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Mother makes ultimate sacrifice for new baby

Women Victimized by Abortions Not Surprised by Mental Health Link Study

Planned Parenthood Closes Pro-Abortion Businesses in Five States
Abortion Business Owner Sentenced for Allowing Unlicensed Abortions
British Woman Dies After Botched Late-Term Abortion Her Family Forced
Former Abortion Practitioner DeHenre Found Guilty of Killing His Wife

The one in the middle
Who's getting abortions?
Not who you'd think
Half of the women are 25 or older; most already have a child
U.S. abortion rate hits 30-year low
![March for Life 2007]()
The National Mall - Washinton, DC
January 22, 2007
US News
A New Weapon in Fight for the Unborn
By Charlene Israel
CBN News
January 14, 2007

Adult Stem Cell Research Showed Trmendous Success in 2007 Studies, Trials
by David Prentice, William L. Saunders, and Michael Fragoso
January 5, 2008
Inside the Vatican Magazine Names Pro-Life Dr. Alveda King Top Ten of 2007
Anti-abortion rally draws crowd to Texas Capitol
California Abortion Center Owner Charged With Unlicensed Medical Practice
Feminists Honor Remarkable Pro-Life Women®
In anticipation of the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Feminists for Life is honoring six Remarkable Pro-Life Women.® FFL President Serrin Foster announced the honorees who come from a variety of fields and powerful life experiences saying, “These are the faces of choice. They say NO to the status quo.” Their stories appear in the latest issue of FFL’s magazine, The American Feminist.®
Melissa Ohden, a child advocate in a social welfare agency in the Midwest, survived a saline abortion at approximately five months gestation. Adopted by her parents from a neonatal unit, Ms. Ohden has seen the impact of choice from both sides and advocates resources and support for pregnant women.
Joyce McCauley-Benner, a long-time feminist who has actively advocated for racial justice, became pregnant when she was a college student. At the time she did not know if her unborn child was the result of a workplace rape or a loving relationship with her boyfriend. She tells how she made her choice.
Julia Thornton, a birthmother who serves volunteers with The Gabriel Project, is certified as an Infant Adoption Liaison through the National Council For Adoption's Infant Adoption Awareness Training Program. She tells the story of the obstacles she faced when she became pregnant in college and her difficult but empowering choice to place her daughter for adoption.
Karen Shablin was a member of NARAL when she became the director of a state Medicaid agency. What she learned in that position changed this health policy expert’s views on the issue of abortion. Ms. Shablin shares the story of her own experience with abortion in The American Feminist.
Angelica Rosales founded a pregnancy resource center shortly after graduating from college. Her mother was advised to abort Angelica, but risked her life to continue her pregnancy. Her mother’s courage continues to be a motivation for Ms. Rosales, who works daily with pregnant and parenting women in an economically and racially diverse community.
Ann Lowrey Forster became pregnant as a sophomore in college. Many of those closest to her urged abortion, but Ms. Forster refused to choose® between her education and her unborn child. Facing numerous obstacles, Ms. Forster graduated on time with honors as a single mother. Her story illustrates what it takes to create more support for pregnant and parenting students on college campuses.
The above Remarkable Pro-Life Women are available to speak on college campuses and at other special events.
Previous Remarkable Pro-Life Women issues of The American Feminist have honored Patricia Heaton, Margaret Colin, Kathy Ireland, U.S. Representatives Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Melissa Hart, Benazir Bhutto, Norah Vincent, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, and Carol Crossed among other women who excel in a variety of fields, including arts and entertainment, politics, medicine, journalism, activism, and academia.
For more information on how to subscribe to The American Feminist, please visit Feminists for Life on the web at
Like the early American feminists who opposed abortion, Feminists for Life works to systematically eliminate the coercive factors that drive women to abortion by facilitating practical solutions. FFL is a non-sectarian, nonpartisan grassroots organization dedicated to empowering women through progressive, non-violent choices for themselves and their children.
"Abortion is a reflection that we have not met the needs of women. Women deserve better than abortion."
Feminists for Life is a 501(c)3 organization.
All donations and membership contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed to law.
Refuse to Choose and Women Deserve Better are registered trademarks of Feminists for Life of America.
This is the information list for Feminists for Life.
Baby Parts for Sale!!
Oscar nominated film

Director Jason Reitman Talks About Movie's Adoption, Abortion Themes
This movie is recommended. PG-13
Heisman Trophy Winner Tim Tebow Could Have Been a Victim of Abortion

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
In Romania in the 1980s, under the last communist government there, Otilia (Anamaria Marinca) and Gabita (Laura Vasiliu) are roommates at a university. When Gabita discovers she is pregnant, Otilia helps her on her journey to visit an illegal, back alley abortion clinic.
Britney Spears' 16-Year-Old Sister Jamie Lynn Decides Against Abortion
SanFrancisco conference explores impact of abortion on men

Pope decries international campaign for abortion
American Bishop: Catholic Disobedience on Contraception has caused "Tremendous Harm to Society"
Calls on Catholics to Abandon Pro-Contraception Stand, Embrace Humanae Vitae
By John-Henry Westen

We're twinseparable! Happy with his brother, the boy who refused to die
Last updated at 01:09am on 3rd November 2007
It's Official! Pope Benedict is coming to New York City April 18-20 2008

Included in Pope Bededict's visit will be a speech made to the United Nations on April 18, a Mass on April 19 at St Patrick's Cathedral and a larger outdoor Mass at Yankee Stadium on April 20, sources say.
Sixty Groups Ask Congress To Block Planned Parenthood Funding
October 25th, 2007
Washington, DC - In a noteworthy show of unity, a coalition of sixty pro-life/pro-family advocacy groups have sent a letter to each United States Senator and Congressman asking them to stop Federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Operation Rescue added its support to the letter, which included such a list of heavy-hitters in the conservative arena such as Concerned Women For America, Focus on the Family, Eagle Forum, American Family Association, Traditional Values Coalition, and Americans United for Life, to name a few.

Fox News Cable: Facing Reality: Choice
Abortion: It's one of the most controversial issues in America, and one of the most agonizing decisions a woman can face.,2933,303997,00.html
Scientist Suspended for Race Remarks Also Discussed 'Defective' Children
By Patrick Goodenough International Editor
October 19, 2007

Only in Hollywood: Chance meeting after Mass leads to 'Bella'
Pro-Life DVD “Bella” – Now available for Pre-Order |
Now available - the best Pro-Life movie of the year - Bella! This new movie has garnered rave reviews from Pro-Lifers all around the country and now is available for you to pre-order at a discounted cost of just $27.50. We will have this film April 10, 2008 to ship directly to you. Discount prices expire Sunday, April 6, 2008. Check out details here.
Bella Wins Top Prize for Dramatic Movie at Heartland Film Festival

Kansas Planned Parenthood Clinic Charged
Oct 17 05:08 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer (Read the Charges against Planned Parenthood)
Kansas Pro-Life Groups Submit Petitions For Abortion Center Probe
The petition asks the grand jury to look into seven allegations including illegal abortions, failing to report suspected child sexual abuse, providing false information, illegal trafficking in fetal tissue, and failure to comply with the 24-hour waiting period and parental consent requirements of Kansas law.
Missouri DA Charges Planned Parenthood for Late-Term Abortions
A Planned Parenthood clinic was charged Wednesday with providing unlawful abortions and other crimes by a county prosecutor who had engaged in a high-profile battle with the clinic when he was Kansas attorney general.
Prescribe 'The Pill' at Middle School?

Student health officials say a broad contraceptive program is 'totally needed.
October 16, 2007,8599,1673227,00.html?imw=Y

What REALLY happens during an abortion:
One surgeon finally tells the truth
12th October 2007

One in five pregnancies ends in abortion: Study
Oct 11 07:05 PM US/Eastern
Don't use embryos in stem cell research, Pope saysOctober 11, 2007
Entertainment News : MoviesNONFICTION FILM

'Lake of Fire'
Movie takes camera into abortion clinics
Director Tony Kaye strives for balance in a jolting documentary.
By John Horn, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
October 7, 2007,1,6762006.story?coll=la-entnews-movies&ctrack=1&cset=true
Spirit & Life
"The words I spoke to you are spirit and life." (Jn 6:63)
Human Life International
October 05, 2007

Plan A: Keep “Plan B” Out of Catholic Hospitals
Michigan Abortion Practitioner Loses Medical License,
Violated State Law
by Steven Ertelt Editor
October 1, 2007

St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke preaches tough Communion rule
Turn away abortion-rights backers, he says.
Now, the conservative cleric is invoking the church's highest punishment -- mortal sin -- to persuade the lay and ordained Catholics who distribute Communion at Mass to safeguard the sacrament.
Friday, September 28, 2007 5:16 AM
Abortion Death Reported In Massachusetts
September 27th, 2007

Hyannis, MA - Reports are coming out of Massassachusetts that a 22-year old woman died on September 13, 2007, from hemorrhaging caused by an abortion obtained at Women Health Center in the Cape Cod town of Hyannis. The abortionist responsible for the death is reportedly Rapin Osathanondh, who made headlines in 2001 for threatening to murder five hospital nurses in a fit of rage over misplaced paperwork.
A receptionist at Women Health Center responded in to inquiries about the woman's death with obvious agitation, but would not confirm or deny the abortion death. "I can't help you," she told Operation Rescue.
The abortion victim, whose name Operation Rescue is currently withholding, was reportedly a member of a Calvary Chapel church in a nearby town. According to her MySpace page, she was a cosmetologist who was born in Honduras and adopted by an American family. She was engaged to be married.
A complaint has been filed against Osathanondh with the Massachusetts Board of Registration In Medicine regarding the abortion death.
"Our nation is facing a crisis of dangerous abortionists operating in unsafe abortion mills, killing innocent babies - sometimes illegally as we have seen in some states - and injuring and killing unsuspecting women. More must be done to stop these predatory abortion businesses from inflicting additional human tragedy on society," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger.
"This death also brings to light a serious problem in the Christian community," said Sullenger. "There simply is not adequate teaching from the pulpits about abortion, and therefore Christians are aborting their babies at a shocking rate. According to some statistics, 68% of women obtaining abortions attend some denomination of Christian church. This shows a shameful failure on the part of American pastors to properly teach their congregations what the Bible says about human sexuality and the sanctity of life. Yet, the majority of pastors who are approached about this problem refuse to deal with it. This denial and refusal to properly pastor their congregations on this matter makes them culpable for these kinds of avoidable tragedies."
Web site:
Operation Rescue Troy Newman President 316-841-1700 Operation Rescue Cheryl Sullenger Senior Policy Advisor 316-516-3034
Operation Rescue | P.O. Box 782888 | Wichita | KS | 67278

Report Examines Culture of Sex Trafficking
by Jennifer Mesko, associate editor
Leading a worldwide effort to eradicate the marketplaces of sexual life at a time.
Video Friday Five: Linda Smith
by Kim Trobee, digital producer
'I’ve spent 10 years of my life restoring little girls and young women who have been in the commercial sex industry.'
Ten years ago, Linda Smith founded Shared Hope International to rescue and restore women and children in crisis. The Department of Justice recently granted funding to Shared Hope to assess the sex-trafficking industry in 10 U.S. cities.
Smith, a former congresswoman from Washington state, recently visited Focus on the Family and shared her passion.
Watch the video.
Read the interview.

If there were no BUYER, there would be no SELLER, there would be no VICTIM
The complete report online
Children for sale: UK's new slave trade
Doctor dies to save her unborn daughter,23599,22416536-2,00.html

News and Commentary on Abortion

Woman Says She Was Pressured to Have Abortion at George Tiller's Center
Tiller Loses Federal Effort To Block Grand Jury Investigation
September 12th, 2007
Abortion attorneys promise to refile in State Court as petition signatures are certified
Wichita, KS - Attorneys representing abortionist George Tiller attempted yesterday to persuade Federal Court Judge J. Thomas Marten to block the seating of a county grand jury demanded by pro-life groups through the legal petition process that allows citizens to request grand jury investigations on a state level.
Marten denied Tiller's request saying, "Frankly, I'm reluctant to jump into the middle of something that is essentially a state matter. The odds that any appellate court would uphold any injunction in this case would be pretty remote."
Yesterday, Sedgwick County Election Commissioner Bill Gale certified that 6,963 valid signatures had been gathered, nearly three times the 2,449 signatures required. The petition has been forwarded to the Sedgwick County Court's presiding judge for assignment.
Tiller's attorneys have promised to refile in State Court to block the investigation into possible illegal post-viability abortions done by Tiller over the past five years.
Currently Tiller faces 19 criminal misdemeanor counts of illegal abortions that were said to have taken place in 2003 for not having an unaffiliated physician sign off on abortions past 21 weeks gestation. Attorney General Paul Morrison, an abortion supporter, filed the charges after reviewing abortion records obtained by his predecessor. Morrison has refused to investigate any other records even though Tiller's illegal business relationship with abortionist Ann Kristin Neuhaus, who he used for the second signature, continued until earlier this year.
"It is very likely that thousands of viable babies have been illegally killed by Tiller and his three hired abortionists over the last five years," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Tiller's attorneys are fighting tooth and nail to thwart justice. They know that Tiller could face years in jail if convicted on even a fraction of the illegal abortions."
"This isn't over yet," said Newman. "We expect Tiller's lawyers to try ever devious trick in the book to keep Tiller from having to darken the doorway of a courtroom."
Operation Rescue supported the current grand jury effort, which was led by Kansans for Life. However, OR continues to work on other legal avenues to bring Tiller to justice.
"We are not putting all our eggs in one basket," said Newman. "We are working hard on a number of fronts to insure that Tiller has to face the legal consequences of his actions."
Operation Rescue Troy Newman President 316-841-1700 Operation Rescue Cheryl Sullenger Senior Policy Advisor 316-516-3034
Operation Rescue | P.O. Box 782888 | Wichita | KS | 67278
Tiller Balks At Grand Jury Subpoenas Of 2,000 Abortion Records
Web site:
Youth Suicide Rate Rises 8% In USA, Biggest Climb In 15 Years
Botched abortion shocks Italy

Summary: Number of Students Having Sex Dropping & Adolescent Birth Rate at Record Low's%20Working/America's%20Children.htm
Wichita, KS - August 15, 2007 - The abortion worker who placed the evasive 911 call in the death of a 19-year old Downs syndrome patient is no longer employed by abortionist George R. Tiller at Women's Health Care Services (WHCS).
Marguerite Reed noted on July 31, 2007, in her personal blog that she would not be returning to work. "I am perfectly content. Thank you, God," she wrote. Reed had worked for Tiller for 12 years. Tiller is currently facing 19 charges of committing illegal late-term abortions. His clinic has been closed since July 31.
Operation Rescue staff members had observed Reed leaving the abortion clinic that same day looking upset.
Reed was working on January 13, 2005, when Christin Gilbert was brought to WHCS suffering from fatal complications to a botched third-trimester abortion. After Gilbert had been at the clinic for nearly an hour, Reed placed a call to 911 asking for an ambulance, adding, "Please! Please! Please! No lights and no sirens!" She then placed the emergency dispatcher on hold for 45 critical seconds as Gilbert's life slipped away. The dispatcher noted on a written transcript that Reed was "evasive" and uncooperative.

Reed had often commented on her blog about her dissatisfaction with her stressful job and desire to be a stay-at-home mom where she could also pursue her love of writing. A web site, "George Tiller Revealed", quotes her as saying, "The less I write, the longer it will take me to reach my goal, which is to be able to Quit the Job. I ache to be an at-home mother. I feel as if I'm missing out on so much." She also talked about the stresses of having to deal with "all these crying people."
"We had often prayed for Marguerite to quit her job so she could spend more time with her family and pursuing other interests, and told her that on a number of occasions," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. "I can't imagine a more stressful place to work, given that the horrific nature of the business is compounded by Tiller's criminal charges. We are relieved that she is no longer directly involved in the abortion industry, and pray that she will find the peace that passes understanding that comes from seeking forgiveness in Jesus Christ."
Web site:
Court Documents In Illegal Abortion Case Now Available
Wichita, KS - July 5, 2007 - The 19 count criminal complaint that was filed against abortionist George R. Tiller on June 28, 2007, for violations of the Kansas ban on post-viability abortions is now available.
The document lists details of the 19 misdemeanor counts, which each carry a possible penalty of 1 year in jail and a $2,500 fine.
The complaint shows:
The range of ages of women who were given abortions was 10-24 with the average age being 16 years old. The viable babies that were aborted ranged in age from 25 to 30 weeks gestation, with an average age of 27 weeks. Viability is considered by Kansas law to be at 22 weeks. The 19 abortions took place between July 8 and November 18, 2003. Operation Rescue is also making available the motion to dismiss charges filed by Tiller's attorneys on July 2, 2007. The motion is scheduled for hearing in Sedgwick County District Court on July 13, 2007. Tiller's arraignment date was originally set for August 7, 2007.
Click here to read Tiller's motion.
"We believe that the complaint documents show that George Tiller and Kristin Neuhaus were operating an illegal abortion racket designed to circumvent the law while giving the appearance of legitimacy," said Operation Rescue Senior Policy Advisor Cheryl Sullenger. "But even at that, we believe that these were the weakest of the charges that could have been brought against Tiller. There is ample evidence to charge him with additional counts for aborting viable babies so women could do trivial things such as attend rock concerts. The current 19 charges allow Tiller to continue committing illegal abortions for frivilous reasons in violation of the law."
Sullenger continued, "There has been some effort to prevent these documents from reaching the public, but we strongly believe, and think the laws agree, that these documents should be available for everyone's inspection, especially in light of the appearance of corruption that has surrounded Tiller and his late-term abortion racket for the last four years."
About Operation Rescue
Web site:
- CA Woman Dies As Result Of Abortion
Victim's mother is suing Planned Parenthood for negligent care.
Riverside, CA - June 21st, 2007 - Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties is being sued by the mother of Edrica Goode, 21, who died as a result of an abortion on Valentine's Day.
Goode had presented herself for an abortion at the Planned Parenthood office in Riverside on January 31, 2007, where she received laminaria dilators and gauze packing. Goode then became feverish and disoriented and did not report back to the abortion clinic for the removal of the dilators. Goode's mother, Aletheia Meloncon, was unaware of the abortion. She described her daughter as having become "mentally unstable." She took her to a Moreno Valley hospital where, due to a lack of knowledge about the abortion, proper treatment was delayed and she eventually died.
Meloncon insists that the family never received notification from Planned Parenthood that Goode needed to return to the clinic for the removal of the dilators.
"A lost dog gets more attention than my daughter did. This has really torn at my family," Meloncon told the LA Times.
Meloncon's attorney, Jack M. Schuler stated, "If it wasn't for the negligent medical care that Edrica Goode received, she would be alive today."
Goode's death is the third known abortion-related death at a California Planned Parenthood in the last four years.
"The abortion cartel can pretend that abortion is safe, but the mounting body count says otherwise, and of course abortion is always fatal for the child," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We pray that the Riverside Planned Parenthood will close and those responsible for the tragic death of Edrica Goode will be required to pay the full penalty under the law."
Read related LA Times article,0,885364.story?coll=la-home-local
About Operation Rescue
Web site:
Operation Rescue Troy Newman President 316-841-1700

Minnesota couple refuses to abort children, six are born Sextuplets are Minnesota's first
More information can be found at their website:
Unborn Babies Face Emotional Stress
During Pregnancy Research Shows
by Steven Ertelt Editor May 31, 2007

London, England ( -- New research conducted by doctors in England shows that unborn children can face emotional stress during a pregnancy as the baby's mother faces stress herself. Pro-life advocates say the study has implications for abortion as society learns more about the amazing development of children before birth. The British Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists released the results of the study on Thursday and says that unborn babies as early as 17 weeks into pregnancy suffer from stress.
The stress results when hormones transferred from anxious mothers reach the baby through the placenta.
Researchers measure the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone in 267 pregnant women and took blood tests and amniotic fluid samples from the babies. The fluid is a good indicator of what's happening because it's mostly produced by the baby during the pregnancy.
The doctors found that when the cortisol levels rose in women a corresponding increase the in the levels in the amniotic fluid were found. The link grew stronger as the pregnancy advanced, the physicians said.
Pampa Sarkar, an OBGYN who was involved in the study, discussed the results with the Metro newspaper in the UK.
"We now need to carry out further work to unravel the mechanisms by which maternal stress affects the fetus, both during fetal life and through into childhood," she said.
Sarkar suggested that mothers to be avoid stress and have a healthy and carefree lifestyle during the pregnancy and that her partner and family encourage her and be supportive during the nine months.
Michaela Aston, spokeswoman for the pro-life charity Life, told the Metro that the study had an impact on the abortion debate because the stress levels were found at 17 weeks into pregnancy.
She said that meant that babies were liking experiencing negative mental health effects of worried or anxious mothers who had abortions up to 24 weeks, the legal limit in Britain.

Ambulance Takes Planned Parenthood Victim To Hospital
Olympia, WA - June 1, 2007 - Rescuer Ed Sauley reports that an ambulance carried a patient of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Olympia, Washington, to a hospital on Friday, May 25.
It is believed that the woman was the victim of a botched abortion. It is unknown if she survived her injuries.
"Alert pro-lifers are exposing more and more cases of serious abortion injury and death," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "These abortion mills are hurting women at an alarming rate, yet they still try to tell people that abortion is safe. It wasn't safe for that Washington woman last week, and it isn't safe for the thousands of women across America who are seeking abortions this week. Women need to know the truth that if they walk into an abortion mill, they may not walk out."
It is difficult to know how many women suffer abortion injuries requiring emergency hospitalization because abortion mills are often hesitant to call ambulances. There have been an estimated 347 known abortion deaths since 1973, but that figure is likely much higher, since abortion deaths are frequently classified under something other than abortion. A listing of known abortion victims is available at online at The Blackmun Wall.
Planned Parenthood is Olympia's only remaining abortion mill. Sauley told Operation Rescue that two other area abortion mills have closed in the last four years, the most recent as of last March.
Sauley operates one of Operation Rescue's Truth Trucks throughout the Pacific Northwest. He directs a group called "Show the Truth" that tours public places exposing the truth about the human tragedy of abortion.
Web site:
Operation Rescue
Troy Newman,President
Operation Rescue
Cheryl Sullenger
Senior Policy Advisor

- Pope Benedict Reinforces 'Respect for Life Wires
SAO PAULO, Brazil -- Pope Benedict XVI reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church's opposition to abortion in his first speech in Brazil but avoided further suggestion that politicians who support abortion rights should be considered excommunicated.
Benedict is on his first papal trip to Latin America, where women's rights groups have been pushing to expand access to abortion. With few exceptions, the procedure is illegal in Brazil and most other countries in the region, home to more than half the world's 1.1 billion Catholics.
The pope, who will inaugurate an important regional bishops' conference during his trip, was met at Sao Paulo airport Wednesday by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Speaking in Portuguese, Benedict said he's certain that the bishops will reinforce "the promotion of respect for life from the moment of conception until natural death as an integral requirement of human nature."
Benedict's comments came just hours after one of the president's Cabinet members said a "macho" culture in Brazil has prevented a legitimate debate about legalizing abortion in Latin America's largest nation.
"If men got pregnant, I'm sure this question would have been resolved a long time ago," said Health Minister Jose Gomes Temporao, who is pushing for a referendum on the issue.
Like most Brazilians, Silva says he's opposed to abortion. But in an interview aired on Catholic radio stations earlier in the week, he said abortion was an issue for his government because of the many illegal - and often fatal - abortions performed in clandestine clinics in Brazil.
Silva has an audience with the pope on Thursday, but his spokesman said the president did not intend to bring up abortion.
- Pro-Abortion Members of Congress Blast Pope Benedict on Excommunication
- Supreme Court Backs Ban on Abortion Procedure,2933,266724,00.html
In April, the US Supreme Court ruled that bans of the partial birth abortion practice were constitutional. The following points were articulated:
"The State, from the inception of pregnancy, maintains its own regulatory interest in protecting the life of the fetus that may become a child . . . ”. "The law need not give abortion doctors unfettered choice in the course of their medical practice, nor should it elevate their status above other physicians in the medical community. . . . Medical uncertainty does not foreclose the exercise of legislative power in the abortion context any more than it does in other contexts." "The interest of Congress to protect medical ethics is recognized, finding that this procedure "confuses the medical, legal and ethical duties of physicians to preserve and promote life . . . .”. The particular abortion procedure "will further coarsen society to the humanity of not only newborns, but of all vulnerable and innocent humanlife..."
For these reasons, the Court's decision is understood to be most significant, allowing states to consider what parameters for abortion are appropriate within the context of Roe v Wade.
Within a week, Governor Elliot Spitzer submitted comprehensive legislation, Program Bill #16, designed "to enshrine[d] a woman’s fundamental right to make reproductive health decisions in statue …” Most unfortunately, the legislation submitted by the Governor modifies Public Health Law to statutorily affirm abortion rights regardless of fetal viability at the time of an abortion; modifies who may perform an abortion and in what setting; lifts age restrictions on the sale of contraceptives; withholds legal recognition for unborn victims of violence, and makes parental consent for abortion or contraception unnecessary, among other provisions. This is in contradiction to the will of a majority of people. In an April 2007, nationwide NY Times/CBS News poll, 64% of those polled believed that abortion should either have stricter limits or be prohibited.
The approval of the New York State Legislature is required to make Program Bill #16 to make it law in New York State.
Already a tough and targeted campaign is being implemented by proponents of abortion without consideration of any of the above issues. An article from the Democrat and Chronicle is pasted below describing some of the tactics that have begun.
Yours in Christ, Jann K. Armantrout Diocesan Life Issues Coordinator Diocese of Rochester 1150 Buffalo Road Rochester, NY 14624 (585) 328 3210 x 1304 Abortion debate simmers
Reproductive rights group to pressure GOP senators to revise N.Y. law.
Cara Matthews
Albany bureau
ALBANY — A reproductive-rights group said it would target several Republicans, including state Sen. Joseph Robach of Greece, in its campaign to pressure the Senate into passing a bill that would protect abortion rights in New York.
Kelli Conlin, president of NARAL Pro-Choice New York, said her organization would lobby for a bill she and other advocates believe is necessary in light of a U.S. Supreme Court decision last month. That ruling upheld a federal law that restricts abortions in some cases.
Gov. Eliot Spitzer introduced the legislation, which would recognize a woman's fundamental right to make medical decisions relating to contraception and pregnancy, something not currently in state law. It would ensure that women's health is a primary concern in regulating abortion.
Besides Robach, NARAL will focus on three Long Island senators — Kemp Hannon, Carl Marcellino and Cesar Trunzo — and Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno of Brunswick, Rensselaer County, Conlin said.
"We intend to have their offices flooded with phone calls, asking, 'Where does the senator stand?'" said Conlin, who characterized Robach as having an "anti-choice" record.
Robach could not be reached for comment.
"They have a right to do what they think is appropriate," Bruno said of the reproductive-rights groups' strategy.
There are 33 Republicans in the Senate and 29 Democrats, a margin that has shrunk steadily over the last four years.
Asked whether he was concerned about aggressive campaigning against incumbents, Bruno said, "No. We're going to be in the majority in '08. We're going to increase our numbers in '08."
Tuesday's event was politically notable because it was the first time Conlin could remember NARAL joining forces with Senate Democrats at a news conference. For years, the group worked with liberal Republican Sen. Nicholas Spano of Yonkers to get abortion-rights bills through the Senate.
But Spano lost re-election last year to Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
New York's law legalizing abortion was passed three years before the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision.
Because of the federal ruling, there was never a need to go back and update the 1970 state law, advocates and Democratic senators said.
"In light of what happened with the Supreme Court a few weeks ago, we now have reason to believe that Roe v. Wade is under attack and so we need to strengthen New York state law," said Sen. Diane Savino, D-Staten Island.
Last month's Supreme Court ruling upheld a 2003 federal law that prohibits abortions in which a partly delivered fetus that is largely intact is removed (intact dilation and evacuation), but not abortions in which a fetus is removed in pieces (dilation and evacuation) or those not involving vaginal delivery.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, a group that promotes reproductive rights and health, an estimated 0.17 percent of abortions in 2000 were by intact dilation and extraction, which has been called partial-birth abortion.
The Assembly has not acted on the governor's bill. A spokesman for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, D-Manhattan, did not respond to a request for comment.
The state Conservative Party and New York State Catholic Conference oppose the bill.
"The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld parental notification, counseling prior to abortion and restricting Medicaid funding of abortion. New York has yet to follow the majority of states that have enacted these regulations, and under the governor's proposal, any state regulation of abortion would not be permissible," Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long said in a memo.
The group objects to removing abortion-related laws from the criminal code and has other problems with the bill, its memo said.

- The Latest Updates On Several Hot Pro-life Stories
from Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
Testimony of former abortionist
Posted with permission of the Pro-life Action League, Chicago
*More young doctors oppose abortions on ethical grounds
Rising numbers of doctors are refusing to carry out abortions Rising numbers of doctors are refusing to carry out abortions, leading to a crisis in NHS provision.
The stance by staff, taken on ethical grounds, has led to a doubling of abortions carried out by private clinics, according to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
The swell of medical staff joining the unprecedented moral revolt means that there may soon not be enough doctors to carry out sufficient terminations to meet the public demand.
Katherine Guthrie, a spokesman on family planning for the RCOG, said: "You get no thanks for performing abortions. You get spat on. Who admits to friends at a dinner party that they are an abortionist?
"There is an increasing number of young doctors who are not participating in training. The Department of Health is really worried."
The numbers of terminations carried out in Britain currently stands at a record 190,000 a year. But refusals by its doctors mean that the NHS is having to pay private hospitals to carry out the procedures.
The percentage of abortions carried out in private hospitals has doubled from 20 per cent in 1997 to almost 40 per cent today.
Abortion is legal in Britain up to nine months if doctors believe the baby has a severe disability or the mother's life is at risk.
But termination for 'social' reasons - the effect of the pregnancy on the mental health and well-being of the mother - is legal up to 24 weeks.
However, campaigners argue that the current Abortion Act is outdated because of medical advances that mean more premature babies than ever now survive.
James Gerrard, a GP in Leeds, said: "Out of the six doctors in our practice, three of us object to abortion. I had made up my mind on abortion before entering the medical profession. I feel the foetus is a person and killing that foetus is wrong."
A spokesman for the Department of Health said: "This is an issue we will be discussing with the RCOG."
A Roman Catholic hospital popular with celebrity mothers-to-be is to ban all its staff from providing contraceptives or abortion referrals.
Staff at the Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth in North London is introducing a code of ethics for its resident GPs and other staff.
Anyone working there will not be able to offer any service which conflicts with Catholic teaching on the value of human life or sexual ethics.
The hospital in St John's Wood is described as 'the poshest place to push' on account of the maternity unit's A-list clientele, including Cate Blanchett and Kate Moss.
The code is expected to be ratified at a board meeting next month.
The Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA)
- Number Of Abortion Clinics Reduced
- Another Alabama Abortion Mill Closed
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation.Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
Former Mobile, AL abortion location now up for lease. Mobile, AL - April 30, 2007 - The Center for Choice in Mobile, Alabama, has closed, furthering the trend of diminishing numbers of abortion clinics nationwide. The abortion mill had operated under that name since 1994, and reported an annual income in abortion sales of $81,000. Phone calls to the abortion mill ring in but are not answered. The office space is up for lease.
The Gulf Christian Newspaper reported in an undated article that the registered agent of the Center for Choice, Patricia Mitchell, had been convicted several years ago of reckless endangerment after she brandished a handgun at two pro-lifer supporters after a clinic protest.
"Those who promote the killing of innocent babies in the womb were dealt another blow with the closing of this abortion clinic," said Operation Rescue Troy Newman. "Abortion mills are closing all over the nation, and new ones are not replacing them because of the dramatic success of pro-life efforts in recent years that have led to a decrease in demand for abortions. This is yet another evidence that we are winning the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans, and that the days of abortion in our nation are numbered."
Operation Rescue | P.O. Box 782888 | Wichita | KS | 67278
Pro-Life Wisconsin
A brief, but notable, anecdote in last week’s Monday Update serves to remind pro-lifers that their efforts to save babies, though frequently not immediately recognized, are not in vain. During a peaceful picket of the Affiliated abortion clinic in Milwaukee the previous weekend, PLW supporters were approached by a woman who related her story from 20 years ago. She had arrived at the clinic, intent on aborting her unborn baby, and was persuaded by pro-life sidewalk counselors not to. The woman’s unborn child is now a sophomore at Marquette University on a full scholarship studying pre-med. PLW encourages all pro-lifers to keep fighting the good fight – ours is truly life-effecting, life-changing work!

FDA approves period suppression pill
The first birth-control pill meant to put a stop to women's monthly periods indefinitely won federal approval last Tuesday. Called Lybrel, it's the first such pill to receive Food and Drug Administration approval for continuous use. When taken daily, the pill can halt women's menstrual periods indefinitely and prevent pregnancies.
Lybrel is the latest approved oral contraceptive to depart from the 21-days-on, seven-days-off regimen that had been standard since birth-control pill sales began in the 1960s. The pill, manufactured by Wyeth, is the first designed to put off periods altogether when taken without break.
Wyeth plans to start Lybrel sales in July. The Madison, N.J., company said it hasn't yet determined a price for the 28-pill packs. The pill contains a low dose of two hormones already widely used in birth-control pills, ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel.
Note: This “new” birth control pill is not any safer than older, regular forms; in fact, it may be more dangerous to women since there have been no long term studies to determine its effects. The article also points out that only one third of the women originally enrolled in the study completed it and did so with any degree of satisfaction. Of course, this pill, like all others before it, still works as an abortifacient and can therefore be deadly to preborn children.
Experts question efficacy, ethics of DNA worldwide test that determines gender at six weeks' gestation
The efficacy and ethical implications of a test that can determine the sex of a fetus at six weeks' gestation, launched last month by United Kingdom-based DNA Worldwide, are being questioned by some experts. DNA Worldwide is selling the test, called "Pink or Blue" online.
The test, which is based on research published in the journal Human Genetics in 2005, analyzes fetal DNA in a pregnant woman's bloodstream. To administer the test, women provide a small blood sample on a specialized card that is then returned to a laboratory, and results are available in four to six days. According to DNA Worldwide, the test has a 98% accuracy rate when the instructions are followed properly. The test is not regulated by health officials in the United Kingdom and other countries because it is marketed as "informational" and not medical.
Patrick O'Brien, spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said, "The earlier in pregnancy that you do these tests, the less fetal DNA there will be and, possibly, the less accurate the test will be." O'Brien added that at six weeks' gestation, "it's questionable whether the technology is that good." Other experts say the test could have ethical implications if a woman chooses to have an abortion after learning the fetus is not the desired gender.
Manipal claims stem bone marrow cells breakthrough for Parkinson's
Manipal Hospital in Bangalore claimed a breakthrough in treating Parkinson's disease with autologous stem cells drawn from the patient's bone marrow. It would extend the stem cell therapy to more medical challenges such as spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis through an integrated department of stem cells, hospital officials told a news conference.
The hospital presented Mr. Andrew Kisana, 58, a US-based former structural engineer progressively debilitated by the disease for 15 years. When he arrived in Bangalore for treatment in January 2006, he could barely walk, talk or control normal bodily motions, though mentally normal. The disease was spreading despite expensive medication, brain surgery and electronic brain implants.
A composed Mr. Kisana walked in slowly and keyed in his verdict: "This treatment hits the root cause of the disease... like no other therapy."
Manipal plans to formally present its successes at a neurological conference in Kolkata in October. "We are not making tall claims but we have had some success with two untreatable problems," Dr Venkararamana said. "We need to observe the long-term clinical effects in a large number of patients."
*Trouble Continues To Plague Two Abortion MillsJuly 25, 2007
San Diego, CA - Two abortion mills, one in San Diego, California, and one in Atlantic City, New Jersey, continue to be plagued by problems that have kept both in the news in recent days.
"More and more horrific stories like this are surfacing that indicate an abortion industry that is about to self-destruct," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. "From what we are seeing around the nation, conditions such as those in San Diego and Atlantic City are not the exception, but the shocking standard."
Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties is being sued for the second time in two months, this time for negligence in not informing a patient of a Pap Smear test that indicated the presence of cervical cancer. Former patient Rebecca Glover alleged in her suit that Planned Parenthood realized their negligence and attempted to cover it up by denying Glover access to her own medical records. She contends that Planned Parenthood's acts prevented her from getting treatment for her cancer for a year, during which time it advanced to stage 3.
Last month this same Planned Parenthood organization was sued by the mother of Edrica Goode, who died after a botched abortion attempt. Goode died of toxic shock syndrome after having her cervix packed with laminaria and gauze even though she was suffering from a vaginal infection. Because of the onset of her illness, Goode did not return to finish the abortion, and her mother, who was unaware of the abortion attempt, insists that Planned Parenthood never tried to follow up with Goode, preventing her from getting her daughter the treatment she needed to save her life.
Planned Parenthood received a "deficiency" finding from the California Department of Health for not reporting the abortion death within 24 hours, as required by law.
"There is a pattern of cover-up in Planned Parenthood's recent troubles that is systemic of the abortion industry around the nation. The habit is to deny problems and cover the truth, even if it costs the lives of patients," said Sullenger, who spent years warning women of dangers the San Diego Planned Parenthood.
"This Planned Parenthood organization has proven that they do not care about women by their treatment of Glover and Goode alone," she said. "It is really appalling to think that a clinic would be aware of the fact that women had life-threatening conditions, yet would actively conceal that information from them in order to cover up their negligence. If that behavior is not criminal, it ought to be."

Alternatives abortion clinic in Atlantic City will stay closed for now. The abortion mill has yet to file a corrective action plan with the state's health department that was required within 10 days of an inspection that closed the clinic for health violations on June 22.
The Press of Atlantic City reports that the Heath Department released its 116-page inspection report listing problems with the abortion office that included dried blood on the abortion beds and stirrups, expired medications, and general filth. According to the news report, "Dust, rust, dirt and debris also were found on some equipment, and floors in the operating room, laboratory and recovery room were 'soiled and stained.'"
In addition, the clinic was cited because abortionists did not always scrub between abortion procedures, partially because the mill lacked hot water and a scrub sink. In an outageous attempt to defend this practice, a clinic worker told inspectors, "Abortions aren't really surgery, they aren't sterile procedures."
Abortionist Stuart Sackstein, Alternatives medical director, resigned the day after the state closed the abortion mill. Abortionist Stephen Chase Brigham, who is banned from practicing medicine in three states, was in the process of buying the abortion mill at the time of its closure. The sale of the office is opposed by local pro-life groups.
Until the current owner, abortionist Alan Kline, files a corrective plan that satisfies the health department, the clinic will remain closed. Every day it remains in noncompliance, Alternatives racks up fines of $2,500 per day. Already their fines total approximately $80,000.
"Alternatives' reticence to correct their deplorably shoddy conditions may well be their own undoing," said Sullenger. "They have dug themselves into a financial pit that they may not be able to climb out of. Now that the public knows the truth about their filthy conditions and dangerous abortionists, we pray that it will never be allowed to reopen."
"The problems at these two abortion clinics illustrate that the idea of abortions being 'safe and legal' is mythical," said Sullenger. "The health and well-being of women are regularly sacrificed for greed, profits, and the protection of their radical abortion ideology without regard for the cost in human lives and tragedy. That is the true state of the abortion industry today."

'A Girl Named Guadalupe'
August 2, 2007
I recently received a letter from my young friend, Guadalupe. I first met her only a couple of months after she was conceived. Her mom Helene was in the waiting room of an abortion mill in Orlando, Florida, and Guadalupe was about to become one of the 4000 children who are put to death each day in America by abortion.
This was Helene's third child, and though she did not want an abortion, her boyfriend and her friends told her she could not keep the baby. (This is par for the course for how "freedom of choice" is exercised in regard to abortion.) When she walked into the abortion mill on November 12, 1994, the sidewalk counselors approached her, but she was not persuaded.
She describes, however, what happened while sitting in the waiting room. "Suddenly, I felt like I had to look out the window. I thought about the offer of help that the pro-lifers were making. I saw the priest out there, too, and it made me think. I finally asked myself, 'What am I doing in here? I have to get out!' I came out and went over to the pro-lifers and accepted their offer of help. I felt so sorry for having even gone inside!"
Helene said that once she came out, sidewalk counselor Caroline Routson was like an angel, helping her get the assistance she needed. Helene and I talked and I told her that the main thing to think about now was how to be a good mother.
On August 6, 1995, I baptized baby Guadalupe before a full Sunday Mass congregation. Rev. Ed Martin of Rescue America, who was also present at the abortion mill, said, "It's important to emphasize why Helene came out of the abortion mill. It was because someone was there to help."
Thank God, these "saves" happen continuously. But we usually don't get letters from those who were saved. Guadalupe wrote this one, however, so that she could thank us all.
Dear Fr. Frank and Priests for Life:
I wanted to say thank you for all you have done. Because of Fr. Frank and Priests for Life for coming to Florida, they were able to save my Mom's life and mine. I feel that I'm glad you were there, because if you were not there I probably would have been aborted. Now I'm here in Poinciana living great and I wanted to say thank you! And that's why I wanted to add we need more priests out in every abortion clinic and on Television. Also we need more priests in action, and ready to save babies at an abortion clinic. So if you get up and do something about these women who don't want to do this but thinks she does. There are millions of babies killed by abortions. We should do some thing about abortions!
Love, Guadalupe Aurora Lovera
(This update courtesy of the Priests for Life newsletter. You may contact Priests for Life at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314; call 1-888-PFL-3448 or 718-980-4400; fax 718-980-6515;;

Growing Crisis of Sexual Addiction among Christian Women
New Book Provides Practical Answers for Struggling Women
Ashley Hensley
Phone: 859-813-1577
Illinois Pharmacist Wins Battle vs. Wal-Mart in Morning After Pill Lawsuit

Chocolate Confections
Twins Save Mom's Life, Kick Loose Deadly Tumor From Mom's Cervix While Still in Womb
Monday, February 04, 2008

Many mothers cherish the first kicks they feel from their unborn babies.
But unknown to one U.K. mother, the kicking she felt from the twins growing inside her actually saved her life, according to a report from the Daily Mail.
Michelle Stepney, 35, said her twins Alice and Harriet, now age 13 months, were a lively pair in the womb. At the time, however, she had no idea that constant kicking she felt actually dislodged a tumor that had formed on her cervix and, according to doctors, saved her life.
Shortly after becoming pregnant, Stepney of Cheam in South-West London was taken to the hospital after suffering what was believed to be a miscarriage. Soon doctors realized she was still pregnant, but had developed life-threatening cervical cancer. Stepney declined to have an abortion and doctors at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London agreed to give her reduced chemotherapy in the hope of stopping the cancer spreading during the pregnancy.
But it wasn't the chemo that ultimately saved Stepney.
"I couldn't believe it when the doctors told me that the babies had dislodged the tumor," she said. "I'd felt them kicking, but I didn't realize just how important their kicking would turn out to be. I owe my life to my girls, and that's why I could have never agreed with a termination."
Click here to read the whole story
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Mother makes ultimate sacrifice for new baby

Women Victimized by Abortions Not Surprised by Mental Health Link Study

Planned Parenthood Closes Pro-Abortion Businesses in Five States
Abortion Business Owner Sentenced for Allowing Unlicensed Abortions
British Woman Dies After Botched Late-Term Abortion Her Family Forced
Former Abortion Practitioner DeHenre Found Guilty of Killing His Wife

The one in the middle
Who's getting abortions?
Not who you'd think
Half of the women are 25 or older; most already have a child
U.S. abortion rate hits 30-year low
![March for Life 2007]()
The National Mall - Washinton, DC
January 22, 2007
US News
A New Weapon in Fight for the Unborn
By Charlene Israel
CBN News
January 14, 2007

Adult Stem Cell Research Showed Trmendous Success in 2007 Studies, Trials
by David Prentice, William L. Saunders, and Michael Fragoso
January 5, 2008
Inside the Vatican Magazine Names Pro-Life Dr. Alveda King Top Ten of 2007
Anti-abortion rally draws crowd to Texas Capitol
California Abortion Center Owner Charged With Unlicensed Medical Practice
Feminists Honor Remarkable Pro-Life Women®
In anticipation of the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Feminists for Life is honoring six Remarkable Pro-Life Women.® FFL President Serrin Foster announced the honorees who come from a variety of fields and powerful life experiences saying, “These are the faces of choice. They say NO to the status quo.” Their stories appear in the latest issue of FFL’s magazine, The American Feminist.®
Melissa Ohden, a child advocate in a social welfare agency in the Midwest, survived a saline abortion at approximately five months gestation. Adopted by her parents from a neonatal unit, Ms. Ohden has seen the impact of choice from both sides and advocates resources and support for pregnant women.
Joyce McCauley-Benner, a long-time feminist who has actively advocated for racial justice, became pregnant when she was a college student. At the time she did not know if her unborn child was the result of a workplace rape or a loving relationship with her boyfriend. She tells how she made her choice.
Julia Thornton, a birthmother who serves volunteers with The Gabriel Project, is certified as an Infant Adoption Liaison through the National Council For Adoption's Infant Adoption Awareness Training Program. She tells the story of the obstacles she faced when she became pregnant in college and her difficult but empowering choice to place her daughter for adoption.
Karen Shablin was a member of NARAL when she became the director of a state Medicaid agency. What she learned in that position changed this health policy expert’s views on the issue of abortion. Ms. Shablin shares the story of her own experience with abortion in The American Feminist.
Angelica Rosales founded a pregnancy resource center shortly after graduating from college. Her mother was advised to abort Angelica, but risked her life to continue her pregnancy. Her mother’s courage continues to be a motivation for Ms. Rosales, who works daily with pregnant and parenting women in an economically and racially diverse community.
Ann Lowrey Forster became pregnant as a sophomore in college. Many of those closest to her urged abortion, but Ms. Forster refused to choose® between her education and her unborn child. Facing numerous obstacles, Ms. Forster graduated on time with honors as a single mother. Her story illustrates what it takes to create more support for pregnant and parenting students on college campuses.
The above Remarkable Pro-Life Women are available to speak on college campuses and at other special events.
Previous Remarkable Pro-Life Women issues of The American Feminist have honored Patricia Heaton, Margaret Colin, Kathy Ireland, U.S. Representatives Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Melissa Hart, Benazir Bhutto, Norah Vincent, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, and Carol Crossed among other women who excel in a variety of fields, including arts and entertainment, politics, medicine, journalism, activism, and academia.
For more information on how to subscribe to The American Feminist, please visit Feminists for Life on the web at
Like the early American feminists who opposed abortion, Feminists for Life works to systematically eliminate the coercive factors that drive women to abortion by facilitating practical solutions. FFL is a non-sectarian, nonpartisan grassroots organization dedicated to empowering women through progressive, non-violent choices for themselves and their children.
"Abortion is a reflection that we have not met the needs of women. Women deserve better than abortion."
Feminists for Life is a 501(c)3 organization.
All donations and membership contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed to law.
Refuse to Choose and Women Deserve Better are registered trademarks of Feminists for Life of America.
This is the information list for Feminists for Life.
Baby Parts for Sale!!
Oscar nominated film

Director Jason Reitman Talks About Movie's Adoption, Abortion Themes
This movie is recommended. PG-13
Heisman Trophy Winner Tim Tebow Could Have Been a Victim of Abortion

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
In Romania in the 1980s, under the last communist government there, Otilia (Anamaria Marinca) and Gabita (Laura Vasiliu) are roommates at a university. When Gabita discovers she is pregnant, Otilia helps her on her journey to visit an illegal, back alley abortion clinic.
Britney Spears' 16-Year-Old Sister Jamie Lynn Decides Against Abortion
SanFrancisco conference explores impact of abortion on men

Pope decries international campaign for abortion
American Bishop: Catholic Disobedience on Contraception has caused "Tremendous Harm to Society"
Calls on Catholics to Abandon Pro-Contraception Stand, Embrace Humanae Vitae
By John-Henry Westen

We're twinseparable! Happy with his brother, the boy who refused to die
Last updated at 01:09am on 3rd November 2007
It's Official! Pope Benedict is coming to New York City April 18-20 2008

Included in Pope Bededict's visit will be a speech made to the United Nations on April 18, a Mass on April 19 at St Patrick's Cathedral and a larger outdoor Mass at Yankee Stadium on April 20, sources say.
Sixty Groups Ask Congress To Block Planned Parenthood Funding
October 25th, 2007
Washington, DC - In a noteworthy show of unity, a coalition of sixty pro-life/pro-family advocacy groups have sent a letter to each United States Senator and Congressman asking them to stop Federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Operation Rescue added its support to the letter, which included such a list of heavy-hitters in the conservative arena such as Concerned Women For America, Focus on the Family, Eagle Forum, American Family Association, Traditional Values Coalition, and Americans United for Life, to name a few.

Fox News Cable: Facing Reality: Choice
Abortion: It's one of the most controversial issues in America, and one of the most agonizing decisions a woman can face.,2933,303997,00.html
Scientist Suspended for Race Remarks Also Discussed 'Defective' Children
By Patrick Goodenough International Editor
October 19, 2007

Only in Hollywood: Chance meeting after Mass leads to 'Bella'
Pro-Life DVD “Bella” – Now available for Pre-Order |
Now available - the best Pro-Life movie of the year - Bella! This new movie has garnered rave reviews from Pro-Lifers all around the country and now is available for you to pre-order at a discounted cost of just $27.50. We will have this film April 10, 2008 to ship directly to you. Discount prices expire Sunday, April 6, 2008. Check out details here.
Bella Wins Top Prize for Dramatic Movie at Heartland Film Festival

Kansas Planned Parenthood Clinic Charged
Oct 17 05:08 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer (Read the Charges against Planned Parenthood)
Kansas Pro-Life Groups Submit Petitions For Abortion Center Probe
The petition asks the grand jury to look into seven allegations including illegal abortions, failing to report suspected child sexual abuse, providing false information, illegal trafficking in fetal tissue, and failure to comply with the 24-hour waiting period and parental consent requirements of Kansas law.
Missouri DA Charges Planned Parenthood for Late-Term Abortions
A Planned Parenthood clinic was charged Wednesday with providing unlawful abortions and other crimes by a county prosecutor who had engaged in a high-profile battle with the clinic when he was Kansas attorney general.
Prescribe 'The Pill' at Middle School?

Student health officials say a broad contraceptive program is 'totally needed.
October 16, 2007,8599,1673227,00.html?imw=Y

What REALLY happens during an abortion:
One surgeon finally tells the truth
12th October 2007

One in five pregnancies ends in abortion: Study
Oct 11 07:05 PM US/Eastern
Don't use embryos in stem cell research, Pope saysOctober 11, 2007
Entertainment News : MoviesNONFICTION FILM

'Lake of Fire'
Movie takes camera into abortion clinics
Director Tony Kaye strives for balance in a jolting documentary.
By John Horn, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
October 7, 2007,1,6762006.story?coll=la-entnews-movies&ctrack=1&cset=true
Spirit & Life
"The words I spoke to you are spirit and life." (Jn 6:63)
Human Life International
October 05, 2007

Plan A: Keep “Plan B” Out of Catholic Hospitals
Michigan Abortion Practitioner Loses Medical License,
Violated State Law
by Steven Ertelt Editor
October 1, 2007

St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke preaches tough Communion rule
Turn away abortion-rights backers, he says.
Now, the conservative cleric is invoking the church's highest punishment -- mortal sin -- to persuade the lay and ordained Catholics who distribute Communion at Mass to safeguard the sacrament.
Friday, September 28, 2007 5:16 AM
Abortion Death Reported In Massachusetts
September 27th, 2007

Hyannis, MA - Reports are coming out of Massassachusetts that a 22-year old woman died on September 13, 2007, from hemorrhaging caused by an abortion obtained at Women Health Center in the Cape Cod town of Hyannis. The abortionist responsible for the death is reportedly Rapin Osathanondh, who made headlines in 2001 for threatening to murder five hospital nurses in a fit of rage over misplaced paperwork.
A receptionist at Women Health Center responded in to inquiries about the woman's death with obvious agitation, but would not confirm or deny the abortion death. "I can't help you," she told Operation Rescue.
The abortion victim, whose name Operation Rescue is currently withholding, was reportedly a member of a Calvary Chapel church in a nearby town. According to her MySpace page, she was a cosmetologist who was born in Honduras and adopted by an American family. She was engaged to be married.
A complaint has been filed against Osathanondh with the Massachusetts Board of Registration In Medicine regarding the abortion death.
"Our nation is facing a crisis of dangerous abortionists operating in unsafe abortion mills, killing innocent babies - sometimes illegally as we have seen in some states - and injuring and killing unsuspecting women. More must be done to stop these predatory abortion businesses from inflicting additional human tragedy on society," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger.
"This death also brings to light a serious problem in the Christian community," said Sullenger. "There simply is not adequate teaching from the pulpits about abortion, and therefore Christians are aborting their babies at a shocking rate. According to some statistics, 68% of women obtaining abortions attend some denomination of Christian church. This shows a shameful failure on the part of American pastors to properly teach their congregations what the Bible says about human sexuality and the sanctity of life. Yet, the majority of pastors who are approached about this problem refuse to deal with it. This denial and refusal to properly pastor their congregations on this matter makes them culpable for these kinds of avoidable tragedies."
Web site:
Operation Rescue Troy Newman President 316-841-1700 Operation Rescue Cheryl Sullenger Senior Policy Advisor 316-516-3034
Operation Rescue | P.O. Box 782888 | Wichita | KS | 67278

Report Examines Culture of Sex Trafficking
by Jennifer Mesko, associate editor
Leading a worldwide effort to eradicate the marketplaces of sexual life at a time.
Video Friday Five: Linda Smith
by Kim Trobee, digital producer
'I’ve spent 10 years of my life restoring little girls and young women who have been in the commercial sex industry.'
Ten years ago, Linda Smith founded Shared Hope International to rescue and restore women and children in crisis. The Department of Justice recently granted funding to Shared Hope to assess the sex-trafficking industry in 10 U.S. cities.
Smith, a former congresswoman from Washington state, recently visited Focus on the Family and shared her passion.
Watch the video.
Read the interview.

If there were no BUYER, there would be no SELLER, there would be no VICTIM
The complete report online
Children for sale: UK's new slave trade
Doctor dies to save her unborn daughter,23599,22416536-2,00.html

News and Commentary on Abortion

Woman Says She Was Pressured to Have Abortion at George Tiller's Center
Tiller Loses Federal Effort To Block Grand Jury Investigation
September 12th, 2007
Abortion attorneys promise to refile in State Court as petition signatures are certified
Wichita, KS - Attorneys representing abortionist George Tiller attempted yesterday to persuade Federal Court Judge J. Thomas Marten to block the seating of a county grand jury demanded by pro-life groups through the legal petition process that allows citizens to request grand jury investigations on a state level.
Marten denied Tiller's request saying, "Frankly, I'm reluctant to jump into the middle of something that is essentially a state matter. The odds that any appellate court would uphold any injunction in this case would be pretty remote."
Yesterday, Sedgwick County Election Commissioner Bill Gale certified that 6,963 valid signatures had been gathered, nearly three times the 2,449 signatures required. The petition has been forwarded to the Sedgwick County Court's presiding judge for assignment.
Tiller's attorneys have promised to refile in State Court to block the investigation into possible illegal post-viability abortions done by Tiller over the past five years.
Currently Tiller faces 19 criminal misdemeanor counts of illegal abortions that were said to have taken place in 2003 for not having an unaffiliated physician sign off on abortions past 21 weeks gestation. Attorney General Paul Morrison, an abortion supporter, filed the charges after reviewing abortion records obtained by his predecessor. Morrison has refused to investigate any other records even though Tiller's illegal business relationship with abortionist Ann Kristin Neuhaus, who he used for the second signature, continued until earlier this year.
"It is very likely that thousands of viable babies have been illegally killed by Tiller and his three hired abortionists over the last five years," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Tiller's attorneys are fighting tooth and nail to thwart justice. They know that Tiller could face years in jail if convicted on even a fraction of the illegal abortions."
"This isn't over yet," said Newman. "We expect Tiller's lawyers to try ever devious trick in the book to keep Tiller from having to darken the doorway of a courtroom."
Operation Rescue supported the current grand jury effort, which was led by Kansans for Life. However, OR continues to work on other legal avenues to bring Tiller to justice.
"We are not putting all our eggs in one basket," said Newman. "We are working hard on a number of fronts to insure that Tiller has to face the legal consequences of his actions."
Operation Rescue Troy Newman President 316-841-1700 Operation Rescue Cheryl Sullenger Senior Policy Advisor 316-516-3034
Operation Rescue | P.O. Box 782888 | Wichita | KS | 67278
Tiller Balks At Grand Jury Subpoenas Of 2,000 Abortion Records
Web site:
Youth Suicide Rate Rises 8% In USA, Biggest Climb In 15 Years
Botched abortion shocks Italy

Summary: Number of Students Having Sex Dropping & Adolescent Birth Rate at Record Low's%20Working/America's%20Children.htm
Wichita, KS - August 15, 2007 - The abortion worker who placed the evasive 911 call in the death of a 19-year old Downs syndrome patient is no longer employed by abortionist George R. Tiller at Women's Health Care Services (WHCS).
Marguerite Reed noted on July 31, 2007, in her personal blog that she would not be returning to work. "I am perfectly content. Thank you, God," she wrote. Reed had worked for Tiller for 12 years. Tiller is currently facing 19 charges of committing illegal late-term abortions. His clinic has been closed since July 31.
Operation Rescue staff members had observed Reed leaving the abortion clinic that same day looking upset.
Reed was working on January 13, 2005, when Christin Gilbert was brought to WHCS suffering from fatal complications to a botched third-trimester abortion. After Gilbert had been at the clinic for nearly an hour, Reed placed a call to 911 asking for an ambulance, adding, "Please! Please! Please! No lights and no sirens!" She then placed the emergency dispatcher on hold for 45 critical seconds as Gilbert's life slipped away. The dispatcher noted on a written transcript that Reed was "evasive" and uncooperative.

Reed had often commented on her blog about her dissatisfaction with her stressful job and desire to be a stay-at-home mom where she could also pursue her love of writing. A web site, "George Tiller Revealed", quotes her as saying, "The less I write, the longer it will take me to reach my goal, which is to be able to Quit the Job. I ache to be an at-home mother. I feel as if I'm missing out on so much." She also talked about the stresses of having to deal with "all these crying people."
"We had often prayed for Marguerite to quit her job so she could spend more time with her family and pursuing other interests, and told her that on a number of occasions," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. "I can't imagine a more stressful place to work, given that the horrific nature of the business is compounded by Tiller's criminal charges. We are relieved that she is no longer directly involved in the abortion industry, and pray that she will find the peace that passes understanding that comes from seeking forgiveness in Jesus Christ."
Web site:
Court Documents In Illegal Abortion Case Now Available
Wichita, KS - July 5, 2007 - The 19 count criminal complaint that was filed against abortionist George R. Tiller on June 28, 2007, for violations of the Kansas ban on post-viability abortions is now available.
The document lists details of the 19 misdemeanor counts, which each carry a possible penalty of 1 year in jail and a $2,500 fine.
The complaint shows:
The range of ages of women who were given abortions was 10-24 with the average age being 16 years old. The viable babies that were aborted ranged in age from 25 to 30 weeks gestation, with an average age of 27 weeks. Viability is considered by Kansas law to be at 22 weeks. The 19 abortions took place between July 8 and November 18, 2003. Operation Rescue is also making available the motion to dismiss charges filed by Tiller's attorneys on July 2, 2007. The motion is scheduled for hearing in Sedgwick County District Court on July 13, 2007. Tiller's arraignment date was originally set for August 7, 2007.
Click here to read Tiller's motion.
"We believe that the complaint documents show that George Tiller and Kristin Neuhaus were operating an illegal abortion racket designed to circumvent the law while giving the appearance of legitimacy," said Operation Rescue Senior Policy Advisor Cheryl Sullenger. "But even at that, we believe that these were the weakest of the charges that could have been brought against Tiller. There is ample evidence to charge him with additional counts for aborting viable babies so women could do trivial things such as attend rock concerts. The current 19 charges allow Tiller to continue committing illegal abortions for frivilous reasons in violation of the law."
Sullenger continued, "There has been some effort to prevent these documents from reaching the public, but we strongly believe, and think the laws agree, that these documents should be available for everyone's inspection, especially in light of the appearance of corruption that has surrounded Tiller and his late-term abortion racket for the last four years."
About Operation Rescue
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- CA Woman Dies As Result Of Abortion
Victim's mother is suing Planned Parenthood for negligent care.
Riverside, CA - June 21st, 2007 - Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties is being sued by the mother of Edrica Goode, 21, who died as a result of an abortion on Valentine's Day.
Goode had presented herself for an abortion at the Planned Parenthood office in Riverside on January 31, 2007, where she received laminaria dilators and gauze packing. Goode then became feverish and disoriented and did not report back to the abortion clinic for the removal of the dilators. Goode's mother, Aletheia Meloncon, was unaware of the abortion. She described her daughter as having become "mentally unstable." She took her to a Moreno Valley hospital where, due to a lack of knowledge about the abortion, proper treatment was delayed and she eventually died.
Meloncon insists that the family never received notification from Planned Parenthood that Goode needed to return to the clinic for the removal of the dilators.
"A lost dog gets more attention than my daughter did. This has really torn at my family," Meloncon told the LA Times.
Meloncon's attorney, Jack M. Schuler stated, "If it wasn't for the negligent medical care that Edrica Goode received, she would be alive today."
Goode's death is the third known abortion-related death at a California Planned Parenthood in the last four years.
"The abortion cartel can pretend that abortion is safe, but the mounting body count says otherwise, and of course abortion is always fatal for the child," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We pray that the Riverside Planned Parenthood will close and those responsible for the tragic death of Edrica Goode will be required to pay the full penalty under the law."
Read related LA Times article,0,885364.story?coll=la-home-local
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Operation Rescue Troy Newman President 316-841-1700

Minnesota couple refuses to abort children, six are born Sextuplets are Minnesota's first
More information can be found at their website:
Unborn Babies Face Emotional Stress
During Pregnancy Research Shows
by Steven Ertelt Editor May 31, 2007

London, England ( -- New research conducted by doctors in England shows that unborn children can face emotional stress during a pregnancy as the baby's mother faces stress herself. Pro-life advocates say the study has implications for abortion as society learns more about the amazing development of children before birth. The British Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists released the results of the study on Thursday and says that unborn babies as early as 17 weeks into pregnancy suffer from stress.
The stress results when hormones transferred from anxious mothers reach the baby through the placenta.
Researchers measure the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone in 267 pregnant women and took blood tests and amniotic fluid samples from the babies. The fluid is a good indicator of what's happening because it's mostly produced by the baby during the pregnancy.
The doctors found that when the cortisol levels rose in women a corresponding increase the in the levels in the amniotic fluid were found. The link grew stronger as the pregnancy advanced, the physicians said.
Pampa Sarkar, an OBGYN who was involved in the study, discussed the results with the Metro newspaper in the UK.
"We now need to carry out further work to unravel the mechanisms by which maternal stress affects the fetus, both during fetal life and through into childhood," she said.
Sarkar suggested that mothers to be avoid stress and have a healthy and carefree lifestyle during the pregnancy and that her partner and family encourage her and be supportive during the nine months.
Michaela Aston, spokeswoman for the pro-life charity Life, told the Metro that the study had an impact on the abortion debate because the stress levels were found at 17 weeks into pregnancy.
She said that meant that babies were liking experiencing negative mental health effects of worried or anxious mothers who had abortions up to 24 weeks, the legal limit in Britain.

Ambulance Takes Planned Parenthood Victim To Hospital
Olympia, WA - June 1, 2007 - Rescuer Ed Sauley reports that an ambulance carried a patient of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Olympia, Washington, to a hospital on Friday, May 25.
It is believed that the woman was the victim of a botched abortion. It is unknown if she survived her injuries.
"Alert pro-lifers are exposing more and more cases of serious abortion injury and death," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "These abortion mills are hurting women at an alarming rate, yet they still try to tell people that abortion is safe. It wasn't safe for that Washington woman last week, and it isn't safe for the thousands of women across America who are seeking abortions this week. Women need to know the truth that if they walk into an abortion mill, they may not walk out."
It is difficult to know how many women suffer abortion injuries requiring emergency hospitalization because abortion mills are often hesitant to call ambulances. There have been an estimated 347 known abortion deaths since 1973, but that figure is likely much higher, since abortion deaths are frequently classified under something other than abortion. A listing of known abortion victims is available at online at The Blackmun Wall.
Planned Parenthood is Olympia's only remaining abortion mill. Sauley told Operation Rescue that two other area abortion mills have closed in the last four years, the most recent as of last March.
Sauley operates one of Operation Rescue's Truth Trucks throughout the Pacific Northwest. He directs a group called "Show the Truth" that tours public places exposing the truth about the human tragedy of abortion.
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Operation Rescue
Troy Newman,President
Operation Rescue
Cheryl Sullenger
Senior Policy Advisor

- Pope Benedict Reinforces 'Respect for Life Wires
SAO PAULO, Brazil -- Pope Benedict XVI reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church's opposition to abortion in his first speech in Brazil but avoided further suggestion that politicians who support abortion rights should be considered excommunicated.
Benedict is on his first papal trip to Latin America, where women's rights groups have been pushing to expand access to abortion. With few exceptions, the procedure is illegal in Brazil and most other countries in the region, home to more than half the world's 1.1 billion Catholics.
The pope, who will inaugurate an important regional bishops' conference during his trip, was met at Sao Paulo airport Wednesday by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Speaking in Portuguese, Benedict said he's certain that the bishops will reinforce "the promotion of respect for life from the moment of conception until natural death as an integral requirement of human nature."
Benedict's comments came just hours after one of the president's Cabinet members said a "macho" culture in Brazil has prevented a legitimate debate about legalizing abortion in Latin America's largest nation.
"If men got pregnant, I'm sure this question would have been resolved a long time ago," said Health Minister Jose Gomes Temporao, who is pushing for a referendum on the issue.
Like most Brazilians, Silva says he's opposed to abortion. But in an interview aired on Catholic radio stations earlier in the week, he said abortion was an issue for his government because of the many illegal - and often fatal - abortions performed in clandestine clinics in Brazil.
Silva has an audience with the pope on Thursday, but his spokesman said the president did not intend to bring up abortion.
- Pro-Abortion Members of Congress Blast Pope Benedict on Excommunication
- Supreme Court Backs Ban on Abortion Procedure,2933,266724,00.html
In April, the US Supreme Court ruled that bans of the partial birth abortion practice were constitutional. The following points were articulated:
"The State, from the inception of pregnancy, maintains its own regulatory interest in protecting the life of the fetus that may become a child . . . ”. "The law need not give abortion doctors unfettered choice in the course of their medical practice, nor should it elevate their status above other physicians in the medical community. . . . Medical uncertainty does not foreclose the exercise of legislative power in the abortion context any more than it does in other contexts." "The interest of Congress to protect medical ethics is recognized, finding that this procedure "confuses the medical, legal and ethical duties of physicians to preserve and promote life . . . .”. The particular abortion procedure "will further coarsen society to the humanity of not only newborns, but of all vulnerable and innocent humanlife..."
For these reasons, the Court's decision is understood to be most significant, allowing states to consider what parameters for abortion are appropriate within the context of Roe v Wade.
Within a week, Governor Elliot Spitzer submitted comprehensive legislation, Program Bill #16, designed "to enshrine[d] a woman’s fundamental right to make reproductive health decisions in statue …” Most unfortunately, the legislation submitted by the Governor modifies Public Health Law to statutorily affirm abortion rights regardless of fetal viability at the time of an abortion; modifies who may perform an abortion and in what setting; lifts age restrictions on the sale of contraceptives; withholds legal recognition for unborn victims of violence, and makes parental consent for abortion or contraception unnecessary, among other provisions. This is in contradiction to the will of a majority of people. In an April 2007, nationwide NY Times/CBS News poll, 64% of those polled believed that abortion should either have stricter limits or be prohibited.
The approval of the New York State Legislature is required to make Program Bill #16 to make it law in New York State.
Already a tough and targeted campaign is being implemented by proponents of abortion without consideration of any of the above issues. An article from the Democrat and Chronicle is pasted below describing some of the tactics that have begun.
Yours in Christ, Jann K. Armantrout Diocesan Life Issues Coordinator Diocese of Rochester 1150 Buffalo Road Rochester, NY 14624 (585) 328 3210 x 1304 Abortion debate simmers
Reproductive rights group to pressure GOP senators to revise N.Y. law.
Cara Matthews
Albany bureau
ALBANY — A reproductive-rights group said it would target several Republicans, including state Sen. Joseph Robach of Greece, in its campaign to pressure the Senate into passing a bill that would protect abortion rights in New York.
Kelli Conlin, president of NARAL Pro-Choice New York, said her organization would lobby for a bill she and other advocates believe is necessary in light of a U.S. Supreme Court decision last month. That ruling upheld a federal law that restricts abortions in some cases.
Gov. Eliot Spitzer introduced the legislation, which would recognize a woman's fundamental right to make medical decisions relating to contraception and pregnancy, something not currently in state law. It would ensure that women's health is a primary concern in regulating abortion.
Besides Robach, NARAL will focus on three Long Island senators — Kemp Hannon, Carl Marcellino and Cesar Trunzo — and Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno of Brunswick, Rensselaer County, Conlin said.
"We intend to have their offices flooded with phone calls, asking, 'Where does the senator stand?'" said Conlin, who characterized Robach as having an "anti-choice" record.
Robach could not be reached for comment.
"They have a right to do what they think is appropriate," Bruno said of the reproductive-rights groups' strategy.
There are 33 Republicans in the Senate and 29 Democrats, a margin that has shrunk steadily over the last four years.
Asked whether he was concerned about aggressive campaigning against incumbents, Bruno said, "No. We're going to be in the majority in '08. We're going to increase our numbers in '08."
Tuesday's event was politically notable because it was the first time Conlin could remember NARAL joining forces with Senate Democrats at a news conference. For years, the group worked with liberal Republican Sen. Nicholas Spano of Yonkers to get abortion-rights bills through the Senate.
But Spano lost re-election last year to Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
New York's law legalizing abortion was passed three years before the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision.
Because of the federal ruling, there was never a need to go back and update the 1970 state law, advocates and Democratic senators said.
"In light of what happened with the Supreme Court a few weeks ago, we now have reason to believe that Roe v. Wade is under attack and so we need to strengthen New York state law," said Sen. Diane Savino, D-Staten Island.
Last month's Supreme Court ruling upheld a 2003 federal law that prohibits abortions in which a partly delivered fetus that is largely intact is removed (intact dilation and evacuation), but not abortions in which a fetus is removed in pieces (dilation and evacuation) or those not involving vaginal delivery.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, a group that promotes reproductive rights and health, an estimated 0.17 percent of abortions in 2000 were by intact dilation and extraction, which has been called partial-birth abortion.
The Assembly has not acted on the governor's bill. A spokesman for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, D-Manhattan, did not respond to a request for comment.
The state Conservative Party and New York State Catholic Conference oppose the bill.
"The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld parental notification, counseling prior to abortion and restricting Medicaid funding of abortion. New York has yet to follow the majority of states that have enacted these regulations, and under the governor's proposal, any state regulation of abortion would not be permissible," Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long said in a memo.
The group objects to removing abortion-related laws from the criminal code and has other problems with the bill, its memo said.

- The Latest Updates On Several Hot Pro-life Stories
from Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
Testimony of former abortionist
Posted with permission of the Pro-life Action League, Chicago
*More young doctors oppose abortions on ethical grounds
Rising numbers of doctors are refusing to carry out abortions Rising numbers of doctors are refusing to carry out abortions, leading to a crisis in NHS provision.
The stance by staff, taken on ethical grounds, has led to a doubling of abortions carried out by private clinics, according to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
The swell of medical staff joining the unprecedented moral revolt means that there may soon not be enough doctors to carry out sufficient terminations to meet the public demand.
Katherine Guthrie, a spokesman on family planning for the RCOG, said: "You get no thanks for performing abortions. You get spat on. Who admits to friends at a dinner party that they are an abortionist?
"There is an increasing number of young doctors who are not participating in training. The Department of Health is really worried."
The numbers of terminations carried out in Britain currently stands at a record 190,000 a year. But refusals by its doctors mean that the NHS is having to pay private hospitals to carry out the procedures.
The percentage of abortions carried out in private hospitals has doubled from 20 per cent in 1997 to almost 40 per cent today.
Abortion is legal in Britain up to nine months if doctors believe the baby has a severe disability or the mother's life is at risk.
But termination for 'social' reasons - the effect of the pregnancy on the mental health and well-being of the mother - is legal up to 24 weeks.
However, campaigners argue that the current Abortion Act is outdated because of medical advances that mean more premature babies than ever now survive.
James Gerrard, a GP in Leeds, said: "Out of the six doctors in our practice, three of us object to abortion. I had made up my mind on abortion before entering the medical profession. I feel the foetus is a person and killing that foetus is wrong."
A spokesman for the Department of Health said: "This is an issue we will be discussing with the RCOG."
A Roman Catholic hospital popular with celebrity mothers-to-be is to ban all its staff from providing contraceptives or abortion referrals.
Staff at the Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth in North London is introducing a code of ethics for its resident GPs and other staff.
Anyone working there will not be able to offer any service which conflicts with Catholic teaching on the value of human life or sexual ethics.
The hospital in St John's Wood is described as 'the poshest place to push' on account of the maternity unit's A-list clientele, including Cate Blanchett and Kate Moss.
The code is expected to be ratified at a board meeting next month.
The Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA)
- Number Of Abortion Clinics Reduced
- Another Alabama Abortion Mill Closed
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation.Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
Former Mobile, AL abortion location now up for lease. Mobile, AL - April 30, 2007 - The Center for Choice in Mobile, Alabama, has closed, furthering the trend of diminishing numbers of abortion clinics nationwide. The abortion mill had operated under that name since 1994, and reported an annual income in abortion sales of $81,000. Phone calls to the abortion mill ring in but are not answered. The office space is up for lease.
The Gulf Christian Newspaper reported in an undated article that the registered agent of the Center for Choice, Patricia Mitchell, had been convicted several years ago of reckless endangerment after she brandished a handgun at two pro-lifer supporters after a clinic protest.
"Those who promote the killing of innocent babies in the womb were dealt another blow with the closing of this abortion clinic," said Operation Rescue Troy Newman. "Abortion mills are closing all over the nation, and new ones are not replacing them because of the dramatic success of pro-life efforts in recent years that have led to a decrease in demand for abortions. This is yet another evidence that we are winning the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans, and that the days of abortion in our nation are numbered."
Operation Rescue | P.O. Box 782888 | Wichita | KS | 67278
Pro-Life Wisconsin
A brief, but notable, anecdote in last week’s Monday Update serves to remind pro-lifers that their efforts to save babies, though frequently not immediately recognized, are not in vain. During a peaceful picket of the Affiliated abortion clinic in Milwaukee the previous weekend, PLW supporters were approached by a woman who related her story from 20 years ago. She had arrived at the clinic, intent on aborting her unborn baby, and was persuaded by pro-life sidewalk counselors not to. The woman’s unborn child is now a sophomore at Marquette University on a full scholarship studying pre-med. PLW encourages all pro-lifers to keep fighting the good fight – ours is truly life-effecting, life-changing work!

FDA approves period suppression pill
The first birth-control pill meant to put a stop to women's monthly periods indefinitely won federal approval last Tuesday. Called Lybrel, it's the first such pill to receive Food and Drug Administration approval for continuous use. When taken daily, the pill can halt women's menstrual periods indefinitely and prevent pregnancies.
Lybrel is the latest approved oral contraceptive to depart from the 21-days-on, seven-days-off regimen that had been standard since birth-control pill sales began in the 1960s. The pill, manufactured by Wyeth, is the first designed to put off periods altogether when taken without break.
Wyeth plans to start Lybrel sales in July. The Madison, N.J., company said it hasn't yet determined a price for the 28-pill packs. The pill contains a low dose of two hormones already widely used in birth-control pills, ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel.
Note: This “new” birth control pill is not any safer than older, regular forms; in fact, it may be more dangerous to women since there have been no long term studies to determine its effects. The article also points out that only one third of the women originally enrolled in the study completed it and did so with any degree of satisfaction. Of course, this pill, like all others before it, still works as an abortifacient and can therefore be deadly to preborn children.
Experts question efficacy, ethics of DNA worldwide test that determines gender at six weeks' gestation
The efficacy and ethical implications of a test that can determine the sex of a fetus at six weeks' gestation, launched last month by United Kingdom-based DNA Worldwide, are being questioned by some experts. DNA Worldwide is selling the test, called "Pink or Blue" online.
The test, which is based on research published in the journal Human Genetics in 2005, analyzes fetal DNA in a pregnant woman's bloodstream. To administer the test, women provide a small blood sample on a specialized card that is then returned to a laboratory, and results are available in four to six days. According to DNA Worldwide, the test has a 98% accuracy rate when the instructions are followed properly. The test is not regulated by health officials in the United Kingdom and other countries because it is marketed as "informational" and not medical.
Patrick O'Brien, spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said, "The earlier in pregnancy that you do these tests, the less fetal DNA there will be and, possibly, the less accurate the test will be." O'Brien added that at six weeks' gestation, "it's questionable whether the technology is that good." Other experts say the test could have ethical implications if a woman chooses to have an abortion after learning the fetus is not the desired gender.
Manipal claims stem bone marrow cells breakthrough for Parkinson's
Manipal Hospital in Bangalore claimed a breakthrough in treating Parkinson's disease with autologous stem cells drawn from the patient's bone marrow. It would extend the stem cell therapy to more medical challenges such as spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis through an integrated department of stem cells, hospital officials told a news conference.
The hospital presented Mr. Andrew Kisana, 58, a US-based former structural engineer progressively debilitated by the disease for 15 years. When he arrived in Bangalore for treatment in January 2006, he could barely walk, talk or control normal bodily motions, though mentally normal. The disease was spreading despite expensive medication, brain surgery and electronic brain implants.
A composed Mr. Kisana walked in slowly and keyed in his verdict: "This treatment hits the root cause of the disease... like no other therapy."
Manipal plans to formally present its successes at a neurological conference in Kolkata in October. "We are not making tall claims but we have had some success with two untreatable problems," Dr Venkararamana said. "We need to observe the long-term clinical effects in a large number of patients."
*Trouble Continues To Plague Two Abortion MillsJuly 25, 2007
San Diego, CA - Two abortion mills, one in San Diego, California, and one in Atlantic City, New Jersey, continue to be plagued by problems that have kept both in the news in recent days.
"More and more horrific stories like this are surfacing that indicate an abortion industry that is about to self-destruct," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. "From what we are seeing around the nation, conditions such as those in San Diego and Atlantic City are not the exception, but the shocking standard."
Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties is being sued for the second time in two months, this time for negligence in not informing a patient of a Pap Smear test that indicated the presence of cervical cancer. Former patient Rebecca Glover alleged in her suit that Planned Parenthood realized their negligence and attempted to cover it up by denying Glover access to her own medical records. She contends that Planned Parenthood's acts prevented her from getting treatment for her cancer for a year, during which time it advanced to stage 3.
Last month this same Planned Parenthood organization was sued by the mother of Edrica Goode, who died after a botched abortion attempt. Goode died of toxic shock syndrome after having her cervix packed with laminaria and gauze even though she was suffering from a vaginal infection. Because of the onset of her illness, Goode did not return to finish the abortion, and her mother, who was unaware of the abortion attempt, insists that Planned Parenthood never tried to follow up with Goode, preventing her from getting her daughter the treatment she needed to save her life.
Planned Parenthood received a "deficiency" finding from the California Department of Health for not reporting the abortion death within 24 hours, as required by law.
"There is a pattern of cover-up in Planned Parenthood's recent troubles that is systemic of the abortion industry around the nation. The habit is to deny problems and cover the truth, even if it costs the lives of patients," said Sullenger, who spent years warning women of dangers the San Diego Planned Parenthood.
"This Planned Parenthood organization has proven that they do not care about women by their treatment of Glover and Goode alone," she said. "It is really appalling to think that a clinic would be aware of the fact that women had life-threatening conditions, yet would actively conceal that information from them in order to cover up their negligence. If that behavior is not criminal, it ought to be."

Alternatives abortion clinic in Atlantic City will stay closed for now. The abortion mill has yet to file a corrective action plan with the state's health department that was required within 10 days of an inspection that closed the clinic for health violations on June 22.
The Press of Atlantic City reports that the Heath Department released its 116-page inspection report listing problems with the abortion office that included dried blood on the abortion beds and stirrups, expired medications, and general filth. According to the news report, "Dust, rust, dirt and debris also were found on some equipment, and floors in the operating room, laboratory and recovery room were 'soiled and stained.'"
In addition, the clinic was cited because abortionists did not always scrub between abortion procedures, partially because the mill lacked hot water and a scrub sink. In an outageous attempt to defend this practice, a clinic worker told inspectors, "Abortions aren't really surgery, they aren't sterile procedures."
Abortionist Stuart Sackstein, Alternatives medical director, resigned the day after the state closed the abortion mill. Abortionist Stephen Chase Brigham, who is banned from practicing medicine in three states, was in the process of buying the abortion mill at the time of its closure. The sale of the office is opposed by local pro-life groups.
Until the current owner, abortionist Alan Kline, files a corrective plan that satisfies the health department, the clinic will remain closed. Every day it remains in noncompliance, Alternatives racks up fines of $2,500 per day. Already their fines total approximately $80,000.
"Alternatives' reticence to correct their deplorably shoddy conditions may well be their own undoing," said Sullenger. "They have dug themselves into a financial pit that they may not be able to climb out of. Now that the public knows the truth about their filthy conditions and dangerous abortionists, we pray that it will never be allowed to reopen."
"The problems at these two abortion clinics illustrate that the idea of abortions being 'safe and legal' is mythical," said Sullenger. "The health and well-being of women are regularly sacrificed for greed, profits, and the protection of their radical abortion ideology without regard for the cost in human lives and tragedy. That is the true state of the abortion industry today."

'A Girl Named Guadalupe'
August 2, 2007
I recently received a letter from my young friend, Guadalupe. I first met her only a couple of months after she was conceived. Her mom Helene was in the waiting room of an abortion mill in Orlando, Florida, and Guadalupe was about to become one of the 4000 children who are put to death each day in America by abortion.
This was Helene's third child, and though she did not want an abortion, her boyfriend and her friends told her she could not keep the baby. (This is par for the course for how "freedom of choice" is exercised in regard to abortion.) When she walked into the abortion mill on November 12, 1994, the sidewalk counselors approached her, but she was not persuaded.
She describes, however, what happened while sitting in the waiting room. "Suddenly, I felt like I had to look out the window. I thought about the offer of help that the pro-lifers were making. I saw the priest out there, too, and it made me think. I finally asked myself, 'What am I doing in here? I have to get out!' I came out and went over to the pro-lifers and accepted their offer of help. I felt so sorry for having even gone inside!"
Helene said that once she came out, sidewalk counselor Caroline Routson was like an angel, helping her get the assistance she needed. Helene and I talked and I told her that the main thing to think about now was how to be a good mother.
On August 6, 1995, I baptized baby Guadalupe before a full Sunday Mass congregation. Rev. Ed Martin of Rescue America, who was also present at the abortion mill, said, "It's important to emphasize why Helene came out of the abortion mill. It was because someone was there to help."
Thank God, these "saves" happen continuously. But we usually don't get letters from those who were saved. Guadalupe wrote this one, however, so that she could thank us all.
Dear Fr. Frank and Priests for Life:
I wanted to say thank you for all you have done. Because of Fr. Frank and Priests for Life for coming to Florida, they were able to save my Mom's life and mine. I feel that I'm glad you were there, because if you were not there I probably would have been aborted. Now I'm here in Poinciana living great and I wanted to say thank you! And that's why I wanted to add we need more priests out in every abortion clinic and on Television. Also we need more priests in action, and ready to save babies at an abortion clinic. So if you get up and do something about these women who don't want to do this but thinks she does. There are millions of babies killed by abortions. We should do some thing about abortions!
Love, Guadalupe Aurora Lovera
(This update courtesy of the Priests for Life newsletter. You may contact Priests for Life at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314; call 1-888-PFL-3448 or 718-980-4400; fax 718-980-6515;;

Growing Crisis of Sexual Addiction among Christian Women
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Illinois Pharmacist Wins Battle vs. Wal-Mart in Morning After Pill Lawsuit

Chocolate Confections
Twins Save Mom's Life, Kick Loose Deadly Tumor From Mom's Cervix While Still in Womb
Monday, February 04, 2008

Many mothers cherish the first kicks they feel from their unborn babies.
But unknown to one U.K. mother, the kicking she felt from the twins growing inside her actually saved her life, according to a report from the Daily Mail.
Michelle Stepney, 35, said her twins Alice and Harriet, now age 13 months, were a lively pair in the womb. At the time, however, she had no idea that constant kicking she felt actually dislodged a tumor that had formed on her cervix and, according to doctors, saved her life.
Shortly after becoming pregnant, Stepney of Cheam in South-West London was taken to the hospital after suffering what was believed to be a miscarriage. Soon doctors realized she was still pregnant, but had developed life-threatening cervical cancer. Stepney declined to have an abortion and doctors at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London agreed to give her reduced chemotherapy in the hope of stopping the cancer spreading during the pregnancy.
But it wasn't the chemo that ultimately saved Stepney.
"I couldn't believe it when the doctors told me that the babies had dislodged the tumor," she said. "I'd felt them kicking, but I didn't realize just how important their kicking would turn out to be. I owe my life to my girls, and that's why I could have never agreed with a termination."
Click here to read the whole story