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I have the numbers for 2017!!
Pregnancy Tests 110
Pregnant 23
Not pregnant 87
Number of people that came into Focus in 2017 is:
3,345 clients
Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at Focus
What a start to a new year!!! When I arrived there was Martha & Frank already here. I came in & then walked into the office & all of a sudden a loud ringing occurred & it was awful. It got louder & louder & I couldn't hear. We were trying to look at what this was & it keep on ringing. I called the Security Company & they said that they couldn't turn it off because it wasn;t on. Okay I said what do I do now? They sent someone to come to check out the problem. He turned off the security system & looked around & then said "Mary, it was your mega phone". "What" I said with dismay. Yes it was the mega phone that mysteriously went off & didn't shut off until Matha pulled the warm batteries out. I thanked the man who came & while he was here he changed the time on the security alarm. It all worked out nevertheless.
I had a client that was having some trouble with our rules & then she said to Frank 'is it because I'm Black"? "No", he said back, my Son in Law is Black & my Grandson. I said to her that we love & care about you. She settled down now. Little dose the people that come into Focus know about us for my sisters children & Black children. We are NOT Racist !!!
We were somewhat busy for the rest of the day. Linda & Jackie came in to help us today.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at Focus
We worked hard to make sure that Focus is helping many people. Linda has come in & cleaned & it looks so good!! She is such a hard worker. Thank you Lord.
Our clients are appreciative of us & we try to assist them the best that we can.
Linda came in with her friend Bettey a Mental Health Nurse. Martha was that too at one time but has retired. They had a lot to talk about. She liked helping us out at Focus!!! We will see her again next week......thanks Betty!!!
Our client was sick so she didn't go for her ultrasound today, & we made another appointment for her, for next week. She is post abortive x2 so we are careful to keep in touch with her.
Thursday, January 4, 2018 at Focus
We had Tim, who came in with a large donation, move the two tables along with Barb & Martha. We are rearranging our main room. Looks soooo good!!! I am so very happy to what Focus looks like now....changes make the difference!!
We had a client that was helped by Women's Care Center with a car seat & A pack n play & a Layette. The mom wasn't ready when baby decided to come a week early. I called Hollie & she said that we are working together & I agreed. This is so wonderful to be able to work with other pregnancy centers. Team work......... They give away car seats & we hand out formula.........
Martha did a pregnancy test & it was Negative. Educational literature & DVD's were given. We want our client to go to Heaven!!!
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at Focus
Parking our cars was somewhat difficult today but I got through the parking lot across the street. Hope I can get out. Martha & Frank were here so we had enough people to help our clients.
A woman came in for diapers & she said that she was here less than a week ago so I just reminded her that we did not supply your monthly diaper supply so she left with a huff. We are trying to make them independent not dependent. I told her we were here for a necessity. Hope she understands.
We had a steady stream of client that came in for many different things. Martha did a pregnancy test & she was Negative so she was given the appropriate information. I got to talk to her boyfriend who was waiting for her in the main room. No sex until marriage!! They usually say to me "I know". God's rules don't change.
Martha called two of our clients to remind them of their ultrasound appointments tomorrow at Embracing Options. Neyoka did a pregnancy test yesterday & it was Positive & called in for an ultra sound appointment tomorrow. Hope that they both show up!!
A client came in who had her baby real early baby was born 1 lb. 12 oz. & is now over 3 lbs.. Will be coming home soon. What an adventure for the mother. Came in to receive some things for her son.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at Focus
Death of Brittany Coombs
Many people came in today & Martha helped them. We had Elizabeth, from St. John Bosco School, & her children come in to help us. Quite a productive team. Barb came in too.
I had to call Neyoka to tell her that Brittany was no longer with us & she was upset too. A sad day for us at Focus!!!
A woman, from the Pathway Houses of Rochester, New York, which is affiliated with Syracuse Behavioral Heath Care (SBH) for alcohol & drug abuse treatment. We now have any agency, that can help our clients, in need. They are located on University Ave. by Wegmans, not far from us. Good referral.
A client came in who had her baby real early, was born 1 lb. 12 oz., & is now over 3 lbs.. Will be coming home soon. What an adventure for the mother. Came in to receive some things for her son.
Thursday, January 11, 2018 at Focus
Saying good bye to Sarah!!!
I got my hair cut today so no one will recognize me. Martha & Sarah liked it but I need some time to get used to it for I had long hair for such a long time. Oh well.....
It was a good afternoon for Frank was with us & he gave us lunch. When I came in I had to say "good-bye" to Sarah, who will be going, with her husband Guillaume & Helen & baby Louise, to live in France. She will come back to Rochester to see her parents & us again sometime this year. We will greatly miss her & her family!!!! We were blessed with her presence :)))
Martha is tired today she is a morning person who wakes up at 6am. No wonder~~~
Adolf was here today, for he was in the hospital, for surgery, he looks good!
Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at Focus
I got to Focus late because I had to go to the Post Office & to the bank for Focus & then to Tops for formula, diapers & sidewalk salt. I also had to go to Subway for lunch via a request form Martha. I am so grateful that I have Martha, Linda, Frank, Jackie, Lynda & Linda, so I do treat them well. Cannot do without them!!!! We had to park on the street so I had to get quarters for the meters. Cannot wait for the free parking lot to clear up. Tim was here after a drop off of donations & he shoveled the front sidewalk for us too.
Martha called a client who had a Positive pregnancy test on Friday but left quickly so Neyoka couldn't talk with her about an ultrasound. She said that she called & spoke with her yesterday & had the impression that her husband did not want this precious baby & asked her to come into Focus today to speak with Martha or I. She did not come so I asked Martha to call her & she did & she is now scheduled for an ultrasound for tomorrow at 12:15 pm. She knows where His Branches Medical Center is & does not need a ride. Hopefully she & her husband will show up!!!!!!
Martha called the two clients that did not go for their ultrasound appointments last week. Cannot reach them :(((
Linda & Linda came today to help us & Frank has now gone home. We will see Jackie in 2 weeks. Her son is getting married & she & her husband will take a vacation to Florida for 1 week. We do miss her :(( We also miss Sarah who we said good bye to last week. Hopefully we will see her when she goes to visit her family in the summertime.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at Focus
It was a hectic afternoon but we got through it, thank God!!! We saw many clients today & most of them needed formula. Lynda was here & she was kept busy too. I took a message off of the office answering machine & it was our client who was scheduled for an ultrasound today, said she had a flat tire, & couldn't get there. Martha called her & we rescheduled her for tomorrow, Thursday, at 11:30 am. Jessica will pick her up at 11 am for she needed a ride.
Tim came & dropped off more donations & took out the trash cans for pick up tomorrow. We measured the floor for water proof carpets that will hopefully help with the water problem form the boots.
Linda came around 4:30 to help us out & she will be here for an hour. So much to do!!!! Our next Focus Newsletter is done. You can look at it:
Thank you Gene for a fantastic newsletter!!!!
Thursday, January 18, 2018 at Focus
It was a frustrating day for me. First, I went to the Post Office to see if we had any mail for Focus when I asked why I am not notified, as before if we had mail. I didn't get much help. The Supervisor did give me a email address but nothing more. The man behind the counter said that they stopped the notification process & the Supervisor said that they renewed the program & we were probably thrown out......REALLY!!!
Then I went into Tops market to get baby formula & all they had was two cans left. I said "what" please order more formula because I run a pregnancy center & I depend on Tops to supply formula, for our clients. I went to look for something else & they didn't have it. This is a store????
When I got to Focus there was a family, that has come in for several years now, so I asked them to speak English, for you live in America. I wanted to see what their situation was in order to assist them better but I can't communicate with them.. I spoke to one of the ladies with a "I don't speak English" phrase. Are you kidding........
I called USPS after looking at their website USPC.com & was on the phone waiting for 60 minutes. Thank God I have enough minutes on my phone & I did some work while on speaker phone. All I want is to be notified for mail from our PO Box, as before & no one can help me :((((( Finally got through & spoke with the Supervisor & I have to wait until they come to me for the PO notification.
A woman came in for formula which a friend told her we have. Martha asked her some questions & she is not on WIC & works, with a pay check, coming in every other week. Because we are low on formula, I asked Martha to ask the client to buy some, as she said that's what she does. We are an emergency supplier, not I have to pay my bills so I will get free formula, agency. Baby first mom!! Maybe I'm looking at this wrong :((
I was thinking of a past client today & she came in to see us. She is post abortive x2 & she put us through a lot trying to save her second baby, with a lot of tomfoolery. After she did abort her precious 15 week baby at Wortman's because he could put her out I didn't talk with her until on day I answered the phone & she said that she need things for she will deliver in two weeks. She came in today & I asked her if she has been getting help post abortively & she said "no". I asked if I could give her some literature & she said "yes". She said that she referred us to her friend that was soon to deliver her baby. We hugged & she left with a thank you & a smile on her face. Thank you Lord that Christina is doing better :))) Embracing Options will send me some information on post abortion healing.
Our client did go for her ultrasound but she doesn't know who the father is & if it's the one guy she might abort because he's crazy. What!!!! Embracing Options is also working with this mom to save her child's life. Thy spoke with her for a time & they will contact her when the test is revealed late January.
Barb came to measure the floor for waterproof rugs & she wants now to move the table....what! So much going on when I just asked for a waterproof rug......but the room will look better. I must be open to other suggestions!!!
Daniel Beyer, came in from Monroe Plan, & he was a delight. Such a nice young man. He will come back for more items for his clients. MIMO, referred him to us. Thank you Maria W..
A young man came in to get somethings for himself, he has no children. He asked Linda if he could take the statue of the Blessed Mother Mary & she said "yes" & asked if he was Catholic which he replied that he was. I gave him How to Make a Good Confession & the Catechism of the Catholic Church plus the 10 Commandments & a Rosary. He was so nice & he will continue to be a good Cathloic!!! A breath of fresh air for men :))
Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at Focus
Spectrum TV News reporter, Breon Martin, called me yesterday, Roe vs. Wade 45 years of killing children day, for an interview. I gave the news reporter Mike Warren's name & I called him but he was in Illinois so he couldn't be contacted for the interview. Then I thought of Jim Havens & called him & he said that he would be at St. Mark's Church for a Holy Hour & he would give the interview there. I called back the reporter & gave him Jim's cell number. I watched Spectrum News, with the same news over & over again, until 11:10 pm to watch Jim give his interview along with the abortionist, Rachael Phelps, at Planned Parenthood, & the NOW people gathering at the Unitarian church on Winton Rd.. I am familiar, for this is the place, that they always meet. It was hard to listen to their mixed up deceptive words, so Evil.
This is what Jim had written on the Spectrum Facebook.
I was interviewed for this story yesterday and it seems to me in the final cut that aired, the best points were left out. I take the opportunity to share them here:
1. Our community has experienced the disastrous results of abortion. Obviously the tremendous loss of life, but also the tremendous number of women who have experienced the horrible pain of abortion: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If you have experienced the pain and hurt of abortion, there is a community here to love on you and help you. Please think about attending a Rachel's Vineyard or a Project Rachel, Help after Abortion retreat to help you process what you've been through and receive some real healing.
2. Abortion has nothing to do with health care. Abortion is one big lie. The lie of abortion tells women who are in unplanned and/or unsupported pregnancies and who are dealing with real difficulties, to wrongly perceive that their child is the problem and, to such a degree, that they ought to destroy him or her. The child is never truly the problem. Such women in our community do have real problems that need to be addressed: financial hardships, relational difficulties, family pressures, etc. We need to come together as a community to address these real problems, while we also need to stand up together and proclaim that every human person is valuable and has equal rights. Abortion truly solves nothing and only creates far greater problems. Pro-life is pro-woman, pro-love, pro-humanity.
3. If you are experiencing the difficulties of an unplanned and/or unsupported pregnancy, we have outstanding local resources to help you to address the real problems you are facing and to help you love and protect the child already alive and growing within you. We have great medical pregnancy help centers like CompassCare Community and Embracing Options His Branches, Inc. and terrific non-medical pregnancy help centers like Focus Pregnancy Centerand Women's Care Center ROC. You can also turn to most faith communities for help, although some faith communities do have things upside down on abortion, but I can tell you as a Catholic, that you can turn to any Catholic parish and we will welcome you with open arms and we will help you. Please reach out for help. You are not alone. We love you and we are here to help you.
4. The U.S. Supreme Court wrongly upheld racial segregation laws in Plessy v. Ferguson and it took 58 years for SCOTUS to eventually get it right and overturn Plessy with Brown v. Board of Education. Sadly, it's been 45 years since Roe, but just like Plessy, SCOTUS will eventually get it right and Roe will be overturned.
5. We also have the precedent of other human rights atrocities that were once accepted in American society like slavery. Slavery was once wrongly considered normal and was wrongly accepted. Thanks to abolitionists like Frederick Douglass who kept pushing, slavery was eventually made illegal and then became unthinkable in American culture. Abortion is following that same trajectory. We must keep pushing to make it rightly illegal in law and unthinkable in culture. Ask yourself the question, "what is the most effective, non-violent action available to me, and to us as a community, to end abortion as soon as possible?"
Spectrum Facebook page:
Jim is a blessing to the pro life movement here in Rochester & the Buffalo area!! He has a Radio program on the Station of the Cross called' Love Will End Abortion'. Please check it out: https://www.thestationofthecross.com/stations/rochester/
Elizabeth & her three children came & helped us out today. Frank was here & he worked hard. So much to do........
We had a young client that was about to give birth & she received many things from Focus!!
Martha did a pregnancy test which was Negative. The man, that was with her, said that they were married & they had three children but the mother just had her tubes tied with her last baby. She said that doctor told her too. Their son has a heart problem & needs surgery soon. How sad is that!! She might be having a tubal pregnancy so I gave her our pro life doctor's list & told them to go to the Emergency Room if she has any symptoms. Nice people. They were grateful & said that we helped them out, when they were in need, in the past.
Thank you Lord that we are able to help people. This is your ministry!!
Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at Focus
It was a busy day!! Martha & Lynda was here helping & we were eating lunch when I received a call saying that two car loads of clothes & things were coming, in less, then an hour. "Okay", I said & "thank you". We saw some clients & then they came with so many things our heads spinned. The room was covered with great things for our clients. A client took a crib that we had & so many people got nice things for themselves & their children. It was from a mother & her daughter & friend. Another Focus blessing :))
It was good seeing our four Elim Bible Institute students back at Focus....they were missed. They were such a big help & we are grateful for their prayers & presence.
We saw a few men here today which is always good. Many people came in today. A good day!!!!
Thursday, January 25, 2018 at Focus
I had to go to get my window wiper fixed for I had to stand on 441 last night wiping the water off of my window with my flasher lights on. No fun!! The nice man at Monroe Muffler today took a screwdriver to it & fixed it without cost. I said to him "God bless you & thank you so much". He had such a huge smile, on his face, for he knew God.
I then went to the Post Office & then to the bank to deposit the donations. We are blessed!!! When I got to Focus there was Martha & Frank working hard. I went to the office to start my work.
We have seen many men this year, so far, helping them with their children's needs. A mother came in with a small baby in the stroller .....so cute!! She lives in a Shelter so I called Joel to see if he could help her with a residency. She & her children were in a fire, last week,& lost everything but all survived. Thank God!! She seemed still in shock.
Surprise, Dr. Bryan came in today, to assist us at Focus. I spoke to him regarding our, sexually abused support group, starting at Focus in February. He gave me some information & said that it is well needed. It was good seeing him & he said that he will be back next week.
Joan came to help us for a couple of hours & then Scotty showed up for a visit. Later on Linda came & brought her friend Betty, they were such a help. It was a good week. We have seen about 200 clients, in 2018, so far.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at Focus
Martha went to layton this weekend to see her twin sister Mary because she is sick & she was coming back on Wednesday but I received a phone call , from Martha, this morning saying she was back in Rochester. I screamed "Marha you're home, yeah"!!! She said that she was going to sleep for awhile & will come to Focus when she wakes up. "Okay". I said "I'll see you then". I was soooo happy!!! :)))
When I got to Focus, Frank's truck was in the parking lot, & a second later Christine's car came into the lot. We have help today. I was relieved, for I received two phone calls from two young ladies, asking for a pregnancy test today. We have coverage.
Jackie came & we were talking & then I heard Martha's voice from the main room. I got up & hugged her, with a big smile, on my face.....I was relieved that she was back safe & sound.
Jackie was calling the pregnant clients to see how they were doing. All is well!!! We are working on our Sex Abuse, self-sharing group, in February.
Elizabeth & her three children came in to help us too. The Focus Pregnancy Center looks fantastic!!! Neyoka cleaned it last week.
Paul came in today, we haven't seen him in awhile. He cleaned our outside windows. He said that he will come back sooner next time. We have a Focus fundraiser meeting with Christine today at 5 pm. Then my Holy Hour & then the State of the Union address tonight. A good day!!!
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at Focus
I got to Focus with my right leg not working well at all but I got through the afternoon. It's because of the fall last Friday when I tripped, over my throw rug, which was over the carpet, in my apartment. Bummer :((
We didn't see many clients today but we got a lot done with our four Elim Bible students & Linda. Our center looks great :)) It will be Eva's 19th. birthday tomorrow. We all sang Happy Birthday to her as they left to go back to campus. Great young ladies.
Our client, that came in on Friday for a pregnancy test, saw her 16 week old baby today...she & her boyfriend were happy. Hope they get married & raise this child together. Be responsible parents. She lost many pregnancies through miscarriages, in the past. Hope this baby is born healthy.
Thursday, February 1, 2018 at Focus
I got to Focus a little later, for my right leg, that was injured intially by Morris Wortman in 1978, that hurts now. It is a L5 injury that got irritated by the fall, last Friday, in my apartment. Wortman is an abortionist now. I sidewalked counseled, in front of his abortion mill with others, for many years. He also killed, two of my family members, by abortion. I named them Chris & Pat. I pray for his & other abortionist conversion daily.
When I arrived there was Martha & our client who has emotional problems trying on coats. She got a blue jacket. My heart aches for her.
Hollie came for a short visit. She is the director of the Women's Care Center. She is a blessing to us. We refer our clients to her if they need a car seat, layette & pac'n play. She has helped many of our clients with their needs.
I called Jim H. & he told me that a precious baby was saved today in front of Planned Parenthood. Janet was out there with Adolf & she talked with this mother & she changed her mind. She said that she was going in to cancel her appointment & Janet said "please don't go in there" but she did. She went in & came right out a few minutes later. Janet offered her help & showed her Focus Pregnancy Center to which Janet has a key to the center to assist this mother in need. Thank you Lord!!!
Fr. C. came in with his monthly box of DVD's for our clients education. I was so happy to see him & he heard my confession & gave me the Sacrament of the Sick. He is such a wonderful priest. What a blessing to Focus over the years. He is a baby saver.
We are preparing for the Winter '40 Days for Life' campaign which starts on February 14th., Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Which means more people & more hours, out in front, of this killing mill. Planned Parenthood has now opened up the back gate to let people out that way but Tom goes back there & stands with a sign. You can run PP but you can't hide. God is watching you......
Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at Focus
When I arrived there was Martha & Frank all ready here. we ate lunch together & talked for a while. We didn't see a client until later with a mother & her four children. Husband is addicted with pronography & they are separated. She is doing better since she last came in. She spoke with Linda who has been affected with an ex husband whi is addicted with pronography that has effeded her marriage & family of three children. she is divorced & Church annulled. He still causes her much heartache. He is now so called married to his adulterous lover. Ick!!! So much pain in this world!!!! Before this mother of five left I got her a nice dark blue coat for the material aid room. She tried it on & it looked so nice & then Linda gave her a pink scarf & she looked beautiful. All the children were polite & so cute. Lets pray that this man repents & goes back to his family soon.
A woman called to come for an interview to volunteer at Focus. Hopefully it will work out for we do need more volunteers. Linda came to help us out this afternoon. She was sorting Holy Cards & put them in a open container, for our clients to take, & to be blessed. It was a good day & I was able to get some things done in the office.
Thursday, February 8, 2018 at Focus
I had to go shopping for Focus today & also order more paper & envelopes with our name address on it. It took some time. When I arrived at the door with my car filled with bags & boxes Martha came out to bring the things into the center. Mike W. came over from sidk counseling to help Martha.....how nice was that. Then I moved my car across the street to park & went into the center.
I went in the office & started working on things that I had to do. Martha worked in the main room putting things away. We just had a big donation form Saints Place & there were 10 boxed filled with baby & children clothes .....our baskets in the material aisd room are now filled up!!! Thank you dear Lord. Martha had said that Kara, who we interviewed last evening, came for an hour to help out & will be back in two weeks after her mid finals. Hope so!!
Fred came In to do somework & then Barb came in & then Frank & then Jackie.....wow! Mike came in for a quick visit before going out to the front lines to pray. Haven't seen him in awhile. He lost all his hair but he is still Mike :)) It will grow back. It must be hard & I should be more empathic with him.
A lot got done but still more to do, always. We saw some clients today too.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at Focus
I got to Focus late because I had to go to do Focus errands first. When I arrived there was Martha, Frank & Barb our helper here. We saw some clients & then a young girl came in & wanted a pregnancy test. Martha assisted the client in to the office & came out a long time later. The test was positive. After she left Martha said that she wants an abortion. We all prayed in the office & I put a prayer request asking our prayer warriors to pray that this precious baby will be born....not aborted. Her girlfriend had an abortion at Planned Parenthood & is not doing well....she is post abortive & is experiencing the syndrome for the rest of her life. God does forgive when asked but it takes forever to forgive one's self. Please don't kill your baby Miss S.. We all prayed for her in the office.
Jackie came & is doing the paperwork for a $500 Grant from the Diocese for pac'n plays. Hopefully we will receive it.
Linda came to help us out. She is wonderful. Barb our landlady came & brought us a new water proof rug & the Electrician came to see if he could put in some new switches in the kitchen. That would be great.
We are getting ready for the winter Kick Off Rally for the '40 Days for Life' event. We are having Fr. Jim Hughes talking & then we will go to pray in front of Planned Parenthood & then come back to Focus for food. We are praying for the end to abortion.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at Focus
Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent
St. Valentine's Day
I went to Mass, at St. Jerome's church, to receive my ashes & then I went to the Post Office & then to the Bank & then to Focus. When I arrived, there was Martha & Frank working, in taking care of the clients. I went into the office to start my work. At 3 pm the four Elim students came to help us out & they won't be here next week. Final exams. Lynda said that she won't be here today, for she got home early in the morning, from Florida with her husband Bill. A nice vacation in the sunshine. Martha did a pregnancy test which was negative but she is post abortive. So sad.
Thursday, February 15, 2018 at Focus
I arrived to Focus after going to Tops to get Barbara Birthday gifts. We got her flowers, pickles, she likes pickles a lot & lots of Lemons, she likes Lemons a lot. Martha made her a Cherry Pie.....wow!
She helps us out a lot & is so kind. She's been with us for a long time. Afterwards we had a nice meal of homemade Macaroni & Cheese & beans with potatoes & chicken & a veggie tray. Barbara made & brought in the food. We had Barb, Martha, Linda, Betty & Frank at the table. It was fun!!!!
Martha did a pregnancy test & it was Negative but the woman had had two past abortions......she cried. Women please behave yourselves!!!!!! No abortions!!!!!
Frank fixed the office back door & went to the store & got two front door keys made. One key is for Jim, for he needs it for Fridays when he is at PP all day, from 7 am to 3 pm. Now he will have the key to Focus, for the bathroom & all. He wants another Sidewalk Counseling class, at Focus, on Saturday, March 24th.. I said "sure". He is certainly been a blessing to us all. Thank you Lord :)))
Marha called Miss S., who is abortion minded, & she is nauseated. Martha said for her to eat ginger cookies or Ginger Ale to help with the nausea. We are so happy that she is choosing life, for her baby, but we will continue to pray for her & Martha will continue to call her to see how she is doing. Sr. Nancy called her today too. It was a very good day!!!!
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at Focus
When I arrived at Focus there was Martha & Frank there. I greeted them & then asked Frank to fix my cart that I use to bring in my groceries to my apartment for two of the back wheels feel off. He did. Thank God for men that fix things. He took out the six trash cans to the curb for pick up tomorrow. How nice is that.....
We were somewhat busy today & was able to spend some time with the clients. Jackie & Linda came in to help us & all went well.
Martha called Miss S. & she is still pregnant but nauseated. Has not told her mother so far. Martha said that if she needs to get out of her home we will find her somewhere to stay. She said "thank you". We will continue to pray for her. She has a good connection with Martha.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at Focus
Lynda is back!!!! She's been away for three weeks....unbearable. She is so good a woman that helps so many of our clients at Focus. She & her husband went to Florida & enjoyed themselves...yeah!!! Well deserved.
Martha & I were pleasantly busy. We had our first Sex Abuse meeting but no one showed up. We are asking them when would a good time be for them to attend. Some things do take time. Jackie, Martha & I spoke with three girls, about the 10 Commandments, that came in with their children. One of the girls was not receptive but we will pray for her to be. It takes time.
Thursday, February 22, 2018 at Focus
A precious baby was saved at PP today!!!!
I was in the office when Rob came in & told me that a young girl came out of PP & he brought her here at Focus. I went out & spoke with her. Martha was asking if she would like an ultrasound & she said that she already had one today at PP. I then asked her if she was going to have an abortion & she said "yes" but changed her mind. When she left PP Rob brought her to Focus where we talked with her & gave her what she needed for her two other children. She said that she will have her baby now. Praise God!!!!!!
A new mother of a 11 day old baby boy came in & Martha & Linda spent a lot of time helping her with her needs. The father of the baby is GONE. She has no one to help her but we will. We got a Taxi to take her home. A nice young mom.
Barb came in with a light replacement for the office. I will ask Frank to put it in next time he comes in. He always has work to do.
We saw mothers & fathers today. We instructed another mother who came in for a special infant formula & diapers about Chasity & to respect oneself.
Martha opened the door & spoke with two young girls asking about pregnancy tests. Martha told them what we do here at Focus. She asked if they wanted one & they said that they would like to take it home with them & she said "no". They were starting to leave when Martha said "don't go to Planned Parenthood where they kill babies. Then they hollered with their hands in the air YEAH!!!! Sick young girls. They walked up Windsor St.. More people to pray for!!!
Sunday, February 25, 2018 from Focus
Please continue to pray for Miss S., for she is still pregnant but nauseated which will pass. She is has not told her mother yet. Pray that she will be supportive of her daughter. We will find her a place to live if she is not.
Then there was a young woman who came out of PP on Thursday & Rob brought her into Focus for assistance. Miss S. (another Miss S.) has now chosen life. She has two other children & we helped her with some things for them. She was influenced by the sidewalk counselors. We will schedule her for an ultrasound at Embracing Options. We said that we will have a Baby Shower for her too which made her smile.
Jim was out on the sidewalk on Friday & spoke with Miss K.. When she came out of PP she said that she was not sure what she was going to do. Jim gave her his number & she gave him hers. Jim gave me her phone number & I called her & offered her an ultrasound, which I will schedule tomorrow, at Embracing Options, & a Baby Shower, which she said was great. I told her that Focus was open & she came into the center & Neyoka administered to her & her young child, who is under one years old. She has now chosen life her friend said. Praise God!!!
Tuesday, February 27, 201 at Focus
Before I arrived at Focus I received a call from Janet stating that another Miss S. decided to keep her baby & was scheduled for an ultrasound tomorrow at Embracing Options. Praise God!!
When I arrived at Focus there was Martha & Frank & Fred working. When I got there there was so much to do....it's Tuesday!!! I was just about to call RG&E, about a problem across the street where we park, when I saw two lage RG&E trucks pull up the street & stopped. I walked over to truck & talked to the Supervisor & asked him to check the facility, which they did.....no apparent problem. Just want to make sure for there are some bad guys around breaking windows down the street in the plaza where we were for over 9 years. Wish they did good things instead of bad things.
Mike was hear waiting for Bernadette for an interview for our next newsletter. They were talking in the office but Martha had to do a pregnancy test so they went to Wendy's to continue their interview.
Should be good :))
The pregnancy test was Negative but the young girl said that her boyfriend is abusive so Martha talked with her & gave her Willow's card so she could call them to get away. So sad!!!!
Linda dropped off the baby swing, that we bought Miss K. for her 6 month old child, but Linda just had oral surgery & had to go home to rest. Thank you dear heart!!!
We saw some clients today & one woman was 5 meters centimeters so baby was on his way. Another woman took a car seat & a nice big castle for her older daughter....should have fun with that!! It was a good day!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at Focus
It was a disappointing day for the two women who came out of PP did not go for theri ultrasound. Can't reach either on so this is quite upsetting, to say the least. We can only hope & pray that they did not change their minds to have an abortion for they will never be the same.
We saw a quite baby who came in with Mom & Grandma. So cute :))
The dog lady, in the neighborhood was waking up Windsor St. with the death worker, from Planned Parenthood. How sick :((( Repent both of you!!!!
Martha & Lynda are helping our clients with many things. Praise God!!!
Lynda called our pregnant clients, one had a miscarriage.....how sad. The other clients are doing well. Yeah!!
Thursday, March 1, 2018 at Focus
What a day!!! I had many Focus errands today so I did not get to the center until later. When I arrived with formula, etc. Frank told me that he & Martha had a difficult time with one of our clients today. We had trouble with her last time she was here too. She was aggressive, rude & insulting especially to Frank....how horrible. Frank called 911 & they came after she & her quiet sister had left. The two police officers said that if she comes back again just call us & we'll take care of it. OK!!! Sounds like a plan.
We all sat down & ate together but Frank & Martha was still upset. I don't like seeing this. Dr. Bryan came in today & we talked with him. A couple of clients came in when he was here. A very nice man.
Earlier I received a phone call from Jim saying that he has been working on an ultrasound van to come to Rochester in May 23.....it now will take place. The van is coming 4 hours away on a Wednesday for the all day Thursday killing at PP. It will be quiet effective & it is an answer to prayer. Thank you Lord!!!
Martha called Miss S., from last Thursday at PP, & she is still pregnant & will be going for an ultrasound at her doctor's office. Praise God!! I had a lot of work to do in the office & Martha went home still upset. Unacceptable to be treated badly by our clients, we will not tolerate it, under no circumstances......just sit down with us & talk so we can help you......
Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at Focus
There was Martha & I for Frank had to work & Linda couldn't come due to church activities. It was a good day nevertheless. We helped many young moms who have nothing & made them happy. We saw some men today that needed clothes. We have men's clothes too. I did much office work that never seems to be finished & Martha wrote the many Thank You letters to be sent out. We are so grateful to all you give. God bless you all.....
Martha did a pregnancy test which was Negative.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at Focus
Barb wanted the phone number from the letter that is on the door across the street. Maybe she will buy the property & make a parking lot out of it. That would be wonderful for Focus!!
Lynda came & was such a help. Then the Elim students came & were a blessing. One of the girls was adopted from Russia. Her biological parents were Gypsy & had many children already & placed their daughter up for adoption in the USA. She is so nice & wants to go back, someday, to meet her birth parents & siblings. Hope she will be able to. We all sat down & had a conversation about Planned Parenthood & abortion. They answered well if ever confronted.
I was informed, that some women kill their precious little babies, by smoking & drinking a lot to cause a miscarriage. What is wrong with women??????
We helped many mothers who need pack n'plays today. I spoke to a woman who was pregnant & had a baby in the stroller with another child in school. I spoke to her about abstinence & her relationship with the Lord. She said that everyone believes what they believe......really. I gave her information that would be helpful to her repencence & her soul. Education & prayer is so important.
Thursday, March 8, 2018 at Focus
What a day!!! When I got to Focus & there was Martha & Joan working. I parked across the street & went into the center. There were a client that Martha was helping & I went in the office to start my work. The ladies in the morning did a pregnancy test which was Negative.
A client & her brother came in with their children, one was his & one was hers.....so cute! Then we found out, by two women that were walking down the street to pray at PP, that the man across the street had called the police because she was parked in front of the yellow house to long. I asked her to move her car & saw that she was talking to the red haired man, in the street. I went out to talk to him too. I asked our client to go back inside & then I tried to talk with him. He made no sense & was angry that he received a parking ticket today, now he wanted everyone to have one, too!! How nice is that!! He said that he has a business at the blue house, which is right next to Planned Parenthood. Really!! I said to him that he should have made sure he had parking before he took that property for that was his responsibly. I told him he could park across the street where we are & he started to ask me all kinds of questions. I said "if you want to park there you can & if you don't want to park there then don't". Then he said that "those people called the police on me", meaning the sidewalk counselors. "No" I said, they did not call the police on you maybe the neighbors did. He said "no, they know my car". Okay then. Then he said "what about this window that got broken & pointed to the yellow house. "I don't know anything about that", I said. He said that they were chanting & the window broke. Then he said that they should have known not to talk in front of the house with a dog. Are you kidding. I said back that you can walk & talk on a public sidewalk, really. Then he said "those people" again & I lit into him by saying that these people are trying to save lives, for they are killing babies, in there right now". I knew that I was not going anywhere so I said my name is Mary & I'm the director here. I asked him what his name was & he said "Mike". I said "good bye & walked back in the center, exhausted. Here we go again....talking to liberals is no fun :(((
The electrician came in to put in plugs so we can have the radio on during the day!! Yeah!! He will be back on Wednesday to fix the problem in the basement. Thank you Barb!! She came in later & we talked. She said that the property was not available across the street but it will be demolished in the spring for it is condemned. Many violations in that building. Oh well......hopefully we will have free parking lot parking for awhile longer. Please Lord!!!
Linda came in to work & we had a discussion at the table. I simply asked her if her older son wasa going to Mass & she said "no not every Sunday". I was surprised & distressed. I said "you know that is a Mortal Sin, Linda. I can't tell him what to do he's an adult & he's busy. She then said that she didn't think it was a serious sin. LINDA!! You are a good Catholic woman & you should know that it is a serious sin that could put him into Hell. God doesn't put anyone into Hell, we put ourselves there. She said that God is merciful. I said 'Yes, He is, but you have to confess your sins, to the Lord, in the Sacrament of Confession. He is merciful, He forgives us. The Bible sayes 'now is the acceptable time', meaning don't wait, to confess your sins, for you might be to late!!!!! Don't play Russian Roulette with your precious soul......you only have one.........
I spoke with Janet, a volunteer at Focus on Thursdays, on the phone & she said that she was out there in front of Planned Parenthood & a Spanish speaking woman came out & she started talking to her. She said that she was 8 weeks pregnant & will be back on Monday at 10 am for an abortion. My heart sank. Janet said that she will be out there on Monday & will call her this weekend to talk with her again. She showed her a precious 12 week old rubberized baby & she put it in her hands & she said "oh oh oh". Maybe she then realized that she is pregnant with a human being. Great job Janet & we hope for good news from you on Monday. Planned Parenthood kills little babies every day!!!! Monday tru Friday......serial murders!!!! Repent!!!
Our client, that had an ultrasound yesterday, was possibly miscarrying. They did an ultrasound & saw no baby put the pregnancy test was positive, when they did it after the ultrasound. She said that she will go to the hospital tomorrow for bloodwork to see if she is still pregnant, for she had been bleeding earlier on. Lets hope & pray she is, God willing. It was a rough day!!!
March 13, 14 & 15 at Focus
Martha won't be with me for two days because she is going for a routine test. I will miss her. I was blessed with enough help that I was not strained. Thank you Lord! I had Frank, Linda S., Jackie & Linda W., with me so all went well. Jackie & I was hoping that Miss Kay would come for lunch but when I called her to ask what she wanted to eat she said that she was sick so she couldn't make it. Jackie spoke with her & then Janet went over to her house to see if she could help her. She is 9 weeks pregnant & is abortion minded. We will continue to text her to see how she is doing. I asked Dr. Bryan, who sometime volunteers here at Focus on Thursdays, about nausea & he said that Vitamin B6 helps along with anything ginger. Dr. Bryan & his family will be moving to North Carolina, in the Fall, for more education for his wife's career. We will miss him.
Lynda, on Wednesday, called a lot of our pregnant clients & all are doing well in their pregnancies. Thank God!
Martha came back on Thursday & I was so happy to see her. She did well with her test & she is fine. Thank you Lord!
Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at Focus
It was a mellow day without problems. I had Martha & Frank here to help & then Linda S. was here for an hour later on in the day. All worked out well. We had a Focus Board meeting with our group of people. It went very well & was productive. I need to write a letter to Johnson & Johnson, they indorse contraceptives & a Bulletin insert to St. Anne's church, in regards to the Focus fundraiser, we are having on April 19, 2018. So much office work. Martha was helping the clients, that came into Focus, & she always does a great job :)))
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at Focus
It was a busy day with Martha, Lynda & I. Lynda called our pregnant clients & a lot have given birth already!! Praise God!! She called Miss K. & left a message & it was returned with "why are you all harassing me"? "No", Lynda exclaimed, "I am with the Focus Center & was calling all our pregnant clients to see how they were doing". She calmed down but didn't say she was still pregnant. LETS HOPE SO!!
A man came into Focus & asked if we had Latex. Lynda told him that we were a God fearing family organization that respects one's own body. He left quickly. Good job Lynda!
The four Elim Bible Institute students came to help us out for a couple of hours. They sang "Happy Birthday" to me, for my birthday is Good Friday :)) We won't see them until after Easter!!
Our client did not go for her ultrasound today at Embracing Options. Asked Neyoka to call her.
I did a lot in the office today. We saw clients & helped them with what they needed. It was a good day!!
Thursday, March 22, 2018 at Focus
When I arrived a t Focus after going to the Post Office & to the Bank & to Tops there was Martha & Frank there already. We have a great team of workers!!
I settled into the office to do my work & I then walk into the Main Room to see the clients after Martha greets them & helps them with what they need. It is a good system. Scotty came & said that he will be having surgery soon so we will continue to pray for him....dear man.
Neyoka came in looking tired with donations from the Second Thought Resale Shoppe. She called the client from yesterday that didn't go for her ultrasound. The client said that she went out of town yesterday & forgot to call & cancel. She said that she will go to her doctors for the ultrasound & Neyoka asked if she would go to Embracing Options instead. She said that she will call Neyoka if she changes her mind, She is post abortive.
Adolph came in, after praying in front of Planned Parenthood for a couple of hours, & Martha gave him some Apple Betty that she made with the apples that he brought in a week ago. It was very good & he was happy. He has a long trip back home.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at Focus
What a stressful day!! I went to Mass then to Focus & Frank was waiting in his car. We went into the center & then there was three people that walked in, two men & one woman. I asked what they needed & they said 'clothes". I lead them into the material aid room to shop. They received what they needed & then left. Then more people came in & we helped them with what they needed. We even saw twins, two girls....so cute!! Barb came in with lots of bread & other food. She said that she was sick for two weeks.....better now!!!
Fred came & did some work. The noise out in the main room was loud & irritating but they work hard here at Focus. I just asked them to quiet down when Martha was on the phone. We want to be professional.
I received a phone call from a Private Number & she asked if we did abortions. I said "no" & she then asked if I would give her a phone number of a place that does abortions around where we are". I said "no, I'm not going to help you kill your baby". I offered her Adoption & Parenting options. Then she asked if we had coat hangers & I told her that my grandmother had an abortion at Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1920 & my aunt should have been born! She then hung up on me......so sad!!!
She could have been a plant because Planned Parenthood has so many pro life people there now praying & business has been affected. Thank you Lord!!!
We had two young girls come in from being at Planned Parenthood & was told by a sidewalk counselor to come to Focus & they did. Martha & I spoke with them after giving them diapers for their children. The one girl was there for a Depo Provera shot.......dangerous drug & that can kill baby & hurt mother. We gave them a literature packet & the Maafia: 21 DVD, to educate them. They were receptive & pleasant. Hopefully they will make better choices from hereafter.
Linda was upset with Neyoka putting in the bag to many baby things for the Layettes. Martha & I confronted......it was a painful day but all is well now. Thank you Lord!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at Focus
What a day!!!! I guess stress & frustration is a part of my life :((
I went to Mass then to Focus & Frank was waiting for me to open up. A few minutes later Martha & Joan came. One of our clients was here trying on shoes & left. Then more mothers & children came to receive what they needed. Barb, our helper, came in too.
I asked Frank if he would go to Wal Mart to buy some pack 'n plays. I gave him our Tax Exempt card & the credit card. Martha said that we needed a new Dutch Oven for the one we have did not cook anymore :(( So he said that he would also buy that too & off he went. It was about 45 minutes later that he called & said that the card did not go through & asked for the PIN number. I told him that it was credit & not debit. I finally gave him the PIN number & he called back to say the card was declined. He came back to Focus with nothing but frustration. I was scared that someone got a hold of the card's number & took out all of our $$.....what a feeling. I asked if he would go to Target & asked Martha if she would go with him. I called over to Target & they said that they had pac'n plays, so off they went. I received a call about 40 minutes later saying that the card was declined. WHAT!! I couldn't believe it......I asked if they would wait until I called the bank to see what had happened. It took a long time & in the midst of all of this I had a pregnancy test to do. The bank said that Wal Mart used the PIN number wrong three times & it blocked the card & they would re open it now, okay that would be great. I called them back at Target & told them to wait 5 minutes & they could use the card!!! Yeah!! I did the pregnancy test & it was Negative. Barb was with me all the time...Praise God, for when I was on the phone talking to the Bank people, we had clients to serve. She did a great job & so did Martha & Frank!!!
Martha, Frank & I ate Martha's pasta dish for supper. Frank left. The doorbell rang & there were two young men climbing up the stairs. I asked what they needed & they told me diapers, formula & clothes...okay. I asked if they were married & the one man said that he was engaged & the other man said that he was thinking about it. I was happy to hear this. I told them no sex until marriage & they agreed........They received what they needed, for their families, & wished them both a Happy Easter as they left!! A nice man came by & helped us with putting the sandwich board back inside & he brought the table, for Martha's Easter dinner with her family, out to her car. Thank you Lord that you are with us......we couldn't do it without you!!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2018 at Focus
A Happy Birthday celebration for me :))
When I walked into Focus I saw a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign hung up in our kitchenette. Wow!!
It was a wonderful evening & I saw so many of my friends that made my heart glow, Thanks you all!!
We had pizza & Martha made her homemade cake my favorite yellow cake & chocolate frosting & Tamera's daughter made rice krispie treats with chocolate drizzle, mmm good!!!
The Linda & Barb went & got us a fish dinner at the corner which I didn't know existed, mmm good!
We did see clients & helped them out, too!!! After we all went to church for the Last Supper Mass.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at Focus
Happy Easter Season!!! I spent my Birthday & Easter with a post abortive friend that needs help. It was stressful at times but worthwhile to spend time with a friend. She was so generous to me & even bought me a lobster tail, which I was so surprised. It really wasn't necessary but it was delicious. It is the time of the Resurrected Christ!!
We had, Linda & Frank come in & also Jackie to help us, for there's so much to do. I thank God Focus is looking good, due to all the help I am getting, with many great volunteers!!!
I am usually in the office, somewhat hidden away, but I do come out to meet the clients at times but Martha is the main room lady. So I decided to hear music while I work & it is so wonderful!!! I even sing at times. Poor clients to hear me.
Martha did a pregnancy test while I was meeting with the sidewalk advocate, Telana. I talked with her for awhile, for she wants to talk to Pastors & go into the schools to educate them, regarding pro life issues. I gave her a lot of materials to take with her & she was grateful. The pregnancy test was negative but this client has had four abortions which is quite upsetting. She was give post abortive materials to take with her. Lord have mercy!!!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at Focus
When I got to Focus Martha wasn't here so I panicked!! It was 1:15 pm that I arrived because I had to go to the Post Office, Bank & Tops Market, for Focus. Joan was in the parking lot across the street & Agnes was parked in front of Focus. I asked Agnes to move & she helped me put the bags in the center. I then parked across the street & then called Frank, Martha's ex-husband to see if he knew anything....he didn't. I called & texted her daughter, & no reply, for she was at work. I was so upset!!!! A client with her counselor came in & received assistance. After they left Joan came in to the office & we were starting to pray to St. Anthony the Saint of the lost & the phone rang......it was Martha!!!!! I was afraid that she had fallen & was on the floor in her apartment or she had a car accident, for it was a windy day, I didn't know. I was so happy to hear her sweet voice. She said that the electric went out so she couldn't call & the roads were very bad due to the bad weather. The electric was now on so she called me......thank God!!!! She said that she probably won't be down to Focus today & we hung up. So scared that the good Lord took her home but He didn't....yeah :)))
Linda came by to help & gave me a Wendy's chicken salad & I woofed it down. The four Elim students came at 3 pm until 5 pm to help. They are so nice!
I stayed until 8 pm & then went home. What a day!!
Thursday, April 5, 2018 at Focus
It was a better day, for Martha was here, & so was Lynda!!! It was hard because one of Martha's, long ago friend, died. She was Monica who Martha & I saw on my Birthday last week at the Jewish Home. It was sad that her funeral is going to be at Spiritus Christi a mixed up church that thinks they are Catholics which they are not. We don't have women priests!!! Martha is upset & so am I & I really don't even know this family. Her daughters graduated from Mercy High School......what happened???
A client did an application for a car seat for her daughter but my fax machine doesn't work.....always something :((
The woman neighbor from across the street, came in & told us that she will call the police next time if someone parks in front of her garage for this has happened three times this week.....I doubt that, for I have been here for three days & I haven't seen anyone park there. Neighbors :(((((
The reporter (David Andreatta) from the Democrat & Chronicle newspaper, who interviewed me last year when the neighbors were harassing us regarding the 'Free Pregnancy Tests' sign in our window before we sued them, called me today. He said that when he drives by he sees the signs & asked about what happened with our case. I told him that we sued the City & Grove Community Center. He asked me who were my lawyers so I gave him John & Jim's names & addresses & phone numbers to contact. He said that he might call me again....no problem. I hope he writes an article & puts it in the newspaper :)))
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at Focus
Article about our sign in the D&C on Sunday
We got into the newspaper on Sunday & here in the article:
It never stops, with the liberal neighbors, who we pray for daily.
It was just Martha & I until Linda came later. It was relatively busy but pleasant. A client brought in many big children toys & that was wonderful!! So much to do at Focus.
I spoke with Diane, director at Embracing Options today, & she said that another Embracing Options was opening up on South Ave. & Gregory St., right where I use to live, one of my many nightmares. I am so happy for them!! Great ministry, that we send our clients to, for their ultrasound appointments. They are helping my friend. Dr. Karen, suggested me to call Embracing Options & they called my friend & she will meet with them for post abortion counseling. Praise God!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2018 at Focus
I was stopping at the front of the center, to drop off diapers, formula & layette supplies, before I parked across the street. A man walked by my car & hollered "charlatan". I tried to talk to him, he said that he saw John Oliver on HBO about pregnancy centers. He was so confused it was scary. He didn't believe me when I said that Planned Parenthood kills children & hurts women. They were ok & we weren't. So sad! I told him that I was almost aborted & my twin brother was aborted. He walked away from me quickly. So many people to educate & pray for. It is so upsetting to see people be in the dark.
I finally confronted a woman who has been walking dogs for at least two generations. When the Planned Parenthood people come down the sidewalk she talks to them about the dogs. I asked her if she knew that PP kills children & she said "you know that I have been around here for a long time & your sandwich board is illegal for people can trip on it". I said "it's okay & when you do talk to the people at PP tell them about the Lord & to get away from that killing place". She walked away from me still talking. I don't know what she was saying. She professes to be Christian & is not living it, especially in this killing neighborhood...........soooooo sad!!!!!! It's not about the dogs it's about the children that are being slaughtered :(((((
We had the four Elim Bible students today, for two more weeks, then graduation time. They are a terrific team! Linda came to & she cleaned our front window.......so clear now.
Martha did a pregnancy test, on a married woman, she has an Autistic child, that the doctor wanted to abort. What kind of doctor kills people. She was Negative. Her & her husband has taken in a pregnant mon who's boyfriend is dangerous. So nice a woman :)))
Thursday, April 12, 2018 at Focus
When I arrived to Focus there was Martha & Lynda there working. It was a quiet day with few clients. There will be a ultrasound truck from a place 4 hours away on a Wednesday & Thursday at the end of May. Something new to try out.......fantastic!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at Focus
It was a hectic day getting ready for the next Focus Fundraiser this Thursday. So much to do but I have help....thank God!!! We saw clients & gave them what they needed for their children. They left happy!!! Tim came & helped us with the trash & Fred came & helped us with the toys & the humifer down in the basement....it's time to turn it on for the summer months. Linda & Linda & Jackie will come latter.
Jackie helped me in the office to do many things. I am grateful!!
This day worked out well. I need to go to the store tomorrow to buy items for the Fundraiser..... Can't wait to meet Fr. Bouquet from Human Life Internationala at www.hli.org. A wonderful pro life ministry!!! We will learn a lot. Jackie will buy lunch at a good food place & bring it to Focus on Thursday afternoon. Should be interesting. So much going on!
Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at Focus
I got to Focus late but Martha knew. I had to go to the Post Office & then to the Bank across the street, for Focus, it does take time. There were clients here & Martha helped them. We had two people come in to drop off donations & two people have called for an interview to help us out here at the pregnancy center. Next Thursday they are scheduled to come in for an interview. Hope it works out, for we need more help in the summer months.
The four Elim Bible Institute students came & were such a help. Next week is their last week........sorry to see them go.
Getting ready for the next Focus Fundraiser tomorrow with Fr. Bouquet!!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2018 at Focus
Focus Fundraiser w/ Fr. Bouquet
What a day!!! When I arrived there was Martha all by herself & then there was Jim & then Jackie who brought in the food for our lunch. I called Panera Bread to find out if they still give to Planned Parenthood & came against a rude woman in the process so Jackie went to Wegmans instead. No problem!! The Fr. Bouquet cam in with Christine & the luncheon went great. He is so informative & interesting. Learned a lot. While Fr. was here the neighbor from across the street came to say that someone had parked blocking her driveway. I found out who it was & she moved immediately. Neighbor was not happy but we worked with her for a solution. Hopefully soon. She even put a 'No Parking' sign on the window of her garage but it's really not big enough to work. Why people park there is a mystery. Fr. Bouquet is a blessing & I can't wait to here him this evening at the Fundraiser!!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at Focus
What a day!!! When I arrived to Focus, Martha came a few minutes later. We had a client come in right away & received what she needed. Then Christine came in with the fundraiser checks from last Thursday. I thanked her again for her wonderful work in presenting the event. I had to make copies of the many checks & then had to go to the bank in Penfield. As I was leaving there came in so many people I didn't want to go but Martha insisted that I go. "Okay" I said & went to the Post Office & then to the Bank & then to get the four Elim Students a small goodbye gift for tomorrow is their last day with us. We will miss them all, they were fantastic. Then I went to Tops Market & bought diapers, formula, baby wash & lotion, & baby bottles. Off I went back to Focus. Martha was writing thank you notes to our generous donors. Nicole came in with her baby & it has been awhile & it was good seeing her & her baby King James. It was a good day!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at Focus
It was a somewhat busy day today. We saw many clients & had to say good-bye to our four Elim bible Students who were wonderful....it was hard.
Jackie came in & did work with me & the front room. She also did a pregnancy test which was Negative but it probably was to early. She is abortion mined. Jessica educated her & gave her the Truth Packet with lots of information in the plastic bag. She came in with her friend, so hopefully if she is pregnant, she will not abort her precious baby. We will pray for her.
Linda went out to put in smore quarter in the meter for our client & found out that she had a parking ticket with no meter on the curb. Go figure. Focus paid for it but what is the City doing????
Linda stayed after supper to do more cleaning.....looks good!!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at Focus
It was a good day! We are praying that Miss K. will not make her abortion appointment at Planned Parenthood on Monday, May 14th.. We hope she does not show up there at the killing mill.
Martha & I saw many clients before Linda & Linda showed up later in the day. I was listening to Jim on the radio for he was interviewing Theresa Bonopartis founder of Lumina at http://postabortionhelp.org/pah/ a post abortion web site. It was heart wrenching listening to her personal abortion interview. She has a part on her website dealing with siblings who were killed in abortion. Healing!!
I was in the office most of the afternoon working.....so much to do. Working on the next Focus Newsletter.
I saw Tucker today, at Holy Hour, at St. Joseph's Church. Tucker & I found Focus Pregnancy Center in 2005. He left me & I got Martha, so it worked out well.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at Focus
There was Martha & I today for Carol was in Pa. for a graduation. She will be back next week. The Mormons brought in many large bags of clothes today before I arrived for I had Focus errands to do. When I arrived I was talking to Martha & I looked down to see that her thumb was wrapped up with gauze. I asked her what happened & she told me that she was washing a plate in the kitchen sink & it broke & torn her flesh. She was bleeding so much that she had to dress quickly & drive herself to the Emergency Room. The doctor put in three stitches & wrapped it. She was going to see her persian doctor tomorrow so hopefully she will re bandage it. Poor Martha!!! :((
I helped Martha with the clothes but fist there were three girls with one child that came in & was stating to open the bags up so I told them they need not do that & to go into the Material Aid Room. It wasn't a very nice response so I told then not to come back & locked the door & Martha asked me to put up the 'Closes' sign because she was in pain & we had so much to do. I feel badly when I have to ask the client not to come back but these girls have been with us for a long time & I don;t see any improvement & they need to listen to us when we tell them something. I hope they learn now. This is a hard ministry!!!
I received a phone call & the woman asked if we were open & that she was by the door. I said that I will right there to open up for you. She brought in a little baby in a holder. I asked her to sit down so we could talk. Martha held the baby & saw a nasty rash on the back of the neck. The Grandmother said that she had to get her granddaughter, from her daughter, for she wasn't taking care of the 6 week old baby properly. She gave her baby Toddler formula, so back for a newborn. Also, she is living with her boyfriend (not the father of the baby) & got a cat that she cares about more. It's time to go to grandma!!! I said that if your daughter wants her baby back call the police first. We want this precious baby to be protected. heartbreaking situation. The grandmother is a mother of 6 children & no husband.......like mother like daughter, except the grandmother cares about her children. Marriage first women!!! And NO ABORTION!!
Thursday, May 10, 2018 at Focus
The Resurrection of the Lord
I arrived at Focus after Latin Mass at St. Jerome's church at 10 am. today. First I went to, A Second Thought Resale Shoppe, to say hi to Ana, who blesses us with things from the store every week. She said that Neyoka was a hard worker & I agreed, for she picks up the bags from there & brings them to Focus. What a gift from God!!
We had two boys from St. John Bosco school to help us out for an hour. There mother dropped them off & Martha kept them busy for an hour....it went fast.
Mike was back from health issues.....we missed him! There are many people out, in front of Planned Parenthood, on Thursdays & almost all days now too! Yeah!!!
Dr. Bryan & Jackie came to help us today also Barb came earlier to work hard for our clients. Many in need!!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at Focus
What a day!!!! I received a phone call from Jim & he said that he will be interviewed by Channel 8 in an hour. I got to Focus as they were ending the interview. I did talk to the reporter & then brought her in to the center to give her our brochure. I did tell her about the gang rape that I endured in 1971 at Strong Memorial Hospital & told her that I got pregnant & lost my twins about 8 weeks later. I said that they is a chance that a lot of women get sexually abused in hospitals......it's just not talked about. Maybe she will do a story on it.....time will tell.
Jim came in & used his phone getting ready for the ultrasound van that will be coming in tomorrow & Thursday. Can't wait!!!
A young man came in asking for Mary. He is Jack & is is going to do 20 hours of School Community Service for us at Focus....thank you Jessica for recommending him to us. What a help today :))
One of our clients came in to help Martha for we were blessed with many large bags filled with clothes for our baskets. We want a nice pregnancy center, for our long week, with many people coming in to see it.
Fr. Cushing came in & will help us out with a request. Thank you Father!!!
I had many phone calls & a thank you letter to write, for our generous Grant from the Diocese, for pac'n plays, for our clients. So much to do!!!!
I called Embracing Options for some counseling for sexual abuse & an abortion survivor. Hope she can help me for I am in constant pain.....................
I just saw the Channel 8 report on their website, it was okay.....negative about pregnancy centers. What!!! By the way Planned Parenthood we DO NOT receive government funding so they can't take it away from us !! We never got it!!!! You're sooooooo evil!!!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at Focus
What a day!!!! The day that the Ultrasound bus comes to Rochester!!!! I went to Wegmans to buy food for the day & then I got to Focus & all was a moving fast. The excitement was everywhere & so stressful but exciting!!! We saw clients today & were happy to help them. Jack came in to help us & then Neyoka came in & worked on the flower garden for hours......it looks beautiful!!! Thank you Neyoka!!!!
Martha & I went into the bus & the nurse told us all about it. It was fascinating what she does & how she does it. Hopefully she will save lives tomorrow, in front of, Planned Parenthood. The bus is called Alight Care Center at http://alight.org/. Please check the website out.
Pleanned Parenthood planted cars, on the street in front of meters, so that the bus would not have a place to park tomorrow. So evil!!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2018 at Focus
What a day!!! We had the ultrasound bus right in front of Planned Parenthood today!!! They saw a couple of clients & the pregnant went home after her ultrasound with her baby's picture in her pocket. The other women was negative after a pregnancy test. It caused PP to call the police twice which the police do not like. It was the security guide of death that called. The police left without incident. Please keep your hands off of 911.
We were somewhat busy at Focus today. Martha did a pregnancy test which was Negative. Martha had to go to the doctors to get the stitches out of her thumb....it looks good now. Jack was here to help us. what a blessing!! And I get to talk to him, an interesting, young man.
We need about $175.000 for our hometown ultrasound bus, please Lord please!!! I got to see Mike today.......
Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at Focus
It was a good day! Martha, Jack & Linda & Linda were here helping. I was in the office so much of the time & all went well in the Main Room. I had to get two car seats for our client's babies & one in a couple of months, needs one. Martha had to get a pac'n play for a pregnant client. Paperwork galore!! So much to do, thank you Lord!!!
I went to Tops Market & bought a lot of formula & baby lotion & baby wash, for our clients. Thank you benefactors!!!!
Thursday, May 24, 2018 at Focus
What a day without Martha!!! She is in Clayton, NY visiting her twin sister Mary & her husband Ed for a couple of days. Miss ya Martha!!! But thank God Joan came to help me & so did Jack. He only could stay for a short time but will be with us next week he said. Yeah! A nice young man who just won the Lacrosse game yesterday!! He goes to McQuaid High School & will be graduating & will be going to Indiana State College, in September. The best to you Jack!!
I got surprised to see Fred here today & the first thing I asked him was to please fix my white cart that two wheels were broken. With much hesitation he did find a way to make it better......thank you Fred!!!! He also wants to make the Fire Extinguisher
more noticeable. We are working on a good place to put it. Frank came in for a few minutes to say "hi" & then left. It was good seeing them both.
A client came in talking on the cell phone & I asked what she needed. She went into the shopping room & then Joan came out to tell me that her girlfriend wants an abortion. I gave her everything that I thought would help. She is about 5 months pregnant & yes you can kill your baby at this time too. Lord have mercy!!! We will pray that she won't kill but give birth. Poor baby......
Neyoka came in & told me that this woman took something around Christmas time. What's next! Neyoka brought in bags of donations from A Second Thought Resale Shoppe. Thank you so much!!
We had a nice lady come in with her donations that blessed us at Focus. Thank you too!!!
Mike was here & Tom & Dorothy & all the wonderful people who are out on the front lines saving babies from being murdered by the abortionist per request from their mothers. Why mom why!!!!
A client shook my hand thanking us for helping her. Her precious baby's name is Malachi, from the Bible. I hold a picture of a precious aborted baby named Malachi, when I went out in front of Planned Parenthood & he saved many babies from abortion. Also, a young girl thanked me for connecting her with a man named Joel, he is the Director of Operations at the Person Center Housing Options, that helped her with a half a house & paid the downpayment & the first months rent. Praise God!!
See you Saturday at Focus Martha!!! Hope you had a good visit with your family.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at Focus
It was a busy afternoon!! I was late for I wanted to go to Holy Hour with the ord & I had to buy gas for my car so when I arrived at Focus I saw so many people & little children in the Main Room. Martha was going into the office for a pregnancy test & I saw Jack who is with us this week. Thank God!! I saw a young child sitting in the chair by the refrigerator with loads of M&M's all around her & she was eating the candy in a frisbee on her lap. Oh No!! I asked Jack to pick her up & I threw out about 30 chocolate candies that surrounded her. She was also trying to put her little fingers in the fan that was next to her. We moved the fan. There were donations all around us in the room & it was a mess. Martha told me that she did another pregnancy test earlier & another girl ran out demanding a test right away. What!! One was Negative & the other was Positive. Martha made an appointment for an ultrasound for Thursday & called the client with that information on the voicemail. Hopefully she will receive it.
Fred & John came in & played the ukeiley & even sang a song or two. A client said that it was her Birthday today & they sang the Happy Birthday song to her. It was so nice......
Barb will come to Focus tomorrow to talk about the air conditioning, that we want at Focus, for our hot summers. We'll see how this will go.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at Focus
What a day of spiritual attacks.......the devil is defeated. God is in control & it is He who I serve.
I am so stressed out & I need to get hopeful again. The need in our community is so great we can sometimes not handle the many demands of our clients but we try. I receive soooooo many calls that it bothers me sometimes. I need to answer the phone better. The girls call so much & I should be so happy!!!
I saw Deacon Bruno today at Tops market & I asked him why are we not receiving help in the small pro life community. He said that not many Bishops said anything against Ireland as they voted to kill their children in their former Catholic country. WHY!!! It is horrible to hear this. We are suppose to save babies, from being killed, by their mothers abortionists. No support in this city, & I am so disappointed in Rochester, a very liberal city. A good pro life priest is being sent to Corning, NY but we need him here! Corning, NY has the Margaret Sanger abortion mill so they need him there too, to save lives!!
After coming out of Tops market I saw that the car parked next to me had a statue of the Holy Family, on the head board. I saw a woman walking towards me so I asked if this was her car & she said "yes". Then I asked if she was Catholic & she said "yes" so I asked her to pray for me because I was so stressed out. She said "I need prayer" & she started to cry. I told her that I will say my Rosary for her & whatever is bothering her just give it to God & He will take care if it. "Everything will be okay" I said. She waved good-bye to me as she left. I pray her prayers will be answered soon. Thank you Lord.
Jack was here helping us out today & he helped me to start organizing my office. He did a good job but I have a lot to do.
Joan also showed up to help us & was such a help.
Thursday, May 31, 2018 at Focus
A good day!! This was Jack's last day & we will miss him. A very nice young man who we will miss!! He was such a great helper too. We pray the best for you Jack....always!!!
Martha said that a client from yesterday came back today & was quite demanding. She has som mental problems. We will love her even more....
We were told that our client from yesterday went for her ultrasound & she was to early & was scheduled for two weeks from now. She is married & they want a baby so badly. Praise God!!!
Jack helped me, for two days, making the office look better. I still have a lot of work to do but at least I got started. Office work!!! Maybe I should have been a secretary instead of a nurse....too late!!!
We have seen over 1,000 people so far in 2018!!!
Thank God for Martha :))))) & everyone too :))))
Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at Focus
It was a quiet day at Focus today. When I arrived, after my Holy Hour, there was Martha & her friend Dolly helping her. She said that she will come back to help us out again another time. How nice is that.
Paul came & washed our windows in the front, of the center. We haven't seen him for a long time.
We have a Board Meeting tonight at 6 pm. Hope it will be effective. I am sure it will be. Good board members.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at Focus
A very difficult day for me. It started out when I saw something on TV about priests that abused children from 1950 to 1973. It was very upsetting to me personally. Then I went to the store & bought formula & diapers & other things for our clients at Focus. As I was on Windsor coming around the corner there was a car parked & I told them that they can't park there. My duck was cooked. I hit upon a very angry woman & her team. She said that she was going to call the Mayor......please say "hi" I thought. She moved down the street & I told her that she can't park there either. Oh no!!! I then simply said "please look up & see a sign that reads 'NO PARKING ANYTIME'. They left.
When I came inside I was told by a client that a girl with blonde hair to the client that she could help herself to the diapers & she did. Another client went into the office to help herself to the formula. WHAT!! I thought that now we will be having trouble with some of the clients & word of mouth is contagious. I called this person & she did tell the client that. She said that she was going to give me back the key & I said "you might need it sometime". I said that I will be willing to orientate her again at Focus. She said that she had to go take care of her children. Okay!!!!!!
I went on the front main room & a young girl was looking in a box & I said that we haven't looked at yet so you can look in the material aid room. No response..... I said something out load & she got nasty so I said "you don't have to come back, no wonder you are so unhappy". I called her about an hour latter & left a message on one phone & talked to a woman asking for a call back at the other number. We'll see if we can heal this situation. Hope so!!!
We saw more clients try to assist them. We are trying ...........
Thursday, June 7, 2018 at Focus
It was a hard day again!! One of our previous clients lost her 3 year old son by a driver on the porch. The little boy & a 23 year old girl were on the porch & a van came upon the porch & crashed into the the little boy & he got killed. She lost her other child by abortion. Lord have mercy!!!
We will send a condolence card to her as Neyoka goes to the wake on Sunday.
I was in the office most of the evening working. I heard that Planned Parenthood is preparing to take the pro lifers, on the sidewalk, to court. Patrick, the Death Security Guard, is now taking pictures of the people. Here we go again folks.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at Focus
It was a good day with hardly any problems. We had huge donations from Tim. He has a family in East Rochester that has three girls & they are growing up. He brought us so many nice girl clothes, for our clients children. What a blessing :))
Martha did a pregnancy test which was Negative. She had gone to Planned Parenthood but was redirected to Focus. Thank you sidewalk counselors.
Linda W. came to help us today & so did Linda S. Thank you!!
I was in the office most of the afternoon. I called Embracing Options to ask if they rescheduled our client that was to ealy two weeks ago. Our client has now gone to her OB/GYN doctor & had an ultrasound. She is having her husband's baby. They are very happy :)))
Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at Focus
It was a somewhat stressful day!! We got through, through the grace of God. When I arrived there was Martha & Joan, who stated until 3 pm, working putting away the huge donation bags of all girl clothes from yesterday. Latter in the day we received many more bags of boys & girls clothings & things from a coupe with two children that are moving to Florida, for his new job. I told them about the alligators & snakes & other creatures that live in Florida. They are thankfully close to the ocean, that will help but please watch out for the sharks!!!! They gave us so many nice things & then Neyoka came in, with her weekly donations, for our clients at Focus. The room is now covered with so many doantion bags. The toy population has now increased. Hopefully we will be able to make a difference in the main room tomorrow :)))
Matha called 311 to order another trash container for someone stole ours & she called our landlady about a couple of things but she was on her way out of town & doen't know whan she will return back home again. Probably seeing some of her family, for she has 8 chilfren & ? number of grandchildren, in other states. Have fun!!
Martha did two pregnancy tests which were both Negative. Young girls that are on contraceptives, they want it out, of their bodies. Yes girls, please do ask God to help you, & He will. The medical world wants to kill both mothers (contraceptives) & children (abortion).......things have changed since I was a kid. Not to say that they were not on contraceptives & having abortions but no one knew. Cancer & Infertility ...just think about it girls. You are their victims.
Martha made Spanish Rice for our supper & we were almost done when Martha saw a woman come to the door & then went across the street with a young child around one years old, to the car. I got up from the table & called from the door & invited her to come into Focus. She & her young daughter did. She was shopping & the little girl had the hand sanitizer in her hands & was walking around the room with it. I got it away from her & she started to scream, probably a few octaves. Will definitely be an Opera singer someday. Then the mother said to me that she was going to get rid of this beautiful child. I said "what"! She said "so she wouldn't have to go through all of this". I looked at her & said "you should be so happy that you didn't have an abortion for you would be post abortive now & that would not be good. Please be careful about talking about this in her presence for that would be awful & it will affect her. She will know the truth someday.....poor daughter. As they were leaving two young girls came in with three small children & two strollers. Martha assisted the girls. Then two more women came in & all wanted baby formula. What a evening. Usually we don't see clients after 5 pm & it was 6 pm when most of this happened. But all went well & all left quite happy. Martha left to go to a church Novena, to the Blessed Mother, at St. Jude's church. Thank God for Martha!!!!! We prayed for more volunteers......
Thursday, June 14, 2018 at Focus
It was a horrible day at Focus today. But because of all that went on we made some sufficient changes in our policies. We are 13 years old now & change is good......it is time.
When I arrived at the front of the center I was bombarded by two girls who had apparently parked in the 'NO PARKING' space next door which the neighbor calls the Towing number & has the car towed. He has done this twice. So I saw that a girl was pushing her car out of the space. I called to her to put her car in Neutral & she said that she did. I thought I wish I could help her but physically I knew I couldn't. The I saw that she walking up to my car & asked me to move back. I said that I couldn't move back very much because of Windsor St. & the cars can't see. She left & I move my car back a little. I thought all was okay but it wasn't. I had beeped many times but Martha was not outside yes to get the many thing I just bought at Tops Market, for our clients. The the driver of the car that was now in front of me with much space between us came out of her car & came over tomy car & hollered at me saying "when she asked you to move you should have moved". I said "don't holler at me & closed my window. As she was leaving I heard the f word spoken & that deeply offended me. I got out of my car & said that both of the women were not welcomed at Focus again. Martha came out & got the tings out of my car & I moved to the parking lot across the street.
I was in Focus for a few minutes when I saw that the first girl came in. She came right over tome & put her arm out & apologized & I accepted. I told her that she could come back to Focus but I was not happy with the woman driver that used that language. She said that was her sister. Nevertheless.....hopefully she will not comeback. We want peace & respect!!!
As I thought that things were settling down I heard that Martha had gone through a difficult situation earlier. I sat down at the table & I wanted to hear what Martha had gone through. As we starting to talk two girls came in with three children. I looked at the one girl & stated "I told you that you couldn't come back again & I asked you to tell the two other girls that were with you last time." The other girl got so angry at me & it was a mess for awhile. They finally left without incident. I was told that she wanted to spit on me though. The I heard that Martha had an incident with a man & a woman earlier this morning because she comes earlier on Thursdays. The two came in & the man was caught twice trying to take things from the Layette Room & formula from my office. Martha was able to have the two people leave without incident. I told her that she needed to have called the police but it was to late now. She was obviously upset which I have never seen before. She then asked for the front door to be locked today & we all needed to talk. There was Martha, Jackie, Linda W. & me. The meeting was intense but fruitful. The new changed are: all clients need to have a picture ID for mother & ID for baby & the front door will now be locked with only a few people admitted at one time. Either the client at the door can wait or come back another time. I will write a letter to the Traffic Bureau to request a sign on the front pole that will read 'Drop Off Only....NO PARKING'. This should help me when I drop off the supplies again for I had two negative episodes so far. We were all whipped & I don't want that happening at Focus. We had so many donations & the room was filled with bags filled with clothes. It was a very difficult day :(((( but God turned it around & made it for good....thank you Lord!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at Focus
Today was better. Our changes are working today & I feel better implementing them. We need boundaries for our clients & rules are beneficial. No problem with the ID situation for our volunteers are worried that some of the formula we give out could be used for drugs. ID is used by the Bethany House so we are doing it now. Also, keeping the front door locked is no problem & we just have to go up & down three steps......exercise.
Martha did two pregnancy tests which were both Negative. The one mother had three small children, which I watched when the test was being done in the room. Our client's baby was sleeping & her two daughters were busy playing, in our play area. All went well. M&M's on the way out the door.....enjoy little one.
I was surprised to see Barb, our client, who comes to help us, at the office door. I got up & let her in. She looks good & has lost some weight & came to visit us after work. The Linda S. came & Linda W. was already here working. I felt good, that we had many people out in the front room, helping our clients. We had a man come in with donations earlier from the Mormons. Martha had one 'thank you' note to write. It was a good day!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at Focus
It was a good day seeing clients now with the door locked & showing ID with the formula. We had Joan, Fred & Frank today that helped us so much!!! Thank you guys :))
We had a client that parked in the neighbors parking lot across the street with the sometimes nasty dog. He told her not to park there & that he was high.......really!
I looked at my Facebook page....I do almost never & saw that Jo Morelle was advertising on my page. He is taking over for the passed away Louise Slaughter's stop. I decided to call his office & I asked the man who answered the phone if Mr. Morelle was pro choice & he said "oh, yes he is". I said that I was going to take him off of my Facebook page & was not voting for him". The man on the phone said that he was with Mr. Morelle & I said that they were both heading for hell & to make a U turn. He said that he was Democrat & I replied that I know that it is the Death Party but I was only hoping that Mr. Morelle was pro life!! He asked me my name & number & I lastly replied "make a U turn" & hung up. My heart aches again :(( Also found out that is he Catholic.....oh no!!!! Please go to Confession & be Pro Life!!!!! Hell is forever!!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2018 at Focus
I received a phone call from Jim at 9:30 am this morning asking if someone was there at Focus. I replied "no Jim". I said that I would call Martha to see if she could come to Focus to do it now, for she is planning on coming at 11 am this morning to open up the center. He said "okay" & we hung up. I called Martha frantically with no answer & I called back again to see if she would answer but she didn't. I called Jim back & said that I couldn't do it but called him back a few minutes later & said that I would come to Focus & give out the test fro the client to do. He made the appointment for 10:45 am & I got there at that time. As I was opening the front door & saw that two older people & a child in a umbrella stroller came to the door. I quickly said that we were not open until 1pm. She then said that she was here for a pregnancy test so I let them into the center. The client did the test & I talked with her for a short time. They left after they changed her granddaughter. Then Martha came in with 6 beautiful donuts & I grabbed for the coconut one & ate it with my ice tea from the refrigerator. Thank You Lord for supplying breakfast :)))
I went outside & waved a hello to Jim & he came over to me, at the front door, of the center. We were talking when a man came by, on the sidewalk, & asked us if this was Planned Parenthood which we said "no, but we can help you". He needed an HIV & STD test so I called Embracing Options & gave him the phone. Diane talked with him & gave him information that would help him. He left with gratitude. Thank you Lord.....
I heard Martha talking to somebody out on the main room when I heard her say that she will call the police. It was the man & woman that stressed her out so much last Thursday. I went to the door & told him that we had him on camera stealing things & for them not to come back again otherwise I will call the police. They left & walked up Windsor St.. I will call the police if they dare to come back. Martha talked about this all afternoon, I never saw this before that she was so upset.
Lynda came in & we talked for a short time & then she went to work out on the front room. Then later on Jackie came in to help us. I was on the phone trying to get Tim to pick up some things that the parishioners at St. Louis Church donated to us at Focus. He did put the many large item & talso brought us a bunch of things from a person that lived close by. A Microwave & a sewing machine for a client, somany nice things came into the center. I called Neyoka to tell her & left a message on her voice mail.
Jim came in about 7 pm & the people that pray & talk to the people coming into Planned Parenthood came for their monthly meeting. It was informative & well attended. Thank you Jim for all that you are doing for the Lord in saving His children both big & small. God bless you & your wonderful team....a busy, long day.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at Focus
I'm back!!!! I took a week off, first time, in 13 years. I had a great time doing nothing!!!! I was burning out. I went to Mass on Sunday & grocery shopping but otherwise I just stayed home. Yeah!!!
It was like a small nightmare because we were so busy!! Welcome back Mary!!!!
I was in the office, all afternoon, working on many things. I had a nice man come in to bring me some pro life brochures & to talk to me for a short time. He said that he would like to work on getting us financial donations....okay!! Nice meeting you :)))
My heart goes out to a post abortive woman I have know for 8 ears but not very well. She is suffering from her abortion 30 years ago. Ity has been very stressful for her & for me. Please don't have an abortion!!!!!!!!
It was a good day & Fed came in to help us with many things. He was a blessing.
We will be having a new volunteer come in to help us, next Tuesday, from 1 pm to 4:30 pm. Thank you Lord :)))
Thursday, June 5, 2018 at Focus
Back from the July 4th.. My office was cluttered with so many papers I almost screamed but have no fear I am ready to tackle all the office work. So here it goes.....
Martha & Lynda & Linda helped. Fred came & did a lot to make Focus better, Thank you all :)) They were busy out in the front room, it went well though.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at Focus
It was a busy day. We were blessed with our new volunteer Amy. Frank came today too, we haven't seen him in a long time for he works now all the time. Linda W. came & worked in the Layette Room & in the Main Room. We had a grandmother of three children come in & she received many things for herself & the children. She was grateful. We gave away a lot baby formula today.
Mike came in & dropped off papers from attorney Mary Aramini's office. He went downstairs to check the dehumidifier to say that it was now working good. No additional purchase necessary. The basement smells fine now. He will also be purchasing two window blinds that are in the Material Aid Room. Thank you Mike!!
We had been blessed, of many donations that were given to us, on the floor earlier in the day, but now due to the hard work of the volunteers, Focus looks fantastic!! Thanks everyone!! A good day!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at Focus
It was a good day but busy. I was in the office all day & Martha, Frank, Joan & Fred were out in the main room assisting a lot of people. We have seen 1,005 people so far this year. Praise God!!
Barb, our landlady, & the air conditioning man came today. I don't know at this time if we are going to get it hooked up. Hope so. I have air conditioning, in my office, but the rest of the center is cooled by fans. Hopefully this will change.
I receive many calls, on my cell phone, that my ear is starting to hurt but I am happy they are calling...........
Thursday, July 12, 2018 at Focus
It was a good day. When I arrived & there was Martha & Lynda there helping out clients. A woman was parked in front of the door & wouldn't move. Here we go again. The 'NO PARKING' sign really doesn't do much. People will do what they want to do.
Lynda was so nice in getting us a lunch today. Martha had a fish sandwich & I had a spicy chicken sandwich with lime aide.......mmmm good :))) Thanks Lynda......
Martha went to mail a letter down the street & then so many people came in for things. It was busy.
I was told earlier that an ambulance was at Planned Parenthood & a girl was on a stretcher with her head covered. Abortion kills children & hurts mothers.......just don't do it!!!!! Jim said that a woman came out of Planned Parenthood saying that she wasn't going to do it, have an abortion. Jim's wife drove her home, how nice!!!
The Sidewalk Counseling meeting is tonight from 7 pm to 8:30 pm at Focus. Martha will be going to Clayton, NY this weekend for a yearly Family Reunion. Every year they meet in Clayton where Martha & her twin sister Mary was born. Her sister is in the hospital now. Martha will visit her during this trip. Have fun dear lady.
Linda W. & Jackie will be coming later to help us. God bless our helpers..........
Tuesday July 17, 2018 at Focus
I was helping a friend so I arrived latter today. I was told that we had a rude client that Jackie took care of....so sad. She really had bad behavior & left because she didn't want to sign in the book.....really.
Also, two men, who have twins, were stoned when they came in .....so sad.
Martha did a pregnancy test which was Positive. The client had three abortions in the past & is grieving them. She has an ultrasound appointment for next week. So is very happy today.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at Focus
I painted a white strip on the step in front of our pregnancy center, for someone had fallen on Saturday. Not good. She is okay but this should not have happened. Hopefully it won't happen again.
I was in the office for most of the afternoon. My printer decided not to work so I prayed. I was led to turn off the computer & the printer & to restart it again. When I restarted both machines all the papers, that I wanted copied, came out & I was well pleased. Thank you Lord!!!
Martha saw many people today for she was busy. Joan was with her in the main room to assist her.
Martha did a pregnancy test which was Negative, maybe to early. I added for her not to have sex before marriage & if she is pregnant no abortion. She agreed. Nice young girl.
I listened to Celtic music while I worked in the office. It seems to help me to relax.
Neyoka came to drop off donations & left quickly. It was good seeing her.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 at Focus
Stress is my friend!!!!! I certainly can't live without it for it follows me around like a puppy so I better just adjust to it & pray that God will always have His hand on my head.
I found the man who took our literature box on our back porch. He is a tall thin African American man with a GoaTee. He came upon the porch & took out all the literature & put it in the trash can & took the big plastic bin that was unfortunately put on top of the bench rather than under the bench. Thou Shall Not Steal people. Later on Monday someone else was on the back porch looking through our trash cans. So sad!!!!!
It continued to be very hectic & busy day. We saw so many people that poor Martha wanted to lock the front door with the sign saying CLOSED but it just didn't work out that way so we saw many more people. She's just a bit tired today. The front door is open for more clients to come in.......
Mike is presenting Rev. George Weinmann & Sr. Lillian Marie McLaughlin, a memorable at Holy Scapular Cemetery, this Saturday morning at a Mass. It was 50 years ago that they gave their lives, in a fire, at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church to save the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. They are Eucharistic Saints now in Heaven.
Check : https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2018/07/19/george-weinmann-sister-lillian-mclaughlin-st-philip-neri-church-fire/800697002/
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at Focus
It was a stressful day!! I called 311 to make a Police report on the man who stole our box out on the back porch. I made the report but they want the picture burned onto a DVD & then call the police to pick it up. Sure!!! I did call a Priest friend that burns onto a DVD to see if he would do it. Maybe??
I was outside & a man who wants bottles ask me if he could come onto the porch. I said "no" because we had something stolen so I gave him 1 bottle of water bottle. I told him that we had something stoles on the porch & I am deeply upset. He understood. He said "thank you" & left.
I was on the phone so much today. We have given so many cans of formula that my heart is heavy. I can't buy it fast enough & it's gone. We want our moms to be responsible for their babies food so I guess we do help them feed their child.
Neyoka told me that a woman come into Focus & the woman said that her baby, that was just born prematurely, was saved by Neyoka when she did the pregnancy test last year. Praise God for speaking through Neyoka.
I was surprised to have Sandy come to our door. We haven't seen her in a long time. She used to volunteer at Focus a long time ago. She looks healthy & is happy. Jim, our attorney, came in with nice donations of blankets & a picture. He is a new grandfather of a grandson. How nice is that!!
Martha did a pregnancy test & it was Negative. She saw our 'Free Pregnancy Test' sign at our window.
Linda S. came to help us today & so did Linda W. We have so many people come into Focus for help. Earlier Fred & Frank came in to help us, thank God!
Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at Focus
I got to Focus & Martha was there working & I went in to the office & worked too. So busy which is good!!
Martha did a pregnancy test which was Negative & she gave her information & a DVD to watch.
Amy was here & was kept very busy until 5 pm when she had to go. What a blessing she has been to us at Focus!! She will be going back to school, in September, for she teaches Kindergarten. Our loss their gain. We need more volunteers for the Summer & Fall & Winter months.
It was busy afternoon & we saw many clients that needed our help.
I had to deal with two girls that stole new baby clothes & Baby Wash in the unlocked Layetter room by the bathroom, yesterday. It breaks my heart when the girls do that. Neyoka was by herself on Monday & she saw 10 people & had to do a pregnancy test, which was Positive, & she had to call Compass Care for an ultrasound for her. It was hectic & she was vulnerable, so the two girls took advantage of her & stole. But God saw them & they will have to answer to Him someday.
Barb, our landlady, came in with a plan. She is getting a man who will cut the wall, in my office, so that the only way you can get into the Layette room will be through my office. The door in the hallway will be permanently locked from the outside. Amen!!!! This should take care of this ongoing problem, which we have had, over the years. I always ask God to take an evil & turn it around & make it for good & He does. Thank you Lord :)))
Wednesday, August, 1, 2018 at Focus
Joan will not be with us for two weeks for she is volunteering at Holy Apostles Church. She has been a blessing to us at Focus.
Jackie came in for a couple of hours & will be going to Maine with her husband. She has been so helpful to us at Focus.
Martha was hungry for pizza, so I ordered it, for supper tonight & for tomorrow's lunch.....she deserves it :)
Barb, our landlady, came in & helped us alot, she worked putting away clothes.
Fred came & took off the door, to the material aid room, which makes the area larger. Thank you for the idea Martha!!! Looks great :))
Neyoka will be with her daughter on Friday & no one can be here. I will try to be here though. Saturday E'Tiana is going to a Wedding, which Saturdays is her day to be here, & Neyoka's daughter is coming to Rochester, for a visit from Boston, so she can't be here & I will be going to St. Pius the Tenth, for a pick up of clothes & such for Focus with Martha. Focus being closed on Saturday is rare!! Sorry girls!
Thursday, August 2, 2018 at Focus
Lynda took today off to be with her daughter & grandchildren, we will see you next Thursday. Amy will come not Tuesday but on Wednesday next week. It will work out.
I was in the office most of the time today for we didn't see many clients for it is the first of the month when all is well. It gets crazy in the middle of the month to the end & sometimes before that too.
Barb came back to help us out today again & she was a blessing.
It was a quiet day in front of Planned Parenthood, where babies were killed, how horrible :(((((
Saturday, August 4, 2018 at Focus
I met Martha at St. Pius the Tenth Church Fair, to receive free items for Focus. We met Sue & she took us around the rooms to fill our cart. It was fun :)) We received many nice things for the center & we brought them all to Focus. We even received a High Chair & a pac'n play. When we got to Focus there was a car that stopped with three children in it & I told her that we were closed then changed my mind & she & her children came in to get what she needed for them. They played & had fun. She told us that a relative was shot in the head & she had to deal with that sorrow. We gave our heartfelt words to her to try to comfort her. It was sad!!!!
As we were taking things out of our cars three girls & lots of children came in, for it was an emergency. All wanted baby formula. The new mother received some things that we just got from the church fair. All went home happy & we were closed today!!!
I treated Martha to lunch at South Wedge Diner as a 'Thank You' for her time & energy!!!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at Focus
It was a busy day with clients & Barb, our landlady. She had someone come in that will make a door space in the office, so we can keep the door locked in the hallway, from girls that want to steal. The way into the Layetter Room will be through the office, I'll have more company soon!!! It will be in another two weeks & he brought the air conditioner today & will set it up soon, I hope.
Dolly & Fred were here helping & that was good!! Linda is back from her vacation & we will see her this week sometime. Yeah!! Martha did a pregnancy test which was Negative but the client needed a place to live. Martha called our friend Joel & she will be in good hands with him.
Our client, came in to help us out today. Thank you Nicole...... She is doing so much better :))) I was in the office most of the time today. I'm trying t get organized. Not easy!
Wednesday, August 8, 2018 at Focus
It was an usually quite day, very rare but good. I got a lot done in the office & Amy was helping Martha, in the main room, with the many donations that had come into the center. Neyoka came later & brought many bags of clothes & odds & ends, from the Second Thought Resale Shoppe.
I am trying to organize the messy office which, over time, I have put one paper on top on another & it doesn't work.....now its the time to make it better!!!
Christina came in & filled out an application, for a free car seat from the City, for little Linda. Linda W. couldn't come this week, for she is back from her vacation, & is with her children.
Thursday, August 9, 2018 at Focus
We had a busy day today!!! I went to the Post Office & the Bank & Staples & then to Tops.....tired already!! Lynda was here, at the center, with Martha taking care of the clients needs. We had a young mother that we have seen for awhile with short shorts on, her sister too, & a long somewhat heavy sweater like cape on. Her pants size.....extra small. Really didn't have that size in pants. I gave her a dress that was hung up on the wall. I hope it fits. Some mothers ned parenting classes & self respect. We're trying to change lives in a short amount of time..........
So much work to do at Focus & we need help!! I received a call from someone asking if we take donations & we do. She came later on to drop them off. Jackie couldn't come today do to family illness.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at Focus
It was a very difficult afternoon, at Focus. I first found out today that Rev. Paul Robert DeGrandis, SSJ (1932-2018) died at 86, a resident of Baltimore, MD & is with the Lord. He prayed over me many years ago when he celebrated a Healing Mass at St. Augustine Church, in the city & revealed so much in my life. He was a wonderful faithful priest. May he Rest in Peace. I spent an hour, with the Lord at Eucharistic Holy Hour this morning, to love me & I Him.
It was raining but I had to go to Tops, to get diapers, that we needed. I got wet. When I arrived at Focus there was a woman, Mary Lou, waiting for me, I had forgotten that we had an appointment for Layette blankets. I spend some time talking with her. A very nice lady. While we were in the office Bernedette came & was interviewing Amy for the next Focus newsletter that will be out in September. Thank you Amy.
Martha had two pregnancy tests to do & one was pregnant & she was scheduled for an ultrasound at Compass Care in Henrietta, tomorrow. The other girl was Negative. They were related & stayed at Focus shopping, for some time, after the tests. I tried to get a ride for her but people were out of town or unavailable to take her. She was given some help to get a bus for herself for the ultrasound & Compass Care texted her with the directions. All is well.
As I was out in the main room with Amy & Linda S., who just came in to help us, a woman came in asking for a pregnancy tests. She said that she terminated & feels that the baby is still in her. She was the woman who is 41 years old with three abortions & was pregnant. I asked her why she had her baby killed & she said "I didn't want it". I asked her about what God said in the '10 Commandments' it says "Thou Shall Not Kill" & she said that she didn't believe in God. My stomach turned I felt sick. She said that it was her choice & I said "you believed a lie". She waited for the pregnancy test that Martha gave her. Martha said that it was like talking to the devil. No sense about her as she laughed when she talked about her abortions. It was evil but so sad.
We saw a young mother who is trying to be disciplined & a better woman. She took the '10 Commandments' & Heaven, Hell & Purgatory to help her. A nice woman. She took the TV that I had in my office for so long & she said that hers just broke. This was our gift to her.
Today's society, is having sex outside of marriage, it is rampart. Where are the virtues of Body, Mind & Soul. We will keep on teaching & praying, for the people, that we see & don't see.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at Focus
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother
Still grieving over the women's abortion from yesterday, it will take awhile.
Martha & I & Joan & her friend Annette came after Mass this afternoon. We have a new helper thank you Lord. They worked hard & did many things....yeah!!
Linda W. came for her vacation last week & it was so good to see her. She looks rested. We missed her! Frank also came & did many things & I am grateful!! Teamwork, for we are busy!!!
Our hearts ache for mothers, that are so young, & inexperienced but they are trying to be good mothers & we are trying to educate them in many ways. That's why FOCUS is so important for we give the clients help with the Truth. We want them to succeed in being healthy, happy & Holy & to live the '10 Commandments'. You're power is in NO not YES girls........strart now & you will feel the diference!!
Thursday, August 16, 2018 at Focus
I was told by a man, who prays & witnesses on the Front Lines at PP, that a baby was saved from abortion today!!!! Praise God!! Good news we needed to hear.
Lynda was here to help us until 3 pm & we kept her busy. Then Jackie came in later to help, she was kept busy too. It was a good day at Focus!!!
A man came in to put the new air conditioner in & it looks good & works good too, thanks Barb!! Also, a man cleaned out the property, around the center, & thank you for it looks so much better!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at Focus
I was in the office most of the afternoon & Martha, Amy, Frank & Fred were busy in the main room helping all the clients that came in for assistance.
Thank God no earth shaking event happened today!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at Focus
Mike's Birthday!!!
It was a strange day at first. I received a call at home, from the security company, stating that the alarm was going off & the police were contacted. "Okay" I said, for it was 12:45 pm & Martha doesn't get to Focus until 1 pm. I had to go to the Post Office & then to the Bank, for Focus today, so I was planning on getting there around 1:30 pm. I didn't know what had happened I just trusted, in the Lord, to protect our pregnancy center, which He does faithfully. Martha called me later & I asked her what had happened but she was so excitable that the men, from the City, were working in the parking clearing the overgrowth of bushes, where we park & she needed quarters to park on the street. I told her where I have them in the office. I told her to relax. She said that she will tell me later what had happened with the security alarm, so off I went to the Post Office. When I arrived at the center, Rob was coming out as I was coming in, & he told me that he set off the alarm accidently. I asked him what had happened & he told me that he pressed the wrong button & he didn't know that the alarm was ringing until the police came & Martha came to Focus. I reviewed, how to turn off the alarm when entering Focus, for the next time. He is such a good man I can't be mad. The police department will charge us $25.00, for coming to the false alarm, but that's okay what can I do but pay it. It was an accident!
Frank, Joan & Elizabeth came to help us out today & I am grateful. Amy & Elizabeth are our, Wednesday afternoon helpers, but we need someone for Tuesday afternoon to help Martha & I, for Amy, our summer helper, will be leaving next Tuesday to teach school. We will have a chocolate cake to say good bye & thank her for all the hours & work she has given Focus. What a help she has been!!!!!
We had three women & two children come into Focus at 5:30 pm so we helped them. We saw some clients earlier today & helped them too.
Martha did a pregnancy test, a mom with twins, & she was Positive. Martha called for an ultrasound, at Compass Care, tomorrow afternoon. She has a car & will drive there.
Martha left to bake a cake, to celebrate Mike's birthday tomorrow, though it is today, but he's not here on Wednesdays but Thursdays.
Thursday, August 23, 2018 at Focus
When I arrived I met Lynda in the parking lot & we walked into Focus together. We had a large donation for Tim last night for he called me on the phone to tell me.....it was huge. Ty Tim!
We had a women who just lost her sister, who was 40 years old, by drinking to much. She is now caring for her family & her sisters children too, she is overwhelmed!!! She believes in God & knows that He is with her. Amen!!
Lynda came & brought in 21 cans of formula & three boxes of diapers & baby wipes for our clients. Thank you beloved benefactors for I wrote a large reimbursement check to her!!!
I was woking in the office & was busy. Martha stays out in the main room greeting the clients & putting away the donations she is such a good worker. Scott came in for a short visit.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at Focus
Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at Focus
When I arrived to Focus there was so many people already shopping in the center. Martha & Amy were already there helping them, for I had many Focus errands to do first. We are trying to see people, in need, & so far we have seen 1,872 in 2018.
We saw young girls that we are trying to teach them to have a better life with their children.
A woman came in to drop off many bags of donations & said that she believed in abortion so Martha talked with her to no avail. So sad!!!
Thursday, August 30, 2018 at Focus
It was a difficult day, at Focus today, for all that our Catholic Church is going through. Our hearts ache. Please heal the victims (also the good priests) & victimizers & for those who covered up the abuses, too dear Lord.
We need to have the church cleaned up!!! Please pray!!
It was a good day at Focus helping people in need.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at Focus
It was an upsetting day for me, for I listened to the liberals, on the website & at home on TV. Come Lord come!! It is so stressful to listen to many people wanting to continue to kill unborn children :((( My heart aches.
Focus was somewhat busy this afternoon it is usually the middle of the month towards the end which is quite busy. Frank bought a new car today. He needed it.
Our moms are trying to get clothes for their children for school tomorrow....okay.
A father came & got some diapers & clothes for his young daughter he was very grateful. Asbury Church referred him to us.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at Focus
We had Fred, Joan & Elizabeth today along with Martha, our hard worker co director. Couldn't do without her!!!! They did so much physical work in the main room.
I was in the office doing my work....frustrated at times. But that's okay!!
We saw a mother who just had her baby & she needed formula today. She has a WIC appointment in a week. She was grateful. It was a calm afternoon.
Thursday, September 6, 2018 at Focus
I was at Focus at 1 pm & there was two people at the door already. Lynda was in the parking lot waiting for me to open up the center. I asked the man who was waiting at the door to get the diapers & box of formula out of Lynda's car & he did. I was happy to see Lynda for Martha was at her son -in-law's birthday party at Olive Garden on Ridge Rd.. She did help these two clients. The man was a little confused about baby formula but we did give him Soy formula. He had ID for himself but not for his 8 month old baby. I said for him to get ID if he needed formula again. He agreed. The other client was happy that she found Focus. She was blessed today.
Martha came at the right time & she called to see if the car seat that was donated recalled.....it wasn't & the mom was delighted in receiving this important item. She was blessed today.
It was good seeing Jackie today & she was working in the main room when a woman with two boys came into the center. She needed a pregnancy test. Her situation is a mess but she was Negative. We gave her literature & a church bulletin to go to Confession....we hope she will. Our prays are for her & her two boys, that played so nicely in the main room. I hope she straightens her life out very soon. Her boys need to be Baptized, too. Better choices mom.
I was listening to the C Span, in the office, as I was working re the Judge Kavanaugh hearing . It is quite upsetting to see many women & men wanting to continue Roe v. Wade. My heart aches & I pray for their souls. The Holy Spirit is with the good Judge, I can see it to be true.
I was made aware, by a good friend, that Channel 10 was reporting on the sexual abuse in the church tonight. He suggested that I fill out the form to report my experience when I was 12 years old. I have forgiven the retired priest, a friend of the family. I filled out the form, from the sexual abuse Hotline, & sent it in. A wonderful priest, in Rochester, told me to talk about it & I am. I have had a lot of abuses, over many years, & I have prayed many times to the Lord for JUSTICE, maybe I will. Victim survivors just want to be heard....please just listen to us. Healing will come, in time.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at Focus
The Day of 9-11 (17 years ago) 3 thousand people got killed, which is so sad & evil but please remember that 3 thousand babies are killed, every day by, abortion, how sad & evil.
I went to my Holy Hour that I had to go to Staples to get toner for my copier & when I got to Focus there was Martha, Frank & Fred, thank God for helping her! She said that so many people & their children that came into Focus in one hour. Some clients said that WIC referred them to Focus ....
WIC just please increase your giving through the State of New York, they can afford it.
I was in the office doing my work & Martha was in the front rooms doing hers. It was a busy day but by the grace of God we go through it. I did receive a call from Kathy, who saw a blurb in the bullitin at St. Leo the Great Church, in Hilton, NY & was interested in helping us so she will be coming next Tuesday. Thank you to the one who put my email request in the church bulletin.....kudos & God bless you too!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at Focus
We had Amy & Frank & Fred helping us today & the we had a surprise, Barb came, & will help us out on Tuesday afternoons. Yeah!! She had quit her job that was exhausting her & the company would not work with her to give her better hours. Their loss, our gain :)) Also, our friend Linda W. came & it was good seeing her & she works so well. It was a day with many clients that came in to get help.
I received a call from a Counselor & she said that her client has nothing & will be induced this Friday, 2 days away from today. I told her to come in & we will help her client. She said "thank you & God bless" I almost fell off of my chair. This should be normal talk but it is rare talk.
Thursday, September 13, at Focus
It was a sorrowful day at Focus. I am sorry to inform you that Miss T. aborted her precious baby & did not go for the ultrasound at Compass Care when scheduled. We called & texted her to no avail & then I asked for your prayers. Free will can be a dangerous thing. Jackie call her earlier today, she then called a missed call, & I answered the phone. I asked her if she was still pregnant & she said that she went for an abortion & then quoted me two Scriptures passages & I quoted her Scripture back stating the Commandment of God, that says, "Thou Shall Not Kill" & I told her to repent & we will pray for her to & hung up. Our hearts are very sad. I also have to tell you that Miss K., who I asked for prayers months ago via email, also had an abortion. She was talked to & called & texted & a pro lifer even went to the store to buy her food. They both chose death for their children ......not life. Please continue to pray for our clients, esp. Miss D., who is abortion minded, & these two women that they will repent & ask for God's forgiveness. ...many people, many prayers. We do have a mom who is due very soon & she is happy. She has two other daughters & is expecting another. Thank you for your prayers, for they are not wasted, for so much good comes from them. We won't give up for God is in control.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at Focus
Please pray for a mom, with a 7 month old son, that went to Planned Parenthood today to schedule an abortion for Thursday. Miss R. is 12 weeks pregnant & has nothing & she is a believer in God. The sidewalk advocate said that she will help this mom, along with Focus Pregnancy Center, in all her needs. We talked with her in Focus for awhile & she did receive formula & clothes & food. She is adopted & her mother & twin brother all want this baby to be born too. Please pray that she continues her pregnancy & doesn't go for an abortion this Thursday. She lives just down the street from Planned UnParenthood.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at Focus
It was a good day. We had clients that received assistance & Martha, Joan & Annette worked hard in the main room. I was in the office working for there is so much to do. We are all praying for our client from yesterday. Sr. Nancy called to say that she contacted our new client, who just had a pregnancy test yesterday, & is pregnant. She is young & needs so much assistance. Also we ate praying for the woman who came in with Cathy too. Lord please have her not show up tomorrow at Planned Parenthood!!
Martha is such a great friend & worker & I couldn't do without her, may she have many more years ahead!!! A Focus blessing!!
Thursday, September 20, 2018 at Focus
Before I arrived at the center I received a call from a grandmother who needed two car seats for her daughters twins. I told her that we didn't have them. She asked if she could stop by this afternoon to get diapers & baby clothes. "Yes" i said & hung up. While I was in my chair the Lord spoke to my spirit & told me to call Women's Care Center to see if they had any. They were closed so I left a message. I later got a hold of Holly & she said that she will bring them to Focus after MAss this afternoon. I was so grateful. I called the grandmother & asked for her to come to Focus at 3 pm & she agreed. She came & received her car seats for her baby granddaughters & a layette but Martha was putting another one together when the client left....she tried.
It was a difficult & painful day. Some of our clients are rude & some are so nice. Today we had a rude girl on the phone. She asked for formula & I started asking her questions & she blew up at me & it was difficult conversation. She treated me like she would to her friends or family......not good. I need to know when I give out formula what is the client's situation so we know & can help her appropriately. Some of the girls just want us to give, give & give some more. I want them to start to learn to be self reliant, some do not like this. She called me back & was nasty & said "I'm coming to Focus to be in your face", I said back "okay I'll see you soon". I haven't seen her yet & we are now closed. Girls, girls, girls. Lets be nice to everyone!
We saw many clients today & it was essential to help them. Lynda was here, thank God & Fred was here too. He's going to buy a new doorbell, for ours doesn't work. I called our landlady & she told me that Tim was in an accident & has to stay home for two weeks & then treatment. He drives a motorcycle at funerals & a car passed by him & hit him & he fell off to the ground. Poor Tim. He brings donations to us at Focus almost three times a month. Get better Tim real fast.
Check out:
Great job Rick P. & Mike W.. Channel 13 reporting regarding the pro life victory in front of Planned Parenthood. They are closed at 114 Unuiversity Ave. on Saturdays now but reopened in Greece, NY. EVIL!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 @ Focus
A stressful day at Focus!!!! Tuesdays are usually intense. We got through it through the grace of God!!! When I arrived Martha was here & was seeing some clients already. She did a pregnancy test & it was Negative. I spoke with the boyfriend about some things & asked if he was Catholic & he said that he was but not practicing, I spoke with him & gave him some info. to a church in his area & how to make a good Confession to get his soul cleaned up. His girlfriend is post abortive & was given educational brochures to help her seek God's forgiveness & to start the healing. They were also given Maafa:21 DVD to educate them too. It is sad to hear that someone has killed their child.........
We saw many clients today & it was hectic. We don't have a doorbell so the clients were frustrated that they had to pond on the door & wait. One client camen in with bad attitude already. She asked for formula & I started to ask her questions & she got mad, She did say that she was working & I said then you can buy your baby's food. Nevertheless we ran out of formula today the need is GREAT!!! She was so nasty that I told her that I will call 911 & she said that she will leave. Mothers need to check their personalities at the door & be grateful to the people that love & care for them & their child or children. Some of the girls just expect the formula & don;t want you to know that they can get their own to be more responsible. We are for emergencies ONLY but that doesn't work. Directors are suppose to be abused????? Don't think so.
Tonight the '40 Days for Life' starts & they will be having a peaceful prayerful time on the sidewalk, in front of Planned Parenthood, for an hour with candles. The neighbors said that if we make noise they will just call the police.....really!!! We just pray for them all, for their conversion, salvation & repentance.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at Focus
Yesterday's protest was a nightmare!!! The pro-death side was unbelievable & most disturbing. It is hard to see people gathered together wanting to kill little babies......so disheartening. Some of their signs read "Free Abortions"......WHAT!!!! Are you kidding. They were chanting "keep your rosaries off of my ovaries"....I said to the guy saying that on the mega phone "you have ovaries"? He finally reflected & stopped. So sad. There was father with his baby, carried in front of him, with a sling holding a negative sign along with this rowdy crowd. "Child abuse" I called out. We hope that all of the people repent. We will pray hard for them all. The neighbors came out & I said "these are people are on your side". They're always picking on us pro lifers. Maybe some blinders fell off of their eyes last night. Hope so!!! I brought out three graphic signs to which my pro life friends were not happy but I noticed thery were talking pictures of the graphic pictures & some left to go home. It always works. I pray that the pro lifers will see this & start to use them after the "40 Days" campaign. Please Lord please.
Check out:
Today was a better day at Focus. We saw clients that were nice & grateful.......so happy.
Linda W. came to help us & I am appreciative of her being here. Martha & I got to meet Jose's parents, so nice a couple. Jose was the youngest of seven. Thank you Lord! that his mother & father didn't believe in abortion!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at Focus
I received a call from Neyoka yesterday evening saying that she had to call the police on a woman who grabbed a box of newly bought diapers & ran out the front door with them. Neyoka caught her & got the diapers back & then called the police who came right away. She even threatened Neyoka too. I wish that a police report was written. Neyoka said that she was upset for a long time afterwards, I understand. No fun!! Today, when I came in, I went back to see the film & took pictures. Our camera doesn't take good pictures unfortunately.
Neyoka came in today to drop off a lot of big items for our clients at Focus. She said that she didn't sleep well last night. No wonder!!!
We had a client come in with a small child, in the stroller, who was slow acting & smelled. I put in a bar of soap in her bag for her. She said that she had a miscarriage so I gave her two pieces of helpful literature for her healing. Martha continued to assist her with a brochure for the Catholic Family Center. Hopefully she will call & receive more assistance. Our clients & their children mean so much to us.
Linda W. & Linda S, came in to help. So far our new volunteer hasn't arrived yet :((( We need a person for Tuesday afternoons.
Fr. Cushing came in to drop off the box of DVD's for our clients. Thank you!!
Father heard my Confession & gave me the Sacrament of the Sick also with a Plenary Indulgence. Thank you Lord!! You are so good to me :)))
Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at Focus
It was a quiet day which doesn't happen often. Two of our volunteers couldn't make it so t was just Martha & myself today It worked out well. Martha & Neyoka are a gift from God & I couldn't run Focus without them & the other wonderful volunteers who work here too. Thank you Lord!!!!
We saw some clients & their children & we received a large donations from Tim & Molly which was wonderful. Our clients should be happy!!!!
Martha & I ate supper at lunch time & she went home around 6 pm to bake cookies for tomorrow's event with the President /CEO Shawn Carney of '40 Days for Life' heading the event on the side of Planned Parenthood tomorrow from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. It should be life saving.
Dan Jacobs stopped by today, it was great seeing him. We all go back to 86 University Ave. days.
Thursday, November 4, 2018 at Focus & Front Line
It was an eventful day! I arrived at Focus at 10;30 am to set up Focus for our guest Shawn Carney, the President of the '40 Days for Life' campaign. I was outside talking to Mike V. & Karen, his wife & his son Chris when Shawn arrived. He looked so young but he has 7 children, he's doing something right. Rick P. was now with us & we met Shawn & talked more outside to see that the Socialist were gathering on the sidewalk. How sad! Rick, & Shawn went inside & talked for awhile & then went outside for battle. Martha arrived & she went with us. The Socialist gathered to block the pro lifers & screamed terrible things, it made my head craul. It started to rain so I went into Focus & gort two umbrella for Martha & I & went back outside. The neighbor with the dog Big talked to the Police & then went on his motorcycle & pumped loudly, he was mad to say the least. Jim Martin, the neighbor across the street from deadly Planned Parenthood, showed his face & then went back into his condo. I did speak to the Socialist I think they heard me even though their voices were loud with their bad chants. Lord they don't know better. We will continue to pray for them as they give me Satan's hand gesture but I was covered in the Precious Blood of the Lord to protect me. A mother & her daughter who were African American went out of Planned Parenthood, she could have had an abortion. Grandma what were you thinking???? An African American worker came out of Planned Parenthood to speak to the so called Catholic Security Guard & I told him to go to Confession & never come back here again. I told her to stop killing her own race & said "Black Genocide, several times to a deafened ear. After awhile we went back into Focus to eat lunch, that Rick brought, & to to talk more. Shawn is so interesting. It was a wonderful event meeting him!!! Shawn left to speak in Syracuse, NY.. What an afternoon!!!
We saw many clients. One client said that she is Diabetic & was having the shakes. She gave herself Insulin. Then she told Martha that she was raped by her son who gave her a conconscion too. She said that he has changed since he got out of prison. She said that she was seeing a counselor & gave Martha the name & number so Martha called her after the distraught client left. The counselor called back & said that she was trying to work with her but she ran out of the office & she followed her but could't catch up. If we see her again please contact her......I doubt that we will. So sad!!!!
Some girls came in afterwards to receive assistance. Martha did two pregnancy tests & both were Negative. Two girls were guided to come to Focus, from prayer people out on the Front Lines, after being at Planned Parenthood.
Linda W. came & so did Jackie......they both were such a help!!!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at Focus
There were no volunteers for us earlier this afternoon today. Neyoka came in & brought in a car seat & bassinet & a baby girls Layette for a newborn at Strong Memorial Hospital today. Thank you Neyoka how nice of you!!! A woman from Baby Love came & got the items that Neyoka brought in earlier & was grateful!! What a team we have :)))
Before I came to Focus today I received a call from a woman asking what we would say to a woman who wants an abortion. I said that I would say we offer adoption & parenting class referrals & not to have your baby killed by abortion. She then said that she works for a man who owns a company in Rochester & wanted to give his money to a Pro Life organization. I said that we would be more than grateful to receive a gift, for our may clients, needs. I gave her our PO Box address & said thank you & hung up. Thank you Lord!!
We saw clients today that Martha helped!!! What a good woman she is & all the wonderful women that work at Focus!! Can't do without you all :))
Linda W. came latter on to help us & Linda S. was sick....get better dear Linda!
Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at Focus
It is Lynda's birthday tomorrow so we celebrated today!! I went to Tops & got a small cupcakes shaped into a huge bouquet of flowers cake. It was so beautiful !! I also got a bouquet of Autumn flowers & a nice birthday balloon & Martha bought a Mass Card, for our dear friend & volunteer. She was surprised & thankful. Amy & Annette, our volunteers, also enjoyed in the festivities. It was a wonderful time!!!
Martha saw some clients today & assisted then with their needs. She did two pregnancy tests which were both Negative. The first woman had an abortion from a rape when she was walking in the streets, she was a drug addict & prostitute. She has now repented & has left her previous life & is Born Again. She deeply regrets her abortion. The second woman had an abortion ealy in her life & later got pregnant & lost her 4 month old baby & hereafter has not been able to get pregnant. She regrets her abortion too. Both are married
Martha & I had a good day at Focus today. The days are usually rough but God gets us through.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at Focus
A very busy day!!! It can become frustrating. God please continue to bless us & thank you!!
A car was parked in the 'NO PARKING ' site & I asked them to move it went okay but please read the sign. Stress is not a friend. We saw many clients, to assist, & baby formula is always a need.
Martha did two pregnancy tests which were both Negative. Educational materials & a DVD were given to each clients.
I wish we had a volunteer, on Tuesdays, from 1 pm to 3 pm it would certainly help both Martha & I.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at Focus
It was a pleasant but busy day & we had two volunteers, Lynda & Joan, today....yeah!! We saw many clients that we helped to make their lives a little better. Also, Matha did a pregnancy test which was Negative.
A pregnant mom wanted an ultrasound but was seeing her own doctor tomorrow so I left it up to her physician. She is almost 14 weeks pregnant now.
Car seats & a double stroller went today & we are happy. Martha gave the mother of six children a double stroller & a Willow card, for her husband was abusive. Also, I talked to a woman who was sexually abused & is getting counseling from Restore, a Planned Parenthood affiliate, on East Ave.. Sorry young lady. I gave her my number to call me anytime if she wants to talk.
We ordered fish tonight because Martha wanted it, she is such a great worker here at Focus. I couldn't do it without her. All our clients were respectful & that is a very good day!!!!
Thursday, October 18, 2018 at Focus
It was another busy day at Focus!! I had to go to the Post Office first & then to Tops market to get baby formula & bottles & baby wash & lotions etc.. When I arrives at Focus Martha said that the heater didn't work & it was very cold in Focus. I called our landlady right away to inform her of the problem. I thought that Fred could help when he comes to receive his reimbursement check & he did. It was a bad battery that needed to be replaced & he did replace it & we have heat now.
We saw many clients today to assist them with their needs & received donations from Jessica S. & Neyoka came in to drop off donations form The Second Thought shop. Fred helped with many other things & we are grateful. The Lord's timing is great!!! Jackie came to help us later on & she is a blessing too. I was in the office most of the afternoon woking. It was a good day!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 at Focus
Fr. Mike Mayer blessed Focus & neighborhood
Praise God for Fr. Mike Mayer came at 1 pm & exorcised water & salt & blessed the entire Focus Center & the outside & along Planned Parenthood & the condos across the street. Yeah!! He said it should happen once a year Ok Fr. Mike see you next year!!!! He is a wonderful priest...
It was a busy day for Martha & I. Saw a lot of clients & helped them with their needs & two clients with housing. One was sleeping in her car. Ick!!!!
Linda S. came & helped us later on today & Karen H. emailed me about volunteering & will be working at Focus on Saturdays from 1 pm to 3 pm starting November 10th.. Sounds good!!
The people from W.B. Mason Co. came & I put in an order & they will deliver it tomorrow.....good company. A Social Worker from Anthony Jordan Health Care came, for formula, for her client.
Martha & I were going to an event at St. Cecilia's Conference Room tonight to hear three speakers & she was waiting in the car, in the parking lot across the street. I was about to lock up when a young girl came into Focus. I told her that we were closed & then asked her what she needed. She said "diapers & fomula" & started to cry. I tried to comfort her & gave her a Rosay & a picture of the Lord, tyo takw ith her. She seemed feel better. I said "God was watching over you for I was just about to close". She smiled & thanked me but she did more for my soul than I did for her's. Thank you Lord for anothe Focus miracle!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2018 at Focus
Lynda, Joan & Annette were here helping Martha in the Main Room. We needed them all. I was in the office most of time...... though I do out to see what I can do to help, too.
Martha did a pregnancy test which was Negative & she was given informational literature & a DVD to inform her to live a better life.
We see so many clients that need so much help with shelter & big things. So far we are able to do this with God's help. Our hearts ache when this takes place. Rochester clients are so much in need.
Lynda will not be with us next week for she & her husband will be traveling to San Francisco, Ca. to a religious conference. Be blessed Lynda & we will see you in two weeks.
Tuesday, October, 30, 2018 at Focus
It was a very busy day & there was only Martha & I & later on we had Linda. There was so many moms & children needing things that came into the center. We gave away so many cans of baby formula & diapers today. We are referred by so many agencies in the city. This is difficult for me but we want babies fed.
Martha did a pregnancy test & it was Negative. She talked with her. She received educational packets when she was here last. Even after 5 pm we saw so many clients & children that needed our assistance. Two fathers put out the trash & recyclable cans. Thank you dads!! Lord we need more volunteers, please & thank you!
We were blessed with so many new nice donations from St. Lawrence Church, on Sunday, & Neyoka stayed from 12 noon to 9 pm putting them all away because there was so many things that we were blessed with, for our clients. Also, we were given last Thursday, six huge boxes of donations, from The Children's Center of Rochester, a Daycare that is next to the abortionist Morris Wortman on Clinton Rd... Lord have mercy!!!! We will be giving out a lot a wonderful clothes & items, to our moms & dads, for them & their children.
Thursday, November 1, 2018 at Focus
All Saints Day!
It was a busy day with three pregnancy test that Jackie did. All were Negative. One was a mother & her daughter who brought her baby in with ther. Jackie talked to them & I said "no sex until you're married" to which they replied with a smile. Then we saw our client that we saved her son years ago through the grace of God. We had a Baby Shower for her & her pregnant friend back at 86 University Ave.. Then she was arrested for throwing him, as a baby, against the wall. Martha & I went to visit her in jai. She lost custody to him & her grandmother was taking care of him but because she did counseling & was doing better with drugs she has him back. She got married & had two daughter with him. Her husband is jailed for seven years because he was stopped by police with his friend who had a gun in the car. This was his third offence & he could have received 20 years behind bars but he had a good attorney. Our client got drunk at a party & had sex with a stranger & she came in for a pregnancy test which was Negative. Her Pastor told her to tell her husband, in jail, what she did & we will see what happens. Hopefully he will forgive her as she has forgiven him with his many times he committed adultery. Lord have mercy. She starts work at Dunkin this week & will be getting her GET soon. She is trying to get her head on straight & to do better with her & her children. She is now living with her mom. We love her & told her so as she was leaving!!!
One of our clients, who had twins, but was beaten by her boyfriend while she was pregnant, told us that he is now in jail, fantastic!! She told us that her Grandmother just died.....we are sorry for her loss!!!
One of our usual clients came in while Martha opened up & told her that she wanted to commit suicide. I printed out a 1-800 number for her to call when she comes back t get her bag of things. Martha told me after she left. Martha did tell her that God & we love her & she started to cry.......so many hurting people Lord. I taped the number to ber bag & let Neyoka know of the situation. Hopefully she will come back soon. She never leaves her phone number & her writing is a mess so we can't connect with her. Her daughter is in jail for many year & she has grandchildren. Lord have mercy!!!
Tuesday, November 7, 218 at Focus
Voting Day
There was Martha & I for Lynda can't come for three more weeks. She has things that came up & we will miss her :(( Later on Linda S. came to help & she has been so helpful for so many years :))) I was in the office when Martha came in saying that she was doing a pregnancy test. I left to go to the Main Room where a woman came in with four familiar looking children. I asked what was the situation & she told me that DSS told the mother to hand the children over to her. There was so many problems with the boyfriend & the mother took the children to Wendy's to beg for hand out money, this was at 10:30 pm at night & she has 8 children. There was drug abuse from the boyfriend & father of the children. He is in jail & maybe she is too. The children are so nice . The woman knows the father & has two of her own children so this has been a shock to her. We helped her out a lot & I told her that she can come back anytime. She was grateful.
I had a call from a Social Worker & she asked if we could help her client with newborn items & I said "yes". She came in later on & I gave her a girl's layette & she was astonished. I said that we just had many donations from two of our churches & they were very generous. She was appreciative!!
I had already voted before I got to Focus & was hoping for a good turn out.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at Focus
When I arrived there was Martha, Frank & later on Fred showed up......thank you Lord!!! They worked very hard at Focus. Christine, one of our clients came in to give us formula & told me about what was going on in her life. She is such a good woman.
We need car seats, it's a shame that people need them for their children & they are hard to get. The City is out of them & will open up again in March 2019. Just buy more next time.
Our clients are in such need & we want to help them. Neyoka brought in a box of apples, thank you Neyoka!!!!!!! We have such good people helping us help our clients :)))))))
Thursday, November 8, 2018 at Focus
Thursdays are always a difficult day for Planned Parenthood does surgical abortions all day. I know that they also kill children all week too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had to buy baby formula so when I arrived there was Martha & Joan working. Fred came later on & helped us out so much. He straightened up the bottom of the sink. Thank you Fred!!!
There were mothers & children & two babies came in today. All were grateful. Scotty came in with a dozen of donuts & I bought green grapes to pass put to our clients, too.
Mike came in with a flyer for the Christmas Party on December 22nd. at Our Lady of the Americas center. I made copies to hand out to our clients so they can come with their children. Working on Thanksgiving Day right now, too.
Jackie had to pick up her granddaughters from school so she couldn't come in to help, hopefully next week she will be with us. I understand.
I just called a woman who left her message on my cell phone & she wants to give Focus, so many great things, for mothers for their children. Thank you Lord for Focus!!!!!! This is your center.......
Tuesday, November 13, 2013 at Focus
It was a good day with clients & donations. we are getting ready for Thanksgiving & Christmas. Much to do!! I spoke with a client that goes to St. Michael's church she has a problem so I asked her to talk to Fr. Mickey regarding Mass on Sundays. She has young children & a sick parent & a husband that doesn't help out much. I gave her 'How to Make a Good Confession' booklet & 'The Catechism of the Catholic Church' booklet. Hope it helps. A soul is to precious to lose.
Our clients were polite & received assistance. Our Miss N. came into my office & started to talk to me. The father of her son was kicked out of her apartment & taken to court. She asked me for a pregnancy test today. My heart sank. She has been with us for many years & has many children that she had to give up to a Foster Mother & family members. If she is pregnant she said that she was going to have an abortion. What!!! She then said that she wouldn't do that. She had sex with another bad man.......sometimes people don't change no matter what you say & how many times you've said it. I told her that I pray for her daily by name. I won't give up with her.
One does not know what the day will bring you. You only know that God is you :)))
Wednesday. November 14, 2018 at Focus
I received a call at home from Joan saying that she will not be in today because of the first snow. It was sunny & clear & it stopped snowing with the streets clear. Houston we have a problem now we'll have no one to be with Martha & I for the Winter months on a Wednesday :(( I have to accept people where they are.........Tuesdays don't look good either......
Martha did a great job as always taking care of our many clients that come in to Focus.
Tim & Molly came in to drop off some donations. How nice they are to our needs for our clients.
A woman came in to get some things & said that her sister was over Planned Parenthood to get some information for her friend. 'What' I said as my heart was beating faster. She then said to me that she wish not to upset me.....already done. I told her about Planned Parenthood to which she knew, it seemed. I went into the office & gave her a truth packet & two DVD's to give to her sister, for her friend. Also I gave her the Ten Commandments to take with her. She said 'thank you & God bless you", thank you & you also. I felt her pain & asked her to be a mother & a baby saver.
Thursday, November 15, 2018 at Focus
My water in my studio apartment was not on & I had to get ready to come to Focus. I did get there finally. It was Martha & I until Fred came in to help us put with somethings. He put a cover over the air conditioner outside & did other things. My got a Birthday card for him & we signed it.
Laura Jean called & left a message on the office number. She couldn't come in because she had hit a deer & it did some damage to her car. She had no way to get here. Martha will see her on December 6th.. Wish her well.
Jackie came to Focus this afternoon to help us. She worked hard & after she left Martha & I had supper (Hot Dogs & beans & potatoes). Then the doorbell rang & it was two girls that needed so many things & we were able to help them & they were so happy. The snow is falling :(( Winter is here!!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at Focus
A hectic day today with many clients with needs. Martha did two pregnancy tests which were both Negative. Educational information was given to them. My longtime friend Roberta came for the first time to volunteer. She was terrific! Hopefully she will come back another time to help us again. So many girls in need. Our hearts break at times.
Fred came to help us & Linda S. came in later to help us, for there is so much to do before Christmas.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at Focus
It was a nice afternoon with Martha, Frank, Joan & Lynda. We haven't seen our dear girl Lynda for 5 weeks, so glad that she is back :)) Missed her!!!
We saw many clients today & two young men came in to receive diapers & formula & food & clothes, they left very grateful. We saw new mothers & pregnant moms too. It was a peaceful day, for some days aren't.
Martha wants to take the week of Christmas off, we have never done that before & I am considering it....not sure yet. Martha wants to visit her twin sister, Mary in Clayton, & it's so cold in the Winter there, worse than here in Rochester. She can go & maybe I'll come in on Thursday for the clients always need formula & diapers. We'll be open on Friday & Saturday though.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at Focus
It was a difficult day for me. I received a call from my sister & she told me that the man who lived upstairs from her in a bad neighborhood died from a drug overdose. He had his little daughter in the apartment & he went outside to get the drugs & went upstairs & died. My sister is in a bad neighborhood & won't get out.......my heart hurts so much. I went to my Holy Hour & gave it to the Lord, with tears in my eyes. The world is scaring me.
Focus was so busy & I was not in a good frame of mind today, sorry!!! A woman who is 54 years old wanted a pregnancy test so I asked her what is going on in her life. She said it's my boyfriend. "No, No, No" I said. I talked to her & she said that her mother said the same thing. I said "then you need to listen to her, get out of the hole you are in". My heart aches that women are giving themselves to the so called men in their lives. Why girls why!!!!
Focus was so busy but Martha & Frank held the fort. The need is great!!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at Focus
Feast of Our Lady of Guadeloupe
I went to Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church to celebrate our Patroness of the Unborn, Our Lady of Guadalupe. Thank you Mother Mary!!! I saw Lynda there & saw the family that brought many donations to Focus after Mass. Martha went to Wendy's for a chicken sandwich for our lunch. The clients started to come in for what they needed for their families. No pregnancy tests today. I was in a better mood for yesterday was difficult for me after what my sister told me about the neighbor upstairs, from her, who died from a drug overdose. Please check: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/fentanyl-is-the-deadliest-drug-in-america-cdc-confirms/ar-BBQPArg?ocid=spartandhp. DON'T DO DRUGS FOR YOU MAY DIE!!!!!!!
Joan came in for an hour & Lynda for two hours then Neyoka surprised us & came in with donations & stayed to help Martha in the Main Room. She gave a two women a lot of things for their new apartment.
A Grandmother, who just came from Highland Hospital because her Blood Pressure was so high, came in with her Grandon who was so polite & it made my heart feel good that he will be a good Man/Husband/Father/Employee someday. There is HOPE!!
Thursday, December 13, 2018 at Focus
It was a stressful but good day!!! I arrived after Rick P. had bought in two boxes of coats, for our clients children, for the Winter. This was from the Knights of Columbus & he took a picture of Martha, she takes great pictures.
I wrote a thank you letter to sent to the Council. The office is a mess so much to do!!!
Fred was here when I arrived & he fixed our doorbell...yeah!!! Now it rings. Also, he called Barb, our landlady, & she came by & helped us today. We saw so much clients & Martha did three pregnancy tests & two were Positive & both went to Compass Care & got an ultrasound. One couple went to Planned Parenthood first & then saw our sign, in the window, & came into Focus to receive the free pregnancy test & an a free ultrasound referral at Compass Care. They are both in good hands. Praise God!!!
Jackie couldn't come today for she was at home working on our Diocesan Grant Application for $500.00, for pack 'n plays, for our clients children. She completed it & sent in into the Diocese. Hope we will receive the money.
So many of our clients don't know the Lord. We hand out the Ten Commandments like crazy. One client yesterday came in pregnant with baby number two & she still hasn't married the father of these two precious children. He was married before but he did get his divorce. I hope she thinks twice before she has sex with him again. Just take care of your two beautiful children with no responsible father dear girl :(( Sorry :((
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at Focus
It was a great day with big things getting done. One was the neighbors upstairs saw a mouse & our Landlady called the Extrieter & he got the job done today. Also Tom from TY Electric came & he is the one our landlady will use for the front door buzzer. Also, our Landlady called Mike & spoke with him about his plan for the shelves in the stairwell in the Layette Room. Yeah to all of this. Thank you Lord!!!
We saw clients in need & helped them. Also, we had a drop off of 10 bags filled with Valentine gifts for our clients. When they left there was a truck blocking them in to Tow them. The neighbor called on them. They had to pay the man $70.00 to get out. I offered but they said "no". So sad !!