| Abortionist, Morris Wortman TAKE ACTION: to WHAM TV & RADIO Dear Friends of Christ, 2-15-10 Recently WHAM TV (Channel 13) and 1180 WHAM radio have been running advertisements for the, Center for Menstrual Disorders, of notorious local abortionist Dr. Morris Wortman. This abortionist has admitted to doing over 60,000 abortions, many of them second trimester abortions, and he has his Center for Menstrual Disorders Clinic, together in with his abortion clinic, at 2020 S. Cinton Ave. Pro-lifers should make a polite phone call to Channel 13 at (585) 334-8700 and ask for the General Manager, Chuck Samuels, or email him @ E-mai13WHAM & ask that the commericials be taken off the air. Web site is: http://www.13wham.com/content/contactus/default.aspx.
A similar phone call can be made to 1180 WHAM radio at (585) 279-5335, requesting to speak to Scott Gordon, who is in charge of Advertising. Or email him @ ScottGordon@wham1180.com. Web site is: http://www.wham1180.com/pages/contact.html.
The Station Managers will claim that they will not run ads for abortion clinics and that these ads are for the Center for Menstrual Disorders Clinic; however, remind them that Dr. Wortman, will almost certainly gain more abortion clients, because of these ads. Remind them that Dr. Wortman does abortions, at a later gestational age.
Be sure to let the Station Managers know that you will change your viewing/listening habits, if these commercials continue, and that you will let your friends and neighbors know too. Here is an opportunity to be a voice for the voiceless. It may not seem like much but be motivated by, keeping in mind, that every call and email does make a difference. The pro-life side is winning, even here in the Rochester area and here is an opportunity to keep the momentum going and to save lives. Thank you & God bless. __________________________________________________________________ This abortionist, Morris Wortman, murdered two of my relatives, a great niece & a great nephew. I have named these two babies that Wortman killed. Jerome Simon & Theresa Clare. All the babies that he kills don't have a chance to get away form his instruments of death. Abortion is a business for $$$$. Abortion never helps a woman. He stated that he does 1,000 abortions a year. He started in 1986. I was the first to protest him in Brighton. Years ago, he hurt my back, when I worked as a nurse at Highland Hospital in 1978. While I was walking down the hall he grabbed my arm & swung me around. I felt like I was floating, in the air, & I ended up on the opposite side of the hallway. I felt instant pain. I still have a permanent partial disability at L-5, which means that my right leg is always numb & I'm in constant pain. I offer it up, to the Lord, for the saving of his immortal soul, & that he will stop murdering little babies & repent for his sins. He is evil...
The Good News Rochester Newspaper http://www.thegoodnewsrochester.com/ The Good News Rochester, your local Christian newspaper at (585) 271-4464 or contact us by e-mail info@TheGoodNewsRochester.com
![http://farm1.static.flickr.com/139/337545229_05892cce60.jpg farm1.static.flickr.com/139/337545229_05892cce60.jpg]()
STATION OF THE CROSS: RADIO http://www.thestationofthecross.com/ http://www.whicradio.com/index.php
March 30, 2009 by Eugene Michael In recent months, Our Lady of Victory parish in downtown Rochester has experienced an unmistakable influx of families with young children. At the 10 AM Mass on Sundays its babies, more babies, and children everywhere!
Apparently, these young families are flocking to Our Lady of Victory in order to ensure that their children are not exposed to the looniness that pervades so many DOR parishes. They don’t want their children growing up thinking that the future of the Church lies in the hands of radical feminist pastoral administrators. They also don’t want their children to think that the priest is nothing more than a “sacramental minister”. And, they want their children to experience a reverent liturgy that is prayed according to the rubrics of the Church. Our Lady of Victory parish has become the destination of choice for those who have had enough of liberalism run amok in their neighborhood parishes. Father Antinarelli is doing a yeoman’s job in preserving this bastion of orthodoxy in the doctrinally challenged DOR. Thank God for this faithful and dedicated priest who has given us a place where we can worship in peace.
EVIL PRESIDENT of Planned Parenthood Carol Love
http://www.rochestercitynewspaper.com/news/articles/INTERVIEW%3A+Carol+Love%2C+retiring+president+of+Planned+Parenthood/ Carol Love, President & CEO of the Killing Mill, Planned Parenthood, will be retiring in September. She leaves behind a Legacy of Death NEXT EVIL PRESIDENT of Planned Parenthood James Stewart ![President and CEO James Stewart]()
http://www.ppwi.org/aboutus/privacypolicy.aspx Contact Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 514006
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel: (414) 271-8045
fax: (414) 271-3975 Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin
302 N Jackson Street
Milwaukee , WI 53202
Phone 414-271-8045
The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will collect out of his kingdom all who cause others to sin and all evildoers. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears ought to hear.. . Mt 13:41-43
NEBRASKA JUDGE SAYS:” YOU ARE FREE TO GO!” The New York Lambs of Christ Press Release June 18, 2008 Contact: Mary E. Quinn The New York Lambs of Christ mquinn03@rochester.rr.com On June 5th, Father Norman U. Weslin, O.S. pleaded “NO CONTEST” to two charges of trespassing and resisting arrest at the infamous LeRoy Carhart’s Partial Birth Abortion killing center. (State of Nebraska vs Norman U. Weslin CR08-3653). The time he served after being arrested was considered payment for his “crimes.” An eyewitness at the trial said that the prosecutor and defense attorney, Martin A. Cannon of Omaha, Nebraska, had told the judge that they had reached of agreement of four days in jail to cover the costs fines as Father refused to pay any fines for trying to protect the life of a defenseless, innocent child. Mr. Cannon told the judge that Father also refused to pay into a corrupted judicial system declaring: "It was intolerable to his conscience to pay into a system that kills our children." At the end of the arguments, Father said the Judge asked him if he wanted to say anything. Father's reply was "I know for sure there was no violence involved. It was my intention to stop the killing of babies." Then he remained silent. The judge asked Father Weslin if he understood that he faced not only a $500 fine for trespassing and 90 days in jail but also $500 and 90 days in jail for resisting arrest. Father replied that he understood but that he could not agree that his actions trying to save innocent and voiceless children from death in a non-violent way was a crime. The judge decided that his time served after his arrest was his penalty and would also cover repayment of the fines. Father was released immediately after the judge stated, “You are Free to Go!” Father Weslin’s lawyer said that his arguments to the court were based on Father's individual biography and actions. Mr. Cannon submitted as evidence a picture used at Father's 2007 FACE trial where he was found innocent by a jury of his peers. It portrayed a Roman Catholic priest in his late seventies peacefully counseling and kneeling in prayer in the vestibule of Carhart’s late term killing center, the very same activity for which he was standing on trial. Father said that the judge in that case gave no restrictions to Father’s future behavior. His attorney explained to the judge that Father wasn’t resisting arrest violently but went into a fetal position when the police came to arrest him in solidarity with helpless children in their mothers’ wombs. He argued that Father couldn't in conscience just walk away on his own two feet while defenseless, innocent children were being put to death. Cannon described Father's background to let the court understand that Father Weslin had once had a very responsible job with Army negating the abortion industry and media presented image of "wacko" pro-lifers who stand and pray outside American killing centers who are given the finger or screamed at : “”Get a job.” Father has been an active presence outside this particular killing center for several years. Father’s biography reads as so: Father Norman U. Weslin, O.S. is a Missionary Pro-Life Roman Catholic priest. After retiring from the military and losing his beloved wife, Mary Lou, in a tragic automobile accident, Father met with his two adopted children and they agreed to turn their Colorado home into The Mary Weslin Home for Pregnant, Unwed Mothers. He then studied and became a priest. Father has been arrested 60-70 times and spent many months in jail – his crime – placing his body between the abortionist and the unborn American child -- trying to stop the killing of Jesus Christ’s babies -- while they are helpless and dependent on their mothers’ love and their father’s protection and our country’s promise to protect their Right to Life. It would seem a perfectly legitimate behavior given the fact that Father Weslin had put his life on the line for our defense as a 20-year veteran in the U.S. Army – and a Lt. Colonel, in charge of New York’s Nuclear Defense. He, like all our veterans, have been willing to die for our unseen posterity. Defending life was his career. As a Catholic Priest, defending Jesus Christ’s newly formed infants in their mothers’ wombs is his vocation! At the height of The Rescue Movement, Father and his National Lambs of Christ joined tens of thousands of American citizens and religious leaders who were arrested at over 6000 killing center sites and imprisoned in the Civil Rights for the Unborn Child. These Pro-Lifers were working under the assumption that non-violent, civil disobedience was needed as a matter of conscience to raise public awareness, sympathy and action to stop a nation, blessed by God, from killing its future. These Pro-Life Witnesses knew that a split nine-man Supreme Court had no authority to create an unjust and immoral law that superceded God’s Law and our own Declaration of Independence. Rescuers were following in the footsteps of Ghandi and Martin Luther King. However, Ghandi’s and King’s movements were covered openly by the press and their witness won many supporters in the media. The secular liberal media never accepted the goals of the United States Rescue Movement and therefore created a black-out of news about these actions. Not only did they purposely not report on these peaceful demonstrations – they went out of their way to report on the confrontational aspects when the abortion industry developed training manuals for pro-death supporters to physically and verbally abuse people kneeling in prayer. Today death-scorts surround women in crisis pregnancies as they enter the killing center sidewalks and properties so that there is no interaction from loving pro-lifers who want to provide free their support, information and help for both them and their unborn children. Even today in 2008, the local Nebraska papers did not bother cover this second arrest in two years for doing the same thing – trying to stop the killing of children! Last year, they covered his arrest in HEADLINES but merely had a blurb in one newspaper that reported Father was found NOT GUILTY by a jury of his peers for not violating the infamous FACE ACT! Perhaps the FIRST known successful challenge to the FACT ACT!!!!! Originally, local police handled arrests as the simple thing it was – trespass. The abortion industry knew they had to stop public witness and protest because it hurt their image and bottom line. Thus they began to lobby, finance and campaign for legislators who would create laws to clamp down on the Free Speech of Pro-Life public witness. In some cities including Pittsburgh, Pa. and West Hartford, Conn., police brutality came into the picture with no sympathetic cameras to reveal the behavior of some out-of-control police officers thus eliminating what galvanized Americans to sympathize and participate with the Black Civil Rights Movement – the loosing of the dogs --the hosing of innocent men and women in the South. Images that were constantly shown to us on our TV’s. We never saw or read about the injustices done to these brave family men and women who willingly lay in fetal positions – in solidarity with the unborn child -- while they were kicked and dragged by arresting officers and spit on by pro-death supporters. Punitive laws were created: Long jail sentences, heavy fines, RICO, FACE, federal injunctions, buffer zones --all based on the extremely rare occasions of violence at abortion clinics and denounced by all legitimate Pro-Life agencies and individuals. The abortion industry knew who their enemies were – mothers and fathers whose family welfare depended on their jobs. They knew if they could put these mothers and fathers in jail who couldn’t afford expensive lawyers and couldn’t afford to go to court for weeks at a time that these families would eventually choose to protect their families first! To date, no MSM media has ever covered the extreme cruelty and abuse of our youngest citizens – our unborn children!! Have any of us ever seen the most commonly performed surgery – abortion – on TV? In the New York Times? Father Weslin was released by the court at the biblically significant time of 3:00 p.m. June 5. According to a pro-life eyewitness who attended both of Father Weslin’s trials, it was the very same time at his FACE Trial that a jury of his peers found him NOT guilty on three counts of violating the Face ACT in April 2007!! In thanksgiving, Father and his pro-life friends, sang “Immaculate Mary” before exiting the courtroom. Father Weslin thanks his attorney Martin A. Cannon and Matt Heffron for their brilliant and selfless representation and all the people across the country who prayed for a just outcome.
![St. Michael the Archangel]()
Maximilian Kolbe Patron Saint of Journalism St. Michael Protect Us A Journal of Catholic News and Views http://rochestercatholic.com
DOR Catholic ![]()
My reflections on a variety of topics pertaining in some way to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, New York, as well as the wider Church. http://dorcatholic.blogspot.com/
Rochester's Own Stem Cell Research - Not By Any Means By Brian Donohue “If scientists are correct, stem cell research could result in a veritable fountain of youth by replacing diseased or damaged cells.” So contends Senator Arlen Specter, who was trying to persuade Congress two years ago to pass unrestricted funding for embryonic stem cell research. The claim itself is certainly compelling. Could this research really be the solution to a myriad of medical afflictions? Recently, the Senate did approve a bill to fund embryonic stem cell research, with the hope that it will eventually save lives. For nearly a decade, scientists, analysts and politicians have alleged that this research will one day cure numerous ailing Americans. The infrequently voiced reality, however, is that embryonic stem cell research is highly unethical, and it has not benefited science; on the other hand, adult stem cell research, which does not destroy any live human embryos, has borne much fruit. So what is embryonic stem cell research? The process begins when a stem cell is removed from a human embryo and supplied with nutrients. When that stem cell is removed, however, the embryo is destroyed. The debate, then, is over the value of the embryo. If it is merely an expendable, “potential human being,” then this really cannot be differentiated from any other type of stem cell research; but if it is a human being, then this research is genocide. If an embryo is only a “blob of cells,” and not yet a human being, then at what point does it become one? Truth be told, there is no event at any point during pregnancy which fundamentally alters the child or fetus or embryo in question except conception. From that moment on, the formerly distinct sperm and egg become a completely new organism, a human being, which continues to grow and develop until its death; this is something a “potential human being” cannot accomplish on its own. In the words of Dr. Arnold Halpern, former director of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, "There is no difference between a first trimester, second trimester, third trimester abortion or infanticide. It's all the same human being in different stages of development." And yet, this doesn’t stop many scientists from justifying the destruction of human life on the basis that it could one day protect human life, but the ends, no matter how noble, do not justify criminal means. Embryonic stem cell research is not just unethical; it is also entirely unsuccessful. It has not cured a single disease or fought off any deadly cancer. That fact does not hinder a popular myth that this research will one day soon cure Alzheimer’s, diabetes, Parkinson’s, and several other diseases. Rick Weiss wrote in The Washington Post, concerning embryonic stem cell treatments, "Stem cell experts confess . . . Alzheimer's is among the least likely to benefit." Similarly, despite well-funded attempts, diabetes and Parkinson’s results have been disappointing at best. Why? Embryonic stem cells are medically obsolete. For example, a 1999 study found that adult stem cell treatments for Parkinson’s far surpassed their embryonic predecessors. To be exact, they produced thirty-five times as much dopamine, the key chemical. But there was an even greater discovery, related to something not commonly known about embryonic stem cell treatments: the danger they pose to patients. "The potential that [embryonic stem cells] would explode into a cancerous mass after a . . . transplant might turn out to be the Pandora's box of stem cell research,“ said Ethicist Glenn McGee of the University of Pennsylvania. Likewise, Tulane University's research professor, Brian Butcher, said, "With embryonic stem cells, a significant number become cancer cells, so the cure could be worse than the disease." The great discovery was that adult stem cells do not carry this risk, and they do not lower the patient‘s immune system in the process. In addition to benefiting Parkinson’s patients, stem cells obtained from adults or even young children have successfully treated 72 other serious diseases, including 26 cancers, 15 auto-immune diseases, 10 blood conditions, and 5 metabolic disorders. So what do scientists see in embryonic stem cell research? A common claim, and myth, is that embryonic stem cells are more versatile than adult stem cells. But just last year German scientists discovered that stem cells in mouse testis had very similar properties to embryonic stem cells, and American scientists later found that they could isolate these cells from humans. Likewise, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh showed that stem cells obtained from a placenta can, "potentially form any tissue, with no signs of tumor formation." There’s more. Stem cells obtained from umbilical cords have helped treat more than eighty serious medical conditions; they saved the lives of an Israeli woman with acute leukemia and several infants afflicted with Krabbe’s disease, a fatal nerve disorder. Swiss researchers found they could use amniotic fluid to create new heart valves for babies who had congenital heart defects. Australian scientists developed nasal stem cells into heart, liver, kidney, muscle, brain and nerve tissue. The list goes on, but I’ll stop right here. Simply put, there is no reason in the world to continue destroying embryos in the name of science, and there is every reason to want this research stopped immediately. Not only is it fatal to thousands of helpless human beings, absolutely no medical progress has come of it. What I have just been telling you, however, is certainly not common knowledge. These fascinating discoveries in the field of adult stem cell research get little or no coverage in the media while the spotlight continues to shine solely on the embryonic stem cell debate. Consequently, it has become our responsibility to be a voice for the voiceless. Why is this issue so important? Laws protecting human life are the bases for all other laws. If all people, from the moment of conception, are not guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, freedom will not survive. Instead, it will be crushed under the weight of this legally shrouded oppression. We all have a duty to fight for the lives of others, for, in the cautionary words of Mother Teresa, “If a mother can kill her own child, what is left [but] for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.” It's in the attachment. -- "Stupidity is also a gift from God, but one mustn't misuse it."
-Pope John Paul II
Do not view fetus as person under law http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080401/OPINION02/804010312/1039/OPINION Willa Powell,(please pray for her conversion)is a member of the Rochester school board, is seeking the Democratic nomination to run for the 56th District state Senate seat now held by Republican Joseph Robach.
Channel 10 News Controversy behind abortion bill http://www.whec.com/article/stories/S399925.shtml?cat=566 By: Thalia Hayden Welcome to Rochester Thalia & great job on TV !! 191 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14604 Phone: (585) 546-5670 | Email: news1@news10NBC.com
HOW SICK From Letters to Editor, Democrat and Chronicle, May 22, 2008. Reprinted with permission of Rev. Kaaren Anderson. Women capable of making decision As a clergy member, I support the Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection Act. I recently met with our legislators in Albany to stress why this bill is so important--it would safeguard a woman's ability to elect or forgo contraception and abortion, consistent with her conscience and faith. Contrary to what the bill's opponents say, the Reproductive Health Act will not force religious hospitals to provide abortions. The fact is, any medical institution or practitioner is allowed to opt out of performing abortions if the procedure conflicts with religious beliefs. Each woman should have the right to make decisions about her reproductive health with her God, in consultation with her clergyperson and health care provider. Women are capable of making their own moral judgments concerning their reproductive health, both in relationship to abortion and contraception. The Reproductive Health act ensures that those decisions are kept private, without the government overstepping an individual's right of conscience. This is an important value held by many religious leaders across the state who stand along with me. The Rev. Kaaren Anderson
Pittsford The writer is co-pastor of First Unitarian Church of Rochester (THIS IS NOT A CHRISTIAN CHURCH) Promotes the murdering of children in their mother's wombs. REPENT!!
Where Have All the Soldiers Gone? The following piece was written by Tucker Wilson, Co-Director of the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. Where Have All The Soldiers Gone? Why are there so many more women picketing and counseling and praying outside abortion clinics than men? Are we too busy working; or performing other charities; or sticking another 6-pack behind our belts; or watching another meaningless sports event? Or is it that we don’t think about it? The other, but closely related, “Scarlet A-word”, Abortion seems to have dropped from our Preachers’ vocabularies. Possibly the truth is too uncomfortable to talk about, especially since acknowledging the truth would require action. Possibly it’s still here but kept quietly in some renovated vault at the Cathedral. I find it tragic that, “Thou shall not kill” and the obvious, daily murders committed by abortionists are mentioned far less from the pulpit than the unproven theory of Global Warming. Unfortunately, ignoring evil doesn’t ever make it go away. Abortion is the curse of our generation and a glaring example of social engineering run amuck. Plus, it’s cold-blooded murder. The end of killing innocent babies must be a social imperative for every right-minded person. Want to help? Start now with a prayer for the sidewalk soldiers who protest this disgrace, then write a check to support the Focus Pregnancy Help Center, PO Box 25513, Rochester NY 14625 and then call Mary at 585/218-4051 to join in as we fight for life. Your Lord is calling for prayers and contributors and demonstrators and sidewalk counselors, once a week or once a month or every day. Use one or two wasted hours once a week to stop the killing. You’ll feel good about yourself. And as Jack Palvino says, “The rewards are out of this world.” Call Mary at 585/218-4051.
Questions About PPWI.ORGSend email or fax to the Communications office.
Pat Else,
Communications Department
Fax: 414-271-3975
Unitarian Universalist profiles October 6, 2008 Eleanor Siegfried
In 1967, Eleanor Siegfried rode with a busload of protesters to attend the Eastman Kodak Co.'s annual meeting in Flemington, N.J. She went to support the demand for jobs by FIGHT, the city's new civil rights organization. "It was the first time I saw men on building tops with guns to protect (Kodak executives) from people like me," says Siegfried, 84, of Rochester. But standing up for justice and the dignity of all human beings is central to her Unitarian Universalist beliefs. The retired community health nurse was a congregant in Pittsburgh and Buffalo before joining First Universalist Church of Rochester in 1966. "The best part is that we're all seekers and searchers," she says. "One of the things I like is that we don't have a creed," Siegfried says. "That's just not the way of the world. You are forever changing and searching and this is a positive." Her daughter, one of five children, has become Roman Catholic, she says. "And that's fine. It's her choice and I'm proud of her for making a choice." THIS WOMAN WAS A 'DEATH ESCORT' AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD & MORRIS WORTMAN'S KILLING MILL OVER MANY YEARS, WALKING THE GIRL'S INTO THESE PLACES, TO HAVE THEIR BABIES MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD. YET SHE CAN SAY FOR THE DIGNITY OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS? WHAT A CROCK. I HOPE & PRAY THAT SHE WILL REPENT BY THE GOOD PRAYERS OF HER DAUGHTER.

Mother Teresa told us: "Abortion is murder!!"
Abortionist, Morris Wortman TAKE ACTION: to WHAM TV & RADIO Dear Friends of Christ, 2-15-10 Recently WHAM TV (Channel 13) and 1180 WHAM radio have been running advertisements for the, Center for Menstrual Disorders, of notorious local abortionist Dr. Morris Wortman. This abortionist has admitted to doing over 60,000 abortions, many of them second trimester abortions, and he has his Center for Menstrual Disorders Clinic, together in with his abortion clinic, at 2020 S. Cinton Ave. Pro-lifers should make a polite phone call to Channel 13 at (585) 334-8700 and ask for the General Manager, Chuck Samuels, or email him @ E-mai13WHAM & ask that the commericials be taken off the air. Web site is: http://www.13wham.com/content/contactus/default.aspx.
A similar phone call can be made to 1180 WHAM radio at (585) 279-5335, requesting to speak to Scott Gordon, who is in charge of Advertising. Or email him @ ScottGordon@wham1180.com. Web site is: http://www.wham1180.com/pages/contact.html.
The Station Managers will claim that they will not run ads for abortion clinics and that these ads are for the Center for Menstrual Disorders Clinic; however, remind them that Dr. Wortman, will almost certainly gain more abortion clients, because of these ads. Remind them that Dr. Wortman does abortions, at a later gestational age.
Be sure to let the Station Managers know that you will change your viewing/listening habits, if these commercials continue, and that you will let your friends and neighbors know too. Here is an opportunity to be a voice for the voiceless. It may not seem like much but be motivated by, keeping in mind, that every call and email does make a difference. The pro-life side is winning, even here in the Rochester area and here is an opportunity to keep the momentum going and to save lives. Thank you & God bless. __________________________________________________________________ This abortionist, Morris Wortman, murdered two of my relatives, a great niece & a great nephew. I have named these two babies that Wortman killed. Jerome Simon & Theresa Clare. All the babies that he kills don't have a chance to get away form his instruments of death. Abortion is a business for $$$$. Abortion never helps a woman. He stated that he does 1,000 abortions a year. He started in 1986. I was the first to protest him in Brighton. Years ago, he hurt my back, when I worked as a nurse at Highland Hospital in 1978. While I was walking down the hall he grabbed my arm & swung me around. I felt like I was floating, in the air, & I ended up on the opposite side of the hallway. I felt instant pain. I still have a permanent partial disability at L-5, which means that my right leg is always numb & I'm in constant pain. I offer it up, to the Lord, for the saving of his immortal soul, & that he will stop murdering little babies & repent for his sins. He is evil...
The Good News Rochester Newspaper http://www.thegoodnewsrochester.com/ The Good News Rochester, your local Christian newspaper at (585) 271-4464 or contact us by e-mail info@TheGoodNewsRochester.com
![http://farm1.static.flickr.com/139/337545229_05892cce60.jpg farm1.static.flickr.com/139/337545229_05892cce60.jpg]()
STATION OF THE CROSS: RADIO http://www.thestationofthecross.com/ http://www.whicradio.com/index.php
March 30, 2009 by Eugene Michael In recent months, Our Lady of Victory parish in downtown Rochester has experienced an unmistakable influx of families with young children. At the 10 AM Mass on Sundays its babies, more babies, and children everywhere!
Apparently, these young families are flocking to Our Lady of Victory in order to ensure that their children are not exposed to the looniness that pervades so many DOR parishes. They don’t want their children growing up thinking that the future of the Church lies in the hands of radical feminist pastoral administrators. They also don’t want their children to think that the priest is nothing more than a “sacramental minister”. And, they want their children to experience a reverent liturgy that is prayed according to the rubrics of the Church. Our Lady of Victory parish has become the destination of choice for those who have had enough of liberalism run amok in their neighborhood parishes. Father Antinarelli is doing a yeoman’s job in preserving this bastion of orthodoxy in the doctrinally challenged DOR. Thank God for this faithful and dedicated priest who has given us a place where we can worship in peace.
EVIL PRESIDENT of Planned Parenthood Carol Love
http://www.rochestercitynewspaper.com/news/articles/INTERVIEW%3A+Carol+Love%2C+retiring+president+of+Planned+Parenthood/ Carol Love, President & CEO of the Killing Mill, Planned Parenthood, will be retiring in September. She leaves behind a Legacy of Death NEXT EVIL PRESIDENT of Planned Parenthood James Stewart ![President and CEO James Stewart]()
http://www.ppwi.org/aboutus/privacypolicy.aspx Contact Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 514006
Milwaukee, WI 53202
tel: (414) 271-8045
fax: (414) 271-3975 Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin
302 N Jackson Street
Milwaukee , WI 53202
Phone 414-271-8045
The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will collect out of his kingdom all who cause others to sin and all evildoers. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears ought to hear.. . Mt 13:41-43
NEBRASKA JUDGE SAYS:” YOU ARE FREE TO GO!” The New York Lambs of Christ Press Release June 18, 2008 Contact: Mary E. Quinn The New York Lambs of Christ mquinn03@rochester.rr.com On June 5th, Father Norman U. Weslin, O.S. pleaded “NO CONTEST” to two charges of trespassing and resisting arrest at the infamous LeRoy Carhart’s Partial Birth Abortion killing center. (State of Nebraska vs Norman U. Weslin CR08-3653). The time he served after being arrested was considered payment for his “crimes.” An eyewitness at the trial said that the prosecutor and defense attorney, Martin A. Cannon of Omaha, Nebraska, had told the judge that they had reached of agreement of four days in jail to cover the costs fines as Father refused to pay any fines for trying to protect the life of a defenseless, innocent child. Mr. Cannon told the judge that Father also refused to pay into a corrupted judicial system declaring: "It was intolerable to his conscience to pay into a system that kills our children." At the end of the arguments, Father said the Judge asked him if he wanted to say anything. Father's reply was "I know for sure there was no violence involved. It was my intention to stop the killing of babies." Then he remained silent. The judge asked Father Weslin if he understood that he faced not only a $500 fine for trespassing and 90 days in jail but also $500 and 90 days in jail for resisting arrest. Father replied that he understood but that he could not agree that his actions trying to save innocent and voiceless children from death in a non-violent way was a crime. The judge decided that his time served after his arrest was his penalty and would also cover repayment of the fines. Father was released immediately after the judge stated, “You are Free to Go!” Father Weslin’s lawyer said that his arguments to the court were based on Father's individual biography and actions. Mr. Cannon submitted as evidence a picture used at Father's 2007 FACE trial where he was found innocent by a jury of his peers. It portrayed a Roman Catholic priest in his late seventies peacefully counseling and kneeling in prayer in the vestibule of Carhart’s late term killing center, the very same activity for which he was standing on trial. Father said that the judge in that case gave no restrictions to Father’s future behavior. His attorney explained to the judge that Father wasn’t resisting arrest violently but went into a fetal position when the police came to arrest him in solidarity with helpless children in their mothers’ wombs. He argued that Father couldn't in conscience just walk away on his own two feet while defenseless, innocent children were being put to death. Cannon described Father's background to let the court understand that Father Weslin had once had a very responsible job with Army negating the abortion industry and media presented image of "wacko" pro-lifers who stand and pray outside American killing centers who are given the finger or screamed at : “”Get a job.” Father has been an active presence outside this particular killing center for several years. Father’s biography reads as so: Father Norman U. Weslin, O.S. is a Missionary Pro-Life Roman Catholic priest. After retiring from the military and losing his beloved wife, Mary Lou, in a tragic automobile accident, Father met with his two adopted children and they agreed to turn their Colorado home into The Mary Weslin Home for Pregnant, Unwed Mothers. He then studied and became a priest. Father has been arrested 60-70 times and spent many months in jail – his crime – placing his body between the abortionist and the unborn American child -- trying to stop the killing of Jesus Christ’s babies -- while they are helpless and dependent on their mothers’ love and their father’s protection and our country’s promise to protect their Right to Life. It would seem a perfectly legitimate behavior given the fact that Father Weslin had put his life on the line for our defense as a 20-year veteran in the U.S. Army – and a Lt. Colonel, in charge of New York’s Nuclear Defense. He, like all our veterans, have been willing to die for our unseen posterity. Defending life was his career. As a Catholic Priest, defending Jesus Christ’s newly formed infants in their mothers’ wombs is his vocation! At the height of The Rescue Movement, Father and his National Lambs of Christ joined tens of thousands of American citizens and religious leaders who were arrested at over 6000 killing center sites and imprisoned in the Civil Rights for the Unborn Child. These Pro-Lifers were working under the assumption that non-violent, civil disobedience was needed as a matter of conscience to raise public awareness, sympathy and action to stop a nation, blessed by God, from killing its future. These Pro-Life Witnesses knew that a split nine-man Supreme Court had no authority to create an unjust and immoral law that superceded God’s Law and our own Declaration of Independence. Rescuers were following in the footsteps of Ghandi and Martin Luther King. However, Ghandi’s and King’s movements were covered openly by the press and their witness won many supporters in the media. The secular liberal media never accepted the goals of the United States Rescue Movement and therefore created a black-out of news about these actions. Not only did they purposely not report on these peaceful demonstrations – they went out of their way to report on the confrontational aspects when the abortion industry developed training manuals for pro-death supporters to physically and verbally abuse people kneeling in prayer. Today death-scorts surround women in crisis pregnancies as they enter the killing center sidewalks and properties so that there is no interaction from loving pro-lifers who want to provide free their support, information and help for both them and their unborn children. Even today in 2008, the local Nebraska papers did not bother cover this second arrest in two years for doing the same thing – trying to stop the killing of children! Last year, they covered his arrest in HEADLINES but merely had a blurb in one newspaper that reported Father was found NOT GUILTY by a jury of his peers for not violating the infamous FACE ACT! Perhaps the FIRST known successful challenge to the FACT ACT!!!!! Originally, local police handled arrests as the simple thing it was – trespass. The abortion industry knew they had to stop public witness and protest because it hurt their image and bottom line. Thus they began to lobby, finance and campaign for legislators who would create laws to clamp down on the Free Speech of Pro-Life public witness. In some cities including Pittsburgh, Pa. and West Hartford, Conn., police brutality came into the picture with no sympathetic cameras to reveal the behavior of some out-of-control police officers thus eliminating what galvanized Americans to sympathize and participate with the Black Civil Rights Movement – the loosing of the dogs --the hosing of innocent men and women in the South. Images that were constantly shown to us on our TV’s. We never saw or read about the injustices done to these brave family men and women who willingly lay in fetal positions – in solidarity with the unborn child -- while they were kicked and dragged by arresting officers and spit on by pro-death supporters. Punitive laws were created: Long jail sentences, heavy fines, RICO, FACE, federal injunctions, buffer zones --all based on the extremely rare occasions of violence at abortion clinics and denounced by all legitimate Pro-Life agencies and individuals. The abortion industry knew who their enemies were – mothers and fathers whose family welfare depended on their jobs. They knew if they could put these mothers and fathers in jail who couldn’t afford expensive lawyers and couldn’t afford to go to court for weeks at a time that these families would eventually choose to protect their families first! To date, no MSM media has ever covered the extreme cruelty and abuse of our youngest citizens – our unborn children!! Have any of us ever seen the most commonly performed surgery – abortion – on TV? In the New York Times? Father Weslin was released by the court at the biblically significant time of 3:00 p.m. June 5. According to a pro-life eyewitness who attended both of Father Weslin’s trials, it was the very same time at his FACE Trial that a jury of his peers found him NOT guilty on three counts of violating the Face ACT in April 2007!! In thanksgiving, Father and his pro-life friends, sang “Immaculate Mary” before exiting the courtroom. Father Weslin thanks his attorney Martin A. Cannon and Matt Heffron for their brilliant and selfless representation and all the people across the country who prayed for a just outcome.
![St. Michael the Archangel]()
Maximilian Kolbe Patron Saint of Journalism St. Michael Protect Us A Journal of Catholic News and Views http://rochestercatholic.com
DOR Catholic ![]()
My reflections on a variety of topics pertaining in some way to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, New York, as well as the wider Church. http://dorcatholic.blogspot.com/
Rochester's Own Stem Cell Research - Not By Any Means By Brian Donohue “If scientists are correct, stem cell research could result in a veritable fountain of youth by replacing diseased or damaged cells.” So contends Senator Arlen Specter, who was trying to persuade Congress two years ago to pass unrestricted funding for embryonic stem cell research. The claim itself is certainly compelling. Could this research really be the solution to a myriad of medical afflictions? Recently, the Senate did approve a bill to fund embryonic stem cell research, with the hope that it will eventually save lives. For nearly a decade, scientists, analysts and politicians have alleged that this research will one day cure numerous ailing Americans. The infrequently voiced reality, however, is that embryonic stem cell research is highly unethical, and it has not benefited science; on the other hand, adult stem cell research, which does not destroy any live human embryos, has borne much fruit. So what is embryonic stem cell research? The process begins when a stem cell is removed from a human embryo and supplied with nutrients. When that stem cell is removed, however, the embryo is destroyed. The debate, then, is over the value of the embryo. If it is merely an expendable, “potential human being,” then this really cannot be differentiated from any other type of stem cell research; but if it is a human being, then this research is genocide. If an embryo is only a “blob of cells,” and not yet a human being, then at what point does it become one? Truth be told, there is no event at any point during pregnancy which fundamentally alters the child or fetus or embryo in question except conception. From that moment on, the formerly distinct sperm and egg become a completely new organism, a human being, which continues to grow and develop until its death; this is something a “potential human being” cannot accomplish on its own. In the words of Dr. Arnold Halpern, former director of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, "There is no difference between a first trimester, second trimester, third trimester abortion or infanticide. It's all the same human being in different stages of development." And yet, this doesn’t stop many scientists from justifying the destruction of human life on the basis that it could one day protect human life, but the ends, no matter how noble, do not justify criminal means. Embryonic stem cell research is not just unethical; it is also entirely unsuccessful. It has not cured a single disease or fought off any deadly cancer. That fact does not hinder a popular myth that this research will one day soon cure Alzheimer’s, diabetes, Parkinson’s, and several other diseases. Rick Weiss wrote in The Washington Post, concerning embryonic stem cell treatments, "Stem cell experts confess . . . Alzheimer's is among the least likely to benefit." Similarly, despite well-funded attempts, diabetes and Parkinson’s results have been disappointing at best. Why? Embryonic stem cells are medically obsolete. For example, a 1999 study found that adult stem cell treatments for Parkinson’s far surpassed their embryonic predecessors. To be exact, they produced thirty-five times as much dopamine, the key chemical. But there was an even greater discovery, related to something not commonly known about embryonic stem cell treatments: the danger they pose to patients. "The potential that [embryonic stem cells] would explode into a cancerous mass after a . . . transplant might turn out to be the Pandora's box of stem cell research,“ said Ethicist Glenn McGee of the University of Pennsylvania. Likewise, Tulane University's research professor, Brian Butcher, said, "With embryonic stem cells, a significant number become cancer cells, so the cure could be worse than the disease." The great discovery was that adult stem cells do not carry this risk, and they do not lower the patient‘s immune system in the process. In addition to benefiting Parkinson’s patients, stem cells obtained from adults or even young children have successfully treated 72 other serious diseases, including 26 cancers, 15 auto-immune diseases, 10 blood conditions, and 5 metabolic disorders. So what do scientists see in embryonic stem cell research? A common claim, and myth, is that embryonic stem cells are more versatile than adult stem cells. But just last year German scientists discovered that stem cells in mouse testis had very similar properties to embryonic stem cells, and American scientists later found that they could isolate these cells from humans. Likewise, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh showed that stem cells obtained from a placenta can, "potentially form any tissue, with no signs of tumor formation." There’s more. Stem cells obtained from umbilical cords have helped treat more than eighty serious medical conditions; they saved the lives of an Israeli woman with acute leukemia and several infants afflicted with Krabbe’s disease, a fatal nerve disorder. Swiss researchers found they could use amniotic fluid to create new heart valves for babies who had congenital heart defects. Australian scientists developed nasal stem cells into heart, liver, kidney, muscle, brain and nerve tissue. The list goes on, but I’ll stop right here. Simply put, there is no reason in the world to continue destroying embryos in the name of science, and there is every reason to want this research stopped immediately. Not only is it fatal to thousands of helpless human beings, absolutely no medical progress has come of it. What I have just been telling you, however, is certainly not common knowledge. These fascinating discoveries in the field of adult stem cell research get little or no coverage in the media while the spotlight continues to shine solely on the embryonic stem cell debate. Consequently, it has become our responsibility to be a voice for the voiceless. Why is this issue so important? Laws protecting human life are the bases for all other laws. If all people, from the moment of conception, are not guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, freedom will not survive. Instead, it will be crushed under the weight of this legally shrouded oppression. We all have a duty to fight for the lives of others, for, in the cautionary words of Mother Teresa, “If a mother can kill her own child, what is left [but] for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.” It's in the attachment. -- "Stupidity is also a gift from God, but one mustn't misuse it."
-Pope John Paul II
Do not view fetus as person under law http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080401/OPINION02/804010312/1039/OPINION Willa Powell,(please pray for her conversion)is a member of the Rochester school board, is seeking the Democratic nomination to run for the 56th District state Senate seat now held by Republican Joseph Robach.
Channel 10 News Controversy behind abortion bill http://www.whec.com/article/stories/S399925.shtml?cat=566 By: Thalia Hayden Welcome to Rochester Thalia & great job on TV !! 191 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14604 Phone: (585) 546-5670 | Email: news1@news10NBC.com
HOW SICK From Letters to Editor, Democrat and Chronicle, May 22, 2008. Reprinted with permission of Rev. Kaaren Anderson. Women capable of making decision As a clergy member, I support the Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection Act. I recently met with our legislators in Albany to stress why this bill is so important--it would safeguard a woman's ability to elect or forgo contraception and abortion, consistent with her conscience and faith. Contrary to what the bill's opponents say, the Reproductive Health Act will not force religious hospitals to provide abortions. The fact is, any medical institution or practitioner is allowed to opt out of performing abortions if the procedure conflicts with religious beliefs. Each woman should have the right to make decisions about her reproductive health with her God, in consultation with her clergyperson and health care provider. Women are capable of making their own moral judgments concerning their reproductive health, both in relationship to abortion and contraception. The Reproductive Health act ensures that those decisions are kept private, without the government overstepping an individual's right of conscience. This is an important value held by many religious leaders across the state who stand along with me. The Rev. Kaaren Anderson
Pittsford The writer is co-pastor of First Unitarian Church of Rochester (THIS IS NOT A CHRISTIAN CHURCH) Promotes the murdering of children in their mother's wombs. REPENT!!
Where Have All the Soldiers Gone? The following piece was written by Tucker Wilson, Co-Director of the Focus Pregnancy Help Center. Where Have All The Soldiers Gone? Why are there so many more women picketing and counseling and praying outside abortion clinics than men? Are we too busy working; or performing other charities; or sticking another 6-pack behind our belts; or watching another meaningless sports event? Or is it that we don’t think about it? The other, but closely related, “Scarlet A-word”, Abortion seems to have dropped from our Preachers’ vocabularies. Possibly the truth is too uncomfortable to talk about, especially since acknowledging the truth would require action. Possibly it’s still here but kept quietly in some renovated vault at the Cathedral. I find it tragic that, “Thou shall not kill” and the obvious, daily murders committed by abortionists are mentioned far less from the pulpit than the unproven theory of Global Warming. Unfortunately, ignoring evil doesn’t ever make it go away. Abortion is the curse of our generation and a glaring example of social engineering run amuck. Plus, it’s cold-blooded murder. The end of killing innocent babies must be a social imperative for every right-minded person. Want to help? Start now with a prayer for the sidewalk soldiers who protest this disgrace, then write a check to support the Focus Pregnancy Help Center, PO Box 25513, Rochester NY 14625 and then call Mary at 585/218-4051 to join in as we fight for life. Your Lord is calling for prayers and contributors and demonstrators and sidewalk counselors, once a week or once a month or every day. Use one or two wasted hours once a week to stop the killing. You’ll feel good about yourself. And as Jack Palvino says, “The rewards are out of this world.” Call Mary at 585/218-4051.
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Communications Department
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Unitarian Universalist profiles October 6, 2008 Eleanor Siegfried
In 1967, Eleanor Siegfried rode with a busload of protesters to attend the Eastman Kodak Co.'s annual meeting in Flemington, N.J. She went to support the demand for jobs by FIGHT, the city's new civil rights organization. "It was the first time I saw men on building tops with guns to protect (Kodak executives) from people like me," says Siegfried, 84, of Rochester. But standing up for justice and the dignity of all human beings is central to her Unitarian Universalist beliefs. The retired community health nurse was a congregant in Pittsburgh and Buffalo before joining First Universalist Church of Rochester in 1966. "The best part is that we're all seekers and searchers," she says. "One of the things I like is that we don't have a creed," Siegfried says. "That's just not the way of the world. You are forever changing and searching and this is a positive." Her daughter, one of five children, has become Roman Catholic, she says. "And that's fine. It's her choice and I'm proud of her for making a choice." THIS WOMAN WAS A 'DEATH ESCORT' AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD & MORRIS WORTMAN'S KILLING MILL OVER MANY YEARS, WALKING THE GIRL'S INTO THESE PLACES, TO HAVE THEIR BABIES MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD. YET SHE CAN SAY FOR THE DIGNITY OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS? WHAT A CROCK. I HOPE & PRAY THAT SHE WILL REPENT BY THE GOOD PRAYERS OF HER DAUGHTER.

Mother Teresa told us: "Abortion is murder!!"
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