnant & all had other children at home so they were very busy picking out many nice things for their children. After they left the doorbell rang about 15 minutes later & it was Cleveland, our street person- friend. "I'm hungry he stated & he kept on saying it. I felt badly but I did end up getting him some food to take with him. He looks awful no matter how Martha try's to care for him. She'll keep on trying to make his life comfortable, as much as possible. After Cleveland left it was about 20 minutes later that the doorbell rang & it was a gentleman wanting $$ for two prescriptions, I gave it to him so he could get his Lithium & the other drug filled. I did take a look at the Prescriptions & they looked legit but if I got coned then so be it, it's on him & not me. He's been at our door before.
After he left it was about 10 minutes later that the doorbell rang again & it was two women & a child around 6 years old. They were looking for shoes for him & some clothes. I lead them into the Material Aid Room to shop for 'free'. They were very grateful for our services. I was happy to hear that & to see the smiles on their faces & the little boy took a plastic stethoscope, maybe he'll be a great doctor some day & save many lives. You never know :) After they left I went to evening Mass at St. Stanislaus Church on, Hudson Ave.. When I got back to Focus I worked in the office & also in the Material Aid Room putting away some of the donations that we received on Wednesday from St. Pius the Tenth Church. I left to go home to eat supper. I had a very busy day & I was in a great deal of pain, from the Morris Wortman back injury (he's now an abortionist) that he did to me back in 1986, when he twisted me in the hall of Highland Hospital, & it is by the grace of God, that I go on with my daily responisibilities & can function even in gross pain. Thank you Lord!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at Focus
We were again so busy that we weren't able to get to the front lines in front of Planned Parenthood, where are the people???? They will be held accountable or doing nothing in defending life. The sin of omission is as serious & maybe even more serious than the sin of commission. Lord have Mercy!!! The minute Martha got out of our car there were people waiting for us at the center to get things that they needed for their children. It was non stop all afternoon with clients & putting away donations from the Second Thought Resale Store & St. Pius the Tenth Church. Thank you so very much!! We made up two Layettes, one for a newborn boy & a newborn girl. We are blessed with so may nice things thanks to the good people & their generosity. God bless you all. Later on the computer man Mark came to fix the computer, in the office, so now it works so much better, thanks Mark. Paul came earlier to help us & I thank him for all his hard work. He even fixed the men's bathroom door & the kitchenette cabinet door, you are so helpful to us Paul, & thank you so much!!! It was about 7pm & Pat our grandmother & great grandmother came for a visit & for some diapers for her 4 great-grandchildren. It's always great seeing her. She is stressed from all the difficulties in the bad neighbor that she lives in on Frost Ave. A very bad neighborhood. She had some dessert with Martha & I. We had Martha's homemade apple betty with ice cream, mmmm good. All in all we had a very busy day helping a lot of moms & their children....very rewarding!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at Focus & on the Front Lines
When I arrived to the center I opened up all the doors getting ready for a very busy day because I had already received many phone calls asking when we will be open today. Martha went to Wendy's to get lunch. The first client came & asked for diapers & formula. Then Martha came back with lunch. I told her to eat fast before the doorbell rings again. It didn't happen, so when I was half done with my 99 cent hamburger the doorbell rang & it was Dawn,from the Elizabeth Ministry, bringing us so many wonderful donations, from the great people at St. Louis Church in Pittsford. We even got diapers & a double stroller & so many clothes & nice things for children. Thank you so much Elizabeth Ministry & the parishioners at St. Louis Church, who donated all these terrific items. God bless you! Just then, as I was speaking to Dawn, the young girl that called me twice this morning came in to get what she needed. I had asked Dawn for volunteers & food items & she said that she could help me out with both. She said that she will go back to St. Louis Church & ask for food items & she wanted to volunteer, at Focus on Wednesdays, from 1pm to 3pm. Wow, that was a double heading!! We'll see her next Wednesday, to help us out, in the Material Aid Room. Before she left she told me a story of a woman, who when she was a teenager, back in the late 60's or early 70's, had an abortion. She came from a large Catholic family & she didn't tell anyone that she was pregnant & went for the abortion because going to college was more important. Well, she did graduate as a teacher & never married or had any children. She looks at her pupils as her children & deeply regrets her 'choose' many years ago. She said to Dawn that her child would have given her much joy & she was greatly remorseful of that awful decision, that she made to abort her child, years earlier. She was grieving, the missed years that she & her son or daughter, would have had together. The deep regrets of abortion!! I told Dawn about my grandmother & her abortion, of my Aunt & almost of my mother. It was so sad a conversation but necessary. Check out: Stand Up Girl @ http://www.standupgirl.com/ & Compass Care @ http://www.compasscare.info/?gclid=CMLYreC8obACFWUTNAod53uKZw & Life Institute Issues @ http://www.lifeissues.org/abortifacients/index.html.
As she was leaving I said that I would see her next Wednesday & I thanked her again for volunteering at Focus. She was a prayer answered.
I noticed that Martha was bringing the signs & literature box out to the front lines. I said that I needed to stay in the center to do some things there. I helped her to bring some things out to the sidewalk & then I went back into the center, to do more work there. Paul had just arrived & now came Valerie, our helping out client, & today she brought her twins & her other daughter with her. She usually comes alone to help us out in the Material Aid Room. Even with her children keeping her busy she was able to help out in the Material Aid Room with our many clients. My cell phone rang & it was Pat, our grandmother, on the phone. She was bringing Katherine, her pregnant granddaughter, to Embracing Options, pregnancy care center, for an ultrasound. She was upset because she couldn't get into the building & when Dee, the director there, came down the stairs she asked Katherine if she was here for a pregnancy test. Pat said sharply that she was already pregnant & she was here for an ultrasound & they weren't going to take all those stairs, so forget about it. I said Pat hang in there & wait where you are until I can get this straightened out. She cooled down & I spoke to Dee & she understood the situation a little better now. She took them both to the back of the building where there isn't any stairs to get to the center. Karen, who is a volunteer at Focus, needs pregnant moms, in the first trimester to practice ultrasounds on, so that she can get certified as a technician, at Embracing Options, so that Focus can refer our clients there. It was a mess but thank God it got straightened out. When I hung up on both parties, for I had one on my cell phone & the other on the phone in the office, I came out of the office & screamed "I can't believe it" & then saying softly "I hope there isn't any clients here". Well, there was Cleveland, our street friend, sitting on a chair in the Green Room & he misunderstood me to think that I was upset that he was there, in the center, & that wasn't the case but he was hurt & walked out very upset. Paul continued to make up his Ramon noodle meal & he then took it outside for him, but when he saw me he left very fast with his food in hand, making a groaning noise. I now was hurt. I then called to him trying to explain that it wasn't anything to do with him but another situation that I was stressed out about but he wouldn't listen to me & he acted very offended as he was walking away. Sorry Cleveland :( I should have screamed in the office with my door closed. Some bad professional behavior on my part. I hope that he will listen to my explanation tomorrow, when I see him, on the street. I felt very badly about this incident for we all love & care about Cleveland & his welfare.
Thank God, I had an opportunity to tell Cleveland the next day, that it had nothing to do with him yesterday when I came out of the office upset. He seemed to understand & all is well once more!! I need to control my emotions, a little better at the center, even though I'm a frustrated human being, at times.
I was working in the office & with the clients when I started to feel uneasy that Martha was out on the front lines by herself for so long. So I decided to go out to be with her. I said to myself, that the office work could wait, so I asked Paul & Valerie to take over in the center & if they had any questions just call me on my cell or come & get me from outside. They said okay & I left. When I arrived to the sidewalk Martha turned around to say to me "Mary, they're killing babies here today". What, I screamed, "no not on Wednesday too". Planned Parenthood kills little babies, by surgical abortions, all day on Thursdays, & we have the whole day covered, with prayer warrior & sidewalk counselors. We haven't been out on a Wednesday in awhile for we're so busy in the pregnancy center. They do kill babies, every day of the week, by RU486 drugs, which are chemical abortions. Check out: http://www.nrlc.org/RU486/ru486info.html & http://www.priestsforlife.org/articles/ru486.html. Planned Parenthood also kills babies by contraceptives, which are abortifacient drugs & devices. Check out: Life Institute Issues @ http://www.lifeissues.org/abortifacients/index.html. Lord have Mercy, on us, for we need more people in the center & out on the front lines, to save mothers & their children!!
I tried to regain my composure from the awful news that Martha just gave me & started to witness & to sidewalk counsel. I spoke with a couple as they were leaving Planned Parenthood & as they were driving out of the parking lot, the male driver hollered to me not to say anything or he'd kill me. I screamed back to him saying "repent you murders". I tried to get his license number to report the treat but he drove away to fast. God saw him & heard him & will deal with both of them, in the future. I always tell the people coming out of the Killing Mill, be it staff or clients saying, "no one will get away with murder, no one, for you will have to stand before God someday & make an account of your life, your judgment will be pronounced by your response"!!
A few more minutes later a couple were leaving the abortion mill. I was standing on the sidewalk & said to them "if you had an abortion here today repent of the sin of murder". The female passenger gave me her middle finger & the male driver gave me a smirk from hell, it even made me quiver it was so evil looking, it was like something from a horror movie. They were both smoking. There isn't enough cigarettes, to ever give them relief, from the pain that they will go through, for what they did here today, to their innocent & defenseless child. You bullies, from hell, I pray that you repent!!!!
It was one car, with usually two people in it, after another coming in & later on going out. It was insane & I felt so horrible & helpless, in trying to save the lives of these precious children, that were being killed by the request from their parent or parents. How bizarre is that???
When I finally went back into the center around 5:30pm I was shell shocked. I didn't do that much at the center after supper but went home in a daze, around 9pm. I didn't want to ever come back again, but I knew that I had to, to try again to save that one baby, that the mother will change her mind about killing.
Psalm 20
May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble!
May the name of the God of Jacob set yousecurely on high!
2 May He send you help from the sanctuary
And support you from Zion!
3 May He remember all your meal offerings
And find your burnt offering acceptable! Selah.
4 May He grant you your heart's desire
And fulfill all your counsel!
5 We will sing for joy over your victory,
And in the name of our God we will set up our banners.
May the Lord fulfill all your petitions.
6 Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed;
He will answer him from His holy heaven
With the saving strength of His right hand.
7 Some boast in chariots and some in horses,
But we will boast in the name of the Lord, our God.
8 They have bowed down and fallen,
But we have risen and stood upright.
9 Save, O Lord;
May the King answer us in the day we call.
Thursday, May 24, 2012 on the Front Lines
When I arrived at the center & I saw Sandy, who volunteers in the pregnancy center, not usually out on the front lines as she is today, was using the mega phone to speak to Cleveland, our street friend, who was standing across the street. Not good! I never had time to tell her not to use the mega phone that way but I did run it by Sheila, our Thursday sidewalk counselor, so if it happens again then she will inform Sandy the proper use of the mega phone, which is only to be used to counsel those who are going into Planned Parenthood. I also use it to come against those obnoxious people, that scream from their cars obscenities to us on the front lines, & I tell them to "repent" but I've been sidewalk counseling for awhile. I know this sounds hypocritical & maybe it is. We don't want to lose the right to use the mega phone ,as part of our ministry, to save lives & souls. I don't trust anyone in this University Ave. neighborhood. Like I said, later on today, as Martha was standing by the brick side of the building, was approached by a car that stopped, with an older man & a woman in it, to tell her that they had just moved into the neighborhood & asked "was the mega phone necessary" to use. She replied that it was & if you would like to join us to save lives, you are more than welcome to stand with us. They drove away quickly. See what I mean! The people in this neighborhood, & some of them have lived there for 20 years or more, have protected this Killing Mill since the 80's, they should be ashamed of themselves for being quiet & letting this atrocity to continue. Their silence is their acceptance of this holocaust. Lord have Mercy!
As I walked into the door of the center I noticed a couple of women in the Material Aid Room alone. I was anxious because I wanted to get out on the front lines & to relieve Sheila who had to leave at 1pm. I ask them if they needed any help & I was so happy to see that Karen was already there & she was helping them out so I was able to get outside. Paul was leaving for lunch & Sandy went with him. They said that when they come back they will be working in the center. Before I left to go outside Karen told me that she had to leave for her son sprung on her that she needed to be at a school event last night. It was nice of her to come for the 30 minutes that she was there to help us out. Thanks Karen! When I finally arrived on the sidewalk to start to counsel I saw Pastor Everett standing there, I was so happy to see him. I looked over across the street to see Mary Ann standing there & I waved 'hi' to her. Then I saw that Bill & Dan & Addison were, across the street, already praying & I waved to them. Just before Mary Ann left she came over, to where I was standing & gave me a package. I opened it up to see that she blessed me with a beautiful silk scarf. Thanks Mary Ann, how very nice & thoughtful of you. Everyone was there but Martha & she came around 1:45pm. When she arrived she went over to the brick side of the Planned Parenthood building, to pray & to counsel. As she was crossing the street, the nasty neighbor who lives in a condo across from the abortion mill, said to her to "keep it down". He spent at least 30 minutes, talking to probably the supervisor of the construction team, of the 5 condos that they are building next to Jim the neighbor. Oh yeah Mr. Nice, only to some people!! I was with Pastor Everett & that was good. A few minutes later I saw that a woman was standing by a car talking to a man in the car. I called her over to where I was standing & she came around the bushes & I asked her what she was doing at an abortion mill. She said that she brought her daughter in for an appointment. I said to her that they do abortions today & was she sure that her daughter wasn't here for an abortion. "No" she said she wouldn't do that. I said "I hope that you're right". I then invited her to go to the center to pick up some things for her grandchildren, for she told me that she had some. I showed her where the center was & she went in. She came out with a bad about 15 minutes later & I recommended that she goes in to see what her daughter is doing. I felt guilty that I didn't insist that she did that before she went into the center. I only hope & pray that her daughter wasn't having an abortion. Lord have Mercy on me! She drove out with her daughter & a young man in the front seat about an hour later & she waved 'good bye' to me. God only knows why her daughter was in there. A few minutes later, I asked a man in a car, in the parking lot, why was he here? He was nice enough to tell me that his granddaughter was here for an appointment. I offered him some literature & told him all about what Planned Parenthood does. When the young girl finally came out I asked her if she had an abortion & she shook her head 'no', with a sweet smile on her face. Thank you Lord! If anyone says....."it's none of you business", I disagree with you, for I am my 'brother's keeper'. If she answers me that fine & if she doesn't....then she doesn't. I don't make her give me an answer I just hope that she will & that it will be "no, I didn't have an abortion". That's what I want to hear!!! Another reason why I ask questions, to the people waiting in the cars, is to offer them help & to educate them.
I had to go into the center for a few minutes to see Suzanne & to ask to her to do some things for me. When I got into the center Karen had left & Paul & Sandy were busy putting things away. Suzanne was in the office & I got to talk with her for a few minutes before getting something to drink & going back outside. When I returned I saw that Pastor Everett was talking to a young man. He was sitting on the wooden ledge & he was holding a Truth packet. I asked him what he was doing at Planned Parenthood & he told me that his mother worked in there. I said "that was unfortunate". Then he laid a bombshell on me when he said "my mother got another job as a receptionist at Rochester General Hospital & tomorrow is her last day". "What", I screamed, "that's wonderful news"!! I then reached in the literature box to get out the two DVD's, both on Planned Parenthood. He accepted them graciously. I saw that he had put the Rosary that was in the Truth packet around his neck so I told him that it was a prayer & in the package it tells you how to say the prayer. I then told him that he could carry the Rosary in his pocket but not around his neck. He smiled & said "okay". He was a very nice young man. I was so happy that a worker, at this abortion mill, was quitting. Praise God !! I hope that they all quit.
Just then a truck pulled in with three people in the front seat. There was an older woman who was the driver & then there was the young girl & the young guy. The guy was smoking so I had a few minutes to talk to them & to plead with them about what they were planning on doing to their baby. They didn't listen& all walked into the abortion mill. My heart sank. It was about three hours later that they came out. When the truck had to stop, to let the cars go by, the young man looked at me with a blank look on his face as the young girl had buried her head in his left shoulder. My heart sank again. I called out to them to repent for the sin of murder & said that the driver will be held more accountable for her part in this murder. The old witch drove off. She helped to kill her own grandchild & she ruined the lives of her daughter & her boyfriend, the mother & the father of this precious baby, that was just murdered, in Planned Parenthood. How evil, how sick.
No time to recover from the shocks I just have to keep on going, to try to save the life of the next baby scheduled to be killed, at Planned Parenthood. I did get a chance to help some women walking down the sidewalk & to off them 'free' children's clothes at the Focus Pregnancy Center. They were very happy & I knew that the guys in the center were very busy. I also received a call on my cell & another mother was coming to Focus to get diapers & clothes later on today. There was a mom with four small children & she had a double stroller & she went in to the center & exchanged it for a better double stroller for her two smallest kids. One big happy family.....great job mom :)
I was by myself now on the front lines, everyone had gone & Martha was now in the center, helping the moms. It was about 6:15pm. Just then a car came around the bushes & I just stared at the driver & then all of a sudden I screamed "repent you cold blooded murder Rachael Phelps". I almost threw up. The abortionist was leaving, with no remorse on her face, after murdering more children. It's no fun to have evil so close to you. Evil is not pretty, it makes you quiver & sick to your stomach. My spirit feels the pain of what she did here today, in killing these defenseless people. I pray for her & all abortionist, for their conversion, salvation & repentance, every day of the week, & for all those who are involved, either directly or indirectly, in the abortion business.
When I went into the center Martha was just finishing a pregnancy test & she was also helping some mother in the Material Aid Room. After everyone had left we had supper & talked. She is my saving grace, for she can relate to how I'm feeling, because she feels the same way. After Martha did the dishes she left to go to the Holy Hour at St. Jude's Church. I stayed to finish up some office work & when I was in the bathroom freshing up to meet her at the Holy Hour I heard some call my name. I came out of the bathroom to see Pat, our grandmother standing there in the middle of the Green Room. She said that she decided to stop by to say "hi". I said that's fine but I'm on my way to church. We visited for a short time & I gave her some food from the food shelves & she thanked me & she was on her way. I gave her a hug & told her that we loved her & cared about her & her family. She was more than grateful to hear those words, for she is under so much stress, all the time with her family & the house that she's living in, with them. I want to keep her spirit high.
When I arived to the church, for it is far away, the Deacon was just giving out Holy Communion, which is the Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity of the Lord Jesus. I was so happy to receive my Lord & Savior. God's timing is perfect.
After the service we walked around the church grounds & then she said "lets go for an ice cream". I said "if you drive, I will". We went to this homemade ice cream stand, down the road, & there were about 75 people before us waiting to get their ice cream. We finally got served & it was worth waiting for this delicious treat :)
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at Focus
We have four new babies in the world!!
1.) Baby girl Aniyah was born on May 18th. at 9lbs. 5ozs. & 23 inches long. Mother & daughter are doing well.
2.) Baby boy Kevin was born on May 21st. at 4 lbs. 8ozs. & is at the Rochester General Hospital for awhile until Kevin gains more weight. Mother is doing fine.
3.) Baby was born Meko was born premature & her boyfriend came into Focus to get some things for baby. Mother & son are doing well.
4.) Baby girl Devea was born today May 29th. at 7lbs. 6ozs.. The moms oldest daughter came to Focus this afternoon to get some nice things for the new baby. Mother and daughter are doing well, after her C-Section.
Pat, our grandmother, came into Focus today & was in an arm cast. On Friday she ran into the street to stop a car from running over little Akira. The small child darted in the street & Pat saw that & ran into the street to save her precious great grandchild & the car hit her instead. My Hero!! Now she's really in pain but everyone is alive. Praise God!! Please keep this family in your constant prayers & thank you.
Valerie, our client & helper came with her young daughter, into the center to help us out, she worked with Paul & Martha this afternoon. Earlier this afternoon Karen & I went to Exchange Blvd. to pick up some donations, from Maria. Lots of big items & children's clothes. When we came back to Focus, Karen worked in the office, on our volunteer application intake sheet. She does a great job on the computer. Very grateful to God for sending us Karen & all our wonderful volunteers, to keep Focus open to help the people in the community. We are also grateful to all our prayer partners & benefactors :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at Focus & on the Front Lines
Martha & I arrived at the center right after Mass & started our work. I had gotten a phone call from Dan, the Realtor who has an office up the hallway, about the coat rack that I promised not to have in the hallway by his & the Accountant's office, even though they are not usually there when Focus is open. I did break my promise & put the coat rack back up the hall when I saw that Elroy had left & Dan wasn't there but apparently Elroy had come back to his office later on when I didn't see him come in. So he called Dan to complain about the coat rack & Dan then called me about it. I want to be humble, for that's what God wants, so I will say that I did break my promise & that wasn't a good thing. I won't do it again so as to keep my word & to keep the peace in the building. Shared space means compromise, even if I don't like it. I had two disappointment s back to back. I've been praying for more volunteers & Karen just emailed me saying that she can only do one day a week at Focus & not two for she is overwhelmed at home. Then Dawn, who said that she would volunteer on Wednesdays from 1pm to 3pm called & left a voice mail saying that she has five children & can't commit to volunteering at Focus :( Lord I know that you have a plan, in the near future to get more help for us at Focus, for we are so busy as you know. Delay doesn't mean denial it just means to wait....patiently & to trust in the Lord, with all your heart.
Just them the doorbell rang & it was Donna & her son. I heard her tell Martha that the abusive boyfriend found them again & did more damage to them & was now in jail. He got 1 to 3 years. I only hope that he gets 3 years & leaves them alone when he come out. What a sicko, he almost killed them both. Thank you Lord for protecting Donna & her son Mitchell. They both got a lot of nice things in the Material Aid Room. They touched my heart.
Martha after a very quick lunch of a cheese sandwich decided to go outside to be on the Front Lines & I still had things to do in the center by making up Truth packets for the ministries. Thank God Paul came & he was such a great help. The first thing that I asked him to do was to clean the Men's Bathroom for I was switching bathrooms. The fist bathroom, with the lock on it, will be Elroy's & Dan's bathroom, so now they can clean it & buy their own toilet paper & paper towels. Yeah!! The second bathroom will be ours & the taxi men, it'll work, it has to. I took everything out of the first bathroom, which is all my stuff & I put it in the second bathroom. It looks good :) Afandi, the taxi driver, said that he will get a lock for the door so only those who have a key can get in. Great idea!!
I was going to go outside to be with Martha since Paul was now in the center but I received a call on my cell phone asking for assistance. The girl said that she would be there in a half an hour. I went outside to see how Martha was doing before going back inside the center. She wanted some water so I went to get it for her. When I came back outside she told me a couple of things.
First, she saw a man on a bicycle taking pictures of her. He didn't say anything he just took pictures & then left. He probably was interested in what she was doing & took some pictures. After that he just left, there was no incident thank God. Second, was she said that she saw a man coming around the bushes walking very fast & when he turned the corner to where Martha was standing she showed him her huge Rosary & he said "no way" & left to go back to the Planned Parenthood parking lot. Thank God again. I said " Martha take my cell phone & if there is a problem call me at the office & I'll come right out". She said "okay & thanks". I had to go back into the center to wait for the girl that wanted our assistance. I felt better that Martha was protected by the Angels & the Saints & had the cell phone too, for God wants us to be prudent.
When I arrived back to the center there was a woman in the Material Aid Room getting the things that she needed. Martha had called Bernie, the landlord, earlier telling him that the air conditioner wasn't working & the ceiling was leaking again, just like it did last year. I hope that he can fix it correctly this time & soon. I went back to the office to do more work in there & the door bell rang. I went to the door to see three girls standing there. I introduced my self to them & invited them into the Rose Counseling Room. I asked the young woman who was pregnant to now fill out the Intake Sheet. I was called out of the room by Paul & he asked me if he could take the young lady who was in the Material Aid Room up to the bus stop. I said to her that I would give her bus money & Paul said that he had already given her $2 for the bus fare all she wanted now was a ride to the bus. I told her that it wasn't a good idea for Paul to do this so I said "no". It wasn't raining & if she took to much to walk down the street then she needs to put some things back & have a lighter load to carry. She left with the heavy bag & Martha told me later on the she was doing all right but the bag did look heavy & she was a short woman. Next time try to have some one bring you to Focus. I have to be prudent for I don't want Paul to be in a difficult situation to have to deal with. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I had just come back in the Counseling Room when I heard the voice of the landlord Bernie. I heard him say "where's Mary"? I excused myself once more & put my head out the door to tell him that I was busy & then went back into the Counseling Room to give the girls my undivided attention. The situation was that this young girl was pregnant & needed help to get health insurance & other helpful agencies that will aid her during her pregnancy. She had the support of her family which was wonderful. The one girl said that she had called Planned Parenthood & got the impression that they didn't help you if you were pregnant. I said "you are right they kill children & it's a business to them". She said "yea, I thought so". They were so grateful to finally get the help that they needed. I then brought them into the Material Aid Room & gave mom a white onesee & she took a book on pregnancy. I wished them the best & the one girl said that I will probably see them again. "Sounds good to me", I said. They left very relieved. I was happy to be able to help them.
I now was able to go to the front lines to join Martha. It was war again & I knew that the abortionist was killing children here today. We counseled together & she prayed a lot. The girls came out showing us their middle finger making them feel powerful & in control. Really they look like 'bad girls' who are out of control. So sad to see. The guy on the bicycle gave us his opinion which was all wrong. Martha told him to be careful while riding his bike being so angry, I handed out a Truth packet to a woman leaving with her daughter. She stopped the car to receive the information. I was happy to see that she was receptive to the Truth.
We tried to tell the people the truth. A car with three girls in it went into Planned Parenthood & the one girl was pushing the other girl to the front door. I said "don't be in such a hurry to go into an abortion mill where you could get hurt". They came out a few minutes later & as they were leaving I said "to get peace of mind the pregnancy center next door does 'free' pregnancy tests". The made a left hand turn & we're on the right. I hope that they get the help that they all need.
It was getting late & we had so much more to do in the center so we were started packing up. I stayed a few minutes later & a car with two older women were driving out. I saw that a man on a bile was riding close to the sidewalk & he was heading towards the car that was pulling out of the Planned Parenthood parking lot. I was standing there, holding my graphic sign, & the driver pulled out right in front of the man on the bike barely hitting him. He went by me screaming obscenities about the sign that I was holding. I answered back to him saying "for someone who almost got killed you're quit nasty". I told him to get help from his involvement in an abortion. I can tell by his bad behavior.
As I was going into the center I saw that a woman was walking down the street with four children & one baby in the stroller. I told her about the 'free' clothes, books, toys & things at Focus. She followed me into the center & Martha helped them out getting some real nice things. They left very happy. Then the doorbell rang & it was Ken Ruzzo from St. Louis Church, in Pittsford. This was the Church that just had blessed us with so many nice things. He was here to tell me that they are waiting on Fr. Ring, the Pastor, to see if he would allow the start of the '40 Days for Life' Campaign this Fall. I brought him into the office & gave him Rick's, the coordinator, email address. I called Rick & Ken was able to speak with him for a few minutes, which was great. We need more people to come out, to the front lines to pray & to witness, all the time & during the '40 Days for Life' Campaign. I was happy with this news.
A few minutes later the doorbell rang & it was a young woman. When I answered the door she said that she was so happy that we were open. I asked her if she wanted a pregnancy test & she said that she did. I asked Martha to assist her & she did. She was a very nice woman, very bubbly. Martha referred her to Dr. Morehouse, for a check up, because she wasn't pregnant & she hadn't had her period in such a long time. She said that she had earlier this morning gone to Planned Parenthood but they wouldn't take her because of her insurance so the women at the front desk told her to go to the nice lady on the sidewalk & she could do the test next door at the pregnancy center. This must have been the lady who works in billing that Sheila had talked to a couple of weeks ago. She must have thought that Sheila was, out on the sidewalk, which she wasn't so this young woman came to Focus after work, while we were still open. She was so happy to be finally getting help. She'll call Dr. Morehouse, who just happened to have delivered her years ago, to see what was going on with her. She did receive abstinence counseling form Martha after her negative pregnancy test. As she was leaving I asked her not to go back to Planned Parenthood for anything for they are racist & are involved in Black Genocide. She looked at me knowing what I was saying to her. We said "good bye" & she left.
About 15 minutes later the doorbell rang again & it was our large family coming to get the pac'n play, for the new baby that was due, any day now. She was huge & the time was short. They were so happy to be getting more nice things for their large family & Martha gave her a blue baby's blanket & a Layette for her son. What a nice family.
I told Martha earlier this afternoon that I would take her out for supper because I forgot the roasted chicken in my refrigerator. So we finally got done & I treated her to supper at the South Wedge Restaurant. We had a nice meal. Martha had ice cream for dessert & I watched her eat it. Mmmm good she said.
Thursday, May 31, 2012 on the Front Lines
The Thursdays on the Front Lines are paralyzing & traumatic to me so it takes me many days to digest what had happen on those days from the sure horror of my experiences. Thank God I do experience some good revelations of babies being saved & of attentive ears, to my counseling, on the sidewalk. I must keep on going & only through the grace of God, I will be able to continue. As I write about my experiences, out on the Front Lines, words can't really describe the real feelings I feel out there but I try my best to describe the incidents to the best of my ability. It's hard to write word for word of what was said by me or by the other person but I hope that you can get the drift of the encounter.
Sheila couldn't make it today so I was there on the front lines at 10:30am to sidewalk counsel. When I arrived there was Pat & Bill there praying. I spoke with them for a brief time & then they left. Thank God that Tom was with me & he brought out the graphic signs for me. He stayed with me which was great otherwise I'd be by myself. The first car that pulled out was a woman who had an abortion earlier & it was so sad to see this. Then I spoke to a couple that pulled into the parking lot. They went into the Killing Mill & came out just a few minutes later. As they came out of the parking lot & onto the street I asked them "not to kill their baby". They had a blank look on their faces & rode away. I knew this baby was 'saved' from abortion. Praise God! The graphic pictures, of babies killed by abortion, showed these parents the truth of what they were about to do to their baby & the realization made them change their minds. Graphic pictures saves lives!
I spoke to two girls that were walking into Planned Parenthood with a stroller with a young child in it. How upsetting! The one girl said to me "get a job" & she said some other things but I couldn't hear her. Well they both went into the building, with the child, & minutes later they walked out. As they passed me on my side of the sidewalk I was hesitant to speak with them but changed my mind through the grace of God. I hollered to them saying "if you want 'free' baby clothes there is a center up the street to your right that can help you. I said that because I knew that Sandy & Paul were now in the center. They turned around & said "okay" & headed for the center. Boy was I surprised. I was happy that the dear Lord worked on my stubbornness & gave in to speak to them as they walked passed me. A few minutes later I asked Tom if her would go into the center to get me more Truth packets & he said that he would. When he came back out he said to me "this is Divine Justice". I said "what is"? He said the young girl that was mouthy to you wants a pregnancy test. I said "really, would you hold down the fort while I go into the center to give it to her"? He said "yes" with a smile on his face. I walked into the center & said "hi girls my name is Mary & I am the director here & I heard that you wanted a pregnancy test". The thin girl that was mouthy said to me "I don't believe in abortion either". I said "then why did you give me so much trouble if we were on the same page"? She said "I don't know". Okay, I thought let is go Mary. I was just happy that they all were at Focus & not Planned Parenthood. I brought them into the Rose/Counseling Room & gave the one girl the Intake Sheet to fill out. I said that I would be right back & went into the Ladies/ Gentleman's Room to make sure that all was clean & neat before I sent her in there for a specimen. When I came out to my surprise there was Martha standing there. Praise God & thank you Lord was my response. I was so happy to see her that's for sure because I needed to get back out to the front lines with Tom. I quickly told her what was going on & asked her if she would give the pregnancy test to our new client & she said that she would. Thanks Martha for your cooperation in this matter. I went into the Rose Room & told the young lady that Martha was going to assist her at this point. No problem. It turned out that she was pregnant & will be going for an ultrasound on Wednesday at Embracing Options where Karen, our volunteer, will be doing it. All went well with the counseling session. Yeah!!!
After the test was completed Martha came out to the front lines to join me & Tom went across the street to witness. I asked Paul & Sandy if they would work in the center & they agreed. The teams were in place. One car after another came out with a female that just had her baby killed. It's always horrible. All I can say to them & to the driver is "repent of the sin of murder". To give them a chance to save their souls from going to hell.
I saw that Bill was here for his sign & then he went across the street to witness. The builders were digging up the ground across the street wooing on building the new condos. I guess we'll be having trouble with some of the new owners when they move in. I'm not looking forward to it. Some of us pro lifers were joking around saying that we should buy one of the condos so that we could be out in front of Planned Parenthood more often. If I only had $250,00 I would. I turned around to see that Addison & his wife had arrived. They told me that Dan, the other prayer warrior, had fallen up the stairs & hurt his leg & was now on crutches. I asked Addision to say "hi" to him for me. He said that he would. I saw that Pastor Everett was getting out of his car. I was so happy to have him here with Martha & I. Martha then decided to go over to the other side of the building & took some Truth packets with her & the prayer card, that she reads hoping to save a life. Then a car pulled into the parking lot & the right behind the first car came the second car. Two females got out of the first car & two females got out of the second car. Martha was closer to them then I was so she spoke to them. The one girl was upset saying "I'm having a miscarriage & I'm going to have it sucked out of me". Well, fist of all a regular D&C there is a scraping of the contents of the uterus & there is no suctioning at all. So I think that Martha was suspicious & said "if you're having a miscarriage then why don't you go to the Emergency Department of the nearest Hospital & not to an abortion mill"? She was worried about her care at this abortion mill. She acted rightly about this situation. The girls said something to Martha & it probably wasn't nice & they all walked into Planned Parenthood. Later on when they came out the one girl took my picture & another girl told me that I was going to Hell. Go figure!! The only thing I could think was that, all that Martha & I had spoken, had disturbed the girls because they were post abortive due to their reaction to what we had said out there on the front lines.
A woman drove into the parking lot with two young children in the car. As she got out of the car I started to speak to her. She went into a rage. She came over to where I was standing by the bushes & told me that she almost came over to slap me silly. The joke would have been on her as the police arrived. All I tell her or anyone is the TRUTH & people don't like the truth. She was nasty & combative & I told her that I would pray for her.
A man threw a large Wendy's soda cup at me & it landed in the street. He saw the growth & development picture that we have of a baby that is two months old in the womb. I told him as he passed by me to "repent for your abortion involvement". Then two guys in a car came by & the passenger was almost on top of the roof of the car screaming at me & the driver added his scream too. Again I told them to "repent for their abortion involvement". Then another car with a man in it also screamed at me & you know what I said to him too. There were five men, who are in pain & misery, from their abortion past. How sad was this to see!!
Then Martha came out for she was in the center helping our clients & so was Suzanne & Sandy & Paul. Martha asked if I wanted anything to come into the center for she would help me bring some signs in. I asked her to wait with me for a few minutes when a man came down the street & stopped. He sad "can I ask you both a question". I said "sure". He then went on to say "if you knew that a baby was going to be born gay would you abort this baby"? I said "here we go again" for I have heard this lame question before. I said "of course NOT". "Oh", he said "I'm glad to hear that". Oh brother, I thought, for we are the ones that don't believe in killing children even if they are conceived in rape, which isn't their fault & they should be protected & be born. No one should murder a child, in the mother's womb, least of all the mother herself. Well it went on & on & on. One bizarre question after another. He had a scientific mind & they want proof of everything & they don't live by faith but by reason, which isn't always the case. He finally left after a frustrating time. Martha & I did our best to answer his questions after invoking the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at Focus & on the Front Lines
We got to the center & we busy right off the bat. Today I never even had lunch though I did drink a protein drink, later in the day. Karen came around 1:15pm & got to work in the office adding new information to the Food Pantry List & to the Referral List, more agencies & churches that can assist our clients with their needs. Then Liz, from the Catholic Family Center, came to get the layette for one of her clients that is due any day now with a baby girl. Well we started talking & talking & talking. In the meantime Ni came to help us out, for she is our Monday evening volunteer, & then Anne came to drop off the donations from Kathy. I felt badly for I never really got a chance to speak with Anne today because I was with Liz. All this happened at once. Liz wants to promote Rachel Vineyard for post abortion women & men but is having difficulty in this diocese. In the meantime, Martha went out by herself, to the front lines. Not good idea but sometimes we have to because we don't have enough people for the center & for the sidewalk ministry. Then Paul came to help us out & I was sure glad that he did. He cleaned all the strollers & car seats & the baby swing that we just received. He was working non stop. Ni put away the clothes, from the Great Room, into the Material Aid Room & answered the door & helped out our clients that came into the room for clothes & small items. She even fixed the curtain in our new bathroom & Afandi, from the taxi company, put the new lock on our bathroom door. Karen had to leave at 3pm & I continued my work in the office.
Ni made coffee for Martha & she took it out to her on the front lines & I gave her my cell phone to take to Martha but it was returned to me, for she said that she didn't need it. Okay Martha but be careful! It was about 30 minutes later that Ni came to the office to tell me that there was a young girl in the Material Aid Room that wanted a referral for an ultrasound. She met Martha out on the sidewalk & she referred our new client to Focus. I got up, from my desk, & went into the Material Aid Room & met our new client. I introduced myself to her & then preceded to assist her. I recommended for her to go to Embracing Options tomorrow from 1:30pm until 3:30pm for an ultrasound & then I gave her many brochures & a DVD. She was thrilled. She said that she went over to Planned Parenthood & they weren't very nice to her once she told them that she was keeping her baby. She thanked me & said that she will be coming back here tomorrow. I was happy that she was happy.
Martha came in around 5pm for she was out on the front lines for over 3 hours. Thank God that the weather was good & she didn't have much turmoil out there. She told me what had happened, while she was out there on the sidewalk, & I'll try to relate it to you to the best of my ability:
Martha told me that a woman who said that she was a student at the school down the street told her that she works for Planned Parenthood as a Peer Counseling. Whatever that is & we know that it isn't good. She saw Martha's picture of Jesus holding a baby that was just aborted & was crying & the other picture of an aborted baby. She made a snide remark saying "die, die, die, we all die". Yes we all die but we're not all murdered & one doesn't usually die before one is born. Then all of a sudden she sat down by the wooden ledge, surrounding the big bushes, & put her hands over her face, like she was ashamed. I told Martha that she could have had an abortion in the past & was now convicted of what she did. She finally got up & left & she didn't take the Truth packet that Martha had offered her. I hope that she will get the help that she needs very soon & that she'll stop peering the poor students that she's influencing in a negative way, at the school down the street. Poor kids!! Then all of a sudden Martha heard someone from the Buckpitt building where we stand in front of, on the front lines, & he said to her "why don't you leave her alone". Then Martha turned around to face him & she said "did your girlfriend have an abortion"? He then replied "darn right she did" & then he drove away. He is a post abortive father who is in denial.
Martha said to the older woman who was the Death Escort today while she was walking a young girl to the sidewalk "did you tell her that the Pill can Kill & did you tell her that she could get sexually transmitted diseases from having sex & did you tell her that she will lose her self respect by giving herself to her boyfriend.......you told her all this right!!! The Death Escort just walked back to Planned Parenthood after her victim crossed the street to the other side. How sad.
A couple of girls approached Martha & asked if they could interview her for a school project. They were to get both sides of the abortion issue. They went into Planned Parenthood & they weren't very nice to them, they told Martha. One of the girls said that they wanted to talk to the abortionist but were dismissed. Martha was recorded as they interviewed her & she gave them the Truth packet, which has lots of brochures & other information. She handed them the Advocate magazine, published by Lila Rose, President of Live Action @ http://liveaction.org/ talking about Planned Parenthood's involvement with Sex Trafficking. She showed them where the Focus Pregnancy Center was, if they wanted more information. They left very grateful to Martha & all that she did to help them with their school project. Great job!!
Then a young girl came out of Planned Parented & stopped to speak with Martha. She went in Planned Parenthood to get an ultrasound & when she told them that she was keeping her baby they weren't very nice to her. Martha sent her over to Focus & I gave her two places where she could go for a 'free' ultrasound & I gave her a DVD on growth & development, of the baby in the womb, plus other information of a couple of other topics & some brochures of community agencies that could also assist her in her pregnancy. She said to me that she should have come here first. I said "thank you. I wish that you did but here you are now". I told her that we would keep in touch with her after she filled out the Intake Sheet. She left very grateful & said that she would be back after she saw the Material Aid Room. Happy to please!
A young girl was going into Planned Parenthood & Martha asked her if she could help her. She said that she was going in for a pregnancy test. Martha offered her a 'free' pregnancy test at our pregnancy center just a little ways down the street but she declined. Needless to say she came to Focus the next day for our assistance.
Martha had some nasty people say very rude things to her as they drove by, while she was standing on the sidewalk, which is typical. She said that the weather was nice & it wasn't windy so she didn't have to chase any signs down the street.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at Focus
Martha wasn't at Mass today & when I got to the center she wasn't there either. I hadn't heard from her no phone call...nothing. I was worried that something had happened to her. I was at the center for about 10 minutes when the doorbell started to ring & ring & ring. Usually Wednesdays are not the busiest day but today was different. I was feeling not so good was in a lot of pain. I was upset that Martha wasn't here & in pain so I just wanted to crawl into a hole & disappear. Our first mom was a regular & she needed special diapers which I was so happy that we had. Then the doorbell rang again & it was a mom with a young son in a stroller. She didn't have any money & was in a temporary living situation. I gave her some referrals, of agencies that could possibly assist her, & our Food Panty Referral List too. She asked for food & so did the other mother. I went into the Great Room & got some food for both of them. Just then the doorbell rang & it was two girls. I asked if I could help them & the one girl said that she would like a pregnancy test. I walked the two girls into the Rose/Counseling Room. Then the other girl said that since she was here that she also wanted a pregnancy test. I was praying that I could get through this whole experience without any help. I was by myself & it would be difficult even if I was feeling good, which I wasn't. I said that I would do one test at a time & asked the first girl to fill out the Intake Sheet. I showed her the bathroom & then went back to see how our two moms with the two children were doing in the Material Aid Room. They were doing fine. I went back into the Counseling Room to complete the first test & to counsel. I then asked the sister of the first girl to fill out the Intake Sheet & then showed her the bathroom. Then the doorbell rang & it was two more moms with two small children huddled together in a single stroller. I showed them the Material Aid Room & almost fainted for there was Martha. I was so happy But mad. She said that she had to work overtime, with her patient, for she does some private duty nursing & then she had to see her dying uncle at St. Ann's Home. She didn't have a chance to call me for she doesn't have a cell phone & she new that I would be in church after 12 noon. Oh okay Martha as long as you are fine & are here now I'll forgive you. I asked her if she would help the desperate mom out with many needs. Then she helped the other mom, with the two cramped kids in the stroller, by giving them a double stroller that we had in the Great Room. She & the two boys were very happy. I went back into the Counseling Room to completed my second pregnancy test. I spoke to both of them about abstinence & respect for their own bodies, Both test were negative. They said that they had gone over to Planned Parenthood earlier but they weren't very nice & wouldn't do the pregnancy test. They saw our sign our on the sidewalk k & came in for the test. They also commented that they were happy here for it was peaceful & I was nice. It was grace my dear for I was in so much pain I almost screamed. It wasn't you it was me. I was blessed by both sisters & I pray that they will make better choices in the future. I told them about how Planned Parenthood is racist & is killing their race off through birth control & abortion. They said that they didn't know that. I suggested that if anyone needs help please sent them to us at Focus & not Planned Parenthood. They said that they would. I gave them an informational DVD for educational purposes. They smiled & said "thank you" & left. Nice girls.
When I went into the hall I was stopped by a young woman who was with the mom with the two boys & she asked me for a pregnancy test. I said as soon as I cleaned up the room & she said "okay". I asked Martha if she would do this test & she said that she would. It was negative & she was educated & given some brochures.
It was 2pm & I went into the office to do some work when all of a sudden Martha came in with a young girl. Martha said this young lady was at Planned Parenthood yesterday & now she is here & wants an ultrasound. Martha left & I introduced myself to the young girl. She said that she just came from Planned Parenthood & had an ultrasound & they told her that she might be having an etopic pregnancy & to repeat the ultrasound in 24 hours. I called Dr. William Morehouse's office & made an appointment for him to see her @ 3:30pm this afternoon. I gave her a DVD & many brochures. I called the taxi & they brought her to the Dr.'s office about an hour earlier. I felt that if she had any problems she was in a safe place & could receive medical care immediately. I hope & pray the very best for her & that she doesn't lose her precious baby. We will keep in touch with her. I was thanking God that all went well in the care of this young sweet girl.
I went back to my paperwork when someone banged on the office door. It was Dan. I said "Dan I'm already stressed out now you scared me but I'm glad that you're here never the less". I put him to work immediately. He made up the Truth packets that we pass out in front of the Killing Mill & at the pregnancy center. What a help is always is to us at Focus.
Paul had come earlier & was working in the Green Room cleaning the toys that had been brought into the center. I received a call on my cell phone & it was Tim. He said that he was driving down a street & saw that there was some big children item on the curb & if I wanted them. I said "sure Tim bring then on over", which he did. There were walkers & a littler jumper & a mobile for a baby. The only thing is that the items were dirty & they smelled of cat urine. No problem for us. Paul cleaned them up & later on I took the cloth parts of the items home to wash in very hot water with a cat urine removal product, I happened to have on hand, in my basement. They came out fresh smelling & we were blessed with more things to give to our mothers for their children. Another blessing from God :)
Martha had to go to an Nursing In Service meeting this evening so she will be missing the Focus Board Meeting at 6pm. I got the room set up with the agenda & the minutes from the last board meeting. Pat was the first board member to arrive & then came Rob & then Jose & Paul & the last person was Todd. It was a very productive meeting & it lasted over an hour. I was very pleased. Pat stayed after everyone had left to help me out with some things. Thanks Pat. I drove over to St. Cecilia's Church to see Fr. Cushing & to get the DVD's that he burns for us for our clients at Focus. I rang the doorbell to the rectory at about 8:50pm & Father answered & the first thing that I said to him after "hello Father" was "could you hear my confession & can I receive the Sacrament of the Sick". He heard my confession but he didn't have his blessed oils with him in the rectory, so I couldn't receive the Sacrament of the Sick but Father said a prayer over me, which was very nice of him. I then went home, but stopped first at Wendy's for a salad with chicken & strawberries & almonds, for my supper, & I took it home & had a big glass of red wine to wash it down.
Thursday, June 7, 2012 on the Front Lines
I went to St. Louis Church for the 11am Mass & then stopped to the bank for Focus & then to T-Mobile to add more minutes to the cell phone which I use 24X7. I then went to Focus & the plan was to take a 15 minute nap before going out on the front lines but to my surprise Martha was there. How nice was that. She called about the car seat, that we just got donated, & was trying to get the instructions so that the mom will have it when she receives the car seat for her child. It was a hassle but she finally got them to email me the instructions so that I could print it out. Just then Paul came into the center. He had put out the signs & the literature box, on the sidewalk, for Martha & I to use this afternoon. I did some things & then went out to take over so that Sheila could go home. I saw that Dan was across the street witnessing & he waved at me & hollered "hello". I was glad to see him. Tom was there & so was Bill. Addison & Adolf & Mary Anne came later to pray & to witness. I really didn't get a chance to say much to Sheila but will touch base with her at another time during the week. I was now alone on my side of the street. I started to talk to the people in the cars, as they went into the Killing Mill, to try to save their babies lives. A white truck pulled into the parking lot & parked. There was a young man & a young girl sitting in the truck & they didn't get out. I called over to them & starting talking & pleaded with them not to have their baby killed. I gave them all that I had in information. Dan came over to where I was standing & he started to speak t them too. Then Martha was now out on the front lines & she gave them the truth. The young man got out of the truck & wen over to where she was sitting & he gave her a hug. I said "you made love & the product of your love is your child, don't kill the love". We all tried again once he went back into the truck again. They were sitting in there for another 10 minutes & then got out & went into Planned Parenthood to have their baby murdered, by the abortionist, Rachel Phelps. It made me sick to my stomach.
One car, after another, came out of Planned Parenthood after they killed their baby. It was heartbreaking. I looked down the sidewalk to see that the school up the street was walking their students up the sidewalk. There were reactions of some of the kids. There are other streets the teachers could have taken with their students to get them back to school. Maybe some of the girls won't have abortions in the future after seeing what they saw today.
Suzanne arrived with her two nieces to show them the Focus Center. Then Suzanne did a pregnancy test of a young lady that had called me earlier today scheduling an appointment. Suzanne, Sandy & Paul were very busy in the center putting away the donations & helping out our moms in the Material Aid Room. Great team of volunteers!!
I looked over to the other side of the street & I saw Jim Bovay who lives in the condo across the street. He was looking at me & he was twisting his finger in a whirling motion, as if to say that I was crazy. Just look in the mirror Jim. How sad that in the past 17 years that I've been in front of Planned Parenthood he hasn't changed one bit.....how messed up is that!
It was another horrible afternoon in front of an abortion mill. Martha & I went back into the center around 5pm & did some work & ate our supper & went home around 9pm.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at Focus
I had a meeting at Embracing Options today at 1:45 until 3:45pm to discuss the new ultrasound machine that we were blessed with by the Knights of Columbus. We will be having a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 20th. from 11:30am to 1pm. It should be quite an event. Fist of all Karen came with the shipment of items that we were blessed with from Wegmans. Karen went to pick them up at the warehouse & then brought them to us for our clients. Then Tim came to drop off some donations & I asked him if he would stay for awhile to assist Martha which he did. Thanks Tim I do appreciate it!! When I returned to Focus Paul was there helping Martha out. She was busy while I was gone. We had many clients come in for clothes, diapers & food, which we now had from Wegmans, to give out. Pat had come & donated a new high chair & pac'n play for Pat our grandmother for her great grandchildren. She is in a lot of pain since the car accident that save her great grandchild's life a couple of weeks ago. I wish that I could make her pain go away, for she is so special to us at Focus & she is a life saver too. I called some of our clients to see how they were doing & to inform them about the free ultrasound on Wednesdays at Embracing Options. I worked in the office some more then Martha & I ate supper. She had to go to her last Parish Council Meeting, yeah!! No more after this one ever!! :) I need her at Focus & they have enough people at the meetings. I talked to one of our clients that called me twice & I asked her to come tomorrow for assistance. I did more work in the office & Material Aid Room & then went grocery shopping & went home. I saw a disturbing email from a prayer warrior out on the front lines & she said that she thinks that Planned Parenthood is doing abortions on Wednesday. I emailed her back & said "yes, I think that too". So Martha & I will have to be out there on Wednesdays & Thursday afternoons, for the surgical abortion days. Lord have Mercy on their souls.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 on the Front Lines & at Focus
Feast of St. Anthony
After Mass this afternoon Martha & I went to the center. My plan was to go to the front lines as soon as we could get there. Then the door bell rang & rang & rang again. So I decided to go out by myself & for Martha to stay in the center to help all our clients with their needs. Then the doorbell rang again & it was Tony. I had asked him after Mass today if he would come on over to pray on the front lines & he took me up on it. So know I had someone out there with me. I then realized that I hadn't turned on my cell phone & as I did it rang. It was Pat, our grandmother, & she asked if I or Martha would pick her & Katherine up, who is 15 weeks pregnant & having some spotting, & take them to Dr. N's office for a check up. I then put her on hold & asked Tony if he wouldn't mind to pick them up & to take them to see the doctor near Monroe Community College. He said that he would so I gave him the phone to get directions from Pat to her house, I helped for I know where she lives & how to get there. He felt confident that her knew how to get there & hung up. I thanked him so much & then he left. Martha joined me about 10 minutes later on the sidewalk. We put a sign on the center's door so if anyone needed anything for them to come & get us on the sidewalk. It worked. We had a nice lady from the Urban League come & find us & got some things from us at the Focus Pregnancy Center, for one of her clients who is in need. She was impressed with our center & she took the Truth packet & other information for educational purposes. Then she waved good bye to me as she passed by me on the street after she was helped at Focus by Martha. Martha then returned out to the front lines to join me once more.
The same old man, who drives down the street giving us his middle finger & screaming at us, came by us again today. As he passed by being obnoxious, I told him that his finger will fall off someday. Maybe it will,l for what goes around comes around. Poor old man when will he learn. Then another man came by me & went into Planned Parenthood. I told him that they were racist & he started to swear at me. Martha told me she heard him start swearing down the street when he first saw me. When he came out I tried to talk to him again but to no avail. He just went on a ramp rage & he even engaged one of the workers on the Condos across the street for support. I told him to behave himself for there were sexual transmitted diseases just waiting for him & they're not any fun for him or for her & to keep his private parts in his pants. Oh well, I was trying to make it clear to him to change his behavior, for his was going no where. I hope & pray that this man, who protested to mucheth, will repent & will start over with God's help.
Then there was the car with the two girls who came out of the vets & screamed at Martha & I like banshees ( A female spirit in Gaelic folklore believed to presage, by wailing, a death in a family). I called over to them to repent of their abortion involvement. They came around us a second time about 30 minutes later screaming at us, like they did earlier. I told them that they were not at peace & to get help. I was sooooo very sad to experience this behavior & knowing that they or one of them had an abortion in the past. If they had stopped their car & wanted to talk to Martha & I we would been able to help them to connect them to the right people. But no, they just wanted to scream & scream & scream some more, as if that would help them. They need to talk to someone & to ask for the forgiveness of God, to get the peace that they need. I get so frustrated. I want to help people but they don't want it????
The cell phone rant & it was Tony saying that he needed to pick up Joy, his wife. I said okay & then he said that he would wait a few more minutes & if the doctor was finished & Katherine could go home he would take Pat & Katherine back home. I said "okay, I'll wait to hear back from you & if you can't wait then I'll come & pick them up at the doctor's office". He said "okay, I'll call you back as soon as I know something" & he hung up. I told Martha about this new event & then I went to my car & got out all the donations & brought them to the center so I would have enough room for both of them. Then the phone rang & it was Tony saying that the doctor just finished with the exam & Katherine was coming back home & was put on bed rest & he would take them. I said "thanks Tony I do appreciate that". Then he said that Pat would call me when she get back home. I said "fine" & we hung up. It was about 25 minutes later that Pat called me. I said that I was glad that Katherine was okay. Then I told her that we had the pac'n play, the car seat & the high chair at the center for her. She said that Aaron, her grandson, friend was over for a visit & that her & her cousin would take her over to the center to pick up the things. I said "we'll see you soon Pat" & hung up. I told Martha that we should be getting back to the center for it was now 4pm. Just before I left the front lines & got to talk to a young girl that came out of Planned Parenthood & I gave her a Truth packet & some DVD's, for educational purposes. She was grateful. She said that she was on the depo shot so I gave her the 'Warning' information for what can happen to her on this shot, for it causes fractures. She was happy to receive this information. I also spoke to a mother that brought her daughter into the mill. As she drove out she told me that they were not hear for an abortion but I told her that this place is evil & that she was helping to keep this place open for them to kill other women's babies.
Just before I left to go back to the center Sandy came out onto the sidewalk, so now she was able to help me bring things back into the center. But before I left I noticed that a car, that was parked in the same spot that the abortionist usually parks, was leaving. As the car pulled out I noticed that he was a man driving the car & I said to him "you parked in the same stop as the abortionist parks, icky". He was gone in a flash.
Pat came with the two girls & I had a very interesting talk, with the two girls & they left with much information, that's for sure. Pat was grateful for all the nice things that we gave her.
Thursday, June 14, 2012 on the Front Lines
I got to the center at 12:55pm, after I went to Mass at the Sacred Heart Cathedral today. It works out well & I saw some of my friends there too. I knew that Suzanne wasn't coming today & Karen doesn't come on Thursdays anymore, so I was hoping that Martha would be there but she wasn't. I did see Paul & he said that he was going to lunch & that he'd be back after he ate. I put in a Wendy's order for both Martha & I & he said that he would buy us lunch. Thanks Paul. I then went to the front lines & saw Sheila only briefly for she had to go. I noticed that Bill was now across the street witnessing & a short time later Dan, Adolf & Addison came to say the Rosary. I was hoping that Pastor Everett would be coming today but he couldn't make it, hopefully next week. I was by myself, on the sidewalk, by the bushes until 2pm until Martha arrived. I was relieved. I was upset that she wasn't there earlier but she is faithful & I found out that she had a difficult morning. It was a miracle that she was here at all. I am grateful!!
Yesterday while Martha & I were putting away donations mostly from A Second Thought Resale Store & found that we had a baby doll that looked so real. I suggested that we use this doll, out on the front lines, to witness that Planned Parenthood is killing babies not clumps of tissue......... So today we brought out this new pro life tool to save lives. It was very effective!!! One young woman came out & looked at this baby & she called me a horrible b.... . I asked her where was her baby? She needs post abortion help but was not interested in stopping to get it. The post abortive woman is sooooo angry & it's very disheartening to experience their wrath.
We had a young girl last Thursday come on down the sidewalk & Martha had asked her if she wanted a pregnancy test & she went ballistic. She said that she had been pregnant but aborted her twins, who were 4 months in the womb, on May 21st. at Strong Hospital. She said that her name was Precious & she took the Truth packet & then she ran up the sidewalk hysterical & was crying & her two friends ran to catch up to her. It was so sad. That's what abortion does to you. We are there to witness God's truth to others, while Planned Parenthood, who referred her to Strong to have her twins killed by the abortionist Nancy Satinwood, lies to get these vulnerable girls to kill their children & then to have a life of pain & misery. Lord have Mercy. I hope & pray that she will get help & to seek out God's forgiveness & mercy & healing. It's not easy to do when society says it's okay & that you had the problems before the abortion.....lies!
There was a white truck that pulled into the parking lot & a man & a woman came out & walked into the abortion mill. I called out to them pleading with them not to have their baby killed. I said to her to get away from a man that wants her baby killed & we can get her into a safe place but she went in calmly. How evil. He came back out walking gingerly back to his truck & drove away. He can back about two hours later holding a take out lunch in a plastic bag & then walked back into the abortion mill & had lunch. He stayed in there for another hour or so & then came back out & stayed in the truck about another hour, or so. She was now in the abortion mill for at least 4 hours & 10 minutes so I said to him to go in to see if she was still alive for his baby wasn't. He walked in like a zombie & walked out with her about 20 minutes later. She was holding a plastic cup of ginger ale for she probably had a difficult time in killing her baby, who now reside in the refrigerator in a plastic cup. Thanks mom & dad for such a short life. Why? What did I do that was so wrong that I deserved the Death Penalty? How cold & callus these people were, it's frightening to say the least.
A car with three Planned Parenthood workers drove out & the one girl who was in the back seat was wearing a bra on top of her head. Maybe she forgot where to put it?? Working at Planned Parenthood can make you crazy. I rest my case!!
We had some people stop to talk to us & to take our Truth packet. Martha had to go into the center on several occasions to help out our clients & to do a pregnancy test. Paul was there but he was very busy cleaning up the donations, that we received & he doesn't like to help the moms in the Material Aid Room, he feels awkward. So there is where Martha & I come into play. We work as a team!!
So many things happened but it is so difficult in relating some of these events. It's so hard to think that people are capable of what goes on in front of an abortion mill. By the way, I do think that a precious baby was saved today! Praise God!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at Focus
God Gives Sight
When Jesus makes the blind see, He does more than opens the eyes. He opens the soul so that the Love of the Lord of Life is apparent. The Love the Lord has for us is made known by the works of faith. I pray that with every visit, a mother may see the Love the Lord has for her
and her child growing within her.
We were very busy at Focus & we didn't have a chance to get outside on the front lines. But Chris & Dick were there for about 2 hours & they lead a young girl to Focus to get the help that she needed. Karen took her into the Counseling Room & ministered to her. She is 15 years old & had a second trimester abortion at Strong & her due date was this week. She was still having problems so she went to Planned Parenthood, which is the problems, to get an hormonal balance test & they gave her a Depo shot, which is so dangerous. They probably referred her to Strong to have the abortion by the abortionist Nancy Stanwood. They work together to destroy lives. She was so sad & Karen gave her so much material for her to read to get educated & to receive post abortion help that she desperately needs. Lord have mercy on the people that destroy lives, for they will have to stand before God someday & like I say out on the front lines "you are not going to get away with murder & my satisfaction is that these people that will kill without mercy will get justice someday, if mot in this life certainly in the next life". Amen!!
Paul arrived to help us out in the center. We received a donation of a high chair & a crib. Paul was cleaning up the two double strollers & a regular stroller. The grandmother came in to get the single stroller, for her 8 month granddaughter. I called her last Thursday to come into Focus to receive it. She was thrilled. Then the doorbell rang & it was the client who had called me for a pregnancy test yesterday around 8pm on my 24X7 Hotline number. She came in with her girlfriend & her young son. It was negative & she was given some abstinence brochures to read.
I worked in the office doing 'catch up' work & then Mark called me to tell me more about my computer that he was fixing. He said that it will be ready on Thursday but it was more involved than he originally thought. It always is Mark! He is so nice & reasonable to.
The doorbell rang & it was Cleveland, our street person, who we have taken care of for about 17 years now bit he has become more aggressive in these present days. So Martha & I decided that he no longer will be able to come into the center due to his aggressive behavior that could put our clients & their children & the other people that have offices here & to our staff & to Martha & I. So he rang & rang & rang the doorbell & hit the glass door very hard. I said to Martha that maybe we should go to the door to tell him that he must stop hitting the glass door & that we can no longer invite him into the center, but he left before we were able to talk to him. If it happens again & I know that it will, we will have to explain to him what we have decided, due to his bad behavior. Not easy but necessary :(
I was cleaning out my office desk drawers, which was long overdue, & putting together the Truth packets, for our two ministries, when the doorbell rang. It was a mother & a grandmother & three young children that spoke mostly Spanish needing many things which we provided for them. All were happy when they left :)
Martha & I put away diapers & Paul continued to work putting away the donations that we were blessed with, by many people, especially by my friend Ana at the Second Thought Resale Store in the Piano Works in East Rochester. Thanks Ana & everyone, we appreciate your generosity, for we couldn't give anything away if we didn't have anything to give away to our clients in need!! You all make that possible!!
Kevin can in with his two sons to get some things. He also has two younger children at home so he took the double stroller, which was fine, first come first serve.
Paul left & Karen had left earlier. I will see them both tomorrow at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, for our new ultrasound, at Embracing Options Pregnancy Center!!!! Praise God for this :)
Martha & I ate supper together & we continued to work, in the center, before going home. I felt that it was a satisfying day on many aspects. Though I did feel sorry for our first client that had the abortion. I hope & pray that we helped her enough to receive the forgiveness & healing from God, through Project Rachel, the Post Abortive Ministry in Rochester. Lord have Mercy!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at Focus
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
I arrived for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony today at Embracing Options Pregnancy Center/ Dr. Morehouse office. It was well attended about 45 people attended. There were speakers who gave great talks. Dr. Morehouse, Bishop Clark, Jann, Dean, & the Grand Knight, Ed Harris & then the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, took place. I received blue scissors & so did the other Executive Directors & Bishop Clark & I think some of the Grand Knights too. It was exciting cutting the blue ribbon that was wrapped around the new ultrasound machine, that will save lives. I thanked the Bishop & he thanked me, touching my arm. Then it was time to eat. They had wrapped sandwiches, ham, chicken & beef & a basil potato salad, fresh fruit & a yellow cake with fruit filling. I had received a phone call when they were introducing me so when I came back into the room Jann was saying "Mary is in the bathroom". When I came into the room she said " oh this is Mary". I said that I was answering the phone & it was a client & she'll be coming in at 2pm. I guess I gave this information to 'save face'. It sounded better than being in the bathroom. Everybody looked so good & I got some compliments, for I was wearing a dress which I rarely do & my hair was up. I'm glad that I looked descent for I dislike these kinds of events. I know that they are important though! I did see someone that waved at me from afar & I waved back but I didn't recognize her. She later came up to me after the ceremony was over & I was shocked to see that it was Sandy, who once was the Director at Embracing Options. She looked so different. I said "hi" & gave her a hug. It was time for me to go because I needed to open up the center at 1pm. Martha was baby-sitting her grandchildren, for her daughter in law went to court, to try to receive Social Security Disability. When I got to the center a client & her young son was waiting for me to open up She needed food & clothes & diapers. She also wants to volunteer at Focus in the summer. We'll see. I didn't eat at the ceremony & I brought the food with me so that I could eat at Focus
The doorbell rang & it was another client & then another client & their children & then another client. We were so busy. I thank God that Paul was with me for it was very hectic. When it calmed down a little bit I asked Paul to empty the second bathroom, in the Great Room, of the summer clothes in the plastic bags, & I was helping him when all of a sudden I looked up to see a smiling face. I screamed. I looked up again & saw that it was Martha! She was looking for Paul & I, when she came into the center after baby-sitting & she found us in the hallway, in the Great Room. She got a kick out of scaring me but I told her that I wasn't amused but I wasn't angry at her either.
We all worked hard putting away the summer clothes that were in the first storage room plus the clothes that were recently donated. The doorbell rang it was a woman wanting a pregnancy test. She brought in her boyfriend & her two children. She was negative & Martha talked to her about abstinence. This mom said that she went for a pregnancy test a couple of years ago at Planned Parenthood & it was positive & Planned Parenthood wanted her to have an abortion. She said that she was so angry & that they were crazy & stormed out. Her young son, who Planned Parenthood wanted to be killed, was in the stroller in our hallway sleeping. Those murders!! Planned Parenthood is so sick & evil!! Then a very pregnant mom came in & we asked her to fill out the Intake Sheet & Martha gave her a Layette for her baby boy, who will be born in August.
Martha & I talked about what we were going to serve at our Mass next Wednesday at Focus. We decided on a cold cut platter with macaroni salad, baked beans, potato chips & a fruit plate & desert. We took inventory of what we needed to buy for the picnic supper after the Mass. The doorbell rang & Martha answered it. Then I realized that it was the young man, who told me a story, about a week ago & I gave him some money & he was suppose to come back to pull up the weeds around the building, as payment, but he never came back to do what he promised. I told Martha not to let him into the building. She told him to go next door to see if they could help him. He needs more than their help for he does have problems that we can't solve. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Abe Lincoln. He fooled me twice so see how I felt :(
Paul had left so Martha & I continued working on the clothes. I fixed supper tonight while Martha worked on the stains on the carpet. Tickaboo, from the taxi, worked on changing the ceiling titles for they were discolored from the water damage from the air conditioner. He had to leave so the project was incomplete so we hope that he will come back later on to complete it. Our landlord is so spoiled this is really his job but just try to get him to do it!! At least he bought the ceiling titles & he brought in the step ladder. Thanks Bernie, just take the labor off the rent!!
Thursday, June 21, 2012 on the Front Lines
After the noon Mass at the Cathedral I arrived at the center. I went in to do some things real quick & I gathered up the literature box & the mega phone & went out to the front lines. I saw Paul briefly & he said that he was going to lunch & would be back soon. I got to the sidewalk & spoke with Sheila for a few minutes before she had to leave. Tom was there & he stayed with me until Martha got there. Bill was already across the street witnessing. A short time later Dan, Addison & Adolf came to pray & to witness. Martha told me that she had to leave at 1:45pm to go to her Nursing Office to sign a document & that she will be back after that. I was on the sidewalk for 10 minutes now & a car came out with a young girl & guy & the girl was covering her eyes. As she did that I saw that she was wearing a white wrist band indicating that she had an abortion this morning. I called out to them to repent of the sin of murder of their little baby. My stomach felt sick & my heart was aching. I turned to Martha & we just looked at each other with sad eyes. I talked to two young girls & gave them information. I told them about Focus & all that we offer. I thought that the two sisters were going to go to the center but instead they both went into Planned Parenthood. I never saw them come out so they must have called for a ride. The one sister was open to the Truth but the other sister was the one that walked into Planned Parenthood, so the reasonable sister had to follow her. I think the one sister was there for an abortion or birth control. I don't know because I never saw them again, it was like they disappeared into the air. Very strange.
Martha went into the center so I was by myself on the sidewalk when a young man walked passed me. I said "hi" & he replied "hi" back to me. I saw that he was walking into Planned Parenthood & I told him that they target the African Americans & it's called Black Genocide & that they were killing babies in there right now. A few minutes later he walked out holding an open knife. I said "young man why are you carrying a knife for your life is not be threatened or you're not in any danger". I did think that he was going to run his knife into me & what would I do to stop that from happening. Martha was in back of him but he was looking at me & I thought 'how could anyone stab sweet Martha'. He said back to me that he could hold his open knife & walked away. I said quietly "no I don't think you can". Martha asked me "should we call the police". I said "yes" & she did. She called & told the 911 operator what just happened & gave a good description of the young man & were he was walking. The police came about 10 minutes later driving down Gibbs Street. I hope that they caught him but I don't think so. Thank God he didn't hurt or kill us!!
Martha had to go so I was now alone on the sidewalk, for the four pro life men, were across the street praying. About 15 minutes later Pastor Everett arrived. I was so happy to see him. I greeted him & I told him what was going on in front of Planned Parenthood. A car drove into the parking lot & I saw that in it was two young boys & a man & a woman. The woman got out of the car & went into the Death Mill. Then the man & one of the boys, who was about 10 years old, came to the sidewalk to talk to Pastor Everett & me. We asked what she was hear for & he said that she was here for a physical exam, he thought. Then he said that the two boys were her sons & he was the boyfriend. The man said that he was a believer & Pastor Everett introduced himself that he was a Pastor of a church on Hudson Ave.. He ten showed the young boy a picture of his grandson & the young boy said that he knew him. What are the chances. They talked for a few minutes & Martha arrived back from the nursing Office. I was standing there on the sidewalk when a man walked by me & he said something very awful about the picture of the aborted baby that I was holding. I said back to him "your mother, when you were younger, took your picture & you didn't look like you do now". He gave me his middle finger & continued to walk down the sidewalk & stopped. I though to myself 'no he isn't'. Well I was right 'he did', he pulled down his pants & mooned me. Oh no! I knew in the past that I did have a man arrested & he had to go to court because he pulled down his pants, in public. He was told by the judge that he had to stay away from me for 6 months, on the front lines. I asked if anyone on the sidewalk had seen him do that & they said "no" & we just called the police about an hour ago about the knife incident & I thought that by the time the police get here the guy would be gone, so what bother. I called over to him & that he could get arrested for this bad behavior he looked surprised. If he does it again I will call the police. He's not right, in the head, & is probably post abortive, so why doesn't he get help. I guess that's not so easy in a country that says that killing a child, in the womb is legal & okay. Not!!
Pastor Everett had to go while I was in the center & Martha was on the sidewalk. I had to eat, a fast lunch, & talk to Suzanne & give her an update. We discussed some things & she said that she was staying later today & I was happy to hear that. She was going to the movies, this evening, to see Greater Glory. I wish that I could go with her but I couldn't & the movie is very violent & so is the front lines. I can't take to much more violence plus I'm busy at the center.
I went back outside to see that Martha was by herself & only Adolf was across the street now. I tried to talk to every car that entered the Planned Parenthood for any reason. Then the car with the young man & the two boys drove out. I said to him as he drove passed me "Are you sure that she's not having abortion"? He came back about 45 minutes later. He pulled into the parking lot & walked over to me. I was now alone for Martha was in the center. He said to me "are you a believer in God & the Bible"? I said that I was then he said "you're calling them murderers, isn't that being judgmental for the Bible says "not to judge for you will be judged". I said that the Bible says 'Thou shall not Kill' & they are killing little babies in there & we are to judge & to judge righteously, the Bible says. New American Standard Bible'Open your mouth, judge righteously, And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy'. Proverbs 31:9. We judge righteously according to the Word of God. The Bible commands us to judge fellow Christians teachings and their fruit. Those in the church we are tojudge according to the Word of God. Those outside of the church we show them the error of their ways, preach the gospel to them and then leave them in God’s hands. We are also commanded to judge/test their teachings/doctrine to make sure it is correct and that it ties up with scripture. Web site: http://www.discerningtheworld.com/2010/09/11/as-christians-we-must-judge-righteously/. Please discern this web page. He then went on the say that stealing candy in a candy store is the same sin as having an abortion, for sin is sin, in the eyes of God. I just looked at him in disbelief that he would believe that to be the case. All sin hurts God. I said that there are two degrees of sin. One is a Venial Sin, like stealing candy in the candy store, & the other, which is having an abortion, is a Mortal Sin, which is more serious & can cause one to go to Hell if not confessed with an sincere heart. Then Martha came out & he walked away back to his car. About 10 minutes later a woman walked out, with a white wrist band on her arm & she was carrying the infamous brown bag that is given after an abortion & she entered a car. The car drove out & I saw that it was this young man that we had been talking with this afternoon that said that his girlfriend was in there for a physical exam. As they drove pass me I said to her "did you have an abortion"? She replied back "yep". Martha heard that too. We were so devastated. I will no longer believe anyone on Thursday, as they talk to me, I will treat everyone as they are going in for an abortion & I know that I won't miss telling anyone the Truth about abortion. I won't trust anyone!!!
A young girl came out of Planned Parenthood with a white bandage around her arm. I knew that it was the implant that was just inserted into her upper arm for birth control which is called Nexplanon. There are many side effects with this three year contraceptive which causes many problems in women. As her & her boyfriend were leaving I said to her that she will have many problems & for her to get this removed as fast as she could & if you think that he loves you think again for it's called 'lust' not 'love'. They drove away with I hope something to think about.
Martha came out to help bring some of the signs into the center for me & she told me that our client was there with her children that I was suspicious of lying & deceiving me about the bag. I finally went into the center & I saw that Suzanne was talking to three older women. I then called our client into the Rose Room to talk to her. I asked if she had taken a bag home that she said was not hers. She said "no" & that bag was someone else's & that she went into the Great Room to put the things away & that she just look a few things that day for her family. I apologized to her for thinking that she had lied & deceived me, for I wouldn't tell her to put anything back that she was taking for her children. It worked out okay & I was sorry to have doubted her in the first place for she's been with us for awhile & she comes into the center to help us out at times & sometimes like tonight she brought her four children for a visit. All is well. It's hard to be a director of a pregnancy center & one has to pray for discernment & wisdom & humility. Then I was introduced to the three women that Suzanne was talking to & showing around the center. They were our new volunteers that will be coming to Focus to help us out for a couple of hours twice a month on the second & fourth Thursday of the month from 6pm to 8pm. How wonderful. Martha asked them to put the diapers & baby wipes into plastic bags & then I asked if they would sort out the clothes in the baskets in the Material Aid Room. They were happy to assist. I got to talk to them & they believed as we believe there at Focus about abortion & birth control & to follow the Lord & His Commandments & to follow the Bible, which is the Word of God. Amen. They said that the next time that they come they will bring diapers sizes 4 & 5. Thank you so very much ladies. Martha left for the Holy Hour at St. Jude's & then the ladies left at 8pm. Our client & her children stayed until 9pm. I asked the taxi man Tickaboo to replace some of the ceiling tiles & to vacuum & he did with a smile on his face :) Thanks so much!! I stayed until 10:40pm, I had so much to do.
Friday, June 22, 2012 at Focus
I received two calls, on my 24x7 hotline today, from women who were in much need. So I decided to call Martha to see if she could meet me at the center to try to help these two families, she said that she would. So I had some errands & I told her that I would meet her at 3:15pm & she said that she would be there at 2:30pm. We have a plan. I went to the pregnancy center Birthright to get some baby food, formula & baby wipes for our moms at Focus. They were very generous & kind. We all try to help each other when we are in need at our pregnancy centers. Thanks Joan :) The first woman has 4 children from a man who has drained her dry over the past 20 years that they have been together. He left her 2 days ago taking mostly everything with him, so she needed so much. She finally took him off of her Benefit Card so the 'freeloader' couldn't get anymore from her. This is a major first step for her!! So we gave her diapers, formula, food & cleaning supplies. She was happy & very grateful, to say the least. This will help her until she gets paid the first of the month. It'll still be difficult for her & her children until then but more bearable because she came to Focus. Thank you Lord that we were able to help her & her family.
The second woman was with her young daughter & her sister-in-law's baby Lily. She needed things for the baby because the mom, who is experiencing domestic violence, is having the baby stay with her, for she fears for her child's safety. I connected with my friend Pat, who works with Offspring, an organization that helps women who are experiencing domestic violence to get protection. She & her husband, who once was a Judge, will connect with the sister-in law to seek out help for the victim. She has an order of protection against the abuser but the man violated it recently & beat her up again & he wasn't arrested. They will get down to the 'knitty gritty' in this case so that this woman will not be hurt or killed by this abusive man. Martha & I were happy that we were able to assist the sister-in -law with formula, diapers, baby wipes & a pac'n play, for baby Lily, when she stays at her house. She was very grateful. Praise God!!
Martha & I went to St.Stanislaus Church, on Hudson Ave., for the Mass at 5:30pm. I was able to say "good bye" to Fr. Adam tonight for this weekend will be his last at the church. He was reassigned as Pastor of Mother of Sorrows, in Greece, which is so far away from me, so the probably of me seeing him, in the near future, is dim. So I was glad that I got to see him tonight. The best to you Fr. Adam!!
It was a very sad but satisfying afternoon, that's for sure :)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at Focus
I knew that Martha wasn't going to be with me today for she is taking care of her two grandchildren for Pennsylvania. She'll be back tomorrow, for our Mass & not on Thursday for the sidewalk counseling, on the front lines. Thank God that Karen was with me & Paul, at the center. When I arrived after the noon Mass there was a woman who came to get some things for her children. Then I opened up the rest of the center & put things away. I called back two people, who left messages on my cell phone that I turn off while driving & at Mass. Sometimes I forget to turn the phone back on again. I waited for Mark, the IT man, to arrive with my computer that he made new :) When he came he brought his three beautiful children with him. What a nice family. They had fun in the Material Aid Room playing. Then the doorbell rang off the wall. It was one person after another. We were so busy that my head spun. Karen called the companies of the pac' plays, that were donated to us, to get the instruction manuals for our clients. She left at 3pm to pick up her daughter. She will be out of town in Texas with her son next week so we'll see her in two weeks. Have fun Karen!! Paul stayed with me until 4;30pm. We were soooo busy.
My heart aches for a woman, named Barb, who came into the Focus Pregnancy Help Center yesterday & she tried to get her friend to come to talk to us but she went to Planned Parenthood instead, to prepare for an abortion. The boyfriend left her & she has two young girls & not much money, so she will take her third child's life, because life isn't perfect. Her friend Barb, who is pro life, came to Focus to get some things for her child & I gave her lots of brochures & DVD's & helpful phone numbers to give to her abortion minded friend. I hope that she will 'choose' life!
After Paul left I continued to do work in the office & all the rooms. I was so sad that no one was out on the front lines today, for Planned Parenthood was scheduling & preparing for abortions on Thursday. Where are all the people dear Lord to take a stand for 'LIFE' ???
I went to the polling place in East Rochester to vote pro life in the primary tonight, me & 11 other people, made a point to vote today. How very sad. My candidate did win the primary!! I was happy about that.....
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at Focus
This is the day of our Mass that will be celebrated by Fr. Joe Catanise, Pastor of St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, in Hilton, NY. I arrived at the center at 1pm & there were three moms already waiting for me. I opened up the center quickly & lead them into the Material Aid Room to get what they needed for their children, On of the moms was pregnant & is due in August & the other mom had brought her two beautiful daughter with her. It was Dajah. I haven't seen her in quite awhile & I was blessed to have seen her today. She got some nice things in the center for her two daughter & herself. The one young girl got the pink car & she put two stuffed animals in it, how cute was that! The mom thanked me that I was out in front of Planned Parenthood the day that she was going for an abortion of her youngest daughter. She was happy that I was outside calling out to her not to go in there to have her baby killed. I was glad that she 'choose life' for her sweet & precious daughter, here today at Focus. I said to her that this was the same person that was in her womb & look at her know. I gave her a hug & told her that I was proud of her & that she is doing a great job & that if she needed us, at Focus, for anything just come or call me & we will be happy to help her. She smiled & said "thank you". My heart was thrilled as we said "good bye', that she wasn't suffering post abortive stress, & that she did the right thing & that her daughter was in her life & in the lives of others. Thank you Lord.
The doorbell was ringing non stop. One mother came in for a few things for her new baby that was in the Intensive Care Unit at one of the local hospitals. The baby girl is doing better but the nurse called her & wanted her to come back to the hospital, this afternoon. The father is out of town, at this time. She needed some money for a bus for the next couple of days. I have to go buy some bus passes for our moms.
The clothes & items in the Material Aid Room is gong fast. I really can't set up any rules for it's hard to have someone just stand there & watch them. I'm trying to trust but some moms are taking advantage of us & that does bother me a bit. I won't let them spoil it for the rest of the moms that come into the center & are respectful of us & our clothing room. I'm trying to make their lives less stressful, for their families, so that they remain calm in their homes.
I was trying to woof down a cheese & lettuce sandwich when the doorbell rang. It was a mild matter young girl at the door, asking for a pregnancy test. I lead her to the Rose Room & started the routine. The test was negative & we had a good long talk. She accepted a lot of brochures & DVD's & a CD to take with her for educational purposes. She was a blessing.
I was worrying a little about the parking tonight for the Mass because the yearly Jazz Festival is on & Steve Martin will be here at the festival strumming his banjo. I talked with the landlord Bernie & the owner of the Gibbs Tavern 54 restaurant across the street. He said that he would work with me for the parking for the Mass tonight. Good job! All went well & everyone found a parking place & I offended only a few people as they drove into the parking lot to go to the restaurant or to the Jazz Festival, asking them kindly to park someplace else. No one is perfect :)
I was getting nervous because no one was here yet to help me set up for the Mass tonight. I tried to trust in the Lord & I gave it to Him. Then about 10 minutes later Paul arrived to set up the rooms & the table where the priest celebrated the Mass at Focus. Then Martha came with her two grandchildren from Pennsylvania. How cute they are :) I stayed outside, directing cars, while Martha & Paul worked inside. I saw a Planned Parenthood worker walk down the street with her boyfriend. I said that it was a shame that she worked in a place that killed children. There was no response from either of them, which I'm used to.
The Mass got started around 6:10pm & still some people came late. It was a blessed Mass & Fr. Joe gave a great homily. The Great Room, where the Mass was celebrated, looked 'great'. After Mass our friend Dean gave his testimony to the 25 people that attended tonight. After his testimony, I said a few words, & then we were all lead into the Green Room, for a picnic supper. It was marvelous, simply marvelous!! Thank you Lord for a wonderful day at Focus. God be the Glory!!!
Please go to the next page # 17. Thank you!!!