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Thursday, September 11, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha was there with her Thursday team of dedicated pro lifers. Planned Parenthood now has one of the male workers, dressed up in a blue apron, coming out into the parking lot escorting the victims into their Death Mill. The Lord uses Martha in such a powerful way that lives are being saved & Planned Parenthood doesn't like it. She's bad for business, thank God. A young couple went into Planned Parenthood. A young girl & guy. Martha was calling out the Truth to them. Just then the girl came out & started to walk hurriedly up the street alone. Martha called out to her "don't be afraid & stay strong". The guy came out & got into his car & drove up the street to met her. They talked for a few minutes & she got into the car & they drove off. They didn't come back again. Praise God!!The Death Escort said to one of the girls, who just got out of her car, pointing to Martha, said "she's our entertainment". To which Martha stated to sing 'Rock A Bye Baby. She later said to the Death Planned Parenthood Escort that you "don't have a party at a cemetery". You tell him Martha!! Thank you Holy Spirit for we rely on your poignant words of wisdom. '
Friday, September 12, 2008 in front of Planned ParenthoodI have a question? Why do they call themselves Planned Parenthood when they are killing the children & ther is NO Parenthood. They should call themselves 'Un- Parenthood'Randall Terry arrived & was a wonderful witness on the street of University Ave. He held a sign which read " A Vote for Obama is a Vote for Child Killing" it had the face of Obama & an aborted baby on it. How powerful ! ! The Killing Mill closes at 5PM on Fridays. A car drove in to pick up a young girl who was coming out of the building. I spoke to her & she came right over to me to get a Truth packet. There were 2 guys in the front seat & she was in the back seat. The passenger said to me "got any condoms? I said back "you don't need them, just behave yourself. I then said to the 2 guyswho were holding the banner to show the people in the car it. The passenger guy said to me " I'm going to vote for the first black man "to which I replied "even if he's going to help kill your Race off" Go figure! These young kids sure got a few minute education that I hope will last a lifetime. Randall & the pro lifers went into the center to have a great supper put on by Martha. Thank you Martha everything was so delicious!!! Then Randall started to speak. He has such passion for the end to Child Killing. He spoke with so much knowledge & conviction. He gave us a lot of food for thought in fighting the cause & educating us on a future plan. Thank you Randall for your experiences & your fine sharing. We will take all of you words to heart. Keep up the great work that you are doing to "End Child Killing in America". God bless you & your terrific family & staff.
Saturday, September 13, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Randall Terry came to pray & to witness the ugliness of' 'Baby Killing'. Thank you Randall for your passion in saving lives & working to end "Child Killing". I respect you so very much. Where are the rest of the people??? What are you doing to end 'Child Killing'??? A young came up the sidewalk & I got to speak with her for a few minutes. She said that she was Pro life but was going into Planned Parenthood for a Depo shot. I offered her the Truth packet but she said that she had no room in her purse. I took out the Truth packet information regarding Depro Prova & Klan Planned Parenthood & A Letter to My Future Wife & a Rosary, (for the Blessed Mother to touch her heart & to bring her closer to Jesus). She said that she wasn't sexually active. I said "you're taking this dangerous shot so if you have sex, then what you'll be ready'. I said "sex outside of marriage is wrong". She did take the information & went into PP. Awhile later she came out & I asked her if she now wanted the Truth packet to which she replied "no" but she said that she read the information on the Depo shot & that she will do more research on it. I said "thank you & have a nice day". I know that she has the Truth now & it will change her life. Thank you Lord & Mother Mary keep her close to your Hearts. Randall met with the 'Lambs of Christ' to discuss future plans, at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center, to end "Child Killing' in America. God bless you Randall. Don't Give Up!!! We won't either.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood The minute I got out of my car, with a Truth packet, I gave it away. Wow!! Just after that 2 young girls came out of Planned Parenthood. I called them over to which they came. I spoke with them briefly & found out that the one girl had a baby at home, so I offered her baby clothes, books & stuffed animals to which she was grateful in obtaining. Thank you Martha for taking charge of that situation. What a blessing these items were for this precious girl & her baby. Thank you Lord for supplying our needs so we can give to others who are in need. We were listening to the 1460 Station of the Cross radio station which was talking about the '40 Days For Life Campaign'. Great job Jose, David (National Coordinator) & our Buffalo friend, Ellen. God bless you all. ![http://www.smsols.co.uk/private-sector/all-products.htm http://www.smsols.co.uk/private-sector/all-products.htm]()
Another young girl came to us & she also received items for her baby. She also took a book of prayers child's book that we had. She went away blessed. A woman came out of Planned Parenthood & walked over to us & stated that she was here for a Depo shot. She was 42 & wanted no more kids & was engaged. Both of her children had children out of wedlock but so glad that either one of them had their baby killed, by abortion. Praise God. Martha & I talked with her for awhile about 'no sex outside of marriage, even if you are engaged you're not married yet' Also the abortion proprieties of the Pill & the Depo shot. She smoked & she knew how dangerous that is when using contraceptives. Also when is your boyfriend going to marry you? Just because you have a ring when is he going to make it happen? She was a dear & a sweet woman. We told her what the bible said "Thou Shall Not Kill" & that means by abortion & birth control. She finally took a Rosary & I know, in my heart that the Blessed Mother will watch over her & bring her to her son Jesus. ![http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/13194.html http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/13194.html]() A man on his bike rode passed Martha & I, Tucker had gone & said " I want you both to listen to me, I wish that you both had been aborted". I said for him to "repent" & that I was going to call the police & took out my phone. He almost ran into the back of Martha's car he ran away so fast. Poor soul. I'll pray for you. Lots of negative fingers tonight. Sonia rove by to say "thank you" as she drove passed us. We love this lady. She brings sanity to this horrible place. Thank you Lord for Sonia. Many blessings dear one. ![http://giftideas.blogsome.com/category/graduation-gifts/ http://giftideas.blogsome.com/category/graduation-gifts/]()
As I was talking to a girl going into the Killing Mill & turned around to see that a young girl on the passenger side of the car was using her hone to take our pictures. I wasn't sure that she was good or bad. The car came by us again & stopped. The two young girls said that they were from Nazareth & that took a video of the sidewalk where we were counseling. Martha & I ended up giving them the fliers for the '40 Days For Life" to take back to there school & pass out. God is good. They both took a Truth packet. Thank you girls & spread the news. The Rape Counselors came for their meeting tonight. We were there to inform them of 'Child Predators.com' Planned Parenthood doesn't report statuary rape & lets the rapist go free to rape more women or/& girls. How sick is this. They let the criminal go free. How evil!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood After the 4:30 PM Mass tonight, I decided to go to Planned Parenthood by myself, & to trust in the Lord for protection. I went on the sidewalk to say the Rosary & hold Malachi as a witness to the people driving by. I had my cell phone & Rosaries & Truth packets ready & I stood there witnessing what Planned Parenthood does to babies.
I gave out a Rosary, to a sweet girl walking down the street, she was so receptive & thankful. People are hungry for the 'Truth' they don't want anymore lies & deception. They are hungry for 'God'. I hollered out to the 2 people that clean the 'Death Mill' & told them as they were leaving that where you work they kill children. Please people don't compromise. God will provide for you if you only trust in Him. ![http://static.flickr.com/2003/2176348502_cc939c995e.jpg static.flickr.com/2003/2176348502_cc939c995e.jpg]()
I had a positive reception of good honks. This was refreshing. Then I had a nice man that drove by & he asked me if it was okay to ask me a question, to which I replied "yes" & then I said my "Come Holy Spirit Prayer'. He stopped & got out of his car & walked over to me. He said that he sees people here standing on the sidewalk some days during the week & asked if it has made a difference in being here? I replied that it was better to be out here & trusting God then not be out here at all. He agreed. I said that some babies have been saved because of showing the graphic signs. I said, "that isn't that what you want is the saving of lives". He agreed. He did not believe in abortion so he was a breathe of fresh air to me. All I here is people wanting to 'Kill Babies in their Mother's Womb' & it is making me sick. He then asked the question that all ask. What if a woman was raped? I replied that the baby should not be killed because of the crime of the father. He asked me if I had had an abortion to which I said that "I had not" but that I had been raped years ago & I conceived twins & lost them through a miscarriage. I shared some of my story with him. The lose of a child or children is so painful & he understood that. He had compassion, how healing is this. People really don't know how to react when one is told of a rape but it is really easy all you have to do is show some compassion for the survivor of such a horrible event. What would Jesus do?? Sometimes sharing with a stranger is more healing than sharing with the people that you know. He agreed that abortion was wrong in rape cases too. He was so easy to talk to. It was so refreshing to have a conversation with a good man of faith believing in the dear Lord & not wanting children to be killed & women to be hurt. He is rare & he has a compassionate heart. He also said that he would like to adopt a child & I hope & pray that he will, he would be a great father. Thank you Larry for making my evening. God bless you & you are in my heart & prayers. He took a Truth packet & 2 fliers for the '40 Days For Life' & will put one up at his church & one up at work. I also invited him to stop by & pray on the sidewalk during the "40 Days For Life', he seemed interested. What a good man he is, thank you Lord, for I was losing hope in mankind. The world is getting so dark. There is HOPE.
Wednesday evening 9-26-08 Martha, Elaine & I spoke with a post abortive father of twins. His girlfriend had an abortion before the twins which he agreed to. He was ministered to & given literature & important phone #'s so he could get further help. He was appreciative
On Thursday 9-26-08 a baby was saved at Planned Parenthood. Praise God!!. Sue & Anne were in front of Planned Parenthood praying & holding the '40 Days For Life' sign when a young girl came up to them & asked what it said. After reading the scripture on the sign she said that she could not go in there & have her baby killed. Sue & Anne ministered to her & Sue then drove her home. Praise God!!! This would not have happened if there were no '40 Days For Life' & Sue & Anne were not out there. How important to have someone there when Planned Parenthood is open every day murdering little American citizens.
Friday September 27, 20008 in front of Planned Parenthood I just got out of my car & was walking up the sidewalk when a young girl & guy were walking into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. Kathy was there & she asked them if they were going into Planned Parenthood, they said "yes, for a pregnancy test". I said that PP would not take them now & you really don't want to go in there. I offered to take them to the Focus Pregnancy Help Center for a free pregnancy test which they agreed. I got the most bizarre feeling from the girl especially. She really never looked at me when I was trying to witness to her & she didn't say a thing. I sensed a very strange vibe from them both which left me cold. They took the Truth packet but threw it out onto the side of the building. It was a neg test Thank God. Just after I got back on the sidewalk 2 young girls were walking up the street. They started to talk to Kathy & I only to find out that the one girl needed a pregnancy test. We 3 walked into the center for a test and she was open to 'life' if she was pregnant. She wasn't. They walked back outside with me after I gave them some literature & a Truth packet. I spoke with them about abstinence & they were receptive. When we got out on the sidewalk they started holding up the signs & wanted to come back another time to do it again. God bless these 2 sweet girls from God. Just after they left another girl came over to us, she had just walked out of Planned Parenthood. She took a Truth packet & didn't believe in abortion, thank God. She said that her friend had had 3 abortions. How sad. Kathy spoke with her for awhile & gave her some more info. which she was grateful for. It was a very busy hour and a half.
There has been 4 babies SAVED form abortion, maybe 6. Praise God!!! There might be many more babies saved that we don't know of. Lots of people have stopped to talk with us & to receive the Truth packet, which has been about an average of 15 a day. I know because I'm the one putting them together. Thank you Lord Jesus. So many people are being witnessed to & set free by the love of Jesus. I want to personally thank our Coordinator Jose & the Team & all the dedicated people who have come out to pray & to witness the Truth to the community & be healed by the power of God. Here is some of the events that occurred during the '40Days For Life' written by Jose our cordinator.
Rochester's Blog ![]()
David Bereit talking to our Prayer volunteers. October 31 - All Hollow's Eve: Mary and Martha had another interesting event happen yesterday at the site. A young woman went into the clinic and her friend, Joseph, came over to talk to Mary and Martha. His friend (we don't know if it was wife or girlfriend) was 3 months pregnant and wanted to abort the baby but Joseph didn't want to. Joseph tried to get back into the abortion mill to talk to the mother but they wouldn't let him in (Side note: This is standard procedure at abortion mills since they don't want anyone else to influence the 'choice' once the mother is inside.) About 30 minutes later (not enough time for an abortion) she came out and Joseph seemed to be smiling. They didn't stop to talk to Mary or Martha so we are not completely sure if it is a save but we ask for prayers for Joseph, her friend and their baby.
October 30:
You might be thinking that nothing must be happening this week because I haven't blogged for a few days. Well, it turns out that I've been out sick and trying to keep up with many things at the same time. I feel bad because I haven't been able to get out to the vigil as often as I have before but the Holy Spirit has made sure that we have a good presence at the vigil.
I hear that there was a big group of young people last night around 5PM even though it was very cold. It turns out that it was the St. Leo's Youth Group who came out together to the vigil.
We've also had more new people coming to the vigil and signing up for the first time with the campaign! Only three more days to go!!! Don't miss the opportunity to come out and pray for an end to abortion. There's actually some open time tomorrow night since it is Halloween and many people are probably thinking of other activities instead of coming out to the vigil. We would like to have presence until 7PM at least.
Don't forget to send me an email if you are planning to come to the Victory Celebration. I'm really looking forward to meeting many of you for the first time even though we have been praying together for 40 days!
October 26: Sundays continue to be an interesting day! I keep hearing how someone signed up for an afternoon hour where the schedule showed it was empty but when they get to the site, there are 10 other people praying! This is awesome!!! I really want to thank everyone who has come out to the vigil at any time during this 33 days!
This also means we have seven days left. Please, help us finish strong by keeping an eye on the schedule (click on Vigil Schedule above), and helping to fill any hours that are empty. Who knows, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones to find a group there to join you!
October 24: Today was an eventful day! Around noon, we had a young lady who came out from Planned Parenthood (she was getting a Depo shot) with a 5 month old baby sleeping in her arms. She stopped to talk to us and we offered her some baby clothes and other things. She was very appreciative and very receptive to the information. Please, pray for her and for Baby Larry.
Later, Mary and Pat found themselves driving down Main Street looking for a group of three girls who had gone in to Planned Parenthood and were supposed to stop by the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. Long story short, Mary and Pat found them at a Bus stop and provided them with information. One of them was pregnant but she wasn't 'abortion minded'.
Later today, a young man stopped by to ask for directions. He's from Memphis, TN, and has been here in Rochester for two months. He asked us what we were doing and we explained to him about Planned Parenthood, abortion, and the campaign. He seemed to be very interested and related how he didn't agree with abortion either. Mary and me gave him some information and invited him to come back and pray with us.
I really believe that God is using the vigil volunteers to touch many people's hearts and to bring them closer to Him. Praise be to God!!!
(NOTE: Don't forget to look at the schedule and help fill the hours during the day. Only 9
more days to go and we have done really good so far. If you have problems with the scheduling tool or questions, don't hesitate to email me at Roc40DFL@rochester.rr.com) October 23: Today was day 30 of our campaign!!! I know it is easy to forget sometimes that we are taking part in something truly historic when you consider that there are over 175 cities across the U.S. and Canada taking part on this campaign! Think of all of the thousands of people that are currently praying and fasting for the same cause! We probably won't know the extent of the impact of all of our prayers and sacrifice in our lifetimes.
I mentioned before that since the weather is getting colder (and wetter) to make sure you are prepared if you are heading to the vigil site. At the same time, I want to ask everyone else, wherever you are, to keep in your prayers those who are at the vigil site. It is hard enough to give witness to life at the sidewalk, it is even harder when you are all wet and cold!
October 22: Most of you are probably familiar with the packets of information that we are giving out at the vigil site (some of us called them "Truth Packets"). They are loaded with a lot of information about abortion, contraceptives, Planned Parenthood, STDs, Fetal development, contact information for help, etc. Some of the people with a lot of experience praying and doing sidewalk counseling at abortion facilities have mentioned to me several times of how open to the truth people seem to be at the sidewalk. We are actually giving away a lot of these Truth Packets! I think that for most of the day today, we didn't have any at the site because we ran out yesterday. We need to reprint more of the material that is used on these packets. If you want to help, please follow the Donate link above to make a donation to help cover the costs of these materials. Thanks!
October 21 - 12 Days to go and it is getting colder! Today was definitely a hard day to be outside!!! Please remember to check the weather before you go to the vigil site. Dress warmer than what you may think you need. It is better to shed some layers than to freeze (then again, you can offer it up as part of the sacrifice for Life!). With the bad weather comes the opportunity to show that we really mean to be there as a witness and because we care for every single baby that may be in danger of abortion. If you know of someone who has shown interest in participating at the vigil but has not been able to, let them know that time is running out! Before we know it, November 2nd will be here!
October 20 - God is listening to our prayers!!! Mary had a baby saved today!!! A young lady who came with her boyfriend to PP, stepped in to the facility only to walk out about five minutes later and approached Mary at the sidewalk. She told Mary that she was sick and not feeling well. It turns out, she is pregnant with "morning sickness" and had decided to have her baby!!! Mary gave her some information and told her about all the help she can get. This makes four babies that we know of that have a chance at life thanks to God's intervention and all of our prayers, fasting, and presence at the vigil!!! We have 13 more days to go in our campaign. Let us not falter in the last stretch!!! (check the schedule and sign up for at least one hour - www.vigilschedule.com/rochester - if you have any problems, email me at Roc40dfl@rochester.rr.com).
October 18 - Witnessing right in the middle of Main Street!!! We had a great turnout for our procession through the streets of Rochester. (Check out this blog by Lee with pictures about the event - backpew.blogspot.com). This was my first time ever doing a procession in the middle of Rochester. I can't give thanks enough to everyone who participated (and to those who prayed for us even though they couldn't make it!). What a witness!!! It was great to see so many heads turn to see what was going on. I even had a glimpse of an RTS Bus driver who was praying with us as we went by. Only God knows how many hearts and minds were touched by the Holy Spirit thanks to our witness!
October - I'm behind posting news!!! Rob provided the following report from Saturday:
Last Saturday morning, October 11, while the Lambs of Christ were praying on the sidewalk, a total of 4 young women went from Planned Parenthood over to the Focus Pregnancy Center. I don't know whether any of them was abortion minded, but the first one was pregnant, due in April. The other three were together and one of them said she already had a child. Pro-lifer Michelle went over to the pregnancy center and spent quite a while counseling these young women. The interesting part was that the Planned Parenthood escort had taken away a packet of information from one of these young women that we had given to her. The Planned Parenthood security guard actually tried to get the packet back after she threw it in the garbage but the Planned Parenthood escort retrieved it first and wouldn't allow him to give it back to us. But the grace of God was working and the woman ended up coming over to the pregnancy center.
October 13 - Half-way through our Campaign!!! Here we are on day 20 of our 40 Days for Life!!! It has been amazing to see the support, the people who have come out to the vigil, having two babies officially saved (and who knows how many more!), many people who are open to the Life message, and many more who need healing who have asked for information. This is God's work!!! And every single person who has been involved with our campaign, even if for just one prayer, has had an impact on the whole campaign!
I know I'm behind in blogging but I wanted to recognized the two groups from "America Needs Fatima" who came out on Saturday to pray at the vigil. I was there with the 8am group and there were about 30 people, including the children, who came out to pray together. The second group was at noon and had a good turn-out too.
DON'T MISS THIS: Tomorrow, Tuesday October 14th, the national 40 Days for Life team will have a nationwide Tele-conference. It is open to everyone who wants to participate. To find out more, visit: http://www.40daysforlife.com/midpoint
By the way, if you are reading this blog, send me an email to Roc40DFL@rochester.rr.com to let me know what kind of information you would like to see on this page (That will also let me know that someone is actually reading this!!!). October 9: Today was a sad day with more abortions taking place. Kathy found herself talking to a 16 year old who just had an abortion. Her car stopped next to the vigil and Kathy had the opportunity to minister to her. She seemed to be regretting what she did. Kathy gave her information for the Rachel program. Please, pray for her and her family that they may find healing and forgiveness in God's infinite mercy.
October 7: We witnessed another change of heart and another baby was saved!!! Martha reported that around 11:15am a lady came out from the facility and she smiled at Martha. Martha offered her some information and the lady responded by saying: "I didn't do it! I didn't do it!". She had gone in with the intention of having an abortion but after seeing the prayer volunteers at the sidewalk she knew she couldn't do it. She knew they were praying for her. Thanks be to God!!!
On the other side, the prayer volunteers witnessed when a lady was taken by ambulance, probably because of complications from an abortion. Please keep her and all the other ladies who did actually go through with it today.
Put in your calendars the midpoint event on Saturday, October 18th - will start with Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church, 200 Pleasant St in Rochester, at 12:10pm and then assemble at 1:00pm to do a procession from Our Lady of Victory towards Planned Parenthood at University Ave. More details to come!!!
Don't forget to look at the Schedule. Please, help us with Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of this week.
October 5: We were blessed in so many ways today!!! It was a beautiful day and very quiet too. Then, around 3:30 we started to assemble and put things together for our guest(s). David Bereit and Ellen Stanford arrived around 4:30pm. We were all inspired by David's words and encouraged by the stories from other 40 Days For Life cities. It was very uplifting to find out (before it came out on his email on Monday) that so far, 89 babies have been saved!!! And this are only the ones that we know about. Thanks to all who came to welcome David and Ellen! Keep up the prayers, fasting, and don't forget to join us at the vigil site!
October 4: It is amazing how time passes by!!! The prayer volunteers keep reporting how people seem to be very receptive to our message and many are showing their support for our presence at the vigil.
Today Mary talked to a young (teenagers) couple with a 6 month old baby who had friends who had had abortions and others who were considering it. Mary provided them with lots of information for them to share and help protect life.
DON'T FORGET - Sunday, October 5th, David Bereit and Johnette S. Benkovic will be at the vigil site (114 University Ave.) around 5:00pm. Come join us for a powerful hour of prayer!!!
October 1: We continue to have reports of people stopping and asking for information (of course, we also have the ones who don't approve of what we are doing).
This morning while I was welcoming the Clinic's employees with the "Pray to End Abortion" sign, one car stopped in the driveway as it was going in and the driver lowered the window. I was getting ready for the worst when I was greeted by the words "I pray for that every day", signaling to the sign. I was speechless and all I could say was Thank you and God Bless you!!!
I'm also seeing a little frustration in some of the employees when they see us there every morning. I hope they understand that we are there to show them God's love and to witness for life.
Please, help us keep this peaceful presence going for all 40 Days. Right now, the schedule for Sunday is looking very light. Don't forget, Johnette S. Benkovic and David Bereit are planning to be there on Sunday around 5:00pm. Those who start early will get the better 'seating'! :)
Thanks for the prayers!!!
September 30: This is the end of the month of September and the end of our first week in our 40 day campaign. God is so generous in His love!!!
This Sunday at 2:00pm there will be a Life Chain at St. John the Evangelist in Ridge Road West, Greece - and Johnette Benkovic will be there. Around 5:00pm, David Bereit and Johnette Benkovic will be at our vigil site for an hour of prayer at Planned Parenthood, 114 University Ave. Join us for both events!
Please, look at the schedule for this weekend to help fill some hours during the vigil. Thanks to all for all the prayers and support!!! September 28: We have been able to have a vigil for at least 12 hours a day each day (Wednesday we did all 24 hours!!!). Thanks to all the prayer volunteers who have come out (especially today with the dreary weather) and spent some time in prayer in front of the Planned Parenthood. I won't mention names but there are some who have gone well beyond the call of duty by spending many hours at the vigil site. God bless you!!!
And many stories are coming out from the vigil too. Mary had a young man stop and get some information after sharing that his girlfriend had had an abortion and a miscarriage. Please pray that he and his girlfriend find healing in God's love. Here's another story from yesterday from Mary: "2 young girls were walking up the street. They started to talk to Kathy & I only to find out that the one girl needed a pregnancy test. We 3 walked into the center for a test and she was open to 'life' if she was pregnant. She wasn't. They walked back outside with me after I gave them some literature & a Truth packet. I spoke with them about abstinence & they were receptive. When we got out on the sidewalk they started holding up the signs & wanted to come back another time to do it again. God bless these 2 sweet girls from God.
Just after they left another girl came over to us, she had just walked out of Planned Parenthood. She took a Truth packet & didn't believe in abortion, thank God. She said that her friend had had 3 abortions. How sad. Kathy spoke with her for awhile & gave her some more info. which she was grateful for. It was a very busy hour and a half."
You never know how God is going to use you unless you give Him the chance to do it. Come out with us and pray! The Holy Spirit is at work and waiting for members of the Body of Christ to become the vehicles of His grace!
If you still have some concerns about doing some time at the vigil or if you have any questions, please email me at roc40dfl@rochester.rr.com or call me at my cellphone - 585-305-1224.
September 26: Have you been to the vigil site? Have you spent an hour in prayer in front of Planned Parenthood? Chances are that if you have, you probably want to do it again. There's something about praying in at the site that affects you and makes you want to come back. If you haven't done it yet, talk to someone who has. Look at the schedule, see where you can take one hour and learn what it means to be a witness. Maybe is the fact that since we are uniting our prayers with hundreds of thousand across the nation, the Holy Spirit is actively working on each of us to bring God's Grace to end abortion. It is very humbling and very encouraging at the same time.
September 25: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!!! Anne and Sue were quietly praying, After seeing several ladies going into PP, Sue felt it would be better to hold up the 40 Days for Life sign. A lady walked by and asked about the verse on the sign ("Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" Jeremiah 1:5). It turns out, this lady was on her way to PP to have an abortion! The lady felt that Anne and Sue were a sign to her not to have an abortion. She didn't go into PP and Sue drove her home!!! Praise be to God!!!
September 24: Thank you to all who came to the Kick-off!!! We had 5 people at the start of the vigil: Kathy, Francis, Fr. Joe, Dominic, and Jose. What a wonderful experience!!! I'm hoping to post some pictures from the kick-off and the start of the vigil.
Please, check the schedule and see where you can help with at least one hour of your time!!
September 22:Let the countdown begin!!! We have kick-off tomorrow and then the Vigil begins on Wednesday!!
Thank you to all who have registered for the Vigil. Let me know if you have any problems with the scheduling tool (there are some bugs with login in some times).
Spread the word about the Kick-off tomorrow!! See you there!!
Monday, November 3, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood http://kimberlyburke-awesomegod.blogspot.com/2008/11/my-all-saints-day-with-40-days-for-life.html
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.photospin.com/content/photos/preview/0790049.jpg www.photospin.com/content/photos/preview/0790049.jpg]()
The '40 Days For Life' is over until February of 2009 but there are people still involved in coming to this Death Camp to pray & witness the murdering of innocent & defenseless life in this building. Remember that abortion is a very lucrative business & PP will do it's EVIL for as long as possible. If they didn't have the clients then they would be out of business, there's where us Pro Lifers come in. We want to get the Truth out to the community so the women & girls will not have their babies killed at Planned Parenthood or anywhere else. That the Good Lord will touch their hearts & give their babies a Birthday Day & not a Death Day instead. When the clients stop coming in to use their Death Services then & only then will Planned Parenthood close for good. There is where Pro Lifers come in. We will Pray & Witness & Speak Truth & Hand out Information that will educate the girls to the Truth & also Show them the Truth, by using the Graphic Signs, of what abortion really looks like. The clump of tissue, that Planned Parenthood tells them, looks like this, a baby that has been destroyed by the abortionist hands. We handed out many Truth packets tonight & had 2 clients come in for baby clothes & more education to better their lives. We talked to Omar who had his girlfriend at Planned Parenthood, who was pregnant with twins. He said that she was there because she was bleeding but he seemed naive. We only hope & pray that she did not deceive him, for he said that she wanted to come here. He took a Truth packet & was a sweet man, we pray that all went well for his children. Some of the people, in the cars, are guilty & we hope & pray that they will Repent of their abortion involvement.
Friday, November 07, 2008 at St. Theodore's Church Priest for Life talk in Rochester By Lee Strong http://backpew.blogspot.com/2008/11/priest-for-life-talk-in-rochester.html After giving a talk at St. Theodore's Church last night, Father Denis Wilde of Priests for Life corrected me. Out loud so everyone could hear. While chatting with him and a few of the other people there, being a polite sort (call people what they want to be called), I referred to the other side as "pro-choice." Ulp. He loudly asked for everyone's attention and said never refer to them as "pro-choice". They are "pro-abortion". Thank you, sir. May I have another? (I'm kidding, of course. He had a point - though I'm still inclined to the gentle, more polite approach so as not to alienate - and I was not embarrassed.) In his talk, the man did not mince words as well. But he also offered hope. And some music (he was a music teacher, after all). He noted that the proper attitude following the election of Barack Obama is not despair. "This election like every election is God's will," he said. "It's not God's will to have evil conquer," he explained. But we have to keep in mind "We don't know everything." And so we don't know what God will do with this. He referred to the story of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 12. David had committed adultery with Bathsheba, Uriah's wife, impregnating her, and then had Uriah killed and took her as his wife. The son Bathsheba bore David became ill. David, his eyes opened to his sins by Nathan, lay on the ground in sackcloth for seven days, refusing to eat. When the child died after his seven days of penance, David rose, cleaned himself, and ate. When asked about this, David said "While the child was living, I fasted and wept, thinking, `Perhaps the Lord will grant me the child's life.' But now he is dead. Why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me." And then he comforted Bathsheba, and she bore a second child - Solomon. In the same way, Father Wilde said, we may have fight and fasted and prayed for McCain's victory (or Obama's defeat), but now that is over. There is nothing we can do about the election, so we need to move on trusting that just as God brought good out of David's sin - the birth of Solomon - God will bring good out of this defeat. But we have to act, and not simply bemoan what has happened. "I can't do anything about it," he said, "but I can do a lot after." So it's time to renew our efforts to fight for life. It won't be easy, he admitted. Things might get rough. There may be persecution of pro-lifers. But that can help - as has been the case of the Church. "Where there is persecution, we are strong." He noted that during the pro-abortion (I'm learning) Clinton days, the pro-life movement grew. Under the even more pro-abortion President Obama, the movement will grow even more, he predicted - if we do the work. "It's not about Obama. It's about us." "This is a time for growth," he observed. "We need to reassess not whether we can do it, but how." He noted that this is also a time for prayer. He advised people to go on retreats and days of reflection to gear up for the fight ahead. "The most important thing right now is to be reinforced by God's love." Father Wilde and others will be at Planned Parenthood this morning to pray, then he will be preaching at the Masses at St. Stanislaus this weekend to help inspire the pro-lifers here in Rochester. I will be at a day of recollection with the Secular Franciscans today, and will be in the choir at St. Theodore's tomorrow, so this was my only chance to see him. But I feel inspired. I just have to remember: Pro-abortion. ... Maybe.
Saturday, November 8, 2008 at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center Praise God!! We had 45 great pro life people show up saying the Rosary & hearing Fr. Denis Wilde, from Priest for Life, in front of Planned Parenthood. A young girl coming out of Planned Parenthood was educated about the Depo shot, which she appreciated. She walked away knowing people do care about her & a Truth packet which will educate her even more. ![http://www.sspxasia.com/Countries/Japan/Images/Fr-Ortiz-saying-Mass.jpg www.sspxasia.com/Countries/Japan/Images/Fr-Ortiz-saying-Mass.jpg]()
We had a beautiful Mass at the center with many blessings to the people & the community & the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center. The food was great & plentiful and the engery was stimulating as we go forward. ![http://static.flickr.com/2246/2476485421_c9694c6c6a.jpg static.flickr.com/2246/2476485421_c9694c6c6a.jpg]()
The solders are multiplying in the fight to end abortion. We are blessed now with many dedicated people who want to be on the sidewalk praying, witnessing & educating the public about abortion & Planned Parenthood & their lies & their destruction of human kind. We are blessed now with a bigger center & more volunteers where we can better assist the clients with free pregnancy tests & baby clothes & items & educational brochure's & referrals in the community to better assist them in their needs. Thank You Team, you are the BEST!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 in front of Planed Parenthood As I was getting out of my car 2 young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & came over to me on the sidewalk. Before they got to me I hollered a "hello "over to Mary Lou who had been in front of Planned Parenthood saying the Divine Mercy prayers from 3PM to 4PM. When the girls got to me & told them to come follow me to the Pregnancy Center to get a Truth packet. They walked with me & I said that we can help them. They said that they were looking for their sister who wanted a pregnancy test. I told them that when they find her to bring her back for the test for we will be out here until about 7:30 PM. In the meantime I handed them a Truth packet & a phone #, if she didn't come back tonight, that she could call to make an appointment for a pregnancy test. They were happy with all the help that they received. Nice & caring girls. I got back on the sidewalk but not before I saw what was on the glass entrance door to the center & the Realtors office & the new account's office & the church which are all housed in this one hallway. It read: 'Loyal to Obama' with a picture of him on the paper. I quickly went back to the office & wrote on a piece of paper "We at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center are Loyal to Jesus & Life' & I put a picture of Jesus crying holding an aborted baby on it & taped it to the glass door & to the door of the center. How sad!!! ![http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j20/christina1972/1AJesus_Holding_aborted_baby.jpg i76.photobucket.com/albums/j20/christina1972/1AJesus_Holding_aborted_baby.jpg]()
I got back to the sidewalk where Tucker was setting up the signs. A car drove into PP with a young girl & guy. I spoke to them as they went in. As they came out I again spoke to them. They got into the car & were now at the entrance of the exit. The male driver reached over in front of his girlfriend to give me his middle finger & then put the car on Park with a look on his face that he was ready to get out of the car to punch my lights out. I then reached out of my pocket & got out my cell phone & said to him "that if you get out of your car I will call the police & get your license # too". He put his car in Drive & sped so quickly away his head spun. I looked behind me to find out that I was alone, Tucker was in the center getting the rest of the signs to put out on the street. Thank you Lord. These kids are in my prayers. Tucker was now with me. A young man hollered over to me from across the street asking me if I had anymore Rosaries. I hollered back to him that I did, so he came right over to me. He said that he wanted some for his friends, to which I was pleased. He started to look at the pictures & said "is this what abortion looks like"? I said "yes". He said that he never knew that was what abortion looks like & how sad it was. I agreed. He took a Truth packet & I went back into the center to get him an Abortion Procedure CD so he could educate his family & friends. He was very gracious & receptive to the Truth. Just then 2 guys came over to us from across the street & were looking at the graphic pictures. The one man said that he didn't believe in abortion but never knew what it looked like. He & his friend were appalled & very sad. They both took a Truth packet & walked back across the street. As I was talking to these 3 men, a car with a young guy drove passed us, seaming out his car window at me "why don't you just leave them alone". Come on back young man so we can educate you too. Martha was now on the sidewalk & spoke to the clients going into Planned Parenthood. She & I later said the Rosary together for the clients & staff & to end this Holocaust of Abortion. Two young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & walked across the street without even looking & almost got hit by a car. Thank you Lord for watching over them. The spirit of Death is at Planned Parenthood. Martha & I went into the center around 6:45 PM & Elaine was now there & we talked about what paint color to make the bigger center's walls & we made up more Truth packets for the ministry. We all then went out for supper & dessert. Thanks ladies it was fun!!
Saturday, November 14, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived on the sidewalk at Planned Parenthood there were 3 pro lifers in the rain witnessing & praying. The one pro lifer was counseling a young girl, at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center. Another pro lifer told me that earlier a young man came to talk to him & told him that his girlfriend was in Planned Parenthood due to an infection from an abortion that she had last week there. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to have any kids. Do you believe this!! She did have a bay in her womb as early as last week when she paid to have him or her destroyed. How sick abortion is. It seemed to the pro lifer that the boyfriend didn't want her to have the abortion & was remorseful that she went ahead with it. How sad for some of the men who wanted their baby to be born & not killed but had no power to change the girls mind. How men are suffering from abortion, the killing of their children. He took the Truth packet & went into PP. We only hope & pray that the girlfriend REPENTS. Michelle & our client came out of the pregnancy center & our client was carrying a Truth packet. Praise God!!! Prayer & Education in the Truth is the KEY to end abortion. After noon Mass at Our Lady of Victory I went back to counsel some more before PP closed at 1PM. I stood there on the sidewalk & a few minutes later a young woman came out & I spoke to her. She spoke back that she was Catholic & I asked her to come over to speak to me on the sidewalk. She did. Come to find out that her sister recommended PP to her for her check up & that she was Catholic & didn't believe in abortion. I said that I was a Catholic also & I had just come from Mass. I then told her about Planned Parenthood & handed her a Truth packet which she took. I told her that in the packet there was a Rosary which pleased her very much. Also a doctors list which she was grateful for. She was taken back that she received so much information & was worried that I wouldn't have enough. I said "don't worry, we have an endless supply to hand out". She said that she goes to the Catholic churches around East Rochester, Pittsford & Penfield. I told her that I also go to these churches & I hope to run into her some time again. I asked that she never come again to Planned Parenthood who murders God's children & to share this information with her sister to educate her too. She said "yes, thank you" & smiled & walked to her car to leave. I waited & waved to her good-bye. I then went into the center to make up more Truth packets so that others too can get educated & set free in the Lord & to start they lives over in His love, forgiveness & mercy.
Wednesday, November 18, 2008 in front of Planed Parenthood There was an appointment for a pregnancy test at 4PM. I arrived early to set things up. The client came in with her girlfriend. The pregnancy test was given ( the clients do their own test) & it was positive. As she was coming out of the bathroom she said that she just got her menses. In the meantime her friend wanted a pregnancy test also. She was negative & I spoke to her about abstinence. I asked the first client if she had a doctor & she called & couldn't get an appointment. I gave her one of our doctors on our list & she called. They told her to go to St. Mary's clinic for a hospital pregnancy test & for treatment. I called back to reaffirm this & got the clinic's phone #. I said a short prayer with them & I gave her my phone # for her to call me to let me know how she was doing & if she needed any more assistance. Then the co-director drove the 2 girls to St. Mary's Hospital. I then went back to the sidewalk while the other co-director was gone. A young girl wit ha baby got out of the car in the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. I called over to her & she said that she agreed with what was going on on the sidewalk. I called her over to me & she came over to me with her baby. She said that she didn't believe in abortion & that she was here to see her friend. I asked her if she would like any baby clothes or books or stuffed animals for her baby. She said that her daughter had more that enough & thanked me for the offer. Just then to my right came a young girl walking with her baby in her arms. I said to her "where do think that you are gong". She said Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test. I said "no your not, you're coming with me to the center just a short distance down the street for a free test. She said "okay" & followed me bit before that Cleveland our favorite street person was coming down the street asking for food & money. We just give him food. I asked him if he would stand here to watch the sidewalk to make sure that no one takes the signs. He said that he would. Tucker was not back yet & Bill hadn't arrived yet. So the young girl & her baby followed me to the center. She took the test, which was neg & she was not abortion minded, as same as the 2 clients earlier. Thank God. I gave her a bag of baby clothes for her son & a book & a stuffed animal. She was very happy. I asked her if she knew Jesus & she said that it was Jesus that told her not to have an abortion. I said "yes He would say that". I was very happy that she listened to Him. She said that her mother was against abortion but that it was her body. I said "why would any woman do that to her body & that the baby had a separate body which should be respected & protected". She agreed. I told her about the Pill & gave her information in regards to the abortion proprieties of the Pill, for she said that she was on the Pill but had sex when she had forgotten to take her pills for a couple of days. I gave her a Truth packet & lots more pieces of literature & information. She was happy & left with her baby & a bag full of clothes & items. I was just leaving the center when Bill (not the same Bill that was coning to the sidewalk to pray) came into the center to put our clients name on the spread sheet. He said that he would take the pile of names & put them on a CD at home. Thank you Bill, maybe someday we'll get a grant so that we can further our work. I left the center to go back to the sidewalk where Tucker & the other Bill were. Oh yes I forgot Cleveland, he got a double portion of food for him helping me earlier. He was happy. Tucker had to leave but Bill & I stayed, Martha was at an In Service meeting for her Nursing Agency tonight. I called over to a man who had gotten out of his car about PP. He hollered back "get a life". I called back to him "we're trying to 'get a life' not just one but many lives that are killed here at Planned Parenthood where you are standing". Also that "they are killing your race off & you don't even know it". We handed out some Rosaries to God fearing people, on the sidewalk. Bill had to go but first he helped me put away the signs. I went into the center to clean up & Elaine stopped by with the baby clothes that she had taken home to wash. She did a great job. Thanks Elaine for all that you & others do for the center & God's children big & small. A little latter Martha walked in & we all cleaned up the center & the meeting room together. We are getting ready for Saturday for the painting & moving the center to the bigger room down the hall. Thank you Jesus for now we will have more room for everything which is the furniture, baby clothes & items, books, stuffed animals & lots of literature brochures plus the refrigerator & prayer kneeler & table & chairs. WOW it will be so much better!!!!
Saturday November 22, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood The 'Lambs of Christ' were out in front of Planned Parenthood praying the Rosary. The cars were going in the Killing Mill but they sure heard the Truth before they walked in. You can accept or reject the Truth but here will be consequences for negative behavior, down the road. We keep the victims in our daily prayers. ![http://static.flickr.com/37/79659403_8b931f9237.jpg static.flickr.com/37/79659403_8b931f9237.jpg]()
Well, the new, bigger room has been painted & it looks beautiful. I decided that the bigger wall should be the accent color of a sky blue & the other three walls a white on white. There were four volunteers, which I am totally grateful for their time, talent & energy. May God richly bless you for your service. The room is fantastic!!! Thank you so very much.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Michele & I prayed in front of Planned Parenthood from 6PM to 7PM. A young girl came out of Planned Parenthood & walked over to us as we offered her help & we got to speak with her for about a good 10 minutes about birth control and abstinence, etc. She was very receptive & was taking it all in. She did take a Truth packet with her. We do hope & pray that she will confess her sins to Jesus & with His grace be strong against sinning again & saving herself for marriage. Michele & I went into the center & she helped me clear some more of the things off the furniture, for the move down the hall to the new pregnancy center later this week. Thanks Michele you are so sweet.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Tucker & Rob, earlier in the afternoon, moved the furniture into the NEW Pregnancy Help Center down the hall to the bigger room. Great job you guys!! Bernie, the Landlord, also helped me rearrange the furniture & put the lock in the door. Thanks Bernie, I appreciate your help also. The Killing Mill closed at 5PM tonight, getting ready for Thanksgiving, what hypocrites. At Planned Parenthood, the murdering of little American children is taking place every day there. What would the Pilgrims & the American Indians think of them?? I did speak to some of the clients before they locked the doors. Then I went into the center to wait for our new Counselor. She came & was orientated then Martha arrived. It was great the energy in the room of people who wanted to 'save lives' of the unborn & help their mothers. Martha & I then worked in the center after Jennifer left, until 12 midnight. It was worth it. THE CENTER IS SO BEAUTIFUL & HAS MORE ROOM IN IT THAN BEFORE!! THANK YOU LORD!!!!! Martha you're fantastic & so dedicated to the cause. Thank you sooooooo much for all your help. God bless to ALL the dedicated pro lifers 'the remnant of the remnants'. I'm proud to be in your midst.
Saturday, November 28, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood There were 6 pro lifers out in front of the Killing Mill Planned Parenthood this morning. The victims are getting the Truth. I was told by one of the male pro lifers that a young guy stopped his truck & got out & got into the face of the pro lifer screaming that the blond girl had said something to his girlfriend & she broke up with him. I guess I wasn't suppose to be there at the time that this was going on. The Lord protects me. It sounded to me that the former girlfriend had made a good decision. Maybe if the former boyfriend shapes up a bit & gets his anger under control & maybe a few other things too & if it is meant to be, that they will get back together. Or maybe not & she has moved forward. Maybe she saw the errors of their ways & wanted to change & now do the 'right thing'. Good for you sweetheart. WOW to the Holy Spirit, for these are not my words, which are empty & can change no one, but the words of the Spirit of God who knows our hearts & can change us to do better with His help & love. We went to Mass at 12:10PM & then Martha & I went back to the center to finish the rest of our work to put things away. We now have a designated ares for baby clothes & items & 2 literature tables & the desk, for counseling, is at the back of the room, for privacy. We are blessed with 4 new Counselors to assist our clients. ![http://static.flickr.com/2209/2390604531_5db3cfe8e8.jpg static.flickr.com/2209/2390604531_5db3cfe8e8.jpg]()
Martha & I went to lunch at my favorite place, the South Wedge Diner. Mmmm
Wednesday, December 4, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood I got out of my car & took the Truth packets, mega phone & the picture of Malachi, the sweet aborted baby picture, which is powerful, out of the trunk of my car & went by the tree on the sidewalk to counsel. Tucker set the rest of the signs & Martha comes around 5PM now. She gives out Holy Communion to the patients at the Nursing Home. God bless you Martha. Three young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & walked by me on the sidewalk. I offered them a Truth packet, which they took. The one girl said to me "my cousin was 13 years old when she was raped". I said that I was sorry to hear that. Then she said she had to do it". I said what do you mean? Did she have an abortion'? She said "yes". To which I replied "she can, in time get over the rape but the abortion she'll never get over". Tucker said to her "what about the baby, how did the baby feel as he or she was ripped away from the mother's womb'? He usually doesn't say anything. I then said "that the baby should not have died for the crime of the rapist & that whoever talked her into the abortion will be held accountable before the Lord for taking a life". God have mercy. Why do people think that by having the baby killed that ALL the problems will go away. This is FALSE!!! The problems & hell have just begun. Anyone that has been conceived, no matter how he or she was conceived, deserves a Birth Day & not a Death Day. We have become a society of murders of our own children. God have mercy on us. I pray that the 13 year old girl will be able, in time, to forgive whoever made her have her baby killed. How traumatic was that. I pray that the rapist, the father of the aborted baby, will be caught & prosecuted. There will be justice, if not in this life it will then be in the next life, by the Just Lord. I know only personally, that the 3 who raped me back in 1971 at Strong Memorial Hospital, that one is the father of my twins who I conceived from the rape which I miscarried at 6 weeks. I still think of the babies that I lost & am not bitter at them for being conceived, how could I be? The way they were conceived was not their fault but the rapist fault. The pain of losing them has been a continual heartache. How can a mother not love her children???????? They are with the Lord now & they went to Him unharmed by their mother.
I was not on the Front Lines today Saturday, December 6Th. due to a fire across the hall from me, in my apartment house. The Good Lord spared me any damages & protected all the tenants in the building. Thank you Lord. Wednesday, December 10, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood We had a scheduled 6PM meeting at the center of our Board. But before that we were on the street sidewalk counseling. After about 15 minutes Jennifer came in the center to counsel. Our 3 new counselors are working out so well. Thank you Lord. Just before Martha arrived a young girl was walking down the street eating a bag of chips. She stopped after I had offered her a Truth packet. She said "is that picture of that baby for real"? I said "unfortunately yes" She was upset to see the pictures of the aborted babies. She then said that she was going into Planned Parenthood for some medicine. I asked her what medicine are you talking about. She said "Plan B the Morning after Pill". I said to her "that is no medicine but a pill that can sloth off an already conceived baby" & that it was not good for her either. I then told her that there was someone in the center that could talk with her so she followed me into the center & met Jennifer who spoke with her for a half hour. When she came back out she had a bag, from the center, of some baby items for her 2 children at home. I was glad. Martha & I spoke with her for another 10 minutes about the Morning after Pill & condoms & abstinence. The father of her 2 children just comes over for sex then leaves. She was a sweet young girl & said that she loves Jesus but needs to do better. Don't we all. She said that she will go back to church & read the Bible more. We told her to pray everyday & say the Rosary, which was in her Truth packet. We hope & pray the very best for her & her children. Be strong, with God's grace, to help you come against temptation. Girls, your power is in NO not in YES, to your boyfriends. You have to respect yourself before anyone else can respect you. It was 6PM & we went in to have our Board Meeting. All is well. When I got home tonight I had a call from a former client that she was having a baby girl & if she could come to the Center for some baby clothes. I said "of course & that Martha & Suzanne will be at the Center tomorrow for you to come by & pick some things". I also said that after the baby is born please stop by for us to see her. She said "yes". I am so glad.
Breaking News Link
A Baby Changes Everything by Faith Hill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2o1uxzI-hA http://www.lifeissues.org/breakingnews/2008/faith_hill.htm
Thursday, December 11, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha was there on the front lines with Bill. Suzanne was in the Center. Our client, from the past, came to the Center, with her friend & picked up some baby clothes & items for her baby girl who will be born in 4 months. A Truth packet was given to her friend for she was asking questions about the Morning After Pill. Also Martha brought in a woman with her young daughter into the center for some baby clothes. She was walking down the street & Martha offered her assistance. She was so happy to have received some baby items. We are happy to have helped all 3 clients today & their children. Martha reported that a young girl was dropped off at Planned Parenthood by 2 adults. She saw the picture of Christ crying, holding an aborted baby, also the other graphic pictures that were on display for educational purposes, on the sidewalk. She never went into the office of PP only the foyer and in a matter of minutes was picked up by the very people who had just dropped her off. Praise God!! Martha was continually speaking the Truth to her, who was in the foyer, even as she was leaving. Today this young girl knew that someone really cared about her. Off she went to start a 'New Life'. In our prayers for you dear heart.
Saturday, December 13, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived on the sidewalk the 'Lambs of Christ' were praying on the other side of the building at Planned Parenthood. I was told that the male pro lifer had to go back home to get something for his student that he tutors. Michelle was there counseling a girl who had just left Planned Parenthood & was talking to her about the Morning After Pill. She gave her the Truth packet & counseled her to the facts about this horrible pill that acts, at times as an early abortion, that Planned Parenthood lies about to their victims. Michelle had to leave & then after a short while the male pro lifer returned. He & I was standing there, on the sidewalk, when a woman drove in with her daughter, you just can tell. As the mother was driving in the parking lot she gave me her middle finger. Then the car door opened on the passenger side & her daughter got out of the car to go into PP. I said something to both the mother & daughter. Then the car with just the mother drove to the exit & got out of the car & walked directly towards me. She looked at me like she wanted to kill me. She said to me "don't you talk to my daughter, she's here for birth control". I said "it acts as an abortificant, a chemical abortion. She was livid. She then made a noise with her mouth like a spitting sound & then said " I want to spit at you". I said if you do "I'll call the police". She said "go ahead or I'll call the police for harassment". Then the male pro lifer replied "you are the one who is harassing her & I am a witness, we've been out here for 13 years & we have a right to protest & we know the police so you'd be the one in trouble". Then the Death Security Guard Jim came over to her & said something to her & then she got back into her car stayed their for a minute & drove off. I took down her license plate number. As she was walking back to the car I made the Sign of the Cross & told Satan to get behind me in the name of Jesus. The pattern continued Like Mother Like daughter. How sad. Instead the mother repenting over her past mistakes & sins she carries on the same trait to her daughter instead of wanting something better for her daughter. I"ll pray for them. After Mass I went back on the sidewalk for 15 minutes & spoke to some of the victims there. Then I went to the Center to put the baby clothes, that I received from a friend, away on the shelves in the Counseling Room. I also received more baby clothes & items from Our Lady of the Americas parishioners. Thank you all & God bless you for your generosity. Wednesday, December 17, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived at the center I put some children's books in the center that I received from a co-worker. Thank you Sue. The books are great for our smaller clients. When I was about to leave to go out to the street one of our new counselors came in for orientation to be 'on call' at the center if I could not make it in to do a pregnancy test for a client. Welcome Mary! Then I was out the door about 10 minutes later. A young girl came over to me & said that she was here for the 'Morning after Pill'. I gave her a Truth packet & spoke to her about the real truth about Plan B. IT DOES HAVE ABORTING EFFECTS ON AN ALREADY FERTILIZED EGG WHICH IS A HUMAN BEING. She said that she was not ready to have a baby & I said to her "but your ready to be a murder". She looked surprised. I said that "Jesus created you" & then she said that "He made the animals & trees too". I said "yes but He didn't Redeem them, but He came to Redeem you". She said that she would look at the materials & then went into the foyer of PP to make a call for her to be picked up. Her ride came about 15 minutes later & the guy driving came in real fast & left even faster. Then Martha arrived & a young girl came walking up the street & we started to talk to her. She said that she had a baby a year ago & she was going in there to see her girlfriend, who was there for a pregnancy test & was not abortion minded. Just wait when the commission minded so- called counselors get thought with her if she is pregnant. PLANNED PARENTHOOD LIES & DECEIVES THEIR VICTIMS. PLEASE DO NOT TRUST PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Martha's feet were frozen & had to go into the center for treatment @ 6PM. Please cut them off was her request which I did not do, I covered her feet with a warm cloth & said for her to "bit the bullet" it will take awhile for full recovery. Poor Martha. She did say something like I'm going to buy new boots tomorrow. Good idea Martha because winter is going to be hear for awhile longer. I was making up some Truth packets when Bill came in to give me the CD that he worked on putting more client information on it. Thanks BB. Good talking to you.
Saturday, December 20, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood I was at the center at 10 AM to orientate a mother-daughter to be counselors at the center from 10AM to 12Noon to counsel our clients & to provide for them whatever they need in 'choosing life'. When I was talking to the counselors one of the prayer warriors came in from the cold to warm up. She was talking to us when she said " I feel like I'm going to pass out" which she did. She fell to the floor & unfortunately hit her head on the open door leading to the meeting room. Her eyes rolled back & she was as white as a ghost. I called 911 & they sent an ambulance & took her to the hospital. It was so upsetting to all of us. After a little while of discussing the situation we continued with the orientation. They had to go & I went to the sidewalk to sidewalk counsel with the other pro lifers. We tried to talk to the girls telling them the Truth & hand out literature packets. Usually the reactions are negative which is a heart break.
![http://static.flickr.com/2385/2151326307_a064cc2506.jpg static.flickr.com/2385/2151326307_a064cc2506.jpg]()
Saturday, December 27, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood The 'Lambs of Christ' were praying the Rosary in front of Planned Parenthood. When I got there one of the prayer warriors was praying on the other side of the driveway. I started to call out to the girls using the mega phone. The reactions of the girls is stoic, how sad. No real reaction from them. They are so cold & distant like they are trapped in the depths of sin & deprivation. The Death Escorts are bizarre as they smile when they see their victims drive into the Killing Mill. I had said to them that I love them but hate what they do & pray for their conversion, salvation & repentance every day. As the one Death Escort was leaving Planned Parenthood she rolled down her car window & looked right at me and said "I love you" "I love you". Icky, Icky, Icky. Evil is so horrible & not pleasant to be around. I left some artificial flowers by the tree in front of Planned Parenthood to indicate that Deaths has occurred there. In honor of the babies that have been murdered there. Out of respect that we have the flowers there until someone takes them & then we replace them again.
![http://www.chem.waseda.ac.jp/kanomata/Group_people.jpg www.chem.waseda.ac.jp/kanomata/Group_people.jpg]()
Please help us celebrate the most active year 2008 ever for RochesterProLife & The Focus Pregnancy Help Center With God’s help we:
¨ Hosted the local effort of 40 Days for Life (3 Confirmed Saves) ¨ Facilitated a weekend visit by Fr. Wilde of Priests for Life ¨ Distributed tons of baby clothes to expectant mothers, ¨ Made many new friends, volunteers and contributors ¨ Produced months of sidewalk counseling time ¨ Generated an astonishing total of Rosaries, Masses and prayers ¨ And in our spare time expanded to a larger Focus Pregnancy Help Center office at the same location. Lets work hard to make 2009 even better!!!! ![http://www.american.edu/TED/images4/three-babies.png www.american.edu/TED/images4/three-babies.png]()
Saturday, January 3, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood We had two clients scheduled to come in this morning into the Focus Pregnancy Help Center, but before they arrived two girls came to us for pregnancy tests. I was orientating a mother - daughter team but the mother was the one who counseled the 4 clients. Her daughter helped me make up more Truth packets for the street. It was a fruitful morning & the new counselor, a mother of 2 biological children & 2 adopted children & waiting to adopt 2 more children, did a fantastic job. About 4 Truth packets were handed out today. Praise God!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood I got there first tonight & was putting things away in the meeting room when Tucker walked in. We talked over a few things about the center & then went out to battle the evil at Planned Parenthood. The people were rude & angry tonight. I passed out about 4 Truth packets, thank God for His grace. I always feel good when these packets get handed out so the people can get the help that they need & deserve. ![http://static.flickr.com/45/140631452_7336cd23ec.jpg static.flickr.com/45/140631452_7336cd23ec.jpg]()
I was standing there by the tree when I turned around to see a young girl in the back seat of the car, 2 guys were in the front, & she was giving me the finger. I just looked at her & shook my head & said for her to "get away from these guys & start over". It was sooo very sad. She was some body's daughter. She looked so old & hard & yet I knew she was probably in her teens. ![http://www.painetworks.com/photos/in/in3078.JPG www.painetworks.com/photos/in/in3078.JPG]()
Another girl came out of PP & I tried to talk to her & her girlfriend. She hollered back at me "I'm telling all my friends to come here". I replied "then you don't care very much about your friends". The passenger, as they drove out, gave me her finger. I just said to them " we love you & will be praying for you". She gassed the car & off they went. Just so they know that they are cared about. The people in the world are sooo cold. I speak with tough love most of the time but I hope & pray that the Truth that I say to them will resonate in their minds & hearts & their lives will be changed by the grace of God. They are in an evil place when they come to Planned Parenthood!!! ![http://accordionguy.blogware.com/Photos/2005/10/angry_white_males_bike_comic.jpg accordionguy.blogware.com/Photos/2005/10/angry_white_males_bike_comic.jpg]()
One guy blew his horn & gave me the finger all the way down University Ave. I only hope that he REPENTS soon for it is really bothering him. ![http://static.flickr.com/1259/1290668288_3be7a1ea1a.jpg static.flickr.com/1259/1290668288_3be7a1ea1a.jpg]()
So many cars tonight had one headlight out so I must have used my mega phone about 8 times telling people that their light was out. And 3 cars didn't even have their lights on at all & one was a UPS truck. Oh my goodness. ![http://www.littleangelsscotland.co.uk/categoryImages/Premature-Baby-Clothes.jpg www.littleangelsscotland.co.uk/categoryImages/Premature-Baby-Clothes.jpg]()
We had a client call us & was coming into the center for baby clothes for her baby girl who will be born in March 2009. She was very happy & so was I to bless her with what we had. I gave her baby clothes a stuffed animal & a book to read to baby. Thanks to all who have contributed to the center. Tucker wasn't feeling good so when Martha came a little after 5 PM Tucker left. Martha & I said the Rosary. Prayer & Protest must go hand to hand to fight this Spiritual battle against the Evil One. ![http://static.flickr.com/2404/2140568994_a157c2c005.jpg static.flickr.com/2404/2140568994_a157c2c005.jpg]()
A little later Elaine came by but she got cold fast & then went into the center to warm up. Martha was already in there for her hands were freezing. I guess I dressed better than those 2 girls for I stayed out there by myself for a half an hour & left at 7PM. We all put the signs away & Martha left to go home & Elaine & I made up 10 more Truth packets for another day.
Saturday, January 10, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.jesusjournal.com/images/stories/Planned_parenthood_logo.jpg www.jesusjournal.com/images/stories/Planned_parenthood_logo.jpg]()
GREAT NEWS TO REPORT. PLANNED PARENTHOOD WILL BE CLOSED EVERY SATURDAY DUE TO THE ECONOMIC CRISIS. PRAISE GOD!!!! ![http://www.dcist.com/attachments/dcist_martin/Happy_People_Jumping_300w.jpg www.dcist.com/attachments/dcist_martin/Happy_People_Jumping_300w.jpg]()
Sooooo Neat!!
Rochester Catholic A Journal of Catholic News and Views The Catholic SpectatorJanuary 14, 2009 by Eugene Michael http://rochestercatholic.com/ ![]()
Finally, some good news about the economy: It has been reported that the local Planned Parenthood abortuary on University Ave. will now be closed on Saturdays due to economic constraints. Our prayers are working. A local group of pro-lifers will continue to gather in front of Planned Parenthood every Saturday morning for prayer. They will only stop gathering when the abortuary is closed all seven days of the week. In the meantime, continue with your prayers.
Wednesday January 14, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://static.flickr.com/45/140631452_7336cd23ec.jpg static.flickr.com/45/140631452_7336cd23ec.jpg]()
What a horrible evening at the Killing Mill, what do I expect when I'm at a Killing Mill where innocent human beings are being murdered in cold blood? I'll never get used to this evil place nor should I. The evening was cold but not windy so that was good & as I stood there the cars were rolling into the Death Mill. I saw that an older woman got out of the car with newspapers in her hand & I said that "Rochester Healthy Living Magazine & In Good Health Newspapers advertise the killing of innocent babies, for they advertise Planned Parenthood in them, so how healthy is that"? She just turned around & gave me a sick smile & went into PP to drop off the newspapers. Then as she left she gave me a sick wave good bye. Just go lady you really don't have to say good- bye, I don't even know you nor do I want to. ![http://menno.herewego.nl/Cuba.htm http://menno.herewego.nl/Cuba.htm]()
A few minutes later 3 young girls went into PP & I spoke Truth to them. They were there only for a few minutes & came out. As they were driving out & stopped the car along side of me on the sidewalk. She rolled down the window & I spoke to them for a few seconds & offered them a Truth packet. I noticed a newspaper on the lap of the passenger, it looked like the City Newspaper. I later found out that it was & had a Carol Love article in it. How evil. The passenger took the packet & then the driver stuck her head over to me & said "you should have been aborted". I was caught off guard & I said back "shame on you, shame on you". Litle did they know that I was almost aborted & my twin brother was aborted & I survived. (See 'My Story' on this web site). They drove off. A few seconds later they were coming back to where I was standing by reversing their car When they got to where I was the window opened & the Truth packet was flung out the window & again off they went, the right way, down the street. How sad!!! What is this world coming to?? The girls are getting harder & harder due to unrepentant sin. ![http://www.dur.ac.uk/jackie.rafferty/Images%20for%20EBS/?C=M;O=A http://www.dur.ac.uk/jackie.rafferty/Images%20for%20EBS/?C=M;O=A]()
The Death Escorts were coming in for their meeting to discuss the closing of Saturdays & their upcoming Roe vs Wade event at the Unitarian Church, on Winton Rd., next Thursday at 7PM with Dr. Death ( Bill Baird) residing. How sick!!! Then the pizza man came in for a delivery for the Death meeting, I guess even deathers get hungry too. I told him to just say "NO' to PP"s orders for your receiving blood $$. As he was driving out he said "your not doing any good here just go to the churches or libraries"? I told him that they were murdering babies HERE at the very place that you dropped off a delivery & that you don't know what your talking about". He left quickly. Excuses for the Killing Mill. I just don't get it. It must ease their consciouses or at least that's what they think. I'm not doing anything wrong!! I know the guy has to make a living just not with innocent blood $$. That's all I'm talking about. ![http://www.stockphotography.co.uk/store/Zoom.aspx?ProdID=11461 http://www.stockphotography.co.uk/store/Zoom.aspx?ProdID=11461]()
A car did stop & talked with me after leaving Planned Parenthood. I gave her the Truth packet & she said that she was a Christian & wanted more information. She was a very pleasant woman & I feel it in my spirit that she will not be coming back again after reading "Klan Parenthood" pamphlet & other importnat information in the Truth packet plus the Rosary that she received. ![http://open.salon.com/content.php?cid=59396 http://open.salon.com/content.php?cid=59396]()
A young girl came out & was very angry at me too. She stopped the car & said to me"I was here for a pregnancy test, my boyfriend is with my son & I don't have insurance & I called 7 places & Planned Parenthood was the only place that said "come on in". I was mortified again. The deception of PP is outrages & how they suck the innocent girls in there thinking that they are going to be helped is a crime. I asked if she would like some baby clothes for we have a pregnancy center 2 doors down the street she said "no". The I walked over to her car which was next to me & offered her a Truth packet, she said "no" & I said "okay goodbye just so you know that we love you". She sped away making a terrible noise. I just knew that she was not going to listen & need to get back on the sidewalk to try to help other that would listen. I just get angry out there sometimes for some of the people just are so stubborn. I worry about them & the lives that they are living & their innocent children, who suffer due to thew sins of the parents. I was also mad at myself for I didn't think that I had done a good job with her. Sorry Lord & please forgive me & help her. Amen It was shortly after 5PM & Martha, thank God arrived. I asked her if I could go into the center for a few minutes to warm up. "Sure "she said & I went into the center to cool down & warm up. In the meantime Martha said later that she had handed out a Truth packet while I was warming up & that Tucker had talked to the young people for a few minutes, which was unusual because Tucker never speaks to anyone only if they get in our faces, which wasn't the case this time. Well that is just fine. I came out into the cold again. There was a young guy that had walked into PP. When he came out I spoke to him & gave him a Rosary. He said that he was married & that he didn't want anymore babies. I said "that is what you want but is it what God wants"? That married people are to be open for 'life' & to trust in God to make that decision & not Planned Parenthood. He agreed & she that he listened to me & would think about it. I said "that would be good". A couple of guys stopped & took Rosaries from us & they were happy with that & so were we. ![http://www.who.int/entity/tobacco/wntd/2008/photos/en/index.html http://www.who.int/entity/tobacco/wntd/2008/photos/en/index.html]()
A young girl came out of PP & was lighting up a cigarette. Burr! I said to her that if you went back in there with the cigarette in your mouth they would ask you to leave but if you went in there to have your baby killed they would say "come on in, we'll take care of you". She said that she was against abortion that she was there for Birth Control. I told her in just a few minutes about how some of the Birth Control works. They sometimes act as a chemical abortion. She said something about her boyfriend. Then I said " don't have sex until your married". She then said "sex is good & natural". I said back "only if you're married". She walked back into the building after putting out her cigarette. ![http://static.flickr.com/176/393801526_cdc98f1ee7.jpg static.flickr.com/176/393801526_cdc98f1ee7.jpg]()
A guy drove in to the parking lot & picked up a young girl. I said as they were leaving "why don't you marry the girl". As he was leaving he shouted out the window "she's my niece & was here for a physical" & sped away very fast. Oh sure!! Only God knows. ![http://akvis.com/en/coloriage-tutorial/anime-picture.php http://akvis.com/en/coloriage-tutorial/anime-picture.php]()
Then when you think that things were calming down another young girl was pulling out of the parking lot & rolled down her window & said "what about the dumpsters"????? I just shook my head & said "yes, some babies do end up in the dumpsters after they're aborted & isn't that terrible"? As I was talking to her I heard a female screaming in the parking lot. I couldn't make out what she was saying, I only heard her screaming at me in anger. I can rest assure that she had had an abortion in her past. Out the parking lot the 2 cars went. What a sad night it was there at the Killing Mill. Martha went into the center & had some hot home made (by Martha)soup. Thanks Martha that was real good & hit the spot.
Saturday, January 17, 2009 CELEBRATION RETREAT FOR THE SATURDAY CLOSING AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD ![http://blog.lib.umn.edu/ukura006/architecture/ http://blog.lib.umn.edu/ukura006/architecture/]()
PRO LIFE RETREAT The Pro Life Retreat, on Saturday at Our Lady of the Americas, was fantastic!! Thank you Chris, Bruno, Fr. Jim Hewes & Jose for an awesome spiritual & educational day in the Lord!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at Planned Parenthood The most horrible evening. Tucker & I were out there tonight, Martha is heading to Washington for the 'March for Life', God be with you dear heart. The first young girl coming out of the Death Mill gave me her finger with such an angry face, all twisted & all. How sad for one to be so young & so tough acting. Her conscious had been pricked & it hurt & the one you take it out on was the one who was trying to help you. ![http://static.flickr.com/40/80947158_641eef9524.jpg static.flickr.com/40/80947158_641eef9524.jpg]() The next event was a young girl came out of Planned Parenthood & was walking towards me on the sidewalk. I said to her with a smile "what would you be doing at Planned Parenthood"? She then replied "I coming for an abortion tomorrow". Oh my sweet Lord I was taken back. I said to her that we offer help at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center & we can go in there & talk. She said "okay" & followed me into the center. I was talking to her all the time we were walking to the center & continued while we got in the center. I gave her2 DVD's one on a bloodless abortion procedure & the other was a 3D Ultrasound. I gave her more information & showed her graphic pictures of aborted babies to give her the realization of what she had planned to do to her son or daughter. She told me that she had a 1 year old daughter at home. I pleaded with her that she couldn't deprive her daughter of a new brother or sister. I also told her what God's Commandment says "Thou Shall Not Kill". I said an Hail Mary & Our Father out loud. I gave her a stuffed animal for her daughter & a one-see for her child in the womb. I said that you cold give your baby up for adoption just give your baby LIFE. She said thank you & left to get the bus. My heart & prayers are with you & your precious baby, Mom. P.S. I did ask for her name & phone # and called her to speak with her some more. She told me that PP told her to put a pill up her vagina. I told her to flush it down the toilet & to go to a good doctor that we have in the Truth packet for pre natal care & that she could call me anytime for more help. And after the baby is born to come back to the Focus Pregnancy Help Center to get some clothes for her baby. Please Lord Jesus & Mother Mary, protect this little 8 week old baby in the womb, who has been threatened by abortion not to die that way but to live. Please mom just let me be born!! I know that she was listening. ![http://users.mikrotec.com/~jodell/images/UPS%20truck.JPG users.mikrotec.com/~jodell/images/UPS%20truck.JPG]()
When I got back to the sidewalk I saw coming down the street the UPS truck & he was giving me his middle finger. That was it. I asked Tucker for pen for I had the paper & he took down the truck # & the license plate #. I was determined to call & report him finally. This is the third time he has harassed us. The first time he drove his truck very close to the sidewalk where we standing to go into Buckpitt which is a business next to Planned Parenthood & make a delivery. Another time he was at Buckpitt he screamed out to me ,who was counseling "shout up". Three strikes & you are out. PS. When I got home tonight I did call UPS & reported him. The nice man on the phone said he was sorry for the actions of one of there employees. I accepted his apology & steps will be taken tomorrow by the company regarding these episodes. Another girl as she was leaving gave me her middle finger as she was driving out. I only wish that they were as mad as Planned Parenthood as they were me. They deserve it for what they are doing to them, they just don't know it. ![http://edubuzz.org/blogs/mgsonline/2008/01/31/stop-smoking-poster-competition/ http://edubuzz.org/blogs/mgsonline/2008/01/31/stop-smoking-poster-competition/]()
Two girls came out walking up the street away from me. One was smoking & I told her that no one can smoke at Planned Parenthood but one could have their baby killed in there. The other said something really bad that I will not repeat on the web site or anywhere else. I hollered up the street to her saying "do you talk to your mother that way". The girls are getting harder & harder over time. ![http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a132/jinhuay/dark_sadness_by_LonelyPierot.jpg i10.photobucket.com/albums/a132/jinhuay/dark_sadness_by_LonelyPierot.jpg]()
It was a very sad & difficult evening. I pray for them all because most of them have had an abortion thinking that now everything will be back to normal & all will be well. That is now never going to happen once you cross over the line of having had your child murdered in cold blood. God will forgive you, with a sincere heart if you ask Him, but you will be on the painful road to recovery for a lifetime.
Thursday, January 22, 2009 Roe vs Wade Day in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.transporter.com/apologia/life/March4Life02/ http://www.transporter.com/apologia/life/March4Life02/]()
Thirty-six years ago this country compromised on the 'Life' issues and made abortion the 'Law of the Land'. Evil permeated this country with the slaughter of the innocent children in the womb & mothers & father became murderers of their own children. 'Thou Shall Not Kill' the Commandment of God was broken. Americans killing Americans, through the bloody procedure of abortion. We pro lifer were in front of Rochester's own Killing Mill, Planned Parenthood which kills more children here & over seas than any other abortion facility. All 16 of us were praying & 2 of us were speaking out to the girls not to have their babies killed today or any other day. That we can help them to continue their pregnancies & to give their babies a birth day & not a death day. Some of the girls stopped & took the Truth packet & smiled as they heard the Truth to start their lives over & to do better. ![]()
Channel 10 came & interviewed someone at PP, their face never got on TV just their sick comments were repeated. Myself & the prayer team got on TV, hopefully as a witness to others. It was a testimony to the people of Rochester that we do not want Planned Parenthood here killing our citizens!! ![http://www.talktosteve.com/images/bound_for_life_01.jpg www.talktosteve.com/images/bound_for_life_01.jpg]()
The 'Bound For Life' ministry were there from 6 PM to 7 PM with tape across their mouths that says 'LIFE'. They had candles there to represent the loss of innocent, voiceless, precious lives there at Planned Parenthood.
![http://www.aliciapatterson.org/APF1502/Rubin/Rubin.html http://www.aliciapatterson.org/APF1502/Rubin/Rubin.html]() ![http://www.geocities.com/qcnow/ http://www.geocities.com/qcnow/]() ![http://religionandmorality.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/planned-parenthood-lays-off-30-workers-due-to-budget-shortfalls-connected-to-madoff-scandal-promises-to/ http://religionandmorality.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/planned-parenthood-lays-off-30-workers-due-to-budget-shortfalls-connected-to-madoff-scandal-promises-to/]() ![http://www.pitt.edu/~jdl1/homepage.htm http://www.pitt.edu/~jdl1/homepage.htm]() A Continuation of Thursday, January 22, 2009, in front of the Unitarian church, where pro abortion Bill Barid, of Eisenstadt v. Baird - the Supreme Court Decision that legalized birth control for unmarried people as well as married people which was Sponsored by Rochester NOW. Co-sponsored by the First Unitarian Church and Planned Parenthood of the Rochester and Syracuse Region. Ther was 8 dedicated pro life prayer warriors praying for the 'End to Baby Killing', which the pro abortion side does NOT understand. I was statimg to the people coming in to to this' Death Lecture' to REPENT. It was hard enough to see the young people & the middle age people but it was so sad to see the old people. I saw a middle age woman bring with her an older lady who was about 80+, how to comprehend this takes time. All of a sudden there were people coming down the walk way, it was the 'Death Squad'. I just continues to face the people driving down S. Winton & then all of a sudden there was an unknown man standing before me. I said "who are you"? He replied " I'm Bill Barid". I then said to him "stop killing children, stop killing children, stop killing children" He then said "you sound like a robert, you need an lobectomy". I then made the sign of the cross & said the St. Michael Prayer, & then he left me after I gave him the Truth packet that I had offered to him & he accepted to my dismay, that's God's grace. The woman who came with him said to me "we have Barick Obama' I said that "we have God". She just doesn't get it. How sad. In the meantime the other pro lifer was engaging with the woman who was with the 'Death Entrouge". She was saying that Birth Conrol was great & that the pro lifer needed an Vastomectoy, isn't that sexist?? Then they left towards the so-called church to start their lies to the Public, whose ears he will tickle. Then we continued the Rosary & to witness to the public dirving down the street with prayer & our graphic signs to which Bill Baird had to witness. During prayer I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me that I had brought 2 DVD's with me. One was a bloodless abortion procedure & the other was a 4D Ultrasound. I had asked if some one whould go in the building with me & the pro lifer that I have known for a long time said that he would. The other pro lifers were not sure if this was a good idea but when I am convicted by the Holy Spirit I try, with His grace, to do what He wants me to do no matter how difficult it is. As we entered the building I was greeted by a woman who was by the door to the autotorium. I simply said to her that I was pro life & repeated it again to her for I feel she didn't understand. Then I was approached by a familiar 'Pro Death" woman who I have encountered in the past at Anti Life events. I smiled to her & I saw that she was giving the proifer some literature & I asked her for the same which she gave to me. I was looking for the pro lifer who I knew had come into the room to give her the DVD's so she could give them to Bill Baird at the end of his talk. I heard Bill barid say when I entered te room a Anti Catholic comment to which you would descern that he was Anti Catholic. I couldn't see my friend in the sparce room, not a good turn out, thank God. I then walked up to wher he was talking ,on a stage, & said to him that I had to go but I wanted him to have these DVD's. I left them on the table to where he was talking. I then turned around to face the people, to leave, & as I was walking down the asile I said to them "don't listen to him, don't listen to him". I passed some familiar pro deathe faces on the way back up the asile. Some in the audiance started to respond to my comment & I heard Bill Barid say to the poor people "that's okay". Really Bill!! On the way out I again told the 'Death People' to REPENT for their soul sake. It is always diffult to be in the ememy's camp but with God's grace you can do anything. This is the report that I received from my friend, who was in there, that I couldn't find: Couple things to report on First, the Bill Baird / NOW event at the Unitarian Church which Wendy and I attended. Four qualities in his presentation were evident 1.) he is an egotist suffering from martyrdom; 2.) there is little substance to his pro-choice position that he relates, but rather tactics and strategies were key;and 3.) birth control and abortion are used interchageably; and 4.) he hates the Catholic Church with irrational passion. It would take too long to quote him, but trust me, the synopsis above of his talk is not esaggerated. Moreover, he indicated how the pro-choice community disliked him. Planned Parenthood even had the poor taste of stating in the '60's that abortion kills a human being. Betty Freidan (who needed to be convinced by Baird that abortion was important to women's advancement) he called a woman sexist. (I was afraid to look at Wendy for fear I would burst out laughing.) And the Catholic Church (all issues led back to the Catholic Church's fault. Thank God somebody thinks they are doing a lot about abortion...) 'killed' his family. I thought, Oh my God! a Catholic sniper priest shot them! But actually, his wife and children went to live in Maine because they were humiliated by him. He ended his talk with saying for every 100 letters received only one was a thank you. Then he encouraged everyone in the audience to sit right down and write him a thank you. I asked the question if he had ever heard an anti-abortion argument that was rational. He said no. Then took off on Archbishop John Cardinal o'Connor who he is still fighting in the grave. Wendy identified herself with FCL when she asked her question, very calmly and articulate. People came up to her afterward, and we spend 20 minutes or so 'milling around'. All in all, Baird would be worth our while to fund a road tour for him on behalf of pro-life cause as Exhibit A. He is just that bad. I leave it as that!!
Friday, January 23, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Two pro lifers & I went to Planned Parenthood after Mass today to pray & to witness to the girls & guys & to the public driving by. I spoke to an angry young man who went int PP for condoms. He stopped the car, as he was leaving, & used an unmentionable word as he was talking to me. I just told him to keep his privates in his pants & not to use it for sinning. If you really care about the girl, you are having sex with, then marry her & make her your wife & the mother of your children. I also said that those condoms are not going to protect you or her from sexually transmitted diseases & pregnancy & you wouldn't want her to come here to have your baby killed, would you? He was mad & he scrawled out the parking lot to the street ahead. At least I got an reaction so there is Hope. He had at least something to think about on his ride home or where ever he was going. ![http://www.ericsson.com/ericsson/press/photos/mobile50years.shtml http://www.ericsson.com/ericsson/press/photos/mobile50years.shtml]()
A woman who was in a car that had PDQ on the side of the car. She gave he a twisted face then used her finger to twirl around her ear, as if to imply that I was crazy. As she was leaving I told her that I was going to report her to her Supervisor, which I did the next day. Her Supervisor was co operative & said that he would talk with her about the incident & apologized for her action. I said that we get that kind of behavior all the time but when it comes from some one that is representing a company I will call that company to report them. He agreed. I spoke with a young girl that was going into PP. I offered he a Truth packet & she said that when she comes out she will take it. She came out a few minutes later & stopped next to me on the street. I gave her the Truth packet & told her to throw the condoms away that were in the brown paper bag that she just got at Planned Parenthood. I told her to save herself for marriage & that she can be healthy, happy & holy. She agreed. God only knows if she started her life over that day. I only hope & pray that she did. ![http://www.orientalgirl.net/oriental_singles.html http://www.orientalgirl.net/oriental_singles.html]()
I spoke with an Oriental man who was in the back seat of the car waiting for his friend to come out of Planned Parenthood. I offered him a Truth packet & spoke to him for awhile. I had to go for I was having friends coming over at 3PM. As I was saying good bye to the Prayer Warriors, who was still praying, I spotted a woman across the street standing in front of the Animal Hospital. I offered her a Truth packet & she said that she didn't believe in abortion, I replied "that is great". I said that I still wanted her to have the information so she could pass it onto someone that might need the help. She & I walked in the middle of the street & I gave her the Truth packet, just then a car drove passed me & the Oriental man in the back seat waved to me as the car fled by. Maybe he did hear me!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://static.flickr.com/3210/3155507410_940fb2a0ac.jpg static.flickr.com/3210/3155507410_940fb2a0ac.jpg]()
Today there was a severe winter storm but we need to do what we need to do out in front of Planned Parenthood in trying to save lives & souls. It was Tucker & I tonight for Martha was in a minor car accident the day before, she was shaken up a bit & somewhat sore. You are in all our prayers dear Martha. I was surprised that there were as many cars out on the road for such a terrible winter's day. The Death Mill wasn't closed they keep on lying, deceiving & killing even on a bad day. ![http://static.flickr.com/3236/3021947597_ae5640781f.jpg static.flickr.com/3236/3021947597_ae5640781f.jpg]()
Two woman & one little girl came out of Planned Parenthood. This bothers me the most when I see children going into Planned Parenthood. For they are killing children in there & my heart goes out in seeing children in there where their peers have been mutilated. Those children will not enjoy life here on earth for PP has made them meaningless & have taken away their lives. They depersonalize these babies by saying that they are a clump of tissue & they can be disposed of so readily. I called out to them & they stopped to receive a Truth packet from me. I offered some stuffed animals & some books to the mom for her little girl. Even though the evening was so bad & they almost got stuck in our parking lot the mom & little came into the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. The little girl was so cute & she picked out 1 stuffed animal & 1 football & some books & a hat & gloves with a Penguin on it & a scarf to match. I asked her if she had a brother, for she picked out a football, & she "no". I guess she just likes football. The mom took some more literature & I spook with her for a few minutes. Real nice family & I only hope & pray that she got convicted about Planned Parenthood & how Evil they are. The little girl was so cute & sweet & I cannot imagine her not being in this world, thanks mom for not having your sweet daughter killed by abortion. I said good-bye to them & went back out on the sidewalk to be with Tucker who was all alone at this time. ![http://blogs.smarter.com/beauty/tag/Sleeping-with-Wet-Hair http://blogs.smarter.com/beauty/tag/Sleeping-with-Wet-Hair]() My hair was so wet from the heavy snow & I was so goofy not to put my hair up into a hat so that it wouldn't get drenched. I should know better after all these years being on the front lines. So I went back into the center to dry my hair & put it up into a hat. We have a portable hair dryer in the center. There was Assemblyman David Gantt in the car with the window down. I just said to him in a nice tone of voice to "repent David Gantt so you won't end up in hell". He drove out of the parking lot where his office is in, which is the same strip mall that our center is in. We are neighbors. It's so sad that he's not helping to save babies that are being killed at Planned Parenthood, 4 doors down the street from his public office. What a sad man he is, we must pray for his salvation. I walked back to the sidewalk. Another car stopped to take a Truth packet & she was nice. I asked her not to patronize a place that kills God's children. I said that we want this place to shut down so they can't kill anymore children & good people like you can help to make that happen by not coming back. I told her that there was a list of good doctors in the packet for her to go to from now on. She thanked me with a smile & said "good bye" & I said that "Jesus loved her & she drove down the street. ![http://flickr.com/photos/violentz/4449928/in/set-102804/ http://flickr.com/photos/violentz/4449928/in/set-102804/]()
I offered a Truth packet to a young girl & guy as they walked passed me on the sidewalk. They said "no thank you " & I replied that Jesus loved them & the young man replied back by saying "I love Jesus!". It sounded so good & he touched my heart by his loving words for the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. ![http://kindredthought.blogspot.com/2008/08/sweet-ideas-for-outgrown-baby-clothes.html http://kindredthought.blogspot.com/2008/08/sweet-ideas-for-outgrown-baby-clothes.html]()
Two young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & I spoke to them. They stopped in the street & I gave them a Truth packet. The driver said that she didn't believe in abortion & I said that was good & I added that Birth Control also kills children earlier on. She looked surprised & asked if I had another packet. I said that I did have one in my car & I ran to retrieve it for I had no more in the plastic container that we put the literature packets in, I ran out. Need to make more later. I then invited them into the Focus Pregnancy Help Center to get some baby clothes & more information. They came into the center & got blessed & I got blessed too. The one young lady said that she has 2 children 6 & 2 years old. She said the she got pregnant at 16 & her mother, who gave birth to 8 children, drove her for an abortion. She said that she didn't want to do it & her mother said that there was no abortions ever in her family but she brought to Planned Parenthood. Thank God that her Mother had a change of heart & let her daughter continue her pregnancy. She told me that she is blessed with her son & couldn't imagine life without him or her daughter. She also said that her mother was very sorry for taking her to get an abortion & that when she sees her grandchild her heart still hurts thinking that she almost had him killed. It sounded that her mother has repented for her sin. She said that her family member just had a baby boy 8 lbs. & the mom is experiencing post natal depression & doesn't have much of anything for her baby also. Well, that got changed tonight. She was delighted to be blessed with many baby clothes & items & books & stuffed animals for the baby. I told her to call the Woman's Care Center for bigger baby items like a crib & a car seat. She said that she had talked her out of having an abortion. I said that she was a 'Life Saver" & she did a great job in saving his life. Praise God!! Then she said that her cousin was thinking of having an abortion which would be her second for she had one about a year ago, My heart sank. I gave her 2 DVDs. One was the bloodless abortion procedure & the other was the 3D Ultrasound video. She said that she would show her the 2 videos. I gave her loads of literature & a plastic baby model of a 10 week old fetus. I know that she will try very hard to save this baby too. I know that this baby will be saved from being aborted. She was very grateful & said that she will tell everybody about the center. She said that the center is hard to see from the street & I agreed. I wish that we were more visible to the people walking by & the cars driving by. Maybe someday we will be more visible. The other young girl that was with this sweet girl was so nice too. She said that when she got pregnant she never thought of an abortion. I said "that's great, when a woman or girl gets pregnant she should have no decision to make you just keep the baby in the womb to grow & to be born", that's it. She agreed. She has a 2 year old daughter at home & was given some real nice things for her daughter. We were all blessed this evening. I said a prayer for them & they left with a big smile on their faces. I had a smile on mine too. What terrific girls that I met tonight, what great mothers they both are. Many of God's blessings be with you both & your families. Keep on educating others with the information that you recevied, at the center tonight & if you need anything more just call me anytime. What a night!! Thank you Lord for saving & changing lives. ![http://www.lansingteenchallenge.org/pg/maternity_center/ http://www.lansingteenchallenge.org/pg/maternity_center/]() ![http://www.bigwinnipeg.com/en/Home/donations/donteclothing/default.aspx http://www.bigwinnipeg.com/en/Home/donations/donteclothing/default.aspx]() ![http://static.flickr.com/197/453116036_caa9562fcd.jpg static.flickr.com/197/453116036_caa9562fcd.jpg]() ![http://www.balloonaticsdesigns.com/index.php?cPath=21_61&osCsid=374bea8673ccf54314dea40fb4ac6fec http://www.balloonaticsdesigns.com/index.php?cPath=21_61&osCsid=374bea8673ccf54314dea40fb4ac6fec]() ![http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=7538671844 http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=7538671844]()
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Pat & I were there for about 2 hours from 1PM to 3PM. We handed out 5 Truth packets & talked to many people. One couple passed us by, on the sidewalk & I asked if they were going into Planned Parenthood. The gentleman said "yes" we are & said I said back to him "that's not a smart thing to do, for they kill babies in there & they don't care about you. "We can help you by giving you some information" I said. They said "no thank you" & walked right in there. They came out only a few minutes later & the young lady told me that she didn't believe in abortion for she was 'adopted'. I smiled & said "thank God that your mother 'choice life' for you. Pat was talking to her boyfriend. I gave them a Truth packet & they said "thank you" & they went into their car, which was parked on the street & went away. Thank you Lord!! It was a fruitful couple of hours. Pat & Charles said the Rosary until he had to leave & then Pat continued to pray & pray, while I counseled. Thank you so much for the prayer power, you fine people.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://jamericanmuslimah.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/acceptable-anger-black-women-and-vulnerability/ http://jamericanmuslimah.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/acceptable-anger-black-women-and-vulnerability/]() ![http://jamericanmuslimah.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/acceptable-anger-black-women-and-vulnerability/ http://jamericanmuslimah.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/acceptable-anger-black-women-and-vulnerability/]()
This is the night of all nights that I would want to forget forever. But I won't be able to. It will remain in my psyche forever. I just got on the sidewalk to counsel & I called out to two black girls that just had come out of Planned Parenthood. They stopped at the driveway & I offered them the Truth packet. The passenger responded that they were not their for an abortion & that they kept their kids. I asked them if they needed any baby clothes & that there was a pregnancy center right next to the yellow building. I then said to them to follow me. We got to the center & I offered them clothes for their children. Each sister had one child each they told me, one was a girl & the other was a boy, both 1 years old. One of the girls had her baby boy with her, he was as cute as a button. They were impressed with the selection & then said to me that I should just say to the girls at Planned Parenthood that we have baby clothes & not to show those horrible pictures of aborted babies to them. I said to them that the pictures have saved a lot of babies from being killed by abortion. Their backs were turned to me, as they were picking out baby clothes, & then I asked the question "I hope that you girls never had an abortion" to which the first girl mumbled that she had 4 abortions & her sister said that she had 2 abortions. I almost dropped to the floor & really wanted to stay there forever. Then they said "what did you expect us to do?. I said "adoption" to which they both turned around, at the same time, to face me with their eyes wide open & together they said "are you crazy!". I thought I was in a Twilight Zone episode & couldn't process what I just heard. I then said "no, it was crazy to have your babies killed". The one sister said that she didn't want to feel labor pain & the other sister said that she couldn't afford the babies. I replied that there is no excuse, under Heaven, that makes it okay to have a baby killed by abortion. Earlier, when they first came into the center we were talking about abortion & the one sister said "that people just don't care". Then come to find out that she was one of them. I said to the girls that you need to ask the Lord to forgive you. The one sister said that she was a Christian & I replied that you didn't act as a Christian & God says in the 10 Commandments "Thou Shall Not Kill". I was worry because they were trying to justify these murders of 6 innocent children. The one sister said "I talked to God & asked Him to forgive me & if I had to do it over again I won't" Then the other sister said " I am sorry, I know now it was wrong". I only hope that they can take it further with the Lord & His Forgiveness & Mercy & ask their children to forgive them too for taking their lives. I put in the clothes bag more information for them to read, now some info regarding Post Abortion healing organizations. ![http://rbgfenix.blogspot.com/2008/08/airports.html http://rbgfenix.blogspot.com/2008/08/airports.html]()
I looked at this little baby eyes, that she was carrying & felt such sorrow for him, for he will never know his brothers & sisters & cousins. My heart went out to him for someday he will find out & I only hope that he will forgive his Mother & his Aunt for what they did. For everything done in secret will be exposed to the light. After they left I cried. Planned Parenthood is Racist!!! ![http://static.flickr.com/46/147290029_510e794c9b.jpg static.flickr.com/46/147290029_510e794c9b.jpg]()
A guy driving by hollored out his car window "you take of them". Tucker hollored back "I will". Nasty man, I hope that you repent from your sins. We want to welcome our new Wednesday counselor at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. We are so blessed to have you to be a part of the team!!! Thursday February 5, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://kristine-tells-it.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.html http://kristine-tells-it.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.html]()
I had gone to the 12:10 Mass at our Lady of Victory Church and after Mass I asked David if he would go with me for an hour in front of Planned Parenthood to pray & counsel. He said "yes". We got there around 1PM & no cars were going in. I said to David that this was the "calm before the storm" which was so true because less than 5 minutes later there were cars coming into the parking lot. The first was a young guy & girl. He let her out then when on his merry way. I spoke to her as she was going into PP & I know that she saw the graphic sign of Malachi that I was holding. It looked like she didn't go into the building but stayed in the foyer. I kept on talking to her about not having her baby killed & he of she has a heart beat & wants to live. I spoke about some of the effects of abortion upon the mother as well. She later came out & walked down the street on the opposite of the driveway & then came back & went into the foyer again. I kept talking to her & a few minutes later her ride came back & picked her up. When they left the drive way she smiled at me & I said that I was worried about her & they drove away. I only hope & pray that she had changed her mind & decided not to have her baby killed. I pray also that she never comes back again & if she was there for an abortion that she will not do it later on & she will give birth to her baby sometime this year. Praise God!! ![http://www.myhousekey.org/index.php http://www.myhousekey.org/index.php]()
After they had gone a young man drove in by himself. When he got out of the car he came right over to David & I. He said to us that he was there for the morning after pill because he wasn't ready to have a baby. I said that you were ready to have sex & that' how babies are made. I said to him that the Morning after Pill can take a life of the baby. That if fertilization had occurred that the fertilized egg cannot plant in the womb & the baby is sluffed off. That's taking a life. He said that the sperm was wasted by the condoms & that the eggs were wasted by having a period??? Then he said that he was Biology major , go figure. I said that when the sperm penetrated the egg, which is conception, which Is a baby. I don't know where he goes to school but some there doesn't know much. Then he said that there were to many people in the world something about overpopulation??? I said that there isn't enough people in the world for their being killed by abortion & that some countries in Europe do not enough people. Then I offered him a Truth packet & to my surprise he took it. Then he saw the poster of the picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe & went bonkers. He said "I knew that you were faith based, I knew that you were faith based" & walked away toward the floor of PP & went in. About 10 minutes later he came out without the Truth packet & went to his car. A few minutes later he went back into PP & when he came back out again he was holding the Truth packet, hooray!! When he was at the entrance of the parking lot he stopped the car & rolled down the windows & hollered "why don't you leave these people alone you are upsetting them in there & why don't you just go home, they're going to do what they want to do anyways, just go home. I said "no, I'm glad that they are upset that means that they are hearing the Truth & some of them are in there about to have their babies killed, we offer them the Truth about what they are about to do". Then he said to me "why do you care again, why do you care" I hollered back to him that "I was almost aborted". He hollered back "I was almost aborted too. I said to him in a stressed voice, "then why are you not with us if you were almost killed by abortion"? You must have an idea the fear that these poor babies feel & you could have been killed but was spared. Then he asked him what education have I had. I didn't answer & he asked again. David said that he is a student at the Eastman School of Music. He asked me again the same question & then said "did you even graduate from High School"! It seemed that there was a war between him & I. I then said that I was a nurse. I have not practiced nursing for a long time really ever since I was a nurse at Highland Hospital back in the late 70's that's when Morris Wortman (before he became an abortionist) at that time he was a resident had hurt my back. One day as I was walking down the hall, he was coming up the hall & he grabbed my right arm & swung me in the opposite direction. I felt like I was flying in the air. I ended up in the opposite direction of the hall. When I landed I knew that my back had been hurt. I told him so & all he said to me was "no I didn't" but he did hurt my back. To this day I have a permanent partial nerve root compression at L5. Which means that I have a numb right leg & also am in consistent pain & discomfort. I offer it up to the Lord for his conversion & that he would stop murdering little babies. Then the angry young man put himself back in the drivers seat & drove away. Later on after David had left around 2 PM the police came. He said that someone had called & said that I was harassing here. I told the good officer that I was not but only giving the people the information that they had not received before. That people get mad when they hear the Truth sometimes. I then said to him that I had Freedom of Speech that I was not threatening them but offering them help. He said that he had to come over because he got the call. I said that was fine officer for I've been out here for 13 years now (really even longer) & that I know some of the officers like officers Mike & Chris. He said fine & then left. Poor kid, I know that he called the police & later on I know that he will realize what went on today. For I hope & pray "that today was the first day of his life". Only to start after he called the police. He was so confused by all the lies & deception in his life until today. Usually you reject the Truth before you embrace it. ![http://www.beware-of-art.com/images/journal/2005/10/mean-lady.jpg www.beware-of-art.com/images/journal/2005/10/mean-lady.jpg]()
A woman was driving her daughter into Planned Parenthood for an abortion I really felt it especially when I said what would the Lord tell you to do & she gave me her IQ. I said that you're having your grandchild killed here today. What did he or she do to you to end up here at PP about to be killed. She just went in with her daughter. Poor daughter, she might really hate her mother someday for what she made her do, I only hope that she will forgive her. ![http://ppc.warhawkenterprises.com/scans/blackladyaerosm.jpg ppc.warhawkenterprises.com/scans/blackladyaerosm.jpg]()
A nice young girl came out & stopped the car along side of me & took the Truth packet. Thank you sweet girl. Hopefully you will not come back hear again once you read what's in the packet. Knowledge is Power!!! ![http://static.flickr.com/3224/2995092478_3c7ffeaac1.jpg static.flickr.com/3224/2995092478_3c7ffeaac1.jpg]()
David had to leave & I stayed for a little longer & it was during that time that I encountered Shawn. I will never forget what had transpired in such a few minutes of time. The trauma & sadness & the horror of the experience will be with me forever. May you rest in peace sweet baby!! I'm so sorry precious & innocent baby!! Just to let you know that your Father & I did not want you to be killed. He & I tryed to save your life but your mother & Planned Parenthood would not hear of it. You are with God & Mother Mary now forever. This is what happened.................... ![http://www.featurepics.com/FI/Thumb/20060605/BlackManCrying35958.jpg www.featurepics.com/FI/Thumb/20060605/BlackManCrying35958.jpg]() ![http://www.babycenter.com/0_all-about-ultrasounds_329.bc http://www.babycenter.com/0_all-about-ultrasounds_329.bc]()
David had just left & I was standing there when a car had just left the parking lot & came along side of me. I said to the gentleman, in the car, that Planned Parenthood is targeting his race & killing babies in there. Then he took out a picture, it was an ultrasound picture of his baby & then said that his girlfriend was in Planned Parenthood right now having the baby aborted. He did not drive her there but someone else did & he found out & was there trying to save his baby's life but couldn't, she would not listen. He said that he has 3 other children by different women & they didn't abort them. He said that he had tried to talk with her for a month not to do this. He showed her the ultrasound picture again & again & said to her "don't you see the head, arms & legs of the baby. Her heart was closed. Now he has to live with this horrible loss if his precious child & the way he or she died. He said that he had to go to pick up his nephew but first I prayed with him & then he left. As he was driving away I said to him that I was sorry. I just cried & cried after he left. It will stay with me for a long time. Please keep Shawn in your prayers & the repentence of the woman who had his baby murdered at Planned Parenthood & for those who are apart of this Killing Mill. Lord have Mercy on their souls ![http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2003/111-14/fetus.jpg ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2003/111-14/fetus.jpg]()
Monday, February 8, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Our counselor Crystal, at the Focus pregnancy Help Center, spoke with 5 clients tonight. She counseled them & gave out free literature . They wanted the graphic aborted baby pictures. They had no idea that is was happenes in an abortion. One of the girls was post abortive & said "that if you were out there with these pictures I wouldn't have had an abortion that day". I only wished that we were out there for her & her baby. We pray for forgiveness & healing, from the Lord for her & other women & girls like her. She was given Project Rachel & Silent No More Awareness materials. Please check out: http://www.silentnomoreawareness.org/ & http://www.hopeafterabortion.com/. Truth & Education is power & Freedom!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![]()
Four women & one man were in front of Planned Parenthood tonight with their signs that read: ' I REGRET MY ABORTION' & 'I REGRET LOSS FATHERHOOD'. They will be gathering every Tuesday from 4PM to 5PM or later. Please consider joining them in this quiet & peaceful & prayful witness.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/12077.html http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/12077.html]()
My first, but not my last finger, of the night. It was the first young girl that I spoke to as she was getting into her car at Planned Parenthood. It was sad, standing there on the sidewalkto, & seeing a girl with a nice face turn into something else within seconds. What a metamorphose. I did say to her that she was showing me her IQ & doesn't it figure if you're coming out of this place. I did try to help her even though she got me upset by doing that. It's so degrading really to her but I feel icky too when I see it. It used to be just guys that did that now it's mostly females. Oh how times have changed. That's right women's lib took the pants off the man & put it on the women. How mixed up is that. ![http://www.dsf.health.state.pa.us/health/CWP/view.asp?A=179&Q=237044 http://www.dsf.health.state.pa.us/health/CWP/view.asp?A=179&Q=237044]()
A young mother came out with a baby in a carry all. I offered her baby clothes at the center & she took me up on that offer. Martha brought her in & gave her some baby clothes for her sweet little girl plus a Truth packet. she put into the bag. Good job Martha!! I called out to another mom who had just gotten in her car, that we had clothes for her baby, but she was mad at me. When she came in I asked her not to bring her baby into this horrible place where they kill babies. She was not opened to hearing the Truth & walked in with her precious baby in a huff. So when she came out I guess she was in no mood for clothes or books or stuffed animals for her baby. At least I think she was convicted in not being there. Better to get a reaction no matter how negative rather than none at all. I called over to a gentleman, who was walking on the other side of the sidewalk, across the street, if he would like a Rosary. He crossed the street & took one & he stayed & talked to Tucker for about 45 minutes. Never know what to expect when I approach someone. I'm really shy so you know that this 'Holy Boldness' is from the Lord. ![http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Man-and-woman-icon.svg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Man-and-woman-icon.svg]() ![http://www.destination360.com/north-america/us/washington/seattle-condo-rental.php http://www.destination360.com/north-america/us/washington/seattle-condo-rental.php]()
The people who live right across the street in the big condo is Jim & Sue & they are pro abortion & they had pasted their window with a huge Obama poster, last November. They also have had Hillary stickers on their window & 'Keep Abortion Safe & Legal' & 'We are Pro Choice Americans'. Yes, we get the message that you both believe in the slaughtering of innocent, defenseless, American children. How pitiful. We have been dealing with the Bovay's for about 13 years now, Also been praying for them that long too. We hope that they repent. Well tonight they must have had one of their church meetings. Yes, they are Pro Death Presbyterians (there are some good pro life Presbyterians) . At least 5 older women came walking out of their condo. I used my megaphone to the right & then to the left to let them all know that 'God is Pro Life'. Then Jim hollered over to me "don't harass my friends". Wake up Jim, this is America & we still have the First Amendment right of 'Freedom of Speech' until you kill off all the Americans by abortion. Go inside your condo Jim & Sue & repent. A car raced into the parking lot & a mother with 2 children came out. The girls looked like they were about 6 & 8 years old. The mother screamed at me to "shut up" & gave me her middle finger in front of her 2 girls. I keep on telling her how evil Planned Parenthood was & that they kill children. I had to remind her also of my First Amendment right to protest & of ' Freedom of Speech' again. When she came out she slowed down the car to give me another finger to which I replied that that was a 'rape symbol' & how could you do that with your kids in the car? How bad is that. Martha & I said 3 Rosaries for conversions & for the end to abortion. Happy 'Our Lady of Lourdes' feast day today Mother Mary. We love you!! We left at around 7:10PM, for I had to hurry home to ask my neighbor to fix my printer, for I have many fliers to print out for the upcoming event when Pastor Robinson, a Black Pastor who is going to 'Wake Up Rochester' will be coming in April. Check out Current Events on this web site.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://static.flickr.com/2388/2203937194_cebcc113e2.jpg static.flickr.com/2388/2203937194_cebcc113e2.jpg]()
I recruited, after the Mass at Our Lady Of Victory, 2 people to come to pray with me at Planned Parenthood. The rain was coming down & the wind was fierce. I was standing, on the sidewalk, & the sign that I was holding came up & hit me hard on the left side of my head, near my temple. The wind had wrapped the rope of the sign around & around & around my wrist cutting off my circulation to my hand until I could undo it. I was wet. It felt like being in the shower with your clothes on. But that makes no difference when they are coming into the parking lot now to have their precious babies murdered here in cold blood. The first car that came in had 4 people in it. Two got out & went into PP, a man & a woman & the other two sped out of the parking lot, as if God did not see them. As they sped away I hollered to them that their lives will NEVER be the same again, & not in a good way. I pleaded & pleaded & pleaded some more to the 2 people that went in. I said everything that I could to try to save their baby's life. It's just unimaginable to be standing there knowing that a baby is going to killed & that you really can't do anything about it. You try. I say to myself & to others to keep on trying. I prayed & the 2 gentlemen were praying the Rosary in the car that was parked right next to me on the sidewalk. Then the 2 came out of PP & I was hopeful. They went to the side of the building & stood there for about 5 minutes. I was hoping that they were waiting for the car with the 2 people in it to come back & pick them up but instead they went back into Planned Parenthood. Oh Lord how unbearable! The hearts of man have grown so cold & heartless. ![Anti-abortion activists stand outside the Planned Parenthood clinic on 1108 16th St. N.W. while abortion rights escorts comfort patients as they enter and leave the facility.]()
Then the Death Escort, Sylvia Rose, drove in. Nothing like seeing evil in the face. She went in & put her blue apron on that reads 'Planned Parenthood'. I guess they have to identify the murders assistants. How sick! ![http://www.inmagine.com/is527/is527008-photo http://www.inmagine.com/is527/is527008-photo]()
A young girl was walking up the sidewalk towards Planned Parenthood & I gave her a Truth packet. I said "don't go in there" & she said "I have to". I said "no you don't & I offered her help. Just then the Death Escort was walking towards the girl who was still on the sidewalk talking to me. I told the young lady that if she or anyone takes the packet I'll call the police. The cars just kept on coming into PP. Martha came by & stayed to pray until she had to go to give the Holy Eucharist to the people in the Nursing Home. God is always with us. ![http://www.20x200.com/email/edition-announcement-67-jason-polan.html http://www.20x200.com/email/edition-announcement-67-jason-polan.html]()
I was soaked & went into the center to talk to the counselor who was there today & then went home to dry off & to call the doctor about the hard hit on the side of my head earlier. We must suffer for our little brothers & sisters that are being murdered by abortion & for the conversions of those who are doing it & supporting it.
Saturday, February 14, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood
of the Rochester/Syracuse Region
is proud to present a benefit performance of
Eve Ensler's award-winning play The Vagina Monologues (again)![http://www.kind.org/work_vday2007.php3 http://www.kind.org/work_vday2007.php3]()
I spoke to some of the girls, who were going into Planned Parenthood auditioning for this horrible, degrading play. I felt so badly for them "by the grace of God go I" for I have been gang raped & miscarried twins from that rape & was molested by a doctor, who is still a surgeon, at Highland Hospital, & am an incest survivor & have experienced other abuses, befallen me by man. (You can check out 'My Story' on this web site). Healing takes time. They look so angry & lost, for they probably don't know the Lord & how much He loves them & wants to heal them. Some of these girls have been so hurt by their families & society & men, whose role is for them to protect them not to victimize them. They are misguided by Planned Parenthood & this play. Some of the girls have gone down the 'wrong road'. I put them in Jesus' Sacred Heart & Mother Mary's Immaculate Heart & my human heart for healing & freedom, through God's love & grace. They deserve that!! ![http://goldenlotus.instablogs.com/entry/day-or-night-women-are-not-safe-in-delhi/ http://goldenlotus.instablogs.com/entry/day-or-night-women-are-not-safe-in-delhi/]()
![http://www.luminaantiaging.com/HC-Stress.aspx http://www.luminaantiaging.com/HC-Stress.aspx]()
Wednesday, February, 18, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.backpackgeartest.org/reviews/Footwear/Trail%20Shoes/Teva%20Wraptor%20Shield%20eVENT/Test%20Report%20by%20Edwin%20L.%20Morse/ http://www.backpackgeartest.org/reviews/Footwear/Trail%20Shoes/Teva%20Wraptor%20Shield%20eVENT/Test%20Report%20by%20Edwin%20L.%20Morse/]()
The weather has now changed for the worse, cold & a wet snow was coming down. Martha was there when I arrived but Tucker was not. I got a phone message that he was sick & could not come tonight. The cars came into Planned Parenthood & we kept on telling them the Truth. Sometimes it falls on deaf ears & sometimes it doesn't. We keep on trying. Two girls came out of Planned Parenthood & Martha was talking to them, when I came back from the center with the signs to set up, on the sidewalk. One of the girls had 2 children & the other girl had no children. Martha brought them into the center for some baby clothes for the one mom. They were in the center for at least an half hour but I was okay out on the street alone, God was with me. When Martha came back she said that the girls wanted a pregnancy test & they they knew more girls that needed baby clothes & we blessed them with some clothes for them. ![http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=161236676 http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=161236676]()
The one girl said that her girlfriends boyfriend told her that if she didn't have an abortion he would kill her so instead she had her baby killed. She now is in a deep depression & cries all the time. Martha gave a Truth packet to them, which has a Project Rachel brochure in it, which offers help after an abortion. The girls said that they will tell other girls about the Focus Pregnancy Help Center, to get the help they need, hopefully in not having an abortion. They also took some more literature. God be with them all. ![http://www.rosaryhub.com/ http://www.rosaryhub.com/]()
We said a Rosary & we just got wetter & wetter, so after 2 hours we went into the center, to do some work in there. We also started to prepare for the Mass on Saturday morning. Thank God for Martha. I know personally I could not do everything myself. Also, for Tucker, he's a big help & all the dedicated pro lifers in Rochester who want abortion ended & for Planned Parenthood to just go away & others like them. They pray all the time. ![http://www.jesusjournal.com/images/stories/Planned_parenthood_logo.jpg www.jesusjournal.com/images/stories/Planned_parenthood_logo.jpg]()
Planned Parenthood murders our children & wounds their parents & causes crimes in the city of Rochester, by shedding innocent blood there. And mostly for offending Almighty God, with these murders of innocent babies, God's creations. If there is no respect for the person you cannot see then there is no respect for the person that you can see. 'Life is cheap' at Planned Parenthood. But not to God, for He created us all. ![http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/bible.html http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/bible.html]()
For the Bibles says "that we are fearfully & wonderfully made." Amen
Thursday, February 19, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Tuesdays &Thursdays are killing days at Planned Parenthood. No don't get me wrong they kill little babies every day through birth control, which is still murder. They, to my knowledge, do the surgical abortions on Tuesdays & Thursdays, all day morning and afternoon. Today was no different. The wind was blowing so hard at times that the signs & literature packets were blowing down the street. As the cars were coming in I spoke Truth to them as the 3 dedicated prayer warriors were praying the Rosary & the Divine Mercy prayers, next to me. Prayer Power. "We don't fight against flesh & blood but the powers and principalities of the nether world". A young lady was happy to stop when she pulled out of the parking lot of Planned Parenthood to receive a Truth packet & thanked me many times with a big, beautiful smile on her face. Thank you for your openness dear heart. "God bless you" I said & she was happy to hear that. ![http://travel.webshots.com/photo/1498151901062990224hojUqR http://travel.webshots.com/photo/1498151901062990224hojUqR]()
A car drove in, the young girl was on the diver side & the young male was on the passenger side. She walked in & he stayed out in the car. He heard it all, words that were meant for him & the words that were spoken to others. When she finally came out & they were stopped by the street, the poor guy forgot to take his finger out of his nose, he looked like he was digging for gold, oh yea that really bothered both Martha & I, like we haven't seen it all. Maybe though this was a first. Whatever he was digging for I hope that he found it. At least he didn't pull down his pants which has happened before. We can handle 'nose pickers'. He really only embarrassed himself. Poor guy. Poor girlfriend. Or, maybe they're just right for each other. Please repent. There was a young mother who took out her toddler, from the car, & went in. I called over to her, to offer her help. This to me is one of the saddest scenario's. I personally can't stand it. Another car drove in & 4 kids got out & went in with the woman diver heading the pack. How evil! ![http://peabodygraphicnovels.blogspot.com/2007/01/angry-little-girls.html http://peabodygraphicnovels.blogspot.com/2007/01/angry-little-girls.html]()
Three young girls went into Planned Parenthood & they saw the graphic signs as they drove in. They came out a few minutes later. They gave me a little sass but praise God they took a Truth packet & drove off without throwing it out the window. I was holding my breath. I called out to them that Jesus loved them & the girl in the back seat hollered back to me "No, He doesn't". Oh, Yes He does, I hollered back. She pierced my heart. ![http://ladivacucina.blogspot.com/ http://ladivacucina.blogspot.com/]()
I was standing on the sidewalk holding the graphic sign of aborted Malachi when a car passed by me & she gave me her finger. I saw that she was going into the vets, across the street with her dogie, who she cares more about then the babies being killed across the street. How sad is that. I went down the street so that I was now across from her & hollered "why would you show me a rape gesture?" She screamed something to me then said a bad word & then I said to her "why would you say that word which means a rape". I asked her if she had had an abortion for these are the most angriest women, until they repent. A man was coming out of the door to the vets & he held the door open for her & her dog, which she loves very much, & she said to him "thank you" & went in to the vets. I only hope that she repents. A woman was coming out of Gibbs St. & was walking down the sidewalk. I hollered over to her if she wanted a Rosary, she said nothing. She then crossed over the street & headed to Planned Parenthood & went in. She later came out with Rick Bartell who is apart of the killing mill & was walking & talking to him. I tried to talk to her but she had this very far away look on her face. I told her to put socks on, for her pants were short & I notice that she wasn't wearing any socks so I told her her to put some socks on for it was a very cold day. I also wanted her to know that I cared about her. She just smirked. OK then, here. As she was leaving, I mentioned to her, if she had had an abortion in the past & her face changed. I hope that she thinks about what I said & she repents. For we hate the sin but not the sinner. ![President and CEO James Stewart]() James Stewart, president & ceo, came driving into his murderous killing mill. He looks horrible. What does one expect when you're in the killing business!! The light is gone out. ![http://www.ok.gov/strongandhealthy/Eat_Better/index.html http://www.ok.gov/strongandhealthy/Eat_Better/index.html]()
I went into the center to say hi to our counselor & to get warmed up a bit. The doorbell rang & it was Tonya needing some food. We gave her some food that we had & Suzanne took her by the hand & prayed for her. We are blessed to have great counselors, at the center. Thank you Lord. I saw one of our past clients, walking down the street, as I was leaving the center to go back to the team & she needs baby clothes. She said that she would stop by next Wednesday to get some. That is fine. ![http://shaveitnation.com/icelife.php?p=shaveism http://shaveitnation.com/icelife.php?p=shaveism]()
Martha was freezing & said that her mouth was frozen, so we went into the center around 3:30 to defrost.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center First, I want to mention that a little, precious baby was saved from being mudered, by Planned Parenthood, this past week. Kathy, who was out on the street, on Tuesday evening with her 'Silent No More' team, in front of Planned Parenthood, gave a young girl the phone number to Embracing Options, a pregnancy center who we work very closely with when Focus Pregnancy Help Center is closed. The young girl went there & spoke to one of the counselors, Kristen & decided to 'Choose Life' for her baby & herself. Praise God!!! 12-year-old speaks out on the issue of abortion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOR1wUqvJS4&feature=channel_page ![http://assessor.co.douglas.nv.us/ http://assessor.co.douglas.nv.us/]()
I want to personally thank you all for helping me set up the room for the Mass. They are Paula, Hannah, Marie & Martha. They got the food ready & vacuumed the rug & cleaned the bathrooms, set up the altar, the food tables & the chairs & moved the coat rack into the other room, put the baby clothes away & answered the door. Hannah put up the curtains in the 2 bathrooms & a new picture on the wall. Whee, so much to do & so many great people doing it. Team work!! Also, Martha & Marie brought in beautiful flowers, we had red tulips on the altar, which looked beautiful & red roses that were put in front of the Mary Immaculate Conception statue. ![http://www.sspxasia.com/Countries/Japan/Images/Fr-Ortiz-saying-Mass.jpg www.sspxasia.com/Countries/Japan/Images/Fr-Ortiz-saying-Mass.jpg]()
The Mass at the center was so beautiful. We had about 30 people in the meeting room & was blessed by Fr. Joe Cantanise, form St. Leo's Church in Hilton, as he celebrated the Mass for the intentions of the pro lifers & in thanksgiving to Almighty God for the gift of 'Life" & all that he does in our lives. After Mass we were blessed with such great food, especially Martha's mean chili. Thank you Lord for all these terrific people who brought a dish to pass!!! Great selections of many delicious foods. Mmmmm The conversations were abundant & the sharing of the up coming events were spoken. So much is happening in the next couple of months here in Rochester, Praise God!! Check out Current Events, on this web site, for more information. Bill set up the copier, which was donated by St. Joseph's School, in Penfield. It's great now to be able to make copies at the center. Also, he put a top shelf extension, for more baby clothes. Jose set up the DVD to the TV so that we can show DVD's to the clients. We have VHS films to show the clients also. Thank you guys, so much, for all that that you do for the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. ![http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/thousands-march-in-ir-protests/2005/11/15/1131951125790.html http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/thousands-march-in-ir-protests/2005/11/15/1131951125790.html]()
It was such a blessed event & I know the people were well pleased. Next week we will be having the 'Silent March', after the 12:10 Mass at Our Lady of Victory. We will be gathering in the parking lot beside the church around 1PM & will walk, with police escorts, down St. Paul to Main St. to Gibbs St. to Planned Parenthood. There we will say the Rosary. Anyone who wants to come into the center to warm up & have some hot coffee or hot chocolate & cookies & brownies are more than welcome to do so. This event will be a witness to Rochestarians on the street. Pope John Paul the Great said "take the pro life message to the streets". Which we are.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1491R-1015564 http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1491R-1015564]()
There was 3 pro lifers plus me in front of Planned Parenthood this afternoon. Caught them by surprise, for we are not usually out there on Tuesdays, which I hope will change during Lent. We passed out 3 Truth packets & are informing the clients that are receptive about Pastor Robinson coming to Rochester in April. The 3 pro lifers went right into prayer & I counseled. A car went passed us, with about 6 people in it, they were screaming at us about the graphic signs. I said to them "please just keep on going" & they drove down the street. A few minutes later they came back up the street screaming again. Then I took out my phone & faked a call into the police. They didn't come back again. I used to try to reason with these angry people then I realized one day that it wasn't working & the only thing I could do was to have them go as fast as possible. They could be dangerous. No trouble so far. Their reaction only makes me wonder that they probably responsible for a child's death, by abortion. One of the workers from planned Parenthood went across the street & went down to Gibbs St., probably went to eat on Main St. somewhere. About a half hour later she walked back & walked passed me. I pleaded with her not to work in a place that kills children & she then made eye contact with me. Hopefully, there is hope. ![http://www.careforthefamily.org.uk/ssl/img/articles/AngryMan.jpg www.careforthefamily.org.uk/ssl/img/articles/AngryMan.jpg]()
A guy came out of Planned Parenthood & sat in his car for awhile. I told him the truth but all he did was give me his finger x2. What a man!! Poor girlfriend, I hope she will be able to see soon what kind of a guy she is with. On the way out I told her to "trust in Jesus". He didn't like that. How sad. ![http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1491R-1016204 http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1491R-1016204]()
The 2 pro lifers had to leave & that left Bobby & I alone. About 10 minutes later a car drove up, by the sidewalk, & stopped. The guy just stared at me, for a few seconds, then he put up his finger. He looked strange & wore weird eye glasses, if I needed to I could ID him without a problem. I hollered back to him that "if you were involved in an abortion please repent". He drove off. About 10 minutes later he drove by again, on the other side of the street, just like the other car did earlier. He was mad again & I hollered to him saying "that we are praying for you". Bobbie & I then prayed for him & the people in the car before him & others who were at Planned Parenthood. ![President and CEO James Stewart]()
Then the so-called president, ceo of the Killing Mill drove in, with a smirk on his face. As he was walking in, with 3 other people, I said to them all "here is the death team going into the death clinic". They made my stomach turn. All dressed up & no where to go but to a Killing Mill. There was The Iron Mountain truck pulling out of Planned Parenthood laughing, they soon will get a Truth packet in the mail. We inform them then boycott them if they continue to do business with this corrupt organization. A truck drove by with the name of the company on it, which I wrote down, for I knew that I was going to call his company to report him for giving me his finger while driving the company vehicle. I later did call when I went home. The receptionist was very kind & helpful & she will deal with this incident. Satisfaction is sweet.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.danheller.com/images/Europe/Croatia/Trogia/Bw/img6.html http://www.danheller.com/images/Europe/Croatia/Trogia/Bw/img6.html]()
The weather was mild tonight & the days are now lighter longer. Which is a good thing. As I was getting out of my car, at the strip mall parking lot, where the Focus Pregnancy Help Center is, a young woman turned the corner & came up to me. She said that we helped her by giving her food & baby clothes last December before Christmas. She said that she was being helped by Jose the Pastor of the Lighthouse Deliverance Ministry, in the same building where we have our pregnancy center. She needed to get some of her things that she had in a bag, in the meeting room. So I brought her into the building. I gave her some more items for her daughter, from the center. Off she went down the street carrying 3 large bags filled with things form Pastor Jose & the center. She was happy. ![http://bomega.com/2007/04/14/how-to-deal-with-angry-people/ http://bomega.com/2007/04/14/how-to-deal-with-angry-people/]()
Sometimes I think that people are getting meaner. Tonight again there were many birds flying in the hearts of man. How disrespectful. But, if they have been involved in taking a life, no matter how small, either directly or indirectly, I guess giving some stranger the finger is not a big deal to them. If it's to shame me, it's not & I say to you "shame on you". It's just so sad to see so many people's lives in such a mess. Don't hold on to your sins but confess them to the one who can forgive sin, Jesus. ![]()
A car stopped by the sidewalk & to my up most surprise it was Fr. Tony. I raced over to him & put my head in the car & gave him a big hug. Fr.'s been gone for 1 year learning Spanish in a far off country. Glad that you are back in Rochester, Fr. Tony, safe & sound. He asked me what was going on & I said that I had sent him a big folder with the up coming events in it. To my sadness, Fr. did not receive it. Hope that it didn't get lost in the mail, I put 2 stamps on it. I then told him about the 'Silent March for Life' this Saturday. That we were going to march in the streets of Rochester silently to Planned Parenthood & say the Rosary there. I also gave him a Pastor Robinson flier. He was pleased. There was so much to tell Fr. but he had to go. See ya Saturday Fr. Tony & bring your parishioners, at Holy Apostles, to the march with you. How blessed they are to have him there. What a nice surprise!!! Martha & I handed some Truth packets out & told one of the girls to call the 888 number for a pregnancy test tomorrow. We offered to give her one tonight but she had to run. ![http://www.englandhockey.co.uk/page.asp?section=446§ionTitle=2010+Samsung+Hockey+Champions+Trophy%2C+Women http://www.englandhockey.co.uk/page.asp?section=446§ionTitle=2010+Samsung+Hockey+Champions+Trophy%2C+Women]()
I've notice a new thing with Planned Parenthood's staff, they all think that I know them. For a lot of them lately are now waving to me with a smile on their faces. How bizarre. I think it's called 'mockery'. But it doesn't bother me. I know that I've been talking to the same old people every week, for years, but that doesn't make us friends. On the con tray, it's makes you look goofy. My friends don't kill people. Imagine, people who work there, still don't know that murdering a defenseless, little baby is evil. And evil is not pretty nor friendly. Keep your waves to yourselves for you are enemies of Christ. ![http://www.vil.spencerport.ny.us/images/electric/Electric-Truck.jpg www.vil.spencerport.ny.us/images/electric/Electric-Truck.jpg]()
It must have been a little after 6PM, because Tucker had already left, for he leaves right at 6PM, that the lights went out in Georgia, oh, I mean Planned Parenthood. A few minutes later a big RG&E truck came into their parking lot. The staff came strolling out & it looked strange, like a 'death line'. They 'evacuated', that's what they did & so did the poor victims of Planned Parenthood, they came out too. Thank God there were only a few. Not a whole lot of business tonight. I guess you can't see people in the dark. We told them to come to the Light of Christ, that this place was filled with darkness & evil. ![http://www.fotolia.com/id/2307422 http://www.fotolia.com/id/2307422]()
Sonia drove by & hollered "thank you girlfriend" to which I replied "thank you Sonia". She's our drive by & has said "thank you" to us, for the past 2 years now. Your terrific & a breath of fresh air, dear heart. There is still some good people in this world. 'You go girl' that's the spirit!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood After Mass at Our Lady of Victory the team went to Planned Parenthood. When we arrived there were 2 pro lifers already there praying. The one lady came on her lunch hour & the other lady was with us from 1PM to 2PM, though some of us stayed later. The group was formed, all 7 of them, praying for the end to abortion & for the victims of Planned Parenthood. I was counseling with the pray warriors beside me. The 2 Death Escorts were there ready to lie & deceive these poor people. ![http://www.beautifulhairstyles.com/black/2005/ http://www.beautifulhairstyles.com/black/2005/]()
I was showing Malachi, the aborted baby picture along with a couple of other signs of aborted babies that the warriors were holding, which shows the truth about abortion. All of a sudden a car stopped a little ways up the street & a woman got out of the car & ran across the street towards us. She had such a beautiful smile on her face & we instantly connected. I said to her "would you like some information" & she quickly said "yes" & took a Truth packet & a flier for the Pastor Robinson event in April, I asked her to spread the information onto her Pastor & everyone else. She smiles again & said "yes" & ran off to her car. As she was running off I told her that "Jesus loves you" & she said back to me "oh, yes". What a nice lady & so open to the truth. Yeah!! ![http://cmspp.wordpress.com/2007/05/25/one-of-my-recent-baby-sessions/ http://cmspp.wordpress.com/2007/05/25/one-of-my-recent-baby-sessions/]()
A car drove in a mother & father & baby went in. If the baby only knew where the parents were taking her, poor little one. I told them that they murder babies in there & that by bring your baby in there that is child abuse, which it is. PP is so evil & to subject your baby to this hell hole is abuse. The father & baby came out & left the mother in there, which is not a good sign. I think that she was having an abortion. About 2 hours later he came back & she walked out & got in the car. They stopped the car as they entered the exit & I said "did you kill your baby" & she she pointed to the baby in the back seat. I saw that she had looked at the picture of the aborted baby as they were pulling out. She then said to me "do you have a job", as if that makes any difference in this situation, it's called avoidance, which doesn't work with me. This is about you for you're at this Killing Mill. The father holllored something to me but I couldn't understand him. I hope that I made it clear that if she had an abortion she did have her baby killed. ![http://www.uark.edu/~cdm/wvw/abortion/aborti6.jpg www.uark.edu/~cdm/wvw/abortion/aborti6.jpg]()
Three guys were walking down the street & we gave them a Rosary each. I gave them the Pastor Robinson flier & one of the guys said that he would like to take more to pass out. I said "okay & thank you". How nice of you. ![http://question.bahai.org/001_2.php http://question.bahai.org/001_2.php]()
Just then, about 35 people came out of Planned Parenthood, at the back door, with the death president James Stewart walking along side of them. It made me sick & I said "the play Vagina Monologue" is a perverse play. How sad it was to see so many more misguided people all together in one group. I introduced a woman to our counselor who comes in on Thursdays at the center & she administered to her for a long time. When she came out to talk to me she told me that she had an abortion at Planned Parenthood when she was 17 years old. The odd part of this story is that her mother works at Planned Parenthood, where her grandchild was murdered. How horrible is that. People are so weird. Imagine working for the very people that murdered your grandchild!! Get a job that doesn't kill anyone. The woman I was talking to was making excuses for her mother, that she couldn't find a job, so she had to take this one. No way!! There are jobs out there just look & don't compromise. No matter this woman's life is so messed up, she needs to take responsibility for what she did at 17 & her mother for what she is doing now. Abortion is serious. I asked her if she had asked the Lord to forgive her & she said that he did. I said that "you have to ask Him to". She said that once you give something to the Lord you let go of it. Abortion will not let go of you. It is a painful road to be on, once you get out of denial & deal with what you did to your child. It takes a lifetime. There is forgiveness in the Lord if you ask Him with a sincere heart & don't do it again but there is ramifications to sin that go on after the forgiveness. You must make reparation for this very serious sin against God & your child. You might get some peace but it stays with you forever. I hope that she got the message, from me, in love. ![http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Central_America/Cuba/photo497769.htm http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Central_America/Cuba/photo497769.htm]()
A nice lady was walking down the street & stopped & talked with us for a few minutes. I gave her a flier to pass on & invited her to the Focus Pregnancy Help Center to take a tour. She was hesitant but her mind got changed & followed me to the center. On the way she turned around to look at one of our signs, that was out on the sidewalk, & gasped when she saw the little arm that was pulled off the aborted baby. I said to her that this was abortion & it it horrible to which she agreed. We got to the door & I rang the bell to let Suzanne know that there was a client ready for some Truth. I asked her name which she said was Margaret & I told her my name & then said good bye & left to go back to the sidewalk. She walked into the hallway & was greeted by Suzanne. She is in good hands. A young man was driving down the street & was ready to holler something at me. I knew that for I saw that his mouth was opened about 3 seconds before he got to me. Before he could say anything I hollered to him to"get a like". I hope that he does. There were many cars that drove by that waved at us or honked their horns in support of our cause to save lives. I noticed that a lot of cars that drove by were looking at my sign. I hope that they will do something now to peacefully end baby killing, in this country. ![http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/5690.html http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/5690.html]()
A man drove into Planned Parenthood & was delivering some packages there. I told him that he was receiving blood $$ for his services. As he was leaving, he slowed down & with his finger across his mouth he said, "shish, privacy" to which I screamed back to him "that they are killing babies in there". Shish nothing, you egg head, that's why they are murdering babies in there because people are 'shishing' not saying a word against his horror & you're one of them. Poor man, wake up!! We had, a total of 10 pro lifers, who were out there in front of Planned Parenthood today praying & this was not counting the 'Bound for Life' group that came out from 6PM to 7PM to pray. Praise God!!
<Previous | Next> Page ![http://www.uiowa.edu/~c030126/pro-life.jpg www.uiowa.edu/~c030126/pro-life.jpg]()
Thursday, September 11, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha was there with her Thursday team of dedicated pro lifers. Planned Parenthood now has one of the male workers, dressed up in a blue apron, coming out into the parking lot escorting the victims into their Death Mill. The Lord uses Martha in such a powerful way that lives are being saved & Planned Parenthood doesn't like it. She's bad for business, thank God. A young couple went into Planned Parenthood. A young girl & guy. Martha was calling out the Truth to them. Just then the girl came out & started to walk hurriedly up the street alone. Martha called out to her "don't be afraid & stay strong". The guy came out & got into his car & drove up the street to met her. They talked for a few minutes & she got into the car & they drove off. They didn't come back again. Praise God!!The Death Escort said to one of the girls, who just got out of her car, pointing to Martha, said "she's our entertainment". To which Martha stated to sing 'Rock A Bye Baby. She later said to the Death Planned Parenthood Escort that you "don't have a party at a cemetery". You tell him Martha!! Thank you Holy Spirit for we rely on your poignant words of wisdom. '
Friday, September 12, 2008 in front of Planned ParenthoodI have a question? Why do they call themselves Planned Parenthood when they are killing the children & ther is NO Parenthood. They should call themselves 'Un- Parenthood'Randall Terry arrived & was a wonderful witness on the street of University Ave. He held a sign which read " A Vote for Obama is a Vote for Child Killing" it had the face of Obama & an aborted baby on it. How powerful ! ! The Killing Mill closes at 5PM on Fridays. A car drove in to pick up a young girl who was coming out of the building. I spoke to her & she came right over to me to get a Truth packet. There were 2 guys in the front seat & she was in the back seat. The passenger said to me "got any condoms? I said back "you don't need them, just behave yourself. I then said to the 2 guyswho were holding the banner to show the people in the car it. The passenger guy said to me " I'm going to vote for the first black man "to which I replied "even if he's going to help kill your Race off" Go figure! These young kids sure got a few minute education that I hope will last a lifetime. Randall & the pro lifers went into the center to have a great supper put on by Martha. Thank you Martha everything was so delicious!!! Then Randall started to speak. He has such passion for the end to Child Killing. He spoke with so much knowledge & conviction. He gave us a lot of food for thought in fighting the cause & educating us on a future plan. Thank you Randall for your experiences & your fine sharing. We will take all of you words to heart. Keep up the great work that you are doing to "End Child Killing in America". God bless you & your terrific family & staff.
Saturday, September 13, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Randall Terry came to pray & to witness the ugliness of' 'Baby Killing'. Thank you Randall for your passion in saving lives & working to end "Child Killing". I respect you so very much. Where are the rest of the people??? What are you doing to end 'Child Killing'??? A young came up the sidewalk & I got to speak with her for a few minutes. She said that she was Pro life but was going into Planned Parenthood for a Depo shot. I offered her the Truth packet but she said that she had no room in her purse. I took out the Truth packet information regarding Depro Prova & Klan Planned Parenthood & A Letter to My Future Wife & a Rosary, (for the Blessed Mother to touch her heart & to bring her closer to Jesus). She said that she wasn't sexually active. I said "you're taking this dangerous shot so if you have sex, then what you'll be ready'. I said "sex outside of marriage is wrong". She did take the information & went into PP. Awhile later she came out & I asked her if she now wanted the Truth packet to which she replied "no" but she said that she read the information on the Depo shot & that she will do more research on it. I said "thank you & have a nice day". I know that she has the Truth now & it will change her life. Thank you Lord & Mother Mary keep her close to your Hearts. Randall met with the 'Lambs of Christ' to discuss future plans, at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center, to end "Child Killing' in America. God bless you Randall. Don't Give Up!!! We won't either.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood The minute I got out of my car, with a Truth packet, I gave it away. Wow!! Just after that 2 young girls came out of Planned Parenthood. I called them over to which they came. I spoke with them briefly & found out that the one girl had a baby at home, so I offered her baby clothes, books & stuffed animals to which she was grateful in obtaining. Thank you Martha for taking charge of that situation. What a blessing these items were for this precious girl & her baby. Thank you Lord for supplying our needs so we can give to others who are in need. We were listening to the 1460 Station of the Cross radio station which was talking about the '40 Days For Life Campaign'. Great job Jose, David (National Coordinator) & our Buffalo friend, Ellen. God bless you all. ![http://www.smsols.co.uk/private-sector/all-products.htm http://www.smsols.co.uk/private-sector/all-products.htm]()
Another young girl came to us & she also received items for her baby. She also took a book of prayers child's book that we had. She went away blessed. A woman came out of Planned Parenthood & walked over to us & stated that she was here for a Depo shot. She was 42 & wanted no more kids & was engaged. Both of her children had children out of wedlock but so glad that either one of them had their baby killed, by abortion. Praise God. Martha & I talked with her for awhile about 'no sex outside of marriage, even if you are engaged you're not married yet' Also the abortion proprieties of the Pill & the Depo shot. She smoked & she knew how dangerous that is when using contraceptives. Also when is your boyfriend going to marry you? Just because you have a ring when is he going to make it happen? She was a dear & a sweet woman. We told her what the bible said "Thou Shall Not Kill" & that means by abortion & birth control. She finally took a Rosary & I know, in my heart that the Blessed Mother will watch over her & bring her to her son Jesus. ![http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/13194.html http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/13194.html]() A man on his bike rode passed Martha & I, Tucker had gone & said " I want you both to listen to me, I wish that you both had been aborted". I said for him to "repent" & that I was going to call the police & took out my phone. He almost ran into the back of Martha's car he ran away so fast. Poor soul. I'll pray for you. Lots of negative fingers tonight. Sonia rove by to say "thank you" as she drove passed us. We love this lady. She brings sanity to this horrible place. Thank you Lord for Sonia. Many blessings dear one. ![http://giftideas.blogsome.com/category/graduation-gifts/ http://giftideas.blogsome.com/category/graduation-gifts/]()
As I was talking to a girl going into the Killing Mill & turned around to see that a young girl on the passenger side of the car was using her hone to take our pictures. I wasn't sure that she was good or bad. The car came by us again & stopped. The two young girls said that they were from Nazareth & that took a video of the sidewalk where we were counseling. Martha & I ended up giving them the fliers for the '40 Days For Life" to take back to there school & pass out. God is good. They both took a Truth packet. Thank you girls & spread the news. The Rape Counselors came for their meeting tonight. We were there to inform them of 'Child Predators.com' Planned Parenthood doesn't report statuary rape & lets the rapist go free to rape more women or/& girls. How sick is this. They let the criminal go free. How evil!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood After the 4:30 PM Mass tonight, I decided to go to Planned Parenthood by myself, & to trust in the Lord for protection. I went on the sidewalk to say the Rosary & hold Malachi as a witness to the people driving by. I had my cell phone & Rosaries & Truth packets ready & I stood there witnessing what Planned Parenthood does to babies.
I gave out a Rosary, to a sweet girl walking down the street, she was so receptive & thankful. People are hungry for the 'Truth' they don't want anymore lies & deception. They are hungry for 'God'. I hollered out to the 2 people that clean the 'Death Mill' & told them as they were leaving that where you work they kill children. Please people don't compromise. God will provide for you if you only trust in Him. ![http://static.flickr.com/2003/2176348502_cc939c995e.jpg static.flickr.com/2003/2176348502_cc939c995e.jpg]()
I had a positive reception of good honks. This was refreshing. Then I had a nice man that drove by & he asked me if it was okay to ask me a question, to which I replied "yes" & then I said my "Come Holy Spirit Prayer'. He stopped & got out of his car & walked over to me. He said that he sees people here standing on the sidewalk some days during the week & asked if it has made a difference in being here? I replied that it was better to be out here & trusting God then not be out here at all. He agreed. I said that some babies have been saved because of showing the graphic signs. I said, "that isn't that what you want is the saving of lives". He agreed. He did not believe in abortion so he was a breathe of fresh air to me. All I here is people wanting to 'Kill Babies in their Mother's Womb' & it is making me sick. He then asked the question that all ask. What if a woman was raped? I replied that the baby should not be killed because of the crime of the father. He asked me if I had had an abortion to which I said that "I had not" but that I had been raped years ago & I conceived twins & lost them through a miscarriage. I shared some of my story with him. The lose of a child or children is so painful & he understood that. He had compassion, how healing is this. People really don't know how to react when one is told of a rape but it is really easy all you have to do is show some compassion for the survivor of such a horrible event. What would Jesus do?? Sometimes sharing with a stranger is more healing than sharing with the people that you know. He agreed that abortion was wrong in rape cases too. He was so easy to talk to. It was so refreshing to have a conversation with a good man of faith believing in the dear Lord & not wanting children to be killed & women to be hurt. He is rare & he has a compassionate heart. He also said that he would like to adopt a child & I hope & pray that he will, he would be a great father. Thank you Larry for making my evening. God bless you & you are in my heart & prayers. He took a Truth packet & 2 fliers for the '40 Days For Life' & will put one up at his church & one up at work. I also invited him to stop by & pray on the sidewalk during the "40 Days For Life', he seemed interested. What a good man he is, thank you Lord, for I was losing hope in mankind. The world is getting so dark. There is HOPE.
Wednesday evening 9-26-08 Martha, Elaine & I spoke with a post abortive father of twins. His girlfriend had an abortion before the twins which he agreed to. He was ministered to & given literature & important phone #'s so he could get further help. He was appreciative
On Thursday 9-26-08 a baby was saved at Planned Parenthood. Praise God!!. Sue & Anne were in front of Planned Parenthood praying & holding the '40 Days For Life' sign when a young girl came up to them & asked what it said. After reading the scripture on the sign she said that she could not go in there & have her baby killed. Sue & Anne ministered to her & Sue then drove her home. Praise God!!! This would not have happened if there were no '40 Days For Life' & Sue & Anne were not out there. How important to have someone there when Planned Parenthood is open every day murdering little American citizens.
Friday September 27, 20008 in front of Planned Parenthood I just got out of my car & was walking up the sidewalk when a young girl & guy were walking into the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. Kathy was there & she asked them if they were going into Planned Parenthood, they said "yes, for a pregnancy test". I said that PP would not take them now & you really don't want to go in there. I offered to take them to the Focus Pregnancy Help Center for a free pregnancy test which they agreed. I got the most bizarre feeling from the girl especially. She really never looked at me when I was trying to witness to her & she didn't say a thing. I sensed a very strange vibe from them both which left me cold. They took the Truth packet but threw it out onto the side of the building. It was a neg test Thank God. Just after I got back on the sidewalk 2 young girls were walking up the street. They started to talk to Kathy & I only to find out that the one girl needed a pregnancy test. We 3 walked into the center for a test and she was open to 'life' if she was pregnant. She wasn't. They walked back outside with me after I gave them some literature & a Truth packet. I spoke with them about abstinence & they were receptive. When we got out on the sidewalk they started holding up the signs & wanted to come back another time to do it again. God bless these 2 sweet girls from God. Just after they left another girl came over to us, she had just walked out of Planned Parenthood. She took a Truth packet & didn't believe in abortion, thank God. She said that her friend had had 3 abortions. How sad. Kathy spoke with her for awhile & gave her some more info. which she was grateful for. It was a very busy hour and a half.
There has been 4 babies SAVED form abortion, maybe 6. Praise God!!! There might be many more babies saved that we don't know of. Lots of people have stopped to talk with us & to receive the Truth packet, which has been about an average of 15 a day. I know because I'm the one putting them together. Thank you Lord Jesus. So many people are being witnessed to & set free by the love of Jesus. I want to personally thank our Coordinator Jose & the Team & all the dedicated people who have come out to pray & to witness the Truth to the community & be healed by the power of God. Here is some of the events that occurred during the '40Days For Life' written by Jose our cordinator.
Rochester's Blog ![]()
David Bereit talking to our Prayer volunteers. October 31 - All Hollow's Eve: Mary and Martha had another interesting event happen yesterday at the site. A young woman went into the clinic and her friend, Joseph, came over to talk to Mary and Martha. His friend (we don't know if it was wife or girlfriend) was 3 months pregnant and wanted to abort the baby but Joseph didn't want to. Joseph tried to get back into the abortion mill to talk to the mother but they wouldn't let him in (Side note: This is standard procedure at abortion mills since they don't want anyone else to influence the 'choice' once the mother is inside.) About 30 minutes later (not enough time for an abortion) she came out and Joseph seemed to be smiling. They didn't stop to talk to Mary or Martha so we are not completely sure if it is a save but we ask for prayers for Joseph, her friend and their baby.
October 30:
You might be thinking that nothing must be happening this week because I haven't blogged for a few days. Well, it turns out that I've been out sick and trying to keep up with many things at the same time. I feel bad because I haven't been able to get out to the vigil as often as I have before but the Holy Spirit has made sure that we have a good presence at the vigil.
I hear that there was a big group of young people last night around 5PM even though it was very cold. It turns out that it was the St. Leo's Youth Group who came out together to the vigil.
We've also had more new people coming to the vigil and signing up for the first time with the campaign! Only three more days to go!!! Don't miss the opportunity to come out and pray for an end to abortion. There's actually some open time tomorrow night since it is Halloween and many people are probably thinking of other activities instead of coming out to the vigil. We would like to have presence until 7PM at least.
Don't forget to send me an email if you are planning to come to the Victory Celebration. I'm really looking forward to meeting many of you for the first time even though we have been praying together for 40 days!
October 26: Sundays continue to be an interesting day! I keep hearing how someone signed up for an afternoon hour where the schedule showed it was empty but when they get to the site, there are 10 other people praying! This is awesome!!! I really want to thank everyone who has come out to the vigil at any time during this 33 days!
This also means we have seven days left. Please, help us finish strong by keeping an eye on the schedule (click on Vigil Schedule above), and helping to fill any hours that are empty. Who knows, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones to find a group there to join you!
October 24: Today was an eventful day! Around noon, we had a young lady who came out from Planned Parenthood (she was getting a Depo shot) with a 5 month old baby sleeping in her arms. She stopped to talk to us and we offered her some baby clothes and other things. She was very appreciative and very receptive to the information. Please, pray for her and for Baby Larry.
Later, Mary and Pat found themselves driving down Main Street looking for a group of three girls who had gone in to Planned Parenthood and were supposed to stop by the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. Long story short, Mary and Pat found them at a Bus stop and provided them with information. One of them was pregnant but she wasn't 'abortion minded'.
Later today, a young man stopped by to ask for directions. He's from Memphis, TN, and has been here in Rochester for two months. He asked us what we were doing and we explained to him about Planned Parenthood, abortion, and the campaign. He seemed to be very interested and related how he didn't agree with abortion either. Mary and me gave him some information and invited him to come back and pray with us.
I really believe that God is using the vigil volunteers to touch many people's hearts and to bring them closer to Him. Praise be to God!!!
(NOTE: Don't forget to look at the schedule and help fill the hours during the day. Only 9
more days to go and we have done really good so far. If you have problems with the scheduling tool or questions, don't hesitate to email me at Roc40DFL@rochester.rr.com) October 23: Today was day 30 of our campaign!!! I know it is easy to forget sometimes that we are taking part in something truly historic when you consider that there are over 175 cities across the U.S. and Canada taking part on this campaign! Think of all of the thousands of people that are currently praying and fasting for the same cause! We probably won't know the extent of the impact of all of our prayers and sacrifice in our lifetimes.
I mentioned before that since the weather is getting colder (and wetter) to make sure you are prepared if you are heading to the vigil site. At the same time, I want to ask everyone else, wherever you are, to keep in your prayers those who are at the vigil site. It is hard enough to give witness to life at the sidewalk, it is even harder when you are all wet and cold!
October 22: Most of you are probably familiar with the packets of information that we are giving out at the vigil site (some of us called them "Truth Packets"). They are loaded with a lot of information about abortion, contraceptives, Planned Parenthood, STDs, Fetal development, contact information for help, etc. Some of the people with a lot of experience praying and doing sidewalk counseling at abortion facilities have mentioned to me several times of how open to the truth people seem to be at the sidewalk. We are actually giving away a lot of these Truth Packets! I think that for most of the day today, we didn't have any at the site because we ran out yesterday. We need to reprint more of the material that is used on these packets. If you want to help, please follow the Donate link above to make a donation to help cover the costs of these materials. Thanks!
October 21 - 12 Days to go and it is getting colder! Today was definitely a hard day to be outside!!! Please remember to check the weather before you go to the vigil site. Dress warmer than what you may think you need. It is better to shed some layers than to freeze (then again, you can offer it up as part of the sacrifice for Life!). With the bad weather comes the opportunity to show that we really mean to be there as a witness and because we care for every single baby that may be in danger of abortion. If you know of someone who has shown interest in participating at the vigil but has not been able to, let them know that time is running out! Before we know it, November 2nd will be here!
October 20 - God is listening to our prayers!!! Mary had a baby saved today!!! A young lady who came with her boyfriend to PP, stepped in to the facility only to walk out about five minutes later and approached Mary at the sidewalk. She told Mary that she was sick and not feeling well. It turns out, she is pregnant with "morning sickness" and had decided to have her baby!!! Mary gave her some information and told her about all the help she can get. This makes four babies that we know of that have a chance at life thanks to God's intervention and all of our prayers, fasting, and presence at the vigil!!! We have 13 more days to go in our campaign. Let us not falter in the last stretch!!! (check the schedule and sign up for at least one hour - www.vigilschedule.com/rochester - if you have any problems, email me at Roc40dfl@rochester.rr.com).
October 18 - Witnessing right in the middle of Main Street!!! We had a great turnout for our procession through the streets of Rochester. (Check out this blog by Lee with pictures about the event - backpew.blogspot.com). This was my first time ever doing a procession in the middle of Rochester. I can't give thanks enough to everyone who participated (and to those who prayed for us even though they couldn't make it!). What a witness!!! It was great to see so many heads turn to see what was going on. I even had a glimpse of an RTS Bus driver who was praying with us as we went by. Only God knows how many hearts and minds were touched by the Holy Spirit thanks to our witness!
October - I'm behind posting news!!! Rob provided the following report from Saturday:
Last Saturday morning, October 11, while the Lambs of Christ were praying on the sidewalk, a total of 4 young women went from Planned Parenthood over to the Focus Pregnancy Center. I don't know whether any of them was abortion minded, but the first one was pregnant, due in April. The other three were together and one of them said she already had a child. Pro-lifer Michelle went over to the pregnancy center and spent quite a while counseling these young women. The interesting part was that the Planned Parenthood escort had taken away a packet of information from one of these young women that we had given to her. The Planned Parenthood security guard actually tried to get the packet back after she threw it in the garbage but the Planned Parenthood escort retrieved it first and wouldn't allow him to give it back to us. But the grace of God was working and the woman ended up coming over to the pregnancy center.
October 13 - Half-way through our Campaign!!! Here we are on day 20 of our 40 Days for Life!!! It has been amazing to see the support, the people who have come out to the vigil, having two babies officially saved (and who knows how many more!), many people who are open to the Life message, and many more who need healing who have asked for information. This is God's work!!! And every single person who has been involved with our campaign, even if for just one prayer, has had an impact on the whole campaign!
I know I'm behind in blogging but I wanted to recognized the two groups from "America Needs Fatima" who came out on Saturday to pray at the vigil. I was there with the 8am group and there were about 30 people, including the children, who came out to pray together. The second group was at noon and had a good turn-out too.
DON'T MISS THIS: Tomorrow, Tuesday October 14th, the national 40 Days for Life team will have a nationwide Tele-conference. It is open to everyone who wants to participate. To find out more, visit: http://www.40daysforlife.com/midpoint
By the way, if you are reading this blog, send me an email to Roc40DFL@rochester.rr.com to let me know what kind of information you would like to see on this page (That will also let me know that someone is actually reading this!!!). October 9: Today was a sad day with more abortions taking place. Kathy found herself talking to a 16 year old who just had an abortion. Her car stopped next to the vigil and Kathy had the opportunity to minister to her. She seemed to be regretting what she did. Kathy gave her information for the Rachel program. Please, pray for her and her family that they may find healing and forgiveness in God's infinite mercy.
October 7: We witnessed another change of heart and another baby was saved!!! Martha reported that around 11:15am a lady came out from the facility and she smiled at Martha. Martha offered her some information and the lady responded by saying: "I didn't do it! I didn't do it!". She had gone in with the intention of having an abortion but after seeing the prayer volunteers at the sidewalk she knew she couldn't do it. She knew they were praying for her. Thanks be to God!!!
On the other side, the prayer volunteers witnessed when a lady was taken by ambulance, probably because of complications from an abortion. Please keep her and all the other ladies who did actually go through with it today.
Put in your calendars the midpoint event on Saturday, October 18th - will start with Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church, 200 Pleasant St in Rochester, at 12:10pm and then assemble at 1:00pm to do a procession from Our Lady of Victory towards Planned Parenthood at University Ave. More details to come!!!
Don't forget to look at the Schedule. Please, help us with Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of this week.
October 5: We were blessed in so many ways today!!! It was a beautiful day and very quiet too. Then, around 3:30 we started to assemble and put things together for our guest(s). David Bereit and Ellen Stanford arrived around 4:30pm. We were all inspired by David's words and encouraged by the stories from other 40 Days For Life cities. It was very uplifting to find out (before it came out on his email on Monday) that so far, 89 babies have been saved!!! And this are only the ones that we know about. Thanks to all who came to welcome David and Ellen! Keep up the prayers, fasting, and don't forget to join us at the vigil site!
October 4: It is amazing how time passes by!!! The prayer volunteers keep reporting how people seem to be very receptive to our message and many are showing their support for our presence at the vigil.
Today Mary talked to a young (teenagers) couple with a 6 month old baby who had friends who had had abortions and others who were considering it. Mary provided them with lots of information for them to share and help protect life.
DON'T FORGET - Sunday, October 5th, David Bereit and Johnette S. Benkovic will be at the vigil site (114 University Ave.) around 5:00pm. Come join us for a powerful hour of prayer!!!
October 1: We continue to have reports of people stopping and asking for information (of course, we also have the ones who don't approve of what we are doing).
This morning while I was welcoming the Clinic's employees with the "Pray to End Abortion" sign, one car stopped in the driveway as it was going in and the driver lowered the window. I was getting ready for the worst when I was greeted by the words "I pray for that every day", signaling to the sign. I was speechless and all I could say was Thank you and God Bless you!!!
I'm also seeing a little frustration in some of the employees when they see us there every morning. I hope they understand that we are there to show them God's love and to witness for life.
Please, help us keep this peaceful presence going for all 40 Days. Right now, the schedule for Sunday is looking very light. Don't forget, Johnette S. Benkovic and David Bereit are planning to be there on Sunday around 5:00pm. Those who start early will get the better 'seating'! :)
Thanks for the prayers!!!
September 30: This is the end of the month of September and the end of our first week in our 40 day campaign. God is so generous in His love!!!
This Sunday at 2:00pm there will be a Life Chain at St. John the Evangelist in Ridge Road West, Greece - and Johnette Benkovic will be there. Around 5:00pm, David Bereit and Johnette Benkovic will be at our vigil site for an hour of prayer at Planned Parenthood, 114 University Ave. Join us for both events!
Please, look at the schedule for this weekend to help fill some hours during the vigil. Thanks to all for all the prayers and support!!! September 28: We have been able to have a vigil for at least 12 hours a day each day (Wednesday we did all 24 hours!!!). Thanks to all the prayer volunteers who have come out (especially today with the dreary weather) and spent some time in prayer in front of the Planned Parenthood. I won't mention names but there are some who have gone well beyond the call of duty by spending many hours at the vigil site. God bless you!!!
And many stories are coming out from the vigil too. Mary had a young man stop and get some information after sharing that his girlfriend had had an abortion and a miscarriage. Please pray that he and his girlfriend find healing in God's love. Here's another story from yesterday from Mary: "2 young girls were walking up the street. They started to talk to Kathy & I only to find out that the one girl needed a pregnancy test. We 3 walked into the center for a test and she was open to 'life' if she was pregnant. She wasn't. They walked back outside with me after I gave them some literature & a Truth packet. I spoke with them about abstinence & they were receptive. When we got out on the sidewalk they started holding up the signs & wanted to come back another time to do it again. God bless these 2 sweet girls from God.
Just after they left another girl came over to us, she had just walked out of Planned Parenthood. She took a Truth packet & didn't believe in abortion, thank God. She said that her friend had had 3 abortions. How sad. Kathy spoke with her for awhile & gave her some more info. which she was grateful for. It was a very busy hour and a half."
You never know how God is going to use you unless you give Him the chance to do it. Come out with us and pray! The Holy Spirit is at work and waiting for members of the Body of Christ to become the vehicles of His grace!
If you still have some concerns about doing some time at the vigil or if you have any questions, please email me at roc40dfl@rochester.rr.com or call me at my cellphone - 585-305-1224.
September 26: Have you been to the vigil site? Have you spent an hour in prayer in front of Planned Parenthood? Chances are that if you have, you probably want to do it again. There's something about praying in at the site that affects you and makes you want to come back. If you haven't done it yet, talk to someone who has. Look at the schedule, see where you can take one hour and learn what it means to be a witness. Maybe is the fact that since we are uniting our prayers with hundreds of thousand across the nation, the Holy Spirit is actively working on each of us to bring God's Grace to end abortion. It is very humbling and very encouraging at the same time.
September 25: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!!! Anne and Sue were quietly praying, After seeing several ladies going into PP, Sue felt it would be better to hold up the 40 Days for Life sign. A lady walked by and asked about the verse on the sign ("Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" Jeremiah 1:5). It turns out, this lady was on her way to PP to have an abortion! The lady felt that Anne and Sue were a sign to her not to have an abortion. She didn't go into PP and Sue drove her home!!! Praise be to God!!!
September 24: Thank you to all who came to the Kick-off!!! We had 5 people at the start of the vigil: Kathy, Francis, Fr. Joe, Dominic, and Jose. What a wonderful experience!!! I'm hoping to post some pictures from the kick-off and the start of the vigil.
Please, check the schedule and see where you can help with at least one hour of your time!!
September 22:Let the countdown begin!!! We have kick-off tomorrow and then the Vigil begins on Wednesday!!
Thank you to all who have registered for the Vigil. Let me know if you have any problems with the scheduling tool (there are some bugs with login in some times).
Spread the word about the Kick-off tomorrow!! See you there!!
Monday, November 3, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood http://kimberlyburke-awesomegod.blogspot.com/2008/11/my-all-saints-day-with-40-days-for-life.html
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.photospin.com/content/photos/preview/0790049.jpg www.photospin.com/content/photos/preview/0790049.jpg]()
The '40 Days For Life' is over until February of 2009 but there are people still involved in coming to this Death Camp to pray & witness the murdering of innocent & defenseless life in this building. Remember that abortion is a very lucrative business & PP will do it's EVIL for as long as possible. If they didn't have the clients then they would be out of business, there's where us Pro Lifers come in. We want to get the Truth out to the community so the women & girls will not have their babies killed at Planned Parenthood or anywhere else. That the Good Lord will touch their hearts & give their babies a Birthday Day & not a Death Day instead. When the clients stop coming in to use their Death Services then & only then will Planned Parenthood close for good. There is where Pro Lifers come in. We will Pray & Witness & Speak Truth & Hand out Information that will educate the girls to the Truth & also Show them the Truth, by using the Graphic Signs, of what abortion really looks like. The clump of tissue, that Planned Parenthood tells them, looks like this, a baby that has been destroyed by the abortionist hands. We handed out many Truth packets tonight & had 2 clients come in for baby clothes & more education to better their lives. We talked to Omar who had his girlfriend at Planned Parenthood, who was pregnant with twins. He said that she was there because she was bleeding but he seemed naive. We only hope & pray that she did not deceive him, for he said that she wanted to come here. He took a Truth packet & was a sweet man, we pray that all went well for his children. Some of the people, in the cars, are guilty & we hope & pray that they will Repent of their abortion involvement.
Friday, November 07, 2008 at St. Theodore's Church Priest for Life talk in Rochester By Lee Strong http://backpew.blogspot.com/2008/11/priest-for-life-talk-in-rochester.html After giving a talk at St. Theodore's Church last night, Father Denis Wilde of Priests for Life corrected me. Out loud so everyone could hear. While chatting with him and a few of the other people there, being a polite sort (call people what they want to be called), I referred to the other side as "pro-choice." Ulp. He loudly asked for everyone's attention and said never refer to them as "pro-choice". They are "pro-abortion". Thank you, sir. May I have another? (I'm kidding, of course. He had a point - though I'm still inclined to the gentle, more polite approach so as not to alienate - and I was not embarrassed.) In his talk, the man did not mince words as well. But he also offered hope. And some music (he was a music teacher, after all). He noted that the proper attitude following the election of Barack Obama is not despair. "This election like every election is God's will," he said. "It's not God's will to have evil conquer," he explained. But we have to keep in mind "We don't know everything." And so we don't know what God will do with this. He referred to the story of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 12. David had committed adultery with Bathsheba, Uriah's wife, impregnating her, and then had Uriah killed and took her as his wife. The son Bathsheba bore David became ill. David, his eyes opened to his sins by Nathan, lay on the ground in sackcloth for seven days, refusing to eat. When the child died after his seven days of penance, David rose, cleaned himself, and ate. When asked about this, David said "While the child was living, I fasted and wept, thinking, `Perhaps the Lord will grant me the child's life.' But now he is dead. Why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me." And then he comforted Bathsheba, and she bore a second child - Solomon. In the same way, Father Wilde said, we may have fight and fasted and prayed for McCain's victory (or Obama's defeat), but now that is over. There is nothing we can do about the election, so we need to move on trusting that just as God brought good out of David's sin - the birth of Solomon - God will bring good out of this defeat. But we have to act, and not simply bemoan what has happened. "I can't do anything about it," he said, "but I can do a lot after." So it's time to renew our efforts to fight for life. It won't be easy, he admitted. Things might get rough. There may be persecution of pro-lifers. But that can help - as has been the case of the Church. "Where there is persecution, we are strong." He noted that during the pro-abortion (I'm learning) Clinton days, the pro-life movement grew. Under the even more pro-abortion President Obama, the movement will grow even more, he predicted - if we do the work. "It's not about Obama. It's about us." "This is a time for growth," he observed. "We need to reassess not whether we can do it, but how." He noted that this is also a time for prayer. He advised people to go on retreats and days of reflection to gear up for the fight ahead. "The most important thing right now is to be reinforced by God's love." Father Wilde and others will be at Planned Parenthood this morning to pray, then he will be preaching at the Masses at St. Stanislaus this weekend to help inspire the pro-lifers here in Rochester. I will be at a day of recollection with the Secular Franciscans today, and will be in the choir at St. Theodore's tomorrow, so this was my only chance to see him. But I feel inspired. I just have to remember: Pro-abortion. ... Maybe.
Saturday, November 8, 2008 at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center Praise God!! We had 45 great pro life people show up saying the Rosary & hearing Fr. Denis Wilde, from Priest for Life, in front of Planned Parenthood. A young girl coming out of Planned Parenthood was educated about the Depo shot, which she appreciated. She walked away knowing people do care about her & a Truth packet which will educate her even more. ![http://www.sspxasia.com/Countries/Japan/Images/Fr-Ortiz-saying-Mass.jpg www.sspxasia.com/Countries/Japan/Images/Fr-Ortiz-saying-Mass.jpg]()
We had a beautiful Mass at the center with many blessings to the people & the community & the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center. The food was great & plentiful and the engery was stimulating as we go forward. ![http://static.flickr.com/2246/2476485421_c9694c6c6a.jpg static.flickr.com/2246/2476485421_c9694c6c6a.jpg]()
The solders are multiplying in the fight to end abortion. We are blessed now with many dedicated people who want to be on the sidewalk praying, witnessing & educating the public about abortion & Planned Parenthood & their lies & their destruction of human kind. We are blessed now with a bigger center & more volunteers where we can better assist the clients with free pregnancy tests & baby clothes & items & educational brochure's & referrals in the community to better assist them in their needs. Thank You Team, you are the BEST!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 in front of Planed Parenthood As I was getting out of my car 2 young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & came over to me on the sidewalk. Before they got to me I hollered a "hello "over to Mary Lou who had been in front of Planned Parenthood saying the Divine Mercy prayers from 3PM to 4PM. When the girls got to me & told them to come follow me to the Pregnancy Center to get a Truth packet. They walked with me & I said that we can help them. They said that they were looking for their sister who wanted a pregnancy test. I told them that when they find her to bring her back for the test for we will be out here until about 7:30 PM. In the meantime I handed them a Truth packet & a phone #, if she didn't come back tonight, that she could call to make an appointment for a pregnancy test. They were happy with all the help that they received. Nice & caring girls. I got back on the sidewalk but not before I saw what was on the glass entrance door to the center & the Realtors office & the new account's office & the church which are all housed in this one hallway. It read: 'Loyal to Obama' with a picture of him on the paper. I quickly went back to the office & wrote on a piece of paper "We at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center are Loyal to Jesus & Life' & I put a picture of Jesus crying holding an aborted baby on it & taped it to the glass door & to the door of the center. How sad!!! ![http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j20/christina1972/1AJesus_Holding_aborted_baby.jpg i76.photobucket.com/albums/j20/christina1972/1AJesus_Holding_aborted_baby.jpg]()
I got back to the sidewalk where Tucker was setting up the signs. A car drove into PP with a young girl & guy. I spoke to them as they went in. As they came out I again spoke to them. They got into the car & were now at the entrance of the exit. The male driver reached over in front of his girlfriend to give me his middle finger & then put the car on Park with a look on his face that he was ready to get out of the car to punch my lights out. I then reached out of my pocket & got out my cell phone & said to him "that if you get out of your car I will call the police & get your license # too". He put his car in Drive & sped so quickly away his head spun. I looked behind me to find out that I was alone, Tucker was in the center getting the rest of the signs to put out on the street. Thank you Lord. These kids are in my prayers. Tucker was now with me. A young man hollered over to me from across the street asking me if I had anymore Rosaries. I hollered back to him that I did, so he came right over to me. He said that he wanted some for his friends, to which I was pleased. He started to look at the pictures & said "is this what abortion looks like"? I said "yes". He said that he never knew that was what abortion looks like & how sad it was. I agreed. He took a Truth packet & I went back into the center to get him an Abortion Procedure CD so he could educate his family & friends. He was very gracious & receptive to the Truth. Just then 2 guys came over to us from across the street & were looking at the graphic pictures. The one man said that he didn't believe in abortion but never knew what it looked like. He & his friend were appalled & very sad. They both took a Truth packet & walked back across the street. As I was talking to these 3 men, a car with a young guy drove passed us, seaming out his car window at me "why don't you just leave them alone". Come on back young man so we can educate you too. Martha was now on the sidewalk & spoke to the clients going into Planned Parenthood. She & I later said the Rosary together for the clients & staff & to end this Holocaust of Abortion. Two young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & walked across the street without even looking & almost got hit by a car. Thank you Lord for watching over them. The spirit of Death is at Planned Parenthood. Martha & I went into the center around 6:45 PM & Elaine was now there & we talked about what paint color to make the bigger center's walls & we made up more Truth packets for the ministry. We all then went out for supper & dessert. Thanks ladies it was fun!!
Saturday, November 14, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived on the sidewalk at Planned Parenthood there were 3 pro lifers in the rain witnessing & praying. The one pro lifer was counseling a young girl, at the FOCUS Pregnancy Help Center. Another pro lifer told me that earlier a young man came to talk to him & told him that his girlfriend was in Planned Parenthood due to an infection from an abortion that she had last week there. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to have any kids. Do you believe this!! She did have a bay in her womb as early as last week when she paid to have him or her destroyed. How sick abortion is. It seemed to the pro lifer that the boyfriend didn't want her to have the abortion & was remorseful that she went ahead with it. How sad for some of the men who wanted their baby to be born & not killed but had no power to change the girls mind. How men are suffering from abortion, the killing of their children. He took the Truth packet & went into PP. We only hope & pray that the girlfriend REPENTS. Michelle & our client came out of the pregnancy center & our client was carrying a Truth packet. Praise God!!! Prayer & Education in the Truth is the KEY to end abortion. After noon Mass at Our Lady of Victory I went back to counsel some more before PP closed at 1PM. I stood there on the sidewalk & a few minutes later a young woman came out & I spoke to her. She spoke back that she was Catholic & I asked her to come over to speak to me on the sidewalk. She did. Come to find out that her sister recommended PP to her for her check up & that she was Catholic & didn't believe in abortion. I said that I was a Catholic also & I had just come from Mass. I then told her about Planned Parenthood & handed her a Truth packet which she took. I told her that in the packet there was a Rosary which pleased her very much. Also a doctors list which she was grateful for. She was taken back that she received so much information & was worried that I wouldn't have enough. I said "don't worry, we have an endless supply to hand out". She said that she goes to the Catholic churches around East Rochester, Pittsford & Penfield. I told her that I also go to these churches & I hope to run into her some time again. I asked that she never come again to Planned Parenthood who murders God's children & to share this information with her sister to educate her too. She said "yes, thank you" & smiled & walked to her car to leave. I waited & waved to her good-bye. I then went into the center to make up more Truth packets so that others too can get educated & set free in the Lord & to start they lives over in His love, forgiveness & mercy.
Wednesday, November 18, 2008 in front of Planed Parenthood There was an appointment for a pregnancy test at 4PM. I arrived early to set things up. The client came in with her girlfriend. The pregnancy test was given ( the clients do their own test) & it was positive. As she was coming out of the bathroom she said that she just got her menses. In the meantime her friend wanted a pregnancy test also. She was negative & I spoke to her about abstinence. I asked the first client if she had a doctor & she called & couldn't get an appointment. I gave her one of our doctors on our list & she called. They told her to go to St. Mary's clinic for a hospital pregnancy test & for treatment. I called back to reaffirm this & got the clinic's phone #. I said a short prayer with them & I gave her my phone # for her to call me to let me know how she was doing & if she needed any more assistance. Then the co-director drove the 2 girls to St. Mary's Hospital. I then went back to the sidewalk while the other co-director was gone. A young girl wit ha baby got out of the car in the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. I called over to her & she said that she agreed with what was going on on the sidewalk. I called her over to me & she came over to me with her baby. She said that she didn't believe in abortion & that she was here to see her friend. I asked her if she would like any baby clothes or books or stuffed animals for her baby. She said that her daughter had more that enough & thanked me for the offer. Just then to my right came a young girl walking with her baby in her arms. I said to her "where do think that you are gong". She said Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test. I said "no your not, you're coming with me to the center just a short distance down the street for a free test. She said "okay" & followed me bit before that Cleveland our favorite street person was coming down the street asking for food & money. We just give him food. I asked him if he would stand here to watch the sidewalk to make sure that no one takes the signs. He said that he would. Tucker was not back yet & Bill hadn't arrived yet. So the young girl & her baby followed me to the center. She took the test, which was neg & she was not abortion minded, as same as the 2 clients earlier. Thank God. I gave her a bag of baby clothes for her son & a book & a stuffed animal. She was very happy. I asked her if she knew Jesus & she said that it was Jesus that told her not to have an abortion. I said "yes He would say that". I was very happy that she listened to Him. She said that her mother was against abortion but that it was her body. I said "why would any woman do that to her body & that the baby had a separate body which should be respected & protected". She agreed. I told her about the Pill & gave her information in regards to the abortion proprieties of the Pill, for she said that she was on the Pill but had sex when she had forgotten to take her pills for a couple of days. I gave her a Truth packet & lots more pieces of literature & information. She was happy & left with her baby & a bag full of clothes & items. I was just leaving the center when Bill (not the same Bill that was coning to the sidewalk to pray) came into the center to put our clients name on the spread sheet. He said that he would take the pile of names & put them on a CD at home. Thank you Bill, maybe someday we'll get a grant so that we can further our work. I left the center to go back to the sidewalk where Tucker & the other Bill were. Oh yes I forgot Cleveland, he got a double portion of food for him helping me earlier. He was happy. Tucker had to leave but Bill & I stayed, Martha was at an In Service meeting for her Nursing Agency tonight. I called over to a man who had gotten out of his car about PP. He hollered back "get a life". I called back to him "we're trying to 'get a life' not just one but many lives that are killed here at Planned Parenthood where you are standing". Also that "they are killing your race off & you don't even know it". We handed out some Rosaries to God fearing people, on the sidewalk. Bill had to go but first he helped me put away the signs. I went into the center to clean up & Elaine stopped by with the baby clothes that she had taken home to wash. She did a great job. Thanks Elaine for all that you & others do for the center & God's children big & small. A little latter Martha walked in & we all cleaned up the center & the meeting room together. We are getting ready for Saturday for the painting & moving the center to the bigger room down the hall. Thank you Jesus for now we will have more room for everything which is the furniture, baby clothes & items, books, stuffed animals & lots of literature brochures plus the refrigerator & prayer kneeler & table & chairs. WOW it will be so much better!!!!
Saturday November 22, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood The 'Lambs of Christ' were out in front of Planned Parenthood praying the Rosary. The cars were going in the Killing Mill but they sure heard the Truth before they walked in. You can accept or reject the Truth but here will be consequences for negative behavior, down the road. We keep the victims in our daily prayers. ![http://static.flickr.com/37/79659403_8b931f9237.jpg static.flickr.com/37/79659403_8b931f9237.jpg]()
Well, the new, bigger room has been painted & it looks beautiful. I decided that the bigger wall should be the accent color of a sky blue & the other three walls a white on white. There were four volunteers, which I am totally grateful for their time, talent & energy. May God richly bless you for your service. The room is fantastic!!! Thank you so very much.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Michele & I prayed in front of Planned Parenthood from 6PM to 7PM. A young girl came out of Planned Parenthood & walked over to us as we offered her help & we got to speak with her for about a good 10 minutes about birth control and abstinence, etc. She was very receptive & was taking it all in. She did take a Truth packet with her. We do hope & pray that she will confess her sins to Jesus & with His grace be strong against sinning again & saving herself for marriage. Michele & I went into the center & she helped me clear some more of the things off the furniture, for the move down the hall to the new pregnancy center later this week. Thanks Michele you are so sweet.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Tucker & Rob, earlier in the afternoon, moved the furniture into the NEW Pregnancy Help Center down the hall to the bigger room. Great job you guys!! Bernie, the Landlord, also helped me rearrange the furniture & put the lock in the door. Thanks Bernie, I appreciate your help also. The Killing Mill closed at 5PM tonight, getting ready for Thanksgiving, what hypocrites. At Planned Parenthood, the murdering of little American children is taking place every day there. What would the Pilgrims & the American Indians think of them?? I did speak to some of the clients before they locked the doors. Then I went into the center to wait for our new Counselor. She came & was orientated then Martha arrived. It was great the energy in the room of people who wanted to 'save lives' of the unborn & help their mothers. Martha & I then worked in the center after Jennifer left, until 12 midnight. It was worth it. THE CENTER IS SO BEAUTIFUL & HAS MORE ROOM IN IT THAN BEFORE!! THANK YOU LORD!!!!! Martha you're fantastic & so dedicated to the cause. Thank you sooooooo much for all your help. God bless to ALL the dedicated pro lifers 'the remnant of the remnants'. I'm proud to be in your midst.
Saturday, November 28, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood There were 6 pro lifers out in front of the Killing Mill Planned Parenthood this morning. The victims are getting the Truth. I was told by one of the male pro lifers that a young guy stopped his truck & got out & got into the face of the pro lifer screaming that the blond girl had said something to his girlfriend & she broke up with him. I guess I wasn't suppose to be there at the time that this was going on. The Lord protects me. It sounded to me that the former girlfriend had made a good decision. Maybe if the former boyfriend shapes up a bit & gets his anger under control & maybe a few other things too & if it is meant to be, that they will get back together. Or maybe not & she has moved forward. Maybe she saw the errors of their ways & wanted to change & now do the 'right thing'. Good for you sweetheart. WOW to the Holy Spirit, for these are not my words, which are empty & can change no one, but the words of the Spirit of God who knows our hearts & can change us to do better with His help & love. We went to Mass at 12:10PM & then Martha & I went back to the center to finish the rest of our work to put things away. We now have a designated ares for baby clothes & items & 2 literature tables & the desk, for counseling, is at the back of the room, for privacy. We are blessed with 4 new Counselors to assist our clients. ![http://static.flickr.com/2209/2390604531_5db3cfe8e8.jpg static.flickr.com/2209/2390604531_5db3cfe8e8.jpg]()
Martha & I went to lunch at my favorite place, the South Wedge Diner. Mmmm
Wednesday, December 4, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood I got out of my car & took the Truth packets, mega phone & the picture of Malachi, the sweet aborted baby picture, which is powerful, out of the trunk of my car & went by the tree on the sidewalk to counsel. Tucker set the rest of the signs & Martha comes around 5PM now. She gives out Holy Communion to the patients at the Nursing Home. God bless you Martha. Three young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & walked by me on the sidewalk. I offered them a Truth packet, which they took. The one girl said to me "my cousin was 13 years old when she was raped". I said that I was sorry to hear that. Then she said she had to do it". I said what do you mean? Did she have an abortion'? She said "yes". To which I replied "she can, in time get over the rape but the abortion she'll never get over". Tucker said to her "what about the baby, how did the baby feel as he or she was ripped away from the mother's womb'? He usually doesn't say anything. I then said "that the baby should not have died for the crime of the rapist & that whoever talked her into the abortion will be held accountable before the Lord for taking a life". God have mercy. Why do people think that by having the baby killed that ALL the problems will go away. This is FALSE!!! The problems & hell have just begun. Anyone that has been conceived, no matter how he or she was conceived, deserves a Birth Day & not a Death Day. We have become a society of murders of our own children. God have mercy on us. I pray that the 13 year old girl will be able, in time, to forgive whoever made her have her baby killed. How traumatic was that. I pray that the rapist, the father of the aborted baby, will be caught & prosecuted. There will be justice, if not in this life it will then be in the next life, by the Just Lord. I know only personally, that the 3 who raped me back in 1971 at Strong Memorial Hospital, that one is the father of my twins who I conceived from the rape which I miscarried at 6 weeks. I still think of the babies that I lost & am not bitter at them for being conceived, how could I be? The way they were conceived was not their fault but the rapist fault. The pain of losing them has been a continual heartache. How can a mother not love her children???????? They are with the Lord now & they went to Him unharmed by their mother.
I was not on the Front Lines today Saturday, December 6Th. due to a fire across the hall from me, in my apartment house. The Good Lord spared me any damages & protected all the tenants in the building. Thank you Lord. Wednesday, December 10, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood We had a scheduled 6PM meeting at the center of our Board. But before that we were on the street sidewalk counseling. After about 15 minutes Jennifer came in the center to counsel. Our 3 new counselors are working out so well. Thank you Lord. Just before Martha arrived a young girl was walking down the street eating a bag of chips. She stopped after I had offered her a Truth packet. She said "is that picture of that baby for real"? I said "unfortunately yes" She was upset to see the pictures of the aborted babies. She then said that she was going into Planned Parenthood for some medicine. I asked her what medicine are you talking about. She said "Plan B the Morning after Pill". I said to her "that is no medicine but a pill that can sloth off an already conceived baby" & that it was not good for her either. I then told her that there was someone in the center that could talk with her so she followed me into the center & met Jennifer who spoke with her for a half hour. When she came back out she had a bag, from the center, of some baby items for her 2 children at home. I was glad. Martha & I spoke with her for another 10 minutes about the Morning after Pill & condoms & abstinence. The father of her 2 children just comes over for sex then leaves. She was a sweet young girl & said that she loves Jesus but needs to do better. Don't we all. She said that she will go back to church & read the Bible more. We told her to pray everyday & say the Rosary, which was in her Truth packet. We hope & pray the very best for her & her children. Be strong, with God's grace, to help you come against temptation. Girls, your power is in NO not in YES, to your boyfriends. You have to respect yourself before anyone else can respect you. It was 6PM & we went in to have our Board Meeting. All is well. When I got home tonight I had a call from a former client that she was having a baby girl & if she could come to the Center for some baby clothes. I said "of course & that Martha & Suzanne will be at the Center tomorrow for you to come by & pick some things". I also said that after the baby is born please stop by for us to see her. She said "yes". I am so glad.
Breaking News Link
A Baby Changes Everything by Faith Hill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2o1uxzI-hA http://www.lifeissues.org/breakingnews/2008/faith_hill.htm
Thursday, December 11, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood Martha was there on the front lines with Bill. Suzanne was in the Center. Our client, from the past, came to the Center, with her friend & picked up some baby clothes & items for her baby girl who will be born in 4 months. A Truth packet was given to her friend for she was asking questions about the Morning After Pill. Also Martha brought in a woman with her young daughter into the center for some baby clothes. She was walking down the street & Martha offered her assistance. She was so happy to have received some baby items. We are happy to have helped all 3 clients today & their children. Martha reported that a young girl was dropped off at Planned Parenthood by 2 adults. She saw the picture of Christ crying, holding an aborted baby, also the other graphic pictures that were on display for educational purposes, on the sidewalk. She never went into the office of PP only the foyer and in a matter of minutes was picked up by the very people who had just dropped her off. Praise God!! Martha was continually speaking the Truth to her, who was in the foyer, even as she was leaving. Today this young girl knew that someone really cared about her. Off she went to start a 'New Life'. In our prayers for you dear heart.
Saturday, December 13, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived on the sidewalk the 'Lambs of Christ' were praying on the other side of the building at Planned Parenthood. I was told that the male pro lifer had to go back home to get something for his student that he tutors. Michelle was there counseling a girl who had just left Planned Parenthood & was talking to her about the Morning After Pill. She gave her the Truth packet & counseled her to the facts about this horrible pill that acts, at times as an early abortion, that Planned Parenthood lies about to their victims. Michelle had to leave & then after a short while the male pro lifer returned. He & I was standing there, on the sidewalk, when a woman drove in with her daughter, you just can tell. As the mother was driving in the parking lot she gave me her middle finger. Then the car door opened on the passenger side & her daughter got out of the car to go into PP. I said something to both the mother & daughter. Then the car with just the mother drove to the exit & got out of the car & walked directly towards me. She looked at me like she wanted to kill me. She said to me "don't you talk to my daughter, she's here for birth control". I said "it acts as an abortificant, a chemical abortion. She was livid. She then made a noise with her mouth like a spitting sound & then said " I want to spit at you". I said if you do "I'll call the police". She said "go ahead or I'll call the police for harassment". Then the male pro lifer replied "you are the one who is harassing her & I am a witness, we've been out here for 13 years & we have a right to protest & we know the police so you'd be the one in trouble". Then the Death Security Guard Jim came over to her & said something to her & then she got back into her car stayed their for a minute & drove off. I took down her license plate number. As she was walking back to the car I made the Sign of the Cross & told Satan to get behind me in the name of Jesus. The pattern continued Like Mother Like daughter. How sad. Instead the mother repenting over her past mistakes & sins she carries on the same trait to her daughter instead of wanting something better for her daughter. I"ll pray for them. After Mass I went back on the sidewalk for 15 minutes & spoke to some of the victims there. Then I went to the Center to put the baby clothes, that I received from a friend, away on the shelves in the Counseling Room. I also received more baby clothes & items from Our Lady of the Americas parishioners. Thank you all & God bless you for your generosity. Wednesday, December 17, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood When I arrived at the center I put some children's books in the center that I received from a co-worker. Thank you Sue. The books are great for our smaller clients. When I was about to leave to go out to the street one of our new counselors came in for orientation to be 'on call' at the center if I could not make it in to do a pregnancy test for a client. Welcome Mary! Then I was out the door about 10 minutes later. A young girl came over to me & said that she was here for the 'Morning after Pill'. I gave her a Truth packet & spoke to her about the real truth about Plan B. IT DOES HAVE ABORTING EFFECTS ON AN ALREADY FERTILIZED EGG WHICH IS A HUMAN BEING. She said that she was not ready to have a baby & I said to her "but your ready to be a murder". She looked surprised. I said that "Jesus created you" & then she said that "He made the animals & trees too". I said "yes but He didn't Redeem them, but He came to Redeem you". She said that she would look at the materials & then went into the foyer of PP to make a call for her to be picked up. Her ride came about 15 minutes later & the guy driving came in real fast & left even faster. Then Martha arrived & a young girl came walking up the street & we started to talk to her. She said that she had a baby a year ago & she was going in there to see her girlfriend, who was there for a pregnancy test & was not abortion minded. Just wait when the commission minded so- called counselors get thought with her if she is pregnant. PLANNED PARENTHOOD LIES & DECEIVES THEIR VICTIMS. PLEASE DO NOT TRUST PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Martha's feet were frozen & had to go into the center for treatment @ 6PM. Please cut them off was her request which I did not do, I covered her feet with a warm cloth & said for her to "bit the bullet" it will take awhile for full recovery. Poor Martha. She did say something like I'm going to buy new boots tomorrow. Good idea Martha because winter is going to be hear for awhile longer. I was making up some Truth packets when Bill came in to give me the CD that he worked on putting more client information on it. Thanks BB. Good talking to you.
Saturday, December 20, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood I was at the center at 10 AM to orientate a mother-daughter to be counselors at the center from 10AM to 12Noon to counsel our clients & to provide for them whatever they need in 'choosing life'. When I was talking to the counselors one of the prayer warriors came in from the cold to warm up. She was talking to us when she said " I feel like I'm going to pass out" which she did. She fell to the floor & unfortunately hit her head on the open door leading to the meeting room. Her eyes rolled back & she was as white as a ghost. I called 911 & they sent an ambulance & took her to the hospital. It was so upsetting to all of us. After a little while of discussing the situation we continued with the orientation. They had to go & I went to the sidewalk to sidewalk counsel with the other pro lifers. We tried to talk to the girls telling them the Truth & hand out literature packets. Usually the reactions are negative which is a heart break.
![http://static.flickr.com/2385/2151326307_a064cc2506.jpg static.flickr.com/2385/2151326307_a064cc2506.jpg]()
Saturday, December 27, 2008 in front of Planned Parenthood The 'Lambs of Christ' were praying the Rosary in front of Planned Parenthood. When I got there one of the prayer warriors was praying on the other side of the driveway. I started to call out to the girls using the mega phone. The reactions of the girls is stoic, how sad. No real reaction from them. They are so cold & distant like they are trapped in the depths of sin & deprivation. The Death Escorts are bizarre as they smile when they see their victims drive into the Killing Mill. I had said to them that I love them but hate what they do & pray for their conversion, salvation & repentance every day. As the one Death Escort was leaving Planned Parenthood she rolled down her car window & looked right at me and said "I love you" "I love you". Icky, Icky, Icky. Evil is so horrible & not pleasant to be around. I left some artificial flowers by the tree in front of Planned Parenthood to indicate that Deaths has occurred there. In honor of the babies that have been murdered there. Out of respect that we have the flowers there until someone takes them & then we replace them again.
![http://www.chem.waseda.ac.jp/kanomata/Group_people.jpg www.chem.waseda.ac.jp/kanomata/Group_people.jpg]()
Please help us celebrate the most active year 2008 ever for RochesterProLife & The Focus Pregnancy Help Center With God’s help we:
¨ Hosted the local effort of 40 Days for Life (3 Confirmed Saves) ¨ Facilitated a weekend visit by Fr. Wilde of Priests for Life ¨ Distributed tons of baby clothes to expectant mothers, ¨ Made many new friends, volunteers and contributors ¨ Produced months of sidewalk counseling time ¨ Generated an astonishing total of Rosaries, Masses and prayers ¨ And in our spare time expanded to a larger Focus Pregnancy Help Center office at the same location. Lets work hard to make 2009 even better!!!! ![http://www.american.edu/TED/images4/three-babies.png www.american.edu/TED/images4/three-babies.png]()
Saturday, January 3, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood We had two clients scheduled to come in this morning into the Focus Pregnancy Help Center, but before they arrived two girls came to us for pregnancy tests. I was orientating a mother - daughter team but the mother was the one who counseled the 4 clients. Her daughter helped me make up more Truth packets for the street. It was a fruitful morning & the new counselor, a mother of 2 biological children & 2 adopted children & waiting to adopt 2 more children, did a fantastic job. About 4 Truth packets were handed out today. Praise God!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood I got there first tonight & was putting things away in the meeting room when Tucker walked in. We talked over a few things about the center & then went out to battle the evil at Planned Parenthood. The people were rude & angry tonight. I passed out about 4 Truth packets, thank God for His grace. I always feel good when these packets get handed out so the people can get the help that they need & deserve. ![http://static.flickr.com/45/140631452_7336cd23ec.jpg static.flickr.com/45/140631452_7336cd23ec.jpg]()
I was standing there by the tree when I turned around to see a young girl in the back seat of the car, 2 guys were in the front, & she was giving me the finger. I just looked at her & shook my head & said for her to "get away from these guys & start over". It was sooo very sad. She was some body's daughter. She looked so old & hard & yet I knew she was probably in her teens. ![http://www.painetworks.com/photos/in/in3078.JPG www.painetworks.com/photos/in/in3078.JPG]()
Another girl came out of PP & I tried to talk to her & her girlfriend. She hollered back at me "I'm telling all my friends to come here". I replied "then you don't care very much about your friends". The passenger, as they drove out, gave me her finger. I just said to them " we love you & will be praying for you". She gassed the car & off they went. Just so they know that they are cared about. The people in the world are sooo cold. I speak with tough love most of the time but I hope & pray that the Truth that I say to them will resonate in their minds & hearts & their lives will be changed by the grace of God. They are in an evil place when they come to Planned Parenthood!!! ![http://accordionguy.blogware.com/Photos/2005/10/angry_white_males_bike_comic.jpg accordionguy.blogware.com/Photos/2005/10/angry_white_males_bike_comic.jpg]()
One guy blew his horn & gave me the finger all the way down University Ave. I only hope that he REPENTS soon for it is really bothering him. ![http://static.flickr.com/1259/1290668288_3be7a1ea1a.jpg static.flickr.com/1259/1290668288_3be7a1ea1a.jpg]()
So many cars tonight had one headlight out so I must have used my mega phone about 8 times telling people that their light was out. And 3 cars didn't even have their lights on at all & one was a UPS truck. Oh my goodness. ![http://www.littleangelsscotland.co.uk/categoryImages/Premature-Baby-Clothes.jpg www.littleangelsscotland.co.uk/categoryImages/Premature-Baby-Clothes.jpg]()
We had a client call us & was coming into the center for baby clothes for her baby girl who will be born in March 2009. She was very happy & so was I to bless her with what we had. I gave her baby clothes a stuffed animal & a book to read to baby. Thanks to all who have contributed to the center. Tucker wasn't feeling good so when Martha came a little after 5 PM Tucker left. Martha & I said the Rosary. Prayer & Protest must go hand to hand to fight this Spiritual battle against the Evil One. ![http://static.flickr.com/2404/2140568994_a157c2c005.jpg static.flickr.com/2404/2140568994_a157c2c005.jpg]()
A little later Elaine came by but she got cold fast & then went into the center to warm up. Martha was already in there for her hands were freezing. I guess I dressed better than those 2 girls for I stayed out there by myself for a half an hour & left at 7PM. We all put the signs away & Martha left to go home & Elaine & I made up 10 more Truth packets for another day.
Saturday, January 10, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.jesusjournal.com/images/stories/Planned_parenthood_logo.jpg www.jesusjournal.com/images/stories/Planned_parenthood_logo.jpg]()
GREAT NEWS TO REPORT. PLANNED PARENTHOOD WILL BE CLOSED EVERY SATURDAY DUE TO THE ECONOMIC CRISIS. PRAISE GOD!!!! ![http://www.dcist.com/attachments/dcist_martin/Happy_People_Jumping_300w.jpg www.dcist.com/attachments/dcist_martin/Happy_People_Jumping_300w.jpg]()
Sooooo Neat!!
Rochester Catholic A Journal of Catholic News and Views The Catholic SpectatorJanuary 14, 2009 by Eugene Michael http://rochestercatholic.com/ ![]()
Finally, some good news about the economy: It has been reported that the local Planned Parenthood abortuary on University Ave. will now be closed on Saturdays due to economic constraints. Our prayers are working. A local group of pro-lifers will continue to gather in front of Planned Parenthood every Saturday morning for prayer. They will only stop gathering when the abortuary is closed all seven days of the week. In the meantime, continue with your prayers.
Wednesday January 14, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://static.flickr.com/45/140631452_7336cd23ec.jpg static.flickr.com/45/140631452_7336cd23ec.jpg]()
What a horrible evening at the Killing Mill, what do I expect when I'm at a Killing Mill where innocent human beings are being murdered in cold blood? I'll never get used to this evil place nor should I. The evening was cold but not windy so that was good & as I stood there the cars were rolling into the Death Mill. I saw that an older woman got out of the car with newspapers in her hand & I said that "Rochester Healthy Living Magazine & In Good Health Newspapers advertise the killing of innocent babies, for they advertise Planned Parenthood in them, so how healthy is that"? She just turned around & gave me a sick smile & went into PP to drop off the newspapers. Then as she left she gave me a sick wave good bye. Just go lady you really don't have to say good- bye, I don't even know you nor do I want to. ![http://menno.herewego.nl/Cuba.htm http://menno.herewego.nl/Cuba.htm]()
A few minutes later 3 young girls went into PP & I spoke Truth to them. They were there only for a few minutes & came out. As they were driving out & stopped the car along side of me on the sidewalk. She rolled down the window & I spoke to them for a few seconds & offered them a Truth packet. I noticed a newspaper on the lap of the passenger, it looked like the City Newspaper. I later found out that it was & had a Carol Love article in it. How evil. The passenger took the packet & then the driver stuck her head over to me & said "you should have been aborted". I was caught off guard & I said back "shame on you, shame on you". Litle did they know that I was almost aborted & my twin brother was aborted & I survived. (See 'My Story' on this web site). They drove off. A few seconds later they were coming back to where I was standing by reversing their car When they got to where I was the window opened & the Truth packet was flung out the window & again off they went, the right way, down the street. How sad!!! What is this world coming to?? The girls are getting harder & harder due to unrepentant sin. ![http://www.dur.ac.uk/jackie.rafferty/Images%20for%20EBS/?C=M;O=A http://www.dur.ac.uk/jackie.rafferty/Images%20for%20EBS/?C=M;O=A]()
The Death Escorts were coming in for their meeting to discuss the closing of Saturdays & their upcoming Roe vs Wade event at the Unitarian Church, on Winton Rd., next Thursday at 7PM with Dr. Death ( Bill Baird) residing. How sick!!! Then the pizza man came in for a delivery for the Death meeting, I guess even deathers get hungry too. I told him to just say "NO' to PP"s orders for your receiving blood $$. As he was driving out he said "your not doing any good here just go to the churches or libraries"? I told him that they were murdering babies HERE at the very place that you dropped off a delivery & that you don't know what your talking about". He left quickly. Excuses for the Killing Mill. I just don't get it. It must ease their consciouses or at least that's what they think. I'm not doing anything wrong!! I know the guy has to make a living just not with innocent blood $$. That's all I'm talking about. ![http://www.stockphotography.co.uk/store/Zoom.aspx?ProdID=11461 http://www.stockphotography.co.uk/store/Zoom.aspx?ProdID=11461]()
A car did stop & talked with me after leaving Planned Parenthood. I gave her the Truth packet & she said that she was a Christian & wanted more information. She was a very pleasant woman & I feel it in my spirit that she will not be coming back again after reading "Klan Parenthood" pamphlet & other importnat information in the Truth packet plus the Rosary that she received. ![http://open.salon.com/content.php?cid=59396 http://open.salon.com/content.php?cid=59396]()
A young girl came out & was very angry at me too. She stopped the car & said to me"I was here for a pregnancy test, my boyfriend is with my son & I don't have insurance & I called 7 places & Planned Parenthood was the only place that said "come on in". I was mortified again. The deception of PP is outrages & how they suck the innocent girls in there thinking that they are going to be helped is a crime. I asked if she would like some baby clothes for we have a pregnancy center 2 doors down the street she said "no". The I walked over to her car which was next to me & offered her a Truth packet, she said "no" & I said "okay goodbye just so you know that we love you". She sped away making a terrible noise. I just knew that she was not going to listen & need to get back on the sidewalk to try to help other that would listen. I just get angry out there sometimes for some of the people just are so stubborn. I worry about them & the lives that they are living & their innocent children, who suffer due to thew sins of the parents. I was also mad at myself for I didn't think that I had done a good job with her. Sorry Lord & please forgive me & help her. Amen It was shortly after 5PM & Martha, thank God arrived. I asked her if I could go into the center for a few minutes to warm up. "Sure "she said & I went into the center to cool down & warm up. In the meantime Martha said later that she had handed out a Truth packet while I was warming up & that Tucker had talked to the young people for a few minutes, which was unusual because Tucker never speaks to anyone only if they get in our faces, which wasn't the case this time. Well that is just fine. I came out into the cold again. There was a young guy that had walked into PP. When he came out I spoke to him & gave him a Rosary. He said that he was married & that he didn't want anymore babies. I said "that is what you want but is it what God wants"? That married people are to be open for 'life' & to trust in God to make that decision & not Planned Parenthood. He agreed & she that he listened to me & would think about it. I said "that would be good". A couple of guys stopped & took Rosaries from us & they were happy with that & so were we. ![http://www.who.int/entity/tobacco/wntd/2008/photos/en/index.html http://www.who.int/entity/tobacco/wntd/2008/photos/en/index.html]()
A young girl came out of PP & was lighting up a cigarette. Burr! I said to her that if you went back in there with the cigarette in your mouth they would ask you to leave but if you went in there to have your baby killed they would say "come on in, we'll take care of you". She said that she was against abortion that she was there for Birth Control. I told her in just a few minutes about how some of the Birth Control works. They sometimes act as a chemical abortion. She said something about her boyfriend. Then I said " don't have sex until your married". She then said "sex is good & natural". I said back "only if you're married". She walked back into the building after putting out her cigarette. ![http://static.flickr.com/176/393801526_cdc98f1ee7.jpg static.flickr.com/176/393801526_cdc98f1ee7.jpg]()
A guy drove in to the parking lot & picked up a young girl. I said as they were leaving "why don't you marry the girl". As he was leaving he shouted out the window "she's my niece & was here for a physical" & sped away very fast. Oh sure!! Only God knows. ![http://akvis.com/en/coloriage-tutorial/anime-picture.php http://akvis.com/en/coloriage-tutorial/anime-picture.php]()
Then when you think that things were calming down another young girl was pulling out of the parking lot & rolled down her window & said "what about the dumpsters"????? I just shook my head & said "yes, some babies do end up in the dumpsters after they're aborted & isn't that terrible"? As I was talking to her I heard a female screaming in the parking lot. I couldn't make out what she was saying, I only heard her screaming at me in anger. I can rest assure that she had had an abortion in her past. Out the parking lot the 2 cars went. What a sad night it was there at the Killing Mill. Martha went into the center & had some hot home made (by Martha)soup. Thanks Martha that was real good & hit the spot.
Saturday, January 17, 2009 CELEBRATION RETREAT FOR THE SATURDAY CLOSING AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD ![http://blog.lib.umn.edu/ukura006/architecture/ http://blog.lib.umn.edu/ukura006/architecture/]()
PRO LIFE RETREAT The Pro Life Retreat, on Saturday at Our Lady of the Americas, was fantastic!! Thank you Chris, Bruno, Fr. Jim Hewes & Jose for an awesome spiritual & educational day in the Lord!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at Planned Parenthood The most horrible evening. Tucker & I were out there tonight, Martha is heading to Washington for the 'March for Life', God be with you dear heart. The first young girl coming out of the Death Mill gave me her finger with such an angry face, all twisted & all. How sad for one to be so young & so tough acting. Her conscious had been pricked & it hurt & the one you take it out on was the one who was trying to help you. ![http://static.flickr.com/40/80947158_641eef9524.jpg static.flickr.com/40/80947158_641eef9524.jpg]() The next event was a young girl came out of Planned Parenthood & was walking towards me on the sidewalk. I said to her with a smile "what would you be doing at Planned Parenthood"? She then replied "I coming for an abortion tomorrow". Oh my sweet Lord I was taken back. I said to her that we offer help at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center & we can go in there & talk. She said "okay" & followed me into the center. I was talking to her all the time we were walking to the center & continued while we got in the center. I gave her2 DVD's one on a bloodless abortion procedure & the other was a 3D Ultrasound. I gave her more information & showed her graphic pictures of aborted babies to give her the realization of what she had planned to do to her son or daughter. She told me that she had a 1 year old daughter at home. I pleaded with her that she couldn't deprive her daughter of a new brother or sister. I also told her what God's Commandment says "Thou Shall Not Kill". I said an Hail Mary & Our Father out loud. I gave her a stuffed animal for her daughter & a one-see for her child in the womb. I said that you cold give your baby up for adoption just give your baby LIFE. She said thank you & left to get the bus. My heart & prayers are with you & your precious baby, Mom. P.S. I did ask for her name & phone # and called her to speak with her some more. She told me that PP told her to put a pill up her vagina. I told her to flush it down the toilet & to go to a good doctor that we have in the Truth packet for pre natal care & that she could call me anytime for more help. And after the baby is born to come back to the Focus Pregnancy Help Center to get some clothes for her baby. Please Lord Jesus & Mother Mary, protect this little 8 week old baby in the womb, who has been threatened by abortion not to die that way but to live. Please mom just let me be born!! I know that she was listening. ![http://users.mikrotec.com/~jodell/images/UPS%20truck.JPG users.mikrotec.com/~jodell/images/UPS%20truck.JPG]()
When I got back to the sidewalk I saw coming down the street the UPS truck & he was giving me his middle finger. That was it. I asked Tucker for pen for I had the paper & he took down the truck # & the license plate #. I was determined to call & report him finally. This is the third time he has harassed us. The first time he drove his truck very close to the sidewalk where we standing to go into Buckpitt which is a business next to Planned Parenthood & make a delivery. Another time he was at Buckpitt he screamed out to me ,who was counseling "shout up". Three strikes & you are out. PS. When I got home tonight I did call UPS & reported him. The nice man on the phone said he was sorry for the actions of one of there employees. I accepted his apology & steps will be taken tomorrow by the company regarding these episodes. Another girl as she was leaving gave me her middle finger as she was driving out. I only wish that they were as mad as Planned Parenthood as they were me. They deserve it for what they are doing to them, they just don't know it. ![http://edubuzz.org/blogs/mgsonline/2008/01/31/stop-smoking-poster-competition/ http://edubuzz.org/blogs/mgsonline/2008/01/31/stop-smoking-poster-competition/]()
Two girls came out walking up the street away from me. One was smoking & I told her that no one can smoke at Planned Parenthood but one could have their baby killed in there. The other said something really bad that I will not repeat on the web site or anywhere else. I hollered up the street to her saying "do you talk to your mother that way". The girls are getting harder & harder over time. ![http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a132/jinhuay/dark_sadness_by_LonelyPierot.jpg i10.photobucket.com/albums/a132/jinhuay/dark_sadness_by_LonelyPierot.jpg]()
It was a very sad & difficult evening. I pray for them all because most of them have had an abortion thinking that now everything will be back to normal & all will be well. That is now never going to happen once you cross over the line of having had your child murdered in cold blood. God will forgive you, with a sincere heart if you ask Him, but you will be on the painful road to recovery for a lifetime.
Thursday, January 22, 2009 Roe vs Wade Day in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.transporter.com/apologia/life/March4Life02/ http://www.transporter.com/apologia/life/March4Life02/]()
Thirty-six years ago this country compromised on the 'Life' issues and made abortion the 'Law of the Land'. Evil permeated this country with the slaughter of the innocent children in the womb & mothers & father became murderers of their own children. 'Thou Shall Not Kill' the Commandment of God was broken. Americans killing Americans, through the bloody procedure of abortion. We pro lifer were in front of Rochester's own Killing Mill, Planned Parenthood which kills more children here & over seas than any other abortion facility. All 16 of us were praying & 2 of us were speaking out to the girls not to have their babies killed today or any other day. That we can help them to continue their pregnancies & to give their babies a birth day & not a death day. Some of the girls stopped & took the Truth packet & smiled as they heard the Truth to start their lives over & to do better. ![]()
Channel 10 came & interviewed someone at PP, their face never got on TV just their sick comments were repeated. Myself & the prayer team got on TV, hopefully as a witness to others. It was a testimony to the people of Rochester that we do not want Planned Parenthood here killing our citizens!! ![http://www.talktosteve.com/images/bound_for_life_01.jpg www.talktosteve.com/images/bound_for_life_01.jpg]()
The 'Bound For Life' ministry were there from 6 PM to 7 PM with tape across their mouths that says 'LIFE'. They had candles there to represent the loss of innocent, voiceless, precious lives there at Planned Parenthood.
![http://www.aliciapatterson.org/APF1502/Rubin/Rubin.html http://www.aliciapatterson.org/APF1502/Rubin/Rubin.html]() ![http://www.geocities.com/qcnow/ http://www.geocities.com/qcnow/]() ![http://religionandmorality.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/planned-parenthood-lays-off-30-workers-due-to-budget-shortfalls-connected-to-madoff-scandal-promises-to/ http://religionandmorality.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/planned-parenthood-lays-off-30-workers-due-to-budget-shortfalls-connected-to-madoff-scandal-promises-to/]() ![http://www.pitt.edu/~jdl1/homepage.htm http://www.pitt.edu/~jdl1/homepage.htm]() A Continuation of Thursday, January 22, 2009, in front of the Unitarian church, where pro abortion Bill Barid, of Eisenstadt v. Baird - the Supreme Court Decision that legalized birth control for unmarried people as well as married people which was Sponsored by Rochester NOW. Co-sponsored by the First Unitarian Church and Planned Parenthood of the Rochester and Syracuse Region. Ther was 8 dedicated pro life prayer warriors praying for the 'End to Baby Killing', which the pro abortion side does NOT understand. I was statimg to the people coming in to to this' Death Lecture' to REPENT. It was hard enough to see the young people & the middle age people but it was so sad to see the old people. I saw a middle age woman bring with her an older lady who was about 80+, how to comprehend this takes time. All of a sudden there were people coming down the walk way, it was the 'Death Squad'. I just continues to face the people driving down S. Winton & then all of a sudden there was an unknown man standing before me. I said "who are you"? He replied " I'm Bill Barid". I then said to him "stop killing children, stop killing children, stop killing children" He then said "you sound like a robert, you need an lobectomy". I then made the sign of the cross & said the St. Michael Prayer, & then he left me after I gave him the Truth packet that I had offered to him & he accepted to my dismay, that's God's grace. The woman who came with him said to me "we have Barick Obama' I said that "we have God". She just doesn't get it. How sad. In the meantime the other pro lifer was engaging with the woman who was with the 'Death Entrouge". She was saying that Birth Conrol was great & that the pro lifer needed an Vastomectoy, isn't that sexist?? Then they left towards the so-called church to start their lies to the Public, whose ears he will tickle. Then we continued the Rosary & to witness to the public dirving down the street with prayer & our graphic signs to which Bill Baird had to witness. During prayer I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me that I had brought 2 DVD's with me. One was a bloodless abortion procedure & the other was a 4D Ultrasound. I had asked if some one whould go in the building with me & the pro lifer that I have known for a long time said that he would. The other pro lifers were not sure if this was a good idea but when I am convicted by the Holy Spirit I try, with His grace, to do what He wants me to do no matter how difficult it is. As we entered the building I was greeted by a woman who was by the door to the autotorium. I simply said to her that I was pro life & repeated it again to her for I feel she didn't understand. Then I was approached by a familiar 'Pro Death" woman who I have encountered in the past at Anti Life events. I smiled to her & I saw that she was giving the proifer some literature & I asked her for the same which she gave to me. I was looking for the pro lifer who I knew had come into the room to give her the DVD's so she could give them to Bill Baird at the end of his talk. I heard Bill barid say when I entered te room a Anti Catholic comment to which you would descern that he was Anti Catholic. I couldn't see my friend in the sparce room, not a good turn out, thank God. I then walked up to wher he was talking ,on a stage, & said to him that I had to go but I wanted him to have these DVD's. I left them on the table to where he was talking. I then turned around to face the people, to leave, & as I was walking down the asile I said to them "don't listen to him, don't listen to him". I passed some familiar pro deathe faces on the way back up the asile. Some in the audiance started to respond to my comment & I heard Bill Barid say to the poor people "that's okay". Really Bill!! On the way out I again told the 'Death People' to REPENT for their soul sake. It is always diffult to be in the ememy's camp but with God's grace you can do anything. This is the report that I received from my friend, who was in there, that I couldn't find: Couple things to report on First, the Bill Baird / NOW event at the Unitarian Church which Wendy and I attended. Four qualities in his presentation were evident 1.) he is an egotist suffering from martyrdom; 2.) there is little substance to his pro-choice position that he relates, but rather tactics and strategies were key;and 3.) birth control and abortion are used interchageably; and 4.) he hates the Catholic Church with irrational passion. It would take too long to quote him, but trust me, the synopsis above of his talk is not esaggerated. Moreover, he indicated how the pro-choice community disliked him. Planned Parenthood even had the poor taste of stating in the '60's that abortion kills a human being. Betty Freidan (who needed to be convinced by Baird that abortion was important to women's advancement) he called a woman sexist. (I was afraid to look at Wendy for fear I would burst out laughing.) And the Catholic Church (all issues led back to the Catholic Church's fault. Thank God somebody thinks they are doing a lot about abortion...) 'killed' his family. I thought, Oh my God! a Catholic sniper priest shot them! But actually, his wife and children went to live in Maine because they were humiliated by him. He ended his talk with saying for every 100 letters received only one was a thank you. Then he encouraged everyone in the audience to sit right down and write him a thank you. I asked the question if he had ever heard an anti-abortion argument that was rational. He said no. Then took off on Archbishop John Cardinal o'Connor who he is still fighting in the grave. Wendy identified herself with FCL when she asked her question, very calmly and articulate. People came up to her afterward, and we spend 20 minutes or so 'milling around'. All in all, Baird would be worth our while to fund a road tour for him on behalf of pro-life cause as Exhibit A. He is just that bad. I leave it as that!!
Friday, January 23, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Two pro lifers & I went to Planned Parenthood after Mass today to pray & to witness to the girls & guys & to the public driving by. I spoke to an angry young man who went int PP for condoms. He stopped the car, as he was leaving, & used an unmentionable word as he was talking to me. I just told him to keep his privates in his pants & not to use it for sinning. If you really care about the girl, you are having sex with, then marry her & make her your wife & the mother of your children. I also said that those condoms are not going to protect you or her from sexually transmitted diseases & pregnancy & you wouldn't want her to come here to have your baby killed, would you? He was mad & he scrawled out the parking lot to the street ahead. At least I got an reaction so there is Hope. He had at least something to think about on his ride home or where ever he was going. ![http://www.ericsson.com/ericsson/press/photos/mobile50years.shtml http://www.ericsson.com/ericsson/press/photos/mobile50years.shtml]()
A woman who was in a car that had PDQ on the side of the car. She gave he a twisted face then used her finger to twirl around her ear, as if to imply that I was crazy. As she was leaving I told her that I was going to report her to her Supervisor, which I did the next day. Her Supervisor was co operative & said that he would talk with her about the incident & apologized for her action. I said that we get that kind of behavior all the time but when it comes from some one that is representing a company I will call that company to report them. He agreed. I spoke with a young girl that was going into PP. I offered he a Truth packet & she said that when she comes out she will take it. She came out a few minutes later & stopped next to me on the street. I gave her the Truth packet & told her to throw the condoms away that were in the brown paper bag that she just got at Planned Parenthood. I told her to save herself for marriage & that she can be healthy, happy & holy. She agreed. God only knows if she started her life over that day. I only hope & pray that she did. ![http://www.orientalgirl.net/oriental_singles.html http://www.orientalgirl.net/oriental_singles.html]()
I spoke with an Oriental man who was in the back seat of the car waiting for his friend to come out of Planned Parenthood. I offered him a Truth packet & spoke to him for awhile. I had to go for I was having friends coming over at 3PM. As I was saying good bye to the Prayer Warriors, who was still praying, I spotted a woman across the street standing in front of the Animal Hospital. I offered her a Truth packet & she said that she didn't believe in abortion, I replied "that is great". I said that I still wanted her to have the information so she could pass it onto someone that might need the help. She & I walked in the middle of the street & I gave her the Truth packet, just then a car drove passed me & the Oriental man in the back seat waved to me as the car fled by. Maybe he did hear me!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://static.flickr.com/3210/3155507410_940fb2a0ac.jpg static.flickr.com/3210/3155507410_940fb2a0ac.jpg]()
Today there was a severe winter storm but we need to do what we need to do out in front of Planned Parenthood in trying to save lives & souls. It was Tucker & I tonight for Martha was in a minor car accident the day before, she was shaken up a bit & somewhat sore. You are in all our prayers dear Martha. I was surprised that there were as many cars out on the road for such a terrible winter's day. The Death Mill wasn't closed they keep on lying, deceiving & killing even on a bad day. ![http://static.flickr.com/3236/3021947597_ae5640781f.jpg static.flickr.com/3236/3021947597_ae5640781f.jpg]()
Two woman & one little girl came out of Planned Parenthood. This bothers me the most when I see children going into Planned Parenthood. For they are killing children in there & my heart goes out in seeing children in there where their peers have been mutilated. Those children will not enjoy life here on earth for PP has made them meaningless & have taken away their lives. They depersonalize these babies by saying that they are a clump of tissue & they can be disposed of so readily. I called out to them & they stopped to receive a Truth packet from me. I offered some stuffed animals & some books to the mom for her little girl. Even though the evening was so bad & they almost got stuck in our parking lot the mom & little came into the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. The little girl was so cute & she picked out 1 stuffed animal & 1 football & some books & a hat & gloves with a Penguin on it & a scarf to match. I asked her if she had a brother, for she picked out a football, & she "no". I guess she just likes football. The mom took some more literature & I spook with her for a few minutes. Real nice family & I only hope & pray that she got convicted about Planned Parenthood & how Evil they are. The little girl was so cute & sweet & I cannot imagine her not being in this world, thanks mom for not having your sweet daughter killed by abortion. I said good-bye to them & went back out on the sidewalk to be with Tucker who was all alone at this time. ![http://blogs.smarter.com/beauty/tag/Sleeping-with-Wet-Hair http://blogs.smarter.com/beauty/tag/Sleeping-with-Wet-Hair]() My hair was so wet from the heavy snow & I was so goofy not to put my hair up into a hat so that it wouldn't get drenched. I should know better after all these years being on the front lines. So I went back into the center to dry my hair & put it up into a hat. We have a portable hair dryer in the center. There was Assemblyman David Gantt in the car with the window down. I just said to him in a nice tone of voice to "repent David Gantt so you won't end up in hell". He drove out of the parking lot where his office is in, which is the same strip mall that our center is in. We are neighbors. It's so sad that he's not helping to save babies that are being killed at Planned Parenthood, 4 doors down the street from his public office. What a sad man he is, we must pray for his salvation. I walked back to the sidewalk. Another car stopped to take a Truth packet & she was nice. I asked her not to patronize a place that kills God's children. I said that we want this place to shut down so they can't kill anymore children & good people like you can help to make that happen by not coming back. I told her that there was a list of good doctors in the packet for her to go to from now on. She thanked me with a smile & said "good bye" & I said that "Jesus loved her & she drove down the street. ![http://flickr.com/photos/violentz/4449928/in/set-102804/ http://flickr.com/photos/violentz/4449928/in/set-102804/]()
I offered a Truth packet to a young girl & guy as they walked passed me on the sidewalk. They said "no thank you " & I replied that Jesus loved them & the young man replied back by saying "I love Jesus!". It sounded so good & he touched my heart by his loving words for the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. ![http://kindredthought.blogspot.com/2008/08/sweet-ideas-for-outgrown-baby-clothes.html http://kindredthought.blogspot.com/2008/08/sweet-ideas-for-outgrown-baby-clothes.html]()
Two young girls came out of Planned Parenthood & I spoke to them. They stopped in the street & I gave them a Truth packet. The driver said that she didn't believe in abortion & I said that was good & I added that Birth Control also kills children earlier on. She looked surprised & asked if I had another packet. I said that I did have one in my car & I ran to retrieve it for I had no more in the plastic container that we put the literature packets in, I ran out. Need to make more later. I then invited them into the Focus Pregnancy Help Center to get some baby clothes & more information. They came into the center & got blessed & I got blessed too. The one young lady said that she has 2 children 6 & 2 years old. She said the she got pregnant at 16 & her mother, who gave birth to 8 children, drove her for an abortion. She said that she didn't want to do it & her mother said that there was no abortions ever in her family but she brought to Planned Parenthood. Thank God that her Mother had a change of heart & let her daughter continue her pregnancy. She told me that she is blessed with her son & couldn't imagine life without him or her daughter. She also said that her mother was very sorry for taking her to get an abortion & that when she sees her grandchild her heart still hurts thinking that she almost had him killed. It sounded that her mother has repented for her sin. She said that her family member just had a baby boy 8 lbs. & the mom is experiencing post natal depression & doesn't have much of anything for her baby also. Well, that got changed tonight. She was delighted to be blessed with many baby clothes & items & books & stuffed animals for the baby. I told her to call the Woman's Care Center for bigger baby items like a crib & a car seat. She said that she had talked her out of having an abortion. I said that she was a 'Life Saver" & she did a great job in saving his life. Praise God!! Then she said that her cousin was thinking of having an abortion which would be her second for she had one about a year ago, My heart sank. I gave her 2 DVDs. One was the bloodless abortion procedure & the other was the 3D Ultrasound video. She said that she would show her the 2 videos. I gave her loads of literature & a plastic baby model of a 10 week old fetus. I know that she will try very hard to save this baby too. I know that this baby will be saved from being aborted. She was very grateful & said that she will tell everybody about the center. She said that the center is hard to see from the street & I agreed. I wish that we were more visible to the people walking by & the cars driving by. Maybe someday we will be more visible. The other young girl that was with this sweet girl was so nice too. She said that when she got pregnant she never thought of an abortion. I said "that's great, when a woman or girl gets pregnant she should have no decision to make you just keep the baby in the womb to grow & to be born", that's it. She agreed. She has a 2 year old daughter at home & was given some real nice things for her daughter. We were all blessed this evening. I said a prayer for them & they left with a big smile on their faces. I had a smile on mine too. What terrific girls that I met tonight, what great mothers they both are. Many of God's blessings be with you both & your families. Keep on educating others with the information that you recevied, at the center tonight & if you need anything more just call me anytime. What a night!! Thank you Lord for saving & changing lives. ![http://www.lansingteenchallenge.org/pg/maternity_center/ http://www.lansingteenchallenge.org/pg/maternity_center/]() ![http://www.bigwinnipeg.com/en/Home/donations/donteclothing/default.aspx http://www.bigwinnipeg.com/en/Home/donations/donteclothing/default.aspx]() ![http://static.flickr.com/197/453116036_caa9562fcd.jpg static.flickr.com/197/453116036_caa9562fcd.jpg]() ![http://www.balloonaticsdesigns.com/index.php?cPath=21_61&osCsid=374bea8673ccf54314dea40fb4ac6fec http://www.balloonaticsdesigns.com/index.php?cPath=21_61&osCsid=374bea8673ccf54314dea40fb4ac6fec]() ![http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=7538671844 http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=7538671844]()
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Pat & I were there for about 2 hours from 1PM to 3PM. We handed out 5 Truth packets & talked to many people. One couple passed us by, on the sidewalk & I asked if they were going into Planned Parenthood. The gentleman said "yes" we are & said I said back to him "that's not a smart thing to do, for they kill babies in there & they don't care about you. "We can help you by giving you some information" I said. They said "no thank you" & walked right in there. They came out only a few minutes later & the young lady told me that she didn't believe in abortion for she was 'adopted'. I smiled & said "thank God that your mother 'choice life' for you. Pat was talking to her boyfriend. I gave them a Truth packet & they said "thank you" & they went into their car, which was parked on the street & went away. Thank you Lord!! It was a fruitful couple of hours. Pat & Charles said the Rosary until he had to leave & then Pat continued to pray & pray, while I counseled. Thank you so much for the prayer power, you fine people.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://jamericanmuslimah.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/acceptable-anger-black-women-and-vulnerability/ http://jamericanmuslimah.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/acceptable-anger-black-women-and-vulnerability/]() ![http://jamericanmuslimah.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/acceptable-anger-black-women-and-vulnerability/ http://jamericanmuslimah.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/acceptable-anger-black-women-and-vulnerability/]()
This is the night of all nights that I would want to forget forever. But I won't be able to. It will remain in my psyche forever. I just got on the sidewalk to counsel & I called out to two black girls that just had come out of Planned Parenthood. They stopped at the driveway & I offered them the Truth packet. The passenger responded that they were not their for an abortion & that they kept their kids. I asked them if they needed any baby clothes & that there was a pregnancy center right next to the yellow building. I then said to them to follow me. We got to the center & I offered them clothes for their children. Each sister had one child each they told me, one was a girl & the other was a boy, both 1 years old. One of the girls had her baby boy with her, he was as cute as a button. They were impressed with the selection & then said to me that I should just say to the girls at Planned Parenthood that we have baby clothes & not to show those horrible pictures of aborted babies to them. I said to them that the pictures have saved a lot of babies from being killed by abortion. Their backs were turned to me, as they were picking out baby clothes, & then I asked the question "I hope that you girls never had an abortion" to which the first girl mumbled that she had 4 abortions & her sister said that she had 2 abortions. I almost dropped to the floor & really wanted to stay there forever. Then they said "what did you expect us to do?. I said "adoption" to which they both turned around, at the same time, to face me with their eyes wide open & together they said "are you crazy!". I thought I was in a Twilight Zone episode & couldn't process what I just heard. I then said "no, it was crazy to have your babies killed". The one sister said that she didn't want to feel labor pain & the other sister said that she couldn't afford the babies. I replied that there is no excuse, under Heaven, that makes it okay to have a baby killed by abortion. Earlier, when they first came into the center we were talking about abortion & the one sister said "that people just don't care". Then come to find out that she was one of them. I said to the girls that you need to ask the Lord to forgive you. The one sister said that she was a Christian & I replied that you didn't act as a Christian & God says in the 10 Commandments "Thou Shall Not Kill". I was worry because they were trying to justify these murders of 6 innocent children. The one sister said "I talked to God & asked Him to forgive me & if I had to do it over again I won't" Then the other sister said " I am sorry, I know now it was wrong". I only hope that they can take it further with the Lord & His Forgiveness & Mercy & ask their children to forgive them too for taking their lives. I put in the clothes bag more information for them to read, now some info regarding Post Abortion healing organizations. ![http://rbgfenix.blogspot.com/2008/08/airports.html http://rbgfenix.blogspot.com/2008/08/airports.html]()
I looked at this little baby eyes, that she was carrying & felt such sorrow for him, for he will never know his brothers & sisters & cousins. My heart went out to him for someday he will find out & I only hope that he will forgive his Mother & his Aunt for what they did. For everything done in secret will be exposed to the light. After they left I cried. Planned Parenthood is Racist!!! ![http://static.flickr.com/46/147290029_510e794c9b.jpg static.flickr.com/46/147290029_510e794c9b.jpg]()
A guy driving by hollored out his car window "you take of them". Tucker hollored back "I will". Nasty man, I hope that you repent from your sins. We want to welcome our new Wednesday counselor at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. We are so blessed to have you to be a part of the team!!! Thursday February 5, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://kristine-tells-it.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.html http://kristine-tells-it.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.html]()
I had gone to the 12:10 Mass at our Lady of Victory Church and after Mass I asked David if he would go with me for an hour in front of Planned Parenthood to pray & counsel. He said "yes". We got there around 1PM & no cars were going in. I said to David that this was the "calm before the storm" which was so true because less than 5 minutes later there were cars coming into the parking lot. The first was a young guy & girl. He let her out then when on his merry way. I spoke to her as she was going into PP & I know that she saw the graphic sign of Malachi that I was holding. It looked like she didn't go into the building but stayed in the foyer. I kept on talking to her about not having her baby killed & he of she has a heart beat & wants to live. I spoke about some of the effects of abortion upon the mother as well. She later came out & walked down the street on the opposite of the driveway & then came back & went into the foyer again. I kept talking to her & a few minutes later her ride came back & picked her up. When they left the drive way she smiled at me & I said that I was worried about her & they drove away. I only hope & pray that she had changed her mind & decided not to have her baby killed. I pray also that she never comes back again & if she was there for an abortion that she will not do it later on & she will give birth to her baby sometime this year. Praise God!! ![http://www.myhousekey.org/index.php http://www.myhousekey.org/index.php]()
After they had gone a young man drove in by himself. When he got out of the car he came right over to David & I. He said to us that he was there for the morning after pill because he wasn't ready to have a baby. I said that you were ready to have sex & that' how babies are made. I said to him that the Morning after Pill can take a life of the baby. That if fertilization had occurred that the fertilized egg cannot plant in the womb & the baby is sluffed off. That's taking a life. He said that the sperm was wasted by the condoms & that the eggs were wasted by having a period??? Then he said that he was Biology major , go figure. I said that when the sperm penetrated the egg, which is conception, which Is a baby. I don't know where he goes to school but some there doesn't know much. Then he said that there were to many people in the world something about overpopulation??? I said that there isn't enough people in the world for their being killed by abortion & that some countries in Europe do not enough people. Then I offered him a Truth packet & to my surprise he took it. Then he saw the poster of the picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe & went bonkers. He said "I knew that you were faith based, I knew that you were faith based" & walked away toward the floor of PP & went in. About 10 minutes later he came out without the Truth packet & went to his car. A few minutes later he went back into PP & when he came back out again he was holding the Truth packet, hooray!! When he was at the entrance of the parking lot he stopped the car & rolled down the windows & hollered "why don't you leave these people alone you are upsetting them in there & why don't you just go home, they're going to do what they want to do anyways, just go home. I said "no, I'm glad that they are upset that means that they are hearing the Truth & some of them are in there about to have their babies killed, we offer them the Truth about what they are about to do". Then he said to me "why do you care again, why do you care" I hollered back to him that "I was almost aborted". He hollered back "I was almost aborted too. I said to him in a stressed voice, "then why are you not with us if you were almost killed by abortion"? You must have an idea the fear that these poor babies feel & you could have been killed but was spared. Then he asked him what education have I had. I didn't answer & he asked again. David said that he is a student at the Eastman School of Music. He asked me again the same question & then said "did you even graduate from High School"! It seemed that there was a war between him & I. I then said that I was a nurse. I have not practiced nursing for a long time really ever since I was a nurse at Highland Hospital back in the late 70's that's when Morris Wortman (before he became an abortionist) at that time he was a resident had hurt my back. One day as I was walking down the hall, he was coming up the hall & he grabbed my right arm & swung me in the opposite direction. I felt like I was flying in the air. I ended up in the opposite direction of the hall. When I landed I knew that my back had been hurt. I told him so & all he said to me was "no I didn't" but he did hurt my back. To this day I have a permanent partial nerve root compression at L5. Which means that I have a numb right leg & also am in consistent pain & discomfort. I offer it up to the Lord for his conversion & that he would stop murdering little babies. Then the angry young man put himself back in the drivers seat & drove away. Later on after David had left around 2 PM the police came. He said that someone had called & said that I was harassing here. I told the good officer that I was not but only giving the people the information that they had not received before. That people get mad when they hear the Truth sometimes. I then said to him that I had Freedom of Speech that I was not threatening them but offering them help. He said that he had to come over because he got the call. I said that was fine officer for I've been out here for 13 years now (really even longer) & that I know some of the officers like officers Mike & Chris. He said fine & then left. Poor kid, I know that he called the police & later on I know that he will realize what went on today. For I hope & pray "that today was the first day of his life". Only to start after he called the police. He was so confused by all the lies & deception in his life until today. Usually you reject the Truth before you embrace it. ![http://www.beware-of-art.com/images/journal/2005/10/mean-lady.jpg www.beware-of-art.com/images/journal/2005/10/mean-lady.jpg]()
A woman was driving her daughter into Planned Parenthood for an abortion I really felt it especially when I said what would the Lord tell you to do & she gave me her IQ. I said that you're having your grandchild killed here today. What did he or she do to you to end up here at PP about to be killed. She just went in with her daughter. Poor daughter, she might really hate her mother someday for what she made her do, I only hope that she will forgive her. ![http://ppc.warhawkenterprises.com/scans/blackladyaerosm.jpg ppc.warhawkenterprises.com/scans/blackladyaerosm.jpg]()
A nice young girl came out & stopped the car along side of me & took the Truth packet. Thank you sweet girl. Hopefully you will not come back hear again once you read what's in the packet. Knowledge is Power!!! ![http://static.flickr.com/3224/2995092478_3c7ffeaac1.jpg static.flickr.com/3224/2995092478_3c7ffeaac1.jpg]()
David had to leave & I stayed for a little longer & it was during that time that I encountered Shawn. I will never forget what had transpired in such a few minutes of time. The trauma & sadness & the horror of the experience will be with me forever. May you rest in peace sweet baby!! I'm so sorry precious & innocent baby!! Just to let you know that your Father & I did not want you to be killed. He & I tryed to save your life but your mother & Planned Parenthood would not hear of it. You are with God & Mother Mary now forever. This is what happened.................... ![http://www.featurepics.com/FI/Thumb/20060605/BlackManCrying35958.jpg www.featurepics.com/FI/Thumb/20060605/BlackManCrying35958.jpg]() ![http://www.babycenter.com/0_all-about-ultrasounds_329.bc http://www.babycenter.com/0_all-about-ultrasounds_329.bc]()
David had just left & I was standing there when a car had just left the parking lot & came along side of me. I said to the gentleman, in the car, that Planned Parenthood is targeting his race & killing babies in there. Then he took out a picture, it was an ultrasound picture of his baby & then said that his girlfriend was in Planned Parenthood right now having the baby aborted. He did not drive her there but someone else did & he found out & was there trying to save his baby's life but couldn't, she would not listen. He said that he has 3 other children by different women & they didn't abort them. He said that he had tried to talk with her for a month not to do this. He showed her the ultrasound picture again & again & said to her "don't you see the head, arms & legs of the baby. Her heart was closed. Now he has to live with this horrible loss if his precious child & the way he or she died. He said that he had to go to pick up his nephew but first I prayed with him & then he left. As he was driving away I said to him that I was sorry. I just cried & cried after he left. It will stay with me for a long time. Please keep Shawn in your prayers & the repentence of the woman who had his baby murdered at Planned Parenthood & for those who are apart of this Killing Mill. Lord have Mercy on their souls ![http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2003/111-14/fetus.jpg ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2003/111-14/fetus.jpg]()
Monday, February 8, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Our counselor Crystal, at the Focus pregnancy Help Center, spoke with 5 clients tonight. She counseled them & gave out free literature . They wanted the graphic aborted baby pictures. They had no idea that is was happenes in an abortion. One of the girls was post abortive & said "that if you were out there with these pictures I wouldn't have had an abortion that day". I only wished that we were out there for her & her baby. We pray for forgiveness & healing, from the Lord for her & other women & girls like her. She was given Project Rachel & Silent No More Awareness materials. Please check out: http://www.silentnomoreawareness.org/ & http://www.hopeafterabortion.com/. Truth & Education is power & Freedom!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![]()
Four women & one man were in front of Planned Parenthood tonight with their signs that read: ' I REGRET MY ABORTION' & 'I REGRET LOSS FATHERHOOD'. They will be gathering every Tuesday from 4PM to 5PM or later. Please consider joining them in this quiet & peaceful & prayful witness.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/12077.html http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/12077.html]()
My first, but not my last finger, of the night. It was the first young girl that I spoke to as she was getting into her car at Planned Parenthood. It was sad, standing there on the sidewalkto, & seeing a girl with a nice face turn into something else within seconds. What a metamorphose. I did say to her that she was showing me her IQ & doesn't it figure if you're coming out of this place. I did try to help her even though she got me upset by doing that. It's so degrading really to her but I feel icky too when I see it. It used to be just guys that did that now it's mostly females. Oh how times have changed. That's right women's lib took the pants off the man & put it on the women. How mixed up is that. ![http://www.dsf.health.state.pa.us/health/CWP/view.asp?A=179&Q=237044 http://www.dsf.health.state.pa.us/health/CWP/view.asp?A=179&Q=237044]()
A young mother came out with a baby in a carry all. I offered her baby clothes at the center & she took me up on that offer. Martha brought her in & gave her some baby clothes for her sweet little girl plus a Truth packet. she put into the bag. Good job Martha!! I called out to another mom who had just gotten in her car, that we had clothes for her baby, but she was mad at me. When she came in I asked her not to bring her baby into this horrible place where they kill babies. She was not opened to hearing the Truth & walked in with her precious baby in a huff. So when she came out I guess she was in no mood for clothes or books or stuffed animals for her baby. At least I think she was convicted in not being there. Better to get a reaction no matter how negative rather than none at all. I called over to a gentleman, who was walking on the other side of the sidewalk, across the street, if he would like a Rosary. He crossed the street & took one & he stayed & talked to Tucker for about 45 minutes. Never know what to expect when I approach someone. I'm really shy so you know that this 'Holy Boldness' is from the Lord. ![http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Man-and-woman-icon.svg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Man-and-woman-icon.svg]() ![http://www.destination360.com/north-america/us/washington/seattle-condo-rental.php http://www.destination360.com/north-america/us/washington/seattle-condo-rental.php]()
The people who live right across the street in the big condo is Jim & Sue & they are pro abortion & they had pasted their window with a huge Obama poster, last November. They also have had Hillary stickers on their window & 'Keep Abortion Safe & Legal' & 'We are Pro Choice Americans'. Yes, we get the message that you both believe in the slaughtering of innocent, defenseless, American children. How pitiful. We have been dealing with the Bovay's for about 13 years now, Also been praying for them that long too. We hope that they repent. Well tonight they must have had one of their church meetings. Yes, they are Pro Death Presbyterians (there are some good pro life Presbyterians) . At least 5 older women came walking out of their condo. I used my megaphone to the right & then to the left to let them all know that 'God is Pro Life'. Then Jim hollered over to me "don't harass my friends". Wake up Jim, this is America & we still have the First Amendment right of 'Freedom of Speech' until you kill off all the Americans by abortion. Go inside your condo Jim & Sue & repent. A car raced into the parking lot & a mother with 2 children came out. The girls looked like they were about 6 & 8 years old. The mother screamed at me to "shut up" & gave me her middle finger in front of her 2 girls. I keep on telling her how evil Planned Parenthood was & that they kill children. I had to remind her also of my First Amendment right to protest & of ' Freedom of Speech' again. When she came out she slowed down the car to give me another finger to which I replied that that was a 'rape symbol' & how could you do that with your kids in the car? How bad is that. Martha & I said 3 Rosaries for conversions & for the end to abortion. Happy 'Our Lady of Lourdes' feast day today Mother Mary. We love you!! We left at around 7:10PM, for I had to hurry home to ask my neighbor to fix my printer, for I have many fliers to print out for the upcoming event when Pastor Robinson, a Black Pastor who is going to 'Wake Up Rochester' will be coming in April. Check out Current Events on this web site.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://static.flickr.com/2388/2203937194_cebcc113e2.jpg static.flickr.com/2388/2203937194_cebcc113e2.jpg]()
I recruited, after the Mass at Our Lady Of Victory, 2 people to come to pray with me at Planned Parenthood. The rain was coming down & the wind was fierce. I was standing, on the sidewalk, & the sign that I was holding came up & hit me hard on the left side of my head, near my temple. The wind had wrapped the rope of the sign around & around & around my wrist cutting off my circulation to my hand until I could undo it. I was wet. It felt like being in the shower with your clothes on. But that makes no difference when they are coming into the parking lot now to have their precious babies murdered here in cold blood. The first car that came in had 4 people in it. Two got out & went into PP, a man & a woman & the other two sped out of the parking lot, as if God did not see them. As they sped away I hollered to them that their lives will NEVER be the same again, & not in a good way. I pleaded & pleaded & pleaded some more to the 2 people that went in. I said everything that I could to try to save their baby's life. It's just unimaginable to be standing there knowing that a baby is going to killed & that you really can't do anything about it. You try. I say to myself & to others to keep on trying. I prayed & the 2 gentlemen were praying the Rosary in the car that was parked right next to me on the sidewalk. Then the 2 came out of PP & I was hopeful. They went to the side of the building & stood there for about 5 minutes. I was hoping that they were waiting for the car with the 2 people in it to come back & pick them up but instead they went back into Planned Parenthood. Oh Lord how unbearable! The hearts of man have grown so cold & heartless. ![Anti-abortion activists stand outside the Planned Parenthood clinic on 1108 16th St. N.W. while abortion rights escorts comfort patients as they enter and leave the facility.]()
Then the Death Escort, Sylvia Rose, drove in. Nothing like seeing evil in the face. She went in & put her blue apron on that reads 'Planned Parenthood'. I guess they have to identify the murders assistants. How sick! ![http://www.inmagine.com/is527/is527008-photo http://www.inmagine.com/is527/is527008-photo]()
A young girl was walking up the sidewalk towards Planned Parenthood & I gave her a Truth packet. I said "don't go in there" & she said "I have to". I said "no you don't & I offered her help. Just then the Death Escort was walking towards the girl who was still on the sidewalk talking to me. I told the young lady that if she or anyone takes the packet I'll call the police. The cars just kept on coming into PP. Martha came by & stayed to pray until she had to go to give the Holy Eucharist to the people in the Nursing Home. God is always with us. ![http://www.20x200.com/email/edition-announcement-67-jason-polan.html http://www.20x200.com/email/edition-announcement-67-jason-polan.html]()
I was soaked & went into the center to talk to the counselor who was there today & then went home to dry off & to call the doctor about the hard hit on the side of my head earlier. We must suffer for our little brothers & sisters that are being murdered by abortion & for the conversions of those who are doing it & supporting it.
Saturday, February 14, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood
of the Rochester/Syracuse Region
is proud to present a benefit performance of
Eve Ensler's award-winning play The Vagina Monologues (again)![http://www.kind.org/work_vday2007.php3 http://www.kind.org/work_vday2007.php3]()
I spoke to some of the girls, who were going into Planned Parenthood auditioning for this horrible, degrading play. I felt so badly for them "by the grace of God go I" for I have been gang raped & miscarried twins from that rape & was molested by a doctor, who is still a surgeon, at Highland Hospital, & am an incest survivor & have experienced other abuses, befallen me by man. (You can check out 'My Story' on this web site). Healing takes time. They look so angry & lost, for they probably don't know the Lord & how much He loves them & wants to heal them. Some of these girls have been so hurt by their families & society & men, whose role is for them to protect them not to victimize them. They are misguided by Planned Parenthood & this play. Some of the girls have gone down the 'wrong road'. I put them in Jesus' Sacred Heart & Mother Mary's Immaculate Heart & my human heart for healing & freedom, through God's love & grace. They deserve that!! ![http://goldenlotus.instablogs.com/entry/day-or-night-women-are-not-safe-in-delhi/ http://goldenlotus.instablogs.com/entry/day-or-night-women-are-not-safe-in-delhi/]()
![http://www.luminaantiaging.com/HC-Stress.aspx http://www.luminaantiaging.com/HC-Stress.aspx]()
Wednesday, February, 18, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.backpackgeartest.org/reviews/Footwear/Trail%20Shoes/Teva%20Wraptor%20Shield%20eVENT/Test%20Report%20by%20Edwin%20L.%20Morse/ http://www.backpackgeartest.org/reviews/Footwear/Trail%20Shoes/Teva%20Wraptor%20Shield%20eVENT/Test%20Report%20by%20Edwin%20L.%20Morse/]()
The weather has now changed for the worse, cold & a wet snow was coming down. Martha was there when I arrived but Tucker was not. I got a phone message that he was sick & could not come tonight. The cars came into Planned Parenthood & we kept on telling them the Truth. Sometimes it falls on deaf ears & sometimes it doesn't. We keep on trying. Two girls came out of Planned Parenthood & Martha was talking to them, when I came back from the center with the signs to set up, on the sidewalk. One of the girls had 2 children & the other girl had no children. Martha brought them into the center for some baby clothes for the one mom. They were in the center for at least an half hour but I was okay out on the street alone, God was with me. When Martha came back she said that the girls wanted a pregnancy test & they they knew more girls that needed baby clothes & we blessed them with some clothes for them. ![http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=161236676 http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=161236676]()
The one girl said that her girlfriends boyfriend told her that if she didn't have an abortion he would kill her so instead she had her baby killed. She now is in a deep depression & cries all the time. Martha gave a Truth packet to them, which has a Project Rachel brochure in it, which offers help after an abortion. The girls said that they will tell other girls about the Focus Pregnancy Help Center, to get the help they need, hopefully in not having an abortion. They also took some more literature. God be with them all. ![http://www.rosaryhub.com/ http://www.rosaryhub.com/]()
We said a Rosary & we just got wetter & wetter, so after 2 hours we went into the center, to do some work in there. We also started to prepare for the Mass on Saturday morning. Thank God for Martha. I know personally I could not do everything myself. Also, for Tucker, he's a big help & all the dedicated pro lifers in Rochester who want abortion ended & for Planned Parenthood to just go away & others like them. They pray all the time. ![http://www.jesusjournal.com/images/stories/Planned_parenthood_logo.jpg www.jesusjournal.com/images/stories/Planned_parenthood_logo.jpg]()
Planned Parenthood murders our children & wounds their parents & causes crimes in the city of Rochester, by shedding innocent blood there. And mostly for offending Almighty God, with these murders of innocent babies, God's creations. If there is no respect for the person you cannot see then there is no respect for the person that you can see. 'Life is cheap' at Planned Parenthood. But not to God, for He created us all. ![http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/bible.html http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/bible.html]()
For the Bibles says "that we are fearfully & wonderfully made." Amen
Thursday, February 19, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood Tuesdays &Thursdays are killing days at Planned Parenthood. No don't get me wrong they kill little babies every day through birth control, which is still murder. They, to my knowledge, do the surgical abortions on Tuesdays & Thursdays, all day morning and afternoon. Today was no different. The wind was blowing so hard at times that the signs & literature packets were blowing down the street. As the cars were coming in I spoke Truth to them as the 3 dedicated prayer warriors were praying the Rosary & the Divine Mercy prayers, next to me. Prayer Power. "We don't fight against flesh & blood but the powers and principalities of the nether world". A young lady was happy to stop when she pulled out of the parking lot of Planned Parenthood to receive a Truth packet & thanked me many times with a big, beautiful smile on her face. Thank you for your openness dear heart. "God bless you" I said & she was happy to hear that. ![http://travel.webshots.com/photo/1498151901062990224hojUqR http://travel.webshots.com/photo/1498151901062990224hojUqR]()
A car drove in, the young girl was on the diver side & the young male was on the passenger side. She walked in & he stayed out in the car. He heard it all, words that were meant for him & the words that were spoken to others. When she finally came out & they were stopped by the street, the poor guy forgot to take his finger out of his nose, he looked like he was digging for gold, oh yea that really bothered both Martha & I, like we haven't seen it all. Maybe though this was a first. Whatever he was digging for I hope that he found it. At least he didn't pull down his pants which has happened before. We can handle 'nose pickers'. He really only embarrassed himself. Poor guy. Poor girlfriend. Or, maybe they're just right for each other. Please repent. There was a young mother who took out her toddler, from the car, & went in. I called over to her, to offer her help. This to me is one of the saddest scenario's. I personally can't stand it. Another car drove in & 4 kids got out & went in with the woman diver heading the pack. How evil! ![http://peabodygraphicnovels.blogspot.com/2007/01/angry-little-girls.html http://peabodygraphicnovels.blogspot.com/2007/01/angry-little-girls.html]()
Three young girls went into Planned Parenthood & they saw the graphic signs as they drove in. They came out a few minutes later. They gave me a little sass but praise God they took a Truth packet & drove off without throwing it out the window. I was holding my breath. I called out to them that Jesus loved them & the girl in the back seat hollered back to me "No, He doesn't". Oh, Yes He does, I hollered back. She pierced my heart. ![http://ladivacucina.blogspot.com/ http://ladivacucina.blogspot.com/]()
I was standing on the sidewalk holding the graphic sign of aborted Malachi when a car passed by me & she gave me her finger. I saw that she was going into the vets, across the street with her dogie, who she cares more about then the babies being killed across the street. How sad is that. I went down the street so that I was now across from her & hollered "why would you show me a rape gesture?" She screamed something to me then said a bad word & then I said to her "why would you say that word which means a rape". I asked her if she had had an abortion for these are the most angriest women, until they repent. A man was coming out of the door to the vets & he held the door open for her & her dog, which she loves very much, & she said to him "thank you" & went in to the vets. I only hope that she repents. A woman was coming out of Gibbs St. & was walking down the sidewalk. I hollered over to her if she wanted a Rosary, she said nothing. She then crossed over the street & headed to Planned Parenthood & went in. She later came out with Rick Bartell who is apart of the killing mill & was walking & talking to him. I tried to talk to her but she had this very far away look on her face. I told her to put socks on, for her pants were short & I notice that she wasn't wearing any socks so I told her her to put some socks on for it was a very cold day. I also wanted her to know that I cared about her. She just smirked. OK then, here. As she was leaving, I mentioned to her, if she had had an abortion in the past & her face changed. I hope that she thinks about what I said & she repents. For we hate the sin but not the sinner. ![President and CEO James Stewart]() James Stewart, president & ceo, came driving into his murderous killing mill. He looks horrible. What does one expect when you're in the killing business!! The light is gone out. ![http://www.ok.gov/strongandhealthy/Eat_Better/index.html http://www.ok.gov/strongandhealthy/Eat_Better/index.html]()
I went into the center to say hi to our counselor & to get warmed up a bit. The doorbell rang & it was Tonya needing some food. We gave her some food that we had & Suzanne took her by the hand & prayed for her. We are blessed to have great counselors, at the center. Thank you Lord. I saw one of our past clients, walking down the street, as I was leaving the center to go back to the team & she needs baby clothes. She said that she would stop by next Wednesday to get some. That is fine. ![http://shaveitnation.com/icelife.php?p=shaveism http://shaveitnation.com/icelife.php?p=shaveism]()
Martha was freezing & said that her mouth was frozen, so we went into the center around 3:30 to defrost.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 at the Focus Pregnancy Help Center First, I want to mention that a little, precious baby was saved from being mudered, by Planned Parenthood, this past week. Kathy, who was out on the street, on Tuesday evening with her 'Silent No More' team, in front of Planned Parenthood, gave a young girl the phone number to Embracing Options, a pregnancy center who we work very closely with when Focus Pregnancy Help Center is closed. The young girl went there & spoke to one of the counselors, Kristen & decided to 'Choose Life' for her baby & herself. Praise God!!! 12-year-old speaks out on the issue of abortion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOR1wUqvJS4&feature=channel_page ![http://assessor.co.douglas.nv.us/ http://assessor.co.douglas.nv.us/]()
I want to personally thank you all for helping me set up the room for the Mass. They are Paula, Hannah, Marie & Martha. They got the food ready & vacuumed the rug & cleaned the bathrooms, set up the altar, the food tables & the chairs & moved the coat rack into the other room, put the baby clothes away & answered the door. Hannah put up the curtains in the 2 bathrooms & a new picture on the wall. Whee, so much to do & so many great people doing it. Team work!! Also, Martha & Marie brought in beautiful flowers, we had red tulips on the altar, which looked beautiful & red roses that were put in front of the Mary Immaculate Conception statue. ![http://www.sspxasia.com/Countries/Japan/Images/Fr-Ortiz-saying-Mass.jpg www.sspxasia.com/Countries/Japan/Images/Fr-Ortiz-saying-Mass.jpg]()
The Mass at the center was so beautiful. We had about 30 people in the meeting room & was blessed by Fr. Joe Cantanise, form St. Leo's Church in Hilton, as he celebrated the Mass for the intentions of the pro lifers & in thanksgiving to Almighty God for the gift of 'Life" & all that he does in our lives. After Mass we were blessed with such great food, especially Martha's mean chili. Thank you Lord for all these terrific people who brought a dish to pass!!! Great selections of many delicious foods. Mmmmm The conversations were abundant & the sharing of the up coming events were spoken. So much is happening in the next couple of months here in Rochester, Praise God!! Check out Current Events, on this web site, for more information. Bill set up the copier, which was donated by St. Joseph's School, in Penfield. It's great now to be able to make copies at the center. Also, he put a top shelf extension, for more baby clothes. Jose set up the DVD to the TV so that we can show DVD's to the clients. We have VHS films to show the clients also. Thank you guys, so much, for all that that you do for the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. ![http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/thousands-march-in-ir-protests/2005/11/15/1131951125790.html http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/thousands-march-in-ir-protests/2005/11/15/1131951125790.html]()
It was such a blessed event & I know the people were well pleased. Next week we will be having the 'Silent March', after the 12:10 Mass at Our Lady of Victory. We will be gathering in the parking lot beside the church around 1PM & will walk, with police escorts, down St. Paul to Main St. to Gibbs St. to Planned Parenthood. There we will say the Rosary. Anyone who wants to come into the center to warm up & have some hot coffee or hot chocolate & cookies & brownies are more than welcome to do so. This event will be a witness to Rochestarians on the street. Pope John Paul the Great said "take the pro life message to the streets". Which we are.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1491R-1015564 http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1491R-1015564]()
There was 3 pro lifers plus me in front of Planned Parenthood this afternoon. Caught them by surprise, for we are not usually out there on Tuesdays, which I hope will change during Lent. We passed out 3 Truth packets & are informing the clients that are receptive about Pastor Robinson coming to Rochester in April. The 3 pro lifers went right into prayer & I counseled. A car went passed us, with about 6 people in it, they were screaming at us about the graphic signs. I said to them "please just keep on going" & they drove down the street. A few minutes later they came back up the street screaming again. Then I took out my phone & faked a call into the police. They didn't come back again. I used to try to reason with these angry people then I realized one day that it wasn't working & the only thing I could do was to have them go as fast as possible. They could be dangerous. No trouble so far. Their reaction only makes me wonder that they probably responsible for a child's death, by abortion. One of the workers from planned Parenthood went across the street & went down to Gibbs St., probably went to eat on Main St. somewhere. About a half hour later she walked back & walked passed me. I pleaded with her not to work in a place that kills children & she then made eye contact with me. Hopefully, there is hope. ![http://www.careforthefamily.org.uk/ssl/img/articles/AngryMan.jpg www.careforthefamily.org.uk/ssl/img/articles/AngryMan.jpg]()
A guy came out of Planned Parenthood & sat in his car for awhile. I told him the truth but all he did was give me his finger x2. What a man!! Poor girlfriend, I hope she will be able to see soon what kind of a guy she is with. On the way out I told her to "trust in Jesus". He didn't like that. How sad. ![http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1491R-1016204 http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/1491R-1016204]()
The 2 pro lifers had to leave & that left Bobby & I alone. About 10 minutes later a car drove up, by the sidewalk, & stopped. The guy just stared at me, for a few seconds, then he put up his finger. He looked strange & wore weird eye glasses, if I needed to I could ID him without a problem. I hollered back to him that "if you were involved in an abortion please repent". He drove off. About 10 minutes later he drove by again, on the other side of the street, just like the other car did earlier. He was mad again & I hollered to him saying "that we are praying for you". Bobbie & I then prayed for him & the people in the car before him & others who were at Planned Parenthood. ![President and CEO James Stewart]()
Then the so-called president, ceo of the Killing Mill drove in, with a smirk on his face. As he was walking in, with 3 other people, I said to them all "here is the death team going into the death clinic". They made my stomach turn. All dressed up & no where to go but to a Killing Mill. There was The Iron Mountain truck pulling out of Planned Parenthood laughing, they soon will get a Truth packet in the mail. We inform them then boycott them if they continue to do business with this corrupt organization. A truck drove by with the name of the company on it, which I wrote down, for I knew that I was going to call his company to report him for giving me his finger while driving the company vehicle. I later did call when I went home. The receptionist was very kind & helpful & she will deal with this incident. Satisfaction is sweet.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood ![http://www.danheller.com/images/Europe/Croatia/Trogia/Bw/img6.html http://www.danheller.com/images/Europe/Croatia/Trogia/Bw/img6.html]()
The weather was mild tonight & the days are now lighter longer. Which is a good thing. As I was getting out of my car, at the strip mall parking lot, where the Focus Pregnancy Help Center is, a young woman turned the corner & came up to me. She said that we helped her by giving her food & baby clothes last December before Christmas. She said that she was being helped by Jose the Pastor of the Lighthouse Deliverance Ministry, in the same building where we have our pregnancy center. She needed to get some of her things that she had in a bag, in the meeting room. So I brought her into the building. I gave her some more items for her daughter, from the center. Off she went down the street carrying 3 large bags filled with things form Pastor Jose & the center. She was happy. ![http://bomega.com/2007/04/14/how-to-deal-with-angry-people/ http://bomega.com/2007/04/14/how-to-deal-with-angry-people/]()
Sometimes I think that people are getting meaner. Tonight again there were many birds flying in the hearts of man. How disrespectful. But, if they have been involved in taking a life, no matter how small, either directly or indirectly, I guess giving some stranger the finger is not a big deal to them. If it's to shame me, it's not & I say to you "shame on you". It's just so sad to see so many people's lives in such a mess. Don't hold on to your sins but confess them to the one who can forgive sin, Jesus. ![]()
A car stopped by the sidewalk & to my up most surprise it was Fr. Tony. I raced over to him & put my head in the car & gave him a big hug. Fr.'s been gone for 1 year learning Spanish in a far off country. Glad that you are back in Rochester, Fr. Tony, safe & sound. He asked me what was going on & I said that I had sent him a big folder with the up coming events in it. To my sadness, Fr. did not receive it. Hope that it didn't get lost in the mail, I put 2 stamps on it. I then told him about the 'Silent March for Life' this Saturday. That we were going to march in the streets of Rochester silently to Planned Parenthood & say the Rosary there. I also gave him a Pastor Robinson flier. He was pleased. There was so much to tell Fr. but he had to go. See ya Saturday Fr. Tony & bring your parishioners, at Holy Apostles, to the march with you. How blessed they are to have him there. What a nice surprise!!! Martha & I handed some Truth packets out & told one of the girls to call the 888 number for a pregnancy test tomorrow. We offered to give her one tonight but she had to run. ![http://www.englandhockey.co.uk/page.asp?section=446§ionTitle=2010+Samsung+Hockey+Champions+Trophy%2C+Women http://www.englandhockey.co.uk/page.asp?section=446§ionTitle=2010+Samsung+Hockey+Champions+Trophy%2C+Women]()
I've notice a new thing with Planned Parenthood's staff, they all think that I know them. For a lot of them lately are now waving to me with a smile on their faces. How bizarre. I think it's called 'mockery'. But it doesn't bother me. I know that I've been talking to the same old people every week, for years, but that doesn't make us friends. On the con tray, it's makes you look goofy. My friends don't kill people. Imagine, people who work there, still don't know that murdering a defenseless, little baby is evil. And evil is not pretty nor friendly. Keep your waves to yourselves for you are enemies of Christ. ![http://www.vil.spencerport.ny.us/images/electric/Electric-Truck.jpg www.vil.spencerport.ny.us/images/electric/Electric-Truck.jpg]()
It must have been a little after 6PM, because Tucker had already left, for he leaves right at 6PM, that the lights went out in Georgia, oh, I mean Planned Parenthood. A few minutes later a big RG&E truck came into their parking lot. The staff came strolling out & it looked strange, like a 'death line'. They 'evacuated', that's what they did & so did the poor victims of Planned Parenthood, they came out too. Thank God there were only a few. Not a whole lot of business tonight. I guess you can't see people in the dark. We told them to come to the Light of Christ, that this place was filled with darkness & evil. ![http://www.fotolia.com/id/2307422 http://www.fotolia.com/id/2307422]()
Sonia drove by & hollered "thank you girlfriend" to which I replied "thank you Sonia". She's our drive by & has said "thank you" to us, for the past 2 years now. Your terrific & a breath of fresh air, dear heart. There is still some good people in this world. 'You go girl' that's the spirit!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009 in front of Planned Parenthood After Mass at Our Lady of Victory the team went to Planned Parenthood. When we arrived there were 2 pro lifers already there praying. The one lady came on her lunch hour & the other lady was with us from 1PM to 2PM, though some of us stayed later. The group was formed, all 7 of them, praying for the end to abortion & for the victims of Planned Parenthood. I was counseling with the pray warriors beside me. The 2 Death Escorts were there ready to lie & deceive these poor people. ![http://www.beautifulhairstyles.com/black/2005/ http://www.beautifulhairstyles.com/black/2005/]()
I was showing Malachi, the aborted baby picture along with a couple of other signs of aborted babies that the warriors were holding, which shows the truth about abortion. All of a sudden a car stopped a little ways up the street & a woman got out of the car & ran across the street towards us. She had such a beautiful smile on her face & we instantly connected. I said to her "would you like some information" & she quickly said "yes" & took a Truth packet & a flier for the Pastor Robinson event in April, I asked her to spread the information onto her Pastor & everyone else. She smiles again & said "yes" & ran off to her car. As she was running off I told her that "Jesus loves you" & she said back to me "oh, yes". What a nice lady & so open to the truth. Yeah!! ![http://cmspp.wordpress.com/2007/05/25/one-of-my-recent-baby-sessions/ http://cmspp.wordpress.com/2007/05/25/one-of-my-recent-baby-sessions/]()
A car drove in a mother & father & baby went in. If the baby only knew where the parents were taking her, poor little one. I told them that they murder babies in there & that by bring your baby in there that is child abuse, which it is. PP is so evil & to subject your baby to this hell hole is abuse. The father & baby came out & left the mother in there, which is not a good sign. I think that she was having an abortion. About 2 hours later he came back & she walked out & got in the car. They stopped the car as they entered the exit & I said "did you kill your baby" & she she pointed to the baby in the back seat. I saw that she had looked at the picture of the aborted baby as they were pulling out. She then said to me "do you have a job", as if that makes any difference in this situation, it's called avoidance, which doesn't work with me. This is about you for you're at this Killing Mill. The father holllored something to me but I couldn't understand him. I hope that I made it clear that if she had an abortion she did have her baby killed. ![http://www.uark.edu/~cdm/wvw/abortion/aborti6.jpg www.uark.edu/~cdm/wvw/abortion/aborti6.jpg]()
Three guys were walking down the street & we gave them a Rosary each. I gave them the Pastor Robinson flier & one of the guys said that he would like to take more to pass out. I said "okay & thank you". How nice of you. ![http://question.bahai.org/001_2.php http://question.bahai.org/001_2.php]()
Just then, about 35 people came out of Planned Parenthood, at the back door, with the death president James Stewart walking along side of them. It made me sick & I said "the play Vagina Monologue" is a perverse play. How sad it was to see so many more misguided people all together in one group. I introduced a woman to our counselor who comes in on Thursdays at the center & she administered to her for a long time. When she came out to talk to me she told me that she had an abortion at Planned Parenthood when she was 17 years old. The odd part of this story is that her mother works at Planned Parenthood, where her grandchild was murdered. How horrible is that. People are so weird. Imagine working for the very people that murdered your grandchild!! Get a job that doesn't kill anyone. The woman I was talking to was making excuses for her mother, that she couldn't find a job, so she had to take this one. No way!! There are jobs out there just look & don't compromise. No matter this woman's life is so messed up, she needs to take responsibility for what she did at 17 & her mother for what she is doing now. Abortion is serious. I asked her if she had asked the Lord to forgive her & she said that he did. I said that "you have to ask Him to". She said that once you give something to the Lord you let go of it. Abortion will not let go of you. It is a painful road to be on, once you get out of denial & deal with what you did to your child. It takes a lifetime. There is forgiveness in the Lord if you ask Him with a sincere heart & don't do it again but there is ramifications to sin that go on after the forgiveness. You must make reparation for this very serious sin against God & your child. You might get some peace but it stays with you forever. I hope that she got the message, from me, in love. ![http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Central_America/Cuba/photo497769.htm http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Central_America/Cuba/photo497769.htm]()
A nice lady was walking down the street & stopped & talked with us for a few minutes. I gave her a flier to pass on & invited her to the Focus Pregnancy Help Center to take a tour. She was hesitant but her mind got changed & followed me to the center. On the way she turned around to look at one of our signs, that was out on the sidewalk, & gasped when she saw the little arm that was pulled off the aborted baby. I said to her that this was abortion & it it horrible to which she agreed. We got to the door & I rang the bell to let Suzanne know that there was a client ready for some Truth. I asked her name which she said was Margaret & I told her my name & then said good bye & left to go back to the sidewalk. She walked into the hallway & was greeted by Suzanne. She is in good hands. A young man was driving down the street & was ready to holler something at me. I knew that for I saw that his mouth was opened about 3 seconds before he got to me. Before he could say anything I hollered to him to"get a like". I hope that he does. There were many cars that drove by that waved at us or honked their horns in support of our cause to save lives. I noticed that a lot of cars that drove by were looking at my sign. I hope that they will do something now to peacefully end baby killing, in this country. ![http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/5690.html http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/5690.html]()
A man drove into Planned Parenthood & was delivering some packages there. I told him that he was receiving blood $$ for his services. As he was leaving, he slowed down & with his finger across his mouth he said, "shish, privacy" to which I screamed back to him "that they are killing babies in there". Shish nothing, you egg head, that's why they are murdering babies in there because people are 'shishing' not saying a word against his horror & you're one of them. Poor man, wake up!! We had, a total of 10 pro lifers, who were out there in front of Planned Parenthood today praying & this was not counting the 'Bound for Life' group that came out from 6PM to 7PM to pray. Praise God!!
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