<Previous Page

Florida House passes anti-abortion legislation
The measures would restrict insurance coverage of the procedure, and require women to first review an ultrasound before going through with an abortion, among other things.
![May 1: Pope Benedict XVI kisses the glass reliquary containing the blood of late Pope John Paul II, during the beatification ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican in the fastest beatification in modern times.]()
May 1: Pope Benedict XVI kisses the glass reliquary containing the blood of late Pope John Paul II, during the beatification ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican in the fastest beatification in modern
Pope Benedict XVI Beatifies Pope John Paul II
U.S. bishops’ publication urges priests to preach on contraception, sterilization, IVF
Pope Benedict Delivers Abortion Message to Pro-Life Leaders
Silver screen star Jane Russell, abortion sufferer and pro-life advocate, dies at 89
Bernard Nathanson Passes Away,
Was Early Abortion Muckraker
by Steven Ertelt | New York, NY | LifeNews.com | 2/21/11 2:43 PM
Fr. Pavone Mourns Passing of Former Abortion Leader Turned Pro-Life Hero, Dr. Bernard Nathanson
Statement of Judie Brown on the Passing of Bernard Nathanson
Washington, DC (28 February 2011) – As the funeral of Bernard Nathanson is held in New York City today, Judie Brown, president of American Life League, issues the following statement:
Bernard Nathanson was a pioneer in the abortion movement who came to realize, after presiding over thousands of abortions himself, that every abortion takes the life of an innocent person. His conversion was a miracle to behold, not only his conversion from abortionist to pro-life leader, but his conversion from atheism to Catholicism. It is clear to me that God had a plan for Dr. Nathanson, and that Bernie, as we called him, remained open to it from the first instant when he stepped back from abortion in horror and disgust.
Thousands of pro-life people around the world will sorely miss this great man, his honesty, his tenacity and his unwavering commitment to truth.
I remember his famous visit to the Reagan White House with us in 1982, and the fascination the president had with Dr. Nathanson. Their friendship grew and when the SILENT SCREAM was ready to be debuted, President Reagan asked Dr. Nathanson for a preview showing. After that, the rest is history.
One of the most important aspects of Dr. Nathanson's legacy will be his insistence that partial birth abortion was "not abortion at all" but was actually infanticide. He repeatedly stated that those who defined the d and x procedure as abortion were robbing the truth of its meaning; doing so for political purposes. He raised all kinds of eyebrows with his assessment, but to this day I wonder who better should have been listened to in those early days of the debate? Nathanson knew his profession and the grisly practices that were pursued. That's one of the things I always loved about him; it simply was not part of his nature to be politically correct.
On a personal note, during one luncheon I attended with him to discuss pro-life matters, I recall him taking his credit card out to pay the bill, and sharing with me a most amazing fact. During one of his talks he had encountered a group of nuns in the audience, and after his talk one of them walked up to him, handed him a small crucifix, and said "Dr. Nathanson, we are praying for you. You are a great man and you should be a Catholic." He smiled when he told me this story, and as we all know he later became a Catholic.
May his soul rest in peace
The Culture of Death Knows No Bounds
Submitted by James on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 12:00pm
House votes to defund Planned Parenthood
![1965 Poster]()
Lawmakers see a timely target in Planned Parenthood
Deficit, critical 'sting' videos cited in a new push
MOVIE REVIEW Jan-27-2011
'The Rite' is honorable drama disguised as conventional horror flick
By John Mulderig
Catholic News Service
January 13, 2011
Abortion Provider Prohibition Act Introduced in the House
Late last week, Representative Mike Pence (R-IN) introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act in the House. If passed, the bill would amend Title X of the Public Health Services Act and ban any organization that performs abortions, except in cases or rape, incest, or if the woman's life is endangered, from receiving family planning grants. My Note (we must protect all human beings in the womb, none the less of how they were conceived. As for the endangerment of the mother the doctor should try to save both lives & leave the rest up to God) (No exceptions). MJ
Under the current Public Services Act, Title X money is allocated to grantees to fund family planning services and preventive health services and may not be used on abortion services.
Cuomo’s concubinage and holy Communion
Couple abort twin boys in desperate bid for IVF girl
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national/desperate-couple-abort-twin-boys-in-desperate-bid-for-ivf-girl/story-e6frfkvr-1225983907853#ixzz1AbGGcu5e
Vatican hits back against WikiLeaks revelations
The Vatican hit back Saturday after cables released by WikiLeaks indicated it had refused to cooperate with an Irish probe into child sex abuse by Catholic priests in Dublin.
The Vatican press office expressed scepticism at the reliability of the reports in a statement that referred to "the extreme seriousness of publishing such a large amount of secret and confidential material, and its possible consequences".
"Naturally these reports reflect the perceptions and opinions of the people who wrote them and cannot be considered as expressions of the Holy See itself, nor as exact quotations of the words of its officials," it said.
"Their reliability must, then, be evaluated carefully and with great prudence, bearing this circumstance in mind."
![See full size image]()
Pope urges respect for embryos
![In Depth Analysis]()
The Vatican newspaper has betrayed the Pope
Justice Scalia: Founders Never Imagined Abortion “Rights”
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 11/23/10 2:06 PM
Dolan Chosen as President of U.S. Bishops’ Group
Pope visits Britain: live updates
• Pope describes abuse scandal as 'perversion of priesthood'
• Benedict warns against 'aggressive secularism' in UK
• Four-day visit begins with royal reception in Edinburgh
• Read a summary of today's events
Pope sees future of Europe in Britain’s small Catholic flock
UK prime minister offers Pope Benedict 'very warm welcome'
Pope addresses sex abuse scandal as he starts visit to Britain
Pope warns of 'aggressive' secularism in U.K.
On trip to Britain, Benedict addresses open-air Mass in Scotland
“This is incredible.”
Those are the words of a Director with the United States Postal Service after being told that over 146,000 people signed our petition in support of the Mother Teresa stamp.
This is truly inspiring.
I am happy to report that I will be on hand to represent you and CatholicVote at the formal introduction of the Mother Teresa stamp on Sunday. The Postal Service will unveil the stamp at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., exactly 13 years after Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997.
Your efforts have proved the power of CatholicVote’s grassroots activism! We refused to stay silent while a small, but very vocal minority tried to stop the celebration of this amazing and holy nun.
As we said at the time our petition was launched, “Not this time. Not with Mother Teresa.”
Let’s show the Postal Service how much enthusiasm there is for Mother Teresa. The stamp goes on sale nationwide on Tuesday, September 7. Don’t forget to visit your local post office next week and buy lots of Mother Teresa stamps!
Thank you again for all your efforts in making this effort such a big success.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe Labor Day weekend,
Brian Burch
CatholicVote Civic Action
CatholicVote Civic Action, P.O. Box 2709, Chicago, IL 60690
Call us at 312-201-6559
Support CatholicVote Civic Action by visiting https://www.catholicvoteaction.org/donations.php
Troubled Rockford Abortion Clinic Announces Permanent Closure
Rockford, IL - The Northern Illinois Women's Center in Rockford, Illinois, has announced that it will permanently close due to a "lack of support from the community."
The clinic was closed by the state in October, 2011, after inspections found gross violations including the fact that neither of the two abortionists had required hospital privileges. The clinic had no registered nurse present during invasive procedures as required, nor was a registered nurse to supervise the nursing care of patients. The clinic also lacked an agreement with a licensed laboratory to conduct tests not done at the clinic. Inspectors found that all three of the abortion rooms "failed to ensure a sanitary environment." Surgical instruments were not sanitized, and "brown substances" were found on surgical equipment and gloves.
NIWC was cleared to reopen on January 4, 2012 after it had apparently corrected the violations. The state gave the clinic the two options. If the clinic decided to reopen, it would have to pay a fine of $9,750 with the contingency that if any further violations were found. Otherwise, the clinic would have to close and pay a fine of $1,000. NIWC chose the latter option.
NIWC issued a statement to theRockford Register Star announcing the permanent closure in a press statement. The clinic had operated for nearly 40 years.
"Together the pro-life movement celebrates this victory for life. This abortion mill operated outside the law under filthy conditions that made it a danger to the public. In addition, the clinic owner and staff routinely persecuted the faithful pro-life activists who offered help and practical support to pregnant women. We are thankful that this 'house of horrors' will never reopen and are encouraged to watch the number of abortion clinics continue to fall," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
God Uses Our Lady To Crush The Head Of Satan And End Child Sacrifice At Rockford's Abortion Mill
Submitted by Editor on Sun, 01/15/2012 - 8:06pm http://prolifecorner.com/node/1121
<Previous Page

Florida House passes anti-abortion legislation
The measures would restrict insurance coverage of the procedure, and require women to first review an ultrasound before going through with an abortion, among other things.
![May 1: Pope Benedict XVI kisses the glass reliquary containing the blood of late Pope John Paul II, during the beatification ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican in the fastest beatification in modern times.]()
May 1: Pope Benedict XVI kisses the glass reliquary containing the blood of late Pope John Paul II, during the beatification ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican in the fastest beatification in modern
Pope Benedict XVI Beatifies Pope John Paul II
U.S. bishops’ publication urges priests to preach on contraception, sterilization, IVF
Pope Benedict Delivers Abortion Message to Pro-Life Leaders
Silver screen star Jane Russell, abortion sufferer and pro-life advocate, dies at 89
Bernard Nathanson Passes Away,
Was Early Abortion Muckraker
by Steven Ertelt | New York, NY | LifeNews.com | 2/21/11 2:43 PM
Fr. Pavone Mourns Passing of Former Abortion Leader Turned Pro-Life Hero, Dr. Bernard Nathanson
Statement of Judie Brown on the Passing of Bernard Nathanson
Washington, DC (28 February 2011) – As the funeral of Bernard Nathanson is held in New York City today, Judie Brown, president of American Life League, issues the following statement:
Bernard Nathanson was a pioneer in the abortion movement who came to realize, after presiding over thousands of abortions himself, that every abortion takes the life of an innocent person. His conversion was a miracle to behold, not only his conversion from abortionist to pro-life leader, but his conversion from atheism to Catholicism. It is clear to me that God had a plan for Dr. Nathanson, and that Bernie, as we called him, remained open to it from the first instant when he stepped back from abortion in horror and disgust.
Thousands of pro-life people around the world will sorely miss this great man, his honesty, his tenacity and his unwavering commitment to truth.
I remember his famous visit to the Reagan White House with us in 1982, and the fascination the president had with Dr. Nathanson. Their friendship grew and when the SILENT SCREAM was ready to be debuted, President Reagan asked Dr. Nathanson for a preview showing. After that, the rest is history.
One of the most important aspects of Dr. Nathanson's legacy will be his insistence that partial birth abortion was "not abortion at all" but was actually infanticide. He repeatedly stated that those who defined the d and x procedure as abortion were robbing the truth of its meaning; doing so for political purposes. He raised all kinds of eyebrows with his assessment, but to this day I wonder who better should have been listened to in those early days of the debate? Nathanson knew his profession and the grisly practices that were pursued. That's one of the things I always loved about him; it simply was not part of his nature to be politically correct.
On a personal note, during one luncheon I attended with him to discuss pro-life matters, I recall him taking his credit card out to pay the bill, and sharing with me a most amazing fact. During one of his talks he had encountered a group of nuns in the audience, and after his talk one of them walked up to him, handed him a small crucifix, and said "Dr. Nathanson, we are praying for you. You are a great man and you should be a Catholic." He smiled when he told me this story, and as we all know he later became a Catholic.
May his soul rest in peace
The Culture of Death Knows No Bounds
Submitted by James on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 12:00pm
House votes to defund Planned Parenthood
![1965 Poster]()
Lawmakers see a timely target in Planned Parenthood
Deficit, critical 'sting' videos cited in a new push
MOVIE REVIEW Jan-27-2011
'The Rite' is honorable drama disguised as conventional horror flick
By John Mulderig
Catholic News Service
January 13, 2011
Abortion Provider Prohibition Act Introduced in the House
Late last week, Representative Mike Pence (R-IN) introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act in the House. If passed, the bill would amend Title X of the Public Health Services Act and ban any organization that performs abortions, except in cases or rape, incest, or if the woman's life is endangered, from receiving family planning grants. My Note (we must protect all human beings in the womb, none the less of how they were conceived. As for the endangerment of the mother the doctor should try to save both lives & leave the rest up to God) (No exceptions). MJ
Under the current Public Services Act, Title X money is allocated to grantees to fund family planning services and preventive health services and may not be used on abortion services.
Cuomo’s concubinage and holy Communion
Couple abort twin boys in desperate bid for IVF girl
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national/desperate-couple-abort-twin-boys-in-desperate-bid-for-ivf-girl/story-e6frfkvr-1225983907853#ixzz1AbGGcu5e
Vatican hits back against WikiLeaks revelations
The Vatican hit back Saturday after cables released by WikiLeaks indicated it had refused to cooperate with an Irish probe into child sex abuse by Catholic priests in Dublin.
The Vatican press office expressed scepticism at the reliability of the reports in a statement that referred to "the extreme seriousness of publishing such a large amount of secret and confidential material, and its possible consequences".
"Naturally these reports reflect the perceptions and opinions of the people who wrote them and cannot be considered as expressions of the Holy See itself, nor as exact quotations of the words of its officials," it said.
"Their reliability must, then, be evaluated carefully and with great prudence, bearing this circumstance in mind."
![See full size image]()
Pope urges respect for embryos
![In Depth Analysis]()
The Vatican newspaper has betrayed the Pope
Justice Scalia: Founders Never Imagined Abortion “Rights”
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 11/23/10 2:06 PM
Dolan Chosen as President of U.S. Bishops’ Group
Pope visits Britain: live updates
• Pope describes abuse scandal as 'perversion of priesthood'
• Benedict warns against 'aggressive secularism' in UK
• Four-day visit begins with royal reception in Edinburgh
• Read a summary of today's events
Pope sees future of Europe in Britain’s small Catholic flock
UK prime minister offers Pope Benedict 'very warm welcome'
Pope addresses sex abuse scandal as he starts visit to Britain
Pope warns of 'aggressive' secularism in U.K.
On trip to Britain, Benedict addresses open-air Mass in Scotland
Susan Boyle sings at Pope Benedict XVI's mass in Glasgow
“This is incredible.”
Those are the words of a Director with the United States Postal Service after being told that over 146,000 people signed our petition in support of the Mother Teresa stamp.
This is truly inspiring.
I am happy to report that I will be on hand to represent you and CatholicVote at the formal introduction of the Mother Teresa stamp on Sunday. The Postal Service will unveil the stamp at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., exactly 13 years after Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997.
Your efforts have proved the power of CatholicVote’s grassroots activism! We refused to stay silent while a small, but very vocal minority tried to stop the celebration of this amazing and holy nun.
As we said at the time our petition was launched, “Not this time. Not with Mother Teresa.”
Let’s show the Postal Service how much enthusiasm there is for Mother Teresa. The stamp goes on sale nationwide on Tuesday, September 7. Don’t forget to visit your local post office next week and buy lots of Mother Teresa stamps!
Thank you again for all your efforts in making this effort such a big success.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe Labor Day weekend,
Brian Burch
CatholicVote Civic Action
CatholicVote Civic Action, P.O. Box 2709, Chicago, IL 60690
Call us at 312-201-6559
Support CatholicVote Civic Action by visiting https://www.catholicvoteaction.org/donations.php
Ex-leader of abortion clinic
charged in bomb scare
Troubled Rockford Abortion Clinic Announces Permanent Closure
Rockford, IL - The Northern Illinois Women's Center in Rockford, Illinois, has announced that it will permanently close due to a "lack of support from the community."
The clinic was closed by the state in October, 2011, after inspections found gross violations including the fact that neither of the two abortionists had required hospital privileges. The clinic had no registered nurse present during invasive procedures as required, nor was a registered nurse to supervise the nursing care of patients. The clinic also lacked an agreement with a licensed laboratory to conduct tests not done at the clinic. Inspectors found that all three of the abortion rooms "failed to ensure a sanitary environment." Surgical instruments were not sanitized, and "brown substances" were found on surgical equipment and gloves.
NIWC was cleared to reopen on January 4, 2012 after it had apparently corrected the violations. The state gave the clinic the two options. If the clinic decided to reopen, it would have to pay a fine of $9,750 with the contingency that if any further violations were found. Otherwise, the clinic would have to close and pay a fine of $1,000. NIWC chose the latter option.
NIWC issued a statement to theRockford Register Star announcing the permanent closure in a press statement. The clinic had operated for nearly 40 years.
"Together the pro-life movement celebrates this victory for life. This abortion mill operated outside the law under filthy conditions that made it a danger to the public. In addition, the clinic owner and staff routinely persecuted the faithful pro-life activists who offered help and practical support to pregnant women. We are thankful that this 'house of horrors' will never reopen and are encouraged to watch the number of abortion clinics continue to fall," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
God Uses Our Lady To Crush The Head Of Satan And End Child Sacrifice At Rockford's Abortion Mill
Submitted by Editor on Sun, 01/15/2012 - 8:06pm http://prolifecorner.com/node/1121