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Thursday, July 2, 2015 at Focus
I got there late, for I had to do Focus errands, that take time. I called Martha to tell her & she understood. When I did arrived I saw that the man was cleaning our windows inside & out. Martha paid out of her own money this man. I reimbursed her. It looked good when he left & he was grateful for the earnings. A nice man that Martha met on the sidewalk while she was sidewalk counseling. One never knows.....
We saw 15 client's today so we were busy. Kathryn's grand daughter was born & Catherine was replacing a fellow worker, at a doctor's office, who was on her honeymoon, they couldn't come today, so it was Martha & I.
Rob came out on the front lines this afternoon. He was there, in front of Planned Parenthood, with Addison & Dan & Maryann & Adolf & Jim. Praise God!!! A great team!!
I was in the office when I heard that there was a father out there so I got up from my chair & went out to give him the 10 Commandments. When I handed them to him he thanked me & said that he was religious. Come to find out later when Rob came into the center he said that he was at Planned Parenthood with his daughter & a woman. He was upset to see the graphic pictures & told Rob that. Rob told him that up the street at Focus everything was free for his family. He had told Martha that his girlfriend was a little pregnant....what does that mean??? She was early but why was she at Planned Parenthood today?? God only knows but we hope that she didn't have an abortion!!! He said that he was religious lets hope so................
Thursdays are usually upsetting. Martha said that while she was out there on the frontlines a woman hollered at her, as she was going into the killing mill,....would you raise my child? Martha replied "yes I would". I hope this precious baby didn't get killed. What is wrong with women????
So far all our pregnancy tests are negative & the moms who are positive we can't contact them because of their phones not working. We have a pregnant mom who is married & is happy she's pregnant...thank God. It is so frustrating trying to contact our clients. I wish they had working phones....for we want to know how they are doing
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at Focus
I received a call from Carol C. telling me that there will be a big protest at Planned Parenthood next Tuesday from 12 noon to 1 pm & if she could use Focus for water & bathroom..."yes of course" I said back to her. Thank God that she is organizing this project!!! Pray for a big crowd....
A nice day at Focus. When I arrived after Mass there was a young lady already at the door & then three people that couldn't speak English. Martha wasn't here yet & I had so much in my car to take into the center. I made it!!! Martha arrived & all was better. We saw some clients today & served them. Some baskets are low or empty so one client didn't get anything for her children :( Sometimes this happens but no to often. We have to watch what people are taking so all have something....
Linda came to help us as she does every Tuesday. The girl who was suppose to complete her community service hours didn't come in today, she had court yesterday & I wrote a leter to the Judge last Thursday, so I don't know what happened.
Jose' stopped by to see the bulge, on the building, hopefully to get someone to repair it. I hope this will get fixed soon.
One of our post abortive clients stopped by to say good bye for she is going to Birmingham, NY to be with family. I gave her another Project Rachel brochure to take with her to call when she gets there so she can continue to talk with someone & continue her healing. She started the sessions with Becky here in Rochester. Lord please continue to help & heal her. Thank you!!
Tuesday, July 28. 2015 at the Front Lines & Focus
Feminists for Nonviolent Choices is hosting a rally here in Rochester, Tuesday July 28th @ 12pm across from Planned Parenthood (114 University Ave).
I arrived at Focus at 10 am & Mike was right in front of me & Rob came a few minutes later....the Team has arrived......wonderful!! Rob moved my car across the street so I wouldn't have to pay. Mike brought in 5 signs that he had made yesterday, they were difficult to read bu it was the Truth!! I set up the strawberries & cookies on the table & then left to go outside to be with the guys on the sidewalk in front to the Killing Mill. A few minutes later Channel 8 arrived & parked across the street. A few minutes later the cameraman came out & took our pictures. I was interviewed by the reporter. The more people arrived & it was awesome to see. The Life Ballet came & then went across the street to later perform. They did an excellent job...even one the the oldest Death Escort Marsha Peone walked back up the pavement to the Planned Parenthood door. I guess it was to much to see an abortion. Hopefully she'll quite. It was difficult to see the workers at this mill again for I haven't Sidewalk Counseled in about 10 months for I am so busy with the pregnancy center. I do go out occasionally but Martha goes out every Thursday, that's the surgical abortion day. The crowd was bigger then ever now & the speakers were fantastic!! The Democrat & Chronicle Newspaper arrived, they did a good job reporting the story. There was one annoying incident. The guy who lives across the street from Focus was gunning hi motorcycle & the police in the car just sat there doing nothing. Agnes asked me if she should go over to speak with the officer & I said "yes, please do". She did & the policeman got out of this car & went over to the man & got him to stop......all quiet now. It was a well attended rally!!! Praise God!!
Channel 8 reporting:
Democrat & Chronicle reporting:
I was now back into Focus & it was hectic. I went into the office & when I came back out to the main room there was Donna M. standing there talking to Mike & Martha......great for she hasn't been here in such a long time. She always looks beautiful. I said "good bye" to Mike as a mother with her 5 sons & infant daughter in the stroller by the front door, sleeping so sweetly, arrived. It was a wonderful site. Her boys were all so good.
I thanked Mike for all his help today, for he takes good care of Focus. I got to talk with Donna for some time until a woman came in with two ladies from the rally. She requested a pregnancy test which I gave. I lead her in the office & prepared her for the test which she administrated. It was negative but she said that she had given herself a dollar test & it was positive. I looked at both rods which indicated she was not pregnant. Then she shared with me that she had bled after the test she took. I looked at her at said gently that maybe you had a miscarriage. I gave her a list of good doctors & a healing brochure on miscarriages to take with her. I also gave her 4 educational DVD's. She said that she was married but had no ring on her finger & she signed in that she lives with her parents. She already has a child at home. The truth is always a good idea. I told her about what Planned Parenthood doe so babies & mothers....she should know for she was going in there before she came to Focus. I said "if you need us again please come back" & she left. Later on I was told by Donna who had gone to Planned Parenthood to protest that she saw her coming out of their building & approached her for she had seen her at Focus earlier. She said that she wanted to make sure she wasn't pregnant. I doubt that she had a pregnancy test for $60.00 there when she had two free pregnancy tests at Focus. She was a very confused young lady. I think that she didn't want her parents to find out, if she was pregnant but she is NOT pregnant. She might come around after she reads the literature & sees Maafia:21 Black Genocide. Lets hope so.
Later on another Donna came to protest Planned Parenthood so Donna M. went back outside to protest with her. How unusual two Donna's.
Martha had her two granddaughters with her today & they had fun....nice girls. After supper I left to go to my Holy Hour at St. Joseph's Church.....thank you Lord!
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at Focus
I was tired from yesterday but managed to get things done today. I went to Mass on the Feast of St. Martha. Fr. A. gave a beautiful Homily on this great saint. Martha & Mary at Focus, it works. Martha had to pick up her two granddaughters then was coming to the center. I was getting things out of the car when they drove up. They helped me unload the car. So many bags from The Second Thought Re Sale Store. I am grateful for their generosity for all these years. Some of our baskets are empty now because we have seen so many people who need clothes for their children & themselves. We'll get more. The winter clothes are coming in now....oh no!!!
My computer was acting up...sometimes my patience is not with me. It took me forever to get it working better so I could do some work on it. I was in a null but I got out of it. I called Embracing Options to see if our client had shown up for her ultrasound appointment & she didn't. I was worried so I called her & her mother said that she would be home at 4 pm today. I thanked her & hung up. She is a 19 year old girl a baby already so I was worried that she was planning to abort her new child but when Martha had called at 4 pm she said that she thought the test was another day. I took the phone & we rescheduled for next Wednesday at the same time. She asked for a ride & I said "yes, I'll get you one for you & will call you back". I called Jessica & she said that she will do that for us & I gave her all the information. She will call the client next week to remind her of the appointment. I called the client back to tell her that she had an appointment & a ride. She thanked me & we hung up. Thank You Lord!!!! All babies should be BORN!!!
Frank came over to fix the fan so it wouldn't drop to the floor again. He helps us here at Focus too. Linda came to help us for a couple of hours & she was fantastic. We saw clients today & helped them. A very rewarding ministry. We ate supper & Martha left early to go to take the girls to her apartment pool. Have fun!!
Thursday, July 30, 2015 at Focus
I called Martha to say that I will be late today because I was doing errands for Focus but she didn't answer so I got to the center as soon as I could. When I arrived she was there with her two granddaughters & I was glad. After that we were so busy I was stunned. The sidewalk counselors had lead a mother with her young son to come to Focus for a pregnancy test. Before her three other woman came for a pregnancy tests & they brought their children too. Also their was Catherine, from Fidelis Care, had brought another counselor with her. Focus was so busy I was in a tizzy. Martha was doing the pregnancy tests & I was watching the children playing in the front room & getting the DVD's to the clients to take home with them. I was talking with the young woman with the child & she was asking for a TD test so I called Embracing Options for the test & a pregnancy test. They said for her to come right away for they will be closing soon. She was on the phone & I asked if everything was okay & she said that her sister, who has the car, was at Planned Parenthood getting a STD test. I suggested that she gets her sister out of there & head over to Embracing Options for the free tests. She smiled & said that she was get her out & go to Embracing Options. I smiled & said okay & if you need us again please come back. She was a nice girl.
One of the clients had an Autistic son with her & he was by himself for a time then I saw that he was playing with the children the room. Yeah!! All pregnancy tests were negative. One of the girls brought her boyfriend & he was crying as his girlfriend was told the contraceptive device out of her arm for it was dangerous. He was worried about her. Nice guy!!
Martha & her two granddaughters had t leave at 3:30pm today, so I was by myself now. I was working in the office until Rob, a sidewalk counselor, came in for supper. A very busy afternoon.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at Focus
When I arrived I saw so many young people praying at Planned Parenthood & I knew this was the group that was going to assist this us this afternoon. I had so much in the car & I waited & a few minutes later they came & helped to bring the donations in from the car into the center. Team work.....yeah!! Boy did they help in putting away the donations & making up diaper packets, for our clients. It was hectic but so effective. I was asked to speak so Martha & I did for 15 minutes. We told the history of Focus & about some of our experiences.
Wednesday, August, 5, 2015 at Focus
When I arrived after Mass today I was surprised to see Lynda whose been on the Grand Jury for all of July & won't be back to Focus volunteering again in the middle of September. She had some time & she missed us. She asked if I wanted any lunch at Wendy's & I asked for the bacon burger. Martha was at lunch with her old nursing staff at a nearby restaurant & will come to Focus afterwards. I sat down to eat the double burger after Lynda came back & the doorbell just kept on ringing, so many people were now in Focus. Our community service lady came back & was to complete her last 5 hours today. She was a big help we needed her for we were very busy. While I was eating the window cleaning man came in & started to clean the window & when he had finished he came in & got some water. As he was sitting there he said "soon Planned Parenthood is going to close". Lynda & I clapped loudly with big smiles on our faced. I finished my big sandwich & talked with Lynda was good seeing her. Martha had arrived & I was glad to see her smiling face!!! It was now 2 pm & Linda & her son & daughter came in to help. Yeah!! God always provides. Then Richard, the wonderful man who has worked on my website for about 7 years, arrived to work on my computer. He stayed for several hours. I made up packet & did other things too. The girls saw many people & children today.
Thank you all!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at Focus
A good day at the center with Martha. Saw clients & helped them. Later on Linda came to help us for a couple of hours. A lot got done because the Main Room was covered with donation bags & at the end they were in the baskets in the Material Aid Room. I was so happy :)
At 6 pm we had our first '40 Days for Life' meeting with some people showing up. This was discussed.
1. Bishop Matano was invited to make an appearance at the kickoff meeting but declined due to commitments for the Pope's upcoming visit to the U.S. He requested that diocesan-wide communication come from Suzanne "with his blessing".
2. Speakers for Kickoff Rally
We brainstormed the following potential speaking candidates:
Fr. Mickey McGrath
Fr. Edison Tayag
Fr. Tony Mugavero
Dr. Igor Rosean (sp?) and wife
Jason McGuire
Kirsten Smith
Deacon Bob Burke
Patrick Connor
It was decided that this year we will go with only two speakers.
Brian and Sheryl will contact Dr. Igor and his wife and get back to Rick with their answer.
Rick will contact Fr. Mickey.
3. Venue for KO Rally
Due to the fact the bishop won't be attending, our first choice would be the Centre City room we've had the rally at the last two years. Thisis provided that the cost is no more than $100. Rick has contacted Dan Dwyer and Dan said he will get back to him on room availability and price. Second choice would be Our Lady of the Americas.
4. Video for KO Rally
Rick will check the 40 DFL website to see if they've updated the video for this year.
First alternative will be the second place video from last year (profile of a veteran sidewalk counselor)
All team members are encouraged to search for possible videos (<10min. in length)
5. Advertising
The following groups were mentioned as ones we should contact to forward 40DFL information to and request they forward it on to their groups.
Am I not a child (A. Kreutz)
Men's Conference (Bill H. will contact)
Women's Conference (Suzanne will contact)
Project Rachel (Suzanne will contact)
Feminists for Non-Violent Choices (Suzanne will contact)
St. John Bosco / Archangels schools (Rick will contact)
6. Next meeting will be August 18, 6:00 PM at Focus
Thank you Rick!!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at Focus
A busy day at Focus!! We saw many clients today. One doesn't know how the day will go. We just trust in the Lord. Linda came with her daughter to help us out. Linda gets the Layettes ready for our new mothers. We are grateful to her, for we have a lot of new mothers, that need them.
Melissa came in today & I asked her if she would call our pregnant clients. I was disappointed that it was very hard to get any one on the phone. Bad phone access. No babies born yet :(
It was about 4 pm when the doorbell rang & tall man came in wearing a shirt with a very large skull on it & wearing a beautiful St. Benedict (Exorcism) Cross. I was confused. He brought a young woman with him who needed a pregnancy test which Martha did. As they were in the pregnancy testing room I asked this young man some questions. First was, where did you get that shirt & Cross? He said that they were together & he couldn't remember where he got it. I showed him where he could get some men's clothes came out of the Material Aid Room looking so different. He found a great shirt......I asked him if I could have the skull shirt. He said that he was going to give it to someone else because it was warm. I said to him "why would you give a occult shirt to someone else". He said that he would turn it around. He finally gave me the shirt which I threw out. He was so happy when I told him he was wearing an Exorcism) Cross.. he said that he needed it. They received so many nice things that he & she needed for they were homeless. She had a pregnancy test which was negative. I saw, when they came in Focus, that she was holding a paper bag so I asked if there were condoms in the bag & were you at Planned Parenthood? He mentioned condoms & I told him about them. He listened. The woman had some past problems for she was post abortive at Wortman's Abortion Mill on Clinton Ave.. She was a mess :( She had two children & their father was caring for them but she hasn't seen the children in awhile & has NO home. Her roommates just kicked her out of the apartment. Martha shared with me that she told her that we loved & cared for her. She said back to Martha saying "you don't even know me". Then she told her of the Blessed Mother's love. She took the Truth Packet & referral sheets (food & shelters & misc.) but because she didn't have a DVD player she wasn't given any DVD's :( When she returned back in the Main Room with her 'so called boyfriend' she was giving him some trouble about holding the bag. He said to her "stop "you are with church ladies". How sweet. He was a nice guy. I was happy that they saw our sign in the front of Focus!!!! We will pray for these two young people & all that come in our front door......
Thursday, August 13, 2015 at Focus
I went to St. Mary's Church, Downtown & had a wonderful experience. The Mass was beautiful. When I first walked into the church I was greeted by Michael, a parishioner of Our Lady of Victory Church down the street. I was so happy to see him. He asked me if I would bring up the gifts & I said "yes". The Gospel was poignant & I was affected by hearing it. After Mass Fr. Mathew Jones d the people as they were leaving the church. I went up to him & greeted him & asked him would hear my confession which he agreed he would. He brought me up the Blessed Sacrament & as I sat down in form of God he asked me if this was okay.....I said to him with a big smile on my face "yes father this is perfect". After Confession I said to him "Father it's been a long time since I've been in St. Mary's it's because years ago they had Carol Love, the President of Planned Parenthood, speak in Dugan Hall next to the church" He took my hand & held them tight saying "that will never happen again...I promise you. St, Mary's church has changed. I hope you come back & I say the Mass on Thursdays". I cried. I said "thank you Father this is good news", He said that he was going to the hospital to see his friend Joe. I said that I would pray for him. I prayed at the Blessed Sacrament & then left to go to Focus. As I was leaving the church I greeted another Our Lady of Victory parishioner, Charles. What a wonderful experience!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at Focus
I was overwhelmed today for whatever reason. Martha works so hard & I worry about her. I know that God is taking care of her & I. But I worry about her for I need her so much & I don't want to wear her out. She is a strong woman though. It is somewhat busy, when I first come, in on a Tuesday's. So much to bring into the center such as doantions & supplies for Focus. Today I put $$$$ in the meter then it stopped working. Martha later on called 311 to report the broken parking meters but she was told that we could still get a ticket......oh thanks :( So many problems which I will bring up at the Board Meeting tonight. Need Help!!! I was in the office doing 'Thank You' letters & answering the phone, which rings often. Also, I had to call two clients to reschedule their ultrasound appointments for tomorrow & to get a ride for one of them, which was answered by Jessica. She will pick Miss D. up tomorrow for her appointment. Thank God!!
All of a sudden Martha brought a woman into my office. She said that she will start, on Monday, a new job at a home on Exchange St. for unwed mothers. We talked & then I gave her many brochures & a Maafia:21 DVD for her & her husband. She works for the State & she has rules that I could not abide by. Thank God we are independent :) She left & then a few minutes later she came back into the center with a large ticket & said that she had a boot on her tire & she couldn't move her car & she called the number on the ticket & was told that she had outstanding tickets that added up to $385.00 & it had to be paid before she could get her car on the road again. She called a friend & was given the $$$ & she paid it & was given the code & then she left. What an experience, but if you get a ticket or tickets, you must pay it right away other wise you will pay later. Nice lady!!!
Martha & I ate quickly & got ready for the board meeting tonight at 6 pm. We voted Rick tonight as a new board member. We talked about the bulge, in the building, & the parking situation problem & other things. The member will help us. Great meeting :) Martha & I were tired but we love Focus........
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at Focus
It was Martha & I working at Focus this afternoon until Linda came to assist us around 4 pm. She will be going on vacation, in the Florida Keys for two weeks we'll miss her :)
We were busy & that t we want. Tim S. brought many bags of donations in Focus last Friday & Neyoka was working putting them away on Monday. I was working on a Thank You letter to St. John Bosco School for letting us use their facility for our Focus Fundraiser last Thursday showing the movie Joseph of Nazareth. How kind of Colleen, the Principal, for letting us be there. Thank you!
We saw many clients today & helped them with their needs. We were blessed with many donations because of our article in the Catholic Courier.
Check out: A woman brought a portable crib which was given to a pregnant mom who needed it desperately. I helped her to receive a free car seat from the City. She was happy with all she received & so were we. I can't thank enough the wonderful people that help us help our clients in need. God bless you!!!
Highlights from the week of October 20, 21, & 23, 2015 at Focus
As I was leaving church I saw a couple with a young child in a stroller & approached them saying that we have a pregnancy center with free items that could help. I gave them directions & left to go to the center. I opened up the enter & saw that Martha was talking to a man outside. Then they came in the door. Martha said that he told her that he believed in abortion. My stomach curled. I waited until they received what they needed & I approached him. He said that he didn't like abortion but it's needed in some events. I said to him that in NO cases abortion is permitted by God. I then told him what happened to me. I told him that I was gang raped at Strong Memorial Hospital & conceived twins which I miscarried. I told him that I wouldn't kill my babies. He said "I understand, for no woman should be raped"......I agreed. I then showed him a picture of an aborted baby, I think his eyes were opened.
Later on today it became hectic for Martha's friend who she assist cause she couldn't find her important cards that she thought Martha had since she was in the hospital last night, Martha kept telling her that she couldn't help her until she got home but she wouldn't listen. It was disturbing to receive so many calls today.
We had a very nice young lady come to help us out, that found us on the Wish Book website, for her High School credit. Helpful & delightful. She said that she will be back to see us again in wonderful!!
We also had a new volunteer come in today. She will be coming every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm. Her name is Jennifer & she is a Nurse Practitioner. She knows my friend Anne, who is also a Nurse Practitioner, & Dr. Karen, who had volunteered at Focus, a couple of years ago, who we now refer to our clients. She works as a GYN physician, at His Branches, on Arnett Blvd.& she does our clients ultrasounds. We have a fantastic team!!
Thank God our parking situation is soooo much better. The nice men across they are letting us park in their parking lot for 'free'.......thank God!! We are allowed three cars to park over there. How nice of them :)
We have seen, as of this Thursday, 2,030 people that we assisted. We are so busy & we are receiving so many donations from The Second Thought Resale Shoppe in E. Rochester & Tim Shine & Churches, especially in October. We thank God & everyone who helps us help our dear clients. There is love at Focus!!
My friend, for many years Linda, now comes to help us on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays because we have Lynda on Wednesday afternoons. We are so busy that we need help every day. I am mostly in the office doing work & stick my neck out in the main room to assist Martha with the clients if I can. I don't want to overwork Martha, she is so dedicated in helping people, for many years. A true treasure.........
We have given out so much baby formula over this year that my head is spinning. I said to the Lord, in the beginning of the year, I will buy the formula if you provide the money & He has.
So many miracles!!!
We had a busy, hectic & rewarding week. Our clients are grateful that we are here :)
Our new mom did go for her ultrasound appointment on Wednesday. She was taken by one of the driving volunteers, thanks to Jessica S.. I call her & she takes our client to get her ultrasound if she doesn't have a ride. This is so helpful & thank you!! Great volunteers :)
Tuesdsay, October 27, 2015 at Focus
Such a busy day! When I arrived after Mass there were three people standing at our door. They spoke Spanish & I don't. We worked it out the best we could & helped the grandmother with a car seat from the City. Hopefully she will receive one for her 15 year daughter's 8 month old child. Father is 14 & he is responsibility. Then we had Jackies come in to help us out today form 1 to 3 pm. She is fantastic!! She called about 'free diapers' & another palce for 'free car seats'. She left a message but no one has called me back yet :( We'll see..... Linda came also to help us today. A good friend. Yesterday we received large contriubations from St. Lawrence Church & today from St. John Bosco School. Thank you so much :)
My dilemna is that I can't buy baby formula fast enough to supply our moms & dads. It cost a lot & the stores don't carry enough so I have to order from them. I will keep on trying because no one is doing this except Focus. One mom said that she had been to 10 places before she found us.
We saw so many people today....... I can't seem to get out of the office but I do at times to see the clients & to talk to them. Martha does this part more often then I . We work together well :)
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday of November 10,11 & 12 at Focus
A very busy week!! Tuesday & Wednesday & Thursday it was Martha & I for all our volunteers, except Linda S. & Lynda H. could come. It was hard without much help but we got through. We were extremely busy on Thursday we saw 23 clients. n Thursday Martha went outside because Rescue Rochester wasn't there & she went out to sidewalk counsel with Tom. I stayed in Focus to assist our clients who came in one after another.....I couldn't believe it!! One was walking out when two young girls came in with a young child in a stroller. One of the girls asked for diapers then said that she was here for the pac'n play that we had for her. She said that she didn't have a ride so would get it another time. As some of the girls were in the Material Aid Room I spent some time talking to her. She said that she was now pregnant again & the girl who was with her said that her boyfriend, the father of her 12 month child, was in prison. Then one of the girls said that her friend was pregnant, so I said "she's going to have a baby" & she said "no, I think that she is going to do the other thing....abortion". I went to the office & got a Truth packet & filled it up with all the informative DVD's to choose life. I came back & said to her "you must be a life saver for this baby & mother" & handed all the information I had to them. Deacon Bruno, was at Focus speaking to Catherine, the Fidelis counselor, so I called him over to pray for all that I just heard. He gave a beautiful prayer to the Lord. As they left I said again to both of them "you are the life savors of this baby in jeopardy of death, please try". They said that they would. I was glad.
I looked out the window & saw Martha trying to save lives across the street.... God bless the prayer warriors & sidewalk counselors in front of Planned Parenthood.
Santa is coming to Focus in December!!! We have a Santa Claus & he will be with us on December 22 & he will bring gifts for the kids. It should be terrific :)
A woman called me after reading the Catholic Courier article about our 10 year anniversary & she needed clothes for her precious granddaughter. Her son is raising his daughter for the mother didn't want her child :( The woman said that she is 94 years old & her two children were adopted when she was older. Such a wonderful woman to help.
A young woman came in getting what she needed for her child but she needed cash for her stove that will be delivered the next day. I gave her some referrals to call. Hopefully they can help her.
Martha did a pregnancy test & asked for me to get her an ultrasound. As it goes she did have an ultrasound on 9\30. I looked at her chart record. I called her mother & she said that her daughter is confused & afraid because she had had an miscarriage before this pregnancy & she is worried about losing this baby. I told her that we were here for her & her daughter. All will be well.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at Focus
What a day!!! First, I received an email from Linda S. saying that she has a cold & couldn't come in today then as I had just turned my cell phone back on, after noon Mass, & Jackie called me to say that she was watching her grandchildren & she couldn't come in today. So far so bad :(
Martha had gone to the Pastoral Center for her noon Mass so when I got to Focus I saw two men standing by the door. I had to park temporary, in front of the center, to get donations out of the car & saw that it was Rick & Dan who are related to our landlady. Dan said that they were there checking out the basement & said that there were bags & boxes where the heat ducts were & it could cause a problem. I asked if he could show me after I moved my car across the street. As I was walking to the center I saw two women & two children walking to our door then another woman & child. Martha I need you!! It was hectic as I was opening up the center & asked Dan to wait, which he did. A few minutes later Martha arrived :) I then went downstairs to rectify the problem. Dan & I moved all the boxes & bags to relieve the problem. I felt better. So much work downstairs. Thank God that Jackie likes to work down in the basement. We saw so many people today before Thanksgiving Day!!
The two dinners came in today form the Joy family. I called the two families, that have many children, to come to Focus to receive their Thanksgiving meal. They came & received a turkey & all the fixings & they were so happy :) We also gave many dinners via our client to those who asked. She is working with an agency in Rochester & have people driving the dinners to the people in need. So much going on today. It is so important to have team work to help our many clients.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at Focus
Another very busy day. We have seen nearly 2,400 clients so far this year. We are working hard to help our moms & dads for their children. The demand for baby formula is high & diapers too. I hate to stop with giving out the formula, for these precious children, will have none. So sad :(
I trust in the Lord that the money will continue to come to pay our rent, bills (RG&E & Time Warner), office supplies, baby formula, diapers. literature, for the educational packets, & pregnancy tests. Wow!! We have been given a lot of donations, some have looked to the Wish List website to find us. I want to thank Tim & Molly Shine especially for all they deliver to us, from Garage Sales, schools & friends. They have blessed us so much.....thank you guys. And thank you all for your donations too. We appreciate your kindness & generosity. You make many mothers & fathers & their children very happy :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at Focus
Miss A.
I received a phone call at 11:45 am this morning asking for a referral for a second trimester heart almost stopped. I spoke with her for very short time & then she hung up. I prayed & then called Embracing Options for their assistance. They are a terrific group of God loving people & asked if they would call her & gave them her phone number. I didn't want to call her back & ask her to come to Focus because she would probably go over to Planned Parenthood. Later on I received a phone call from Embracing Options saying that Diane had reached Miss A. & spoke with her for a few minutes, after texting her. She asked her to come to Embracing Options at 2 pm but she didn't show up. Her name is Miss A. & she has my phone number & also Embracing Options for life giving information. Hope she calls.
Father came while I was pulling up to the center to drop off some baby formula & diapers & he brought me the DVD's that he makes for Focus. What a wonderful priest. Then a young woman, from Fidelis Care, came & dropped off 5 Turkey certificates of $15.00, for our clients, for their Christmas dinner. Fantastic!!! Martha came a few minutes later then Jackie arrived to help us. They worked together. Then Linda came & worked in the center. They got a lot done. We saw some clients today & helped them with their needs. Tommorrow we will put up the Christmas decorations at the center.
As she was leaving today our volunteer Jackie, who is a OB/GYN Practitioner, asked if she could call Miss A. & I said "yes" & she did.
I received this email from her later today:
Hi Mary, I spoke with Aiesha who you were concerned about. She is planning to continue her pregnancy. She said that she was just having a bad day when she called. She may stop by Focus tomorrow...she is living in a shelter right now with her 2 yr old. She just is getting her dss case open. She has been getting prenatal care at Strong...and has an u/s scheduled. She was very pleasant....I told her that we would help her as much as possible. Let me know that you got this....Thanking God! Peace....Jackie
I want to thank all the people who called & wanted to call this client, to help her. Also, to all the prayer partners that prayed for Miss A. & her precious baby! God bless you all for we cannot do this without you is a team effort to save a precious baby's life & to help the mother.
I went to bed at 1:40 am ready to sleep. Thank you Lord & Mother Mary & everyone!!
All is
Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at Focus
I want to share with you a wonderful day at Focus! I received a call this morning, before I went to the center, & it was Miss A., my heart almost stopped, in a good way. She said that she was planning on coming to Focus today via bus. I received an email from Carol C. & she offered to take her home & I was grateful to know that. It was wonderful to see Miss A. & her 2 year old daughter. She received many nice things & appeared happy. I gave her two growth & development brochures & showed her where she was right now. She is pregnant with a girl & is due in April 2016. Carol said that she will take her under her wing & I told Miss A. to call me anytime & she smiled :)
Thank you again for all your love & prayers, for pregnant mothers in need!!
![santa claus wallpaper, santa claus wallpapers, santa claus pictures ... santa claus wallpaper, santa claus wallpapers, santa claus pictures ...]()
More information. We are having Santa Claus come to Focus!
On Tuesday, December 22 from 1:30 to whenever. We will serve Martha homemade cookies & punch & presents (from Santa) for all the children. Should be fun!! Have a wonderful & blessed Christmas Season. Jesus in the reason for the Season!
Also, another miracle today. I was short of the monthly rent (for the first time in 10 years) I was buying so much formula & diapers (which is in great need) that I forgot about the rent :(
I received a call this morning & mother came in today, with her son to volunteer, for his school credit at St. John Bosco...they were great workers. We talked & then said "good bye" & I was just about to lock the front door when she came back in holding her check book. She asked what I needed & I told her & she wrote out the check for that amount. So now I can pay the rent! Praise God ...He always comes through in ways that you would never expect. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers.
A very busy day. We had 4 wonderful volunteers & one is our client who comes in to help us when she can. Such hard workers. I called Neyoka, who works on Mondays & Fridays at Focus & she will be interviewed by Bernadette this Friday for the next Focus Newsletter. It should be great! Martha & the volunteers put up some Christmas decorations & it looks great!! It beginning t look a lot like Christmas !! Lynda came in to help us & she brought the two women volunteers to the bus stop at 4 pm because it was raining. What a wonderful surprised day!
Thursday, December 3, 2015 at Focus
After Mass I went to Focus & Martha wasn't there.....what's wrong? She's always there when I get to the center. Hope all is well..... I started to open up the blinds & turn on the lights when I heard the doorbell ring I went to the door to see MARTHA!!!! Thank you Lord, she's alive! We started working for we have our volunteers from Elim Bible Institute at 4 pm. The doorbell kept on ringing & we assisted all who entered our door. Barb came to receive the rent check & to help us out & also Kathy & her son Matthew came too. As I handed the rent check to Barb I told Kathy again thank you for the $300 to complete the rent & she smiled. How wonderful Lord of your kindness to us. You are faithful.
The main room looked so good with all the Christmas decorations festive.
My Letter to the Editor got in the Democrat & Chronicle. Divinely inspired.
Here it is:
Colorado victims
Our hearts go out to the people and families that were killed last Friday at the Planned Parenthood in Colorado. This is why we are pro life, because we don't want anybody killed, even little babies. Please respect all life!
I wish they had time to repent. The Police Officer loved the Lord but I don't know about the two that were killed in Planned Parenthood. We have to always ready to meet our Maker.
The four Elim girls came with their supper to help us out. They are so energetic & friendly. Such positive energy that fills the center. They will be away until the end of January :(
Bernadette will be interviewing Neyoka tomorrow, she works on Mondays & Fridays, for a piece in our next Focus Newsletter. Her story is compelling. Can't wait for Santa to come on December 22nd., so many people are saying they're coming, with their children :) A bit nervous.......
Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at Focus
We opened at 1 pm & got to work. People were dropping off donations at the door & coming in for free items for their children. When Martha got here she did a pregnancy test which was negative. She was post abortive & Martha gave her literature which included Project Rachel for her to call & to get someone to help her with post abortion counseling. She was on birth control that made her have 3 periods a month....bad stuff. She did get the rods out of her arm..thank God. She also received the free DVD's to educate her more. We pray that her life will change, through the grace of God. She also took a graphic picture of an aborted baby which she said that she will show her boyfriend, who was waitng for her in the car. Abortion is evil.
Jackie came to help us & we were grateful for her kind assistance. Catherine came, from Fidelis Care, she is so nice & we enjoy her prescence here at Focus twice a week :) It was quite busy & sometimes my head spins, it's tough when you have Fibromyalgia, which is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. It is a condition that results in chronic widespread pain and tenderness all over. God gets me threw & I love Focus & what we do. We've seen 2,450 clients so far in 2015 :) It is such a blessing & we have so many people that pray for us & our clients & their families & help us which financial assistance & food & clothing donations, for our clients. Praise God for you :)
We were having a birthday party for Martha after our last Board Meeting in 2015. Lynda is getting the red roses & chocolate cake & I brought in the vanilla ice cream. Hope it will be a surprise :)
It was a surprise for Martha she looked surprised when we brought out the large cake with lited candles on it. It was a wonderful birthday party & a successful board meeting too. Kudos everyone!!
We had a client come in the office last week to talk to me about her friend helping herself in the Layette Room. a couple f weeks ago. I told her that she did the right in telling me otherwise she would be an accessory to the crime. I also said that if she comes in again we will not serve her & if she doesn't stop her stealing she will be delivering her baby in jail. At the board meeting I asked Jose & Rick & Bill if they could set up a system that would notify us when someone has entered the room. They said that a light beam with noise could be setup. Whateve works guys & thank you! This doesn't happen much at all for we try to watch our clients but when there are so many people, at once, & it's just Martha & I, it's difficult. When something needs attention I try to rectify the problem right away, with God's help.
The last 2 weeks in December 2015 at Focus
Tuesday December 22nd. 2015 at Focus
![Preview Of Christmas 2014 - Ho Ho Hold Up - #egmr]()
We welcomed Santa on December 22nd. and he was greeted with an enthusiast crowd of excited children. The Christmas music was playing. The line was long and after the child sat on Santa's lap they left with a bag of 3 homemade Martha cookies & either a stuffed animal or a small flash light, as their presents. Also, they were given a Christmas Poem to reassure that Christ is the Reason for the Season & also a large sign was put in the front window saying the same thing. They left with a smile on their faces :) Three volunteers wore safety vests and directed traffic to ensure the safety of all the families.
Today I received a phone call, from the North Pole, saying that Santa will be stopping by Focus again next Christmas. Thanks Santa !!!
Wednesday, December 23rd. 2015 at Focus
It was so busy, but Martha & I, got through. We didn't have a lot of volunteers for various reasons like school's out, surgery, watching grandchildren & being sick. That's life! I know all will be back to normal the first of the year.
We saw many people & helped them to receive Christmas dinners that were donated by Tony & Joyce Joy & her father. The two clients were so very happy. Thank you dear family!! It was so busy but Martha & I came through. We didn't have a lot of volunteers for various reasons like school's out, surgery, watching grandchildren & being sick. That's life! I know all will be back to normal the first of the year.
We gave away Christmas presents for the children. Martha did a pregnancy which was negative & she was educated & was given literature & DVD's. I was in the office doing office work that keeps me very busy. The phone always rings & many emails to answer. I go out to meet the clients that Martha usually greets & is helping. some donation from nice people. Things have to be put away proper containers. So much to do but we love it!!
It was about 4 pm when Kathy came in with her two children. She was the nice lady that gave us money for our last months rent. She again was generous & gave me 4 $50.00 Wegmans gift card to pass out to our clients. She also gave cookies in containers & fudge packets & thick fudge in a beautiful container. All were given to needy people & all were so happy. What a nice lady! It was such a surprise to the clients that needed the assistance.
A father came in to get diapers & formula for his baby boy. He unexpectedly received a $50.00 Wegmans card for he is having financial difficulties. He also wants to marry the mother of his son, in church. While talking to him he said that he was once a Catholic so I gave h Fr. Mickey name he knew about & say & literature. He was a nice man & I hope he carried out his plan to call Fr. Mickey.
![favourite christmas song we wish you a merry christmas christmas ...]()
Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at Focus
Clients came in for baby formula as so many have this year. I have noticed so many people both male & female have left the Catholic Church which saddens Martha & my hearts. We talk with them & them a new rosary, & the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is donated to us by Gene Michael, thanks Gene, & a pamphlet of 'How to make a good Confession' to start them on their way. We try to find out which church that they live by so they can contact the priest, at the parish, & go to confession & to attend Mass every Sunday. We care about them......body & soul.
Wednesday, December 30,15 at Focus
We saw three woman with a baby in the stroller. They received baby formula & diapers & clothes. I was taking & found out that they have left the church so I did was natural. I talked with them & gave them all the information that I have. I asked them to call Fr. Mickey at St. Michael's parish to make an at with him. I hope that they do. I asked how old the child was & the m 8 months but is small. Yes this baby was small * looked lie month old baby....hope all is well.
Barb came in & helped us out today. How nice! I called bracing Options to see if our client had her ultrasound & she did. I was told that she is 19 weeks pregnant!! Martha & I were so happy :) It was about 4 pm when she came into the center with her boyfriend & sister, for a pregnancy test. Martha did the test, she wasn't open to the truth so much. So sad. She was not pregnant. I said the young girl that was pregnant why she wasn't smiling & she said because she didn't have anything for the baby. I asked when her due date was aid May. I said that we had some time & Martha gave her a small yellow blanket & a shirt for baby. We will be able to get her a crib or a pac'n play before May. I was glad that she cared. They all live with her mother who has two jobs. Thanks Mom! I hope they help her & get a job but maybe there are still in school for they all were under 20 years of age. I wish the young man didn't live with them. I hope it will work out for she will need a lot of help when baby comes & even before.
Martha & I went across the street & gave the man who once let us park in the g lot in front of his apartment some homemade cookies. I rang the doorbell & he came down & opened the door. He wished us a Merry Christmas & said "you still can't park here, for it wasn't lucrative for me". I said "I don't understand but Merry Christmas"! When he said good by he added "you still can't park here" "Good bye & have a Merry Christmas" we said & then went back into Focus., confused. This neighborhood is tough but we love them all but just don't like them. Sorry, maybe in 2016 :)
![40 New Years in 2016 – New Year Countdown]()
Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at Focus
When I drove up street I saw four people standing at the front door of Focus.
I parked across the street & came over to greet the people & to open up the door. They were from the Heritage House & brought us many handmade bibs for our babies. One of the men said "have a happy Tuesday"! I said 'you too'! They were so sweet. Martha wasn't with me yet for she had taken her friend to the doctors & will come as soon as she can. Two more people came & were assisted with formula & diapers. A counselor from Hillside brought a man that needed some things for his baby. After they all left I went into the room to see two large shelves that were given to us yesterday by Bill Keenan. They were holding a lot of things & it looked good. When I came into the main room I saw that Linda & Catherine had arrived....yeah!!! The doorbell rang & Linda helped many people with their needs. One client need things for her apartment was ransacked this past weekend & she was without many things. I gave her three numbers to call for assistance for big items.....hopefully one of them can help. I also received a phone call asking for beds for her children & I gave her the three phone numbers to call......hopefully one of them can help her too. Thank God for referrals.....
After church this afternoon I went over to the cafeteria, on Andrews St., to get Chili to bring it back to Focus for a quick lunch. So at 2:30 pm I got a chance to eat was not good at alll so I hope I will be okay. One never knows what one is getting. Maybe it was just made badly. If it was spoiled I will know soon :(
Martha came in & was working when she was asked to do a pregnancy test. The client was helped with literature.
A young girl came in & asked for medical assistance & we gave her a list of our pro life doctors to call.....hopefully she will.
Jackie came in today & helped us in the material aid room & in the offfice. We are blessed with all of are volunteers!!!! Linda came in later.......back to normal :)
`````In 2015 we saw 2,600 people & did 90 pregnancy tests which 81 were Negative & 9 were Positive.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at Focus
I arrived at Focus & parked in a 'free' spot, which is unusual, I was happy not to put any money in the meter today. I was opening up in the center & saw that Martha had parked across the street & was putting money in the meter so I called over to her & showed her where to park. She did...yeah! Two cars today & no $$$. Later on this afternoon I called the City & spoke to Barbara a Supervisor in the Parking Department & she told me to write an email stating what we do & for what reason do we want to have 'free' parking. I wrote a short letter & sent it to Barbara for her to submit it to the Committee for review. Hopefully we will receive free or almost free parking on University Ave..
It was s educational day. Some of our clients needed more information in life. We talked to them & gave them a truth packets & DVD's & a Rosary & to say it. One mom let her son go anywhere he wanted to & I asked her to watch him & as he was in the office and she said "I'm going to whip TJ". I walked out of the office & said in a stern voice "no you aren't, your son is 2 years old & didn't do anything so no you aren't". She said back that she wasn't going to but a whipping is not like a beating. I said if you start hitting this precious boy he will follow in your footsteps someday. This mom is pregnant & is due any day.
We were glad that Lynda was with us today.....she is such a big help. Later on today three people came in, 2 young women & I man, to receive what they needed. One of the woman was pregnant with her 6th child & not married. I said that sex is reserved for married people & she said "that was in the 80's". I told her to ask God as I gave her the 10 Commandments to take with her. Hope she reads them. The sexual revolution is still in full force. Sorry Lord!
Martha was busy helping our clients & putting clothes away in the baskets. Such a hard worker. I was in the office answering the phone & emails & printing the literature to pass out. It was about 5 pm when I received a phone call from a woman asking for me to speak to this young girl because she wants an abortion. She said that she told her about Bethany Adoption Agency. She transferred the call & I handed the phone to Martha. She spoke to her for about 5 minutes. I mentioned for her to come to Focus & she said that she knew where we were located she didn't live far away. She told Martha that she had enough kids & Martha told her that this child doesn't want to die & the siblings will love him or her. Martha did a great job! Martha suggested that I put out a prayer request to the email list for prayers....we have such a terrific team of prayer warriors. We hope she does not have an abortion & she comes to Focus tomorrow to talk & to get some assistance. We have a crib. What a day!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2016 at Focus
When I arrived at Focus Martha was already there & Tamara came to help us too. A client came in for diapers, formula & clothes & then Kathryn came to help us at the center. After that the day was very busy. Martha was now doing a pregnancy test & when I answered the door another woman wanted a preganncy test too. She said that she took a test when we were at 86 University & this was her first time here at our new location. Both tests were negative. One of the girls was sent to Embracing Options pregnancy center for STD testing but she never showed up. Wish her well.
A young woman came in & told us that her sister-in-law dropped off her three children.a boy 9 years old a boy 6 years old & a daughter 6 months for good for she told her that she didn't want them & was going with her boyfriend out of town. She looked in shock from the unexpected arrivals but is going to care for them Thank God!! She loves them as theri mother doesn't. How sad. We told her to call the police to get a report done & hopefully she will be arrested for abandament. I told her never have these children go back to her for worse might happen to them. How evil is this?? We will help her with wahtever we can. She had to go to pick up the 9 year old at school. These children will need much prayer & counseling for this rejection.
Two women came in witha sweet little baby girl in a car seat. The grandmother told us that someone from K Mart told them about us so here they are. They received many nice things for the 1 month old daughter. Nice family. But where is the father?? Yes where are the fathers???
We did have a grandfather come in for things for his grandchildren. That was great!!! Another father came in for a car seat but I told him that the City said no car seats until February. This baby will be delivered in 2 weeks by C Section......hope that they get one soon!!
We had a crib in the main room for 3 days & a mom hollered out "I need that crib, can I have it"? We said "yes, of course". A big smile came over her face & she received it. Her baby was so cute & all the children today & everyday are so cute. What a blessing.
Another mother received what she need & her baby was cute to. She left saying "thank you" so many times that made our hearts sing.
Hollie came in & after we greeted each other she said "there are 3 police cars at Planned Parenthood's parking lot". I looked outside & there they were with their lights flashing. I asked if she would go out to see what had happened. She came back about 10 minutes later saying that the police had taken out a young man from Planned Parenthood & put him in the police car & they drove off. He possible could have been trying to save his baby's life but the mother wanted to go ahead & kill his precious child & there was a commotion & the police were called. What could it be? Martha was out on the front lines earlier today & a woman, who had just had an abortion, threw a plastic cup at her. Post abortive women are very angry people until they REPENT!!! Women have changed!!!
Frank came in to do some work in the Layette Room. He will be putting a sliding door there & shelves for the baby clothes. He'll be back next Tuesday to start the work :) Thanks Frank & your friend who will be helping you :)
The buldge, on the side of the building, will BE FIXED soon..thank you Lord!!
So many good things are happening at Focus :)
Our Focus Newsletter of 2016 is done. Great job Gene!
Focus Newsletter Focus Pregnancy Help Center, 135 University Avenue, Rochester, NY 14605. Ph. # 585-200-9477.
Board of Directors: President: Mary Jost, Vice President: Martha Malone, Board Members: Todd Cucchiara,Pat Galante, Lynda Hunt, Robert Pokalsky, Jose Rivera, Rick Paoletti.
Chaplain: Fr William Leone. Material Aid: Ney Bielaski.
Front Lines Editor: Eugene Michael. Associate Editor: Bernadette Laniak
Volume 3, Issue 1 January 2016
President’s Report 2015 was another busy year for the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center. The Center had approximately 2600 client visits for the year. This was almost 200 more visits than we had in 2014. Also, we performed 96 pregnancy test of which 15 were positive. We provided a number of client services that included counseling, material aid, and pregnancy tests. The material aid included clothing, baby formula, and diapers. These are essential items for the many impoverished clients that we serve. Many of these clients were referred to FOCUS by local organizations such as Hillside Children’s Center, the YWCA, and the Baby Loves program at Strong Hospital. These groups know that FOCUS can be relied on to help the people who sometimes have needs that aren’t covered by the established assistance programs in our area. We want to thank all of you for the support you have given us and our mission of mercy. Wishing you a happy and blessed 2016! Mary, Martha, Ney and Volunteers
Santa Comes to FOCUS ! We welcomed Santa to FOCUS on December 22 and he was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of excited children. The children formed a long line as they waited to sit on Santa’s lap. Each child was then given a bag of Martha’s homemade cookies and a stuffed animal or a small flash light. They were also given copies of the Christmas essay, One Solitary Life, that emphasizes “Christ is the Reason for the Season”. The children all had big smiles on their faces as they left the center. Thank you Santa!
The Mercy of God in the Life of a Volunteer The loving mercy of God is strikingly evident in the life of Neyoka Bielaski, an extraordinarily enthusiastic volunteer who has been serving Focus Pregnancy Help Center for four years. It is said that "the Lord works in strange ways", and Neyoka could testify to the veracity of this belief. A successful professional insurance agent and mother of a beautiful daughter, her career and family life unraveled in her mid-forties as a result of negative choices, including past abortions, leading her into the sorrowful life of years of drug addiction and divorce. She humbly attributes her ability to stop this cycle of self-destruction to an encounter with the Lord. In 2006 she was listening to a teleevangelist one day who was preaching about the Blood of Christ in such a way that it touched her heart and brought tears to her eyes. Talking with Neyoka about this conversion reminded me of St. Paul being knocked off his horse - simply a matter of God's ever merciful grace - and from that moment, like St. Paul, Neyoka would be forever changed. With great effort, she shed her bad habits, joined a local church, where she was heartily welcomed, and remains a member to this day. Neyoka oversees the Focus center on Mondays and Fridays and because of her dedication the office is open five days a week. That she is especially beneficial to the clients by giving them her love and time goes without saying. To the first question I posed, I received a question from Neyoka in return. She asks "where are all the caring and compassionate volunteers who could join her in serving some of the most important people in our city, young women and families who are struggling to do the right thing in caring for their babies and children"? Readers take heed!! Neyoka's major contributions to Focus include exceptional compassion and diligence in organization and efficiency, traits she retained as a successful businesswoman. However, her primary goal she feels is to share her life of faith with all the clients she meets and to help them to realize God's love. She says that the more she can help them reach out and to know God, the more they will know themselves individually as His unique child worthy of love and respect, gifts that they may have never before encountered. On duty at Focus, she sees Christ in the lives of the girls and women who come in seeking solace and material goods - baby formula, clothing and other useful items as well as advice and referrals. Neyoka's enthusiasm is palpable. She says sometimes she herself receives more from the clients than the service she is rendering to them...for example, one day a client asked for clothing and began helping herself to several items available. Neyoka was a bit annoyed that the client seemed to be taking "too much" clothing and kindly questioned her. The client simply replied "I need clothing for my five children who I have at the shelter with me". Neyoka was so filled with remorse and apologetic that the client ended up consoling her!! Such incidents emphasize the truly miraculous changes that happen in the lives of Focus clients and volunteers. It cannot be stated enough that Neyoka wants people to know the mercy of God and His unlimited forgiveness for those who seek Him. So many people, she says, are filled with anger, perhaps because of tragedies they have faced with little or no help along the way. She would like to see Focus clients have a similar encounter that she has had with God, to shed their anger and to know how much they too can experience His love. If she were asked to submit a Christmas "wish list", Neyoka would include first of all, more caring volunteers for Focus' mission, and of course, more donations including necessary baby items, i.e. formula, diapers, clothing etc.; but her special request would be for a good supply of study Bibles to help put the Word of God in the hands, hearts and minds of as many who are willing to listen. Contributed by Bernadette Laniak
Women’s Conference.The third annual Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016 at the Aquinas Institute. Bishop Matano will be there in addition to several speakers including Marcus Grodi, Kelly Wahlquist, and Sister Clare Matthiass. Please go to the conference website at for more information.
March for Life! The annual March for Life will be on Friday, January 22 in Washington, D.C. A local contingent including Bishop Matano will be traveling to Washington by bus in order to participate. At this time there are five buses scheduled to travel from various locations in the diocese. These locations, along with contact information, can be found on the diocesan website. Bishop Matano will be concelebrating Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception the morning of the march. After Mass the Rochester contingent will gather to march as a group with Bishop Matano. We at FOCUS are very grateful to our bishop for his strong show of support for this worthy event. Please keep the marchers in your prayers for safe travel to and from Washington on these days.
Thank you! We at FOCUS would like to thank Chris May for the wonderful job she has done as editor of this newsletter. Chris has stepped down from this position and handed it over to Gene Michael. Chris will still be a very active volunteer at FOCUS. She continues to be in charge of the fundraising committee and can often be found praying and doing sidewalk counseling in front of Planned Parenthood. She is a tremendous inspiration to us all. A Call to Battle “The average boy will spend more time watching television by the time he turns six years old then he will spend talking to his father over the course of his entire earthly life.” This quote is from the short film, A Call to Battle. The film features Bishop Thomas Olmstead from the Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona. The focus of this film is the epic battle being waged for the souls of men in our society. Bishop Olmstead describes this battle as wounding our children and our families. It is primarily spiritual, but it is progressively killing the remaining Christian ethos in our society and our culture. The film can be found on YouTube.
Planned Parenthood saw an 11% drop in services provided in 2014 verses 2013. Let us hope for a similar decline in 2015.
Focus Pregnancy Help Center Po Box 25513 Rochester, NY 14625 On a monthly basis, Focus needs money for: • Rent • Phone and cable • Ink cartridges • Pregnancy Tests • Diapers and Wipes • Office Supplies • Fetal models and brochures to hand out on the sidewalk • Cleaning Items • Everything to run an office “Wish List” The greatest need is for baby formula, especially Enfamil or Wegmans. Our next greatest need is for diapers all sizes especially 4’s and 5’s. Also needed are: Onesies Baby Blankets Pacifiers and toys Baby bottles with nipples Baby lotion, shampoo and baby care products Baby and children clothes, all sizes sleepers for baby and young children Toilet paper, paper towels, plastic zip lock storage bags and sandwich bags Office supplies especially copying paper, pens and Toner 940
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at Focus
It was a pleasant day! Jackie came to help us at the center & she works very hard. Frank & Fred came to help me decide what shelves to put in the Layette Room along with a sliding door to the entrance. The decisions were made & they went to Home Depot to get these items. They came back about 45 minutes later & started working. The end was fantastic!! A new room for storage to put layettes & other baby items there. It is wonderful in making Focus more productive :)
A woman came in & said as she was signing in that she found out that she was having a girl & was happy about that because she has 2 boys. She then said that she was going to give her baby up so I asked her if she was going to place her baby up for adoption but she said that she was thinking of abortion. I said "what"! I spoke with her for a few minutes of how horrible abortion is to mother & child & she said that she knows that God only gives us what we can handle. I said "you are correct, my dear". I thanked God for the wisdom. I given her a rosary & some DVD's to take with her besides a pac'n play for her new baby. She is in her second trimester. As she was leaving she said that she was glad that she had stopped were we!
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at Focus
I got to Focus earlier today & I was about to put the trash cans back on to the back porch when I saw Paul, our helper, doing it. I thanked him & then asked if could get the diapers & formula from my car across the street. He said "yes". I put the sign out in front & he helped me. How nice of him.
We have great volunteers~~~
Martha called me earlier & stated that she had a headache & was lying down. I hoped that she felt better & was coming in today. She did!!! :) She's such a tropper. Lynda came in with her regular Wendy's meal & we thanked her for her kindness to us. We all ate together & Martha gave us a piece of her homemade apple pie mmmm good!!! Fred & Frank came back to check their work in the layette room & were happy with the results. So were we!!
A mom came in with her 2 year old son & she was looking on the table & was about to pick up a leaflet of 'How Not to Have Sex' but put it back. I went over to her & asked if she was married & she said "no, but I know what is right now & I'm not haveing sex". I said that she was blessed & I gave her a rosary to take with her. As she left she said to us "thank you & God bless"!! Our hearts were glad :) Education is so important to our girls & guys!!!
Neyoka, who works at Focus on Mondays & Fridays, said that she wants to have a prayer time after 5:30pm on Mondays & she will then open up on Saturdays from 1 pm to 4 pm stating in March to the first of June. I talked it over with Martha & we she came in to bring in the donation bags, from the Second Thought Resale Store, who have blessed us for many years with free items, we told her "yes" & she was happy. We want our clients to know God~~~ Prayer & Education are the Keys to a better life!!!
Memo, our Data Entry man, came in & I gave him the rest of the paperwork from 2015 & we talked for a few minutes. It was great seeing him!!!
Thank God for Memo, he takes great care of Focus :)
Thursday, January 14, 2016 at Focus
When I got to Focus Martha was already there, for she goes in front of Planned Parenthood to sidewalk counsel, for they do surgical abortions this day. There were a lot of people in the center getting what they needed for their children& themselves. I brought lunch for Martha & I & we ate as we did our work. Then I was told by Catherine, the Fidelis counselor, that two of our clients & one of them was with child, were murdered along with two other people in the attic in their home, on Leighton Rd., near Culver Rd. last week. My heart dropped for they are apart of our Focus family. Catherine said that she graduated from High School in Brockport with Jennifer, the pregnant mom, who was killed. She also was sad! How horrible! Please pray that they will find the murderes & get justice for these four people. Lord have mercy on their souls.
This is the article about the Leighton Road Fire and Murder:
Hollie came in with Scott today & we talked about the pregnancy centers for awhile. So much is going on with hers. All will be well in 2016!!!
We have seen 84 people so far in 2016!! We had two volunteers come in, from Spenrcerport High School, to help us for school credit. Nice girls ggod helpers.
Martha wasn't feeling well today but she got by, she'll feel better soon!!
Tuesday & Wednesday at Focus 1/19/16 & 1/20/16
When I arreived there were a lot of people in the center getting what they needed for their families. I was in the office & heard a lady ask for formula so I went out in the main room & asked her if she was able to get the formula from her church, family or friends. I asked the mother how old the child was & she said 12 months to which I replied that the baby should be drinking milk now & we don't give it out after 1 year. She said "okay, I understand". We give away so much & we need to be careful to give them to the younger babies. She did receive a lot of nice things for her family though.
I called the City of Rochester Parking Bureau for the answer to my question about our parking situation here at Focus. Barbara was not there so I will have to call again tomorrow. Hopefully the City will work with us regarding 'free' parking for Martha & I on the days we're here & Neyoka when she is here.
Linda & Jackie came today & helped us out. Jackie brought us her printer, from home, so when the one I use all the time in the office breaks down I have a repalcement. Thanks Jackie :))
Our young lady from school who volunteers came to help us out later in the afternoon & she worked in the Material Aid Room sorting out clothes & making sure that all was where it should be. .
Martha & I went to the Charismatic Mass at St. Thomas More Church for a healing Mass at 7 pm.
Today was sad because two women came in with 4 children & one of the women told me that her sister died of cancer very recently & she left 7 children for her to raise. She had a picture of her sister on her T Shirt, how sad!!!
Lynda came in to help us today. She told me that she will be gone for 3 weeks in February to visit her sister in California. We'll miss her :((
Frank & Fred came do some work here at Focus. I got a call from Paul who was suffering with Bronchitis & will be coming by tomorrow to bring our trash cans back onto the porch. He's feeling better now :))
Thursday January 21, 2016 at Focus
Martha & I were the only ones working at Focus today. Kathryn was with her husband as he moved his law office downtown. She'll be gone a couple more weeks. :(
It is a horrible day knowing that tomorrow it will be 43 years of killing innocent babies.
Martha & I will watch the 'March for Life' at my apartment tomorrow. There is a winter storm warning on the Eastern side of the country. We'll see what happens :(
March for Life 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at Focus
It was a good day! We saw many clients & assisted them all. Linda & Jackie were here to help. We found out that one of our emailers is adopting a baby from China!! God bless you! Fred came in to do more work in the center.....thanks Fred for all that you're doing for Focus!
The parking meter broke down after I put in some of the money & I called 311 to report it. I then moved my car, later on in the afternoon, down the street. What a pain :((
Linda S. came in to help us later in the day....what a good worker.
Tim S. came in with many bags of donations....thanks Tim.
I received an eamil from Lynda H. saying that she is sick & won't be in to help us out tomorrow :(( Get better soon dear lady.
We found out that, David Daleiden who exposed Planned Parenthood's evil of selling aborted baby body parts, got indicted today. Check out
He, with the grace of God, will shine through. Please pray! So many attacks on good people.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at Focus
When I arrived at Focus I saw Linda W. puting back the trash cans onto the back porch. I let her in & she had brough some food for our panty today. She stayed for lunch that Martha made. We ate quickly. Paul came & stayed for a short time. After Linda left it was just Martha & myself. I decided to call the councilan for this area to get assistance from him. I called 311 & they connected me to his office. I told the woman who answered the phone the promblem & she conected me to his voice mail. I hope to receive a phone call back real soon.
After I hung up the phone rang & it was Katherine, who helped us out so much, at Chrsitmas time. She said that she had a new crib for us, it was 4 years old, if we wanted it. I said "yes we'll take it & thank you". It wasn't very long that she arrived a the center. We had a client come in with her counselor & I heard that the crib had a new home alreay. It happened so quickly. She was unable to get it into her car so Katherine said that she would follow them & drop it off, which she did. It was about 15 minutes later she came back & handed us a generous check for the work at Focus. I cried. I was so touched by her kindness :)) Thank you Lord for two miracles in a row.
I am sorry that I haven't written anything in awhile for I have been busy with Focus & life issues. I will try to do better, though I probaby won't write every time that I'm at Focus, but just the complex days, that do occur, to share with you. Thank you!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at Focus
When I first arrived at the center I was greeted by two people, one woman one man. They came into the center asking me where 114 University Ave. was. I looked at them & said "you don't want to go there, they kill children & we help them". She said that she just wanted a pregnancy test. I said "we can help you with that & it is free". She said "okay" & we walked in the the testing room together. The test was negative but she said the the test that she did from the drugstore yesterday was positive. She repeated the test two more times & it was again negative. After 3 tests that all showed negative results I said for her to go to her doctor's office to get a blood test. She goes to Dr. Morehouse's office so I felt good about that. Hopefully she will call for an appointment. She was worried about baby things so I told her that if she is pregnant that we could help her with most of what she needs for herself & her baby. Then I showed her a picture of an aborted baby & she said that she had an abortion, in the past, but it didn't bother her. I said "what"!! I then gave her all the post abortive literature that we have & a Truth packet & Abstinence literature too. I asked her to call Project Rachel (a post abortive hotline) to talk to someone about her past abortion. I hope that she does. How can a woman not be bothered after having an abortion????? Or how can a woman have an abortion????? Lord please help her. I also gave her & her boyfriend the 10 Commandments to take with them. My heart breaks when I hear that a woman is so callus & non chalant about having her precious baby be killed by an abortionist, which she paid. Abortion is so horrible!!!!!!
It took me a while to recover form this scenario to back on tract to continue my work in the office. I go out to the front room at times to greet the clients but Martha is the main person who greets & assists the clients. Thank God for all our volunteers :))
Jackie came in to help us & she set up the fax machine, for there were two clients that needed car seats, from the City. I have to fax Jean the paperwork after the client fills out the the form. It takes some time. Linda came to help us too. She spent time with the clients & enjoyed it. She wanted me to fax some papers for her. No problem Linda.
Catherine, from Fidelis Care, came today after being away for 1 week. She went to
Las Vegas for a pizza baking contest that her boyfriend was hosting. She ate a lot of pizza & said that she will never eat it again....we'll see. She caught a cold too. Happy trip. It was good seeing her again, we missed her.
The parking situation is still the same. I wrote 3 letters to the Counselperson's in the City. We'll see if they will help us get 'free' parking across the street, for ourselves & our clients. If they take the 3 useless 'NO PARKING' signs down, we'll have a chance.
Thursday, March 17, 2016 at Focus
![saint patrick st patrick évangélisa l irlande au vème siècle saint patrick st patrick évangélisa l irlande au vème siècle]()
Great news from Adolf, who stands across the street from Planned Parenthood, on Thursdays from 2 pm to 4 pm to pray & hold a sign told me that a car pulled out of the parking lot & they pulled the window down to say "we're keeping our baby"! He offered them help & they drove away. Praise God!! Thank you for your powerful prayers for 'life'!! You also make a diffference.
Also, a woman drove by Focus & saw our A-frame sign outside & came in for a pregnancy test & also obtained Health Insurance from Catherine, from Fidelis Care, who is with us at Focus three times a week. Also, she was scheduled for an ultrasound for next Wedneday. We hope she comes back to the church. Please keep Miss A. in your prayers. Thank you!
A couple of kids came in with colds today.....hope they get better soon. Also, a grandmother came in with her grandson & told us that the police had stopped her car & arrested her daughter. They had a Warrent out for her arrest in Georgia. The Grandmother didn't know what was going on. She was very upset. She will be caring for her grandson now. Please pray for Mrs. B. & her family in crisis & thank you. She did get some things for her grandson who was very quiet.
We're open 6 days a week & now open on Saturdays from 1:30 pm to 4:30pm for drop offs. Thank you! We have seen 474 people so far in 2016. We have two ultrasound appointments scheduled for next Wednesday :)) Yeah!!
Please pray for a young woman, Miss J, who had an abortion in the past & I'm thinking that she might do it again. Her pregnancy test was negative, 3 times she took the test, because the drugstore test was positive?? When she said that she had an abortion, in the past, she said "it doesn't bother me". I almost fainted. I spoke to her & gave her all the post abortive literature we have, which is a lot. Martha has called her twice. The first time she answered, for I suggested that she gets a blood test but hadn't yet made an appointment & the second time Martha called, no answer, so she left a message. I hope, that if she is pregnant, she will NOT have another abortion & start the healing process from her past abortion. She walked into Focus asking where 114 University was, which is Planned Parenthood, but just wanted a pregnancy test. She said that she wanted to know, if she was pregnant, so to make some early decisions. I asked if she was referring to abortion & she said "no, not really" but my heart said "yes". She is in denial. I pray that she is not pregnant but if she is that she will let her precious baby live & get God's forgiveness & her baby's forgiveness, too.
Prayer changes things.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
St. Joseph's Day
Situations that occured from March 22nd. to March 24th. 2016 at Focus
Our week was very busy but we got through......we love to serve the Rochester community.
The teams of people that help us is so beneficial & a blessing to us & our many clients.
We had a grandmother come in to say that she get went to AZ. to pick up her grandson who was twitching. The daughter meet someone on line & went with him....a stranger. Poor kids....of no mothers & fathers :(( Thank God the grandmother is a good one. She will be taking her grandson to the doctors in a few days...great job but so sad!!
Thursday Martha had a horrrible time out on the front lines in front of Planned Parenthood who kills babies surgically. A man pullled out of the parking lot after dropping his girlfriend for an abortion. She said that he swore at her & almost got out of his car ......she was apprehensive. Abortion makes people angry & violent. She wished him a Happy Easter.
Two girls were walking down the street & Martha began telling them the truth & they responded "we're talking" & then went passed her into the abortion mill. Another woman walked buy her saying that the three abortions that she had didn't bother her!!!!!!!!!!!
The man that lives in the condo across the street form Planned Parenthood is a devil worshiper & he made hand jestures to Martha, from his window. Martha was talking to a woman who was uneasy. A few minutes later two Police cars came down University & stopped in front of Martha. A man & a woman got out of their cars & approached Martha & said that it was reported that there was some commotion out here. Martha greeted them saying that she prays to St. Michael, every day, for their safety. The man officer asked if she had a permit. She responded that she has an Injuction & that was enough. The woman officer was nice. They both went into Planned Parenthood to talk to the complainer & then left without incident.
A regular client, with 6 chidren, came in to help us & told Marha & I about her good friend, that she was being beaten up by the father of their children. He even kicked the 1 year old, who was crawling on the floor, away to ge to the mother. We said that she NEEDS to call Child's Service Center right away to report him. I gave her a Willow card (a place for battered women) to call them to get her help before he kills her & maybe their children. Another sad situation.
Good Friday we all walked in front of the ,abortionist in Brighton's office, Morris Wortman, who killed my two family members, to pray the Divine Mercy prayers.
![Benefits of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ « Destiny Worship Center]()
![the resurrection of christ the resurrection and the atonement the ...]()
The week of February 29th. to March 31st., 2016 at Focus
It was a very busy week filled with many clients, in need. We are happy to help them. We have two clients that are scheduled for an ultra sound exam next Wednesday. We got a ride, from Jessica, for one of the girls to His Branches. We have a great team of workers!!
![Image result for Happy Birthday pictures]()
My birthday is March 30th. so I was hoping for a homemade birthday cake from Martha, the baker, but it didn't happen :(( Never the less I got a Suprise Birthday party from my friends :)) It was soooo much fun!! They all came out of the side room into the front room singing Happy Birthday!! Wow! Then I saw a big chocolate cake on the counter & pizza on the table......fantastic!! There were beautiful flowers on the main table that Neyoka bought nice. I was giving a handful of birthday cards to open with some surprises in them. I can eat now for a couple of weeks!!! Praise God :)) It was so much fun & my heart sang to all the love that was present at my party~~~
Thank you dear friends!! Thank you Lord for the gift of Life!!
![Image result for Happy Birthday pictures]()
The week of March 5th. to the 7th. 2016 at Focus
Yesterday at 9:35 pm I received a phone call from my stepfather that my mother died at 9:15 this evening. He said that he will call me back when the funeral Mass is scheduled & we hung up after a few words. He called me back on Tuesday evening to tell me that the Mass is Thursday at 10 am at Guardian Angels Parish. I developed laryngitis so I didn't go to Focus on Wednesday. This is what was in the Democrat & Chronicle newspaper.
Anna May Lang
1922 - 2016 Obituary Condolences
Lang, Anna M. (Yurkunas)
Henrietta: On April 4, 2016 11 days before her 94th birthday. Predeceased by her first husband, Raymond Yurkunas. Survived by her husband, Fred Lang; children, Carolyn Langon, Mary Jost, Maryanne (Alex) Cestra & Anne Louise Lang; close friend, Aubrey Gollogly; grandchildren, Jason, Susan, Sam & Miranda; several great-grandchildren; cousin, Bob (Kay) Sanders.
A funeral Mass will be celebrated on THURSDAY at 10 AM at St. Marianne Cope Parish at Guardian Angels Church (2061 E. Henrietta Rd.). Interment, Maplewood Cemetery. Please consider a donation in Anna's memory to a charity of one's choice
. For directions or to leave a message for the family, visit:
Published in Rochester Democrat And Chronicle on Apr. 6, 2016
I gave her to God but someday I will tell the true story of my life.
On Thursday, after the funereal Mass, I went to lunch with Mike & then I got my car at my apartment, for Martha had picked me up for the Mass, & I went to Focus. We have a dysfunctional family with buried secrets, so I sat with my friends. Love them though. Martha did a pregnancy test on Miss A. today & before she started she said that she wanted an abortion if she is pregnant. Martha talked with her after the test which was positive for pregnancy & we gave her pro life educational brochures & DVD's & spoke truth to her. We will follow up on her very soon. Please pray for Miss A. that she doesn't have an abortion. She has a four year old daughter at home. A picture of her & her daughter was on her phone. A brother or sister!! Martha & I tried to call her on Sunday but the phone number was made up so we couldn't reach her. I got her email address from Neyoka on Monday at the center & I emailed her a message. Hope she will choose life for her precious baby. This is a painful ministry. I emailed a prayer request to my email list of Prayer Warriors......God listens to them.
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