These downloads are special editions of American Life League's educational brochures, presented in flyer format. Please feel free to use this material in your pro-life work.
Color versions of this material in brochure format are available from American Life League's online store.
1. 2007 ALL Report on Planned Parenthood Clinics
No description
2. Planned Parenthood exploits teens
Solid guidance helps young people know the truth and avoid Planned Parenthood.
3. Emergency contraception
Answers to your questions about the "morning-after" pill.
4. Why Do We Oppose Planned Parenthood?
Outlines the reasons this organization's agenda is harmful to individuals, society. Brochure also available in bulk.
5. Who Was Margaret Sanger?
Brief biography traces development of today's abortion industry to Planned Parenthood's founder. Brochure also available in bulk.
6. Stem Cell Research: The 'Science' of Human Sacrifice
Learn why this heavily promoted process is immoral. This research destroys tiny human beings. Brochure also available in bulk.
7. My Secret Life
Facts about fetal development, abortion and the abortion crisis in America. Brochure also available in bulk.
8. Abortion: Question It
Uncover some of the lies young people are told about abortion. Brochure also available in bulk.
9. Planned Parenthood Steals Souls
Planned Parenthood sells sex, but merely as bait to steal your children's souls. Brochure also available in bulk.
10. IVF Undermines Human Dignity
Does the fact that in vitro fertilization is technologically possible make it ethically right? Brochure also available in bulk.
11. Abortion: Can You Handle the Truth?
Hard-hitting discussion of the methods of abortion that are permitted thoughout pregnancy. Brochure also available in bulk.
12. First Words
When a woman is with child outside of wedlock, the first words said to her can mean the difference between life and death for the preborn child. Brochure also available in bulk.
13. Euthanasia and You
A simple, but fact-filled legal analysis of euthanasia and its overall implications. Brochure also available in bulk.
14. Contraception and Abortion: The Deadly Connection
Exposes the often-overlooked relationship between contraception and abortion. Brochure also available in bulk.
15. Human Cloning: The Science of Deception
The popular media is not telling the whole story about experimentation in human cloning. Brochure also available in bulk.
16. Canon 915
A canon law expert outlines, with full references, Catholic Church law concerning denial of Holy Communion to persistent sinners. Brochure also available in bulk.
17. Abortion: Not Even When the Pregnancy Is the Result of a Rape?
Explains how abortion only victimizes for a second time a woman who has been sexually assaulted. Brochure also available in bulk.
18. Abortion: Not Even When the Pregnancy Threatens the Life of the Mother?
Clarifies the most misunderstood argument against the "no exceptions" stand. Brochure also available in bulk.
19. Abortion: Not Even When the Pregnancy Is the Result of Incest?
Demonstrates that abortion only protects the molester and traps a young girl in a cycle of abuse. Brochure also available in bulk.
20. Abortion: Not Even When the Child Might Have a Disability?
Provides a persuasive case for the protection of all preborn children. Brochure also available in bulk.
21. Letter to my future wife
Warm, personal letter from a young man will encourage young women to remain chaste.
22. Letter to my future husband
A letter from a young woman, great for encouraging young men to remain chaste.
23. Canon 915: A Primer
An outline of the reasons prominent pro-abortion public figures who claim to be Catholic should not receive the Holy Eucharist. Brochure also available in bulk.
Pro-Life Story: Haley
Posted By Haley on Mar, 27 2006
This past fall, I became pregnant and was devastated by my sinfulness. I felt that the pregnancy would disqualify me from ministry and from the Lord's plan for my life. My fianc� ... Read
Share your own Pro-Life Story here!
Planned Parenthood Kicked out of TX Panhandle in Wake of Rita Diller Leadership
Washington, DC (23 June 2009) – Rita Diller and Bishop John W. Yanta led a 12-year campaign to expose Planned Parenthood in the Texas Panhandle, which culminated in the closing of 19 Planned Parenthood facilities.
Now Rita is set to assist others in replicating that process nationwide as the new national director of American Life League’s STOP Planned Parenthood project.
“Rita’s proven track record of eliminating Planned Parenthood from the Texas Panhandle makes her a formidable adversary for the world’s largest abortion chain,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League. “We’re extraordinarily excited to have her join our team and put her passion for human rights to work for American Life League.”
For more than 26 years, Rita has been involved in the full spectrum of pro-life work, which has included serving as the Diocese of Amarillo’s Respect Life director for 12 years.
While in Amarillo, Rita challenged Planned Parenthood at every turn – in the media; on the streets; at its meetings, fundraisers and educational events; in community organizations; and before the city council. She also educated its supporters and the community at large about Planned Parenthood’s radical agenda.
At the end of the 12-year campaign, 17 Planned Parenthood facilities had shut down and the remaining two had disaffiliated from the Planned Parenthood Federation.
Prior to her work in Amarillo, Rita was on the board of directors of the first Gabriel Project in the U.S. – a parish-based outreach to women in crisis pregnancies. She was involved in Birthright and was a volunteer director for Hope House, a home for women in crisis pregnancy situations. She was also a faithful sidewalk counselor at abortion mills in Corpus Christi.
Under the watchful eye of Bishop René Gracida, she participated in Body of Christ Rescues and participated in weekly prayer vigils at the abortion centers. After years of prayer and perseverance by Corpus Christi pro-lifers, the two major abortion mills there closed and one remaining abortion facility in an OB/GYN office temporarily closed.
Rita will now head up the implementation of American Life League’s proven strategy to defeat Planned Parenthood, which has shut down the racist organization in hundreds of communities around the nation.
“Now that Rita has been unleashed at the national level, Planned Parenthood should be very worried,” said Sedlak.
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League: STOP Planned Parenthood
The Tennessee. Planned Parenthood loses gov't funding
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 6/23/2009 6:20:00 AM
The Tennessee legislature has dispatched a strong message to Planned Parenthood.
About $1.1 million set aside for family planning in the state will now be distributed mostly to local health organizations and not the taxpayer-supported abortion provider. Susan Allen of Tennessee Right to Life was there for the vote. "In the House, the vote was 69-to-22," she notes, "and in the Senate, 25-to-7."
Allen is thankful that Planned Parenthood will no longer receive the annual automatic nod from the state. "For approximately 40 years, Planned Parenthood was given preferential treatment in the Tennessee state law for getting family planning funds that are under Title X from the federal government," she explains.
Earlier this year, Lila Rose of Live Action conducted an undercover video probe at Memphis Planned Parenthood, during which she posed as a 14-year-old girl impregnated by an older man. A staff member advised her how to obtain the abortion without identifying the molester. Allen believes Rose's revelation had an effect on lawmakers.
![Susan Allen (TN Right to Life) Susan Allen (TN Right to Life)]()
"I think it gave it a tremendous boost," she contends. "It wasn't a surprise to us in the movement that this occurred, but in covering it, it really brought the public into an awareness of what goes on at Planned Parenthood."
Live Action video investigations in California also prompted Orange County Commissioners to halt funding of Planned Parenthood.
Washington, DC (24 June 2009) – In order to get its hands on an even larger chunk of President Barack Obama’s socialized healthcare package, Planned Parenthood is rolling out a new ad campaign in the Washington D.C. area.
The nation’s largest abortion chain wants D.C. viewers to believe that 90 percent of the services it provides consist of “preventive and primary care.”
However, the reality, according to Planned Parenthood’s own data, is that primary care accounts for 0.7 percent of its lucrative business.
“As Obama pushes toward national health care, Planned Parenthood is desperately trying to position itself as a mainstream health service organization,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League. “Planned Parenthood has always been a master of word games and numbers manipulation. This is just its latest thinly-veiled attempt to get more taxpayer funding for abortion and contraception.”
Planned Parenthood’s 2007-2008 Annual Report accounts for 3,020,651 unduplicated clients in 2007. Only 21,247 of them received “primary care,” according to the business’ own definition.
This means that only 0.7 percent of Planned Parenthood’s customers receive primary care services.
U.S. News and World Report quoted Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards June 17 in its coverage of the new ad campaign:
As Congress begins debate over healthcare reform, Richards would like legislators to know that Planned Parenthood clinics are in favor of those common ground approaches. "We want our clinics and other community health providers to be part of the network that's included in health reform."
“Planned Parenthood is not part of mainstream health care,” Sedlak contended. “It is and always has been a radical organization that sexualizes children, protects child predators, and refuses to tell clients about the abortifacient nature of birth control.”
“Taxpayer funding of this business should stop immediately,” Sedlak said. “We encourage our legislators to look at the facts, not Planned Parenthood’s propaganda, and refuse to include the nation's largest abortion chain in any national healthcare plan.”
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League : STOP Planned Parenthood
US News and World Report : Planned Parenthood Ad Emphasizes Primary Care (17 June 2009)
National Journal: Planned Parenthood Airing Women's Health TV Ad (17 June 2009)
20 July 2009
CONTACT: Katie Walker
Washington, DC (20 July 2009) – IPPF declaration seeks to force radical “sexual rights” agenda on all people
“International Planned Parenthood Federation has launched an extremely dangerous campaign that is even more bizarre, broader in scope and more aggressive than the standard fare we have come to expect from the sex-crazed, abortion-peddling giant. IPPF plans to force all nations to adopt and abide by its perverse “sexual rights” declaration.
“The document, titled Sexual rights: an IPPF declaration, draws a bleak picture of a heathen world entitled to self-destruction through self-centered sexual pleasure, with no regard for the consequences of that behavior.
“It portrays its radical ideology of sex without moral or cultural limitations as a basic human right and threatens to legally punish those who do not acquiesce to it. IPPF includes churches and other nonprofit organizations among those who would be punished for noncompliance with its extremist agenda.
“The document clamors for the recognition of ‘rights’ that have no basis in truth and repeatedly refers to the ‘evolving rights of the child.’ It calls for children’s autonomy in sexual matters in accordance with their maturity level, thereby opening the door for children to be declared emancipated from their parents in sexual matters if, for instance, the parents are deemed to be stifling their children by imposing moral standards.
“The document proclaims the right to ‘comprehensive’ (anything goes) sex education for all children: ‘Young people in particular shall have access to information on sexuality and gender non-conforming lives and sexual relations.’ IPPF then seeks to ensure that this education in perversion is free from parental interference, by demanding it be provided in school-, health-service- and community-based settings.
“It would protect sexual predators by seeking to prevent ‘discrimination’ based upon a person’s sexual history or behavior, and even says a person may not be extradited to a state that he fears would persecute him because of his sexual behavior or past sexual history.
“It attempts to ensure a universal ‘right’ to contraception and abortion, and pits mother against child by stipulating, ‘No woman shall be condemned to forced maternity (emphasis added) as a result of having exercised her sexuality.’
“It would endanger public health by its attempt to exempt all people from disclosing their HIV status and to decriminalize all consensual sexual practices or conduct.
“The IPPF declaration seeks to require governments to issue identification documents reflecting the person’s ‘self-defined gender identity, including but not limited to birth certificate, passport and electoral records.’ If IPPF has its way and tomorrow I decide I am no longer female, I can demand that the government alter all my identifying records and declare me male.
“Planned Parenthood has unleashed its plan to engineer a world devoid of morality and lost to unbridled lust – a world that would bind our children to self-centered sexual slavery. All people of good will must stand now and fight against Planned Parenthood and its radical agenda before it is too late.”
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
Catholic Online: International Planned Parenthood Pushes 'Sexual Rights' at UN (16 June 2008)
Interrnational Planned Parenthood Federation: Sexual Rights: An IPPF Declaration
Katie Walker
Director of Communication
American Life League
1179 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Virginia 22554

Washington, DC (06 October 2009) – American Life League released a recent survey that reveals that at least 10 Planned Parenthood clinical trials have been conducted on underage girls as young as 13.
Twenty-eight Planned Parenthood affiliates have been involved in 33 clinical trials – some government funded – 10 of which involved young girls. Two of the 33 total trials ended in the 1990s, the remaining 31 were conducted in the last seven years, and many are still ongoing.
Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, conducted the review.
Two of the trials in which girls as young as 14 participated dealt with getting the girls to take birth control consistently by sending them text message reminders.
“In most states, minor girls involved in sexual activity is considered sex abuse and is illegal,” Sedlak said.
Other Planned Parenthood clinical trials involve African-American girls as young as 13 and trials to increase the use of “emergency contraception” (the morning after pill regimen) among girls as young as 14.
The nation’s largest abortion business is also involved in trials on medical abortion techniques, birth control techniques, pain reduction during abortion, sterilization, and IUD insertion, and a trial assessing the safety and efficacy of a new “emergency contraceptive” known as Ella.
Before closing in June 2009, Planned Parenthood of El Paso was involved in clinical trials on Hispanic men and women with HIV. Planned Parenthood of New York City is also involved in trials regarding delivery of HIV health services.
Planned Parenthood affiliates conducting clinical trials on minors include Planned Parenthood of Georgia, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, Planned Parenthood of Maryland, Planned Parenthood of Shasta-Diablo, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, Virginia League of Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood of New York City, and Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas. Other Planned Parenthood affiliates involved in the trials are listed in the review.
“As Planned Parenthood continues to spread its tentacles throughout our country’s health care establishment, it is imperative that it be met with resistance at every turn,” Sedlak said. “We encourage everyone who lives in the area serviced by the Planned Parenthood affiliates mentioned in this report to launch educational campaigns against this organization.”
American Life League is ready to assist with all phases of efforts against Planned Parenthood. Contact us by mail at STOPP, P.O. Box 1350, Stafford, VA 22555; by phone at 540-659-4171, or by e-mail at
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League: STOPP
STOPP: A Review of Planned Parenthood Clinical Trials
Washington, DC ( -- A new report from a Planned Parenthood watchdog group finds the abortion business used underage girls in at least 10 clinical trials over the last two decades to push abortion, birth control, and STD testing.
The news comes at a time when Planned Parenthood is facing criticism for videos showing it ignoring potential statutory abuse cases.
Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League and the head of its STOPP Planned Parenthood effort, released the details in a statement to
Twenty-eight Planned Parenthood affiliates have been involved in 33 clinical trials, some of which received government funds, and 10 of them involved girls as young as 13 years of age. That number represents one-third of all clinical trials surveyed in the STOPP report.
Two of the 33 trials ended in the 1990s, while the remaining 31 were conducted within the last seven years and some of them are ongoing.
Shocked by the results, Sedlak said, “In most states, minor girls involved in sexual activity is considered sex abuse and is illegal."
Two of the trials that involved underage girls saw them sign up to receive text messages from Planned Parenthood centers reminding them to take their birth control.
Other Planned Parenthood clinical trials involve African-American girls as young as 13 and trials to increase the use of “emergency contraception” (the morning after pill) among girls as young as 14.
Sedlak said additional Planned Parenthood trials included ones to monitor techniques using the dangerous abortion drug mifepristone, birth control techniques, pain reduction during abortion, sterilization, and IUD insertion, and a trial assessing the safety and efficacy of a new “emergency contraceptive” known as Ella.
The pro-life advocate told that concerned parents and citizens need to speak up about these trials and protect their children from the abortion business.
“As Planned Parenthood continues to spread its tentacles throughout our country’s health care establishment, it is imperative that it be met with resistance at every turn,” Sedlak said.
"We encourage everyone who lives in the area serviced by the Planned Parenthood affiliates mentioned in this report to launch educational campaigns against this organization," he added.
The report Sedlak's group released today showed Planned Parenthood wasn't alone in targeting young women in the trials.
Businesses and universities such as Columbia University, Emory University, Merck Pharmaceuticals, the National Institutes of Health, the University of California at San Francisco, Bayer, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and Virginia Commonwealth University also participated.
Those joining Planned Parenthood in participating in abortion or birth control trials included Gynuity Health Projects, the University of Utah, Pfizer, the University of North Carolina, Oregon Health and Science University, Johns Hopkins, HRA Pharma, and the University of California at San Diego.
The Planned Parenthood affiliates conducting clinical trials on minors include Planned Parenthood of Georgia, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts and Planned Parenthood of Maryland.
Others with trials involving minor girls include Planned Parenthood of Shasta-Diablo, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, Virginia League of Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood of New York City, and Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas.
Related web sites:
Report -
Washington, DC (28 October 2009) – International Planned Parenthood Federation’s new document “Sexual Rights: An IPPF Declaration," exposed in American Life League's latest ALL Report, could have a significant impact on health care policy under the presidential administration's new plan.
In “A Declaration of Debauchery,” ALL’s Michael Hichborn analyzed the IPPF declaration released in June. Goals of the declaration include a universal right to tax-funded abortion on demand, granting children autonomous rights to sexual pleasure according to their “capacity,” and allowing child predators to conceal past criminal sexual history.
“The declaration is completely consistent with Planned Parenthood’s record of sexualizing children,” said Rita Diller, director of ALL's STOP Planned Parenthood project. “But what is historic about this is for the first time Planned Parenthood has completely divorced sexual rights from reproductive rights. Planned Parenthood has been outed – they are about uninhibited sex for everyone – including children.”
And as the nation debates the Obama administration’s pro-abortion, pro-Planned Parenthood health agenda, the IPPF declaration could have significant meaning.
“The health care reform bill could grant Planned Parenthood a quasi-government position,” Diller said. “If that happens, Planned Parenthood could use its national position to implement this IPPF policy.”
The current version of America’s Healthy Future Act creates a new program called the National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Resource Center. (Section 1823) According to the requirements, this program will be granted to “a nationally recognized, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization” that “has demonstrated experience working with and providing assistance to a broad range of individuals and entities to reduce teen pregnancy,” and “is research-based and has comprehensive knowledge and data about teen pregnancy prevention strategies.”
“It seems the wording was framed with Planned Parenthood in mind,” Diller continued. “If this provision remains, and Planned Parenthood is granted control of that program, this “Declaration of Debauchery” could well be the cornerstone for prohibiting restrictions on the sexual activity of children.”
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
ALL Report: Declaration of Debauchery
American Life League: Section 1803: Senate Health Care Bill Makes Planned Parenthood Quasi-Government Agency? (27 October 2009)
Katie Walker
Director of Communication
American Life League
1179 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Virginia 22554

Planned Parenthood Director Leaves,
Has Change of Heart
Undercover Video Shows Planned Parenthood Staff Lying to Woman About Abortion
Planned Parenthood Does More Than 1.1 Million Abortions Annually Worldwide
by Samantha Singson
January 1, 2010
Education and healthcare are useless without right to life, says abortion survivor
Washington, DC (15 October 2009) – Planned Parenthood of Indiana has announced the pending closure of its Marion facility, bringing the 2009 count of Indiana Planned Parenthood facilities closed or pending closure up to seven.
Planned Parenthood of Indiana cited a cut in Title XX family planning funding for the closure.
Betty Cockrum, CEO of PPIN, says the combined closures will save $1.35 million.
“But wait!” said Rita Diller, director of American Life League’s STOP Planned Parenthood project. “A look at PPIN’s latest federal Form 990 shows that the organization had $2,158,861 in profit for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2008.
“Planned Parenthood says that $200 per year can provide family planning for one low-income woman. If we do the math and divide PPIN’s $2,158,861 profit by the $200 it takes to provide family planning for one low-income woman, that means that with their profit from last year, PPIN could have provided family planning for 10,794 women. Instead they closed five facilities.
“It just goes to show that Planned Parenthood is interested in the bottom line – protecting profits – not in providing so-called ‘health care’ for women,” she said.
The head of the Indiana Family Health Council, which administers the funds, said Planned Parenthood is still the top recipient of the $2 million in Title XX money that is distributed in Indiana.
The Marion, facility announcement brings the number of 2009 announced closures of Planned Parenthood facilities throughout the US to 20.
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League: STOP Planned Parenthood
WTHR: Planned Parenthood closes sixth Indiana clinic (15 October 2009)
Evidence of Counseling Abuse at Planned Parenthood Continues to Surface in Undercover Student Video
By Judie Brown
I recently came across a letter from the president of the National Lawyer’s Association. Her name is Rebecca Messall and her message is one that is rarely heard but profoundly important.
She takes up the subject of eugenics, the history of the American Eugenics Society and the “personnel overlap with Margaret Sanger’s birth control organizations and legislation.” The reason I found this of particular interest is because I haven’t seen such a forthright analysis of the real purpose behind Margaret Sanger’s activities – the elimination of the black community – since our own exposé and historical treatment of the American Eugenics Society.
You see, when we published Katherine O’Keefe’s article on the history of the American Eugenics Society, we repeated a few facts that are not well known amongst our citizenry, but are certainly undeniable if one takes the chance to study history. For example, O’Keefe writes:
Eugenics is a concept familiar to Americans as an overarching policy consideration of the Third Reich. "Eugenics" subsumes such notions as racial purity, racial superiority and the heritability of intelligence, virtue, or vice. Although Hitler is its most notorious proponent, eugenic thinking has been a prominent strand in Western intellectual history since the 1860's, when Darwin's disciple, Francis Galton, began to put about the idea that the governing classes of England ought to take it upon themselves to guide the development of the human genetic heritage. A good history of these early days of eugenic thinking can be found in The Legacy of Malthus by Allen Chase. A good short discussion of the early days of eugenics can be found in Aristotle to Zoos by Peter Medawar, a member of the English Eugenics Society. He quotes Galton, as follows:
I do not see why any insolence of caste should prevent the gifted class, when they had the power, from treating their compatriots with all kindness, so long as they maintained celibacy. But if these continued to procreate children inferior in moral, intellectual and physical qualities, it is easy to believe the time may come when such persons would be considered as enemies to the State, and to have forfeited all claims to kindness. (Fraser's Magazine 7[1873] quoted in Aristotle to Zoos by Peter and Jean Medawar, 1983 p. 87)
Margaret Sanger ascribed to these theories early on in her work, which had a chilling focus. As she wrote, "Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly ... Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to maintenance of those who should never have been born." In other words, the only way to end financial support for the needy is to eliminate the needy.
As time has gone by, it has become more and more difficult to help people understand why these theories are not only still with us but are perhaps nearly palatable to far too many in government, academia and public policy positions. You see, as Messall points out, "It is not lost on most of us that the government's insistence on providing pervasive access to the pill in minority communities does in fact help spread AIDS and other infectious diseases by facilitating high-risk relationships." Messall is correct and she is echoing the same thoughts shared by many pro-life leaders within the black community who are rarely heard but who persist in spite of the cultural resistance their message encounters these days.
A long time ago, a black pro-life leader, Rev. Johnny Hunter, became so incensed by the utter lack of understanding among blacks regarding Planned Parenthood’s true goals that he started a program called the Say-So March. The purpose of the activity was to draw attention to the devastating effects that the disproportionate number of abortions within the black community are having on the black family and, in particular, black fathers. As you know, though only 12 percent of Americans are black, black mothers undergo 33 percent of all abortions in America. This too is but another sign of the eugenic underpinnings of the Planned Parenthood agenda.
It would serve the people of our nation well to pay a little more attention to the work cited in Messall’s excellent letter, in which she concludes her plea to end public funding for birth prevention by reminding us of the high cost of ignoring the facts with regard to the practice of eugenics in our nation today:
Planned Parenthood and the American Eugenics Society have cost our country 50 million aborted-American lives, plus the lives of the aborteds' children – another 20 million? 30 million? – plus the lives of those who were never conceived because of being prevented. Considering the biblical scale of this human loss – which, I add here, has landed disproportionately on blacks and other minorities – and considering that the Congress and the Courts have propped it up for all these years, the first step is surely to stop the flow of federal funding.”
If you would like to join us in ending the practice of eugenics, then sign the petition that Stop Planned Parenthood International is circulating. The petition calls for an end to the use of our taxpayer dollars to eliminate minorities, including preborn children, who are the most threatened minority in the history of mankind.
Judie Brown is president of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Planned Parenthood Pushes Intensive Sex Education for Kids as Young as 10,2933,585108,00.html
You've Heard of the Pro-Life Tebow Ad - Have You Heard about the Pro-Abortion Ad from the Olympic Gold Medalist?
Planned Parenthood Video Sting:
Was Clinic Allowing Secret Abortions?
![See full size image]()
Valentine's Day Cards From Planned Parenthood Promote Abortion, Condoms
by Steven Ertelt Editor
2008 Report on Planned Parenthood Facilities
in the United States
A Review of Planned Parenthood
Clinical Trials
Self-Centered Slavery:
IPPF’s Declaration on "Sexual Rights"
African American Outreach
Alveda King's Blog
These downloads are special editions of American Life League's educational brochures, presented in flyer format. Please feel free to use this material in your pro-life work.
Color versions of this material in brochure format are available from American Life League's online store.
1. 2007 ALL Report on Planned Parenthood Clinics
No description
2. Planned Parenthood exploits teens
Solid guidance helps young people know the truth and avoid Planned Parenthood.
3. Emergency contraception
Answers to your questions about the "morning-after" pill.
4. Why Do We Oppose Planned Parenthood?
Outlines the reasons this organization's agenda is harmful to individuals, society. Brochure also available in bulk.
5. Who Was Margaret Sanger?
Brief biography traces development of today's abortion industry to Planned Parenthood's founder. Brochure also available in bulk.
6. Stem Cell Research: The 'Science' of Human Sacrifice
Learn why this heavily promoted process is immoral. This research destroys tiny human beings. Brochure also available in bulk.
7. My Secret Life
Facts about fetal development, abortion and the abortion crisis in America. Brochure also available in bulk.
8. Abortion: Question It
Uncover some of the lies young people are told about abortion. Brochure also available in bulk.
9. Planned Parenthood Steals Souls
Planned Parenthood sells sex, but merely as bait to steal your children's souls. Brochure also available in bulk.
10. IVF Undermines Human Dignity
Does the fact that in vitro fertilization is technologically possible make it ethically right? Brochure also available in bulk.
11. Abortion: Can You Handle the Truth?
Hard-hitting discussion of the methods of abortion that are permitted thoughout pregnancy. Brochure also available in bulk.
12. First Words
When a woman is with child outside of wedlock, the first words said to her can mean the difference between life and death for the preborn child. Brochure also available in bulk.
13. Euthanasia and You
A simple, but fact-filled legal analysis of euthanasia and its overall implications. Brochure also available in bulk.
14. Contraception and Abortion: The Deadly Connection
Exposes the often-overlooked relationship between contraception and abortion. Brochure also available in bulk.
15. Human Cloning: The Science of Deception
The popular media is not telling the whole story about experimentation in human cloning. Brochure also available in bulk.
16. Canon 915
A canon law expert outlines, with full references, Catholic Church law concerning denial of Holy Communion to persistent sinners. Brochure also available in bulk.
17. Abortion: Not Even When the Pregnancy Is the Result of a Rape?
Explains how abortion only victimizes for a second time a woman who has been sexually assaulted. Brochure also available in bulk.
18. Abortion: Not Even When the Pregnancy Threatens the Life of the Mother?
Clarifies the most misunderstood argument against the "no exceptions" stand. Brochure also available in bulk.
19. Abortion: Not Even When the Pregnancy Is the Result of Incest?
Demonstrates that abortion only protects the molester and traps a young girl in a cycle of abuse. Brochure also available in bulk.
20. Abortion: Not Even When the Child Might Have a Disability?
Provides a persuasive case for the protection of all preborn children. Brochure also available in bulk.
21. Letter to my future wife
Warm, personal letter from a young man will encourage young women to remain chaste.
22. Letter to my future husband
A letter from a young woman, great for encouraging young men to remain chaste.
23. Canon 915: A Primer
An outline of the reasons prominent pro-abortion public figures who claim to be Catholic should not receive the Holy Eucharist. Brochure also available in bulk.
Pro-Life Story: Haley
Posted By Haley on Mar, 27 2006
This past fall, I became pregnant and was devastated by my sinfulness. I felt that the pregnancy would disqualify me from ministry and from the Lord's plan for my life. My fianc� ... Read
Share your own Pro-Life Story here!
Planned Parenthood Kicked out of TX Panhandle in Wake of Rita Diller Leadership
Washington, DC (23 June 2009) – Rita Diller and Bishop John W. Yanta led a 12-year campaign to expose Planned Parenthood in the Texas Panhandle, which culminated in the closing of 19 Planned Parenthood facilities.
Now Rita is set to assist others in replicating that process nationwide as the new national director of American Life League’s STOP Planned Parenthood project.
“Rita’s proven track record of eliminating Planned Parenthood from the Texas Panhandle makes her a formidable adversary for the world’s largest abortion chain,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League. “We’re extraordinarily excited to have her join our team and put her passion for human rights to work for American Life League.”
For more than 26 years, Rita has been involved in the full spectrum of pro-life work, which has included serving as the Diocese of Amarillo’s Respect Life director for 12 years.
While in Amarillo, Rita challenged Planned Parenthood at every turn – in the media; on the streets; at its meetings, fundraisers and educational events; in community organizations; and before the city council. She also educated its supporters and the community at large about Planned Parenthood’s radical agenda.
At the end of the 12-year campaign, 17 Planned Parenthood facilities had shut down and the remaining two had disaffiliated from the Planned Parenthood Federation.
Prior to her work in Amarillo, Rita was on the board of directors of the first Gabriel Project in the U.S. – a parish-based outreach to women in crisis pregnancies. She was involved in Birthright and was a volunteer director for Hope House, a home for women in crisis pregnancy situations. She was also a faithful sidewalk counselor at abortion mills in Corpus Christi.
Under the watchful eye of Bishop René Gracida, she participated in Body of Christ Rescues and participated in weekly prayer vigils at the abortion centers. After years of prayer and perseverance by Corpus Christi pro-lifers, the two major abortion mills there closed and one remaining abortion facility in an OB/GYN office temporarily closed.
Rita will now head up the implementation of American Life League’s proven strategy to defeat Planned Parenthood, which has shut down the racist organization in hundreds of communities around the nation.
“Now that Rita has been unleashed at the national level, Planned Parenthood should be very worried,” said Sedlak.
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League: STOP Planned Parenthood
The Tennessee. Planned Parenthood loses gov't funding
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 6/23/2009 6:20:00 AM
The Tennessee legislature has dispatched a strong message to Planned Parenthood.
About $1.1 million set aside for family planning in the state will now be distributed mostly to local health organizations and not the taxpayer-supported abortion provider. Susan Allen of Tennessee Right to Life was there for the vote. "In the House, the vote was 69-to-22," she notes, "and in the Senate, 25-to-7."
Allen is thankful that Planned Parenthood will no longer receive the annual automatic nod from the state. "For approximately 40 years, Planned Parenthood was given preferential treatment in the Tennessee state law for getting family planning funds that are under Title X from the federal government," she explains.
Earlier this year, Lila Rose of Live Action conducted an undercover video probe at Memphis Planned Parenthood, during which she posed as a 14-year-old girl impregnated by an older man. A staff member advised her how to obtain the abortion without identifying the molester. Allen believes Rose's revelation had an effect on lawmakers.
![Susan Allen (TN Right to Life) Susan Allen (TN Right to Life)]()
"I think it gave it a tremendous boost," she contends. "It wasn't a surprise to us in the movement that this occurred, but in covering it, it really brought the public into an awareness of what goes on at Planned Parenthood."
Live Action video investigations in California also prompted Orange County Commissioners to halt funding of Planned Parenthood.
Washington, DC (24 June 2009) – In order to get its hands on an even larger chunk of President Barack Obama’s socialized healthcare package, Planned Parenthood is rolling out a new ad campaign in the Washington D.C. area.
The nation’s largest abortion chain wants D.C. viewers to believe that 90 percent of the services it provides consist of “preventive and primary care.”
However, the reality, according to Planned Parenthood’s own data, is that primary care accounts for 0.7 percent of its lucrative business.
“As Obama pushes toward national health care, Planned Parenthood is desperately trying to position itself as a mainstream health service organization,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League. “Planned Parenthood has always been a master of word games and numbers manipulation. This is just its latest thinly-veiled attempt to get more taxpayer funding for abortion and contraception.”
Planned Parenthood’s 2007-2008 Annual Report accounts for 3,020,651 unduplicated clients in 2007. Only 21,247 of them received “primary care,” according to the business’ own definition.
This means that only 0.7 percent of Planned Parenthood’s customers receive primary care services.
U.S. News and World Report quoted Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards June 17 in its coverage of the new ad campaign:
As Congress begins debate over healthcare reform, Richards would like legislators to know that Planned Parenthood clinics are in favor of those common ground approaches. "We want our clinics and other community health providers to be part of the network that's included in health reform."
“Planned Parenthood is not part of mainstream health care,” Sedlak contended. “It is and always has been a radical organization that sexualizes children, protects child predators, and refuses to tell clients about the abortifacient nature of birth control.”
“Taxpayer funding of this business should stop immediately,” Sedlak said. “We encourage our legislators to look at the facts, not Planned Parenthood’s propaganda, and refuse to include the nation's largest abortion chain in any national healthcare plan.”
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League : STOP Planned Parenthood
US News and World Report : Planned Parenthood Ad Emphasizes Primary Care (17 June 2009)
National Journal: Planned Parenthood Airing Women's Health TV Ad (17 June 2009)
20 July 2009
CONTACT: Katie Walker
Washington, DC (20 July 2009) – IPPF declaration seeks to force radical “sexual rights” agenda on all people
“International Planned Parenthood Federation has launched an extremely dangerous campaign that is even more bizarre, broader in scope and more aggressive than the standard fare we have come to expect from the sex-crazed, abortion-peddling giant. IPPF plans to force all nations to adopt and abide by its perverse “sexual rights” declaration.
“The document, titled Sexual rights: an IPPF declaration, draws a bleak picture of a heathen world entitled to self-destruction through self-centered sexual pleasure, with no regard for the consequences of that behavior.
“It portrays its radical ideology of sex without moral or cultural limitations as a basic human right and threatens to legally punish those who do not acquiesce to it. IPPF includes churches and other nonprofit organizations among those who would be punished for noncompliance with its extremist agenda.
“The document clamors for the recognition of ‘rights’ that have no basis in truth and repeatedly refers to the ‘evolving rights of the child.’ It calls for children’s autonomy in sexual matters in accordance with their maturity level, thereby opening the door for children to be declared emancipated from their parents in sexual matters if, for instance, the parents are deemed to be stifling their children by imposing moral standards.
“The document proclaims the right to ‘comprehensive’ (anything goes) sex education for all children: ‘Young people in particular shall have access to information on sexuality and gender non-conforming lives and sexual relations.’ IPPF then seeks to ensure that this education in perversion is free from parental interference, by demanding it be provided in school-, health-service- and community-based settings.
“It would protect sexual predators by seeking to prevent ‘discrimination’ based upon a person’s sexual history or behavior, and even says a person may not be extradited to a state that he fears would persecute him because of his sexual behavior or past sexual history.
“It attempts to ensure a universal ‘right’ to contraception and abortion, and pits mother against child by stipulating, ‘No woman shall be condemned to forced maternity (emphasis added) as a result of having exercised her sexuality.’
“It would endanger public health by its attempt to exempt all people from disclosing their HIV status and to decriminalize all consensual sexual practices or conduct.
“The IPPF declaration seeks to require governments to issue identification documents reflecting the person’s ‘self-defined gender identity, including but not limited to birth certificate, passport and electoral records.’ If IPPF has its way and tomorrow I decide I am no longer female, I can demand that the government alter all my identifying records and declare me male.
“Planned Parenthood has unleashed its plan to engineer a world devoid of morality and lost to unbridled lust – a world that would bind our children to self-centered sexual slavery. All people of good will must stand now and fight against Planned Parenthood and its radical agenda before it is too late.”
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
Catholic Online: International Planned Parenthood Pushes 'Sexual Rights' at UN (16 June 2008)
Interrnational Planned Parenthood Federation: Sexual Rights: An IPPF Declaration
Katie Walker
Director of Communication
American Life League
1179 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Virginia 22554

Washington, DC (06 October 2009) – American Life League released a recent survey that reveals that at least 10 Planned Parenthood clinical trials have been conducted on underage girls as young as 13.
Twenty-eight Planned Parenthood affiliates have been involved in 33 clinical trials – some government funded – 10 of which involved young girls. Two of the 33 total trials ended in the 1990s, the remaining 31 were conducted in the last seven years, and many are still ongoing.
Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, conducted the review.
Two of the trials in which girls as young as 14 participated dealt with getting the girls to take birth control consistently by sending them text message reminders.
“In most states, minor girls involved in sexual activity is considered sex abuse and is illegal,” Sedlak said.
Other Planned Parenthood clinical trials involve African-American girls as young as 13 and trials to increase the use of “emergency contraception” (the morning after pill regimen) among girls as young as 14.
The nation’s largest abortion business is also involved in trials on medical abortion techniques, birth control techniques, pain reduction during abortion, sterilization, and IUD insertion, and a trial assessing the safety and efficacy of a new “emergency contraceptive” known as Ella.
Before closing in June 2009, Planned Parenthood of El Paso was involved in clinical trials on Hispanic men and women with HIV. Planned Parenthood of New York City is also involved in trials regarding delivery of HIV health services.
Planned Parenthood affiliates conducting clinical trials on minors include Planned Parenthood of Georgia, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, Planned Parenthood of Maryland, Planned Parenthood of Shasta-Diablo, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, Virginia League of Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood of New York City, and Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas. Other Planned Parenthood affiliates involved in the trials are listed in the review.
“As Planned Parenthood continues to spread its tentacles throughout our country’s health care establishment, it is imperative that it be met with resistance at every turn,” Sedlak said. “We encourage everyone who lives in the area serviced by the Planned Parenthood affiliates mentioned in this report to launch educational campaigns against this organization.”
American Life League is ready to assist with all phases of efforts against Planned Parenthood. Contact us by mail at STOPP, P.O. Box 1350, Stafford, VA 22555; by phone at 540-659-4171, or by e-mail at
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League: STOPP
STOPP: A Review of Planned Parenthood Clinical Trials
Washington, DC ( -- A new report from a Planned Parenthood watchdog group finds the abortion business used underage girls in at least 10 clinical trials over the last two decades to push abortion, birth control, and STD testing.
The news comes at a time when Planned Parenthood is facing criticism for videos showing it ignoring potential statutory abuse cases.
Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League and the head of its STOPP Planned Parenthood effort, released the details in a statement to
Twenty-eight Planned Parenthood affiliates have been involved in 33 clinical trials, some of which received government funds, and 10 of them involved girls as young as 13 years of age. That number represents one-third of all clinical trials surveyed in the STOPP report.
Two of the 33 trials ended in the 1990s, while the remaining 31 were conducted within the last seven years and some of them are ongoing.
Shocked by the results, Sedlak said, “In most states, minor girls involved in sexual activity is considered sex abuse and is illegal."
Two of the trials that involved underage girls saw them sign up to receive text messages from Planned Parenthood centers reminding them to take their birth control.
Other Planned Parenthood clinical trials involve African-American girls as young as 13 and trials to increase the use of “emergency contraception” (the morning after pill) among girls as young as 14.
Sedlak said additional Planned Parenthood trials included ones to monitor techniques using the dangerous abortion drug mifepristone, birth control techniques, pain reduction during abortion, sterilization, and IUD insertion, and a trial assessing the safety and efficacy of a new “emergency contraceptive” known as Ella.
The pro-life advocate told that concerned parents and citizens need to speak up about these trials and protect their children from the abortion business.
“As Planned Parenthood continues to spread its tentacles throughout our country’s health care establishment, it is imperative that it be met with resistance at every turn,” Sedlak said.
"We encourage everyone who lives in the area serviced by the Planned Parenthood affiliates mentioned in this report to launch educational campaigns against this organization," he added.
The report Sedlak's group released today showed Planned Parenthood wasn't alone in targeting young women in the trials.
Businesses and universities such as Columbia University, Emory University, Merck Pharmaceuticals, the National Institutes of Health, the University of California at San Francisco, Bayer, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and Virginia Commonwealth University also participated.
Those joining Planned Parenthood in participating in abortion or birth control trials included Gynuity Health Projects, the University of Utah, Pfizer, the University of North Carolina, Oregon Health and Science University, Johns Hopkins, HRA Pharma, and the University of California at San Diego.
The Planned Parenthood affiliates conducting clinical trials on minors include Planned Parenthood of Georgia, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts and Planned Parenthood of Maryland.
Others with trials involving minor girls include Planned Parenthood of Shasta-Diablo, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, Virginia League of Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood of New York City, and Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas.
Related web sites:
Report -
Washington, DC (28 October 2009) – International Planned Parenthood Federation’s new document “Sexual Rights: An IPPF Declaration," exposed in American Life League's latest ALL Report, could have a significant impact on health care policy under the presidential administration's new plan.
In “A Declaration of Debauchery,” ALL’s Michael Hichborn analyzed the IPPF declaration released in June. Goals of the declaration include a universal right to tax-funded abortion on demand, granting children autonomous rights to sexual pleasure according to their “capacity,” and allowing child predators to conceal past criminal sexual history.
“The declaration is completely consistent with Planned Parenthood’s record of sexualizing children,” said Rita Diller, director of ALL's STOP Planned Parenthood project. “But what is historic about this is for the first time Planned Parenthood has completely divorced sexual rights from reproductive rights. Planned Parenthood has been outed – they are about uninhibited sex for everyone – including children.”
And as the nation debates the Obama administration’s pro-abortion, pro-Planned Parenthood health agenda, the IPPF declaration could have significant meaning.
“The health care reform bill could grant Planned Parenthood a quasi-government position,” Diller said. “If that happens, Planned Parenthood could use its national position to implement this IPPF policy.”
The current version of America’s Healthy Future Act creates a new program called the National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Resource Center. (Section 1823) According to the requirements, this program will be granted to “a nationally recognized, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization” that “has demonstrated experience working with and providing assistance to a broad range of individuals and entities to reduce teen pregnancy,” and “is research-based and has comprehensive knowledge and data about teen pregnancy prevention strategies.”
“It seems the wording was framed with Planned Parenthood in mind,” Diller continued. “If this provision remains, and Planned Parenthood is granted control of that program, this “Declaration of Debauchery” could well be the cornerstone for prohibiting restrictions on the sexual activity of children.”
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
ALL Report: Declaration of Debauchery
American Life League: Section 1803: Senate Health Care Bill Makes Planned Parenthood Quasi-Government Agency? (27 October 2009)
Katie Walker
Director of Communication
American Life League
1179 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Virginia 22554

Planned Parenthood Director Leaves,
Has Change of Heart
Undercover Video Shows Planned Parenthood Staff Lying to Woman About Abortion
Planned Parenthood Does More Than 1.1 Million Abortions Annually Worldwide
by Samantha Singson
January 1, 2010
Education and healthcare are useless without right to life, says abortion survivor
Washington, DC (15 October 2009) – Planned Parenthood of Indiana has announced the pending closure of its Marion facility, bringing the 2009 count of Indiana Planned Parenthood facilities closed or pending closure up to seven.
Planned Parenthood of Indiana cited a cut in Title XX family planning funding for the closure.
Betty Cockrum, CEO of PPIN, says the combined closures will save $1.35 million.
“But wait!” said Rita Diller, director of American Life League’s STOP Planned Parenthood project. “A look at PPIN’s latest federal Form 990 shows that the organization had $2,158,861 in profit for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2008.
“Planned Parenthood says that $200 per year can provide family planning for one low-income woman. If we do the math and divide PPIN’s $2,158,861 profit by the $200 it takes to provide family planning for one low-income woman, that means that with their profit from last year, PPIN could have provided family planning for 10,794 women. Instead they closed five facilities.
“It just goes to show that Planned Parenthood is interested in the bottom line – protecting profits – not in providing so-called ‘health care’ for women,” she said.
The head of the Indiana Family Health Council, which administers the funds, said Planned Parenthood is still the top recipient of the $2 million in Title XX money that is distributed in Indiana.
The Marion, facility announcement brings the number of 2009 announced closures of Planned Parenthood facilities throughout the US to 20.
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro-life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
American Life League: STOP Planned Parenthood
WTHR: Planned Parenthood closes sixth Indiana clinic (15 October 2009)
Evidence of Counseling Abuse at Planned Parenthood Continues to Surface in Undercover Student Video
By Judie Brown
I recently came across a letter from the president of the National Lawyer’s Association. Her name is Rebecca Messall and her message is one that is rarely heard but profoundly important.
She takes up the subject of eugenics, the history of the American Eugenics Society and the “personnel overlap with Margaret Sanger’s birth control organizations and legislation.” The reason I found this of particular interest is because I haven’t seen such a forthright analysis of the real purpose behind Margaret Sanger’s activities – the elimination of the black community – since our own exposé and historical treatment of the American Eugenics Society.
You see, when we published Katherine O’Keefe’s article on the history of the American Eugenics Society, we repeated a few facts that are not well known amongst our citizenry, but are certainly undeniable if one takes the chance to study history. For example, O’Keefe writes:
Eugenics is a concept familiar to Americans as an overarching policy consideration of the Third Reich. "Eugenics" subsumes such notions as racial purity, racial superiority and the heritability of intelligence, virtue, or vice. Although Hitler is its most notorious proponent, eugenic thinking has been a prominent strand in Western intellectual history since the 1860's, when Darwin's disciple, Francis Galton, began to put about the idea that the governing classes of England ought to take it upon themselves to guide the development of the human genetic heritage. A good history of these early days of eugenic thinking can be found in The Legacy of Malthus by Allen Chase. A good short discussion of the early days of eugenics can be found in Aristotle to Zoos by Peter Medawar, a member of the English Eugenics Society. He quotes Galton, as follows:
I do not see why any insolence of caste should prevent the gifted class, when they had the power, from treating their compatriots with all kindness, so long as they maintained celibacy. But if these continued to procreate children inferior in moral, intellectual and physical qualities, it is easy to believe the time may come when such persons would be considered as enemies to the State, and to have forfeited all claims to kindness. (Fraser's Magazine 7[1873] quoted in Aristotle to Zoos by Peter and Jean Medawar, 1983 p. 87)
Margaret Sanger ascribed to these theories early on in her work, which had a chilling focus. As she wrote, "Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly ... Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to maintenance of those who should never have been born." In other words, the only way to end financial support for the needy is to eliminate the needy.
As time has gone by, it has become more and more difficult to help people understand why these theories are not only still with us but are perhaps nearly palatable to far too many in government, academia and public policy positions. You see, as Messall points out, "It is not lost on most of us that the government's insistence on providing pervasive access to the pill in minority communities does in fact help spread AIDS and other infectious diseases by facilitating high-risk relationships." Messall is correct and she is echoing the same thoughts shared by many pro-life leaders within the black community who are rarely heard but who persist in spite of the cultural resistance their message encounters these days.
A long time ago, a black pro-life leader, Rev. Johnny Hunter, became so incensed by the utter lack of understanding among blacks regarding Planned Parenthood’s true goals that he started a program called the Say-So March. The purpose of the activity was to draw attention to the devastating effects that the disproportionate number of abortions within the black community are having on the black family and, in particular, black fathers. As you know, though only 12 percent of Americans are black, black mothers undergo 33 percent of all abortions in America. This too is but another sign of the eugenic underpinnings of the Planned Parenthood agenda.
It would serve the people of our nation well to pay a little more attention to the work cited in Messall’s excellent letter, in which she concludes her plea to end public funding for birth prevention by reminding us of the high cost of ignoring the facts with regard to the practice of eugenics in our nation today:
Planned Parenthood and the American Eugenics Society have cost our country 50 million aborted-American lives, plus the lives of the aborteds' children – another 20 million? 30 million? – plus the lives of those who were never conceived because of being prevented. Considering the biblical scale of this human loss – which, I add here, has landed disproportionately on blacks and other minorities – and considering that the Congress and the Courts have propped it up for all these years, the first step is surely to stop the flow of federal funding.”
If you would like to join us in ending the practice of eugenics, then sign the petition that Stop Planned Parenthood International is circulating. The petition calls for an end to the use of our taxpayer dollars to eliminate minorities, including preborn children, who are the most threatened minority in the history of mankind.
Judie Brown is president of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Planned Parenthood Pushes Intensive Sex Education for Kids as Young as 10,2933,585108,00.html
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![See full size image]()
Valentine's Day Cards From Planned Parenthood Promote Abortion, Condoms
by Steven Ertelt Editor
2008 Report on Planned Parenthood Facilities
in the United States
A Review of Planned Parenthood
Clinical Trials
Self-Centered Slavery:
IPPF’s Declaration on "Sexual Rights"
African American Outreach
Alveda King's Blog